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January/February 2022

Industry comes together to learn how to work smarter
and celebrates success through adversity

SALTEX ’21 REVIEW                       EIMA ROUND-UP
The show the industry needed       What was new at the European show

NATURAL LEADERSHIP                                       PROOFING
GGM’s Chris Gibson on steering                   Ripon Farm Services on the
                                                   creation of a new branch
a path through the pandemic
                                                                                         Trade Partner Programme
                                                40 Volt Series: The new range of         ✓Letter from the editorpriced ✓ Guaranteed quality ✓ Right first time
                                                                                          Steve Gibbs
                                                battery powered tools for the
                                                domestic user.
                                                7 quality tools - 2.0AH & 4.0AH
                                                                                                                           - first choice for AGCO Parts
                                                batteries & a charger.         


                                                                                                         elcome to the January /                            coverage of our Awards, starting on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                4 News
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Latest industry developments
                                                                                                         February 2022 edition of                           page 14 in this issue.
                                                 2 + 1 year with product registration                    Service Dealer – and to                               Also, in this edition we welcome                                 14 Service Dealer
                                                                                                         our fresh new redesign!                            a new Diarist for the year, Anthony                                          Awards ‘21
                                                                                                            It’s been a few years                           Deacon of MKM Agriculture. Many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         All the winners from our very
                                                                                         since we last had a tidy-up of our pages                           of you will remember that MKM                                                special awards
                                                                                         and we do like to keep our offering                                suffered a devastating fire in April of
                                                                                         to you current and modern. Hopefully                               ’21, but they are now in the process                                20 Smart Working
                                                                                         you won’t find it too wildly different                             of building back stronger. We thank                                          Speakers address timely topic at
                                                56 Volt Series: The battery range for
                                                                                         to what you’re used to. It’s important                             Anthony for allowing us to join them                                         the Service Dealer Conference
                                                the professional user.
                                                                                         to us that we’re bringing you the best                             on their journey this year as they
                                                8 quality tools - e-Force batteries
                                                                                         industry content every issue and every                             create a new dealership from scratch                                26 Natural leadership
                                                2.0AH & 4.0AH, a 16.0AH pack & a                                                                                                                                                         The award-winning Chris Gibson

                                                                                                                                                                           TRADE ER 30 OPEI ‘22
                                                                                         Friday with the Weekly Update – plus                               – one that apparently includes the
                                                charger.                                                                                                                                                                                 from GGM Groundscare
                                                                                         regularly through our social channels,                             genius idea of an in-house staff pub!

                                                                                                                                                                           PARTN AMME
                                                                                         of course. So please do get in touch                               I’m looking forward to the opening
                                                                                         through any avenue if you have                                     day already, Anthony!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         U.S show restarts and has big

                                                                                         feedback or issues you’d like to raise.                               I’d also like to take this opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         plans for ‘22
                                                                                            It was fabulous to hear from                                    to thank Chris Gibson of GGM for his
                                                                                         readers in person at November’s                                                            32 Future proofing
                                                                                                                                                            fascinating, candid, and forthright Diary
                                                                                         Service Dealer Conference & Awards,                                entries throughout 2021. You can hear                                        Ripon’s Phil Gregg on plans for
                                                                                         regarding just how they have been                                  from Chris one more time this issue, as                                      a new depot
                                                                                         coping these past two years since we                               he speaks to Laurence Gale following
                                                                                         were last able to get together. The                                his well-deserved Leadership Award,                                 34 Saltex ‘21 review
                                                                                         good news is many dealerships have                                 which he collected at Oxford Belfry.                                         The show the industry needed
                                                2 Stroke range: For over 70 years,
                                                ECHO has been designing and building
                                                                                         flourished. You can read some business
                                                                                         and individual success stories in the
                                                                                                                                                            Many congratulations to Chris and all
                                                                                                                                                            the talented winners.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                38 EIMA
                                                high performance, quality products.                                                                                                                                                      Report from the European ag show

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                42 View from across
                                                                                          THE TEAM                                                                                                                                       the pond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         With Sara Hey
                                                                                         Publisher: Duncan Murray-Clarke                                    Produced by: The Ad Plain Ltd
                                                                                         Editor: Steve Gibbs                                                Pipe House, Lupton Road, Wallingford,                               43 Diary of a season
                                                                                                                         Oxfordshire, OX10 9BS, UK                                                    With MKM Agriculture
                                                                                         Agricultural Editor: Martin Rickatson
                                                                                                                                                            Telephone: 01491 837 117
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                44 SME digest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Information for small businesses
                                                                                         SME Digest Editor: Adam Bernstein                                  Service Dealer is produced by The Ad Plain
                                                                                                                          on behalf of Land Power Publications LLP                            47 Business monitor
                                                                                         Contributor: Laurence Gale                                         Advertising sales:                                                           Dealers’ view on warranty
                                                 X - Series: This means ECHO’s best in                                                                                                                                                   payments
                                                                                                                      Nikki Harrison
                                                 class products. Designed for
                                                 professionals who demand the best       Redesign Marco Crisari                                   
                                                                                                                           Contact your local AGCO Dealer for more                                     50 New      products
                                                 and highest quality tools.              Design & layout: Iain Robinson                                     Telephone: 01491 837 117                      Coverage of new equipment
                                                                                                                                 or email:                                     to hit the market

                                                                                                                                                                                                       56 In my view

                                                                                         >>>                                                                                                                                        >>>
                                                                                                                   The acceptance and publication of advertising in Service Dealer magazine implies no
                                                                                                                   representation or warranty on the part of Service Dealer or The Ad Plain Ltd (TAP) as to the                               With Chris Biddle
                                                                                                           Become a TRADE PARTNER today!57 Events
                                                                                                                   reputation or standing of advertisers’ products or services. No part of this publication may
                                                                                                                   be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Service Dealer
                                                                                                                   and TAP. The information contained in this publication is published in good faith and every
                                                                                                            (FREE to join – No Subscription Charges)
                                                                                                                   effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. The publishers can accept no responsibility                                   Shows & industry    events update
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                                                                                                                   damage caused by reliance on information contained
                                                                                                                   in this publication or in the event of any bankruptcy or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                58 Jim Green
Distributed by: FGM Claymore                                                                                       liquidation or cessation of the trade in any company,                                                                      His view from the   edge
Waterloo Industrial Estate,                                                              Every effort has been madeindividual   or fithe
                                                                                                                     to ensure that   rm information
                                                                                                                                                     is hereby  excluded.
                                                                                                                                                             in this promotion is as accurate and current as possible at the time of going to print.
Bidford-on-avon, Warwickshire B50 4JH                                                    However, inaccuracies, errors and omissions may occur and details may be changed at any time without notice. Therefore please confirm with your AGCO

Tel UK: 01789 490177 Tel Ire: (353) 1 8463922
                                                                                         Parts dealer prior to any purchase. All parts are delivered and accepted in accordance with AGCO’s normal terms and conditions which are available on
                                                                                         request. © AGCO 2022. AGCO Parts provide worldwide genuine support to all AGCO machinery brands. Images used are for illustration purposes only.                  SERVICE DEALER     3
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS

INDUSTRY                                                                                                              DEALERS                                        DEALERS

                                                                                                                      Scamblers                                      Haynes acquires
                                                                                                                      leads to                                       Oakes Bros
                                                                                                                      distribution                                   Expands territory across south-east England

