"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit

Page created by Larry Moran
"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
“New diversities”
and “urban arrival
The socio-spatial appropriation
and footprints of refugees in

"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
                                                         Introduction                                    4

                                                         Methodology                                     7

                                                         I. Change on Sonnenallee                        10
                                                             a. Urban Structure                          10
                                                             b. Visitors/Customers                       18
Habitat Unit                                                 c. Shop Owners                              22
Chair of International Urbanism and Design
Dr. Anna Steigemann                                      II. The Logic of Sonnenallee’s Socioeconomics   32
Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz
                                                         III. Employment on Sonnenallee                  44
Winter Semester 2017/18
Seminar MA Urb, MA Arch, MASRP: WP                       IV. Behind the Curtains                         54

Students:                                                Conclusion                                      71
Aline Fraikin, Anais Alfieri, Ana Martin Yuste,
Aram Lee, Benjamin Seidel, Carolina Monroy Santillán,   References                                      74
Chloé Mas, Claudia Martinez, Duygu Kaban,
Esther Pearce, Gonçalo Pombo, Lea Holtmannspötter,      Interview Guidelines                            77
Lea Samson, Leonie Ziehmann, Lisa Templiner,
Maria Alice Floriano, Nadine Krell, Natalia Roman,
Pedro Fortunato, Robert Hummel, Robin Hueppe,
Sofia Fernandez Rosso, Sophie Marthe,
Tareq Almuhammad, Tom Mouritz, Venus Ayoub

Dr. Anna Steigemann

Pedro Fortunato

Minion Pro, Liberation Sans
"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
Benjamin Seidel, Esther Pearce, Ana Martin Yuste, Robin Hueppe
                                                                                                                   Places of arrival and their “arrival infrastruc-
                                                                                                                   tures” seem to play a crucial and supportive
                                                                                                                                                                        and Wedding - since the start of contractual
                                                                                                                                                                        working migration in the 1960s has served as
                                                                                                                   role when arriving newly to a place for finding      an area for newcomers to settle. Recently, with
                                                                                                                   housing, a job, social networks, provision plac-     the arrival of more refugees from Arabic speak-
                                                                                                                   es, access to practical information, every-day       ing countries, the area has seen larger shifts in
                                                                                                                   knowledge or, more broadly, the local context.       this respect. Moreover, inhabitants and shop
                                                                                                                   In a study on the ethnically diverse neighbor-       owners on Sonnenallee, like in most of Berlin,
What are diversity and “new diversities”                    an Cities for the implementation of the term           hood Antwerpen-Noord Schillebeeckx (2015)            during the last few years had to deal with rap-
and why do they matter?                                     “hyper-diversity” (Tasan-Kok et al. 2013). It is       showed more specifically that local expertise        idly rising rents, while the street has been the
In recent years, discourses and discussions                 hence important to ask for a complex and local-        was “not only present in the organizations that      city’s most covered one by the media and has
about globalization trends, migration flows and             ly grounded understanding of diversity, which          [were] specialized in offering welfare provision     even made it into international press and travel
local integration have become more relevant                 has been one aim of the research project and           to newcomers, [but that it was] also latent in       guides (e.g. Glassberg or Larsson 2017). Hence,
and visible than they had ever been before. In              TU Berlin Master class “‘New diversities’ and          the local community” (ibid.: 19). Furthermore,       it seemed fruitful to us to conduct research on
order to respond to this and, at the same time,             ‘urban arrival infrastructures’? The socio-spatial     “reciprocal dense informal social networks”          “urban arrival infrastructures” and “new diver-
as an antipodal answer to previous modernist                appropriation and footprints of refugees in Ber-       (ibid.: 20) seemed to play an important role         sities” in this specific area – a street strip where
urban planning paradigms of segregation of                  lin-Neukölln” during the winter semester 2017-         for newcomers in the process of settling in and      we assumed that multiple diversities and con-
homogenous areas and design by destruction                  2018. So, by looking at Sonnenallee, one specif-       that the “concentration of migrant newcomers         tinuing arrival leave concrete spatial and social
in some progressive debates diversity has been              ic interest of the project was to gather multiple      in particular neighbourhoods allow[ed] for the       observable footprints.
proposed and positioned as a new paradigm.                  perspectives on the different dimensions of            specialisation of these neighbourhoods in arrival
However, to make use of this concept produc-                diversity in the area. To ask for “new diversities”    and transition” (ibid.: 22).
tively, certain questions have to be considered.            in the context of this street in Neukölln, conse-                                                           Who are we?
In the first place, for example, Fainstein (2005)           quently means to look at how different elements                                                             The Master course was directed by Dr. Anna
argues that there exists a multiplicity of its              - like for example class, ethnic background and        Why did we choose Sonnenallee?                       Steigemann at the Habitat Unit of the TU
meanings in and across different disciplines                gender - are constituted and related to each oth-      With the research undertaken during the              Berlin. The group of researchers consisted of 32
and referring to different aspects such as build-           er, if or how they have changed over time and          semester we wanted to look at how inside of          Master students, many of which have migration
ing types, uses, ethnic backgrounds, etc., all              if and how these potential alterations are being       Neukölln different groups of especially newly        backgrounds themselves and are newcomers
of which need to be discussed and clarified.                perceived and evaluated on site and from the           arrived people make use of and change the dis-       to Berlin, while having very diverse profes-
Secondly, the term diversity itself tends towards           outside.                                               trict. To get a more specified close-up we decid-    sional backgrounds, such as in Architecture,
strengthening dichotomies and dualistic per-                                                                       ed to narrow our analysis down to the northern       Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Urban
spectives ranging between either overly prob-                                                                      parts of Sonnenallee that have been highly pres-     Planning, Sociology, History, and Psychology.
lematizing or euphoric perceptions, as can be               What are “urban arrival infrastructures”?              ent in debates on immigration and arrival in
seen in the case of Sonnenallee, the area of our            “Urban arrival infrastructures” or also “urban         Berlin. The outside image of Sonnenallee from
fieldwork, as well. Third, diversity is also often          transition zones” can be defined as areas that         the media in most cases is a very conflictual        What did we focus on and how did we
being used to label social mix strategies that              are “[...] specialized in the arrival and transition   one: The views often show high levels of stig-       conduct the research?
can, in its consequences, lead to driving out               of newcomers [...]”, provide “[...] localized re-      matization but also an often “othering”-curios-      In our research we wanted to get a more de-
certain sectors of inhabitants. Fainstein, thus             sources that are nurtured in these areas and po-       ity as shown by some newspaper headlines like:       tailed and deep understanding of how Sonne-
asks how appropriate it is to use diversity as a            tentially contribute to the integration of migrants    “That’s how a day passes by on Planet Sonne-         nallee “works”, how it has possibly changed over
planning principle.                                         in society” (Schillebeeckx 2015: 2).                   nallee” already from 2010 (Keseling), “Son-          time and how people that live, work or shop
                                                                                                                   nenallee: The Arabic Street” in August 2016          there make use of and appropriate the space.
Nevertheless, we face situations where differ-              Considering Sonnenallee a potential site of            (Küpper) ,or “Causing friendship with sweets”        Also, we tried to explore what these different
ent kinds of diversity have to be considered as             arrival, another aim of the project thus was to        in 2017 (Abdi). With regard to diversity and its     user groups in their varying roles for the street,
important elements as well in the analysis of as            “urban arrival infrastructures”, their conditions,     possible changes over time, Sonnenallee also is      arrival, existing and emerging new diversities
in the planning for and within society. Some                functioning, structures and what they might in-        of particular interest as Neukölln - like Berlin’s   perceive as challenges or potentials. The main
scholars even argue in the context of Europe-               or exclude.                                            other historic working class districts Kreuzberg     question that guided the work during the whole

