Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

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Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread
                                                                With a take-up
                                                                explosion is
                                                                there space left
                                                                for occupiers?
£12 | December 2018

                                  Award winners revealed
32                 WAREHOUSE     36   TECHNOLOGY     28        RETAIL
                   Next               How WMS is               Logistics
                   level for          adapting to              for a world
                   loading bay        the changing             that wants
                   innovations        market                   convenience
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread
                         M a ke w o r k i n g l i f e e a s i e r w i t h t h e A l l- N e w F i e s t a Sp o r t Va n .
                  Featuring supple handling, ample load space and technology that helps
                      y o u w o r k s m a r t e r, i t ’s b u i l t t o m a k e y o u r w o r k i n g d a y e f f o r t l e s s .

Official fuel consumption figures in mpg (l/100km) for the All-New Ford Fiesta Van range: urban 44.1-68.9 (6.4-4.1),
extra urban 65.7-83.1 (4.3-3.4), combined 55.4 -74.3 (5.1-3.8). Official CO 2 emissions 114-96g/km.                                   SEARCH: ALL-NEW
The mpg figures quoted are sourced from official EU-regulated test results (EU Directive and Regulation 692/2008), are provided for   FIESTA SPORT VAN
comparability purposes and may not reflect your actual driving experience. Information correct at time of going to print.
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

REGULARS                                                                                                                        ANALYSIS
LEADER                                               05                                                                         RETAIL                                                      28
Winning strategies for the challenges                                                                                           The world wants convenience
ahead                                                                                                                           With the UK convenience channel set
                                                                                                                                to reach £47.2 billion by 2023, the
NEWS                                                 06                                                                         emphasis on convenience stores has
l   M&S boost at Castle Donington                                                                                               never been stronger.
l   Lineage buys Yearsley Group
                                                                 AWARDS                                           10                                                                         30
l   Lidl opens Avonmouth DC
l   Automotive supplier closes DC                                It’s a Superdry night
l   Starship launches robot delivery                             Overall Winner                                    12
ANALYSIS                                             08          Automation Innovation                             13
Time to widen our horizons?                                      Customer Service & Support                        13
As preoccupation with trade deals,
                                                                 Delivery Innovation                               14
single markets and customs unions
continues, maybe it’s time to take a                             Demand Forecasting 		                                          FORKLIFTS                                                   30
fresh look at a rapidly changing world?                          & Planning           14                                        Articulate solutions
                                                                 Environmental Improvement                         15           Rather than looking for another
BEHIND THE SHED                                      50          Ethical Supply Chain                              15           warehouse, it’s worth making better
                                                                                                                                use of existing facilities.
                                                                 Extreme Logistics                                 16
PROPERTY                                                         Logistics Innovation                              16           LOADING BAY                                                 32
                                                                 Order Picking Innovation                          17           Loading at the next level
    NEWS                                           41            Retail Innovation                                 17           Loading bay innovations are taking
    l   Co-op to build £45m DC                                                                                                  safety, security and efficiency to a
                                                                 Supply chain Innovation                           19           whole new level.
    l   Prologis plans DIRFT mega shed
                                                                 Warehouse Initiative                              19
    l   Iceland 222,000 sq ft at Swindon
                                                                 Technology Innovation                             20           INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 36
    EAST MIDLANDS                                  42                                                                           WMS: Jack of all trades
                                                                 Supply Chain Operations                           20
                                                                                                                                How are warehouse management
    Full of eastern promise                                      Supply Chain Strategy & Design 23                              systems changing to address
    With a take-up explosion is there
                                                                 Supply Chain Visibility                           23           developments in the market?
    any space left for occupiers in the
    East Midlands and East Anglia?                               Robotics Innovation                               25
                                                                 Sourcing & Procurement                            25
    URBAN WAREHOUSES                               49
    Thinking outside the box                                     Team of the Year                                  27
    The pressure on urban logistics is                           Rising Star                                       27
    only going to get greater but can we                         Awards Sponsors                                   27
    provide the space that is needed?                                                                                                                                                         36

    The Foundry, 156 Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8EN. Fax 020 7953 3011.                                                Circulation: 10,482 (ABC Jan to Dec 2017)
    Email address for press releases:                                                        Logistics Manager is a controlled circulation magazine published
                                                                                                                        twelve times a year. Applications for inclusion on our free circulation
    l EDITORIAL Editor Malory Davies FCILT (020 7953 3002)                               list will be considered from individuals residing in the UK whose job
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    Contributing Editor, Property Liza Helps (01449 673 952)                     either the reader application card in this issue or our online form at http://www.
    Contributing Editor, Supply Chain Nick Allen (01444 467 307) nick.allen@supplychainintelligence. Logistics Manager is also available on subscription Art Editor Steven Lillywhite,                         to ‘non-qualified’ readers at £104.99 per year in the UK and £204.99 per year
                                                                                                          outside of the UK.
    l SALES & EVENTS Sales Manager Olly Filmer (020 7953 3010)
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                                                                                                                                            December 2018
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread
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Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

                          Winning strategies for
                          the challenges ahead
                          It would be nice to ignore the elephant in the           freight and logistics companies by the Freight
                          room (also known as Brexit), but the elephant            Transport Association found that three
                          has started trumpeting…                                  quarters of them expect their business to grow
                             As I write, MPs are getting ready to vote on          over the next three years.
                          the deal agreed by Theresa May and the EU.                 Whether this is despite Brexit – or maybe
                          Industry organisations such as the Freight               even because of it – is not clear, but it does
                          Transport Association have broadly backed the            suggest a degree of resilience that sometimes
                          deal, warning of the dangers of a no-deal                gets overlooked in the debates on the issue.
                          Brexit.                                                    What is certain is that as organisations face
                             There is a serious possibility that MPs will          up to the reality of working in a post-Brexit
                          vote against it, prolonging the uncertainty for          world, supply chain and logistics expertise is
                          companies and their supply chains. And that              going to come at a premium.
                          could provoke a general election or even                   And, I think this industry has got what it
                          another referendum.                                      takes to face up to these challenges. I’m
                                                                                   privileged to listen to the presentations from
      The Freight Transport Association found that                                 the companies that are shortlisted for the
                                                                                   Supply Chain Excellence Awards, and I am
three quarters of them expect their business to grow                               always impressed by ingeniousness,
over the next three years...                                                       inventiveness and sheer will to win shown by
                                                                                   the supply chain teams.
                            It makes for a particularly challenging period           The Awards have grown continuously since
                          for supply chain professionals, who are also             they were launched in 1997 – this year the
                          having to come to grips with new robotics and            number of companies entering the awards
                          automation technologies. These are taking off            were up by a third on last year.
                          faster than anyone predicted as they become                This year the awards have put an even
                          more flexible and the cost comes down.                   greater emphasis on innovation, with a series
                          Organisation that thought these systems were             of new awards designed to highlight the
                          beyond their reach need to think again -                 leading-edge thinking that will drive the
                          competitors could be stealing a march.                   industry forward in years to come.
                            Then there is sustainability. The days of                And, as the results show, it is very clear that
                          diesel are numbered – the government says                organisations are stepping up with innovative
                          so. But there is still plenty of uncertainty over        solutions that deserve to be celebrated.
                          what technology will ultimately replace it – and           My congratulations to all the winners.
                          there is no clear road map of how to get there.
                          Managing that transition is fraught with risk.           Malory Davies     FCILT
                            But all is not doom and gloom. A survey of             Editor

