Second edition - 1 Alberti, Leandro: Descrittione di tutta Italia di F ...

Page created by Mark Allen
- Second edition -

1 Alberti, Leandro: Descrittione di tutta Italia di F. Leandro Alberti Bolognese, nella quale si contiene il sito
di essa, l'origine, et le Signorie delle Citta, & delle Castella, co i nomi antichi, & moderni, i costumi de popoli, le
conditioni de paesi. Et piu gli huomini famosi che l'hanno illustrata, i monti, i laghi, i fiumi, le fontane, i bagni,
le minere, con tutto popre maravigliose in lei dalla natura prodotto. Venedig, Pietro de i Nicolini da Sabbio,
1551. Mit Druckermarke in Holzschnitt a.d.Titel und gest.Porträt. 38 nn., 424 num.SS. 4°.
                                                                                                             € 2.600,00
Adams A 474; Brunet I,141. Second, enlarged and revised edition of this popular and detailed history of Italy by Leandro Alberti (1479-
1552). Erased stamp on title-page buth otherwise a very clean and fresh copy in a contemporary vellum binding.

                                                          - Beautifully bound -

2 Almanacco della Toscana per l'Anno 1831. Firenze, nella Stamperia Granducale, 1831. Mit gest.Titel mit
kleiner Ansicht von Florenz. 516 SS. Kl. 8°. Kirschrotes Maroquin reicher Rücken- und
Deckelvergoldung, sowie dreiseitigem Goldschnitt.
                                                                                                € 480,00
Sehr schönes Exemplar des langlebigen Almanachs. Bringt zu Beginn eine Auflistung der regierenden Häuser mit Leopold II. von Österreich
und seiner Gemahlin Maria Anna Karolina von Sachsen als Großfürsten von Toskana. Weiters über die veschiedenen Ministerien (Krieg,
Verwaltung, usw.) und eine Auflistung der Verwaltungen der einzelnen Bezirke der Toskana. In einem schönen, zeitgenössischen Einband
aus langgenarbtem, rotem Maroquin mit reicher Rücken- und Deckelvergoldung und mit rotem Seidenbändchen. Seiten 27-38 zu Beginn
doppelt eingebunden.

                                                    - Vincenzo Scamozzi’s copy -

3 Apollonius von Perge: Conicorum libri quattuor. Una cum Pappi Alexandrini lemmatibus, et commentariis
Eutocii Ascalonitae. Sereni Antinensis philosophi libri duo nunc primum in lucem editi. Quae omnia nuper
Federicus Commandinus Urbinas mendis quamplurimis expurgata e Graeco convertit, & commentariis
illustravit. 2 Teile in einem Band. Bologna, Alexander Benatius, 1566. Mit zahlreichen Diagrammen im Text. 4
nn., 114 num.Bll.; 2 nn., 36 num.Bll. Folio. Späterer Rs.
                                                                                                   € 18.000,00
BM STC (Italian Books) 34; Adams A 1310; Zeuthen, Die Lehre von den Kegelschnitten im Altertum (Kopenhagen 1886/1902); Branko
Mitrovic - Vittoria Senes: Vincenzo Scamozzi's Annotations to Daniele Barbaro's Commentary on Vitruvius' De Architectura in: Annali di
architettura 14/2002. This is the first important edition of the first four books of Apollonius of Perge's "Conica". Books five to seven
remained unknown up to 1710 when Edmund Halley received a manuscript in Arabian from the collection of Johan Golius. He then
published a latin translation of books five to seven, an outlook on the lost book eight, and a greek version of books one to four. Apollonius of
Perge's "Conica" remains together with Euclid's "Geometry" the most important mathematical treatise of ancient Greece. Descartes and
Newton used it for their studies and further developments. Our copy is complete and very well preserved but in a later binding. This is also
Vincenzo Scamozzi's copy with his own entry in MS on the title-page: "De ex libris Vincentij Scamotij". Another MS entry on leaf 25r
"Hyperbola - Ellipsi - Circuli" might also be from Scamozzi. Books from the library of Vincenzo Scamozzi are rare and can hardly be found
in the trade.

                                                 - Best edition of the 16th century -

4 Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso. Nuouamente adornata di figuri di rame da Girolamo Porro Padouano et
di altre cose che saranno notate nella seguente facciata. Venedig, Francesco de Franceschi, 1584. Mit
gest.Titelblatt und 51 Kupfertafeln. 19 Bll., 654 SS., 16, 43 Bll. 4°.
                                                                                                      € 4.500,00
Agnelli-Ravegnani I,156; Brunet I,436; Gamba 58; Mortimer I,30. "The most elaborate of the sixteenth-century editions. The engraving for
canto 33 is repeated for canto 34. It is generally considered that the engraving for canto 34, which contained a figure of St. John the
Evangelist, was suppressed" (Mortimer). - "Cette edition est sans contredit, la plus rare, & celle qui plait davantage à tous les curieux &
amateurs, les exemplaires s'en trouvent tres difficilem(ent)...".

                                                              - First edition -

5 Bacon, Francis: Scripta in naturali et universali philosophia. Amsterdam, Elzevier, 1653. Mit gest.Titel und
1 mehrf.gef.Tafel. (10), 495 SS. 12°.
                                                                                                      € 850,00
Willems 1157. First edition, edited by Isaac Gruter. "Recueil de divers opuscules et fragments latins trouvés dans les papiers de Bacon, et
publiés ici pour la première fois par les soins d'Isaac Gruter" (Willems).
- Beautiful Austrian binding -

6 Barinay de Monostor. - Schmitth, Nicolas: Palatini Regni Hungariae bello, paceque clarissimi celsissimo,
ac reverendissimo domino, domino Nicolao, e comitibus Csáky de Keresztszegh, S.R.I. principi, archi-episcopo
Strigoniensi, et Primati Regni Hungariae, etc.etc., a Stephano Barinay de Monostor. Theses philosophicas, sub
authoritate et consensu perillustris ac magnifici domini Universitatis rectoris. Praeside R.P. Joanne Bapt.
Kaschutnig, e Soc.Jesu. Tyrnau, Typis academicis Soc.Jesu, 1753. (8), 220, (4) SS. Folio. Roter
Maroquineinband reicher Rücken- und Deckelvergoldung.
                                                                                                         € 3.200,00
De Backer-S. IV/935,3 (unter Kaschutnig); Petrik V,452-53. Mazal, Europäische Einbandkunst 229. First and only edition of this account on
the Palatines of Hungary in a stunning Austrian (Hungarian ?) binding.