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"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit

process was how we could get a more differen-
tiated perspective on diversities, urban arrival
                                                    Aline Fraikin, Anais Alfieri, Gonçalo Pombo, Natalia Roman, Robert Hummel, Sophie Marthe
and the concrete space of Sonnenallee. Hence,
our focus and research interest reached beyond
stressing ethnic backgrounds or origin. Draw-
ing from four core and further additional read-
ings the research was divided into four groups:
                                                                                            34 STUDENTS // 4 WEEKS // 45 INTERVIEWS
Group 1: Change on Sonnenallee
Core reading: Towards Hyper-Diversified Euro-
pean Cities: A Critical Literature Review
By Tuna Tasan-Kok, Ronald van Kempen, Mike
Raco and Gideon Bolt

Group 2: The Logic of Sonnenallee’s Socioec-                                      Find
onomics                                                   Research                Research Focus                 Questionnaire                 Inter-
Core reading: Cities and Diversity. Should We                                     and Question                   Design                        pretation
Want It? Can We Plan For It?
By Susan S. Fainstein
                                                                           First                                     tion of           Analysis
Group 3: Employment on Sonnenallee
Core reading: Dealing with diversity in the city:
                                                        OCT2017            Exploration:             DEC2017                                         FEB2018
Exploring the arrival and transition                                       -walks
infrastructure in the migrant neighbourhood                                -observations
Antwerpen-Noord                                                            -photos
By Elise Schillebeeckx

Group 4: Behind the Curtains of Sonnenallee
Core reading: Locating migrant pathways of
economic emplacement:
Thinking beyond the ethnic lens
By Nina Click Schiller, Ayse Caglar                 Explorative Phase and Logistics                            To determine the focus of each group’s research
                                                    After a short review of the most relevant cur-             project, we engaged in a week-long explorative
How we proceeded methodologically to answer         rent urban studies literature on diversity and             phase, during which we gathered first impres-
the in these topics involved questions is ex-       the concept of arrival infrastructures (Fainstein          sions by going for walks, running participatory
plained in the next chapter.                        2005, Schiller and Çağlar 2013, Tasan-Kok et al.          observations, and taking photos of Sonnenallee
                                                    2013, Schillebeeck 2015), we split into four sub-          and its spaces, people, and practices. From the
                                                    groups to analyze the socio-economic structure             very beginning, all information and experiences
                                                    of Sonnenallee from a variety of angles. All               were documented and archived. In a second
                                                    groups tried to relate their research and work             step, each group negotiated their research ob-
                                                    to the overall themes of diversities and arrival           jectives while linking them back to the results
                                                    infrastructures, while each single group de-               of the literature review.
                                                    veloped their own specific research focus and
                                                    conceptual approach.

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"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit

The groups organized themselves as follows:         interview partners’ language skills.

Group 1: “Change on Sonnenallee” (6 students)
                                                    Data Collection and Sample
Group 2: “The Logic of Sonnenallee’s So-            Given the fact that we were a rather large stu-
cio-Economics” (4 students)                         dent group and in order to avoid contacting the
                                                    same interviewee multiple times, we divided
Group 3: “Sonnenallee – An Arrival Infrastruc-      Sonnenallee geographically into four segments:
ture in Terms of Employment?” (8 students)          two on each side of Sonnenallee from Herman-
                                                    nplatz to Weichselstraße and two up to Wilden-
Group 4: “Behind the Curtains of Sonnenallee”       bruchstraße (see the map on the following
(4 students)                                        page). Each of the four student groups focused
                                                    on one of the allocated segments. We looked for
                                                    interviewees falling into one of the following
Design of the Questionnaires                        categories: store owners, employees of stores,
The design of the questionnaires as a golden        NGO employees and customers. Additionally,
thread for the open and narrative in-depth          we had meetings with local experts in Neukölln     of organizing and labeling data in order to build   servations. Specific text passages or statements
interviews was conducted in multiple steps.         that either deal with migration and integra-       up a basis for the analysis. The codes constitute   were read in their contexts and then categorized
First, each of the four groups created different    tion issues or with the planning and economic      the main element of the method and enable to        by means of the developed codes from the pre-
questionnaires depending on their respective        development of the street. The main cooper-        focus only on the data that is relevant for the     vious steps. The fourth step was to control if the
research question. These questionnaires were        ation partners were Christoph Braun from           specific research. That places great importance     groups’ ideas, concepts and themes were cod-
developed for different interview partners:         the Sharehouse Refugio in Lenaustraße and          on choosing the right codes for the coding pro-     ed to fit the categories. With the codes (main
Shop owners, employees, customers, visitors         Ina Rathfelder from the Stadtteilmanagement        cess. In order to achieve a good coding process,    threads) and their contents (statements, text
and residents. Secondly, all the questionnaires     Sonnenallee – Unternehmen Neukölln and             the researchers constantly have to ask them-        passages, notes), the material was structured
were brought together and combined into a           the Quartiersmanagement Ganghoferstraße            selves what their inquiry is about.                 and schemes or patterns could easily be read.
final questionnaire for each interview group.       team. Additional interview partners (residents,    The way the groups used this method included        Thereby the groups were able to straightfor-
With this, only the most relevant questions         experts, etc.) were contacted directly by the      four main steps. The first step was to develop a    wardly answer their research questions.
were asked, stimulating the narration flow, and     students, either by spontaneously walking into     storyline by skimming through the transcrip-
the questionnaires could focus more on the          stores and local institutions – sometimes two      tions, linking them back to theory and subse-
main issue of the course: “New diversities and      students together – or in some cases, by setting   quently identifying main themes (codes) that
urban arrival infrastructures on Sonnenallee”.      up an official interview appointment by phone.     appear throughout the data. The second and
Further, through having equal questionnaires        In other cases, the students were accompanied      most challenging step was linking these main
for every group at the end everyone could           by friends who could help with Arabic trans-       threads back to the respective research question
benefit from all interviews conducted. Thus, the    lation. In total, we spent four weeks collecting   and research aims that the students had devel-
analysis was not limited to just the interviewees   data and ran 45 interviews with members of         oped at the beginning of the project. At this
of their respective group but could draw on a       our focus groups.                                  point, the success of the chosen research design
bigger sample of interview material. Addition-                                                         and interview questions was unveiled – the eas-
ally, through asking each interview partner the                                                        ier it was to build up the connection between
same questions, we achieved a better compar-        Data evaluation and interpretation                 the produced material and the research issues,
ison of different shop owners and employees.        In order to evaluate and interpret the empirical   the better the interview questions worked. In
This allowed for and supported a much deeper        data which was collected mostly through inter-     the third step, the students did an in-depth
analysis of the whole street. The questionnaires    views and field observations, the groups used      analysis of their textual data in a systematic
were designed in English and translated into        a simplified version of coding the interview       way: interview transcriptions, notes, field ob-
German and partly Arabic, depending on the          material and observation notes. Coding is a way

