Page created by Edith Hayes


           +                             THE 2021 BEAUTY
    T H E U LT I M AT E
  E N D U R A N C E T E ST               TOP 100
                                         Ranking the World’s
  WHY CONFIDENCE                         Leading Companies
      IN A JAR

JULY 12 – 14, 2022


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                                                                                                                                            JENNY B. FINE EXECUTIVE EDITOR, BEAUTY
                                                                                                                                            JENNIFER WEIL EUROPEAN BEAUTY EDITOR
                                                                                                                                            ALLISON COLLINS SENIOR EDITOR, BEAUTY
                                                                                                                                            RYMA CHIKHOUNE STAFF WRITER, BEAUTY
                                                                                                                                            JAMES MANSO BEAUTY MARKET EDITOR

                                                                                                                                            JAMES FALLON EDITORIAL DIRECTOR, FAIRCHILD FASHION MEDIA
                                                                                                                                            PETE BORN EDITOR AT LARGE, WWD

                                                                                                                                            SAMANTHA CONTI (LONDON) BOOTH MOORE (LOS ANGELES)
                                                                                                                                            SANDRA SALIBIAN (MILAN)


                                                                                                                                            MAUREEN MORRISON-SHULAS COPY CHIEF
                                                                                                                                            DANIELLE GILLIARD, DEANNA MARTIN COPY EDITORS

                                                                                                                                            ART DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                                                            TIRSO GAMBOA VICE PRESIDENT, CREATIVE

                                                                                                                                            JESSICA SARRO ART DIRECTOR
                                        HAT A DIFFERENCE a year makes.                                                                      JESSICA FITZGERALD ART DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                            JASMINE CHEN DESIGNER
                               Just take a look at the 2021 WWD Beauty Top 100, our annual
                            ranking of the world’s largest beauty manufacturers by sales.                                                   JENNA GREENE VISUAL MEDIA DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                            JILLIAN SOLLAZZO SENIOR VISUAL MEDIA EDITOR
                               After posting the first decline in Top 100 history in 2020, the                                              SARAH JACOBS VISUAL MEDIA EDITOR
                            industry roared back last year. Total sales for all 100 companies                                               GEORGE CHINSEE, LEXIE MORELAND PHOTOGRAPHERS

                            reached $235.35 billion, an increase of 10.7 percent year-over-                                                 ADVERTISING
                            year, and a 3.4 percent uptick versus pre-pandemic 2019 levels.                                                 AMANDA SMITH PRESIDENT, FAIRCHILD MEDIA GROUP
                                                                                                                                            AMANDA BOYLE BEAUTY DIRECTOR
More than half of the companies that made the list exceeded their 2019 volume, including                                                    SUE JIN LEE DIRECTOR, PARTNERSHIPS & AUDIENCE MANAGEMENT
top-ranked L’Oréal, which accounted for 16.2 percent of total sales. In all, the ranking                                                    AMY MACAULEY WEST COAST DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                            JENNIFER PETERSEN FASHION & LUXURY AD DIRECTOR
paints a picture of an industry that is rapidly changing and expanding, with a slew of new                                                  ELISABETH SUGY RAWSON EUROPEAN DIRECTOR, FRANCE
companies from China making their debut on the Top 100, and others that went public                                                         MARKETING
during the year. The full list starts on page 10.                                                                                           WILLIAM GASPERONI VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                                                                            LAUREN-ASHLEY SPENCER DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & FAIRCHILD STUDIO
   While Coty didn’t surpass its 2019 turnover, when the company still owned the Wella/                                                     ABBIE BARON DIRECTOR OF CLIENT ACTIVATIONS
Professional hair business, its performance was nevertheless superb, as it rose from number                                                 JILLIAN VESIA ASSOCIATE MANAGER, INTEGRATED MARKETING

14 to number 10 in the rank under the leadership of chief executive officer Sue Nabi.                                                       OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                            ASHLEY FARADINEH DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS
   For Coty, it doesn’t mark a comeback as much as it does a reinvention. Nabi, a beauty                                                    EMANUELA ALTIMANI SENIOR SALES COORDINATOR
industry veteran who was a senior executive at L’Oréal before leaving to start the skin care                                                ALAINA RANDAZZO INTEGRATED MARKETING & DIGITAL SALES PLANNER

brand Orveda, has brought consistency, focus and a very clear vision for the future to a                                                    PRODUCTION
business that had been floundering for years. “The world of beauty is about being different,”                                               KEVIN HURLEY PRODUCTION DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                            ANNE LEONARD PRODUCTION MANAGER
she told WWD’s European beauty editor, Jennifer Weil. “If you look different, do different
                                                                                                                                            PREPRESS PRODUCTION
things — language, product, presentation — then you can command the price you want,                                                         THERESE HURTER PREMEDIA SPECIALIST
because you are unique. Uniqueness has no price.”
                                                                                                                                            FAIRCHILD LIVE
   A brand strategist at heart who is said to be an equally adept operator and well-respected                                               MARY ANN BACHER EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR
leader, Nabi has quickly reoriented the enterprise, focusing on building out high-growth
categories like skin care and doubling down on the company’s business in China. So far,
                                                                                                                                            FAIRCHILD PUBLISHING LLC IS A DIVISION OF PENSKE MEDIA CORPORATION
Wall Street likes what it sees. Coty’s stock price has almost doubled in the year since Nabi
                                                                                                                                            JAY PENSKE CHAIRMAN & CEO
took the reins — and she’s just getting started. To discover what Coty’s future holds, turn
to “A Clear Path Forward” on page 30.                                                                                                       GERRY BYRNE VICE CHAIRMAN
                                                                                                                                            GEORGE GROBAR CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER
   No doubt, the journey will be difficult and there will be hurdles along the way. But as                                                  SARLINA SEE CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER
triathlete Marie-Pierre Stark-Flora, another industry veteran-turned-entrepreneur, knows,                                                   CRAIG PERREAULT CHIEF DIGITAL OFFICER
                                                                                                                                            TODD GREENE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS AFFAIRS &
there is opportunity in challenge, whether you’re building a business or competing in a                                                     CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER
                                                                                                                                            MARK HOWARD CHIEF ADVERTISING & PARTNERSHIPS OFFICER
five-day extreme race in the Sahara. “You have to be ready for absolutely anything,” she                                                    PAUL RAINEY EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS & FINANCE
told me in “Going the Distance” on page 34, “and believe in yourself and trust in others.”                                                  TOM FINN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS & FINANCE
                                                                                                                                            JENNY CONNELLY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, PRODUCT & ENGINEERING
                                                                                                                                            DEBASHISH GHOSH MANAGING DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL MARKETS
                                                                                                                                            JUDITH R. MARGOLIN SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL
                                                                                                                                            KEN DELALCAZAR SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE
                                                                                                                                            LAUREN UTECHT SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, HUMAN RESOURCES
                                                                                                                                            MARISSA O’HARE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                                                            NELSON ANDERSON SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CREATIVE
                                                                                                                                            RACHEL TERRACE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, LICENSING & BRAND DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                                                            ADRIAN WHITE VICE PRESIDENT & ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL
                                                                                                                                            ANNE DOYLE VICE PRESIDENT, HUMAN RESOURCES
                                                                                                                                            BRIAN LEVINE VICE PRESIDENT, REVENUE OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                            BROOKE JAFFE VICE PRESIDENT, PUBLIC AFFAIRS & STRATEGY
                                                                                                                                            CONSTANCE EJUMA VICE PRESIDENT, SEO
                                                                                                                                            DAN FEINBERG VICE PRESIDENT & ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL
                                                                                                                Jenny B. Fine               ELLEN DEALY VICE PRESIDENT, AUDIENCE MARKETING & SPECIAL PROJECTS
                                                                                                                @jennybefine                FRANK MCCALLICK VICE PRESIDENT, GLOBAL TAX
                                                                                                                                            GABRIEL KOEN VICE PRESIDENT, TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                                            JACIE BRANDES VICE PRESIDENT, PORTFOLIO SALES
                                                                                                                                            JAMIE MILES VICE PRESIDENT, E-COMMERCE
                                                                                                                                            JERRY RUIZ VICE PRESIDENT, ACQUISITIONS & OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                            JONI ANTONACCI VICE PRESIDENT, PRODUCTION OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                            KAREN REED VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE
                                                                                                                                            MIKE MONROE CMO, HEAD OF PMC STUDIOS
RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. VOLUME 217, NO 2., April 22, 2022. WWD (ISSN0149-5380) is printed Bimonthly in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct,     NICI CATTON VICE PRESIDENT, PRODUCT DELIVERY
and Dec, by Fairchild Media, LLC, which is a division of Penske Business Media, LLC. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 475 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10017.
Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. Canada Post: return undeliverable Canadian addresses to        NOEMI LAZO VICE PRESIDENT, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE & MARKETING OPERATIONS
IL 60197-6505. For New York Hand Delivery Service address changes or inquiries, please contact Mitchell’s NY at 1-800-662-2275, option 7.   VICTOR HENDRICKSON VICE PRESIDENT, ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WWD BEAUTY INC   3