                                                            - First edition -

7 Bernoulli, Daniel: Hydrodynamica, sive de viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii. Opus academicum ab
auctore, dum Petropoli ageret, congestum. Strassburg, Johann Heinrich Decker für Johann Reinhold Dulsecker,
1738. Mit gest.Titelvignette, gest.Kopfvignette und 12 gefalteten Kupfertafeln. (8), 304 SS. 4°.
mit Rs.
                                                                                                     € 10.500,00
Bibliotheca Mechanica 34; Poggendorff I,160f; DSB I,36f und besonders I. Szabo, Die Hydrodynamik Daniel und Johann Bernoullis (in:
Humanismus und Technik XIV/1970) und ders. in "Technikgeschichte" XXXVII, Seite 27f. First edition of a very influential book. "By
discarding the geometrical analogies used by Huygens and Newton and adopting advanced mathematical analysis, Bernoulli was able to treat
successfully a number of problems in fluid dynamics, earning him the title of one of the founders of mathematical physics... Other important
observations in the Hydrodynamica include the convertibility of heat to work and the quantification of the physiology of work, e.g. the
maximum work, in energy terms, a man can perform in a day" (Hill, Cat.91 (1995), No.9).

                                                    - Scarce work on Geology -

8 Beudant, Francois Sulpice: Voyage minéralogique et géologique, en Hongrie, pendant l'année 1818. 3
Textbände und 1 Atlasband. Paris, Verdière, 1822. Mit 1 mehrf.gef.Tabelle, 1 gest., gef.Karte, 7 gest.und
gef.Terrainkupfern und 6 gef.geologischen Kupferkarten. 2, VII, 42, 2, 560 SS.; 2, 614 SS.; 2, 659 SS.; 2, 16
SS. 4°. Neuere Rs.
                                                                                                       € 4.200,00
Sinkankas 612; DSB II,106. - A very fine and complete set of this scarce work on geology. In 1818 Beudant was sent by the state on a
scientific expedition to Hungary, where he gathered masses of important data that were published in his 'Voyage Mineralogique et
Geologique en Hongrie' in 1822. His surveys included also parts of nowadays Romania, Ukraina, Russia, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia,
Slovakia and Croatia. With detailed maps of Schemnitz and the Opal mines in Dubnik. Our copy is untrimmed, and with broad white
margins. Newly bound in the 20th century in half-calf bindings with leather labels in black.

                                                  - Beautifully illustrated Bible -

9 Biblia illustrata. - Weigel, Christoph: Historiae celebriores Veteris (et Novi) Testamenti iconibus
repraesentatae et selectis Epigrammatibus exornatae in lucem olim datae a Christophoro Weigelio. Nürnberg,
Endter, um 1785. Mit 2 gest.Kupfertiteln und 259 Kupfertafeln. Gr.2°. Rs.
                                                                                                     € 4.500,00
Bauer, Weigel, 901ff. Last edition of the most beautiful illustrated baroque Bible in Germany. A complete and very well preserved copy.

                                         - This map may never have been published -

10 Biz(z)ari, Pietro: Histoire de la guerre qui c'est passée entre les Vénetiens et la Saincte Ligue, contre les
Turcs pour l'isle de Cypre, és années 1570, 1571 et 1572. Faicte en Latin... mise en Francois par Belleforest.
Paris, Nivelle, 1573. Mit 1 mehrfach gef.Holzschnitt-Karte. 24 Bll., 286 SS. 8°. Flex.Pgmt.aus altem Material.
                                                                                                       € 16.000,00
IA. 119.709; Cioranesco 3425 (ohne Verlagsangabe); Blackmer 147; Göllner 1612 (Variante bei Chesneau). - First french edition, translated
by Francois de Belleforest. Variant issue with the imprint of Sebastian Nivelle. With folding woodcut-map. "rarer than the original Latin
edition published at basle the same year. Bizzari was not present at the taking of Cyprus by the Turks in 1573. His information must have
come from returned combatants and other sources" (Blackmer). Entirely complete copy with the map of Methoni and Navarino mentioned on
the title-page verso, which, according to Blackmer, "may never have been published since it appears to be missing in every copy known".
The fine map was used again by Belleforest with slightly different title in his 1575 edition of the "Cosmographie universelle". Entirely
cleaned, still slight spotting in places, ownership-inscription on title-page, erased stamp to title and last leaf. The map is in excellent
condition. Bound in limp vellum from old material, brownstained, new ties. Bookplate von Nostiz.
- On globes -

11 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon: Institutio Astronomica de usu Globorum & Aphaerarum Caelestium ac
Terrestrium: duabus partibus adornata: una, secundum hypothesin Ptolemaei, per terram quiescentem. Altera,
juxta mentem N. Copernici, per terram mobilem. Latine reddita á M. Hortensio, in Ill. Amsterdamensium
Schola, Matheseos Professore. Amsterdam, Blaeu, 1652. Mit Druckermarke und zahlreichen Textholzschnitten.
(16), 246 SS.
                                                                                                     € 850,00
Houzeau-L. I,9714. Noch frühe Ausgabe des häufig gedruckten Werkes, von dem in kürzester Zeit etwa 20 Auflagen gedruckt wurden. Es
entstand auch deshalb, um seine eigene Globenproduktion gegen die Erzeugnisse von Hondius zu schützen. Titelblatt mit unterlegtem
Ausschnitt, sonst durchwegs sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar in einem zeitgenössischen Einband.

                                                           - German fishes -

12 Bloch, Marcus Elieser: Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands. (Atlasband). Berlin,
(1782-85). Mit gest.Titel und 108 handkolorierten Tafeln. Quer-Folio. Ohlwd.
                                                                                             € 14.500,00
Nissen ZBI 415; Nissen, Schöne Fischbücher 23. First edition of the atlas of the most beautiful work ever published on German fishes.

                            - “A fundamental influence on modern mathematical physics” -

13 Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe: Theoria philosophiae naturalis redacta ad unicam legem virium in natura
existentium. Nunc ab ipso perpolita, et aucta, ac a plurimis praecedentium editionum mendis expurgata. Editio
Veneta prima ipso auctore praesente, et corrigente. Venedig, ex Typographia Remondiniana, 1763. Mit 4
gefalteten Kupfertafeln. XL, 311, (8) SS. 4°. Zeitgenössischer Pappband mit Marmorpapierbezug und
                                                                                                     € 8.500,00
Riccardi I/1,180; De Backer-S. I,1841; Honeyman 428; Norman 277; PMM 203 (für die Ausgabe von 1758) - "a fundamental influence on
modern mathematical physics" (PMM). Definitive edition of his best work with his corrections. The first edition was published in Vienna in
1758 but Boscovich was quite unhappy with this Viennese edition. A very fine copy in its first binding.

                                                   - Bound by Glingler, Rome -

14 Brillat-Savarin, Jean-Anthelme: Physiologie du gout. Précédée d'une notice par Alp. Karr. Paris, Furne et
Cie., 1864. Mit 7 gest.Tafeln auf aufgewalztem China und zahlreichen Textill.von Bertall. (8), 459 SS. 4°.
Brauner Maroquineinband mit reicher Rücken- und Deckelvergoldung, sowie Kopfgoldschnitt.
                                                                                                        € 520,00
Vicaire I,928. "On peut donc dire que c'est non pas une simple réimpression, mais bien une édition différente de celle de 1848 et imprimée
sur plus beau papier" (Vicaire). A very fine copy in a beautiful binding manufactured by the Roman bookbinder Glingler.