       I’m inspired by              It’s been an               So happy. I think           Brilliant evening.             We’ve been
 everything I’ve seen          excellent night and       this is the first           Great to celebrate the         working really hard for
 around me – I’ve              great to be               Chinese company to          journey that’s taken           this and I think it’s a
 really enjoyed it. I’m        recognised for such a     get this Award and we       five years. It’s not just      great example of
 just so inspired by           great team effort...      are proud of that...        an award for us but            innovation. So, I really
 examples of fantastic         Daniel Streeton           Lit Fung                    for Superdry and all           appreciate in the way
 professionalism this          Greene King               Geekplus                    its partners...                it was perceived and
 year...                                                                             Steve Rayson                   recognised...
 Emma Dempsey                                                                        Superdry                       Maria Company
 Clipper Logistics                                                                                                  HP Inc

                                                                                              December 2018
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

  Lidl opens                                  TOP STORY       l   ONLINE

  Avonmouth DC
  and increases                               M&S boosts capacity
  RETAIL Lidl, which has opened its
                                              at Castle Donington
  600,000 sq ft distribution centre at         RETAIL Marks & Spencer has completed an           an improved shape and depth of buy reducing
  Avonmouth, is to increase the               investment at its huge Castle Donington            the cost of singles handling and stock clog in
  wages of more than 17,000 of its            distribution centre to improve immediate           Clothing & Home. Improved rates of sale in
  employees in the new year.                  capacity issues through peak trading, the          Food will reduce unnecessary waste and
    It will be increasing entry-level         company said as it set out plans to                through our closure programme we will
  pay from £8.75 to £9.00 per hour            re-engineer its end-to-end supply chain.           eliminate the facilities maintenance costs of
  outside of London and £10.20 to                Releasing its half year results, it said that   out-dated equipment in legacy stores.
  £10.55. The increases will cost of          further investment at Castle Donington would          “We will also further rationalise the number
  £8m.                                        be needed next year to meet its growth plans       of holding centres for stock as we complete
    Chief executive Christian                 to 2021, “after which additional despatch          our single tier network. In addition, we will
  Härtnagel said: “With our newest            capacity will be required”.                        leverage technology to improve store
  warehouse opening this week in                 The retailer has set out plans to save at       operations from labour scheduling to stock
  Avonmouth, and a further five set           least £350 million by 2020-21, and said it         management and replenishment to self-scan
  to open in the coming years,                was maintaining its guidance of up to one per      and checkout. We will maintain an intense
  along with our pipeline of new              cent reduction in full year UK operating costs     focus on central costs, procurement and
  stores, we look forward to                  this year.                                         support functions which do not drive sales.”
  welcoming more people into the                 “The closure of marginal low contributing          For the half year to 29th September, group
  Lidl team.”                                 stores and the rationalisation of unprofitable     revenue was down 3.1 per cent to £4.97
                                              categories and ranges will in time unlock          billion. Group operating profit before adjusting
                                              significant cost, margin, working capital and      items was down 1.4 per cent to £262.5
  XPO cuts                                    maintenance capital savings. These include         million.

  profits forecast
  after customer
   3PL XPO has cut its full year profit

  forecast as a result of a customer
  bankruptcy in the third quarter
  which resulted in a $15.6 million
     Releasing its results for the first
  three quarter of 2018, it said its
  EBITDA target was down £1.585
  billion – down from at least $1.6
     Revenue for the first nine
  months was up 15.2 per cent at
  $12.89 billion. Adjusted EBITDA
  improved to $1.18 billion,
  compared with $1.03 billion for
  the same period in 2017.
     Bradley Jacobs, chairman and
  chief executive officer, said: “Our
                                             Automotive supplier closes DC and factories
  robust organic growth of 10.5 per          MANUFACTURING Schaeffler, the automotive            industrial products, and one in Hereford,
  cent in the quarter was led by             component manufacturer, has set out plans to        handling automotive aftermarket products.
  strong demand for e-commerce               close its logistics centre at Sutton Coldfield         The proposal is to combine operations at
  logistics and freight brokerage. In        along with factories at Plymouth and Llanelli,      Hereford enabling various synergies and
  our North American LTL business,           as part of a plan to move production to sites       efficiencies. The majority of the office-based
  we improved the adjusted                   outside the UK.                                     employees from the Sutton Coldfield location
  operating ratio by 220 basis points          It said: “The uncertainty surrounding Brexit      will be relocated to a leased office in the
  from a year ago. Companywide,              was one factor among others in the analysis of      vicinity of Sutton Coldfield.
  we again grew profitability faster         the UK market.”                                        The closure of the Llanelli and Plymouth
  than revenue, despite the impact             The company currently has two logistics           sites will result in production moving to plants
  of a customer bankruptcy.”                 centres, one in Sutton Coldfield, handling          in the US, China, South Korea and Germany.

  December 2018
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

                                                                                                            Operating profit
                                                                                                            rises at DHL
                                                                                                            Supply Chain
                                                                                                            3PL Operating profit at DHL

                                                                                                            Supply Chain increased 3.4
                                                                                                            per cent to €153m in the third
                                                                                                            quarter despite a slight fall in
                                                                                                            revenue to €3.3 billion
                                                                                                            resulting from the sale of the
                                                                                                            Williams Lea Tag business.
                                                                                                              Operating profit in the
                                                                                                            Express division was up 9.9

