Delivery of Free Early Education and Care - for two, three and four year olds - A Guide for Private, Voluntary and Independent Providers

Page created by Salvador Salinas
Delivery of Free Early Education and Care - for two, three and four year olds - A Guide for Private, Voluntary and Independent Providers
Delivery of Free Early
       Education and Care
    for two, three and four year olds

A Guide for Private, Voluntary
and Independent Providers
March 2015

1. Introduction                                                                  4

2. The Kirklees List of Approved Early Education and Care
    Providers                                                                    5
     -   Quality of provision                                                    5
     -   Joining the Kirklees list of Approved Providers for two, three and
         four year olds                                                          6
     -   The Council’s responsibilities for maintaining the list of approved
         Providers                                                               6
     -   When Providers change their circumstances                               6
     -   Removal from the Kirklees list of Approved Providers                    7
     -   Re-inclusion of Providers removed from the Kirklees list of
         Approved Providers                                                      8
     -   Decisions                                                               8
     -   Appeals                                                                 8

3. Conditions of Funding                                                         9

4. Children’s Eligibility                                                        11
     -   The free entitlement                                                    11
     -   When are Children eligible?                                             11
     -   When can the free entitlement be accessed?                              11
     -   Early Years Pupil Premium                                               12
     -   Two year old entitlement                                                13

5. Procedures for Claiming Funding                                               15
     -   The Provider Portal                                                     15
     -   The annual Early Years Census                                           15
     -   Estimate [interim] payments                                             15
     -   Starting new Children                                                   16
     -   Headcount Day                                                           17
     -   Children moving during the term                                         17
     -   Duplicate claims                                                        18
     -   Very exceptional circumstances                                          18
     -   Application process for funding where very exceptional circumstances
         apply                                                                   18

-   Claims for Children who do not have a place at any other provision     19
    -   Deadline for claims and applications after Headcount Day               19
    -   Stretching the entitlement                                             19
    -   Stretching: Closure dates and validation                               21
    -   Stretching: Changes to attendance days or Children starting later in
        term                                                                   22
    -   Limitations of stretching                                              22
    -   Supporting parents to understand stretch                               22
    -   Stretching: Moving to another Provider or School                       23
    -   Parent Agreement                                                       24
    -   Completing the Parent Agreement                                        25
    -   Completing the Parent Agreement for Children stretching                26
    -   Changing the Parent Agreement                                          26
    -   Ending the Parent Agreement                                            27
    -   Submitting the termly funding claim [Headcount]                        27
    -   Updating the termly funding claim [Headcount]                          27
    -   Termly funding confirmation form                                       28
    -   Changes to the termly funding claim [Headcount]                        29
    -   Late or non submissions                                                29
    -   Neighbouring Local Authority arrangements                              29
    -   Children with special educational needs [SEN] and disabilities         29

6. Funding and Invoicing                                                       31
    -   Estimated annual budget statement                                      31
    -   How funding is calculated                                              31
    -   Funding rates                                                          32
    -   Reconciliation of funding                                              33
    -   Invoicing                                                              33

7. Administrative Requirements                                                 35
    -   Attendance monitoring                                                  35
    -   Non-attendance                                                         35
    -   Reduced attendance                                                     35
    -   Evidence of monitoring attendance                                      36
    -   Extended holidays                                                      36
    -   Illness                                                                36
    -   Unforeseen closures                                                    36
    -   Action to be taken by the Provider                                     37
    -   Planned closures                                                       37
    -   Data Protection Act 1998: Privacy notice                               37
    -   Obtaining the Privacy Notice                                           38

-   Issuing the Privacy Notice                                   38
         -   Audit                                                        38

  A.   Estimated annual budget statement
  B.   Parent Agreement
  C.   Ethnicity and special educational needs codes
  D.   Termly checklist
  E.   The Kirklees Agreement
  F.   Register requirements
  G.   Eligibility chart
  H.   Calendar (key dates; Headcount, deadlines, payments, term dates)
  I.   Governance structure for free early education and care funding

Documents are available to download at:

Section 1

The Childcare Act of 2006 (the “2006 Act”) placed a number of new duties on Local Authorities
and made the term ‘Childcare’ inclusive of education for Children under compulsory School age.
Section 7 of the 2006 Act requires Local Authorities (LAs) to secure sufficient free Early Years
provision for eligible two, three and four year olds.

On 8 September 2014 the Early Education and Childcare: Statutory guidance for Local Authorities
(“Statutory Guidance”) came into force.

The terms and conditions outlined in this Guide and the Kirklees Agreement are reviewed
annually in consultation with the Free Early Education and Care Working Group. Details of the
group’s membership and governance are shown in appendix I.

Two year old entitlement

The two year old entitlement to 15 hours became statutory on 1 September 2013. From 1
September 2014 the criteria extended to 40% of the two year old population nationally. In
Kirklees there are estimated to be 2,800 eligible two year olds which is nearly 50% of the Kirklees
two year old population.

Learning Service Officers have been working with high quality early learning and Childcare
Providers including some Schools who are registered with Ofsted for two year olds, to ensure
there are sufficient places for all eligible Children.

Requirements and guidance which only relates to the two year old entitlement is highlighted in
blue throughout the document.


This Guide shall apply to an Academy under the Academies Act 2010, if pupil data is not provided
to the Council’s School Data Quality Team in accordance with the FEEC Maintained Guide
[Section 5, paragraph 43].

Throughout this document references to Providers also apply to Academies; all references
relating to Academies only, are highlighted in red. [Note: Section 3 of this Guide does not apply to
Academies; Section 3 of the FEEC Maintained Guide applies instead].

Section 2

   The Kirklees List of Approved Early Education and
                     Care Providers

The free entitlement is delivered by Providers in the private, voluntary and independent sectors
as well as Providers maintained by the Local Authority. Private and voluntary Providers must be
registered with Ofsted; Academies, Free Schools, Independent and LA maintained Schools must
be registered with the Department for Education (DfE) and all Providers must be registered with
Kirklees Council to be included in the Kirklees list of Approved Providers.
Private, voluntary and independent Providers include:
      Private Day Nurseries                             nursery units of Free Schools
      Playgroups and Pre-Schools                        nursery units of Academies
      nursery units of Independent Schools              Childminders

Local authority Providers include:
      nursery and early years units within a            Day Nurseries
       maintained School
      maintained Nursery Schools

Note for Childminders: Early Years provision is defined in section 20 of the 2006 Act as the
provision of Childcare. “Childcare”, as defined in section 18 of the 2006 Act, specifically excludes
care provided for a Child by a parent, step-parent, foster parent (or other relative) or by a person
who fosters the Child privately or has parental responsibility for the Child.