                                             - First edition of his collected works -

15 Busbecquius, Augerius Gislenus: Omnia quae extant. Leiden, Elzevier, 1633. Mit gest.Titel (von C.C.
Dusend). 575, (23) SS. 12°. reicher Rückenvergoldung.
                                                                                                  € 580,00
Apponyi 825; Willems 380. First edition of his collected works. A charming copy in a fine contemporary binding.

                                                           - Nicely bound -

16 Castiglione, Baldassare: Il Cortegiano. Nuovamente con diligenza revisto per Lodovico Dolce, secondo
l'esemplare del proprio Autore. Con l'aggiunta de gli argomenti per ciascun libro, e nel margine apostillato, &
con la tavola delle cose notabili. Venezia, Gerolame Cavalcalovo, 1565. Mit Druckermarke in Holzschnitt
a.d.Titel. (28), 475 SS. Kl. 8°. Ldr.d.18.Jhdts. mit reicher Rückenvergoldung.
                                                                                                        € 1.200,00
STC 156; Burke, Die Geschicke des Hofmann (1996). One of the most important works of Italian renaissance in a fine binding.

                                                            - First edition -

17 Covarruvias a Leyva, Didaco: Regulae peccatum. De regul. Iur. libri VI. Venedig, Bartholomeus Rubinus,
1569. Mit Druckermarke in Holzschnitt a.d.Titel. 8 Bll., 235 SS., 1 Bl. Kl. 8°. Biegsamer
                                                                                                        € 380,00
Wetzer-W. III,1169; nicht bei STC Italian Books. First edition of a very successful and often printed book.

                                                   - Large wall-map of Dalmatia -

18 Dalmatien. - Special-Karte des Koenigreiches Dalmatien. Astronomisch-trigonometrisch vermessen,
topografisch aufgenommen, reduzirt, gezeichnet und gestochen von dem k.k.Militaerisch-Geografischen Institute
in Wien. den Jahren 1861 bis 1863. Zweite Auflage. Kupferstichkarte in 22 Blättern nach Steingruber
von Illich. Wien, 1876. In zeitgen.Schuber mit Titelschildchen.
                                                                                                     € 1.200,00
Large wall-map of Dalmatia mounted on linen.

                                                           - Excellent edition -

19 Dante Alighieri: La commedia di Dante Alighieri tratta da quella, che pubblicarono gli Accademici della
Crusca l'Anno MDXCV. Con una Dichiarazione del senso Letterale. 3 Bände. Venezia, Giambattista Pasquali,
1739. Mit gest.Front. LXI, (2), 312; 325; 341 SS. Rt.
                                                                                                   € 360,00
Excellent edition with many printed notes and commentaries.

                                                              - First edition -

20 Euklid. - Accetta, Giulio: Gli elementi di Euclide a migliore, e piu' chiara maniera ridotti, arricchiti per la
maggior parte di nuove dimostrazioni, premessi gli elementi dell'algebra. 2 Teile in einem Band. Torino,
Stamperia Reale, 1753. Mit 8 gef.Kupfertafeln. 8, 4, 149, 3; 286, 2 SS. 4°. Späterer
                                                                                                          € 800,00
Riccardi 4. First edition, posthumously published. "Questo trattato di algebra e geometria elementare venne pubblicato dopo la morte dell'A.
dai Romitani di Sant'Augustino di Vigone" (Riccardi).

                                                       - A very successful book -

21 Fallopio, Gabriele (Pseud.): Secreti diversi, et miracolosi. Novamente ristampati, & ricorreti a commun
beneficio di ciascuno. Distinti in tre libri (in einem Band). Venetia, Ghirardo Imberti, 1640. (32), 366 SS. Kl. 8°.
                                                                                                           € 480,00
vgl. Durling 1444 (für die erste italienische Ausgabe von 1563). Späte italienische Ausgabe dieses sehr erfolgreichen Kunstbuches des
16.Jahrhunderts. Es enthält eine Sammlung an volktümlichen Rezepturen, Salben und Essenzen, sowie zahlreiche alchemistische
Geheimmittel. Das Werk wurde anfänglich dem Vesalius-Schüler Fallopio (1523-1562) zugeschrieben, aber das diente wohl einzig der
Verkaufsförderung. Titelblatt mit zwei älteren Einträgen, Titelblatt verso eng beschrieben, fliegende Vorsätze fehlen. Manchmal ältere
Anmerkungen in den weissen Rändern, eselsohrig. Der zeitgenössische Pergamenteinband fleckig und berieben.

                                                              - First edition -

22 Federici, Domenico: La verita vendicata da i sofismi di Francia, risposta allo scrittore delle pretensioni
christianissime contra i principati del Rè Cattolico. 3 Teile in einem Band. (Venedig?), 1667. 4 Bll., 86 SS., 1
Bl., 78 SS., 54 SS. Kl-Folio.
                                                                                                           € 380,00
First edition. Sources de l'Histoire de la France Nr. 8735. "A propos de la renonciation de Marie Therese au trone espagnol, il examine tous
les arguments qu'on peut alleguer pour ou contre. Puis, apres avoir discute la question des droits de la reine aux Pays-Bas, il conclut qu'elle
ne peut en avoir aucun".

                                             - Austrian imprint in Italian language -

23 Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe: Le Avventure di Telemaco figliuolo d'Ulisse. Emendata, e
con particolar diligenza corrette da Giuseppe Ridolfo Bischoff pubblico lettore delle lingue occidentali nell'
illustrissima Accademia Cremifanese. Edizione in tutto superiore alle anteriori. Steyr, Abraham Wimmer, 1782.
Mit gest.Titelkupfer. (8), 517 SS. Rs.
                                                                                                          € 145,00
KNLL V,468ff; vgl. Wurzbach I,409. This edition in Italian language was published in Austria.
- First edition, scarce -

24 Gauss, Carl Friedrich: Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. Leipzig, Fleischer, 1801. XVIII, 668, (10) SS.
                                                                                                  € 23.800,00
Dibner 114; Horblit 38; Norman 878; PMM 257. - First edition of the work that "begins a new epoch in mathematics" (PMM). "Published
when Gauss was just twenty-four, Disquisitiones arithmeticae revolutionized number theory" (Norman). Our copy is complete. Title and
introduction browned and stained, otherwise a clean and fresh copy. Binding renewed from a former owner.