                                                                                                                                               Stephanie Headley

For Olay’s Stephanie Headley, the
secret to winning in skin care lies
in empowering consumers to put
their best face forward.

OLAY HAS A new leader at its helm and she’s
on a mission to see the skin care brand inside
everyone’s medicine cabinet.
   Stephanie Headley, P&G’s senior vice president
and brand franchise leader of Olay and North
America Skincare (which puts DermaGeek and
Native under her purview, too), may be newly
titled but she’s a veteran at the organization. She’s
spent more than 20 years driving a more inclusive
definition of beauty for both the business and the
industry at large. Now, she takes the helm as the first
Black woman and first woman of color in the role.
   Having seen her grandmother apply Olay Pink
Beauty Fluid as a child, Headley is channeling
both her near and distant past to drive one of
skin care’s largest global brands forward into a
fresh future. Here, Beauty Inc sits with the leader
to learn what makes her tick, how inclusive
beauty manifests under her watch and her
thoughts on the state of skin care.

How are things looking from your current
perch in this new role within P&G?
Well, I think of it as being able to do things on
a much larger scale. When I think about the
purpose of Olay, we want to inspire each and
every woman to have the confidence to be fearless         Queen Collective [a short film mentoring and         What’s your assessment of the skin care
to face anything. I really take that to heart. I          development program], Free the Bid [a nonprofit      category overall and Olay’s place in that
believe in that purpose and I try to bring it to life     initiative advocating on behalf of women             universe?
in everything we do as she selects her skin care,         directors for equal opportunities] and other         It’s always an exciting time in skin care and
so that she’s more confident to face her day, and         organizations to make sure that we’re inclusive      what a unique opportunity we’re facing right
really confident to face her life.                        of women directors, that we’re putting women of      now. We’re reemerging from the pandemic. We
   We’ve done a lot of work already to make sure          color in front of and behind the camera, so I’m      have actually picked up some new habits of skin
that every jar in the jar bar, like vitamin C, which      really excited about those opportunities.            care being self care. We’ve changed the way that
is our latest, has the best ingredients. We know             We [also] want to double the number of            we’re shopping for skin care. We know that Gen
that women are searching for what ingredients             women of color who are pursuing STEM [science,       Z consumers have an insatiable appetite for how
are right for them and we want to bring them              technology, engineering and math] fields. Science    products work, what’s right for their skin and
the best ingredients with great quality, perfect          matters and there’s a lot of science in every one    science. All of that is setting Olay up to be the
craftsmanship and at a great value, so I’m really         of these jars. We want to continue to give more      perfect brand of choice.
looking forward to continuing to do that.                 women the opportunity to pursue careers in
   We also know it’s super important for                  STEM and close that STEM gap by 2030. [The           You still refer to your consumer with she/
consumers to see themselves in the brand and              gap is that women hold only 24 percent of these      her pronouns — how is Olay embracing
the brand reflects their values, so I’m excited           roles, according to Olay.] So, from this position    inclusivity in that area?
to continue to tell stories that reflect the              and from this role, I’m just over the moon excited   What we’ve found is about 10 percent of our
consumers we want to serve, the women in front            about the opportunity to make a lot of progress in   consumers are men and not women, or nonbinary.
of and behind the camera. We partner with the             all of those areas.                                  So we want all people to feel that they can 

Photographer Didier D. Daarwin
Getty Images/Tetra Images
Getty Images/John W Banagan










be fearless to face anything, but the legacy of                                                               Speaking of seeing the world, you’re a traveler
                                                                                         Olay has taken an
this brand has been to serve women and we                                                 ingredients-first   at heart — where’s your favorite place?
want to continue to advance that narrative,                                          approach to formulas.    And where’s next on the list?
to be inclusive.                                                                                              Rome is the favorite place. So I’m super eager to
   We’ve also done inclusion in other ways, for                                                               get back into Italy and back to Rome. I would love
example, with our new, easy-to-open lid for people                                                            to also spend some time in Greece — that’s next
with disabilities that includes braille. Our brands                                                           on the list — and maybe Portugal, too.
are continuing to evolve to reflect the values and
the consumers we want to serve.                                                                               What’s something most people don’t know
                                                                                                              about you?
Black women have been left out of skin care                                                                   Most people don’t know that I actually started my
conversations and product targeting for                                                                       professional career as a math teacher. I was a math
so long — how do you ensure this doesn’t                                                                      major, secondary ed, got certified to teach, went
continue to happen?                                                                                           to University of Richmond undergrad and I had —
For me, and for this organization, inclusion and                                                              and I still actually have — an insatiable passion for
belonging is a core value, it’s core to who we                                                                helping people to learn. I didn’t recognize it at the
are and it’s how we do our work. In part of the                                                               time or just didn’t take much notice that
innovation program, I talk about vitamin C a lot                                                              I was a woman of color pursuing STEM and very
because this was actually designed for women of                                                               few of my professors were women — I can think
color and was designed by Dr. Markaisa Black,         What are your top three strategic priorities            of only one — and there were no women of color
who is a woman of color who’s a scientist.            for the year ahead, and what would make you             professors at the time in the university.
   This is where not only do we have our              feel most accomplished in your new role?                   [It has]…even more meaning as Olay
commitments externally, which are great, but          The work and the strategic choices led by Chris         now pursues STEM and the importance of
it’s also important to underscore that we live        Heiert [who’s now heading P&G’s new specialty           representation, that young women can see women
this way, we walk the talk when we have women         beauty division] over the last five years have really   who look like them pursuing STEM careers.
like Dr. Black formulate products for women of        been proven to grow Olay and have created a             What we find is that as girls get to middle and
color. We know that women of color, women who         perfect foundation for me.                              high school ages, they have less confidence about
didn’t fit the prototypical standard of beauty,          My plan is to continue to serve more                 STEM as a career because they just get positive
have been excluded from the beauty industry and       consumers, building on that fantastic foundation        reinforcement in other areas. We want to debunk
I do take it personal that Olay has a role to lead    and I want to inspire more women to be fearless         that and give more representation for these young
that positive change in the industry to be more       to face anything, I want to tell more compelling        girls. We’ve spent about $2 million in scholarships
inclusive, to represent women of color as creators,   stories, create more powerful products with             and mentoring programs to advance our STEM
as scientists, as innovators, as leaders, as brand    ingredients that women can trust really work            ambition and it’s come full circle for me.
builders. Olay has done a tremendous amount           for their skin.
of work — we know there’s plenty more to go,             I think to feel most accomplished is that every      I understand you have a podcast in the works.
but it’s an important role that we play for the       young woman is selecting Olay as their go-to            When can we expect it and what can we
beauty industry.                                      brand as they’re building their skin care routine       expect from it?
   In September, we did a program with Dr. Joy        so that their confidence is really emanating.…          It is under development and it’s really about
Buolamwini called “Decode the Bias” because           That’s the change that I want to make. Whether          leading from a woman of color’s perspective.
we found that while women of color are                that’s a young woman choosing to be a scientist         The shorthand I’ve given it is kind of my “Dilbert”
40 percent of the female population, they’re only     or an engineer or a woman taking on her first job,      [an American comic strip known for its satirical
20 percent of the images we see because               I want to make sure that our products are giving        office humor] experience. I think it’s because,
algorithms have coded in the bias that                women the confidence that they can show up as           in a lot of cases, my ability to be here at P&G at
perpetuates a very narrow standard of beauty.         their full selves.                                      this time and to lead North America Skin, is just
So with her, we partnered to send 1,200 girls                                                                 a representation of the many people I’ve met,
to code camp so that we can code in inclusion.        Among other accolades, you’ve been                      the many mentors, the sponsors and just the fun
                                                      recognized as one of Ebony’s Power 100,                 office tales, so I just wanted to find a fun way to
Where does Olay have the most opportunity             which only goes to those who are really                 share what I’ve learned with others.
to grow?                                              leading in their field. What did that feel like?
We have tremendous opportunity to grow. We            Oh, that was an amazing recognition. I grew             What’s one dream you have yet to accomplish?
have high-quality formulas perfectly crafted to       up with Ebony magazines in my home and I                One dream I would love to have is actually to be
work with women’s skin and we want to serve all       would read those stories and it really broadened        able to interview an amazing panel of women
consumers where and how they want to buy. This        my world on what was possible for me. I have            who’ve been transformative and who’ve had these
is perfectly positioning Olay to continue to serve    continued to have this passion to go see the            unique stories, because as I’ve gotten older
more people and give them confidence to face          world, explore the world and continue to stretch        I have more appreciation for the women who’ve
anything. We saw in the pandemic consumers            myself on what is possible for me. So, to be            been the first. I would love to have either a dinner
shifted online and so now we’re better able to        recognized by the institution of Ebony is just          or a podcast or a book that collects the stories of
serve consumers with the perfect regimen just for     amazing and this is work that I am passionate           the women who were the first, because now
them at when they take the Skin Advisor      about, it’s the work that I’m excited and proud         I recognize more than ever how courageous, how
quiz. So, there is tremendous growth ahead by         to do and I take seriously as my responsibility to      brave, how impactful and destined they actually
responding to how consumers are telling us they       continue to advance the cause, so those who come        were, and I would just love to soak that in and
want to shop and what’s right for them.               behind me can go further and faster than I have.        learn and be able to share that with others. ■


