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SEITE 2 // STATISTA CONTENT & INFORMATION DESIGN // TOP 5 KUNDENPROJEKTE INFORMATIONSDESIGN UND CONTENT MARKETING MADE BY STATISTA FÜR MEHR AUFMERKSAMKEIT, VERTRAUEN UND LEADS. // ERFOLGSFAKTOR I NFOGRAFIK – UND VIELES MEHR Fünf Kunden, fünf einzigartige Projekte, fünf Erfolgsgeschichten: Aufgrund des wachsenden Medieneinflusses erhal- Entdecken Sie auf den folgenden ten wir heute ca. 5 Mal so viele Informationen Seiten spannende Infografiken, wie noch etwa vor 30 Jahren. Visualisierungen wie Microsite-Lösungen und mehr für Infografiken helfen uns, die Flut an Informationen international renommierte Unter- zu selektieren – und Wichtiges von Unwichtigem zu Max. 1/10 s Fast 50 % 70 % nehmen wie Thomson Reuters trennen. benötigen wir, um ein UNSERES GEHIRNS sind unserer oder Autodesk – und machen Sie SYMBOL oder eine an der Verarbeitung SINNESREZEPTOREN „VISUELLE SZENE“ zu visueller Eindrücke befinden sich in sich ein Bild davon, was Statista Unsere individuellen Infografiken sind nur ein Teil verstehen. beteiligt. unserem Auge. Content & Information Design unserer Produktpalette: Für Unternehmen unter- auch für Sie und Ihr Unternehmen schiedlichster Größen aus verschiedensten Branchen leisten kann. Unser qualifiziertes bereitet unser Team spannende Zahlen nach allen ERINNERUNGSVERMÖGEN Team aus Beratern, Redakteuren, Künsten des Data Storytelling auf: So entstehen für Informationen nach 72 Stunden Designern und Digital Marketing- animierte Videos, PowerPoint-Präsentationen, Mi- 10 % 65 % 95 % Experten betreute bisher bereits crosites, Broschüren, Whitepaper und mehr. Statista 410 Kunden aus 22 Ländern. Content & Information Design ist Ihr Partner für mehr Binnen 12 Jahren entstanden so Aufmerksamkeit, Vertrauen und Leads. über 15.000 Infografiken! Text Visuell Audiovisuell www.statista.design
SEITE 3 // STATISTA CONTENT & INFORMATION DESIGN // TOP 5 KUNDENPROJEKTE 10 Years of the THOMSON REUTERS Cost of Compliance Global Regulatory Developments 2009–2019 Thomson Reuters has carried its out survey on the cost of compliance for ten years running. Over the years, key events have shaped the regulatory landscape. While year-on-year figures show a steady increase in regulation, the rate of increase has infact slowed over time. Click below to see how these key events have impacted compliance functions over the last ten years. START COMPLIANCE FUNCTIONS // DER KUNDE um die wichtigsten Ergebnisse auf Budget Resources Cost of Senior Compliance Staff Personal Liability Reporting Alignment with Other Risk and Control Functions Liaison with Regulators Managing Regulatory Risk Thomson Reuters ist ein weltweit einer interaktiven Microsite hervorzu- operierendes Medienunternehmen. heben. Unser Team aus Redakteuren, 10 Years of the Cost of Compliance 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Global Regulatory Developments 2009–2019 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Content & Information Design arbei- Designern und Entwicklern hob bei 2008 Global financial crisis tet seit 2018 mit Ansprechpartnern in der Erstellung der Seite die wichtigsten March 2009 Großbritannien, den USA und Kanada Ergebnisse hervor und verarbeitete The UK Financial Services Authority's Hector Sants tells firms they should “be very April afraid” of the regulator G20 declaration on zusammen und deckt dabei eine Viel- sie zu einem spannenden Data Story- strengthening the Read Article financial system; FSB established zahl an Themen ab, vor allem im Be- telling in der Corporate Identity von Read Article reich der Mitarbeiterschulung. Dabei Thomson Reuters. Außerdem wurde hat unser Team verschiedenste Inhalte eine Reihe von Infografiken für Com- 2010 March United States Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is signed into law produziert, von Infografiken und GIFs pliance-Fachleute erstellt, die sowohl Read Article July United States Dodd-Frank Act passed bis hin zu einer interaktiven Microsite die Regulierung von Fintech-Unterneh- 10 Years of the Cost of Compliance 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Global Regulatory Developments 2009–2019 2009 2011 2013 November2015 2017 2019 Read Article Basel III regulatory 2009 framework agreed und einem animierten Video. men als auch das sensible Thema der Resources sexuellen Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz 2011 Just as budgets have increased, so too have the respective size of compliance teams. Of those expecting the size of their compliance teams to reduce in the coming year, this figure was significantly higher among G-SIFIs. // DAS PROJEKT March behandeln. 