                                                       - Portuguese conquests -

25 Godigno (Godinho), Nicolao: De Abassinorum rebus, déque Aethiopiae Patriarchis Ioanne Nonio Barreto,
& Andrea Oviedo, libri tres. Nunc primum in lucem emissi. Lyon, Horace Cardon, 1615. 8 Bll., 414 SS., 1 w.Bl.
                                                                                                  € 5.200,00
De Backer-S. III,1520,2; Fumagalli, Bibliografia Etiopica 1598; Streit 2443; Maggs, Cat. 519,265. - First and only edition of this very
important work for the history of the Portuguese conquests and missions in the East Indies and Abyssinia during the second half of the
sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century. Parts two and three are dealing with the life, work and death of Joao Nunez
Barreto and Andrés Oviedo. Our copy is complete and very well preserved.

                                       - Newtonian philosophy in continental Europe -

26 Gravesande, Willem Jacob: Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata. Sive introductio ad
philosophiam Newtonianam. Editio tertia duplo auctior. 2 Bände. Leiden, Langerak und Verbeek, 1742. Mit 2
gest.Titelvignetten und 127 gefalteten Kupfertafeln. (4), LXXXVI, (2), 572; (3), SS 574-1073, (43) SS. 4°. Rs.
                                                                                                     € 2.200,00
Poggendorff I,943; Ebert 8829; DSB V,510. - Third edition of Gravesande's opus magnum. He was the earliest influential exponent of
Newtonian philosophy in continental Europe, and his present major work, representing the largest, best argumented and most philosophical
summary of Newtonian science and experimental method, was widely read not only in Europe but in England as well. Lacking on blank leaf
at the beginning of volume two, both title-pages with restored tears in white margins, but otherwise a complete and remarkable clean copy.

                                                     - Second, enlarged edition -

27 Guglielmini, Domenico: Della natura de' fiumi. Trattato fisico-matematico. Nuova edizione con le
annotazioni di Eustachio Manfredi. Bologna, nella Stamperia di Lelio dalla Volpe, 1739. Mit gest.Titelvignette
und 18 gefalteten Kupfertafeln. (8), XVI, 427 SS. 4°. 1800 mit rotem Rs.
                                                                                                      € 1.450,00
Bibliotheca Mechanica 151 (für die erste Ausgabe von 1697). Second, enlarged edition of his most important work with a new commentary
and three additional plates. "Guglielmini's major work and one of the most important hydraulic works of its time. The book discusses the
nature of rivers and their parts, the motion of water, confluents and estuaries, banks, and materials and application" (Bibliotheca Mechanica).

                                                       - Hapsburgian binding -

28 Habsburger-Wappeneinband. - Florus, Lucius Annaeus: Rerum Romanarum epitome. Interpretatione et
notis illustravit Anna Tanaquilli Fabri filia. Venedig, Bonarrigo, 1715. Mit gest.Front. und gest.Titelvignette. 8
Bll., 205 SS., 79 Bll. 4°. Ldr.d.Zt. (s.u.).
                                                                                                           € 750,00
Schweiger II,362. First edition with these notes and commentaries. This copy in a fine contemporary binding for a member of the Habsburg-

                                                      - Spanish enlightenment -

29 Hernández de Morejón, Sebastián: Desenganos sobre las preocupaciones del dia. Discursos polemicos
entre un Americano, y un Espanol, sobre la Libertad, Gobiernos, revoluciones, y Religion. 2 Teile in einem
Band. Rom (?), o.Dr., 1796. (14), 126; 171 SS. Kl. 8°. reicher Rückenvergoldung.
                                                                                                       € 1.200,00
Palau III,36 ("Parece impresion clandestina hecha en Espana"); nicht bei Sabin. First edition of this rare work upon Spanish enlightenment.
Provenance: Library Hammer, Stockholm.
- First edition -

30 Hindoglu, Artin: Dictionnaire abrege francais-turc ou Hazine-i lugat-i (arab.) - Hazine-i lugat-i (arab.) ou
Dictionnaire abrege turc-francais. 2 Bände. Wien, (Anton Edler von Schmid, für) Beck, 1831-1838. (10), 562,
(2); lith.Titelbl., (6), 516, (2) SS. Gr. 8°. Obrosch.
                                                                                                      € 1.200,00
Mayer, Wiens Buchdrucker-Geschichte II,143ff; Graesse III,280.First edition of this very rare dictionnary of the Turkish and the French

                                                              - On costumes -

31 Hollar, Wenzel: Theatru(m) mulierum sive varietas atq. differentia habituum foeminiei sexus, diversorum
Europae Nationum... London, (Sayer), 1643. Mit gest. und mont.Titel und 34 (von 36) mont.Kupfertafeln. 4°.
Klassizistischer roter Maroquineinband mit reicher Deckelvergoldung.
                                                                                                  € 3.600,00
Colas 1465; Hiler 443; Lipperheide 30. - First edition of this famous work on costumes with engraved titlepage and 34 (of 36) etched plates
of women of various nations in their contemporary costumes. Our copy is bound in a full red morocco binding, probably Vienna around
1800. A very fine copy.

                                                              - First edition -

32 Hospital, Guillaume Francois Antoine la Marquis de: Traité analytique des sections coniques et de leur
usage pour la resolution des equations dans les Problêmes tant déterminez qu'indéterminez. Ouvrage posthume.
Paris, Montalant, 1720. With 34 (33 numbered) folded plates. (6), 459, (3) pp. 4°. Half-leather binding with
marbled boards.
                                                                                                       € 1.400,00
Poggendorff I,1146; DSB VIII,204f; Kowalewski, Grosse Mathematiker 115. Guillaume-Francois Antoine de l'Hospital, Marquis de Sainte-
Mesme, Comte d'Entremont (1661-1704) was a student of Johannes Bernoulli and correspondent of Leibniz, Bernoulli, and Christian
Huygens. He devoted his life entirely to mathematical sciences, and published a highly esteemed first textbook on differential calculus
(Analyse des infiniment petits pour l'intelligence des lignes courbes, 1696). He left the completed manuscript of a second book at his death
which was published in 1720 (see also foreword). Erased stamp on title-page, binding somewhat rubbed and bumped at corners but
otherwise a very good copy with broad white margins.

                                                            - Pirated edition -

33 Kircher, Athanasius: China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis, nec non variis naturae & artis
spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata, auspiciis Leopoldi primi. Amsterdam, Jacob
van Meurs, 1667. Mit Kupfertitel, 1 gest.Porträt, 2 doppelblattgr.Karten Chinas nach Martini, 8 (1 mehrf.gef.)
gest.Schrift-Tafeln, 15 Kupfertafeln und ca. 55 Textkupfern. 8 Bll. (inkl.Kupfertitel), 237 SS., 5 Bll. Folio.
Geprägter Schließen.
                                                                                                         € 8.500,00
Dünnhaupt 2343,21.3; De Backer-S. IV,1963,24; Alt-Japan Kat. 724; Cordier, Bibl.Sinica I,26; Streit V,2335. This ist he famous pirated
edition by van Meurs, printed in the same year as the first edition. A complete and very well preserved copy in a contemporary pigskin-
binding with clasps.