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BEAUT Y BULLETIN                    SHELF LIFE

    SOLID                                                                                                    3

    FOUNDATIONS                                                                           2

    A new crop of concealing and perfecting products
    are coming to market as makeup reignites.
     BY JAMES MANSO                                                                                                      4
    Makeup brands are putting on
    a new face for the category’s
    comeback, with foundations
    and concealers seeing a surge
    of launch activity. “Brands are
    looking at shades,” said Jennifer
    Stansbury, cofounder of the
    Benchmarking Co. “That, in some
    part, has been driven by more
    discussion about diversity and
    consumers of every type.”
    Here, the freshest launches.

    The fashion giant’s first
    foundation has 51 shades with
    three undertones, and a kabuki
    foundation brush to buff out.

    BRIGHT ON CONCEALER, $24.                                9
    Combining vitamin C, red algae
    extract and pearl pigments,
    this delivers hydration and
    coverage for eight hours.

    The latest line from Lip Bar
    mastermind Melissa Butler,                                                                                   7

    Thread Beauty is designed for
    peak play, including these face
    sticks available in 24 shades.

    FOUNDATION, $52.
    Forty-two shades, 86 percent
    skin care ingredients. Dior’s new
    foundation uses extracts of iris,
    hibiscus and wild pansy to boost                                                                                            6

    hydration and prevent oxidation.
                                         7. AMI COLÉ SKIN MELT
    5. DANESSA MYRICKS                   LOOSE POWDER, $22.
    BEAUTY YUMMY SKIN                    For Ami Colé’s first powder,
    SERUM FOUNDATION, $34.               available in six universal shades,
    This good-for-you hybrid has         founder Diarrha N’Diaye used
    refillable packaging, a slew of      baobab seed extract and
    antioxidants and a 26-strong         hyaluronic acid for a glowy finish.
    shade range.
                                         8. KOSAS REVEALER SKIN-
    STICK CONCEALER, $32.                Capitalizing on the popularity        9. CLÉ DE PEAU RADIANT
    In her first venture into            of its concealer, Kosas created       CREAM FOUNDATION, $130.
    complexion, makeup artist            36 shades of a full-face              Available in 31 shades and
    Jillian Dempsey formulated           alternative with a formula that       four different undertones, this
    with sunflower seed oil and          includes arnica, squalane,            contains light enhancers for a
    vitamin E to nurture skin.           niacinamide and caffeine.             lit-from-within look.

8 WWD BEAUTY INC                                                                                                             Photograph by SARAH HOPP
Illustration by LISA SHEEHAN
BEAUTY IS BACK.                              THE SPECTACULAR RISE OF FRAGRANCE, which took many in the industry by surprise, more than
                                             reversing the trend of the prior year, when fragrance was the hardest-hit category by the pandemic. Growth
 THE 2021 WWD                                was led by increased uptake in China and explosive sales in the U.S.

 BEAUTY INC                                  MORE BROADLY, LUXURY PLAYERS PERFORMED WELL. Companies including Chanel, Puig, Sisley and

                                             Hermès all exceeded their 2019 sales.

