Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White

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Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
Month in Review
June 2021
The Month in Review identifies the latest movements
and trends for property markets across Australia.
Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
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                                                                                                              any state or
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A message from our CEO                                                                                               3

Feature –2021’s half time score                                                                                     4

Commercial - Industrial                                                                                             5
    Tax Deduction for Investment Properties                                                                         6
    New South Wales                                                                                                  9
    Victoria                                                                                                        10
    Queensland                                                                                                       11
    South Australia                                                                                                 15
    Western Australia                                                                                               16
    Australian Capital Territory                                                                                    18

Residential	                                                                                                        19
    New South Wales                                                                                                 22
    Victoria                                                                                                        36
    Queensland                                                                                                      43
    South Australia                                                                                                 54
    Western Australia                                                                                               57
    Northern Territory                                                                                              61
    Australian Capital Territory                                                                                    63
    Tasmania                                                                                                        64

Rural	                                                                                                              65

This publication presents a generalised overview regarding the state of Australian property markets using property
market risk-ranking scales. It is not a guide to individual property assessments and should not be relied upon.
Herron Todd White accepts no responsibility for any reliance placed on the commentary and generalised
information. Contact Herron Todd White to obtain formal, specific property advice on any matters of interest
arising from this publication.
All rights reserved. This report can not be reproduced or distributed without written permission of Herron Todd White.
Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
A message from our CEO
                                                                                                                                                                      Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                           June 2021

As we reach the end of FY21, Australians continue to be tested in ways we’d never imagined.

As we close the month of June, five of our states      Information Security certification, placing HTW as     In the residential section, our expert teams deliver
and territories have been in lockdown for a total      one of the most robust, secure, and quality-forward    their half-time scorecard of Australia’s diverse real
of 24 days. This is a reminder that Australia is not   valuation firms in the nation. This commitment to      estate markets. Our professionals also reveal some
yet through this period. However, I’m buoyed by        quality cannot be released without the collective      thoughts on how markets might proceed over the
the fact we can come together and support one          effort of our people around the country. Our           remainder of 2021.
another during the challenges and, overall, remain     processes and systems ensure that we continue to
                                                                                                              Among the excellent stories on offer this month are:
optimistic about the future.                           provide our clients with market-leading solutions.
                                                                                                              ◗ Sydney – North Shore prestige market driven by
The concept of being stronger together is              It is due to the diligence of our people and our
                                                                                                                ex-pat demand;
something we have always adopted at Herron Todd        genuine commitment to the business that positions
White, but even more so of late.                       this commitment to quality at the forefront of our     ◗ Newcastle – growth in the median house price

                                                       service offering. Quality solutions for our clients,     outperformed all capital cities;
In recent weeks I was pleased to announce the
                                                       quality solutions and processes for our people, and

merging of our South East Regional Australia and                                                              ◗ Shepparton – ex-Commission properties gained
                                                       a quality support structure.
Melbourne entities to create Herron Todd White                                                                  approximately 80 per cent in value in the past 12
VIC/TAS. This latest amalgamation follows multiple     It is a priority to ensure that we have rigor within     months.
Western Australian operations consolidating to         our business to respond and remain at the forefront
                                                                                                              Our abridged rural submissions have also
create the single Herron Todd White Western            of quality client lead solutions.
                                                                                                              adopted this mid-year theme and discussed how
Australia entity in 2020, along with New South
                                                       Our June edition Month In Review submissions           key primary production property markets have
Wales and the ACT in 2019. This exciting merger is
                                                       offer an opportunity to assess the current state of    performed so far in 2021.
set to improve client services, and create further
                                                       the market, and prepare for what’s to come.
operational efficiencies across the business.                                                                 Please enjoy this latest addition of
                                                       The commercial section sees local area specialists     Month In Review.
Our program will see more regional offices
                                                       discuss unrealised investment opportunities within
integrate with capital city operations and create                                                             Gary Brinkworth
                                                       the industrial sector.
large single state entities. This will significantly
improve the company’s operation and its appeal to      Stories include:
employees, partners, and investors. I look forward
                                                       ◗ Sydney – lack of industrial stock continues to
to revealing more in the coming months.
                                                         drive prices;
In other news, As part of Herron Todd White’s
                                                       ◗ Brisbane – continued outperformance of industrial
commitment to quality, we are proud to announce
                                                         compared to other commercial sectors; and
that we have now received formal ISO9001
certification. This important international standard   ◗ QLD regional – across the board strengthening in
for quality builds on our existing ISO27001              industrial markets continues.

Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
2021’s half time score
                                                                                                                                                                          Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               June 2021

There’s nothing quite like a game of two halves.

The chance to pause during any major endeavour,           But, of course, the Australian real estate market      over the past twelve months. Our teams have dug
and spend a few moments assessing and planning,           is not a simple beast. There are multiple locations    deep and unearthed prime opportunities for savvy
is a gift. When things are in full flight, sometime the   driven by varying influences. There are even           operators.
midway spot is your only opportunity to recharge,         markets within markets, so you can still buy
                                                                                                                 And onto rural. We have a concise update from
refocus and get primed for the next half.                 the wrong property in the right location and be
                                                                                                                 a few teams this month with a selection of
                                                          financially worse off than your neighbours.
Even though the concept of ‘planning for a certain                                                               submissions on how primary industry markets
future’ has taken a bit of a hit since early last year,   How to make sense of it all? Well, we have the         are tracking.
it’s still better to try and expect the unexpected,       crew for you.
                                                                                                                 There it is folks – Herron Todd White is your coach
rather than letting it hit you full in the face.

                                                          This month, our residential teams have taken the       for the big game.

This can be applied to property as well.                  opportunity to jot down musings about how their
                                                                                                                 While the mid-year provides a chance to catch your
                                                          markets have tracked so far in 2021. Think of them
So far in 2021 we’ve seen mostly robust markets                                                                  breath, it’s also no time to sit back and bask in past
                                                          as delivering the half time oranges while moving
across the nation. A sense of confidence flowed                                                                  successes. Get active and contact your local Herron
                                                          magnetic ‘players’ across their mobile white boards.
through many centres fuelled by low interest                                                                     Todd White office. They stand ready with no-holds-
                                                          A play-by-play of what’s unfolded so far.
rates, bullish returns to economic form and                                                                      barred advice set to see you through the next half
substantial government assistance. Buyers who’d           This month’s publication will not only convey          of 2021… and beyond.
been keeping their powder dry were suddenly               information on what’s happened up to now, but
given a hurry up, as activity and price growth            also provide signposts on what’s to come as we
gained momentum.                                          progress toward year’s end. It’s a ‘must read’ for
                                                          every residential property stakeholder.
In addition, reduced discretionary spending saw
many of us with a few extra dollars in the savings        For commercial property fans, it’s time for some
account waiting to be utilised for a deposit or           advice on investment opportunities in the industrial
renovation.                                               sector. Our experts delve deep into what has been
                                                          a relatively buoyant part of the commercial market

         A sense of confidence flowed through many centres
         fuelled by low interest rates, bullish returns to economic
         form and substantial government assistance.

Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
June 2021
Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White

                                                                                                           Tax Deduction for Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               June 2021

                                                                                                           Properties: What can you claim?
                                                                                                           Belinda Botzolis
                                                                                                           The start of the financial year doesn’t have the same excitement as the start of a new
                                                                                                           calendar year.

                                                                                                           No hashtag #newfinancialyearresolutions trending on social media and no New
                                                                                                           Financial Year Eve party hangovers on July 1st. But what we do have is a clean slate. A
                                                                                                           time to start again, financially speaking. It’s also a chance to begin prepping information
                                                                                                           which will help an accountant lodge your tax return.

                                                                                                           As a Property Valuer and Registered Tax agent the best advice I can give property

                                                                                                           investors is this – it pays to do your homework on exactly what you can and cannot
                                                                                                           claim against your taxable income. Because accounting for every dollar is important
                                                                                                           and will prevent you from paying more tax than you should.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         BELINDA BOTZOLIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Senior Property Advisor at HTW

Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White

                                                                                                           The big question is, however, do you know what                                                                                                                           Month in Review
                                                                                                           those deductions are and how to claim them?                      It’s your money, it’s your right to claim and if you make the                                                June 2021
                                                                                                           When it comes to investment properties there are                 choice to buy an investment property, then you should claim
                                                                                                           many considerations. For example, whether you
                                                                                                           own the property outright, rent out part or all of it,
                                                                                                                                                                            what you’re entitled to.
                                                                                                           or even have a commercial owner occupier asset,
                                                                                                                                                                    Claiming the depreciable loss of a property via           It’s important to do your homework on the tax
                                                                                                           there are still many items you can claim. It’s not
                                                                                                                                                                    a Tax Depreciation Schedule is, still commonly            benefits, rules and guidelines when it comes to
                                                                                                           just investors who are negatively gearing their
                                                                                                                                                                    misunderstood. As a result, a substantial portion of      property investment. It’s also important to talk
                                                                                                           investment property that enjoy all the deductions.
                                                                                                                                                                    depreciation goes largely unclaimed, so there could       with your accountant or financial advisor, not just
                                                                                                           Every investor has the same opportunity to claim
                                                                                                                                                                    be literally thousands of dollars in deductions that      at tax time but well before you buy an investment
                                                                                                           tax benefits, they just need to understand what
                                                                                                                                                                    you are failing to take advantage of.                     property. Utilising these professionals ensures
                                                                                                           they are.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              you’ll understand exactly what your financial
                                                                                                                                                                    I regularly hear the misconception that, ‘only new
                                                                                                           The most commonly claimed deductions are                                                                           options, benefits and risks are.
                                                                                                                                                                    properties qualify for depreciation’, or ‘the amount
                                                                                                           the interest portion (not the principle portion)
                                                                                                                                                                    you can claim in depreciation on an older property        Herron Todd White are more than just property
                                                                                                           of mortgage repayments, along with repair
                                                                                                                                                                    is not worth the hassle of obtaining a report’.           valuers. We are fully qualified and accredited
                                                                                                           and maintenance, managing agents fees,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              property advisors, in all areas and class of
                                                                                                           fees associated with leasing the premises,               The fact remains any property built after the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              property. If you or someone you know needs Tax

                                                                                                           landlord insurance, building insurance, water            16th of September 1987, regardless of condition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Depreciation advice on your investment property
                                                                                                           and council rates, strata fees and all directly          qualifies for depreciation. You have 40 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              please do not hesitate to contact us at tds@htw.
                                                                                                           related expenses suitably associated with the            to claim from this date and I would recommend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    , as we have fully qualified experts who are
                                                                                                           investment.                                              looking into getting a Tax Depreciation Report as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ready to help.
                                                                                                                                                                    soon as possible. Also, for any property built before
                                                                                                           Some costs are tax deductible in the year you
                                                                                                                                                                    September 1987 that has some level of alterations
                                                                                                           incur them, whereas others can be used to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                    or renovation undertaken (such as a new bathroom,
                                                                                                           your profit, or ‘capital gain’ – think Stamp Duty
                                                                                                                                                                    new kitchen, repaint or hard landscaping works
                                                                                                           and Conveyancing fees. It’s also important to
                                                                                                                                                                    etc.) you are entitled to claim depreciation on that
                                                                                                           understand that by owning a rental property, any
                                                                                                                                                                    capital improvement. No matter how large or small
                                                                                                           money earned or spent will need to be recorded
                                                                                                                                                                    the amount you claim in depreciation, it’s still better
                                                                                                           and kept, no matter how large or small the sum is.
                                                                                                                                                                    than not claiming anything at all. It’s your money,
                                                                                                           So basically, if you’ve spent money and claimed it,
                                                                                                                                                                    it’s your right to claim and if you make the choice to
                                                                                                           then you must keep an accurate record of it for at
                                                                                                                                                                    buy an investment property, then you should claim
                                                                                                           least five years.
                                                                                                                                                                    what you’re entitled to.
                                                                                                           The abovementioned deductions are fairly common
                                                                                                                                                                    The best way to have your property correctly
                                                                                                           knowledge. Most investors are well versed and
                                                                                                                                                                    assessed for depreciation is to engage the services
                                                                                                           educated in the idea of investment strategies and
                                                                                                                                                                    of a fully qualified Tax Depreciation Specialist
                                                                                                           what can and can’t be claim as deductions.
                                                                                                                                                                    who is also a registered Tax Agent. That way what
                                                                                                           But there is one area where investor tax benefits        you claim will be in accordance with the ATO’s
                                                                                                           continue to be underutilised.                            guidelines, and no deductions will be overlooked.

Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
National Property Clock: Industrial
                                                                                                                                                 Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                      June 2021

      Entries coloured purple indicate positional change from last month.

                                                                                                      Gold Coast

                                                                                                 PEAK OF
                                                   Brisbane                                      MARKET
                                         Southern Highlands
                                                                                     Approaching                   Starting to   Central Coast
                                                                                     Peak of Market                   Decline

                                             Sunshine Coast

                      Adelaide                          Illawrra
             Ballina/Byron Bay                         Lismore
              C’berra/ Q’beyan                          Mackay                     RISING                           DECLINING       Orange
                 Coffs Harbour                        Newcastle                    MARKET                             MARKET        Toowoomba
                        Echuca                          Sydney

                         Bundaberg                 Melbourne
                         Cairns                    Mildura
                         Geelong                   Perth                             Start of                   Approaching      Alice Springs
                                                                                     Recovery               Bottom of Market     Darwin
                         Gladstone                 Rockhampton
                                                                                                                                 South West WA
                         Hervey Bay                Townsville
                         Horsham                                                                BOTTOM OF

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
This report is not intended to be comprehensive or render advice and neither
Herron Todd White nor any persons involved in the preparation of this report
accept any form of liability for its contents.

Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
New South Wales
                                                                                                                                                                          Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               June 2021

Overview                                               site is relatively unimproved industrial land that has      businesses look to take advantage of low interest
Industrial property markets have, on the whole,        an area of approximately 3,000 square metres. The           rates and move from tenancy to owner-occupation.
thrived throughout the past 18 months. While           property sold in December 2019 for $3 million. The          Combined with a growing need for warehousing
this has been an excellent outcome for property        property was resold a few weeks ago at auction for          and improved business conditions, we are seeing a
owners, anyone looking to invest will be faced with    $4.65 million, a 55 per cent increase in less than 18       growth in both capital values and rental rates.
challenges.                                            months.
                                                                                                                   Earlier in the year we noted that demand from
This month, our commercial teams reveal what           Another example is a site in Lansvale. The site             investors was slow but they too are now more
they consider to be the prime industrial property      is also relatively unimproved and has an area of            active in the market although are often priced out
investment opportunities throughout their service      approximately 4,800 square metres. The property             by owner-occupiers who are willing to pay more to
areas.                                                 sold in May 2019 for $3.77 million. The property            secure a property.
                                                       was resold in early May at auction for $5.5 million,
                                                                                                                   Opportunities still exist in overlooked areas or
Sydney                                                 a 46 per cent increase.

                                                                                                                   where there is new development. The central
The industrial market in Sydney has been growing
                                                                                                                   west has seen some new supply in suburbs such
in leaps and bounds in 2021 and has shown
                                                                                                                   as Chullora and Enfield. Entry level strata units in
the most promise following the lockdowns and
                                                                                                                   areas such as Penrith and Blacktown could also
uncertainty brought about by COVID-19. This
                                                                                                                   present an opportunity to secure a property that
growth has made it most certainly the asset to
                                                                                                                   also benefits from proximity to major roads.
watch this year. We are noting a shortage in supply
that is seeing values being driven up and the                                                                      Overall, we are optimistic about how the market
competition between buyers has become quite                                                                        will perform over the remainder of the year. The
fierce.                                                                                                            strengthening prices do not seem to be showing
                                                                                                                   signs of slowing.
Whilst all areas of Sydney are doing very well at
present, the industrial precincts closest to major      The Lansvale property                  Source: RP Data)
                                                                                                                   Angeline Mann
infrastructure have performed best. The industrial                                                                 Commercial Director
precincts along the M4, M5 and M7 motorways
                                                       Fuelling current demand is the significant lack of
have soared in price and demand.
                                                       supply of industrial properties across the Sydney
An example of this is a site in Chipping Norton. The   area along with increased demand as more

        Earlier in the year we noted that demand from investors was slow but they too are now more
        active in the market although are often priced out by owner-occupiers who are willing to pay
        more to secure a property.

Month in Review June 2021 The Month in Review identifies the latest movements and trends for property markets across Australia - Herron Todd White
                                                                                                                                                                                       Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                            June 2021

Melbourne                                                      The Melbourne industrial market has, in effect, become hot
The global Coronavirus pandemic event has been
an unprecedented time with multiple lockdowns
                                                               property over the past 18 months.
in Melbourne dampening confidence. Whilst those
                                                         lease expiry profile, strong tenancy covenant       Should this trend continue, vacant industrial
effects have been significant in some commercial
                                                         and low maintenance improvements will remain        land would present as the best value growth
real estate sectors, the industrial market has
                                                         in strong demand. This is particularly so for       opportunity for investors or owner-occupiers.
been relatively resilient. The Melbourne industrial
                                                         prime properties. For city fringe and inner
market has, in effect, become hot property over                                                              Of particular note this month is an industrial
                                                         suburban industrial properties where there is a
the past 18 months.                                                                                          development site in East Bendigo that has just hit
                                                         high underlying land value and redevelopment
                                                                                                             the market. 110-128 Strickland Road, East Bendigo
With more people working from home and online            potential, demand and pricing is expected to hold
                                                                                                             is 6.6 hectares of Industrial 1 Zoned land and is
shopping for supermarket items, fashion and              up and show continued appreciation.
                                                                                                             currently listed for $4.75 million. It is one of very
household goods trebling since March 2020, the

                                                         On the back of this, demand is expected to remain   few remaining large industrial infill sites suitable for
demand for industrial warehousing and serviced
                                                         at unprecedented levels and the shortage of new     further development. In the current market, a site
developable land has continued to rise and outstrip
                                                         space to meet that demand would indicate further    such as this will provide a unique opportunity for
performance of their counterparts. Multiple
                                                         capital value uplift.                               further development.
Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts have been
re-positioning their portfolios towards the industrial   Nick Michael                                        Our office will continue to monitor this listing and
sector, with this combination expected to put                                                                any further developments as we eagerly await the
further pressure on capitalisation rates within the                                                          outcome and market insight it provides.
prime industrial market.
                                                         The industrial sector in Bendigo has remained       Trent Goodmans
                                                                                                             Property Valuer
Developers have also struggled to keep pace with         stable despite negative impacts in other sectors
demand from logistics and e-commerce occupiers           of the commercial property market from the
and given the scarcity of available serviced             COVID-19 pandemic. Agents are reporting that
industrial land within proximity of major transport      there has been strong interest in the industrial
linkages, we have seen strong upward pressure            property sector from both owner-occupiers
on industrial land values throughout the past 12         and investors. With a limited supply of listings,
months. This is expected to continue throughout          the result appears to be price growth and yield
2021 and land values have broken through the             compression. There is a notable shortage of
$500 per square metre of land area barrier (across       vacant industrial land in Bendigo at present and
the western industrial market in particular).            no new supply coming online this year that we are
                                                         aware of. This shortage has led to some existing
For industrial investment properties, yields are
                                                         sites being advertised and sold well above what
likely to remain tight in the current low interest
                                                         was previously considered an appropriate range.
rate environment and properties with a long                                                                   110-128 Strickland Road, East Bendigo   Source:

                                                                                                                                                                             Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                  June 2021

Brisbane                                                attempt to capitalise on the current depth of both     shorter WALEs or are carrying some vacancy. In
The year to date has seen Brisbane’s industrial         the occupier and investor market.                      particular, the south-western corridor has seen
investment market go from strength-to-                                                                         a flurry of activity over the past 24 months as
                                                        In the institutional space, investors and super
strength, with increasing investor demand                                                                      investors seek to uncover opportunities that have
                                                        funds have turned to Brisbane in their hunt for
tightening yields to record levels. This frenzied                                                              to date been overlooked.
                                                        yield. Brisbane assets offer attractive returns
demand is largely driven by the low interest
                                                        (circa 4.25% to 5.25%) relative to their New South     The graph below illustrates the historic sales
rate environment, however the investment
                                                        Wales and Victorian counterparts (circa 4.0% to        volumes and values over the past 10 years:
characteristics of prime industrial real estate,
                                                        4.5%) whilst offering diversification
in particular the long WALE and secure income
                                                        benefits for the funds’ portfolios.
streams (relative to the COVID impacted cash-
flows of other asset types), have been a major          Despite the current environment,
contributing factor to the current yield trend.         savvy private investors have been

Capital growth has been the primary component           able to uncover some accretive
of total return for this asset class, as market         investment opportunities. A
income growth is constrained by increasing              common theme amongst these
incentives offered by landlords competing for           opportunities is that they are off-
covenant and tenure.                                    market deals. In securing an asset
                                                        off market, these investors are
Whilst demand for quality industrial assets remains
                                                        avoiding the competitive bidding
extremely strong, particularly for well-located
                                                        tension created by a full and proper
properties with long-term leases and strong lease
                                                        marketing campaign, however it is
covenants, secondary properties continue to
                                                        becoming difficult as most vendors
see long lease up periods and are generally less
                                                        are acutely aware of the benefits of
attractive in the current market. We have seen
                                                        an on-market campaign. We have                                                                Source: Pricefinder
prime assets transacting in a general yield range of
                                                        also seen investors moving up the
between 5.00% and 6.50%, with secondary assets
                                                        risk curve to generate return. They have achieved      As illustrated above, the total number and value
generally achieving softer yields in the market. This
                                                        this by exploiting external expertise to reposition    of sales fell in 2018, which made for a slower start
surge in demand has seen increased development
                                                        secondary assets to unlock capital. These assets       in 2019. This was primarily due to a shortfall in
activity as experienced and also novice developers
                                                        are typically located in non-core locations and have   supply of quality industrial assets. After the federal
                                                                                                               election in May 2019, there was an increase in sales
                                                                                                               volumes. Stronger sales activity was expected to
        The industrial market has proven quite resilient, rebounding                                           continue throughout the first half of 2020 with the
        from the COVID-19 trough of 2020 that shocked investors in                                             final number being the highest number of sales
        all other markets.                                                                                     since 2015.

Investment yields for high quality assets continue       years and highlights the response to strong buyer                                                                           Month in Review
to trend further into the 5% range. An example of        demand at present.                                                                                                               June 2021
a major transaction is a property in Eagle Farm, a
                                                         The current boom in construction of new
traditionally well sought-after location within the
                                                         complexes has even reached Tugun, where the first
TradeCoast. The property had a 5.6 year lease term
                                                         industrial unit development is slated for 71-77 Boyd
and transacted at circa $8 million with an analysed
                                                         Street and is currently going through the approval
yield of 5.25%.
The industrial market has proven quite resilient,
                                                         There is a lack of available sites for development
rebounding from the COVID-19 trough of 2020 that
                                                         in the region, unless a premium price is paid
shocked investors in all other markets. Industrial
                                                         to secure properties off-market, which is one
assets have found favour as investors search for                                                                 57 Newheath Drive, Arundel         Source:
                                                         strategy being implemented by some developers.
well leased, quality assets due to the lower risk
                                                         For the passive investor, potentially the best
profile these properties offer, coupled with the                                                                In terms of recent transactions, of note is the sale
                                                         opportunity for value growth in the market is in
very low cash rate. To date there is no evidence of                                                             of 36 Central Drive, Burleigh Heads, a multi-unit
                                                         the small to medium size freestanding industrial
diminution in industrial values for modern, either                                                              strata titled industrial complex which sold in
                                                         property segment. This is due to the price point
owner-occupied or well leased properties, but                                                                   February 2021 at $4.2 million, reflecting a circa
                                                         of such properties generally reflecting good
rather a firming in values is quite evident across the                                                          5% net yield with average lease expiry of circa
                                                         value in comparison to industrial strata units.

various industrial sectors.                                                                                     three years. The sale is a strong result, however
                                                         Although prices have also exceeded peak levels,
Isaac McConnell                                                                                                 the yield is also reflective of its multi-unit nature
                                                         they have generally not been elevated to quite
Valuer                                                                                                          with strata divestment potential, which generally
                                                         the same degree. This is predominantly due to the
                                                                                                                translates to a lower cashflow risk if any tenancy
                                                         relative affordability of units which are attractive
Gold Coast                                               to small business owner-occupiers or small-scale
                                                                                                                was to become vacant.
The industrial market on the Gold Coast continues
to perform above expectations and has weathered
difficult economic conditions over the course of         At the time of writing this article, there were
2020 through to 2021 quite convincingly. Buyer           only five tenanted industrial properties on the
appetite for modern industrial units in the smaller      Gold Coast listed on
range has been voracious on the southern Gold            au between the search range of $1.5 million and
Coast in particular where there is limited supply.       $5 million. The slim pickings are a stark reminder
Recent developments in Burleigh Heads have               of the current tight state of the market. As an
fully sold out in a short time frame with limited        alternative, it may be necessary to seek willing
further projects in the pipeline. However, there         vendors off-market which is a hit and miss strategy,
is one notable large development planned for             but could have a big upside.
314-328 Burleigh Connection Road which has                                                                       36 Central Drive, Burleigh Heads   Source:
                                                         There is one notable property, utilised for food
recently been approved for three medium size
                                                         processing, at 57 Newheath Drive, Arundel asking
and two large industrial/showroom units at the                                                                  Ryan Kohler
                                                         $3.25 million, with a new five year lease. This
front of the site, 10 self-storage units and 31 small                                                           Director
                                                         price would reflect a 6% net return (assuming all
industrial warehouse units. A project of this size
                                                         outgoings are recoverable).
has not been undertaken in the area for many