                                                                                                                      changes                                        Maidstone-based Haynes Bros has
                                                                                                                                                                     bought the trade and assets of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Case IH and JCB franchises.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Established in 1790 in London,
                                                                                                                      For Grasshopper mowers                         neighbouring dealer Oakes Bros,                Haynes Bros Ltd is now the holding
                                                                                                                                                                     established in 1825 at Hungerford,             company for a group of subsidiary
                                                                                                                                                                     Berkshire.                                     companies operating throughout the
                                                                                                                                                                       This acquisition brings together two         South East. Moving to Kent in 1832, the
                                                                                                                                                                     long-established businesses holding            company was the first in the county to
                                                                                                                                                                     key franchises for New Holland and             take on the Ford Motor Company
                                                                                                                                                                     JCB, along with Kuhn Farm Machinery,           franchise in 1911 and then sell and
                                                                                                                                                                     McConnel, Honda, Krone, and Stewart.           distribute the complete range of Ford
                                                                                                                                                                       Haynes acquires three Oakes                  cars, trucks and agricultural machinery.
                                                                                                                       Grasshopper mowers on display at SALTEX ‘21
                                                                                                                                                                     agricultural branches, covering parts of          “We believe this expansion is a
                                                                                                                                                                     Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire,             natural fit for our agricultural
                                                                                                                      The import of the Grasshopper range            Surrey, West Sussex and Wiltshire and          business, giving us increased scale
                                                                                                                      of zero-turn mowers for the UK & NI            this will double the size of the Haynes        in this key area of our operations,”
                                                                                                                      has changed.                                   agricultural business. These branches          says Andrew Haynes, chairman and
                                                                                                                         Chandlers (Farm Equipment) Ltd has          will be re-branded by Haynes                   CEO of Haynes Bros. “The Oakes
                                                                                                                      taken over the import of the machines          Agricultural shortly.                          business is well known to us and we
                                                                                                                      following the retirement and closing of          Oakes had previously operated from           have been neighbouring dealers for
                                                                                                                      Scamblers, who shut their doors on             East Ilsley, Micheldever and Horsham,          many years following our expansion
                                                                                                                      December 22nd 2021.                            but a smaller branch at Coombe                 into Sussex in 2004. This move will
                                                                                                                         Gavin Pell, managing director of            Bissett near Salisbury will close.             provide us with greater economies
                                                                                                                      Chandlers, said, “We look forward to             These branches will be added to the          of scale and resources, which we
                                                                                                                      working with all of Scamblers existing         three Haynes branches at Uckfield,             believe over time will be of
                                                                                                                      dealers for the supply and promotion of        Wrotham and Ashford holding the New            considerable benefit to our mutual

FGM Claymore takes
                                                                                                                      the excellent range of zero-turn               Holland and JCB franchises, plus the           customers, staff and manufacturers.
                                                                                                                      Grasshopper mowers.                            branch at Birchington, Kent holding
                                                                                                                         “We recently attended and exhibited
                                                                                                                      with Grasshopper at SALTEX, which was

on Echo in the UK
                                                                                                                      a great event where we met with many
                                                                                                                      of the existing dealer network and were
                                                                                                                      delighted by the positive response we
                                                                                                                      had about our appointment. We were
Also distributing the Shindaiwa branded products                                                                      also pleased with the dealers’ and
                                                                                                                      end-users’ satisfaction with the
FGM Claymore have announced that      to build the Echo and Shindaiwa          range of X-Series products with
                                                                                                                      popularity, quality and durability of the
as of 1st January 2022, they have     brands to significant levels through a   emission-compliant petrol products
                                                                                                                      Grasshopper range.”
become the new distributor of the     network of independent servicing         and its 56V battery, both for use in
                                                                                                                         Chandlers’ dealer principal, Les
Echo and Shindaiwa brands for the     dealers.” Explains Paul Butterly,        the professional market.
                                                                                                                      Butters, will be heading up the
UK market.                            managing director of FGM Claymore.         In addition, the company has
                                                                                                                      management of the franchise. He can
  “We are delighted with this           The company says it will be            announced that Neil Turner will be
                                                                                                                      be contacted on 07885 327477.
appointment, which will further       launching a new 40V range of             joining the team as its new sales
                                                                                                                         Gavin added, “We will be interested in
strengthen our position in the UK     consumer products, including             director to focus on their existing
                                                                                                                      hearing from any dealers who would be
market. We have a long history of     lawnmowers and hand-held                 dealer network and new
                                                                                                                      interested in adding a zero-turn mower
importing and distributing 2-stroke   products, which will be available in     appointments in the coming
                                                                                                                      to their range, where there are gaps in
hand-held products and our aim is     Spring 2022. It will also provide the    months.                                                                                The workshop at the Micheldever, Hampshire depot, now owned by Haynes
                                                                                                                      the current dealer line-up.”
4   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SERVICE DEALER   5
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS

DEALERS                                                                                       EXHIBITIONS                               EXHIBITIONS

Reform Metrac
                                                                                              SAGE show to
                                                                                              host eco expo                             Agritechnica cancelled
                                                                                                                                        Hannover show will not take place in 2022
Ben Burgess takes on                                                                          For groundscare sector
specialist tractor range                              Metrac Reform                                                                     As Service Dealer was going to                  the deteriorating pandemic situation in     decision that Agirtechnica 2022
                                                                                              Organisers of the Sports and              press the organisers of the                     recent weeks and the resulting current      cannot take place in Hanover under
As an addition to its current range of              choice for our business.                  Ground Expo announced they have           Agritechnica ag machinery exhibition            official regulations, a situation has       these conditions. The health and
over 25 franchises, the Ben Burgess                   “We already have orders in place for    partnered with environmental              that was due to take place in                   arisen which makes the trouble-free         safety of visitors, exhibitors, partners,
group has been appointed as Reform                  two Metrac H75 and two Metrac H60         surface technology specialists, Bio-      Hannover, Germany at the end of                 execution of Agritechnica no longer         members and staff have the highest
Metrac dealers for the east of England.             models, and look forward to introducing   Circle, and will run a Sustainable        February 2022, confirmed that the               possible. Together with the VDMA            priority in this situation.”
  Chris Pateman, commercial                         these machines to customers from April    Solutions for Ground Care summit          show will not go ahead as planned.              Agricultural Machinery Association and        The next edition of Agritechnica will
manager for the groundcare sector,                  2022 at our branches.”                    at this year’s SAGE 2022 event.             In an official statement the                  the trade fair’s exhibitor advisory         now take place from 12 to 18
said, “We identified a gap in the                     Simon Richard, UK Agent for the            The show will take place at Three      organisers said, “Unfortunately, due to         board, we have therefore come to the        November 2023 in its regular cycle.
market in our region and the high-                  Reform Werke specialist tractor range,    Counties Showground in Malvern on
quality and performance capability of               added, “We are delighted to be working    July 6-7, 2022 after making its debut
the Reform range made it the ideal                  with the Ben Burgess group.”              last summer.                              INDUSTRY
                                                                                                  For the first time, it will host a