                                                       - Scarce Lafrèry edition -

34 Labacco, Antonio: Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente a l'Architettura. Nel qual si figurano alcune
notabili antiquita di Roma. (Rom, Lafrèry, 1572). 36 Kupfertafeln (inkl.Titelblatt und 1 Textblatt) auf 33 Tafeln.
Folio. Späterer spärlicher Rückenvergoldung.
                                                                                                        € 8.500,00
Fowler 165ff; Thomas Ashby, "Il Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente all'Architettura", in La Bibliofilia, Vol.16, No.7-8 (1914), pp 289-
309. Very rare Roman imprint of Antonio Labacco’s famous book. The first edition was published with 28 plates only in 1552. "Non vi si
trove piú né privilegi, né prefazione: ma per completare la numerazione (che è incisa) vengono (2-3) la tavola doppia del Tempio di Venere e
Roma, e (4) quella dell'Oratorio di S. Croce. Colla tavola quinta cominciamo la serie regolare, ed abbiamo innanzi a noi parecchie tavole in
senso giusto, col testo inciso in corsivo grande, appartenenti alla serie originale. Fa eccezione il dettaglio del cornicione e del soffito del
Tempio di Marte Ultore (tav. 12) che è al rovescio, la leggenda "Passato edifitio" essendo stata messa a sinistra. Il titulo è senza data e luogo
di stampa" (Ashby). Only few complete copies of this scarce book are known.

                                                            - Second edition -

35 Laplace, Pierre-Simon: Exposition du systeme du monde. Seconde édition, revue et augmentée par
l'auteur. Paris, Duprat, An VII (= 1799). VIII, 351 SS. 4°. rotem Rs.
                                                                                              € 1.250,00
DSB XV,343; Hoezeau-L. 8940; Poggendorff I,375ff; PMM 252. "Laplace's classic work on the origin and formation of the solar system,
explained without the aid of mathematics" (Honeyman V,1919). - "J'adopterai dans cet ouvrage, la division décimale de l'angle droit et du
jour: je rapporterai les mesures linéaires, à la longueur du mètre, déterminée par l'arc du méridien terrestre, compris entre Dunkerque et
Barcelone; et les températures, au thermomètre à mercure, divisé en cent degrés, depuis la température de la glace fondante, jusqu'à celle
l'eau bouillante sous une pression équivalente au poids d'une colonne de mercure, de soixante et seize centimètres de hauteur” (foreword).

                                                             - Milan imprint -

36 Leopold I. - Roncaglia, C.: Admirables efectos de la providencia sucedidos en la vida, e imperio de
Leopoldo Primero invictissimo emperador de Romanos. Reduzelos a anales historicos la verdad. Nueva
impression. 3 Bände. Mailand, Imprenta Real por Marcos Miguel, 1734. Mit 26 prachtvoll gestochenen
Kupfertafeln. 6 Bll., 190 SS., 1 Bl.; 3 Bll., 331 SS.; 3 Bll., 353 SS. 2° Pgmt.bde.d.Zt.
                                                                                                   € 4.200,00
Palau 277881; Sturminger 1162; Apponyi 2338; vgl. Maggs, Spanish Books 7. Second, enlarged edition. - "A graphic history of the life and
events of the reign of Leopold I., Emporer of Germany. The interesting plates consist, for the most part, of allegorical illustrations of battle-
scenes" (Maggs). Throughout somewhat browned but otherwise a good and complete copy of this second edition.

                                  - Empress Maria Theresia in the Austrian Netherlands -

37 Maria Theresia. - Relation de l'inauguration solemnelle de sa sacrée Majesté Marie Therese Reine de
Hongrie et de Boheme; Archiduchesse d'Autriche &c. comme Comtesse de Flandres, célébrée à Gand,
Ville Capitale de la Province, le XXVII.Avri Gent, Pierre de Goesin, 1744. Mit gestochenem Porträt und 1
mehrfach gefalteten Kupfertafel. 43 SS Groß 2° goldgeprägten Wappensupralibros.
                                                                                                  € 4.200,00
Landwehr, Ceremonies 209. Inauguration of Empress Maria Theresia in the Austrian Netherlands.

                                                             - Second edition -

38 Mariotte, Edme: Oeuvres. Comprenant tous les traitez de cet Auteur, tant ceux qui avoient déja paru
séparément, que ceux qui n'avoient pas encore été publiés. Nouvelle édition. 2 Bände in einem Band. La Haye,
Jean Neaulme, 1740. With 26 folding plates. (10), 320 pp; (4), pp 321-701, (36) pp. 4°. Rs.
                                                                                                      € 2.000,00
Poggendorff II,54; Biblioteca Mechanica 217f. Second edition of the collected works of Father (Edme) Mariotte, who was a physicist and
Roman Catholic Priest. His papers on hydrostatics and hydraulics confirmed Torricelli's work on outflow speed of fluids and demonstrated
flow resistance in supply pipes. This second edition contains most of Mariotte's published papers, together with the previously unpublished
"Traité du mouvement des pendules" which Huygens possessed in manuscript form and had given to the University of Leyden. Our copy is
complete and well preserved. One erased stamp on title-page, one stamp of a library, and two MS entries on title-page of volume 1.
Throughout fine but several quires somewhat browned and slightly stained. Contemporary vellum with label on spine.

                                            - Coat-of-arms of the city of Amsterdam -

39 Mela, Pomponius: De situ orbis libri III. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari, Petri Johannis Olivarii,
Fredenandi Nonii Pintiani, Petri Ciacconii, Andreae Schotti, Isaaci Vossii, et Jacobi Gronovii. Accedunt Petri
Joannis Nunnesii epistola de Patria Pomponii Melae, et adnotate in prooemium, atque quo priora capita libri 1.
Curante Abrahamo Gronovio. Editio tertia. Leiden, Luchtmans, 1782. Mit gest.Titel, gest.und gef.Karte und
zahlreichen Textkupfern. XX, 1081, (55) SS. goldgepr.Wappensupralibros.
                                                                                                         € 650,00
Coat-of-arms of the city of Amsterdam.

