Page created by Derrick Perkins
TOGETHER-Online            St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay , ON   March 26, 2021        Page 1

                                     ▬▬▬ ONLINE ▬▬▬

                            Friday, March 26, 2021
            Videos of all services are posted on the St. Andrew’s YouTube Channel
      Sunday services are available by Sunday evening for viewing any time - night or day!

 Sunday, March 28th (In-Person Worship) - 10:30 am
 Palm - Passion Sunday
                         We may ask the question, “Are parades
                         allowed?” because of the pandemic and fear
                         of the virus. Those who met Jesus on the way
                         in Jerusalem, waving their branches and strewing the path with their cloaks
                         asked the question in fear of Rome and its military power. As the last week
                         of Jesus’ life unfolded, those who saw him bear the cross all the way to
                         Golgatha asked the parade question because it was more than they could
                         bear to witness. Join us as we hear reflections on the parades of Holy Week.

Thursday, April 1st (In-Person Worship) - 7 p.m.
Maundy Thursday Service
On the Thursday before Good Friday and Easter, Christians observe Maundy
Thursday. This day commemorates Jesus’s last supper with his disciples. During
that meal in the upper room, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and gave them a
new commandment: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one anoth-
er” (John 13:34). The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning
St. Andrew’s is offering a contemplative in-person worship service to mark this special day of Holy Week.
Please reserve your place. The service will also be recorded and posted to the St. Andrew’s YouTube
Channel as soon as possible on Friday.

  St. Andrew’s is an inclusive and affirming Christian community of faith worshiping God and serving
   others. Inspired by Holy Scripture and guided by tradition, reason, and experience, we share the
ministry of Jesus Christ by nurturing spiritual growth, caring for creation, and being with those in need.
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 Friday, April 2 - GOOD FRIDAY
 The North Bay and area United Churches' Good Friday Service will be a pre-recorded service which
 will be aired on Trinity United Church YouTube Channel (live streaming starts at 10:20 am) with a
 recording posted after on the Channel. The service will also will be aired on Cogeco YourTV - channel
 12 (700 in HD).on Good Friday at 9:30 am, 1 pm and 9 pm. There is no in-person worship for Good

 Sunday, April 4 EASTER SUNDAY (in-Person Worship) - 10:30 am
 “Is it too good to be true?” - Rev. Lillian Roberts
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Even in a pandemic the promise of
new life cannot be stifled. Even if you will be joining us online, we invite
you to come prepared with bread and cup to gather in the feast of new life
at the table of our risen Lord. The familiar strains of “Jesus Christ is risen
today” will pour forth from the organ setting the joyful proclamation of the
Easter story of the resurrection.

      In-Person Worship at St. Andrew’s - Advanced Reservations Required
          The St. Andrew’s COVID safety protocol is posted **here** (see also page 7).

   Seating in the Church is limited and you must reserve your seat in advance. To do so,
   please contact the Church Office by 4 PM the THURSDAY prior to a Sunday Service
   with your name, return contact phone number or e-mail, and the number of people in
   your “bubble” that will be with you:

             • By phone (705-472-7680) and leave a message if no answer
             • By e-mail: standrewschurch@cogeco.net

      (note: it is preferred that you phone during Office Hours (9 am - noon) on Tuesday
      of Wednesday. Reservations will be confirmed by the church office by return phone
      or e-mail)
   Peter Haddow, our Temporary Office Administrator, will reply to all phone and
   e-mail reservations in the order that they were received by the 4 PM THURSDAY dead-
   line. Remember that seating is limited - and will be confirmed on a first-come -first
   served basis by Friday at noon. Seating location is determined by the ushers so, for
   now, you might not be able to sit in your favourite spot!
   A REMINDER that a recording of St. Andrew’s Sunday service will continue to be
    provided weekly on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel. Posted by Sunday
      evening, they are available for viewing anytime. time, day or night!
TOGETHER-Online           St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay , ON      March 26, 2021        Page 3

                                                        Goal 2 – to put in place administrative processes
                                                        that are transparent and accessible, including col-
                                                        lection and assessment of the financial viability of
                                                        the congregation. Share this information with the
                                                        congregation as a foundation for considering fu-
                                                        ture plans.

