WINTER 2014/15

WINTER 2014/15
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Editorial team of this issue: Eduardo Ferreira, Crime Investigation Police College, Portugal; Ksenija
Butorac, Police College, Croatia.

Published by: European Police College (CEPOL) (Director: Dr. Ferenc Bánfi)

Reviewers of this issue: Annika Talmare-Pere, Estonian Permanent Representation in the European
Commission, Estonia; Cesare Vecchio, Carabinieri Scientific Headquaters, Italy; Megi Kujundžić, Forensic
Science Centre ’Ivan Vućetic’, MoI, Croatia; Irena Cajner Mraović, Centre for Croatian Studies, University of
Zagreb, Croatia; Ivana Glavina, Police College, MoI, Croatia; Robert Šumi, Centre for Research and Social
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ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15


Paulo Oliveira, Danguolé Seniutienè and Fernando Gonçalves

ENFORCEMENT............................................................................................................................. 10
Bogdan Mînjină

STUDENTS USING CULTURAL/ETHNIC MENTORS...................................................................... 17
Roger MacLean

CITIZENS’ PERSPECTIVE................................................................................................................ 21
Nathalie Hirschmann

AND PREVENTION........................................................................................................................ 34
Cristina Soeiro and Raquel Guerra

Monika Hullová

JUSTICE SYSTEM........................................................................................................................... 47
Reingard Riener-Hofer, Bridgette Webb and Eva Scheurer

EUROPEAN COUNTRIES............................................................................................................... 57
Gabor Kovacs and Mónika Nogel

GERMAN POLICE UNIVERSITY..................................................................................................... 60
Knut Bültemeier and Silvia Herbold

UPCOMING EVENTS..................................................................................................................... 63
                                                           ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15


INTERNAL SECURITY: CHALLENGES                        injured. This type of stress has outstanding
FOR THE EUROPE OF THE XXIst CENTURY                  negative effects on performance. The present
                                                     study aims to emphasise the importance of using
Paulo Oliveira, Danguolé Seniutienè and              mental skills training to manage survival stress.
Fernando Gonçalves                                   The study also argues the need to implement a
                                                     research direction to identify the most effective
This article presents actual problems, related to    methods of mental conditioning to address law
internal security, which occur in the EU in the      enforcement critical incidents.
process of globalisation in the XXIst century.
The long-existing practices of information-
sharing and transnational police cooperation         TANDEM PROJECT: DEVELOPING
have accelerated in recent decades. Information      CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE IN POLICE
travels instantaneously in cyberspace; speedy        TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS USING
transportation brings the most distant and exotic    CULTURAL/ETHNIC MENTORS
lands within the reach of the intrepid traveller,
including police officials; the world’s economy      Roger MacLean
and financial system are intricately integrated
and respond to butterfly disturbances in any         The Tandem Project was an experimental
part of the globe; crime and insecurity are not      applied pedagogical approach designed to
limited by borders. Globalisation affects people’s   meet the needs of diverse community policing
lives in many states; the most important needs of    and training in Montreal, Quebec, for police
each person are needs for security and welfare.      technology students in their first year. It allows
Economic and political integration, the European     the students to develop cultural awareness,
Union being the most advanced example,               cultural competency and cultural intelligence.
have necessitated a concomitant integration,         This approach was developed to expose students
harmonisation and cooperation among laws,            in their first year to a random selection of ethnic/
policies and agencies. In the EU, this now means     cultural mentors who represent 13 to 20 minority
working in an increasingly borderless Schengen       groups of the 120 groups in Montreal. The
area. This article aims to reveal the major          students when meeting with the mentors learn
threats emerging in internal security and seeks a    basic cultural etiquette, proper intervention
proposal, from the law enforcement authorities’      techniques and how to engage community
activities of overall coordination, priority areas   members concerning a number of issues. They
of cooperation discussed, and international          also learn how the community perceives the
communication.                                       police and main barriers between the police
                                                     and the community. The results are twofold;
                                                     the students learn who their future clients
SURVIVAL STRESS MANAGEMENT                           are and what their needs are. They also learn
THROUGH MENTAL SKILLS TRAINING                       culture-specific interaction and communication
IN LAW ENFORCEMENT                                   techniques as well as culture-specific de-
                                                     escalating approaches. Additionally, the mentor
Bogdan Mînjină                                       and their community learn to overcome negative
                                                     stereotypes of police and develop a level of
Survival stress is an extreme type of operational    trust. As one church parishioner from a minority
stress felt by law enforcement personnel in          community said, ’it was nice to have the police
situations involving the risk of being killed or     students come to our church, it shows they care.’

