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MARKUS WALZ                                                                  https://doi.org/10.5817/MuB2021-2-6

ABSTRACT/ABSTRAKT:                     job of museum education in the        a jiné výchovně vzdělávací
                                       1960s (West and East Germany).        činnosti v muzeích byly i během
The employees in German                The search for honorary staff         první poloviny 20. století nadále
museum education are currently         to carry out museum pedagogy          úzce spojeny s funkcí kurátora
predominantly women. Since             steered women into this field of      sbírek či vědeckého ředitele
almost all professions in Central      activity. This article concludes      muzea. Obě tyto pracovní pozice
Europe were reserved for men in        with the thesis that the rise of      byly převážně obsazovány muži.
the past, what is interesting about    individual women from precarious      První organizátorkou muzejního
museum education is when women         employment to permanent positions     vzdělávání na plný úvazek se
took up this profession and how        in museum education led to the        stala až v letech 1925–1934 Fride
this gender imbalance was able         current dominance of women in         Schottmüller, která zůstala
to take shape. Two hypotheses          this field of activity.               nadlouho ojedinělým příkladem
suggest themselves: the argument                                             působení ženy v této nově vznikající
of maternity gave rise to several      „Angažovaná, profesionální –          profesi. Samostatná pracovní
educational job profiles for women,    a žena?“ Muzejní edukace              pozice muzejního edukátora byla
especially that of kindergarten        v Německu z pohledu gender            vytvořena muži v šedesátých
teacher, but also that of elementary                                         letech 20. století (v Západním
school teacher. The emancipation       Muzejní edukace v Německu             a Východním Německu).
movement around 1900 fought for        je v současnosti doménou žen.         Následná potřeba zapojení
special women’s academies and          Vzhledem k tomu, že ve střední        dalšího neplaceného personálu do
for the reservation of individual      Evropě byla téměř všechna povolání    vykonávání výchovně vzdělávacích
professions, supposedly particularly   v minulosti vyhrazena mužům,          prací v muzeu přivedla pak k této
suitable for women, for women          zajímá nás, kdy se ženy v oblasti     oblasti činnosti také ženy. Článek
interested in them. The search for     muzejní edukace prosadily a jak       končí konstatováním, že současná
reflections in the history of the      k této genderové nevyváženosti        převaha žen v oblasti muzejní
development of German museum           mohlo dojít. Nabízejí se hned dvě     edukace je vyústěním vývoje jejich
education shows that neither of        hypotézy. Jednou z nich je, že        působení v tomto oboru činnosti,
these phenomena explains the           předpokladem vzniku některých         který směřoval od příležitostné
professional activities of women       ženských výchovně vzdělávacích        práce až k stálému zaměstnání.
in museum education: guiding the       profesí, zejména učitelky
visitors and other educational work    v mateřské či základní škole, bylo    KEYWORDS/KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA:
in museums remained, even in           mateřství. Druhá hypotéza tvrdí,
the first half of the 20th century,    že o vznik speciálních vzdělávacích   museum education – museum
firmly linked to the position of the   ústavů pro ženy a etablování          pedagogics – feminisation – museum
collector or the scientific director   jednotlivých typicky ženských         history – Germany
of the museum. Men dominated           profesí se zasloužilo emancipační     muzejní edukace – muzejní
both positions. The first full-time    hnutí na přelomu 19. a 20. století.   pedagogika – feminizace – dějiny
organiser of museum education,         Při pohledu do historie               muzejnictví – Německo
Frida Schottmüller, appeared           muzejní edukace v Německu
late (1925–1934). As a woman,          však zjišťujeme, že ani jeden
she remained an isolated case          z uvedených fenoménů nevysvětluje     The headline of this article
within this emerging profession.       odborné působení žen v této           paraphrases the title of a handbook
Men developed the separate             oblasti: provázení návštěvníků        article on museum education in


Austria today. Its author stated:                 characterised by a high proportion               was on the “technical assistant”
“The professional field is clearly                of women.                                        in collection management
female”; as evidence she cited that                                                                (cataloguing, photographing,
among the 34 museum educators                     An additional explanatory model                  drawing).5 The libraries took
certified in Austria, 32 are                      may be constructed by reflecting                 a faster development: Since 1907,
women.1 Information concerning                    the history of schooling. Some                   an association of female library
the (uncertified) majority of                     German countries already knew                    assistants existed in Germany
Austrian museum educators does                    female teachers in the 18th century              (“Vereinigung bibliothekarisch
not exist. Although Germany                       (independent of nuns at convent                  arbeitender Frauen”).6 Educational
annually presents its museum                      schools). In all Western societies,              tasks were not an issue in either
statistics, gender-related data is                since the 19th century, there has                context.
also lacking there: since 1981,                   been a persistent increase in the
a single questionary asked for the                proportion of women teachers in                  Since there is little data on this
gender of museum directors but                    general, especially in elementary                aspect of museum history, this
only of directors. A clue is provided             schools.4 The women’s school                     article collects circumstantial
by the 64 board seats that exist in               (“Frauenschule”), newly created                  evidence of women’s museum
total in the German professional                  in Germany in 1908, specifically                 pedagogical work in Germany in
association “Bundesverband                        qualified female teachers in                     chronological order to discover
Museumspädagogik” and its six                     home economics, needwork or                      this kind of women’s activity in
regional associations; eleven of                  gymnastics, as well as kindergarten              history and conceivable reasons
them are occupied by men. The                     teachers. As soon as school children             for that. Because the historical
proportion of men on the individual               were seen as a target group for                  outlines of museum education
boards varies from 50 per cent on                 museums, the participation of                    are unclear, all museum work in
the national board (2 out of 4) to                women in educational work would                  personal contact to visitors is taken
zero on the regional association in               be conceivable.                                  into consideration. The search
Baden-Württemberg (0 out of 10).2                                                                  begins with any kind of imparting
Pointing in the same direction,                   Two other historical phenomena                   in a collection even as an unpaid
less than five per cent of the                    are not currently suitable for                   activity.
applications for art education at the             constructing further explanatory
temporary exhibition “documenta                   models. Firstly, the supervision                 Pre-modernity: museum
12”, 2007 in Kassel, were submitted               of young children was already                    education hidden in personal
by men.3                                          a matter for women in its                        unions
                                                  beginnings around 1770 (Marie-
As a reason, one can reflect from                 Salomé Oberlin, Ban de la Roche/                 Even if the clear break in museum
the European modern history that                  Alsace). Qualification programmes                history with the French Revolution
almost all professional activities                for early childhood education in                 is now disputed, reflections on the
were initially reserved for men                   Germany were initially aimed                     history of museum education have
and that women had to fight for                   exclusively at women (first in the               so far followed this dichotomy
equal rights. Consequently, there                 Kaiserswerth Deaconess House,                    of pre-modernity and modernity.
