The Hospital Research Foundation 2018 Grants

Page created by Bradley Lloyd
The Hospital Research Foundation 2018 Grants
The Hospital Research Foundation 2018 Grants
        The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Basil Hetzel Institute for Translational Health Research

Guide to Applicants
The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) is proud to announce expressions of interest are now open for our
2018 grant round at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) and its research arm, the Basil Hetzel Institute for
Translational Health Research.

The following grants are available from July 1 2018:
     2 x Basil Hetzel Translational Grants of $250,000 (see pages 2-3)
     3 x Project Grants of $140,000 (see pages 4-5)
     1 x Development Grant of $150,000 (see pages 6-7)

Expressions of Interest applications will close at 12.00 PM on Tuesday May 1 2018. Short-listed applicants
may be required to present more information to THRF’s independent review committee.

About THRF
The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) supports people in hospitals across South Australia through vital
health and medical research and improved patient care. In 2017 THRF distributed over $12million in grants
into South Australian hospitals and research institutions, targeted at finding cures and improving care for our
community. This is only possible thanks to ticket buyers in The Hospital Research Home Lottery, our generous
donors and corporate partners.

THRF supports a number of public hospitals and research institutes in South Australia has been supporting
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Basil Hetzel Institute for Translational Health Research for over 50
years. This is our largest grant round at these facilities. In addition to the funds available for these new
research projects, THRF will also continue to fund existing grants in 2018 with an additional $3.5million.

How do I apply?
         Researchers should complete and submit the Application/EOI form and send to

         Late applications will not be accepted and incomplete applications will not be considered
         Only ONE application will be considered from each principal researcher as CIA in each grant category
         Non-confidential information only is requested
         Your EOI will be forwarded to the Director of Research, BHI, Professor Guy Maddern prior to the
          independent assessment panel to certify that the project is appropriate to the general research
          facilities of TQEH/BHI

All applications are to be submitted electronically no later than 12.00 PM on Tuesday May 1 by
emailing completed forms and supporting documentation to:

All queries should be directed to Paul Flynn, THRF CEO. Ph: 8244 1100

Basil Hetzel Translational Grants
What is a Translational Grant?

      THRF’s Translational Grants are designed to support high community impact, “shovel ready” projects
       at TQEH that have a likelihood of translating into improved therapy, care or cure within three years
       from the start date
      Translation is the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic and community into
       interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public — from diagnostics and
       therapeutics to medical procedures and behavioural changes.

What is the general criteria?

      Two grants are available of up to $250,000 each and funding will be available from July 1 2018
      There is no specified funding period; the funds will be available immediately and drawdowns will be
       permitted based on agreed performance milestones being achieved. However, translational results
       should be genuinely expected within three years from the commencement of the funding
      Up to three Chief Investigators may be listed on an application
      The CIA must be a researcher at the TQEH or BHI
      External (national and international) collaboration is expected
      THRF supports and encourages collaboration and flexibility exists regarding the % of work to be done
       at TQEH, however there must be a significant TQEH research focus to increase the research profile at
       the hospital and have an impact on patient treatment and care in SA hospitals
      THRF will enter into a funding agreement with the administering institution.

What is the assessment criteria?

      The major criteria on which all expressions of interest/applications will be judged by the Independent
       Assessment Panel is:
           o Significance/innovation, potential translational impact and outcome (40%)*
           o Scientific excellence (30%)
           o Track record relative to opportunity (30%)

       * Significance, innovation and outcome, scientific excellence, track record will be assessed using the 7
       point category descriptor scale developed by the NHMRC:
       A minimum score of 4 (out of a possible 7) will be required for each of criteria 1,2 and 3 to be eligible
       for funding.

       In the event of EOI’s that achieve the same review scores, the ability to attract additional funding
       from external partners will be allocated bonus scores as follows:
                    Based on a grant from THRF of $250K, leveraged funding of
                             $250k will attract 4 points
                             $187.5k 3 points
                             $125k 2 points
                             $62.5k matched 1 point
                             (Interim sums will be rounded up or down accordingly).

   The Panel will provide absolute scores for each application to THRF. An example of a score would be
       the following:

         Criteria                                                     Score              Weighted
             1. Significance/innovation, potential translational      6         (x0.4)     2.4
                 impact and outcome
             2. Scientific excellence                                 5         (x0.3)      1.5
             3. Track record relative to opportunity                  6         (x0.3)      1.8
         Total Score                                                  17                    5.7
                                                                                         possible 7)

What are the Terms and Conditions?

      Progress reports against agreed milestones will be expected
      THRF standard Intellectual Property Agreement Clause will apply, see Appendix 1.
      Chief Investigators must also agree to:
           o Sign an undertaking to acknowledge THRF funding support in all presentations and papers
           o Provide updates upon request about research progress to THRF Communications and
               Marketing Team
           o Participate in media opportunities coordinated by THRF where necessary, including local
               radio and local and national media announcements. Relevant media advice and
               preparation will be available via THRF’s Communications team
           o Ensure THRF is consulted regarding any media opportunities led by the recipient’s
               University, SA Health or other organisation
           o Be involved, if requested, in THRF’s Events or Community presentations and laboratory
               tours, involving presenting to public groups on research in lay terms.

Project Grants
What are Project Grants?

      THRF’s Project Grants are designed to support early stage research or knowledge creation

What is the general criteria?