Bundaberg appears to have experienced an                      Month in Review
Townsville                                             Rockhampton                                             absorption of vacant industrial stock, however                     June 2021
Townsville’s industrial market continues to show       In the Rockhampton, Gladstone and Central
                                                                                                               rental levels appear to be holding firm.
positive signs on the back of optimistic growth in     Highlands industrial space, purchasers and
the mining sector and a continued focus on jobs        tenants have generally trended towards better           Whilst owner-occupiers are still the most active for
growth.                                                quality buildings. Modern format industrial             vacant industrial properties, there appears to be a
                                                       buildings that provide good clearance and good          reasonable level of demand for leased investment
The majority of sales over the past 12 months
                                                       utility of both the building and site are preferred     stock with recent evidence suggesting market
have occurred in the sub-$1 million price bracket
                                                       rather than older, low clearance industrial             yields of circa 8% depending on remaining lease
underpinned by owner-occupiers.
                                                       buildings with limited site utility.                    term and quality of the overall property.
There are currently some good buying                                                                           Ben Harnell
                                                       The best opportunity for growth remains in
opportunities in this sector given that we are                                                                 Property Valuer
                                                       buying vacant industrial properties with broad
coming off a low base. Entry level freestanding
                                                       tenant appeal and converting them to a tenanted
sheds are priced around $500,000 to $600,000.
                                                       investment. Investor appetite remains for tenanted
There are also good opportunities in the sub $3                                                                Paget remains a premier industrial location in
                                                       properties over vacant properties, but, as always,
million price bracket for upgraders and investors.                                                             regional Queensland. The best buying opportunities
                                                       the tenant profile and lease covenant remain
With the increased activity in the mining sector,                                                              for value growth are modern, heavy engineering
                                                       central to investors’ decisions on yield and price
support service industry is likely to experience                                                               workshops with large site areas and lower site
                                                       points. Regarding market segmentation, owner-

growth resulting in additional space requirements.                                                             coverages. There are however very limited
                                                       occupiers are generally active up to $1.5 million and
Areas such as Shaw, Bohle and Mount St John                                                                    listings at this time. In recent years, these types
                                                       investors are active up to $5 million, however they
are established industrial precincts that are well                                                             of properties have been marketed for sale around
                                                       are most active up to $2 million.
located in terms of transport connectivity and offer                                                           the same time that new lease or option terms are
modern sheds.                                          Greg Williams                                           agreed to provide longer unexpired lease terms,
                                                                                                               greater certainty and lower risk to investors. Yields
There are currently many factors at play in the
                                                                                                               demonstrated over the past two years have been
market including historically low interest rates and   Wide Bay                                                around 8.0%, however because of tightening yield
significant government stimulus targeting certain      The industrial property market is starting to
                                                                                                               levels in the capital cities, it is likely that yields will
sectors in the economy (including the property         demonstrate a broad improvement in market
                                                                                                               firm within this asset as investors get priced out of
market). Locally we have experienced a relatively      conditions, with many factors influencing this
                                                                                                               the metropolitan markets.
sustained period of business positivity, increased     trend.
sentiment surrounding the mining sector, jobs                                                                  We notice that local owner-occupiers are beginning
                                                       Hervey Bay is experiencing a significant reduction
growth and falling unemployment. Whilst not                                                                    to take advantage of firming yields and rising
                                                       in vacancies to a very low level. Local agents are
creating a break-neck speed of market acceleration,                                                            investment property values by offering their
                                                       reporting low stock availability which has the
these factors along with longer term prospects                                                                 properties for sale on a lease back basis. In these
                                                       potential to increase rental levels, however this is
of on-shoring manufacturing may influence the                                                                  situations, it is important for investors to consider
                                                       yet to be demonstrated.
market over time.
Jason Searston
Director                                                       The industrial property market is starting to demonstrate a broad
                                                               improvement in market conditions, with many factors influencing
                                                               this trend.

whether the lease back rent is at an affordable                             ◗ Lot 11, 57 Heinemann Road, Wellcamp: $7.2          Month in Review
market level and has not been pumped up to                                    million in November 2020. A modern industrial           June 2021
artificially create a higher sale price.                                      facility on 1.62 hectares with a lettable area
Greg Williams                                                                 of 3,956 square metres. Sold with a lease to
Director                                                                      NuFarm/Croplands with an unexpired lease term
                                                                              of 7.80 years. Passing net yield of 6.97%.
Toowoomba                                                                   ◗ 275-283 McDougall Street, Glenvale: $23
Demand from investors continues to be strong with
                                                                              million in September 2020. A modern industrial
premiums achievable for assets with good tenants
                                                                              facility on 3.5 hectares with a large office
on long lease terms. In previous years, net yields in
                                                                              component. Lettable area of 6,471 square
Toowoomba have ranged between 8.0% and 9.0%
                                                                              metres. Sold on a leaseback basis for an initial
for fully leased properties. Recent sales however
                                                                              term of nine years. Passing net yield of 6.74%.
indicate a firming of these yields for properties with
quality tenants and a strong lease expiry.                                  Whilst the investor market is strong, anecdotal
                                                                            evidence suggests leasing enquiry has been
Major sales of note in Toowoomba over the past
                                                                            subdued which tends to have a negative impact on
year include:
                                                                            vacant or owner-occupied properties with extended
◗ 339-351 Anzac Avenue, Harristown: $8.5                                    lease-up periods applied for valuation purposes

  million in January 2021. A modern industrial                              when assessed on a vacant possession basis.
  facility on 2.17 hectares with a lettable area of
                                                                            The reduced enquiry level is reflected in higher
  3,286 square metres. New lease to Savanna with
                                                                            vacancy levels observed in the Toowoomba
  an unexpired lease term of 4.54 years. Passing
                                                                            industrial precincts and a trend towards increased
  net yield of 6.88%.
                                                                            incentives offered to attract tenants.
◗ 13-17 Kimberley Court, Torrington: $3.4 million                           Ian Douglas
  in February 2021. A semi-modern industrial                                Director
  facility on 1.49 hectares and a lettable area of
  1,230 square metres. Sold with a lease to Lindsay
  International with an unexpired lease term of
  4.07 years. Passing net yield of 7.12%.

 13-17 Kimberley Court, Torrington   Source:

South Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                        Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                             June 2021

The industrial market continued solid performance
throughout the start of 2021. The demand for
industrial space has remained steady, with long-
WALE, high quality assets drawing a lot of investor
interest. Land sales have also been on the rise in
the state with spec building also becoming a factor
during the first half of this year.

