Page created by Eugene Francis

2   About the Report
4   LTTS at a Glance
11 Founder Chairman’s Message
13 	CEO & Managing Director’s Message
16 	Leveraging Technology to Stay Ahead of
     the Sustainability Curve
18 	Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality
21 	Awards and Industry Recognition
22 Governance & Ethics Framework
37 Customer Centricity and Data Privacy
38 	Engineering Scale to Accelerate
     Sustainable Growth
43	Caring for Our Changemakers
57	Making Environmental Sustainability a
    Way of Life
64 Engineering Social Co-Prosperity
76 Assurance Statement
80 GRI Content Index

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We inspire and support enterprises in
developing a carbon neutral roadmap,
consisting of smart products and
services that will help shape a better
tomorrow. Our philosophy is centered
around channelizing the growing
sustainability mindset, with the aim
of being the preferred sustainability
partner to global enterprises. LTTS
is committed towards empowering
customers, employees and all other
stakeholders in adopting sustainability
as a way of life, and steering an
enduring transformation of its
business strategies.

LTTS has a vision to help build a
sustainable world, and imbibes
the ethos of its parent group
Larsen & Toubro Limited, which
has sustainability embedded in
its vision, culture, strategy and
business processes. The Company
leverages its deep engineering
DNA and innovation mindset
to help customers expand the
use of renewable energy, drive
water conservation measures,
reduce carbon emissions, and
develop carbon neutral products.
A continued focus on nurturing
a sustained R&D culture for the
development of smart engineering
products and solutions further
underscores our commitment to a
cleaner, greener and a better world.

Our commitment to sustainability
is imbibed in this report, and we
commit to build and improve upon
the report’s transparency and           processes and operations.
coverage in the coming years. Our       Data assumptions are clarified
first annual Sustainability Report      whenever required throughout the
covers data and information across      report. This report also contains
all our business operations in          ‘forward-looking statements’
India, covering the six locations       describing the Company’s
                                                                             Through this report, we hope to
of Vadodara (which is also the          objective, projections, estimates
                                                                             engage with our stakeholders,
Company’s Corporate Office),            and expectations. Actual results
                                                                             such as our clients, investors,
Bengaluru, Mumbai, Mysuru,              could differ materially from those
                                                                             shareholders, employees,
Chennai, and Hyderabad, for the         expressed or implied.
                                                                             communities, suppliers and
year beginning April 1, 2020, and                                            regulators, on key sustainability
culminating March 31, 2021. The         This report has been externally
                                                                             issues and our ESG performance,
report framework is in line with        assured by an independent
                                                                             providing an unbiased and
the internationally accepted Global     third-party Bureau Veritas, with
                                                                             transparent view of the Company.
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards,   whom LTTS has no relation except
in accordance with the ‘Core’ option.   for employing their professional
                                        services for assurance of this
LTTS is committed to providing a        report. For more details, please     For more information, please feel
transparent, objective and accurate     refer to the Assurance Statement     free to write in at:
view of its data management             enclosed in the Annexures. 

ESG Report 2020-21

OUR VISION                          OUR MISSION                             OUR VALUES
Engineering a sustainable           Be the engineering partner of             Being Purposeful
tomorrow through technology         choice by enabling innovation             Ethics & Integrity
and innovation.                     with world-class technologies,
                                    processes, and people –
                                    delivering inclusive growth to            A Culture of Learning
                                    all stakeholders.                         Results with Accountability


               Customer focus                                   Innovation culture
               We cater to a wide range of                      We nurture an innovation-focused
               customers across industries                      mindset which is reflected in our
               and create targeted partnership                  annual technology events, including
               models that address specific                     TECHgium® and TechExpression®,
               challenges and business goals                    and a portfolio of 650 patents

               Multi-vertical industry                          Crosspoll!nnovation
               expertise                                        Our in-depth knowledge of multiple
               Our deep domain expertise                        industries allows us to transfer and
               across industries gives us a                     leverage new technologies across
               competitive advantage, helping                   verticals, addressing a range of
               us win important projects in                     complex business challenges
               each of the verticals


L&T Technology Services Limited (LTTS) is a leading global pure-play Engineering Research
& Development (ER&D) services company. It offers consultancy, design, development and
testing services across the product and process development life cycle.

Listed on BSE and NSE, LTTS is          Our technologists work with global
a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro         firms to offer smart solutions & services
Limited (L&T). As India’s No. 1 pure-   that can accelerate new product
play engineering and technology         development, facilitate remote asset
services provider, the Company          management, and enable virtual
offers services and solutions in        Product Design & Prototyping.
the areas of product software,
mechanical and manufacturing
engineering, embedded systems,
engineering analytics and plant
engineering.                                                               Domain
Our customer base includes 69
Fortune 500 companies and 53 of                Customer-                                         Multi-vertical
the world’s top ER&D companies              centric industry                                       presence
across five business verticals –              innovations                                       spanning major
Transportation, Telecom &                                                                         industries
Hi-tech, Industrial Products,
Plant Engineering, Medical Devices.
Our business proposition in each                                           KEY
of these areas is driven by a                                        DIFFERENTIATORS
strong sustainability ethos.                                        FOR LTTS’ BUSINESS

Living and Breathing Sustainable Engineering

       REVENUE IN FY21                           GLOBAL PRESENCE                    EMPLOYEES

       USD 737 million                           25 countries                       16,000+
       ` 5,450 crore

       GLOBAL CLIENTS                           INNOVATION LABS                     PATENTS

       300+                                     69                                  650

ESG Report 2020-21

LTTS is a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro Limited, a           LTTS is a part of the L&T Group’s strategic mission
USD 21 billion Indian conglomerate operating in over         to leverage the power of digitization and technology,
30 countries. The Company has benefited immensely            and enable real transformation across critical sectors
from its parent organization’s engineering heritage of       including Healthcare, Industrials, Telecommunication
over eight decades, spanning multiple domains and            & Hi-Tech and Transportation. Several of our digital
disciplines. LTTS’ ability to leverage this engineering      frameworks, like the smart campus framework
expertise and cross-pollinate technologies from one          i-BEMS, have been deployed at some of the L&T
segment to another has been the defining factor in           sites and campuses. Our deep engineering heritage,
helping us maintain our leadership position across all       derived from the L&T DNA, is helping shape a
the five industry segments that we are active in.            sustainable future for engineering services.

Our offerings in each of the five verticals of our presence are marked by world-class Engineering Research
and Development (ER&D) services and digitalization solutions, founded on a robust sustainability focus.