16the Over Hong Kong next banks pay 12 months, $813m the size of my compliance team to ... I expect Stay the same Grow Reduce to compensate eligible investors on structured products or 60% July minibonds distributed by collapsed US bank Lehman Brothers United States' Consumer Die von uns erstellten Grafiken, Videos 50% Read Article Financial Protection Bureau founded // DER ERFOLG 40% und Microsites nutzt Thomson Reuters 30% vor allem, um auf seine Expertise bei Das Team von Thomson Reuters ist 20% der Erstellung und Durchführung von immer offen für neue Ideen – und wir 10% 0% 2017 2012 2018 2019 June Fines imposed on Barclays for Libor manipulation; scandal widens overG-SIFIs the coming 2018 months G-SIFIs 2019 with other banks fined Compliance-Schulungen für Mitarbeiter von Content & Information Design Read Article August The 10 Years of theEuropean Market Cost of Compliance 2008 2010 2012 December 2014 2016 2018 Infrastructure Regulation Global Regulatory Developments 2009–2019 aufmerksam zu machen: Das Unter- können zeigen, was unser Portfolio zu 2009 2011 Financial Services 2013 2015 Act 2012 2017 passed in2019 the UK. The (EMIR) enters into force Act creates a new twin peaks regulatory framework for financial services and abolishes the FSA Read Article nehmen veröffentlicht jedes Jahr einen bieten hat. Das gibt uns die Möglich- Liaison with Regulators Compliance-Bericht über die Entwick- keit, Themen interessant und abwechs- Percentage of recipients who The UK's Financial Conduct expect time spent liaising with and Prudential Regulatory Authority April 2013 There has been a gradual shift in time spent communicating with regulators and exchanges. This is due to more onerous regulatory and reporting requirements, increased information requests from regulators and a need to understand changing regulatory expectations. 30% lungen und Prognosen des Jahres in lungsreich aufzubereiten. Die Microsite regulators to increase Authority commence operations June 40% 2018 2019 Read Article The UK Parliamentary Commission on Banking der Branche. 2019 war das zehnte Jahr ist dafür ein hervorragendes Beispiel. 50% December Standards publishes its report The UK's Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 passed, containing provisions on ‘Changing Banking for Good’ 60% conduct of persons working in Financial Read Article in Folge, in dem der Bericht veröffent- Services and sets the foundation for SMCR 70% 80% licht wurde – ein großartiger Anlass, 2014 June 90% European Union law, MiFID II, adopted August 100% US DoJ imposes largest civil settlement on Bank of America for $16.65bn related July to subprime mortgages US Department of Justice imposes Read Article record fine on BNP Paribas for $8.9bn related to sanctions violations www.statista.design November December The UK FCA imposes substantial fines on five banks in relation to The final report of Australia's manipulation of the Forex market Financial System Inquiry is published Read Article
25% 4 ways for brands to of companies ranked sustainability as a SEITE 4 // STATISTA CONTENT & INFORMATION DESIGN // TOP 5 KUNDENPROJEKTE top 3 corporate priority prioritize sustainability …compared with 15% four years ago.¹ Sustainability is a growing priority for businesses. Here are 4 ways brands can prioritize sustainability. UL LLC Sustainability 63% of executives surveyed said sustainability is now aligned and integrated with their corporate purpose.2 Circularity Cybersecurity 77% 45% of executives said they expect // DER KUNDE to implement or align incentives around circularity entwickelt und geliefert wird, ist unser of companies surveyed targets within the next 5 years.⁴ have completed efforts to strengthen network security in their supply UL ist weltweit führend in der Sicher- Team mit der Federführung bei der chains. Another 38% are still in progress.