Early Years provision by a Childminder (either independently registered with Ofsted or registered
with a Childminder agency) by the Childminder (for a related Child) does not count as Childcare
in legal terms. Early education funding cannot be claimed by, or spent on, Childminders providing
Childcare for their own Child or a related Child, even if they are claiming for other Children.

Quality of provision

From 1 September 2013 Local Authorities are required to fund early education and Childcare
provision purely on the basis of their Ofsted Judgement. Therefore Ofsted Judgements will be
used to determine eligibility for Free Early Education and Care Funding as shown in the table

Two year olds                   Providers judged good and outstanding by Ofsted.
                                 Where there are not sufficient places requires improvement
                                  Providers will be considered.
 Three and four year             Providers judged requires improvement, good and
 olds                             outstanding by Ofsted.

Over time, the government have indicated that they would like to move towards funding only good
and outstanding Providers for Free Early Education and Care.

Joining the Kirklees list of Approved Providers for two, three and four
year olds
    1.   Once a Provider has registered with Ofsted they may join the Kirklees list of Approved
         Providers for two, three and four year olds.
    2.   Providers must agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Guide and the
         Kirklees Agreement.

The Council’s responsibilities for maintaining the Kirklees list of
Approved Providers
    3.   In maintaining the Kirklees list of Approved Providers, the Council will;
             provide details of Providers offering free early education and care places to
             provide support and guidance to ensure Providers meet their responsibilities of the
              conditions outlined in this Guide and the Kirklees Agreement,
             provide support and guidance to Providers on delivering a more flexible free
             keep Providers updated on changes to legislation, guidance, procedures and

When Providers change their circumstances
    4.   Providers must inform the Council whenever there is a change in circumstances, these
             a change of ownership, committee, manager or premises,
             change to the name or address of the contact responsible for free early education
              and care funding administration,
             change of bank details.

5.    If a change means the Provider has become a new Provider they will need to re-
           register with Ofsted and the Council.
     6.    If a change means the Provider is no longer eligible to receive funding, the Provider will
           be removed from the Kirklees list of Approved Providers. Any funding already paid
           during the term may have to be repaid if evidence confirms the Provider was not
           eligible during that period.

Removal from the Kirklees list of Approved Providers
     7.    The Council will, subject to paragraph 8, remove Providers from the Kirklees list of
           Approved Providers if a Provider fails to meet the terms and conditions outlined in this
           Guide and the Kirklees Agreement.
     8.    The Council will first inform a Provider of any breach of their agreement capable of
           remedy, allowing the Provider to rectify the breach within a specified timescale.
     9.    If the Provider does not rectify the breach or breaches within a reasonable period
           stipulated in writing by the Council the Provider will be given 10 Provider Working Days1
           written notice of removal from the Kirklees list of Approved Provider and thereafter
           free early education and care funding to the Provider will cease.
     10. Providers who receive an Inadequate Ofsted judgement are at risk of being removed
         from the Kirklees list of Approved Provider for two, three and four year olds with
         immediate effect. Consequently free early education and care funding will cease where
         Children leave the provision as a result of the Inadequate judgement and funding for
         new Children will not be provided.
     11. Providers who receive a Requires Improvement Ofsted judgement are at risk of being
         removed from the Kirklees list of Approved Providers for two year olds with immediate
         effect, consequently free early education and care funding for new two year old
         Children will not be provided unless the Council considers there to be a sufficiency
         need in the area.
     12. The Council reserves the right to inform parents accessing their free early education
         and care at the Provider of the removal from the Kirklees list(s) of Approved Providers.
     13. The Council reserves the right to adjust or withhold any payments due to the Provider
         following an Inadequate Ofsted judgement. If an overpayment occurs the Council will
         issue an invoice.

 Provider Working Days is defined in the Kirklees Agreement and the Parent Agreement, and essentially means the
days when the Provider is usually open for business.

Re-inclusion of Providers removed from the list
   14. Any Provider which has been removed from the list may be re-admitted if the grounds
        for removal are no longer applicable. It is the Provider’s responsibility to contact the
        Council to request re-inclusion with the exception of paragraph 15 below.
   15. Where the removal was due to a Requires Improvement Ofsted judgement which has
       since improved to a Good or Outstanding Ofsted judgement the Council will
        automatically re-admit the Provider onto the Kirklees list of Approved Providers for two
        year olds.

   16. Decisions regarding removal from the Kirklees list of Approved Providers will be
        considered by the Early Learning and Childcare Management Group. [Refer to the
        Governance Structure for Free Early Education and Care Funding – Appendix I].

   17. Any Provider who has been given notice to remove them from the Kirklees list of
       Approved Providers may appeal within 5 Provider Working Days by writing to:
        Assistant Director for Learning and Skills, Directorate for Children and Adults, Civic
        Centre 1, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2NF.
   18. The appeal hearing will be convened to examine all the evidence in the appeal papers
       supplied by the Council and the Provider. The Provider will be invited to attend if they
       wish to do so and will be informed of the decision in writing within 5 Provider Working
       Days of the appeal hearing.
   19. In the event the Provider is not satisfied with their treatment under this appeals
       procedure they are entitled to make a complaint to the Local Authority Ombudsman.
   20. There can be no appeal if the removal is due to a change in Ofsted judgement.