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"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
Change on
                                                                                                            City Scape                                             miniums lived in the block themselves. They
                                                                                                            Around 1900, the adjacent street to Sonne-             lived in the most beautiful, most generous
                                                                                                            nallee, Karl-Marx-Straße, represented the main         apartment in the first floor of the front build-
                                                                                                            shopping center as well as an administrative           ing. On the ground floor was commercial use.
                                                                                                            center in Berlin on top of the western district’s      And the further one went into the inner areas
Anais Alfieri, Chloé Mas, Gonçalo Pombo, Lisa Templiner, Sophie Marthe, Tareq Almuhammad
                                                                                                            Schloßstraße and Wilmersdorferstraße.                  of the block, into the rear buildings the social
                                                                                                                                                                   status of the inhabitants decreased.” (resident)
                                                                                                               “There were also shops here. And if you ask
                                                                                                               older people, those were partly even more
                                                                                                               attractive.” (jeweller)                          PRESENT

urban structure                                                                                             Sonnenallee in the immediate vicinity of
                                                                                                            Karl-Marx-Straße benefited from this im-
                                                                                                                                                                Sonnenallee is centrally located within the
                                                                                                            portant supply function and reputation and          S-Bahnring of Berlin. Further, it is connected
PAST                                                      biggest department store of Karstadt und the      shopping center. This had an impact of the use      though the U-Bahnlinie U7 in the east-west-di-
                                                          opening of the U-Bahn station Hermannplatz.       and appearance of Sonnenallee’s public space,       rections and U8 in north-south-directions. In
Location                                                  Hermannplatz was not only a social center but     for example, in regard to the construction of       addition, Sonnenallee is connected by the bus
Sonnenallee as a street was built and extended            also the traffic hub of southeast Berlin, where   important and iconic public buildings as well       line M41 to the main station as well as with the
within the old independent municipality of                most important streets connecting Neukölln        as in regard to how public space was used and       line 171 to the airport Schönefeld.
Rixdorf in the 18th and 19th century. Until its           to Berlin and the surrounding area started or     appropriated by different users. Additionally,
incorporation 1920, Rixdorf (renamend Neu-                ended.                                            Sonnenallee was characterized by very magnifi-
kölln in 1912) was an peripheral district in the                                                            cent design of the front houses.                    Hermannplatz
southeast of Berlin. Due to                                                                                                                                     The examined area of Sonnenallee offers very
the immense populations                                                                                        “So, my mom told me the other day, that there    little public green and open space, except Her-
growth, Berlin gradually                                                                                       was a tram on the middle strip, which is today   mannplatz at the northern end. However, its
enclosed Neukölln. Imme-                                                                                       a grass verge. And when she was a child, she     quality is characterized by its use and function
diately after becoming part                                                                                    used to walk there together with her grand-      as an important supply center and particularly
of the city of Berlin, Sonne-                                                                                  mother.” (resident)                              an important traffic hub, where two subway
nallee was then integrated                                                                                                                                      lines intersect, and different arterial roads have
into the public transport and                                                                               The distribution of the street was basically the    their starting point, e.g. Hermannstraße, Karl-
road network of the city. As a                                                                              same as it is today: sidewalks on both sides,       Marx-Straße, and Hasenheide.
major thoroughfare, in 1894                                                                                 wide lanes with greenery accompanying the
Sonnenallee started from                                                                                    street and a bigger median strip. This strip
Hermannplatz and reached                                                                                    located in the middle of the lanes was originally   City Scape
up to Reuterstraße, while                                                                                   used for public transport – a tram. The street        “There are partly high stately and very mag-
being extended to the Ring-                                                                                 was paved with cobblestone. In general, there         nificent Gründerzeit buildings.” (resident)
bahn until 1905.                                                                                            was a lower traffic congestion on the streets.
                                                                                                                                                                The bordering five-floor Gründerzeit residen-
                                                                                                                                                                tial buildings characterize the spatial quality of
Hermannplatz                                                                                                The Berlin Block                                    the examined area in Sonnenallee. The compact
Only since the mid 1920’s,                                                                                    “This is the typical building typology that       form of the Berlin Block reaches a GFZ of 5.
Hermannplatz developed                                                                                        developed during the Wilhelminian era. In the     The fragmented use and the vertical structure
into an important public                                                                                      time when Berlin has grown and boomed so          of the often mixed-use residential and com-
square with the back then                                                                                     stark. At that time the idea was that condo-      mercial buildings is particularly relevant for

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"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
Change: Urban Structure

                                                                                                               inwards from Pannierstraße to Hermannplatz          The new tram line which is planned from
                                                                                                               a bus lane occupies one of the lanes. There are     “Hermannplatz” to “Görlitzer Park” and until
                                                                                                               no marked bicycle paths along the entire length     the “Warschauer Straße” supports this argu-
                                                                                                               of the investigated section of Sonnenallee. It is   ment. Contrary to that the junction point from
                                                                                                               parked on both sides of the road. It is parked on   Sonnenallee to the highway A100 which will
                                                                                                               both sides of the road. The middle strip extends    lead to the new airport might cause even more
                                                                                                               across Sonnenallee up to the S-Bahnring and is      traffic than in the present. This could lead to
                                                                                                               heavily used by the stationary traffic as well.     an increased lack of quality on the street. It is
                                                                                                                                                                   uncertain how the street will evolve. On the
                                                                                                                  “The Sonnenallee is somehow used, things are     one hand it could become a street with a high-
                                                                                                                  just thrown away, if something is not good       er walkability and space for bikes and public
                                                                                                                  anymore, sofa are lying around.” (jeweller)      transport. On the other hand, it could get even
                                                                                                                                                                   more uncontrolled traffic and a high congestion
                                                                                                               Another often mentioned physical characteris-       of motorized traffic. Thus, the future attractive-
                                                                                                               tic of the street is the huge amount of garbage     ness of the street will be determined by current
                                                                                                               and dirt on the street.                             planning decisions.