Lineage buys Yearsley Group                                                                                 per cent to €409m, while
                                                                                                            revenue rose 7.2 per cent to
 3PL Yearsley Group Ltd, the temperature-            Group. “Lineage’s commitment to innovation               Operating profit in the
controlled logistics specialist, has been            and service is unmatched, and we are excited to        Global Forwarding, Freight
acquired by Lineage Logistics Holdings, the US       strengthen our ability to partner and grow with        division rose 58.2 per cent to
company that also owns Partner Logistics.            customers on a global scale unlike ever before.”       €106m on revenue up 4.2 per
   Lineage chief executive Greg Lehmkuhl said:          Lineage is owned by private equity investor         cent to €3.7bn.
“Bringing Yearsley into the Lineage family           Bay Grove. It was founded in 2008 and is based         l Deutsche Post DHL has
enables us to better serve customers in the UK       in Novi near Detroit. It operates more than 100        agreed to sell its supply chain
market and further reinforces our international      facilities in the US totally over 600 million cu ft.   operations in China to SF
logistics capabilities.”                                “We see tremendous alignment between our            Holding for some €700
   Yearsley Group Ltd is the Guernsey-based          two organisation, not only in our capabilities to      million.
holding company for Harry Yearsley Ltd, which        diligently serve customers’ extended supply
turned over £203 million in the year to 1st April    chains, but also in our dedication to supporting
2017. Operating profit was £5.4 million.
   It has 12 cold stores around the UK and a
                                                     a values-based culture that empowers our
                                                     growing international workforce,” said
                                                                                                            Sports Direct
fleet of some 300 vehicles. “Our acquisition by      Lehmkuhl.                                              signs 3-year
Lineage is a tremendous opportunity for                 Yearsley Group directors (Left to Right)
Yearsley customers and employees alike,” said        Jonathan Baker, Ian King, Tim Moran and Phil           contract
Jonathan Baker, chief executive of Yearsley          Whitworth.
                                                                                                            with Clipper
Debenhams looks for supply chain savings                                                                     RETAIL Clipper Logistics is to

                                                                                                            provide logistics services for
 RETAIL Debenhams plans            closure plan from ten to 50         on-going automation                  Sports Direct from one of its
further warehouse                  and it is developing a              programme.                           sites in Peterborough.
consolidation and automation       lower-cost approach to                The warehouse changes are             The operator said it had
along with a supply chain          another 20 stores.                  part of a cost saving plan           signed a three-year contract
review, after revealing a            Last year, it set out plans to    which, it said, delivered £12m       with Retail
pre-tax loss £491.5 million for    close its Northampton               savings in 2018. It has              Limited to provide logistics
the year to 1st September.         distribution centre along           identified a further £30m of         services to Sports Direct at and
   The department store            with some regional                  savings for 2019, annualising        from one of the two Clipper
group has increased is store       warehousing alongside an            to about £50m by 2020.               sites in Peterborough.

launches robot
delivery service
 ROBOTICS Starship Technologies has

launched a commercial autonomous
package delivery service with the first
deliveries taking place across Milton
   Packages arrive at a local Starship
facility and consumers are then notified
via an app and can select a time slot for
their package to be delivered to a location
of their choice. The robot’s journey can
also be tracked in real-time using the app.

                                                                                                December 2018
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

   Time to widen our horizons?

                            Listening, as one does, with barely    of at least one UK supermarket            favour of subsidised Chinese
                            half an ear to the Today programme     already investigating Indian farms        companies”. Given the EU’s
                            while scanning the daily paper, the    as possible sources of fresh              fondness for protectionist common
                            other morning, my reverie was          products in a post-Brexit world.          external tariffs the claim to be
                            interrupted by Nick Robinson              A preoccupation with Dover-            “liberalising trade” does sound
                            announcing the next interviewee        Calais freight movements, may be          rather contrary. One could imagine
                            as “Peter Frankopan, professor of      understandable in the current             that the EU’s ambassadors might
                            global history at Oxford University    climate, but Frankopan argues that        now understand how the Empress
                            and author of The New Silk Roads”.     this very limited horizon is due to a     Dowager Cixi and the “Boxers” felt
                            As I’m currently half way through      lack of knowledge or understanding        back in 1900 when they rebelled
   Columnist 		             Frankopan’s earlier book The Silk      of the world further East, at a time      against “Western colonisation” and
   Penelope Ody             Roads: a new history of the world, I   when China is making substantial          restrictive trading practices forced
   is a retail market       abandoned the newspaper and            investments in building supply            on the Chinese.
   specialist.              listened properly.                     links along those old silk road              European multinationals may
                               Discussion was of how the focus     routes. Already Chinese trains are        understandably be concerned
                            of global trade is shifting eastward   regularly making the three week           about competition from Chinese
                            to a world connected by the old        journey to London, Madrid or the          producers, especially when enabled
                            “silk road” which ran from China’s     Duisburg distribution hub.                by a fast track supply route for their
                            Pacific ports to the Mediterranean.       Its “belt and road initiative” (BRI)   goods, but rather than whinge,
                            According to Frankopan, half of        – with its “belt” of road and rail        surely they should be focusing on
                            global GDP is now accounted for by     links connecting Europe, Africa and       encouraging two-way traffic for the
                            the countries in between which         Asia to China and maritime “roads”        BRI? Travelling by the original silk
                            include China, India, Turkey and all   spreading out from the South China        roads merchants would have taken
                            of Central Asia. “Are we making a      Sea and Indian Ocean – has met            18 months to go from Xian to Rome
                            historic error in looking West and     with much criticism in the West,          or Constantinople and back again.
                            not enough to the East?” asked         not least because the construction        Far more likely those carrying
                                                                                                             Chinese silks made it no further
                                                                                                             than Samarkand, traded their wares
       European multinationals may understandably be concerned                                               for woollen carpets, glass, camels
   about competition from Chinese producers, especially                                                      or furs and headed for home.
                                                                                                             Products likely to appeal to modern
   when enabled by a fast track supply route for their goods...                                              Chinese customers are rather more
                                                                                                             sophisticated, but given their
                            Robinson. “The world that is on the    contracts have a marked tendency          growing affluence – and European
                            move, more aggressively and more       to be awarded to Chinese firms,           high-tech innovation – there must
                            optimistically,” replied Frankopan,    while some of the poorest countries       be some items that could help fill
                            “is the world that connects across     in the world are building up              an East-bound train?
                            the old silk roads.”                   massive debts to China in the form           If Europe looks on the “new silk
                               For this segment of the global      of loans used to finance the local        road” with trepidation, others take
                            economy “Brexit is of no               infrastructure needed to be part of       a very different view. Visit the
                            significance” added Frankopan,         the BRI: one Sri Lankan port which        ancient city of Khiva in Uzbekistan
                            and instead of engaging with this      defaulted is apparently now owned         – an original “silk road” trading
                            rapidly growing market, a typical      by the Chinese on a 99-year lease.        point – as I did recently, and the
                            western reaction has been                 Rather than – as Frankopan             guide will point out an enormous
                            President’ Trump’s various trade       would recommend – learning to             mural on the city walls. It puts
                            wars, sanctions or troubled            “adapt to a changing and evolving         Khiva, along with Samarkand and
                            relationships involving such “silk     world”, many European nations             Bukhara, at a key crossing point for
                            road” countries as Iran, Pakistan,     prefer to raise concerns about            supply lines coming from both
                            Turkey, Russia and China.              growing Chinese involvement in            China and India. This, the guide
                               This need for a more global view    the continent. A German news              declares, is not the old “silk road”
                            of world trade has figured in the      report in September suggested that        but the new “silk road project” with
                            ongoing Brexit saga, with some         27 of the EU’s 28 ambassadors to          China and will bring “much
                            lamenting the introspective nature     China (the dissenter was apparently       prosperity” to the region. As Peter
                            of EU trade while others cited all     the Hungarian envoy) had signed a         Frankopan says, perhaps it really is
                            those potential trade deals not only   report criticising the BRI, arguing       time to “understand more about
                            with the USA and Australia, but        that it “runs counter to the EU           these other countries” and extend
                            with India and China as well.          agenda for liberalising trade and         our trading horizons further East
                            Indeed, I was told earlier this year   pushes the balance of power in            beyond Europe?

