Harrogate District Local Plan Submission Draft 2018 - Proposed Modifications Schedule Version 2 - Harrogate ...
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Harrogate District Local Plan Submission Draft 2018 Proposed Modifications Schedule Version 2 Harrogate January 2019 BOROUGH COUNCIL
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Proposed Modifications 4 3 Appendices 48 Appendix 1 Amended Key Diagram 48 Appendix 2 Proposed Development Limit Extension Maps 51 Appendix 3 Proposed Key Employment Site Extension Maps 53 Appendix 4 Proposed Local Centre Extension Map 56 Appendix 5 Housing Trajectory 58 Appendix 6 Schedule of Saved Policies 70
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 2 Proposed Modifications Schedule
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 3 Introduction 1 1 Introduction 1.1 This schedule outlines the Council's proposed modifications to the Proposed Submission Harrogate District Local Plan. It should be read alongside the Harrogate District Local Plan Publication Draft 2018. The suggested modifications seek to update the document, improve clarity and presentation. These modifications are regarded as textual and grammar corrections; re-phrasing or limited new text to add clarity; or updates to figures and references which are necessary due to alterations which have been made elsewhere or for which new information has come to light. In the Council's opinion they do not alter the overall impact of the Local Plan or change its direction, or affect the substance or soundness of the document. The Council has assessed the proposed modifications and concluded that further Sustainability Appraisal is not required. 1.2 This document is intended to assist the Inspector in understanding the Council's position. The Schedule of Proposed Modifications is part of the the Council's evidence and will be available as a Core Document to the Examination. 1.3 The suggested modifications are listed in document order of the draft Local Plan and for each change the schedule includes the following information: Ref.No Modification identification number. The reference number is composed as: M/H/01 Chapter of the Local Modification Change Number Plan e.g Housing CA in the Ref No column refers to the fact that it is an amendment to the plan as a consequence of another Modification (Consequential Amendment) Policy/Paragraph The specific policy or paragraph within the Proposed Submission Local Plan to which the modification applies Local Plan Page Where the applicable policy or paragraph is located in the Proposed Submission Local Plan Proposed Details of the proposed modification. Unless it states otherwise, where text is to be deleted Modification it will have a strikethrough as so: deleted text. Where additional text is proposed, it will be bold and underlined as so: additional text Reason for The reason why the modification is proposed, for example to respond to a representation, Change correct a typo, update text or clarifying Table 1.1
4 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications 2 Proposed Modifications
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 5 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page Chapter 2: Introduction M/I/2000 Whole Chapter 9 There are two Chapter 2's so it is recommended to Update error (1) renumber the Chapters as follows: remove the Chapter 1 reference for the Chapter Summaries renumber Introduction as Chapter 1 and consequential changes to paragraph numbers M/I/1 para 2.5 12 Add to the end of the paragraph 'A list of development Legal compliance plan policies replaced by this plan is set out in Appendix 4 : Superseded Policies' (see Appendix 6 of this document) M/I/2 para 2.10 13 After paragraph 2.10 add new sub heading and paragraph Update to read: 'York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Strategic Economic Plan The Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) was approved in March 2014 and an update published in 2016. The vision of the LEP is to make York, North Yorkshire and East Riding the place to grow a small business, combining a quality business location with a great quality of life. Harrogate is identified as one of the locations where housing growth will be unlocked and employment sites fast tracked, with easing congestion in Harrogate identified as being one of the key actions to facilitate this.' M/I/2001 para 2.17 14 Amend para 2.17 to read "which is set out in the policies In response to included in chapter 3. Other local plan policies and the Inspectors MIQ - plans of other organisations, together with emerging Statement evidence, will also inform the development of EX/HBC/MIQ/019 neighbourhood plan policies" M/I/3 para 2.18 14 Delete "These plans have a statutory status and must be Responding to prepared following a formal process which ultimately leads Representations - to their adoption as part of the development plan for the Clarification area alongside the Local Plan. If adopted they will be used in making decisions on planning applications." and insert "Neighbourhood plans are prepared in accordance with a formal process and have a statutory status. A Neighbourhood Plan that, following independent examination, secures the support of local people through a referendum is 'made' part of the development plan. It will then be used by Harrogate Borough Council to determine planning applications in the relevant area, alongside relevant policies in the Local Plan" Chapter 2 : Vision and Objectives
6 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/VO/4 after para 2.6 17 Add new paragraph after para 2.6 "The creation of a new Responding to settlement in the Green Hammerton/Cattal area has Representations - begun, providing new homes, jobs and infrastructure, Update including primary schools and improved public transport facilities" M/VO/5 Objective 1 19 Add the following policies to the Relevant Policies: "NE3; Clarification NE5; NE6; HS1; HS2; HS4; HS10; HS5; HP4; EC6; TI4; TI5; TI6; HP1; HP2; NE3; NE5; NE6" M/VO/6 Objective 6 21 Amend Objective 6 to read 'Conserve the historic Responding to environment for the benefit of present and future Representations - generations and create successful places' Update Chapter 3 : Harrogate District Growth Strategy M/GS/2002 GS2 30 The Inspector may consider whether the policy would In response to benefit from a table that indicated the quantum of new Inspectors MIQs - development being proposed at each tier in the hierarchy; Statement this could be achieved through a minor modification to EX/HBC/MIQ/003 the policy text to reflect the allocations and commitments set out in policies DM1, DM3 and DM4 M/GS/2003 GS2 30 The council consider it it implicit from the wording of Policy In response to GS2 that settlements not referred to in Policy GS2 would Inspectors MIQs - be treated as countryside however the council would be Statement willing to proposed as a modification