The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School

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The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
Issue 67 / Summer 2018

                         the power
                          of music
The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
The hero photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in this edition of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CamLife visualises the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            art of sound using a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            technique known as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ‘Light Painting’.
                                                                            studying music helps you to be a team player

                                                                                                                                                                                                     music students learn to listen

                                                                                                     music learning supports all learning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      involves the left and right brain hemispheres
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      simultaneously, more than any other activity

                                                                                                                                                students of music use their ears and eyes,
                                                                                                                                                as well as large and small muscles

                                                   brain imaging shows changes to the brain networks,
                                                  associated with sound discrimination and motor skills

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           helps with basic memory recall

Ava, Yr 6 playing                                                                                                                                               physically develops the left side of the brain responsible for processing
the saxophone                                                                                                                                                   language - can actually wire the brain’s circuits in specific ways.
                                                                                    facilitates learning in other subjects by enhancing
                                                                                                  skills inevitably used in those subjects

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      helps build social and communication skills

                                      enables students to accept constructive feedback and
                                             improve their critical thinking / problem solving                                                                     enhances creativity and self expression
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           reduces anxiety and stress

                                                                   boosts creative energies through the
                                                                   production of alpha and theta wave
                                                                                                 waves                                                                                                  improves spatial-temporal skills in children - skills important in architecture,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        engineering, maths, art, gaming, and especially working with computers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             performing improves self-image, self-awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and promotes a positive attitude

                                                            affects the way
                                                           you perceive the
                                                                world                                                                        Music has played an important part of every human                                                In the most simple terms, playing music is like a
                                                                                                                                             culture, both past and present. People around the                                                workout for every part of your brain. It is one of the
                                                                                                                                             world respond to music in a universal way.                                                       only activities that activates the entire brain.

                                                                                                                                             The benefits of participating in music making extend                                             Learning music involves active engagement and
                                                                                                                                             far beyond the ability to create beautiful music.                                                discipline, resulting in far-reaching benefits.

2   Camberwell Girls Grammar School
The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
Music is as old as humanity itself and         benefits. Studies suggest that music          that single point in time. That is why our

                                                                     enables us to celebrate the rich cultural      enhances aerobic exercise, boosting           concerts are so special and why we must
                                                                     diversity of our communities. The oldest       mental and physical stimulation and that      always value, support and celebrate these
                                                                     musical composition to have survived           the repetitive elements of rhythm and         important occasions.
                                                                     in its entirety is a first century A.D.        melody help our brains to form patterns
                                                                     Greek tune known as ‘Seikilos Epitaph’.        and enhance memory. Music also has the        Music will play a vital role in our Centenary
                                                                     Archaeologists have also found primitive       power to improve our mood and reduce          Celebrations in 2020. Whilst our school
                                                                     flutes made of bone and ivory dating           stress and anxiety.                           has changed markedly since 1920, we
                                                                     back as far as 43,000 years and there are                                                    remain faithful to the inspiration and
                                                                     biblical references to musical instruments     Music Australia also highlights that          courage of our Founders. Each decade
                                                                     such as Genesis Chapter 4:21-22 - ‘Jubal       creating music is an incredibly powerful      has provided its opportunities and
                                                                     was the father of harpists and organists’.     tool to express ideas or feelings and         challenges. The dedication and collective
                                                                     Music continues to be an important part        can improve a young person’s sense of         efforts of the parents, staff and Council
                                                                     of many communities and in particular,         connection and belonging, promoting a         has ensured that the school has not
                                                                     our schools.                                   more positive self confidence. Learning       only survived but has grown through
                                                                                                                    music helps to develop self-discipline        the difficult first decades, including the
                                                                     One of Australia’s most renowned music         and the link between music and the            Depression and the changing attitudes
                                                                     conductors, Richard Gill, sadly passed         development of language and reasoning,        towards girls’ education. After almost
                                                                     away recently. He was passionate about         auditory skills and improved concentration    100 years, the school has adapted and
                                                                     promoting music education in schools           and memory is often made. It is through       grown in strength to respond to societal
                                                                     and described music as “having the             making music with others that the skills of   and educational changes. We have been
                                                                     ability to open your mind to enable you to     collaboration and teamwork are fostered.      ambitious in the education of girls and the
                                                                     think more creatively”. Richard believed                                                     development of the school.
                                                                     very strongly that the development of          As individuals we have a diverse
                                                                     creative thought through music could also      appreciation and love of music, yet           Throughout the Centenary year, as we
                                                                     be transferred to other parts of learning      music has the great ability to bring          honour our past and look forward to the
                                                                     and as a result, he believed that music        people together – as performers or as         future, we will celebrate many wonderful
                                                                     empowered people ‘spectacularly’. Music        an audience. I remember in my early           occasions with our extensive community,
                                                                     education is an important part of our          days as Principal at CGGS, I continually      including a special Founder’s Day Service,
                                                                     curriculum and we value the opportunity        emphasised my delight in the quality          old grammarians event, Centenary Gala
                                                                     for our students from Early Learning           of our music program. Today under the         Celebration and a special Music Concert.
                                                                     through to Year 12 to explore and              leadership of our Directors of Music, Kate
                                                                     experience the joy of making music.            Savige and Rohan Mack and their talented      We also look forward to launching our
                                                                                                                    team, my praise only escalates! We are        Centenary history book and a new
                                                                     At CGGS we celebrate all the different          truly blessed to have such motivated          initiative, celebrating the inspiring women
                                                                     instruments, ensembles, bands,                 teachers and tutors who inspire our           of Camberwell Girls Grammar School. A
                                                                     orchestras and choral groups that              students to achieve such high standards       more extensive list of events is published
                                                                     rehearse together regularly and perform        of performance.                               in this edition and further details will be
                                                                     at our school functions. In addition                                                         shared with you in the forthcoming months.
                                                                     to developing creative thought and             In creating music together, our students
                                                                     intellectual curiosity through participation   share important cultural experiences          With best wishes,
                                                                     in the music curriculum and co-curricular      that honour their individual differences,      Debbie Dunwoody
                                                                     programs, there are many other potential       yet connect performers to create unique       Principal
                                                                                                                    pieces of work. Each music concert
                                                                                                                    cannot be replicated as it showcases
                                                                                                                    the work of our student performers at

Debbie receiving her
award from Coralee Pratt,
President of ACEL Victoria

     Message from Chair of Council
     It is my great pleasure to advise that our Principal, Debbie
     Dunwoody, has been awarded an Australian Council for
     Educational Leaders (ACEL) VIC Fellowship for 2018.

     This highly prestigious award acknowledges the exceptional
     contribution Debbie has made to education, not only here at
     Camberwell Girls Grammar School but the wider education
     sector. She is recognised as being a leader at the forefront
     of developments in education at both a national and
     international level and has had many immeasurable positive
                                                                                                                                                         Music is important for the following reason:
     impacts on educators and learners.
                                                                                                                                                           it is abstract, it doesn’t mean anything
                                                                                                                                                         outside of itself. Music does not describe,
     I know that as a community you will join me in congratulating                                                                                       music does not tell stories. Music evokes.
     Debbie on this wonderful accolade and her outstanding                                                                                                    Music suggests, music implies and
     leadership of Camberwell Girls Grammar School and the                                                                                                music opens up the mind of a child in an
     education sector more broadly.                                                                                                                      extraordinary way. This abstraction about
                                                                                                                                                         music is what offers a child the chance to
     Christine Cussen Chair of Council                                                                                                                       move into a special way of thinking.

