COMMENCEMENT SUMMER | AUGUST 4, 2019 - The Ohio State University

Page created by Ray Johnston
Pomp, circumstance, and other songs of a lifetime                                            selves that balance this globe and enable
                                                                                             it to spin true. Grandson of peasant
                                                                                                                                            were it not for the lullabyes and songs of
                                                                                                                                            dear parents, their parents, theirs. Some
by Professor David Citino, 1947–2005, Late University Poet Laureate                          immigrants, I was given                        are here today in the flesh. Many are not.
                                                                                                                                            We mourn them with cadences of our
(Originally presented as the 2000 Winter Commencement address)                               the opportunity to earn a doctorate            hearts. Think how many people
                                                                                             in English literature from Ohio State—
If you’re like me, you’ve got a big head,      Heartbreak Hotel, down at the end to          because my family labored long nights          sang before us, gave us a name, a voice,
not to mention a funny robe, full of           do your best. Tennessee Ernie Ford,           around the kitchen table trying to learn       taught us the right words. We must
music— poems and melodies, the tunes           “Sixteen Tons”: St. Peter don’t you call
                                                                                             this arduous English. I sat where              cherish them by remembering every
we move to, shower and shave by, study,        me ‘Cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to
                                                                                                                                            song. When we sing to others, we honor
write to. Not just the incidental,             the company store.                            you’re sitting twenty-six years ago.
                                                                                                                                            our fathers and mothers, thank them
                                                                                             Bob Dylan and Smokey Robinson got
but the momentous music keeping time.          You have been digging deep in mines of
                                                                                             me through. Yes, it took a prophet and         for this day of profound scarlet and gray
Our histories are measures of song. Listen     knowledge. We all owe our souls to Ohio
                                                                                             Miracles! My son earned an OSU Ph.D.           pomp and circumstance. O, come let’s
to your heart: drums of Africa, sea-spume      State, company store of learning, shared
                                                                                             in history. Now you, graduates, are            sing Ohio’s praise, And songs to Alma
of blind, far-sighted Homer, Sappho’s          experience—precious ore we have in
                                                                                             being honored—                                 Mater raise. Alma mater. Ohio State
honeyed love lyrics. Often,                    common forever.
                                                                                                                                            is our sweet, nurturing mother.
                                                                                             by degrees. We’ve all come together
music speaks for us, one note saying           Now I hear Domenico Modugno’s fervent
                                                                                             around the kitchen table of Ohio State.        We came of age here, with her help.
a thousand words. Like Rodolpho in             urging to wish, sing, fly, Volare, Wo-oo.
                                               Cantare, Wo-o-o-o. My grandfather was         Ohio, Round on the ends and high in the        Well, Mother, we love you, but, like,
Puccini’s La Boheme, Sono un poeta.
I am a poet. Che cosa faccio? What do          a peasant farmer, a contadino in Calabria     middle. For the years to come we’ll sing       it’s time we moved out, got a place of
I do? Scrivo. I write. This ceremony           in the toe                                    together, Beautiful Ohio,                      our own. You’re standing there, Mom,
                                                                                                                                            gray hair, eyes scarlet
is loud music—pomp and circumstance            of Italy. He knew it’s the human lot to       in dreams again I see, Visions of what
of the life you began freshman year or         dream of flying. Lucky, lucky, lucky me,       used to be. These psalms, sacred               from crying. We won’t forget you.
that first day of graduate school. In my        I’m a lucky son-of-a-gun. I work eight        thoughts of our tribes, 78’s and 33’s,         Now, even though this ceremony means
head I press Play, and the CD of Big Days      hours, I sleep eight hours, That leaves       tapes, CD’s—they take up space in              we’re being weaned, taken off the nipple,
kicks on. I leap and linger                    eight hours for fun.                          shelves of our skulls, our hearts.             let’s take care to cherish her all our days.
                                                                                             They remind us                                 Let’s remember
over moments too sweet, nearly, for            Hey! He sailed in steerage across the
words. I’ll never escape rhymes from the       Atlantic, came to Cleveland, where he         we want a song beyond the run-of-the-          the words to the songs she taught us,
nursery. Up above the world so high, like      stayed long enough to work 52 years for       mill thrill, the moment throbbing with         and pass them on. We’ll remember
a diamond in the sky. We knew from the         the B&O Railroad, before lying down to        pleasure or bathed in the blues. We            always, Graduation Day. Summer’s heat,
start our universe was aglow with wonder.      rest in good Ohio soil. So many of us         ache for something grander than pure           and winter’s cold, The seasons pass,
                                                                                             selfishness.Songs sung for one                  the years will roll, Time and change
Italian, Latin, English songs in nasal         here today came from elsewhere, or
accents of Cleveland. Gaudeamus igitur,        ancestors did. From Tennessee, Italy,         alone are not true music. Arias shared
                                                                                                                                            will surely show How firm thy friendship,
Juvenes dum sumus. So, let us rejoice,         Africa, Asia, Appalachia—even, President      are music of the spheres, ways of saying
                                                                                                                                            O-hi-O. We call that little number Carmen
while we are young. Youth is that gift we      Kirwan, the wilds of Kentucky and             to another something from the soul. Of
                                                                                                                                            Ohio. Carmen means song in Latin.
can’t comprehend while we’re young.            Maryland. Women and men with backs            course the Buckeye Battle Cry is there.
                                                                                                                                            You’ve worked hard; she is your reward;
This ceremony                                                                                Drive, drive on down the field,
                                               supple as birch trunks. The courage it                                                       today is your reward.
means you all are less young than you          took to pick up stakes and begin again        Men (and women!) of the Scarlet and
                                                                                                                                            You’re filled to overflowing with the
were. Don’t let the heavy knowledge            in a new world! Think of the work those       Gray.Well, you drove on down the field,
                                                                                                                                            notes, the poems we’ve written together.
gained from your studies deprive you of        older ones did. For you. You all are facing   and you drove up and down the streets,
                                                                                                                                            You know the score. Continue to work
the gifts of youth, to be able to rejoice at   a change right now.                           around and around crowded lots, looking
                                                                                                                                            hard for yourselves, and one another.
the drop of a hat, to care for, be moved                                                     for a place to park,
                                               This sheepskin is your passport. You’re                                                      Find the ones who need
by others.
                                               bound for emigration to the next song of      and you searched our dark, ancient
                                               your life. Ohio State is the ark on which                                                    you to sing to, for them, in the world.
Now I hear golden hits of five decades.                                                       library for a decent place to study. My
Big Mama Thornton, and that so-                you’ve been sailing. You’ve been the                                                         Graduates, this joyful litany, this hymn
                                                                                             wife, Mary’s, father marched in the first
called King (King of what, fried butter        precious cargo.                                                                              our ancestors collaborated on with us,
                                                                                             “Script Ohio,” in 1936. He’s here today
sandwiches?) who stole away her hound                                                                                                       the calling of your name today is music
                                                                                             with us, blowing his horn, I can’t help
dog. You ain’t never killed a rabbit, you      But, as Noah once said, I can see clearly                                                    to our ears. Sing that name proudly
ain’t no friend                                now the rain is gone. The ark, our            but feel, as is the sweet mother I lost last
                                               university, was filled to overflowing with                                                     all your days, as if your life depended
                                                                                             year, the one who gave me the stars.
of mine. As with those profs and TAs,          the diversity of us. Diversity. Networks                                                     on it. It does, you know. It has been an
course after course, you had to produce—       and talk shows devalue the word.              Today’s music makes us think of the            honor for me to speak—and sing—to you
kill some rabbits—to earn respect. And         I say, rather, the richness of us, precious   debts we owe, and never can repay.             today. Thank you, graduates, and, again,
at times OSU may have seemed like              difference, the grand multiplicity of         So many of us would not be here                Congratulations.
                   SUMMER 2019 • AUGUST 4, 2019 • 2 P.M. • JEROME SCHOTTENSTEIN CENTER

Presiding Officer                      Commencement Address                       Welcome to New Alumni
Michael V. Drake                       Rattan Lal                                 James E. Smith
President                              Distinguished University Professor         Senior Vice President of Alumni Relations
                                          of Soil Science                         President and CEO
                                       Director, Carbon Management and            The Ohio State University
Prelude—1:30 to 2 p.m.                    Sequestration Center                       Alumni Association
Faculty Brass Quintet                  School of Environment and Natural
                                       College of Food, Agricultural, and         Alma Mater—Carmen Ohio
Welcome                                   Environmental Sciences                  Graduates and guests led by
Molly Ranz Calhoun                     The Ohio State University                  Daniel C. Stein
Interim Senior Vice President for
    Student Life                                                                  Oh! Come let’s sing Ohio’s praise,
                                       Conferring of Distinguished
                                                                                  And songs to Alma Mater raise;
                                       Service Awards
Processional                           Recipients presented by                    While our hearts rebounding thrill,
                                       Alex Shumate
                                                                                  With joy which death alone can still.
                                       Board of Trustees
National Anthem                           Richard A. Hollingsworth                Summer’s heat or winter’s cold,
Graduates and guests led by
Daniel C. Stein                           Gifford Weary                           The seasons pass, the years will roll;
Class of 2019                                                                     Time and change will surely show
                                       Conferring of                              How firm thy friendship—O-hi-o!
Invocation                             Degrees in Course
Bonnie J. Meyer                        Colleges presented by
Chaplain                               Bruce A. McPheron                          Recessional
Department of Chaplaincy and           Executive Vice President and Provost
  Clinical Pastoral Education
Wexner Medical Center
                                       Awarding of Diplomas

                                                                              Excerpts from the commencement ceremony
                                                                              will be broadcast on WOSU-TV, Channel 34,
                                                                              on Monday, August 5, at 5:00 p.m.