                                                                                                                                                                      “So, this is such an absurd duel that is some-
                                                                                                               FUTURE                                                 how happening, because I think that will very
                                                                                                                                                                      much determine the living quality on the
                                                                                                               In order to analyze how the Sonnenallee might          street.” (resident)
                                                                                                               look in the future, we need to distinguish
                                                                                                               between the interview results and real future       Another repeatedly mentioned concern of our
                                                                                                               developments. On the one hand, the wishes,          interview partners regards are the users, the
                                                                                                               hopes and visions of the interviewees and on        insufficient greenery and lack of space to rest
                                                                                                               the other hand, real concrete and implemented       on the street, for which the interviewees hope
                                                                                                               projects which will shape the street.               for change:

                                                                                                                                                                      “More playgrounds or how do you say that –
                                                                                                               Interviews                                             green spaces- more benches to sit and so on.”
                                                                                                               In regard to the interview results, a distinction      (Supermarket employee)
                                                                                                               between different groups and their visions can
the commercial use of Sonnenallee. Defining               walks on both sides. These are highly utilized       be made. The interviewed group of young, so-        The commercial structure and the resulting
the type of the Berlin Block, rear buildings and          by neighboring commercial units, meaning for         called international expats or “hipsters” expect    livability on the streets is believed to remain the
partially commercial structures are located in            example, furniture, shop display, advertisement,     an ongoing gentrification on the street, which      same in the future or to developed into a higher
the back yards. (Regarding the Berlin Block see           etc. Further narrowing takes place through the       will speed up and change vastly the current         diversity and number of stores. This means that
below)                                                    occupation of the road-accompanying trees            urban but also commercial and demographic           the small, individual and diverse retail structure
                                                          whose tree-disks are bordered by concrete edg-       structure of the street. They believe that more     will remain as it is and bring even more visitors
     “(…) in terms of urban design, the middle            es and thus constitute a barrier.                    expensive stores for a different and wealthier      to the street.
     strip, all the trees and the sidewalks. That’s all                                                        clientele will displace smaller, cheap stores,
     well-proportioned (…)” (resident)                       “Definitely too much traffic and really blatant   their visitors as well as many residents. They      Contrary to that, the Arabic native speaking
                                                             car traffic.” (resident)                          also wish for a cleaner street and more traffic     do not share this view. They do not see an
The street space has a width of approximately                                                                  regulations as well as for more walkability and a   emerging gentrification, but rather predict an
34m from building to building. There are side-            In both directions are three driving lanes. City     bike lane.                                          expansion of Arabic stores, more car traffic and

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"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
Change: Urban Structure

“uncoordinated visitors” on the streets. They        development plans are the reac-
believe that the street will become even more        tivation of the street as an active
Arabic then it is now:                               shopping and service street with
                                                     a high connectivity. Thereby they
     “In 10 years Sonnenallee will be completely     particularly aim for the attraction
     Arabic.” (Employee Sports bar)                  and settlement of especially crea-
                                                     tive businesses. The programs try
In general, the Arabic speaking interviewees         to avoid a commercial competition
seem to worry and reflect less about the ur-         with neighboring Karl-Marx-
ban structure of the street. Concerning their        Straße.
future on the street, they mostly referred to
the commercial structure, which they believe         Other relevant topics for the
will remain quite the same. The predict a more       effective use of the flexible Berlin
chaotic urban street life, which they also believe   Block are creating for new forms of
will intensify due to an expected higher estab-      housing and working in the neigh-
lishment of Arabic stores and customers:             borhood and the regeneration of
                                                     urban green. Therefore, more green
      “To be honest, the same. I don’t think it      spaces will be developed, and the
     would change.” (visitor)                        existing ones reactivated. The plan
      “I don’t know why it would change. Maybe       is to connect existing greenery
     even more overcrowded!” (visitor)               and create a green axis as well as
      “With more stores.” (visitor)                  a connection to the nearby chan-
                                                     nel. It is also planned to improve
Both groups though wish for a better and safer       the street network in general, with
street structure especially for pedestrians and      more crossing opportunities and
cyclists. One can conclude that to keep the          the creation of a bike lanes in sur-
street attractive and livable, the urban structure   roundings streets.
has to be rethought. It should become less de-
signed for cars and more for people. As we have      These targets partly overlap with
seen in the past the urban structure enables a       the ones of “Aktives Zentrum”.
use for a high pedestrian fluctuation and thus       This project mainly aims towards
could be transformed again.                          a new “active center” of Neukölln,
                                                     for a higher visitor attendance and
                                                     positive local image. The motto is
Urban development projects                           “Jung, bunt, erfolgreich - handeln,                  of the urban structure and public spaces will be
In the present, there are two urban redevel-         begegnen, erleben” meaning “Young, colorful,         improved. If there will be a bike lane directly
opment projects taking place on Sonnenallee.         successful - act, encounter, experience”. This       on Sonnenallee is uncertain. Nevertheless, the
Since 2009 a redevelopment project started           is also meant to support the diversity of Neu-       construction of the new tram line is planned to
around the area called “Aktives Zentrum Karl-        köllns residents and commercial structure.           start till 2026.
Marx-Straße / Sonnenallee”. Also, since 2011
the “Sanierungsgebiet Karl-Marx-Straße /             Sonnenallee is suggested to become a meeting
Sonnenallee” affects the design and reconstruc-      center for art, culture, trade and services and
tion of the street and its surrounding neighbor-     for that the small and ethnic diverse store struc-
hoods. The main aims of the “Sanierungsgebiet”       ture will be endorsed. Additionally, the quality

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"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
Change: Urban Structure


Sonnenallee has rarely changed in its spa-
tial-physical conditions. There were small
changes in the materiality, for example the road
surface (cobblestone-asphalt) or the decoration
of the façades. Those were richly and, in more
detail, ornamented in the past. However, there
was a considerable change in its use. Today,
people complain about a particularly high traf-
fic load, which occupies a large part of the open
space and harms the quality of stay. The ground
level of the Gründerzeit buildings is still used
for commercial purposes even though the range
of products, ownership structures and other
features and characteristics of the built environ-
ment but also the group of visitors and users
have changed. With this we conclude that the
urban structure of Sonnenallee is very flexible
and enables many different uses and the pos-         Examples of past and present
                                                         changes in Sonnenallee
sibility to host and develop further diversities.
Especially the wide streets, the middle strip and
the ground floor use of the Berlin Block sup-
port the adaptation to different purposes and
enable a very lively and dynamic social street