                                                                                                                                                                      Richard Gill OAM

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The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
Throughout the school’s near 100 year          Barbara’s vision to expand and enhance        ways such as the purchase of expensive
history there have been many changes,          all aspects of music at the school was        instruments, the sewing of costumes and
however there has been one constant            strongly shared by Headmistress at the        creation of sets for performances.
throughout that time and that is music.        time, Miss Barbara Sutton.
                                                                                             Even today, musical history is embedded
Camberwell Girls Grammar School has            “My immediate response was to develop         within the school. The Russell Strings
always had a strong tradition in music.        both a curriculum in music education and      group is named after Barbara Russell
                                               a co-curricular program, that not only        and the Preston Singers, named after
From humble beginnings in the 1920s, our       enhanced church services and school           Karen Preston, a former student and
small cohort of students and staff would        occasions such as Speech Night, but was       school pianist, who was instrumental in
sing hymns in church, which evolved into       also a learning experience,” says Barbara.    establishing a Junior Madrigal group.
singing at the annual Speech Night.                                                          These groups are a reminder of the people
                                               Miss Sutton was Principal from 1973           that helped shape our music culture.
Today, the tradition continues. Current        - 1988 and the growth of music within
students and staff still sing hymns             the school became evident through her         A trailblazer in music education and
at church services and presentation            encouragement and enthusiasm.                 performance at CGGS, Miss Barbara
evenings, however, the growth of the                                                         Sutton was fittingly acknowledged in her
music opportunities for our students has       “Miss Sutton was such a believer in the       final year, with the opening of a fantastic
expanded dramatically over the years.          value of music education that she enabled     new facility named the Barbara F Sutton
                                               me to include a creative arts course in the   Assembly Hall and Cultural Centre. This
Some early evidence of a co-curricular         curriculum in 1977, so that students could    new space included a hall complete with
music group at CGGS was in 1974,               further appreciate art, theatre and music,”   orchestra pit, a music school with practice
when a small instrumental group was            says Barbara.                                 rooms and performance studio, an audio
formed and had rapid growth. Students                                                        visual room and theatrette.
could hire instruments from the school         In 1979, History and Literature of Music
that were generously purchased by the          replaced the creative arts course.            Even today, this space is very much the
Parents Association. A year later, in          Throughout the 1980s, the offering             epicentre of CGGS, with all important
1975, this group took part in a concert at     was further developed to include an           events, ceremonies, performances and
Melbourne Town Hall, presented by the          instrumental program for Year 7 students,     school assemblies being held there.
independent schools to mark International      music classes for all Year 7 - 10 students
Women’s Year.                                  and HSC music electives. A multitude of       It is evident, that from the 1920s to

A pioneer of music at CGGS is
undoubtedly Mrs Barbara Russell, who
                                               opportunities for students to get involved
                                               in music including House Music contests,
                                               an annual Music Night, a Choral Festival
                                                                                             present day, each decade saw music
                                                                                             advance, thanks to the appointment
                                                                                             of key staff and Headmistresses and
                                                                                                                                           school anthem                                                School Hymn
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Wrought by brave hands long dead, the past has laid
was appointed as the school’s first full
time music staff member in 1976, under
the title of Director of Choral Music. Prior
                                               and musical soirées and ensembles.
                                               Barbara’s team also grew to include two
                                               new staff.
                                                                                             Principals who shared the same vision.

                                                                                             We are immensely proud of the strong
                                                                                                                                           & hymn                                                       so great a heritage before our feet;
                                                                                                                                                                                                        We can, with grateful hearts and unafraid,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        work on to make the present strong and sweet.
to Barbara’s employment, casual staff and                                                     tradition of music and all music staff, past                                                                Lord God, through all the changes time may bring,
tutors worked with the students to aid the     The introduction of musical productions,      and present, who have played a part in its    The world is changing at an unprecedented rate and as        guard Thou the School ‘neath Thine o’ershadowing.
school with its musical needs and this         was also well received and saw the            development. Music has and will always        a result, CGGS is continually evolving to ensure it moves
dates back as far as into the 1930s.           Music and Drama staff combine to               will be a major part of the history of        forward with the times. With change, there must be           Laughter and work, swift help in others’ need,
                                               produce memorable performances. This          Camberwell Girls Grammar School.              continuity of that which is good, of that which does not     under the friendly walls the terms go by;
                                               culminated in the creation of the Friends                                                   need to change.                                              The School has lit the torch, let us take heed,
                                               of Music Association which helped                                                                                                                        that in our hands the beacon cannot die.
Barbara Russell pictured with                  encourage the development of music                                                          The School Hymn and School Anthem have remained              Lord God, through all the changes time may bring,
the School Orchestra, 1970s                    within the school and support in other                                                      strong foundations of Camberwell Girls Grammar School        guard Thou the School ‘neath Thine o’ershadowing.
                                                                                                                                           since being introduced in the early 1940s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        In fragrant morn, as evening grows to night,
                                                                                                                                           The School Hymn has its origins in the Church of England     The School is calling - let us go our ways,
                                                                                                                                           Hymn Book. The School Anthem is based on Micah,              with faces ever turned towards the light,
                                                                                                                                           Chapter 6 verses 6:8 and contains one of the most powerful   filled with high toil the gracious common days.
                                                                                                                                           verses in the Old Testament.                                 Lord God, through all the changes time may bring,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        guard Thou the School ‘neath Thine o’ershadowing.
                                                                                                                                           The Hymn and Anthem are both sung at special occasions
                                                                                                                                           throughout the year.                                         Give of our best, so when the gates swing wide,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and through the wider world our way we choose;
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Of life’s high enterprise, which we descried,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        never can we the vision wholly lose.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lord God, through all the changes time may bring,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        guard Thou the School ‘neath Thine o’ershadowing.
                                                                                                                                           School Anthem
                                                                                                                                           We have showed thee,
                                                                                                                                           O man, what is good
                                                                                                                                           What doth the Lord require of us?
                                                                                                                                           Or conscience self desire of us?
                                                                                                                                           But to do justly, But to love mercy,
                                                                                                                                           And to walk humbly with our God,
                                                                                                                                           As ev’ry Christian should.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CAMLIFE / Summer 2018   7
The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
Rohan Mack is a graduate of the Melbourne      Although, he is the first to admit that he     “I see music subtly changing people’s
Favourite artist?                     Favourite song?                Which 2 musicians would          Conservatorium of Music. He holds a            hasn’t got to where he is due to luck but      lives everyday; someone gaining an
Difficult to answer but I do            Belfast Child - Simple Minds   you like to invite for dinner?   Bachelor of Music in Performance Pedagogy,     more so perseverance and dedication to         insight or deeper understanding of a piece
have a slight obsession with                                         Albert Einstein and              achieved his Associate of Music, Australia     music in general.                              of music can give another perspective,
Mendelssohn                                                          Dr Brian Cox                     (A.Mus.A) in 1998 and is currently in the                                                     which can affect your life,” says Rohan.
                                                                                                      final stages of completing a Graduate          “It takes a long time and a lot patience to
                                                                                                      Diploma of Education.                          be proficient in your instrument, and those    His talent, drive and enthusiasm for music
                                                                                                                                                     long years of practice helped me develop       are all his own. In his role as Director of
                                                                                                      Much travelled and having studied under        focus and concentration which then             Music (Instrumental), Rohan oversees the
                                                                                                      and played with some of the world’s best,      flowed into a career in music,” he says.       school’s private tuition and co-curricular
                                                                                                      Rohan is a true talent.                                                                       programs, as well as all music events.
                                                                                                                                                     Rohan walked through the CGGS gates
                                                                                                      His professional music career currently        in 2009, joining the school as a violin        “We organise about 30 events in the
                                                                                                      spans over 25 years. He is a well              and viola tutor, a role that soon evolved      Junior and Senior School across the year.
                                                                                                      established arranger, composer and             into Head of Strings and in 2018, he was       If you include assembly performances,
                                                                                                      performer and has lived abroad playing         appointed Director of Music (Instrumental).    there would be on average at least
                                                                                                      throughout Europe, the UK and Asia,                                                           two events each week where there is
                                                                                                      mostly in orchestral settings.                 “I was fortunate to have a teacher at          a musical presence. Some are small,
                                                                                                                                                     university that was passionate about           involving just a soloist and others such as
                                                                                                      He was part of Philharmonia Britannica         violin pedagogy. He inspired me to start       a musical are large and involve hundreds
                                                                                                      and the London Rehearsal Orchestra. He         teaching the violin and helped me by           of students,” he says.
                                                                                                      has played in many operas and musicals         becoming a mentor for my own teaching,”
                                                                                                      and he’s toured with John Farnham and          he says.                                       He first picked up the violin aged seven.
                                                                                                      the late great, Gene Pitney.                                                                  From here, his talent was nurtured, and
                                                                                                                                                     Rohan has a magnetic effect on people,          by age 16 he had performed his first
                                                                                                      His whole life has been dedicated to           particularly his students. He possesses        concerto. To this day, he is a regular
                                                                                                      music, so much so that he’s never worked       an incredible music talent and combines        violinist with the Royal Melbourne
                                                                                                      outside of the music industry.                 it with a charismatic ability to ignite a      Philharmonic Orchestra and the Australian
                                                                                                                                                     passion in others to bring classical and       Discovery Orchestra. He has also
                                                                                                      “It’s true, I’ve never had a job that wasn’t   contemporary music to life. It is Rohan        appeared as a soloist, concert master
                                                                                                      related to music. When I was at university     who can be credited for the growth in the      and conductor on numerous occasions
                                                                                                      I tutored and also worked in an Irish pub      school’s string program.                       with the Kooyong Chamber Players and
                                                                                                      playing music. I can’t imagine working a                                                      is currently in the Australian Discovery
                                                                                                      day in any other industry,” says Rohan.        He knows firsthand how powerful music          Orchestra, a Melbourne-based live
                                                                                                                                                     is and that once our girls experience it for   streaming orchestra.
                                                                                                                                                     themselves, they’ll be hooked.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    A role model and inspiration to many
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CGGS girls, a mentor to his peers and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    committed family man, we are truly lucky
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to have this string superstar leading our
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Music Department.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Director of Music

