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9th WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Physics Moscow, September 23–26, 2019 Центр Квантовых Технологий
PREFACE WELCOME TO THE “9TH GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER”! Dear colleagues from Russia and Germany, sentations is to facilitate collaboration and to estab We are very delighted to welcome you to our lish and broaden research networks. The week will Ninth Week of the Young Researcher! When we illustrate how young and experienced scientists convened the “German-Russian Year of Science“, can work across borders with local authorities, in 2011, the idea was born to invite young resear associations and industry in order to develop new Dr Andreas Hoeschen chers from both countries to come together to dis- approaches to global challenges. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) cuss current topics of mutual interest. Since then it This time we discussed particular topics of inte Head of DAAD Office Moscow has grown from strength to strength. The success rest for quantum science and technology including Managing Director of the first week in Kazan encouraged us to turn aspects form solid-state physics, optics, and photo of DWIH Moscow it into an annual event. The following years we nics. Special emphasis was given to the challenges of met in Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg the interaction of light with nano-scale solid-state and Moscow. The main goal of these meetings systems as one of the key problems in nano-elec- is to foster collaboration among young scientists tronics and the integration of quantum devices. The and researchers who will be setting the agenda of organizers strove for a good mix of participants at scientific cooperation between Russia and Germany different career stages and different fields of exper- in the near future. tise including solid-state physics, modern photo Research organizations and institutions of higher nics, optics of metamaterials, and quantum optics. education of both our countries will be presen We express our deepest gratitude to the Faculty of ting their funding programmes and describing the Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University platforms that they can offer to both Russian and for its academic hospitality and kind support. And, German PhD students and Postdoctoral resear of course, we thank all of the participants, for their Dr Wilma Rethage chers. The overarching principle behind these pre involvement and cooperation in this conference. German Research Foundation (DFG) Head of DFG Office Russia/CIS IMPRESSUM Volume of the Conference “The Ninth German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher” Moscow, September 23–26, 2019 Editors: DAAD/DWIH Moscow DFG Moscow Edited by: Julia Ilina (DFG) Layout by: “MaWi group” AG / Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung Photos by: DWIH / Sergey Teplyakov Moscow, July 2020 Supported by Federal Foreign Office 1
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE CONTENTS Dr Maria Chekhova Aleksey Kazakov Dr Michael Stefszky Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen; Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 24 University of Paderborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Dr Andreas Hoeschen / Dr Wilma Rethage . . . . . . . . . 1 University of Erlangen-Nürnberg; Maria Kroychuk Professor Dr Aleksey Toropov WELCOMING ADDRESSES Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 13 Lomonosov Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University . . . 25 Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Dr Mikhail Durnev Professor Dr Sergei Kulik Aleksandr Vaskin Professor Dr Andrey Fedyanin Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Centre of Quantum Technologies, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Centre of Photonics, Vice Rector, Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . 4 Max Ehrhardt Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 26 Friedrich Schiller University of Jena . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Beate Grzeski Univerity of Rostock, Institute for Physics . . . . . . . . . 15 Jano Gil Lopez Sebastian Weidemann Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy Moscow . . . . . 5 Anna Fedotova Integrated Quantum Optics, Paderborn University . . . . . . 26 Institute of Physics, University of Rostock . . . . . . . . . 41 Dr Michael Harms Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Centre of Photonics, Jena . . 16 Professor Dr Boris Luk’yanchuk Professor Dr Dieter Weiss Director Communications, Professor Dr Andrey Fedyanin Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg . . 42 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Bonn . . . . . 6 and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University; Jonas Zipfel Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . 17 Professor Dr Frank Allgöwer Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . 27 Department of Physics, University of Regensburg . . . . . . 43 Alessandro Ferreri Vice President of the German Research Foundation (DFG); Lukas J. Maczewsky Integrated Quantum Optics, Paderborn University . . . . . . 17 SCIENCE ORGANISATIONS Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, Universität Rostock; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena . . . . 28 Assegid M. Flatae University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gregor Oelsner Faculty of Physics Moscow Lomonosov State University . . . 44 University of Siegen, Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ . . . 18 Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena . . . . . . . 30 German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) . . . . . 46 CONFERENCE SUMMARY Ilia Fradkin Markus Plankl German Research Foundation (DFG) . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow; Department of Physics, University of Regensburg . . . . . . 31 Dr Cosima Schuster German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) . . . . . . . 48 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology . . . . . . . . 19 Anna Popkova The Helmholtz Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Physics and Chemistry, Dr Aleksandra Galeeva German Research Foundation (DFG) . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . 32 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 20 Maksim Rakhlin Professor Dr Sergey Kulik Freie Universität Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Aleksandra Gartman Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Centre of Quantum Technologies, Faculty of Physics, The University Alliance Ruhr Liaison Office Moscow . . . . . 52 Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sergey Samoylenko Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Contact Office of the Ministry of Culture and Science Professor Dr Vladimir Gavrilenko Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 34 of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia . . . . . . . 53 PARTICIPANTS OF THE WEEK Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Anatoly Shukhin Russian Science Founation (RSF) . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER Nizhny Novgorod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Professor Dr Evgeny Il’ichev Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences . . 34 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Professor Dr Mario Agio Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology; Nikolay Skryabin University of Siegen, Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ . . . 10 PROGRAMME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Novosibirsk State Technical University . . . . . . . . . . 22 Quantum Technologies Centre, Faculty of Physics, Dr Sascha Agne Professor Dr Nicolas Joly Lomonosov Moscow State University . . . . . . . . . . 35 ARCHIVE OF PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen . . . . 11 Friedrich Alexander University; Florian Sledz Dmitry Akat’ev Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light . . . . . . . . 23 Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ, University of Siegen . . . . 36 Kazan E. K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute . . . . . . 11 Professor Dr Alexey Kalachev Professor Dr Isabelle Staude Susanne Candussio Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Centre of Photonics, University of Regensburg, Terahertz Centre . . . . . . . . 12 Kazan Scientific Centre of RAS; Kazan Federal University . . . 23 Friedrich Schiller University Jena . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2 3
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION WELCOMING ADDRESS DEAR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! DEAR PROFESSOR FEDYANIN, Today we are opening the Ninth Russian-German the long-standing and most important scientific DEAR PROFESSOR ALLGÖWER, Week of the Young Researcher at the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. partners of MSU. So, I am very pleased to open a joint event here at the Faculty of Physics with DEAR DR HARMS, Оur conference is dedicated to quantum technolo- colleagues from Germany. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! gies. On behalf of the University, I am very glad to During the conference, there will be reports and welcome the respected members of the Presidium, discussions on various topics related to quantum I am pleased to welcome you to the 9th iteration Since March 2019, more than 90 bilateral activi- all participants and guests of the Russian-German technologies – quantum computing and commu- of the “German-Russian Week of the Young Re- ties have been registered on the website of the Sci- Week, especially those who are just starting their nications, solid state physics, optics, and photo Professor Dr Andrey Fedyanin searcher”, which has become a cornerstone of the ence Year. This once again underscores the inten- Beate Grzeski way in science. I think, young scientists are basi- nics. Also, we will have a number of reports devoted Vice Rector, German-Russian science calendar. sity of cooperation between German and Russian Deputy Head of Mission, cally the force that moves science forward, they to the problems of interaction of a solid state and Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov universities. German Embassy Moscow are the ones who will make scientific discoveries Also this year’s “Week of the Young Researcher” Moscow State University light. Separately, I am announcing with great in- in the future. Our mission, the mission of more ex- will serve to develop new cooperation projects All these activities contribute to creating a solid terest a poster section where young scientists will perienced scientists, is to help them and create all and partnerships, in particular between young foundation for a substantial relationship between present their research. possible conditions to make their work productive. scientists, thus making German-Russian science our two countries. The German-Russian Week of I wish everyone efficient and interesting work cooperation even more dynamic and intense. the Young Researcher is one of the finest examples At the opening of this event, it is necessary to say and hope that the 9th Russian-German Week will for this partnership. that international cooperation is extremely im- mark the beginning of active collaborative work In this respect, I would like to thank the German Academic Exchange Service, the German Center Since 2011, the Week of the Young Researcher portant for the development of science all around for the young scientists from different countries. for Research and Innovation and the German Re- has been organized annually in different cities in the world, especially if we are talking about such I hope that the exchange of ideas and scientific search Foundation and all the people who have Russia covering various important topics. This a rapidly developing industry as quantum sci- discussions that will take place throughout the made this event possible, for their support and year, the focus is set on Quantum Science, which ence. Moscow State University cooperates with days of the event will be useful for the further de- contributions. is an integral part of the development of modern many scientific and educational organizations velopment of individual scientific projects and the technologies. from different countries and Germany is one of global quantum technology industry. Scientific cooperation between Russia and Ger- many has a broad basis, ranging from exchanges Working together, benefiting from each other’s of students and young scientists, partner univer- strengths and skills brings advantages both to sities, joint research institutes and research groups Germany and Russia and keeps us competitive on to cooperation within the framework of voca- a global scale. Physics is a field where Russia tradi- tional training. In this vein so we work together tionally excels in. on many concrete projects such as the European I´m grateful that this year’s event is being organ- XFEL or the Arctic research expedition MOSAiC. ized at Russia’s leading university – Lomonosov Because of the importance of science and educa- Moscow State University. I would like to thank the tion for our bilateral relations, we agreed in 2018 Faculty of Physics for their kind cooperation and on a German-Russian Roadmap for Cooperation hospitality. I hope that the conference will con- in Education, Science, Research and Innovation tribute to an ever closer cooperation between your and launched the German-Russian Year of High- University and German research institutions. er Education Cooperation and Science 2018– May this year’s Week be successful and further 2020. I encourage you to participate actively in contribute to the good tradition of cooperation both initiatives. between German and Russian scientists! 4 5