                                                                  ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

COOPERATIVE POLICING IN THE CITY:                      circumstances, how to increase their willingness,
VOLUNTARY CIVIC ENGAGEMENT                             etc.); motivation for cooperation with the police;
AND THE CITIZENS’ PERSPECTIVE                          effectiveness of crime detection and clarification
                                                       (criminal police service, investigative service,
Nathalie Hirschmann                                    national police organisation); main problems
                                                       related to crime detection and clarification;
This paper originates from a comprehensive             estimations of the level of latency of particular
research programme which evaluates the context         crimes against morality and real criminal rate.
of different policing agents’ presence amongst
others in organisations life of the police, public
life, the citizens’ perception of this presence, and   FORENSIGRAPHY: THE INTEGRATION
the potential impact on subjective security. The       OF IMAGING TECHNIQUES INTO
aspect of voluntary policing is highlighted.           THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM

                                                       Reingard Riener-Hofer, Bridgette Webb and
FOREST ARSONISTS:                                      Eva Scheurer
IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERVENTION                          This article defines imaging in the context of
AND PREVENTION                                         the criminal justice system, introduces the term
                                                       ’forensigraphy’ and presents relevant examples.
Cristina Soeiro and Raquel Guerra                      Legal requirements for the implementation of
                                                       forensigraphy are discussed.
The main aims of this study are the
characterisation of criminal, psychological and
social aspects of the Portuguese forest arsonists      THE OVERVIEW AND LEGAL BACKGROUND
and the identification of its most important           OF NEW PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES
criminal characteristics. The research variables       IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES
include criminal behaviour, socio-demographic
and psychological and juridical-penal aspects.         Gabor Kovacs and Mónika Nogel
Results from a sample of 452 offenders show a
typology characterised by four types of forest         The analysis is based on European and
arsonists: instrumental-retaliatory; instrumental-     national data of the last five years and aims at
beneficial; expressive-clinical history; expressive-   investigating the effectiveness of regulations. It
fire attraction. The subsequent need for               aims at investigating whether legal intervention
differentiated intervention and prevention             has substantive effects on the availability of these
strategies is discussed.                               substances, whether it influences their supply,
                                                       effects the appearance of new ones, or is able to
                                                       confine the spread of designer drugs.

Monika Hullová

This article resumes the results of research on the
latency of particular crimes against morality (rape,
sexual violence, and sexual abuse, procuring and
soliciting prostitution, manufacturing of child
pornography). Among others, in order to collect
data from the respondents (size of a sample — 153
male representatives and female representatives
above 18 years old), an explorative method
of questionnaire has been used. Main issues
explored were the following: personal experience
with these types of crimes (how, where, when,
etc.); willingness to report these crimes to
the police (why yes or no, when, under which

                                                                   ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

                 THE EUROPE OF THE XXIst CENTURY
                                                           Paulo Fernando Violante de Oliveira
                                                                              GNR Lieutenant Colonel
                                            Researcher at Orient Institute, Research Unit of the ISCSP,
                                                                               Universidade de Lisboa
                                                                              Danguolė Seniutienė
                                                      Head of the Department of State Border Guard
                                                Faculty of Public Security, Mykolis Romeris University
                                                                     Fernando Borges Gonçalves
                                             ISEG — Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisboa

Keywords: European Union; internal security; knowledge society; international cooperation.
Abstract: This article presents actual problems, related to internal security, which occur in the EU
in the process of globalisation in the XXIst century. These long-existing practices of information
sharing and transnational police cooperation have accelerated in recent decades. Information
travels instantaneously in cyberspace; speedy transportation brings the most distant and exotic
lands within the reach of the intrepid traveller, including police officials; the world’s economy and
financial system are intricately integrated and respond to butterfly disturbances in any part of the
globe; crime and insecurity are not limited by borders. Globalisation affects people’s lives in many
states; the most important needs of each person are needs for security and welfare. Economic and
political integration, the European Union being the most advanced example, have necessitated
a concomitant integration, harmonisation and cooperation among laws, policies and agencies.
In the EU, this now means working in an increasingly borderless Schengen area. This article aims
to reveal the major threats emerging in internal security and seeks a proposal, from the law
enforcement authorities’ activities of overall coordination, priority areas of cooperation discussed,
and international communication.

INTRODUCTION                                                level of social cohesion. All citizens aspire to
                                                            live in a secure environment and to enjoy their
With reference to operational concept, internal             freedom. Security is therefore a basic right.
security is currently and mostly perceived as
covering multiple areas of intervention. Its goal is        After the World Trade Centre attacks, European
to handle threats such as organised crime, drug             politicians realised deeply the necessity of
trafficking, illegal migration, human trafficking,          building a real European security policy, shared
sexual exploitation of minors, child pornography,           by the will of European citizens. The Madrid
terrorism, gun trafficking, economic and                    bombings on 11 March 2004, and the London
cybercrime, among other, less significant threats,          bombings on 7 July 2005, even more robustly
having in common a direct impact on life, safety            demonstrated that no country was safe from the
and welfare of citizens.                                    threat of terrorism, and that the most appropriate
                                                            strategy would be greater police cooperation
Security has therefore become a key factor                  expressed in joint action (Seniutienè, Oliveira
of living in society and a decisive argument of             and Gonçalves, 2013).
sustainability that must be based on the inevitable
sociability, whose degree directly influences the