some additional EX/HBC/MIQ/003 wording to policy GS2 to provide clarification on this matter if this is considered appropriate. M/GS/7 GS2, para 3.16 31 Amend para 3.16 to read '.....the re-development of the Responding to former Claro and Deverall Barracks and the adjoining Representations - Laver Banks site for new homes.......' Clarification M/GS/8 GS2 - Secondary 30 Remove Burnt Yates from the list of Secondary Service Responding to Service Villages Villages in Policy GS2 and add it to the list of Smaller Representations - Villages Update M/GS/2004 GS2 - Secondary 30 Amend para 3.16 to read: In response to the Service Villages Inspectors MIQs - ".....The Harrogate District Local Plan is therefore making Statement allocations of land for new homes in Ripon including the EX/HBC/MIQ/005 allocation of the Barracks for a mix of uses. It is also identifying the Barracks site as this represents a strategic allocation. The council will work together with the City Plan team in developing a more detailed development brief for the site" CA Key Diagram 25 Amend the key diagram to change Burnt Yates from a Consequential Secondary Village to a Smaller Village - See amended Amendment key diagram in Appendix 1- See M/GS/8 M/GS/2005 Key Diagram - 26 The text on the Key Diagram legend referring to the 'Broad In response to legend Location for Growth' should be amended as follows: Inspectors MIQs - Statement "Around 2700 3000 homes:....." EX/HBC/MIQ/012 M/GS/9 GS2, Further 32 Add the following: Update information box
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 7 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page 'Further information/guidance for applicants (see bibliography under Growth Strategy for more details)' Harrogate Borough Council : Settlement Hierarchy Background Paper 2018 M/GS/10 GS3, Criterion D 33 Amend to read 'It would not have an significant adverse Responding to impact on the character .....' Representations - Clarification M/GS/2006 GS3, Criterion F 33 The council would be willing to accept a modifications to In response to delete criterion F from Policy GS3 if this is considered Inspectors MIQs - appropriate Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/003 M/GS/11 GS3, North 33 Amend the North Stainley development limit to include Responding to Stainley The Staveley Arms Pub. Amended map in Appendix 2 Representations - Clarification M/GS/12 GS3, Ripon 33 Amend the Ripon development limit to include Pottery Responding to Field and associated buildings. Amended map in Appendix Representations - 2 Clarification M/GS/2007 GS4 36 Delete the final sentence of Policy GS4 In response to the Inspectors MIQs - Within the sites inset in the Green Belt and allocated as Statement Gypsy and Traveller sites, only uses appropriate in the EX/HBC/MIQ/006 Green Belt will be permitted should the sites no longer be needed for Gypsy and Traveller purposes M/GS/2008 GS4 36 Add the following wording before the final sentence of In response to the paragraph 3.30: Inspectors MIQs - Statement 'Sites K40, K41 and K42 have been allocated under EX/HBC/MIQ/006 Policy HS10 for accommodating Gypsy and Traveller needs and therefore removed from Green Belt. This is in line with national guidance (Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, 2015)' M/GS/13 GS4, Further 37 Update the Further information/guidance for applicants Update Information box section to read: Harrogate Borough Council: Harrogate District Local Plan: Gypsy and Traveller Background Paper (Nov 2017August 2018) M/GS/2009 GS5 38 Amend the first paragraph of Policy GS5 to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - The council will encourage sustainable economic growth Statement in the district by supporting the development aspirations EX/HBC/MIQ/005 of indigenous businesses and promoting inward investment opportunities specifically by development proposals that contribute towards the achievement of the following: Amend Criterion C to read Supporting a Providing a strategic employment site at Flaxby, adjacent to the A1
8 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/GS/2010 GS6 43 The Inspector may wish to remove Policy GS6 from the In response to plan Inspectors MIQs - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/006 M/GS/2011 GS8 48 If the Inspector feels further clarification is needed the In response to policy wording could be amended to read: Inspectors MIQs - Statement 'The natural beauty and special qualities of the Nidderdale EX/HBC/MIQ/006 Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) will be considered and enhanced and the impact of proposals on the AONB and its setting will be carefully considered taking into consideration the special qualities of the AONB' M/GS/2012 GS8 48 If further clarity and additional emphasis on the stringent In response to tests for development is considered necessary, the policy Inspectors MIQs - wording could be changed to: ‘Proposals in the AONB Statement will be approved’ or ‘will only be supported’ EX/HBC/MIQ/006 M/GS/2013 GS8 48 Amend third paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - ‘Major development proposals within the AONB that would Statement have a significant adverse impact on the natural beauty EX/HBC/MIQ/006 and special qualities of the AONB will be refused unless it can be demonstrated…’ Chapter 4 : Economy M/E/14 Economy Key 53 In the Economy Key Facts section add new bullet point: Update Facts box 'House building in North Yorkshire was responsible for 10,664 jobs, of which 903 were in Harrogate district (HBF Regional Report (Yorkshire and Humberside) Economic Footprint of UK House Building, 2015) M/E/15 EC1m, Melmerby 54 Amend EC1m to read 'MelmerbyIndustrial Responding to Business Park Estate/Barker Business Park' Representations - Clarification M/E/16 EC1 54 Delete 'K17 : Former Cattle Market, Knaresborough' from Responding to the list of 'Mixed Use Allocations, once developed' Representations - Update M/E/17 EC1h, 54 Extend the boundary of the key employment site EC1h : Responding to Boroughbridge Rd Boroughbridge Road, Ripon to include the Econ premises. Representations - Ripon Amended map in Appendix 3. Clarification M/E/18 EC1j, 54 Extend the boundary of the key employment site EC1j : Responding to Dallamires Lane, Ripon to include the Wolseley premises. Representations - Dallamires Lane, Amended map in Appendix 3 Clarification Ripon