 story of an industry that has rebounded     MAKEUP CONTINUED TO SUFFER, but is beginning to show signs of a turnaround, notably in mass, and
 from the coronavirus pandemic, with         certain companies are bucking the down trend with TikTok-savvy strategies tapping into young consumer
 overall sales surpassing 2019 pre-          mind-sets. E.l.f. Beauty continued to do well, and U.K.-based fast-beauty player Revolution Beauty made its
 COVID-19 levels.                            entry into the Top 100 for the first time thanks to a major increase in sales. Among larger firms, Coty, which
    Total sales for all 100 companies        had been struggling for years due to the weight of its mass makeup business, made significant inroads in
 reached $235.35 billion, an increase of     turning the business around under CEO Sue Nabi.
 10.7% year-over-year and up 3.4% on a
 two-year stack. L’Oréal accounted for       HIGH-END HAIR CARE GAINED GROUND, with players like Olaplex and Luxury Brand Partners reporting
 16.2% of total sales — an increase of 1.2   significant gains. The Estée Lauder Cos.’ hair care sales were up by an estimated 20%, and Wella’s salon hair
 percentage points compared with 2020        business gained 25%. Professional hair care was a bright spot in Henkel’s portfolio for the year, and Kao saw
 and 1.5 percentage points since 2019.       substantial gains in the salon channel and a strong performance from luxury brand Oribe online.
 The top 10 companies overall generated
 sales of $137.96 billion, or 58.6% of       2021 WAS THE YEAR OF THE BEAUTY SPIN-OFF. Beauty companies took stock during the pandemic, and
 total Top 100 revenues, an increase of 1    are rightsizing or honing their portfolios. Shiseido sold off both its U.S. makeup business and its personal
 percentage point compared with both         care activity in Asia, creating two major new players that took places in the Top 100 in their own right.
 2020 and 2019.
    Of the companies in this year’s          IT WAS ANOTHER STRONG YEAR FOR BEAUTY IPOS. Olaplex floated in September in one of beauty’s
 ranking, 54% saw their sales increase       biggest IPOs, valuing the company at more than $15 billion. Another fast-growing player, the U.K.’s
 both year-over-year and compared            Revolution Beauty, was listed in London.
 with pre-pandemic levels. Another 25%
 registered year-over-year gains, but        WHILE THERE ARE SIGNS SUGGESTING the boom in China is slowing for beauty, the country’s crop of
 still had sales that were down on 2019.     fast-moving beauty players continue to shake things up. New Top 100 entrants this year include Chicmax,
 Some 13 companies saw declines over         which operates the Kans and One Leaf brands and is reportedly plotting an IPO for this year, and Bloomage
 both years.                                 Biotechnology Corp., a specialist in hyaluronic acid production that saw its branded beauty sales soar over
    Looking back 20 years — to the           the past year. The stakes are high, however — while Yatsen, which floated in 2020, continues to grow its
 second year the Top 100 was published       topline, it has struggled with profitability, and its share price has tanked over the past year, from a high of
 — sales for the world’s 100 leading         $24.55 in February 2021 to just 69 cents on March 31, 2022.
 beauty companies have grown by an
 aggregate rate of 153%, while L’Oréal       AMONG THE BIGGEST DECLINERS, Japanese companies have suffered multiple setbacks due to the lack of
 — the world’s number one then as            international travelers to the country, who had provided a significant boost to beauty sales in recent years, an
 now — has nearly tripled its revenues.      ongoing morose economic climate and consumers staying home due to lockdown measures. Shiseido is not the
 In 2001, it registered sales of $11.99      only Japanese player streamlining its portfolio as a result. Domestic rival Kao is also shedding non-core assets.
 billion. While there have been minimal
 fluctuations at the top of the ranking,     WHILE SOCIAL SELLING CONTINUED TO BE A BUZZWORD, many direct sellers struggled. Oriflame said not
 only around 40 players that featured        being able to hold training sessions for its representatives hampered sales, and Groupe Rocher also suffered.
 in 2001 are still in this year’s issue.     Tupperware Brands, a long-standing Top 100 player, exited the ranking. The company is scaling down its
 Others have been snapped up, often by       beauty activity, planning to sell off all but its NaturCare brand. In a similar move early this year, Germany’s
 their larger rivals, overtaken by faster-   Vorwerk sold off the majority of its Jafra operations to Betterware. Natura&Co. is in the midst of a turnaround
 growing players or disappeared from         plan for Avon’s operations. Even among more digitally minded labels, all is not rosy. Alcora Corp., for example,
 the list of beauty majors altogether.       which posted a major sales increase in 2020, saw its revenues drop significantly last year.
    To present a snapshot of what’s been
 going on in beauty over the past year,      NEWER PLAYERS CONTINUED TO GAIN TRACTION. This year’s Top 100 features eight new companies. These
 we took a closer look at some of the        range from carveouts like Victoria’s Secret, Fine Today Shiseido and Orveon, fast-growing newbies including
 trends that stood out among the top         Oddity, best known for its Il Makiage label, and Revolution Beauty, and contract manufacturers or formulators
 100 beauty players for 2021:                that have been flexing their muscles in the branded beauty space, like Bloomage and Maesa.

                                                                                                                                                   WWD BEAUTY INC   11
                                                              BY THE NUMBERS

                                                              THE TOP 100 AT A GLANCE
                                                              TOP 10 SALES GAINS VS. 2020*
                                                                   #65. Bloomage Bio-technology Corporation Ltd.                  +146.6% (EST.)

                                                                                                               #57. Olaplex       +112% (EST.)

                                                                                                               #92. Oddity        +95.6% (EST.)

                                                                                                               #99. Maesa         +78% (EST.)

                                                                                                                  #19. Puig       +72.4% (EST.)

                                                                                             #40. Inter Parfums Inc.              +63.2%
                      COMPILED AND
                      RESEARCHED BY                                                       #68. Hermès International               +46.4%
                      ALEX WYNNE WITH
                      ALLISON COLLINS                                                                      #54. Euroitalia                      +45% (EST.)

                      EDITED BY ALEX WYNNE                                            #93 Revolution Beauty Group                              +40% (EST.)
                      AND JENNY B. FINE
                                                                                                            #98. Alfaparf                    +37%
                      WITH CONTRIBUTIONS
                      FROM: MAYU SAINI
                      (NEW DELHI)
                      SAMANTHA CONTI,                         TOP 10 SALES DECLINES VS. 2020*
                      TIANWEI ZHANG
                                                                                                -21.5% (EST.)                     #84. Lion Corp.
                      ALLISON COLLINS,                                                           -17.6% (EST.)                    #70. Markwins Beauty Brands
                      FAYE BROOKMAN,
                      JAMES MANSO                                                                -17.3% (EST.)                    #79. Guthy-Renker
                      (NEW YORK)
                      RYMA CHIKHOUNE                                                            -16.6% (EST.)                     #86. Jafra Cosmetics International
                      (LOS ANGELES)
                      SANDRA SALIBIAN                                                           -15.5% (EST.)                     #55. Alcora Corp.
                      (MILAN) AND KELLY
                      WETHERILLE (TOKYO)                                                        -13.6% (EST.)                     #100. Able C&C

                      CHARTS COMPILED                                                           -13.2% (EST.)                     #73. Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co.
                      BY ALEX WYNNE
                                                                                                   -13% (EST.)                    #37. Oriflame Holding

                                                                                                -12.5% (EST.)                     #80. Forma Brands
 THE WWD BEAUTY INC TOP 100 ranks the
                                                                                                  -10% (EST.)                     #64. Mandom Corp.
 world’s largest beauty manufacturers. Firms are
 arranged by their beauty sales for the 2021 calendar         *Including the impact of structural changes in scope, e.g. M&A activity.
 year. For those companies whose fiscal year did
 not run from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021, estimates were
 calculated. All sales figures were either obtained from      SALES WERE                           N/A                                                       FLAT
 the companies or generated with the help of industry         UP FOR THE                           2%                                                        3%
 sources, indicated by (EST.) in the ranking.                 MAJORITY OF
 For this list, “beauty” includes fragrance, makeup, skin     VS. 2020:
 care, body care, sun care, hair care, deodorant, plus
 cellulite and shaving products. It does not take into
 account bar soaps, razors, toothpastes, food and diet
 foods, medicines, vitamins, detergents or appliances.                                                                                                              DOWN
 The revenues only include sales of beauty products                                                                                                                    16%
 each firm manufactures and do not include business                            79%
 from private-label lines or products distributed for
 other companies. Information in the main brands
 section reflects each company’s holdings in 2021.

 Year-over-year percentage changes are in reported            BY COUNTRY
 terms, not on a like-for-like or constant-currency
 basis. Due to the exceptional situation generated by
 the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, percentage changes
 on a two-year stack were also included in this year’s                33
 ranking. Non-U.S.-based firms’ sales are converted                                                   13                          11
 into dollars, according to the 2021 average yearly                                                                                                    7                7              5
 exchange rate.*                                                     U.S.                        JAPAN                        FRANCE                  U.K.          CHINA         SWITZERLAND

                                                                                      4                    4                  4                3                3             2
 *CURRENCY CONVERSIONS: Sales figures in
 non-U.S. currencies were converted to the dollar
 using the following 2021 average exchange rates                                GERMANY               INDIA              ITALY               BRAZIL     SOUTH KOREA          PERU
                                                                                                  1                       1              1                     1
 €1=$1.182948; ¥1=$0.009112; £1=$1.375399; 1 KRW=$0.000873;
 1 Ruble=$0.013569; R$1=$0.185509; 1 CNY=$0.15496; 1
                                                                                      THE NETHERLANDS                  RUSSIA          SPAIN       UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
 Rupee=$0.013516; 1 SFr=$1.093948; 1 HK$=$0.128649.