                                                                   ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

According to the European Union (2010), justice,           a ’Pandora’s box’, rich in promises but also in
freedom and security call for policies of mutual           unpredictable risks?
reinforcement respecting, at the same time                 Is the acceleration of creation, absorption and
fundamental rights, international protection, the          diffusion of knowledge an advantage for the new
rule of law and privacy. In this context, it emerges       self-regulatory capacity of modern societies?
as absolutely essential that insecurity is a concept       Does the knowledge society effectively constitute
that reveals a sense of self-constraint, insecurity        an efficient platform to handle its own new
over the fear of the unknown, uncertainty about            complexity?
the future, and especially, the intentions of              To what extent can the knowledge society
others.                                                    become effective (effective and efficient) in the
                                                           elimination of ignorance, error, fear release,
We are currently in a process of global change             uncertainty reduction and its measurement as
of high complexity, resulting from the profound            a real risk?
changes that are experienced with different
intensities globally and which largely indicates        The biggest challenge for the knowledge society
changes in the economic, political, military            is to learn to face instability, insecurity and
relationship along with a profound revolution at        political and social risks arising from them.
knowledge level, both in its creative dimensions
and in the aspects of its use and dissemination.        In fact, as stated in Unesco’s report entitled
                                                        ’Towards knowledge societies’ (2007, 230)
According to Sen (2007) the continuous                  what makes some political risks acceptable
inequalities in the global economy are closely          is exactly the fact that they are ’intentional’.
related to a set of institutional failures which must   This distinction between voluntary accepted
be overcome. Besides the important omissions            and passively lived risks is the centre of ethical
that need to be rectified, there are also serious       reflection on inequalities over risk. This strongly
problems of mission that must be faced in order         emphasises the problem of knowing how to
to achieve global justice. The negative trend of        prevent risks without having identified them
the global economy affects our understanding            previously. Internal security will certainly solve
of the world, and compromises the explicit              many problems of this nature in the context
grounds that sustain public commitment to               of their practices, both in planning (especially
eradicate poverty. This is one of the most serious      contingency) and in operation.
concerns, since poverty (absolute poverty) and
inequality (relative poverty) are primary sources       We’re changing the paradigm of power relations’
of uncertainty and terrible scourges which              changes at all levels of society, and the redefinition
deserve to be part of our top priorities.               of dominant social groups and privileges’
                                                        holders, also at different levels, reinforces in a
                                                        substantive manner the need for new and more
Regardless of the causes mentioned, some
                                                        sophisticated mechanisms, policies and security
authors argue that in the long term as a result
of migration, international communication
networks involving economic, social and political
                                                        But it must be taken into account that change is
institutions, as well as the national culture
                                                        neither easy nor free of turbulence. Indeed, as
and identity of all countries involved may be
                                                        Fukuyama (2012) alerts us, when environment
established, enabling a greater articulation of
                                                        changes and new challenges arise, often there
these matters (Oliveira, 2013).
                                                        is a disjunction between existing institutions
                                                        and present needs. These institutions are usually
The knowledge society is not free from doubts           conservative (reluctant to change) and supported
and this raises a number of questions of                by legions of installed interests opposed to any
undeniable relevance. We highlighted those we           fundamental change. In fact, what has been
consider most relevant as the basis of an internal      observed is that the adaptive institutions are the
security policy, summarised as follows:                 only ones that survive, since environments are
                                                        constantly changing.
   Will knowledge societies be risk societies?
   Access of a large number of interveners to           On top of the abovementioned constraints are
   knowledge whose application can cause                also added those coming from fundamentalist
   irreparable damage will not be enough to open        movements of a different nature and

                                                                      ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

characteristics that, in the field of security threats,   UNEQUAL EUROPE
will encourage movement of considerable
violence, using several levels of mobilisation            In fact, over the last decade, European countries
factors which, in the end, will be no less than           have been engaged in the creation of common
resistance movements to preserve the privileges           policies on justice and home affairs, pressed by
that feel threatened.                                     the need for intergovernmental coordination in
                                                          fighting organised crime, illegal migration, full
The major threat is that terrorism can be                 exploitation of legal migration channels, drug
strengthened by the free flow of information,             trafficking, human trafficking, minors’ sexual
the public character of scientific debate and             exploitation, child pornography, terrorism,
discussion in specialised knowledge societies.            gun trafficking, economic and cybercrime,
These are inviolable principles and can, in this          among other things. However, despite a clear
way, ’facilitate the wrong use of knowledge’, as it       commitment by all Member States to move
is fully undeniable that ’the misuse of knowledge         towards common standards in these areas,
has been a constant throughout history.’ The              European countries still have different approaches
great danger ’is to see the benefits of science           to cultural and immigration issues, mainly due to
transform themselves in harmful results or                national laws.
pure disappointment in a time of great threats’
(Unesco, 239).                                            Indeed, there is no European common space of
                                                          values and attitudes towards immigration and
In this context, ’one of the great challenges that        citizenship issues. However, in order to harmonise
knowledge society will face’ is the construction of       the different conceptions of European integration,
’concerted and sustainable forms of peaceful use          depending on the history of each country, the
of resources (including technological capital) to         European Commission defined integration as a
prevent conflicts’. This task cannot be effectively       process that prevents and balances the social
accomplished without mobilising joint efforts             marginalisation of immigrants.
of science, society and security forces (Unesco,
240). Education is the key to human security              One of the core objectives of the European Union
policies and the main tool to encourage the               is to provide its citizens with a high level of security
expansion of knowledge society (Unesco, 243).             within an area of freedom, security and justice.
                                                          That objective is to be achieved by preventing
The inevitable reorganisation of the world in a           and fighting crime through closer cooperation
logic of extended geo-economic areas, requires            between law enforcement authorities in the
profound political joint actions of the European          Member States, while respecting the principles
Union to be therefore crucial to think about              and rules relating to human rights, fundamental
a wider security, demanding for that purpose              freedoms and the rule of law on which the
a devoted set of principles, values and rules             Union is founded and which are common to the
covering justice, freedom and the security                Member States (Seniutienè and Oliveira, 2012).
triangle, particularly by setting a strategic and
operational organisation framework and police             In the so-called mixed migratory flows, and
cooperation within the Union.                             in a more economic view, we obviously found
                                                          the so-called ‘economic migrants’. Although
It has always been agreed that the state with             development and globalisation have promoted
the greatest military power prevails, but in the          and improved the mobility of capital, technology,
present information age, this power may be                goods and services, they do not truly improve
divided by numerous actors. In fact, changes              or create conditions for successful migration,
in the traditional power structure are related            increasingly feared by countries with a high
to changes in the global economy, politics,               hosting capacity.
demography and migration streams. In reality, as
stated by Nye (2012), classical power transition          Currently, everything circulates more freely,
among great states may be less problematic than           except people. Inequalities continue to grow,
the rise of non-state actors.                             according to the place of birth, abilities and
                                                          talents. International migration raises increasingly
                                                          political protectionist attitudes, mainly from rich
                                                          countries which represent the highest potential
                                                          destinations of migration flows.

