Headquarters U.S. Air Force - Air Force Civil Engineer Center

Headquarters U.S. Air Force - Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Integrity - Service - Excellence

        Air Force Civil Engineer Center

                                      Jim Holley
                        Alabama Program Manager
                              AF Restoration PMO
                                     28 Nov 2012

Headquarters U.S. Air Force - Air Force Civil Engineer Center

                  The mission of the Air Force Civil
                 Engineer Center is to provide ready
              engineers, engineering and real property
                 solutions and emergency response
              services that enable sustainable, highly
               effective power projection platforms to
                        support the warfighter.

Lt Col Sell 20121004 /1500 CST   Integrity - Service - Excellence              2
Headquarters U.S. Air Force - Air Force Civil Engineer Center

                                                                              AFCEC Director

                                                                Director of Staff

                                                                       CFO                       CIO

                                                                                             Staff Judge

  Planning and              Facility Eng.                  Energy              Environmental               Operations            Installations             Readiness
   Integration                Center of                  Directorate             Center of                 Directorate             Center of               Directorate
   Directorate               Excellence                                         Excellence                                        Excellence
• Provide strategic      • Provides Centralized       • Provide CE facility   • Provide planning,       •Provide operations    • Provide Active Duty    • Provide CE fire,
  comprehensive            Design & Const services      energy and utility      program/project         standardization,         Real Estate              EOD, emergency
  planning , enterprise- for AF MILCON and              rate negotiation        validation,             analysis &               Transactions, Real       mgt, and
                           O&M funded projects          support                                         prioritization
  wide                                                                          prioritization,                                  Property Asset Mgt       expeditionary
                         • Standardized designs       • CE energy                                       • Provide Engineer &
• Analyze enterprise-                                                           strategy, technical                            • Execute Base             support
                                   for similar                                                          Pest Management
  wide COLS                                             clearinghouse           support & execution                              Realignment and        • AF Contract
                            facility/infrastructure   • Renewable energy                                SMEs
• AFCAMP Investment                                                             for:                                             Closure (BRAC)           Augmentation
                          • Provides expertise in                                                       • Provide military
  Plan – IPLS (Budget                                   focal point              • Compliance                                    Program Mgt              Program (AFCAP)
                             facility engineering                                                       force development
  year) development /                                                            • Restoration                                 • Develop and execute      support
                                  disciplines                                                           • Provide asset
  integration                                                                    • Natural and                                   the Enhanced Use       • FOA reach-back
• AFAMP Investment                                                                 Cultural Resources   visibility               Lease Program            center support
  Plan (POM)                                                                  •NEPA Center              • Provide CEMIRT        • HP/UP Portfolio Mgt   • CE RDT&E
  development                                                                                           support

 3                                        Integrity - Service - Excellence
Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Integrity - Service - Excellence

           Environmental Center
            of Excellence (ECoE)

   Safeguarding our mission, airmen & environmental resources
    by continuously improving Air Force stewardship and
   3 Primary business lines providing comprehensive environmental
     NEPA: Technical support and service center for major EAIP actions
        Base level capabilities left in place
     Restoration: ERA/BRAC Cleanup underway w/PBC approach
        Base level ERA assets integrated into ECOE 1 Oct 2013
     Environmental Quality
        PPBE, technical support via IST’s, standardized business processes
     Operations Division with Installation Support Teams (ISTs) is face to
           Will evolve as base ERA assets are integrated

                   Integrity - Service - Excellence                           5
                                         Roles and Responsibilities

   Provide planning, program/project validation,
    prioritization, strategy, technical support and execution
       Compliance

       Restoration

       Natural and Cultural Resources

       Pollution Prevention

       NEPA

                  Integrity - Service - Excellence                    6
Environmental Center of Excellence - CZ
                                       Proposed Organizational Chart
                                                  Center of Excellence


                             Administrative                                   Workflow

     CZN                                                       CZT                  CZC
                                 CZR                                                                    CZO
  (NEPA COE)                                            (Technical Support)   (Compliance PMO)
                          (Restoration PMO)                                                          (Operations)

                             (ERA Reporting and                  CZTR
                                                                                   EQ Execution
                                 Analysis)                  Reg/Leg Support                            ALL ISTs and AF
                                                                (NEW)                                   Wildland Fire
                               PMO-Execution                                          CZCP                  Center
                               (EPA Reg 1-4)                                      EQ PMO (NEW)

                               PMO-Execution                 (EQ SME/SMS)             CZCA
                                (EPA Reg 9)                                      (EQ Reporting and
    CZRY                          CZRX                          CZTE
 PMO-Execution                 PMO-Execution                (ERA SME/SMS)
(EPA Reg 8&10)                 (EPA Reg 5-7)

                                BRAC Support

                 A/O 1 IOCT
                         n t 2012
                             e g r–i Includes
                                      t y - S eBase
                                                r v iERA
                                                      c e positions
                                                          - E x c e transferring
                                                                     l l e n c e 1 Oct 2013
Environmental Center of Excellence - CZ
                                                              Proposed Organizational Chart
                                                                         Center of Excellence (CZ)


         CZRA                           CZRE                           CZRW                         CZRX
 Reporting and Analysis              PMO-Execution                  PMO-Execution                PMO-Execution                                              CZRB
                                     (EPA Reg 1-4)                   (EPA Reg 9)                 (EPA Reg 5-7)                                           BRAC Support
                                                                                                                                 (EPA Reg 8 & 10)

