Shale gas Reshaping the US chemicals industry

Page created by Esther Martin
Shale gas Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Shale gas
                                  Reshaping the US chemicals industry

October 2012

A current look at the chemicals
industry value chain

At a glance

The impact of shale gas on
domestic chemical companies
has been to decrease the
costs of both raw materials
and energy.

It is estimated that the
US chemicals industry
investment in ethylene
production, has increased
capacity by 33%. As these
investments take hold,
yielding more supply, the
United States could become
a major, global, low-cost
provider of energy.

Volumes from natural gas
separation plants expected to
increase more than 40% over
the next five years.
In a recent PwC report on the                            For manufacturing companies,
Executive summary                                    potential impact of shale gas on US                      the initial opportunity has been in
                                                     manufacturing, it was stated that                        supplying products and services
                                                     by 2025, shale gas could add more                        to support shale gas expansion.
                                                     than 1 million workers to the US                         Subsequently, they may be able to
                                                     manufacturing industry and allow                         take advantage of low-cost chemicals
                                                     US manufacturers to lower their                          to create plastic-based substitutes
                                                     raw materials and energy costs by as                     for other materials, such as metal,
                                                     much as $11.6 billion annually.1 This                    glass, wood, leather, and textiles. For
                                                     potential is based on the United States’                 manufactured products with a high
                                                     abundant supply of shale and the                         chemical content, such as automotive
                                                     country’s technological innovations                      bumpers, plastic sheets and panels,
                                                     in mining, which could enable the                        electronic components, and packaging
                                                     production of an inexpensive source                      films, lower natural gas prices could
                                                     of energy for the foreseeable future.                    provide a strong economic incentive for
                                                     While shale gas reserves are being                       US manufacturers to reverse offshoring
                                                     explored in many parts of the world,                     of manufacturing activity and build
                                                     only the United States has been able                     production facilities in the United
                                                     to commercialize production on a                         States. Longer term, lower energy costs
                                                     large scale.                                             could help revive manufacturing in
                                                                                                              the United States and positively affect
                                                     For chemical companies, the impact
                                                                                                              the competitive position of American
                                                     of shale gas has been to decrease
                                                     the costs of both raw materials and
                                                     energy. The price of US natural gas has
                                                     declined from $12.50/MBTU in 2008
                                                     to approximately $3.00/MBTU in 2012,
                                                     and prices are expected to decline
                                                     further, at least in the short term, as a
                                                     result of excess inventory.2 Based on
                                                     industry reports, we estimate that the
                                                     US chemicals industry has invested
                                                     $15 billion in ethylene production,
                                                     increasing capacity by 33%. As these
                                                     investments take hold, yielding more
                                                     supply, the United States could become
                                                     a major, global, low-cost provider
                                                     of energy and feedstocks to the
                                                     chemicals industry.

                                                     1 PwC, “Shale Gas: A renaissance in United States
                                                       manufacturing?” 2011
                                                     2 “US Shale Oil-Gas Production Potential 2: Shale
                                                       could greatly cut oil imports, if US gas markets are
                                                       developed,” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 3, 2012, 96

1   Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Advances in horizontal drilling and        The actual amount of recoverable
Introduction   fractionation of shale gas basins          shale gas is up for debate, as are the
               in North America are altering the          safest and most ecological ways to
               chemicals industry value chain,            access the reserves. Nevertheless, it
               constituting a potential game-changer      has become clear that the United States
               that could affect the entire energy        has abundant, easy-to-access shale gas
               industry. Recent technological             reserves, which has resulted in huge
               developments in North American shale       investments by upstream industry
               gas drilling have the potential to yield   participants in shale gas drilling,
               862 trillion cubic feet of technically     ethane manufacturing assets, natural
               recoverable shale gas in the United        gas pipelines, processing equipment,
               States, as PwC reported in “Shale Gas:     and storage and transportation
               A Renaissance in US Manufacturing,”        facilities for natural gas liquids.3
               published in December 2011.
                                                          The shale gas boom could change
                                                          the competitive landscape for value
                                                          chain participants. In this analysis, we
                                                          examine the immediate and longer-
                                                          term effects on the chemicals industry.