                                                                  ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

Mobility should not be seen either as an               of social justice, and on the availability of
achievement or as an invasion, but rather as           access guarantees to information and prompt
a diffuse, slow, continuous movement that              communication.
does not, in any way, tend to be sensitive to
political and dissuasive measures introduced by        This subject matters in which it is not easy to
rich countries. If rich countries are not able to      identify multiple ‘market failures’ and, for that
accommodate and integrate those who are no             reason, it is essential to consider public intervention
longer allowed to remain in their own homelands,       in coordination with the requirements of new
which countries can achieve this? If we look, for      principles and old values of conviviality that
example, for certain western European countries        universal human progress claims. In parallel, the
which have built their business models based on        availability of security, individual and collective,
open borders and free movement of goods and            cannot help being observed, but security must be
people, we find that, in fact, this same model         seen in its wider context of society and only then
tries to prevent, at all costs, the phenomenon of      gain the true sense of top priority.
migration through the use of legal–administrative
and police–military restrictions.                      To this extent, it is worth recalling Chomsky (2014)
                                                       when he states that the Magna Carta was a huge
The complex nature of the EU, well summarised          step forward for humanity, since it ‘established the
in its motto ‘Unity in diversity’, highlights          right of any free man — and later any individual
the problem of defining a unique model of              — not to be subject to arbitrary charges’. It also
integrating immigrants across the continent.           established the presumption of innocence, the
Europe consists of many different cultures and         right not to be persecuted by the state and a fair
many different countries. These cultures address       and swift trial. These concepts are expanded upon
very differently aspects related to immigration        in the habeas corpus doctrine. The lesson is clear
and integration.                                       and its foundation completely non-negotiable.

                                                       To European Union citizens, security is actually
EU STRATEGY FOR A COMMON                               a main priority. The concept of internal security
SECURITY POLICY                                        must also be understood as a concept of
                                                       sustainable development. The absence of fixed
Human security includes everything that                internal border controls inside the Schengen area
is ‘empowering’ for individuals — human                is indeed an important move for mobility within
rights, including social and cultural economic         the European region. Moreover, technological
rights, access to education, healthcare, equal         advances have revolutionised the way and
opportunities and good governance. To reduce           speed of communications, also allowing greater
security to the traditional concept of public order    openness of our societies abroad.
maintenance is not only philosophically redundant
but conceptually ineffective in advanced               With the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty,
modern societies. Modern security therefore            the European Union’s overall aim is to develop
demands a vision and systemic action in which          itself as a space that provides citizens safety and
the maintenance of order via a ‘curative’ (direct      better access to justice, necessarily implying the
repressive action by the security forces) can only     creation of appropriate policies on the police and
be understood as the last resort complement of a       criminal justice in order to fight all those who
carefully scheduled and preventive maintenance         prevaricate and, at the same time, a disruption
action, not only public policy but also social peace   from the purely intergovernmental cooperation.
that precedes it.
                                                       In this sense, the Schengen convention was
The European spirit we share not only calls for but    created, providing common external border
also demands it. This is the context that supports     controls, common visa and asylum policy, police
and reinforces the imperative of a concerted           and customs cooperation rules and security
action of security in the European context. Full       measures (Seniutienè, Oliveira and Janušauskas,
permanent respect of human rights is expected,         2013).
whose observance depends, in the first instance,
on knowledge and respect for local cultures, on        As we know, in a world where crime and
pluralism of the systemic approach to the concept      the underground economy are increasingly
of security, on tolerance of different conceptions     globalised, the criminal organisations become