16                                                                         17
"New diversities" and "urban arrival infrastructures"? - The socio-spatial appropriation and footprints of refugees in Berlin-Neukölln - Habitat Unit
Change: Visitors/Customers

How did the use of Sonnenallee change?              prices. These three points were the most often
The customer composition changed over time          mentioned positive attributes of Sonnenallee.
in Sonnenallee in terms of diversity. Even          For instance, “It’s a good place, because you find
though today’s customer and visitor structure       different people. A lot of people. There’s a good
seem less diverse than before 2015, our analysis    mix here.” (visitor)
revealed that these structures develop towards
hyper-diversity recently. This new hyperdiversi-    As we mentioned before, the customer-visitor
ty has an impact on the uses on the street. What    structure developed from an already diverse           the main use of the street - the huge variety of    nenallee’s restaurants are special but similar
these use changes look like is at the core of the   composition towards more hyperdiversity in            shops.                                              restaurants can also be found in the adjacent
following analysis:                                 the last years. One outcome of the interviews                                                             district, but “I can also find these restaurants in
In order to understand how Sonnenallee is used      was that this is one of the main reasons why             “Because they offer food and products you        Kreuzberg, but is is more expensive.” (visitor)
by the visitors and customers during our field      people are attracted by Sonnenallee and fur-             can’t find anywhere else.” (visitor)
work phase, we interviewed and observed them        thermore, also they come to the street because                                                            “Diversity” is viewed a new paradigm for a
– also to find out what they do and don’t like      of the similarly increased and diversified offers     This is closely linked to the special food offers   globally connected and just city. As Fainstein
about and on Sonnenallee.                           and opportunities on the street compared to           on Sonnenallee. Visitors come for eating out        puts it, diversity “constitutes an antithesis to
                                                    the less diverse past. In this regard, we interpret   ro Sonnenallee on a daily, weekly or monthly        previous orientations toward urban design, in
                                                    that Sonnenallee became well known also as            basis, they also mention that buying food also      which segregation of homogeneous districts was
What do you like about Sonnenallee ?                an urban arrival infrastructure since the new         drives their motivation to visit Sonnenallee.       the governing orthodoxy” (Fainstein 2005). But
We often got very similar answers from our          Syrian migration from 2015 onwards.                   Put together, around 75% of the visitors come       diversity is also as an attractor and promote an
interviewees when asked about the things they                                                             to Sonnenallee to use the shops related to food.    area’s “ethnic appeal” and might stimulate and
like about Sonnenallee. Hence, for a broader           “I like the sense of security it gives refugees    Sonnenallee developed into an highly diverse        involve gentrification processes. Our analysis
discussion, we tried to capture their frequence        once they arrive here, to many the “Arabic         “open-air market”, offering from around the         revealed that the process of gentrification af-
and organized the findings into diagrams with          street” is the first stop and once you are here    world and particularly Arabic speaking coun-        fects drastically Sonnenallee, and these chal-
percentages of answers. These are based on all         and see something familiar and people that         tries, often offering also further services and     lenging effects will increase in the future:
36 interviews. A further analysing step was            speak your language and can help you settle        uses that are rather new for a Berlin or Son-
their distribution into different categories.          in, suddenly the city is less strange to you and   nenallee context. While many refugees come             “I believe it will change a lot. It is gonna have
                                                       you aren’t as worried.” (visitor)                  to Sonnenallee to feel the taste and the atmos-        more coffes. Pannienstrasse not so gentrified,
Further openly formulated and free main topics                                                            phere from home, other visitors are students           but will be like Kreuzberg, full of English peo-
that were discussed more often were the mix         Another outcome from the question about what          and tourists looking for affordable and new            ple and Australians.” (visitor)
of people, the variety of shops and the low         visitors and customers like on Sonnenallee was        cuisines. As on interviewee mentions, Son-

18                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
Change: Visitors/Customers

                                                                                                             food stands, bike riders, et cetera. For instance,   Conclusion
                                                                                                             people just stop in the middle of the street next    As a conclusion of our analysis findings, we
                                                                                                             to the sidewalks while driving to chat with          argue that the structure of customers and vis-
Consequently, gentrification crawling down          dislike on Sonnenallee? The free main topics             passers-by. However, this is how they cause          itors in Sonnenallee has changed from diver-
from the already gentrified northern neighbor-      that were discussed more often were the traffic          many of the common traffic congestions. Con-         sity to hyperdiversity in the last years. This is
hoods already has an impact on the uses and         situation, the tidiness and the criminality.             sequently, many interviewees report – which          largely connected to the use of and uses on the
the mix of uses on Sonnenallee. Today, most                                                                  matches our own observations on the street           street level. Sonnenallee is not only diverse in
newcomers and particularly refugees (as both           “It’s the only place in Berlin, where I walk next     – that users of Sonnenallee are annoyed by the       regard to the ethnic backgrounds of visitors
the dominant user groups of the street) can’t af-      to my bike.” (visitor)                                traffic chaos, crowededness and too fast driving     and customers, but also in regard to how the
ford to pay a rent on Sonnenallee – despite the        “It’s so dirty here, it might be the dirtiest place   of many car drivers, which also threatens many       different uses are distributed and organized and
district’s past and history as a poor and mul-         in Neukölln.” (visitor)                               passers-by and bike drivers. This situation          negotiated on the ground - people come to the
ti-ethnic working class district. Our observa-         “When I moved here I used to take walks with          further affects the visitors, and is also named as   street for likewise diverse reasons, e.g. refugees
tions revealed that most people on Sonnenallee         my wife on the Allee, now she feels uncomfort-        a severe problem for some of them and a reason       looking for a feeling and sense of home, stu-
are visitors, who don’t live there, but in more        able and is afraid.” (visitor)                        why they don’t want to visit the street anymore.     dents looking for “hip coffee shops” or tourists
affordable and peripheral Berlin districts. But                                                                                                                   looking for the “place to be” and authenticity
also more affluent tourists and Berlin residents    We found that visitors have seen a degradation           The visitors and customers didn’t really talk        (as staged diversity). And these different scales
use the street in their search for Arabic food.     of the situation of the street in terms of traf-         about the future of Sonnenallee during our in-       and levels of diversities might further change
                                                    fic situation, tidiness, and criminality, mostly         terviews, hence, we interpreted their complaints     in the future to different diversity and different
                                                    because of the fact that the street is becoming          as a wish for a better organization on the street    uses – depending on further migration flows,
What do you dislike on Sonnenalle?                  more and more crowded. From our observa-                 level for the future.                                gentrification processes, spatial changes in
The second question to find out how the uses        tions we concluded that the street level is in-                                                               terms of the local urban development programs
have changed on Sonnenallee was: what do you        deed very lively and crowded with people, cars,                                                               and negotiations and conflicts between the
                                                                                                                                                                  different user groups.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
Change: Shop Owners

                                                                                                         Polish descent. In addition, Berlin received a        Most interviewed people but also the media
                                                                                                         comparatively high amount of asylum seekers           coverage perceive Sonnenallee as “the Arabic
                                                                                                         mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in the        street” but with now increased social and eco-
                                                                                                         past few years (6).                                   nomic exchange.

