July 27 to Aug. 1, 2021 - Summer Day & Country Ways OSBORNE COUNTY Schedule Classes

Page created by Neil Lewis
July 27 to Aug. 1, 2021 - Summer Day & Country Ways OSBORNE COUNTY Schedule Classes
Summer Day
& Country Ways

July 27 to Aug. 1, 2021
       Schedule • Classes

   All Events are Subject to Change
2021 OSBORNE COUNTY FAIR                                                                                                                    DIVISION FF - WOODWORKING

                           SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
                                                                                                                                 1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules apply.
                                                                                                                                  2. To be eligible to compete in the Woodworking division, an exhibitor must be enrolled in Woodworking project.
                                                                                                                                  3. Exhibits are to be in place 30 minutes before the start of Woodworking division judging on Wednesday, July 28 and remain
                                                                                                                               in place until 12:00 p.m. on Sunday. After the pre-entry deadline, a judging schedule will be provided.
                 ALL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE                                                                    4. The plan from which it was constructed must be with the article exhibited. The plan may be a photocopy, the actual pattern,
                                                                                                                               or a scale drawing. It must be complete and accurate to the extent that a duplicate article could be built using the plan as a guide.
Monday, July 12                                                                                                                Securely attach information to the project (preferably in a plastic bag/sleeve). Please note: a set of step by step instructions is not
5:00 pm                      4-H Pre-Fair Deadline                                                                             a plan. Projects with missing or insufficient plans will be lowered one ribbon placing (i.e. a blue ribbon quality exhibit will be award-
                                                                                                                               ed a red ribbon). The use of materials other than wood should be kept to a minimum.
Sunday, July 25                                                                                                                   5. Projects that have unsecured glass, i.e., glass shelves, glass top of a coffee table, etc. should not be brought to the fair. Glass that
5:30 pm                      Pre-Fair Clean-Up                                                                                 is secured in the project, i.e., glass front of a cabinet, is permissible since it cannot be easily removed.
                                                                                                                                  6. Refinished/repaired furniture should be exhibited in the Home Environment Division.
Tuesday, July 27                                                                                                                  7. Projects made from pre-cuts are not eligible for State Fair.
7:30 am                      Check-in for 4-H and Open Class Cats & Other Pets Show                                               8. In judging woodwork articles, consideration will be given to: workmanship, including accuracy to the plan; design; choice of
                                                                                                                               wood; sustainability and quality of finish; and usefulness.
                             (South end of 4-H Building, Fairgrounds)                                                             9. Firearms and weapons are not to be entered or displayed.
8:00 am                      4-H & Open Class Cats & Other Pets Show (South end of 4-H Building)                                 10. A Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will be selected for Junior Exhibitors as well as Senior Exhibitors.
8:00 am                      Check-in for 4-H Horse Show, Registration for Open Class Horse Show (Fairgrounds Arena)
8:30 am                      Check-in for Post Rock District 4-H & Osborne County Open Class Dog Show (Covered Arena)          Class 100. Article for farm or shop use
9:00 am                      4-H & Open Class Horse Show (Fairgrounds Arena)                                                   Class 101. Lawn furniture
9:00 am                      Post Rock District 4-H & Osborne County Open Class Dog Show (Covered Arena)                       Class 102. Household furniture
5:00 – 7:00 pm               4-H Building Open for Preparations Only (Set up club booths, inside & outside photo booths,       Class 103. Other woodwork articles not included in above classes
                             can bring large/durable 4-H Building exhibits for Wednesday judging)                               – Example: bird houses, bird feeders, household equipment
5:30 – 7:00 pm               Market Beef weigh-in (Osborne Sale Barn)                                                           such as knife racks, bread boards, door steps, etc.
6:00 – 8:00 pm               Livestock Check-in/Vet Check for Beef, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Horse, Poultry
                             (Northwest gate of Fairgrounds)

Wednesday, July 28
8:00 am                      Judging begins for Foods & Nutrition (Osborne First Christian Church)
                                      *Judging Times Scheduled                                                                                      Notes from the 2021 Osborne County Fair
9:00 am                      Judging begins for Home Environment (4-H Building)
                                      * Judging Times Scheduled
                             Followed by: Judging of Woodworking, Ag Mechanics, Energy Management, Shooting Sports,
                             Wildlife, Entomology, Geology & Lapidary (4-H Building) * Judging Times Scheduled
10:30 am                     Judging begins for Fiber Arts (4-H Building)
                                      * Judging Times Scheduled
                             Followed by Booths and Project Exhibits
10:30 am                     Treasure Hunt, posted near Petting Zoo
1:00 pm                      Judging begins for Photography (4-H Building)
                                      * Judging Times Scheduled
1:00 pm                      Open Class Judging (Butler Building)
2:00 – 9:00 pm               Petting Zoo Open, Free
4:00 – 9:00 pm               Inflatables Open – $5.00 per wristband; for kids 12 and under only
6:00 pm                      “You Can Dig It” Sand Pit. Free for kids 12 and Under. (Sand Pit Area) Sponsored by the
                                      Fair Board. Money, trinkets and treasures will be hidden in the sand for kids to find.
6:00 pm                      Treasure Hunt – Daily clues posted at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. near Petting Zoo
6:00 pm – 12 am              Beer Garden
7:00 pm                      IMCA Car Races: Admission: $10 adults, $5 ages 6 – 12, Pit Gate $30

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                                                                                                                                                                              SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
  8. To be eligible to be sold in the Premium Auction, a Market             es - Fine Arts, Clay and Ceramics, Leather and Jewelry, Three
Swine and/or Breeding Swine project must be judged. A Swine                 Dimensional and General Crafts. An exhibit must receive a purple
project cannot be shown only in a Swine Showmanship class and               ribbon to be considered for the State Fair exhibit and member must
be sold in Premium Auction.                                                 be 9 years of age before January 1 of the current year to exhibit at
                                                                            the Kansas State Fair 4-H Visual Arts Division.
Class 100. Swine Showmanship – Senior Exhibitor
Class 101. Swine Showmanship – Junior Exhibitor
Class 102. Market Hog
                                                                            Class 100. Fine Arts – Oil, chalk, charcoal, dyes, pastels, pencil, ink,
                                                                             acrylic, or watercolor on canvas, canvas board, paper, wood, metal
                                                                                                                                                                    ALL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Class 103. Prospect Market Hog - All market hogs weighing                    or textiles, framed as a picture, prepared for hanging. Stretched         Thursday, July 29
 199 lbs. or less. Prospect Market Hogs are not eligible for                 canvas art on a wooden frame is considered prepared for hanging           7:30 am                Livestock Weigh-in for Bucket Calves, Sheep, Swine & Goats
 overall grand champion.                                                     provided that frame has a hangar.                                         8:00 am                Check-in for Plant Science exhibits (4-H Building)
Class 104. Breeding gilt (Age Break for This Class will be                  Class 101. Clay and Ceramics – Any original items made of clay;            8:00 – 10:00 am        Enter Open Class Floriculture (Butler Building)
 January, February, and March)                                               may be fired or unfired, hand formed, or thrown on a wheel. Self-         8:30 am                Judging begins for Plant Science (4-H Building) * Judging Times Scheduled
Class 105. Market Swine Rate of Gain (Open to all market                     hardening, fire/oven-cured, and/or cornstarch clays are acceptable.
                                                                                                                                                       8:30 am                Judging begins for Visual Arts (4-H Building) * Judging Times Scheduled
 swine officially weighed in at the 2021 Osborne County Small                Items can include, but are not limited to clay statues, bowls, etc.