should be a transition from a male-               founded in 1836). However, there                 Eva Sturm, for example, claimed
dominated to a museum education                   are no indications that young                    that the beginnings of museum
                                                  children were considered a target                education were genuinely
1 STÖGER, Gabriele. Engagiert, professionell,
serviceorientiert – weiblich: Kunst- und
                                                  group for museum work in earlier                 interwoven with the beginnings
Kulturvermittlung in österreichischen Museen.     years. Secondly, one strand                      of art museums (which she dated
In COMMANDEUR, Beatrix, Hannelore KUNZ-           of the women’s emancipation                      around 1800).7 Accordingly, it
OTT and Karin SCHAD (eds.). Handbuch
Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle Bildung in Museen.   movement established separate
München: Kopaed, 2016, pp. 383–390; here          women’s academies around                         5 GRÜTTEL, Else. Weibliche Museumsangestellte.
p. 383.                                                                                            Museumskunde. Zeitschrift für Verwaltung und
                                                  1900. At the same time, museum                   Technik öffentlicher und privater Sammlungen,
2 Bundesverband Museumspädagogik e.V. Karlsruhe
[online]. [accessed 2021-08-20]. Available from
                                                  professionals were discussing                    1913, vol. 9, pp. 219–224.
www: .         whether women were suitable                      6 LÜDTKE, Helga. Anspruchsvolle Arbeit
3 MÖRSCH, Carmen. Am Kreuzungspunkt von           for museum work. The focus                       für „bedürfnislose“ Frauen. Die ersten
                                                                                                   Bibliothekarinnen in Deutschland. In LÜDTKE,
vier Diskursen: Die documenta 12 Vermittlung
                                                                                                   Helga (ed.). Leidenschaft und Bildung. Zur
zwischen Affirmation, Reproduktion,
                                                                                                   Geschichte der Frauenarbeit in Bibliotheken. Berlin:
Dekonstruktion und Transformation. In MÖRSCH,     4 ESSEN, Mineke van and Rebecca ROGERS. Zur
                                                                                                   Orlanda, 1992, pp. 25–52; here pp. 37, 43.
Carmen (ed.). Kunstvermittlung II. Zwischen       Geschichte der Lehrerinnen. Historiographische
kritischer Praxis und Dienstleistung auf der      Herausforderungen und internationale             7 STURM, Eva. Woher kommen die
documenta 12. Zürich; Berlin: Diaphanes, 2009,    Perspektiven. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 2006,   Kunst-Vermittlerinnen? Versuch einer
pp. 9–33; here p. 14.                             vol. 52, pp. 319–337.                            Positionsbestimmung. In Dürfen die das? Kunst

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is necessary to examine what                     Academic Museum at Göttingen            in learning, but also travelling
happened to concepts prevalent in                University (1773). Even in the          merchants and their relatives, if
the Ancien Régime after the turn of              realia collections of higher schools,   any, who were travelling with
the century around 1800.                         for example from 1698 at the            them. Because of the limited
                                                 Paedagogium in Halle (Saale), no        demand, these tours were
Firstly, smaller presentations                   museum pedagogy was detachable,         secondary tasks of castellans and
of collections were handled by                   because the person responsible for      other servants. In princely painting
the owner himself, who showed                    the didactics gathered, arranged        galleries, the court painter was
them to visitors and engaged                     and used the collections for the        usually commissioned as gallery
in conversation with them.                       teaching purpose in question.           director, who could possibly
Consequently, there was no                       This direct didactic connection         delegate to a gallery inspector;
museum education that could be                   of the teaching collections proves      the situation was similar with
detached from the owner. In the                  continuity up to the present in         librarians. Professors delegated
bourgeois milieu, there were more                the university collections and          tours of university collections
natural history cabinets than art                museums.                                to students; they called the
collections. This also applies to                                                        professor in if a visitor asked very
religious orders; unfortunately,                 Thirdly, the collections of fine art    knowledgeable questions.
there are no publications on                     took a different development in
conceivable collections in                       that princely art collections in the    The gender relations in these four
women’s monasteries. The                         18th century were made practically      pre-modern schemes depend on
secularisation of the monasteries                usable for the founding of drawing      external factors. The personal
dispersed most of these collections;             schools (sculpture collection)          union of owner and mediator
the princely collections changed                 and art academies (painting             could only be female-determined
smoothly with the increasing                     gallery), and in most cases the         to the extent that there were
understanding of the collections                 gallery director also headed the        female collectors; in the case of the
as state instruments that were no                art academy. The period around          princesses, it must be remembered
longer part of the monarch’s way                 1800 marked an apparent caesura:        that in most German countries
of life and therefore did not require            the paths of the art museum and         women are only conceivable
any personal commitment on the                   the art academy diverged, and the       as wives of the monarch or as
part of the prince. Only private                 art academies established separate      guardians of the future monarch.
collections created out of individual            collections. Nevertheless, this         Among the wives, Karoline Luise,
interest remained bound to the                   special path of the fine arts was not   Margravine of Baden-Durlach,
owner.                                           lost: on the one hand, syntheses of     stands out, who showed her
                                                 art school and art museum were          painting cabinet to external guests
Secondly, many pre-modern                        still founded after 1800 (e.g. at the   and was intensively involved in the
collections had a direct didactic                “Pohlhof” in Altenburg/Thuringia        princely natural history cabinet. In
context. University professors                   in 1848), and on the other hand,        German universities, there were no
collected illustrative material for              the synthesis of schools of applied     female professors before the 20th
their courses, which led to the                  art with corresponding museums          century and no female students
creation of corresponding cabinets.              spread (following a precursor from      (with extremely rare exceptions).
Johann Daniel Major (1634–1693)                  1844, the Minutoli Collection in        The situation in the art academies
already distinguished two room                   Liegnitz/Silesia).                      was slightly better. Katharina Treu
functions for this purpose,                                                              (1743–1811) taught at the Electoral
a hall with collection cabinets                  Fourthly, a special attitude of the     Academy of Art in Düsseldorf from
on the walls and a “conference                   public should not be forgotten,         1776. She could be described as
hall”.8 In the 18th century, these               the sightseeing. As a combination       the first German professor to teach
cabinets increasingly became the                 of supervision and information          from exhibits, but she remains an
responsibility of the universities,              for those interested, the guided        isolated case. Management duties
an early example being the Royal                 tour emerged. It reached the field      depended on the main profession; if
                                                 of action of the “pre-modern”           light caretaker duties in residential
als sozialer Raum. Art, education, cultural      museums via the visit to the            palaces were readily given to war
work, communities. Wien: Turia + Kant, 2002,
pp. 198–211; here p. 199.                        castle: princely castles, but also      invalids, the staff was recruited
8 JEKSTIES, Angela and Gaetano OEHMICHEN.        the princely and municipal              from men. In short, if there was
Das Museum Cimbricum. In Museum Cimbricum.       libraries, offered an option for        a “pre-modern museum education”
Aspekte des öffentlichen Museumswesens in
Schleswig-Holstein 1689–1980. Kiel: Christian-   leisure activities. Visitors were not   at all, women had a place in it only
Albrechts-Universität, 1989, pp. 77–97.          only travellers with an interest        as isolated cases.