                                                                                                         The question thus arises, how did the business-          “Now it is better. Five years ago it was diffi-
                                                                                                         es and the local social life change in terms of          cult. Now there are more Arabic people. They
                                                                                                         ethnic background of the business owners and             want to get married. People say this street is
                                                                                                         staff and what kind of commercial changes hap-           the Arabic street.” (shop owner of a women’s
                                                                                                         pened on the street? Sonnenallee is commonly             clothing store).

shop owners
                                                                                                         known as and referred to as “the Arabic street”
                                                                                                         since the late 1980s. But what is “Arabic”? And       This clothing store is very special in the sense
                                                                                                         are Arabic businesses not more diverse them-          that it has a specific kind of (targeted) customer
                                                                                                         selves as the broad term “Arabic” allows for?         base. The kind of offered fashion is known and
Introduction                                          beginning, but also in a very condensed way in                                                           familiar to women from Arabic countries. As
“There is a special street in Berlin where the sun    the last few years. For instance, by the end of    We ask these questions also in regard to the          the owner puts it,
shines even in winter,” as one store owner told       the 19th century, many immigrants from the         street’s past and present economic activities. As
us. Its warmth is felt not only in its name – sun-    nearby rural areas came to the Berlin neighbor-    our interviews revealed, many people describe            “I think 90% Arabic, 5% Turkish and 5% Ger-
ny alley -, but also through the mixture of for-      hood in order to work in the local industries,     a period around ten years ago as being very bad          man [customers]. You can buy Arabic stuff
eign languages, singular products, and diverse        characterizing it as a predominantly industrial    for business.                                            everywhere here. A lot of people from Arabic
people that welcome you when strolling down           working-class area (1). Following this tenden-                                                              countries are here. They speak Arabic but they
its sidewalks, watching the stores’ front win-        cy, new immigrants from East Europe settled           “The period between 2002 and 2008 was very            have very different dialects. My wife is from
dows and displays and visiting its equally di-        during the 1920s, attracted by the opening of         good… then the period between 2008 and                Palestine, but it’s ok, I can understand.”
verse shops. Like the sun being the center of the     new factories (2). In the 1950s and 1960s, many       2012 was very bad for business…. These last
solar system, Sonnenallee represents the heart        immigrants from the Soviet sectors and Ger-           years have been more similar to the first peri-    However, some longer standing businesses
of the life of many different people, particularly    man enclaves in eastern Europe arrived to the         od.” (business owner – repair shop).               on Sonnenallee did not target specific ethnic
the ones that recently arrived to the city. Con-      area, as well as the many “guest workers” that                                                           groups. For example, a Palestinian shop owner
sidering the influence of the street’s diversity      came mainly from Turkey, south and south-east      But in the recent years, with more people             said that he needed to flee his country in 2002.
in the liveliness of the street, it is important to   of Europe. Later refugees and asylum seekers       coming from Arabic countries (mainly Syr-             The business that he opened in Sonnenallee
understand the ethnic backgrounds of the shop         from mostly north of Africa (3) and more refu-     ia), the street conveys the impression to many        “doesn’t look so Arabic” in his eyes, because he
owners and to gain some information on the            gees came mainly from Iran, Lebanon, Palestine     users but also pto eople from outside of the          targets rather diverse and not-ethnically specif-
number, type, and ownership of the businesses         regions, Ghana, India, and Sri Lanka came to       neighborhood that it hosts a cluster of predom-       ic customers with his repair shop.
opened in the last decades. How did the shop          Berlin and Sonnenallee (4).                        inantly “Arabic businesses,” as our interviews
management and the business spaces as well as                                                            confirmed. This new cluster led to an economic        However, today, there are highly diverse busi-
its staff affect and change the street in the last    Today, most residents constitute a mixture of      and social revival of the street. As mentioned        nesses on the street, most of which have not
years? What kind of diversities result from the       a still predominantly working class population     by a long-term businessman, “before, there            only specific target groups but also focus on a
type of ownership and the social and ethnic           from Germany, Poland and Arabic Countries,         were not so many people, now a lot of people are      specific ethnic customer group, such as Arabic
background of the owners for Sonnenallee?             with increasingly more (gentrifying) middle-       here from Syria and Lebanon” (shop owner of a         Muslim women as in the case above. As the
                                                      and upper-class newcomers from other parts of      restaurant). The new arrival of businesses and        owner puts it, almost all the clients are Arabic
                                                      Berlin, Germany, northern and western Europe       customers mainly from Syria also led to an in-        woman who want to get married, for which
#1 - Sonnenalle is the most well-known place of       and the US. According to the Statistics’ Depart-   creased liveliness and vitality of the street, with   they need special clothes. Also, Sonnenallee’s
arrival for many newcomers in Berlin. But the         ment Berlin-Brandenburg (5), today’s inhabit-      more people, more businesses resulting in more        hairdressers mostly serve Arabic men, offering
street experienced different phases of migration      ants are most often from Turkish descent, or of    traffic, sales and passersby – “now there’s more      special cutting, hair dressing and barber ser-
and different kinds of migrants since its very        former Yugoslavian, Lebanese, Romanian, and        life in the street” (shop owner of a bakery).         vices, often known from their home countries.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                             23
Change: Shop Owners