 Animal Verification and Tagging.                                           Class 102. Leather and Jewelry – Any leather stamping, tooling,            10:00 am               Judging begins for 4-H and Open Class Poultry & Rabbit Shows
                                                                                                                                                       10:00 am               Judging begins for Open Class Flowers (Butler Building)
                                                                             lacing or stitching piece or any jewelry piece made from any
                                                                             medium are acceptable exhibits.                                           10:00 am - 9 pm        Petting Zoo Open, Free
   1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules apply.                                      Class 103. Three Dimensional – The piece must be observable on at          10:30 am               Treasure Hunt Daily Clue posted by Petting Zoo
   2. To be eligible to compete in the Visual Arts division, an              least three sides and should either be free-standing or prepared to be    10:30 am               Judging begins for Space Tech (4-H Building) * Judging Times Scheduled
exhibitor must be enrolled in Visual Arts.                                   hung. Craft and pre-formed or assembled projects are not acceptable.      1:00 pm                Livestock Superintendent Meeting
   3. A consultation judging schedule will be set up for Visual Arts.       Class 104. General Crafts – This category incorporates                     1:00 pm                Judging begins for Clothing & Textile (Osborne Christian Church) *Judging Times Scheduled
Judging will begin at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, July 29. Please be ready           miscellaneous pieces that do not correspond to the four,                  4:00 pm                Deadline for 4-H Premium Auction Sign-up
                                                                             above-mentioned categories.
for judging a minimum of 15 minutes before your scheduled time,                                                                                        4:00 – 9:00 pm         Inflatables – $5 per wristband; for children 12 and under
as the times are approximate.                                               Class 105. Other Visual Arts including purchased kits not
                                                                             meeting state fair expectations                                           5:30 pm                Herdsmanship Judging
   4. Exhibits will be displayed immediately following the judging
and remain in place until 12:00 p.m. on Sunday.                              (This class is not State Fair eligible. County level only.)               5:30 pm                4-H Fashion Revue
                                                                                                                                                       6:00 pm                “You Can Dig It” Sand Pit. Free for kids 12 and Under. (Sand Pit Area)
                                                                                    DIVISION EE – WILDLIFE
   5. Individuals may exhibit more than one entry per class, but they
cannot exceed a total of 6 entries in the Visual Arts division.                                                                                                                        Sponsored by the Sunflower Bank of Osborne.
   6. Visual Arts exhibits will be judged using a visual arts rubric at       1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules apply.                                                                      Money, trinkets and treasures will be hidden in the sand for kids to find
the Kansas State Fair.                                                        2. To be eligible to compete in the Wildlife division, an                6:00 pm – 12 am        Beer Garden
   7. All visual arts exhibits will be evaluated using a visual arts        exhibitor must be enrolled in Wildlife.                                    6:30 pm                Treasure Hunt, second daily clue posted near Petting Zoo
rubric, which takes into account correct use of design elements,              3. Exhibits are to be in place 30 minutes before the start of            7:00 pm                IMCA Car Races: Admission: $10 adults, $5 ages 6 – 12, Pit Gate $30
craftsmanship and creativity.                                               Wildlife division judging on Wednesday, July 28 and remain in
   8. Before selecting exhibition class, review the divisions of Visual     place until 12:00 p.m. on Sunday. After the pre-entry deadline, a
                                                                            judging schedule will be provided.
                                                                                                                                                       Friday, July 30
Arts, Home Environment, Fiber Arts, Clothing Construction, Farm
                                                                              4. Exhibitors must comply with state and federal laws. It is ille-       9:00 am                4-H & Open Class Swine Show (Covered Arena)
Mechanics, and Woodworking to determine the best fit for your
item.                                                                       gal to possess threatened or endangered wildlife, or the feathers,         45 minutes after end
   9. For State Fair consideration (Class 100 – 104), kits and pre-         nests, or eggs of non-game birds. Game birds and game animals              of Swine Show          4-H & Open Class Beef & Dairy Show (Covered Arena)
formed molds are not considered original and are not acceptable.            taken legally during an open season may be used. The use of live           45 minutes after end
Combining parts of different patterns (picture, photographs, images         wild animals in educational exhibits is prohibited.                        of Beef Show           4-H & Open Class Sheep, Meat Goat & Dairy Goat Show (Covered Arena)
from the internet or magazine) with the member’s own ideas can                5. Because it is expected for State Fair, it is suggested to make        10:30 am               Treasure Hunt Daily Clue posted by Petting Zoo
result in an original design, but simply changing the color, pattern,       sure your name, extension district, county, age and year in proj-          10:00 am – 9:00 pm     Petting Zoo Open, Free
and/or size of a pattern does not make the design original. If you cre-     ect is in a prominent location on the exhibit. However, this will          4:00 – 9:00 pm         Inflatables – wristband $5; for children 12 and under
ate a replica of what you find somewhere else (i.e. Pinterest), it is not   not be down-graded at the county-level.
                                                                              6. Educational Notebooks and Displays will be judged based on
                                                                                                                                                       5:00 – 7:00 pm         VFW Auxiliary #7743 Chuck Wagon (Veterans Building) Adults $12, Ages 5-10 $6, 5 and under-free.
your original design.                                                                                                                                                               Serving fried chicken, baked ham, potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, bread, relish, pie & drink
   10. If a photo, sketch or other ideas source was used, submit it         the criteria outlined in the Booths and Project Exhibits Division.
attached to your entry.                                                       7. Promotional Posters and Taxidermy/Tanning Exhibits will               5:30 pm                Herdsmanship Judging
   11. All entries which need to be hung must be ready for display          be judged on general appearance = 30%, educational information             5:30 pm                Fair Parade – Sponsored by the Osborne County Fair Board. Contact Dean Heise 346-6160
(matted, mounted, and necessary hardware to display project) or it          = 50%, and organization = 20%.                                             6:00 pm                “You Can Dig It” Sand Pit. Free for kids 12 and Under. (Sand Pit Area)
will be lowered one ribbon placing. All exhibits which need to be             8. A Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will be                                                   Sponsored by the Corner Drug & Gift, Downs.
hung must have a wire or saw tooth hanger attached (no string or            selected for Junior Exhibitors as well as Senior Exhibitors.                                               Money, trinkets and treasures will be hidden in the sand for kids to be found!
tape) in order to be properly displayed.                                                                                                               6:00 pm – 12 am        Beer Garden
   12. No plants or plant materials needing watering can be entered         Class 100. Notebook – Contents pertain to some phase, results,             6:30 pm                Free Watermelon (Horse Arena) –
in Visual Arts as an exhibit.                                                story or information about the wildlife project.
                                                                            Class 101. Educational Display – Must be directly related to the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sponsored by State Farm Insurance – Martin Wolters - Agent, Osborne
   13. If the exhibitor is not present at the judging, entries must be                                                                                 7:00 pm                Kids Rodeo, Admission $5, 5 & under-free. Age classes are: 9 & Under, 10-16, 3 person teams
accompanied with a paper telling: Number of years working with               wildlife project. Maximum tri-fold size is 3’ x 4’.
skill art; Techniques used on project; new skills learned with project.     Class 102. Promotional Poster – Must be related to something                                      (All on foot, NO HORSES NEEDED). Sign up your teams by July 23, 2021. Contact
   14. A Visual Arts Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion               learned in the wildlife project. Flat poster/foam board no larger                                Bryan Schultze 785-346-8234 or Doug Baetz 785-346-6595 (Fairgrounds Arena)
will be selected for Junior Exhibitors as well as Senior Exhibitors.         than 22”x28”.                                                                                    “NO LATE ENTRIES”
   15. Visual Arts judges will select the outstanding Visual Arts           Class 103. Taxidermy/Tanning Exhibit – Should include an
exhibit and an alternate exhibit to represent Osborne County 4-H            attachment that shows the work in progress through photos with
Visual Arts at the Kansas State Fair from each of the following class-      captions, or a detailed journaling of the process.
