MARCH 2021 - Miami Temple SDA Church

Page created by Jerome Bennett
MARCH 2021 - Miami Temple SDA Church
MARCH 2021
MARCH 2021 - Miami Temple SDA Church

             Pastor Laffit Cortes
             Lead Pastor
                                           LOVE: IT’S WHAT YOU DO!
                                               ast month, we presented the main idea that people are at the core of
             Pastor Nelson Fernandez Jr.       what drives God. This month, we are going to explore one of the most
             Associate Pastor
             for Outreach
                                               universal acts for humans: worship.                                                 CONTENTS
                                           Truth be told, for many of us, worship has been understood simply as what
                                           you do. And, yes, there is a place for action in worship.                             • Pastoral Letter
                                                                                                                                 • Worship Services
                                           Yet, the problem with seeing worship only as an action is the fact that we            • We Are Miami Temple
             Pastor Brian Seewaldt
             Associate Pastor
                                           miss the driving force behind true worship: love. If we remove love as the            • Recipes
             for Youth and Young Adults    motivating force behind worship, we are left with dry and formal religiosity.         • Mom Knows Best
                                           Too many times, we confuse religiosity with worship and think God wants               • Time for Health
                                           us to DO more to show Him how much we love Him.                                       • Connect
                                           Worship is not a requirement to earn God’s favor; it’s a response to                  • Sabbath School Classes
             Pastor Vanessa Hairston
             Associate Pastor
                                           what God has done for us. When we understand this fundamental truth,                  • Prayer Requests
             for Worship                   everything we do in life—from the way we eat, to what we talk about,                  • Giving
                                           how we treat each other, give, dress, and think—will have a different and             • Contacts
                                           deeper meaning.
                                           Join us all month long as we explore our topic “Love: It’s What You Do!”
             Pastor Jamil Hairston
             Associate Pastor
             for Health & Wellness
                                                                                          The Pastoral Team

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WO R S H I P S E R V I C E S                RADICALLY SIMPLE

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WE ARE MIAMI TEMPLE                                                                                                           RADICALLY SIMPLE

                              ELISE JAMES: A WOMAN OF FAITH
                              “      lise James, a member of our Miami Temple church family,      “When I think of faith, Elise comes to mind. Her faith during
                                     has shown unwavering faith in the midst of one of the        these challenging times exemplifies what it truly means to say,
                                     toughest challenges a woman could face. During the early     ‘Not my will but Yours Lord.’ ”
                              months of a long-awaited pregnancy, Elise was told that her         			                                    —Josephine Bermudez
                              unborn baby had a rare genetic disorder called trisomy 13. This     “Elise has demonstrated that she is a Woman of Faith for
                              diagnosis meant that her baby’s chances of surviving, even to       several reasons. She held fast to her convictions, even in the
                              full turn, were slim. Elise and her husband Sammy made the          face of opposition. She trusted that God had a plan for Samara
                              decision to trust God. They met every challenge with prayer and     and nothing would stand in the way of that plan. She has fought
                              praise. Their beautiful baby girl Samara survived many odds         this battle on her knees! She has acknowledged God’s power
                              and is now well into her fourth month of life. Although medical     through all of this experience.”
                              trials and obstacles may lie ahead for Samara, her mother Elise     			                                    —Maria Mowry
                              is a woman of great faith. Her confidence in God’s ability and
                                                                                                  “Samara is a blessing to us all. When we consider your faith and
                        mes   strength will lead her family into victory.”
                Elise Ja                                                                          strength, we realize that only God is in charge and He is the one
        a and                 “Then Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your
  Samar                                                                                           who sustains you. We also realize how much we take life and
                              request is granted’ ” (Matthew 15:28, NIV).
                                                                                                  health for granted. We realize how precious it is and how much
                              			                                 —Perla Audain
                                                                                                  more love we should be spreading around. We also realize
                              “Elise embodies the true definition of faith. She has taken some    how blessed we are and yet we complain about the simplest
                              of life’s most challenging situations and approached them with      inconvenience. Thank you. Samara’s story is our story, and it’s a
                              grace. She chose to run toward God and not from God when            story with a purpose. All things work together for good to those
                              the burdens of life were too much to bear. She continues to         who trust Him.”
                              make a conscious decision to praise God and not complain            			                                    —Micheline Aristide
                              when God’s plans superseded hers. For all these reasons and         “Ever since I first met Elise shortly after we came to Miami Temple,
                              more, I honor Elise. I’m not only blessed to know her but to call   I have been blessed by her kind spirit and sense of humor, and
                              her friend. I pray God’s favor over her life and over her family    have been inspired by her strength. I’m honored to know a wom-
                              each and every day.”                                                an, mother, fellow social worker, and friend like Elise.”
                              			                                 —Angie Laurent                  			                                    —Sarah Fernández

