Page created by Cody Walsh

                           April 20, 2022

                            We are delighted to be worshiping in person again! For those joining us on Sundays, we
                            ask that you please continue to follow our in-person gathering policies when attending.
                            Click here to view our in-person worship policies and mask wearing. For those who may not
                            be ready to worship in person, you may continue to join us virtually, which remains an
                            important part of our ministry! Below are all the options to view our livestream services:

       Join via Facebook Live                       Website Live Link                             View on

Coffee Hour                                                        Prayers for Peace
We are pleased to announce that                                    On Sunday mornings, our church members and
fellowship with coffee will resume                                 friends are invited to light an Orthodox candle as a
this Sunday in Hartman Hall after                                  sign of our ongoing prayers for peace in Ukraine. We
the worship service. We ask that you continue to                   will continue to light a flame for peace until the war
be mindful of social distancing.                        ends. The candles are on the communion table. During the
                                                        prelude and postlude, anyone who wishes to say a prayer for
                                                        peace can light an Orthodox candle and stick it in the sand.
                                                        The table is located by the handicap ramp.
                  Prayer After Worship
                   Prayer after Worship (PAW) is
                   offered in person after the Sunday
                   service in the Conference Room.                         Easter Banners
                   All prayer teams are fully                             Did you notice the new Easter banners
                   vaccinated, wearing masks and                          hanging in our Sanctuary on both sides of
maintaining social distancing. We also have a top                         the focal point on Easter Sunday? These
quality air purifier running for your safety.                             banners are once again the work of our
Prayer List                                             creative and dedicated banner team! We are blessed with so
To view the most current prayer list, click the link    much talent our members have to offer!
below. Please note that all prayers announced
during the Sunday service will be first name only
for privacy purposes. If you have a prayer request,
you may submit to Please             The Mission of the Week: NAMI, the National Alliance on
indicate if you would like your prayer shared or        Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health
kept private. Please note: The public prayer list       organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of
will appear in our weekly news which is posted on       Americans affected by mental health. NAMI advocates for
our website.                                            access to services, treatment, supports and research and is
                                                        steadfast in its commitment to raising awareness and building a
                                                        community of hope for all of those in need. NAMI offers support
                                                        and education programs for families and individuals living with
                Click Here for Prayers
                                                        mental health conditions. NAMI recognizes that the key
                                                        concepts of recovery, resiliency and support are essential to
                                                        improving the wellness and quality of life of all persons affected
                                                        by mental illness. ACC donated 3,000 in 2021.

Easter Message from Rev. Paulo França

Dear Friends,

Every Sunday, we gather to worship because we refuse to forget that Christ lives. He lives in us
and through us. His love becomes incarnate in each one of us. The only reason we come
together to worship is because of the determination of the first followers of Jesus to share the
story of his resurrection with the world.
At some point in the fourth century, the First Council of Nicaea decided that there should be an
annual festival on the Christian calendar to celebrate the resurrection. This is what we did last
Sunday. We stood on the tradition that started almost 1700 years ago and we shouted out loud
the mystery of our faith: "He is not in the tomb. He has risen!"

The pandemic disrupted our Easter celebrations in ways none of us could have imagined to be
even remotely possible. In 2020 and 2021, our sanctuary was quiet. No one was in the pews.
Somehow, Easter still happened and inspired us to keep believing in the power of God to
breathe new life into our church. That new life was visible in the pews last Sunday!

Easter Sunday was beautiful! I loved seeing so many kids in the pews. It was delightful to watch
them dance to the music of the Hallelujah Chorus at the end of the service.

There were many people who worked hard behind the scenes to make sure we could meet safely in our sanctuary.
Volunteers decorated the sanctuary with spring flowers. The flowering of the cross was so much fun and gave
everyone a chance to dress up the barren cross for Easter. The Easter cross became a living sign of our faith. Each
fresh flower was an affirmation of our hope that life is indeed a precious gift from the Creator to all of us.

How do we thank the ushers, the video team, the deacons and trustees who did everything they could to welcome the
Easter worshippers and to make sure our 9:30 AM service reached those who were not able to be physically present in
the sanctuary? How do we say "thank-you" to our staff that worked so diligently to prepare our building for Easter?
How do we show our appreciation for the amazing women who made the Easter banners or the musicians or the
soloists? How do we thank all of those who joined us in worship on one of the holiest days in the Christian year? All I
can say is that it was good to see you on Easter Sunday. Thank you!