Section 3

                                 Conditions of Funding

[Note: this Section does not apply to Academies; Section 3 of the FEEC Maintained Guide applies
instead]. Providers must meet all the conditions, in order to be included in the Kirklees List of
Approved Providers. These are set out below. Providers must;

       1.    have a valid Ofsted registration certificate;
       2.    meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework;
       3.    ensure continuous quality improvement of their provision in line with the Challenge
             and Support Strategy;
       4.    meet the needs of disabled Children and Children with special educational needs in
             accordance with the Children and Families Act 2014;
       5.    meet the independent School standard in relation to the spiritual, moral, social and
             cultural development of pupils;
       6.    actively promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual
             liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs;
       7.    not promote as fact views or theories which are contrary to established scientific or
             historical evidence and explanations;
       8.    complete and submit all free early education and care funding claims and data
             collection returns to the Council within the specified timescales, using the on-line
             Provider Portal;
       9.    inform the Council of any significant changes to the Provider details, such as change of
             ownership, responsible contacts, opening hours and any other relevant information;
       10.   complete and submit the annual Early Years Census to the Council in accordance with
             the requirements set by the DfE2;
       11.   keep all free early education and care funding records for seven financial years3 [the
             current year and six previous years] with the exception of copies of identification which
             must be kept for a minimum of two years;
       12.   inform the Council of any permanent change to a funded Child’s attendance and
             submit a ‘Notification of a Child Leaving a Funded Place form’ if a Child leaves during a
             funded period.

     Local Authorities receive funding for two, three and four year olds based on the number of Children included on
   the Early Years and School Census returns. Failure to submit the return by the deadline will result in reduced
   funding to the Council.
     Financial year: April to March. Records include; attendance registers, Parent Agreements, copies of ID, copies
   of parents invoices.

13.   inform the Council of any permanent change to a funded Child’s details e.g. a change
          of address or legal name;
    14.   upon request, provide financial information that shows income and expenditure for the
          most recent accounting period4;
    15.   supply to the Council evidence of the Provider’s current, and any change in, legal
          status by providing copies of the organisation’s governing documents or if individuals
          or partners, provide the current full names and addresses of each individual or partner
          together with all business names used;
    16.   not claim for a Child who is already accessing their entitlement at two other Providers;
    17.   not encourage the movement of Children between Providers mid-term [to support
          stability for Children];
    18.   offer sessions to meet the needs of parents;
    19.   provide clear information to identify which of the hours attended have been provided
    20.   ensure each eligible Child receives their entitlement free from the date they are
          eligible and there must be no conditions of access. Therefore Providers must not;
          a. charge top up fees in respect of the free entitlement,
          b. charge registration, deposit or uniform fees to parents who are only accessing their
             free entitlement,
          c. charge for meals or snacks during the free entitlement period unless agreed with
             the parent in advance, Providers can then make reasonable charges for
             meals/snack. Parents must be given the option of providing a packed lunch if this
             would be more affordable,
          d. charge for the free place and reimburse the parent at a later date.

 Data Protection Act: any information you provide will be held in confidence by the Council to check financial
prudence and support sustainability of provision.

Section 4

                                Children’s Eligibility

The free entitlement
  1. Every Child is entitled to 570 hours each year to be taken over no fewer than 38 weeks
     from the relevant date following their third birthday until they reach compulsory School
     age [the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday].
     [Statutory Guidance paragraph A1.1].

When are Children eligible?
   2. Children are eligible from the start of the term following their third birthday as per the
      table below:
     [Statutory Guidance paragraph A1.1].

      If the Child’s 3rd birthday falls
                                            Their free place can begin from:

      1 January and                         the start of the term beginning on or following
                                            1st April after the Child’s 3rd birthday [summer
      31 March                              term]

      1 April and                           the start of the term beginning on or following
                                            1st September after the Child’s 3rd birthday
      31 August                             [autumn term]

      1 September and                       the start of the term beginning on or following
                                            1st January after the Child’s 3rd birthday
      31 December                           [spring term]

When can the free entitlement be accessed?
   3. Providers are encouraged to offer flexible packages of free early education, subject to the
      following standards on flexibility:
                     no session longer than 10 hours;
                     no session shorter than 2½ hours;
                     not before 7am and after 7pm;
     [Statutory Guidance paragraph A2.2].

4. Providers are expected to offer the following models to parents as a minimum;
                   3 hours a day over 5 days of the week;
                   5 hours a day over 3 days of the week.
    [Statutory Guidance paragraph A2.3].

  5. There is no requirement for all early education places to be delivered only over 38 weeks
     of the year or in line with maintained School term dates.
    [Statutory Guidance paragraph A2.4].

  6. Providers are encouraged to offer greater flexible packages to enable parents to take up
     patterns of hours which ‘stretch’ their Child’s entitlement by taking fewer free hours a
     week over more weeks of the year.
    [Statutory Guidance paragraph A2.5].

Early Years Pupil Premium
  7. From April 2015, all early education and care Providers will be able to claim extra funding
     through the Early Years Pupil Premium to support Children’s development, learning and
  8. The Early Years Pupil Premium provides extra funding for three and four year old Children
     whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who have been in care or adopted from
  9. Children who meet the following criterion are eligible:
                   Looked After by the Local Authority
                   They have left care through Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements
                    Order or Adoption
  10. Families who receive one or more of the following benefits are also eligible:
                    Income Support
                    Income based Job Seekers Allowance
                    Income related Employment and Support Allowance
                    Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
                    The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
                    Child Tax Credit provided not they are not eligible to Working Tax Credit and
                     their annual household income is less than £16,191 [as assessed by HM
                     Revenue & Customs]
                    Working Tax Credit 4 week run-on

Two Year Old Entitlement

When are two year old Children eligible?
   11. Children are eligible from the start of the term following their second birthday as per the
       table below:
      If the Child’s 2nd birthday falls
                                           Their free place can begin from:
                                           the start of the term beginning on or following
      1 January and 31 March               1st April after the Child’s 2nd birthday
                                           [summer term]
                                           the start of the term beginning on or following
      1 April and 31 August                1st September after the Child’s 2nd birthday
                                           [autumn term]
                                           the start of the term beginning on or following
      1 September and 31 December          1st January after the Child’s 2nd birthday [spring

Which two year old Children are eligible?

   12. The Council will issue a confirmation letter and voucher to parents/guardians and/or lead
      professionals of eligible Children. Some parents do not wish it to be known why they are
      eligible for a place hence the following codes are used on the letter / voucher:

        Code Criteria Description

        IB      Income Benefit(s)
                Looked After Children, Child Protection Plan, Child in Need, Special
        SN1     Guardianship or Child Arrangements Order or Adoption

        SN2     Education, Health and Care plan or Disability Living Allowance

   13. The criterion highlighted in bold text overleaf are statutory criterion, the criterion marked
       with an asterisk [*] are local criterion.