                                                          3 BENTEK Energy and Turner, Mason & Company,
                                                            “The Great NGL Surge!” Nov. 11, 2011

A low-cost and abundant                             The chemicals industry
Impact of shale gas                                  fuel and feedstock source                           value chain
on the chemicals                                     Prices of natural gas in the United                 The NGL from shale gas production
industry value chain                                 States have dropped sharply as a result             is used by the chemicals industry to
                                                     of its availability in shale formations             produce a variety of derivatives and
                                                     and the technological advancements                  products that ultimately become raw
                                                     in horizontal drilling and fractionation            materials for multiple manufacturing
                                                     techniques to access it.4 These                     sectors, as depicted in Figure 1, which
                                                     advancements have boosted efficiency                features the ethane chain.
                                                     in obtaining natural gas from shale,
                                                                                                         As the chemicals industry ramps up its
                                                     including formations rich with natural
                                                                                                         ethylene capacity and corresponding
                                                     gas liquids (NGLs).
                                                                                                         downstream ethylene derivative
                                                     Before natural gas can be transported               products, the impacts could flow
                                                     efficiently and sold commercially, its              through the value chain into other
                                                     impurities must be extracted. The                   manufacturing sectors and, ultimately,
                                                     by-products of this extraction process,             to finished products. Our analysis will
                                                     known as NGLs, include hydrocarbons                 use the ethane chain to highlight these
                                                     such as ethane, butane, and propane,                potential changes.
                                                     which are valued as raw materials in
                                                     the petrochemical markets. With the
                                                     increase in natural gas production
                                                     comes an increase in NGL production,
                                                     with volumes from natural gas
                                                     separation plants expected to increase
                                                     more than 40% over the next five
                                                     years, reaching more than 3.1 MMBD
                                                     in 2016.5

                                                     4 “Petrochemicals,” Chemical Week, March 27, 2011
                                                     5 BENTEK Energy and Turner, Mason & Company,
                                                       “The Great NGL Surge!” Nov. 11, 2011

3   Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Figure 1: Shale gas through the ethane chain into manufactured products

                                        Ammonia       Polyvinychloride        Product categories             Manufacturing sectors
                                                                              Adhesives                      Apparel and accessories
                                                                              Alkyd resins                   Beverages and tobacco
                                                      Ethylene Vinychloride                                  Chemicals
                                                                              Corrosion inhibitors
                                                                                                             Computers and electronics
                                                      Fatty Acid Amide
                                                                                                             Fabricated metal products
                                                                              Inks, adhesives
                                                                                                             Food and kindred products
                              Ethane    Ethylene                              Shampoos, detergents, soaps
                                                                                                             Leather and allied products
 Natural gas (from welhead)

                                                                                                             Machinery, except electrical
                                                      Polyethylene Glycol     Coatings
                                                                                                             Nonmetalic mineral products
                                                                              Pipes, hoses, wire coating
                                                      Ethyl Acetate           Coolant, antifreeze
                                                                                                             Petroleum and coal products
                                                                              Films, packaging, bottles
                                                      Fatty Acid Ethanol                                     Pharmaceutical
                              Propane   Propylene                             Paint remover
                                                                                                             Plastics and rubber products
                                                      Polyvinyl Alcohol                                      Primary metal manufacturing
                                                                              Tire and rubber
                                                                                                             Printed matter and related
                                                                              Lubricant additives
                                                      Polyvinyl Acetate                                      Textiles and fabrics
                                                                              Solvent, industrial cleaners
                                                                                                             Textiles and mill products
                                                      Ethylene Vinylacetate
                                                                                                             Transportation equipment
                                                                                                             Wood products
                                        Isobutylene   Acetic Acid

Sources: PwC and TopLine Analytics

Figure 2: Economic cost model of natural gas to ethane-ethylene

                                                                Saudi      Recent      Historical    Asia
                                                                                                                Change in US natural
 Raw material costs
                                                                                                                gas cost
 Natural gas costs                     $/MMBTU                    0.75             3        12.5
 Crude oil costs                           $/BBL                                                        100
 Equivalent                                 $/ton                  483          148          615        964
 Ratio for 1 ton of ethylene                                          1        1.29         1.29       2.98
 Ethane feedstock costs                     $/ton                  483          190          793       2874
 Catalyst + other                           $/ton                     0            2           2            2
                                            $/ton                  483          192          795       2876

 Other costs
 By-product credits                         $/ton                  276          153          431       1565
 Utilities                                  $/ton                  149          109          454        235
 Direct costs                               $/ton                   99          167          167        172
                                                                                                                US is lowest-cost
                                                                                                                ethylene producer
 Total ethylene cost                        $/ton                  455          316          985       1717
 Typical ethylene margin                              2.50%
 Transfer price for ethylene                $/ton                  466          323        1009        1760

Sources: CMAI, TopLine Analytics, and Alembic analysis, 2012
Note: The timing for Saudi Arabia and Asia is based on 2011 pricing for feedstock material. Their pricing has
remained constant over the period of this analysis.