                                     1                                                                                                               2
                                                                            For the L’Oréal Luxe division         E-commerce represented                                                      With the shake-up — which
                                                                        — which became the company’s          28.9% of sales for the year,                                                Unilever says was a year in the

                                                                        largest in 2021 — fragrance           and grew 25.7% on a like-for-                                               making — Fernando Fernandez,
                                                                        was particularly strong, and the      like basis.                                                                 executive vice president of
                                                                        company gained market share               Key executive news                                                      Unilever Latin America, will
                                                                        in North Asia and performed           included the appointment                                                    become president of Beauty &
NEARLY HALF (48) of the
companies in the WWD Beauty          L’ORÉAL                            well in Europe. In North America,
                                                                        following the restructuring of
                                                                                                              of David Greenberg as CEO
                                                                                                              of L’Oréal USA, following the          UNILEVER                             Wellbeing, including Unilever
                                                                                                                                                                                          Prestige. Fabian Garcia, president
Inc Top 100 are public companies,    CLICHY, FRANCE                     distribution, sales began to          abrupt departure of Stéphane           LONDON                               of the firm’s North American
and 2021 was an exceptionally                                           accelerate once more, L’Oréal         Rinderknech in March of this                                                arm, becomes president of
busy year for beauty on the          2021 BEAUTY SALES:                 said. It gained market share          year. Asmita Dubey was named           2021 BEAUTY SALES:                   Personal Care, responsible for
world’s stock markets. It saw        $38.19 BILLION                     in all of its categories, and         chief digital officer in April last    $23.82 BILLION (EST.)                skin cleansing, deodorants and
                                     €32.28 BILLION                     consolidated its leadership in        year, following the departure of       €20.14 BILLION (EST.)                oral care. The changes were
fast-growing brand Olaplex
                                     +15.3% VS. 2020                    fragrance, driven by established      Lubomira Rochet.                       + 3.7% VS. 2020 (EST.)               effective from April 1.
— majority owned by Advent           +8.1% VS. 2019                     lines like Libre by Yves Saint            Tech-wise, the company             +0.2% VS. 2019 (EST.)                    The Elida group of personal
International — float on the
                                                                        Laurent and launches including        partnered with Israel-based                                                 care brands, including Q-Tips,
New York Stock Exchange in           MAIN BRANDS:                       Alien Goddess by Mugler and           Breezometer on a multiyear             MAIN BRANDS:                         Caress, Tigi, Timotei, Impulse
September in one of beauty’s         CONSUMER PRODUCTS: L’Oréal         Luna Rossa Ocean from Prada.          partnership to develop a               AHC, Axe/ Lynx, Clear, Dollar        and Monsavon, will report into
biggest IPOs, valuing the            Paris, Garnier, Maybelline         Skin care was driven by ultra-        beauty-driven exposome                 Shave Club, Dove, Dove               the new Personal Care arm.
company at more than $15 billion.    New York, NYX Professional         premium lines Lancôme Absolue         platform, and with Clue, an            Men+Care, Lifebuoy, Love             Unilever had originally planned
Fast-beauty firm Revolution          Makeup, Stylenanda, Essie,         and Helena Rubinstein, and            app that tracks menstrual              Beauty and Planet, Lux,              to sell the cluster of brands,
                                     Mixa, Dark & Lovely.               antiaging innovations including       cycles, to better understand           Nexxus, Pond’s, Rexona/              which had combined revenues
Beauty was listed in London,
                                     L’ORÉAL LUXE: Lancôme,             Kiehl’s Retinol Skin-Renewing         the links between skin health          Sure/Degree, Schmidt’s               of around €600 million in 2020,
and L Brands was split into two      Yves Saint Laurent, Giorgio        Daily Micro-Dose Serum. In            and hormonal changes. Armani           Naturals, Shea Moisture,             but has now said it can create
publicly listed firms, Bath &        Armani, Kiehl’s, Helena            makeup, which remained less           Beauty launched Face Maestro,          Simple, Skinsei, St. Ives,           more value if it manages Elida as
Body Works and Victoria’s Secret.    Rubinstein, Biotherm, Shu          dynamic, Lancôme and Shu              an AI-powered digital service          Suave, Sunsilk/Seda/Sedal,           an independent unit within the
For the charts in this section,      Uemura, It Cosmetics,              Uemura performed well.                designed to give personalized          Tigi, TRESemmé, Vaseline,            overall business.
we analyzed publicly available       Ralph Lauren, Urban Decay,             Consumer Products                 product recommendations like a         The Right to Shower. Unilever            Operations-wise in 2021,
financial data to see which          Mugler, Valentino, Viktor &        performed well in makeup.             makeup artist would. Digitalizing      Prestige: Dermalogica,               prestige beauty saw double-digit
companies performed best in a        Rolf, Azzaro, Prada, Diesel,       Momentum was strong in the            the point-of-sale is also an area      Garancia, Hourglass, Kate            growth. Deodorants grew well,
                                     Atelier Cologne.                   U.S. and markets including India,     of focus, and in January, L’Oréal      Somerville, Living Proof,            and skin care saw high -single-
variety of areas.
                                     PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS:             Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia.         signed a partnership with health       Murad, Paula’s Choice, Ren           digit gains while hair care was up
                                     L’Oréal Professionnel,             Growth in all zones, and              tech player Verily to help better      Clean Skincare, Tatcha.              in the mid-single digits.
                                     Redken, Kérastase, Matrix,         especially in emerging markets,       understand and characterize                                                     Dove became Unilever’s first
¬   Able C&C                         Pureology, Pulp Riot. ACTIVE       was driven by e-commerce              skin and hair aging mechanisms.        KEY FINANCIALS:                      brand to reach €5 billion in sales.
¬   Amorepacific Group/Corp.         COSMETICS: La Roche-Posay,         development. Sky High mascara             In December, L’Oréal                                                    The brand continued to advocate
                                                                                                                                                     BEAUTY & PERSONAL CARE
¬   Bath & Body Works                Vichy, SkinCeuticals, CeraVe.      was reportedly Maybelline’s           acquired Youth to the People,          DIVISION REVENUES: €21.9             in the U.S. against race-based
¬   Beiersdorf                                                          most successful launch, and           a California-based skin care           billion, +3.7% vs. 2020,             hair discrimination with the
                                     KEY FINANCIALS:                    premium innovations in hair           brand with products built around       +0.1% vs. 2019                       CROWN Coalition.
¬Bloomage Biotechnology              LIKE-FOR-LIKE SALES: +16.1%
Corporation Ltd.                                                        care also did well. L’Oréal Paris     superfood ingredients, for an          (underlying sales growth                 Within prestige beauty,
                                     vs. 2020                           surpassed 6 billion euros in          undisclosed sum. The brand was         vs. 2020: 3.8%, underlying           all brands benefited from
¬   Clorox Co.                       OPERATING PROFIT: €6.16            annual sales and strengthened         expected to do $50 million in          volume growth: 0.8%)                 e-commerce growth and a
¬   Colgate-Palmolive Co.            billion, +18.3%                    its position as the world’s           sales in 2021. L’Oréal also took a                                          recovery in brick-and-mortar.
¬   Compagnie Financière             NET PROFIT: €4.6 billion, +29%     number-one beauty brand.              minority stake in Swiss company                                             The prestige brands did more
                                                                                                                                                     DIVISION OPERATING PROFIT:
Richemont                                                                   Active Cosmetics continued        Gjosa, which offers water-             €4.47 billion, +3.7% vs. 2020        than half of their sales online last
                                     SALES BY DIVISION:                 to outperform, and has doubled        savings solutions and has been                                              year, according to Unilever —
¬   Coty Inc.
                                     PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS:             its size over the past four years.    partnering with L’Oréal since                                               well above the market average.
¬   Dabur India                                                                                                                                      TOTAL COMPANY REVENUES:
                                     €3.78 billion, +22.2%              With growth in all zones, the         2015, notably on the L’Oréal           €52.44 billion, +3.4% vs.            Unilever is now targeting
¬   E.l.f. Beauty                    (+24.8% like-for-like)             division performed especially         Water Saver shower head.               2020                                 €3 billion in revenues for its
¬   Edgewell Personal Care           CONSUMER PRODUCTS: €12.23          well in North America and                 On the sustainability front,                                            prestige business in the next few
¬   Emami Ltd.                       billion, +4.5% (+5.6% like-        North Asia.                           L’Oréal announced that by              OPERATING PROFIT: €8.7               years, it said, without giving a
                                     for-like)                              Professional Products             ramping up green chemistry,            billion, +4.8% vs. 2020              specific time frame. Last year, it
¬   The Estée Lauder Cos.
                                     L’ORÉAL LUXE: €12.35 billion,      ramped up its omnichannel             95% of the ingredients it uses                                              expanded the division with the
¬   Fancl Corp.                      +21.3% (+20.9% like-for-like)      activity. Its strongest gains came    will come from renewable plant         NET PROFIT: €6.6 billion, +9%        acquisition of skin care brand
¬Guangdong Marubi                    ACTIVE COSMETICS: €3.92
Bio-technology Co.
                                                                        from the U.S. and mainland            sources, minerals or circular          vs. 2020                             Paula’s Choice, founded in 1995
                                     billion, +30.3% (+31.8%            China. Kérastase was boosted          processes, and all formulas will                                            by Paula Begoun. The brand had
¬   Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.    like-for-like)                     by new line Curl Manifesto,           be conceived to respect aquatic         THE RECENT PAST has been           estimated sales of $220 million
¬   Henkel                                                              and L’Oréal Professionnel and         environments by 2030.                  tumultuous for Unilever.             in 2020.
¬   Hermès International             SALES BY GEOGRAPHIC ZONE:          Redken also did well. Matrix              L'Oréal USA announced                  The consumer-goods giant             The Degree deodorant brand
                                     EUROPE: €10.18 billion,            rebranded, aiming to broaden          that all of its manufacturing,         started 2022 with a failed bid       (also known as Rexona and Sure)
¬   Inter Parfums Inc.
                                     +10.7% (+10.1% like-for-like)      its appeal with a more diverse        distribution, administrative and       to take over GlaxoSmithKline’s       ramped up inclusivity initiatives,
¬   Johnson & Johnson                NORTH AMERICA: €8.16 billion,      consumer base. Omar Hajeri was        research and innovation facilities     consumer health care arm,            launching the #TrainersForHire
¬   Kao Corp.                        +18.1% (+22.2% like-for-like)      named president of the division       are now carbon neutral for scope       triggering a share-price collapse,   campaign calling for greater
¬   Kosé Corp.                       NORTH ASIA: €9.86 billion,         in March 2021.                        one and scope two emissions.           and subsequently said it would       representation of people with
¬   LG Household & Healthcare        +18.6% (+17.6% like-for-like)          In mainland China, the            The achievement is a major             shake up its corporate structure,    disabilities in the fitness industry.
                                     SAPMENA [SOUTH ASIA PACIFIC,       company recorded overall              step on the road to all of its sites   dividing the business into five      It also debuted Degree Inclusive,
¬   Lion Corp.
                                     MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AFRICA]:        like-for-like growth of more than     worldwide reaching carbon              category-focused divisions,          a product concept intended to
¬LVMH Moët Hennessy
                                     €2.19 billion, +9.4% (+13.8%       50% in the fourth quarter on a        neutrality by 2025, a key goal         which among other changes            be easier to use for people with
Louis Vuitton
                                     like-for-like)                     two-year stack, breaking records      announced in its 2020 plans.           will see its Beauty & Personal       upper limb disabilities and visual
¬   L’Occitane International         SSA [SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA]:          during the Singles' Day festival          The company was a                  Care activity split into two         impairment.
¬   L’Oréal                          €119.5 million, +23.2%             on Tmall, it said. While L’Oréal      founding member of the Eco             entities, Beauty & Wellbeing, and        The company unveiled the
¬   Mandom Corp.                     (+17.2% like-for-like)             remains optimistic about the          Beauty Score Consortium,               Personal Care, respectively. The     Unilever Compass, a strategy
¬   Marico Ltd.                      LATIN AMERICA: €1.77 billion,      long-term potential of the            a new coalition of beauty              new organization is intended         focused on sustainable growth
                                     +20.6% (+20.6% like-for-like).     Chinese market, it admitted that      conglomerates aiming to                to help Unilever move away           with five pillars — developing
¬   Milbon Co. Ltd.
¬   Natura &Co.                                                         growth had slowed in the second       rank the sustainability of their       from a “matrix structure” and        Unilever’s portfolio in high-
                                     BIGGEST MARKETS: The U.S.,         half of the year.                     beauty products. Henkel,               become simpler and more              growth spaces; winning with
¬   Noevir Holdings                  China and France.                      In June, the company said         Natura & Co., L’Oréal, LVMH            category focused. Each business      brands as a force for good
¬   Nu Skin Enterprises Inc.                                            it would merge its reporting          Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton                                                 powered by purpose and
                                                                                                                                                     group will be responsible for
¬   Olaplex                           IN WHAT CHIEF executive          entities to create a new Europe       and Unilever all joined forces         its strategy, growth and profit      innovation; accelerating in the
¬   Pola Orbis Holdings              officer Nicolas Hieronimus — in    zone, grouping together its           to create a scorecard for              delivery globally.                   U.S., India, China and other
¬   Procter & Gamble Co.             his first year as leader of the    Eastern and Western European          beauty manufacturers to rank               Sunny Jain, who took on          key growth markets; leading in
¬   Proya Cosmetics Co. Ltd.         world’s largest beauty company     operations that were previously       the environmental impacts of           the top beauty job at Unilever       the channels of the future, and
                                     — described as a “grand slam,”     run separately. The new zone          their products.                        in 2019 and helped it to             creating a purpose-led, future-fit
¬   PZ Cussons
                                     L’Oréal claims to have grown       is headed by Vianney Derville,            Nestlé, L’Oréal’s second-          navigate the pandemic, is            organization and growth culture.
¬   Reckitt Benckiser                twice as fast as the overall       formerly head of the Western          largest shareholder after the          leaving to set up an investment          For the beauty business
¬   Revlon                           beauty market, with gains in all   Europe activity, and follows the      Bettencourt Meyers family,             fund. His position is being          specifically, March 2021 saw
¬   Revolution Beauty                zones, divisions and product       retirement of Eastern Europe          announced it was reducing its          eliminated, and was announced        the introduction of the Positive
¬   Shanghai Jahwa United Co. Ltd.   categories. The strength of the    head Alexandre Popoff. The            stake to 20.1%, from 23.2%             alongside the broad swathe           Beauty for People and Planet
                                     U.S. market and North Asia,        company said the move was the         previously. L’Oréal is buying back     of organizational shifts this        strategy, aiming to be the “most
¬   Shiseido Co.
                                     especially China, coupled with     final step in its restructuring of    the shares, which represent 4%         January. Senior management           positive beauty business in the
¬   Unilever                         the growth of luxury, were         its regional organization initiated   of its capital, before canceling       roles will be reduced by 15%         world” and use its scale to do
¬   Victoria’s Secret                major sales drivers. In Europe,    in late 2020 to offer greater         them by Aug. 29, 2022. The news        and more junior management           more good.
¬   Walgreens Boots Alliance         L’Oréal gained significant         coherence to each zone in terms       was met positively on financial        roles by around 5%, resulting            Key initiatives included
¬   Yatsen Holding Ltd.              market share and saw its sales     of consumer behavior and              markets, and is expected to help       in a headcount reduction of          TRESemmé and Lakme
                                     return to pre-pandemic levels.     market maturity.                      optimize L’Oréal’s balance sheet.      around 1,500 globally.               joining Unilever’s roster of

