Season 2022-2023 Parent Meeting - Ngin

Page created by Jeffery George
Season 2022-2023 Parent Meeting - Ngin
Season 2022-2023 Parent Meeting - Ngin
Board Leadership

◼   Joe Gabriel: President
    ◼   PDC Member; Assistant Mite Coordinator (Go Pete!)

◼   Justin Henne: Vice President
    ◼   Goalie Coord.; Travelling Team Assist.-Coord.; D8 Rep.

◼   Stacy Aase: Secretary
    ◼   Registrar; Girls Coordinator; Tryout Committee Coordinator

◼   Julie Raymond: Treasurer
    ◼   EVHA Accountant
Season 2022-2023 Parent Meeting - Ngin
◼   Laura Slominski - PDC Director
◼   Eric Scheidel - Jr. Gold Coordinator; PDC Liaison; Boys HS Liaison
◼   Dean Schiro -     Tryout Committee; Assist Host Tournament Coordinator.

◼   Chad Larsen – EHTC Committee Chair; 5000 shot, Gambling Committee
◼   Christina Beddies - Co-Recruitment Coord.; Apparel & Jersey Coordinator
◼   TJ Rendulich -     Safesport; Assist Girls Coordinator; Co-Recruitment Coord.

◼   Gerrell Clardy - Fundraising and Raffle Chair; Social Media Coordinator
◼   Jeremy Sandberg - Co-Travelling Team Coordinator & Away Tourney
    Coord.; Assist. Goalie Coordinator

◼   Pete Loosbrook - Co-Mite Coordinator; Assist Apparel / Jersey Coord.
◼   Chad Krawiec - D&I Coordinator; Host Tournament Coordinator
◼   Aaron Hareid – Co-Travelling Team Coordinator & Away Tourney Coord.;
    Assist Fundraising & EVHA Events Coord.

◼   Ashley Norine -      Gambling Manager
Season 2022-2023 Parent Meeting - Ngin
EVHA Contacts

◼   Christina Beddies:    Ice Coordinator
◼   Mark Espeña: Administrator / Assist. Ice Coord.
◼   Michelle Stessman:    Volunteer Coordinator (DIBS)

◼   Aaron Fulton: Boys High School Varsity Coach
◼   Herb Harvey: Girls High School Varsity Coach
Season 2022-2023 Parent Meeting - Ngin
Age Group
◼   Squirts/Peewee/Bantam:
      Aaron Hareid & Jeremy Sandberg

◼   Jr Gold: Eric Scheidel

◼   Girls: TJ Rendulich / Stacy Aase

◼   Mites: Pete Loosbrook / Joe Gabriel

See for changes/updated contact information
EVHA Mission

Eastview Hockey Association (EVHA) is a non-profit organization
dedicated to providing a fun and educational experience for the
children residing in the Eastview High School Attendance area or
who are eligible to play in the EVHA who wish to play ice hockey.

Our curriculum stresses basic skills, encourages team play,
sportsmanship, and strives for fair playing time for all players.

The individuals who teach this curriculum, in all cases, have
completed one or more courses in the USA Hockey Coaches’
Education Program (CEP).

EVHA’s coaches and Board of Directors, through such things as our
Code of Conduct, also are committed to teaching players to respect
their opponents and the officials.

◼   Primary way EVHA communicates: Email
    (we use the emails tied to your Sports Engine Profile –
    please update!)

◼   Other communication channels
     ◼   Important information is posted to the EVHA Website
     ◼   We may post information on Facebook first:
     ◼   Twitter: @EVYouthHockey (usually only feeds Facebook posts)

◼   Need something? Ask!