 TRANSPORTATION                            TELECOM & HI-TECH                       INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS

                                                  OUR                              MEDICAL DEVICES


At LTTS, we are actively involved in the future of mobility through green solutions
that embrace the latest technology trends, thus balancing the current and future
needs in transportation.

       Electric Vehicles (EVs)
     	Advanced Driver Assistance System
       Autonomous Drive (AD)

       EV Lab in Bengaluru
     	Dublin Design Center for
       automotive product design and
     	Rockford Design Center for the
       Aerospace industry
     	Munich Center of Excellence for
       automotive hardware development

                                             Our global customers in this business vertical include top OEMs
     	For a leading European automotive     (original equipment manufacturers) and Tier 1 suppliers across the
       customer, LTTS is setting up a        Automotive, Trucks & Off-Highway Vehicles and Aerospace sectors.
       telematics lab for next-generation
       automotive vehicles                   We offer our clients a wide range of transportation engineering
     	LTTS is building a real-time          services to help them achieve their go-to-market objectives. Our
       technology framework for a            global expertise in this domain vertical encompasses telematics,
       European automotive components        in-vehicle infotainment, ePowertrain, and end-to-end design and
       manufacturer to simulate controller   development of automotive components.
       design of its ePowertrain systems

ESG Report 2020-21

At the core of LTTS’ offerings in the Telecom and Hi-Tech vertical is a concerted focus
towards leveraging technology trends that support sustainable business growth. With
global telecom majors attempting to connect the world sustainably, we are sequentially
scaling our investments in sustainable solutions to partner them in their journey.

     ASIC Design
     VLSI IP
     Cloud Engineering

     Santa Clara ASIC Design House
   	RF Lab, 5G and Telco Cloud
     Engineering Lab
   	Security Centre of Excellence for
     Telecom and Hi-Tech, Jerusalem
     Voice-as-a-Service Integration Lab

                                             Our engineering services and solutions in this vertical
  CUSTOMER SUCCESS                           encompass five key segments: Telecom, Consumer Electronics,
                                             Semiconductor, ISV, and Media and Entertainment. As a leader
   	Technology and innovation partner
                                             in this space, we help our customers engineer value across
     for a global telecommunications
                                             the product lifecycle: from design conceptualization to the
     firm covering 5G and end-to-end
                                             deployment of products and services.
     engineering services
   	Dedicated engineering analytics lab
                                             Our team of experts works across the value chain to provide
     to support a global client’s new line
                                             digital services and solutions for Communications Service
     of server platforms
                                             Providers, Networking and Technology System Operators, OEMs
                                             and Chipset Makers.

LTTS believes that sustainable industrial development is a key pillar for ensuring
environmental protection and driving economic growth. Led by this belief, we remain
committed to partnering our customers in the Industrial vertical for driving business
success in a smarter and greener way.

       Digital Twins
       Product Ruggedization
       Smart Campus

     	Peoria Center of Excellence for
       industrial product design
     	Think Studio for new product
       design and development
       Power Electronics Design Lab
       Equipment Testing Lab
       Digital PLM Design Center

  CUSTOMER SUCCESS                              We support our global customers across industries, such as
     	Key partner for driving digitalization   Building Automation, Power & Utilities, Machinery and Test &
       initiatives for a Swiss elevator and     Measurement, through services in the areas of product, digital
       walkway manufacturer                     and value engineering.
     	Established a dedicated Global
                                                Our Industrial and Consumer Products practice spans the
       Engineering Hub to power a leading
                                                entire value chain - from design, development and deployment
       wind turbine manufacturer’s
                                                to monitoring, testing and automation of processes, products
       worldwide product roadmap
                                                and solutions. The key areas of our customer engagement in
                                                this vertical relate to product development, customization and
                                                product ruggedization, mobility enhancement for cloud services,
                                                IoT device integration, enterprise applications and DevOps.

ESG Report 2020-21

The LTTS sustainability value proposition in the area of Plant Engineering encompasses
early adoption and implementation of the latest technology trends across industries.
Reducing the environmental footprint for global manufacturers is a key priority of our
sustainability agenda, and we continue to make targeted investments in this direction.

     Digital Engineering
     Contactless Manufacturing
     Laser Scanning
     Low-cost Automation

     High-Value Engineering Center
     AR/VR Innovation Hub
   	Integrated 3D Plant
     Digitization CoE
     Smart Manufacturing Lab

                                         Leveraging its world-class expertise in engineering,
  CUSTOMER SUCCESS                       procurement, and construction management, LTTS is involved
   	Digital twin modeling for a         in every phase of a manufacturer’s plant lifecycle – from
     chemicals and plastics major        conceptualization to commissioning. Our Plant Engineering
     across 20+ sites in North America   business vertical caters to diverse industries, including
   	3D modeling and digital twin        Consumer Packaged Goods, Chemicals and Energy & Utilities.
     services for a global oil and gas
     company across its worldwide        We follow a consulting-led approach to offer state-of-the-art
     asset portfolio                     digital solutions that help customers upgrade/integrate their
                                         legacy systems to smart platforms for better synergy. LTTS
                                         has created a strong market differentiation with its high-end
                                         solutions for efficient, safe and sustainable production facilities,
                                         helping clients improve overall plant productivity and ensuring
                                         continued business success.

With medical devices being no exception to the growing need for sustainable
manufacturing practices, we, at LTTS, have committed ourselves to staying abreast
with the latest trends that can help bring quality and timely healthcare to our
customers’ doorsteps.

        Digital Front Door
      	In-Vitro Diagnostics

        Microscopy Lab
        Imaging Lab
      	Security Centre of Excellence for
        Medical Devices Industry, Jerusalem
        R&D for Endo-trainer Kit and ChestrAITM

      	Design, development and global             In this fast-growing business vertical, we help medical OEMs
        launch of a new blood cell counter for a   worldwide, to speed up product development cycles and shorten
        leading medical electronics equipment      time-to-market. We are working with several global medical
        manufacturer                               devices and healthcare leaders on innovative and effective
      	Product design enhancement and             solutions that deliver remote medical care, in-vitro diagnostics,
        support for a major medical device         patient mobility services, home healthcare and Medical Internet
        manufacturer’s surgeon console and         of Things (MIoT).
        robotic arm subsystems

ESG Report 2020-21


                                             Dear Stakeholders,
                                             At the outset, congratulations to L&T
                                             Technology Services (LTTS) on its
                                             first Sustainability Report. I believe
                                             that sustainability is the single
                                             biggest contributing factor to the
                                             long-term success of an organization,
                                             and governs its engagements with
                                             the environment and the community.
                                             Nearly a decade and half ago, I had
                                             released L&T’s maiden Sustainability
                                             Report – the first company in
                                             the engineering & construction
                                             space in India to publicly disclose
                                             its sustainability performance. I
                                             am happy to see LTTS continuing
                                             the trend and reaffirming its
                                             commitment to the responsibilities
                          Mr. A. M. Naik
                          Founder Chairman   of a good corporate citizen.