Although demand has been high, there are still a
number of opportunities in the industrial market
at either end of the scale. At the higher end of the
investment market, 28 Park Avenue, Woodville

North is offered for sale through Raine and Horne
Commercial with a net rental income of $479,874.
                                                        The industrial warehouse at 28 Park Avenue, Woodville North                                    Source:
The property is leased to Viridian Glass – one year
into a five- bvyear term with one right of renewal
                                                       Our last industrial update touched on the                        is leased to the Light Regional Council for $20,800
of five years. The property features over 4900
                                                       popularity of Tonsley as an increasingly sought-                 per annum (including GST) until August 2024
square metres of improvements and 800 square
                                                       after industrial hub in South Australia. There are               and comprises 566 square metres of warehouse
metres of canopy on a substantial site of 13,450
                                                       currently a number of land opportunities in Tonsley:             space with small internal offices. In the south, 40
square metres.
                                                       Lot 220 Valiant Road; Lot 93 MAB Circuit; and Lot                Donegal Road, Lonsdale is currently listed for sale
Another higher end investment opportunity is           333 MAB circuit are all currently listed for sale. The           at $445,000 and features 420 square metres of
available at 126 Days Road, Ferryden Park. The         allotments range between 4299 and 5634 square                    warehouse and office space, leased on a three plus
property is currently leased to Enerven Energy         metres and offer valuable space in the growing                   three year term with an approximate 6.5% yield.
Infrastructure (a subsidiary of SA Power Networks)     Tonsley innovation district.
                                                                                                                        Overall, there are still a number of opportunities
with a lease expiry of 31 January 2026 – the tenant
                                                       There are also some smaller-scale industrial                     in the industrial market for investors at either
has occupied the property since 2016. 126 Days
                                                       opportunities presenting themselves, particularly                end of the scale. Many agents have reported that
Road has a current annual net rental of $281,139
                                                       in outer northern and outer southern areas. 18                   industrial property is still highly sought after and
with a strong rent review structure of three per
                                                       Stephenson Street, Freeling presents a lower-end,                the market remains competitive. With land, small
cent fixed increases per annum.
                                                       small-scale investment opportunity. The property                 scale warehousing and prime, long-WALE assets
                                                                                                                        all currently available, there are opportunities for
                                                                                                                        entry level investors and higher-end buyers.
     Many agents have reported that industrial property is still highly                                                 Chris Winter
     sought after and the market remains competitive.                                                                   Commercial Director

Western Australia
                                                                                                                                                                          Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               June 2021

As we approach the end of the 2021 financial year,
it has become clear that the industrial property
market in Western Australia has fared the best
of the three big asset classes in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic.

To date, leasing demand for modern, high-quality
fabrication, transport and logistics facilities over
the past six months has been firm with such
properties currently in limited supply.

Leasing demand for older style stock has remained

subdued given the current oversupply, especially in
secondary industrial estates. Tenants will continue
to take advantage and reassess their space
requirements with a view to negotiating a lease
on favourable terms ahead of the next forecast
upswing in activity.
                                                        The Kwinana industrial area, south of Perth                                                   Source: Colliers
Our enquiries suggest that present day building
compliance has rendered older facilities often         that both the Tonkin Highway Industrial Estate in      Prospective buyers appear to be focused on the
unfeasible to bring up to code or meet the current     Bayswater and the Roe Highway Logistics Park in        financial strength of the tenant, the length of
operational requirements of prospective occupants.     Kenwick are virtually sold out.                        agreed lease terms, prospects for rental growth
Accordingly, such tenants are inclined to enter into                                                          and depreciation benefits.
                                                       From a purchase perspective, demand for industrial
design and construct agreements, often at inflated
                                                       property has slowly improved in the past six           Traditionally low risk forms of investment (e.g.
rental rates negotiated on a formulaic basis as a
                                                       months. Demand has certainly strengthened for          long-term deposits, bonds) are offering insufficient
percentage of total construction cost (i.e. economic
                                                       modern, securely leased investment property            returns causing investors to re-direct capital
rents) as opposed to market fundamentals.
                                                       on the back of the prevailing low interest rate        reserves to industrial property in a bid to secure
Arguably a ‘two tier’ market (design and construct     environment leading to further yield compression.      higher yields.
versus existing stock) has emerged.
                                                       The rise of e-commerce after the disruption to         Interestingly, it appears as though limited regard
This represents one of the more immediate              normal business operations caused by the COVID-19      is being paid by purchasers to the often-significant
opportunities for existing land-owners, especially     pandemic has put the spotlight firmly on large scale   variance between the passing rental and the
given the lack of supply of new land in the prime,     warehousing, transport and logistics facilities.       market rental for the accommodation achievable
core industrial estates. Our enquiries indicate                                                               under a standard leasing campaign where offered

with vacant possession. The potential downside          Month in Review
risk of significant rent reversions in the event of          June 2021
tenant default is seemingly being disregarded in the
current low interest rate environment where yields
are continually being further compressed due to
the historically low cost of debt funding.

An opportunity may exist in a counter-cyclical
acquisition of older premises in a non-core precinct
at well below historical price levels, however the
key, as far as investors are concerned, is securing a
tenant. The achievable rental income, although well
below that for a prime industrial asset, may provide
a sufficient level of return against the capital
outlay, especially compared to yields being derived
from other asset classes of late. In the event that
the Perth industrial market continues to improve
in the near term, scope exists for improved returns

at market rent reviews (either mid-term review or
lease renewal) as market rental levels increase from
the relatively low levels at which a number of older
style industrial properties have been leased in the
period from late 2019 through to mid-2020.

Alternatively, such premises may be viewed as a
short-term redevelopment option, particularly in
light of the lack of new industrial land available
within say a 15-kilometre radius of the Perth CBD.

Positively, the Western Australian economy
continues to go from strength to strength on the
back of successful containment of COVID-19 and a
strong mining and resources sector, which bodes
well for Perth’s industrial property market in 2021.
Greg Lamborn

Australian Capital Territory
                                                                                                                                Month in Review
                                                                                                                                     June 2021

Canberra                                                                   We see good opportunities in the industrial unit
The ACT industrial market has shown its resilience                         development market going forward with the limited
over the past year and this resilience has continued                       supply of modern single and dual bay industrial
while government economic incentives have begun                            units on the market and the strong uptake over the
rolling back. The low cost of finance has been a                           past 12 to 24 months.
strong driver for owner-occupiers while investors                          James Feeney
are attracted to the historically stable ACT market.                       Valuer

The sub $1.5 million industrial market continues to
be dominated by owner-occupiers. Prices for small
to medium size industrial units in the region have
been increasing as demand outstrips supply of
these units.

There have been limited investment sales in the
region, however yields are tightening on good
quality properties with strong sublease covenants
and expiries.

 Units 2&3, 71 Tennant Street, Fyshwick   Source:

            The low cost of finance has been a strong driver for owner-
            occupiers while investors are attracted to the historically stable
            ACT market.

June 2021
National Property Clock: Houses
                                                                                                                                     Month in Review
                                                                                                                                          June 2021

             Entries coloured orange indicate positional change from last month.