³ heitsprüfung und -zertifizierung und Umsetzung des Designs betraut. Das Supply chain transparency unterstützt Unternehmen nicht nur Arbeiten anhand der erarbeiten Richtli- 32% of companies reported having high Explore more trends in visibility into their supply networks with sustainable business. another 35% reporting moderate visibility. Download Supply chain transparency rated second Strategic Sustainability: in a list of 10 critical priorities.⁵ The Business Case. dabei, die Sicherheit zu stärken und nien sorgt für weniger Feedback-Schlei- Sources: 1 – BSR and GlobeScan, State of Sustainable Business 2019. 2 –BSR and GlobeScan, State of Sustainable Business 2019. die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu fen und zufriedene Kunden – dennoch 3 – UL and Bloomberg Next, “Understanding Supply Chain Transparency Survey,” December 2018. 4 – Newsweek Vantage, “Going Circular: How Global Business is Embracing the Circular Economy,” January 2019. 5 – UL and Bloomberg Next, “Understanding Supply Chain Transparency Survey,” December 2018. UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2020. erreichen – sondern auch dabei, noch sind wir in dieser Zusammenarbeit mehr Qualität zu liefern und die Nach- auch in der Lage, kreativere Stile aus- haltigkeit zu verbessern. Beginnend zutesten, während wir gleichzeitig si- Top 5 trends in innovation safety mit einem kleinen Projekt mit dem cherstellen, dass die Ergebnisse immer in 2020 Team von UL Dänemark hat sich unse- noch die klare Corporate Identity von As we enter a new decade, new attitudes and approaches toward innovation and safety are re Beziehung mit dem Kunden über die UL behalten. Dies wurde zum Beispiel emerging. Based on a survey conducted by UL, here are the top trends for 2020. Jahre immer weiter gefestigt. Mittler- im Rahmen eines Microsite-Designs weile arbeiten wir mit verschiedenen umgesetzt. 1 Customer expectations a top driver of innovation 77% indicated customer Abteilungen von UL LLC in den USA Customers are the genesis of expectations are a innovation, indicating that top driver of INNOVATION. // DER ERFOLG companies are looking to market needs and demands to shape their zusammen und können dabei unser new products and services. gesamtes Portfolio präsentieren. Mittlerweile ist Statista Content & 2 71% Design für UL LLC die „go to“-Agentur, indicated sustainability Sustainability surges // DAS PROJEKT contributions/concern for Jumping from No. 15 (2018) to No. 3 (2019) on the list of important drivers wenn es um Kreativleistungen geht. environment were in innovation, sustainability is a clear IMPORTANT TO priority for businesses. INNOVATION Die Zusammenarbeit begann mit Info- Vor allem bei der Verwendung im Be- grafiken, um die internen Kreativabtei- reich Social Media garantieren die von Concern over use of open source risks and managing IP risks 3 Indexed on a five-point scale Cybersecurity a 2020 lungen von UL LLC zu unterstützen, ist uns erstellten Produkte immer eine 3.6 top safety concern 2018 2nd The 2020 study also revealed that 2.5 place in a list of concerns aber im Laufe der Jahre auf die Arbeit große Wirkung für den Kunden, aber companies are putting their money where their mouth is, investing a 13 th place in a list significant percentage of resources to of concerns combat cybersecurity issues. an vollständigen Kampagnen samt der auch mit den eingerichteten Microsi- 4 Erstellung von Berichten und Microsi- tes wurden große Klickzahlen und viel Percent of respondents by country who indicated that regulatory control and compliance will have a major impact on product innovation. Regulations impact business tes angewachsen. Während der größte positives Feedback erzielt. China 70% Executives across the globe agree Mexico 67% that regulatory compliance is a Teil des Inhalts vom Kunden selbst key societal change that will impact innovation. U.S. 63% 5 Transparency still lacking 55% indicated lack of supply www.statista.design Lack of supply chain transparency chain transparency is still a challenge for most PRESENTS A companies, indicating that more CHALLENGE work is needed.