19th century: new pedagogical                     events to make better use of the                 profession is irrelevant for the
event formats, new actors                         collections.                                     history of museum education.

The literature suggests the                       Additional budget from a funding                 The format of guided museum
Senckenberg Nature Museum in                      foundation made an expansion                     tours continued. A series of
Frankfort on the Main as a starting               possible in 1854: now external                   lectures by Dr. Eduard Gerhard on
point for museum education in                     experts could receive fees for                   representations of Greek mythology
Germany. Frankfort was one of                     lectures. Every three years,                     in sculpture and vase painting,
the “free cities” in the German                   later every two years, the                       which this museum official gave
Confederation, so it was not ruled                Natural Research Society held                    in 1834/35 in the Royal Museum
by a monarchy but by a bourgeois                  a public lecture cycle with a fixed              (today: “Altes Museum”), is
oligarchy. The Nature Museum,                     curriculum, and mineralogy was                   considered to be the beginning of
founded in 1817, functioned in                    added as a new field of knowledge.               guided tours of museums in Berlin.
a similar way: the members of the                 The group of participants                        Around 1900, the Royal Museums
Senckenberg Natural Research                      comprised 20–30 people each time,                in Berlin established public Sunday
Society committed themselves to                   mainly teachers and secondary                    tours: The respective museum
the museum in their free time. One                school pupils, students, doctors                 directors or curators realised this
of the 17 founding members was                    and pharmacists. The new                         offer as a service task. In addition,
the master tailor Johann Christoph                building of the Nature Museum in                 a semi-governmental organisation
Fritz (1781–1835), who used his                   1908 contained separate classrooms               (“Centralstelle für Arbeiter-
professional skills in the museum as              for the now one-year courses. The                Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen”) had
a taxidermist. In 1826, the general               facility also allowed microscopy                 been organising free guided tours
meeting commended him for using                   and dissection exercises.11 The                  in various Berlin museums since
the permanent exhibition of the                   model of university lectures                     1896.13
Nature Museum as a classroom on                   and seminars is unmistakable.
Sunday mornings, before the public                Nothing is known about teaching                  This external organisation planned
hours, to “give lessons in natural                contributions by women for the                   and marketed museum tours on
history to a number of boys and                   entire period.                                   Sunday afternoons, especially for
awaken a love for it”.9                                                                            workers. Initially, the museum
                                                  An argument from the history                     directors held these tours
In the same year, 1826, the city                  of museum education reminds                      themselves, but due to demand,
of Frankfort granted an annual                    us that many German museums                      interested high school teachers
subsidy of 1,500 guilders to found                came into being through civic                    were recruited as guides.14 The
a natural history teaching institute.             engagement and that among                        same organisation organised
The Natural Research Society                      these initiators, teachers were                  a conference on popular art
developed half-year courses with                  a prominent group. However, this                 education in Berlin in 1900. The
three lessons per week covering                   still does not clarify whether it was            keynote address was given by the
the three fields of knowledge:                    a matter of teachers’ historical or              Hamburg museum director Alfred
botany, zoology and comparative                   scientific leisure interests or school           Lichtwark, although he himself
anatomy. The target group was now                 pedagogical interests. The high                  admitted that he was skilled in
adults and high school students.                  level of involvement of teachers in              lecturing but had never conducted
Responsibility for this teaching was              history associations rather points               a guided tour of an art exhibition.
taken over by another founding                    to private inclinations. As positive             He identified as particular problems
member, the physician Dr. Philipp                 evidence, only one museum director               the lack of training of the guiding
Jakob Cretzschmar, until 1845.10                  and drawing teacher is currently                 staff and the tendency of the
The logic of the university museums               known who used museum objects                    scientific staff to offer too much
was thus reversed: no collections                 as models for his drawing lessons.12             historical knowledge.15
to support teaching, but teaching                 The museum history has not shown
                                                  any evidence of female teachers                  13 SCHOTTMÜLLER, Frida. Berliner
                                                  interested in museums, so the                    Museumsführungen seit 100 Jahren.
                                                                                                   Berliner Museen. Berichte aus den preußischen
                                                  early feminisation of the teaching               Kunstsammlungen, 1935, vol. 56, pp. 39–40.
9 KRAMER, Waldemar. Chronik der
Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft                                                    14 ALBRECHT, Heinrich. Fünf Jahre praktisch-
1817–1966. Frankfurt a. M.: SNG, 1967, pp. 193,                                                    sozialer Thätigkeit. Aus der Versuchsituation der
239.                                              11 Ibid.                                         Centralstelle für Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen.
                                                                                                   Berlin: Heymann, 1898, pp. 34, 36.
10 SCHÄFER, Wilhelm. Geschichte                   12 WEIß, Gisela. Sinnstiftung in der Provinz.
des Senckenberg-Museums im Grundriß.              Westfälische Museen im Kaiserreich. Paderborn:   15 Die Erziehung des Volkes auf den Gebieten
Frankfurt a. M.: SNG, 1967, pp. 134–135.          Schöningh, 2005, p. 266.                         der Kunst und Wissenschaft. Vorberichte

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At the first ever nationwide                           seems noteworthy that the focus                        occurred in Leipzig in the circle
museum conference in Germany,                          was on teaching school children.                       of elementary school teachers,
in Mannheim in 1903, guided                            The children may have been                             who at that time had no academic
tours were a major topic. Two                          female, but the actors were not:                       qualifications but were trained
speakers who both had the title of                     the corresponding section in the                       in special teacher seminars.