                                                                                              ‘Sustainable Solutions for Grounds
                                                                                              Specialists Summit’, which will hold a
                                                                                              live panel event with experts across
                                                                                                                                          STIHL unveil new HQ plans
Another dealer for Mean Green                                                                 the industry organisers say more
                                                                                              information will be released soon.
                                                                                                                                          Details of new home revealed
                                                                                                  SAGE 2022 event manager Vicky           STIHL GB has unveiled plans to build             Kay Green, managing director of         total roof area (1600m2) will be
Overton appoints Sharrocks                                                                                                                a new 11,500m2 purpose-designed               STIHL GB, commented, “STIHL has            covered with photovoltaic solar
                                                                                              Panniers said, “The deadline for
Overton (UK) Ltd have announced                       “We have had a few demos of the         becoming sustainable in the world of        headquarters and state-of-the-art             enjoyed a sustained period of growth       panels to provide power to the new
Sharrocks as their latest dealer for               mowers by Overton and were very            sports is now looming and our industry      warehouse facility near to its current        in recent years, and as a consequence      facility. In addition, there will be
the Mean Green Mowers.                             impressed with the build quality and       must now start to think of the steps it     premises in Camberley, Surrey.                we have outgrown our existing              provision for 26 EV charging points in
                                                   cut – as were our customers.               needs to take to become carbon neutral         Due for completion in December             warehouse and office facilities. Our       anticipation of the continued move
  Steve Hanlon, sales director at
                                                                                                                                          2022, the site will be home to nearly         new purpose-built headquarters             towards the use of electric vehicles.
Sharrocks, said, “We have been                        “We have known Richard and Guy          and comply with to the new legislation.
                                                                                                                                          100 employees and the company says            represents a significant capital             The new headquarters will also be
looking at Mean Green electric                     Overton for 35 years, which gave us            “SAGE is, therefore, delighted to
                                                                                                                                          it will boast dedicated dealer training       investment and is a commitment to the      connected to Blackwater railway
mowers for the last couple of years,               comfort, and we’re looking forward to      be partnering with Bio Cycle, who
                                                                                                                                          facilities, an on-site restaurant, flexible   future for our dealers and end user        station by a dedicated cycle path
and now was the time as customers                  working with Overton.”                     have been using a combination of
                                                                                                                                          collaborative workspaces and a                customers. We’re looking forward to        and will feature landscaped gardens
are asking to go electric.                                                                    technology, chemistry, biology and
                                                                                                                                          technical workshop.                           seeing work get underway on the            with native shrubs and trees and a
                                                                                              service to optimise their customer
                                                                                                                                             The new 9,000m2 warehouse                  construction of our new premises early     wildflower meadow which forms part
                                                                                              cleaning processes for the past 30
                                                                                                                                          space will utilise what the company           in the New Year”.                          of an integrated flood risk mitigation
                                                                                              years.”                                     describe as state-of-the-art picking             The new HQ, which secured               zone on the former Thames Water
                                                                                                  The show says it will deliver live      and storage systems. All logistics will       planning permission last year, boasts      Utilities site.
                                                                                              workshops to help anyone who is             now be consolidated onto one site,            environmental credentials including          The company say they aim to
                                                                                              looking at how they can become more         which the company says will mean a            BREEAM Certification, the                  relocate to the new facility from its
                                                                                              sustainable for the future.                 speedier and more efficient delivery          sustainability assessment method for       current premises in Stanhope Road
                                                                                                                                          service to the 700 strong STIHL               building projects.                         in January 2023.
                                                                                                                                          dealer network.                                  It is proposed that two-thirds of the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CGI of the new building

 L-R: Richard Overton, MD Overton UK (Ltd); Steve Hanlon sales director, Sharrocks              SAGE entrance 2021

6   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SERVICE DEALER   7
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEWS

DEALERS                                                                                                                DEALERS

    Truro joins McCormick                                                                                              Further expansion
    from competitor brand                                                                                              for Lister Wilder
                                                                                                                        New depot announced
    Following local dealer tractor franchise shuffle                                                                                                                                                                  Artist’s impression of the new Keynsham depot

                                                                                                                       Lister Wilder has announced the              franchises that Lister Wilder represents.    the time-scale and bring it forward.
    Truro Farm Machinery is the latest dealer to agree     some time, but it was the launch of a brand-new
                                                                                                                       opening of a new branch located in              Alongside this, the company has               “The Bristol & Bath area is extremely
    to sell and support ARGO Tractors’ McCormick           range of X7 short wheelbase models due at LAMMA
                                                                                                                       Keynsham, between Bristol and Bath,          announced the launch of its new              important to our groundcare business
    brand, with the business having taken on the full      in January ‘21 that finally convinced us. We feel this is
                                                                                                                       which will open to the public in Spring      South West Hire Division – supplying         and we want to make sure that we
    franchise for McCormick’s 44-310hp range.              a great time for TFM and our loyal customers to join
                                                                                                                       2022.                                        an extensive range of specialist             can fully support the machines that
      The change follows a shuffling of tractor brands     forces with McCormick.
                                                                                                                          The Kubota dealer has been making         groundcare machinery for its customers       are being sold into the two cities. The
    amongst dealerships locally. Service Dealer               “This hasn’t been a spur of the moment decision
                                                                                                                       considerable changes to its business         based in the West, operating from this       branch located at Burnett Business Park
    understands that Truro Farm Machinery has switched     on our part but has come from close communication
                                                                                                                       since its full-line status in October 2020   new premises.                                is an ideal location, and we are looking
    to McCormick from Case IH, which has chosen to         with McCormick Tractors UK and Ireland. McCormick
                                                                                                                       – previously announcing a new Kubota            Phill Hughes, sales & hire director,      to develop our hire business across the
    move its franchise to former local John Deere dealer   has already been working closely with us, delivering a
                                                                                                                       Centre in Bibury, Gloucestershire.           said: “This is a really exciting             region with local support.”
    Cornwall Farm Machinery, after the John Deere area     tractor from its Doncaster headquarters to send out to
                                                                                                                          The new Bristol/Bath branch will offer    announcement for us. We had planned             The company says it will also shortly
    the latter held was given to Smallridge Bros in an     some of our customers for appraisal. The result was
                                                                                                                       sales, parts and service support for the     to open the branch in 2023 but the           be embarking on a recruitment drive for
    extension of Smallridge’s territory.                   excellent feedback and very good reviews.
                                                                                                                       entire range of Kubota Groundcare            increase in the levels of business that      this new branch.
       A family-run business, Truro Farm Machinery was        “That reinforced our conviction that this is the right
                                                                                                                       machinery - as well as many other            we’ve seen this year made us re-think
    founded in 1983. In summer 2010, the company           franchise for us, and as a committed stocking dealer
    outgrew its original premises in the centre of Truro   we already have models in our yard ready for
    and moved to a purpose-built new site in a more        demonstration and sale.”
    convenient location just off the A30 at Mitchell,         Commenting on the appointment, managing
    complete with larger, better-equipped workshops and    director of Argo Tractors in the UK and Ireland, Adrian

                                                                                                                       Husqvarna and
    parts department complex.                              Winnett said: “We are delighted to welcome a dealer
       “Our aim has always been to deliver a first-class   of TFM’s calibre to our rapidly expanding network.

                                                                                                                       B&S settle dispute
    service to all our customers, large or small,” says    The McCormick brand is growing constantly, and our
    Kevin Andrews, the company’s managing director.        focus on dealers who provide exceptional aftersales
      “We had been talking with McCormick’s UK team for    service is key to our growth.”
                                                                                                                       Engine supply argument resolved
                                                                                                                       Husqvarna Group and Briggs & Stratton, LLC (B&S)
                                                                                                                       have announced that a settlement has been reached
                                                                                                                       with regards to the supply of engines for ride-on
                                                                                                                         Under the terms of the settlement, B&S will provide
                                                                                                                       the majority of the engines needed ahead of the 2022
                                                                                                                       season. Additionally, the parties have agreed to maintain
                                                                                                                       a modified supply relationship into the 2023 season.
                                                                                                                         Husqvarna Group previously issued a statement
                                                                                                                       regarding a potential negative financial impact in 2022
                                                                                                                       because of a lack of engine supply. The settlement
                                                                                                                       means that the lawsuit against B&S is withdrawn, and
                                                                                                                       Husqvarna Group have said they no longer anticipate a
                                                                                                                       material financial impact from this issue.
                                                                                                                         “We have achieved a satisfactory outcome that allows
                                                                                                                       us to secure products for our customers in 2022,” says
                                                                                                                       Glen Instone, acting president of Husqvarna Division and
                                                                                                     Truro McCormick   CFO Husqvarna Group.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Husqvarna ride-on mower

8   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SERVICE DEALER          9
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NEWS

DEALERS                                       DEALERS                                                                                        DEALERS

CNH enters                                    Arwels are
licensing                                     Krone’s dealer
agreement                                     of the year
Multi-year deal                               Awarded at company’s dealer conference
with Monarch
Tractor                                       In early November, Krone UK held                  spanning the Cardiganshire,
                                              their dealer conference in                        Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire
CNH Industrial                                Stoneleigh, Warwickshire.                         areas – even reaching into South
has entered into                                As part of the event, the                       Wales as far afield as Cardiff.”
an exclusive,                                 manufacturer staged an awards                        Arwel added, “It was a dream come
multi-year licensing agreement for            ceremony to recognise their dealers               true to be awarded the franchise as
electrification technologies with             for their hard work and commitment                we have always wanted to be a part
Monarch Tractor, a US-based                   to the brand throughout the year.                 of the Krone setup. It was a chance of
AgTech company specialising in                                                                                                                38 successfully graduated from John Deere’s apprenticeship programmes, although not all could attend the event
                                                Presented with the title of Krone UK            a lifetime for my family and staff who
fully electric autonomous tractors.           Dealer Of The Year were Arwel Agri                also share passion for the brand.”