                                                                     ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

more sophisticated, and face states more unable           the cultural to the historical, from the military to
to ensure high levels of security to their citizens. In   strategic information, etc.
this sense, it becomes essential to reinforce police
and judicial cooperation in criminal matters at the       Therefore, Europe must consolidate a security
European Union level. Its role should be taken            model based on principles and values of the
as crucial to the efficiency and effectiveness of         Union, such as respect for human rights and
subsequent police and criminal justice systems to         fundamental freedoms, respect for the rule of law,
fight transnational crime.                                dialogue, solidarity, transparency and tolerance,
                                                          essential components in supporting democracy.
It should be noted that the concept of internal
security must have a broader concept that                 Based on the Stockholm programme framework,
extends to multiple and varied sectors in order           the strategy for EU internal security should give
to address other threats that have a direct impact        a firm commitment to further answers on the
on the safety and welfare of citizens, including          challenges related to protection of rights and
natural disasters, such as earthquakes, wildfires         freedoms; improve cooperation and solidarity
and floods, as well as storms.                            among Member States; taking this as an
                                                          absolute priority in prevention and anticipation;
A strategy for EU internal security focuses mainly        address the causes of insecurity and not only its
on bringing together existing synergies in the            impacts, involving all sectors that have a role
fields of police cooperation, criminal justice and        to play in public protection, whether political,
integrated border management systems, ensuring            economic, social or other; inform citizens about
that they can mutually complement and reinforce           security policies and ultimately strengthen the
each other.                                               interdependence between internal and external
                                                          security, establishing an approach of ‘global
The new safety philosophy has to position itself in       security’ versus ‘smart security’ with other
a world filled with violent disruptions of different      countries.
kinds, where those of a demographic nature
present themselves as particularly sensitive,
especially in Europe, within which economic and
social prosperity will be particularly dependent          CONCLUSIONS
forces that lead to the coordination of different
contexts of the binomial growth/development,              There is a direct relationship between immigration
where the assumption of ‘natural growth’ is               and insecurity. Crime has no ethnic, national,
seriously dependent on immigration, and where             cultural or religious origin. However, freedom
the developing countries assume themselves as             of movement also benefits crime, imposing
suppliers of the key base hand-labour resources.          compensatory measures in terms of safety, i.e.
This scenario demands an open position on                 external border control and police and judicial
multiculturalism and reinforces rules for success         cooperation. Safety is a condition of freedom, a
on that commitment to freedom and solidarity              basic right for every citizen.
that becomes the key argument of development/
growth, able to sustain the levels of quality of life     Accordingly, it is worth remembering Sen (2007:
and well-being assumed as legitimate yearnings.           225) when he says that the sectarian violence
                                                          that exists around the world is no less bullying
Ignoring such a reality easily becomes a source of        or less reductive today than in the past. Behind
dissatisfaction and source of tension as it is stated     the primary brutality, there is also a great
by Sen (2007: 190), ‘negligence may be sufficient         conceptual confusion about the identities of
reason for resentment, but a feeling of invasion,         people, the I transforms the multidimensional
degradation and humiliation can be even easier to         human beings into one-dimensional creatures,
mobilise for rebellion’ thus making prevention a          adding that natural classifications may involve
stronger and powerful strategy, much higher than          two distinct types of distortions, but related: the
repression: security must be seen in an integrated        incorrect description of people belonging to a
way, i.e. as a multi-faceted phenomenon, in               target category and the reinforcement that the
which the relevant topics are presented with              incorrect characteristics are the only relevant
different dimensions ranging from the political to        features of the identity of the person in question
the police, from the economic to the social, from         (Sen, 2007: 35).

                                                                   ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

It is necessary to further enhance the                  institutions in order to prevent young people
development of common tools and policies to             from going into crime. The private sector also
minimise common threats and risks using a more          has an important role, especially the one related
integrated approach in order to build an essential      to financial activities, contributing decisively in
pillar in the common internal security strategy.        implementing mechanisms to prevent fraudulent
It is essential to build methods of identification,     activities or money laundering.
risk assessment and, whether they are natural
risks or human originated, the EU Member States         In this sense, the challenge that European
will most likely face them in the future. Security      countries have to face in the coming years is a real
policies, especially the prevention ones, must          integration of different identities, each bearing
be cross-cut and broaden, including not only            their language, history and culture humanity,
police but also institutions and professionals,         emphasising the principles of tolerance, freedom
whether locally or nationally. It is important          and equality opportunities to contribute to a
to obtain cooperation with other sectors, such          fairer and better quality of life for its citizens.
as schools, universities and other educational

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                                                                   ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

                                                                                   Bogdan Mînjină
                                                                         Centre of Psychosociology
                                                                 Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Keywords: mental skills training; mental toughness; survival stress; law enforcement critical
Abstract: Survival stress is the extreme type of operational stress felt by law enforcement personnel
in situations involving the risk of being killed or injured, which has outstanding negative effects on
performance. The present study aims to emphasise the importance of using mental skills training
to manage this type of stress. The study also argues the need to implement a research direction
to identify the most effective methods of mental conditioning to address law enforcement critical