                                                                              Livestream coverage and a replay of the
                                                                              ceremony in its entirety can be viewed at


Rattan Lal

   A world-renowned soil scientist,          global food security and mitigate         Dr. Lal has earned honorary
educator and Buckeye alumnus,                climate change. Highlights of his      degrees from six institutions in the
Dr. Rattan Lal has served as an              five-decade career include helping     United States, Europe and Asia, and
Ohio State faculty member for more           to identify methods to sequester, or   he is a fellow of several professional
than 30 years. He has mentored               lock up, atmospheric carbon dioxide    research societies. He has also
over 170 graduate students and               in soil and contributing to reports    held prominent leadership positions
postdoctoral research scientists,            of the Intergovernmental Panel on      with the Soil Science Society of
hosted 175 visiting scholars from            Climate Change, which was awarded      America; International Union of Soil
around the world, and authored               the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.         Sciences; Strategic Environmental
or contributed to 2,400 scholarly               For his commitment and global       Research and Development Program
publications and presentations.              impact, Dr. Lal won the 2019 Japan     Scientific Advisory Board for the
These accomplishments, in addition           Prize, one of the most prestigious     U.S. Department of Defense; and
to his roles as Distinguished University     honors awarded in science and          Scientific Advisory Committee of the
Professor of Soil Science and director       technology. He also received           United Nations University Institute
of Ohio State’s Carbon Management            the 2018 World Agriculture Prize       for Integrated Management of
and Sequestration Center, rank him           from the Global Confederation of       Material Fluxes and of Resources.
among the university’s preeminent            Higher Education Associations for         He is a current member of the
creative leaders.                            Agricultural and Life Sciences, and    Science Policy Interface of the United
   Listed by Thomson Reuters as one          the 2018 Glinka World Soil Prize       Nations Convention to Combat
of the world’s most influential scientific   from the United Nations Food           Desertification and an adjunct
minds, Dr. Lal studies sustainable soil      and Agriculture Organization.          professor at the University of Iceland.
management and its ability to improve


Richard A. “Rich” Hollingsworth

    Richard “Rich” Hollingsworth             One of his earliest accomplishments   encouraging students to become
was an exemplary and passionate           was the creation of the Department of    the next generation of leaders.
leader at The Ohio State University.      Off-Campus and Commuter Student          He taught several popular courses,
His devotion to enhancing the student     Services, a program dedicated to         led professional workshops and
experience and promoting leadership       enhancing connections between            served as an advisor for Ohio
development led to the creation of        off-campus students and the broader      Staters Inc., Undergraduate Student
several university-wide initiatives,      university. Mr. Hollingsworth’s          Government and the Ohio State
all of which engage and empower           commitment to building constituency-     chapter of the NAACP. He retired
Buckeyes to this day.                     based services extended to other         in 2008.
    Mr. Hollingsworth first joined Ohio   underrepresented populations as well        Mr. Hollingsworth shared his
State as an undergraduate student         and became integral to the Student       passion for Ohio State with everyone
nearly 50 years ago. He graduated         Life Multicultural Center. He also led   he encountered. He consistently
with a bachelor’s degree in social        the planning and construction of         challenged himself and others to
sciences education before earning         several campus treasures, including      think critically about leadership and
his law degree at Capital University.     the Ohio Union, the Recreation and       to discover ways in which to enrich
He later rejoined the Ohio State          Physical Activity Center (RPAC) and a    the university and the communities it
community and served as dean and          number of residence and dining halls.    serves. He passed away in December
vice president of Student Life as well       At the core of Mr. Hollingsworth’s    2018 and is survived by his wife,
as a professor, advisor and mentor for    passion was an intense focus on          Elsie Sanchez.
countless individuals.

Gifford Weary

   Since 1978, Dr. Gifford Weary             As a former director of the           remains central to her efforts as
has strengthened the expertise            Graduate Training Program in Social      she further integrates their voices
and resources of The Ohio                 Psychology, Dr. Weary mentored           and experiences into the board’s
State University’s Department of          and championed her students.             outreach and decision making.
Psychology, elevated the prominence       She served enthusiastically on thesis       Dr. Weary and her husband,
and prestige of the College of            committees and fostered academic         David Angelo, are generous
Arts and Sciences, and bolstered          success, broadly. She received the       supporters of the university.
academic and research excellence          university’s Distinguished Scholar       Through an endowment from the
to international acclaim.                 Award in 1984 and the Distinguished      Weary Family Foundation, they
   She received her bachelor’s            Lecturer Award in 2000.                  established the Robert K. and
degree in psychology from the                Dr. Weary retired as dean of          Dale J. Weary Chair to recruit world-
University of Kansas and earned her       Social and Behavioral Sciences in        renowned social psychologist
master’s and doctorate degrees,           the College of Arts and Sciences         Dr. Steven Spencer to Ohio State.
also in psychology, from Vanderbilt       in 2014. Today, she is professor         A dedicated member of the
University. After completing a clinical   emeritus of psychology and a             prestigious Oval Society, Dr. Weary
internship at Columbia Presbyterian       member of The Ohio State University      also supports Women & Philanthropy
Medical Center, she brought her           Foundation Board of Directors, for       to advance the university’s impact
talents to Ohio State, where she          which she chairs the Directorship        on individuals and organizations
quickly ascended through the ranks        and Nominating Committee.                vital to Buckeye Nation.
to become a tenured faculty               Her connection with students
member and lead the Department
of Psychology.


    Dear Graduates:

        Congratulations! Few milestones are more significant — and few accomplishments more
    valuable — than earning the diploma you will receive today. You should be deeply proud of
    all you have achieved and grateful for those who helped you reach this moment.

        As you prepare for your next step, know that you join an incredible legacy of leadership,
    innovation and discovery. For 150 years, Buckeye graduates have been a force for good
    in communities across our state and around the world. They have advanced science and
    medicine, enriched the arts, elevated young minds and even explored the stars. Let their
    examples guide you throughout your future and, when necessary, encourage you to forge
    your own path ahead.

       The stories of our alumni — including the one you are just beginning to write — exemplify
    the breadth and depth of our university’s unparalleled impact. Ohio State was founded in
    1870 to create and share knowledge that changes lives and advances society. A century
    and a half later, we remain dedicated to solving challenges at home and around the world,
    and to connecting lives in deeply personal and meaningful ways.

        This same spirit is reflected in you and your fellow graduates. Through your education,
    you have established a foundation for excellence and cultivated lifelong relationships that
    will endure through time and change. I also hope your experiences have inspired you to
    dream big and do good. Generations of Ohio State alumni have changed our world for the
    better, and I know you will, too. Congratulations on becoming a Buckeye for life.


    Michael V. Drake, MD


   Congratulations, and welcome to the Buckeye alumni family, Class of 2019!

  We are pleased to celebrate you during a very special time for our entire Ohio State
community, the 150th anniversary year of our university’s founding.

   During our sesquicentennial, as we look back on the last century and a half of our
collective history, we are proudly honoring the past by shining a light on the Buckeyes
who came before you, and we have awarded scholarships to 150 deserving students
who will follow in your footsteps. While paying tribute to our beloved traditions, your
accomplishment today at commencement is a turning point, as we look ahead to the
next 150 years of Ohio State’s story, which you will help write.

   This is just the first of many times you will make your extended Buckeye alumni family
proud. Each milestone on your journey, and every life you touch along the way, brings
credit to our university and your fellow alumni. One Buckeye’s success is shared by all.

   Take time to recognize the people who have supported you, including those at
Ohio State who expanded your view of the world while preparing you to go out into it.
Find comfort in knowing that Buckeyes will be wherever you go. You'll discover alumni
clubs and societies in more than 100 cities, organizing everything from game-watch
parties to scholarship fundraisers.

   Whether we are coming to you with one of our regional gatherings or inviting you to
come home to campus, your alumni association has many ways to keep you connected
to your alma mater. As you start on your career path, or later down the road, consult the
association’s Bill and Susan Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management. And, because
Buckeyes are passionate about paying forward in service to others, we offer several
volunteer opportunities.

    Ours is a diverse, vibrant and compassionate community, and the alumni association
is at the very heart of it. Your alumni association exists to continue inspiring you to be an
engaged citizen, forever upholding our university motto: “Education for Citizenship.”

  Now, as a Buckeye for life with your diploma in hand, you are officially a member of the
Ohio State Alumni Association. Visit to learn more about the benefits
available to you.

    Again, congratulations on this great achievement. There will surely be many more to
follow — you are an Ohio State graduate, after all!

Jim Smith
President and CEO
The Ohio State University Alumni Association


           THE DATE

                                   Join us for welcome receptions
                                   in the following cities:

  AUGUST 14                    HOUSTON
                               AUGUST 29
  AUGUST 22                    S E AT T L E
                               SEPTEMBER 19
  AUGUST 24                    LOS ANGELES
                               SEPTEMBER 22
  WAS H I N GTO N D. C .