SEITE 5 // STATISTA CONTENT & INFORMATION DESIGN // TOP 5 KUNDENPROJEKTE BUILDING AUTODESK THE FUTURE KEEPING UP WITH A GROWING URBAN POPULATION // DER KUNDE interessante Storylines für die Grafiken Autodesk ist ein Software-Unterneh- als auch das Paper entwickeln, welche Urban Areas are Booming 03 men im Bereich 2D und 3D-Design. Wir wiederum die Grundlagen für das Sto- …and so is the economy! Mother Earth’s population is growing Meanwhile, rural areas, which now experienced strong population hatten das große Glück, zu ihrer span- ryboard des Videos legten. like never before. By 2050, the United account for about 3.4 billion people, growth—a 2.7% annual percentage 300 LARGEST METROPOLITAN Nations predicts the number of people growth—during this time.2 AREAS’ SHARE OF WORLD are expected to decline to about 3.1 TOTAL, 2014 - 2016 on our planet will grow from about 7.6 billion by 2050. It’s interesting to note billion today to nearly 10 billion. that India and China, two countries In countries with predicted nenden Arbeit beizutragen – denn das REAL GDP expected to experience high urban- population growth, studies indicate GROWTH Those 10 billion people won’t spread area growth, also have the largest economic growth will follow. Both 66.9% themselves evenly across our urban, rural population, at 893 and 578 high-income and low-income // DER ERFOLG suburban and rural areas. Urban areas, million, respectively. countries will need to prepare by Autodesk-Team hatte für die Daten- which now welcome about 55% of the planning for more buildings and global population, will contain 68% of Rapid urban development will impact expanded infrastructure. EMPLOYMENT us by 2050. Most of this increase will us on a local, regional, and global level. GROWTH take place in Asia and Africa, primarily It will impact our schools, hospitals, On the other hand, Japan is 36.1% findung zu einem besonderen Projekt Diese „Teamarbeit“ zwischen Auto- in India, China and Nigeria. energy systems, and employment expected to experience a decline in POPULATION opportunities. It will mean the need population. One of the world’s oldest GROWTH GROWTH OF POPULATION (2018 - 2050) for more housing and improved public societies, Japan has a rapidly ageing 21.9% transit, roads and bridges. population and a shrinking workforce. Share of urban population Economists have indicated that its zum Thema „Urbanes Wachstum“ desk, Statista Research & Analysis und CAGR 2050 Urban population growth may also demographics are weakening Japan’s 9.7 billion equate to economic growth. A 2017 GDP, illustrating how population review of historical data found high decline can shrink economic growth. 2018 population growth in high-income bereits Kontakt zu unseres Statista- Statista Content & Information Design 7.6 billion Sources: Brookings, Oxford Economics urban economies may lead to greater 6.4 income growth. However, high billion GROWTH OF URBAN POPULATION (2018 - 2050) population growth in low-income 4.2 countries may slow their development.1 Kollegen aus dem Bereich Research & betrachtet die Zukunft der Baubranche billion 1.5% EU CHINA US WORLD INDIA AFRICA JAPAN 04 Sub-Saharan Africa had negative 0.2% 0.7% 0.7% 1.3% 1.9% 3.1% -0.4% growth in per capita GDP during the 1990s. Between 2000 and 2015, Analysis aufgenommen. Dass wir von anhand spannender und relevanter 1.3% GDP shifted to a more positive rate More People, More Business of 2.29% and an overall economic *Compound Annual Growth Rate growth rate for this period of almost Sources: World Bank, Statista Calculation 5%. Not coincidentally, the region Sources: World Bank, Statista Calculation Content & Information Design schließ- Daten, die mit größtmöglichem Effekt Keeping up, building up with economic, and population growth Although wealth disparity between CONSTRUCTION OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS PER DAY 2018 2050 Average lich die Visualisierung dieser Daten modelliert und visualisiert wurden. So rural and urban areas varies, the 1500 relative economic power of cities holds true everywhere. Both GDP and WORLDWIDE employment in urban areas far outpace TOTAL übernahmen, war also nur logisch! wurden Designs erstellt, die die Ge- the global average. 1000 2018 As urban centers develop, they will 3,150 need more buildings for businesses 2050 schichte hinter den Zahlen zum Leben 4,079 500 and services. Globally, urban areas will need to construct more than Average 3,600 non-residential buildings daily, // DAS PROJEKT on average, to keep up with demand. 