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                           SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
                                                                                                                                27. Each robot must be in operable working condition. The             35. Educational exhibits should follow guidelines described at
                                                                                                                             judges will operate each robot to evaluate its workmanship and         start of 4-H STEM division content.
                                                                                                                             ability to complete its intended task. The exhibitor must provide
                                                                                                                             ALL equipment needed to operate the exhibit.                           Class 117. Rocket made from a kit or modified from a kit,
                                                                                                                                28. The exhibit must include written instructions for operation,     has been flown
                                                                                                                             construction plans, and one to three pages of project photo-           Class 118. Scale Model Rocket made from kit includes plans
                 ALL EVENTS & ACTIVITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE                                                               graphs. Write content as if it were to tell a beginner how to oper-
                                                                                                                             ate the robot. In addition, provide a 5-minute video presentation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class 119. Rocket designed by exhibitor, not merely modification
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of an existing kit rocket, has been flown
Saturday, July 31                                                                                                            (placed on a CD, DVD, USB Drive, etc.) if applicable. For robots       Class 120. Rocket designed by exhibitor: that uses alternative
                                                                                                                             that can be programmed, robot programming information, must             skins: not merely a modification of an existing kit.
8:00 am                      4-H Round Robin Showmanship Judging (Covered Arena)                                             be included. Include other information that would be helpful for        Include original plans
10:00 am – 9:00 pm           Petting Zoo Open, Free                                                                          the judge to know. This information should be safely secured and       Class 121. Rocket that has not been flown – not eligible for State Fair
10:30 am                     Treasure Hunt Daily Clue posted by Petting Zoo                                                  attached to exhibit. If necessary, exhibitor must provide the prop-    Class 122. Rocketry Educational Display, Notebook, or Poster
11:30 am                     Premium Auction sale items released from exhibition display                                     er equipment for judge to review supplemental materials.
12:00 noon                   4-H Appreciation Meal (Covered Arena)                                                              29. Creativity, workmanship, and functionality will be consid-      4-H STEM UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS
12:30 pm                     4-H Round Robin Recognition                                                                     ered during judging. All robots should have a purpose or intend-          36. The 4-H Unmanned Aerial Systems or UAS project
1:00 pm                      Premium Auction (Covered Arena)                                                                 ed function; examples include, but are not limited to: following a     explores the world from above the trees and discovers new fron-
3:00 pm                      Slip & Slide Kickball Tournament. Must have a 6 person Team. Contact Beth Schultze- 346-2145    line, sweeping the floor, solving a rubix cube, sorting colors, or     tiers with UASs. UASs are commonly known as Unmanned
                                                                                                                             climbing stairs.                                                       Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones. Members explore the uses and
5:30 pm                      Herdsmanship Judging                                                                               30. Educational exhibits should follow guidelines described at      applications of unmanned aerial systems including how UASs
6:00 pm                      “You Can Dig It” Sand Pit. Free for kids 12 and Under. (Sand Pit Area)                          start of 4-H STEM division content.                                    link to other projects such as geology, robotics, electronics, crop
                                     Sponsored by the Fair Board. Money, trinkets and treasures will be hidden in the sand                                                                          science and many more.
                                     for kids to find                                                                        Class 109. Robot made from a commercial (purchased) kit.                  37. UAS exhibits that include or depict weaponry of any kind
6:30 pm                      Free Watermelon (Sand Pit Area). Sponsored by Osborne County Fair Board,                          (No Programming just assembly)                                       are not allowed.Exhibition in a UAS classes should follow the
                                                                                                                             Class 110. Robot designed and constructed by exhibitor – The
6:00 pm – 12 am              Beer Garden at the Arena                                                                          robot must not be a mere modification of an existing robot
                                                                                                                                                                                                    definitions, rules and guidelines for 4-H Space Tech-Unmanned
7:00 pm                      Ranch Rodeo – Admission $5, 5 and under –free. Good Family Entertainment!                         kit or plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Aerial Systems in the Kansas State Fair’s Kansas 4-H Exhibitor
                                     Bring your lawn chairs! For more information, contact: Brian Schultz 785-698-2377,                                                                             Guide. The Guide can be accessed at the Extension Office.
                                                                                                                             Class 111. Programmable robot made from a commercial                      38. UAS exhibits that include or depict weaponry of any kind
                                     Troy Brummer 785-737-6118 or Bryan Schultze at 785-346-8234                               (purchased) kit                                                      are not allowed and will be disqualified.
                                                                                                                             Class 112. Robot designed and constructed by exhibitor or from            39. Educational exhibits should follow guidelines described at
Sunday, August 1                                                                                                               a commercial kit, that is operated by a remote controlled device     start of Space Tech division content.
8:00 am                      Livestock Release                                                                               Class 113. Junk Drawer Robotics
12:00 pm                     Inside Exhibit Release followed by Post Fair Clean-up                                           Class 114. Other robot – Not state fair eligible                       Class 123. UAS Exhibit ‒ designed and constructed by exhibitor
                                                                                                                             Class 115. Team Robotics Project – Robot designed and constructed
1:00 pm                      Deadline for 4-H Kansas State Fair Static Entry Sign-up                                           by two or more 4-H SPACETECH project members. The robot
                                                                                                                                                                                                     that is operated by a remote controlled devise. The UAS must
                                                                                                                                                                                                     not be a mere modification of an existing kit or plan. You may
                                                                                                                               must not be a mere modification of an existing robot kit or           not exhibit a UAS that is purchased off the shelf in this class.
                                                                                                                               plan. The robot may be a programmable type that is made from

                                    Slip & Slide Kickball Tournament
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Class 124. Practical application of a UAS ‒ Refer to Kansas
                                                                                                                               a commercial (purchased) kit. This class is designed to encourage     State Fair’s Kansas 4-H Exhibitor Guide for class’s complete
                                                                                                                               teamwork and cooperation among fellow 4-H SPACETECH                   details. The class includes the UAS, plus one or more of the
                                           3 p.m. Saturday, July 30, 2021                                                      members. As with many high tech projects today, no one person
                                                                                                                               designs and builds a robot alone. It takes the brainstorming,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     following: video, notebook, poster, display, etc. describing
 Team Name: ________________________________________________________                                                           planning, problem solving and cooperation of an entire team to       Class 125. UAS Educational Display, Notebook, or Poster
 Address: ___________________________________________________________                                                          complete a given robotics project.

 City: __________________________
                                                                                                                             Class 116. Robotics Educational Display, Notebook, or Poster
                                                                                                                                                                                                               DIVISION CC – SWINE
                                                                                                                             4-H STEM ROCKETRY
 Phone: ________________________ Email: ______________________________                                                          31. An exhibitor may enter two rockets in each class.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules, 4-H/FFA General Livestock
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rules and Livestock Health Requirements apply.
 Team Members Names (must have 6 team members)                                                                                  32. If a fire burn is in effect in the county of residence, the       2. To be eligible to compete in the Swine division, an exhibitor
                                                                                                                             exhibitor is not required to launch their rocket(s). All require-
 1.                                           2.                                                                             ments for launching and documenting the launch will be sus-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    must be enrolled in the swine project and must have tagged
                                                                                                                                                                                                    his/her animal with an official Kansas 4-H tag and owned his/her
 3.                                           4.                                                                             pended throughout the duration of the ban.                             Swine projects by May 1 to show in the 4-H division of the
 5.                                           6.                                                                                33. Exhibition in a rocketry class should follow the definitions,   Osborne County Fair.