     For more, follow us on social media or
        visit g o.os u . edu /new a lu mn i .
      /OhioStateAlumni        @TheOhioStateAlumni



                                      110                                                118


                    207         107                                                            121         221

                    206         106                                                            122         222

                                                        C               B
                    205         105                                                            123         223

                    204         104                      D              A                      124         224

                    203               101                                                127               225


                          201               134                                    128               227
                                                   134          131         128

                                      234                                                228
                                                  232           231          230

                                                   —    These sections closed

A — Public Affairs; Public Health; Nursing; Social Work; Business; Education and Human Ecology                   ASL interpreter
B — Master’s; Dentistry; Pharmacy
C — PhD; Medicine; Engineering                                                                                   seating

D — Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Arts and Sciences

                           Please keep these aisles clear for the Processional and Recessional
Jee Ahe Ahn, Seoul, South Korea          Veronica Elena Betancourt, Columbus              Zhengyu Cao, Dublin
    This program is not an official
                                                   Bachelor’s (Inha University)             B.A. (Swarthmore College)                        B.Engr. (Beijing University of Posts and
    graduation list.
                                                   Master’s (Yonsei University)             M.A.                                                Telecommunications)
                                                   Human Sciences                           Arts Administration, Education and Policy        M.A. (University of Delaware)
    This printed program lists students who
                                                   Dr. Milos Bujisic                        Dr. Karen Hutzel                                 M.S. (New York University)
    were eligible to graduate for Summer
                                                   Dr. Soobin Seo                           Dr. Theresa Delgadillo                           Business Administration
    Term 2019, as of 5:00 p.m., July 26,
                                                                                                                                             Dr. Lu Zhang
    2019, pending the outcome of final
                                                   Stacey Margaret Alex, Columbus           Juan Bian, Shenyang, China                       Dr. Kewei Hou
    examinations and final grades. Therefore,
                                                   B.A., M.A. (University of Iowa)          B.S. (Tianjin University)
    it should not be used to determine a
                                                   Portuguese                               Master’s (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)         Randall Scott Carpenter, Columbus
    student’s academic or degree status. The
    University’s official registry for conferral   Dr. Paloma Martinez-Cruz                 Chemistry                                        B.A., B.S. (Loyola University Chicago)
    of degrees is the student’s permanent                                                   Dr. Susan Olesik                                 Neuroscience Graduate Studies Program
    academic record, kept by the Office of the     Halima Sadia Alhassan, Columbus                                                           Dr. Phillip Popovich
    University Registrar, Student Academic         B.A. (University of Tennessee)           Corinne Frances Bocci, Sagamore Hills
    Services Building, 281 West Lane Avenue,       Education                                B.A. (Youngstown State University)               Emma Marie Carroll, Columbus
    Columbus, OH 43210-1132.                       Dr. Antoinette Miranda                   M.S.                                             B.A. (Ithaca College)
                                                                                            Agricultural, Environmental, and                 M.A.
                                                   Zeynep Aydogdu, Kayseri, Turkey             Development Economics                         Sociology
                                                   B.A. (Hacettepe University)              Dr. Brent Sohngen                                Dr. Korie Edwards
                                                   M.A. (University of Wyoming)
The Graduate School                                Comparative Studies                      Matthew Nicholas Bochter, Columbus               Sourav Chakraborty, West Bengal, India
                                                   Dr. Nina Berman                          B.S.                                             B.Engr. (Jadavpur University)
Dean: Alicia L. Bertone                                                                     Molecular Genetics                               Computer Science and Engineering
                                                   Dr. Pranav Jani
                                                                                            Dr. Susan Cole                                   Dr. Dhabaleswar Panda
                                                   Richard Laurence Bailey, Columbus
                                                   B.A., M.S.                               Isacar Bolanos, Rialto, CA                       Allison Marie Webb Chasser, Columbus
Doctor of Musical Arts                                                                      B.A. (University of California)                  B.S. (Marquette University)
                                                   Human Sciences
                                                   Dr. Donna Pastore                        History                                          Ohio State Biochemistry Program
Elise DesChamps, Columbus                                                                   Dr. Carter Findley                               Dr. Jane Jackman
Diploma, B.A. (Conservatoire de Musique                                                                                                      Dr. Helen Chamberlin
                                                   Hailey Ballew, Columbus
   de Montreal)                                    B.S., M.Acct. (University of Kansas)     Lorraine Borghetti, Beavercreek
M.Music (Indiana University)                                                                B.A. (University of Puget Sound)                 Jian Chen, Tianjin, China
                                                   Accounting and Management Information
Music                                                                                       M.A. (University of Dayton)                      Bachelor’s (Nankai University)
Dr. Scott McCoy                                                                             Communication                                    Master’s (Renmin University of China)
                                                   Dr. Annette Beatty
                                                                                            Dr. Zheng Wang                                   M.S.
Joungmin Lee, Columbus                                                                                                                       Agricultural, Environmental, and
                                                   Ralph Aaron Bauer, Houston
B.Music (Seoul Jangsin University)                                                          Debangana Bose, Kolkata, India                      Development Economics
                                                   B.S.Mat.Sci.Eng., M.S.                                                                    Dr. Mario Miranda
M.Music (Sangmyung University)                                                              B.S. (University of Calcutta)
                                                   Materials Science and Engineering        M.A., M.Philos. (Jawaharlal Nehru University)    Dr. Jon Einar Flatnes
Music                                              Dr. Hendrik Verweij                      Geography
Dr. Thomas Wells                                                                                                                             Lu Chen, Wulian, Rizhao, Shandong, China
                                                                                            Dr. Nancy Ettlinger
                                                   Mark Aaron Beattie, Durango, CO                                                           Bachelor’s (Xidian University)
Kimberly Dawn Monzon, Westerville                  B.S.Bus.Adm. (Seton Hall University)     Bonnie Elizabeth Bounds, Washington, GA          Computer Science and Engineering
B.Music (University of Missouri)                   M.A.                                     B.A. (University of North Carolina)              Dr. Kannan Athreya
M.Music (University of Houston)                    Human Sciences                           Geography
Music                                              Dr. Brian Turner                         Dr. Darla Munroe                                 Wei Chen, Columbus
Dr. Scott McCoy                                                                                                                              B.S., Bachelor’s (Peking University)
                                                   Donald Andrew Belcher, Columbus          Miriam Rudavsky Bourgeois, Columbus              M.S.
Daniel Christopher Stein, Blacklick                B.S. (Oklahoma State University)         B.A. (University of Chicago)                     Agricultural, Environmental, and
B.Music (Wright State University)                  M.S.                                     M.A.                                                Development Economics
M.Music (University of North Carolina)             Chemical Engineering                     Near Eastern Languages and Cultures              Dr. Henry Klaiber
Music                                              Dr. Andre Palmer                         Dr. Naomi Brenner
Dr. Scott McCoy                                                                                                                              Zhangqi Chen, Columbus
                                                   Kathryn Elizabeth Bender, Galena         Christopher M. Brown, Cincinnati                 B.S. (University of Science and Technology
                                                   B.S. (Centre College)                    B.A. (Northwestern University)                      of China)
                                                   M.S.                                     M.A. (University of Connecticut)                 M.S.
Doctor of Philosophy
                                                   Agricultural, Environmental, and         Anthropology                                     Materials Science and Engineering
                                                      Development Economics                 Dr. Matthijs Moritz                              Dr. Ji-Cheng Zhao
Aleksandra Igorevna Adamovich, Powell
                                                   Dr. Brian Roe
                                                                                            Lindsey Anne Brown, Cincinnati                   Kara Alise Christensen, Charleston, SC
Integrated Biomedical Science Graduate             Blake Robert Bertani, Columbus           Bachelor’s (University of Pittsburgh)            B.A. (University of Chicago)
   Program                                         B.S.                                                                                      M.A.
Dr. Jeffrey Parvin                                 Microbiology                             Health and Rehabilitation Sciences               Psychology
                                                   Dr. Natividad Ruiz                       Dr. Stephanie Roewer                             Dr. Michael Vasey
Omotayo Oluseun Adeeko, Pickerington
B.A. (University of Colorado)                      Cameron Austin Best, Upper Arlington     Benjamin Wesley Campbell, Springfield, MO        Brian Allen Clark, Bridgeton, MO
M.S. (City University of New York)                 B.A. (Yale University)                   B.A. (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)   B.A. (Washington University in Saint Louis)
Education                                          Integrated Biomedical Science Graduate   M.A.                                             M.S.
Dr. Belinda Gimbert                                   Program                               Political Science                                Physics
Dr. Karen Beard                                    Dr. Christopher Breuer                   Dr. Skyler Cranmer                               Dr. Amy Hill
Mary Elizabeth Cole, Columbus               James Owen Evans, Columbus                   Shreyan Ganguly, Kolkata, India                  Seung Yon Ha, Yongin, South Korea
B.A., B.S. (University of Maryland)         B.A., M.S. (Louisiana State University)      M.S. (Indian Statistical Institute)              B.A. (Ewha Womanís University)
M.A.                                        J.D. (University of Alabama)                 M.S.                                             M.S. (Purdue University)
Anthropology                                Human Sciences                               Statistics                                       Education