        CZRA Branch                     CZRE Branch                    CZRW Branch                    CZRX Branch                  CZRY Branch              CZRB Branch
Brenda Roesch        Chief   R.   Backlund Chief               D. Medina Chief              R. Lierly     Chief             T.   HernandezChief     Rhonda    Hampton Chief
Ashley Perez         SCEP    D.   DeCamp V.       Lyke         W. Hall     E.    Barefoot   A. Hatfield J.      Hurtado                             Holly     Forbes
                                                                                                                            A.   Morriss
Holly     Richman                                                                           D. Beniquez C.      Yen                                 Bingham Lewis
                             J.   Davis     J.    Ilic         L. Dawkins R.     Vazquez                                    D.   Buelter
Jarold    Hildebrand                                                                        L. Oyelowo N.       Landez                              Grosinke Weilbacher
                             R.   Forbes M. Ravi               J. Urrutia L.     Harris                                     E.   Godden
Jennifer Sanchez                                                                            M. Litman     M.    Markell                             Pehl      Jerrard
                             R.   Rohne J.        Ussery       D. Leeson D.      Ficklen                                    E.   Perez
John      Glass                                                                             S. Ramon B.         Siegfried                           Ebert     Farnsworth
                             A.   Lodico A.       Williams        Vacancy T.     Fiorillo                                   J.   Oliva
Lisa      Schmidt                                                                                               Vacancy                             Davis     Strainge
Margaret Douchand            E.   Burgos M. Alli                                                                            K.   Leachman           Dea       Bernheisel
Nemo      Garcia             D.   Karson J.       Holley                                                                    R.   Dalzell            McDermott Ebert
Vacant                   4        Vacancy J.      Ekhoff                                                                    T.   DuPriest           O'Brien

                             A/O 1 IOCT
                                     n t 2012
                                         e g r–i Includes
                                                  t y - S eBase
                                                            r v iERA
                                                                  c e positions
                                                                      - E x c e transferring
                                                                                 l l e n c e 1 Oct 2013
Installation Support
   Operations Division - Direct installation support
      Regional approach based on capability
      Divides CONUS into geocentric regions, USAFE, & PACAF
      Each region has technical capability in Air, Water, Waste,
       Natural, Cultural, and Compliance programs               SAF/IE
         ISTs provide technical
          reach forward,                                         REOs
          regulatory, PPBE,
          permitting, plans and
          admin support
         Installation’s “go to”
          organization for help

                   Integrity - Service - Excellence                      9
                                                           IST Construct

Mr Flinn 20120924/0930 CST   Integrity - Service - Excellence              10
Environmental Ctr of Excellence
                                                            Stand Up Points of Contact

  Office      Title                    Name                  Phone #                  Location
  CZ          Director                 Eldon Hix             210-395-8361 (DSN 969)   Joint Base San
                                                                                      Antonio (JBSA)
  CZN         NEPA                     Dale Clark            210-395-8379 (DSN 969)   JBSA-Lackland

  CZR         Restoration              Col Jeff Knippel      210-395-8784 (DSN 969)   JBSA-Lackland

  CZT         Compliance Tech Sppt     Dr. Ivette O’Brien    210-395-8423 (DSN 969)   JBSA-Lackland

  CZR         Restoration Tech Sppt    James Gonzales        210-395-8376 (DSN 969)   JBSA-Lackland

  CZC         Compliance PMO           Roger Wilkson         210-395-8375 (DSN 969)   JBSA-Lackland

  CZC         Compliance Reporting     Karen Winnie          210-395-8398 (DSN 969)   JBSA-Lackland
              & Analysis
              East Region              Patty Ogorzaly        DSN: 574-9412            Joint Base
              Midwest Region           Bill Barry            DSN: 779-0804            Scott AFB

              West Region              Jaime Agudelo         DSN: 487-1963            JBSA-Randolph

Lt Col Sell 20121011 0900 CST I   ntegrity - Service - Excellence                                      11
Restoration Funding Summary
                                                                   ($ Millions)

                                Program                    FY12 Projected         FY13 Planned
                               Investigative Studies            78.9                 102.5

                              Record of Decisions               21.6                  14.6
                            RA-C (includes BD/DR)
                          Remedial Action-Construction          88.2                  87.4
                                                               192.2                 165.2

                           Remedial Action-Operations

                            Long-Term Management                51.8                  46.5
                                Project Closeouts               0.0                   0.0
                     Military Munitions Response Program        45.3                  59.1
Other (MMRP, Mgmt)

                        RABs/Community Relations                0.6                   0.1
                                  DSMOA                         15.9                  8.7
                                  ATSDR                         0.2                   0.0
                                 Manpower                       16.4                  27.1
                          Information Technology                1.0                   0.0
                            Other Management                    13.4                  18.1

                                        Integrity - Service - Excellence
                                                                                        Data as of 20 Jul 12   12
FY13-14 Restoration Projects: Maxwell AFB

Lt Col Sell 20121004 /1500 CST   Integrity - Service - Excellence   13
FY13-14 Restoration Projects: Gunter AFB

Lt Col Sell 20121004 /1500 CST   Integrity - Service - Excellence   14

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