                                                                                                                                             38 young apprentices
   CNH says the agreement foresees            Services of Harford, Carmarthenshire,                Georgina continued, “We are
the launch of a scalable, modular             West Wales. Representing the                      extremely grateful and thankful to our
electrification platform focusing on low      dealership at the ceremony were                   loyal and dedicated staff for their

horsepower tractors. These will be            directors Arwel and Georgina Evans                work ethic to pull together as one
developed across multiple product             – who were also named as one of the               team. It has ensured the company’s
families in the coming years. The             top three dealers in sales and                    success and is helping us go from
manufacturer adds that the process will       aftersales.                                       strength to strength.
continuously gather farmers’ input to            Following the award, Georgina                     “We would also like to show our
ensure developments are aligned to            said: “In the two years of being                  appreciation and thanks to our
customer needs.                               Krone representatives we have                     customers – our most important               Achievements recognised at special John Deere event
   This agreement also furthers CNH           strived to drive their quality and                people - as without their valued
Industrial’s commitment to                    value, and supplied a varied and                  support we wouldn’t be enjoying              The latest group of talented young                Apple iPads as their prize by John                  was then. To see these fantastic
decarbonising agriculture through             vast array of grassland machinery                 this success.”                               service technicians and parts                     Deere apprentice centre manager,                    individuals graduating from their
alternative propulsion systems.                                                                                                              personnel have successfully graduated             James Haslam.                                       courses and taking the next big step in
   CNH says this mutually beneficial                                                                                                         from John Deere’s Ag Tech, Turf Tech                Farol saw its Ag/Turf Tech                        their careers is incredibly rewarding.
partnership will enable them to enhance                                                                                                      and Parts Tech advanced                           apprentices Ciahran Quick from the                     “Helping to give these young
their internal electrification capabilities                                                                                                  apprenticeship programmes.                        company’s Shefford Woodlands                        people their first step on the career
and develop new electrified platforms                                                                                                          The 38-strong cohort passed the                 dealership in Berkshire, and Henry                  ladder builds a strong foundation for
faster. In turn, they say Monarch Tractor                                                                                                    national scheme – provided by                     Atkins from Midhurst in West Sussex,                their future success, and John Deere
will be able to harness the benefits of                                                                                                      ProVQ – and their achievements have               pick up the runner-up prizes of a                   places great importance on supporting
CNH Industrial’s sector expertise in                                                                                                         been recognised at a special event                certificate and high street vouchers                them to reach their full potential.
product, brand, distribution, and supply                                                                                                     held for them at the Crowne Plaza in              worth £250.                                           “We aim to nurture and mould these
chain strength.                                                                                                                              Nottingham.                                         John Deere branch training manager                enthusiastic apprentices who have the
   Scott Wine, chief executive officer of                                                                                                      John Deere dealer Ben Burgess                   Allan Cochran said, “Our apprenticeship             skills and desire to work in our
CNH Industrial, said, “We are confident                                                                                                      saw success for two of its staff, with            programme has been running for                      business and across the industry.”
that the new pathways provided by                                                                                                            James Skipper from Beeston in                     nearly three decades, and was created                  The next intake is already being
Monarch will rapidly strengthen our                                                                                                          Norfolk winning the Ag/Turf Tech                  because we saw the trend of fewer                   enrolled with 61 Ag Tech and Turf
competitive position in sustainable                                                                                                          Apprentice of the Year for 2021, while            people coming into the industry. We                 Tech technicians so far signed up for
precision farming. Their talented team,                                                                                                      Madeleine Green from the company’s                needed to take steps to ensure that                 their three-year course, in addition to
exceptional engineering acumen and                                                                                                           Oakham site in Rutland won the Parts              there was new talent to fill our                    six Parts Tech apprentices who study
Silicon Valley R&D ecosystem will                                                                                                            Tech award.                                       business and dealer network.                        for two years.
greatly enhance our digital capabilities.”     Arwel and Georgina Evans (centre) with their Dealer Of The Year award presented by Krone UK
                                                                                                                                               Both were presented with new                       “That work is as relevant today as it

10   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SERVICE DEALER   11


Ransomes announces
large brand investment
Sets out vision for ’22 and beyond
The manufacturer says its digital         network that has sold our products in
investment comes through a new web        some cases for half a century or more.
presence, whilst on the turf, they say       “Getting that message out is
the target of electric lithium- powered   important, but listening is even
commercial mowing has been set for        more important. We spent the last
launch in 2022.                           year engaging with consumers,
    Ransomes marketing manager,           dealer customers and colleagues to
Adam Underwood, said, “We want            understand what Ransomes means to            the environment, good for everybody
people to be confident when they          them and what great will look like for the   and most importantly, gets the work
are sat on a Ransomes mower that          next five and ten years for the brand.”      done, into our Ransomes products.
they are sitting on the benchmark for       Throughout early 2021 Textron                  “We’re also celebrating the fact
commercial and municipal mowing.          focused all mower manufacturing              that all of our products are Stage
It’s very important for people to         on Ipswich. Ransomes say this year           V compliant. We feel those clean,
understand the value of incredibly        provided the opportunity for 15              green engines are worth shouting
specialist machinery, and we certainly    million test hours of lithium battery        about and are important as we
are that. So, the Any Less Costs More     technology to be integrated into their       look forward to launching electric
campaign is really about the lifetime     commercial mower range.                      lithium technology and implementing
value of our products and how it pays       “We’re excited about developing            it safely into the municipal and
to invest in us.                          new technologies, and Ransomes will          commercial market in 2022.
    “You know exactly where your          borrow a lot of the expertise from other         “You’ll see at our shows, events
products are coming from, and             brands within Textron,” Adam explains.       and launches throughout 2022 that
you also know that you’re going to           “As a result, we will be able to safely   we are going to be expanding our                                                                                                                                                                 Photograph: Cobra MX51S80V. Which? ‘Best Buy’ May 2021.

get superior support from a dealer        put technology that will be good for         range into electric lithium technology.”

                                                                                                                                   Why Not Become a Cobra Dealer in 2021?
                                          Timberwolf bought by Alamo                                                               With over 150 products in the Cobra range including the largest range of lawnmowers in the UK, Cobra
                                                                                                                                   is fast becoming a market leading brand in garden machinery. Contact us today to join the growing
                                          New American owners for chipper maker                                                    number of Cobra Dealers across the U.K. For information on becoming a Cobra Dealer contact
                                                                                                                                   Andy Marvin: 07771 581 296 or call: 0115 986 6646 today.
                                          (which includes forestry and tree care       Alamo Group, they will be able to further
                                          operations).                                 strengthen their brand and market           - Increase your business and bottom line profits.
                                             “The completion of the sale provides      position by strengthening product           - Exclusive special offers on selected products.
                                          enormous opportunity for the business,”      innovation to meet future opportunities.    - Extensive local & national Cobra marketing support.                                                                                               Expertly Powered By
                                                                                                                                   - An evolving range of over 150 gardening products.
  Timberwolf TW 230DHB                    said Timberwolf managing director,
                                          Chris Perry. “Joining such a prestigious
                                                                                          Jeff Leonard, Alamo Group’s
                                                                                       president and chief executive officer,      - No unreasonable Cobra stocking commitment.
Timberwolf has been acquired by           organisation will allow Timberwolf           commented, “Timberwolf builds upon,
the Alamo Group.                          to accelerate many of the strategic          and compliments, our existing range          Cordless Mowers                   Petrol Mowers                                  Blower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Blower Vacs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vacs                                  Brushcutters                                 Cultivators
   Based at Seguin, Texas, the Alamo      projects we have already identified.         of tree care products and strengthens
                                                                                                                                     From Just £136.02*             From Just £111.55*                             From Just £90.69*                             From Just £84.93*                           From Just £109.86*
Group owns many brands in the             Alamo Group have a clear approach to         our presence in the U.K. and European
agricultural equipment and forestry       sustainability, which aligns to our own      forestry and tree care markets.
sector. Timberwolf’s position as          existing business values so we’re very          “We are pleased that Timberwolf’s
a designer and manufacturer of            excited about the opportunities that this    management team will remain with
woodchippers makes this acquisition       acquisition will bring.”                     the company and we look forward to
a fit for Alamo Group’s newly formed         Timberwolf says they now expect,          working closely with them to drive the
Vegetation Management Division            as a wholly owned business within the        company’s future growth.”