   December 2018
Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread
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Marcus names names Award winners revealed - Flickread

  It’s a Superdry night
         So                           uperdry, with its logistics partner Clipper,
                                      has taken the Overall Award in the 2018
                                                                                            Innovation was a key theme of the Awards this year
                                                                                         and highlighted the dramatic developments in both
         happy.                       Supply Chain Excellence Awards - a                 supply chain thinking and technology that is changing
  I think this                        particularly notable achievement in a year
                                      that saw a dramatic increase in the number
                                                                                         the market.
                                                                                            The Retail Innovation Award went to Ocado with its
  is the first              of companies entering the Awards - up by a third to 90       partner PW Gates, while Shell took the Technology
                            companies.                                                   Innovation Award.
  Chinese                     The Award was presented at a glittering ceremony              The Ocado initiative enabled the retailer to continue
  company to                before hundreds of supply chain leaders at London’s          to extend its range while reducing costs for its small
                            Park Lane Hilton last month.                                 suppliers. The judges were impressed by the
  get this                    Steve Rayson of Superdry said: It’s great to celebrate     significant benefits that resulted from the project
  Award and                 the journey that’s taken five years. It’s not just an        – improved cash flow for Ocado, its vendors and its
                            award for us but for Superdry and all its partners.”         haulier through better inventory management,
  we are                      Superdry fought off strong competition from some           reduced invoice discrepancies, and increased stock
  proud of                  global supply chain leaders. Among the highest

  that.                     scoring entries were Heineken, Keysight Technologies,
                            Ocado and Turkcell. But ultimately, the contenders
                                                                                               Great – We’ve been working
  Lit Fung, GeekPlus        came down to John Lewis with Knapp, Sky with                       really hard for this and I
  managing director         Unipart, and Superdry with Clipper Logistics.                think it’s a great example of
                                                                                         innovation. So, I really appreciate
                                                                                         in the way it was perceived and
    Awards raise £1,500 for                                                              Maria Company, HP

    Teenage Cancer Trust                                                                 accuracy. What’s more, turnaround time was reduced
                                                                                         by 20 per cent and inbound capacity was increased
    More than £1,500 was raised at            the best place for them. It also           substantially.
    the Awards night for the Teenage          educates young people in schools              The Award for Robotics Innovation was taken by
    Cancer Trust – the only UK charity        about cancer to help improve the           China Post with Beijing Geekplus Technology.
    dedicated to improving the quality of     speed and quality of diagnosis.               China Post’s Wuhan distribution centre has used
    life and chances of survival for young       It relies on donations to fund its      Geek+ to boost parcels sortation volume has exceeded
    people with cancer aged between           vital work. For every young person         600,000 pcs per day. Geek+ is applying advanced
    13 and 24.                                that it helps, there is another in vital   robotics and AI technologies to realise high-flexibility
       The trust funds and builds             need of trust support. You can help        and intelligent logistics automation solutions. It’s the
    specialist units in NHS hospitals and     the TCT to transform the lives of          first project in China that achieved full-function AGV
    provides dedicated staff, bringing        young people with cancer.                  intelligent sorting technology for the express industry,
    young people together so they can be      l You can still donate now at:             the first distribution centre to adopt 3D modules for
    treated by teenage cancer experts in                 collaborative operations, and simultaneous sorting of
                                                                                         large to small sized parcels.

  December 2018

                                                                                                                            Great to
                                                                                                                            celebrate the
                                                                                                                            journey that’s
                                                                                                                            taken five
                                                                                                                            years. It’s not
                                                                                                                            just an award
                                                                                                                            for us but for
                                                                                                                            and all its
                                                                                                                            Steve Rayson, strategic
                                                                                                                            programme and planning
From left to right: Stephen Brooks, Akabo Media;                                                                            manager, Superdry
Gordon Knox, Superdry; Emma Dempsey, Clipper;
Elisha Kelly, Clipper; Steve Rayson, Superdry;
Jag Collier, Clipper; and Marcus Brigstocke.

  “So happy,” said Lit Fung, GeekPlus managing                                            The Awards have grown continuously since they
director. “I think this is the first Chinese company to                                 were launched, but one thing that has not changed
get this award and we are proud of that.”                                               over the years is the judging process – it is still every
  Jakub Osiewacz and Amjad Chaudry of Shell, said                                       bit as challenging as it was 20 years ago. The awards
they were “blown away” at winning the Technology                                        were launched in 1997, and since then they have
Innovation Award.                                                                       grown to become the benchmark for best practice.
  The Award for Supply Chain Innovation, sponsored                                        Superdry joins an illustrious list of winners. The first
by flex, went to HP. Maria Company of HP said: “We’ve                                   Overall Winner, back in 1997, was MoDo Paper of
been working really hard for this and I think it’s a great                              Sweden and since then Overall Winners have included
example of innovation. So, I really appreciate in the                                   major motor manufacturers such as MAN and Jaguar
way it was perceived and recognised.”                                                   Land Rover, IT companies such as Infineon and Dell,
  John Lewis took two Awards: the Warehouse                                             consumer products companies such as Pepsi-Cola
Initiative Award, and with its partner Knapp, the                                       and Danone, and retailers such as Primark and
Automation Innovation Award.                                                            Waterstones.
  The 22nd Supply Chain Excellence Awards took                                            Comedian Marcus Brigstocke hosted the evening.
place at the Park Lane Hilton in London on 6th                                          Brigstocke launched The Late Edition, the late night
November.                                                                               BBC4 answer to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He
  Awards sponsors include Clipper Logistics, flex,                                      has hosted and appeared as a panellist on Have I Got
Unipart and BluJay Solutions.                                                           News For You.

