Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT

Page created by Sidney George
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
HEALTH              STUDENTS’

     Orientation Booklet
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
The Health Sciences
   Students’ Council (HSSC)
What is the HSSC?
   “The Health Sciences Students’ Council (HSSC) is the highest
decision-making body on all issues of student governance at the UCT
Faculty of Health Sciences. It is made up of ten passionate students who
are democratically elected to office. The HSSC members represent and
make submissions which express students’ views, concerns and
aspirations to various committees such as the Faculty Education Board,
the Assessment Committee, the Health and Safety Committee, and the
Dean. In order to gauge student views, constant communication via the
HSSC’s Class Representative system, an extension of the student
governance model, is utilised.
  “The key role of the HSSC is to help students fulfil their academic
goal of graduation, by helping to advocate for the most ideal teaching
and learning environment at our Faculty.
   “We are privileged to have the structure of the HSSC on our campus
because it helps hold the Faculty, including us at the Deanery,
accountable to the students. The HSSC serves as the bridge between
students and the SRC (Students’ Representative Council), and between
students and faculty management. By not only taking on this
representative role with gusto, but further amplifying the voices of
marginalised students, our HSSC has put student-directed
transformation back onto the university agenda.”

       Bongani M. Mayosi,                     Langa Twala,
       Professor and Dean                   HSSC Chairperson
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
How and when to contact us

   Follow us on social media

   Come by our office
Our office hours are 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-17:30 every weekday.
Please do use these times to approach us about events, complaints,
ideas or just general engagement. You can find the office by following
this mini map:
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
 Send us an email
If you have a question that is specific to a portfolio, feel free to
email us on the email addresses provided on the inside of the
back cover of the booklet. If you are unsure under which
portfolio it falls or would like to submit a general inquiry, please
email: hssc@myuct.ac.za

   Give us a call
Call the office at 021 650 3750 (when closed, you will be
forwarded to Regan Boden, the PR & Marketing Officer).

   Join our meetings
HSSC meetings take place every second Wednesday,
17H15-19H15 in the HSSC Office.
If you would like to sit in on a meeting, please email Ren
Hoekstra, the Secretary General, at hssc.secretary@uct.ac.za
at least 24 hours in advance. If you would like to submit an
agenda point, please send this through to the same email
address at least 48 hours in advance.

              When should I contact the HSSC?
If you need assistance with:

      Academic/Financial               Research opportunities
       exclusion                        Arranging concerts at
      Academic and                      our faculty
       psychosocial support             Talks by influential
      Needle stick injuries             speakers
      Acquiring TB while on            Sports events
       duty                             Talent competitions
      Problems with transport          Starting your own
      Financial problems                project
      Getting in contact with          …Or anything else!
       the Deanery or SRC

          Speak to the HSSC! We are at your service.
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
The Mission and Vision of the HSSC

                          Our Mission

  1. To act as the link between students and faculty
     management; and to prioritise advocacy for students’
     rights, needs and overall interests within this role.

  2. To advocate for the interests of all health sciences
     students in broader university structures.

  3. To support students in the most appropriate way, as
     determined by the student or student grouping in question.

  4. To provide continuous consultation and feedback to
     ensure optimal transparency with students.

  5. To not only fulfil our constitutional responsibilities in an
     excellent manner; but to further actively evaluate and
     promote academic excellence of all our students.

  6. To amplify the voices of marginalised students.

“The greatest challenge for any students’
council is representing the views and
concerns of all students as accurately as
possible. While it is admittedly impossible
to represent each individual student’s
ideas, our team has prioritised
transparency and engagement with our
students to nonetheless ensure that every
student’s voice has a chance to be heard
and considered. Our team believes that
true representation puts those voices that have been silenced
and neglected in the past, first.”
   - Leago Sebesho, Deputy Chairperson
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
Our Vision for 2018

1. Ensure maximum transparency by advertising all formal
   meetings and making the minutes easily accessible.

2. To actively engage with students on student issues as a
   representative body, and establish a familiar relationship
   with all members of our Faculty.