Dr. Samuel Stout                            Dr. Brian Turner                                                                              Dr. Tzu-Jung Lin
                                                                                         Dr. Peter Craigmile
Jennifer Cotto, Columbus                                                                                                                  Alexandra Harlig, New York, NY
B.A. (University of Puerto Rico)            Navid Farnia, Edmond, OK                     Will Cameron Georgic, Columbus
                                            B.S. (Cornell University)                    B.A. (Denison University)                        B.A. (Cornell University)
M.S.                                                                                                                                      Dance
Human Sciences                              M.A. (Columbia University)                   M.S.
                                            African-American and African Studies                                                          Dr. Harmony Bench
Dr. Brian Focht                                                                          Agricultural, Environmental, and
Dr. Keeley Pratt                            Dr. Kwaku Korang                                Development Economics                         Joshua Michael Harraman, Columbus
                                                                                         Dr. Henry Klaiber                                B.A.
Daniel L. Crown, Gaithersburg, MD           Arghavan Farzadi, Worthington
B.A. (University of Maryland)                                                                                                             M.A. (Bowling Green State University)
                                            Bachelor’s, Master’s (Amirkabir University   Nandini Ghosh, Kolkata, India                    Education
M.S.                                           of Technology)
Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                         B.S. (University of Calcutta)                    Dr. Bruce Kimball
                                            M.S.                                         M.S. (Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University)
   Development Economics
                                            Biomedical Engineering                       Diploma (National Law School of India            Khalida Suzanne Hendricks, Columbus
Dr. Mark Partridge
                                            Dr. Gunjan Agarwal                              University)                                   B.S. (North Carolina State University)
Caroline Maria Dahlstrom, Upper Arlington                                                Ohio State University Nutrition                  M.S.
B.S.Humn.Ecol., M.A.                        Megan Marie Ferriby, Troy, MI                Dr. Chandan Sen                                  Physics
Education                                   B.A., M.S.                                   Dr. Ouliana Ziouzenkova                          Dr. Linda Carpenter
Dr. Antoinette Miranda                      Human Sciences
                                            Dr. Keeley Pratt                             Tapajyoti Ghosh, Kolkata, India                  Travis Matthew Hery, Piqua
Balsam Madani Dakhil, Dublin                Dr. Suzanne Haring                                                                            B.S. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
                                                                                         B.Engr. (Jadavpur University)
Bachelor’s (Al-Fateh University)                                                                                                          Mechanical Engineering
M.S.                                                                                     M.S.
                                            Nicholas Flores, Columbus                                                                     Dr. Vishnu Baba Sundaresan
Electrical and Computer Engineering                                                      Chemical Engineering
                                            B.A. (DePauw University)
Dr. Abhishek Gupta                                                                       Dr. Bhavik Bakshi                                Joseph Lee Heyman, Fredericksburg
                                            Comparative Studies                                                                           B.S. (United States Military Academy)
Masood Delfarah, Tabriz, Iran                                                            David Carl Glasbrenner, Jr., Columbus            M.S. (Carnegie Mellon University)
B.Engr. (University of Tehran)              Dr. Maurice Stevens                          B.S. (Mansfield University of Pennsylvania)      Electrical and Computer Engineering
M.S.                                        Dr. Noah Tamarkin
                                                                                         Molecular Genetics                               Dr. Abhishek Gupta
Computer Science and Engineering                                                         Dr. Mark Seeger
Dr. Deliang Wang                            Roshamur Cahyan Forestrania,
                                                                                                                                          Changwan Hong, Busan, South Korea
                                               Purworejo, Indonesia
                                                                                         Anita Cristina Gonzalez, Columbus                B.S.Cptr.Sci.Eng. (Seoul National University)
Nanxin Deng, Columbus                       Sarjana (University of Indonesia)
Bachelor’s (Central University of Finance                                                B.S., M.S. (Texas A&M University)                Computer Science and Engineering
                                            Pharmaceutical Sciences                                                                       Dr. P. Sadayappan
   and Economics)                                                                        Education
                                            Dr. Esperanza Carcache de Blanco
M.S.                                                                                     Dr. Shayne Piasta
Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                         Dr. Patricia Scharer                             Yixuan Hou, Wooster
                                            Ali Foroughi Pour, Columbus                                                                   B.S. (Shanghai Ocean University)
   Development Economics
Dr. Mark Partridge                          B.Engr. (Sharif University of Technology)                                                     M.S. (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
                                            M.S.                                         Sean Ryan Gorby, Lancaster
                                                                                         B.A. (Malone University)                         Comparative and Veterinary Medicine
Julie Ghislaine Dentzer, Paris, France      Electrical and Computer Engineering                                                           Dr. Linda Saif
                                            Dr. Philip Schniter                          M.Educ. (Ohio University)
Master’s (Universite de Paris)                                                                                                            Dr. Qiuhong Wang
History of Art                              Dr. Lori Dalton                              Education
Dr. Lisa Florman                                                                         Dr. Darcy Granello                               Nathan Howell, Brunswick
                                            Jane K. Frandsen, Columbus                                                                    B.S. (Baldwin Wallace University)
David Alberto Diaz Infante Hernandez,       B.S. (Denison University)                    Norman Reid Groves, Columbus                     Ohio State Biochemistry Program
   Irapuato, Mexico                         Ohio State Biochemistry Program              B.S. (University of Nevada)                      Dr. Jane Jackman
Titulo.Bach., Master’s (University of       Dr. Tina Henkin                              Molecular Genetics
   Guanajuato)                                                                           Dr. Iris Meier                                   Hanyang Huang, Columbus
Industrial and Systems Engineering                                                                                                        B.S.Mech.Eng. (University of Science and
Dr. Taylan Altan                            James Christopher Fritz, Columbus
                                            B.A. (University of North Carolina)          Kristyn Nicole Gumpper, Columbus                    Technology of China)
                                            M.A.Teach. (American University,             B.S. (Allegheny College)                         M.S.Mech.Eng. (University of Chinese
Christopher Charles Dunphy, Stow                                                                                                             Academy of Sciences)
B.S. (Otterbein University)                    Washington, DC)                           M.S. (Thomas Jefferson University)
                                            Philosophy                                   Integrated Biomedical Science Graduate           Biomedical Engineering
Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                            Program                                       Dr. Yi Zhao
                                            Dr. Tristram McPherson
   Development Economics                                                                 Dr. Jianjie Ma
Dr. Ian Sheldon                                                                                                                           Yujian Huang, Tianjin, China
                                            Kelly Jo Fulkerson-Dikuua, Westerville
                                                                                         Sijin Guo, Foshan, China                         B.S. (Sichuan Agricultural University)
                                            B.A. (University of Tennessee)                                                                M.S. (Nankai University)
Christopher Michael Eastman, Jr., Copley    Master’s (Harvard University)                B.S. (Wuhan University)
B.S.Mat.Sci.Eng., M.S.                                                                                                                    Biomedical Engineering
                                            African-American and African Studies         Pharmaceutical Sciences
Materials Science and Engineering                                                                                                         Dr. Yi Zhao
                                            Dr. Simone Drake                             Dr. Yizhou Dong
Dr. Ji-Cheng Zhao
                                                                                                                                          Angeire Sugey Huggins Gonzalez,
Michael N. Eff, Hilliard                    Molly Jean Gallagher, Frankfort, IL          Wen Guo, Columbus                                   Maracaibo, Venezuela
B.S.Weld.Eng., M.S.                         B.A. (Grinnell College)                      B.A. (Communication University of China)         Titulo.Bach., M.S. (La Universidad del Zulia)
Materials Science and Engineering           M.S.                                         M.A.                                             M.S.
Dr. Wei Zhang                               Astronomy                                    Arts Administration, Education and Policy        Materials Science and Engineering
Dr. Antonio Ramirez Londono                 Dr. Adam Leroy                               Dr. Margaret Wyszomirski                         Dr. Gerald Frankel
Andrew Clair Huntsman, Fort Jennings             Ziwei Ke, Foshan, China                       Dmytro Kulyk, Cherkasy, Ukraine                William Lee Little, Jr., Columbus
B.S., M.S.                                       B.S. (Zhejiang University of Technology)      B.S. (Cherkasy National University Bohdan      B.A. (Harvard University)
Pharmaceutical Sciences                          M.S. (Oregon State University)                   Hmelnycky)                                  M.A. (Fordham University)
Dr. James Fuchs                                  Electrical and Computer Engineering           M.S. (Fairleigh Dickinson University)          M.A. (University of Kentucky)
                                                 Dr. Julia Zhang                               Chemistry                                      Greek and Latin
Chad Everett Iwertz, Columbus                                                                  Dr. Abraham Badu-Tawiah                        Dr. Frank Coulson
B.A. (Pepperdine University)                     Osama Ayad Ghaly Khalil, Columbus
M.A. (Oregon State University)                   B.S. (American University in Cairo)           Mainak Kundu, Naihati, India                   Ge Liu, Shanghai, China
                                                                                               B.S. (University of Calcutta)
English                                          B.Med., B.Surgry. (Cairo University)                                                         Statistics
                                                                                               M.S. (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
Dr. Margaret Price                               M.S.                                          Chemistry                                      Dr. Peter Craigmile
                                                 Mathematics                                   Dr. Dongping Zhong                             Dr. Radu Herbei
Marguerethe Alicia Jaede, Columbus               Dr. Nimish Shah