  What does it take to win?
  Winning a Supply Chain Excellence Award can      These are:                                       trades and a master of none?
  be a gruelling experience. Entrants are asked       1. Does your supply chain help to deliver        5. Have you a clear understanding of how
  to provide us with a lot of information. In      competitive advantage to your company – or       to measure success and is the organisation
  some cases where the judges feel they don’t      is it a cost of doing business?                  incentivised to deliver it – or do you measure
  have enough information, they go back and           2. Are your processes and systems             everything and do nothing with it?
  ask for more.                                    streamlined and integrated across the               If the entry was for a special category – for
     Those entrants that make it through to the    end-to-end supply chain – or are they            example Sourcing and Procurement, or
  shortlist are invited to make a presentation     complex and fragmented?                          Customer Service there is less emphasis
  to the judges and answer questions. We have         3. Is the supply chain organisation           given to the core disciplines and more
  a team of more than 30 judges made up of         structured and staffed for success – or is it    emphasis to the relative performance and
  leading supply chain professionals and the       an admin function staffed with dead              achievement of each of the finalists. In
  team at Logistics Manager.                       weights?                                         addition, the judges give special attention to
     In the process the judges look for five          4. Have you built a collaborative operating   the demonstration of innovation and the
  common characteristics of high performing        model with a clear understanding of your         commitment, passion and enthusiasm of
  supply chains – the five core disciplines.       core competencies – or are you a jack of all     entrants.

                                                                                                    December 2018

                              Superdry with Clipper Logistics

                                                   s in previous years of the Supply       plastic from its global supply chain – on track to cut a
                                                   Chain Excellence Awards, the            minimum of 1000 tonnes over three years – along with
                                                   Overall Winner must demonstrate         its initiative with Unipart Logistics to overcome the
                                           to the judges that it has the characteristics   technical challenges of moving a software flashing
                                           and attributes of a world-leading supply        operation from a single-user site to a multi-user
                                           chain. The organisation should be agile in      facility. The judges liked the way that the efficiencies
                                           its response to change, innovative in its       achieved had direct advantages for both engineers
                              strategic vision, inspirational in terms of team             and end customers. Another good contender, but it
                              management and exemplary with regards its                    was not to be this year’s winner.
                              execution of projects and continuous improvement                However, there was one entry that clearly stood out
                              programmes. In addition, all this must be supported          from the rest. The judges were astounded by the
                              by strong metrics and benefits that enhance the              commitment of Superdry in working with its logistics
                              competitive performance of the business. The judges          services provider, Clipper Logistics, to embrace
                              were looking for nothing short of supply chain               change and undertake a series of major projects
                              excellence – and they found it.                              – eight in five years. There was little doubt that the
                                 Among the highest scoring entries were Heineken           collective benefits created for the business were
                              UK, Keysight Technologies, Ocado and Turkcell, where         substantial and wide ranging.
                              they proved their mettle by convincingly winning their          As a forward-thinking global fashion brand, Superdry
                              categories. However, the scope of the projects               has progressively transformed its supply chain, driving
                              presented where not considered quite comprehensive           innovation in the business to deliver competitive
                              enough to be included in the final shortlist for the         advantage. Initiatives have included the introduction of
                                                                                           a single stock pool, omni-channel picking, a live
                                                                                           inventory pool, a tailored click and collect solution,
                                                                                           vendor labelling, tactical storage and a comprehensive
                                                                                           range of compliance measures. The operational
                                                                                           advantages that have been delivered to the business are
                                                                                           plentiful and include: carton fill utilisation and order
                                                                                           picking productivity have been boosted, visibility has
                                                                                           been improved, replenishment movements and order
                                                                                           cancellations have been reduced, and e-commerce
                                                                                           sales, online product availability and basket conversion
                                                                                           have all seen uplifts.
                                                                                              The figures to support their results are there in
                                                                                           abundance. The transformation has enabled an
                                                                                           increase in e-commerce pick productivity from 45 units
                                                                                           per hour during peak 2016 to 65 units per hour in peak
                                                                                           2017 – a rise of over 40 per cent. Order cancellations
                                                                                           have been dramatically decreased as a result, from 1.4
                                                                                           per cent in 2016 to 0.31 per cent in 2017. E-commerce
                                                                                           saw an uplift of 60 per cent within six months of go-live,
                                                                                           daily e-commerce output increased by 60,000 units per
  From left to right:         Overall Award. That’s not to say they didn’t demonstrate     day at peak and efficiency gains have resulted in labour
  Stephen Brooks, Akabo       many aspects of supply chain excellence.                     savings of £500,000.
  Media; Gordon Knox,           The front-runners for the Overall Winner trophy               The judges were amazed, as the benefits went on
  Superdry; Emma              came down to three entries that had the breadth of           – online product availability has increased from around
  Dempsey, Clipper; Elisha                                                                 300,000 units of stock to an impressive 3,500,000. In
                              characteristics, the scale and the supporting data to be
  Kelly, Clipper; Steve
                              considered as possible winners. Those entries were           turn, this has helped increase basket conversion by 14
  Rayson, Superdry; Jag
  Collier, Clipper; and       John Lewis Magna Park Campus with Knapp, Sky PLC             per cent. Daily e-commerce dispatch capability has
  Marcus Brigstocke.          with Unipart Logistics, and Superdry with Clipper            also more than doubled in the past two years.
                              Logistics.                                                      What’s more, this work has been undertaken by
                                Over the last 18 months John Lewis’ Magna Park             Superdry across its global supply chain, including five
                              campus has seen the introduction of a second building,       distribution centres, seven upstream consolidation
                              new automation and a third more SKUs with                    centres over four contract logistics partners and
                              completely different handling characteristics, suppliers     multiple vendors.
                              and processes. There was plenty for the judges to like in       The results spoke for themselves. This was an entry
                              the way an automated handing garment system has              that took the judges’ breath away. The judges said: “This
                              been put to work alongside new generation mini-load          is a business that has amply demonstrated supply
                              storage technology to add significant efficiencies and       chain excellence, proving its ability to continually
                              cost savings across the supply chain. They were              transform its supply chain to stay ahead of the game.”
                              particularly impressed by the huge reduction in parcel       Adding: “The Superdry team have presented strong
                              shipments that has resulted from order consolidation.        evidence of the journey that the business has made and
                              But was it enough to win overall?                            it deserves to be recognised.” The Overall Winner
                                Sky PLC with Unipart Logistics also impressed the          trophy for the Supply Chain Excellence Awards 2018
                              judges with its dedication to removing single use            went to Superdry with Clipper Logistics.