Once someone asked a very liberal bishop if he truly believed in the resurrection. His answer caught his conservative
quizzer off guard. The bishop said, "Of course, I do believe in the resurrection. I have seen it too many times not to." I
saw the resurrection in our church last Sunday. The Risen Christ brought us back to celebrate and affirm our faith. He
is risen! And because he lives, we have life and life abundant. On Easter, we were all raised with Christ to new hope
and new life.

As I said at the beginning, Easter Sunday happens once a year, but our church gathers every week to remember the
resurrection, reflect on the teachings of Jesus, and pray that we may also see Easter happening among us. I hope you
will join us in worship next Sunday and make Easter real among us once again.

Easter blessings,
Rev. Paul

               A Note from Liz Carley, Organist/Coordinator of Music
               As I reflect on Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter, I am full of gratitude. I am grateful to the
               congregation for gifts to the Music Fund in order to provide the beautiful trumpet music by Seelan
               Manickam and Tom Duprey. I am grateful to Pip and the choir for all the work on the anthems and
               responses, several of which were original compositions by Pip. I appreciate the beautiful singing of
Rebecca Cazabon and Ruth Bendig, who are so generous with their time and talent. I thank Nancy and Rick Barnes
for stepping up to cantor (in harmony yet!) for the Good Friday service. Years ago, there was a salesman who used to
call the church regularly. When asked how he was, he would invariably reply, “I am abundantly blessed.” That phrase
became something of a joke among the staff… yet that is exactly how I feel about the talent and generosity of the
music folks here at ACC. We are abundantly blessed.
Liz Carley

Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Reflection on "Our Year with Jesus"
On Sunday, April 24, we will gather in Hartman Hall immediately after the worship service. This will be
our first opportunity to gather in-person to reflect on how our year with Jesus has helped us answer
the Christological question at the heart of our faith – “Who do we say Jesus is?” If you would like to
donate the books to the United Theological Seminary in Zimbabwe, please drop them at the church office by April 29.

Special Congregational Meeting
Mark you calendars! There will be a special congregational meeting on Sunday, May 1. The meeting will
be held virtually and begin at 11:15 AM to allow participants to attend services in person beforehand. We
will need a quorum of 50 members to vote on the following as described in the meeting warrant:
        The Trustees and Investment Committee recommend using a portion of the ACC endowment to
        partially pay down the church's mortgage. Given the amount that has been recommended, approval of the
        congregation is required. Prior to the vote, there will be a short presentation by the Trustees to explain the
        recommendation and answer questions. click here to view the Warrant.
Youth Sunday
           On Sunday, May 1, we celebrate Youth Sunday, when the youth of our congregation will offer prayers, sing
           songs, preach sermons, and lead our worship in praising God. We hope you will join us to support our
           youth as they share their faith and testify to the movement of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

             Family Ministries
             Sunday School children (ages 4-12) are welcome to gather in the Grimshaw Library before worship and
             can be picked up in Hartman Hall after the service ends. Nursery care is available during the service for
             children ages 0-3.

Parent Workshop: Sharing Your Faith with Your Family - May 15
​Research shows that the single most important influence on the faith of a child is the way their parents discuss faith
 with them at home. Join Charlotte after worship on Sunday, May 15, to explore the ways we share our spiritual beliefs
 with our children in our day-to-day lives. The workshop is expected to be 1 hour long. Childcare will be provided. All
 are welcome. Please email to sign up.

Mask Policy: At this time masks are optional indoors but highly recommended. As always, this policy is subject to
change in response to any changes in official guidelines and policies. In keeping with the Acton-Boxborough School
System policies, masks will still be required in the Nursery for all adults.

Note: Sunday School will not be offered on the following Sundays due to the school break and holiday: 4/24, and 5/29

                  Social Justice Task Force
                  Needed: Getting extra eggs for Easter? Please hang onto your paperboard egg cartons! A box will
                  be placed in the church office for you to recycle them. They will be reused for a special Pursuing
                  Justice Sunday program in May. Thank you for your help!

High School Graduates
We would like to recognize all of ACC’s high school graduates. If any of our ACC families have a
graduating senior, please contact the office ( ASAP so we can be sure they are
recognized in our May newsletter!