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION WELCOMING ADDRESS DEAR VICE RECTOR PROFESSOR FEDYANIN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, DEAR DEPUTY HEAD OF MISSION, DEAR PARTICIPANTS, DEAR MS. GRZESKI, We were very pleased that you have accepted the or metrology, requires fundamental understanding DEAR VICE PRESIDENT invitation of the joint initiative of DAAD, the Ger- man Academic Exchange Service, and DFG, the at the quantum level. The decreasing size of basic circuits in modern micro- and nano-electronics PROFESSOR ALLGÖWER, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, under the roof leads to the necessity to consider quantum effects of the German Centre for Research and Innova- and to apply quantum science approaches for the Dr Michael Harms DEAR PARTICIPANTS tion in Moscow, as well as the Moscow State Uni- careful analysis of their properties. Experimental Professor Dr Frank Allgöwer versity and the Quantum Technologies Centre. Director Communications, OF THE 9TH GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK Our DFG delegation was more than happy to have studies with ultrahigh resolution in space and time and advanced theoretical descriptions are manda- Vice President of the German German Academic Exchange Research Foundation DFG Service (DAAD) Bonn OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER, welcomed you to the 9th Week of the Young Re- searcher in Moscow! tory. In this sense, one of the most important issues in modern quantum science is the interaction of Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, After being focused on issues of energy, health, optical fields with micro- and nanoscale solid-state University of Stuttgart It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to partnership opportunities with the German science aerospace, history, mathematics, urban studies circuits. The ability to manipulate these circuits this year’s Week on behalf of the DAAD, the Ger- and innovation community. Our aim is to connect and biomedicine, as well as chemistry over the by light will have amazing possibilities for study- man Academic Exchange Service. First of all, scientists, scholars, policy makers and business last nine years, this year’s topic encompasses var- ing fundamental questions as well as applications. I would like to thank very warmly our host, the people across borders and facilitate a fruitful and ious aspects of quantum science and technology Examples are the generation of spin-polarized Lomonosov Moscow State University. We highly lively dialogue. A major focus of our activities lies including solid-state physics, optics of metama- states in semiconductor nanostructures, the precise appreciate the opportunity to jointly organise this on exploring as to how scientists might jointly terials, modern photonics, and quantum optics. manipulation of micro- and nanoparticles, and the outstanding German-Russian science event at Rus push the frontiers of knowledge and find new ways Special emphasis will be given to the challenges of non-trivial susceptibility of metastructures. In the sia’s leading university. to put their knowledge to practical use. This is in the interaction of light with nano-scale solid-state future, quantum science and technologies should Coming together at this very special and presti many ways also what the German-Russian Week systems as one of the key problems in nano-elec- lead to practically significant scientific and tech- gious institution is a strong manifestation of the of the Young Researcher is all about. tronics and the integration of quantum devices. nical results in the areas of spintronics, photonics, promising development of the German-Russian The German Research Foundation has taken the Taking into account the growing population and metamaterials, quantum optics, quantum comput- relationship in science and academia. Ms Grzeski lead again to identify a cutting-edge topic: light- rising living standards, the world is faced with an ing and quantum communications. mentioned already the German-Russian Year of matter-interaction in quantum science. Thanks to increasing demand of power consumption, data There is no doubt that this broad range of research Higher Education and Science Partnerships and that effort and the immediate positive response of storing and communication. Modern technologies questions is of high interest to many researchers the strategic German-Russian Roadmap. We are many experts in this field, we are able to welcome rely on devices with cleverly designed electronic worldwide. The DFG with its annual budget of optimistic that these joint initiatives will signi today 21 junior and senior scientists from German and optical properties. Finding new functionalities more than 3 billion euros finances and supports ficantly further German-Russian cooperation in universities and research institutions. They will dis- in quantum science, for example, for sensors, in- a large number of interdisciplinary projects in science and research. cuss most relevant aspects of their research with formation storage and processing, cryptography, this field of research at German universities and The DAAD is delighted to be able to contribute their Russian counterparts from the Moscow State to these ongoing endeavours – in the capacity as University and other highly distinguished universi- coordinator of the German-Russian Year and, of ties and research facilities from all over Russia. I am course, through our day-to-day work as a fund- very confident that the different research angles ing and facilitating organisation for international und experiences will generate an exciting exchange academic exchange and cooperation. Above all, of insights and approaches. we understand that in the end only the scientists The Week is an annual flagship event of the Mos- and academics themselves can build and develop cow DWIH and each of it is a topically unique the collaboration that delivers on the demand for one-off occasion. Nevertheless, it offers the op- new scientific insights and innovation. portunity for longer-lasting inspiration and fur- For this reason, all German science organisations ther academic engagement. As to that, I would established the German Centres for Research and also like to recommend visiting the Science Café Innovation (DWIH) which are strongly supported on Wednesday where the German Centre for Re- by the German Federal Foreign Office. The DAAD search and Innovation and its organisations will has taken over the management of the currently provide information about support and funding five centres worldwide. The fact that Moscow for German-Russian science collaboration. hosts one of them emphasises the huge potential I would like to thank everybody for participating, we recognise in science collaboration with Russia. especially those of you who undertook a longer With the DWIH-network, we provide a platform journey – and I hope that all of you will enjoy and for a global exchange of information and ideas on make the most of the Week! 6 7