  December 2018

                            John Lewis Magna Park with Knapp
  John Lewis
                                      T     he use of automation within warehouses
                                            is becoming increasingly attractive to
                                        businesses following the exponential growth
                                                                                        carry packages up to 100 kg, a capacity far in excess of
                                                                                        the 10 kg payload of the smaller units. The judges could
                                                                                        see the many benefits the system offered the postal
 Magna Park                             of e-commerce and the shrinking of the          business. The judges recognised that this was a great
 with Knapp                             available labour pool. So the judges were       solution to the challenges faced by the business.
                                        keen to see the latest initiatives being        However, China Post was up against tough competition.
     shortlist              adopted by the sector. The two entries stood out: China        Since 2005 John Lewis has been working closely with
                            Post with Beijing Geekplus Technology and John Lewis        Knapp on the retailer’s NDC in Milton Keynes. The site
   l with
                            Magna Park with Knapp.                                      has expanded significantly and a bridge now links
 AutoStore and
                               The entry from China Post centred on its Wuhan           Magna Park 1 to Magna Park 2. Successive investments
 Element Logic
                            Distribution Centre where parcel sortation volumes have     in automation technology have created a fully integrated
 lChina Post with           exceeded 600,000 pcs/day following the installation of a    fulfilment centre matched to the needs of the business.
 Beijing Geekplus           Geekplus sortation system. Here some 320 intelligent           Over the last 18 months the Magna Park campus has
                            AGV robots sort 20,000 parcels per hour, delivering a 70    seen the introduction of the second building, new
 lJohn Lewis Magna          per cent saving on manual labour costs.                     automation and a third more SKUs with completely
 Park with Knapp               The judges liked the innovative approach taken to        different handling characteristics, suppliers and
                            solving the problem of heavy parcels – the bane of          processes. An automated hanging garment system works
                            traditional sorters. Eighty of the robots are designed to   alongside new generation miniload storage technology,
                                                                                        adding significant efficiencies and cost savings across
                                                                                        the supply chain – including order consolidation, which
                                                                                        has resulted in parcel shipments being reduced by over
                                                                                        one million units a year. By consolidating hanging and
                                                                                        flat garments at Magna Park, and by migrating from a
                                                                                        third party operation, outstanding efficiencies and cost
                                                                                        savings have been achieved.
From left: Malory Davies,
Editor of Logistics
                                                                                           The judges said: “This is a clear winner – a great
Manager; John Munnelly,                                                                 data-driven, customer-centric solution to a set of
John Lewis; Heimo                                                                       clearly defined strategic issues. They have evolved the
Robosch, KNAPP; and                                                                     site to help reshape their business and it has grown and
Marcus Brigstocke.                                                                      been transformed to meet market needs. This is worthy
                                                                                        of recognition”.

                            Co-op Insurance
     Co-op Insurance
                                      T    he customer should be the focus of any
                                           supply chain that wishes to be considered
                                       as excellent. With this in mind the judges
                                                                                        item is in transit, there may be no delay at all. Real-time
                                                                                        tracking has greatly reduced calls to customer services
                                                                                        and customer satisfaction has increased significantly.
                                       were torn between two entries – Jersey Post         The judges could see that this was a transformation of
     highly                            and Co-op Insurance.                             the business clearly focused on enhancing the
     commended                            The entry from Jersey Post concerned a        experience of the customer, and so they Highly
                            number of initiatives and investments aimed at              Commended Jersey Post.
 Jersey Post                enhancing customer service. With a 21 per cent increase        The winning entry came from Co-op Insurance.
                            in inbound parcel volumes since 2015 and a desire to        Following a decision to re-engineer the management of
     shortlist              transform the business, it was realised that                Home Claims, the business took steps to collaborate
     l   Co-op Insurance    improvements to operational and customer processes          with its supply chain to create a new operating model
                            were needed. Through the use of advanced parcel             focused on continuously improving the customer
 l   Heineken UK
                            management solutions, delivery performance has been         journey, towards a speedier settlement and higher
 l   Hutchinson 3G UK       greatly improved and now first-time deliveries stand at     quality outcome for the customer. Taking a modern
 l   Jersey Post            96 per cent. Importantly, the process of quarantine,        approach to problem solving and by closely co-operating
                            payment and release of items with Customs duty              with its supply chain to create an environment of trust,
                            payable has been cut from around 5-7 days to just 2-3       the business has generated substantial savings and
                            days and as duty can now be paid while the manifested       improved the company’s overall Net Promoter Scores
                                                                                        from 31 to 51. The approach taken to realising these
                                                                                        improvements intrigued the judges. While Co-op
                                                                                        Insurance recognised there were issues that needed to be
                                                                                        addressed, it could not see beyond the data and so the
                                                                                        business took a bold step of asking its customers to
                                                                                        record video diaries as their claims were progressing. The
                                                                                        results were illuminating for the company and enabled it
From left: Michael
Roberts, Specsavers;
                                                                                        to take steps at creating a new operating model for 95 per
David Harrison and                                                                      cent of its building claims by developing new solutions
Catherine Hulme, Co-op                                                                  with its existing loss adjusting suppliers.
Insurance and Marcus                                                                       The judges were hugely impressed by Co-op
Brigstocke.                                                                             Insurance’s innovative customer centric approach. This
                                                                                        had to be the winner.

                                                                                                    December 2018

                               Superdry with Clipper Logistics
    Superdry with
                                          E    fficient delivery is at the heart of a good
                                               supply chain. Given the critical role
                                            delivery plays, it is then, hardly surprising that
                                                                                                 item has been driven down by 54 per cent. The judges
                                                                                                 could see that this was a very worthy contender, but they
                                                                                                 were up against this year’s Overall Winner.
   Clipper Logistics                        the scores were high, which in turn made the            Superdry, a leading global fashion brand, has
                                            judges task all the more taxing. However, the        consolidated a number of different distribution centres
       shortlist                            top two runners in this category were Jersey         into three sites handling its global supply chain.
                               Post with Skillweb and Superdry with Clipper Logistics.           Working with its logistics service provider, Clipper
       l   BT Supply Chain
                                  Jersey Post was faced with the challenges of adapting          Logistics, the retailer has significantly improved the
   l   Doddle                  to a new operating model where higher margin letter               effectiveness of its supply chain through a number of
   lJersey Post with           traffic has reduced and been replaced with lower margin           initiatives, such as introducing a single stock pool,
   Skillweb                    parcel volumes. Working with Skillweb the business has            omni-channel picking, a live inventory pool, tailored
   lSuperdry with              adopted SmartTask POD, which provides an end-to-end               click and collect solution, vendor labelling, tactical
   Clipper Logistics           mobile communications platform for Ship2me – an                   storage and the introduction of comprehensive
   lTata Steel FAMD            innovative home delivery service for imported goods               compliance measures. Operational advantages have
   with FarEye                 from UK retailers. Together with investments into parcel          resulted in the form of carton fill utilisation and order
                               sorting automation, streamlined customs clearance and             picking productivity. Visibility has improved,
                               a range of delivery choices, revenue has been increased           replenishment movements and order cancellations
                               with a large contract for a major UK retailer, and cost per       have reduced and e-commerce sales, online product
                                                                                                 availability and basket conversion have all seen uplifts.
                                                                                                    The judges were duly impressed by the scale and
                                                                                                 scope of the initiative. The results were there to see:
                                                                                                 container utilisation boosted by 80 per cent, pick
                                                                                                 productivity up by 40 per cent, significant improvements
  From left: Martin White,                                                                       in stock availability and a huge rise in e-commerce sales
  former supply chain
                                                                                                 within six months of go-live. The successful transition to
  director of Primark;
  Steve Rayson, Superdry;
                                                                                                 a single stock pool brought big benefits during peak
  Elisha Kelly, Clipper;                                                                         2017, allowing Superdry to restore their next-day delivery
  Gordon Knox, Superdry;                                                                         offer within 24 hours of Black Friday 2017. What’s more,
  Jag Collier, Clipper;                                                                          it has allowed the retailer to offer next-day delivery for
  Marcus Brigstocke.                                                                             orders placed before midnight.
                                                                                                    The score was high. This was the winner.