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The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
One of the greatest strengths of the               “I’ve always loved the sound of the            “I wanted to try something different and
                                       CGGS music program is that the offering             instrument and all of my favourite music       thought if the girls can do it, so can I.
                                       is ever changing and the reason for this is        is on the electric guitar. I was so happy to   I’ve also joined the Melbourne Scottish
                                       because our staff are happily guided by             learn that the rock band existed at CGGS       Fiddle Club. It’s been a thoroughly
                                       the girls’ requests. Meaning, if they want         and am grateful that the school let’s us       enjoyable experience, great fun and I
                                       to start a rock band, we let them. And,            play this style of music.”                     recommend it to everyone,” says Duncan.
                                       that’s exactly what happened this year.
                                                                                          “I think it’s really important to expose       Director of Music (Curriculum), Kate Savige
                                       The school’s first rock band was formed            people to different music genres and I          says the entire music team is committed
                                       in 2018, a direct request from a group of          especially love seeing the crowd react         to seeing girls involved in music.
                                       girls who were already playing the electric        when we’re on stage,” says Ella.
                                       guitar, base and keyboard. With guidance                                                          “We receive great joy from seeing girls
                                       and tuition from our music staff, this band         The CGGS Irish Band came together              pick up instruments for the first time.
                                       has nine members and regularly perform             in the same way and is comprised of            By enabling new groups to form, we are
                                       at school events.                                  both students and staff, a total of 15          essentially spreading the joy and love of
                                                                                          performers. Formed in 2016, this group         music and music making. Next year one
                                       Year 7 student, Ella Watson joined the             meet weekly and all share a love for Celtic    of the groups may be gone, with a new
                                       band this year, after receiving an electric        and Folk music.                                one in it’s place and we’re totally ok with
                                       guitar from her grandma.                                                                          that,” she says.
                                                                                          One member of the Irish Band is Religion
                                                                                          and History teacher, Duncan Reid who plays
                                                                                          the fiddle and occasionally, the bodhran.

                                       From top - bottom:
                                       Senior School Percussion Group
                                       Senior School Irish Band
                                       Junior Chamber String Orchestra
                                       Senior School Rock Band

                                       Hero image:
                                       Ella, Yr 7 on electric guitar

                                                                                     Music Lover                      How has music benefited          Best dance move?
                                                                                     Liz Ruffles                        you?                             The Nutbush
                                                                                     Year 5 Teacher                   Music plays such an integral
                                                                                                                      part in my life. So many of      Go to karaoke/shower
                                                                                     One of your favourite            my memories have strong          track?
                                                                                     musicians/bands?                 associations with particular     All Night Long -
                                                                                     U2                               songs - from growing up          Lionel Richie
                                                                                                                      watching musicals to singing
                                                                                     Favourite song?                  songs to soothe my own
                                                                                     All I Want Is You -              children. Music can help me
                                                                                     U2                               calm down, fire up, reflect,
                                                                                                                      empathise and express my
10   Camberwell Girls Grammar School
The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
Favourite artist?                      Favourite song?                 Which 2 musicians would
Too many to list! I have very          Don’t Dream It’s Over -         you like to invite for dinner?
broad musical taste.                   Crowded House                   Igor Stravinsky and
                                                                       Stephen Sondheim