                                                                                                                             rules and guidelines for 4-H STEM – Rocketry in the Kansas               3. All swine are to be in place on the Fairgrounds by 8:00 p.m.
 Send entries to: Beth Schultze, 1554 C. 671 Ave, Osborne, KS 67473.                                                         State Fair’s Kansas 4-H Exhibitor Guide. The State Fair aligns         on Tuesday, July 27 and remain in place until 8:00a.m. on
 For a complete set of rules, call 785-545-7463 or be prepared to get wet.                                                   with the National Association of Rocketry and Tripoli Rocketry         Sunday.
 1. Must have a least 6 people for a team, teams must have an event amount of members.                                       Association’s rules, regulations and safety guidelines. The Guide
                                                                                                                             can be accessed at the Extension Office.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      4. Livestock weigh-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      5. The Swine Show will start at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 30.
 2. No hard sole shoes are to be worn (no boots or sneakers), sandals and water shoes are allowed                               34. A report must accompany the rocket that was flown includ-         6. Placings for first through fifth place will be made by the
 3. Each team gets 5 “at bats”. No shoving, no throwing the ball at someone’s head or face.                                  ing: plans for the rocket; how model was tested for stability prior    judge for Junior and Senior Swine Showmanship classes.
                                                                                                                             to flying; picture of the rocket at the launch site; record of its
 4. Team members must remain behind the pitcher until the ball is kicked.                                                    flight (including altitude); and a summary of how the member
                                                                                                                                                                                                      7. Market Swine Rate of Gain Class – Market swine must have
                                                                                                                                                                                                    been weighed-in at the 2021 Osborne County Small Animal
 5. Runner must have one limb (hand, foot, elbow, heel) inside the pool to count the base and remain                         constructed and flew the rocket. Exhibitors are encouraged, not        Verification and Tagging to enter the class. A purple ribbon rat-
 in the pool until the next person kicks the ball. Sliding is allowed. The runner does not have to run                       required, to complete the “4-H STEM Rocket Exhibit
                                                                                                                             Information Form” for the Osborne County Fair.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ing is required to be eligible for a Grand Champion and Reserve
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Grand Champion award.
 when the ball is kicked, you may have more than 1 runner on the base.                                                                                                                                                                              Continued to the next page

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Open Class - General Rules and Regulations
   7. Educational displays must be the standard tri-fold board             16. Exhibitors are required to provide ALL equipment neces-
ONLY and must not exceed standard tri-fold 3’ X 4’; no addi-            sary for judge to review the exhibit.
tional table space is available for promotional brochures or dis-          17. If the entire exhibit is unfit for display throughout the dura-
play items and content can not exceed display board borders.            tion of the fair, please provide at least one graphic (picture,                I. Entries will be made Wednesday, July 28, 2021.                    Removal of Objectionable Exhibits and Displays
Promotional posters must be flat and no larger than 22” x 30”.          screen shot/capture, slide, etc.) of the project must be printed out           1. All possible care will be taken of stock or articles for exhi-       17. The management reserves the right to remove from the
Posters will be displayed on wall. Project notebooks should be          on an 8.5 x 11” sheet of standard computer paper and placed in a           bition or otherwise brought on the grounds, but the association will     grounds any exhibit, animal, concession or show that may be
organized in a 3-ring binder. No electricity will be provided. No       plastic sheet protector. This is what will be displayed during the         not be responsible for loss or damage.                                   falsely entered or may have any sign, banner, or advertising matter
card board table exhibits will be allowed. “Construction Kits”          fair, all other materials will be released with the exhibitor after            2. All correspondence regarding the fair should be sent to Sec-      of any kind which may be deemed unsuitable or objectionable by
that are part of educational displays must be contained in cases        judging.                                                                   retary Beth Schultze, 1554 C. 671 Avenue, Osborne, Kansas 67473          them without assigning a reason therefore, and if necessary return
(tackle boxes, sealable containers, etc.) that may not be larger           18. Educational exhibits should follow guidelines described at          or call 785-545-7463.                                                    any money already paid for space or stalls which shall exonerate
than 1’x2’x2’ and must have a latch which securely keeps all            start of 4-H STEM division content.                                            3. Competition is open to the world, except the 4-H Depart-          them from any claim whatsoever on the part of the exhibitor or
components contained. Engines and igniters in rockets are not                                                                                      ment.                                                                    purchaser.
allowed in educational exhibits, and include both spent and live        Class 103. Computer Systems I – A computer program, application,               4. All department superintendents must enter exhibits.
engines. Care should be taken to ensure exhibit can withstand the         app, script, or coded system that is new and unique (not merely              5. Claims for Injury: In no event shall the Osborne County Fair      Concession and Privileges
conditions of the fair.                                                   a file run in a program, such as a ‘word document’ or a picture          Association or its officers, directors or members be held responsi-         18. The Board authorizes the letting of only such privileges or
   8. If a safety risk or violation is recognized, the exhibit may be     drawn in “Microsoft Paint’.)
                                                                                                                                                   ble for any loss or damage to the property or person or exhibitor        concessions as are necessary to supply the wants of the people or
lowered one ribbon placed or disqualified, per judge and super-         Class 104. Computer Systems II – Computer presentation
                                                                                                                                                   or other person while on the fairgrounds whether said loss or dam-       that may add to their comfort, convenience or pleasure, but under
intendent discretion.                                                     (power point, web page/site, animated graphics, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                   age shall arise from accident or any cause whatsoever.                   no circumstances will a privilege of a questionable nature or of a
   9. A Grand and Reserve Grand Champion award will be select-          Class 105. Computer Systems III – Single computer system (web
                                                                                                                                                       6. Premiums and Awards: Competent non-bias judges will be            demoralizing tendency be let, or in any manner tolerated where
ed for Junior Exhibitors as well as Senior Exhibitors in each of          server, database server, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                   secured in all departments. The decision of the judges will be final     the business is conducted in any other than a legitimate and trade-
the areas Astronomy, Computers, Robotics, Rocketry, and                 Class 106. Computer Systems IV – Networked system consisting
Unmanned Aerial Systems.                                                of two or more computers                                                   and no appeal will be considered except in case of protests.             like manner. The sale of alcoholic liquors is strictly prohibited.
                                                                        Class 107. Computer Systems V – Chip system- a small                           7. ALL PROTESTS MUST be in writing to the Secretary ac-                 19. Concession space can be contracted for prior to opening of
4-H STEM ASTRONOMY                                                        (4-8”x4-8x4-8”) programmed physical device that accomplishes             companied by an affidavit setting forth the grounds for process-         Fair. No spot will be reserved after second day of Fair.