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION CONFERENCE SUMMARY WHAT WILL WE BE TALKING ABOUT: First of all, it is an important event of the ongoing German-Russian Year of Higher Education Coop- eration and Science 2018-2020. In fact, the pro- gramme itself was incepted nine years ago during the German-Russian Year of Science in 2011/2012, LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION which led to an annual event since then. We in- tended to provide early career researchers with a platform for exchange on research topics of global interest. Also, the format itself follows a very old tradition in our bilateral collaboration. Namely, in the 1920s, the DFG’s predecessor organisation, Taking into account the rising living standards, in semiconductor nanostructures, and the shaping together with the Soviet Academy of Sciences, the world is faced with an increasing demand for of light by metamaterials or metasurfaces. In addi- organised joint science weeks. These bilateral re- less power consuming data storage and commu- tion, ultrafast laser pulses with intense laser fields search weeks, which were conducted in the nat- nication techniques. Modern technologies rely on provide a unique opportunity to study and to ma- ural sciences (1927), in history (1928), in engi- cleverly designed materials and their electronic nipulate solid-state systems. neering sciences (1929), and in medical sciences and optical properties. The decreasing size of basic A distinctive feature of modern science about the (1932) proved to be an outstanding cooperative circuits in modern electronics leads to the necessi- interaction of light with matter is the fact that instrument. ty of considering quantum effects for their further both light and matter are considered at the level of improvement. Finding new functionalities, for ex- Second, we owe our gratitude to the Lomonosov individual quantum objects. This is, perhaps, the ample, for information processing, ultrasensitive University and its Rector, Mr Sadovnichy, and the main difference between the physics of the 20th sensors, inherently secure communication and Faculty of Physics with its Vice-Rector Mr Fedya- and the current centuries. Enormous successes, Dr Cosima Schuster cryptography, or precision metrology, requires an nin, in particular for setting up and hosting this first of all, in the technology and equipment avail- Physics and Chemistry, understanding and the access to the quantum-me- event and thus giving young scientists the oppor- able in the modern experiment, enable scientists German Rersearch chanical level. Since the beginning of the 20th tunity to directly engage in such a professional ex- to study and control the properties of individual Foundation (DFG) century, quantum mechanics forms the theoreti- change. In October 2018, the DFG-President Pe- quantum particles – photons, atoms, ions, mol- cal basis for our understanding of the microscopic ter Strohschneider and Rector Sadovnichy signed ecules, etc. These opportunities are widely used world. At the core of modern quantum science, a joined agreement on intensifying our bilateral by the successes of modern physics of the inter- there is the notion of entanglement, a feature with- institutional cooperation. We consider this year’s action of light with matter in such areas as quan- out a classical analogue. For example, properties of week to be an important step towards this goal. tum computing, quantum communication, and entangled particles are perfectly correlated even if Yet, project-wise the DFG has always been active quantum sensorics – in everything that we know there is a large distance between them. This cor- in supporting research projects – about 113 bilat- as "Quantum Technology". relation is responsible for astonishing phenomena. eral cooperation projects at the MSU (30 of them For further developments, experimental studies Quantum properties of light are prominent in sin- co-funded by RFBR and 10 by RSF) in the peri- providing ultrahigh resolution on the atomic scale gle photon sources which are necessary for the re- od from 2008 to 2018, which is more than at any and advanced theoretical descriptions are manda- alization of quantum repeaters. Trapped ions and other Russian research institution. The two largest tory. Yet, individual demonstrators of quantum de- single molecules like pentacene can be used as Professor Dr Sergey Kulik research institutes with funding instruments ran German-Russian long-term projects at MSU were vices have been already built with semiconducting, sources of single photons; but also colour centers Quantum Technology Centre, ging from individual grants to coordinated long- two International Research Training Groups from superconducting, ionic and cold atom systems. created by nitrogen vacancies in diamond or sem- Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov term programmes such as Research Training Groups the life sciences with the universities of Gießen iconductor quantum dots are widely investigated Moscow State University As light is often used as a tool, the interaction of (Graduiertenkollegs) or Collaborative Research and Marburg (GRK 1384, 2006-2015) and the in this context. Pairs of single photons are created optical fields with matter is intensively studied Centres (Sonderforschungsbereiche). Munich universities LMU and TUM (GRK 1563, in spontaneous parametric down-conversion and in current quantum science. An example for in- 2009-2013). In addition to the life sciences, pro- spontaneous four-wave mixing. They are essential When it comes to the German-Russian coopera- triguing cooperative behavior based on quantum jects in soil and plant sciences, in mathematics for quantum key distribution, a cryptography pro- tion, physics profits tremendously from the annu- effects is superradiance, where the collective re- and astrophysics, in experimental and theoretical tocol using quantum mechanics, which is already al bilateral DFG calls with the Russian Foundation sponse of an ensemble of emitters irradiated with physics as well as in polymer chemistry and pro- light is fundamentally different from the scatter- commercially available. for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Russian Sci- cess engineering were funded. ing properties of individual particles. Light-matter All in all, light-matter interaction is the key ingre- ence Foundation (RSF). Those thematically open Finally, I would like to thank the German Em- interaction plays also an important role in a wide dient in implementing quantum devices and ap- calls foster long-term cooperation in physics be- bassy, always represented at the weeks by their range of different quantum systems, from the trap- plications. Modern quantum science continues to tween Russian and German scientists. Russia still ambassadors or their deputies, for the continuing ping and precise manipulation of atoms and nan- be a very active field, in particular, where quantum is and will stay one of the most important cooper- support of this format. You have long recognised oparticles, the generation of spin-polarized states optics and solid-state physics are merging. ation partners for us in physical sciences. that these scientific meetings foster research co Apart from the topical aspects of this week, allow operation and make a valuable contribution to de- me to point out that this year’s research week is veloping trust and partnerships among the early deeply embedded into our German-Russian part- career researchers and future generations of scien- nership in many ways. tists from both our countries. 8 9