3,696 erwecken. Zu sehen sind die Ergebnis- By 2050, almost a quarter of this JAPAN INDIA AFRICA USA EU28 CHINA REST OF WORLD construction will take place in China. Sources: World Bank, Statista Calculation Entwickelt werden sollten Designs, die se des Projekts auf einer eigenen Web- % DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GDP PER CAPITA IN 300 LARGEST METRO AREAS COMPOUND ANNUAL GROWTH RATE, 2014-2016 05 AND THE REST OF THEIR RESPECTIVE REGION, 2016 300 largest metro areas World ADVANCED WESTERN NORTH LATIN 3.3% ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE AMERICA AMERICA nicht nur zur Corporate Identity von site unter dem Titel Building the future. 2.6% A Roof Over Every Head 8.5% EASTERN EUROPE 40.7% EMERGING 46.3% MIDDLE EAST 64.6% CHINA 2.2% REST OF WORLD 3,433 1.9% Autodesk passend und ansprechend More people, more houses & CENTRAL ASIA ASIA PACIFIC & AFRICA 1.5% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% The move to urban areas over the urban areas, population density is gestaltet sind, sondern die Daten zum next few decades will impact how still a major factor that affects one’s people live as well as the number of personal space. When it comes to 141.3% 200.1% 206.7% 484.5% REAL GDP GDP PER CAPITA EMPLOYMENT POPULATION homes needed. Population growth, housing, urban areas have long been combined with an increase in two- and will long continue to be, defined Sources: Brookings, Oxford Economics Sources: Brookings, Oxford Economics Leben erwecken. Unser Team war in person households, means we’ll need by multifamily housing. CHINA more than two billion new homes 2,422 by the end of the century.3 Between 2018 and 2050, multifamily housing will comprise more than half Wealth and income, historical the daily average residential buildings der Lage, einen isometrischen Stil zu and cultural factors, and personal constructed per day– close to 10,000 preference all influence city-dwellers’ per day. Like commercial buildings, lifestyles. Yet, despite the economic about 25% of this construction will prosperity that generally exists in take place in China. finden, der sich sowohl für die Info- AVERAGE MULTIFAMILY HOUSING CONSTRUCTED DAILY (2018-2050) grafiken als auch für das White Paper AFRICA 968 sowie für einen 3D-Entwurf für das INDIA USA EU28 796 820 784 Video eignete. Mit den von Research & JAPAN 294 Analysis gelieferten Daten konnten wir Excluding single family homes. Sources: World Bank, Statista Calculation www.statista.design
MEDICAL DEVICE INFORMATION PLATFORM | MDIP SEITE 6 // STATISTA CONTENT & INFORMATION DESIGN // TOP 5 KUNDENPROJEKTE MEDICAL DEVICE 71 3.8 794 9.6 83 06 59 07/021 Imagine where medical 51/82 INFORMATION PLATFORM 03 5 5 01 device data can take you 01 CAPSULE TECHNOLOGIES ONE PLATFORM. COUNTLESS BENEFITS. Medical device data is the 60 95 17 120/70 8.3 497 28/15 6.9 30 38 key resource in transforming from today’s reactive care Current state is reactive care Irrelevant device alarms are a threat to patient safety environment to insight- With today's traditional tools, caregivers have limited Research indicates that Inefficient driven, proactive care insights on the current state of the patient between 87% and 95% of LIBERATE alarms are non-actionable1 Fatigue inducing delivery. When data is Every medical device is unique aggregated and presented in its approach to providing Medical devices monitor the in context to the patient, data for use. Capsule has essentials (ABCs) required multiple ways to connect to sustain life: Frequent Distractions. Interruption-Driven. care providers can prioritize with devices and works with Intra-aortic and coordinate interventions device manufacturers to Balloon develop and maintain device Airway (A) Ventilator Pump and activities more drivers – creating a plug-and- Monitor 17 8.3 497 6.9 38 Dialysis Machine Infusion effectively and efficiently. play platform to capture live Pump 60 95 streaming data. 120/70 Today, hospitals deal with 28/15 30 Breathing (B) Smart Bed data silos created by disparate AGGREGATE 5 systems and technologies. These 5 10 Once data is collected, it is 10 silos must be removed to harness // DER KUNDE Circulation (C) device data as a resource. IT normalized and prepared departments are consolidating to for use by one, or multiple