professor and a doctorate embodied                     Mannheim conference proceedings                        The central figure was Richard
the conflict already addressed by                      was entitled “Judgments of the                         Buch (1871–1959), who had been
Lichtwark. The high school director                    guiding gentlemen on the guided                        working as an elementary school
Trendelenburg recited:                                 tours” and 30 men contributed.                         teacher since 1892 and at the same
                                                                                                              time undertook zoological research
“Yes, if there were a choice between                   The background to this fact is                         as an amateur. He was one of the
a guide with a high level of                           that in Germany only the nature                        initiators of the Leipzig Museum of
expertise and one with pedagogical                     museums have a long tradition                          Natural History, which the Leipzig
experience, I would unhesitatingly                     of university-educated directors.                      Teachers’ Association decided to
give preference to the latter even                     The other types of museums were                        found in 1906 and which opened
if his expertise were not entirely                     academised in Germany in the                           in 1912 under Buch’s direction. In
impeccable. For it seems to me that                    last third of the 19th and early 20th                  1916, Buch wrote: “It was clear
what matters more than this in                         centuries: Many museums were                           from the outset that the focus of
these tours is the pedagogical tact,                   given their first full-time museum                     the new institute was to be its
which does not place the emphasis                      directors, and in the painting                         educational, i.e. its task of teaching
on what attracts the scientific                        galleries, visual artists were                         and educating the people.”20 Buch
researcher, but allows the guide to                    displaced as museum directors.                         used the term museum education
confine himself to what is the main                    New humanities disciplines                             extensively, but he understood it
thing and is self-evident to the                       emerged. Some of them began                            to mean the selection of exhibits,
simple mind.”16                                        with the personal union of                             their arrangement and labelling;
                                                       university professor and museum                        he called it a “presentation which
The opposite position was                              director (e.g. ethnology), others                      was worked out in the manner
taken by Felix von Luschan,                            successfully claimed museums as                        of museum education”.21 In the
director’s assistant at the Royal                      their workplace (e.g. art history).                    Leipzig Teachers’ Association,
Museum of Ethnology, Berlin:                           Since women were only admitted                         personal forms of mediation
                                                       to regular university studies in                       were called “popular education”
“I attach the greatest importance                      Germany between 1900 and 1908,                         (“Volksbildung”). Teachers were
to guided tours by real experts and                    there could only be “guiding                           provided with preparatory material
consider them to be one of the most                    gentlemen”. In the first decade of                     for school classes, and group visits
important means of education. [...]                    the 20th century, the first female                     by clubs or youth organisations
On the other hand, I consider tours                    academics worked in German                             received an introductory lecture
by non-experts to be completely                        museums in unpaid trainee                              by Buch or another teacher. For
useless. I very often see large school                 positions.18                                           a teachers’ association, it was
classes being rushed through the                                                                              far-fetched to think of special
entire Museum of Ethnology in one                      First half of the 20th century:                        educational staff in the museum.
or two hours. I think that’s quite                     new terminology, but no full-
nonsensical, and I’m sure it would                     time professional staff                                The focus on school education
be much more useful for the                                                                                   solidified in the 20th century.
children if they spent that time                       The German term ‘museum                                The first conference on museum
walking around.”17                                     education’ (“Museumspädagogik”)                        education in Germany was
                                                       marginally appeared in                                 organised in 1929 by the “Central
In addition to the contrast between                    a voluminous manual on German
educators and subject scholars, it                     culture published in 1912.19 The                       ihre Ziele. Vol. 1, part 1. Berlin: Teubner, 1912,
                                                       first multiple use of the term                         pp. 632–692; here p. 678.
und Verhandlungen der 11. Konferenz [der
                                                                                                              20 BUCH, Richard. Ein naturkundliches
Centralstelle für Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen],
                                                       18 GRÜTTEL, Else. Weibliche                            Volksmuseum. Museumskunde. Zeitschrift für
23.–24. 4. 1900. Berlin: Heymann, 1900,
                                                       Museumsangestellte. Museumskunde. Zeitschrift          Verwaltung und Technik öffentlicher und privater
pp. 120–121.
                                                       für Verwaltung und Technik öffentlicher und privater   Sammlungen, 1916, vol. 12, pp. 68–90; here p. 69.
16 Die Museen als Volksbildungsstätten. Ergebnisse     Sammlungen, 1913, vol. 9, pp. 219–224; here
                                                                                                              21 BUCH, Richard. Das Leipziger Naturkundliche
der 12. Tagung der Centralstelle für Arbeiter-         p. 223.
                                                                                                              Heimatmuseum. In SCHOENICHEN, Walter (ed.).
Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen. Berlin: Heymann, 1904,
                                                       19 DIELS, Hermann. Die Organisation der                Heimatmuseen. Wesen und Gestaltung. Berlin-
p. 168.
                                                       Wissenschaft. In HINNEBERG, Paul (ed.). Die            Lichterfelde: Bermühler, 1928, pp. 111–150; here
17 Ibid., p. 184.                                      Kultur der Gegenwart. Ihre Entwicklung und             p. 118.


Institute for Education and                           eyes of the young people were                         Gallery and the Collection of
Teaching”, financed by the Prussian                   to “walk” in the picture, she                         Sculptures of the Royal Museums
state. Franz Hilker, a retired                        wanted to help them “get into the                     in Berlin (later: State Museums)
school inspector from Berlin,                         scene” in order to understand the                     began: she researched, wrote
propagated two innovations, the                       composition and to be able to trace                   scholarly publications and
“working and teaching room” in                        it summarily on paper.24                              catalogues of holdings, negotiated
the museum and the “museum                                                                                  with art dealers in Italy; along
teacher”, a “pedagogically qualified                  Prof. Dr. Frida Schottmüller (1872–                   the way, she wrote some fifty
museum expert”. Hilker strove to                      1936) represented the perspective of                  articles for the dictionary of artists
avoid controversy, with the opinion                   the academic staff, but accepted that                 “Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon”
that art teachers could manage                        in an art museum whose collections                    edited by Thieme and Becker. She
without the help of the “museum                       were no longer being expanded,                        continued to earn her living as
teacher”, while teachers of other                     a “pedagogue with an understanding                    a drawing teacher and also taught
subjects would be grateful for                        of art and good taste” could be                       at the socialist adult education
support. In Hilker’s opinion, subject                 imagined as director. As a rule, she                  centre (“Volkshochschule”) in
scholars and teachers of all types of                 rejected this solution, since the new                 Berlin. In 1919, the Prussian
schools and subjects were suitable                    acquisitions required art-historical                  government honoured the academic
for employment as “museum                             expertise. Obviously, Schottmüller                    achievements of the ‘auxiliary
teachers”.22 The first “classrooms”                   saw her topic “museum and guided                      worker’ by awarding her the title of
in German museums are mentioned                       tours for schoolchildren” as a matter                 professor.