     ◼   Contact your Age Group Coordinator
     ◼   Use our “Suggestion box”
     ◼   Contact a Board Member directly
Time & Cost Commitment

◼   4-5 Days per week
◼   Registration Fee includes Ice, District fees,
    Tournaments, Coaches, and tryouts
◼   Fees do not include team items, including:
    ◼   Team Parties/meals/activities
    ◼   extra tournaments
    ◼   non-budget ice time
    ◼   travel expenses
    ◼   other discretionary items
    ◼   Hotel Rooms (up to 2 coach rooms
        are reimbursed directly to coaches.)
EVHA Financials
Statement of Operations                                                 2020-21        2021-22
     Team Fees (Ice Time, Tourneys, Dryland)                              $ 299,000      $ 172,300
     Less refunds primarily provided by gambling operations in 18-19         (2,800)         (5,190)
     Other Fees (Registration, Clinics, Jerseys)                             22,000          21,700
     Summer Hockey Registration                                              10,500           7,000
     Fundraising (Raffle, hosted tourneys, Wild Tix, etc.)                   12,000          12,100
     Other                                                                   23,200          22,400
Total Revenue                                                              $363,900     $ 267,000

     Ice Time                                                               182,000         193,500
     Tournaments and other Team Expenses                                     68,000          88,200
     Dryland​, including rent                                                                     -
     Clinics, Tryouts, Summer Coaches                                        31,000          48,000
     Hockey Operations                                                       68,000          75,500
     (paid coaches, stipends, coach certification, mites, equipment)
     SG & A (Payroll, accountants, software, etc.)                           21,000        25,800
     Fundraising (hosted tourneys, scholarships)                             22,000        25,100
Total Expenses                                                             $392,000     $ 456,100

Excess of Expenses over Revenue                                            $(28,100)    $ (225,790)

Charitable Gambling Proceeds                                               $177,000     $ 310,789

Discretionary Expenses Funded by Gambling
(Incl. Jerseys and Socks, Ice Credit, P4P Tourney, dryland, warm-ups)      (132,900)        (48,400)

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:                                        $16,000       $    36,600
Laura Slominski

◼   Playing Career:
     ◼   Burnsville High School Varsity 1995-1998, Captain 1997-1998   ,   Ms. Hockey
         Minnesota Winner 1998
     ◼   University of Minnesota 1998-2002, Captain 2001-2002, NCAA Patty Kazmier Top
         Ten Finalist 2002, National Champion 2000
     ◼   US Under 22 Team Member 2000

◼   Coaching Career:
     ◼   High School:
           ◼   Head Coach at Bloomington Kennedy (1 Year)
           ◼   Head Coach at Edina High Schools (8 Years)
     ◼   College:
           ◼   Asst. Coach at St. Olaf College (2 Years)
           ◼   Asst. Coach St. Cloud State University (1 Year)
           ◼   Asst. Coach University of Minnesota (2 Years)

     ◼   Professional:
           ◼   Asst. Coach for Minnesota Whitecaps (3 Years)

◼   Involved in Eastview Hockey the past 8 years
Player Development
      Committee (PDC)
Responsible for many hockey
operations for EVHA
◼   Coordination of tryouts and clinics
◼   Reviewing and recommending coaches
◼   Coach development
◼   Mite program development and evaluation
◼   Team coordination
◼   Summer training programs
Valkyrie Co-op
◼   Co-op with Apple Valley and Burnsville Hockey

◼   Purpose: to provide growth and positive
    experience for all girls that allows play at their

◼   Teams at the 10U, 12U, & 15U levels.

◼   All fees, fundraising, and DIBS are based
    on each player's home association.

◼   New website is now live!
Likely Team Levels
              A    B1   B2     C   Anticipated
Junior Gold        1                  TBD
Bantam        1          1           33 Skaters
                                     4 Goalies
Peewee        1          1     1     37 Skaters
                                     4 Goalies
Squirt             1     1     2     44 Skaters
                                     7 Goalies
              VALKYRIE CO-OP
U10           1    1     1           35 Skaters
                                    2 Goalies**

U12           1    1     1          35 Skaters
                                    3 Goalies

U15           1    1                24 Skaters
                                    1 Goalie**
Tryouts: 2022 – 2023

◼   Goal is to ensure each player is placed at the
    most appropriate level for their abilities
◼   Process based on objectivity and fairness
◼   Closed to parents
    ◼   Once the tryouts begin, parents will not be
        allowed in the arena
    ◼   Board members will also not be allowed in the
        arena during the time that their child is trying out.
    ◼   The scrimmages for all levels will be against
        outside associations and will be closed to parents
        as well (Day 4 of Tryouts).
◼   After each tryout, a posting will go up to tell you
    which session your player should attend next.
Tryouts: 2022 – 2023