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RECIPES                                                                           RADICALLY SIMPLE

             IRISH SODA BREAD

             • 4 cups flour
             • 2 teaspoons baking soda
             • 1 teaspoon salt
             • 1 ¾ cups buttermilk

             1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease and flour a 9-inch round cake pan.
             2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Gradually stir in the buttermilk until
                 the dough comes together in a slightly sticky ball.
             3. Turn dough onto a floured surface and knead a few times gently. Form the dough into a ball
                 and then press it into the prepared pan to resemble a large disk. The dough should reach the
                 edges of the pan but may spring back slightly.
             4. Cut an X into the dough with a sharp knife, about ¼ of an inch deep. Cover the pan of dough
                 with another round cake pan turned upside down.
             5. Bake for 25–30 minutes, covered, then remove the top pan and bake uncovered for about 10
                 minutes more or until the crust is dark golden brown.

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MOM KNOWS BEST                                                                                                                      RADICALLY SIMPLE

LESSONS FROM THE JEDI MASTER                                                      By Sarah Fernández

   was never really a huge Star Wars fan. I saw           we know denying emotions is essentially denying
   the original trilogy as a young kid, then saw the      human nature, and often, when we minimize or
   first film in the prequels and said, “No thanks,       ignore our negative thoughts and feelings, we may
I’m good,” and then saw a couple of the recent            actually intensify our problems.
sequels in theaters. I was more of your typical,
                                                          One aspect of maternal mental health in particular
“These movies are fun, just here for the cultural
                                                          that’s been given more attention recently is
phenomenon” viewer.
                                                          postpartum anxiety. Since most people talk about
Something a lot of you may not know is I have my own      postpartum depression, when moms are struggling        realize, such as irritability, sleep problems, rage, or
nerdy interests, like video games and anime. My casual    with intense worry, it’s common for this issue to be   perfectionism, among others. It’s common to avoid
viewership of the “galaxy far, far away”, however,        overlooked. In my case, it took me many months         addressing our emotions, especially when we’re
changed over the last few months. I decided to give all   after becoming a mom to realize the fear I was         so busy taking care of everyone else. But when we
three trilogies a shot, and subsequently converted to     experiencing was more than just your typical new       leave our mental health unchecked, hoping things
the Star Wars fandom. I’ve observed many interesting      mom worries. The second time around, I was             will work themselves out, we’re planting a ticking
themes throughout this franchise, one of which I’m        aware of the anxiety sooner; however, that fear was    time bomb.
well-acquainted with: fear.                               intensified by experiencing a miscarriage (and thus,
                                                                                                                 If you aren’t feeling like yourself or feel something
                                                          the fear of loss) prior to my pregnancy.
In the Star Wars context, the theme of fear is often                                                             isn’t right, it’s probably time to get the support you
portrayed in a negative light, as something to be         Postpartum mental health issues can manifest           need—and deserve. Or, as Yoda might say, “Do or
avoided or suppressed. In the real world, however,        themselves in many different ways we might not         do not; there is no try.”

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T I M E F O R H E A LT H                                                                                                                       RADICALLY SIMPLE

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM                                                                                                                   By Chantal Guillaume, RN, MSN, ED