Ethane to ethylene: a major                             Cost economics of ethane
first step in the chemicals                             and ethylene
industry value chain                                    The availability of natural gas as a
The extracted raw materials are used                    low-cost energy source has resulted
to produce a variety of products in                     in lower-cost ethane and ethylene.6
the chemicals industry. In the case of                  While we can assume that natural
ethane, it is converted to ethylene and                 gas pricing will fluctuate over the
then a range of downstream products.                    next several years because of various
Ethylene is the most significant single                 market conditions, figures 2, 3, and
chemical in terms of volume and                         4 use the price of $3.00 MMBTU for
value.                                                  natural gas, based on the NYMEX
                                                        2012 price of $2.58 and Trading
                                                        Charts futures forecasts of $5.90 for
                                                        April 2015 prices.7 8 This natural gas
                                                        price will affect the price of ethylene,
                                                        which is expected to decline from a
                                                        little less than $1,000 per ton to a little
                                                        more than $300 per ton, as indicated
                                                        in Figure 2.

                                                        6 “Petrochemicals,” Chemical Week, March 27, 2011
                                                        7 “Natural Gas Summary,” US Energy Information
                                                          Administration, July 31, 2012, Web
                                                        8 “Natural Gas Futures Prices,”,
                                                          Aug. 1, 2012, Web

5    Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Figure 3: Ethane to ethylene cost economics

                                                                                                                US natural gas costs
                                                                Saudi      Recent       Historical    Asia
                                                                                                                reduced by 4.2x
 Natural gas costs                     $/MMBTU                     0.75            3         12.5
 Crude oil costs                            $/BBL                                                       100
 Ethylene cost                               $/ton                 466          323         1009       1760
 Ratio for 1 ton of HDPE                     $/ton               1.025        1.025         1.025     1.025
 Ethylene cost                               $/ton                 478          332         1035       1804
 Utilities                                   $/ton                   31          12           48          31
 Direct cost                                 $/ton                   51          51            51         51
 Other costs                                 $/ton                 132          132          132        132
 Total costs                                 $/ton                 692          526         1266       2018
                                                                                                                Polyethylene price
 Typical polyethylene margin                 $/ton 3.00%
                                                                                                                reduced by 2.4x
 Potential HDPE selling price                $/ton                 713          542         1304       2079

Sources: CMAI, TopLine Analytics, and Alembic analysis, 2012
Note: The timing for Saudi Arabia and Asia is based on 2011 pricing for feedstock material. Their pricing has
remained constant over the period of this analysis.

Figure 4: Economic cost model of ethylene glycol

                                                                 Saudi      Recent      Historical    Asia      US natural gas costs
                                                                                                                reduced by 4.2x
 Natural gas costs                       $/MMBTU                   0.75            3         12.5
 Crude oil costs                              $/BBL                                                     100
 Ethylene cost                                 $/ton                466         323         1009       1760
 Amount for 1 ton of HDPE                                          0.66         0.66         0.66      0.66
 Ethylene cost                                                      308          213          666      1162
 Utilities                                                          150           56          234       150
 Direct cost                                                         31           31           31        31
 Other costs                                                         35           35           35        35
 Total costs                                                        524         336          967       1378
                                                                                                                Ethylene glycol price
 Typical ethylene glycol margin                         3.00%
                                                                                                                reduced by 2.9x
 Potential ethylene glycol price               $/ton               540          346          996       1419

Sources: CMAI, TopLine Analytics, and Alembic analysis, 2012
Note: The timing for Saudi Arabia and Asia is based on 2011 pricing for feedstock material. Their pricing has
remained constant over the period of this analysis.