Among them, some offer a separate area also          mix of Shisha smoke in the air, the aroma of the     where bars, restaurants and clubs have dis- and        our interview partners from Syria mention, one
for women, a service provided for this specific      Syrian sweets, spiced Arabic coffee and the fried    replaced the long-standing small businesses            of the biggest challenges is the initial funding
target group. Contrastingly, some other busi-        falafel. The sidewalks are covered with fresh        and workshops, increases the pressure on Son-          for opening a business, and thus most of the
nesses offer a different range of goods that may     products, foreign spices, fruits, and vegetables     nenallee.                                              interviewees started their businesses with only
be useful for and demanded by a more varied          as well as decorative objects and clothes known                                                             their own money or help from friends and
and wider group of people. When entering the         from Arabic countries. However, there is a              “I imagine a lot of gentrification happening        family savings, while the new rather upscale
local restaurants, the people inside are usual-      diverse range of and different scaling of these         even more in the future, the renting prices         businesses run by so-called gentrifiers often
ly very diverse, including residents from and        mentioned diversities. Sonnenallee thus repre-          are kicking out families. The rents are almost      received structural support and support by state
beyond the neighborhood and with very differ-        sents a lively and hyperdiverse micro-cosmos,           double the price compared to families who live      and commercial agencies.
ent ethnic origins. The supermarkets offer daily     where different interests and aspirations collide,      here for a long time” (interviewed resident).
supply goods for an affordable price, attracting     during the day and night.                                                                                   Their previous business experiences represent
longer-term residents and newcomers alike and                                                             Rising residential and commercial rents in-            the kind of knowledge and training represent
those who look for fresh groceries and prod-                                                              crease the competition between the businesses          for most interviewed business owners the key
ucts. This is in line the most often mentioned       #2 - As many other streets of Berlin and Eu-         on Sonnenallee for customers and sales, par-           strategies to open a business, and for doing so,
main motivation for the interviewed customers        ropean cities, gentrification affects the street,    ticularly among the restaurants that sell similar      they looked for a place that is already an estab-
on the street – they come for shopping or con-       its residents, users and above all, its business     goods.                                                 lished arrival or transition zone for previous
suming food and beverages on the street, either      owners, while competition among the (growing                                                                newcomers and migrants. Therefore and be-
in their search for “ethnic cuisines”, longing for   number of) businesses increases as well. Inter-         “I believe it will change a lot. It is gonna have   cause of expected future migration, they claim,
“authenticity”, or to provide themselves with        view partners mention, that the street is getting       more coffees. Pannienstrasse not so gentrified,     that they will hopefully expand their stores in
goods and services and a dining-out experience       more competitive with the growth of similar             but will be like Kreuzberg, full of English peo-    the future: “we are opening a new branch soon
known from their home places or just for their       businesses - “it’s too competitive here,” as our        ple and Australians” (interviewed resident).        outside Berlin” (store owner of a Syrian bakery).
everyday supply.                                     interviewed store owners mentioned.                                                                         The street is thus an arrival infrastructure but

Sonnenallee may seem less diverse in terms of        For newcomers, who plan to open a store on            #3 - What we considered conceptually as ur-
the business types, but on a second sight, the       the street, it is also getting harder and more       ban arrival infrastructure, was often framed as
diversity within the dominant cluster is high.       expensive to find a shop space: “it took us six      the “birth place” for new business activities by
A closer look into the type of business, the staff   months to find this shop” (owner of Syrian           many interview partners. After their first store
and customers and owners that make the place,        bakery). Also, prices of shop spaces have been       on Sonnenallee, interviewed owners opened
reveal a special hyperdiversity- in regard to the    increasing, leading to sub-renting businesses:       new branches in other parts of the city, and
business space’s people, practices, place-mak-       “I pay four times the cost of the original rent,     even across Germany.
ing, ideas and visions for Sonnenallee. This         because I am sub-renting” (owner of an Arabic
results in but is also shown by the concrete         supermarket). This may affect negatively par-        The conflict in Syria continues to be by far
changes of the space, from the construction of       ticularly those people with rather scarce re-        the biggest driver of migration, thus contrib-
different benches around the trees on the side-      sources who work for the opening of their own        uting to the most recent influx of migrants in
walk to the varied styles of interior decoration     in the future.                                       Germany. The image below, shows that among
and shop windows with Arabic typing advertis-                                                             the European Union members, Germany has
es.                                                  The lack of affordable space, the high compe-        been the country receiving most newcomers
                                                     tition and the ongoing gentrification process        searching for asylum. These new migrants
The generalization of Sonnenallee as “the Ar-        threatens already the northern part of Sonne-        look for a new and safe life, while bringing
abic street” is rather a marketing strategy both     nallee, where new and comparatively expensive        certain traditions and ways of living, specific
by state and civil society actors, with the aim of   cafés have opened on the sunny side of the           stocks of knowledge and practices, but also
attracting a specific and wealthier clientele that   strip, attracting more investments and different     specific goods with them. they also bring their
is looking for the “exotic and new” in Berlin.       customers to the street. Adjacent Weserstraße,       savings with the aim to invest in Germany
When walking down the street, it smells like a       as already the night life hot-spot of Neukölln,      and to start their own businesses there. But as

24                                                                                                                                                                                                             25
Change: Shop Owners

                                                                                                               Syria and Lebanon, and other lands because          for example: a clocks maker, a shoe maker and
                                                                                                               of the war, they are coming here and it’s better    Jewellery store.
                                                                                                               for business. more people” (employee in a
                                                                                                               restaurant).                                           “Früher gab es ein Stückchen weiter auch ein
                                                                                                                                                                      Schlüsseldienstgeschäft. Hier bis vor kurzem
                                                                                                                                                                      gab es noch einen Schuster. Der ist auch weg.
                                                                                                            Ethnic Background                                         Also auch so handwerkliche Dienstleister
                                                                                                            Discussing the change in Sonnenallee over the             verschwinden auch immer mehr” (German
                                                                                                            past years drew our attention to the ever-chang-          shop owner).
                                                                                                            ing ethnic background of the people making