                                                           - First edition, rare -

40 Del Monte, Guidobaldo: Mechanicorum liber. Pisauri (Pesaro), Hieronymus Concordia, 1577. With
numerous woodcut diagrams and illustrations in text. (8) ff (last blank), 130, (2) ff (last blank) Folio. Bound in
17th century Italian vellum with label on spine.
                                                                                                          € 14.500,00
Adams U7; Riccardi II,178; DSB IX,487ff; Biblioteca Mechanica 228f. - First edition of the author's first work, which is generally regarded
as the most important treatise on mechanics since Archimedes and a critical influence on Galileo. It is notable for its commitment to
establishing mechanics on a rigorously mathematical basis and for its powerful argument that mechanics and statics are separate sciences.
The work has technological implications for navigation, manufacture and the plastic arts, and it remained pre-eminent until the appearance of
Galileo's "Two New Sciences" in 1638. "It marks the high point of the Archimedean revival of the Renaissance" (Rose, Italian Renaissance
of Mathematics, p.222). Guidobaldo del Monte studied mathematics at Padua and Urbino, where he studied with Commandino. This is a
complete and very well preserved copy of this scarce book. Old ownership stamp and entry at the beginning, one erased stamp on title-page,
manuscript correction on f 40, some smaller wormwholes in the broad white margins, and one repaired tear on f.112. Otherwise a remarkable
clean and fresh copy.
- Muratori’s masterpiece -

41 Muratori, Lodovico Antonio: Rerum Italicarum scriptores ab anno aerae Christianae quingentesimo ad
millesimum quingentesimum, ..., ex Ambrosianae, Estensis, aliarumque insignium bibliothecarum codicibus...
24 Bände (von 25) in 27 Bänden. Milano, Ex typographia societatis Palatinae in regia curia, 1723-51. Mit 25
gest.Front., 25 gest.Porträts, 27 gest.Titelvign., 1 gest.Widmungsblatt, 29 (15 gef.) Kupfertafeln und 2
gef.Kupferkarten. Folio. Rt.
                                                                                                        € 16.500,00
Graesse IV,626; NBG XXXVI,989. A roughly complete set of this stunning collection of sources of Italian history. - "Cette immense
compilation, sur laquelle repose en grande partie la réputation de Muratori, n'est pas exempte des défauts reprochés à ses autres ouvrages;
mais quoiqu'elle manque un peu d'ordre et de critique, elle reste la source la plus précieuse pour l'histoire de l'Italie au moyen âge" (NBG.
Missing vol. II/1, and ca. 20 plates. – Added are: Tartini, J.M.: Rerum Italicarum scriptores,..., ex Florentinarum bibliothecarum codicibus.
Band 1 (von 2). Mit gest.Titelvignette, 1 Widmungs- und 1 Porträtkupfer sowie 2 gest.Textvignetten und 1 gest.Initiale. Florenz, Viviani,
1748. neuerem roten Rückenschild. Folio. - Mittarelli, J.B.: Ad scriptores rerum Italicarum accessiones historicae
Faventinae. Venedig, Fentius, 1771. Roter Maroquineinband d.Zt. mit reicher Vergoldung. Folio. - Beide: Graesse IV,626. Both works are
important additions to Muratori. – All volumes bear the booklabel of the Biblioteca di Casate Vecchio.

                                                 - Newton’s study of light and optics -

42 Newton, Isaac: Optice: sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus et coloribus lucis, libri tres.
Latine reddidit Samuel Clarke. Editio novissima. Lausanne und Genf, Bousquet, 1740. Mit gest.Titelvignette, 12
gef.Kupfertafeln und vielen gestochenen Kopf- und Schlußstücken. (2), XXXII, 363 SS. 4°. Späterer
                                                                                                        € 1.750,00
Gray 182; PMM 172. - Newton's highly important study of light and optics, originally published in English in 1704. This is the second Latin
quarto edition, edited by Samuel Clarke; the actual second edition being in octavo. Throughout somewhat browned, lacking the engraved
portrait of Newton.

                                                      - Very rare Crakow imprint -

43 Nowopolski, Wojciech: Apologia, pro catholica fide, et doctrina de veritate corporis Christi Iesu in
eucharistia, de caeterisque sacramentis: Liturgiae item seu Missae sacrificio, ac aliis fere omnibus, que hoc
seculo controvertuntur. In Transsylvania Tordae in comitiis anno a Christo nato MDLVII oblata. Krakau,
Lazarus Andreas, 1559. Mit Holzschnittwappen a.d.Titelblatt verso und mehreren Initialen in Holzschnitt. 8 nn.,
271 num., 5 nn.Bll. 4°. Späterer Samteinband mit dreiseitigem Goldschnitt.
                                                                                                         € 3.200,00
Bohonos 1722; BNH Széchényiana II, N 265; nicht bei Estreicher (III,12,200 ff). Very rare first and only edition of this scarce Crakow-
imprint. "King John II Sigismund of Hungary, encouraged by his Unitarian Minister Dávid Ferenc, during the Diet of 1568 issued the
proclamation. It was given at the city of Torda/Turda. Torda was in 1568 at the center of a maelstrom of power struggles between cultures,
religions, and thrones. It represented a move toward religious toleration and a direct renunciation of national establishment of a single
religion". No copy in the National Library of Poland.

                                                  - Interesting allusions to America -

44 Pancirolli, Guido: Rerum memorabilium sive deperditarum. Commentariis illustrata, et locis prope
innumeris postremum aucta ab Henrico Salmuth. Bound with: Honoré Nicquet, Physiognomia humana libris IV.
distincta. 2 Werke in einem Band. Frankfurt, Schönwetter, bzw. Lyon, Prost, 1646 und 1648. Mit gest.Titel
bzw.gest.Titelvignette und 1 ganzseit.Holzschnitt. 3 Bll., 349 SS., 11 Bll., 313 SS., 8 Bll., 1 w.Bl., 42 Bll., 1
w.Bl. - 8 Bll., 320 S., 12 Bll. 4°.
                                                                                                            € 720,00
I) Sabin 58413. Late edition. "This work contains incidentally many interesting allusions to America, especially the early use of the term
'New World' etc.". - II) First edition of his most important work.

                                                          - A collection of letters -

45 Peranda, Giovanni Francesco: Le lettere. In quest'ultima impressione ampliate de gli Argomenti, e ridotte
sotto li suoi Capi, per ordine d'alfabeto, a magior facilita de studiosi Lettori, da Giovanni Francesco Fiorentini.
Rom, Andrea Fei für Vincenzo Castellani, 1614. 432 SS. Kl. 8°.
                                                                                                            € 220,00
Nicely printed edition of this popular collection of letters.