Cost economics of ethylene   Cost economics of
to high-density polyethylene ethylene glycol
Polyethylene, the No. 1 plastic by                      The downstream effect for another
volume and value, is produced by                        high-volume ethylene derivative,
converting ethylene into long-chain                     ethylene glycol, shows the same
polymers. The cost of polyethylene                      potential for cost reductions, as seen
production in North America could                       in Figure 4.
decline, similar to the cost of ethylene
and natural gas (see Figure 3).
Based on our assumed price of $3.00
MMBTU for natural gas, the price
of polyethylene from US sources is
potentially 2.4 times less than the
historical cost.
Figure 5: 2012 global ethylene cash cost by site


                                                   Northeast               Europe
$1200                                                Asia
$1000                          Asia
                Ethane                          U.S. Average
$600                                                                                    2011
             Alberta                          U.S. Gas                                 Demand
$400                                        (Integrated)
                     Middle East
        02          04          06          0         80          100         120       140   160

                                         Cumulative capacity (million tons)

Source: Gary Adams, “Leveraging a Fractured Future,” presentation, IHS, Feb. 9, 2012

Shift in global dynamics                              The ethane chain in the
According to the World Bank’s Pink                    Middle East, Europe,
Sheet,9 the prices of natural gas in                  and Asia
2008 in Europe, $11.42/MBTU, Japan,                   While oil and gas companies in the
$16.00/MBTU, and the United States,                   United States are exploiting shale
$12.50/MBTU, were in the same                         gas technologies and reducing
ballpark; however, that was before                    their natural gas and NGL costs,
the shale gas boom in the United                      other regions are not as favored.
States, which made the US price more                  The Middle East ethane production
competitive in the global marketplace.                chain is predominantly centered in
This dynamic, and the relatively                      Saudi Arabia, which has leveraged
high price of oil at $80 to $100 per                  its historically low-cost raw
barrel, has the potential to give the                 material sources to become a global
US chemicals industry a significant                   petrochemicals powerhouse. However,
competitive advantage globally.                       its newer ethylene production facilities
Whether this advantage is realized                    rely on an ethane-butane mix,
depends on a number of factors,                       which yields higher-priced ethylene
including the domestic tolerance for                  and other feedstock chemicals.
hydraulic fracturing and its waste                    These factors are serving to reduce
products, as well as the political and                the country’s historic competitive
economic ramifications of exporting                   advantage. Figure 5 illustrates the
liquefied natural gas (LNG).10                        global cash cost per site.

9 Development Prospects Group. “Commodity
   Price Data,” The World Bank, May 3, 2012, Web
10 Michael Levi, “The Case for Natural Gas
   Exports,” The New York Times, Aug. 16, 2012

7    Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Europe, and to a lesser extent           balance of trade as ethylene capacity
Asia, have a more limited supply         comes on line.11 Several multinational
of ethane. Most of their ethylene        oil and gas companies are investing in
capacity is produced from naphtha,       building the infrastructure to export
an intermediate refined form of crude    LNG. In addition, companies are in the
oil, which is more expensive than the    early stages of negotiating long-term
Middle East ethane-butane mix and        supply agreements with foreign entities
the US shale gas ethane. For upstream    for LNG.
participants, these realities could
                                         As these developments unfold, there
demand new strategies in managing
                                         could be other changes. The East Coast
global supply and demand, balance
                                         or Pacific Coast could emerge a hub for
of trade, pricing policies, and supply
                                         export, based on the location of shale
chain economics for ethylene and
                                         gas reserves and production facilities.
the corresponding downstream
                                         And with low US ethane prices linked
derivatives. Armed with the lower-
                                         to natural gas, some might explore
priced shale gas economics, the United
                                         the option of using NGL tankers and
States could find itself among the
                                         infrastructure to ship ethane.
low-cost ethylene and derivatives
producers. Over time, one impact
could be a favorable shift in the US

                                         11 “America’s New Energy Reality,” The New York
                                            Times, June 9, 2012