B.A. (University of Massachusetts)                                                             Alexandra Burden Kuzmishin Nagy,               Kuan-Yu Liu, Puli, Taiwan
M.Publ.Adm. (University of Minnesota)            Naima Khandaker, Columbus                        Blacklick                                   B.S., M.S. (National Chiao Tung University)
Education                                        B.S. (Middle Tennessee State University)      B.A. (College of Wooster)                      Chemistry
Dr. Patricia Brosnan                             M.A.Teach. (American University,              Ohio State Biochemistry Program                Dr. John Herbert
                                                    Washington, DC)                            Dr. Karin Musier-Forsyth
Timothy Bruce Jaquet, Orrville                   Master’s (Vanderbilt University)                                                             Yajun Liu, Zhengzhou, China
B.A. (Eastern Mennonite College)                 Education                                     Kexing Lai, Nanchang, China                    B.S. (Denison University)
M.S.                                             Dr. Eric Anderman                             Bachelor’s (Central South University)          Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                               Electrical and Computer Engineering            Dr. Jian-Qiu Wu
   Development Economics                         Dan Kim, Seoul, South Korea                   Dr. Mahesh Illindala
Dr. Elena Irwin                                  B.A., M.A. (Ewha Womans University)                                                          Yuxing Liu, Lanzhou, China
                                                 M.A.                                          Melinda Ann Lake, Sapulpa, OK                  B.Engr. (Tongji University)
Christopher Clemens Jeansonne,                   Psychology                                    B.S. (Missouri University of Science and       M.S.
   Ludlow, KY                                    Dr. John Opfer                                   Technology)                                 Mechanical Engineering
B.A. (Loyola University New Orleans)                                                                                                          Dr. Marcello Canova
                                                                                               Mechanical Engineering
M.F.A. (Ohio University)                         Jinsung Kim, Seoul, South Korea               Dr. David Hoelzle
Arts Administration, Education and Policy        Bachelor’s, Master’s (Chung-Ang University)                                                  Cassandra Lochhaas, Newburyport, MA
Dr. Shari Savage                                 Computer Science and Engineering              Adam Morgenstern Lauretig, Beachwood           B.S. (California Institute of Technology)
                                                 Dr. P. Sadayappan                             B.A. (Grinnell College)                        M.S.
Hanbat Jeong, Columbus                                                                         M.A.                                           Astronomy
B.A., Bachelor’s, Master’s (Sogang University)   Paul Hyunjin Kim, Dublin                      Political Science                              Dr. Todd Thompson
M.A.                                             B.S. (Korea University)                       Dr. William Minozzi
Economics                                        M.S. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science     Dr. Bear Braumoeller                           Kristina Anne Looper, Cambridge, MA
Dr. Lung-Fei Lee                                    and Technology)                                                                           B.S. (Michigan State University)
                                                 Computer Science and Engineering              Jeremy Michael Lear, Columbus                  M.S.
Iva Jestratijevic, Columbus                      Dr. Roger Crawfis                             B.S., M.S. (Wright State University)           Physics
Bachelor’s (Faculty of International                                                           Chemistry                                      Dr. Richard Kass
   Engineering Management in Belgrade)           Stacy Yeonchi Kim, Columbus                   Dr. David Nagib
Ph.D. (University of Arts in Belgrade)           B.S. (California Institute of Technology)                                                    Yan Lu, Shanghai, China
Human Sciences                                   Astronomy                                     Aejin Lee, Suwon, Gyeonggi, South Korea        B.Engr. (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Dr. Nancy Rudd                                   Dr. Annika Peter                              B.S., M.S. (Seoul National University)         M.S.
                                                                                               Ohio State University Nutrition                Materials Science and Engineering
                                                                                               Dr. Ouliana Ziouzenkova
Danyang Jiang, Beijing, China                    Christina Michelle Knippler, Fairfax, VA                                                     Dr. Aihua Luo
B.Bus.Adm. (Emory University)                    B.A. (University of Virginia)
                                                                                               Kil Ho Lee, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea
Accounting and Management Information            Integrated Biomedical Science Graduate        B.S. (University of Michigan)                  Yunqiu Luo, Chengdu, China
   Systems                                          Program                                    M.S. (Villanova University)                    B.S. (Hong Kong University of Science &
Dr. Annette Beatty                               Dr. Matthew Ringel                            Chemical Engineering                              Technology)
                                                                                               Dr. Jessica Winter                             Physics
Peng Jiang, Nantong, China                       Youngaah Koh, Seoul, South Korea              Dr. Barbara Wyslouzil                          Dr. Roland Kawakami
B.Engr. (Xidian University)                      B.A. (Ewha Womans University)
M.S. (University of Chinese Academy of           M.A. (Teachers College at Columbia            Linsen Li, Columbus                            Celia Martinez Saez, Columbus
   Sciences)                                        University)                                B.S. (Nanjing University)                      Bachelor’s (University of Alicante)
M.S.                                             Arts Administration, Education and Policy     Pharmaceutical Sciences                        M.A.
Computer Science and Engineering                 Dr. Joni Acuff                                Dr. Mark Mitton-Fry                            Portuguese
Dr. Gagan Agrawal                                                                                                                             Dr. Laura Podalsky
                                                 Pratibha Chowdary Koneru,                     Fernando Lima e Morato, Columbus
Carolyn A. Johns, Wooster                           Hyderabad, India                           Bachelor’s, Master’s (Universidade Estadual    Thomas Joseph Mason, Jr., Walnut, CA
B.A. (Earlham College)                           B.Pharm. (Osmania University)                    de Campinas)                                B.A., M.A. (Cornell University)
M.S. (University of Akron)                       M.S. (Campbell University)                    Portuguese                                     East Asian Languages and Literatures
                                                                                               Dr. Lucia Costigan                             Dr. Xiao-Bin Jian
Education                                        Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dr. Azita Manouchehri                            Dr. A. Phelps                                                                                Dr. Mari Noda
                                                                                               Wade Howarth Litt, Lancaster
                                                                                               B.A. (Muskingum University)
Evan Wesley Johnson, Columbus                    Amy Elizabeth Kulesza, Columbus               M.S. (Ohio University)                         Thomas Andrew McManus, Cincinnati
B.S. (Temple University)                         B.S. (University of Maryland)                 M.S.                                           B.S. (Illinois Institute of Technology)
M.S.                                             M.S.                                          Agricultural, Environmental, and               B.S. (DePaul University)
Physics                                          Education                                        Development Economics                       Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Eric Braaten                                 Dr. Jerome D’Agostino                         Dr. Mark Partridge                             Dr. Jeffrey Sutton
Sean Michael Meehan, Dublin                  Caitlin Elizabeth Murphy, Louisville, KY     Eun Jeong Park, Incheon, South Korea            Pritha Prasad, Albuquerque, NM
B.S. (University of Notre Dame)              B.Educ. (Miami University)                   B.A. (Korea National University of Education)   B.A. (University of Arizona)
M.S.                                         M.Educ. (Wake Forest University)             M.A. (Yonsei University)                        M.A.
Mathematics                                  Education                                    M.S. (State University of New York College)     English
Dr. Hoi Nguyen                               Dr. Linda Parsons                            M.A.                                            Dr. Wendy Hesford
Keng Yuan Meng, New Taipei City, Taiwan      Kilhoe Na, Goyang, South Korea               Dr. Alan Hirvela                                Krista Stires Predragovich, Westerville
B.S. (National Tsing Hua University)         B.A. (Korea University)                                                                      B.A. (University of Mount Union)
M.S.                                         M.A.                                         Kiduk Park, Gwacheon, South Korea               M.Educ. (Temple University)
Physics                                      Communication                                Bachelor’s (Hyupsung University)                Speclst.Edu. (Cleveland State
Dr. Fengyuan Yang                            Dr. Michael Slater                           M.S. (Cleveland State University)                  University)
                                             Dr. Robert Garrett                           City and Regional Planning                      Education
                                                                                          Dr. Rachel Kleit                                Dr. Darcy Granello
Anna Michaela Meyerrose, Columbus
B.A. (Rhodes College)                        Giovanni Nattino, Valmadrera, Italy
                                             Laurea (Universita Degli Studi di Milano)    Min Park, Columbus                              Carola Midori Purser, Bowie, MD
M.A.                                                                                      B.Bus.Adm. (Seoul National University)
Political Science                            Biostatistics                                                                                B.S. (Harvey Mudd College)
                                             Dr. Stanley Lemeshow                         Accounting and Management Information           M.S.
Dr. Alexander Thompson                                                                       Systems
                                             Dr. Bo Lu                                                                                    Physics
Dr. Irfan Nooruddin                                                                       Dr. Andrew Van Buskirk                          Dr. Peter Hammel
                                             Darby Adam Nelson, Osceola, WI
Kristina Miller, Columbus                    B.A., B.S. (Hamline University)              Daniel Evan Paul, Gahanna                       Brian Michael Rahman, Maumee
B.F.A. (Northern Kentucky University)        Chemistry                                    B.A. (Brigham Young University)                 B.S. (Clemson University)
M.F.A. (University of Virginia)              Dr. Zachary Schultz                          M.A.                                            M.S.
Theatre                                                                                   Italian                                         Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Jennifer Schlueter                       Boihoan Audrey Nguyen, Mason                 Dr. Dana Renga                                  Dr. Giorgio Rizzoni
                                             B.S.Biomed.Eng., M.S.
David Matthew Mitchell, South Euclid         Biomedical Engineering                       Somak Paul, Hooghly, India                      Rafiul Karim Rasel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
B.A. (Cleveland State University)            Dr. Cynthia Roberts                          B.Engr. (Jadavpur University)                   B.S., M.S. (State University of New York)
M.A.                                         Dr. Matthew Reilly                           M.B.A. (Purdue University)                      M.S.
Linguistics                                                                               Business Administration                         Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Brian Joseph                             Israt Jerin Nisa, Dhaka, Bangladesh          Dr. Elliot Bendoly                              Dr. Fernando Teixeira