12   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *Stocking Dealer Price ex VAT
                                                                                                                                                            Cobra reserves the right to change models, specifications & prices without prior notice. E & OE. *Warranty period based on domestic use.

                                                                                                                                 Best new
                          Conference & Awards ‘21                                                                                Sponsored by AGCO
                                                                                                                                 Presenting Award: Jason Webb,
                                                by Steve Gibbs                                                                   Parts Sales Manager


Service Dealer
                                                                                                                                 Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd
                                                                                                                                 Doe Show With A Difference,
                                                                                                                                 19 branches across south-east

Award winners
                                                                                                                                 Ernest Doe were forced to change             The Ernest Doe team, comprising of Neal Heather, Joe Matthews, Graham Parker, Hayley Hill, Andy
                                                                                                                                 up a long-established in-person              Turbin and Ken Smyth with Jason Webb plus Service Dealer owner Duncan Murray-Clarke (r) and
                                                                                                                                 event to fit in with the circumstances       comedian host, Charlie Baker (l)
                                                                                                                                 at the start of 2021. A brand-new

                                                                                                                                 online home for the 61st Doe
                                                                                                                                 Show With A Difference had to be            team became part of the endeavour,
                                                                                                                                 designed, built and populated in just       with each business sector – ag,                       Finalists:
                                                                                                                                 ten weeks.                                  groundcare, construction & parts – all                Lister Wilder
                                                                                                                                   Quantifiably successful in terms          presenting their own introductions                    Barrow Valley Spares
                                                                                                                                 of sales, the dealership’s whole            and product videos.                                   Hayes Machinery
Accolades reflecting the past two years, presented at ceremony following on
from 2021’s Service Dealer Conference

                                                                                                                                 Extra mile
                                              ollowing the Service Dealer           The awards categories were judged
                                              Conference, the winners of         by an expert panel, who carefully
                                              2021’s very special Service        considered nominations that, as ever,
                                              Dealer Awards were revealed        were submitted by dealer principals,
                                                                                                                                 Sponsored by Toro UK
                                              at a glittering awards             dealership staff and supplying
                                     ceremony held at the Double Tree by         manufacturers. Dealerships large or
                                                                                                                                 Presenting Award: Craig Hoare,
                                     Hilton Oxford Belfry.                       small, multi-branch or single premises          Sales and Marketing Manager
                                        Hosted once again by comedian            were able to enter, and all entries
                                     and actor Charlie Baker, the Awards,        judged on their own merits.                     Winner:
                                     organised by the team behind Service           Steve Gibbs, editor of Service Dealer        Sam Turner & Sons
                                     Dealer magazine, were in their 17th         magazine, said, “Through close contact          Northallerton, North Yorkshire
                                     edition and recognised the achievements     with our readership, we know only too
                                     of independent dealers in the garden        well the ingenuity, resourcefulness and         During lockdown, Sam Turner & Sons
                                     machinery, professional turfcare            determination of the dealer network             took the difficult decision to close
                                     machinery, farm machinery, forestry         during a normal year. Faced with the            their store to regular customers to
                                     equipment and ATV/quad industry.            pressures and complexities of the               focus purely on keeping their farming
                                        Rather than focusing on sales and        pandemic though, that resolve was               and professional customers going –
                                     service excellence this year, to best       pushed to the limits. Through our               ensuring these essential workers were
                                     reflect the extraordinary circumstances     awards judging process we have heard            supported. They massively increased
                                     that dealers have coped with during         remarkable stories of businesses and            their local deliveries, with staff even      Keith Norman and Charlie Turner with Craig Hoare plus Service Dealer owner Duncan Murray-Clarke
                                     these past two years, the 2021 award        individuals going above and beyond to           using their own transport to serve locals    (r) and comedian host, Charlie Baker (l)
                                     categories were modified to reflect         not simply stay afloat, but to flourish - all   they knew couldn’t leave their homes.
                                     the hard work of dealerships and their      the time making sure their customers              For the entire team this meant taking
                                     employees during this time - both           of farmers, turf professionals and              on extra duties and longer hours. On           Finalists:
                                     within their businesses but also in their   homeowners could rely on them when              top of this they also ran a PPE campaign       Buxtons
 Comedian and host - Charlie Baker
                                     communities.                                they needed their support most.”                for a local maternity unit.                    Alton Garden Machinery
14   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SERVICE DEALER      15

Leadership award                                                 Most creative                                                                          OUTPOWERS PETROL
Sponsored by Kubota UK
Presenting Award: David Hart, Managing Director
                                                                 Sponsored by Husqvarna UK
                                                                                                                                                        POWERED BLOWERS.                                                                                                                                                             CREATING A CLEANER,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    QUIETER, SAFER FUTURE

                                                                 Presenting Award: Jonathan Snowball,
                                                                 UK Business Development Manager

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1014m /h
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AIR VOLUME

                                             Chris Gibson with
                                             David Hart

Winner: Chris Gibson                                                                             James Hayes with Jonathan
GGM Groundscare, Colne, Lancashire                                                               Snowball plus Service Dealer owner                                                                                                                                                                  AI R SP E E D: 21 2k m /h
                                                                                                 Duncan Murray-Clarke
When the pandemic hit, Chris’s priority was ensuring the
safety of his staff. He acknowledged that normal working
methods needed to quickly adapt, and he never shied away         Winner: Hayes Machinery
from making difficult decisions in everyone’s best interest.     South Moulton, Devon
Not only have there been no jobs lost, GGM are now a
                                                                 Hayes Machinery have embraced the use of YouTube as
bigger team than before and have achieved business growth
                                                                 a primary dealership marketing tool like no one else. They
during the past two years.
                                                                 have the views and the stats to prove that their creativity has

   On top of this, Chris has found time to spearhead
                                                                 found mass audience appeal.                                                            1.67m/s   2
environmental policies at the dealership, maintain charity
                                                                   Their videos are varied, full of personality and have a                                                                                                                                                                         FO R C E : 1 9.2N
fundraising and share his knowledge with the wider industry,

                                                                 uniqueness that keeps viewers and customers coming back                                LpA 80dB(A)
contributing to the Dealer Digital Toolkit, writing Service
                                                                 for more. Their investment of time, money and effort in their
Dealer’s Diary of A Season, joining industry panel calls and                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LEVEL 1          LEVEL 2         LEVEL 3   LEVEL 4          BOOST
                                                                 channel is paying off.
speaking on sector podcasts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             350mins         210mins         140mins    100mins      70mins

     Finalists:                                                      Finalists:
     Jonathan Ireland, Ireland’s Farm Machinery                      Peacock & Binnington,
     Chris Wood, Mowpower / Mowtastic                                B&B Tractors                                                                                                                                    Times have changed. So have tools. And our new Professional-X range is all the proof you need.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Take the EGO Power+ blower. It’s powered by the most technologically advanced, petrol-matching,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lithium-ion battery system out there. It’s built tough to withstand all-day use in any weather.