for Clausthal-Zellerfeld (1934)                       for the director. For the Prussian
and the State Folklore Museum                         State Museums in Berlin, however,                     It was not until 1920 that she
(Volkskundemuseum) in Berlin                          she conceded that because of the                      received a permanent position as
(1935).23                                             large number of schools in Berlin,                    curator at the Kaiser-Friedrich-
                                                      museum specialists could not lead                     Museum. Official conflicts were
Surprisingly, the 1929 conference                     class tours. Instead, the Prussian                    inevitable: Schottmüller was used
included two women. Both had an                       State Museums offered further                         to speaking directly to the Director
academic background, both spoke                       training in art history for teachers;                 General Wilhelm von Bode. With
about museum tours for children.                      seminars on art viewing with                          her regular employment, the
Edel Noth (1895–1984) was trained                     different age groups were planned                     department director Dr. Theodor
as a teacher of home economics,                       as a new offering. Schottmüller                       Demmler became her superior;
needlework and gymnastics, also                       presented London museums as                           he reprimanded Schottmüller
attended courses at art schools                       exemplary because specially trained                   for maintaining direct contact
and worked mainly as a teacher                        staff offered guided tours for the                    with Bode. One may speculate
at girls’ schools from 1919. She                      general public as well as for school                  that the employee’s professional
presented her own programmes                          classes.25                                            reputation and her professorial
for ten to sixteen-year-olds at                                                                             title were part of the problem. As
different art exhibitions or at the                   Schottmüller is the main forerunner                   the result in 1925, Schottmüller
Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum (today:                       of professional museum education                      kept the title of curator of the
“Bode-Museum”), Berlin. The legal                     in Germany. She was a qualified                       sculpture collection, but she was
framework of the events remains                       drawing teacher, attended the                         given another workspace outside
unclear: different exhibitions were                   University of Berlin from 1899 to                     the museum and a new task: she
the target, the participants visited                  1903 as a guest student (women                        had to organise the guided tours
different types of schools and                        were not yet admitted to regular                      and lectures in the State Museums.
schools, Noth worked as a teacher.                    studies in Prussia), and in 1903 she                  Schottmüller organised her work as
The timing on Saturday afternoons                     obtained a doctorate in art history                   coordinator, programme director
indicated a leisure activity. Noth                    at the University of Zurich. In                       and publicity department. Her
was not at all concerned with                         November 1905, a long series of                       involvement ranged from procuring
teaching factual knowledge: the                       work contracts for the Painting                       folding chairs for seminars in the
                                                                                                            permanent exhibition to developing
22 HILKER, Franz. Schule und Museum. In               24 NOTH, Edel. Mit Kindern im Museum. In              art-historical evening courses, from
Zentralinstitut für Erziehung und Unterricht (ed.).   Zentralinstitut für Erziehung und Unterricht (ed.).
Museum und Schule. Berlin: Hobbing, 1930, pp.         Museum und Schule. Berlin: Hobbing, 1930, pp.         posters for advertising pillars to
98–110; here pp. 100–101.                             120–127.                                              guidelines for guided tours.26
23 HOLST, Niels von. Das Führungswesen in den         25 SCHOTTMÜLLER, Frida. Museum und
Berliner Museen. Berliner Museen. Berichte aus den    Schülerführungen. In Zentralinstitut für
preußischen Kunstsammlungen, 1936, vol. 57, pp.       Erziehung und Unterricht (ed.). Museum und            26 NÜTZMANN, Hannelore. Ein Berufsleben.
43–50, here p. 46.                                    Schule. Berlin: Hobbing, 1930, pp. 111–119.           Frida Schottmüller. Mitteilungen des

2 0 2 1 / 10 / 0 2

Schottmüller apparently did                              education department in Germany.                         technology in its entire scope”
not have a budget. Her main                              Frida Schottmüller retired a year                        could be taught at university.32
achievement was to increase the                          later, allegedly at her own request.28                   Everything else should be learned
number of tours offered at no cost.                                                                               through professional practice.
Before she took up her post, there                       Langsdorff’s successor in the                            Museum education thus remained
were 24 public guided tours by                           External Office published                                within the official duties of the
museum directors and curators per                        a misogynist text in 1936 that                           academic staff (or served as extra
quarter, in 1932 there were 58.                          held up Berlin tours by “young                           income for their junior generation).
Since 1932, there was a new service                      researchers and museum
called “tours by scientific auxiliary                    professionals” as an advantage                           The professional reality in
workers”, which was also declared                        over the offerings of special                            these years became precisely
as a qualification: ‘auxiliary                           museum education departments                             comprehensible for the first time
workers’ referred on the one hand                        abroad (he wrote the department                          through the “Yearbook of German
to people with a specific work task                      denomination in English and                              Museums”, which provided detailed
for a meagre fee (like Schottmüller                      French); he merely conceded that                         personnel data. For 1929, various
herself for a long time) and on the                      the “incidentally mostly ‘female’                        professions were indicated in
other hand to young university                           [sic!] museum instructors” in the                        1,504 museums, but no museum
graduates who were involved in                           US had “a certain even practice                          education. The Goethe Museum
museum work for several months                           in guiding” that the ‘auxiliary                          in Frankfurt am Main listed three
without pay. The demand from                             workers’ lacked.29                                       guides, the German Museum on
external groups for guided tours                                                                                  Health and Safety at Work in Berlin
on desired dates was satisfied by                        The educational activity repertoire                      four “guides and craftsmen”.33
charging a fee for this and passing                      of the time was clear: guided                            Obviously, mediation tasks were
it on to the ‘auxiliary worker’                          tours and slide lectures were the                        fulfilled alongside other activities.
who did the tour. In museums                             important formats. Edel Noth alone
that did not employ ‘auxiliary                           presented new forms. School classes                      Only a few women can have
workers’, tours with students were                       were an important target group,                          been given this secondary task
offered. Full-time museum staff                          but not the only one. Pedagogical                        of museum education, because in
were responsible for checking                            knowledge or even routine were                           1929 a total of 57 women were
the students’ level of knowledge.27                      not the focus, although the term                         listed among the museum staff.
Financial possibilities controlled                       “museum teacher” was formulated                          The real number was higher, as
this system; promotion of women                          at the same time: Compared to                            the information provided by the
was only possible in individual                          pedagogical professionalism, the                         museums varied in detail: the
cases, basically the low proportion                      audience’s contact with a young                          Hamburg Ethnological Museum
of women among students and                              researcher “who has a living                             alone listed ten cleaning women
graduates dictates the gender ratio.                     relationship with his subject”                           (included here), while most
                                                         received a higher rating.30 The                          museums listed no cleaning staff
These tasks were taken away from                         usefulness of a special qualification                    at all. In addition, abbreviations
Schottmüller in April 1934 and                           was disputed: “Guiding in                                made the gender invisible in
assigned, along with press relations,                    a museum can only be learned to                          the numerical data of persons
to Prof. Dr. Alexander Langsdorff,                       a limited extent”, Schottmüller                          with simple jobs. Apart from
curator of the prehistoric                               wrote.31 The Düsseldorf museum                           administrative staff and cleaners,
department who, as a member of                           director Karl Koetschau explained                        the following were named as
the SS, seemed more trustworthy                          in 1918 that only “museum                                female: seven museum directors
to the Nazi regime. In the same                                                                                   (including two part-time directors,
year, this secondary activity was                        28 NÜTZMANN, Hannelore. Ein Berufsleben.                 one museum benefactress and
                                                         Frida Schottmüller. Mitteilungen des
made independent as the “External                        Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, 1996, vol. 40,   two unpaid directors), six civil
Office of the Berlin Museums”,                           pp. 236–244; here pp. 240–241.                           servants, four assistants, one “art
and Langsdorff thus became the                           29 HOLST, Niels von. Das Führungswesen in den            caretaker”, one draughtswoman,
                                                         Berliner Museen. Berliner Museen. Berichte aus
apparently first head of a museum                        den preußischen Kunstsammlungen, 1936, vol. 57,
                                                         pp. 43–50; here p. 50.