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 9 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/E/2014 EC1 54 The Inspector may wish to consider amending the In response to paragraph after the list of sites to read: Inspectors MIQs - Statement 'The development or redevelopment of land and premises EX/HBC/MIQ/013 within these sites for purposes other than business, general industrial and storage and distribution (as defined by Use Class B1, B2 and B8 of the General Development Use Classes Order)' M/E/2015 EC1 55 If the Inspector feels it would be beneficial to make this In response to clear in the first sentence of the policy as well, the Inspectors MIQs - following modification could be considered as a footnote Statement to the policy box: EX/HBC/MIQ/013 "as defined by Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 of the Use Classes Order" M/E/2016 EC1 54 Amend the paragraph after Criterion D to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "Proposals for the use of other employment sites for non Statement Business, General Industrial and Storage/Distribution (B1, EX/HBC/MIQ/013 B2, B8) uses will be resisted unless there is clear evidence provided to demonstrate that However in considering proposals for alternative uses the following will be considered: E. There is no impact on the quality and quantity of employment land supply F. Ability to accommodate Smaller scale employment requirements cannot be accommodated on site G. Details of active marketing The site has been actively marketed for employment use for at least 12 consecutive months H. Viability of employment development Continued use of the site for employment is no longer viable I. There is no significant adverse impact on residential amenity Amenity considerations J. Continued employment use would not cause unacceptable planning problems Planning problems of the continued use of the site for employment M/E/2017 EC1, para 4.1 55 Amend the last sentence of paragraph 4.1 to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs to 'This policy relates to business, general industrial, and rectify drafting storage and distribution uses, which are currently defined error - Statement by Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 of the General EX/HBC/MIQ/013 Development Use Classes Order or whatever may precede succeed it'
10 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/E/2018 EC2 59 Amend the title of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - 'Policy EC2: Expansion of Existing Businesses in Open Statement Countryside and Outside Established Employment EX/HBC/MIQ/013 Areas' M/E/2019 EC2 59 Amend the first sentence of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - 'Proposals for the expansion of existing businesses in Statement open countryside and outside established employment EX/HBC/013 areas will be permitted where all of the following criteria are met:' M/E/2020 EC3 61 Amend the title of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "Policy EC3 : New Employment Development in the Statement Countryside" EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/19 EC3Aii 61 Amend Policy EC3 Aii to read: 'small scale new Responding to building adjacent to a rural settlement, which is well related Representations - to the settlement,... ' Clarification M/E/20 EC4 Criterion B 61 Amend to read 'There is no significant adverse impact....' Responding to Representations - Clarification M/E/2021 EC4 64 Withdraw Modification M/E/20 and propose alternative In response to wording for Criterion B to read as follows: Inspectors MIQs - Statement 'There is no unacceptable adverse impact upon amenity, EX/HBC/MIQ/013 biodiversity or the historic environment' M/E/2022 EC4, para 4.26 64 The council considers that paragraph 4.26 effectively In response to provides supporting detail to Criterion D however if the Inspectors MIQs - Inspector were to take a counter view the council would Statement be happy to propose an appropriate modification as EX/HBC/MIQ/013 follows: "The proposal is accompanied by a forms part of a comprehensive farm diversification scheme plan demonstrating that the proposed development forms part of a comprehensive diversification scheme and is operated as part of a sustainable farm or appropriate land-based enterprise and will contribute to making the existing business viable' M/E/2023 EC5 66 Replace 'Primary Shopping Areas' in Criterion B with In response to 'Town Centres' Inspectors MIQs - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/2024 EC5, Criterion Bii 66 Amend Criterion Bii to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "result in a significant adverse impact on the retail Statement character and amenity of the frontage" EX/HBC/MIQ/013
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 11 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/E/2025 EC5, Criterion Ci 66 Amend Ci to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "Retail development that does not serve a purely localised Statement need outside of the primary shopping areas town centres EX/HBC/MIQ/013 of Harrogate, Knaresborough, Ripon, Boroughbridge, Masham and Pateley Bridge' M/E/2026 EC5, Criterion Cii 66 Delete Criterion Cii In response to Inspectors MIQs - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/2027 EC5, Criterion D 67 Amend Criterion D to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "Proposals for retail developments outside the Town Statement Centre Primary Shopping Area but within....." EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/2028 EC5, Criterion D 67 Further amend Criterion D to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "Proposals for retail development, for the following gross Statement floorspace sizes, outside the Primary Shopping Area Town EX/HBC/MIQ/013 Centre but within the settlement's development limit will only be permitted where the application is the must be supported by an Impact Assessment which provides clear evidence that the proposal will not lead to a significant adverse impact on the centre where they are of the following sizes" M/E/2029 EC5, Criterion D 67 Amend the final paragraph of Criterion D to read : In response to Inspectors MIQs - "Where it is considered that proposals would be likely to Statement have a significant impact on a centre(s), the council EX/HBC/MIQ/013 reserves the right to require an Impact Assessment for retail purposes below the thresholds, or within a centre as well as and for office and leisure proposals" M/E/2030 EC5, Criterion D 67 Amend "following sizes" to read "following gross In response to floorspace sizes" Inspectors MIQs - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/2031 EC5, Criterion F 67 Amend Criterion F to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "Proposals that will enhance help develop the evening - Statement and night-time economy will be supported as valuable EX/HBC/MIQ/013 additions to the vitality and viability of town and city centres, where any amenity issues the operation of such activities can be controlled to address amenity implications adequately addressed" M/E/2032 EC5, Criterion G 67 Amend Criterion G to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs ".......that they will not cause unacceptable planning - Statement problems for other adjacent land uses adverse impacts EX/HBC/MIQ/013 on the amenities of neighbouring occupiers"