Apprentice of the year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Its impressive airflow beats every other handheld blower on the market, and while it packs all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    power of petrol, it’s significantly quieter, vibrates less and gives off zero emissions.
                                                                                                                                      Industry-leading professional warranties*
Sponsored by Kramp UK
Presenting Award: Neil Benbow, UK Field Sales Manager
                                                                                                                                           3 YEAR                       3 YEAR                                                                    THE NEW EGO 56V PROFESSIONAL-X RANGE.
                                                                                                                                          TOOL WARRANTY               BATTERY WARRANTY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            THERE’S NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT.
Winner: Iwan Ellis Hughes Bros, Oswestry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #powerreimagined
                                                                                        Iwan Ellis with
Iwan Ellis received a ringing endorsement   well on his way to becoming a qualified     Neil Benbow
from the team at Hughes Bros, who are       agricultural engineer.
thoroughly impressed with the speed of         Iwan embraces the ever-evolving
his improvement, now describing him         future of agricultural technologies and        Finalists:
as an integral member of their service      has gained a good understanding of             Robbie Gray,
team. Currently in his third year of the    the telematics systems seen in new             Hamilton Ross Group
Kubota UK Apprentice scheme, he is          machinery.                                                                      
                                                                                           Harry Peck, Crawfords                                                                                                                                                              PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                                                      *See website for full terms & conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SERVICE DEALER                 17
CONFERENCE & AWARDS ‘21                                                                                                                                                                                    CONFERENCE & AWARDS ‘21

Star of the dealership                                                                                                       Outstanding contribution awards
Sponsored by Ibcos/Catalyst                                                                                                                                          Sponsored by Service Dealer
Presenting Award: James Buchanan, Sales Director                                                                                            Presenting Awards: Duncan Murray-Clarke, Service Dealer owner & Pete McArthur,
                                                                                                                                                              Strathbogie Forest & Garden (via video link)
Winner: Kelly Burges Buxtons, Teddesley, Staffordshire
Kelly Burgess has not only excelled          Covid-19, created and donated 100s
in her existing role as key accounts         of care packages for the homeless,         Kelly Burgess with
manager, but also helped others inside       as well as supporting countless other      James Buchanan
and outside Buxtons.                         charities.
   Trying her hand at shopfitting, project      Kelly’s employers say she has
management, and graphic design to            always shown selflessness and drive,         Finalists:
help take stress off other members           but during the pandemic she’s truly          Diane Cowell,
of staff, she has also personally            demonstrated how far she will go to          GGM Groundscare
volunteered to help mistreated animals,      help others, no matter the cost.
assist people self-isolating with
                                                                                          Hannah Kelsey,
                                                                                          R W Crawfords
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Robin Lennie with

Overall dealer of the year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Service Dealer owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Duncan Murray-Clarke

                                                                                       Sponsored by Kramp UK                 Winner: Robin Lennie                                                Winner: Kevin Ashmore
                                                                                       Presenting Award: Neil Benbow,        Retired STIHL UK                                                    Retired Husqvarna UK
                                                                                       UK Field Sales Manager                Robin Lennie joined STIHL GB in 1990 as finance director            Kevin Ashmore can claim 38 years working in our
                                                                                                                             and company secretary, being promoted to managing                   industry. After school he studied at Nottingham College
                                                                                       Winner:                               director in 2008. Having studied accountancy, law &                 of Agriculture and Rycotewood College of Engineering,
                                                                                       Hayes Machinery                       economics at The University of Glasgow, Robin qualified             before moving into the dealer sector. He worked at
                                                                                       South Moulton, Devon                  as a chartered accountant in 1978 and as an IOD                     Beeley Grass Machinery in Mansfield for several years
                                                                                                                             chartered director in 2006.                                         before joining Husqvarna as an Area Business manager
                                                                                       Hayes Machinery have got                 Robin left the company at the start of 2021 in rude              in 1995.
                                                                                       themselves noticed these past         financial health. During his tenure as managing director,              Staying with the Newton Aycliffe-based manufacturer
                                                                                       two years. Following the bold         the company increased turnover from £57m in 2008 to                 for a total of 26 years, he was first promoted to Regional
                                                                                       step of closing one branch to fully   over £109m in 2019.                                                 Sales Manager for the North before becoming UK
                                                                                       concentrate on their South Moulton       Very much a people person, Robin attributes this success         Sales Manager in 2009, managing the whole UK sales
                                                                                       HQ, the company has gone from         to the teamwork he enjoyed with his Camberley colleagues            organisation.
                                                                                       strength to strength. Raising their   – and of course to the STIHL Approved Dealers who he                   In 2013 Kevin moved across to take on the challenge
                                                                                       profile via countless well-viewed     holds dear to his heart.                                            of UK Commercial Landscape & Groundcare Manager
                                                                                       YouTube videos, live launches,           Memorable moments for Robin include in 2016, ten years           until his retirement. During Kevin’s time in this role, he
                                                                                       Dealer Toolkit appearances and        after taking over the reigns as MD, sales hitting the magic         was involved with the launch of many new ventures for
                                                                                       magazine covers, Hayes have           £100m for the first time on the last working day of the year.       Husqvarna, including
                                                                                       evolved the dealership to meet the    And in October 2018 the celebrations around STIHL Great             Automower robotics,
                                                                                       changing needs and habits of their    Britain’s 40th anniversary in Liverpool. A special event where      Autotune chainsaws,
                                                                                       consumers.                            Robin was delighted to welcome most of their dealers, the           Battery products and
                                                                                          Driven by James Hayes, dynamic     STIHL Board and also Dr Nikolas STIHL to a conference,              Fleet Services.
                                                                                       leadership, the team has embraced     dinner and awards ceremony.                                            A popular member
                                                                                       new products and technologies            Recent circumstances dictated that Robin’s retirement            of the team, and held
                                                                                       – recently diversifying into new      didn’t go exactly as planned. He had intended to spend              in real affection by all
                                                                                       machinery sectors.                    his last year travelling the country, visiting many of his loyal,   his dealers, Service
                                                                                                                             experienced dealers with whom he has developed a strong,            Dealer thanks Kevin
                                                                                                                             trusting relationship over the years. Service Dealer hopes          for his contribution to     Kevin Ashmore was unable to attend,
                                                        James Hayes with Neil Benbow                                         this award goes some way to expressing the high regard the          the industry.               pictured: Jonathan Snowball accepted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the award on his behalf
                                                                                                                             industry holds him in.

18   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SERVICE DEALER       19

                                                                                                                                world: What does the future look like for your business?’,      bring more meaning and purpose to the heart of employee
                                                                                                                                pointed out that, just like coronavirus, many issues that may   care.
                                                                                                                                affect ag, turf and outdoor power dealer businesses are            “Stratification of jobs isn’t helping here, with fewer
                                                                                                                                unpredictable and difficult to prepare for                      opportunities to progress, particularly as industries change.

                  Service Dealer Conference ‘21
                                                                                                                                   “On average, a new infectious disease emerges in             As an example, an Uber driver is unlikely to become an
                                                                                                                                humans every four months, but while the world can               Uber computer coder. These issues go some way to explain
                                                                                                                                manage issues like coronavirus with self-isolation and          why the job quit rate is at an all-time high, and why the cost
                                                                                                                                inoculation, solutions to issues like population growth         of recruitment is 122% of an average annual salary.
                                                   by Martin Rickatson
                                                                                                                                and climate change are much more complex – not one                 “We can’t predict how the move to working from home
                                                                                                                                thing, but potentially an era. Diversion of investment, plus    where possible may pan out, but the pandemic has jolted
                                                                                                                                innovation and fair treatment will be needed to challenge       us into the awareness that, while it may not work for
                                                                                                                                these. Industries and businesses must recognise the need        things like mechanically fixing machines, different models

                                                            #ServiceDealer19                                                    for environmental efficiency and real corporate social          of working are possible in many cases. The power of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A 60ft tree was installed for climbing demos

                                             After coronavirus caused its cancellation in 2020,
                                             the easing of restrictions coupled with careful
                                             respect for covid protocols meant the Service
                                             Dealer conference returned to the calendar in
                                             November. With the virus having changed much
                                             of how businesses operate, the ‘Smart Working’                                                                                                                                                  Ed Gillespie presenting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             on stage ‘Smart working

 Service Dealer owner Duncan Murray-Clarke   theme underpinned some fascinating talks and                                                                                                                                                    in a changing world

 opens the 2021 Conference
                                             seminars, reports MARTIN RICKATSON