   10. Telescopes entered in this division may be built from a kit        a specific task                                                          ing.                                                                        20. All space allotted must be improved and decorated by the
or by original design. Telescopes designed by the exhibitor must        Class 108. Computers Educational Display, Notebook, or Poster                  8. In classes where there is only one exhibitor the judges reserve   purchasers at his own expense.
be original, not a modification of an existing kit. Pre-finished tel-                                                                              the right to place the entries as they see fit in regard to placing.        21. Each concessionaire must confine himself to the space as-
escopes which require no construction or painting are not accept-       4-H STEM ROBOTICS                                                          No award made for “champion” where there is no competition.              signed. Failure to do so will subject him to forfeiture of his priv-
able exhibits. Telescopes are limited to no more than six feet in          19. An exhibitor may enter two robots per class.                            9. CHECKS MUST BE CASHED 60 DAYS AFTER POST-                         ilege.
length. They must be placed on a stationary stand that does not            20. Each robot must be free-standing, without the need for addi-        MARKED. PAYMENT WILL BE STOPPED AT THAT TIME.                               22. Access of concession - Any official representative of the
allow the telescope to roll and/or fall over. The stand cannot          tional supports in order to be moved or exhibited. Each exhibit must           10. No premium will be awarded in any department except as           Osborne County Fair shall have access to the premises of any ex-
extend past two feet in length or width. The telescope must be          include a robot. Information packets are not a sufficient exhibit.         definitely stated in the premium list or advertised before the Fair      hibitor or concessionaire at any and all times.
properly assembled and painted with a smooth and uniform fin-              21. Robots must have automated articulated structures (arms,            in the Osborne County Farmer.                                               23. Care of Concession - All buildings and ground space is to
ish. Decals, if used, should be attached smooth and tight.              wheels, grippers, etc.). Game consoles that display on a screen                11. No premium will be paid on animals or articles removed           be kept neat and clean.
   11. Telescope exhibits must include construction plan (or a pho-     are not considered robots and should either be entered in another          from the grounds before the close of the Fair without permission            24. Price Signs - A sign shall be posted at the front entrance of
tocopy) of the telescope. Two photographs showing telescope con-        class or division (such as computers or energy management).                of the superintendent of the department. Owners of premium stock         each stand or enclosure, showing the price charge for lunches,
struction and operation are required. Photographs should be mount-      Robots requiring no assembly, just programming, such as                    refusing to exhibit same at the time indicated on the program may        meals, or drinks, said sign to meet the approval of the management
ed on the side of an 8 ½” x 11” page. A brief caption should accom-     Ozobots, are considered computer systems projects as the skill is          forfeit the premium award.                                               and to be at all times in view of the customers.
pany each photograph. Safely secure all documents to the exhibits.      focused on the programming not he construction of the robot.                   12. The Osborne County Fair Association is the legally organ-           25. Management reserves the right to make any changes in this
   12. Educational exhibits should follow guidelines described at          22. Robot dimensions should not exceed 2 feet high, by 2 feet           ized county fair of Osborne County under the General Statutes of         premium list by publishing changes in the Osborne County
start of Space Tech division content.                                   wide, by 2 feet deep. Weight may not exceed 15 pounds.                     Kansas, General Statute Supplement 1947, Laws of 1949, Chapter           Farmer.
                                                                           23. Materials including but not limited to obstacles, spare bat-        1 and 201.                                                                  26. FCCLA and FFA students who have the same projects in 4-
Class 100. Telescope made from kit                                      teries, and mats for testing the robot may be placed in a separate             13. The Osborne County Fair reserves to the Board the final          H club work may show in only one department.
Class 101. Telescope made from original design                          container, which is not included in the robot’s dimensions. Label          and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and ar-         27. Any ungentlemanly acts or conduct at the Fair by an ex-
Class 102. Astronomy Educational Display, Notebook, or Poster           all items accordingly.                                                     bitrate, settle and determine all matters, questions and differences     hibitor must forfeit premiums and ribbons and remove exhibits
4-H STEM COMPUTERS                                                         24. Robots may be powered by an electrical, battery, water, air         in regard to or otherwise arising out of, connected with or incident     from the Fairgrounds.
   13. The computer project teaches concepts related to comput-         or solar source only. Junk drawer robots may be powered by a               to the Fair.                                                                28. We encourage you to park campers and tents along the south
ers, hardware knowledge, software programming and applica-              non-traditional power source. All electric components of the                   14. Sanitation: All animals entered for exhibitions will be sub-     end of the fair grounds.
tions, internet safety, the building, maintenance and repair of         robot must be adequately covered or concealed with a protective            ject to the inspection of a competent veterinarian and those dis-           NO campers are to be parked along the BUTLER BUILDING.
computers, and future career opportunities. Note: The actual con-       enclosure. Paper is not considered an adequate enclosure or cov-           eased will be refused admittance to grounds.
struction of computer hardware (i.e. building a computer, elec-         ering for electrical components. Robots cannot be powered by                   15. Exhibitors will be required to keep their places and stalls      2021 Fair Board Members: David Henke, Teresa Pruter, Linda
tronic devices with a mother-board based manipulation) will             fossil fuels/flammable liquids.                                            in a clean condition by removing therefrom any filth and litter          Ubelaker, Brian Schultz, Doug Baetz, Carmen George, Doug
remain in the Energy Management division.                                  25. Robots cannot include weaponry of any kind and will be              from in front and behind said pens.                                      Henke, Wes LeRock, Dean Heise, Beth Schultze, Troy Brummer,
   14. The computer systems portion of the project is designed to       disqualified. Weaponry is defined as any instrument, possession                16. Nothing shall be sold or given away or otherwise disposed        Bryan Schultze, Sheri Conway, Andrew Sigle, Darci Settrini,
allow members to explore how information is moved from one              or creation, physical and/or electrical that could be used to inflict      of by exhibitors which may in any way conflict with or which is          Phillip Murphy, Tony Hawks, Jason Knoll, Andrew Heller, Layton
part of the computer to the other; how information is moved             damage and/or harm to individuals, animal life, and/or property.           the subject matter of any privileges or concessions granted or sold      Hill, Ben Taylor, Kathy Tucker, and Joe Sumpter.
between two or more computer systems (networking); how infor-              26. Remote controlled robots are allowed under certain conditions       by the Osborne County Fair.
mation is stored; or how information is acted on (programming).         provided that the robot is not drivable. Robotic arms (hydraulic or
   15. Exhibition in a computer systems class should follow the         electric) are allowed. A remote is allowed provided more than a sin-
rules and guidelines for 4-H STEM - Computers in the Kansas State       gle action happens when a single button is pressed on the remote, for
Fair’s Kansas 4-H Exhibitor Guide. The Guide can be accessed at         example “a motor spins for 3 seconds, at which point an actuator is
the Extension Office. All exhibits not an educational display, note-    triggered, then the motor spins for 3 more seconds.” Remote con-
book or poster is considered a computer systems exhibit.                trolled cars, boats, planes and/or action figures, etc. are not allowed.

Page 44 • Osborne County Fair 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Osborne County Fair 2021 • Page 5
LIVESTOCK SANITARY REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                     DIVISION Z – SHEEP                                          5. Exhibits in this division are open to educational displays,

                                   (Cattle, Swine, Sheep, Horses, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits)                                                                                    1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules, 4-H/FFA General Livestock              promotional posters or notebooks. Take care to select durable
                                                                                                                                                                        Rules and Livestock Health Requirements apply.                         materials to withstand fair conditions. Exhibits exceeding the
LIVESTOCK ORIGINATING FROM KANSAS:                                                  All animals are subject to examination by the exhibition staff or their               2. To be eligible to exhibit in the Sheep Division, an exhibitor     size guidelines will be penalized one ribbon color.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: All animals are subject to examination by                     representatives.
                                                                                                                                                                        must be enrolled in the Sheep project and must have tagged               6. Entries must prominently incorporate the 4-H Clover with
the exhibition staff or their representative, and shall be free of clinical signs
                                                                                                                                                                        his/her animal with an official Kansas 4-H tag and owned his/her       KSRE co-brand and should include the Kansas 4-H Shooting
of infectious or contagious disease. Animals determined by exhibition staff                                            CATTLE                                                                                                                  Sports emblem. Failure to do so will result in a lowered ribbon
to have not met listed requirements will not be permitted to exhibit.               In addition to the general requirements, cattle and bison, except steers and        Sheep projects by May 1 to show in the 4-H division of the
                                                                                    spayed heifers, originating from other states and of test eligible age (females,    Osborne County Fair.                                                   placing.