12 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/E/2033 EC5 67 Add the following wording as footnote to the policy box: In response to Inspectors MIQs "localised need is retail that serves the day to day - Statement needs of the immediate surrounding area rather than EX/HBC/MIQ/013 a wider catchment area" M/E/2034 EC5 paras 4.27 - 67 - 69 Replace reference to 'Primary Shopping Areas' in In response to 4.35 Boroughbridge, Masham and Pateley Bridge with 'Town Inspectors MIQs Centres' - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/2035 EC5 Rename the legend of the Boroughbridge, Masham and In response to Pateley Bridge Policies Map to refer to 'Town Centre Inspectors MIQs Boundary' rather than 'Primary Shopping Area' - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/21 EC5, Starbeck 77 Amend the Starbeck Local Centres Map to include the Update Local Centres Map site of the former Henry Peacock Public House. Amended map in Appendix 4 M/E/22 EC7 Criterion A 81 Amend to read 'It can be demonstrated that proposals for Responding to new attractions or accommodation cannot be located Representations - within or adjacent to the main towns, local service centres Clarification and primary service villages and subsequently that locations within or adjacent to secondary service villages have been fully considered require a rural location and cannot be accommodated elsewhere M/E/23 EC7, para 4.49 82 Delete para 4.49 which reads 'In applying criterion A of Responding to the policy the council is aware that there will be certain Representations - activities that may not be suitably located within or Clarification adjacent to a built up area. Where this is believed to be the case, applicants will be expected to provide evidence to justify this position' M/E/24 EC7 Criterion B 81 Amend Criterion B to read 'The scale, layout and design Responding to of development is appropriate to its location and maintains Representations - or enhances the high quality of there is no significant Clarification adverse impact on the district's built and natural or historic environment' M/E/2036 EC7, Criterion C 81 Amend Criterion C to read 'they would not cause In response to unacceptable planning problems for other adjacent land Inspectors MIQs uses adverse impacts on the amenities of - Statement neighbouring occupiers' EX/HBC/MIQ/013 M/E/2037 EC7 81 The penultimate paragraph should be amended to read In response to : Inspectors MIQs - Statement "In particular, support will be given to proposals that meet EX/HBC/MIQ/013 the above criteria and form part of a comprehensive farm diversification scheme that is in accordance with Policy EC4, or are ...." Chapter 5 : Housing
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 13 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/H/2038 HS1 86 Amend the first paragraph of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "The council will seek to balance the housing market Statement across the plan period and work towards a mix of housing EX/HBC/MIQ/014 identified in the Housing and Economic development Needs Assessment (HEDNA). Housing development should therefore seek to deliver a range of house types and sizes that reflect and respond to the identifying housing needs and demands of the district's households. The mix proposed should have reference to the latest HEDNA and be informed by....." M/H/2039 HS2 89 Amend the first paragraph of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "The council will require 40% affordable housing on all - Statement qualifying greenfield developments including mixed use EX/HBC/MIQ/014 schemes and 30% on all qualifying brownfield developments including mixed use schemes and conversions, subject to viability and the demonstration of the need for affordable housing. Qualifying sites are those sites which fall within the following thresholds: M/H/2040 HS2 89 Amend the second paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "On all developments comprising 11 10 or more dwellings - Statement (or where the site has an area of 0.5 hectares or more), EX/HBC/MIQ/014 or where ................" M/H/2041 HS2 89 Amend the third paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "On developments comprising six to 10 9 dwellings, or - Statement where the residential gross floorspace exceeds 1000sqm, EX/HBC/MIQ/014 in areas designated as rural areas under Section 157(1) of the Housing Act 1985 (as shown on the Policies Map 11.2), a financial contribution for the provision of affordable dwellings as a commuted sum will be sought unless the developer makes on site provision"" M/H/2042 HS3 93 Amend the first paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "Proposals for self and custom build housing, to be - Statement occupied as homes by those individuals, will be supported EX/HBC/MIQ/014 by the council where they are in conformity with all other relevant local and national policies" M/H/2043 HS3 93 Amend the second paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "On strategic sites of 500 dwellings or more, developers - Statement will be required to supply at least 5% of dwellings plots EX/HBC/MIQ/014 for sale to self-builders, subject to appropriate demand being identified by the Council, by reference to the Council's Self and Custom Build Register,supported as necessary by other sources of evidence"
14 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/H/2044 HS3 93 Amend the last paragraph of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "Communities preparing Neighbourhood Plans will be - Statement encouraged required to consider the identification of sites EX/HBC/MIQ/014 specifically for self and custom-build projects within their neighbourhood plan area. M/H/2045 HS3, para 5.30 94 The following wording to be added to the end of para 5.30: In response to Inspectors MIQs "In demonstrating that plots have been appropriately - Statement marketed developers will be required to provide EX/HBC/MIQ/014 copies of sales particulars including the guide price, a schedule of the advertising that has been carried out including dates, the number of sales particulars distributed, along with a breakdown of where the enquiries resulted from, details of the number of viewings, resulting offers and why they were dismissed, details of the periods when a 'for sale' board was displayed' M/H/2046 HS3, para 5.31 94 Delete paragraph 5.31 In response to Inspectors MIQs - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/014 M/H/2047 HS6 99 Amend the first paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "Outside defined settlement development limits, the - Statement conversion and/or re-use of existing buildings to residential EX/HBC/MIQ/014 use from other uses will be supported where proposals meet all of the following criteria: M/H/2048 HS8, Criterion D 103 Amend Criterion D to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs "Extensions to dwellings in the countryside should not - Statement be designed to facilitate the subdivision of the dwelling EX/HBC/MIQ/014 into separate dwellings nor undermine the retention of any occupancy condition" M/H/2049 HS9 105 Amend the first sentence of the policy to read as follows: In response to Inspectors MIQs "New permanent isolated home in the countryside - Statement intended for occupation by rural workers will not be EX/HBC/MIQ/014 permitted unless......" M/H/2050 HS10 107 Amend the first paragraph of HS10 to read "The following In response to sites as shown on the Policies Map are allocated for Inspectors MIQs Gypsy and Traveller use to ensure a deliverable supply - Statement of pitches in the first five years of the plan period. They EX/HBC/MIQ/014 will be developed in accordance with relevant Local Plan policy requirements and the development requirements identified in respect of each site" M/H/25 HS10, Further 109 Amend Further information/guidance for applicants as Update Information box follows: Harrogate Borough Council: Gypsy and Traveller Background Paper (20172018)