Dr. Donald Winford                           B.S. (University of Dhaka)                   Dr. Kenneth Boyer
                                             Computer Science and Engineering                                                             Ramya Nathan Ravisankar, Columbus
Mohsen Mohaghegh, Columbus                   Dr. P. Sadayappan                            George David Hooke Pearson,                     B.F.A., B.A.
B.S., M.A. (University of Tehran)                                                            West Sussex, United Kingdom                  M.F.A. (Pratt Institute)
M.S. (East Carolina University)                                                           M.A. (University of Glasgow)                    Arts Administration, Education and Policy
                                             Julia Teal Novakowski, Silver Spring, MD
M.A.                                         B.A. (University of Maryland)                                                                Dr. Jennifer Richardson
Economics                                    M.A.
                                                                                          Dr. Gerald Kosicki
Dr. Aubhik Khan                              Education                                                                                    Stephanie Reeves, Crested Butte, CO
                                             Dr. Bryan Warnick                                                                            B.A. (University of Colorado)
                                                                                          Stephen Anthony Pearson, Columbus
Paulo Montero Camacho, Columbus                                                                                                           M.A. (University of Texas)
                                                                                          B.S. (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania)
B.S. (Universidad de Costa Rica)             Saori Nozaki, Sanuki-shi, Japan              Biophysics                                      M.A.
M.S.                                         B.A. (Daito Bunka University)                Dr. James Cowan                                 Psychology
Physics                                      M.A. (University of Mississippi)                                                             Dr. Steven Spencer
Dr. Christopher Hirata                       M.A.                                         Shaoxin Peng, Singapore, Singapore              Dr. Kentaro Fujita
                                             East Asian Languages and Literatures         B.Engr., Master’s (University of Electronic
Gordon Euhyun Moon, Bala Cynwyd, PA          Dr. Etsuyo Yuasa                                Science and Technology of China)             Leslie Opal Rieck, Gahanna
B.Engr. (Yonsei University)                                                               Electrical and Computer Engineering             B.S. (Allegheny College)
M.S. (Indiana University)                    Kehinde Emeka Ogunronbi, Columbus            Dr. Jin-Fa Lee                                  Environment and Natural Resources
Computer Science and Engineering             B.S. (Obafemi Awolowo University)                                                            Dr. Mazeika Sullivan
Dr. P. Sadayappan                            M.S. (King Fahd University of Petroleum      Jonathan William Picking, Hilliard
                                                and Minerals)                             B.S., M.S.                                      Katherine Ann Ritchey, Dublin
Cassandra Lien Moyer, Hilliard               M.S.                                         Ohio State Biochemistry Program                 B.A. (University of Notre Dame)
                                             Chemical Engineering                         Dr. Joseph Krzycki                              M.S.
                                             Dr. Barbara Wyslouzil                                                                        Mathematics
Integrated Biomedical Science Graduate
                                                                                          Jordan Vick Pino, Baton Rouge, LA               Dr. Matthew Kahle
                                             Osman Berat Okutan, Columbus                 B.S., M.S. (Louisiana State University)
Dr. Paul Goodfellow                          B.S., M.S. (Bilkent University)                                                              Genevieve Therese Ritchie-Ewing, Kettering
                                             Mathematics                                  Dr. Steven Quiring                              B.S. (Millersville University of Pennsylvania)
Anna Valeryevna Muraveva, Frederick, MD      Dr. Roberto Facundo Memoli Techera                                                           M.A. (University of Tennessee)
Diploma (Saratov Chernyshevsky State                                                                                                      Anthropology
   University)                                                                            Nicholas Todd Polavin, Grandville, MI
                                             Jianyu Pan, Chongqing, China                 B.A. (University of Michigan)                   Dr. Barbara Piperata
M.A. (Indiana University Purdue University   B.Engr., M.Tech. (Chongqing University)      M.A.
   Indianapolis)                             Electrical and Computer Engineering          Communication                                   Jake Thomas Roemer, Delran, NJ
Sociology                                    Dr. Longya Xu                                Dr. Robert Garrett                              B.S. (Temple University)
Dr. Kristi Williams                                                                       Dr. Zheng Wang                                  Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Sarah Hayford                            Anshuman Pandey, New Delhi, India                                                            Dr. Michael Bond
                                             B.Engr. (Birla Institute of Technology       Nicolas Joseph Potkalitsky, Columbus
Aaron William Murnan, Strongsville              and Science)                              B.A. (Oberlin College)                          Yairanex Roman-Garcia, Columbus
B.A., M.S.                                   M.S.                                         M.Educ. (John Carroll University)               B.S.Agr. (University of Puerto Rico)
Human Sciences                               Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering   English                                         Animal Sciences
Dr. Natasha Slesnick                         Dr. James Gregory                            Dr. James Phelan                                Dr. Jeffrey Firkins
Sherita Vaungh Roundtree, Edgewood, MD          Apoorva Ramesh Shastry, Mysore, India           Beth Staples, Columbus                       Laura E. Wallace, Cincinnati
B.A. (Salisbury State University)               B.Engr. (Visvesvaraya Technological             B.S. (University of Maryland)                B.A. (Xavier University)
M.A. (University of Nebraska)                      University)                                  M.S. (North Carolina State University)       M.A.
English                                         Master’s (Indian Institute of Science)          Education                                    Psychology
Dr. Beverly Moss                                Earth Sciences                                  Dr. Matthew Mayhew                           Dr. Duane Wegener
                                                Dr. Michael Durand
Abhijoy Saha, Hooghly, India                                                                    Rebecca Elizabeth Steiner, Louisville        Emily Hutchins Walpole, Silver Spring, MD
B.S. (University of Calcutta)                   Qian Shen, Tongxiang, China                                                                  B.S. (University of Maryland)
M.S. (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)                                                    B.S. (University of Mount Union)             M.S.
                                                Bachelor’s (China Agricultural University)
M.S.                                                                                            Ohio State Biochemistry Program              Environment and Natural Resources
                                                M.S. (Mississippi State University)
Statistics                                      Microbiology                                    Dr. Michael Ibba                             Dr. Eric Toman
Dr. Sebastian Kurtek                            Dr. Chad Rappleye                                                                            Dr. Robyn Wilson
                                                                                                Daokun Sun, Charleston, SC
Ario Salmasi, Columbus                          Naima Shirdon, Seattle, WA                      B.S. (Wuhan University)                      Kailai Wang, Shangyu, China
B.S. (Sharif University of Technology)          B.A., M.A.                                      Molecular Genetics                           B.Engr. (Huazhong University of Science
M.S.                                            Education                                       Dr. Helen Chamberlin                            and Technology)
Computer Science and Engineering                Dr. Antoinette Miranda                                                                       M.S. (Arizona State University)
Dr. Yusu Wang                                                                                   Nora Tuulia Sylvander, Helsinki, Finland     City and Regional Planning
                                                Taylor Morgan Shockey, Liberty Township         B.S., M.S. (University of Helsinki)          Dr. Gulsah Akar
Seyedeh Azin Sanjari Pirmahaleh,                B.A. (Miami University)                         Geography
   Columbus                                     M.Pub.Hlth.                                                                                  Xi Wang, Shanghai, China
                                                                                                Dr. Kendra McSweeney
Bachelor’s (University of Guilan)               Public Health                                                                                B.S.Mat.Sci.Eng., M.S.
Master’s (University of Mazandaran)             Dr. Michael Bisesi                                                                           Materials Science and Engineering
Education                                                                                       Wei Yang Tham, Singapore, Singapore          Dr. Gerald Frankel
                                                Dr. John Crawford                               B.A. (Rice University)
Dr. Azita Manouchehri
                                                                                                M.A.                                         Yuzhou Wang, Columbus
                                                Nathaniel Aaron Silver, Columbus                Economics
Brent Andrew Schmidt, State College, PA         B.S. (East Tennessee State University)                                                       B.Engr. (University of Science and
B.S. (Miami University)                                                                         Dr. Bruce Weinberg                              Technology of China)
Accounting and Management Information                                                                                                        M.S.
   Systems                                                                                      Vinta Angela Tiarani, Sleman, Indonesia      Nuclear Engineering
                                                Dr. Michael Slater
Dr. Annette Beatty                                                                              Sarjana (Gadjah Mada University)             Dr. Marat Khafizov
                                                Gregory Vahag Aghabekian Simonian,              M.S. (Bandung Institute of Technology)
Camille Rae Schneider, Kaukauna, WI                                                             M.Educ. (Monash University)                  Andrew Donovan Whalen, Pickerington
                                                   Los Angeles, CA
B.S. (University of Wisconsin)                                                                  Education                                    B.A.Jour., M.Educ.
Ohio State Biochemistry Program                 B.S. (California Institute of Technology)
                                                                                                Dr. Karen Irving                             Education
Dr. Hannah Shafaat                              M.S.                                                                                         Dr. Mollie Blackburn
Brittany Ann Schroeder, Cloverdale              Dr. Marc Pinsonneault                           Hiromi Tobaru, Shimajiri, Japan
                                                                                                                                             Mariah Rose Whitaker, Columbus
B.S.Food.Ag.Bio.Eng.                                                                            B.A. (University of Kitakyushu)              B.S. (Xavier University)
Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering   Gene Sirca, Marysville                          M.A. (The University of Findlay)             M.S.
Dr. Scott Shearer                               B.S.Civ.Eng., M.S.                              East Asian Languages and Literatures         Chemical Engineering
                                                Civil Engineering                               Dr. Mari Noda                                Dr. Nicholas Brunelli
Ryan Matthew Schultz, Grove City                Dr. Tarunjit Butalia
B.A. (Oberlin College)                                                                          Sarah Kay Traylor, Columbus                  Benjamin Douglas Wibking, Columbus