                                 CATTLE                                             18 months of age or older - bulls, 12 months of age or older, and all                 3. All sheep are to be in place on the Fairgrounds by 8:00 p.m.        7. Because it is expected for State Fair, it is suggested to make
The Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health                      springer heifers (expected to calf within 2 weeks), must meet one of the            on Tuesday, July 27 and remain in place until 8:00 a.m. on             sure your name, extension district, county, age and year in proj-
(KAHD) requires no test on cattle and bison of Kansas origin. Cattle de-            following requirements:                                                             Sunday.                                                                ect is on the front of the poster, display or notebook. However,
termined by exhibition staff to have lesions of ringworm, warts or infested             * Originate from a “brucellosis-free” state.
                                                                                                                                                                          4. Livestock weigh-in will begin at 7:30a.m. on Thursday.            this will not be down-graded at the county-level.
with mange will not be permitted to exhibit.                                            * Originate in and constitute part of a certified brucellosis-free herd. Herd                                                                            8. Display name, unit, county, age, and year in project should
                                                                                    certification number must be entered on the health certificate.                       5. The Sheep Show will start 45 minutes following the end of
                                                                                                                                                                        the 4-H/Open Beef and Dairy Shows on Friday.                           be in a prominent location on the front of the exhibit.
                           SHEEP AND GOATS                                              * Present evidence on the health certificate that the animal has been
In addition to the general requirements sheep shall:                                tested negative for brucellosis by an approved state/federal laboratory               6. Lambs must be slick shorn with uniform wool length not to           9. Exhibits will be judged on the criteria outlined in the Booths,
    * Be free of any signs of “sore mouth.”                                         within 30 days of the exhibition date.                                              exceed .20 inch from knee and hock joints up at time of                Banners, and Project Exhibit Division.
    * Be free of signs of active fungal (ringworm) infection, including                 * Beef cattle and bison, except steers, not originating from a tubercu-         arrival.X No artificial coloring/adhesives is allowed on market          10. Failure to meet exhibit expectations/guidelines will result
club lamb fungus.                                                                   losis-free state shall be tested negative for tuberculosis within 60 days
                                                                                                                                                                        lambs.                                                                 in a lowered ribbon placing.
    * All sexually intact (ewes & rams) and wethers must be identi-                 prior to the exhibition date. All dairy cattle, used for breeding, 6 months
                                                                                                                                                                          7. All market lambs and ewes must be identified with a regis-          11. A Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will be
fied with an official USDA premise ID tag. Lambs, under 8 weeks of                  of age and older, originating outside of Kansas, must be tested negative                                                                                   selected for Junior Exhibitors as well as Senior Exhibitors.
age, accompanying their dams, are exempt from tagging requirements                  for tuberculosis within 60 days of the county fair.                                 tered tattoo or an official USDA scrapie premises tag.
(Scrapie Tag).                                                                                                                                                            8. Market lambs must be wethers or ewes.
    * Goats shall meet the general requirements.                                                                 SHEEP AND GOATS                                          9. Placings for first through fifth place will be made by the        Class 100. Educational Display – Must be directly related to the
    * Goats determined by exhibition staff to have sore mouth, lesions of           Sheep originating from other states must meet the general requirements.             judge for the Junior and Senior Sheep Showmanship classes.              4-H Shooting Sports Project. Standard tri-fold board only, must
ringworms, waits or infested with mange will not be permitted to exhibit.               * Be free of any signs of “sore mouth.”                                           10. Market Lamb Rate of Gain Class – Market lambs must                not exceed 3’ x 4’. No additional information allowed on the
    *All sexually intact (does & bucks) and wethers must be identi-                     * Be free of signs of active fungal (ringworm) infection, including club
                                                                                                                                                                        have been weighed-in at the 2021 Osborne County Small Animal            tabletop or outside the size of the display.
fied with a registered tattoo or an official USDA premise ID tag.                   lamb fungus.                                                                                                                                               Class 101. Promotional Poster – Must promote 4-H Shooting
Kids, under 8 weeks of age, accompanying their dams, are exempt from                    * All sexually intact (ewes & rams) and wethers must be identified with an      Verification and Tagging to enter the class. A purple ribbon rat-
                                                                                                                                                                        ing is required to be eligible for a Grand Champion and Reserve         Sports. Must be flat and content cannot exceed display borders.
identification requirements.                                                        official USDA premise ID tag. Lambs, under 8 weeks of age, accompanying
                                                                                    their dams, are exempt from identification requirements.                            Grand Champion award.                                                   Exhibits must be no larger than 22” x 30”.
                                   SWINE                                                * Goats originating from other states must meet the general requirements.         11. To be eligible to be sold in the Premium Auction, a Market       Class 102. Notebook – Contents pertain to some phase, results,
Swine originating in Kansas must meet the general requirements. Kansas                  * All sexually intact (does & bucks) and wethers must be identified             Lamb and/or Breeding ewe must be judged. A Sheep project can-           story or information about 4-H Shooting Sports. Exhibits must
has obtained Stage V status in the National Pseudorabies Program, and               with a registered tattoo or an official USDA premise ID tag. Kids, under            not be shown only in a Sheep Showmanship class and be sold in           be no larger than 8 ½” x 11”.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DIVISION BB - 4-H STEM
the state is classified free of swine brucellosis. A negative pseudorabies          8 weeks of age, accompanying their dams, are exempt from the identifi-
and brucellosis test are not required for Kansas origin swine.                      cation requirements.                                                                Premium Auction.
                                HORSES                                              In addition to the general requirements, swine originating from other               Class 100. Sheep Showmanship – Senior Exhibitor                           1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules apply.
Horses shall meet the general requirements. A negative test for equine in-          states must meet one of the following requirements:                                 Class 101. Sheep Showmanship – Senior Exhibitor                           2. To be eligible to compete in the 4-H STEM (Astronomy,
fectious anemia (Coggins Test) within 12 months prior to exhibition                     * Originate from a qualified pseudorabies-free/validated brucellosis-           Class 102. Market lamb, born after January 1st of the current year     Computers, Robotics, Rocketry or Unmanned Aerial Systems)
should be considered, but this is not required by the KDAH.                         free herd. The current qualified/validated number must appear on the                 - (Must be officially weighed in at County Weigh-in.)                 division, an exhibitor must be currently enrolled in the appropri-
                                                                                    health certificate. (Hogs from monitored pseudorabies herds do not qual-                                                                                   ate project.
                                  CATS                                              ify under this requirements.)                                                       Class 103. Prospect Market Lamb-All market lambs weighing 89 lbs.
All cats must have proof of distemper-combination vaccination and rabies                * Originate from a state of Stage IV or V status in the National                 or less. Prospect Market Lambs are not eligible for overall grand        3. Exhibits are to be in place 30 minutes before the start of
vaccination to present to superintendent when registering cat for show.             Pseudorabies Program.                                                                champion.                                                             4-H STEM Astronomy, Computers, Robotics, Rocketry and
Feline leukemia vaccination is required. Same as 4-H Rules.                             * Originate from a Swine Brucellosis free state                                 Class 104. Ewe lamb, born January 1st or later of current year.        Unmanned Aerial Systems division judging on Thursday,
                                                                                                                                                                        Class 105. Yearling Ewe, born January 1st through                      July 29 and remain in place until 12:00 p.m. on Sunday. After the
                                 DOGS                                               Any swine not originating from Stage IV or V Nation Pseudorabies Pro-                December 31st of previous year.                                       pre-entry deadline, a judging schedule will be provided.