                                                                              Director of Music

Kate Savige first commenced working at              that in the future she would go on to          ensembles and pit orchestras for musical    she decided to focus solely on the flute,     “We strongly encourage participation in         hard work, immersed in hours of practice
CGGS in the early 2000’s as a part time             hold the same role as Barbara. Kate was        theatre. As a result, she has been able     an instrument she still plays today.          music, regardless of ability, as the positive   and study to get to where I am today.”
flute and woodwind instrument tutor.                appointed to the role of Director of Music     to visit and perform in some amazing                                                      experiences and strong relationships
An in demand teacher, Kate was on                   (Curriculum) in 2018, a role so very well      locations.                                  “My musical abilities were fostered and       formed can help build confidence,               Kate is definitely doing everything right,
high rotation between a number of                   deserved and so aptly suited to her.                                                       further developed throughout my years         resilience and lifelong friendships. Music      as participation in music at CGGS is at an
independent, catholic and state schools,                                                           “Performing at our much-loved Sydney        at secondary school. The high-quality         has changed the life of many CGGS               all time high and much like her university
filling her days doing what she loved               With a Bachelor of Education in Music          Opera House is definitely one of my         teaching and love of music shared by my       students who have involved themselves in        environment, the corridors of our music
most - teaching children how to play                from The University of Melbourne, Kate         biggest highlights. Sharing the joy of      teachers significantly influenced my career   our inclusive programs,” says Kate.             building are always filled with the sounds
instruments.                                        says she was immersed in an environment        delivering a live performance with a        pathway in music education,” she says.                                                        of music.
                                                    where live performance was supported           group of people you have collaborated                                                     In many ways, Kate has come full circle,
The retirement of long-term Director of             and promoted.                                  and rehearsed with is one of the most       As Director of Music (Curriculum), Kate       returning to school, where her love of          We are thankful that our music program is
Music, Barbara Russell created a vacancy                                                           incredible experiences you can ever have    works closely with her fellow Director        music was discovered, only this time, it’s      in Kate’s capable hands.
for a full-time music classroom role and            “It was a part of what we did every day.       in your life,” says Kate.                   of Music (Instrumental) Rohan Mack. A         Kate who is mentoring and inspiring the
Kate jumped at the opportunity to join              We were always actively making music                                                       strong pair, they are currently focussed      students to immerse themselves in playing
CGGS as a permanent staff member,                    and performing in a variety of contexts,”      Kate attended a primary school that         on further developing and enriching the       and making music.
beginning in 2007.                                  she says.                                      valued music and it was during her early    curricular and co-curricular programs.
                                                                                                   primary years that she first picked up                                                    “Every day, I am acutely aware that I have
Kate was essentially replacing the woman            It was during her university years that Kate   an instrument - the trumpet. Next she       Kate believes that music has the capacity     been awarded the privilege of sharing my
who appointed her and little did she know,          played in a wide variety of ensembles          picked up the flute and she played both     to enrich everyone’s life, due to its         love of music with both staff and students
                                                    including orchestras, bands, chamber           instruments until secondary school, where   inclusive nature.                             at CGGS. It has, however, taken a lot of

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The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
girls were enlightened with insights and
                                                                                                                                                                                understandings of how to approach House
                                                                                                                                                                                Choir rehearsals and conducting duties.

                                                                                                                                                                                “As Singleton House Music Captain, I
                                                                                                                                                                                had to run rehearsals and conduct a choir
                                                                                                                                                                                of over 100 students. Undoubtedly, all
                                                                                                                                                                                techniques gained were invaluable to the
                                                                                                                                                                                success of House Music,” says Year 11
                                                                                                                                                                                student, Ashley Chan.

                                                                                                                                                                                To round out the masterclasses for 2018,
                                                                                                                                 importance of passion and vigour when          a group of eager pianists ventured to          Rohan Mack has participated in many
                                                                                                                                 playing an instrument, and the effect that it   Camberwell Grammar School to partake in        masterclasses during his career and is
                                                                                                                                 has when you are invested in a piece and       a session with internationally-recognised      thrilled that the school has agreed to
                                                                                                                                 can understand the story that it is telling    Canadian pianist, Avan Yu.                     support this once in a lifetime opportunity
                                                                                                                                 the audience,” she says.                                                                      for our students.
                                                                                                                                                                                Year 8 pianist, Emily Wu has already
                                                                                                                                 Those in attendance took note of Helfried’s    attained her Associate of Music (A Mus)        “It’s truly fantastic that we will continue to
                                                                                                                                 tips on improving phrasing, bowing,            and thoroughly enjoyed participating in        provide these opportunities in the future,”
                                                                                                                                 shifting and vibrato techniques. “It was a     this masterclass.                              he says with a smile.
                                                                                                                                 fantastic opportunity to receive guidance
                                                                                                                                 on specific techniques and passages,”          “Avan’s masterclass was a wonderful            Left page:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Emily, Yr 8 loves the piano
                                                                                                                                 said Year 8 violinist, Sarah Hui.              experience, learning how to use one’s
                                                                                                                                                                                musicality to produce a unique style of        Above left:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Zara, Yr 9 during
                                                                                                                                 The school’s House Music Captains              playing. He made me realise that music         Helfried’s masterclass
                                                                                                                                 benefited from a masterclass with Victoria     is more than playing notes, it’s about using
                                                                                                                                 Hofflin, a choral and conducting specialist      your mind to create your own interpretation    Ashley, Yr 11 (centre) during
                                                                                                                                 from the Victorian College of the Arts. The    of the piece,” she says.                       Victoria’s masterclass

                                                                                                                                 masterclass q&a
                                                                                                                                 Zara Mammone / Year 9                          Ashley Chan / Year 11                          Emily Wu / Year 8
                                                                                                                                 Violin Masterclass                             Choral Masterclass                             Piano Masterclass

                                                                                                                                 What impact has the masterclass had            What impact has the masterclass had            What impact has the masterclass had
                                                                                                                                 on you?                                        on you?                                        on you?
                                                                                                                                 Helfried provided me with a range of           Thanks to the masterclass, I can honestly      Participation in this masterclass has had
                                                                                                                                 techniques to approach challenges              say that both my conducting and singing        a huge impact on my own playing. Now,
                                                                                                                                 I experience when playing. He also             ability has improved. I learnt many different   before I start to practice or if I am learning
                                                                                                                                 emphasised the effect of different               skills to approach various genres and          a new piece, I sit down and listen to
                                                                                                                                 playing techniques to provoke emotional        styles of music. In addition, my confidence    multiple recordings, so I can take in the
                                                                                                                                 responses and the general characterisation     has improved.                                  different interpretations by world-renowned
                                                                                                                                 of the piece.                                                                                 artists. Then I like to note down the things
                                                                                                                                                                                Describe the overall experience?               I like from each recording and add my own
                                       A Masterclass is a unique opportunity,       audience and master. Both the performer      Describe the overall experience?               It was a fun and memorable afternoon           style to produce my own individual piece.
                                       enabling our girls to learn from some of     and the audience benefit as the master       Learning from Helfried was a remarkable        and all participants thoroughly enjoyed
                                       the world’s finest musicians. At CGGS,       provides feedback on how to improve,         experience and receiving such                  receiving personal feedback from Victoria.     Describe the overall experience?
                                       masterclasses are becoming a regular         demonstrates how to play certain             personalised and unique feedback truly         The knowledge and advice she provided          Learning from Avan was definitely a once
                                       part of our music offering, with two          passages, talks through technical errors     made a difference in the way I now play         was both helpful and encouraging.              in a lifetime opportunity. I always seek
                                       masterclasses occurring at the school        and often includes anecdotes about the       the violin. His witty personality and wacky                                                   feedback so I can further improve and
                                       in 2018 and plans in place to see the        composer. The student is usually expected    analogies made for an educational and                                                         since the day of the masterclass, I’ve been
                                       program further evolve in 2019.              to play the piece again, in light of the     extremely enjoyable masterclass.                                                              applying his feedback into my playing.
                                                                                    master’s comments and the student may
                                       Rohan Mack, Director of Music                be asked to play a passage repeatedly to
                                       (Instrumental) firmly believes that          attain perfection.
                                       masterclasses do not just benefit the
                                       students from a technique stand point,       Earlier this year, a group of 40 string                                               Music Lover                      Favourite song?                         Best dance move?
                                       they are also highly inspirational.          musicians from Years 5- 12 welcomed                                                   Debbie Dunwoody                  This Is Me -                            The Shuffle (literally!)
                                                                                    Rohan’s former teacher and world-                                                     Principal                        The Greatest Showman
                                       “Masterclasses inspire the girls to pursue   renowned musician, Professor Helfried                                                                                  Soundtrack                              Go to karaoke/shower
                                       excellence in their musical endeavours.      Fister from Austria, to host a violin and                                             One of your favourite                                                    track?
                                       The experience of this environment           viola masterclass. Four students were                                                 musicians/bands?                 How has music benefited                 Where Is The Love? -
                                       also fosters creative curiosity through      lucky enough to play for Professor Fister.                                            Adele                            you?                                    The Black Eyed Peas
                                       performance and composition,” says Rohan.                                                                                                                           It relaxes and inspires me.
                                                                                    Year 9 student Zara Mammone was one
                                       An invaluable learning experience, these     of the lucky four who got to perform and
                                       classes are structured so that a student     was in awe of Helfried’s extensive musical
                                       performs a single piece in front of the      knowledge. “He really emphasised the