◼   Goalies will not have separate tryout sessions. They
    will be observed and have some separate tryout drills
    assessed by goalie evaluators.
◼   Tryouts will consist of hockey related drills to
    demonstrate skills, and game-like situations. The
    evaluators will be looking at the whole picture –
    skating skills, game-like situations, 1:1, 2:2, etc.
◼   The final decisions are made collectively by the
    evaluators chosen by the PDC.
     ◼   As in past years, we will have independent
         evaluators and members of our Player
         Development Committee evaluating players and
         placing players on teams.
Tryouts: 2022 – 2023

      ◼ Check the Website for dates and
        group session postings
      ◼ All players will receive a numbered
        jersey for tryouts that must be worn
        for each tryout session. This jersey
        must be returned at the end of the
        last session.
      ◼ Following tryouts, final teams will be
        posted on our website.
      ◼ If a player cannot be at tryouts,
        please contact Laura Slominski
Ice Time

◼   Primary Rinks: Hayes, AVSA, ECA
    & Burnsville
◼   Potential Secondary Rinks: St.
    Thomas, Drake, Lakeville, others
◼   A minimum of 1 weeknight time,
    but typically 3-4 weeknights
◼   Typically both weekend days
◼   Ice can be early or late – Teams
    may have 9:30 PM weeknight &
    6:00 AM weekend starts
Ice Time (Cont)

◼   Ice balancing is done for an entire
    season, not a specific week or
◼   Ice is distributed as evenly as
    possible based on the
    allotments recommended by the
◼   Ice is published in blocks (typically
    3-4) throughout the season
◼   See for
    more details
Ice Time (Cont)

◼   Outdoor ice blocks are
    received from the city in late
    November and made available
    to teams in December
    ◼   Team coaches are responsible
        for reserving outdoor ice
◼   Dryland is reserved by the
    team coaches throughout the
Dry Land Training

◼   New Eastview Hockey Dryland

    5995 149th St W Suite 105
Fair Play Policy

Key Components
◼   Squirts/10U and Peewees/12U players’ positions should be
    rotated with equal playing time
◼   Goalies should be given equal playing time over the course of
    the regular season. Coach discretion on how to manage (e.g.
    whole game rotations/partial game rotations)
◼   Bantams and 14/15U do not have a requirement to rotate player
    positions and may have specialty lines but all players should get
    opportunities to play on special team positions throughout the
    regular season
◼   For any team playing in playoffs, the Coach may utilize special
    power play lines, penalty kill lines, and may manipulate playing
    time to put their team in the best position to win, but, the Coach
    should utilize all players in the game. On teams with more than
    one Goalie, the Coach may manipulate the Goalie rotation to
    give the team the best chance to win.
◼   Teams can restrict playing time due to violation of team rules
    or attendance concerns.
COACH, Player, and Parent

◼ Always conduct
 yourself with class
 and integrity
◼   What is SafeSport?’
    2005 and older)
◼   Link:
◼   Training
◼   Link:
◼   USA Hockey’s Reporting Policy is a key part of its
    Safe Sport Program and an effective reporting policy
    is crucial to preventing abuse. Section IV of the Safe
    Sport Handbook contains specifics on the Reporting
◼   The Policy requires that every employee or volunteer
    of any USA Hockey Member Program must report (1)
    actual or perceived violations of the USA Hockey Safe
    Sport Program Handbook, (2) any violations of the
    policies prohibiting Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse,
    Emotional Abuse, Bullying, Threats and Harassment,
    and Hazing, and (3) suspicions or allegations of child
    physical or sexual abuse to the appropriate USA
    Hockey representatives.
◼   Link: Handbook

◼   Volunteer policy available on the
◼   5 hours per family
◼   How to meet your required hours
    ◼   Check Dibs for roles
    ◼   Interested in Coaching?
    ◼   Team Managers needed
    ◼   Game Day Duties DO NOT qualify
        (Time keeper, scorekeeper, penalty
        box, locker room monitor)
◼   Locker Room Monitoring and Team
    Manager roles require registration
◼   Many board committees need help
Team Managers