All dogs must have proof of rabies and parvo vaccinations, which is                 gram states, and any swine not originating from swine brucellosis free              Class 106. Ewe and lamb (any age).                                        4. Exhibitor must meet the project requirements for a 4-H
signed by a licensed vet. All Rules are the same as the 4-H Rules.                  states, must show evidence on the health certificate that swine have been                                                                                  STEM project to be eligible to exhibit. Exhibits must be con-
                                                                                    tested negative for pseudorabies (by serum neutralization) and brucellosis          Class 107. Rate Of Gain (Open to all market lambs officially
LIVESTOCK ORIGINATING FROM OTHER STATES:                                            within 30 days prior to entry into Kansas and that the herd of origin has            weighed in at 2021 Osborne County Small Animal Weigh-in)              structed and/or completed during current project year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5. Exhibits at the county level are encouraged, but not required

                                                                                                                                                                                       DIVISION AA
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: All animals (cattle, bison, sheep, swine,                     had no positive cases of pseudorabies within the previous 12 months.
goats and horses), shall be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious                                                                                                                                                                 to meet the supplemental information requirements expected at

                                                                                                                                                                                     SHOOTING SPORTS
disease and must be accompanied by a health certificate issued within 30            NOTE: SWINE VACCINATED FOR PSEUDORABIES SHALL NOT                                                                                                          the State Fair unless it is specifically noted under each project
days of exhibit. This must be available, upon request, to the exhibition            BE ALLOWED INTO KANSAS FOR EXHIBITION OR ANY OTHER                                                                                                         phase and class. Supplemental information is not required for
staff.                                                                              PURPOSE.                                                                                                                                                   educational exhibit classes.
                                                                                                                    HORSES                                                1. All 4-H/FFA General Rules apply.
All animals, except steers and spayed heifers, must be individually iden-                                                                                                 2. To be eligible to compete in the Shooting Sports division, an        6. Educational display boards, posters and notebooks should be
                                                                                    In addition to the general requirements, horses originating from other
tified by official breed registration tattoo or tag, USDA metal ear tag, or         states shall show evidence of a negative EIA (Coggins) test conducted by            exhibitor must be enrolled in Shooting Sports.                         creative and showcase details about the knowledge learned in the
breed association ear notch for swine.                                              a state-approved laboratory within 12 months prior to entry into Kansas.              3. Exhibits are to be in place 30 minutes before the start of        project during the current project year. Value is placed on youth
                                                                                    Foals, six month of age and younger, accompanying their negative testing            Shooting Sports division judging on Wednesday, July 28 and             who can demonstrate how their skills have increased while com-
Animals with lesions of ringworm, warts or infested with mange as deter-
mined by exhibition staff will not be permitted to exhibit.                         dams, are exempt from EIA test requirements.                                        remain in place until 12:00 p.m. on Sunday. After the pre-entry        pleting the project. Follow copyright laws, and site your sources
                                                                                                                                                                        deadline, a judging schedule will be provided.                         of scientific information on your exhibit or in an attached docu-
All required blood tests must be conducted by a state-approved laboratory.          A valid “Horse Passport” may be used in lieu of a health certificate. If a                                                                                 ment. Uniqueness, creativity, neatness, accuracy of material,
                                                                                    passport is used, a negative EIA test within 6 months is required.                    4. Exhibitors must comply with state and federal laws and fair
TB testing must be conducted by a veterinarian who is licensed and ac-                                                                                                  policies. No “live” ammunition containing propellant or explosive      knowledge gained, and content will be considered during judg-
credited in the state of origin.                                                                                                                                        powders may be used in any display. An inert substitution must be      ing. Educational displays, notebooks or posters will be judged
                                                                                                                                                                        used in lieu of powder and “live” ammunition. The substitution         according to the criteria outlined in the Booths, Banners and
                                                                                                                                                                        must be clearly described on the back of the poster, display or in     Project Exhibits Division.                    Continued on next page
Page 6 • Osborne County Fair 2021                                                                                                                                       a notebook. Exhibits are not allowed if they are related to reloads.                                      Osborne County Fair 2021 • Page 43
  10. Exhibitors that qualify a junior or intermediate rabbit at their   Class 118. Normal Colored fur
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PERFORMANCE CLASSES
fair or qualifying show must show the rabbit in the correct class        Class 119. Colored Satin fur                                                                                                                                     Performance classes will be the same as 4-H:
according to its age and weight at State Fair time. Pre junior           Class 120. Colored Rex fur                                                           Superintendent - Angie Goheen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Stallions will be barred from the following classes:
(under 3 months) classes only available in the following breeds:         Class 121. Colored Wool fur                                                Lawrence Corbett Memorial Open Class Horse Show
                                                                                                                                                   Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 9:00am ~ Check in at 8:00am
                                                                              DIVISION Y - ROUND ROBIN
Argente Braun, Bevern, Blanc de Hotot, Californian, Champagne                                                                                                                                                                             Class                                   1st        2nd        3rd
D’Argent, Checkered Giant, American Chinchilla, Giant                                                                                                                                                                                     5. Hunter Under Saddle                  6.50       4.50       3.00
Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Crème D’Argent, New Zealand, and                      1. A Round Robin for the Showmanship Champions will be
                                                                                                                                                                         HALTER CLASSES                                                   6. Hunt Seat Equitation                 6.50       4.50       3.00
Palomino. Juniors (under 6 months). Intermediate (6-8 months)                                                                                  *Halter classes will be shown by breed, age and sex. Exhibit tag should                    7. Bareback Horsemanship                6.50       4.50       3.00
                                                                         held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, July 31.                                  list breed, age and sex.
classes only available in the following breeds: American, Giant             2. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions from each livestock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8. Western Pleasure                     6.50       4.50       3.00
Angora, Argente Braun, Beveren, Blanc De Hotot, Californian,                                                                                   *Superintendents will announce classes in advance of showing, but will                     9. Western Pleasure for ponies 56” and under
                                                                         division (Beef, Dairy, Dairy Goat, Horse, Meat Goat, Sheep and        not be responsible for their being shown.                                                                                          6.50       4.50       3.00
Champagne D’Argent, Checkered Giant, American Chinchilla,                Swine) will compete for overall showmanship champions in the          *Registered horses must have registration papers. Exhibitor must present                   10. Walk Trot, Pleasure, Beginners only
Giant Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Crème D’Argent, Flemish Giant,               Junior and Senior age levels.                                         these papers to the Superintendent for approval.