INTRODUCTORY ISSUES                                         innocent witnesses, and often end in less than
                                                            three seconds (Pinizzotto, Davis and Miller III,
CHARACTERISTICS                                             Difficulty of action in law enforcement critical
                                                            incidents is determined by several factors such
Law enforcement personnel often encounter                   as: the need for quick decision-making to save
emergencies or crises. The most important risk              their own lives and/or of others or for preventing
to personnel in such situations is the threat to            damage in complex and risky environments;
life in the context of frequent interaction with            the difficult transition from one calm routine
dangerous people. The degree of resistance                  period to a quick decisive reaction (Federal
of some people relative to the activities of law            Law Enforcement Training Centre, 2004); the
enforcement personnel can be very high, in                  complex normative framework (procedures,
some cases, assaults and even killings occur.               institutional and legal regulations) which
                                                            increases the difficulty of decision-making under
Law enforcement critical incidents often occur              time pressure.
suddenly and unpredictably from a situation that
initially seemed routine (Federal Law Enforcement           In order to identify the reasons for fatalities
Training Centre, 2004). Many situations routinely           and assaults on law enforcement staff despite
encountered by police personnel (investigation              technological advances, innovative equipment
on domestic violence, traffic stops, undercover             and proactive policing strategies, Pinizzotto,
operations or arrests) have the potential to exhibit        Davis and Miller III (2006) propose the concept
extreme risks (Pinizzotto, Davis and Miller III,            of a deadly mix to describe an integrative process
2006). An increasing number of shootings take               that combines in the aggression moment
place in poorly lit environments, at close range,           all specific features of the police personnel,
and in the presence of many people, including               offenders and circumstances.

                                                                  ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

Hyper-vigilance biological rollercoaster is             worry) and anger (frustration, aggression, guilt,
a chronic state determined by long-term                 or revenge) (Wollert, Driskell, & Quail, 2011).
exposure to the law enforcement environment
characteristics like those previously described
with many negative effects on law enforcement           STRESS AND PERFORMANCE IN LAW
officers and their families’ quality of life. This is   ENFORCEMENT CRITICAL INCIDENTS
a concept proposed by Gilmartin (2002), based
on his observation that on-duty, the police             Several studies have shown that in law
officer is ‘alert, alive, engaged, quick-thinking’ to   enforcement critical incidents work performance
approach possible threats (action phase), while         decreases with the increase of stress levels
off-duty they are ‘detached, withdrawn, tired           intensity (e.g. Federal Law Enforcement Training
and apathetic’ (an equal and opposite reaction          Centre, 2004; Nieuwenhuys, Caljouw, Leijsen,
phase to action).                                       Schmeits, & Oudejans, 2009; Wollert et al.,

SURVIVAL STRESS                                         Siddle’s (1995) research revealed disruption of
                                                        the motor skills (fine, complex and ultimately
Risks of personal injury or death present in law        gross) and of the cognitive abilities as the heart
enforcement critical incidents causes survival          rate frequency increases to over 115 beats per
stress. It has been defined as the perception (real     minute. Siddle’s findings on the relationship
or imagined) of serious personal injury or death        between heart rate and performance had
threat, or the stress of being responsible for          two important practical implications for law
another’s protection against an imminent serious        enforcement activities: the use of force training
injury or death, in the context of decreased            is based on gross movements, characterised by
reaction time (required) (Siddle, 1995). The            simplicity; the use of breath control techniques
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centre (2004)          to adjust the heart rate (Vonk, 2007). But low
uses the concept of acute stress to describe            arousal level, indicated by a small number of
a similar type of stress, characterised by the          heart beats, is not favourable for performance
sudden occurrence, novelty, intensity and short         as some research found that subjects have the
duration.                                               fastest reaction time after they did sufficient
                                                        physical exercises to achieve a heart rate of 115
Performance in extreme situations is influenced         beats per minute (Kosinki, 2013).
by the autonomic nervous system, composed
of the sympathetic and parasympathetic                  Hick’s law, proposed in 1952, should also be
nervous systems. Individual perception of the           considered in training personnel acting in high-
threat determines the automatic activation of           stress situations: the increases in the available
the sympathetic nervous system, which causes            response options number of an individual to
narrowing and distortion of perceptions, inhibits       a stimulus will increase logarithmically their
rational decision-making and increases reaction         reaction time to that stimulus.
time, reduces the quality of fine motor skills
execution and massively decreases memory                Disturbances in the sensory and perceptual
immediately after a critical incident (Siddle,          processes are other factors that affect
1999). The second component of the autonomic            performance in life-threatening situations.
nervous system, dominant in no stress times,            The occurrence of the following phenomena
is the parasympathetic nervous system which             was revealed in such situations: tunnel vision,
is intended to try calming the body. Although           lighthouse effect, weapon focus, auditory
in a combat situation the body needs the                exclusion, sensory exclusion, distortion of
functions controlled by the parasympathetic             distance and depth perception.
nervous system (such as visual acuity, cognitive
processing, fine and complex motor skills               The decision-making process carried for
performance), this is inhibited and control is          determining a course of action in critical
taken over by the sympathetic nervous system            incidents is very important for performance,
(Siddle, 1999).                                         especially in terms of safety and ways of using
                                                        force. In such incidents ‘stressors increase the
Among the psychological responses to stress             likelihood that decision-makers will choose
are anxiety (nervousness, apprehension, fear, or        the first option they consider’ (Federal Law