14   Camberwell Girls Grammar School
The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
As a musician, Mat Duniam has done it all.       Through his teens he played jazz and             “I’ll always thrive on music making but
He once performed to an audience of 2.4          swing music in bands, mostly under the           right now we’re developing brand new
billion people. Yes, 2.4 BILLION people!         direction of the late Motown legend,             curriculum that is facilitating practical
He produced drums for rock legends               Gil Askey - a director to legends such           real-world learning experiences, so that
Aerosmith. He has played at festivals and        as Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder and the             students understand music language,
concerts the world over. He even has a           Jackson 5.                                       mechanics and performance no matter
prestigious Golden Guitar Award at home                                                           their ambition.”
on the shelf.                                    “Gil approached me after seeing me play.
                                                 I basically started playing in everything he     “I feel now is the time to focus on helping
But this gifted musician, who led                did and at all of his live gigs, he always       the future generation experience the thrills
the Sydney 2000 Olympics Opening                 asked me to come up and play.”                   that I have. We need to keep providing
Ceremony Marching Band and who                                                                    opportunities for our students to have
played with Temper Trap at the AFL               Mat became so accomplished at a young            pathways to develop a voice through
Grand Final, says he derives as much             age that he started teaching music to            music and art, for more great music to be
satisfaction from teaching at CGGS as he         adults at just 14. By 18, he had restored        created and, continued artistic vibrance in
did touring as a musician.                       30 drum kits, which not only funded his          our world,” says Mat.
                                                 first car, but was also the catalyst for his
“I feel so fortunate that I have the privilege   highly successful business, Red Rock
of introducing students to making, playing       Drums. Red Rock build solid stave drums
and writing music. Music education               for artists playing for Pink, Jimmy Barnes,
is human education. It enhances the              Midnight Oil and The Eagles, to name a few.
personal, social and emotional wellbeing
of students. Music can lead students to          Whilst at university, he played gigs on the
challenge their own pre-conceptions of           weekends and it was during this time that
what they believe they are capable of and        he was asked to perform as lead drummer
this can filter on through all other areas of    at the Sydney Olympics, an event of a
their life and learning,” says Mat.              lifetime, watched on television by over 2.4
                                                 billion people worldwide.
Mat holds a Bachelor of Music from
the Victorian College of the Arts and            From here he went on to play in a number
a Graduate Diploma of Secondary                  of bands, including Spargo, a four-piece
Education from Monash University. He             folk band, who later changed to the name,
joined CGGS in 2009 as a percussion              The Wildes and toured extensively for a
tutor, a role that evolved into Head of          10 year period winning a Golden Guitar
Percussion and in late 2015, he began            Award for Best Alternative Country Album.
teaching classroom music. Up until
recently, Mat combined an award winning          He has also played in the Jack Earle Big
music career with his education career.          Band, as well as performing with many
                                                 award-winning Aussie country artists
“Before becoming a father, sometimes,            including Aleyce Simmonds, Mustered
I’d fly in at 6.00am on a teaching day from      Courage, Amber Lawrence, Christie Lamb
an interstate gig. When you love what you        and Fanny Lumsden.
do, you just make it work,” he says.
                                                 A devoted husband and father,
Mat grew up listening to his parents’            businessman, author of three books and
record collection for hours on end. His          teacher, Mat still manages to squeeze in
first music lessons were on the piano at         the time to play drums for the Esstee Big
six years of age, followed by the violin,        Band, who recently released a new album.
guitar and bass guitar.
                                                 With a list of awards and accolades a mile
He picked up a plastic drum at his first         long, this music dynamo has barely drawn
Christmas, however it wasn’t until he            breath since picking up that plastic drum
turned 12 that drumming lessons began.           but one thing’s for certain, he’s certainly in
                                                 the right place right now.

                                                                                                                                                 Favourite artist?              Favourite song?         Which 2 musicians would
                                                                 Music Teacher &                                                                 One day it may be Midnight
                                                                                                                                                 Oil and the next Tchaikovsky
                                                                                                                                                                                Imagine - John Lennon   you like to invite for dinner?
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Paul McCartney and
                                                                 Head of Percussion                                                                                                                     Elton John

16   Camberwell Girls Grammar School                                                                                                                                                                          CAMLIFE / Summer 2018   17
The power of music CREATE YOUR TOMORROW - Issue 67 / Summer 2018 - Camberwell Girls Grammar School
One family of instruments at CGGS with          In 2018 there was a total of 10 ensembles      For the past four years, two String
huge participation rates is the string          and quartets dedicated just to string          Quartets from CGGS have been asked
family. From Early Learning to Year 12,         instruments. Strings are also in high          to perform in front of VIPs at the Sunday
we currently have students in every year        demand in the school’s many orchestras         Soiree Afternoon Tea. This year, the event
level playing a string instrument, under the    and bands.                                     was hosted by Channel 7 meteorologist
guidance of six specialist staff.                                                               and presenter, Jane Bunn.
                                                From quartets to orchestras, comprising
From violin, viola, cello, double bass,         of between 20 and 50 students, string          Year 10 student, Melissa Xue was one
guitar and bass guitar, more than half of       instruments are an integral part of many       of the lucky students who played at the
the students participating in private tuition   of the co-curricular ensembles in the          MCG in August and was thankful for the
are learning one of these six instruments.      school and offer amazing performance            opportunity.
                                                opportunities for Junior and Senior
                                                students.                                      “It was a wonderful experience to perform
                                                                                               for many special guests in a corporate
                                                “Strings are present at all musical events,    room, high above the football ground.
                                                concerts and functions that are held           Our music was heard by breast cancer
                                                throughout the year at the school. It’s        survivors and others who are currently
                                                wonderful to see such large numbers of         undergoing treatment.”
                                                students learning to play and enjoying all
                                                that comes with being part of a musical        “There were also celebrities and many
                                                group,” says Rohan Mack, Director of           other prominent people including the
                                                Music (Instrumental).                          Governor General, Quentin Bryce in
                                                                                               attendance. Everybody appreciated our
                                                Not only do students have the opportunity      music, which made all the hard work of
                                                to perform for the school community, they      rehearsing our repertoire worth it,”
                                                also have the opportunity to perform at        says Melissa.
Left page:                                      special external events.
Georgia, Yr1 playing the violin                                                                With string uptake set to rise again in
                                                An annual highlight is playing at the Breast   2019, we look forward to seeing these
Junior School String Orchestra                  Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) Field of       groups on stage in the new year.
Madeline, Yr11                                  Women match at the MCG.

                                           Music Lover                     How has music benefited          Best dance move?
                                           Belinda Kinnane                 you?                             Running Man
                                           Mathematics Teacher &           During my VCE and
                                           School Timetabler               throughout University, I         Go to karaoke/shower
                                                                           studied to classical music to    track?
                                           One of your favourite           help focus and relieve stress.   All I Want For Christmas
                                           musicians/bands?                These days my children           Is You - Mariah Carey
                                           Pink                            and I spend our weekends
                                                                           dancing to all types of music,
                                           Favourite song?                 including The Beatles, hip
                                           Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol      hop, pop and ballet.