English Lop, French Lop, New Zealand, Palomino, Satin and                                                                                                                                                                                                                         6.50       4.50       3.00
                                                                            3. The judge for the respective livestock divisions will place                                                                                                11. Western Lead Line                   6.50       4.50       3.00
Silver Fox. Senior, six months of age or over for breeds other than      first through fifth placings for the Junior and Senior                Division 1 - Quarter Horses - Registered                                                   12. Western Horsemanship                6.50       4.50       3.00
those listed as having intermediate classes, eight months of age or      Showmanship classes. Placing results will be provided to the          Division 2 - Other Breeds - to be divided into each breed as needed.                       13. Walk Trot Horsemanship, Beginners only
over for breeds having Intermediate classes.                             Round Robin superintendent(s) within one hour of the comple-          Division 3 - Shetlands                                                                                                             6.50       4.50       3.00
  11. No exhibit may be entered in more than one class except            tion of the respective show by the Post Rock District staff and/or                                                                                               14. Ranch Horse Rail                    6.50       4.50       3.00
for showmanship.                                                         division superintendent. Only purple ribbon placings will be eli-     Breed of Horse - Registered Non-Registered                                                 15. Trail                               6.50       4.50       3.00
  12. To be eligible to be sold in the Premium Auction, a Rabbit         gible to compete in the Round Robin Showmanship contest.                                                                                                         16. Ranch Horse Trail                   6.50       4.50       3.00
project must be judged. A Rabbit project cannot be shown only               4. The Round Robin judge will determine activities in the show
                                                                                                                                               Class                               A            B               C              D          17. Ranch Horse Pattern                 6.50       4.50       3.00
in a Rabbit Showmanship class and be sold in Premium Auction.                                                                                  1. Filly or Mare Foal.........2019               2018            2017           2016       18. Reining                             6.50       4.50       3.00
                                                                         ring and appropriate questions for each species. The Round            2. Gelding Foal..................2019            2018            2017           before
  13. A Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion award                  Robin judge will select the Grand Champion and Reserve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19. Pole Bending                        6.50       4.50       3.00
will be selected for Rabbit Junior and Senior Showmanship. A                                                                                   3. Stallion Foal..................2019           2018            2017           as above   20. Barrel Racing                       6.50       4.50       3.00
                                                                         Champion for both Junior Exhibitors and Senior Exhibitors at the      Premium: Grand Champion................................................$8.00               21. Flag                                6.50       4.50       3.00
Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion award will be                  end of the competition.                                               Reserve Champion..............................................................$6.50        *The Western “Lead Line” is a class for young horse lovers age 6 and
selected for Doe as well as Buck.                                           5. Each contestant will show their own animal in the species                                                                                                  under. The horse or pony is led by an adult (age 18 or over), and shown
                                                                         they won and a drawing will be held for the other animals in the      Class                                              1st          2nd         3rd            at a walk only. They will walk around the arena one time, then line up in
Class 100. Rabbit Showmanship – Senior Exhibitor                         respective round.                                                     4. Showmanship                                     6.50         4.50        3.00           the middle of the arena. The Judge may ask the rider if they can back their
Class 101. Rabbit Showmanship – Junior Exhibitor                            6. For each species, all senior contestants from the above live-                                                                                              horse or some simple question about their horse. The leader and the rider
Class 102. Crossbreed – Crossbred rabbits should not be eligible         stock divisions will show at once. For example, there will be up                                                                                                 usually dress alike. Boots, jeans, and hats are required. The leader is
 for fur classes.                                                        to seven steers or heifers from the Beef Market and/or Beef                                                                                                      in control of the horse at all times.
Class 103. Senior buck. Eight months of age and over for breeds          Breeding classes exhibited at once if each livestock division is
 with Intermediate classes; six months and over for all other breeds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      DEPARTMENT B - BEEF CATTLE
                                                                         represented with a junior/senior showman. This example
Class 104. Senior doe. Eight months of age and over for breeds           excludes dairy cattle and horse. When quantity of animals is lim-
 with Intermediate classes; six months and over for all other breeds.    ited, individuals will have to take turns using the same animal. 4-                                                                        Superintendent – Bryan Schultze
Class 105. Intermediate buck. Only breeds listed above with              H Livestock Division Superintendents will supervise livestock
 Intermediate classes.                                                   waiting to be shown.                                                  *All animals to be eligible to compete in Halter classes must be registered in their respective breed association and accompanied by
Class 106. Intermediate doe. Only breeds listed above with                  7. Each contestant will show their own animal in the species       registration certificate upon request or entry.
 Intermediate classes.                                                   they won and a drawing will be held for the other animals in the
Class 107. Junior buck. Under six months of age                          respective round.                                                     Class                                                                                                    1st        2nd       3rd
Class 108. Junior doe, under six months of age                              8. Seniors will show first, followed by Juniors, for each live-    1. Bulls calved between Jan. 1, 2018 and April 30, 2018                                                  16.25      14.25     12.75
Class 109. Pre-junior buck. Only breeds listed above                     stock species round. Senior Showman will bring animals into the       2. Bulls calved between May 1, 2018 and Dec. 31, 2018                                                    16.25      14.25     12.75
 with pre-juniors.                                                       ring at the appropriate time. Between age divisions, animals will     3. Bulls calved between Jan. 1, 2019 and April. 30, 2019                                                 16.25      14.25     12.75
Class 110. Pre-junior doe. Only breeds listed above                      remain “in place” in the ring. The Junior showmen will be             4. Bulls calved between May 1, 2019 and Aug. 31, 2019                                                    16.25      14.25     12.75
 with pre-juniors.                                                       brought in and they will show the animals in the ring. When the       5. Bulls calved between Sept. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2020                                                  16.25      14.25     12.75
Class 111. Meat pen. Three (3) rabbits, all one recognized breed and     Junior rotation is over, the Seniors will then bring in the next      6. Bulls calved after Jan. 1, 2020                                                                       16.25      14.25     12.75
 variety (broken varieties must be same color), minimum weight 3         species according to the rotation.
 pounds each, maximum weight five pounds each, and not over 70                                                                                    Champion Bull........................................Ribbon and $17.75
                                                                            9. The order of species rounds will be: Swine, Beef, Dairy,           Reserve Champion Bull..........................Ribbon and $15.25
 days of age. Will be judged on their meat qualities, condition,         Sheep, Dairy Goats, Meat Goats and Horse.
 uniformity and fur. 4-H’ers may select a new younger substitute                                                                               7. Two bulls bred and owned by exhibitor                                                                 16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                            10. When quantity of animals is limited, individuals will have     8. Cows calved between Jan. 1, 2020 and April 30, 2020                                                   16.25      14.25     12.75
 meat pen of like quality to exhibit at the State Fair. Meat pens        to take turns using the same animal. 4-H Livestock Division
 exhibited at State Fair cannot be over 70 days old.                                                                                           9. Heifers calved between May 1, 2020 and Aug. 31, 2020                                                  16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                         superintendents will supervise livestock waiting to be shown.         10. Heifers calved between Jan. 1, 2020 and April 31, 2020                                               16.25      14.25     12.75
Class 112. Non-registered doe                                               11. In the event a 4-H member is a showmanship champion for
Class 113. Non-registered buck                                                                                                                 11. Heifers calved between Sept. 1, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2020                                               16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                         more than one livestock division, he/she will select the specie       12. Heifers calved after Jan. 1, 2021                                                                    16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                         he/she wishes to represent and notify the Round Robin superin-            Champion female..................................................Ribbon and $17.75
FUR CLASSES                                                              tendent(s) one hour after the last Livestock Division Show is
  14. One entry per class per exhibitor, not one entry per breed.                                                                                  Reserve Champion Female...................................Ribbon and $15.25
                                                                         completed. If the choice leaves an open Round Robin species           13. Four animals, of one sire, both sexes to be represented,
Colored and white fur entries must be made from rabbits that are         position, the superintendent will use the first through fifth rank-
entered in the regular breed classes 102 - 109.                                                                                                         any age, all to be owned by exhibitor                                                           16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                         ings to determine the next eligible participant.                      14. Pair of yearlings, one bull and one heifer, all to be owned by exhibitor                             16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                            12. The Round Robin superintendents will post a list of all con-   15. Pair of calves, one bull, one heifer, both to be owned by exhibitor                                  16.25      14.25     12.75
Class 114. Normal white fur                                              firmed participants in the 4-H Exhibit Building by the storage
Class 115. White Satin fur                                                                                                                     16. Steer born after Jan. 1, 2020                                                                        16.25      14.25     12.75
                                                                         room by 7:00 p.m. Friday evening.
Class 116. White Rex fur
Class 117. White Wool fur
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