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 15 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/H/26 HS10, Site K42 114 Amend Site box to read: Update 'Existing use : Unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller site (appeal pending)with Temporary Planning Permission Chapter 6 : Transport and Infrastructure M/TI/2051 TI 118 Amend the first paragraph to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "The council will work in partnership with other authorities, Statement transport providers, developers and local groups........" EX/HBC/MIQ/015 M/TI/27 TI1, para 6.4 118 Replace 'it s' with 'its' in both first sentence and third line Correction of the final bullet point M/TI/28 TI1, para 6.7 120 Replace 'adviseon' with 'advise on' in final sentence Correction M/TI/29 TI1, Further 120 Add the following to the Further information/guidance for Update Information box applicants section: Harrogate Borough Council : Transport Background Paper 2018 M/TI/2052 TI2 121 The council would be agreeable to consider a modification In response to to clarify the wording of subsection B to refer to the fact Inspectors MIQs - that the former railway lines are shown on the Policies Statement Map EX/HBC/MIQ/015 M/TI/2053 TI2 121 Add 'or' at the end of sub-sections A and B In response to Inspectors MIQs - Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/015 M/TI/2054 TI2, Further 122 Add the following to the Further information/guidance for In response to Information Box applicants section: Inspectors MIQs North Yorkshire County Council : Local Statement Transport Plan 2016-2046 (LTP4) (2016) EX/HBC/MIQ/015 North Yorkshire County Council : A Strategic Transport Prospectus for North Yorkshire (2015) Highways England : London to Scotland East Route Strategy (2015) M/TI/2055 TI3 123 The first paragraph of the policy should be amended as In response to follows: Inspectors MIQs - Statement "Development will be supported where it incorporates EX/HBC/MIQ/015 appropriately designed vehicle and bicycle parking. To support sustainable transport choices and reduce reliance on the private car the following criteria, where they are relevant to the proposal, should be addressed in determining the level of parking provision proposed: When considering the provision of parking, proposals for development should recognise an overall nee to reduce the use of private cars, and take suitable account of the following factors: A. The need to provide safe, secure and convenient parking at appropriate levels, including parking and
16 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page storage for bicycles, motor cycles and, where relevant, coaches and lorries; B. Parking standards for cars, cycles, motorised two wheel vehicles, accessible parking and operational servicing requirements as prepared by the local highway authority, North Yorkshire County Council; C. Policies set out in the North Yorkshire County Council Parking Strategy (and successive strategies); D. Where relevant, the location of the site, particularly in relation to opportunities to connect to public transport, cycling and walking networks: E. Where appropriate, the need to make provision for car club and car share parking spaces; M/TI/2056 TI4 126 Amend the third paragraph as follows: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "......will be supported provided that it can be Statement demonstrated that they are necessary to support new EX/HBC/MIQ/015 development and/or to rectify existing evidenced deficiencies in infrastructure or service provision. A It can be demonstrated that they are necessary to support new development and/or to rectify existing evidenced deficiencies in infrastructure or service provision: B Development is phased so as To cause minimal disruption to existing infrastructure and service provision of residents and businesses development may need to be phased C Where new infrastructure is needed to support development, the infrastructure must be operational no later than the appropriate phase of development for which it is needed. M/TI/30 TI4, paras 6.33 - 128 Delete paragraphs 6.34, 6.35, 6.36 and 6.37 and replace Update 6.37 with 'The Council is progressing the Community Infrastructure Levy and has consulted on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule in May/June 2018. The schedule and the CIL viability assessment can be found at htps:/www.harrogate.gov.uk/info/20101/planning_policy_and_the_local_plan/555/community_infrastructure_levy. The timetable for the preparation of CIL can be found within the Local Development Scheme' M/TI/31 TI4, Further 129 Add the following to the Further information/guidance for Update Information box applicants section: Harrogate Borough Council : Harrogate District Local Plan Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2018 M/TI/32 TI5 130 Amend the policy wording for TI5 to read: Update 'TI5: Telecommunications