14. Children who meet the following criterion are eligible:
                Looked After by the Local Authority
                They have left care through Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements
                 Order or Adoption
                They have a Child Protection Plan*
                They have a Child in Need Plan*
                They have an Education, Health and Care plan
                They attract Disability Living Allowance

15. Families with a two year old who receive one or more of the following benefits are also
                 Income Support
                 Income based Job Seekers Allowance
                 Income related Employment and Support Allowance
                 Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
                 The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
                 Child Tax Credit and/or Working Tax Credit, provided their annual
                  household income is less than £16,191 [as assessed by HM Revenue &
16. There will be links to Universal Credit in the future when the system is established.

Section 5

                        Procedures for Claiming Funding

The Provider Portal
          1.    All claims for funding should be submitted via the Provider Portal
          2.    The Provider Portal Guide is available to download from the website5.

The annual Early Years Census
          3.    All Providers included in the Kirklees list of Approved Providers must complete an
                Early Years Census return with the exception of Academies6 and those Providers who
                have no funded Children at the time of the Census.
          4.    The annual Census date is the third Thursday in January. The Census information
                must relate to the number of staff and Children registered at each Provider during
                the week of the Census.
          5.    The deadline for submitting the Census is the same date as the three and four year
                old claim deadline, [refer to Appendix H: Free Early Education and Care Funding
                Calendar: Claim Deadlines and Payments].
          6.    Census information is collected online via the Provider Portal. There are two levels of
                data collection;
                       i. Establishment data - details about the Provider are collected on the ‘Forms’
                      ii. Child data - details about individually funded two, three and four year olds
                          are collected on the ‘Funding’ tab.
          7.    Detailed guidance on completing the Census return is issued to Providers at the
                beginning of January.
          8.    Note: The information provided on the Census is used to determine the Council’s
                Early Years funding, therefore it is vital the information is received. Failure to submit
                a Census will affect a Providers funding.

Estimate [interim] payments
          9.    Estimate payments are based on the number of estimated weekly hours submitted
                on-line via the Provider Portal.

    Academies submit their School Census [including nursery Children] directly to the DfE

10. An estimate claim should include the total number of weekly funded hours for all the
              funded Children expected to be attending in the following term. For example, 10
              Children each attending for 15 hours a week; the estimate would be 150 hours.
          11. If Providers do not expect to have any funded Children they should submit an
              estimate claim with zero (0) entered in the weekly funded hours.
          12. The number of funded weeks can be amended if required, for example a Provider
              may offer less than 38 weeks in the year or may be closed for a particular week.
          13. Note: If the number of weeks in the School term is less than the number of funded
              weeks Providers should not amend the weeks unless paragraph 12 above applies.
              [Also see Section 6, paragraph 8].
          14. Before including a new two year old on the estimate claim Providers should ensure
                that the Child is eligible. If a parent/guardian cannot provide the confirmation
                voucher, Providers should contact the Childcare Sufficiency Team7 to confirm the
                Child is eligible.
          15. For any Children that are stretching, include the maximum entitlement of 15 hours a
              week in your estimate.
          16. There are two optional deadline dates for receiving an estimate payment; the
              deadlines for estimate claims are highlighted on the ‘Free Early Education and Care
              Funding Calendar: Claim Deadlines and Payments’ [refer to Appendix H].
          17. Providers who prefer not to receive an estimate payment should e-mail:

Starting new Children (staggered intakes)
          18. All Children are entitled to receive 38 weeks of free early education and care and full
              funding is provided for this purpose. Some parents will want their Children to start at
              the beginning of term in line with their entitlement. Providers may wish to stagger
              new intakes for practical reasons to meet the specific needs of new Children.
              Providers should be prepared to listen to the needs of parents and balance the
              interests of all parties. Generally it is recommended that staggered intakes do not
              exceed two weeks with the exception of number 19 below. [Note: the Council
              reserves the right to adjust funding where Providers act unreasonably].
          19. The transitional arrangements for Children with additional needs may need to
              continue beyond this period and the Council will consider the best use of funding in
              these circumstances.

    Childcare Sufficiency Team E-mail: Telephone: 01484 222039 or 225752

Headcount Day
       20. The Department for Education [DfE] requires all Schools to submit a Census return
           each term, the same Census dates are also be used as the Headcount to determine
           free early education and care funding for all Providers. The Census dates are as
                            Term               Headcount/Census Day
                            Summer             The third Thursday in May
                            Autumn             The first Thursday in October
                            Spring             The third Thursday in January

       21. Subject to paragraph 23, Providers will be funded on a termly basis for all eligible
           Children who are registered at their provision on the Headcount Day for the number
           of funded hours the Children are accessing at that time, provided a Parent
           Agreement is in place. New Children starting after the Headcount Day will be funded
           for the remaining number of weeks in the term.
       22. Subject to paragraph 23, two year old Children will be funded from the start of term
             even if this is prior to their application date provided they start their place on or
             before the Headcount Day. New two year Children starting after the Headcount Day
             will be funded for the remaining number of weeks in the term.

Children moving during the term
       23. Where Children move from one Provider to another, before or after the Headcount
           Day, the first Provider will be funded for the period of attendance plus the required
           notice period of 20 Provider Working Days8 provided a Parent Agreement is in place.
           The second/new Provider will be funded for the remaining number of weeks in the
           term and cannot therefore be funded during the notice period unless there are very
           exceptional circumstances.
       24. Providers should not impose unreasonable conditions and financial penalties on
           parents in parental contracts which would create a barrier to their Child accessing
             free early education and care.
       25. Providers are required to notify the Childcare Sufficiency Team as soon as
             reasonably possible if a Child leaves their provision during a funded period by
             completing the ‘Notification of Child Leaving a Funded Place Form’ on the Provider

 Provider Working Days is defined in the Kirklees Agreement and the Parent Agreement, and essentially means the
days when the Provider is usually open for business.