Impact on chemicals                                  and are making multibillion-dollar
industry segments                                    investments in building new plants
                                                     to increase capacity.14 Recently, both
The United States is already a net
                                                     Dow Chemical15 and Chevron Phillips
exporter of ethylene derivatives, and
                                                     Chemical16 announced plans to build
the volume is expected to increase
                                                     ethylene production plants in Texas.
significantly. Together with low-cost
Middle East producers, the chemicals                 Shell Chemicals recently said it will
industry may see some economic                       build an ethane cracker in Monaca,
disruption in other regions that use                 Pennsylvania.17 This decision to build
crude oil to produce those products.                 in the Northeast, rather than along
This may cause the shutdown of                       the Gulf Coast, could have significant
less lucrative assets and lead to the                ramifications and affect planning for
imposition of trade barriers by some                 other gas companies. Some questions
countries in an attempt to protect                   to be considered include the following:
local production.
                                                     • Can the Northeast region support
Major oil and gas companies and                        another ethane cracker?
upstream commodity industry
                                                     • Will Ohio, West Virginia, or
participants are already acting
                                                       Pennsylvania become a new
on plans to take advantage of
                                                       natural gas and NGL hub like Mont
shale gas opportunities. Some are
                                                       Belvieu, Texas?
negotiating mergers, acquisitions,
and divestitures; analyzing their                    • Could a Northeast region hub shift
portfolios, pricing policies, and                      the industry economics for these
supply chains; and conducting                          commodities?
customer service analyses.12 They
                                                     • What existing pipelines can be
are considering whether to restart
                                                       reversed, and where should new
mothballed assets, invest in greenfield
                                                       ones be constructed?
projects, form strategic alliances,
and expand and upgrade existing                      • Will oil and gas explorers continue
assets. For many of these companies,                   drilling in the Northeast region,
today’s focus is on execution of                       or will they shift drilling assets to
large capital projects, identification                 other liquid-rich regions, such as
of engineering and construction                        the Bakken basin?
resources, and establishment of
strategic sourcing agreements with                   • Which state legislatures are likely
NGL providers, exporting options,                      to ban or limit hydraulic fracturing
and material logistics. With low-cost                  for environmental reasons, as New
and abundant ethylene, coupled                         York has done?18
with a slowdown in the growth of                     • How might state regulations
domestic demand, US companies                          and tax policies affect drilling
are looking abroad for expansion                       procedures, decisions, and
opportunities.13 Some companies                        profitability?
have clearly stated this intention

                                                     14 Emily Pickrell, “New Chevron Phillips plant boosts
                                                        Texas as chemical hub,” Fuel Fix, June 14, 2012, Web
                                                     15 “Dow to Build New Ethylene Production Plant at Dow
                                                        Texas Operations,” The Dow Chemical Company,
                                                        April 19, 2012, Web
                                                     16 Emily Pickrell, “New Chevron Phillips plant boosts
                                                        Texas as chemical hub,” Fuel Fix, June 14, 2012, Web
                                                     17 “US Appalachian petrochemical project,” Shell
12 “Dow Sees U.S. Ethylene Advantage Widening,”         Chemicals, Aug. 1, 2012, Web
   Chemical Week, April 30, 2012, Web                18 Mary Esch, “New York Fracking Ban: Cuomo’s
13 “ESAI: Shale development to boost US ethylene        Energy Proposal Polarizes Supporters and
   exports,” Oil & Gas Journal, Aug. 6, 2012, Web       Opponents,” Huffington Post, June 13, 2012, Web

9   Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Further downstream, specialty                         Lower pricing could help US
                     chemical entities are starting to feel                manufacturers competitively. Certain
                     the effects of natural gas and NGL                    manufacturers of products with high
                     prices on their business models. As                   ethylene content, such as downstream
                     manufacturers replace petroleum-                      specialty chemical manufacturers,
                     based raw materials with products                     packaging manufacturers, and
                     based on ethylene, their cost structure               plastic bottle producers, could have
                     will change significantly, as will supply             a big advantage. New markets and
                     and demand for certain products.                      products may open up. Ethylene-based
                                                                           chemicals may also replace other
                     A case in point is butadiene, a
                                                                           chemicals where technically possible.
                     petroleum-based chemical used in
                                                                           As these changes occur, companies
                     the manufacture of rubber tires.
                                                                           may want to carefully manage the
                     While butadiene prices are subject
                                                                           supply chain and their innovation
                     to short-term supply and demand
                                                                           portfolio. They may also want to create
                     considerations, over the longer term,
                                                                           strategic alliances through mergers
                     the price of butadiene is expected
                                                                           and acquisitions to supplement
                     to rise because of the shift to cost-
                                                                           their efforts.
                     advantaged natural gas liquids as
                     feedstock to ethylene plants.19 This                  In a similar manner, greater emphasis
                     pattern is likely to be repeated for                  on commercial activities in such areas
                     other petroleum-based raw materials,                  as product portfolio management,
                     many of which are used in building,                   innovation, pricing policies, logistics,
                     construction, adhesives, paint,                       and cost reduction will be essential to
                     coatings, plastics, packaging, and                    maintain global competitive positions.
                     carpeting.                                            The chemicals industry’s traditional
                                                                           response—finding new substitutes—
                     As the commercial distribution
                                                                           will advance on two fronts.
                     of ethane and ethane-based raw
                     materials increases, it could trigger                 The first will be to find a substitute
                     new innovations and investment                        in the cost-advantaged ethylene
                     in new technologies. Research and                     chain. The second will be to
                     development initiatives leveraging                    produce these products with new
                     ethylene-based chemistries that                       technologies in a purposeful manner
                     replace petroleum-based products                      as opposed to a by-product production
                     may predominate. Companies might                      process, as in the case of propane
                     also look for longer-term sourcing                    dehydrogenation to propylene. And
                     relationships and partnerships with                   advances in technology often draw
                     raw material suppliers to help with                   new competitors as well. This is likely
                     developing new products.                              to be magnified as competitors seek
                                                                           technologies to produce a single
                                                                           molecule as opposed to previous
                                                                           technologies that produced a wide
                                                                           range of molecules, requiring steps
In the United States, ethylene derivative supply                           that added to production costs and
is expected to greatly outstrip demand, driving                            increased time to market.
down pricing.                                                              Finally, with lower-cost ethylene
                                                                           derivatives, a redirection of research
                                                                           and development initiatives centered
                                                                           on leveraging ethylene-based
                                                                           chemistries warrants consideration.