History                                         Jessica Lauren Slutzky, Cincinnati              B.A. (Hillsdale College)                     B.A. (Vanderbilt University)
Dr. Philip Brown                                B.S.Food.Ag.Bio.Eng., B.S.                                                                   M.S.
                                                                                                M.A. (New York University)
                                                Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering                                                Astronomy
Stephen Ambrose Schumacher,                     Dr. Katrina Cornish                                                                          Dr. David Weinberg
                                                                                                Germanic Languages and Literatures
   Upper Arlington                                                                              Dr. Katra Byram
B.S. (Citadel Military College)                 Stephanie Marie Smith, Eden Prairie, MN                                                      Natosha Renee’ Willis, Dublin
D.V.M.                                          B.A. (Saint Olaf College)                       Dr. Bernhard Malkmus
                                                                                                                                             B.S.Educ., M.Educ.
Comparative and Veterinary Medicine             M.A.                                                                                         Education
Dr. Alicia Bertone                              Psychology                                      Brian Jonathan Troth, Columbus               Dr. James Moore
                                                Dr. Ian Krajbich                                B.S.Educ. (Bowling Green State University)
Christopher Leon Schwebach,                                                                     M.A.                                         Anne Cathryn Wilson, Elmhurst, IL
   Upper Arlington                              Danbee Song, Seoul, South Korea                 French and Italian                           B.A. (Boston University)
B.S. (University of Minnesota)                  B.Bus.Adm., M.B.A. (Yonsei University)          Dr. Lucille Toth                             M.A.
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology   M.S.                                            Dr. Margaret Flinn                           Psychology
Dr. Dmitri Kudryashov                           Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                             Dr. Jennifer Cheavens
                                                   Development Economics                        Shanshan Tu, Ma’anshan, China
Sambuddha Sen, Kharagpur, India                 Dr. Abdoul Sam                                  B.S. (Nanjing University)                    Kelly Robyn Wilson, Fredericktown
B.S. (Jadavpur University)                                                                      M.S. (Fudan University)                      B.A. (University of Massachusetts)
M.S. (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)    Matthew Wayne Southward, Durham, NC                                                          M.S. (University of California)
                                                                                                M.A. (University of Pittsburgh)
Chemistry                                       B.A. (University of Chicago)                                                                 Agricultural and Extension Education
Dr. James Cowan                                                                                 Statistics
                                                M.A.                                                                                         Dr. Mary Rodriguez
                                                Psychology                                      Dr. Yunzhang Zhu                             Dr. Scott Scheer
Dipti Shankar, Mangalore, India                 Dr. Jennifer Cheavens                           Dr. Yoonkyung Lee
B.Engr. (Visvesvaraya Technological                                                                                                          Evan Thomas Woods, Columbus
   University)                                  Cory Michael Stack, Spring, TX                  Corey David Wallace, Berthoud, CO            B.A. (Allegheny College)
Computer Science and Engineering                B.S.Aero.Astro.Eng.                             B.S., M.S. (Colorado State University)       Philosophy
Dr. Dhabaleswar Panda                           Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering      Earth Sciences                               Dr. Benjamin Caplan
Dr. Xiaoyi Lu                                   Dr. Datta Gaitonde                              Dr. Audrey Sawyer                            Dr. Julia Jorati
Daniel Elliot Wray, Salt Lake City, UT             Guanjin Zhang, Taiyuan, China               Gangyi Zhu, Columbus                         Schuler G. Barker, Chicago, IL
B.A. (Utah State University)                       B.A.                                        B.S. (University of Science and Technology   B.Bus.Adm. (University of Michigan)
M.A. (Boise State University)                      M.A. (University of Illinois at Urbana-        of China)                                 Accounting and Management Information
Human Sciences                                        Champaign)                               M.S.                                            Systems
                                                                                               Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Donna Pastore                                  Communication                               Dr. Gagan Agrawal                            Lucien Batawi, Raleigh, NC
                                                   Dr. Jesse Fox
Di Wu, Guangfeng, China                                                                                                                     B.S. (Bentley University)
                                                                                               Tiancong Zhu, Hefei, China                   Accounting and Management Information
Bachelor’s (Jiangxi University of Finance          Meng Zhang, Shijiazhuang, China             B.S. (Peking University)                        Systems
   and Economics)                                  Bachelor’s (Ocean University of China)      M.S.
M.S. (Washington State University)                 M.A.Teach. (University of Southern          Physics                                      Joshua C. Blank, Huntington Beach, CA
Agricultural, Environmental, and                      California)                              Dr. Roland Kawakami                          B.S. (Loyola Marymount University)
   Development Economics                           Education                                                                                Accounting and Management Information
Dr. Abdoul Sam                                     Dr. Alan Hirvela                                                                            Systems
Dr. Yongyang Cai                                                                               Doctor of Education
                                                   Ouyang Zhang, Fuzhou, China                                                              Talin M. Brodjian, Tower Lakes, IL
Jiaxin Wu, Columbus                                                                            Chila Anntoinette Thomas, Columbus           B.S. (University of Illinois at Urbana-
                                                   Bachelor’s (University of Science and       B.A.
B.S. (Sun Yat-sen University)                                                                                                                  Champaign)
                                                      Technology of China)                     M.S. (Central Michigan University)
M.S.                                                                                                                                        Accounting and Management Information
                                                   Computer Science and Engineering            Education                                       Systems
Physics                                            Dr. Kannan Athreya
Dr. Tin-Lun Ho
                                                                                                                                            David Casalinova, Canal Fulton
                                                   Xin Zhang, Yinchuan, China                  Doctor of Nursing Practice                   B.S. (University of Akron)
Shan Xu, Foshan, China                             B.Engr. (Nanjing University)                                                             Accounting and Management Information
B.A. (Beijing Foreign Studies University)          City and Regional Planning                  Taletha Michelle Askew, Pickerington            Systems
M.A. (Washington State University)                                                             Diploma (Huron Hospital School of Nursing)
                                                   Dr. Jack Nasar
Communication                                                                                  B.S.Nurs. (Bowling Green State University)   Julia G. Colleran, West Roxbury, MA
Dr. Zheng Wang                                                                                 M.S. (Georgia State University)              B.Bus.Adm. (University of Massachusetts)
                                                   Yiding Zhang, Zhengzhou, Henan, China       M.B.A. (Baldwin Wallace University)
                                                   B.S. (Tianjin University)                                                                Accounting and Management Information
Shang Xu, Columbus                                                                                                                             Systems
Bachelor’s, M.A. (China Agricultural University)                                               Amy S. Jauch, Miamisburg
                                                   Environmental Science                                                                    Emily Folan, Ipswich, MA
Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                               B.S., M.S. (Indiana Wesleyan University)
                                                   Dr. Motomu Ibaraki                                                                       B.Bus.Adm. (University of Massachusetts)
   Development Economics                                                                       Nursing
Dr. Henry Klaiber                                                                                                                           Accounting and Management Information
                                                   Kai Zhao, Lixian, China                                                                     Systems
Dr. Daniela Miteva                                                                             Brenda Joyce Kendall, Thornville
                                                   B.Engr. (University of Science and          B.S.Nurs. (Capital University)
                                                      Technology Beijing)                      M.S. (Franklin University)                   Bryan A. Fowler, Friendswood, TX
Shicong Xu, Columbus                                                                                                                        B.S. (Trinity University)
                                                   Master’s (Beijing Normal University)        Nursing
B.S.Bus.Adm., B.S. (University of Arkansas)                                                                                                 Accounting and Management Information
M.S.                                                                                                                                           Systems
                                                   Dr. Marc Guerrero                           Jessica J. Reuter, Powell
Agricultural, Environmental, and                                                               B.S.Nurs. (Kent State University)
   Development Economics                                                                       M.S. (Otterbein University)                  Jamie N. Gancz, Morganville, NJ
                                                   Lianshui Zhao, Columbus
Dr. Abdoul Sam                                                                                 Nursing                                      B.S. (University of Delaware)
                                                   B.S. (Changchun University of Science and                                                Accounting and Management Information
Aaron Kane Yackley, Alpharetta, GA                    Technology)                                                                              Systems
B.Mus.Ed. (Florida State University)                                                           Doctor of Occupational Therapy
M.Music (University of Georgia)                    Physics                                                                                  Chenhui Hao, Dublin
Music                                              Dr. Christopher Orban                       Habeeb Adel Al-Ghawi, Columbus               B.S. (Tsinghua University)
Dr. Robert Gillespie                               Dr. Anil Pradhan                            B.S.H.D.F.S.                                 Ph.D. (Purdue University)
                                                                                               Health and Rehabilitation Sciences           Accounting and Management Information
                                                   Wei Zhong, Columbus                                                                         Systems
Rongqing Ye, Zhuhai, China
B.S. (Zhejiang University)                         Bachelor’s (University of Science and