                                                                                                                                responsibility, and how it can benefit the bottom line,         technology has enabled us to find new ways of working,
         rom external parts                  back in November, and underpinned         normal. And in the trade publishing      perhaps by working together more in these areas.                both independently and together.
         collection points to one-           its subtitle, ‘Smart Working’. Duncan     industry we set out to bring together       “Some suggest the driver is not population growth as            “In a similar vein, people are losing interest in formerly
         way showrooms to Zoom               Murray-Clarke, owner of Service           ideas and approaches, co-ordinating      such, but the consumption rise this causes, especially as       trusted institutions to provide reassurance with things like
         meetings, the farm, turf,           Dealer and its publisher, The Ad Plain,   dealer group calls to share ideas, and   living standards continue to rise. The poorest 50% of the       product testing, and turning to the opinions of others via
         outdoor power and garden            opened proceedings by welcoming           launching two digital toolkits to help   global population are thought to be responsible for only 10%    things like online review sites and putting more faith in the
machinery trades have adapted to             attendees and the conference              handle industry changes, with a third    of CO2 emissions. And doing more online is not necessarily      opinions that others have of goods.”
whole new ways of working over               sponsors, including Kramp, Ibcos and      imminent.”                               the answer – the online world requires vast amounts of
the past two years. But whether              Catalyst, AGCO, Husqvarna, Kubota,                                                 energy, and could represent 20% of global electricity           The power of tech – and of people, too
it’s an online sales conference              Toro and Hayter, BAGMA and PSD            What does the future look                consumption by 2030.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Many bosses believe their businesses will not survive in
rather than a get-together of multi-         Groundscare.                              like for your business?                     “A lot of businesses talk about sustainability, but this
                                                                                                                                                                                                their current forms if they do not adapt to the rapid pace of
branch sales staff, or a novel way              “The changes the pandemic brought                                               is only really a sticking plaster along the road to the real
                                                                                       But challenges will, of course, always                                                                   digitalisation, Ed suggested.
of communicating to customers                were soon accepted and adapted to                                                  future of regenerative business. Choices we make now can
                                                                                       be a part of the dealership trade,                                                                          “Digitalisation and data science provides the power to
who have moved to getting more of            by the dealer network, with some often                                             affect seven generations older and younger than us, and
                                                                                       just as they are of life generally.                                                                      challenge old established habits, through the speed of the
their information online during the          unique practical problem solving,”                                                 businesses need to recognise this when making decisions.
                                                                                       Foreseeing them is far from simple,                                                                      analysis they enable, allowing decisions to be made faster,
pandemic, the benefits provided by           pointed out Duncan.                                                                   “This is why employee engagement is so important.
                                                                                       explained the first speaker of the                                                                       among other benefits. But digital transformation can also
new methods of smart working mean               “People focused more on homes                                                   Studies show 80% of employees are not engaged – or are
                                                                                       day, Ed Gillespie, a ‘future analyst’                                                                    fail if goals are unclear, expertise is lacking, there is internal
they look like they’re set to stay.          and gardens, and while it took some                                                actively disengaged – at work. They’re not interested in
                                                                                       who specialises in researching and                                                                       resistance, the focus is solely on the technology, and if the
   It was this that set the scene for        time for the turfcare sector to re-                                                what they are doing. Businesses need to address that. Many
                                                                                       advising on trends. His presentation,                                                                    old pre-digital culture is retained. According to the journal
the 2021 Service Dealer conference           open, agriculture carried on almost as                                             organisations talk about mental health, but perhaps need to
                                                                                       titled ‘Smart working in a changing                                                                      Psychology Today, it takes an average 66 days for a new

20   SERVICE DEALER                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SERVICE DEALER       21

behaviour to become a habit. That’s             of companies: the brave and the dead.”      communication. People now complain
what’s required to change behaviours.                                                       and fix things by going onto social
The barrier is often the heart and the          Make your social media                      media. People don’t trust social media,
mindset. The coronavirus pandemic,              mean something                              but you have to consistently show
though, has forced businesses to                ‘How to have social media success           up to change that. Ultimately they
quickly adapt to multiple changes.              and use it to find your next customer’      want engagement and interaction,
   “At the same time, it has brought            summarised the break-out session            as people want to buy from people.
about consumer changes too.                     talk of social media expert Teresa          Spend as much time on engagement
With more working from home, the                Heath-Wareing, who opened by                as on posting – for example, asking
pandemic could well change the role             suggesting that, although social media      questions that invite replies. Multiple
of men in the family, for example, with         is computer/smartphone based in its         responses will maintain a post’s profile.
associated consequences for things              delivery, the essence of how it’s used          “Video has a big role to play. It
like buying decisions. “                        to say and do things is about building      needn’t be long or overly professional.
   But returning to his point about             relationships.                              Try something different. You need to
engagement with employees and                       “Social media has moved on from         have the courage to stand-out. Don’t
customers, Ed suggested technology              ‘this is who we are, what we offer, buy     fear looking like an idiot.
will not be the answer to all of                from us, goodbye’,” she suggested.              “From a business product point of
tomorrow’s problems.                                “It’s moved beyond gathering            view, such as a dealership, a similar
   “Take electric cars. While they              ‘likes’ to become much more about           approach might be to say, ‘What
may play a part in                                                                                              problems do potential

                                “You don’t need to be on
reducing our impact                                                                                             customers have that
on the environment,                                                                                             we can fix?’ And by

they won’t alter
issues such as road
                              every platform. Analyse who                                                       that I don’t just mean
                                                                                                                the obvious machine
congestion. You’re
never ‘stuck in’ traffic
                              your target audience is, and                                                      issues, but also other
                                                                                                                things your customers
– you ‘are’ traffic.               plan accordingly.”                                                           may be struggling with.
   “Beyond technology,                                                                                             “Be hard on
one of the big drivers of tomorrow will                                                     yourself and ask ‘who cares?’ about
be closer co-operation, an idea that,                                                       what you post. The day you plant the
                                                                                                                                                   ERNEST DOE & SONS                               SAM TURNER & SONS
when it comes to business, is much                                                          seed is not the day you pick the fruit,                  BEST NEW INITIATIVE                              EXTRA MILE AWARD
older than the competition principle                                                        and what you put up in any one post
that underlies conventional capitalism.                                                     should be part of a plan to take your
By encouraging employees and                                                                relationship with existing and potential
others involved to take an interest                                                         customers to where you want it to be.”                   CHRIS GIBSON,                                     KELLY BURGESS
and involvement in a business’s                                                                 Achieving good customer interaction                GGM GROUNDSCARE                                         BUXTONS
management, companies have                                                                  with your social media is one thing, but                 LEADERSHIP AWARD                                 STAR OF THE DEALERSHIP
much greater potential – studies                                                            the media platforms themselves will
show businesses who engage their                                                            also give your posts more prominence
employees this way grow on average                                                          if their algorithms show they are getting
28 times faster than others. To do this                                                     good engagement, pointed out Teresa.
                                                 Social media expert Teresa Heath-Wareing
requires bravery, but there are two kinds                                                       “Algorithms work by identifying                          Toro U.K. Limited - Proud to work with award winning dealers.

                                                                                                                                          Over the past 75 years, we at Toro U.K. Limited (formally Hayter Limited) have had the honour
                                                                                                                                          to work with our award-winning Dealers for many generations.