                                                                                                                  32 KOETSCHAU, Karl. Die Vorbildung der
Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, 1996, vol. 40,   30 Ibid.                                                 Museumsbeamten. Vortrag, gehalten auf der
pp. 236–244.                                                                                                      Würzburger Tagung, 29. Mai 1918. Hamburg:
                                                         31 SCHOTTMÜLLER, Frida. Museum und
                                                                                                                  Lüdtcke & Wulff, 1918, p. 6.
27 HOLST, Niels von. Das Führungswesen in den            Schülerführungen. In Zentralinstitut für
Berliner Museen. Berliner Museen. Berichte aus           Erziehung und Unterricht (ed.). Museum und               33 SCHRAMM, Albert (ed.). Jahrbuch der
den preußischen Kunstsammlungen, 1936, vol. 57,          Schule. Berlin: Hobbing, 1930, pp. 111–119; here         Deutschen Museen. Vol. 2. Wolfenbüttel: Heckner,
pp. 43–50.                                               p. 116.                                                  1929.


one museum assistant and one                       periodical “School and Museum”                    In the West, too, little was learned
“Fräulein” (unmarried woman)                       1966–1990 and a practical manual                  about gender relations. Among
without specifying her occupation.                 in 1966 and 1976 respectively.35                  the published practical reports,
Furthermore, two “technical                        Nothing is known about gender                     there were reports by women, but
assistants” and ten academic                       relations. Men fulfilled all                      men held the leading positions,
trainees (with a temporary,                        leadership positions and editorial                were the editors of the manual.
presumably unpaid job) were listed.                tasks.                                            At the Nuremberg Art Education
In the full-time museum staff of                                                                     Centre, there was a male director
the Berlin museums, the number                     In the Federal Republic of Germany,               and a permanently employed male
of women decreased from three to                   the locations of several important                museum educator in the early
one between 1932 and 1935 (one                     museums set the tone for full-                    years; for the rest, educational
‘auxiliary worker’ in the National                 time museum education work.                       staff worked on a fee basis –
Gallery); however, the published                   Central institutions that created                 predominantly women who saw
names of the ‘auxiliary workers’ are               educational offers for the various                little opportunity to work alongside
incomplete.34                                      museums were deemed suitable:                     their families. In retrospect, the
                                                   in 1961 for the State Museums in                  museum educator there spoke of
Second half of 20th century:                       West Berlin (without mentioning                   the “type of housewife interested in
local establishment, nationwide                    the predecessor from 1934 or 1925),               art”.37
organisation and the beginning                     in 1965 for the museums of the
of the female precariat                            city of Cologne, and in 1969 for                  A female-accentuated
                                                   the Germanic National Museum                      niche developed in the
In the reconstruction phase after                  together with the municipal                       children’s museums. The second of
the Second World War, the two                      museums in Nuremberg. Other                       these, the Children’s Museum in
German states experienced the                      metropolises followed the example.                the Historical Museum of Frankfort
establishment of museum education                  In 1965, the buzzword of the                      on the Main, established in 1972,
as an administrative concept,                      comprehensive German “education                   reported exclusively women for
as a field of action of museum                     catastrophe”, from kindergarten                   its entire existence in 2003, both
practice, as an organisational                     to schools or vocational training                 among the employees and among
unit and as a professional profile.                to universities, generated political              the numerous freelancers.38 In
In keeping with the centralist                     attention, so that museum                         Nuremberg, a freelance employee
thinking of the GDR, in the                        education also came into view                     of the Art Education Centre was
1950s two museums (Museum                          on the sidelines. The museum                      involved in a new mobile offer.39
for German History, East Berlin;                   boom that began at the same time                  The second wave of founding
State Art Collections, Dresden)                    was based more on historical                      children’s museums in the
that were considered pioneering                    culture and the competition for                   1990s was carried out “almost
were initially equipped with                       appreciation of museum locations,                 everywhere” by women, mostly in
departments for educational work                   not least on tourist hopes, but                   private initiatives and therefore
and guided tours. After uniform                    also opened up opportunities for                  hardly under personal profit
methods for “cultural mass work”                   new museum education jobs in                      motives.40
were ordered in the “Principles                    the general expansion. In 1973,
on the Socialist Transformation of                 there were the first informal                     COMMANDEUR, Beatrix, Hannelore KUNZ-
Local History Museums” (1960),                     meetings of museum educators, in                  OTT and Karin SCHAD (eds.). Handbuch
                                                                                                     Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle Bildung in Museen.
museum education departments                       1982 the first, still thin, issue of              München: Kopaed, 2016, pp. 76–83.
or specialised workplaces                          the professional journal “Standbein               37 ROOS, Julia. Ausstellungen als öffentliches
were also established in other                     Spielbein”, which is still published              Ärgernis? Die bundesdeutsche Museumskontroverse
museums in the country. In 1963,                   today, was available, and in                      der 1970er-Jahre um das Präsentieren von
                                                                                                     Vergangenheiten. Berlin: Bibspider, 2018, pp.
a national advisory body was                       1981 the first edition of the manual              133–134.
created, first under the name                      “Handbuch Museumspädagogik”                       38 GESSNER, Susanne. Dokumentation zum
“Working Group School and                          was published.36                                  30. Jubiläum des Kindermuseums. Ein Museum
                                                                                                     für Kinder im Museum. Frankfurt a. M.:
Museum”, 1970–1990 as “Working                                                                       Kindermuseum des Historischen Museums, 2003.
Group Museum Education”,                           35 SCHNEE, Ines. Museumspädagogik in der
                                                   Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) bis       39 ROOS, Julia. Ausstellungen als öffentliches
which published an annual                          1990. In COMMANDEUR, Beatrix, Hannelore           Ärgernis? Die bundesdeutsche Museumskontroverse
                                                   KUNZ-OTT and Karin SCHAD (eds.). Handbuch         der 1970er-Jahre um das Präsentieren von
                                                   Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle Bildung in Museen.   Vergangenheiten. Berlin: Bibspider, 2018, pp. 549.
                                                   München: Kopaed, 2016, pp. 66–75.