3. To create extra-academic spaces for recreation,
   debriefing and information sharing.

4. To embrace a holistic approach to student interaction
   and representation, including social, sporting, cultural
   and artistic engagement.

5. To place an emphasis on advocating for appropriate and
   accessible mental and physical healthcare services for
   all students.

6. To advocate for sensitisation of all members of our Faculty
   as a first step to embracing the ideals of

                            Minutes from all HSSC
                            meetings are displayed on the
                            HSSC noticeboard (marked
                            on the mini map with a star).
                            The noticeboard also has
                            updates on campus activities,
                            some more info about the
                            HSSC, a calendar of events
                            and the Health Sciences
                            Student of the Week!
                            The council member on duty
  Ren Hoekstra,             in the office is also displayed
 Secretary General          on this noticeboard.
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
Constitutional Duties of the HSSC

This is a reduced version of the HSSC Constitution (revised
August 2017) that highlights the most important constitutional
duties of the HSSC.

The Health Sciences Students’ Council shall:

   Act as a channel of communication between students and
    the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences

   Convene and conduct meetings with students

   Conduct referenda when appropriate to ascertain
    students’ views

   Administer the use of premises set aside by the faculty for
    promoting student activities

   Publish progress reports to the students and the SRC
    biannually or more frequently if so decided

   Facilitate the dissemination and collection of information
    within the student body

   Provide for academic needs, community outreach and
    other needs of students

   Deploy members to various committees (see below)
    based on portfolio descriptions as well as on individual
    strengths and aptitudes of the HSSC members

   Coordinate the Class Representative system in
    conjunction with the faculty
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
 Administer in the interest of undergraduate health
  sciences students in the manner prescribed in the SRC
  Constitution and by the HSSC, such funds and assets as
  may be allocated to it from time to time by the SRC or as
  may be received by it from other sources

 Represent the views of students at faculty, university
  (UCT), provincial, national and international levels on
  matters that affect them on structures including but not
  limited to:

     o   Student Assembly
     o   Students’ Representative Council (SRC)
     o   Faculty Programme Committee
     o   Transformation Committee
     o   Readmissions Appeal Committee
     o   Faculty Board
     o   Faculty Undergraduate Education Committee
     o   Professional Standards Committee
     o   CHED Board
     o   MBChB Academic Programme Committee
     o   Transport Committee

 Create forums for students to engage with, discuss and be
  informed on issues related to health, education and

 The comprehensive HSSC Constitution is
 available on the HSSC Vula site under
 the “Resources” tab.
 You can also find meeting minutes,
 information about your representatives
 and academic resources here!
Orientation Booklet 2018 - STUDENTS' COUNCIL - UCT
Student Support Services
Student Development & Support (SDS)
The Student Development & Support Office is designed
to help health sciences students fulfil their potential,
providing guidance tailored to individual student needs.
Life at university can involve a multitude of decisions
and uncertainties, whether financial, emotional or
career-driven, and we have many services to help.

 So how do you get help from the Student Development
 and Support team?

  The best way is to contact them by emailing
  Nonkosi Malala who is a member of the
  committee and is the Administrator responsible
  for guiding you towards whatever sources of
  assistance you might need. Her email address is
  Nonkosi.Malala@uct.ac.za. You can also phone
  her on 021 406 6749. In Nonkosi's absence,
  contact Lyndsay Williams at
  lyndsay.williams@uct.ac.za or call her on 021
  406 6614.
  The SDS Office is located in the Undergraduate
  Academic Administration Unit, Wernher and Beit
  North Building at FHS, Room N2.17.
Services provided in the SDS office:
1. Individual non-academic student support for personal, health-related,
  family-related, bereavement, adjustment and financial issues.