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 17 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page The expansion of communications infrastructure including Full Fibre to the Premise, Next Generation broadband and mobile connectivity will be supported. this will be achieved by: A. Supporting the expansion of communications networks which use existing infrastructure, including masts and structures; B. Supporting the provision of new communications infrastructure where it can be demonstrated that using existing infrastructure or equipment would not be feasible and provided the proposal does not have a significant adverse impact on the character or appearance of the surrounding area. Where apparatus or associated infrastructure is proposed to be located on a building, the proposal will be supported provided the siting scale and design of the apparatus or associated infrastructure does not have a significant adverse impact on the external appearance of the building; C. Ensuring the location and design of proposals avoid harm to sensitive areas or buildings/structures and accord with local plan policies HP2: Heritage Assets, NE3: Protecting the Natural Environment and NE4: Landscape Character Broadband access in new developments: D. New employment and housing development proposals will be required to demonstrate the anticipated connectivity requirements of the proposed use and how the development will contribute to, and be compatible with, Fibre to the Premise or Next Generation Access Broadband All new employment and housing development will be required to enable Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) broadband infrastructure capable of Next Generation Access speeds. Where it can be demonstrated that the provision of FTTP is not viable, proposals should provide a download connection that meets the minimum ambition of the Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy and the European Digital Agenda (currently 30Mbps). Proposals should also seek to incorporate suitable infrastructure to support delivery of FTTP broadband at a future date i.e. laying ducting capable of carrying fibre cables from multiple providers. E. All new development will be required to enable Fibre to the Premise where viable. Where it cannot be demonstrated that the provision of Fibre to the Premise is viable, proposals should provide a minimum download connection of 24mps and incorporate suitable infrastructure to support delivery of Fibre to the Premise at a future date
18 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page F. Applicants proposing major development schemes should engage with communication providers and local broadband groups to explore how Fibre to the premise or Next Generation Access broadband can be provided and how the development may contribute to and integrate with active broadband projects within the local area Mobile telecommunications F. The Council will support the growth of new mobile telecommunications networks and will work alongside network providers to improve existing systems. New residential and employment developments should facilitate advancement in mobile communication networks at the planning stage and be clearly identified within the Planning Statement that supports a relevant application. The Statement should outline who the intended network provider(s) will be and ensure that mobile connectivity is in line with OFCOM regulated levels. G. The Council will ensure that new infrastructure makes use of existing sites and structures wherever possible. Any applications for new telecommunications infrastructure will be expected to demonstrate that mast or site sharing is not feasible and that the equipment cannot be sited on an existing building or other appropriate structure that would provide a preferable environmental solution. The applicant must demonstrate there is an overriding need to provide additional structural capacity to take account of the growing demands for network development, including that of other operators. H. Applicants will be required to consult with NYCC and recognised mobile network providers from the outset to ensure the needs of the service can be introduced alongside other onsite infrastructure works as part of new residential and commercial developments to ensure the most efficient and viable approach is taken to secure 4G & 5G mobile connectivity in line with OFCOM regulated levels. I. Consideration must be given to the future demands of network development, including that of other operators. Every opportunity to future proof mobile provision and infrastructure should also be taken. It is important to ensure that developments are well laid out and designed to be future-proof, in order to enable upgrades and expansions to the networks without negative impacts such as road works, or the expense associated with retrofitting.
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 19 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page J. During the course of the plan period some telecommunications installations may become redundant, due to rationalisation of the industry or advances in technology. When such cases arise the particular installation (such as a mast) will be required to be removed and the site either landscaped or returned to its previous condition. This will have been secured either through a planning condition or planning obligation.' M/TI/2057 TI5 130 Delete Modification M/TI/32 and amend policy TI5 to read In response to as follows: Inspectors MIQs - Statement "The expansion of communications infrastructure including EX/HBC/MIQ/015 Full Fibre to the Premise, Next Generation broadband and mobile connectivity will be supported. this will be achieved by: A i Supporting the expansion of communications networks which use existing infrastructure, including masts and structures; or B ii Supporting the provision of new communications infrastructure where it can be demonstrated that using existing infrastructure or equipment would not be feasible and provided the proposal does not have a significant adverse impact on the character or appearance of the surrounding area. Where Where it can be demonstrated that mast or site sharing is not feasible apparatus or associated infrastructure is proposed to be located on a building, the proposal will be supported provided the siting, scale and design of the apparatus or associated infrastructure does not have a significant adverse impact on the external appearance of the building; or iii Where it can be demonstrated that mast or site sharing is not feasible and that the equipment cannot be sited on an existing building or other appropriate structure C B Ensuring the location and design of proposals avoid harm to sensitive areas or buildings/structures and accord with local plan policies HP2: Heritage Assets, NE3: Protecting the Natural Environment and NE4: Landscape Character C Ensuring that where installations have become redundant, due to rationalisation of the industry or advances in technology, the particular installation (such as a mast) will be removed and the site either landscaped or returned to its previous condition. This will have been secured either through a planning condition or planning obligation. Broadband access in new developments:
20 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page D. All new employment and housing development will be required to enable Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) broadband infrastructure capable of Next Generation Access speeds. Where it can be demonstrated that the provision of FTTP is not viable, proposals should provide a download connection that meets the minimum ambition of the Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy and the European Digital Agenda (currently 30Mbps). Proposals should seek to incorporate suitable infrastructure to support delivery of FTTP broadband at a future date i.e laying ducting capable of carrying fibre cables from multiple providers M/TI/33 TI5, para 6.40, 6.42 131 Amend the 'Broadband Access. part of the justification as Update follows: 6.40 Access to broadband is a vital component of infrastructure in today's world. It is key to growing a sustainable local economy, vital for education and home working and increasingly a central part of community cohesion and resilience, particularly in rural areas. Broadband connectivity across the plan area varies considerably. Government initiatives aim to enable 95% of the UK to receive far greater speeds (at least 24 Mbps) by 2017. The digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy initial target was to ensure that by 2017, superfast coverage reached 95% of premises in the UK. the current stated Strategy ambition is that ultrafast broadband of at least 100Mbps should become available to nearly all UK premises. In addition the European Commission, through the Digital Agenda for Europe, anticipates 100% coverage of 30 Mbps broadband or more by 2020 and that over 50% of households will have a subscription to broadband connection in excess of 100Mbps. Therefore the definition of Next Generation Access used within this policy is defined as a broadband service that provides a download speed in excess of 30 Mbps and with the capability to meet future targets of speeds in excess of 100mpbs as detailed in the digital Agenda for Europe.' 6.42 This policy indicates that all development will enable Fibre to the Premises broadband where viable, to meet future targets of 100Mbps. The definition of Next Generation Access used within this policy is defined as a broadband service that provides a download speed in excess of 24 Mbps M/TI/34 TI5 131 Add the following to the justification after para 6.46: Update Mobile telecommunications 6.47 The government is committed to encouraging economic growth. A key part of which is promoting a modern, high quality, telecommunications (telecoms) system for communities across all parts
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 21 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page of the UK. Good mobile coverage helps businesses to grow and people to stay in touch. This is essential for social inclusion, and of particular importance for people who are vulnerable or isolated. People are increasingly using mobile connectivity to access the internet, as more and more people own Smartphones and tablet devices. 6.48 There are some rural locations without coverage, known as 'not-spots', where it is impossible to make or maintain a mobile connection. 6.49 The Government’s Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy expected that by 2017, mobile operators will have achieved 4G coverage to 98%. 6.50 Occupiers of new residential or employment premises now often expect a high mobile connectivity as a utility similar to the provision of electricity or water. 6.51 When developers are planning for new housing or commercial developments the provision for appropriate 4G/5G mobile phone coverage (in line with OFCOM regulated levels) should be included within the development. If it is included as part of the planning conditions for the developer, then it would be included as part of the development costs. The advantages of this approach:- Developments are not built with no or poor mobile phone coverage/fibre installed The marketing value of the properties increase with the guarantee of the latest broadband and mobile phone connectivity The greater potential for economic growth within the area this then provides The masts to cover the developments could be built into the design of the development and therefore not stand out as retrospective built sites do It is cheaper to deploy as part of the initial site build Developments are not built that block present signal Supports Health 7 Wellbeing policies, e-health etc particularly with an aging population 6.52 The Framework advises that local planning authorities should aim to keep the numbers of radio and telecommunications masts and sites for such installations to a minimum consistent with the efficient operation of the network. Existing masts, buildings
22 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page and other structures should be used, unless the need for a new site has been justified. Where new sites are required, equipment should be sympathetically designed and camouflaged where appropriate. 6.53 The Council is committed to ensuring the location and design of proposals avoid harm to sensitive areas or buildings/structures and accord with local plan policies HP2 : Heritage Assets, NE3: Protecting the Natural Environment and NE4: Landscape Character. The Council will oppose telecommunication installations that would be unduly visually obtrusive in either the street scene or the wider landscape and would detract from amenity (including that of local residents), unless it can be demonstrated that there is an overriding need and technical constraints prevent a more favourable proposal being chosen, such as no existing facilities are available and applicants have considered the need to include additional structural capacity to take account of the growing demands for network development, including that of other operators M/TI/2058 TI5, para 6.47 - 131 Further modification to M/TI/34 - Remove proposed In response to 6.51 paragraphs 6.47 to 6.51 from the justification text as Inspectors MIQs - follows: Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/015 6.47 The government is committed to encouraging economic growth. A key part of which is promoting a modern, high quality, telecommunications (telecoms) system for communities across all parts of the UK. Good mobile coverage helps businesses to grow and people to stay in touch. This is essential for social inclusion, and of particular importance for people who are vulnerable or isolated. People are increasingly using mobile connectivity to access the internet, as more and more people own Smartphones and tablet devices. 6.48 There are some rural locations without coverage, known as 'not-spots', where it is impossible to make or maintain a mobile connection. 6.49 The Government’s Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy expected that by 2017, mobile operators will have achieved 4G coverage to 98%. 6.50 Occupiers of new residential or employment premises now often expect a high mobile connectivity as a utility similar to the provision of electricity or water. 6.51 When developers are planning for new housing or commercial developments the provision for appropriate 4G/5G mobile phone coverage (in line with OFCOM regulated levels) should be included within the development. If it is included as part of the planning