34 SCHRAMM, Albert (ed.). Jahrbuch der                                                               40 KÖNIG, Gabriele. Kinder- und Jugendmuseen
Deutschen Museen. Vol. 5. Wolfenbüttel: Heckner,   36 WEIß, Gisela. Museumspädagogik in der          und Museen als Orte für alle Generationen.
1932; Vol. 6, 1934.                                Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis 1990. In           In BOCKHORST, Hildegard, Vanessa-Isabelle

2 0 2 1 / 10 / 0 2

Up to the present: quantitative                     a whole did not increase so much,                   an exclusive touch (“guided tour
growth in the boom crisis                           employment did not necessarily                      by the director” at a higher fee).
                                                    mean a permanent job or                             “Curator’s tours” approximate art
Since German unification in 1990,                   a full-time position – 698 of the                   and research; the actual discourse
museums have gone through an                        1,437 regularly employed educators                  accentuates the artistic practice of
ongoing boom crisis: the number of                  had only a half-time position in                    curators and distances these tours
museums grew faster than demand,                    2017. The largest group among                       from “pedagogy” and museum
the national average of visitor                     the 10,899 people who worked                        education.
numbers per museum declined                         for pay in museum education in
by 6.3 % (1993–2013). Apart                         2017 was made up of freelancers                     Conclusion: instead of
from spectacular new buildings                      who only worked (and were paid)                     women’s emancipation in
for some bigger institutions, it                    on demand. Since selective offers                   museums, causal chains in the
was a period of founding small                      played a major role (action days,                   labour market
museums: between 1993 and 2013,                     museum festivals, programmes
Germany got 814 new museums                         during school holidays), many                       The field of museum education
run by private associations. On                     freelancers received income from                    in Germany did not show any
the former territory of the GDR,                    the museum only occasionally                        emancipatory striving for jobs
museums lost 40 % of their staff.                   or seasonally. The second largest                   for women (about 1900) nor
Unlike the western museum boom                      group in 2017, 2,257 people,                        an echo effect of early women
of the 1970s–1980s, the sum of                      consisted of low-income earners                     teachers (18th, 19th centuries) or
public funds increased slowly and                   (student assistants and “mini-jobs”                 the feminisation of the different
disproportionately to the museum                    limited to a maximum income of                      teaching professions (20th century).
numbers.41                                          €400 per month).43                                  Men introduced the technical term
                                                                                                        museum education in Germany,
In 1992, the German museum                          Guided museum tours show                            men were the first to discuss the
statistics counted 358 museums                      a multidirectional development.                     right qualifications for museum
among 3,002 responding museums                      They are criticised today (“frontal                 guides. The first full-time head of
with at least one regularly                         teaching on the move”), their                       a museum education department
employed museum educator                            ready-made presentation of                          in Germany (1925) came about
and a total of 505 persons (plus                    information contradicts basic                       rather accidentally when internal
3,565 freelancers). In 2007,                        pedagogical principles. The                         quarrels with a woman were ended
there were already 682 of                           professional museum education                       by removing Frida Schottmüller
3,613 responding museums with                       elaborated a variety of alternative                 from her original tasks. The formal
a total of 991 regularly employed                   formats. Nevertheless, guided                       establishment of the department
educators and 6,923 freelancers.                    tours are still the most common                     led to male staffing. The factually
In 2017, there were 823 out of                      form of presentation: 82.1 %                        educational work was fulfilled
4,237 responding museums with                       of the 4.237 German museums                         by the existing academic (largely
a total of 1,437 regularly employed                 responding in 2017 offered guided                   male) staff.
educators and 7,205 freelancers.42                  tours; programmes for school
This quantitative increase as                       classes got the second rank with                    Apart from isolated cases, women
well included a boom crisis.                        49.5 %.44 Large museums draw                        did not appear in German museum
Because capital investment as                       a conceptual line between “museum                   education until it had received its
                                                    education” and “visitor service”                    first local structures and the first
REINWAND and Wolfgang ZACHARIAS (eds.).             (standard guided tours that can                     explicit full-time positions (for
Handbuch Kulturelle Bildung. München: Kopaed,       be called up). On the other hand,                   men). The parallel development in
2012, pp. 669–671.
                                                    it is still common for the museum                   East and West and the GDR’s lead
41 WALZ, Markus. Von der deutschen
Vereinigung zur Boomkrise der Gegenwart.            management and those responsible                    in time refute that the second
In WALZ, Markus (ed.). Handbuch Museum.             for temporary exhibitions to offer                  phase of the women’s emancipation
Geschichte – Aufgaben – Perspektiven. Stuttgart:
Metzler, 2016, pp. 69–75.
                                                    guided tours. But the character of                  movement (in the 1960s of West
                                                    these “official tours” changed in                   Germany) would have affected the
Museumspädagogik in Zahlen. In COMMANDEUR,          the last decades. Some of them got                  establishment of museum education.
Beatrix, Hannelore KUNZ-OTT and Karin SCHAD
(eds.). Handbuch Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle
Bildung in Museen. München: Kopaed, 2016, pp.
                                                    43 Statistische Gesamterhebung an den Museen        Obviously, neither a longer
                                                    der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für das Jahr 2017.
362–368; Statistische Gesamterhebung an den
                                                    Berlin: Institut für Museumsforschung, 2018, pp.    perspective of museum history nor
Museen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für das
Jahr 2017. Berlin: Institut für Museumsforschung,
                                                    53–54.                                              general theses on the increasing
2018, pp. 53–54.                                    44 Ibid., p. 60.                                    participation of women in the


labour market are able to explain                amounting to several thousand                  15 people who completed a museum
the gender-unbalanced situation                  euros.                                         education dissertation between
of German museum education.                                                                     1987 and 2011, none of whom
Therefore, a causal chain will be                Due to the numerical ratio of people           were employed in a museum.47 In
sketched here as an explanatory                  working in museum education, it is             1992, it was reported from south-
model. It is based on plausible                  most likely to get a freelance job for         west Germany that many museum
arguments not on empirical facts.                a few hours or a mini-job. Instead             education jobs were temporary and
                                                 of the “art-interested housewives”             many job holders had not worked
As a caveat, it should be noted that             of the 1970s, we probably find                 towards this career goal but had
there are undoubtedly people who                 mainly career starters who continue            taken up the position to escape
are only willing or able to engage               the tight financial framework from             unemployment.48
in limited gainful employment,                   their studies in order to gain initial
and that it is entirely possible                 experience in the museum with                  This structure receives its female
to earn a good income from                       the hope of getting a full-time job            accent from the outside. Hidden
freelance museum education work.                 later (in or also outside of museum            power issues and influences on
Nevertheless, it is a well-known                 education). In addition, there are             decision-makers could make it
phenomenon of German labour                      people in difficult labour market              difficult or impossible to recruit
market research that especially                  situations who are prepared in the             women. Today, this is unlikely,
in the cultural industries, many                 longer term to combine a small                 at least in state and municipal
people work in solitary self-                    amount of time at their desired                museums in Germany, due to the
employment and earn significantly                museum job with other gainful                  monitored equality of women.