Duplicate claims
    26. If a claim is received from two Providers in respect of the same Child and the actual
        attendance exceeds 15 hours, provided a Parent Agreement is in place with both
        Providers, funding will be pro-rated. [If the Child has only been attending one of the
        Providers or there is only a Parent Agreement in place at one Provider; that Provider
        will receive 100% funding; the other Provider will not be funded].

Very exceptional circumstances
    27. Parents must give their Provider, 20 Provider Working Days notice, if they wish to end
        their place and move to another Provider, however in very exceptional circumstances
        the Council will fund a transfer with immediate effect. Such circumstances may
             Safeguarding concerns – based on recommendations from a Kirklees Council
              social care professional.

             Significant change of address – where the distance from a new home to the
              current early education Provider is greater than at least 1 mile than the
              distance from the old home to same Provider.

             Multiple and significant changes placing a family in very challenging
              circumstances – as assessed by a Kirklees Council officer.

             Where current Free Early Education and Care arrangements prevent a parent
              accepting a job offer – only where there are no practical options for linking
              Childcare as assessed by a Kirklees Council officer.

             Childs additional needs significantly not met – as assessed by a Kirklees
              Council officer.

Application process for funding where very exceptional circumstances

    28. To apply for funding with immediate effect, Providers will need to submit an
        ‘Application to Transfer a FEEC Place Form’ via the on-line Provider Portal. The
        Council will consider the application and notify the potential Provider within 5
        Provider Working Days.
    29. If approved, funding will be given from the date of the application or the date the
        Child starts, up until the end of the funded period [term]; the Child’s place will
        therefore be double funded for a maximum of 20 days [the required notice period].

30. If the application is rejected, it is at the Provider’s discretion whether or not to
         provide a free place during the required notice period of 20 Provider Working Days.
     31. Providers may choose to transfer funding to one another; this would be arranged
         between the Providers involved although the Childcare Sufficiency Team should be

Claims for Children who do not have a place at any other provision [after
     32. Providers can continue to submit Children via the Headcount on the Provider Portal
         up until the final [actual] payment for the term has been processed [one week before
         the final payment date].
     33. Providers will need to complete the ‘Notes’ tab on the Child record, stating they have
         no place at any other provision, and amend the ‘term start date’ to the date the Child
         is expected to start and the weeks attended in term to the actual number of weeks to
         be accessed. Refer to the ‘Funded Weeks’ document available to download from the
     34. To apply after the final [actual] payment for the term has been processed [one week
         before the final payment date] Providers will need to submit a ‘Child Starting after
         Headcount Form’ via the Provider Portal.
     35. Note: if checks show the Child has been funded at another provision in the term,
         funding will not be given unless there are very exceptional circumstances [refer to
         paragraph 27].
     36. Funding for new Children starting after the Headcount may be offset against funding
         for any Children who have left the Provider for the remaining number of weeks in the
         funded period.

Deadline for claims and applications after Headcount Day
     37. The deadline for ‘Application to Transfer a FEEC Place Forms’ and ‘Child Starting
         after Headcount Forms’ is 10 Provider Working Days before the end of the funded
         period [term], Children must have started by this date. Refer to Appendix H – ‘Free
          Early Education and Care Funding Calendar: Claim Deadlines and Payments’.

Stretching the entitlement
     38. Some parents may wish to stretch their Child’s entitlement over the School holidays
         by taking fewer hours each week over more weeks of the year.

39. The Council’s Early Years budget can provide a maximum of 570 hours within the
    financial year [April to March] for each eligible Child; Children cannot receive more
    than their entitlement.
40. Stretching offers flexibility so that Children can benefit from attending an early
    education provision all year round without the need for parents to purchase
    additional Childcare. For parents who do pay for additional Childcare, Providers can
    offer flexible annual invoicing options to spread the cost evenly throughout the year.
    The option of annual invoicing is simpler for parents, Providers and the Council.
    Therefore in general stretching the free entitlement will mainly be of benefit to
    Children who attend just for their free entitlement.
41. There may be exceptions to paragraph 40. For example: A Child attends one full day
    all year round which the parent pays for, the Child also attends two days each week
    for 15 hours in total for 38 weeks, the Child could reduce to 11 hours each week and
    access two shorter days for 51 weeks so that the attendance is consistent all year
    round. The additional Childcare invoice will not be affected.
42. The table below illustrates examples of how the entitlement can be stretched.
          Weeks           Maximum                 Weeks            Maximum
                             hours                                    hours
            39             14.50                    47              12.00
            40             14.25                    48              11.75
            41             13.75                    49              11.50
            42             13.50                    50              11.25
            43             13.25                    51              11.00
            44             13.00                    52              10.75
            45             12.50                    53              10.75
            46             12.25                    54              10.50

43. Providers have discretion in how they offer a stretched entitlement, the table at
    paragraph 42 illustrates some stretched models; Providers can choose the period
    they wish to stretch as well as the length of the sessions to be included in the
    stretched offer.
44. A stretched entitlement can only be accessed at one Provider.
45. Providers will need to submit the days they are closed [and the days they do not offer
    stretch] in each funding period [term] via the Provider Portal; this includes public
    holidays, staff training days and any other closures.
46. The number of the stretched free hours attended each day will also need to be
    entered on the Child’s record on the Headcount instead of the weekly free hours.
47. Providers will receive funding based on the number of funded hours in the period for
    a Child who is stretching taking into account the Child’s pattern of attendance and
    the closure days.

48. The Child’s attendance pattern and the Provider’s closure dates may affect whether
              the Child receives their full entitlement throughout the year.
          49. Parents will need to understand that the option of greater flexibility may result in not
              being able to access their Child’s full entitlement. It is vital that Providers explain
              this to parents interested in stretching.
          50. The School holidays at the end of each term will be included in the number of weeks
              for that term. In some years the number of weeks that it will be possible to stretch
              over will be less than 52 and in some years the number of weeks will be greater than
                The table below illustrates the number of weeks in the financial year 2015/16.