entwerfen, das auch die Inhalte unter- systems that can be used single vendor, enterprise platform to create a comprehensive solutions to create efficiencies, patient view. increase data availability, and have the capabilities to adapt and scale to their ever-changing ANALYZE Capsule Technologies ist ein weltweit stützt und hervorhebt. Die daraufhin LIBERATE digital environments. Live streaming device data can be analyzed to detect A better way AGGREGATE Each medical device is unique in subtle changes in patient its output and ability to connect condition to provide proactive to leverage to other systems – data needs to and meaningful insights to führender Anbieter für medizinische entworfenen Infografiken mit ihren medical device data ANALYZE be liberated and then aggregated, care providers. so that applications can analyze and share data and insights across Central data storage, SHARE reporting and analytics the care team. Insights can be recorded or Geräteintegration und Patienten- verschiedenen Illustrationen, die Pa- annunciated through Capsule solutions or a hospital’s clinical communication system, SHARE facilitating care coordination. Future state is proactive care überwachung für Krankenhäuser und tienten, Personal, Krankenhäuser und Leveraging medical device data, care providers and staff MEDICAL DEVICE INFORMATION PLATFORM | MDIP prioritize and coordinate interventions and activities INFORMED DECISION Gesundheitsorganisationen. Das Ziel, die allgemeine Gesundheitsstruktur RT conducts vent weaning protocol ICU nurse Telemetry tech MEDICAL DEVICE INFORMATION PLATFORM (MDIP) 1 validates data monitors Physician V-ICU clinician in the patient patients live and record trended data views device provides The Capsule MDIP is the single unified foundation to Capsule’s solutions – integration, monitoring, and surveillance. alerts for actionable secondary These solutions leverage the capabilities of the platform to create and use live-streaming medical device oversight and mit dem man Anfang 2020 die Zusam- visualisieren, sind ein absoluter Blick- 60 95 120/70 17 8.3 497 events orchestrates information for proactive, informed decision making. Within the MDIP are configurable, cross-functional 28/15 6.9 responses capabilities that handle core system requirements to provide a consistent, reliable, and seamless user experience. 38 30 5 5 10 10 menarbeit mit Content & Information fang. Das Video ist eine herausragende 60 95 120/70 28/15 30 17 8.3 497 6.9 38 PATIENT ROOM Design aufgenommen hat, ist die Design-Leistung, da unser Team sich HOSPITAL UNIT HOSPITAL ENTERPRISE LIBERATE AGGREGATE ANALYZE SHARE Vereinfachung der Kommunikation der Herausforderung annahm, ein ani- BENEFITS PATIENT ROOM HOSPITAL UNIT HOSPITAL ENTEPRISE Caregiver attention Patient safety Caregiver safety Alarm fatigue Caregiver safety Caregivers Centralized Contextual Scalability Live Streaming Security Quality Cloud Capable Unnecessary visits Alarm fatigue Patient safety Staff satisfaction Management Awareness Data Analytics by Design of Service Reach of staff Clinical effectiveness PPE Use ICU transfers Length-of-stay zu diesem komplexen Themenfeld, miertes Video in der sehr ungewöhnli- Clinical leadership HCAHPS scores Code Blue Staff retention Patient satisfaction Patient Restful patients Length-of-stay CENTRALIZED MANAGEMENT sowohl intern als auch im Kontakt mit chen Länge von mehr als sieben Minu- Provides single visibility and management of the Capsule MDIP, hubs, connections, and application configurations securely from anywhere through a web-based application. Enhanced controls and live remote views ease deployment and management by Now imagine a single technology providing searching and filtering of connected hubs and access to hub details and status. platform helping you achieve potenziellen Kunden. ten zu erstellen. Vervollständigt wurde these benefits across... ED G M UR S ... all hospital departments das Projekt durch einen Produkt-Flyer, Y T NC EN U GE TM IC ) MEDICAL DEVICE INFORMATION PLATFORM | MDIP ER AR E CU EM EP TIV PA Centralized D RA R, RY PE P, O Management TO RIO -O RE // DAS PROJEKT LA A BU RE PE RE EC L AM CA (P UT ITA Y AC OSP AR L der sowohl als Digital- auch Printpro- H RA N IM PR ARE C RM -TE E / NG AR NT IO CE TAT S CONTEXTUAL