                                                                  ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

Enforcement Training Centre, 2004). Among              Siddle (1995), a survival mindset involves the
other factors, the decision-making process is          ability to concentrate and reflex action, without
influenced by informational inputs, delivered          hesitation, in conditions of death risk and requires
by sensorial and perceptive processes. Several         self-discipline in training, the will to take the life
models of decision-making have been used in            of another if necessary, the belief in executed
law enforcement: the OODA model developed              missions and holding of a solid values system.
by John Boyd in the seventh decade of the              Grossman and Christensen (2007) list several
previous century, the SOODA model proposed             attributes of the mindset necessary to deal with
by Soltys (2008), the AAADA model proposed by          life-threatening situations: the feeling to be
Asken (2010) and the recognised-primed model           prepared for and even willingness to confront
of naturalistic decision-making developed by           instances of interpersonal conflict, the avoidance
Klein, Calderwood, and Clinton-Cirocco (1986)          of reality denial that ‘bad things can happen’
(cited in Klein, 1993).                                and clear thinking in relation to the actions to be
                                                       carried out in such situations.
Exposure to high-stress critical incidents can cause
a range of psychological responses with extreme        After studying numerous police officer-involved
intensity which severely affect performance,           shootings, Blum and Blum (2004) believe that
such as hyper vigilance and choke. Siddle (1995)       having a positive and dominant mental attitude,
considers hyper vigilance as a ‘catastrophic failure   which implies the will to survive, is among the
of the cognitive processing capabilities, leading to   common factors that ensure successfully dealing
fatal increase of reaction time (freezing in place,    with these incidents. Lindsey (1999, cited in
failure to remember training, failure to perceive      Mayhew, 2001) claims that survival training
important factors or irrational acts)’. Choke, a       should routinely include survival mindset
concept from sports psychology, was defined as         development.
‘a process whereby the individual perceives that
his resources are insufficient to meet the demand      A winning or survival mindset and a positive or
of the situation, and concludes with a significant     dominant mental attitude are similar concepts to
drop in performance’ (Hill, Hanton, Fleming, and       mental toughness, a sports psychology concept.
Matthews, 2009).                                       Miller (2012) argues that mental toughness is
                                                       called warrior mindset or battle mind by other
Driskell, Salas, Johnston, and Wollert (2008,          authors.
cited in Wollert et al., 2011) have identified the
following psychological mechanisms by which            In sports psychology mental toughness involves
stress impacts performance: increases distraction      holding a natural or developed psychological
and decreases focus; increases cognitive load and      advantage that allows an athlete to cope better
demands on cognitive resources; increases the          than his opponents with sports demands (in
intensity of negative emotions and frustration;        competition, training, lifestyle) and specifically
increases fear and anxiety; increases social           allows him to be more consistent and better than
maladjustment.                                         his opponents in maintaining determination,
                                                       concentration, confidence and control under
                                                       pressure (Jones, Hanton, & Connaughton,
                                                       2002). Mental toughness is based on a series
MENTAL SKILLS TRAINING —                               of mental skills (e.g. thoughts control, arousal
A MODERN TOOL FOR                                      control, attention control, motivation, self-
                                                       confidence) that are interrelated although have
SURVIVAL STRESS MANAGEMENT                             not necessarily the same level of development
                                                       (cited in Miller, 2008a).

MENTAL TOUGHNESS                                       Development and practical expression of mental
                                                       skills involves the use of techniques such as self-
A group of experts constituted in 2013 to              talk, tactical breathing and visualisation. Mental
develop a safety standard for law enforcement          skills development is made through mental skills
personnel from the US Michigan state revealed          training, a custom-designed programme which
that officer safety is strongly influenced by          implies the systematic and consistent training,
elements like winning mindset, emotional               practice and application of the aforementioned
control and situational awareness. According to        techniques to attain the desired mental skills

                                                                  ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

levels. Modern training programmes for dealing         are the optimisation of policing during progress
with critical incidents include, like most mental      and reduction of the chances that personnel
skills training programmes, the following key          be affected by operational stress, including by
stages: providing information, skills acquisition,     post-traumatic stress syndrome. The mental
application and practice. The application and          toughness skills and their training for controlling
practice stage, the ‘practice of (mental) skills       tactical stress are essential to ensure conditions
under conditions that increasingly approximate         for the effective management of the numerous
the real-world environment’ (Wollert et al.,           decision-making process cycles carried out
2011), is essential for mental skills achievement.     during tactical operations or even during
                                                       incidents that take place in a short time (Asken,
Research has shown that, depending on the              2005, cited in Asken, 2010).
individual, the stress response may be more
gradual and nuanced. This finding represents the       Mental toughness training of police personnel
psychophysiological basis for the differences in       was traditionally performed implicitly or
coping and resilience (Miller, 2008b). Dienstbier      indirectly, mental toughness being a side effect
(1989) used the concept of toughness to denote         of rigorous physical expectations, demanding
distinct psychophysiological reaction pattern          discipline and performance standards and of
typical for animals and people who cope effectively    reality-based (scenario) training (Manning,
with stress, characterised by smoothness and           Laufer, Asken, & Hamd, 2011). The use of this
efficiency of physiological arousal, such a retained   type of training has been argued, criticised,
reaction preventing catecholamine’s depletion,         for example, by Thompson and McCreary
important neurotransmitters that affect mood           (2006). In such a context, Manning et al. (2011)
and motivation (cited in Miller, 2008b). Miller        consider that explicit mental toughness training
(2008b) considers that the psychophysiological         is more useful and mention the example of the
argument for most mental conditioning                  US Military Academy West Point performance
programmes from law enforcement, emergency             enhancement programme.
services and military fields consists of the fact
that the (physiological) response indicating           Csikszentmihalyi’s flow concept, regarded by
toughness or its absence interact with the             many sports psychologists as the optimal mental
individual’s psychological appraisal of his ability    state for performance, has been specifically
to cope with challenge, as stated by Dienstbier.       applied in the law enforcement and emergency
                                                       services fields by Asken (1993), Le Scanff and
                                                       Taugis (2002) and Doss (2007) (cited in Miller,
LAW ENFORCEMENT MENTAL SKILLS                          2008a).
                                                       Sweet and Gannon (2011) presented a series
The survival stress effects at physiological,          of proposals for the mental skills training
psychological and performance levels are               programmes designed for the development
inevitable, but with the proper training they          of survival and winning mindsets: embedding
can be mitigated. Therefore, law enforcement           of the lessons learned from the survivors
personnel training for critical incidents designed     of fatal disasters and society’s crises; use of
to prepare the instant response capability in          preparatory exercises which, by virtue of their
critical situations, life-threatening, with fast and   content and repetition, will form aggressiveness,
appropriate actions (Federal Law Enforcement           determination, confidence and craftsmanship;
Training Centre, 2004) should be one of the            visualisation of the dominant and aggressive
important objectives of personnel training.            response in life-threatening situations. Among
                                                       the recommendations from the mental skills
Mental skills training is a form of primary            training field made by Grossman and Christensen
prevention in law enforcement operational stress       (2007) to train personnel for performance in
management. It is an important condition for           high-stress situations are the following: training
supporting effective operational performance           in conditions similar to those in reality, repeating
in extreme situations, due to the survival stress      suitable words to prevent blockage in critical
performance effects.                                   situations, preparing for recognising and acting
                                                       on the psychological and physiological responses
Miller (2008a) believes that the functions of          to extreme stress and violence, acceptance of
mental toughness training in law enforcement