      A total of three projects will be awarded at $140,000 for one year projects
      Funding will be available from July 1 2018
      Up to three Chief Investigators may be listed on an application
      CIA must be head quartered at TQEH/BHI
      A researcher may only be listed as CIA on one application in this category
      Collaborators may be external
      External (national and international) collaboration is expected
      THRF supports and encourages collaboration and flexibility exists regarding the % of work to be done
       at BHI/TQEH, however there must be a significant BHI/TQEH research focus to increase the research
       profile at the hospital and have an impact on patient treatment and care in SA hospitals
      THRF will enter into a funding agreement with the administering institution.

What is the assessment criteria?

      The major criteria on which all expressions of interest/applications will be judged by the Independent
       Assessment Panel is:
           o Scientific excellence*
           o Track record relative to opportunity
           o The translational nature of the project
           o Ability to attract additional funding**

       *Scientific excellence, track record and the translational nature of the project (ie. relevance) will be
       assessed using the 7 point category descriptor scale developed by the NHMRC:
       31128.pdf - relevance will include patents, clinical trial approvals, TGA applications and approvals,
       commercial links etc. A minimum score of 4 (out of a possible 7) will be required for each of criteria
       1,2 and 3 to be eligible for funding.

       ** The ability to attract additional funding from external collaborators will be scored as follows: Based
       on a Project grant from THRF of $140K, leveraged funding of $140k will attract 4 points, $105,000 3
       points, $70,000 2 points and $35,000 1 point (interim sums will be rounded up or down accordingly).

       The Panel will provide absolute scores for each application to THRF. An example of a score would be
       the following:

         Criteria                                                             Score
         1-     Scientific excellence                                         5
         2-     Track record relative to opportunity                          7
         3-     The translational nature of the project                       6
         4-     Ability to attract additional funding ($95,000-00 obtained)   3
         Total Score                                                          21

What are the Terms and Conditions?

      Progress reports against agreed milestones will be expected
      THRF standard Intellectual Property Agreement Clause will apply
      Chief Investigators must also agree to:
           o Sign an undertaking to acknowledge THRF funding support in all presentations and papers
           o Provide updates upon request about research progress to THRF Communications and
               Marketing Team
           o Participate in media opportunities coordinated by THRF where necessary, including local
               radio and local and national media announcements. Relevant media advice and
               preparation will be available via THRF’s Communications team
           o Ensure THRF is consulted regarding any media opportunities led by the recipient’s
               University, SA Health or other organisation
           o Be involved, if requested, in THRF’s Events or Community presentations and laboratory
               tours, involving presenting to public groups on research in lay terms.

Development Grant

What is the Development Grant?

      THRF’s Development Grant intends to provide financial support to researchers to undertake health
       and medical research at the proof-of-concept stage that specifically drives towards a commercial
       outcome within a foreseeable timeframe.
      It supports the commercial development of a product, process, procedure or service that, if applied,
       would result in improved health care, disease prevention or provide health cost savings.
      Research supported by this scheme must, via a commercial business plan, have detailed feasible
       strategies for commercialisation that takes into account the regulatory pathway, protectable IP,
       commercial barriers and potential routes to market.
      It is expected that applicants will have an external partner.
      Preclinical trials, Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials are eligible.

What is the general criteria?

      One grant of $150,000 is available.
      Funding will be available from July 1 2018
      Up to three Chief Investigators may be listed on an application
      A researcher may only be listed as CIA on one application in this category
      Collaborators may be external
      External (national and international) collaboration is expected
      THRF supports and encourages collaboration and flexibility exists regarding the % of work to be done
       at BHI/TQEH, however there must be a significant BHI/TQEH research focus to increase the research
       profile at the hospital and have an impact on patient treatment and care in SA hospitals
      THRF will enter into a funding agreement with the administering institution.

What is the assessment criteria?

      The major criteria on which all expressions of interest/applications will be judged by the Independent
       Assessment Panel is:
           o Scientific excellence*
           o Commercial Achievements relative to opportunity (Track Record)
           o Commercial Potential
           o Industry Partner (External funding)**

       *Scientific excellence, track record and the translational nature of the project (ie. relevance) will be
       assessed using the 7 point category descriptor scale developed by the NHMRC:
       31128.pdf - relevance will include patents, clinical trial approvals, TGA applications and approvals,
       commercial links etc. A minimum score of 4 (out of a possible 7) will be required for each of criteria
       1,2 and 3 to be eligible for funding.

       **The ability to attract additional funding from external partners will be scored as follows: Based on a
       grant from THRF of $100K, leveraged funding of $100k will attract 4 points, $75k 3 points, $50k 2
       points and $25k matched 1 point (interim sums will be rounded up or down accordingly).
       The Panel will provide absolute scores for each application to THRF. An example of a score would be
       the following:

Criteria                                                       Score
             1. Scientific excellence                                   5
             2. Commercial Achievements                                 4
             3. Commercial Potential                                    6
             4. Industry/external funding ($75,000-00 obtained)         3
         Total Score                                                    18

What are the Terms and Conditions?

      Progress reports against agreed milestones will be expected
      THRF standard Intellectual Property Agreement Clause will apply
      THRF funding is not to be used to support Intellectual Property and Patent costs.
      Chief Investigators must also agree to:
           o Sign an undertaking to acknowledge THRF funding support in all presentations and papers
           o Provide updates upon request about research progress to THRF Communications and
               Marketing Team
           o Participate in media opportunities coordinated by THRF where necessary, including local
               radio and local and national media announcements. Relevant media advice and
               preparation will be available via THRF’s Communications team
           o Ensure THRF is consulted regarding any media opportunities led by the recipient’s
               University, SA Health or other organisation

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