AWARENESS LO TE C B U A AC REH / Provides critical contextual data elements that consuming systems require such as patient identification and GY T NT LO OR P association, multi-visit encounter selection, time synchronization, user access, asset location. The MDIP provides GE DIONS RA RA the tools and processes to correctly identify, associate and disassociate the patient. Die verschiedenen Unternehmens- dukt genutzt werden sollte. UR ARE T C 17 8.3 497 6.9 38 bereiche von Capsule Technologies 60 95 120/70 28/15 30 ... the entire health system 5 5 Contextual // DER ERFOLG 10 10 Awareness stellten uns Informationen für einen 2 Medical Device Information Platform CONTEXT Patient ID User ID Device ID genauen Überblick über ihren Produkt- Das erstellte Video fand bei Verkaufs- PATIENT DEVICE THERAPY Time DATA SETTINGS DETAILS Observations Vital Signs Mode Drug Name Waveforms Infusion Rate Concentration Informed Physiologic Alarms Device Alarms Volumes decision prozess zur Verfügung. Auf Grundla- schulungen großen Anklang; zudem SCALABILITY ge dieser hat unser Team das Design wurde eine zweite, gekürzte Version LIBERATE data from all patient connected medical devices AGGREGATE all medical data centrally ANALYZE streaming data against evidence SHARE actionable information to all data consumers Provides flexibility, security and reliability to meet the needs of simple and complex deployments. Hospitals can continue to add new types of medical devices and expand the use of device data and adapt to Scalability sowohl für eine Verkaufsbroschüre erstellt, die an Kunden weitergegeben based care protocols organization, industry and regulatory change. als auch für ein Video vorvisualisiert. werden soll. Zusammen mit den Info- S ED G Centralized Contextual Scalability Live Streaming Security by Quality of Cloud Capable R M U Management Awareness Data Analytics Design Service M Y T T C U N R N IC E ) A E RY U ,P E P G C R IV E R Der erste Schritt bestand darin, ein grafiken und der Produktbroschüre A E TO D ME O T AR P, RA LA E E C AL BU RE -O E E P UT IT AM CA R IO (P ER Y AC OSP AR P H IM E PR AR RM / C -TE RE NG CA N L One Platform. Countless Benefits. T A A R LO TE AB T T IO S EN U AC REH R / C O Y P G Making the complex simple and the simple insightful. „look and feel“ zu entwickeln, das dem unterstützten wir Capsule Technologies T S O N L NT R IO T AD GE A UR ARE R ... ALL HOSPITAL DEPARTMENTS C 1 Ruppel, H; Funk, M; Whittemore, R. Measurement of Physiological Monitor Alarm Accuracy and Clinical Relevance Branding des Kunden entspricht, uns dabei, ihre Produktprozesse verständ- MKT0359, DCN 2020-252 REV 0.0 PUBLISHED 2020-AUG in Intensive Care Units. Am J Crit Care (2018) 27 (1): 11–21. https://doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2018385 Capsule Medical Device Information Platform is an Intel® IoT Market Ready Solution (Intel® IMRS). Proven market ready ... THE ENTIRE HEALTH SYSTEM solutions from Intel’s partner ecosystem including Capsule can reduce the time, cost, and risk of IoT deployments—so that data can start to enhance healthcare now. Intel® technologies for healthcare IoT provide high performance for aber die Freiheit lässt, ein Design zu licher zu machen. medical imaging, a foundation for connected and remote care, and optimized edge computing systems. 3 www.statista.design
5G DATA MOBILE VIDEO ASSURING SEITE 7 // STATISTA CONTENT & INFORMATION DESIGN // TOP 5 KUNDENPROJEKTE STREAMING Buffering... PERFORMANCE SPIRENT AND CHALLENGES ALONG THE WAY The race is on to deliver 5G data to your customers // DER KUNDE sehen, die den schlichten, aber profes- THE ROAD TO 5G By 2025 it is estimated there will be 1.1 billion mobile 5G connections worldwide. With a large-scale roll-out set to occur much earlier than QUALITY OF EXPERIENCE More than half of Americans prefer to use their mobile device to stream Spirent ist multinational auf dem Ge- sionellen Look der Entwürfe unterstüt- video content. With 18–34 year olds spending up to 105 minutes per week originally anticipated, the race is on to deliver! streaming video content on their smartphone. 5G STANDARDIZATION TIMELINE biet der Testung und Messung von zen und sicherstellen, dass der Inhalt 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 DEVICES USED TO WATCH ONLINE VIDEOS IN THE U.S.