                                                                                               Albury           Dubbo
                                                                                               Bathurst         Launceston
                                                                                               Burnie/Devenport Tamworth

                                                                    Geelong                             PEAK OF
                                                                   Wodonga                              MARKET
                                                                                            Approaching                Starting to
         Adelaide             Gold Coast            Perth                                   Peak of Market                Decline

     Adelaide Hills           Hervey Bay     Port Hedland
           Albany                   Hobart  Rockhampton
Ballina/Byron Bay                Illawarra    Shepparton
   Barossa Valley                  Ipswich South West WA
         Brisbane              Kalgoorlie S’thn Highlands                                                                DECLINING
            Cairns              Karratha Sunshine Coast
     Central Coast                Lismore          Sydney                                 MARKET                           MARKET
    Coffs Harbour                  Mackay     Toowoomba
           Darwin             Melbourne         Townsville
          Emerald                  Mildura    Whitsunday
        Geraldton          Mount Gambier
        Gladstone              Newcastle                                                    Start of                Approaching
                                                                                            Recovery            Bottom of Market
                                                             Alice Springs
                                                                                                       BOTTOM OF

       Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
       This report is not intended to be comprehensive or render advice and neither
       Herron Todd White nor any persons involved in the preparation of this report
       accept any form of liability for its contents.

National Property Clock: Units
                                                                                                                                                         Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                              June 2021

              Entries coloured blue indicate positional change from last month.


                                                                                                          PEAK OF
                                                                                             Approaching                   Starting to
                                                                                             Peak of Market                   Decline

         Adelaide             Gold Coast                   Mt Gambier
     Adelaide Hills           Hervey Bay                     Newcastle
           Albury                   Hobart                Port Hedland
Ballina/Byron Bay                Illawarra               Rockhampton
   Barossa Valley               Karratha                   Shepparton
                                                                                           RISING                           DECLINING       Canberra
          Broome                  Lismore              S’thn Highlands                     MARKET                             MARKET
    Coffs Harbour                  Mackay              Sunshine Coast
            Dubbo                  Mildura
        Gladstone          Mount Gambier

                                                                                             Start of                 Approaching
                  Albany                  Emerald South West WA                              Recovery             Bottom of Market       Central Coast
           Alice Springs                Geraldton        Sydney
               Brisbane                    Ipswich   Toowoomba                                          BOTTOM OF
             Bundaberg                  Kalgoorlie     Townsville
                  Cairns                Melbourne    Whitsunday
                 Darwin                      Perth

        Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
        This report is not intended to be comprehensive or render advice and neither
        Herron Todd White nor any persons involved in the preparation of this report
        accept any form of liability for its contents.

New South Wales
                                                                                                                                                                                     Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                          June 2021

Overview                                               11.4 per cent increase, compared to a five per cent                    Inner Sydney/Eastern Suburbs
No matter the endeavour, pausing to take stock of      increase in the bottom quartile, while the middle                      Houses and land within the inner Sydney and
what’s come to pass provides an opportunity to         part of the market experienced a seven per cent                        eastern suburbs regions seem to be two of the
plan for the future.                                   increase, according to CoreLogic data.                                 most resilient markets in the country, with strong
                                                                                                                              rebounds from the economic uncertainty caused by
And so it is with Australian residential real estate
                                                                                                                              COVID-19 able to be traced back to mid-2020.
which has seem some extraordinary performances
so far in 2021.                                                                                                               Since 2021 began, there has been significant heat
                                                                                                                              in the market with Domain consistently reporting
With the half year upon us, our teams from
                                                                                                                              80 per cent plus auction clearance rates each week
around the nation provide their detailed
                                                                                                                              and prices for some market segments in some
assessment of how markets are tracking in their
                                                                                                                              areas surpassing previous peaks. This is largely
service areas.                                          Change in Sydney property values 30 April 2021   Source: CoreLogic   driven by low interest rates and snowballing fear of

                                                                                                                              missing out of purchasers.
Sydney                                                 The main reasons for the strong growth in the
The Sydney residential property market was                                                                                    Particularly strong results have been seen in the
                                                       market have been the continuing historically low
already in full swing as we moved into 2021, but                                                                              perennially over-achieving inner city suburb of
                                                       interest rates along with increasing confidence in
few could have predicted just how strong the                                                                                  Paddington, such as the recently sold 30 Leinster
                                                       the economy post-COVID seeing demand continue
growth would be, particularly over the February                                                                               Street, a three-bedroom, one-bathroom terrace
                                                       to strengthen. At the same time, supply has not
to April period. The median value for all dwellings                                                                           on an 82 square metre block with no parking.
                                                       kept pace, with new listings and total listings for
in Sydney, according to CoreLogic, increased 9.3                                                                              This property sold for $2.5 million in May 2021,
                                                       Sydney to the end of March down on the equivalent
per cent by the end of April, with 8.8 per cent of                                                                            previously selling (in similar condition) during the
                                                       period in 2020.
that in the February to April period. Median values                                                                           COVID-induced market slumber for $1.9 million in
now sit above the previous highs of July 2017.         There is an expectation that vendors are more                          June 2020.
                                                       likely to list given the strong market conditions
Houses have continued to show the strongest                                                                                   In the beachside suburb of Malabar, a dated single
                                                       being experienced and that this should start to
growth with an increase of 11.2 per cent during                                                                               level, three-bedroom brick dwelling on 460 square
                                                       even out the current demand and supply imbalance.
April, compared to 4.6 per cent for units. The top                                                                            metres of land at 37 Napier Street sold in March for
                                                       This is likely to lead to a moderating of growth as
quartile of the market has seen the strongest                                                                                 a strong $3.63 million. This compares to a similarly
                                                       the rest of 2021 plays out.
growth over the February to April period, with an                                                                             positioned property at 4 Fox Street, which sold in

        There is an expectation that vendors are more likely to list given the strong market conditions
        being experienced and that this should start to even out the current demand and supply imbalance.
        This is likely to lead to a moderating of growth as the rest of 2021 plays out.

December for $2.565 million, comprising a dated           Units have seen a more mixed recovery, with             Bondi Beach, which sold for $20.1 million in March         Month in Review
single level three-bedroom clad dwelling on 462           better quality buildings and those suited to owner-     through Ben Collier of The Agency. The renovated                June 2021
square metres of land.                                    occupiers more favoured by the market, such as          four-bedroom, four-bathroom penthouse unit, with
                                                          512/47 Cooper Street, Surry Hills, a neat two-          parking for three cars, along with a large terrace,
It is quite common during periods of high price
                                                          bedroom, two-bathroom split level unit in a smaller     captures amazing views of Bondi Beach, Ben
growth for buyers who have been priced out of
                                                          scale semi-modern complex. This unit sold in March      Buckler and the ocean beyond.
beachside suburbs further north, such as Coogee
                                                          2021 for $1.41 million, previously selling during
and Bondi, to look at more affordable options and
                                                          COVID restrictions in June 2020 for $1.32 million.
this appears to be what is happening in Malabar
presently. The suburb also had its sale record            Investor stock within the inner city typically
broken in March with a golf course fronting home          comprises studio and one-bedroom units in average
at 147 Prince Edward Street setting the new               quality complexes. Properties such as these have
benchmark at $4.75 million.                               seen a far more subdued recovery in the past six
                                                          months and have been held back largely due to a
Higher price points have also seen strong results
                                                          significant reduction in rental demand driving down
such as 71 York Road, Queens Park, a five-
                                                          rental returns.
bedroom renovated period home with a two-
bedroom flat above the garage on a 607 square             Nowhere is this more evident than in the CBD
metre block, which recently set a record for the          where the tenant profile is commonly overseas            16/16 Notts Avenue, Bondi Beach      Source: CoreLogic