                                             TECHNOLOGY FOR A
                                             SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
                                             LTTS’ engineers have demonstrated
                                             how technology can be leveraged
                                             to drive the ‘power to do good’.
                                             The Company has played its part
 Led by the twin engines of sustained        in propelling recovery in the ER&D
                                             services sector and is sharply
 R&D focus and a culture that encourages     focused on innovation and cutting-
 innovative and out-of-the-box thinking,     edge R&D. Among the many projects
                                             we have undertaken in this space is
 LTTS offers a wide canvas of engineering    helping build the world’s smartest
 solutions and offerings.                    office campus in Israel.

                                             The Company is also actively
                                             promoting socio-economic
                                             rejuvenation through targeted
                                             CSR intervention measures such
                                             as focused skill development
                                             programs for the youth, rural solar
                                             electrification projects to benefit
                                             tribal communities near Mysuru,
                                             Karnataka and plastic waste recycling
                                             projects at Vadodara, Gujarat.

LTTS has also been building on its        LTTS remains committed to               We are also actively involved in a new
sustainability quotient by driving        maintaining the high standards of       engagement to assist the electric
innovations in electric vehicles (EVs),   governance that L&T as a Group          vehicle aspirations of a leading U.S.
water and waste management,               has set. Our ESG initiatives are        tier 1 automotive company.
supply chains and other measures          built on the pillars of transparency,
for enhancing the green portfolio of      accountability, responsibility,         As LTTS embraces sustainability,
our clients.                              compliance and trust. We continue       and integrates it into its strategic
                                          to drive an ethically progressive       goals, I am confident that the
SAFETY & WELL-BEING                       and reliable business model,            Company will accelerate its
Our top priority has always been to       robust enough to meet emerging          productive growth journey.
ensure the safety and well-being          challenges.
                                                                                  This Report highlights different
of people. We have helped to
organize vaccination drives, provided     PRODUCTIVE GROWTH                       facets of our sustainability
                                          JOURNEY                                 performance across the last year.
comprehensive insurance support
                                                                                  As always, we welcome your inputs
and set up well-equipped isolation        Notwithstanding the turbulence
                                                                                  and comments on our efforts.
centers. Our online counseling            in recent times, we have managed
services have helped many in their        to retain our growth trajectory, by
                                                                                  A. M. Naik
hour of need and boosted morale.          remaining in sync with evolving
                                                                                  Founder Chairman
We acknowledge the wholehearted           global realities. LTTS’ team
                                                                                  L&T Technology Services Limited
support of our employees and their        of engineers has repeatedly
families in these confidence-building     demonstrated a high order of
measures.                                 technical and executional expertise.

ESG Report 2020-21


                                                   Dear Stakeholders,
                                                   It gives me great pleasure to present
                                                   our first Sustainability Report,
                                                   aligned to the internationally
                                                   recognized ESG framework of GRI
                                                   Standards. Through this report,
                                                   we endeavor to showcase our
                                                   commitment towards mitigating
                                                   the effects of climate change and
                                                   social inequities.

                                                   The previous financial year was
                                                   unprecedented in its impact.
                                                   However, I am happy to note
                                                   that even though the pandemic
                                                   disrupted the way we live and work,
                                                   Team LTTS has demonstrated
                                                   remarkable resilience throughout,
                             Mr. Amit Chadha       driving a robust growth journey that
                             CEO & MD              will define our approach to the
                                                   ‘new normal’.

                                                   LTTS also focused on creating,
                                                   refining, and committing to its
                                                   sustainability roadmap in order to
                                                   help its global clientele in sustainable
                                                   product design and enabling them to
                                                   realize their carbon neutrality goals.
 LTTS stands committed to a greener,               We recently restated our Vision as:
 cleaner and prosperous future, driven by          ‘Engineering a sustainable tomorrow
 the triple bottom line approach with equal        through technology and innovation’
                                                   – underscoring the cultural
 importance towards people, profits, and           transformation underway across
 the planet. I feel that this will help us build   the organization.

 and deliver on our ethos of profitable,           The renewed approach is driven by
 sustainable, and inclusive growth.                a twin-engine paradigm – achieving
                                                   carbon neutral operations by 2030.
                                                   We are working with some of the
                                                   leading global businesses in enabling
                                                   their sustainability journey through
                                                   innovative product design, smart
                                                   manufacturing operations and
                                                   product consulting services – helping
                                                   build a greener and cleaner future.

With 90% of our top 10 customers         remotely in a hybrid model.                 ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY
committed to carbon neutrality, and      Supporting this vision of ‘People-          The resilience of our engineers led
70% focusing on decarbonization,         First’ are a series of innovation-          to LTTS winning significant deals
our investments today are                driven training and mentoring               even after the pandemic started
increasingly aimed at promoting          platforms incubated within the              spreading, reflecting the inherent
sustainability across various            Company, which offer a level playing        soundness of our business model.
industries. Some of these focus          field for high potential employees          Leveraging our competence in
areas include creating a 100%            irrespective of rank, gender or             e-mobility, we won multiple orders
renewable energy powered EV
                                         hierarchy.                                  from a leading U.S. Tier 1 automotive
charging infrastructure, state-of-the-
                                                                                     company over the last 9 months, to
art material testing centers, a smart
                                         The Global Engineering Academy              provide engineering services for its
water management solution, and
                                         (GEA), established in the previous          electric vehicle (EV) product portfolio
a smart digital manager for energy
                                         year, has delivered, in its first year of   and develop scalable e-mobility
management solutions.
                                         operations, a successful track record       solutions. LTTS is also selected as a
                                         in giving engineers the right platform      Consulting and Professional Services
In addition, we are also driving an
                                         to learn and develop the skills             provider to support Amazon Alexa
in-depth certification program for
                                         needed to grow their knowledge,             Voice Service (AVS) integration
trained sustainability consultants in
                                                                                     – underscoring our engineering
partnership with some of the leading     advance their careers, and play
                                                                                     expertise in the connected devices
global names in academia.                a lasting role in the Company’s
                                                                                     space, spanning multiple domains
                                                                                     and industries worldwide.
LTTS stands committed to a greener,
cleaner and prosperous future,           Through the WINGS program –
                                                                                     Our performance continues to
driven by the triple bottom line         a gender and inclusivity framework,
                                                                                     reflect strong fundamentals. Over
approach with equal importance           we are also focusing on making              the last four years, LTTS has grown
towards people, profits, and the         gender diversity and inclusion a            annual revenues at a CAGR of 11%
planet. I feel that this will help us    reality by incorporating it in several      to reach USD 737 million in FY21.
build and deliver on our ethos of        stages of the workplace life cycle –        The Company’s EBIT margin stood at
profitable, sustainable, and inclusive   from recruitment to development             14.5% in FY21, while PAT came in at
                                         and retention.                              ` 6,633 million.