                                                                - On chiromancy -

46 Pompejus, Nicolaus: Praecepta Chiromantica Clarissimi Nicolai Pompei, inferiorum Mathematum in alma
Wittebergensium Academia, dum vixit, Professoris celeberrimi, praelecta olim ab ipso, Anno Christianorum
1653tio, iam vero recognita, descripta, figurisque ligno incisi aucta. Hamburg, Härtel und Weyrauchs Erben,
1682. Mit 153 Holzschnitten (siehe unten). 6 Bll., 163 SS., 2 Bll. Kl. 8°.
                                                                                                      € 8.500,00
VD 17 23:244314V; Fincham, Chiromancy and German Academic Orthodoxy. First edition of a very rare book with 153 woodcuts and two
additions. "However, the proof that chiromancy was on the syllabus at Wittenberg comes from the writings of Nicholas Pompeius, for
Pompeius was a professor of elementary mathematics at Wittenberg and gave lectures on chiromancy around 1653. The notes from these
lectures are themselves still extant and, after finding their way into Praetorius' "Ludium Chiromanticum", were printed in bookform with
additional woodcut illustrations by one of his students some seventeen years later. Two works on chiromancy from Pompeius have come
down to us today, "Figurae Chiromanticae" and "Praecepta Chiromantica" both of which seem to have been first published in Hamburg in
1682. Just as in Italy we saw that chiromancy found favour with the ecclesiastical authorities of the day so, from evidence of Leipzig and
Wittenberg Universities, we can see that in Germany, chiromancy was also respected in the highest intellectual and academic circles"
Bound with: Gaffarel, Jakob, Curiositez inovyes, Hoc est: Curiositates inauditae de figuris Persarum talismannicis, horoscopo patriarcharum
et characteribus coelestibus... Latine cum notis editae, opera Gregorii Michaelis. 2 Teile in einem Band. Mit gestochenem Frontispiz und 15
meist gef.Holzschnitt-Tafeln, sowie mehreren Diagrammen im Text. Hamburg, Schulze, 1676. 30 Bll., 290 SS., 17 Bll., 498 SS., 10 (d.l.w.)
Bll. - Dorbon, Bibl.Esoterica 1811; Graesse, 46; Wellcome III,80. First latin edition.
Bound with: Helbig (Hellwig), Johann Otto von, Introitus in veram atque inauditam physicam. Hamburg, Schultze, 1680. 32 SS. -
Poggendorff I,1057; Jöcher II,1481. First edition. – A fine Sammelband with three rare imprints.

                                                 - A complete and finely bound set -

47 Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois: Histoire Philosophique et Politique des établissemens et du
commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes. 10 Bände Text und 1 Atlasband. Genf, Pellet, 1780. Mit 10
gest.Front., 50 gest.Karten und 23 gef.Tabellen. 8° (Textbde.) und 4° reicher
Rückenvergoldung, dreiseitigem Goldschnitt und je 2 Rückenschildchen.
                                                                                                      € 6.500,00
Kress B.406 (ohne den Atlasband); Palgrave III,265; Sabin 68081; Phillipf 652 (Atlas). A complete and finely bound set of this popular
work. "Raynal is the first economic writer of the eighteenth century whose works present a picture of that interior struggle of the two
revolutions. He declaims like a tribune of the people: he apostrophizes, he inveighs, in the manner of the demagogues; but his vehement
philippics against the trade in blacks and his animated pictures of monopoly and its consequences in the two Indies, assign him a respectable
place among the founders of industrial and commercial emancipation. He foreshadowed the economic revolution of the nineteenth century,
of which the independence of the United States form the first episode. His work will remain as a souvenir of the first efforts consecrated to
the defence of labor and the regeneration of the laborers" (Blanqui 417f). The atlas contains 50 plates, 20 of them are related to America.

                                                        - Truppe in Campagna -

48 Regolamento di Servizio per le Truppe in Campagna. Torino, Giuseppe Fodratti, 1833. Mit 5
gef.Kupfertafeln und 6 gef.Tabellen. 567 SS. 12°. Rs.
                                                                                                                                   € 280,00
A fine copy with booklabel Solms-Braunfels.

                                                          - 100 views of Rome -

49 Rom. Vedute antiche e moderne le piu interessanti della cittá di Roma. Incise da vari Autori. Rom,
Monaldini und Piale, ca.1800. 100 Ansichten auf 50 Kupfertafeln. 4°. Ln.d.19.Jhdts.
                                                                                                                                   € 440,00
A complete copy with 100 views of Rome on 50 engraved plates.

                                                            - Enlarged edition -

50 De Rossi, Gioanni Gherardo: Favole. Rivedute dall'autore e accresciute in questa edizione di trenta nuove
favole. Vercelli, Tipografia Patria, 1793. 191 SS. Kl. 8°. Obrosch.
                                                                                                     € 125,00
Early and enlarged edition of his „favole“, first printed in 1788.

                                                           - History of Venice -

51 Sabellico, Marco Antonio: Le Historie Vinitiane. Divise in tre deche con tre libri della quarta deca.
Novamente da Messer Lodovico Dolce in volgare tradotto. Venedig, Curtio Trocano di Navo'al segno di Leone,
1544. Mit wdh.Druckermarke in Holzschnitt a.d.Titel- und dem letzten Blatt. 293 Bll. 4°.
                                                                                                     € 1.200,00
Adams S 17; BMC STC 188 (Coccius). One of the classical texts about Venice, first printed in 1487. The first two leaves with restorations
otherwise a good copy.
- His most successful book -

52 Sacrobosco. - Clavius, Christopher: In sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius. nunc quinto ab
ipso Auctore hoc anno 1606 recognitus, & plerisq. in locis locupletatus. Accessit geometrica, atque uberrima de
Crepusculis tractatio.. Rom, Io.Pauli Gelli, 1606. Mit großem Titelholzschnitt und zahlr.Textholzschnitten. (8),
669 (recte 639), (46) SS. 4°.
                                                                                                      € 1.650,00
De Backer-S. II,1212,1. - Christopher Clavius, mathematician and astronomer, whose most important achievement related to the reform of
the calendar under Gregory XIII. Called to Rome by his superiors as teacher of mathematical and astronomical sciences, he was engaged
uninterruptedly there until his death. The greatest scholars of his time, such men as Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and
Giovanni Antonio Magini, esteemed him highly. This is the fifths Roman edition of his most successful book, several other editions were
published in Venice, Lyon etc. Title-page with old ownership stamp, but throughout more or less unused with some marginal browning.

                                                              - First edition -

53 Sestini, Domenico: Viaggio di ritorno da Bassaro a Costantinopoli. (Yverdon), 1788. XII, 196 SS.
                                                                                                  € 2.200,00
Ottoman World 1126 (nur die Hinreise von 1786); Weber 595. First edition of his return trip, rare.

                                          - Second edition, printed in 500 copies only -

54 Smith, Adam: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Second Edition. London,
printed for W.Strahan; and T.Cadell, in the Strand, 1778. (8), 510; (8), 589, (1) SS. 4°. Zeitgenössische roten Rückenschildchen.
                                                                                                        € 42.000,00
Goldsmith 11663; Grolier 100; Kress B 154; PMM 221. Second edition of this main treatise, printed in 500 copies only and much rarer then
the first edition. Bindings rebacked, flyleaves, halftitle and title-pages with old stamp of a library, but otherwise a complete and well
preserved copy.

                                                     - Fauna of the great basin -

5 Sovinskij, Vladimir Konstantinovic: Vvedenie v" izucenie fauny Ponto-Kaspijsko-Aral'skago morskogo
bassejna, razsmatrivaemoj s" tocki zrenija samostojatel'noj zoo-geograficeskoj provincii. Kiev, Tipografija
Imperatorskago Universiteta sv Vladimira, 1902. Mit 4 gef.lith.Tafeln. (4), XIII, 487; (2), 216, (4) SS. Hldr.d.Zt.
                                                                                                         € 2.400,00
First edition of this scarce treatise on the fauna of the great basin between the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Lake Aral.