                                                                                                                   CAMLIFE / Summer 2018   19
Hero image:
Cathy conducting the Middle
School Choir at Festival of Music

Right page:
Choral group, 1930s

Cantabile Choir performing at
the Junior School Choral and
Instrumental Concert

Long before the introduction of instruments   of singing was no longer regarded as an     Commencing in Foundation, all Junior          All girls are welcome to join the Years         In addition to the in-house performances,   “Singing is really is one of my greatest
at CGGS, music was already thriving.          inferior co-curricular involvement,” says   School students sing in a choir as part       7 - 9 Middle School Choir and the Years         there are many opportunities for CGGS       joys. To work with students who adore it
Since the school’s inception, there has       Barbara.                                    of the curriculum and perform at the          10 - 12 Senior Singers. Girls can audition      students to perform in the broader          as much as I do is an absolute pleasure.”
been a strong tradition of choral music.                                                  Choral and Instrumental Concert and the       for the Preston Singers Choir, which            community at charity events and church
                                              Fast forward to today and the choral        biennial production of Ormiston Creates.      presents multiple annual performance            services in the city to name a few.         “I truly love seeing the girls connect with
In 1976 the school appointed Barbara          program is as strong as ever, offering       Solo singers also have the opportunity        opportunities. In addition, Senior students                                                 music - their intellect, musicianship and
Russell as Director of Choral Music, the      a range of opportunities that are either    to perform at the biannual Mountfield         can audition for the School Musical.            One staff member who drives the program      most importantly, their sole. It’s glorious.
first permanent music staff member at          auditioned or welcome to all.               Maestros concerts. In addition, students                                                      is Cathy Georgiev, who joined the school    They attend the lessons because they’ve
CGGS. It is without a doubt, that Barbara                                                 in Years 5 and 6 are able to audition for a   One annual event which further supports         in 1988. Like Barbara, Cathy has worked     discovered that connection with music on
laid the foundations for the current choral   In the primary years, the choral program    smaller choral group called Vocal Express     the CGGS choral program is House                tirelessly over the past three decades to   all levels - it speaks to them,” says Cathy.
program and music in general at the           lays the foundation of ensemble work        who perform at the Year 6 Graduation and      Music. All Senior School students are           develop music at CGGS.
school.                                       and helps students to develop their         annual Christmas concert.                     required to sing in their House Choir and
                                              vocal technique and performance skills.                                                   girls can also audition for the A Cappella      She juggles classroom teaching with
“Within three years of joining CGGS, I had    The program encourages participation        The senior choral program not only            item and Staged Song performance. This          choral leadership and spends many hours
enough girls participating to enable me to    and teamwork and most importantly,          builds on the primary foundation of vocal     event is certainly a highlight for the school   before school, at lunch and after school
form a Senior Chorale, as well as maintain    gives students the opportunity to           technique, it also develops the ability to    community as all girls from Year 7 - 12 are     working with both our Junior and Senior
a growing Junior Choir. The perception        have fun whilst experiencing the art of     sing in harmony in a wide range of choral     on stage.                                       school choral students.
                                              performance.                                groups from Years 7 - 12.

20   Camberwell Girls Grammar School                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CAMLIFE / Summer 2018   21
2018 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Without a doubt, a lure of musical theatre    Supported by just four music staff, this         students. The orchestra is no different. It   Students are required to commit to an       “The students involved, developed a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Orchestra warming up
is definitely the live music. A performance   year’s production saw 17 students call          is filled with as many student musicians     extensive rehearsal schedule. This year’s   tremendous camaraderie and gained many
just wouldn’t be complete, without a          the orchestra pit home, all in the effort to     as possible.                                 production saw our musicians complete       new friendships across year levels,” says
booming orchestra to support the action       fill the hall with glorious melodies to bring                                                41 hours of rehearsals, which included      Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Musical Director,
on stage.                                     the wonderful world of Chitty Chitty Bang       “Rather than outsourcing to professional     weekends and regular after school           Kate Savige.
                                              Bang to life.                                   musicians or a team of music staff, each      sessions for 3 months, in the lead up to
We pride ourselves on our student-                                                            year we select a group of CGGS student       the performances.                           Whilst the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
dominated orchestra that performs live for    All aspects of CGGS musicals, from              musicians to make up our production                                                      orchestra may have been quiet achievers,
each show of our Senior School musicals       costuming, lighting, set, projection, props     orchestra,” says Rohan Mack, Director        All these hours of hard work culminated     hidden under the stage, they certainly
                                              and make-up are all executed by the             of Music (Instrumental).                     in performing at four shows, each show      showed us the power of music.
                                                                                                                                           lasting three hours.

our students
 commit to
an extensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CAMLIFE / Summer 2018      23
co-curricular                                              junior    Musical Groups
                                                                     Junior Strings (Yr 1-4)
                                                                     Chamber Strings (Yr 3-6)

music                                                      school    Sinfonia (Yr 3-6)
                                                                     Woodwind Ensemble (Yr 4-6)
                                                                     Junior Quartets x3 (Yr 5-6)

opportunities                                              music     Piccola Voce Choir (F-Yr 2)
                                                                     Cantabile Choir (Yr 3-4)
                                                                     Vivace Choir (Yr 5-6)

At CGGS we know firsthand the benefits of a balanced
lifestyle and therefore opportunities to participate in
                                                           offering   Vocal Express - Auditioned Choir (Yr 5-6)

                                                                     Performance Opportunities
music are endless.                                                   Church Services
                                                                     Junior and Senior School Assemblies
With over 30 musical groups on offer and a large                      School Tours
number of internal and external performance                          Building Openings
opportunities, every girl, regardless of her ability can             Parent Events
reap the rewards of being involved in music.                         Graduation Services
                                                                     Summer Spectacular
                                                                     Carols at Camberwell
                                                                     Festival of Music
                                                                     Ormiston Creates
                                                                     Mountfield Maestros
                                                                     Ormiston Choral & Instrumental Concert
                                                                     Chamber Concert

for every                                                                                                        Music Lover               How has music benefited         Best dance move?

                                                                                                                 Anthony Pasinati          you?                            The Floss... I’m actually a
                                                                                                                 Mathematics & Science     Music is one of my true         terrible dancer!
                                                                                                                 Teacher                   passions. Music expresses
                                                                                                                                           our emotions, explores our      Go to karaoke/shower
                                                                                                                 One of your favourite     relationships with others and   track?
                                                                                                                 musicians/bands?          has the ability to alter our    Hey Ya! - OutKast
                                                                                                                 Drake                     mood. Watching an artist
                                                                                                                                           perform live is one of my
                                                                                                                 Favourite song?           favourite things to do.
                                                                                                                 Daft Punk Is Playing At
                                                                                                                 My House -
                                                                                                                 LCD Soundsystem
                                       Musical Groups                              Performance Opportunities
                                       Preston Singers (Yr 7-9)                    Presentation Evenings
                                       Middle School Choir (Yr 7-9)                Church Services

school                                 Senior Chamber String Orchestra (Yr 7-12)
                                       Concert Band (Yr 7-9)
                                                                                   Senior School Assemblies
                                                                                   School Tours