below-average incomes. This part of              employment.                                    Consequently, women do not meet
the cultural industries is considered                                                           any obstacle if they are interested
a characteristic case of precarious              Most of those who have found their             in a museum job. As long as family
living conditions, where it is                   first job in this way face the next eye        work is predominantly fulfilled
assumed that the individual’s old-               of the needle: there are six times as          by women, women will be more
age provision is not sufficient and              many people in freelance contracts             willing to take on occupations with
therefore poverty in old age is                  or marginal employment as there                a small amount of time. For decades,
likely later on.45                               are full-time professionals, so that           cultural studies, humanities and
                                                 when vacancies arise employers can             education have had a strong appeal
The basis of this explanatory model              choose from an oversupply (besides             for young women, and some of the
is the labour market. There is                   conceivable lateral entrants). Since           disciplines relevant to museums are
a quantitatively insufficient demand             every second museum education                  studied almost exclusively by women
for graduates of several museum-                 position is only a half-time job,              (e.g. textile science). Regardless of
relevant subjects (e.g. art history              many who are looking for a full-time           the level of qualification, a majority
for decades). The teaching diplomas              position will settle for part-time in          of women opt for pedagogical
in (West) Germany experienced                    the hope that the contract will be             professions: in 2020, 73.1 per cent
striking cyclical changes, which,                increased later or a full-time job will        of teachers at German schools are
if negative, provided more people                become available elsewhere.                    female, in primary schools their
interested in museum education. As                                                              share is highest at 89.4 per cent;
a result, there is a constant supply             Because employers have mastered                with a female quota of 92.9 per cent
of young people who, due to a lack               these labour market tiers, the                 (2020),49 kindergarten education is
of alternatives in the desired field of          coveted full-time museum education
museum work, see a limited option                positions can be offered and filled            Gesprächssituationen. Berlin: Bibspider, 2018, pp.
as an opportunity. An indication                 at the lower end of the pay scale.             11–118; here p. 65.
of the willingness to take risks                 Indications of this are the pay offers         47 WALZ, Markus. Museologische Kenntnisstände
involved is that several qualification           in German job advertisements for               in der Hochschullehre. In WALZ, Markus (ed.).
                                                                                                Handbuch Museum. Geschichte – Aufgaben –
programmes for museum education                  museum educators, which often                  Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2016, pp.
activities are constantly offered in             remain at the bachelor’s level (data           382–384; here p. 384.
Germany, with participation fees                 from 2005–2014),46 and those                   48 DÜRR, Christiane. Biologieunterricht im
                                                                                                Museum. Ökologie und Umwelterziehung in
                                                                                                Museen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Frankfurt a.
                                                 46 BREDEMANN, Antje. Das Tätigkeitsfeld
                                                                                                M.: Haag & Herchen, 1992, p. 206.
45 KOLLAR, Elke. Museumspädagogische             der Museumspädagogik im Spiegel von
Praxisprofile und Berufsbilder. In COMMANDEUR,   Stellenanzeigen – Anforderungen und            49 Anteil der weiblichen Lehrkräfte an
Beatrix, Hannelore KUNZ-OTT and Karin SCHAD      Arbeitgeberleistungen. In BREDEMANN,           allgemeinbildenden Schulen in Deutschland
(eds.). Handbuch Museumspädagogik. Kulturelle    Antje und Claudia RÜTSCHE. Aspekte             im Schuljahr 2019/20 nach Schulart [online].
Bildung in Museen. München: Kopaed, 2016, pp.    museumspädagogischer Arbeit. Zwei Studien      [accessed 2021-08-20]. Available from www:
307–314; here p. 311.                            zu Personalanforderungen und psychologischen
2 0 2 1 / 10 / 0 2

one of the most gender-unbalanced                Bundesverband Museumspädagogik e.V.                  2016, pp. 362–368.
professions on the German labour                    [online]. Karlsruhe                               ISBN 978-3-86736-451-5.
market.50 This female majority                      [accessed 2021-08-20]. Available               HILKER, Franz. Schule und Museum.
within specific study programmes                    from www: .                           Unterricht (ed.). Museum und Schule.
socioeconomic situation of young                 Die Erziehung des Volkes auf den                     Berlin: Hobbing, 1930, pp. 98–110.
families are the main factors                       Gebieten der Kunst und Wissenschaft.           HOLST, Niels von. Das Führungswesen
controlling the labour market for                   Vorberichte und Verhandlungen der                 in den Berliner Museen. Berliner
German museum educators or at                       11. Konferenz [der Centralstelle für              Museen. Berichte aus den preußischen
least its precarious part over the last             Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen],                Kunstsammlungen, 1936, vol. 57,
decades.                                            23.–24. 4. 1900. Berlin: Heymann,                 pp. 43–50.
                                                    1900.                                          JEKSTIES, Angela and Gaetano
                                                 Die Museen als Volksbildungsstätten.                 OEHMICHEN. Das Museum Cimbricum.
BIBLIOGRAPHY:                                       Ergebnisse der 12. Tagung der Centralstelle       In Museum Cimbricum. Aspekte des
                                                    für Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen.             öffentlichen Museumswesens in Schleswig-
ALBRECHT, Heinrich. Fünf Jahre                      Berlin: Heymann, 1904.                            Holstein 1689–1980. Kiel: Christian-
   praktisch-sozialer Thätigkeit. Aus der        DIELS, Hermann. Die Organisation der                 Albrechts-Universität, 1989, pp. 77–97.
   Versuchsituation der Centralstelle für           Wissenschaft. In HINNEBERG, Paul               KOETSCHAU, Karl. Die Vorbildung der
   Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen. Berlin:        (ed.). Die Kultur der Gegenwart. Ihre             Museumsbeamten. Vortrag, gehalten auf
   Heymann, 1898.                                   Entwicklung und ihre Ziele. Vol. 1, part 1.       der Würzburger Tagung, 29. Mai 1918.
Anteil der weiblichen Lehrkräfte an                 Berlin: Teubner, 1912, pp. 632–692.               Hamburg: Lüdtcke & Wulff, 1918.
   allgemeinbildenden Schulen in                    https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-663-19508-5_19   KOLLAR, Elke. Museumspädagogische
   Deutschland im Schuljahr 2019/20 nach         DÜRR, Christiane. Biologieunterricht im             Praxisprofile und Berufsbilder. In
   Schulart [online]. Hamburg: Statista,            Museum. Ökologie und Umwelterziehung             COMMANDEUR, Beatrix, Hannelore
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