                                                      - Very charming binding -

56 Statius, Publius Papinius: Sylvae. Amsterdam, Janssonius, 1630. Mit gest.Titel. 356 SS., 2 Bll. 12°
Ldr.d.Zt. mit reicher Rücken- und Deckelvergoldung à la Semé, sowie dreiseitigem Goldschnitt.
                                                                                                     € 380,00
Very nicely bound! "Ex dono de la Baune Rhetoricae professoris longe doctissimi anno 1685".

                                                      - A very decorative copy -

57 Tasso. - Serassi, Pierantonio: La vita di Torquato Tasso. Seconda edizione corretta ed accresciuta. 2
Bände. Bergamo, Locatelli, 1790. Mit 2 Kupfertafeln (nach Orelli) und 2 Titelvignetten in Kupferstich. XI, 284;
(2), 292, XCII SS. 4°. Zeitgenössische Ldr.bde.
                                                                                                     € 2.400,00
Graesse VI,368; Brunet V,301; Ebert 21002 (alle: 1791!). - Comprehensive standard monography on Torquato Tasso with the first extensive
bibliography of his works at the end. With two copperplates (after Orelli). Contemporary dyed calf with giltstamped ornaments on boards
and gilt spine, as well as gilt edges. Unusually clean, very broad-margined de-luxe print on better paper. Bindings very slightly rubbed in
places but all in all a fine, very well-preserved and decorative copy.

                                                            - Second edition -

58 Della Torre, Giovanni Maria: Scienza della Natura Generale (e Particolare. Parte seconda: Il mondo
terrestre). 2 Bände. Venezia, Gio.Battista Recurti, 1750. Mit 62 gefalteten Kupfertafeln. XXIV, 436; (4), 600 SS.
4°. roten Rs.
                                                                                                       € 1.480,00
DSB III,26. Second edition, "...una enciclopedia delle scienze fisiche e chimice, pure e applicate..., l'opera forse più influente sulla cultura
scientifica meridionale nel medio Settecento" (D.B.It. vol.37, p.574). "Of particular interest are those of units of measurement, the
pendulum, electrostatical machines, the pointing of mortar, the compressed-air gun, the refraction of light rays, and chyliferous vessels in
man" (DSB).A very good copy.

                                                           - 32 views of Venice -

59 Venedig. - Lazzari, Antonio: XXXII vedute principali di Venezia. Itinerario interno e delle isole della citta
di Venezia. (Venedig), (1832). Mit 2 gest.Titelblättern und 32 Radierungen mit Aquatinta. Quer 8°. Ill.Obrosch.
                                                                                                       € 1.400,00
A very charming album with 32 engraved plates with the main views of Venice, Piazza San Marco, Basilica di San Marco, Palazzo Ducale,
Riva degli Schiavoni, Arsenale, Canal Grande, Ponte di Rialto, San Giovanni e Paolo, Santa Maria dei Frari, Accademia di Belle Arti, Il
Redentore, San Giorgio Maggiore, San Lazzaro, Murano etc. "Copia miniata senza doratura con coperta semplice".

                                                                - On surgery -

60 Vigo, Giovanni di: La pratica universale in cirugia. Di nuovo riformata, & dal Latino alla sua vera lettura.
Con le figure in disegno de semplici nel VII. libro. Aggiuntiui due Trattati di M. Gio. Andrea della Croce, l'uno
in materia delle ferite, l'altro del cauar l'armi & le faette fuori della carne. Con alcuni istromenti in disegno posti
nel fine dell'opera. 3 Teile in einem Band. Venedig, Sansovino, 1560. Mit wdh.Druckermarke und zahlreichen
Textholzschnitten. 4, 243 (i.e. 234); 28; 20; 4 Bll. 4°. Etwas späterer
                                                                                                              € 2.200,00
Durling 4626; Garrison-M. 5559.1; Hirsch VI,115. One of the most successful books on surgery, printed fort he first time in 1541 in Rome.

                                                       - First edition, quite rare -

61 Ward, Bernardo: Proyecto Economico, en que se proponen varias providencias, dirigidas á promover los
intereses de Espana, con los medios y fondos necesarios para su plantificacion: escrito en el ano de 1762. Opera
postuma. Madrid, Joachin Ibarra, 1779. (4), XXVIII, 400 SS. Gr. 8°. Rs.
                                                                                                        € 2.000,00
Kress B 243; Palau 373988; Sabin 101282. - First edition, rare, of "perhaps the best digested and most methodical book written on these
topics (i.e. political economy) in Spain during the 18th century, giving a clear insight into the causes of the decay of the country, which, like
his predecessors, Uztariz and Ulloa, Ward ascribes to the neglect of trade and industry, and to the absurd system of taxation which had
prevailed for more than two centuries. An extensive section deals with the American colonies and contains proposals to grant the native
population the freehold of a certain proportian of the land. Ward's study, published posthumously, proved popular and was reprinted in 1779,
1782 and 1787. A perfectly preserved copy in its first binding.

                                                - 60 finely coloured views of Venice -

62 Zanotto, Francesco: Das malerische, monumentale, historische und artistische Venedig. Eine Darstellung
seiner Haupt-Ansichten und alten Gebräuche in 60 Steindruk-Tafeln, gezeichenet von Marco Moro und J.
Rebellato, mit beschreibendem Text von Franz Zanotto. Aus dem Italienischen von Adalbert Müller. Venedig,
Johann Brizeghel (Merceria dell'Orologio No. 300), 1857. Mit 60 altkolorierten lith.Tafeln. Quer 2°.
                                                                                                     € 16.000,00
Wurzbach LIX,172; Feltrinelli III,371. Rara opera completa delle 60 tavole e del testo descrittivo in ottimo stato conservativo a con margini
ampi, stampata dal litografo e tipografo d’origine tedesca Brizeghel sui disegni del famoso artista veneziano Marco Moro a G. Rebellato. La
rappresentazione e assai vivida nei colori e nella delicatezza dei ritratti dei personaggi che accompagnano le piacevolissime vedute oltre ai
ritratti. Tra le 60 tavole che si suddividono come da elenco in vedute (36), costume (20) e Feste veneziane (4). Segnaliamo tra le vedute: la
Piazzetta, Piazza San Marco, il Palazzo dei Dogi, Riva degli Schiavone, l’Arsenale, la Chiesa della Madonna della Salute, l’Hotel Europa e
Danieli, Palazzo Grassi e Foscari, il Ponte di Rialto, San Giorgio Maggiore, la Chiesa del Redentore sull’Isola della Giudecca, Murano e
Torcello; tra I costume: Il Doge, la Dogaressa, il Procuratore, un Patrizio, I Bravi Veneziani in gondola; per le feste: Dogali la Regata, il
Bucintoro, la Festa popolare di Domenica, la Colonna di Ercole. Un bellissimo esemplare complete.
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