The pandemic enforced many
changes in our operations, with the         Our performance continues to reflect strong
employees having to adopt Work              fundamentals. Over the last four years, LTTS
From Home. LTTS indigenously
                                            has grown annual revenues at a CAGR of 11% to
conceptualized a proprietary
certification program - ‘Omni Opus          reach USD 737 million in FY21. The Company’s
- WFX Certified Professional’, to           EBIT margin stood at 14.5% in FY21, while PAT
equip our employees for effectively
                                            came in at ` 6,633 million.
managing projects delivered

ESG Report 2020-21

To stay relevant in the marketplace    as we commit to global action on         LOOKING AHEAD
for the coming years, we have          reversing climate change in close
                                                                                We are committed to making
identified six strategic investment    collaboration with our customers,
                                                                                sustainability an integral part of
areas, including EACV, 5G, MedTech,    employees, and other stakeholders.
                                                                                our ecosystem and help define
Digital Manufacturing, AI&ML driven
                                                                                the journey for our customers and
smart offerings, and Sustainability,   CSR engagements are a fundamental
which will help us drive scale and     pillar through which we are
enable our engineers to stay ahead     engineering social co-prosperity         The Company will continue to
of the curve.                          across India. Our focus is on            leverage its deep capabilities
                                       collaborating with communities,          around energy transition and
DRIVING SOCIAL AND                     institutions, and NGOs to promote        management, water and waste
ENVIRONMENTAL                          areas like skill development, water      management, circular product
SUSTAINABILITY FOR A                   and sanitation awareness, and            design, digital intervention,
BRIGHTER FUTURE                        health and education with the aim to     sustainability consulting, and
                                       ‘Build India’s Social Infrastructure’.   climate action for realizing this
LTTS has aligned its sustainability
goals with that of the L&T Group                                                aspiration. I remain confident that
                                       In FY21, we have had a direct and        these six tracks will play a pivotal role
– minimize environmental impact,
                                       positive impact on 32,000 lives          in enabling our customers achieve
maximize social outreach, and offer
                                       through our UN SDG aligned               their respective goals around
sustainable solutions. Our focus
                                       initiatives. The Company has             sustainability.
is on addressing the key material
issues of energy, emissions, water,    provided solar lighting to the
and waste management, while            tribal communities near Mysuru,          We look forward to your views and
driving social transformation.         Karnataka. We helped in the              suggestions to help improve our ESG
                                       development of sustainable cities        performance in the days to come.
In 2021, we pledged our intent         by developing a 35,000 sq. ft of
to set a science-based target on       sustainable oases in Bengaluru           Amit Chadha
carbon emission reductions in line     and Vadodara, besides offering           CEO & MD
with the SBTi’s criteria. A company-   technology solutions for targeted        L&T Technology Services Limited
wide exercise was undertaken to        skill building initiatives.
formulate a sustainability roadmap

Amidst the rapidly evolving global industrial scenario, LTTS has identified six strategic
areas to drive business agility. We believe that these strategic areas, which include
Sustainability, will help our global customers become nimbler in this dynamic scenario.
Our strategic priorities are centered around recognizing the key emerging technology
trends well in advance and setting the pace for their subsequent adoption.


      1                                             2

  CONNECTED VEHICLES (EACVs)                       5G

  The EACV revolution is speeding up, with         The fifth generation of telecom services aspires
  product lifecycle management playing a pivotal   to ensure that services based on advanced
  role in this area. By streamlining the process   technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR)
  of product design and managing relationships     or Virtual Reality (VR), become easily available
  with OEMs, the latest developments in the        anywhere, anytime. Some of the unique services
  industry can be leveraged for optimum results.   expected from 5G include gigabit connections,
  The EACV trend plays a crucial role in driving   ultra-low latency and widespread IoT
  mobility innovation with the help of safe,       connection. Initiatives in this area will become
  efficient and durable future solutions.          increasingly important, especially for workforce
                                                   automation, on a global scale.

ESG Report 2020-21

 3                                                  4

DIGITAL MANUFACTURING                              MEDTECH

The human-and-machine communication                To ensure speed, convenience and better care
ecosystem of Industry 4.0 has enabled              for patients, modern healthcare providers will
manufacturers to increase operational              heavily lean on digital tools to strengthen their
visibility, reduce costs, optimize production      delivery models. Digital connectivity will play an
time, and deliver exceptional customer             essential role in ensuring health and well-being
support. Manufacturers operating in the new        for all. Healthcare providers will strengthen
normal scenario need remote technologies           partnerships with engineering and technology
to assist operations on the shop floor,            companies to offer remote solutions for the
thus unleashing novel opportunities for            benefit of patients.
engineering and technology firms.

 5                                                  6


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the brain behind   The concept of sustainability, emerging increasingly
the technologies that are changing how we          as the core of business strategies in the modern
live, work and play. Repetitive and labor-         era, hinges on minimizing resource consumption,
intensive operations can benefit from AI-          managing waste, and mitigating the overall
powered automation, leading to increased           environmental impact. Organizations looking to
uptime and standardized output. The use            increase competitiveness and maintain stakeholder
of Machine Learning (ML) is also increasing        goodwill are paying attention to the proactive
rapidly as organizations adopt smart systems       implementation of sustainable practices, such
for better service delivery and higher             as measuring emissions and energy use, and
production efficiency.                             then devising the best methods of shrinking the
                                                   carbon footprint of each business function - from
                                                   procurement to manufacturing to warehousing.