* Telekommunikationsleistungen tätig. vor den Experten aus dem Fachpubli- 62% 3GPP R16 Work Items R17 + 5G evolution Mobile 55% Computer Gemeinsam mit dem US-Team mit Sitz kum glänzen kann. Early deployment & Verizon has estimated 3GPP R15 Launches 3GPP R16 Launches 5G NR R15 trials that OTT video 36% services delivering Tablet sub-optimal 26% in New Jersey entwickelten wir in der ITU IMT-2020 WRC-19 ITU IMT-2020 Specifications 21 % experiences account TV for as much as Proposals 25% Connected TV box 13% // DER ERFOLG Video game seit 2019 währenden Zusammenarbeit console LTE continues to evolve as 5G standard is developed. Gigabit LTE, LTE IOT, & NB-IOT deployments loss in revenue. verschiedene Infografiken und Power- Die Infografiken haben sich für Spirent COMPLEX NEW CHALLENGES * As of Nov 2018 Point-Präsentationen zu komplexen, als ein großartiges Hilfsmittel bei der AND GREAT EXPECTATIONS We did a study of mobile video quality. technischen Themen. Lead Generierung erwiesen. Indem As wireless network infrastructures and devices begin to approach the new 5G standards, the rapid rate of acceleration has brought with it a host of new challenges ... NEW COMPLEXITY Spirent sie auf seiner Website zum NEW NEW NEW NEW DEVICES 3 popular well-known 4 3 top mobile 2 big U.S. // DAS PROJEKT CORE RADIO SPECTRUM & CHIPS high-end devices streaming services carriers cities kostenlosen Download anbot, sam- Mobile Broadband Slice 1 Communication, Internet Für Spirent tauchte unser Team bis- melte das Unternehmen eine große Mobile Broadband Slice ...n Logistics, Here's what we found: Having the latest smartphone, the most popular streaming her in Themen wie 5G-Rollout oder Anzahl von qualifizierten Leads. Außer- Agriculture, service, and excellent network coverage doesn't always Climate equate to high quality ... Massive IoT Slice mobiles Videostreaming ein. Unsere dem werden Auszüge der Grafiken mit Automobile, Factory COMPARING DEVICES Mission-critical IoT Slice Redakteure wurden dabei von ihren prägnanten Aussagen sowohl in Ver- Alongside increased complexity, 5G service providers must contend with new goals and expectations: Even top-tier devices have room for improvement ... Ansprechpartnern sowohl mit Material kaufs- als auch in Kundenpräsentatio- VERY GOOD OR EXCELLENT STREAMING QUALITY* 100x 10x 43.8% 98.7% zur Strukturierung der Infografiken als nen genutzt. Device A Device B peak data rates experienced (20Gbps+) throughput auch mit passenden und relevanten 100x 10x Daten zu den sehr spezifischen The- density (1m devices/km2) decrease in latency (1–5ms) men versorgt, was sich als eine pro- Device A didn't do as well, streaming 98.7% of the time Device B great video only 43.8% of the time. delivered great video. 100x 3x * Combined data across all carriers, all services, both markets duktive Zusammenarbeit mit Erfolgs- traffic capacity spectrum efficiency LIVE TV STREAMING garantie erwiesen hat. It is possible to watch live TV without buffering and freezing! TESTING DATA SERVICES IN THE FIELD - Die Infografiken und die Präsentation WHAT'S DIFFERENT WITH 5G? FREEZE & BUFFER Service 1 Service 2 wurden nicht nur in der Corporate As 5G introduces millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies into the mix, cells are smaller Freezing time and closer – with crazy new beamforming going on. What we saw in recent runs: within 5 mins Device A Device B Device C Average Identity von Spirent gestaltet, sondern Beam acquisition is tricky – Mobility is not yet implemented 4G anchor cell is still needed well in some areas – a device may 24.5% and not all 4G bands are detach and ping-pong between 4G 5 seconds enabled for that need and 5G connectivity auch mit fotografischen Elementen ver- The user experience is Max download speed is 1.8Gbps 9.1% impacted by how the device is thus far – but many popular 4.5% 5.4% held – the angle of the device to big-name applications are not yet 27.2 1.67% the cell site is critical for testing ready for 5G speeds seconds 0.05% 0.0% 0.91% purposes www.statista.design BEST TOOLS FOR THE JOB MOBILE CARRIERS Excellent coverage does not equate to excellent video quality! Accurately testing 5G needs a host of new gear in tow for troubleshooting:
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