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS OF THE WEEK Nonlinear Polarimetry OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER with Parametric Down-Conversion Sascha Agne1, Santiago López Huidobro1,2, Maria V. Chekhova1,2,3 1 Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Staudtstrasse 2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany 2 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Staudtstrasse 7/B2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany 3 Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia Ultrafast Coupling of Light Polarization is arguably the most accessible degree nonlinear polarizers is more profound, however, Dr Sascha Agne Max-Planck-Institute of freedom of light fields [1]. Using readily availa- and fundamentally changes the operating princi- with Quantum Emitters ble polarizers of various kinds, a beam of light is ple of a polarimeter. Here we discuss this principle for the Science of Light, Erlangen easily polarized and analyzed. A pair of polarizers and demonstrate a polarimeter that consists entire- M. Agio1,2 forms a polarimeter, which permits measurements ly of nonlinear polarizers. Our first experimental 1 Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ, University of Siegen, 57072 Siegen Germany of light field rotations induced by various physical results using parametric down-conversion indicate 2 National Institute of Optics (INO-CNR), 50125 Florence, Italy processes with great precision. Ever since Malus’ extinction ratios many orders of magnitude better original studies on polarization in the early 19th than available with linear optical polarizers. The modification of light-matter interaction by enable the investigation of short-lived coherence century, polarizers are almost exclusively made of [1] Born M, Wolf E Principles of Optics. Cam- metal nanostructures has gained a considerable and quantum effects in nanoscopic systems under linear optical media. Though secondary to their bridge University Press 2013. Professor Dr Mario Agio attention across a broad range of topics [1]. Our ambient conditions [3,4]. primary role as frequency converters [2], nonlin- [2] Boyd R Nonlinear Optics. Academic Press 2008. University of Siegen, interests focus on the interrogation of single quan- Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ [1] Agio M, and Alù A., Optical Antennas (Cam- ear optical processes also polarize light fields. In- [3] Saltiel SM, Yankov PD, Zheludev NI Second tum emitters, where we have shown that huge en- bridge University Press, 2013) tuitively, one expects the nonlinearities to promote harmonic generation as a method for polariz- hancements of the spontaneous emission rate can [2] Agio M., Optical antennas as nanoscale reso- quantitative advantages such as improved degree of ing and analyzing laser light. Applied Physics coexist with large quantum efficiencies [2]. This nators, Nanoscale 4, 692 (2012) polarization [3]. The difference between linear and B 1987; 42: 115–119. makes such hybrid systems appealing for explor- [3] Chen C.-W., Mohammadi A., Baradaran Gha ing ultrafast quantum phenomena on the nano- scale and for developing quantum technologies. semi A.H. and Agio M., Ultrafast coherent We discuss configurations that strongly increase nanoscopy, Mol. Phys. 111, 3003 (2013) light-matter interaction and address quantum [4] Flatae A.M., Tantussi F., Messina G.C., De An gelis F., Agio M., Plasmon-assisted suppres- Generation of Time-Bin Qudit coherence and nonlinear optical processes that occur despite the existence of large dephasing sion of surface trap states and enhanced band- Based on Spontaneous Parametric rates. Next, we propose approaches that combine edge emission in a bare CdTe quantum dot, these findings with ultrafast techniques in order to J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 2874 (2019) Down-Conversion D.O. Akat’ev1, A.A. Kalachev1,2, I.Z. Latypov1, A.V. Shkalikov1, D.A Turaykhanov1 1 Kazan E. K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, 420029 Kazan, Russia, Sibirsky tract, 10/7 2 Kazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Russia, Kremlevskaya st., 18 Single photons are actively used as information In our work, we used a lithium niobate crystal Dmitry Akat’ev carriers in applications of quantum optics and doped of magnesium oxide LiNbO3: MgO (5%) Kazan E. K. Zavoisky quantum informatics. One of their main proper- (PPLN), the modulation period of which is Physical-Technical Institute ties is the inability to read information without Λ = 7.47 μm and the length is 25 mm. At a pump destroying the quantum state. The use of multi- wavelength of 532 nm, photon pairs are generated dimensional entangled states can increase the in- at wavelengths of 867 nm and 1377 nm during the formation capacity [1]. In addition, high-dimen- 0-type synchronism SPR (eee type) at the temper- sional states are resistant to eavesdropping attack ature of 85 degrees Celsius. As a result, photons in the quantum key distribution protocols [2] and Δνmod = 73 MHz at a wavelength of 867 nm were a strong violation of the generalized Bell inequal- obtained [5]. For generation of time-bin qubits we ities [3] with possible applications in device-inde- used scheme presented in [6]. First results of this pendent quantum cryptography [4] and random study will be presented at the poster. number generation. In our work, we consider the [1] Walborn SP, et al. Quantum key distribution possibility of generating high-dimensional states with higher-order alphabets using spatially based on time coding via spontaneous parametric encoded qudits. Physical review letters 2006; down-conversion. 96.9: 090501. 10 11
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION PARTICIPANTS [2] Cerf NJ, et al. Security of quantum key distri- bution using d-level systems. Physical Review [5] Akat’ev DO, et al. Generation of narrow-band single-photon states via spontaneous para- Generation of Entangled Photons Letters 2002; 88.12: 127902 [3] Kaszlikowski D, et al. Violations of local real- metric down-conversion for quantum mem- ories in doped crystals. Quantum Electronics without Momentum Conservation ism by two entangled N-dimensional systems 2018; 48.10: 902. A. Cavanna1,2, C. Okoth1,2, J. T. Santiago Cruz1,2, M. V. Chekhova1,2,3 are stronger than for two qubits. Physical Re- [6] Islam NT et al. Provably secure and high- 1 Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany view Letters 2000; 85.21: 4418. rate quantum key distribution with time-bin 2 Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany [4] Barrett J, Hardy L, Kent, A. Physical review qudits. Science advances 2017; 3.11: e1701491. 3 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia letters 2005; 95.1: 010503. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) The new source can be optimized by passing to is a convenient source of entangled photons. Due materials with even higher nonlinearity: for ex- Dr Maria Chekhova to its relatively low efficiency, up to now it has only ample, GaAs or other semiconductors. The thick- Max-Planck Institute been used under the condition of phase matching. ness of the material can then be reduced to the for the Science of Light, Erlangen; In this case, the momentum of the pump photon nanoscale, without a large reduction in the rate of University of Erlangen-Nürnberg; is conserved by the daughter entangled photons. coincidences. Further developments can be inte- Lomonosov Moscow State University At the same time, the necessity to satisfy the phase gration into optical chips and nanostructuring of matching restricts the choice of available nonlin- the nonlinear material. ear materials. [1] Okoth C, Cavanna A, Santiago-Cruz T, and In this work, by using a 6.8 micrometre layer of Chekhova M, Microscale generation of en- lithium niobate crystal in the geometry where its tangled photons without momentum conser- strongest nonlinear tensor component was fully vation. arXiv:1902.11218v2 [quant-ph]. used, we observed SPDC without phase matching. [2] Liscidini M. and Sipe J. Stimulated emis- The longitudinal momentum conservation could sion tomography. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013; 111: be relaxed due to the small thickness of the non- 193602. linear layer. Under pumping with 170 mW of con- tinuous-wave radiation at 500 nm, we have regis- tered about 1 kHz flux of photon pairs collected into single-mode fibre [1]. Terahertz Radiation Induced Edge The new SPDC source has extremely broad wave- length and angular spectra (about an octave in Currents in Graphene wavelength and about 30° in angle). This broad spectrum is a result of the relaxed longitudinal in the Quantum Hall Regime momentum conservation. Meanwhile, transverse momentum and energy are strictly conserved, S. Candussio1, H. Plank1, M.V. Durnev2, J. Pernul1, K.M. Dantscher1, E. Mönch1, A. Sandner1, which leads to tight correlations of photons in J. Eroms1, D. Weiss1, S. A. Tarasenko2, S. D. Ganichev1 angle/space and frequency/time. This, in its turn, 1 University of Regensburg, Terahertz Centre, Regensburg, 93040, Germany leads to an extremely high continuous-variable 2 Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia entanglement of the produced two-photon state. Susanne Candussio In a series of experiments, we have demonstrat- University of Regensburg, We report on the observation of terahertz (THz) The used radiation has photon energies smaller ed a high rate of entangled pairs, a spectrum 200 Terahertz Centre radiation induced chiral edge currents in graphene than the cyclotron gap, and therefore, induces in- nm broad, limited only by the bandwidth of the in the quantum Hall regime (QHE) [1]. In this direct transitions within the chiral edge channel. equipment used, and a high degree of frequency regime the direction of the edge photocurrent is We demonstrate that the edge current is generated and angular entanglement. The latter was tested dictated by the polarity of the external magnetic by Drude-like transitions within this channels re- through stimulated-emission tomography (SET) field while its magnitude depends on the radiation sulting in a net velocity of the charge carriers. The [2]. In one of the experiments, angular-space SET polarization. Importantly, the current flows in the developed microscopic theory describes well the was performed, to the best of our knowledge for same direction for electrons and holes, as con- experimental data. the first time. firmed by experiments with variation of back gate voltage. The overall behaviour of the edge photo- [1] H. Plank, S.D. Ganichev et. al., 2D Mat. 6, current, therefore, is qualitatively different from 011002 (2019) the edge photocurrent excited at zero magnetic [2] M. M. Glazov and S.D. Ganichev, Phys. Rep. field [2,3] where the current direction is opposite 535, 101249 (2014) for electron and holes and can be changed by var- [3] J. Karch, S.D. Ganichev et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. iation of the radiation polarization. 107, 276601 (2011) 12 13
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION PARTICIPANTS Photoinduced Edge Current in Systems Realizing 3D Random Walks with Two-Dimensional Electron Gas of Correlated Photon Pairs Two-dimensional (2D) crystalline materials have nation of the edge of 2D crystal with electro-mag- Max Ehrhardt1, Robert Keil2, Matthias Heinrich1, Alexander Szameit1 been in focus of scientific research since the dis- netic wave. Such photoinduced edge current was 1 Univerity of Rostock, Institute for Physics, Albert-Einstein-Str. 23, 18059 Rostock, Germany covery of graphene monolayers [1]. Since then the observed in graphene in [6], however the detailed 2 University of Innsbruck, Department of Experimental Physics, Technikerstr. 25d, class of 2D materials has significantly expanded microscopic theory has not yet been developed. 6020 Innsbruck, Austria and now includes monolayers of transition metal I will discuss possible mechanisms of the pho- Quantum Walks (QWs) provide a bright field of Y. Lahini, N. Ismail, K. Wörhoff, Y. Bromb- Dr Mikhail Durnev dichalcogenides [2], hexagonal boron nitride [3], tocurrent generation in classical and quantum Max Ehrhardt application from modelling quantum processes to erg, Y. Silberberg, M. G. Thompson, and J. L. Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg layered semiconductors, such as GaSe, GaTe [4], regimes, the role of edge properties and external Univerity of Rostock, quantum search algorithms and quantum com- O’Brien, “Quantum Walks of Correlated Pho- and many more. One can even combine those magnetic field directed perpendicularly to the lay- Institute for Physics putation. In order to study quantum interference, tons,” Science 329(1500), 1500-1503 (2010). 2D layers in stacks forming the so-called van der er. I will present results of theoretical calculations quantum walks for indistinguishable photon pairs [2] R. Keil, A. Szameit, F. Dreisow, M. Heinrich, Waals heterostructures [5]. The position of Fermi and compare it to recent experiments. have been implemented in one- and two-dimen- S. Nolte, and A. Tunnermann, "Photon corre- level in 2D materials can be controlled in experi- [1] A. H. Castro Neto, F. Guinea, N. M. R. Peres, sional waveguide lattices [1,2]. Two-dimensional lations in two-dimensional waveguide arrays ment by changing the voltage on a gate electrode. K. S. Novoselov, and A. K. Geim. The elec- quantum walks have demonstrated features that and their classical estimate," Phys. Rev. A 81, In the case when Fermi level lies in the conduction tronic properties of graphene. Rev Mod Phys cannot be achieved in planar lattices [3]. Taking 023834 (2010). (or valence) band, the 2D gas of free charge carri- 2009; 81: 109. this feature as motivation, our aim is to promote [3] K. Poulios, R. Keil, D. Fry, J. D. A. Meinecke, ers (electrons or holes) is formed within the layer. Gang Wang, Alexey Chernikov, Mikhail M. [2] the understanding of QWs for correlated photons J. C. F. Matthews, A. Politi, M. Lobino, M. This gas controls electronic, optical and thermal Glazov, Tony F. Heinz, Xavier Marie, Thierry on three-dimensional lattices with the vision to Gräfe, M. Heinrich, S. Nolte, A. Szameit, properties of the system and thus its study is of Amand, and Bernhard Urbaszek. Colloqui- establish a basis for new, on-chip quantum simu- and J. L. O’Brien, “Quantum Walks of Cor- importance for both fundamental and applied sci- um: Excitons in atomically thin transition lation and computing applications. related Photon Pairs in Two-Dimensional ence. In this talk, I will present theoretical study metal dichalcogenides. Rev Mod Phys 2018; The direct femtosecond laser-writing technique Waveguide Arrays,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, of an optoelectronic phenomenon, namely, the 90: 021001 is a promising route to nearest neighbor-coupled 143604 (2014). emergence of direct electric current upon illumi- G Cassabois, P Valvin, B Gil. Hexagonal bo- [3] geometries of waveguides for QWs in one and two [4] K. M. Davis, K. Miura, N. Sugimoto, and ron nitride is an indirect bandgap semicon- K. Hirao, “Writing waveguides in glass with dimensions [4]. This writing technique creates bi- ductor. Nat Phot 2016; 10: 262. a femtosecond laser,” Opt. Lett. 21(21), 1729 refringent waveguide [5] with a controllable opti- [4] V. Tayari, B. V. Senkovskiy, D. Rybkovskiy, (1996). cal axis orientation [6,7]. Hence, direct laser-writ- N. Ehlen, A. Fedorov, C.