         14 WWD BEAUTY INC
PETA-approved brands, which          their respective hero franchises.                                          and saw double-digital growth        SALES INCREASES BY BRAND:              activity, Japanese sales dropped
now totals 27. Dove introduced       Clinique became one of the first                                           from Bevel, My Black Is Beautiful,   Shiseido: +15%                         by 1.4%, the company said.
its first refillable deodorant,      beauty businesses to launch an                                             Pantene Gold Series and Head &       Clé de Peau Beauté: +21%                   In the rest of the world, sales
while REN, in partnership with       NFT, or non-fungible token, that                                           Shoulders Royal Oils.                Ipsa: +4%                              picked up again, particularly in
supplier Tubex, created the          the brand used as a loyalty play.                                              In personal care, two P&G        Drunk Elephant: +11%                   Europe and the U.S.. In China,
first 100% recycled aluminum         Dr.Jart+, which Lauder acquired                                            brands reached $1 billion status:    Anessa: +10%                           partial retail closures and bad
sample tube. The company was
a founding member of the Eco
                                     fully in 2019, also contributed to
                                     sales gains.
                                                                           PROCTER                              Safeguard and Old Spice. Both
                                                                                                                                                      SHISEIDO is in the midst
                                                                                                                                                                                            weather hampered growth, but