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 23 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page conditions for the developer, then it would be included as part of the development costs. The advantages of this approach:- Developments are not built with no or poor mobile phone coverage/fibre installed The marketing value of the properties increase with the guarantee of the latest broadband and mobile phone connectivity The greater potential for economic growth within the area this then provides The masts to cover the developments could be built into the design of the development and therefore not stand out as retrospective built sites do It is cheaper to deploy as part of the initial site build Developments are not built that block present signal Supports Health 7 Wellbeing policies, e-health etc particularly with an aging population M/TI/2059 TI6 133 Amend the first paragraph of the policy to read: In response to Inspectors MIQs - "The sites shown at table 6.1 and on the Policies Map are Statement allocated for educational uses. They will be developed EX/HBC/MIQ/015 in accordance with relevant Local Plan policy requirements and the development requirements identified in respect of each site" M/TI/35 TI6, Site KL20 133 Delete KL20 as a draft allocation for educational facilities. Responding to Table 6.1 to read Representations - Update Site Settlement Name Ref B22 Boroughbridge Educational facilities for Boroughbridge High School KL20 Killinghall Educational facilities for Killinghall Primary School NS7 North Stainley Educational facilities at North Stainley PN20 Pannal Educational facilities for Pannal Primary School Table 6.1 Draft allocations - educational facilities
24 Harrogate Borough Council Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 2 Proposed Modifications Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page CA TI6, Site KL20 137/8 Delete KL20 Site map and Site Requirements table - See Consequential M/TI/35 Amendment M/TI/2060 TI6, Site B22 135 Amend the B22 Site box to read: In response to Inspector MIQs - Statement Site Name Educational facilities at EX/HBC/MIQ/015 Boroughbridge High School Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Replacement playing fields to allow for the expansion of the existing High School onto the existing playing fields Gross site area (ha) 2.3052 Related Site B21 M/TI/36 Para 6.50 133 Amend to read 'For these reasons, sites to expand existing Update educational facilities at Boroughbridge High School (provision of new playing fields), Killinghall and Pannal primary Schools and, in the case of North Stainley, a site for the relocation of the primary school are required. Chapter 7 : Climate Change M/CC/37 Key facts, Bullet 8 144 Replace '... while the council's Climate Change Strategy Update (2009) sets targets to reduce CO2 emissions locally by 40% by 2020 and 80% by 2050' with 'while the council's Carbon Reduction Strategy (2018) identifies a target to reduce CO2 emissions locally by 57% by 2030, in line with the UK Carbon Budget' M/CC/2061 CC3, Criterion ii 151 Amend Criterion Bii as follows: In response to Inspector MIQs - "For small-scale turbines (with a maximum height to tip Statement of 25 metres): be directly related to, and generate power EX/HBC/MIQ/016 principally for, the operation of a farmstead, other rural business or a local settlement.’ M/CC/38 CC3, Criterion B 151 Amend to read 'Proposals for wind turbines development Responding to in addition to satisfying the requirements of Criterion Representations - A must also, following consultation............' Clarification M/CC/39 CC3, para 7.17 151 Replace 'In response the Harrogate Borough Council Update Climate Change Strategy states that the district should make a proportional contribution to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and sets a local target to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050.' with 'In response the Harrogate Borough Council Carbon Reduction Strategy identifies that the district should make a proportional contribution to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and sets a local target to reduce emissions by 57% by 2030, which is in line with the UK Carbon Budget'
Proposed Modifications Version 2 - Jan 2019 Harrogate Borough Council 25 Proposed Modifications 2 Ref. No Policy/Paragraph Local Proposed Modification Reason for Plan Modification Page M/CC/40 CC3, para 7.33 154 Add to end of paragraph 'This work is set out in the Update Wind Energy Background Paper (2018)' M/CC/41 CC3, para 7.34 154 Replace '...with the landscape and visual sensitivity of Update the district's landscape character types..' with ...with the visual, ecological and landscape sensitivity of the landscape character types that the North Yorkshire and York Landscape Characterisation Project (2011) identifies as present in the district... M/CC/42 CC3, para 7.34 154 Amend text within footnote 25 to read 'Source: Managing Update Landscape Change: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Developments- a Landscape Sensitivity Framework for North Yorkshire and York (2012)' M/CC/43 CC3, Further 155 Replace '.......Harrogate District Climate Change Strategy Update Information box (2009) ' with '... Harrogate Borough Council: Carbon Reduction Strategy (2018)' M/CC/44 CC3, Further 155 Add to 'Further information/guidance for applicants' North Update Information box Yorkshire County Council: North Yorkshire and York Landscape Characterisation Project (2011) M/CC/45 CC3, Further 155 Add to 'Further information/guidance for Update Information Box applicants' Harrogate Borough Council: Wind Energy Background Paper (2018) M/CC/46 CC3, Further 155 Add to 'Further information/guidance for applicants' Local Update Information Box Government Yorkshire and Humber: Managing Landscape Change: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Developments- a Landscape Sensitivity Framework for North Yorkshire and York, AECOM (2012) M/CC/2062 CC4, Criterion A 156 All developments should seek reductions in are required In response to to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through the following Inspectors MIQs - sequence of priorities, as set out in the energy hierarchy:’ Statement EX/HBC/MIQ/016 M/CC/2063 CC4, Criterion B 156 The council will encourage: In response to Inspectors MIQs - 1 Proposals that Expects new developments to Statement incorporate passive design measures that reduce the EX/HBC/MIQ/016 need for artificial lighting and heating, cooling and ventilation systems through siting, design, layout and building orientation. 2 Proposals that include design measures to minimise the reliance on artificial lighting through siting, design, layout and building orientation that maximises sunlight and daylight and avoids overshadowing.’ 3 2 Will support proposals to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings that comply with all relevant aspects of this policy and other relevant policies in the plan. Greater energy efficiency, including sensitive energy efficiency improvements to existing buildings
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