                                                      Technology of China)                     Specialist in Education                      Samuel K. Johnson, Endicott, NY
M.S.                                                                                                                                        B.S. (Le Moyne College)
Mathematics                                        M.S.                                                                                     Accounting and Management Information
                                                   Materials Science and Engineering           Ameenah Qaadira Larkins, Columbus
Dr. James Cogdell                                                                              B.A. (Rutgers University)                       Systems
                                                   Dr. Ji-Cheng Zhao                           M.A.
Phillip Thomas Yuhas, Pickerington                                                             Education                                    Noah T. King, New Woodstock, NY
B.A. (University of Notre Dame)                    Li Zhou, Taizhou, China                                                                  B.S. (State University of New York)
O.D., M.S.                                         B.S. (Huazhong University of Science and                                                 Accounting and Management Information
Vision Science                                        Technology)                              Master of Accounting                            Systems
Dr. Andrew Hartwick                                M.S.
                                                   Computer Science and Engineering            Alexandra Allsop, North Easton, MA           Michael E. Magocsi, Shelton, CT
Ahmed Abdelfattah Abdelmoaty Saad                  Dr. Mircea-Radu Teodorescu                  B.S. (Syracuse University)                   B.S. (Bentley University)
                                                                                               Accounting and Management Information        Accounting and Management Information
   Zayed, Cairo, Egypt
                                                                                                  Systems                                      Systems
B.S.Pharm., Certificate, M.S. (Cairo               Xiaofei Zhou, Beijing, China
   University)                                     B.A. (Franklin and Marshall College)        Thomas Baldinger, Orchard Park, NY           Samuel A. Morgan, York, ME
Microbiology                                       M.S.                                        B.S. (State University of New York)          B.S. (Boston College)
Dr. Virginia Rich                                  Statistics                                  Accounting and Management Information        Accounting and Management Information
Dr. Matthew Sullivan                               Dr. Shili Lin                                  Systems                                      Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                       13   *a
Mouniratou Nikiema, Columbus              Nicholas Fano, Florham Park, NJ             Kevin Joseph Stewart, Cincinnati            Jessica Mae Caldarone, North Smithfield, RI
B.S.Bus.Adm.                              B.S. (Fairleigh Dickinson University)       B.S.Civ.Eng. (University of Notre Dame)     B.A. (Providence College)
Accounting and Management Information     Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Architecture                                Arts Administration, Education and Policy
                                          Regan Thomas Hitt, Columbus                 Samuel John Tibbs, Columbus
                                          B.S.                                                                                    Rebecca Renee Chapman, Columbus
Mary Catherine O’Brien, St. Louis, MO                                                 B.S.Arch. (University of Cincinnati)        B.A. (Clark University)
                                          Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Architecture
B.S.Bus.Adm.                                                                                                                      Geography
Accounting and Management Information     Arianna Noel Jensen, Salt Lake City, UT
   Systems                                B.S. (University of Utah)                                                               Amy Lynn Chessler, Columbus
                                          Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Master of Arts
Allison M. Owens, Burlington, IA                                                                                                  B.S. (Ashland University)
B.A. (Central University of Iowa)         Irina Kaptsan, New Albany                   Melissa Ann Akey, Sloatsburg, NY            Education
Accounting and Management Information     B.A. (Miami University)                     B.F.A. (Manhattanville College)
   Systems                                Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Arts Administration, Education and Policy   Yeojun Caleb Chun, Sylvania
                                                                                                                                  B.S. (California Institute of Technology)
Emily Margaret Rouse, Lakewood            Bryan Matthew Lopes, Parrish, FL            Heather Jean Allen, Westerville             Business Administration
B.S.Bus.Adm.                              B.S.                                        B.A. (Marshall University)
                                          Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     M.Educ. (Ashland University)
Accounting and Management Information                                                                                             Katherine Joyce Cooper, North Canton
   Systems                                                                            Education                                   B.S. (Walsh University)
                                          Alexis Deandra Lovelace, Nashville, TN
                                          B.S. (Florida A&M University)                                                           Bioethics
Keegan Schaar, Lake Villa, IL             Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Margaret Allen, Columbus
B.Bus.Adm. (Texas Tech University)                                                    B.S.Educ. (Otterbein University)            Heather Daly, Columbus
Accounting and Management Information     Caitlin Mary McKenna, Columbus              Education                                   B.S. (Ball State University)
   Systems                                B.S. (Ohio University)                                                                  M.A. (James Madison University)
                                          Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Abdulrahman Saultan A Alsultan,
                                                                                        Dammam, Saudi Arabia                      Psychology
Joshua Singshinsuk, Dunkirk, MD
B.S. (University of Maryland)             Michelle Lynn Messer, Columbus              Bachelor’s (Qassim University)
Accounting and Management Information     B.S.Alld.Hlth.Prof.                         Education                                   Kyle Elgin Davis, Rock Falls, IL
   Systems                                Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research                                                 B.A., M.A. (Western Illinois University)
                                                                                      Claire C. Anthony, Westerville              Political Science
                                          Connor Andrew Nealer, Westlake
Jordan C. Smith, New Orleans, LA          B.S.                                        B.S. (University of Dayton)
B.S. (Xavier University of Louisiana)     Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Education                                   Jenna Nicole DeCarlo, Cross Lanes, WV
Accounting and Management Information                                                                                             B.A.
   Systems                                Apollinaire Ngankeu, Columbus               Traci Kristine Aquara, Delaware             Speech-Language Pathology Program
                                          Laurea (University of Bologna)              B.F.A. (Denison University)
Rayhan Sufi, Toledo                       Ph.D. (Universita degli Studi di Ferrara)   Public Policy and Management                Chelsea Kilmer Dipman, Columbus
B.S.Bus.Adm.                              Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research                                                 B.F.A. (Ohio Wesleyan University)
Accounting and Management Information                                                 Nicole Andrea Arrato, Oxford, CT            Arts Administration, Education and Policy
   Systems                                Andrew Robert Rickelman, Fort Mill, SC      B.S. (Fordham University)
                                          B.A. (University of North Carolina)         Psychology
                                          Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research                                                 Katina Diana Foley, Columbus
Jarrett K. Swank, Columbus                                                                                                        B.S. (Ohio Dominican University)
B.S. (Pensacola Christian College)                                                    Rajat Shriram Barve, Mumbai, India
                                          Danielle K. White, Dublin                                                               M.A., Doctor.Ed. (University of Phoenix)
Accounting and Management Information     B.S. (Cedarville University)                B.Tech. (National Institute of Technology
   Systems                                                                               Tiruchirappalli)                         Education
                                          Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research
                                                                                      Postgrad.Dipl. (Management Development
Timothy G. Synnott, Kensington, CT        Demarcus Anthony Williams,                     Institute)                               Mary Kathleen Ford, Columbus
B.S. (University of Connecticut)             Grandview Heights                        M.S. (University of Wisconsin)              B.S. (Ohio University)
Accounting and Management Information     B.A.                                        Economics                                   M.A.
   Systems                                Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research                                                 Education
                                                                                      Charlotte Renee Bell, Columbus
Sarah E. White, Greensboro, NC            Craig Charles Zeid, Columbus                B.A., M.A.Teach. (University of Chicago)    Andrew Fredericks, Copley
B.S. (University of North Carolina)       B.S. (University of Cincinnati)             M.A. (Ball State University)                B.A.
Accounting and Management Information     Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research     Speclst.Edu.                                Slavic and East European Studies
Systems                                                                               Education
                                          Master of Applied Statistics                                                            Tianchu Gao, Nanjing, China
                                                                                      Brooke Belohlavek, Baggs, WY                B.A. (College of William and Mary)
Master of Applied Clinical and            Zhen Shuai, Chongqing, China
                                                                                                                                  History of Art
Preclinical Research                                                                  Arts Administration, Education and Policy
                                          B.S.Civ.Eng., B.S., M.S.
                                          Statistics                                                                              Joseph Milo Geherty, Columbus
Celecia Maria Blumenberg, Knoxville, TN                                               John W. Blackstone, Lexington
                                                                                      B.S. (The University of Findlay)            B.S. (University of New Mexico)
B.S. (Murray State University)
                                                                                      Education                                   Anthropology
Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research   Master of Architecture
Danielle Dawn Dunnivant, Durham, NC                                                   Shelby Taylor Boggs, McConnellsburg, PA     Shawn Allen Gilbert, Gahanna
                                          Carolyn Kelsey Berg, Tracy, CA                                                          B.S.Arch. (Bowling Green State University)
B.S. (University of Phoenix)              B.S.Arch.                                   B.A. (West Virginia University)
Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research   Architecture                                Psychology                                  Public Policy and Management

Sarah Khaled Esmail, Hilliard             Spencer David Huggins, Ashtabula            Tara Cahill, Columbus                       Brianne Gladieux, Gahanna
B.A.                                      B.S.Arch.                                   B.A. (State University of New York)         B.Art.Ed.
Applied Clinical & Preclinical Research   Architecture                                Speech-Language Pathology Program           Arts Administration, Education and Policy
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