                                                        Goal 3 – to nurture an understanding and practice
                                                        of Governance that is healthy and engages and
                                                        supports leaders in serving the ministry of the
                                                        To review the present Governance, ensuring there
                                                        is documentation that sets forth the roles and re-
                                                        sponsibilities of committees, teams and the Coun-
  GOALS must address specific needs                     cil with particular attention to framework of au-
  and focus on our key priorities                       tonomy in decision making for committees.

                                                        Goal 4 – to articulate the core identity of the con-
  GOALS must move us                                    gregation and its purpose and mission as a faith
  toward achieving church                               community of faith
  health during pastoral transition                     Plan opportunities for engaging the whole congre-
                                                        gation in reflecting on three formative questions:
                                                        What is most important to you, and that keeps you
 Transition Word for the Week – March 28                connected to the congregation? Please finish this
The transition process is guided by goals. The          sentence, The best of who we are as St. Andrew’s
Transition Team took five suggested goals to the        Church is reflected when we….; What does St. An-
Council meeting on March 16th. The Council was          drew’s need to learn to do better or in a new way?
supportive of the direction of the goals and ap-
                                                        Goal 5 – to develop a communication strategy
proved them. The congregation will have an op-
                                                        that engages the whole congregation in the vision
portunity to hear more about them at the Annual
                                                        and work of the community
Meeting April 27th, and hopefully through smaller
                                                        - to model regular and clear communication about
group conversations before then.
                                                        the life of the congregation and develop an overall
This week I want to share an overview of all the
                                                        strategy for which forms of communication are the
goals with you and then in the coming weeks, I will
                                                        best tools in which circumstances; and develop a
explore each goals in more depth.
                                                        broader communication policy for relating to the
Goal 1 – to build ways of nurturing and strength-       wider community.
ening a healthy community
To provide means through which the congregation
can experience a culture of healthy community,
where there is openness, honesty, trust and an
ability to communicate clearly and well.
TOGETHER-Online                   St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay , ON              March 26, 2021              Page 4

                                                      Thursday, April 1 @ 7 pm – 7:40
                                                      Maundy Thursday In-Person Service A contemplative in-person
                                                      worship. Please reserve your place. The service will be posted to the
                                                      St. Andrew’s YouTube Channel over Easter weekend.

                                                      Friday, April 2 @ 10:30 am             -Good Friday- North Bay Area
                                                      United Church On-line Worship This online service is being host-
ed by Trinity United Church and will be airing on the Trinity United YouTube Channel for live-streaming worship at 10:30
am. It will also be available for viewing afterwards at the same link. The link is available in the St. Andrew’s online
newsletter or from the Trinity webpage. Trinity services are also now showing on Cogeco, Your TV . You can also watch
the Good Friday service ON GOOD FRIDAY (April 2nd) at 9:30 am, 1 pm and 9 pm.

                   Sunday, April 4 @ 10:30                  am     Easter Worship with Holy Communion
                   In-person worship – remember to reserve your seat. As was the case on World Wide Communion
                   Sunday, we will gather at the table to enact God’s Feast of New Life, but the congregation will be gift-
                   ed with the elements to consume in the safe space of their own home. The service will be available on
                   St. Andrew’s YouTube Sunday evening. Those viewing are invited to use whatever bread and bever-
                   age they have available.

The Holy Week Devotional Booklet is available on-line, copies are available today at the entrance or call the Church
office to arrange to have one delivered to you.