                               Heineken UK
       Heineken UK
                                          D     emand Forecasting & Planning is a core
                                                activity within supply chain
                                            management and so the judges were keen to
                                                                                                 forecasting software in their region. An effective balance
                                                                                                 between ‘make to stock’ and ‘make to order’ was
                                                                                                 achieved, bringing significant benefits in terms of
                                            seek out excellence. This was a high scoring         forecast accuracy gains of up to ten per cent and with
       highly                               category where the entries from Turkcell and         errors and out-of-stocks falling away.
       commended                            Pearson Education with Accenture did                    The entry was considered a worthy contender so the
                               particularly well. But two entries stood out – Hanes              judges Highly Commended Hanes with FuturMaster.
   Hanes with                  with FuturMaster and Heineken UK.                                    In an initiative requiring true collaboration across
                                 Hanes is a $6.5bn global apparel company that                   departments Heineken UK has taken great strides to
                               manufactures and sells underwear and active wear                  improve customer service and reduce emergency
       shortlist               through well-recognised brands including Wonderbra,               movements by analysing the relationship between
    l Bunting Group            DKNY, Playtex and Champion. The business found itself             forecast error and weather. By creating a close
   with Relex                  with a number of very different systems and processes             collaborative relationship between the business systems
   lHanes with                 for managing the supply of goods to nearly 1000                   team, marketing and data scientists, new windows have
   FuturMaster                 company-owned retail stores and tens of thousands of              been opened up on quantifying the impact weather has
                               retailers in more than 40 countries.                              on sales. With delivery point level mapping to the nearest
   l   Heineken UK
                                 To create continuity the Western-European                       weather data location for four key product ranges,
   lPearson                    management decided to rollout FuturMaster’s demand                coupled with analysis of customer behaviour, and
   Education with                                                                                events, the key metrics were there for a successful model.
   Accenture                                                                                        There was plenty for the judges to like in this entry,
   l   Turkcell                                                                                  from collaborative working across departments and the
                                                                                                 skilful application of data analysis, to sound tactical use
                                                                                                 of resources and a clearly defined objective. The metrics
                                                                                                 were good too, with overall forecast accuracy rising from
                                                                                                 an already high level of around 90 per cent, by a further
  From left: Jason Russell,
                                                                                                 1.2 per cent – which is highly significant on a tight run
  Mitchells & Butlers;                                                                           supply chain. Benefits were reduced emergency
  Fiona Thiemann and                                                                             deliveries to RDCs, less risk of out of stocks, and fewer
  Derek Johnson, Heineken                                                                        costly production line changes. For the judges this
  UK; Marcus Brigstocke.                                                                         project demonstrated excellence and deserved to be
                                                                                                 recognised. The award went to Heineken UK.

  December 2018

                             Sky PLC
     Sky PLC
                                           T he Environmental Improvement
                                             category always gets plenty of entries
                                        and this year was no exception. Overall, the
                                                                                         green management of materials. It was a close run
                                                                                         thing but Sky had the edge, so the judges decided to
                                                                                         Highly Commend Turkcell.
                                        scores were very high but two entries               The entry from Sky attained a very high score and
     highly                             battled it out for the trophy with just a thin   for good reason. The entertainment company has
     commended                          margin between them – Turkcell İletişim          grown to become the UK’s second largest broadband
                             Hizmetleri A.Ş. and Sky PLC.                                and fixed-line telephony provider, reaching 23 million
 Turkcell                       Turkcell is a digital operator providing voice,          households.
                             messaging, data and IPTV services to over 50 million           However, it has retained a sharp focus on its
     shortlist               subscribers on its mobile and fixed networks, across        environmental responsibilities. In January 2017 the
  l Baxter
                             nine countries. The business is actively engaged in a       business launched Sky Ocean Rescue to inspire simple
 Healthcare with             number of environmental initiatives and in particular,      everyday changes to stop our oceans from drowning
 CEVA Logistics              has succeeded in introducing an environmentally             in plastic.
                             friendly buying strategy, producing $10m of savings            And to lead the way, it has set out to remove all
                             and preventing 53K tonnes of CO2 emissions per              single use plastic from its supply chain by 2020.
                             annum.                                                         To achieve this, the business has set annual targets
 lHeathrow Airport              In addition, the company is the first in the Turkish     with the aim to remove 1000 tonnes of single use
 with Wilson James           telecom market to obtain ISO 14064 and is active in         plastic from all finished goods over three years.
 l   Sky PLC                 the Carbon Disclosure Project.                                 The initiative has required Sky to invent and design
 l   Turkcell                    The judges were impressed by the significant            new methods of packaging to provide protection for
                             investments made applying green procurement                 highly sensitive electronic products and components.
                             principles, cutting out waste by specifying energy          In Distribution too, the company has identified 191
                             efficient outdoor cabinets for base stations and the        tonnes per year to remove – to date 44 tonnes have
                                                                                         already been taken out.
From left: Karl- Heinz                                                                      Delivery and returns packaging has shifted from
Meister, MAN; Giles                                                                      plastic courier bags to paper based envelopes, sacks
Harvey, Shirley Cheung,                                                                  and specially designed boxes for multiple journeys.
Greg Cruse, Dionne                                                                       For Repair and Returns a further 45 tonnes per have
Rickards, Andy Hyatt,                                                                    been identified, along with some 30 tonnes per year
Chris Moore, Nick
                                                                                         from Mobile.
Townsend, Colin Potter,
Bill Skeates, Michael
                                                                                            The judges were impressed by Sky’s dedication to
Yick, Ed Snodgrass,                                                                      the task and with the meticulous planning and rigor of
Marianne Matthews                                                                        process that the business has employed.
– all from Sky; Marcus                                                                      This was an environmental initiative to be proud of
Brigstocke.                                                                              and the judges wished to recognise their efforts. So it
                                                                                         was that the trophy was awarded to Sky PLC.