                 Term                  Period                           Weeks          Hours
                 Summer 15             20 April – 30 August              19             209
                 Autumn 15             31 August – 03 January            18             198
                 Spring 16             04 January - 10 April             14             154
                 Total                                                   51             561

          51. Providers must ensure parents fully understand how stretching works; the
              ‘Stretched Ready-Reckoner’ will support Providers with this and is available to
          52. The table below shows some examples of stretched models.
                         51 weeks (11 hours)                       47 weeks (12 hours)
               2 x 5.5 hour sessions                      2 x 6 hour sessions
               2 x 4 hour + 1 x 3 hour sessions           3 x 4 hour or 4 x 3 hour sessions
               1 x 6 hour + 1 x 5 hour sessions           1 x 9 hour + 1 x 3 hour sessions

Stretching: Closure dates and validation
          53. Providers will need to add and submit their closure dates on the Provider Portal for
              each term (summer, autumn and spring) in the financial year [April to March/April],
              guidance on how to do this is included in the Provider Portal Guide.
          54. If Providers offer less weeks to Children stretching than they are open for, the dates
              not offered will also need to be submitted as closure dates.
          55. On the Provider Portal when viewing Actuals for a term, above the table of Child
              records, an ‘expandable’ section explains how the weekly validation value is
          56. In some years some Children may be able to attend every week in the year depending
              on their attendance pattern, which could take the hours over 570.


57. Although the system will prevent exceeding 570 hours this means the claim will have
         to be adjusted in the spring term by reducing the hours each week. The ‘Stretched
         Ready-Reckoner’ will help to calculate the entitlement in these situations. This issue
         will only arise when a Child starts stretching from the summer term.
     58. Providers will receive funding based on the number of funded hours in the period for
         a Child who is stretching, taking into account the Child’s pattern of attendance and
         the Provider’s closure days.

Stretching: Changes to attendance days or Children starting later in
     59. If a Child changes their attendance days during the term the claim does not need to
         be amended until the following term unless there is a significant difference between
         the hours claimed and the actual hours which will be accessed.
     60. Providers should contact the Childcare Sufficiency Team for advice when a Child
         changes their days.
     61. If a Child starts after the Headcount and wishes to stretch, Providers should amend
         the Child’s Term Start Date on the Provider Portal to the actual date they started;
         funding will be calculated accordingly.
     62. Changes in circumstances for Children who have begun stretching their entitlement
         will be inevitable; Providers should contact the FEEC Team for advice on how to
         claim in the current and future terms.

Limitations of stretching
     63. Children may not be able to access their full entitlement (570 hours); the hours they
         can access will depend on their attendance pattern and the Provider’s availability.
         For example, if a Child just attends on a Monday for 10 hours, the maximum in a 52
         week year would be 520 hours, but in reality the hours will be even less due to public
     64. The minimum and maximum session lengths still apply when the entitlement is
         stretched. The minimum session length is 2½ hours and the maximum session
         length is 10 hours.

 Supporting parents to understand stretch
     65. Providers must ensure parents fully understand how stretching works; the
         ‘Stretched Ready-Reckoner’ will support Providers with this.

66. Providers should use the ‘Stretched Ready-Reckoner’ to calculate and validate the
        Child’s entitlement. The attendance schedule should be completed and given to the
        parent to sign.
    67. Providers should also ensure that the information sheet for parents; ‘Stretching the
        free entitlement - Information for Parents’ is given to the parent and that the
        Checklist is completed and signed by the parent and Provider, a copy should be given
        to the parent and kept by the Provider.
    68. Parents should be informed that the option of greater flexibility may result in not
        being able to access their Child’s full entitlement.
    69. Important note: If a stretched claim exceeds the maximum entitlement of 570 hours
        within the financial year and the Provider cannot evidence that stretch has been fully
        explained to the parent then the amount of the over claim will be deducted from the
        Provider. Evidence requested would include a copy each of the signed stretched
        documents; the Parent Agreement [stretching version], checklist and ready reckoner.

Stretching: Moving to another Provider or School
    70. The Parent Agreement can be ended with 20 Provider Working Days notice and the
        remaining balance of the entitlement can be used at another Provider.
    71. However many Providers and Schools are not able to offer stretch therefore an
        adjustment may be necessary.
    72. If parents are aware that their Child will be moving to a non-stretched Provider,
        School nursery or School reception class in the following autumn or spring term the
        stretched hours should be limited to the maximum amount for the term(s).
    73. For example, if a Child who is stretching in the summer term moves to a School
        nursery in the autumn term the stretch hours in summer would need limiting to 180
        hours. The number of hours to limit each week would depend on the number of
        weeks in the summer period, for example; 180 ÷ 20 weeks = 9 hours per week or 180
        ÷ 18 weeks = 10 hours per week.
    74. If the parent states their Child will be stretching for the whole year and then changes
        their mind and chooses to move their Child to a Provider who does not offer stretch
        or less than 15 hours, firstly they should notify the Provider so the claim can be
        adjusted before the end of the summer.
    75. If the parent fails to inform the Provider of the move, the parent will have to refund
        the Council for the additional hours [e.g. hours exceeding 180] that their Child has
        received in the summer.
           It is vital that Providers explain this to parents interested in stretching.
    76. For example, a Child could receive an additional 29 hours in summer 2015, the cost
        to the parent will be £121.51 based on the basic hourly rate of £4.19 for a three/four
        year old (a deprivation supplement may also apply) or £140.65 for a two year old. The
        cost would be higher in a year where there are more weeks in the summer.

77. The table below illustrates the difference between the termly hours for a standard
        claim and a stretched claim.
                                         Stretched (up to 11    Standard (up to
              2015/16                     hours per week)        15 hours per       Difference
                                                                    week)            in hours
 Term      Dates                         Weeks       Hours     Weeks    Hours
            20 April – 30 August               19        209        12        180           +29
            31 August – 03 January             18        198        14        210           -12
            04 January - 10 April              14        154        12        180           -26
                                               51        561        38        570            -9

    78. If the parent moves to a non-stretching Provider who offers flexible sessions there
        will be no need to reduce the weekly hours allowed in the summer term or for the
        Council to invoice the parent for the additional hours, this is because the weekly
        hours to be claimed in the autumn or spring terms can be less than 15.