suburb, selling in May 2021 for $8 million. The           contractors or students who are currently few and
property previously transacted in March 2018 for          far between due to international border closures.
                                                                                                                  The most surprising aspect of the 2021 inner city
$5.1 million.                                             This has led to increasing numbers of investors
                                                                                                                  and eastern suburbs property markets has been
                                                          looking to sell and has caused an increase in the
                                                                                                                  the overall comfort purchasers seem to have in
                                                          supply of available one-bedroom units. One such
                                                                                                                  massively exceeding guide prices and offering
                                                          unit is 217/45 Shelley Street, Sydney which sold
                                                                                                                  above recent comparable sales. Entering 2021,
                                                          in March 2021 for $875,000 and appeared to be
                                                                                                                  there was significant uncertainty surrounding
                                                          asking a weekly rental of $490 at the time. This unit
                                                                                                                  unemployment and upcoming JobKeeper and
                                                          previously transacted during the last market peak
                                                                                                                  JobSeeker changes, however these concerns
                                                          in February 2017 for $820,000 and appeared to be
                                                                                                                  seem to have fallen away in the wake of the fear
                                                          asking $680 per week at that time.
                                                                                                                  of missing out which is currently driving the
                                                          The prestige unit market is outperforming the rest      market.
                                                          of the unit market as downsizers, cashed up from
                                                                                                                  Inner West
                                                          the sale of their family homes, continue to drive
 71 York Road, Queens Park           Source: CoreLogic                                                           The property market in the inner west region of
                                                          this market. The most eye-catching prestige unit
                                                                                                                  Sydney has seen strong increases in value over
                                                          sale so far this year has been 16/16 Notts Avenue,

           The most surprising aspect of the 2021 inner city and eastern suburbs property markets has been
           the overall comfort purchasers seem to have in massively exceeding guide prices and offering above
           recent comparable sales.

the course of the first half of 2021. Areas such as     lack of international migration (which is a historic   clearly had an impact on buyer sentiment and the                    Month in Review
Balmain, Annandale, Glebe and Newtown have              driver of price growth). It would appear the           pandemic has made the Northern Beaches more                              June 2021
experienced a strong increase in demand from            general market will track in a similar direction for   accessible to the wider market.
both homeowners and investors. Areas further            the remainder of 2021 given the recent federal
                                                                                                               A notable sale in 2021 to date is 13 Keith Payne
towards the western and southern geographical           budget announcements and the unlikelihood of
                                                                                                               VC Place, Narraweena. The property is a circa
boundaries of the inner west including Five Dock,       the RBA deciding to increase interest rates in the
                                                                                                               2005 single level, four-bedroom, two-bathroom
Concord, Strathfield, Marrickville and Dulwich          foreseeable future. However, the market could
                                                                                                               dwelling with a two-car garage on approximately
Hill have also experienced surging increases in         see a general slowdown if any intervention occurs
                                                                                                               833 square metres of land. The property sold in
demand accompanied by relatively few properties         by APRA in relation to limiting investor or interest
                                                                                                               August 2019 for $1.98 million and re-sold in April
on the market for sale.                                 only loans, a surge of disgruntled buyers leaving
                                                                                                               in very similar condition to the previous sale for
                                                        the market with a sense of hopelessness of
As a result, capital growth throughout all areas                                                               $2.8 million.
                                                        entering the market at such rampant conditions,
of the inner west has seen unprecedented
                                                        or any government policy aimed at curbing the
increases, in particular relating to dwelling prices.
                                                        demand side of the market (such as changes to
Apartments and strata titled townhouses have
                                                        land tax, stamp duty or capital gains tax).
also experienced an increase in sale prices,
however at a lower growth rate than dwellings.          Northern Beaches
Apartments and townhouses in lower density              The Northern Beaches housing market has

developments (walk-up buildings, duplexes, etc)         performed admirably across the board with
have experienced stronger capital growth rates          varying levels of growth across all markets and
in comparison to strata apartments in higher            property types. The owner-occupier and entry
density developments.                                   level markets have certainly performed the
It appears that the strong market conditions are                                                                13 Keith Payne VC Place, Narraweena   Source:
prevalent in all properties including those in the      Domain recorded the annual growth of Newport
sub $1 million price range as well as properties in     and Avalon at circa 23 per cent and 20 per cent
                                                                                                               North Shore
the $1 million to $5 million price range. It would      respectively as at March 2021. The majority of
                                                                                                               Over the past six months, the Lower and Upper
appear the decision by the majority of the major        that growth was experienced in 2021 and with the
                                                                                                               North Shore detached housing markets, like most
lenders to fix home lending rates for a period of       market continuing to strengthen over subsequent
                                                                                                               of Sydney, have being performing extremely well.
three years (on average) has been a catalyst in         months, those figures would now be closer to
                                                                                                               Strong market conditions have been experienced
the unprecedented growth and surge in demand.           circa 30 per cent growth - an incredible rate in
                                                                                                               at the entry level price point, but even more so in
Additionally, general optimism in relation to           such a short space of time. These figures are
                                                                                                               the prestige sector. Almost all detached housing
the COVID-19 pandemic as well as generally low          not outliers and most suburbs are experiencing
                                                                                                               products across the North Shore have seen
supply levels appear to be the major drivers of the     similar levels of housing growth this year.
                                                                                                               substantial growth including large family homes,
capital growth experienced in the past six months.
                                                        The prestige sector has also performed very well       newly constructed products and renovation or
The level of price growth and the ferocity of the       with increased demand from ex-pats and supply          developer projects.
housing market has been the most surprising             constraints driving values. The biggest surprise
                                                                                                               As mentioned, the prestige sector has really
thing to witness in the first half of the year, given   would be the level of demand the market has
                                                                                                               flourished after what were very volatile times in
the current economic uncertainties created by           experienced, particularly from the inner-west and
                                                                                                               April last year when the volatility of the pandemic
the Coronavirus pandemic including Australia’s          eastern suburbs markets. The commuting factor
                                                                                                               took its toll. In late October, evidence of market

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