     he world we live in has been turned upside-        problems arise, such as allergic reactions and               Foods: dairy products, liver, fish, fortified
     down since the pandemic began. In this era         autoimmune disease.                                          cereals.
     of Covid-19, immunity is everyone’s concern.                                                                 • Vitamin D has both anti-inflammatory and
                                                        Some factors affecting the immune system are sleep
Our immune system is our first line of defense in                                                                    immunoregulatory properties.
                                                        deprivation, lack of exercise, stress, and unhealthy
preventing the invasion of bacteria and viruses                                                                      Foods: oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herring
                                                        eating habits. Consequently, exercise, proper sleep,
in our bodies, yet an unhealthy lifestyle most often                                                                 and mackerel; egg yolk, soy milk, almond milk,
                                                        stress management, and a healthy diet are our best
inhibits the mechanism of that system to accomplish                                                                  mushrooms.
                                                        tools for maintaining a healthy immune system.
what it was designed to do naturally.
                                                        Following, you’ll find the best nutrients to include in   • Zinc activates enzymes that break down proteins
It’s important to understand the complex immune                                                                      in viruses and bacteria. It also increases the
system’s mechanism. According to the NIH (National      your diet to maintain a healthy immune system:
                                                                                                                     activation of cells responsible for fighting
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and       • Vitamin C helps in the production of white                infection.
the NIH (National Institute of Health), our immune         blood cells which aid in fighting infections.             Foods: beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, walnuts,
system encompasses tissues and cells designed to          Foods: citrus, strawberries, kiwi, bell pepper.            cashew nuts, chia seeds, ground linseed, hemp
work together, and its overall function is to prevent                                                                seeds, pumpkin seeds, whole meal bread and
                                                        • Vitamin E acts as antioxidants and helps widen
or limit infection. When the immune system first                                                                     quinoa.
                                                           the blood vessels and prevents the formation of
recognizes danger cells sending signals about
                                                           blood clots.
unhealthy cells, it responds to address the problem.
                                                           Foods: nuts such as peanuts, hazel nuts, almond,       For further information, visit the following pages:
If an immune response cannot be activated when                                                                    Immune System Research
                                                           green vegetables, broccoli, spinach.         
there is sufficient need, problems like infections
                                                                                                                  How to strengthen your immune system this winter
arise. On the other hand, when an immune                • Vitamin A is known as an anti-inflammation   
response is activated without a real threat or is          vitamin because of its role in enhancing immune        strengthen-a-strong-immune-system-and-deal-with-stress/6475272002/
                                                                                                                  Source: Adventist Review Online | COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Concerns,
not turned off once the danger passes, different           function.                                              Offering Counsel

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T I M E F O R H E A LT H                RADICALLY SIMPLE

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S A B BAT H S C H O O L C L A S S E S                  RADICALLY SIMPLE

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S A B BAT H S C H O O L C L A S S E S                  RADICALLY SIMPLE

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S A B BAT H S C H O O L C L A S S E S                  RADICALLY SIMPLE

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S A B BAT H S C H O O L C L A S S E S                                           RADICALLY SIMPLE

                           Study the Bible with us every Saturday afternoon.
                            We have several classes you could choose from.
                             Text our Facilitators to receive their Zoom access codes.

                               12:00 pm: Paulo DaSilva (Portuguese Class) (786) 291-1737
                                12:30 pm: Dr. Judith McCalla (Collegiate) (786) 553-7445
                                  12:30 pm: Dwight Witter/Karim Izmery (305) 321-4282
                                   12:30 pm: Shawn Keller (786) 634-7577
                                    12:30 pm: Carlyle Raymond (954) 806-9767
                                     01:00 pm: Samuel Vasquez (Spanish) (305) 978-9189
                                       02:00 pm: Wilny Audain (443) 226-3165
                                        02:00 pm: Pastor Laffit Cortes (609) 577-1363
                                         02:30 pm: Jose Delgado/Dr. Archbold (305) 794-9473

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P R AY E R R E Q U E S T S                                                   RADICALLY SIMPLE

                                      Sammy, Nathan, Elise,
                                       Jasmine, and Samara

            As a church family,
            we strongly believe
         in the power of prayer.
            We also know that
         it draws us closer to God
           and to one another.
     This month, we are praying for

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GIVING                                                                     RADICALLY SIMPLE

This month’s offering will contribute to the following:
March      06   Local Church Budget
March      13   Adventist World Radio (GC)*
March      20   Local Church Budget
March      27   Florida Advance

*World Budget or North American Division Budget Offerings
provide funds for specific ministries, as listed above.

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YOU CAN ALSO CONTACT THE PASTORS AT:                                             To request a membership transfer,                                              email Mercy Abascal at:                                  

                                                                         FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:

                                                                         Twitter: @MiamiTempleSDA
                                                                         Instagram: @miamitemplesda
                                                                         Youth Instagram: @thecollectivemt
                                                                         YouTube: Miami Temple

                                                                         To subscribe to our e-Newsletter, email us at:

Christine Delgado, Editor-in-Chief   Elías Peiró, Layout
Sabine Honoré, Editor

                                                                         A family that serves...
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