Parent Agreement
    79. A Parent Agreement must be completed and signed for all eligible Children before
        commencement of the free place.
    80. It is recommended that a copy of the Parent Agreement, key facts statement and
        leaflet is given to the parent in good time and where possible before their Child is
        eligible for a free place.
    81. The Parent Agreement will be in force for the duration stated on the Parent
        Agreement; this could be between one and nine terms unless the Child is stretching
        their entitlement in which case the maximum would be three terms.
    82. If a parent wishes to cancel the Parent Agreement and change their Provider they
        can do so by giving written notice to their current Provider of at least 20 Provider
        Working Days. A Provider may at its discretion, accept a shorter notice period or no
        notice period at all.
    83. The Parent Agreement must be completed by either the parent or the Child’s legal
        guardian [except where parents need support in completing the agreement e.g.
        where English is the second language].
    84. The Provider must request that the parent brings a form of identification such as the
        Child’s birth certificate, medical card or passport to verify the Child’s full legal name
        and date of birth [this process could be incorporated into the Provider’s registration

process for new Children; a copy must be kept for a minimum of 2 years - refer to
         Section 3, Conditions of Funding].
    85. A copy of the Parent Agreement must be kept by the Provider, this is an audit
        requirement to substantiate the number of free entitlement hours the parent has
        requested and to support the information submitted via the Provider Portal. Copies
        will be checked during an audit visit.
    86. A copy should also be given to the parent.
    87. It is the responsibility of each Provider to explain to parents how many free hours
        their Child is entitled to and how their entitlement can be accessed.
    88. Important note: It is the Provider’s responsibility to ensure that each parent has
        completed and signed a Parent Agreement and that the Child’s details are entered
        correctly via the Provider Portal.

Completing the Parent Agreement
    89. Prior to completion, Providers should check with the parent whether the Child is
        attending another early education and care Provider and accessing some free
        entitlement hours there also. [Please note: the maximum number of Providers that
        Children can access the full entitlement across is two unless the Child is stretching].
    90. The parent should first read the terms and conditions of the Parent Agreement and
        then enter the following at the top of the agreement;
            the full name of the Provider
            their full name
            the period of the Parent Agreement [i.e. the date the place will commence and is
             intended to end].
            The number of funding periods [terms] the Parent Agreement will be in force
             [maximum is nine terms].
         The parent must sign and date the Parent Agreement and enter their full name at the
         bottom of page one.
    91. Providers may pre-populate certain sections of the Parent Agreement which will be
        common to most Children i.e. their Provider’s name.
    92. The parent must complete all the details relating to their Child [section 1]. A copy of
        the Ethnicity and Special Educational Needs [SEN] codes should be shown to the
        parent to assist completing the relevant information.
    93. The parent must complete their Child’s attendance details for the whole period of the
        Parent Agreement [section 2]. Where a Child attends two Providers the attendance
        details must be completed for both Providers, the following details must be entered
        for each Provider [if there is only one Provider the parent should enter ‘none’ for the
        second Provider name];

   the name of the Provider[s],
              the total number of hours their Child will attend each day and the total each
              the number of free early education and care hours their Child will access each
               day and the total each week,
              the number of additional Childcare hours their Child will access each day and
               the total each week.
    94. The authorised signatory of the Provider must enter the reference number from the
        Child’s identification document and sign and date the Parent Agreement and enter
        their full name at the bottom of page one.
    95. A copy of the signed Parent Agreement must be given to the parent. In addition, as
        part of the Parent Agreement, Providers are required to notify parents in writing and
        in advance, of the days when they will not be open for business during the length of
        the Parent Agreement [with the exception of weekends, Good Friday, Christmas Day,
        bank holidays and any designated public holidays]. This could be done in a number of
        ways, for example via email or posted on a website or notice board or included in an
        induction pack.

Completing the Parent Agreement for Children stretching
    96. The period of the Parent Agreement must be within the financial year [April to
        March/April]. If the Child will be attending and stretching their entitlement in the
        following financial year, a second Parent Agreement will need completing.
    97. Using the ready reckoner, calculate how many hours the Child will receive each term
        and enter the total number of hours onto the Parent Agreement, please note this
        could be less than the maximum hours that are possible for that term.
    98. The parent should complete section 4 instead of section 2. In addition to the details
        stated in paragraph 93, the number of weeks the entitlement will be stretched over in
        each term should be entered in the relevant boxes.
    99. If the parent wishes to end their Parent Agreement they are required to provide 20
        Provider Working Days written notice. The remaining balance of their entitlement
        can be used at another Provider.

Changing the Parent Agreement
    100. If the parent needs to change the number of free hours after the first School term,
         the parent must complete, sign and date the Amended Attendance Details section
         [section 3], as applicable, before the start of the relevant term ensuring the term and
         year are completed [i.e. Summer 2015]. If more than one change occurs during the
         period of the Parent Agreement another Parent Agreement will need completing.

The authorised signatory of the Provider must also sign and date the relevant
         amended section. Changes should be made to the original Parent Agreement kept by
         the Provider; a copy of the amended Parent Agreement should be given to the parent.
    101. If a Provider makes significant changes to sessions outside of the required notice
         period of 20 Provider Working Days for example; changing from afternoon sessions
         to morning sessions, then parents have the choice to find alternative provision with
         immediate effect and funding will be adjusted.
    102. If the Child is stretching a new Parent Agreement will need completing.

Ending the Parent Agreement
    103. If either party [the parent or the Provider] wishes to end the Parent Agreement they
         will need to give at least 20 Provider Working Days written notice. Funding will be
         provided up to the end of the notice period.
    104. If the parent does not give the required notice and decides to move to another
         Provider with immediate effect, funding will be given to the first Provider for the 20
         day notice period.
    105. If the Provider ends the Parent Agreement in less than 20 Provider Working Days for
         reasons outside the terms of the Kirklees Agreement or the Parent Agreement,
         funding will be adjusted.
    106. Funding will be adjusted where Providers act unreasonably. Examples; a) ending a
         non-funded sibling’s place outside the required notice period for the funded sibling,
         b) not following professional advice in relation to Children with additional needs.

Submitting the termly funding claim [Headcount]
    107. Providers should use copies of the Parent Agreements and birth certificates to enter
         and update Headcount information via the Provider Portal. For detailed instructions
         refer to the ‘Provider Portal for Free Early Education and Care Funding Guide’.
    108. Note there are separate Headcount submissions [actual claims] for two year olds and
         for three and four year olds.