                     19 “TPC Group Reports Second Quarter 2012
                        Financial Results,” TPC Group, Aug. 2, 2012, Web

The ‘wave of change’                                 based on the competitive advantage
beyond the chemicals                                 low-cost, natural gas-based
industry                                             feedstocks brings to the production
                                                     of certain products, such as plastics,
If the changes brought about by                      performance materials, and advanced
shale gas take hold in the chemicals                 materials.21 Likely targets will be
industry, they will create a need for                relatively simple products such as
specialty steels, reactors, separation               toothpaste tubes, disposable medical
columns, pipes, compressors, pumps,                  syringes, or pens that can be produced
valves, fittings, control systems,                   on high-speed lines with robotics,
storage tanks, and other chemical                    requiring little labor. In the electronic
processing equipment, as well as                     device industry, we are seeing the
the services of engineering and                      manufacturing of more demanding
construction firms.                                  products, such as touch-sensitive
Given the law of supply and demand,                  screens, higher-strength films,
increases in ethylene-based capacity                 mobility devices, and miniaturized
could yield a decline in chemicals                   components, return to the United
pricing. Since chemicals are used in                 States.22 Additionally, supplying US
an estimated 90% of all manufactured                 customers with US products simplifies
products, lower chemicals prices could               the long and costly supply chain.
bring about a reduction in costs for                 All of these scenarios present
US manufacturers. Another possible                   challenges and opportunities for
outcome is that chemical products will               manufacturing companies. We have
increasingly become a substitute for                 seen the changes in natural gas prices
more expensive materials, such                       and how those changes flow through
as metals, glass, wood, leather,                     the chemicals industry. Figure 6
and textiles.                                        illustrates the potential ethane impact
Partial substitution could occur in                  on manufacturing. Whether these
complex manufactured products. For                   opportunities are realized will depend
example, while today automobiles                     on how downstream manufacturers
have a 20% chemical content,                         will be positioned to capture the
that percentage could rise as some                   cost-saving opportunities. Successful
manufacturers reengineer parts to                    manufacturing companies are already
increase chemical content, thereby                   reexamining their strategies, product
decreasing weight and costs.                         innovation portfolio, supply chain
                                                     planning, and other areas. Some of
It is also possible that lower energy                the changes they face might be as
costs could bring some manufacturing                 dramatic as the events now unfolding
back to the United States.20 Dow                     in the chemicals industry.
Chemical’s decision to build an
ethylene plant in Texas is in part

                                                     21 David Muir, “Companies Move Manufacturing
                                                        Jobs Back to America,” ABC News,
                                                        Feb. 22, 2012, Web
                                                     22 “Samsung to Invest $4 Billion More on US Chip
20 “Petrochemicals,” Chemical Week, March 27, 2011      Plant,” Reuters, Aug 21, 2012, Web

11 Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
Figure 6: Ethane impact on manufacturing industry value chain

                                           Low Density Polyethylene             Food Packaging, Film,
                                           (LDPE) and Linear Low                Trash Bags, Diapers,
                                           Density Polyethylene                 Toys, Housewares