                                         “In recent times, we have seen a seismic shift in the needs and demands of
                                         all our stakeholders. In the pursuit of achieving the Company’s goals and
                                         stakeholder expectations, our operations have evolved efficiently. Being
                                         a technology services organization, we live and breathe technology and
                                         innovation. We have performed well in our operations especially in our
                                         utilization ratios, C&B costs, rise in investments in innovation labs, patents
                                         and customer satisfaction.
                                         Our sustainable operational framework is founded on 4 key tenets, viz.,
                                         celebrating technology every day, excel and obsess on customer delivery
                                         excellence, belief in nurturing our ever-evolving talent demographics
                                         and investing in cognitive systems. These tenets help us remain relevant
                                         and flourish in today’s world. We believe that we are primed for the next
        Mr. Abhishek Sinha               big leap by focusing on the six strategic big bets, viz. EACV’s, 5G, Digital
        COO & Whole Time                 manufacturing, MedTech, AI/ML and Sustainability. Our recent large deal
                                         wins showcase our conviction in this aspect. We are of firm belief that
                                         carbon neutrality and preserving resources for the future generations
                                         is extremely important for a sustainable growth. Towards this, our
                                         sustainability offerings in green product compliance, renewable and
                                         energy management, light weighting, zero discharge and green sourcing
                                         have an exponential growth potential.”

                                         – Mr. Abhishek Sinha, COO and Whole Time Director

The LTTS success story, be it            we have mapped and prioritized           our business horizons to improve
across business operations or            significant material issues that         our non-financial performance. The
its sustainability agenda, derives       have potential to further enhance        frequency of engagement with our
from the collective and individual       value for our stakeholders. We           stakeholders is based on need-
contribution of its external and         have internalized the process of         based timelines.
internal stakeholders. Sustained value   listening to our stakeholders and
                                                                                  While this is our first Sustainability
creation for the stakeholders is a key   procuring their feedback by creating
                                                                                  Report, we have already taken
priority for the Company.                a comprehensive mechanism. This,
                                                                                  several significant steps towards
                                         in turn, will help us improve our
                                                                                  driving stakeholder engagements
Being dedicated to the highest           understanding of their needs and
standards of ethics and transparency,    aspirations, and enable us to expand

Stakeholders     Significance to Business                 Engagement Mode
Employees          Key
                   	  Assets in delivering operational     	Multiple forums
                   capabilities                               Transparent
                                                              	             Performance Management Systems
                   	      business goals and targets         Welfare
                                                              	       initiatives for the employees
                                                              	       circulars to update about the organizational
                                                              development/changes in the organization structure
                                                              	     development initiatives for all employees
                                                              	         Magazines and CSR programs involving employees

ESG Report 2020-21

Stakeholders      Significance to Business                      Engagement Mode
Communities           	Social Responsibility                      Communities
                                                                   	             / Group meetings
                     	Corporate Reputation                        Annual
                                                                   	       CSR Report
                                                                   	              and partnerships with NGOs, academic
                                                                   institutions, rural development organizations
Customers            Key
                     	  Stakeholders for Business                 Customer
                                                                   	        Satisfaction Surveys
                     Growth and Profitability                      Regular
                                                                   	      business interactions
                                                                   	        Experience Centers
Partners and         Facilitators
                     	           for Business Solutions/          Supplier
                                                                   	       Code of Conduct
Suppliers            Services                                      Business
                                                                   	       meetings and interactions
                     	         Growth Partnerships                Feedback
                                                                   	        and Supplier reviews
Regulators/          Provide
                     	        regulatory framework                	Press Releases
Government           (taxation, licensing, infrastructure,          	Quarterly Results
                     economic playing field) for growth            	A nnual Reports
                     	             across development                Annual
                                                                      	     CSR Reports
                     initiatives                                      Partnerships
                                                                      	           in CSR developmental programs
Investors and        	F inancial sustainability                       Regular
                                                                       	      updates and investor meetings
Shareholders           Provide
                         	      critical assessment of              	AGMs
                       management competencies                     	A nnual Reports
                         	        business valuations                 Quarterly
                                                                       	        Investor Releases
                         	        mitigation of key risks             Dedicated
                                                                       	         investor contact channels
                       	Market trends                             	Press Releases
                                                                       	     CSR Report

We have followed the GRI Standards            plans. We have relied on various            expertise and unique perspectives
process to identify key material topics,      communication channels to connect           of our senior leadership across key
based on the significant economic,            to our stakeholders, as part of             departments, we have used the
social and environmental impacts              our continuous improvement                  inputs derived from these channels
that were of prime significance to            process, across various teams and           to prepare a list of material issues of
our stakeholders and our growth               departments. Coupled with the               importance to various stakeholders.

Our Materiality Assessment Process:

   Business Perspective                            Stakeholder Identification                  Materiality Assessment

     Defining the Materiality
    	                                                	Identifying key economic,                	Prioritization of issues
      process using GRI                               environmental and                          with top management
      framework and other                             social concerns of prime                   and internal stakeholders
      ESG frameworks                                  stakeholders that                          of the Company
     Analysis of key risks and
    	                                                significantly influence their              	Prioritization based
      issues relevant to the                          assessments or decisions                     on importance of
      Industry and the Company                        	Local community                          issues to both business
     Selection of topics
    	                                                    interaction                              sustainability and
      influencing or impacting to                                                                  stakeholder influence
      business and stakeholder

As part of the process, we have also ensured that the prioritized material topics are relevant to the global business
outlook, as well as the changing stakeholder perceptions.

The prioritized material topics reviewed and approved by the senior leadership of LTTS as follows:

   ENVIRONMENTAL                        SOCIAL                   ECONOMIC VALUE                      CUSTOMER
     FOOTPRINT                      RESPONSIBILITY                 & CORPORATE                         VALUE

   Energy consumption                 Employees                 Economic performance                Service quality
                                 Diversity & inclusion                                                & delivery
                                  Talent management                  New business
   Climate change and           Training and upskilling              opportunities              Customer satisfaction
       GHG impact             Employee health & well-being

                                                                   Business ethics &
                                                                                                    Data privacy &
   Water consumption           Community Development                                                   security
                                   STEM education for
                               disadvantaged communities        Business innovation &
      Waste processing         Community empowerment                 digitization

The Company actively participates in various industry forums, and engages with professional bodies to take part in
proactive dialogue in order to strengthen its understanding of policies and expectations of various stakeholders.