Sunday, April 11th            @ 10: 30 am - Holy Humour Sunday – Easter Bonnet or Headwear or Masks with East-
er themes Encouraged         There is a long tradition of celebrating the Easter Laugh. It reflects the notion that the Resur-
rection was God’s last laugh on death and Satan. In-person worship, remember to reserve your seat. Will be available
on St. Andrew’s YouTube Sunday evening.

Easter Flowers
                         We continue the tradition of adorning the sanctuary with beautiful flowers on Easter Sunday. You
                         are invited to indicate that you would like memorial flowers placed by completing the form in the
                         bulletin, emailing (standrewschurch@cogeco.net) or calling the church office 705-472-7680. A
                         listing of those remembered will be included in the bulletin Easter Sunday, in the online bulletin
                         and in the worship slides. A donation of $20 is suggested. Deadline is Sunday, March 28!
                         Thanks to Lois Carey for organizing the flowers!

2020 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 27th at 6:30 pm.                     At this time we are planning for it to
                               be by Zoom. We will keep you updated as plans are confirmed.

                               Easter Stewardship
                               Please think about giving a special Easter offering this year. Direct it to the General
                               Fund or the Belfry Campaign as you choose.

Please note these are the plans for in-person worship at the time of publishing this list of upcoming services. Changes in the
Pandemic restrictions could result in a shift to online options
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                                      Lenten Reflections Booklet
                                      For many years members and friends of the St. An-
                                      drew’s faith community have put their Lenten prayers
                                      and reflections in writing and shared them with the
                                      rest of us through the Lenten Reflections booklet.
                                      This year the collection will focus on the days of Holy
                                      Week and Easter. This booklet is available to view/
                                      download online through the Church website or by
                                      clicking **here**. Printed copies are available at in-
                                      person worship services, or by calling the Church
                                      Office. Special thanks to booklet editors Liz and Betha-
                                      ny Brownlee and to those authors who contributed to
                                      the collection. Our Lenten journey is richer for their

                            Thanking Tracy
 We want to remember the contribution that Tracy Davis has made to our faith
 community over the years by presenting her with a book of memories.
 Kim Delarosbel has agreed to be the lead in this project - so If you have any
 stories, photos, or special reminiscences that you would like to share please
 send them to Kim by e-mail (kdelarosbel@hotmail.com) or by mail (399 Cas-
 sells St. , North Bay, P1B 3Z4) . Your personal messages conveying apprecia-
 tion and best wishes are certainly welcome too. We are planning to say
 “Thank You” to Tracy sometime this summer so the deadline for submissions
 to the book has been extended (probably mid-June).
TOGETHER-Online       St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay , ON   March 26, 2021   Page 6

                                  POSITION AVAILABLE

                         St. Andrew’s United Church in North Bay is seeking a dedi-
                         cated and motivated individual interested in working 12-15
                         hours weekly as an Office Administrator.
                         This successful candidate will not only be interested in
                         working and supporting our volunteers and Ministry team,
                         but will also be the friendly face that visitors to our Church
                         Office associate with our congregation. The Office Admin-
                         istrator has excellent computer and telephone skills, and is
able to manage email, phone requests and in-person visitors in a timely and effi-
cient manner. Hands-on experience with Microsoft Office programs is expected.
A well-suited candidate for this position will also excel at managing room book-
ings, meeting regular deadlines, and maintaining and updating our church’s
mailing list while also accepting donations and issuing receipts to donors. It is
expected that the candidate will represent not only the goodwill of our church
outreach, but also conduct themselves with ethics, integrity and in confidence.
                     Click **HERE** for a complete job description
                          of the Office Administrator position.
St. Andrew’s is a downtown church that works to welcome all who enter: we are
also an affirming congregation that is committed to being a safe, inclusive and nur-
turing community. To learn more about this position, visit the St. Andrew’s web-
site to download a copy of the job description. Letters of application, including a
resume, can be submitted electronically to WorkatStAndrewsnb@gmail.com, with
Office Administrator Application in the subject line. Applications will be accepted
by e-mail until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 29, 2021.
St. Andrew’s is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to equal employment
opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual
orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability or gender identity. If you re-
quire special accommodation from our interview team, please let us know at the
time you are contacted for an interview. Please note that the successful candidate
will be required to submit three references and complete a Vulnerable Sector
Search Police Records Check.
TOGETHER-Online           St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay , ON     March 26, 2021         Page 7