                                           High Density Poly-          Housewares, Crates,
                                           ethylene (HDPE)
                                           Polyethylene (HDPE)         Drums, Bottles, Food

                                                                                                                        Siding, Window
                                           Ethylene Dichloride        Vinyl Chloride               PVC
                                                                                                                        Frames, Swimming
       Opportunity for up to
                                                                                                                        Pool Liners, Pipes
       60% raw material cost
       advantage as a result of
       wet shale gas basins
                                           Ethylene Oxide             Ethylene Glycol               Automotive Anti-
                                                                                                                                              opportunity for
                                                                                                                                              60% raw material
     Ethane              Ethylene                                                Fibers                     Pantyhose, Cloth-                 cost advantage
                                                                                                            ing, Carpets                      “should” translate
                                                                                                                                              through entire
                                                                                                                                              value chain. But
                                                                                 Polyester Resin            Bottles                           will it be realized?


                                           Ethylbenzene               Styrene                       Polystyrene            Packaging

                                                                                                    Styrene Acry-          Instrument Lens-
                                           Linear Alcohols              Detergent                   lonitrile Resins       es, Housewares

                                                                                                    Styrene                Tires, Footwear,
                                                                                                    Butadiene              Sealants
                                           Vinyl Acetate                Adhesives,
                                                                        Textiles/paper              Styrene                Carpet Backing,
                                                                        Finishing,                  Butadiene              Paper
                                                                        Flooring                    Latex

                                           Misc. Chemicals                                          Misc.

Sources: “Shale Gas and New Petrochemicals Investment: Benefits for the Economy, Jobs, and US
Manufacturing,” American Chemistry Council, March 2012, PwC and TopLine Analytics

The implications of the shale gas         • Will the US chemicals industry
Conclusion                                          boom for any chemical company are           economics set off a round of
                                                    varied and complicated. While some          protection among disadvantaged
                                                    companies may already be realizing          countries?
                                                    gains in profitability and shareholder
                                                                                              • What is the company’s global versus
                                                    value and creating new opportunities
                                                                                                domestic strategy? What are the tax
                                                    at home and abroad, there is no single
                                                                                                and transfer pricing implications?
                                                    model for success. Companies need to
                                                    consider their individual situation and   • Which strategies for mergers,
                                                    business options and understand the         acquisitions, and partnerships
                                                    risks and opportunities being presented     should the company be
                                                    by the abundance of shale gas.              considering?

                                                                                              • How will shale gas affect the
                                                    Questions that companies
                                                                                                company’s supply chain in terms
                                                    should consider include the
                                                                                                of cost reductions and risk
                                                    • Which new energy strategies
                                                                                              • What are the new and emerging
                                                      should the company explore? How
                                                                                                business models for industry value
                                                      can it best take advantage of shale
                                                                                                chain participants?
                                                      gas availability?
                                                                                              • How quickly will manufacturers’
                                                    • How should the company allocate
                                                                                                strategic sourcing capabilities ramp
                                                      investment dollars among the
                                                                                                up to capture and translate the
                                                      different fuel sources? Where will it
                                                                                                lower costs of raw materials into
                                                      get the greatest return in the short
                                                                                                their cost structures?
                                                      and longer term?
                                                                                              • If consumer prices drop as a result
                                                    • Is the company employing the most
                                                                                                of lower-priced fuel, how will that
                                                      effective and efficient sourcing
                                                                                                affect business?
                                                      strategies for energy and raw
                                                      materials?                              • What new commercial
                                                                                                opportunities are emerging, and
                                                    • Should the company shift R&D
                                                                                                how should the company price its
                                                      and product innovation dollars to
                                                      capture opportunities presented by
                                                      the availability of shale gas?

13 Shale gas: Reshaping the US chemicals industry
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                     PwC’s chemicals practice comprises a global network of industry professionals
About PwC’s          who provide assurance, tax, and advisory services to public and private
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To have a deeper conversation
about the issues in this paper,
please contact:

Anthony Scamuffa
Partner, US Chemicals leader
267 330 2421
Mark Lustig
646 471 3081
Tavor White
646 471 3354
Robert W. McCutcheon
Partner, US Industrial Products Leader
412 355 2935
Garrett Gee
267 330 1576

Contributing author to this
white paper:

Tom Gellrich
TopLine Analytics

© 2012 PwC. All rights reserved. “PwC” and “PwC US” refer to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, which is a member firm of
PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity. This document is for general information purposes only, and
should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. LA-13-0069
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