                                       Junior Percussion (Yr 7)                    Orientation Days
                                       Symphony Orchestra (Yr 7-12)                Valedictory Dinner
                                       Russell Strings (Yr 7-9)                    Building Openings

                                       Senior Singers (Yr 10-12)                   Parent Events
                                       Rock Band (Yr 7-12)                         Graduation Services
                                       Chamber String Ensembles x 3                Summer Spectacular
                                       Symphonic Band (Yr 10-12)                   Carols at Camberwell
                                       Flute Ensemble (Yr 7-12)                    Festival of Music
                                       Intermediate Percussion (Yr 8-10)           House Music
                                       Senior Percussion (Yr 10-12)                Senior School Musical
                                       Irish Band ((Yr 7
                                                       7-12)                       Chamber Concert
                                       Stage Band (Yr( 7-12)                       European Music Tour / every 2-3 years

                                                                                   Multiple community events including:
                                                                                   - World Day of Prayer service at St John’s,
                                                                                   - Camberwell Rotary Markets

our european
                                                                                   - Anglican Schools’ Service at St Paul’s
                                                                                   - Annual Breast Cancer Network Australia

 music tour                                                                          events including Pink Lady at MCG

  visits over
 5 countries

26   Camberwell Girls Grammar School
                                                                                                        music                            Junior School Music Curriculum

                                                                                                       learning                          At Junior School, our music program is led
                                                                                                                                         by a dynamic and talented duo, Nichole
                                                                                                                                                                                        All Early Learning - Year 6 students
                                                                                                                                                                                        receive a class of music per week and all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Development of performance skills is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        recognised as an important part of the

                                                                                                     supports all
                                                                                                                                         Adams and Penny Byrne.                         Junior School students are encouraged to        musical development for every student.
                                                                                                                                                                                        learn an instrument, with uptake beginning

skill sets
                                                                                                                                         Nichole and Penny have developed a             for some in Early Learning.                     There are many opportunities for our

                                                                                                       learning                          Kodály-inspired program, both in the
                                                                                                                                         classroom and within our choirs and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Our Year 2 Super Strings program aims
                                                                                                                                                                                        to develop technical, aural, music reading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Junior students to join ensembles and to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        preform in front of an audience.

                                                                                                                                                                                        and ensemble skills, through learning to        “Ensemble experience is highly valued
                                                                                                                                         Zoltan Kodály (1882 - 1967) was a              play the violin, viola or cello. All Year 2     and students taking private lessons are
                                                                                                                                         Hungarian composer and educator who            girls participate and those with prior string   encouraged to further enhance their skills
                                                                                                                                         believed that every person has musical         experience are offered more challenging          by taking part in many of the ensembles
                                                                                                                                         aptitude and that music education should       music to play.                                  offered including Junior Strings, Chamber
                                                                                                                                         exist in everybody’s life, commencing as                                                       Strings, Woodwind Ensemble, Quartets
Music in the curriculum                                                                                                                  early as possible.                             In Year 4, all students learn the recorder      and Sinfonia,” says Penny.
                                                                                                                                                                                        and in Years 5 and 6, all students take
Whether your daughter is the next                                            agement with
                                              Research has found that engagement             The school has developed a holistic         He believed that singing should be             part in the Concert Band program, where         Our own Junior School performance
Beyoncé or more likely to sing her solos in                                  ther subjects
                                              music facilitates learning in other            program to ensure that as students          the foundation of all music education,         they play instruments from the woodwind,        program, Mountfield Maestros, runs twice
the shower, research has proven that she      and enhances skills that children inevitably   progress through the year levels, they      as voice is the most accessible of all         brass and percussion families. A trial          a year and enables instrumental and
is guaranteed to benefit from some form       use in other areas.                            continue to build on the skills developed   instruments. Therefore, a Kodály-inspired      period is offered so the girls can each          vocal soloists to perform for the CGGS
of music education.                                                                          the previous year.                          program is known for its sequential            have a turn at playing the flute, clarinet,     community to showcase their talents.
                                              From the moment students arrive at                                                         development of skills with emphasis            trumpet, trombone, drums, xylophone and
“Making music involves more than the          CGGS they immediately engage with              Comprised of three pillars - composing,     on music literacy, and a singing-based         glockenspiel. Post trial, they nominate         In addition, the Junior School also has two
voice or fingers playing an instrument. A     music. Beginning in Early Learning and         performing and appreciation, the CGGS       curriculum.                                    their preference for the band.                  formal music concerts each year, featuring
child learning about music has to tap into    carrying through to Year 9, music is part      program certainly offers a rich experience                                                                                                  all ensemble groups and choirs. Ormiston
multiple skill sets, often simultaneously.    of our core curriculum and all students        for all.                                    “The Kodály method instructs us how to         Our Foundation - Year 6 students are also       Creates is a musical extravaganza held
Music education supports all learning,”       participate in regular classes - up to three                                               approach music education in children,          involved in year level choirs, where they       every second year and this production
says Kate Savige, Director of Music           per fortnight.                                                                             so their experience is not only musical        receive further training and continue to        allows students to showcase their
(Curriculum).                                                                                                                            but intellectual, physical and importantly,    develop their musical skill set.                musical, theatrical and dance talents, to a
                                                                                                                                         spiritual,” says Nichole.                                                                      sold out hall over two consecutive nights.
Nichole (standing) and Penny
with Rita, Yr 2 on cello and
Maddison, Yr 2 on violin.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Music Lover                      How has music benefited           Best dance move?
                                                                                                                                                                                   Jane Scott                       you?                              Head Banging
                                                                                                                                                                                   Music Administrator              It’s always there - reliable,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ever evolving, comforting. It’s   Go to karaoke/shower
                                                                                                                                                                                   One of your favourite            like a pet that lives forever,    track?
                                                                                                                                                                                   musicians/bands?                 loves you unconditionally         Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
                                                                                                                                                                                   Daft Punk                        and does whatever you want        - Jess Glynne
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to do, doesn’t argue and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Favourite song?                  has been through all life’s
                                                                                                                                                                                   Leaps and Bounds -               ups and downs with you
                                                                                                                                                                                   Paul Kelly                       and remembers everything.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Music helps me concentrate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    or forget everything.
Hero image:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yr 6 student, Kiki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            during her trumpet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tuition with Joseph

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Yr 6 twins, Katrina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Laura learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              piano with Cathy