Updating the termly funding claim [Headcount]
    109. Your termly Headcount will show all the Children from your previous termly
         Headcount who are still eligible for a free place according to their date of birth.
    110. Deleting Children - Children who have left your provision will need deleting from your
         Headcount. If you delete a Child by mistake you can select ‘cancel delete’.

111. Check and edit existing Children - view each Child individually, firstly to check their
                core details10 are correct, and secondly to check and edit their attendance details as
                necessary, i.e. weeks, funded hours and non-funded hours.
           112. Important: If any of the Child’s core details have changed, for example they have
                moved house or their legal name has changed through adoption or their name or
                date of birth has been entered incorrectly, Providers must update the Child’s details
                and add a note on the ‘notes’ tab.
           113. Important: Add new Children – enter all the core details and attendance information
                from the Parent Agreement. Care must be taken when adding core details; the Child
                records entered via the Provider Portal are imported into the Council’s integrated
                pupil database and are available to every team within the Learning Service. Therefore
                their details must be accurate, and spelt correctly using the full legal name as
                witnessed from the form of Identification.
           114. Claims can be submitted from the start of term up until the Friday after the
                Headcount Day. Information can be entered on several separate occasions during
                this period.
           115. Two year old claims can be submitted from the start of term up until the deadline,
                which is 2 weeks after the three and four year old claim deadline.
           116. Providers can still claim funding if Children who do not have a funded place at any
                other provision wish to start after the deadlines for two year old or three and four
                year old claims, [refer to paragraphs 32-36].
           117. All relevant dates are highlighted on the ‘Free Early Education and Care Funding
                Calendar: Claim Deadlines and Payments’ [refer to Appendix H].

Termly funding confirmation form
           118. Once you have completed your submission you must send confirmation that your
                claim is complete by completing the online form ‘Termly Funding Confirmation Form’
                [Note there are separate forms for two year olds and for three and four year olds].
                You must include the following information;
                    term
                    total number of Children
                    total number of termly hours (Children x hours x weeks)
                    number of weeks provided

           119. If you are a Provider offering stretch and some Children are stretching their
                entitlement, enter the number of weeks provided as normal i.e. 12 or 14. To calculate
                the number of termly hours for the Children who are stretching use the total number

     Children’s core details: full legal name, date of birth, gender, address, ethnicity, SEN COP stage.

of hours for the relevant term which is shown on the ready reckoner, then add the
          number of termly hours for all the non-stretching Children.

Changes to the termly funding claim [Headcount]
     120. Errors - If you have omitted a Child or made an error, changes may be accepted after
          the deadline provided the Child was registered at Headcount Day.

Late or non submissions
     121. Late submissions will not be accepted after the deadline; the estimate [interim]
          payment will be recouped unless there are exceptional circumstances. Providers
          must still provide the Children their free entitlement.

Neighbouring Local Authority arrangements
     122. If a Child who is resident in Kirklees attends a Provider located in another Local
          Authority [LA], the other LA will fund the place. Similarly, if a Child who lives out of
          the Kirklees area attends a Provider located in Kirklees, the Council will fund the
     123. Note: Paragraph 122 above will only apply to two year olds who meet the statutory
          eligibility criteria [refer to page 14].
     124. Lists of out of area Children are sent to each LA each term in order to check that
          Children are not being funded for more than their free entitlement. If checks show
          that more than 15 hours have been claimed funding will be recouped from the LA
          where the Child does not reside.

Children with special educational needs [SEN] and disabilities
     125. Children with special educational needs who have been advised by a professional to
          attend less than 15 hours may still be funded for 15 hours.
     126. Children with special educational needs who attend less than 15 hours due to
          parental choice can only be funded for the hours they attend.
     127. To apply for additional funded hours, Providers will need to send the following
          information to the Childcare Sufficiency Team in accordance with the needs of the
               Report from the Early Years SEN or outside agency i.e. health visitor, speech
               Details of how the Child’s progress is being monitored in relation to the SEN
                Code of Practice 2014, by adopting a graduated approach, action assess, plan,
                do, review or does he/she have an education, health and care plan?
   Evidence of how the additional funding will be used to support the Child’s
          individual needs, for example;
             o cover for staff training
             o cover for meeting with parents and/or external agencies
             o review meetings
             o purchase of resources
             o additional adult support from within the Provider
     Include date of meeting or training, cost of cover, invoice or receipt for resources etc.
128. If a Child with special educational needs attends two Providers the remaining
     number of unattended hours should be negotiated so as to ensure that the needs of
     the Child and family are most effectively met. It is our expectation that in this
     instance, practitioners from both Providers will work together, share information and
     where necessary will plan collaboratively, to meet the Child and family’s needs.
129. However, if agreement cannot be reached the remaining funding will be paid equally
     to each Provider [assuming the above criterion is met by both Providers].

Section 6

                          Funding and Invoicing

Estimated annual budget statement
    1.   An estimated annual budget statement will be sent to all Providers during March
         each year. Providers funded for two year olds will receive two statements.
    2.   The statement is divided into two sections;
             I.   funded Children in the previous financial year
            II.   estimated funding for the forthcoming financial year
    3.   Children are counted as FTEs [full time equivalents] 1 FTE = 25 hours, the maximum
         number of hours a part time Child in early education and care is entitled to is 15.
         Therefore a Child attending 15 hours = 0.6 FTE, a Child attending 12½ hours = 0.5
    4.   Section 1 includes the following information for each term in the previous financial
           actual termly hours
           actual weeks provided
           actual average weekly hours [termly hours divided by weeks]
           number of weekly full-time equivalent [FTE] Children. This is calculated by
            dividing the maximum number of hours for a particular term [i.e. 15 hours x 12
            weeks = 180 hours] into the actual termly hours claimed.
    5.   Section 2 includes the following information for each term in the forthcoming
         financial year;
           estimated basic funding i.e. FTE x termly funded hours per place x £rate
           estimated deprivation funding based on the previous financial year
           total estimated funding.

How funding is calculated
    6.   The rates of funding are subject to change on an annual basis. The current rate will
         be shown on the estimated annual budget statement and on the Provider Portal.
    7.   The funding will be calculated on a termly basis as shown in the table overleaf unless
         a Child is stretching their entitlement.

You can also read