                                                                                                                                          Through an expanding network of Dealers, we proudly offer a wide range of products
                                                                                                                                          across our two growing brands, Hayter® and Toro®. Together, these brands are trusted by
                                                                                                                                          golf courses, landscape and construction professionals, groundskeepers, councils and
                                                                                                                                          homewowners - in addition to many sports venues and historic sites around the world, such
                                                                                                                                          as the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

                                                                                                                                          If you’re interesting in partnering with us at Toro U.K. Limited then please email
 Full house - Teresa Heath-Wareing’s workshop

SERVICE DEALER CONFERENCE                                                                                                                                                                                                          SERVICE DEALER CONFERENCE

a post that worked really well, and                                                              “This has been the background to our        set to potentially overhaul the machinery          analysis and per-plant action is already             every plant in the field – crop and
then heightening the profile of other                                                        Small Robot machine development. It’s           market in the long term. Pointing to data          possible, and is more cost-effective as              non-crop. We already have Toms
following posts because of that. What                                                        wasteful and expensive to target whole          which suggests 85% of UK farms are                 it strips out waste.                                 on three farms in Hants generating
you need to do for a post to work well                                                       fields, so we’ve focused on per-plant           not profitable without support, and that               “Our Tom robot weighs just 200kg,                per-plant data, and currently put this
is educate, entertain and make an offer.                                                     application, and on also giving farmers         there has been a 150% increase in farm             with an impact of a third of a human foot.           into spot-spray maps. On one estate
When you post, in essence you’re not                                                         the confidence to not take action where         costs over the past 20 years, plus an              It’s electrically powered, and its biggest           it’s helped reduce herbicide use by
up against another dealer, but the next                                                      it’s not required.                              84% increase in resistant weeds and                energy consumer is its processing                    60%. A Tom can easily fit into a Transit
thing on social media, the next thing                                                            “We know technology is useless unless       £1bn lost earnings from soil compaction,           power. Our second robot, Dick, takes                 van, and can operate up to the critical
the viewer can do with their time. That’s                                                    it can be put in the hands of people who        he suggests that per-plant farming will            the info that Tom has provided and acts              growth stage 31 in cereals.
what gets engagement.                                                                        need it, and they are supported in its use.     be dominant in the next two decades.               on it via technologies such as electrical                “We are ready with this technology
   “To educate, you need to display your                                                     It’s not the machine that matters in itself –     “Autonomous fieldwork using a                    destruction of weeds. By gathering data              – we simply need to determine how to
content – blogs, videos, podcasts, other                                                     it’s the customer happiness.”                   robot-powered system of per-plant                  on a two-weekly basis, we determine                  support it on a wide scale.”
people’s content, tips, stats and facts,                                                         The firm already has its robots, Tom,
awards, accolades and FAQs. Try and be                                                       Dick and Harry, which are programmed
unbiased. To entertain, create content                                                       to identify and later treat field issue
that’s perhaps humorous, but also social     Ben Scott-Robinson, the Small Robot Company     areas, at work on UK farms. As it
(as in events and happenings), seasonal,                                                     expands, it is seeking to identify how it
                                               “Twitter content is easier to create,
personal – talking about your team –                                                         will sell, service and support these on a
                                            being shorter, and it’s very interactive
and share your story, offering a glimpse                                                     full commercial basis.
                                            – as with Instagram you can talk to
behind the scenes.                                                                               Dealers in the audience suggested
                                            anyone on the platform. It’s also easy
   “Only then make the offer. Focus                                                          the firm would need to break down
                                            to share, with strong use of hashtags.
on USPs, products and services,                                                              barriers, such as suspicion of driverless
                                            But again there are lots of fake/spam
competitions, sales and offers, lead                                                         technology, and the issue of what key
                                            accounts, plus a character limit, and it’s
magnets, newsletter sign-ups, new                                                            franchise manufacturers may think and
                                            very fast-moving.”
products. Remember that you don’t                                                            whether they would perceive robot sales
                                               “Pinterest is more of an image-led
own the social media platform you’re                                                         as a threat, plus questions over parts,
                                            search engine, and is perfect for driving
using, and can easily go against their                                                       service and support. One suggested
                                            website traffic. It’s easy to find things, and
rules if not careful, for example, with                                                      dealers would need as many touch
                                            posts have a very long lifespan. You don’t
some competitions, so ensure you also                                                        points as possible in order to make a
                                            have to do much engagement, if any.
gather email addresses to avoid losing                                                       profit from supporting such machines,
the chance to gather contacts. And                                                           while another suggested that alternative         The Conference discussion panel on stage (L) Duncan Murray-Clarke, Geoff Thompson, Teresa Heath-Wareing, Graham Parker and Ed Gillespie
don’t be afraid to tell people what you
                                            New technology will                              sales and support methods may be
want them to do, such as ‘head to our
                                            empower and not replace                          necessary, particularly as residual
website and grab one today’.”               you – dealers’ place in the                      values have yet to be established. It was       Where do we go now?                                but also isolation and motivation, and               looking for lawn equipment service.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                some prefer the office. We now have a                   He echoed Graham Parker’s
   Teresa also gave a ‘social media         robot revolution                                 suggested that a ‘power by the hour’            The day’s concluding panel discussion              broader approach to people’s situations              comments that some staff who could
masterclass’, in which she urged            Ben Scott-Robinson, business partner of          rental agreement may be preferable,             saw the conference speakers joined by              and are more sympathetic. If the job                 work from home wanted to return to
audience members not to spread their        Sam Watson-Jones at the autonomous               particularly as farmers generally do not        a couple of additional contributors from           gets done it doesn’t matter where                    the office.
marketing efforts too thinly.               start-up the Small Robot Company,                want to worry about service issues,             the audience. To kick off, Ed Gillespie            people are. But physical premises will                  “It’s important to listen to staff and
   “You don’t need to be on every           was the second break-out session                 instead usually sourcing full warranties        asked what those present had learned               always be important in this business –               work with them. And we shouldn’t forget
platform. Analyse who your target           speaker, and began by suggesting that            for the lifespan of a machine. Another          from the new ways of working they had              we’ve recently opened a new branch.                  how much can be done face-to-face
audience is, and plan accordingly.          agriculture may be coming to the point           audience member pointed out that                adapted to over the past two years, and               “The pandemic has driven us to                    – email, for example, can be used too
Facebook is the largest platform, but is    many other sectors already have, where           lighter and more agile machines were            how much of what had changed was                   become better with technology than                   much, and sometimes a call or meeting
all about communication, community,         chasing economies of scale has begun             likely to result in less service and parts      likely to stay that way, or be part of a           perhaps we were. But being a large                   may be preferable. But longer-term it
engagement, interaction. ‘Here’s my         to result in diminishing returns.                revenue – not a problem for the farmer,         new hybrid way of working.                         business meant we had marketing                      will be interesting to see what changes
product’ posts don’t work very well. It’s      “Developments in computing                    but perhaps difficult to base a service            “We now run sales meetings more                 people in place to help.”                            might affect issues such as rates for
great for community and groups, but has     power and digital tech are completely            model and profitable service income             regularly on line, holding more of them,              Geoff Thompson, part of the sales                 those working from home.”
a low organic reach. And only about 1-3%    changing the structure of how many               around. Revenue from sales/leasing/hire         but with the result they are shorter,              team at Oxon John Deere dealer                          Geoff and Graham also agreed that,
of the people who follow your page read     industries work,” he pointed out.                would have to be higher to replace this,        faster and more effective – and, of                Farol, suggested that having a supplier              with people being creatures of habit,
your stuff. Shares and comments are            “The gains made from achieving                it was suggested.                               course, cheaper,” explained Graham                 already very progressive in remote                   there is a danger some businesses may
what you need – likes aren’t worth much.    greater yields via more inputs and                                                               Parker, sales director at Ernest Doe.              working and remote customer support                  revert to old habits post-pandemic and
   “Instagram is owned by Facebook, and                                                                                                         “But I think meeting personally
is all about images, and therefore good
                                            machinery all but ceased around the              The fourth agricultural                                                                            had helped his firm’s business.                      slip away from the best of the changed
                                            year 2000, and more recently there’s                                                             remains important, and we’ll probably                                                                   practices that have been adopted.
for product businesses. But you cannot      been a gradual decline. This is coupled
                                                                                             revolution – sooner than                        work on a 4:1 ratio of on:offline
                                                                                                                                                                                                   “But initiatives of our own, such
                                                                                                                                                                                                as an established online shop, also                  Ed also raised the issue of some
share others’ posts and there are lots of   with a support transition towards                you think                                       meetings. Care is needed, though, with                                                                  organisations’ distrust of employee
                                                                                                                                                                                                helped – sales via that went through
fake/spam accounts, and people can buy      more environmentally sustainable and             Ben Scott-Robinson also gave a later            the working from home idea – it’s not              the roof when the pandemic struck,                   autonomy. All in all, there was plenty of
fake followings and engagements.            regenerative farming methods.                    talk on the robotic revolution that looks       just about trust to get the job done,              as did sales of service kits to people               food for thought.

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