◼   One Manager per team
◼   Manage Team’s Discretionary Finances
◼   Assist coach in scheduling scrimmages, coordinating
    referee scheduling for scrimmages and ice time
◼   Coordinate with EVHA Ice Coordinator/Administrator
◼   Help with team coordination on picture night
◼   Team communications (schedule changes, etc.)
◼   Coordinate Game-Day Parent Volunteer Jobs (Clock,
    Scorekeeper, Penalty Box, Locker Room Monitors) –
    These do NOT qualify for volunteer hours)
◼   Fulfill tourney requirements (roster submission, verify
    hotel block, etc)
◼   If interested contact
◼   Traveling teams typically go to
    3 tournaments
    ◼   2 Metro Area Tournaments
    ◼   1 Out of Town Tournament

◼   Tournament selection process
    ◼   Feedback from coaches and survey
    ◼   Number of tournaments at each
    ◼   Tournament selection criteria
Tournaments (Cont)
Squirt B1:                    Squirt B2:
1. Bloomington (Jan 5-8)      1. South St. Paul (Dec 9-11)
2. Owatonna (Jan 20-22)       2. New Hope (Dec 2-4)
3. Breezy Point (Dec 2-4)     3. Brainerd (Jan 27-29)

Squirt C (Blue):              Squirt C (White):
1. Stillwater (Jan 5-8)       1. St. Paul (Jan 6-8)
2. New Hope (Dec 2-4)         2. Forest Lake (Dec 2-4)
3. Breezy Point (Jan 27-29)   3. Breezy Point (Jan 27-29)

Peewee A:                     Pewee B2:
1. Hudson (Jan 6-8)           1. Forest Lake (Nov 18-20)
2. New Hope (Feb 3-5)         2. South St. Paul (Jan 13-15)
3. Breezy Point (Dec 9-11)    3. Breezy Point (Jan 6-8)
Peewee C:
1. Forest Lake (Nov 18-20)
2. Anoka (Jan 12-15)
3. Breezy Point (Dec 16-18)

Bantam A:                     Bantam B2:
1. Hopkins (Nov 25-27)        1. Minneapolis (Nov-25-27)
2. Duluth (Dec 16-18)         2. Prior Lake (Jan 13-15)
3. P4P (Jan 6-8)              3. Walker (Jan 17-29)
Tournaments (Cont)
10U A:                        10U B1:
1. Sartell (Nov 25-27)        1. Hopkins (Nov 18-20)
2. Hastings (Dec 2-4)         2. Hastings (Dec 2-4)
3. Duluth (Jan 13-15)         3. Duluth (Jan 13-15)

10U B2:
1. Anoka (Dec 2-4)
2. Albert Lea (Dec 9-11)
3. St Michael (Jan 20-22)

12U A:                         12U B1:
1. Hopkins (Nov 18-20)         1. Hopkins (Nov 18-20)
2. Duluth (Jan 13-15)          2. Albert Lea (Dec 9-11)
3. Blaine (Feb 3-5)            3. Duluth (Jan 13-15)
                               4. Blaine (Feb 3-5)
12U B2:
1. Hopkins (Nov 18-20)
2. Owatonna (Dec 4-6)
3. St Michael (Jan 20-22)
4. Breezy Point (Feb 10-12)

15U A:                        15U B:
1. Blaine (Nov 11-13)         1. Elk River (Dec 16-18)
2. Proctor (Dec 2-4)          2. Brainerd (Nov 18-20)
3. Duluth (Jan 13-15)         3. Owatonna (Dec 2-4)
◼   Pull Tabs – Bogarts/Apple Place,
    Cowboy Jacks, and Crooked Pint
◼   Raffle Night (Feb 11th, 2023)-Cowboy
◼   AmazonSmile (link on EVHA site)
◼   Restaurant promotion nights (Chipotle,
    Jersey Mike's)
EVHA Survey

◼   Many changes we make come
    from the survey results
◼   Comments / Suggestion “box”
    added to
    ◼   Home → Board
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