-Y. Chen, J. Avila, [5] P. Yang, G. R. Burns, J. Guo, T. S. Luk, and G. ten waveguides provide a full polarization control. M. Asensio, A. Perucchi, P. di Pietro, L. Yas- A. Vawter, “Femtosecond laser-pulse-induced hina, I. Fakih, N. Hemsworth, M. Petres- In our work, we show the equivalence of cou- birefringence in optically isotropic glass,” cu, G. Gervais, A. Grüneis, and T. Szkopek. pling behavior between two waveguides and or- J. Appl. Phys. 95(10), 5280–5283 (2004). Quasi-two-dimensional thermoelectricity in thogonal polarization direction in a birefringent [6] R. Heilmann, M. Gräfe, S. Nolte, and A. Sza SnSe. Phys Rev B 2018; 97: 045424. waveguide. We use the polarization and its afore meit, “Arbitrary photonic wave plate opera- [5] A. K. Geim, I. V. Grigorieva. Van der Waals mentioned features to extend a two-dimension- tions on chip: realizing hadamard, pauli-x, heterostructures. Nature 2013; 499: 419. al waveguide lattice by the third dimension. We and rotation gates for polarisation qubits,” [6] J. Karch, C. Drexler, P. Olbrich, M. Fehren- observe correlations of photon pairs unveiling Sci. Rep. 4(1), 4118 (2014). bacher, M. Hirmer, M. M. Glazov, S. A. Ta Hong-Ou-Mandel interference as well as phe- [7] C.-Y. Wang, J. Gao, and X.-M. Jin, “On-chip rasenko, E. L. Ivchenko, B. Birkner, J. Eroms, nomena unique to these structures. rotated polarization directional coupler fab- D. Weiss, R. Yakimova, S. Lara-Avila, S. Ku [1] A. Peruzzo, M. Lobino, J. C. F. Matthews, ricated by femtosecond laser direct writing,” batkin, M. Ostler, T. Seyller, and S. D. Ga N. Matsuda, A. Politi, K. Poulios, X.-Q. Zhou, Opt. Lett. 44(1), 102–105 (2019). nichev. Terahertz Radiation Driven Chiral Edge Currents in Graphene. Phys Rev Lett 2011; 107: 276601. 14 15
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION PARTICIPANTS Towards Spontaneous Parametric Nonlinear and Tunable All-Dielectric Down-Conversion in Lithium Niobate Metasurfaces Metasurfaces The use of the optically induced Mie resonances tures involving light localization in electric and in all-dielectric nanostructures – metasurfaces al- magnetic dipolar resonances. Special attention is Anna Fedotova1, Mohammadreza Younesi1, Jürgen Sautter1, Michael Steinert1, Reinhard Geiss1, lows us to reveal new physical effects which can addressed to nanoparticle oligomers consisting of Thomas Pertsch1,2, Frank Setzpfandt1, Isabelle Staude1 be used in many prospective applications from several, up to four, nanoparticles having collec- 1 Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Centre of Photonics, Albert-Einstein-Straße 15, tunable antennas and flat optical devices to ul- tive resonances. Then, we discuss ultrafast tuna- 07745 Jena, Germany Anna Fedotova tra-sensitive sensors and active nanophotonic bility and all-optical switching in subwavelength Professor Dr Andrey Fedyanin 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Albert-Einstein-Straße 7, Institute of Applied Physics, components. In this talk, we discuss various opti- nonlinear dielectric nanostructures exhibiting lo- Faculty of Physics, 07745 Jena, Germany Abbe Centre of Photonics, Jena cal effects in all-dielectric structures composed of calized magnetic Mie resonances. The results are Lomonosov Moscow State Lithium niobate (LN), a birefringent crystal, is an in transmission, which demonstrated strong SHG Mie resonant nanoparticles upon their interaction compared with optical switching based on Bloch University attractive material for nonlinear photonics due to signal when exciting at 1550 nm with a pulsed la- with femtosecond laser pulses. We consider non- surface waves and optical Tamm states in one-di- its wide transparency range and high second-or- ser. At the back-focal plane of the collecting objec- linear-optical effects based on quadratic and cubic mensional photonic crystals, and creation of a new der nonlinearity. Among other applications, it has tive, the 0th and 1st diffraction orders can be seen nonlinearities of resonant dielectric nanostruc- low-loss active nanophotonic devices is discussed. been used for fabrication of fast optical modula- corresponding to the period of the metasurface. tors and nonlinear frequency converters. Howev- With these results, we show that resonant metas- er, almost all implementations to date were using urface based on lithium niobate is a suitable plat- bulk LN crystals or waveguides. Although isolated Mie-type nanoresonators in lithium niobate have form for second-harmonic generation. Due to the Multimode Four-Photon principle of quantum-classical correspondence, been shown very recently [1], functional metasur- one can expect efficient spontaneous parametric Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference faces [2,3] based on densely packed arrangements down-conversion from this sample. Therefore, our of such nanoresonators have not yet been demon- next goal is studying the quantum behavior of the Alessandro Ferreri1, Vahid Ansari1, Benjamin Brecht1, Christine Silberhorn1, Polina R. Sharapova1 strated. The key feature of these metasurfaces, the fabricated metasurfaces. 1 Integrated Quantum Optics, Paderborn University, Warbugerstr. 100, resonant enhancement of local fields, may allow 33098 Paderborn, Germany [1] Timpu, F., Sendra, J., Renaut, C., Lang, L., to boost nonlinear effects such as second-har- Timofeeva, M., Buscaglia, M.T., Buscaglia, monic generation and spontaneous parametric The conventional two-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel the number of Schmidt modes and the antibunch- V. and Grange, R., 2019. Lithium Niobate down-conversion (SPDC), thus offering interest- (HOM) interference plays an important role in ing behaviour is confirmed by using the chirped Nanocubes as Linear and Nonlinear Ultra- Alessandro Ferreri ing opportunities for the efficient generation of testifying the degree of indistinguishability of pump pulse [3]. By fixing the spectral width and violet Mie Resonators. ACS Photonics, 6(2), Integrated Quantum Optics, pairs of entangled photons. photons. Recently, multiphoton quantum inter- varying the spectral quadratic phase (chirp) of the pp. 545–552. Paderborn University ference is in focus of research since it is a crucial pump laser, the PDC state with the chirped pulse In this work, we have designed, fabricated and ex- [2] Löchner, F.J., Fedotova, A.N., Liu, S., Keeler, ingredient of boson samplings and a promising is characterized by the same signal-idler spectrum perimentally investigated nonlinear metasurfaces G.A., Peake, G.M., Saravi, S., Shcherbakov, tool for a high dimensional entanglement [1]. as in the single-mode regime but completely dif- consisting of an array of LN nanocubes featuring