2. Facilitation of Student Wellness Services
3. Needle stick injuries – report to SDS Admin Office
4. TB Diagnoses – report to SDS Admin Office

5. Hepatitis B Vaccination
6. Administration of long leave of absence applications
7. Administration of sick notes and short leave of absence for
  all years across all degrees
8. Monitoring, support and follow-up with students whose
  family members have passed away
9. First Year Students Orientation Programme and the
  Servicing of the Orientation Programme Planning Committee
10. Administration of the Student in Distress Fund
11. Liaising with Student Housing and Residence Life about
  accommodation issues and funding issues, including: Administration
  of Private Scholarships, Provincial Bursaries, Students Financial Aid,
  and grace period applications
12. Mentorship Programme:
     • First Year Students Mentor Programme and servicing
        of the Mentor Programme Planning Committee
     • Administration of the SA-Cuban Trained Students mentorship

     • Administration of the Mentor programme for clinical
        students by clinicians
13. HSSC and Student Societies assistance as needed
14. Administration of the Test Board Meetings
Office for Inclusivity and Change (OIC)
The Office for Inclusivity and Change (OIC) provides
institutional responses to transformation, sexual and gender-
based violence, disability and cultural change.

How to contact the OIC:
   Visit the office at:
       o Inclusion, Cultural Change,
          Prevention and Education.
          Ivan Toms Building, 28 Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray
          (next to the Student Wellness Service);
       o Sexual Assault, Discrimination and Harassment.
          The Cottage, Lovers Walk, Lower Campus South;
       o Disability Service. Steve Biko Students’ Union
          Building, Level 4, Upper Campus
   Phone the office at:
       o 021 650 1006
       o 021 650 3530
       o 021 650 2427
   Visit the website: www.oic.uct.ac.za
   Send an email: zaaida.vallie@uct.ac.za
   For 24/7 sexual assault emergency responses:
     072 393 7824
For UCT’s policies on racial harassment, sexual harassment
and offenses, sexual orientation, disability, HIV/AIDS, and
mediation: www.uct.ac.za/main/about/policies
Disability Services:

The Disability Services work together with students and staff to
facilitate the removal of barriers facing disabled students and staff.
Students with specific learning and psychosocial disabilities can
also access support at the Disability Service.

For more information about Disability Services:

 Visit them: Steve Biko Building, Level 4, Upper Campus
 Phone them: 0216502427 or 0216503794
 Email them: pearl.tukwayo@uct.ac.za
 Google them:

           DID YOU KNOW???

      The South African Depression
       and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
        offers free 24/7 counselling
        services for all UCT health
             sciences students!
     The service includes telephonic
    counselling, advice, referrals and
      general support to individuals           Tshegofatso Masenya
         facing any mental health                  is our Student
       challenges or contemplating                 Wellness and
       suicide. It is also available to               Outreach
    anyone concerned about another             Representative. If you
    person who might be in distress.           are unable to contact
       Phone 0800 323 323 or                   support services you
       SMS 31393 for a call-back              can always email her
                                                      for help.
Emergency Protocols
Deferred Exams:
                                                     VUTHLARHI’S HOT TIP:
You may apply for a deferred
examination if you are unable to write a              Ask an HSSC member
final examination for medical reasons, or              to help you fill out the
you have religious objections, or political          form to help ensure your
objections, or other good cause for not              best chance of getting a
writing on the scheduled day or days.                     deferred exam.
You need to obtain an ACA44 form from
the Faculty Office. Fill in this form with
the help of your course convener for the
course which you are deferring along
with some documentation as proof of
your inability to write the exam on that
given day, e.g. a certificate from Student Wellness. Remember:
there is no supplementary on a deferred exam, so beware!

Duly Performed Refusals (DPR):
A Duly Performed (DP) certificate says that you have achieved
the bare minimum requirement of the course to be able to be
admitted to write the final examination of the course. This may
include and is not limited to going to lectures, attending tutorials, and
attaining a certain average for the in-course tests. The course handbook for each
course tells you the DP requirements for that course. DPR is therefore when your DP
certificate has been Refused. This means you did not meet the minimum
requirements as stated above. As soon as you receive this information when the DP
list is released, go to your course convener and find out what you can do to reverse

                                                SIYANDA’S HOT TIP:
                                                At the beginning of each
                                                course, ask your course
                                                 convener for the most
                                              recent DP requirements list
                                              and how they can help you
                                                       meet them.
Financial Aid:

The financial aid office is on Level 3 of the
Kramer Law Building on Middle Campus.
You can apply for financial aid by visiting
www.nsfas.org.za, the central body which
considers applications, whether you are a
new or a returning student. It is crucial that
should NSFAS calculate a family
contribution amount, which is an amount
your family would need to pay out of pocket
towards your fees, you alert your family of
this. Please be aware that at UCT you may
be eligible for a laptop if you are on financial             KEA’S HOT TIP:
aid; therefore find out at the financial aid              Don’t leave reapplying
office! For more details on the funding                    for NSFAS until too
programmes available to you, you can visit                late this year, as they
www.students.uct.ac.za/students/fees-                      stick very closely to
funding/undergraduate-funding/.                                  deadlines.


At the end of the year, students might be faced with academic exclusions. This
means that you may not study at UCT for a period until you have proven that you
can cope with the level of study. The crucial thing when your admission status reads
anything with the word “exclusion” is to appeal to the Readmissions Appeal
Committee (RAC) by completing a RAC form at the faculty office. This committee
considers all cases. For this appeal you will need: the reason for not having done
well in the first place; what you have done and what you will do to fix it.

                                                      THATO’S HOT TIP:
                                                    Consult the HSSC or the
                                                    SRC before you submit
                                                   your form to get advice on
                                                     how to fill in the RAC
                                                    form. This will ensure a
                                                   better chance of success.
Leave of Absence
                                                   REGAN’S HOT TIP:
This is an opportunity to take                  Speak to Nonkosi Malala and
time off school for a specific                  the HSSC before deciding on
reason. Reasons for granting                        LOA so as to exhaust all
leave of absence (LOA) include                   possible alternative options,
illness, compassion, maternity                    because as a LOA goes on
leave and external study                         your permanent record. This
opportunity other than a formal                    is not to say don’t use this
exchange. Some use this as an                          option if you need it!
opportunity to reconcile their
mental health after many
attempts to do so. Whatever
your reason, you would need to
fill out a LOA form which
contains your reason with
evidence of such as
documentation from Student
Wellness. There is an opportunity for a short LOA
which is granted within the faculty. Check with your
course convener which category you fit into to.
Importantly, you cannot apply for LOA twice within
one academic year and this should be used as a last
resort when not coping with the academic load.
Upon your return you will be subject to a fit for study
panel to ensure you have resolved the issue which
you needed a break for in the first place. In our
faculty, this is also to ensure you will be fit to see

                                                                    Remember, if you
                                                                    don’t know what to
                                                                    do, where to go or
                                                                    to whom to speak:
                                                                     You can always
                                                                      ask an HSSC
The Health Sciences Students’ Council thanks the Faculty of Health Sciences Dean
Team for their unwavering support and funding of the 2018 Orientation Booklet. We
also thank all the staff from the Support Services Departments, in particular Nonkosi
Malala and Brenda Klingenberg, as well as the Office for Inclusivity & Change for
their contributions. Further, the staff from the Department of Student Affairs have
been immensely supportive and played an invaluable advisory role throughout this
project, for which we are thankful. We wish to acknowledge the task teams set up in
2016 and 2017 which have been instrumental in creating appropriate and accessible
student support services. We finally thank the health sciences students for their
constant support and engagement, without which this project would not have been

                                                                Rendert D. Hoekstra
Langa Twala Chairperson

Leago        Deputy
Sebesho      Chairperson     hssc.deputychair@

Thato        Treasurer
Malumane                     hssc.treasurer@uc

Rendert      Secretary
Hoekstra     General         hssc.secretary@uc

Siyanda      Transformation
Sibiya       Officer        hssc.transformatio

Keabetswe    Academic        hssc.mbchbacade
Molelekeng   Officer         mics@uct.ac.za or
Regan        PR &             hssc.pr@uct.ac.za
Boden        Marketing

Vuthlarhi    Sports &
Shirindza    Entertainment   hssc.event@uct.ac

Tshegofatso Student
Masenya     Wellness &       hssc.wellness@uct
            Outreach         .ac.za
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