                             Procter & Gamble with Salterbaxter
  Procter &
                                           The Ethical category saw three very
                                            different approaches. Co-op Insurance
                                         recognised that it needed to create an
                                                                                         group certification handbook published by FSC US
                                                                                         with support provided by Family Care. Through this
                                                                                         collaboration, forestlands committed to FSC
 Gamble with                             environment of trust and openness in the        certification has increased from 100,000 hectares to
 Salterbaxter                            supply chain. With an initial goal to give      over 500,000. The judges were unanimous, the winner
                                         more back to its shared communities, the        was Proctor & Gamble with Salterbaxter.
     shortlist               Co-op Insurance believed that it could
                             use the strength of its supply chain
     l   Co-op Insurance     partnerships as a platform to address
 lProctor & Gamble           broader topics of social injustice such
 with Salterbaxter           as modern slavery.
 l   Turkcell                   Turkcell’s procurement project
                             created new jobs and equal
                             opportunities to people living in rural
                             cities of Turkey.
                                Procter & Gamble and its partner
                             Salterbaxter collaborated with FSC
                             United States to enable Group
                             Certification to reduce costs and
                             barriers to adoption of FSC forest
                             certification. One tangible outcome
                             that will have a lasting impact is a new

From left: Alexander Trautrims, University of Nottingham; Aimee Goldsmith,
Procter & Gamble; Jeremy Cohen, Salterbaxter; Marcus Brigstocke.

                                                                                                    December 2018

                                Greenshields Cowie
                                           I  n this category the judges look for excellence
                                              in logistics practised at the very limits of
                                            what seems possible. They were not
                                                                                               within 87 days. This was a major undertaking requiring
                                                                                               meticulous planning and execution under arduous
                                                                                               conditions. Accordingly, the judges scored them highly,
    Cowie                                   disappointed. The top two entries were from        but it was not quite enough to take the trophy.
                                            SE Freight & Logistics India – Skeiron Logistics      The winning entry came from Greenshields Cowie. Its
        shortlist                           – and Greenshields Cowie.                          challenge was to deliver 547 containers – some 13.6
      l Fresh Logistics
                                   SE Freight & Logistics India – Skeiron Logistics – is       million mosquito nets – to 196 final destinations set
    for their support of        India’s largest logistics solutions provider in the            among the fighting and conflict in South Sudan. This
    KFC                         renewable energy sector. A major challenge for the             was a truly impressive achievement requiring 77
                                business has been the handling and transport of cargo          emergency air charters to seven different locations, 34
                                for the Nepal Hydel Project in Upper Tamakosi. This            containers joining a UN convoy, and arranging free
                                Indo-Nepal Hydro Power scheme demanded the                     storage at an agent’s yard during evacuations. Working
    lSE Freight @               movement over the mountainous and difficult terrain of         on behalf of the Global Fund’s Bed Net Distribution
    Logistics India             the India Nepal borders. With a 90-day time frame for          Programme to South Sudan (2016 – 2018), Greenshields
                                completing the delivery of 42 shipments over some 250          Cowie played a significant role in protecting vulnerable
                                km from OEMs in India to Nepal, Skeiron Logistics              people at risk of malarial infection by making available a
                                deployed 12 hydraulic axle vehicles and provided export        potentially life-saving bed net. Throughout three
                                clearance management services – completing the task            separate contracts, Greenshields Cowie overcame many
                                                                                               logistical challenges while maintaining operations, from
                                                                                               evacuating staff during heightened security to
                                                                                               redesigning delivery plans and routes to keep track of
                                                                                               moving populations fleeing war.
                                                                                                  The judges fully appreciated the immense difficulties
                                                                                               in operating under such dangerous and challenging
                                                                                               conditions. They were particularly impressed by the way
   From left: Jim Spittle,
   GS1 UK; Daniel Ronen,
                                                                                               in which the company was quick to adapt and react to
   Julija Strelnikovas, and                                                                    the unpredictable operating environment and how they
   Graeme Kelly from                                                                           professionally saw to it that over 13 million people were
   Greenshields Cowie;                                                                         given protection in a country where malaria is still
   Marcus Brigstocke.                                                                          endemic. The Award for Extreme Logistics went to
                                                                                               Greenshields Cowie.

                                Greene King with Kuehne + Nagel
     Greene King with
                                           L   ogistics is a core supply chain activity that
                                               requires creative thinking. Here the top
                                            two entries battling it out for the trophy for
                                                                                               strong capability to plan and deliver a scaled response to
                                                                                               demand. It was close, but not quite close enough.
                                                                                                  Gaining a very high score from the judges was Greene
    Kuehne + Nagel                          Logistics Innovation were Ted Baker with           King with Kuehne & Nagel. The entry was based on the
                                            XPO Logistics and Greene King with Kuehne          results of a full strategic review of the business’ supply
        shortlist                           & Nagel.                                           chain following the acquisition of Spirit Pub Company.
     l Greene King
                                   The entry from Ted Baker with XPO Logistics was             With a combined pub estate of around 1,900 pubs
                                based on the retailer’s new omni-channel European              – which represents an increase in total pub numbers
    with Kuehne &
                                distribution centre in Derby, a site operated by its           serviced by Kuehne & Nagel of more than 100 per cent,
                                logistics service provider XPO, and the result of a major      and a rise in annual distribution volume of 75 per cent
    lRicoh UK with              supply chain transformation from 13 sites to one central       – it was clear a complete restructuring of Greene King’s
    CEVA Logistics              hub. As well as coping with the retailer’s significant         national logistics network was necessary. Infrastructure
    lTed Baker with             growth across channels, the fulfilment team have learnt        improvements were made, including the fitting out of an
    XPO Logistics               to flex and adapt to the multi-faceted needs of the            additional non-food hub for northern operations, a new
    lWickes with                customer and the day-to-day volume fluctuations                transport outbase for southern operations, along with
    Wincanton                   – including the huge pressures of Black Friday. The            one for Scottish operations too, and a restructuring of a
                                judges liked the way Ted Baker and XPO Logistics have          southern RDC with the fitting out of a new frozen storage
                                collaborated closely to achieve significant benefits and a     facility. Vehicle fleet improvements were also made, with
   From left: Theo De                                                                          the procurement of a new fuel-efficient fleet, including
   Pencier, London                                                                             vehicle design upgrades to increase waste collection
   Ambulance Service;                                                                          capacity – supporting Greene King’s strategic
   Richard Clarke, Greene                                                                      sustainability objective of Zero Waste to landfill by 2020.
   King; Mike Williams,
                                                                                                  The judges were impressed with the speed and
   K+N; Steve Smart, K+N;
                                                                                               efficiency of the network transformation and delivery
   Tony Smith, K+N; Hannah
   Chaffey Green, K+N;                                                                         fleet upgrade, particularly so as the project was delivered
   Daniel Stretton, Greene                                                                     on time and with no adverse impact on end customers.
   King; Dean Willcock,                                                                        What’s more, the reduction in weekly deliveries and
   K+N; Jo Fleeman, Green                                                                      collections from pubs nationally was estimated at over
   King; Marcus Brigstocke;                                                                    5,000 deliveries as a direct result of the new network.
   and Phill Weedon, K+N.                                                                      These were strong results. There was little doubt that
                                                                                               Greene King with Kuehne & Nagel deserved to win.

   December 2018
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