Senior School Music Curriculum                  At Year 9, students delve deeper into           At VCE level, Units 1 and 2 Solo Music
                                                the use of music in society, such as its        Performance is offered to students in Year
At Senior School, all students are given        emotive and dramatic uses in advertising        10 or Year 11, which segues into Units 3
opportunities to get hands-on experience        through to the theatrical story-telling         and 4 for Year 11 or Year 12 students. On
with a range of instruments from the            of Broadway Musicals. The role of the           their primary instrument, students prepare                                                     In addition, tuition also provides students    and percussionist, Joseph teaches any
moment they commence.                           audience member is further understood           programmes of repertoire for concert                                                           the opportunity to participate in formal       brass instrument that the students are
                                                through a range of evaluative activities        performances, as well as experiencing a                                                        exams and in ensembles, both in and            interested in, proving that at CGGS, if you
In Year 7, our Instruments of the Orchestra     which again, inform more advanced               range of learning opportunities to develop                                                     outside of school.                             want to play it, you can.
module places students into rotations           composition tasks. The formulaic secrets        understandings of technical, stylistic
of the string, brass and woodwind               of current pop music are also unpacked,         and expressive skills. A broad range of                                                        In recent years, participation in private      Joseph founded the John Mallinson Youth
families, before coming together as a           culminating in the composition of a             resources and activities are covered to                                                        tuition has grown dramatically. With 45        Band and conducts and travels the world
class orchestra. Following this, rhythm         complete pop song.                              develop aural, theory and critical listening                                                   students enrolled in 2013, we now have         with numerous ensembles. Catherine
notation reading is introduced through                                                          vocabulary.                                                                                    129 students enrolled in the program and       Oxworth, our clarinet and saxophone tutor,
class performance and composition               Senior music teacher, Mat Duniam says                                                                                                          the number is set to rise again in 2019.       has a PHD in education and has taught
in drumming groups, feeding into                each time our students engage with music        Under Kate and Rohan’s leadership, with                                                                                                       music in Kenya.
composing and notating raps. Further            literacy, it is reinforced with a practical     the support of Mat, Nichole, Penny and                                                         “The girls are practically unlimited when
practical modules on piano and guitar           experience.                                     the specialist music tutors, this dedicated                                                    it comes to choice, with 18 instruments        Piano and music theory tutors, Cathy
provide students the tools to perform                                                           group of staff ensure that music education                                                      currently being taught. We have staff who       Georgiev and Warwick Lewis have both
and recreate chord progressions and             “From singing, playing, composing, using        thrives at CGGS.                                  Private Music Tuition                        specialise in percussion, saxophone,           been tutoring at CGGS for decades. They
melodies - spanning from current pop            technology and performing, we provide                                                                                                          guitar, trombone, oboe and voice to name       are at the forefront of our long-standing
to programmatic works to music of               opportunities for every student to achieve                                                        Private Music Tuition has been an ongoing    a few. And, of course the most popular         and highly skilled team that are invested in
other cultures. Throughout the year,            their best,” confirms Mat.                                                                        program at the school for 45 years. With     instruments piano and violin,” says Rohan.     fostering a love for music at CGGS.
students also gain command of the iPad                                                                                                            19 highly skilled music tutors currently
app, Garage Band to complete several            The school also offers two music elective                                                          employed by the school, learning an          Our tutors come from an extensive              A large number of our tutors also assist
composition tasks.                              modules for students in Years 8 and 9,                                                            instrument at CGGS has never been more       range of musical backgrounds. They             in music classes and lead multiple co-
                                                which further supports their interests                                                            accessible.                                  are experienced teachers, mostly               curricular ensembles.
In Year 8, the focus is on the history          and passions in music. The Music Studio                                                                                                        teaching privately in Melbourne but most
of music, important eras and the roles          Composition elective focuses on the                                                               Whether you are four years of age or 14,     importantly, they are all exceptional          The CGGS Private Tuition Program is run
of famous musicians and composers               study of music in a contemporary context.                                                         a beginner or advanced, interested in        musicians in their own right.                  by a team of committed professionals who
within each genre. Students explore and         Students develop a deeper understanding                                                           the French horn or the drums, the CGGS                                                      all have a passion for music, teaching and
investigate what characteristics define         of the expressive content of 21st Century                                                         Private Tuition program is offered to all.    “Their musical expertise isn’t limited to      most importantly, seeing our girls advance.
earlier music styles such as Medieval,          electronic music composition. The Music                                                                                                        tuition. Many of our tutors spend their time
Baroque and Classical to inform their           Performance elective offers acceleration                                                           “Participating in private tuition provides   conducting local ensembles and choirs,”
composition tasks. Music-specific               and enrichment in music performance and                                                           an opportunity for students to learn a       says Rohan.
vocabulary is also further developed            musicianship. Personal confidence and                                                             new instrument and to advance their
during a broad range of listening activities.   creative diversity is fostered within a range                                                     musicianship, one-on-one with one of our     One such tutor is brass specialist, Joseph
                                                of collaborative experiences.                                                                     highly skilled tutors,” say Rohan Mack,      Yu who has been at CGGS for nearly 14
                                                                                                                                                  Director of Music (Instrumental).            years. A well-rounded brass, woodwind

30   Camberwell Girls Grammar School                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CAMLIFE / Summer 2018      31
Yr 7 students
               Jessica, Madeleine
               and Charlotte enjoy
                 composing music
                    on their iPads

                                     There have been some mind-boggling              For the major assessment piece this year,       A keen songwriter, Seanna looks forward
                                     advances in technology over the last few        each girl was responsible for creating          to taking her lyrics from paper to a
                                     decades. In fact, it has entirely altered the   an original composition to accompany            complete composition in the future.
                                     way we interact with the world around           a children’s picture book. The girls were
                                     us. As a result, society is changing at a       placed in a real-world context, where they      With this technology at the fingertips of
                                     rapid rate and, the music industry is no        were responsible for producing an end           our students, tomorrow’s next musical
                                     different, embracing emerging technology         product.                                        phenomenon could very well emerge from
                                     to completely alter the way we consume                                                          CGGS.
                                     and create music.                               “This project provides a great challenge
                                                                                     for the girls. They are required to select
                                     At CGGS, technology is a part of                the overall mood for the story and then
                                     music and many learning opportunities           use music to illuminate the narrative,”
                                     incorporate both traditional music making       says Kate.
                                     and technology.
                                                                                     Seanna Henricus, Year 9 (pictured on
                                     Our students have access to music               cover) enjoyed creating her own score and
                                     composition and notation software that          was surprised to see how much a piece of
                                     ten years ago, only existed in major            music can change the tone of a story.
                                     recording studios. Working on iMacs in
                                     the Music Technology Studio, students           “My composition came together really well
                                     can use either Garage Band or Sibelius          and it was enjoyable to hear how nice the
                                     software to compose and produce their           score worked over the top of the spoken
                                     own tracks.                                     picture book. It really gave the story so         Congratulations Samantha!
                                                                                     much more depth,” says Seanna.                    We congratulate our 2018 School Music
                                     The Year 8 and 9 music electives are a                                                            Captain, Samantha Wong (Yr 12) for
                                     perfect example of how the two elements         Seanna who has played the piano for 10            composing an award-winning piece as
                                     work in harmony here at CGGS.                   years and also sings, loved the theory side       part of her VCE Music class. Her track,
                                                                                     of the subject.                                   titled Rain, placed third in the 2018
                                     Director of Music (Curriculum), Kate Savige                                                       Australian Children’s Music Foundation
                                     says, “These subjects focus on the              “Mastering both programs proved                   National Songwriting Competition.
                                     study of music in a contemporary                challenging as there is so much on offer
                                     context and allow students to develop a         in each. I was so excited to try all the          With Bonnie Thorne (Yr 11) on vocals,
                                     deeper understanding of the expressive          different techniques and I ended up                Maryanne Li (Yr 11) on oboe and Sam
                                     content of 21st Century electronic music        working with Garage Band to create my             playing piano, Rain is a beautiful piece.
                                     composition.”                                   final piece.”

 technology                                                                     Music Lover                      How has music benefited           Best dance move?

has changed                                                                     Mark Corrie
                                                                                Director of School Operations
                                                                                                                 Music lifts me up, especially

   how we
                                                                                                                 if I’m flat. And, I run my best   Go to karaoke/shower
                                                                                One of your favourite            when listening to music.          track?
                                                                                musicians/bands?                                                   Kickstart My Heart -

create music                                                                    Madonna

                                                                                Favourite song?
                                                                                                                                                   Mötley Crüe

                                                                                Better - The Screaming Jets
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