Beauty Score Consortium.                  Lauder’s fragrance segment       & GAMBLE                             grew sales from premium
                                                                                                                innovation as well as cleansers.     of transforming its business
                                                                                                                                                                                            e-commerce remained strong,
                                                                                                                                                                                            accounting for 40% of annual

                                     also grew rapidly, to $2.3 billion    CINCINNATI                           P&G’s personal care division has     to focus on its core premium           sales. Investment in prestige
                                     in sales, thanks to a renewed                                              grown by more than 20% since         skin care activity — it hopes to       brands drove market-share
                                     interest in fragrance and its         2021 BEAUTY SALES:                   the beginning of the pandemic.       become the global market leader        gains, especially for Clé de Peau
                                     connection to self care from          $14.6 BILLION (EST).                     The company debuted a            in the “skin beauty” category          Beauté and Nars, although
                                     consumers. Several of the             +7.5% VS. 2020 (EST.)                systems-thinking framework           by 2030. Last year was the             overall, profitability for the
                                     company’s luxury and artisanal        +9.8% VS. 2019 (EST.)                for its Responsible Beauty           “groundwork” phase for its new         Chinese business declined
                                     brands, including Tom Ford                                                 platform, which considers            three-year strategic road map,         significantly.
                                     Beauty, Jo Malone London,             MAIN BRANDS: Aussie, Hair            quality and performance,             WIN 2023 and Beyond, and                   In the rest of Asia Pacific,
THE ESTÉE                            Frédéric Malle, Le Labo and Kilian    Food, Head & Shoulders,              safety, sustainability,              involved significant structural        business was slowed by
LAUDER COS.                          Paris, contributed to growth.         Herbal Essences, Pantene,            transparency and equity and          changes to its portfolio. Shiseido     continued lockdowns in certain
                                          Makeup improved over 2020        Rejoice, VS (hair care). First       inclusion as it looks to help        transferred its personal care          markets, although e-commerce
NEW YORK                             levels, with nearly 15% growth        Aid Beauty, SK-II, Snowberry                                              business to CVC Capital, now
                                                                                                                progress the beauty industry.                                               grew and prestige brands
                                     from the prior year to $4.5           (skin care). Olay (skin and          The goal for the program is          operating as Fine Today Shiseido,      including Shiseido and Nars
2021 BEAUTY SALES:                   billion, although it is the one       body care). Native, Old Spice,                                            in which the Japanese company
                                                                                                                to openly share technologies,                                               performed well.
$17.7 BILLION (EST).                 category that did not rise above      Walker & Co. (hair and body                                               retains a 35% stake through a
                                                                                                                programs and processes that                                                     Business in the Americas
+24.6% VS. 2020 (EST.)               pre-COVID-19 levels for Lauder        care, deodorant). Gillette                                                joint venture, KK Asian Personal
                                                                                                                could help the beauty industry                                              was strong. Drunk Elephant
+11.3% VS. 2019 (EST.)               during 2021.                          (body care, deodorant).                                                   Care Holding. It also sold off
                                                                                                                have a more positive impact                                                 expanded its retail footprint
                                          Geographically, the firm saw     The Art of Shaving, Ivory,           on the world. In line with that      three of its U.S.-based prestige       and Nars grew its market share.
MAIN BRANDS: Estée Lauder,           gains across regions — even in        Safeguard (body care).               goal, P&G Beauty launched            makeup brands, BareMinerals,           Shiseido, Clé de Peau Beauté
Aramis, Clinique, Lab Series,        the U.S., which had struggled         Secret (deodorant).                  reusable, refillable hair care       Buxom and Laura Mercier                and the company’s fragrance
Origins, Tommy Hilfiger, MAC,        well before COVID-19. By the                                               systems at scale in Europe.          (now operating as Orveon)              brands also did well.
La Mer, Bobbi Brown, Donna           end of calendar 2021, U.S. sales      KEY FINANCIALS:                      Four brands — Pantene, Head          to Advent International, and               For Europe, the Middle East
Karan New York, DKNY, Aveda,         had rebounded, and sales in the       ORGANIC GROWTH 2021: +5%             & Shoulders, Herbal Essences         partially terminated its licensing     and Africa, the company said
Jo Malone London, Bumble and         Americas for the year totaled                                              and Aussie — have refillable         agreement with Dolce &                 it captured the turnaround,
bumble, Michael Kors, Darphin        $4.4 billion.                          PROCTER & GAMBLE’S beauty          options. In personal care, Old       Gabbana — the contract was             notably in skin care and
Paris, Tom Ford Beauty,                   Lauder continued sales           division continued to grow during    Spice and Secret also offer          ended in late 2021 in all markets      fragrance, to increase its market
Smashbox, Ermenegildo                gains in the Asia Pacific region,     2021, in line with the broader       refillable packaging.                except France, with production         share, and rolled out Clé de Peau