            How You Can Help St. Andrew’s During this Special Time
                    You can ensure that your community of faith can count on
                    your support by giving monthly through Pre-Authorized
                    Remittance (PAR). You can become a monthly PAR member
                    by downloading this form and mailing it to St. Andrew’s. (399
                    Cassells St., North Bay, ON P1B 3Z4). Complete PAR details can
be found at: https://www.united-church.ca/community-faith/get-involved/give-
regularly . Thank you for considering this option if you are not already on PAR.

                                                               Donations to St. Andrew’s
                                                                 can now be made via
                                                         e-transfer using the e-mail address …

                     HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED?
The St. Andrew’s Church Office is updating the existing congregational contact infor-
mation so that we don’t miss anyone - especially when a regular postal mailing is sent
out. If you have recently changed your mailing address, e-mail address or telephone
number, please check with the Church Office (office hours are posted below) to make
                     sure that your contact information is correct.

                                          The online worship service for this Sunday will be
                                          posted on the St. Andrew’s YouTube Channel as
  MARCH 28, 2021                                soon as is possible on Sunday Evening.

                                             OFFICE HOURS ARE CURRENTLY
                                                      9 a.m. until NOON
                                                Tuesday Wednesday Friday
                                                       Phone: 705- 472-7680
                                              E-mail: standrewschurch@cogeco.net
                                                 TEMPORARY OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR
                                                        PETER HADDOW
TOGETHER-Online        St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay , ON   March 26, 2021   Page 8

St. Andrew’s United Church COVID-19 Protocols:
 1.) Seating in the Church is limited and you must reserve your seat in advance. To
do so, please contact the Church Office by 4 PM the THURSDAY prior to a Sunday
Service with your name, return contact phone number or e-mail, and the number of
people in your “bubble” that will be with you. Contact can be by phone (705-472-
7680 and leave a message if no answer) or by e-mail: standrews-
Note: it is preferred that you phone during Office Hours (9 am - noon) on Tuesday of
Wednesday. Reservations will be confirmed by the Church Office by return phone or
2.) Please use the Algonquin Ave. entrance unless otherwise directed.
3.) Before entering the church, please don a face mask (that covers both your mouth
and nose) and wear it as long as you are in the building.

4.) Once you are in the church you will be asked to:
     • respond to standard questions to screen your COVID status
     • provide information to assist in contact tracking if necessary.
     • Sanitize your hands at this time.
     • Pick up an order-of service
     • Place your offering into the offering box (optional)

5.) An usher will now take you to your seat. Please follow the directives of the Usher.
You may not always get the seat you want. Please be patient!
6.) All pews are marked with a sign designating where you are to sit. The seating
plan has been created to follow social distancing regulations.

DO NOT MOVE from your assigned seat. If you need to move please get the atten-
tion of an usher who will assist you.
7.) NO DRINKING or EATING while in attendance (Choir members excepted).
8.) If you feel moved by the music, please hum instead of singing out loud. During
responsive parts of the service please use a quiet voice.
9.) At the end of the service, we ask you to remain seated until an usher instructs
you to leave. We also ask that you leave directly in an orderly fashion by the desig-
nated exit, and do not to socialize. Please take your order of service and bulletin
with you, or place it in the recycling box.
THANK YOU for your following these protocols. As an alternative to attending the
Sunday service in person, we suggest that you access the Sunday service online
from home via the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel. (just Google the following: St. An-
drew’s North Bay YouTube)
                                                                     March 12, 2021
You can also read