 Member of the India Electronics & Semiconductor
	                                                            excellence in the industry and scientific communities.
  Association (IESA)                                          Our senior leadership team offers its expertise and
 Member of the NASSCOM ER&D Council that seeks
	                                                            insights during public policy formulation.
  to create an eco-system of collaboration and
  innovation that will propel India’s burgeoning ER&D         LTTS thought leaders are also helping achieve regulatory
  sector into the next phase of growth                        compliances across passenger safety, autonomous
                                                              drive, and electrification through ISO 26262 - the global
 Member of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
                                                              standard which classifies safety integrity levels based on
 Collaboration with the IEEE (Institute of Electrical
	                                                            severity of the fault. In addition, we assist automotive
  and Electronics Engineers) and participation in             manufacturers in reducing the cost and time required for
  events organized by the technology body                     ISO 26262 compliance.
 Ongoing relationship with FICCI for various
  measures to promote trade & commerce                        We have also assisted OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers in
                                                              achieving functional/process safety compliance, while
We collaborate actively with leading industry bodies          helping them in the development and improvement of
worldwide to promote innovation and engineering               software-intensive products.

ESG Report 2020-21

Our sustainability-led business philosophy has been recognized and endorsed by
leading industry bodies and other organizations. This is evidenced in the various awards
and recognitions we have received through the year.

  	 tevie 17th International Business Awards:
  Brand Experience of the Year (Gold)
  	 tevie 17th International Business Awards:
  Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year (Silver)
  	 tevie 17th International Business Awards:
  Most Exemplary Employer
  (Silver – COVID Response Category)
  	 tevie 5th Great Employer Awards: Most Innovative
   Workplace Redesign
   (Silver – COVID Response Category)
  	LTTS won the SHRM HR Excellence Awards 2020
  	LTTS has been ‘Highly Commended’                      	Brandon Hall HCM Excellence Award for Excellence in
     by 2020 Transform Awards Nordics in the               Best Advance in Talent Acquisition Process
     Brand Evolution Category
                                                           	LTTS’ i-BEMS TM framework was the recipient of
  	LTTS awarded with the Financial Express                Frost & Sullivan’s Customer Value Leadership
  BrandWagon Ace Awards 2020 for Best Workplace            Award for Global Smart Building Optimization &
  Practices                                                Experience Management
  	LTTS’ Chest rAI & i-BEMS digital solutions have been   	LTTS won the Golden Bridge Awards
  recognized with the 2021 BIG Innovation Awards in        in North America for Exceptional HR Program
  the ‘Product’ category
                                                           	LTTS recognized as Top Performer by
  	Recognized as one of the ‘Most Admired Brands’ in      Government of India’s STPI
  Indian ICT Industry for the year 2020 by VARINDIA
                                                           	LTTS honored with the ‘Company of the Year’ in the
  	LTTS wins India Digital Enabler Awards 2020            Best Medical Devices Equipment category by CIMS
  in ‘Best Technology for Healthcare’                      Medica for three-part hematology analyzer
                                                           	Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) honored LTTS
                                                           with the HR Excellence Awards 2020
                                                           	For its Solar Electrification tribal village project,
                                                           LTTS was conferred with the Mahatma Award for
                                                           CSR Excellence
                                                           	LTTS conferred with TechCircle Business
                                                           Transformation Award 2020

As a responsible corporate, we have committed ourselves to doing business in an
ethical and transparent manner that will promote a better life, for now and in the
future, while complying with the existing legal framework. We believe in governing
the organization in a way that promotes sustainability by adhering strictly to laws that
promote sustainable behavior and practices.

Our corporate governance framework reflects the
LTTS value system and culture. In line with our parent
L&T Group philosophy, we firmly believe in adhering
to good corporate governance practices and values
based on transparency, integrity, professionalism and
  	We have adopted a consolidated Code of Conduct,
  wherein Part A is for its employees including the
  Managing Director and the Executive Directors, and
  Part B is for members of the Board and the Senior
                                                         The Company has a strong
  Management.                                            legacy of fair, transparent and
  	We have also adopted a Code of Conduct for our       ethical governance practices.
  Non-Executive Directors, which includes a Code of      Our Board of Directors, along
  Conduct for Independent Directors.
                                                         with the various responsible
  	Further, to strengthen the corporate governance      organization-level committees,
  culture within the Company, we have initiated a
  training and awareness program on Corporate            possess significant experience,
  Governance and related policies for our employees.     diverse skills and deep expertise,
  As part of the Director’s familiarization program,     spanning industries. This enables
  we facilitate training programs, including seminars
  and conferences, that help in enhancing the role of    them to provide the requisite
  independent directors.                                 leadership and guidance to the
                                                         senior management team, and to
Our policy is to have an appropriate mix of Executive,
Non-Executive & Independent Directors. As on             effectively direct, supervise and
March 31, 2021, the Board comprises 10 Directors,        closely monitor the performance
of whom 3 are Executive Directors, 2 Non-Executive       of the Company.
Directors and 5 are Independent Directors, including
one woman director. The Board is chaired by
Mr. A. M. Naik, Non-Executive Chairman.

ESG Report 2020-21

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF BOARD,                          the Board’s composition, its structure, its culture, its
ITS COMMITTEES AND DIRECTORS                              effectiveness, its functioning, information availability,
                                                          adequate discussions etc. These questionnaires also
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee, as
                                                          cover specific criteria and the grounds on which all
well as the Board, have laid down the manner in which
                                                          directors, in their individual capacity, will be evaluated.
formal annual evaluation of the performance of the
                                                          Evaluation of Independent Directors was done by the
Board, Committees, Chairman and Individual Directors
                                                          Board, including assessment of their performance and
has to be made. All Directors responded through a         their independence of management.
structured questionnaire, giving feedback about the
performance of the Board, its Committees, Individual      The Board Performance Evaluation activity was
Directors and the Chairman. The Company had engaged       discussed in the Independent Directors Meeting held
an external agency to facilitate the process of annual    on April 30, 2021; this included areas of improvement
evaluation of the performance of the Board, the           for the Directors, Board processes and related issues,
Committees, the Chairman and the Individual Directors.    for enhanced Board effectiveness. The performance
The said external agency was responsible for receiving    evaluation of the Board, its Committees, Chairman
the responses from the Directors, for consolidating and   and Directors was also reviewed by the Nomination
analyzing their responses, and presenting the same        and Remuneration Committee and the Board of
to the Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration        Directors, in their meetings held on May 3, 2021, which
Committee. The external agency used its IT platform       showcased the strengths of the Board, and areas of
for the entire Board evaluation process, right from       improvement that had taken place in comparison to
initiation till conclusion, in order to ensure that the   the evaluation findings of FY20. The observations made
entire process is done in a confidential, transparent     during FY20 were acted upon appropriately. Overall, the
and independent manner, without the involvement           Board expressed its satisfaction on the performance
of the Management or the Company’s IT system, to          evaluation process, as well as performance of Chairman,
ensure an unbiased feedback. The questionnaires cover     Directors, Committees and Board as a whole.