Zegna, Aerin, Le Labo, Editions      where it generated $8.4 billion       P&G business, which has                                                   and global distribution intended       Beauté and Drunk Elephant.
de Parfums Frédéric Malle,           in revenues, as well as in Europe,    expanded significantly during                                             to continue for another year.              Travel Retail continued
Glamglow, Kilian Paris, Too          the Middle East and Africa,           the COVID-19 pandemic. For                                                In early 2022, it announced a          to suffer from the lack of
Faced, Dr.Jart+. Deciem: The         which posted $7.6 billion in sales.   beauty, sales came from a mix                                             further divestment — it is selling     international travel. Hainan
Ordinary, Niod.                      China remained a particularly         of categories and geographies.                                            its professional business in Asia      Island in China was also
                                     important market; Joy Fan was         P&G continued to lean into its                                            to Henkel, although it will retain a   affected by curbs on travel, but
KEY FINANCIALS:                      promoted to president and CEO         strategy of premium innovation,                                           20% stake.                             nevertheless saw significant
SKIN CARE: $10.2 billion,            for China, effective 2022. The        and ramped up e-commerce                                                      As part of its drive to            sales acceleration, mainly
+25% vs. 2020/58% of
total sales
                                     company’s top three markets
                                     for the year were China, the U.S.
                                                                           transactions. In total, the
                                                                           company had $14.6 billion in
                                                                                                                SHISEIDO                             accelerate in digital last year,
                                                                                                                                                     Shiseido established the
                                                                                                                                                                                            through e-commerce. Drunk
                                                                                                                TOKYO                                                                       Elephant continued to roll out in
MAKEUP: $4.5 billion, +15.9%         and the U.K.                          beauty sales during the year, an                                          Shiseido Interactive Beauty            travel-retail distribution and the
vs. 2020/26% of total sales               Wins in 2021 did not come        8% increase from 2020.               2021 BEAUTY SALES:                   Co. Ltd. as a joint venture            company expanded the number
FRAGRANCE: $2.3 billion,             without challenges, however.              P&G continued to build           $9.20 BILLION (EST.)                 with Accenture, and entered            of counters for its major brands
+49.6% vs. 2020/13% of               Lauder shuttered operations at        its prestige beauty division         ¥1.01 TRILLION (EST.)                a strategic partnership with           in Hainan.
total sales                          Prescriptives, Rodin Olio Lusso       during the year, acquiring Jen       +15.2% VS. 2020 (EST.)               Tencent to strengthen its digital          Shiseido made progress
HAIR: $609 million, +20.1%           and Becca. It also decided to         Atkin’s brand Ouai, its first        -7.9% VS. 2019 (EST.)                marketing globally. In March           in improving its profitability —
vs. 2020/3% of total sales           wind down the Aramis and              foray into prestige hair care and                                         2022, it said it was acquiring a       operating profit jumped 177.9%
                                     Designer Fragrances division,         lifestyle, and farm-to-face skin     MAIN BRANDS: Shiseido,               minority stake in beauty tech          year-over-year — due to better
THE AMERICAS: $4.4 billion,          letting licensing agreements          care brand Farmacy. In early         Clé de Peau Beauté, Nars,            firm Perfect Corp.                     margins, stronger sales, a more
+31.3% vs. 2020/25% of               expire. The segment is expected       2022, P&G also bought Tula,          Benefique, Ipsa, Shiseido                It also ramped up production       favorable product mix and
total sales                          to fully shutter by 2023, and         a probiotic-focused skin care        Professional, Elixir,                and logistics with a new factory       effective cost management,
EMEA: $7.6 billion, +24.9% vs.       several brands, including Michael     business, from L Catterton.          Maquillage, Anessa, Aupres,          in Osaka and a distribution            it said. Net profit gains were
2020/43% of total sales              Kors and DKNY, have already               P&G Beauty CEO Alex Keith        Urara, Pure & Mild, Senka,           center in West Japan starting          attributed to extraordinary gains
ASIA PACIFIC: $5.8 billion,          signed new licenses.                  has said P&G’s more modern           Ettusais, Drunk Elephant.            up full-scale operations during        on the transfer of the personal
+21% vs. 2020/33% of                      In executive news, John          acquisition strategy — “letting      Fragrance: Issey Miyake,             the year. A new research facility      care business and stronger
total sales                          Demsey, who had a career              the founder and/or CEO really        Narciso Rodriguez, Elie              in Shanghai’s Oriental Beauty          operating profit, tempered by
                                     spanning more than 30 years           continue to run the business in      Saab, Zadig & Voltaire,              Valley also began full-scale           impairment losses on trademark
 THE ESTÉE LAUDER COS.              with Lauder, was asked to leave       the way that made it successful      Serge Lutens, Tory Burch.            operations.                            rights for Dolce & Gabbana and
had a major comeback year in         the company this February after       and attractive to us in the first                                             As well as divesting non-core      goodwill on the transfer of the
2021, which culminated with the      posting a meme on Instagram           place” — is working.                                                      activities, the shift includes less    U.S. makeup business.

                                                                                                                KEY FINANCIALS:
company’s largest sales quarter      that contained a racial slur and a        Recently acquired brands saw                                          of a focus on topline growth
— $5.5 billion over the holiday      joke about COVID-19. Before his       disproportionate growth during       TOTAL SALES: ¥1.04 trillion,         to improve profitability and
period. In total for the calendar    departure, Demsey’s purview at        the year. Native, acquired in        +12.4% vs. 2020 (+7.8% at            cashflow management to
year, Lauder had nearly $18          the company had been focused          2017, as well as First Aid Beauty,   constant currency, +11.9%            strengthen its foundations.
billion in sales.                    on makeup since 2020.                 Walker & Co. and Snowberry,          like-for-like)                           Shiseido’s performance in
     The company grew sales               Chris Good, Cedric Prouvé,       all acquired in 2018, collectively                                        2021 was mixed, but overall
broadly across categories and        Alexandra Trower and Greg             grew about 30% during the year.      OPERATING PROFIT: ¥41.59             — when stripping out its
geographies, leveraging its          Polcer retired. Matthew Growdon       Native expanded with more retail     billion, +177.9%                     divestments — like-for-like sales
signature multiple engines of        was promoted to general               stores during 2021, and First Aid                                         gained 11.9% year-over-year,           LVMH MOËT
growth strategy. Skin care and       manager for Asia Pacific; Mark        Beauty entered Asia.                 NET PROFIT: ¥42.44 billion,          but failed to rebound to pre-
fragrance sales soared, as did       Loomis was appointed to                   In skin care, SK-II returned     compared with a net loss of          pandemic levels.
those in the Asia Pacific region,    president, North America, and         to pre-pandemic sales levels         ¥11.66 billion                           On the domestic front,             LOUIS VUITTON
which were up more than 75%.         Peter Jueptner was named              (in 2019, the brand’s sales                                               consumer traffic was impacted          PARIS
     Part of the success is due to   president, International, among       approached $3 billion) due to        SALES BY REGION:                     by shortened opening hours at
the company’s post-COVID-19          other executive moves.                duty-free sales in China’s Hainan.   JAPAN: ¥276.17 billion, -8.9%        retail and consumers staying           2021 BEAUTY SALES:
recovery plan, a strategy put in          Lauder also inked several        Olay launched several ingredient-    vs. 2020 (-1.4% like-for-like)       home due to the country’s State        $7.82 BILLION (EST.)
place in 2020 that redirected        deals, including its largest — a      focused lines, including             CHINA: ¥274.72 billion,              of Emergency implemented               €6.61 BILLION (EST.)
company resources to growing         majority position in Deciem           Regenerist Vitamin C Collection      +16.5% (+19.1%)                      to counter the pandemic. The           +25.9% VS. 2020 (EST.)
areas of the business —              that valued the company at            and Regenerist Collagen Peptide      REST OF ASIA PACIFIC: ¥65            lack of international visitors         -3.3% VS. 2019 (EST.)
especially skin care, fragrance      $2.2 billion. Deciem, the parent      Collection. Three-fourths of the     billion, +9.9% (+5.8%)               also hampered sales. Shiseido
and the Asia Pacific region.         company of The Ordinary and           brands in P&G’s hair portfolio       THE AMERICAS: ¥121.4 billion,        nevertheless registered market         MAIN BRANDS: Parfums
     The results speak for           other skin care, hair care and        saw growth versus the prior          +32.8% (+29.9%)                      share gains, mainly in base            Christian Dior, Guerlain,
themselves. Skin care sales          personal care lines, is growing       year, including Pantene, Head &      EMEA: ¥117.04 billion, +24.1%        makeup and sun care. Live              Parfums Givenchy, Parfums
were up nearly 25%, to more          quickly. Under the terms of the       Shoulders, Aussie, Rejoice and       (+16.5%)                             commerce events and online             Kenzo, Fendi, Pucci, Acqua
than $10 billion, on top of 11%      agreement, Lauder will buy the        Vidal Sassoon. China, where          TRAVEL RETAIL: ¥120.46               video counseling helped boost          di Parma, Parfums Loewe,
growth in 2020. The category         rest of the company in about          hair care sales expanded more        billion, +22.3% (+18.4%)             domestic e-commerce sales,             Benefit Cosmetics, Make
was led by Estée Lauder, Clinique    two years. Lauder also made a         in 2021 than in nearly a decade,                                          which grew in the double digits.       Up For Ever, Fresh. Maison
and La Mer, which saw major          minority investment in grooming       was a big part of that growth,       PROFESSIONAL SALES: ¥15.87           Excluding the impact of the            Francis Kurkdjian (majority
increases during the year due to     brand Faculty.                        P&G focused on textured hair         billion, +24.4% (+19.6%)             divestment of its personal care        stake). Officine Universelle

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