                                                                                                            use of and making the street. Therefore, we            Today, Arabic restaurants and shisha cafes are
also a booster for (not only migrant owned)           and features have wide consequences not only          wanted to focus on the diversity of the busi-          the most common business type on Sonne-
businesses. With the money earned on Son-             for the reputation of the street, but also for the    ness owners in what is perceived as an “Arabic         nallee in addition to the huge variety of other
nenallee, many store owners plan for further          livelihood of the businesses, their staff and their   street”. Our first focus on the “Arabic aspects”       businesses on the street, such as barbershops,
business expansions or have already opened            users.                                                of Sonnenallee was rather superficial and not          travel agencies, mobile phone shops, etc.
additional branches in other Berlin neighbor-                                                               actually describing the reality of the ethnic
hoods but also other German cities. As stated                                                               background on the street because as we found
by a shop owner, “I opened another store on           History                                               out later, critically reflecting on our first focus,   Competition
Kantstraße three years ago.”                          While the commercial changes on Sonnenallee           we ended up with many open and challenging             The interview partners repeatedly referred to
                                                      happened rather gradually until 2012, what            questions such as, how can we specify what Ar-         the competition between similar businesses on
Hence, Sonnenalle is a place where many               followed were rather drastic and clear changes        abic is and means and who is actually included         the street. Some of the business owners talked
people share some kind of similarities or look        afterwards. As for the more recent history, from      in and excluded from this box, what about oth-         about it as a very present and pressing issue on
for these (often imagined) similarities, often        the 1970s until the 2000s, there were not so          er users of the streets and their backgrounds?         the street, but others only implicitly referred to
framed as “culture” or “same language”, same          many businesses on the street due to the lack                                                                the competition by saying that at the end each
“mentality” in our interviews.                        of purchase power, a shrinking population and         To a European visitor for example, Sonnenallee         restaurant has its own customers:
                                                      bad reputation of the area that was mostly oc-        might seem overwhelmingly Arabic in that all
However, for a business to thrive it is important     cupied by people with a migrant background. A         the restaurants and the shops might seem sim-             “At the beginning it was very competitive
that the clients frequent and support the busi-       few more businesses opened in the early 2000s         ilar because of their similar offers, design and          because everyone is opening the same sort of
ness. Many shop owners said that the first years      and gradually more and more stores opened,            signs. But for visitors from the middle east, for         business. but after a while everyone has their
of business were difficult - it may take time for a   but wider changes on Sonnenallee happened             instance, the street is filled with Arabic people,        own customers” (employee in a shawarma
business to acquire reputation and gain fre-          in the years after 2012 - when refugees came          but from very different countries and regions             restaurant).
quent clients (image above). In addition, most        to Berlin in higher numbers from Syria and            with very different heritages and histories and
owners struggle with the German trading and           the neighbouring regions. Since then, more            cultures, so they might easily grasp the street’s         “There’s a lot of competition here but that is
business bureaucracy and regulations and also         businesses opened and the street witnessed a          hyper-diversity. The shops on the street in-              normal and I try to live with that” (Turkish
suffer from discrimination by other business          change not only in regard to its reputation and       clude owners and staff and customers from, for            shop owner).
people, chambers and authorities.                     reception, but also in regard to the number of        instance, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Tur-
                                                      visitors and opening businesses. Soon, it was fa-     key, Germany and other countries of the global         This competition is due to the increasing
Put together, Sonnenallee today hosts the             mous for being “friendly to foreigners”, offering     North and Europe.                                      number of stores that provide the same ser-
biggest cluster of businesses operated by people      food and products from Arabic countries for                                                                  vices and their close proximity to each other.
from Arabic countries in Germany, for which           often comparatively cheap prices:                                                                            The long-standing businesses that have estab-
the street enjoys already a well-known but con-                                                             Types of shops                                         lished themselves as the only provider of these
flicted image and reputation inside and outside          “Yes it has changed. Before three years ago, on    As the interview partners mention, in the past,        services now have to deal and live up with the
of Neukölln, Berlin, Germany and beyond. The             Sonnenallee, I think we didn’t have many peo-      there were more German owned family busi-              competition with the newcomers and their
manifold and often stereotyping publications             ple. Now because we have many people from          nesses which were focused mainly around crafts         professional experiences that affect the negoti-

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                 27
Change: Shop Owners

ation and management of the competing prices             the other to continue existing and hopefully         information about the restaurant and its situ-
for goods and services on the street in a new            thriving on Sonnenallee.                             ation. Being a former resident of Sonnenallee
and more dynamic but also more challenging                                                                    and currently still living close by, I knew him
way. In the course of few years, the new busi-           Looking at Sonnenallee in detail, it is important    personally because I am a frequent visitor of the
ness people established themselves on the street         to acknowledge due to its complexity, diversity,     street and the restaurant.
and achieved to open successful businesses that          and first and foremost, its complex fabric and
are able to compete with the older businesses            nature as a “home” for diverse people, some of       He invited me for shisha and tea in a nearby
in quality and price. This sometimes resulted in         which might be newcomers, other rather longer        café where we did the interview. While con-
resentment towards the newcomers:                        standing migrants. As a place that allows people     ducting the interview, friends of the inter-
                                                         to develop a home or at least a sense of home        viewee dropped by. I can best describe them
     “I hate Arabic people, it’s like another world      the street and its businesses allow them to settle   as the kind of younger people from Syria who
     there... they are offensive to us Turkish people”   much easier and feel more at home more than          look very similar to Berlin hipsters and started
     (a Turkish shop owner).                             in any of the other Berlin neighbourhoods -          talking about the party they had in the same
                                                         even if most customers and users tend to live        café we were sitting at and made plans to meet
     “I don’t feel comfortable, I’ve been here since     in other places across Berlin. However, Sonne-       at one of the girl’s apartment some other day.
     1995 and back then there were only two              nallee achieves to build a bridge between them       Later another friend of the interviewee joined
     Arabic shops, the others were German. It was        and their places of origin.                          us and started talking about how much money
     more secure back then” (Palestinian shop                                                                 the business owners on Sonnenallee are making
     owner)                                              Future of businesses on Sonnenallee                  and about how they like to spend their money
                                                         To a lot of owners, doing business on Son-           here and there to show how much they have
                                                         nenallee is successful and they expect more          and to establish financial dominance (when you
Why Sonnenallee?                                         businesses to open on the street and that it will    spend a lot of money, that means you have a
Many of the newcomers chose Sonnenallee as               be even busier and livelier than it is right now.    lot of money) . Then he told me about the time
their place of business because of the proxim-           When asked about the future of their business-       when they first opened their store and some-
ity to their targeted customers and the already          es, some of them mentioned concrete plans to         one broke their window one day before they
established cluster of “Arabic” businesses on the        branch out and open new shops not only on            opened. When we were done with the interview
street:                                                  Sonnenallee but also in other regions of Berlin      he invited me to meet with him and his friends
                                                         and Germany due to the success of their cur-         and go out sometime.
     “(I chose Sonnenallee) because it’s the best        rent businesses:
     market for Arabic products and food and it
     will attract people who buy those products”            “We are opening a new branch soon in Iser-
     (Syrian restaurant employee).                          lohn and another branch of different type of
                                                            Syrian food in Neukölln” (Syrian restaurant
To new business people it made sense to open                employee).
businesses similar to the ones that they had
back home or know from their places of or-               Interview anecdote (Tareq Almuhammad)
igin, which, for them seems less risky and               In order to reveal the nature of our interviews,
allows them to increase their level of comfort,          I’d like to go into my experiences during one
especially being in a different country that has         particularly revealing and intense interview
different regulations, a different language and          that allowed for additional insights into the
different cultural habits. The opening of these          different and diverse layers of Sonnenallee. The
shops and the arrival of the newcomers created           interview was with one of the employees in a
thus a new environment for both the business             restaurant on Sonnenallee, who is the nephew
owners and the customers in which each helped            of the owner, which enabled him to have a lot of

28                                                                                                                                                                29
You can also read