M.R., Burger, S., Fedyanin, A.A., Brener, I. In this research we investigate both theoreti- ferent mode structure. Mie-type resonances at the telecom wavelengths. and Pertsch, T., 2018. Polarization-depend- cally and experimentally the properties of the In conclusion, it was shown that it is possible to Prior to performing quantum experiments, we ent second harmonic diffraction from reso- four-photon HOM interference. control the interference pattern, coherent length of characterized second-harmonic generation (SHG) nant gaas metasurfaces. ACS Photonics, 5(5), from the metasurfaces. Firstly, in the optical trans- pp. 1786–1793. We consider four photons generated in the type- photons and bunching properties of the four-pho- mittance spectra, we observed electric dipole and [3] Decker, M., Staude, I., Falkner, M., Domin II PDC process in a KTP waveguide. Dispersion ton HOM interference by modifying the number magnetic dipole Mie-type resonances in the vi- guez, J., Neshev, D.N., Brener, I., Pertsch, T. properties of KTP allow engineering a single of Schmidt modes. cinity of a target wavelength 1550 nm. Numerical and Kivshar, Y.S., 2015. High‐efficiency die- Schmidt mode source as well as a multimode [1] Y.-S. Ra, M.C. Tichy, H.-T. Lim, O. Kwon, simulations confirmed the nature of resonanc- lectric Huygens’ surfaces. Advanced Optical source by changing the pulse duration or by F. Mintert, A. Buchleitner, Y.-H. Kim, Non- es. Secondly, we carried out SHG measurements Materials, 3(6), pp. 813–820. chirping the pump pulse [2]. The type-II PDC monotonic quantum-to-classical transition source creates two photon pairs having two or- in multiparticle interference, Proceedings of thogonal polarization which were split up in two the National Academy of Sciences, 110,1227- arms of an interferometer by a polarization beam 1231 (2013) splitter. By making them have the same polariza- [2] G. Harder, V. Ansari, B. Brecht, T. Dirmeier, tion, we let them interfere on a beam splitter and C. Marquardt, and C. Silberhorn, Optics ex- finally they were detected. press 21, 13975 (2013). The theoretical simulations and the experimen- [3] V. Ansari, J. M. Donohue, M. Allgaier, L. San- tal results coincide and show that via increasing soni, B. Brecht, J. Roslund, N. Treps, G. Hard- the number of Schmidt modes, an antibunching er, and C. Silberhorn, Physical review letters peak appears. Furthermore, the relation between 120, 213601 (2018). 16 17
QUANTUM SCIENCE: LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTION PARTICIPANTS Plasmon-Assisted Ultrafast Light Scattering by Lattices of Resonant Photodynamics in Quantum Dots Nanoparticles in Dipole Approximation A.M. Flatae1, F. Tantussi2, G.C. Messina2, F. De Angelis2, and M. Agio1,3 Ilia Fradkin1,2, Sergey Dyakov1, Nikolay Gippius1 1 University of Siegen, Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ, Siegen, 57072, Germany 1 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Nobel Street 3, Moscow 143025, Russia 2 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, 16163, Italy 2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institutskiy pereulok 9, 3 National Institute of Optics (INO-CNR), Florence, 50125, Italy Moscow Region 141701, Russia Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) represent a prom- of magnitude. Increasing the quantum efficiency Rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) is a very We demonstrate the performance of the proposed Assegid M. Flatae ising nanoscale material for application in opto- of the excitonic transitions turns the defect-rich effective tool for studying optical properties of method by considering plasmonic lattices embed- Ilia Fradkin University of Siegen, electronics, photovoltaics and in the life sciences. bare QD into a bright photon source, with impli- multilayered vertically invariant periodic struc- ded in a homogeneous ambiance and placed inside Skolkovo Institute of Science Laboratory of Nano-Optics and Cµ Limitations like fluorescence blinking, Auger pro- cations for nanoscale lasers, light emitting devices, and onto optical waveguides, and compare our re- and Technology, Moscow; tures. However, it fails to deal with arrays of small cess and surface traps are commonly addressed by solar cells and ultrafast single-photon sources. The sults with experimental papers. Such phenomena Moscow Institute of Physics particles because of high gradients in a local field. and Technology growing a wide-bandgap shell. However, the shell approach can also be used to shape the emission In our paper [1], we implement discrete dipole as localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) isolates the excitonic wave function and reduces spectrum and for achieving strong coupling at approximation (DDA) for the construction of and lattice plasmon resonances (LPRs) are ob- its interaction with the external environment nec- room temperature. scattering matrices of arrays of resonant nanopar- served as well as their hybridization with photonic essary for different applications. In addition, the [1] Flatae AM, Tantussi F, Messina GC, Moham- ticles. This strongly speeds up the calculations and guided modes. High accuracy and fast conver- long fluorescence lifetime hinders their applica- madi A, De Angelis F, Agio M. Plasmon- therefore provides an opportunity for thorough gence of our approach are shown by a comparison tion in high-speed optoelectronics. ic gold nanocones in the near-infrared for consideration of various layered structures with with other computational approaches. Typical lim- We demonstrate a high degree of control on the quantum nano-optics. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2017; small periodic inclusions in terms of the RCWA. its of applicability of our approximate method are emission dynamics of a bare core CdTe quantum 5: 1700586. We study in detail three main stages of the meth- determined by an exploration of the dependence of dot by plasmon coupling to gold nanocones. We [2] Flatae AM, Tantussi F, Messina GC, De An- od: calculation of polarizability tensor of a single its error on the parameters of the structure. show that surface defect state emission and Au- gelis F, Agio M. Plasmon-assisted suppression nanoparticle, effective polarizability of this parti- [1] Fradkin IM, Dyakov SA, and Gippius NA ger processes from a trap-rich quantum dot can of Surface trap states and enhanced band- cle in a lattice and corresponding scattering ma- Fourier modal method for the description of be significantly quenched by enhancing the band- edge emission in a bare CdTe Quantum dot. trix of the layer for further integration in the con- nanoparticle lattices in the dipole approxima- edge state emission rate by more than three orders J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019; 10: 2874-2878. ventional RCWA approach. tion Phys. Rev. B 2019; 99: 075310 Fig. 1. Extinction of the gold nanoparticle lattice in bulk silica for a normally incident light calculated by different methods as a function of total number of Fourier harmonics. The proposed approach (1) converges even faster than conventional Fourier modal method enhanced by adaptive spatial resolution (RCWA-ASR) and provides precise results. 18 19
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