                                        Company, with unprecedented              acumen. He has also been honored
                                        weightage for IT and IT-related          for his contribution to society and
                                        technology services. He is the           community in the critical sectors of
                                        architect of a transformation that       healthcare, education and skill-
                                        saw the organization restructure         building. Awards won by Mr. Naik
                                        its portfolio, focusing on carefully     include the nation’s highest civilian
                                        curated business lines, accelerating     honors – the ‘Padma Vibhushan’
                                        the pace of growth, and boosting         and the ‘Padma Bhushan’, and the
                                        shareholder value many times             highest award from the state of
                                        over. In recognition of his role in      Gujarat – the ‘Gujarat Garima’. He
      Mr. A. M. Naik                    propagating the development of           has been named ‘Business Leader
      Founder Chairman                  technical and vocational skills, the     of the Year’ by The Economic Times,
                                        Government of India appointed            ‘Asia Business Leader’ by the TV
                                        Mr. Naik as Chairman of the National     channel CNBC Asia, and ‘Business
Mr. A. M. Naik is the Founder           Skill Development Corporation.           Leader of the Year (Building India)’ by
Chairman of LTTS. He is also the        He is the recipient of some of the       NDTV Profit. He is the Hon. Consul
Chairman of the L&T Group of            most prestigious national and            General for Denmark in Mumbai,
Companies – the Group that he           international awards, and has won        and was honored as a ‘Knight of the
has served for over five decades        recognition from academia and            Order of the Dannebrog’, followed
and led for the last two. Mr. Naik is   professional associations as well        by a further honor, ‘Order of the
credited with initiating the process    as the media for his leadership,         Dannebrog Knight 1st Class’, by
of articulating a new vision for the    engineering expertise and financial      Queen Margrethe of Denmark.

                                        Limited. Mr. Subrahmanyan, or            pre-eminence on various industry
                                        SNS as he is popularly known in          bodies, construction institutions
                                        industry circles, took over the reins    and councils. Recognized as the
                                        in July 2017, having previously,         ‘Contractor CEO of the Year’ at
                                        as Deputy Managing Director              the Qatar Contractors Forum
                                        and President, L&T, headed the           & Awards function in 2014 in
                                        construction business of the Group.      Doha, SNS was ranked 36th in the
                                        At the helm, SNS leads the varied        ‘2014 Construction Week Power
                                        businesses of L&T to chart a new         100’, and accorded the Leading
                                        growth trajectory, leveraging the        Engineering Personality award at
      Mr. S. N. Subrahmanyan            potential of digitalization, big data,   the event ‘Glimpses of Engineering
      Vice-Chairman                     and predictive analytics that he         Personalities’ by the Institution of
                                        drives internally with consistency       Engineers (India). The Construction
                                        and meticulous planning. With a          Week magazine honored him as
Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan is Vice           degree in civil engineering and          the ‘Infrastructure Person of the
Chairman of LTTS, as well as            post-graduation in business              Year – 2012’. SNS has been conferred
the Chief Executive Officer and         management, SNS commenced his            the Emergent CEO Award at the
Managing Director of Larsen &           professional journey with L&T in         CEO Awards 2019 for his exemplary
Toubro Limited. In addition, he is      1984 as a project planning engineer.     leadership and delivering seamless
Vice Chairman on the Board of           He was largely responsible for           growth for L&T, and recognized as
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited        establishing L&T as a significant        the CEO of the Year by leading Indian
and Non-Executive Chairman              EPC player in the Middle East, Africa    news channel, CNBC-Awaaz in 2020.
of L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad)           and ASEAN. SNS holds positions of

ESG Report 2020-21

                                    of business operations, delivery,         high-profile Initial Public Offering
                                    and sales and marketing at LTTS,          (IPO) in India and successfully
                                    and preparing the technology              listing it on the National Stock
                                    roadmap for the Company’s future.         Exchange and the Bombay Stock
                                    Mr. Chadha led LTTS’ executive            Exchange. Mr. Chadha’s career,
                                    management team that oversaw              which spans over two decades in
                                    the organization’s business and           core engineering and information
                                    strategy implementation. Mr. Chadha       technology outsourcing, is marked
                                    has always been passionate about          with significant achievements. He
                                    helping global R&D customers and          has managed P&L for multiple
     Mr. Amit Chadha                Fortune 500 companies leverage            business units, spearheaded
     Chief Executive Officer &      LTTS’ digital engineering offerings       organization-wide strategic
     Managing Director              for their strategic differentiation and   initiatives, and led business
                                    product development. He joined            development and relationship
                                    LTTS in 2009 as the Business Head         management activities worldwide.
Mr. Amit Chadha is the Chief        of Americas. Over the years, he has       Mr. Chadha is an electrical and
Executive Officer & Managing        progressively taken on increased          electronics engineer who has done
Director of LTTS, responsible for   responsibility for the Company’s          his Global Business Leadership
providing business and technology   business worldwide, and helped            Executive Program with Harvard
leadership, market direction        in its growth, both organically           Business School Publishing. He has
and strategic vision to drive the   and via acquisitions. As a core           also done an Advanced Management
Company’s performance. Mr. Chadha   member of the LTTS leadership             Program in Business Leadership
was previously Deputy CEO & Whole   team, Mr. Chadha was instrumental         from INSEAD, France. Mr. Chadha is
Time Director, running the gamut    in driving the Company through a          currently based in Washington DC.

                                    Mr. Abhishek Sinha is the Chief           LTTS, Mr. Abhishek was the Chief
                                    Operating Officer (COO) and Whole         Operations & Personnel Officer and
                                    Time Director at LTTS, focusing on        Executive Board Member at KPIT,
                                    quality, cost-efficient delivery, and     where he was responsible for laying
                                    client and employee satisfaction. Key     out the operational framework
                                    vertical and horizontal functions roll    and operational governance of
                                    up to him. A professional with over       all businesses within KPIT to help
                                    two decades of industry experience,       in achieving profitable growth. In
                                    Mr. Abhishek has a demonstrated           the past, Mr. Abhishek was the
                                    track record in Business Leadership       Vice President and Global Head
     Mr. Abhishek Sinha             in both Engineering and Enterprise        for Product Engineering Services
     Chief Operating Officer and    Software areas. His key strengths         (PES) at KPIT. After graduating in
     Whole-Time Director            are making the business competitive       engineering from the Banaras
                                    through strategy formulation and          Hindu University (now IIT-BHU),
                                    execution, operational excellence,        Mr. Abhishek joined Infosys in 1993
                                    and talent leadership. Clients,           and worked there till 2013. During
                                    peers, senior leaders and the team        his tenure and leadership, the
                                    respect him for his commitment to         ER&D business at Infosys witnessed
                                    driving results and transforming          one of the fastest growth periods
                                    concepts to reality. Prior to joining     for its business.