                    Cornerstone Thrift Shop Update
                    The Cornerstone Thrift Shop will be closed April 18—22 for school vacation week but plan to
                    reopen on Saturday, April 23. Shop Hours: Mondays and Fridays from 10 AM to 2 PM,
                    Wednesdays from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM, and Saturdays from 10 AM to 12 noon.

Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study 2:00 PM via Zoom
Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study 2:00 PM via Zoom. All are welcome at anytime! Email Rev. Andrew
for the Zoom link at

From the Office

                 Connecting with ACC
                 Sunday Livestreamed Service: To view our all our recorded past Sunday services, click here.
                 Weekly Newsletter: Click here to view all the weekly newsletters to date.
                 ​Weekly Sermon: Sermons are available online. Click here to view!

Visit ACC’s Facebook page and click the “like” button to keep up to date and connect with your ACC friends and
family. Did you know you can view our livestream services through our YouTube page? Visit and subscribe to our
page today! You can also follow us on Instagram at actoncongchurch.

                                                        ​      ​      ​
Ways to give at ACC​
ACC Website                                                                 QR Code
Visit our website at and click on the                        With the appropriate (free) APP, you can
online giving icon to direct you to our online giving page.                 scan our QR code to go directly to our E-
                                                                            Giving site.

Pastoral Emergencies and Staff Contact
If you have a pastoral emergency or need a call back immediately from a minister and get no
answer at the church, please leave a message with Rev. Paulo (ext. 106) or Rev. Andrew
(ext.105). For all other calls, you can leave a message on the general voicemail box or dial a staff
extension directly to leave a message. All voicemail messages are emailed directly to the staff
member you dial. Regular office hours are Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM.

Church Access
All exterior doors have all been rekeyed and the church is now fully operating on the new keyless entry. Please contact
Katie or Tracy if you need access to the building for an event or meeting so they can schedule the appropriate door
and time for access. The glass door entrance is on an unlock schedule Monday-Friday 9-4 pm and Sunday mornings.
If you have any questions, please contact Tracy at


                        The National Alliance on Mental                          Pet Grieving Resources
                        Illness of Massachusetts (NAMI                           The end-of-life and loss of a pet can be
                        Massachusetts) is a nonprofit                            unexpectedly challenging for many
                        grassroots organization. Founded in                      people. We thought we would share
1982, we are the state’s voice on mental illness.                                some information that was passed on to
The mission of NAMI Massachusetts is to improve the                              the church from The Parmenter
quality of life for people diagnosed with mental health        Foundation. They offer resources to provide hope and
                                                               healing for adults and children who are dealing with
conditions and their families. We seek to improve the
                                                               difficult decisions around the decline of a pet and who are
public’s awareness and understanding of mental health
                                                               grieving a beloved animal that has passed.
conditions and ensure that all people impacted by a            Click here to visit their pet loss resources.
mental health condition receive the support they need in
a timely fashion. Click here for website.

                                        Acton Community Supper and Food Pantry, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit
                                        organization established in 1984 to help alleviate food-insecurity in Acton and
                                        its contiguous towns - Boxborough, Concord, Carlisle,
Littleton, Maynard, Stow and Westford. The Food Pantry services are free to clients. Distribution and client registration
hours are Wednesday 10 am to 7 pm and Thursday 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Click here for website.

                  Our strategic vision for the next 5 years are anchored on these four core words
                                                 COVENANT STATEMENT

We at Acton Congregational Church accept, affirm, and invite all families and individuals, as we all are created in God’s image.

Following the loving example of Jesus, we welcome into our community persons of every gender, gender identity and expression, sexual
orientation, and marital status; of every age, race, citizenship, and nationality; of every mental and physical ability; of every economic and social
status and political affiliation; of every faith background and at any step on the journey of faith.

We welcome all of God’s people to share in the life, mission, leadership, ministry, worship, sacraments, service, education, and fellowship of
our congregation. As we grow together in Christian faith and love, we celebrate the diversity God has created, and we are committed to
working together, with God’s help and the Spirit’s guidance, to make this statement a reality in our church.

                                           We are proud to be ONA congregation #1578.
                      Our church has been added to the growing family of ONA churches throughout the country.

                                                            Calendar Events
                                        view ACC events on our website:
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