                                                                  ISSUE 11 — WINTER 2014/15

the possibility of tragic event occurrence, stress     and mental toughness training (with) physical
inoculation and tactical breathing.                    conditioning’; ‘growing body of knowledge
                                                       about the interactions between the psychological
A number of researches demonstrated the                and physical elements and (about) the
efficiency of mental skills training techniques in     function during high-stress police encounters’;
law enforcement and related fields, a number           ‘description and coordination of approaches to
of which are presented by Sweet and Gannon             minimise the potentially performance degrading
(2011).                                                effects of stress’; ‘empirical demonstration that
                                                       mental toughness and psychological skill training
An important condition for the effectiveness of        does indeed impact the quality of tactical
mental skills training to address law enforcement      performance’.
critical incidents is to implement integrated
training, which brings together all types of
training (psychological, physical, tactical)           MENTAL SKILLS TRAINING THROUGH
(Wollert et al., 2011; Manning et al., 2011).          EXPOSURE TO FIGHTS IN HIGH-INTENSITY
                                                       COMBAT SPORTS IN THE APPLICATION
                                                       AND PRACTICE STAGE OF MENTAL SKILLS
ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL MENTAL                           There are several similarities between the fights
CONDITIONING                                           in high-intensity combat sports (which push
                                                       heart rate up to 75 % of its maximum or more
The mental skills training techniques used in          in fights and workouts) and law enforcement
sports psychology to improve performance can           critical incidents. The main common features of
be transferred to other high stress performance        high-intensity combat sports and close combat
situations, such as those from law enforcement         are the objective of adversary domination,
or military fields. Miller (2008a) notes that, in      deliberate injury as a means of obtaining victory,
agreement with the fact that sports were always        intense physical exertion and certain common
a ritualised types of fighting, most of the research   fighting techniques. Regarding the last aspect
and practical elements of the public safety and        mentioned, it is worth adding that the use of
emergency services mental toughness training           force continuum, applied by US law enforcement
come from sports psychology.                           institutions, involves inclusively the use of empty
                                                       hand control techniques that are taken and
The aforementioned author presents some                adapted from combat sports.
characteristics of commonly used stress
management techniques, which distinguish               The majority of assaults on police officers are
them from mental skills training techniques:           unarmed attacks, for their reduction being
tend to focus almost exclusively on physical and       useful the greatest prowess in defensive tactics
mental calm for preparation in relation to or for      (Mayhew, 2001). This situation is one of the
subsequent approach of stressful events; are           major arguments to demonstrate why mental
not specifically designed for stress management        skills training through exposure to fights in
during life or death critical incidents by             high intensity combat sports in the application
emergency services personnel; do not use the           and practice stage of mental skills training
whole range of cognitive, behavioural and              programmes can be a very good method for
physiological     self-management     techniques       the formation, maintenance and development
for effectively approaching life or death crisis       of mental skills. Improvements in controlling
occurring in law enforcement.                          heart rate and other physiological systems have
                                                       been obtained following the implementation
Manning et al. (2011) present a series of              of a standard sports psychology programme
arguments for the practical implementation             for self-regulation of arousal in combat sports
of direct mental toughness training in law             in conjunction with daily training of a group of
enforcement: ‘the current development of               cadets from the US Air Force in modern military
conceptualising and training of law enforcement        hand-to-hand combat by the Danskin Centre for
and the military personnel as tactical athletes        Performance Enhancement, a part of US Kansas
has been seen as potentially benefitting from          State University Counselling Services in 2008.
the result of integrating psychological skills

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