Dr. Panda is a Non-Executive             Exchange and the Bombay Stock
                              Director on the Board of LTTS. He        Exchange. He transformed LTTS into
                              was previously the Chief Executive       a company focused on innovation
                              Officer and Managing Director of         and new technology, leading CII to
                              LTTS. Dr. Panda has over 31 years        recognize the Company as one of the
                              of global industry experience in         most innovative Indian companies
                              research, conceptualizing, creating,     in the Services category. Dr. Panda
                              operationalizing and turning around      obtained a graduate degree in
                              complex technology and engineering       Aeronautical Engineering from
                              services businesses. During his stint    Anna University, Chennai, and a
     Dr. Keshab Panda         as the CEO of LTTS, Dr. Panda has        postgraduate degree in Aerospace
     Non-Executive Director   won numerous accolades, including        Engineering from Indian Institute of
                              being recognized as CEO of the Year      Science, Bangalore. He obtained his
                              by leading news channel CNBC-            Doctor of Philosophy from the Indian
                              Awaaz as a result of his distinguished   Institute of Technology, Bombay,
                              contributions to the engineering and     in Aero Servo Elasticity – (Control
                              technology sectors over the past         system fly by wire aircraft). He also
                              3 decades. He was conferred with         holds an advanced management
                              the title of CEO of the Year by ET       degree from the Aresty Institute of
                              NOW, as well as the Business Leader      Executive Education, The Wharton
                              of the Year Awards Committee.            School, University of Pennsylvania.
                              Dr. Panda joined the L&T Group as        Dr. Panda started his career as a
                              Chief Executive of L&T IES in 2009.      Research Scientist in Indian Space
                              After L&T IES was rechristened as        Research Organization and worked
                              L&T Technology Services in 2012,         at the Aeronautical Development
                              Dr. Panda was appointed as the Chief     Agency, Ministry of Defence,
                              Executive; he was later appointed        Government of India, as a scientist/
                              as the Chief Executive Officer and       engineer for over 8 years. Dr. Panda
                              Managing Director of LTTS on             is based out of New Jersey, USA.
                              January 21, 2016. Dr. Panda led          His other previous leadership
                              L&T Technology Services through          roles include President – Americas,
                              a high-profile Initial Public Offering   Mahindra Satyam & Head of Europe
                              (IPO) in India and successfully listed   Operations, Satyam Computer
                              the Company on the National Stock        Services Limited.

ESG Report 2020-21

                                           Luis, with his wife Fiona, spends his       He has been involved in setting up
                                           time connecting dots – leveraging           two highly successful companies
                                           their extensive networks to help            – HDFC Bank and IDFC Private
                                           organizations they are connected            Equity. HDFC Bank is India’s most
                                           with. Fiona and Luis are also               valuable bank today. Luis stepped
                                           #LivingMyPromise signatories,               down as CEO of IDFC Private Equity
                                           where they have pledged to give             in 2010. In 2009 IDFC Private
                                           away at least 50% of what they have         Equity was awarded Best Private
                                           to charity during their lives or in         Equity Firm in India by Private
                                           their wills.                                Equity International and Asian
      Mr. Luis Miranda                                                                 Infrastructure Fund Manager of the
      Independent Director                 Luis serves on the board of Educate
                                                                                       Year by Infrastructure Investor.
                                           Girls and SBI Foundation, is
                                           Chairman of ManipalCigna Health             Luis blogs for Forbes, Thrive
                                           Insurance, and a Senior Advisor             Global, and Spontaneous Order,
Mr. Luis Miranda is Chairman &             at Morgan Stanley. He is Trustee,           and teaches at the Accelerated
Co-Founder of the Indian School of         University of Chicago Trust in              Development Program of Chicago
Public Policy. He is also Chairman         India and a member of the Global            Booth. He has received an MBA
of the Centre for Civil Society and        Leaders Group and the Advisory              from the Booth School of Business
CORO and co-founder of Take                Council of the Rustandy Center for          at The University of Chicago, and
Charge, a mentoring program for            Social Sector Innovation at Chicago         is a member of the Institute of
Catholic youth in Mumbai.                  Booth.                                      Chartered Accountants of India.

Mr. Luis Miranda has been appointed as Independent Director with effect from October 19, 2021. Mr. Samir T. Desai has resigned
as Independent Director with effect from 26th August 2021.

                                           Egypt. The Group is engaged in              beyond the confines of corporate
                                           key business sectors – Chemicals            management, in areas of health,
                                           (including Specialty Chemicals),            social welfare, education and sports.
                                           Engineering (Products and Steel             He is the Managing Trustee of The
                                           Castings) and Shipping. He is the           Indian Education Trust that runs two
                                           Honorary Consul General of Greece           schools in Chennai. He is also the
                                           in Chennai. As a spokesman of               President of Bala Mandir Kamaraj
                                           industry and trade, he is a former          Trust, Chairman of Madhuram
                                           President of Confederation of Indian        Narayanan Centre for Exceptional
                                           Industry (CII) and has participated         Children, and a Trustee of WWF-
      Mr. Narayanan Kumar                  in other apex bodies. He is also            India (World Wide Fund for Nature
      Independent Director                 the Chairman of the Indo-Japan              - India). Mr. Narayanan Kumar is an
                                           Chamber of Commerce & Industry.             Electronics Engineering Graduate
                                           Further, he is on the Board of              from Anna University, Chennai,
                                           various public companies and                and a fellow member of the Indian
Mr. Narayanan Kumar is an                  carries with him over four decades          National Academy of Engineering.
Independent Director of LTTS. He           of experience in the spheres of             He is a fellow life member of The
is the Vice Chairman of The Sanmar         Electronics, Telecommunications,            Institution of Electronics and
Group, a multinational USD 1 billion       Chemicals, Engineering, Technology,         Telecommunication Engineers
conglomerate headquartered in              Education, Management and                   and The Institute of Electrical and
Chennai, India, with manufacturing         Finance. Mr. Narayanan Kumar has a          Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
facilities in India, Mexico and            wide range of public interests, going       New York (IEEE).

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