Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - 2022 Strategic Plan / Annual Plan Master

Page created by Brett Sharp
Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - 2022 Strategic Plan / Annual Plan Master
Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022
                                                                                             MOE 3967

Windsor North School prides itself on its 145 year heritage and a commitment in promoting quality learning
programmes that meets the needs of all its learners (students, staff and whanau), within an inclusive connected
environment. Windsor North School reflects New Zealand’s cultural diversity and we recognise and value the
cultures within our community. We foster multiculturalism and tolerance of others by being aware of the
beliefs, stories and rituals that others hold important to our special place in the Windsor community.
Our Purpose is… to inspire, educate, challenge and support all learners to achieve their full potential.

Our Vision… Students Learning for Living                          A learning journey that is a team effort. Where we are committed in supporting the development
                                                                  of our learners for their future.
through… ‘Ako Oranga’                                            ● Our Koru team forms the strong foundations in literacy, numeracy and learning capabilities
                                                                 ● Our Kowhai team continues to scaffold, grow and build on the skills within exciting learning opportunities
                                                                 ● Our Kauri team aims to stretch and apply learning to real life contexts. With the focus on our learners
                                                                     being confident, connected, resilient self managing learners.

Our Values…                                                      Respect - Manaakitanga     Responsibility - Whakaute    Excellence - Kairangi
                                                                 support all members of Windsor North School Community in meeting their aspirations and learning goals.

Our Learning Dispositions (5C’s)
Linked into our learning programme to enhance and develop core
Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - 2022 Strategic Plan / Annual Plan Master
Strategic Goals 2020-22 (DRAFT) As a result of community consultation in November 2019 the following strategic goals have been formulated. During 2021 the
Leadership Team in consultation with the teaching team reviewed where we are tracking in our journey and have refined some focus goals to allow us to develop concepts
deeper and become more coherent across the school. Please note in the boxes is the past 3 years strategic focuses for 2022 we are looking at either building on the
focus or commencing investigation development to assist us with our strategic review over 2022.
 Our Learning Pathway in connecting and equipping our learners for their future by….
 Learning Pou 1 -                          Learning                                    Learning Pou 3                             Visionary
 Teaching and                                                                          Community                                  Developments
 Learning                                  Pou 2                                       Partnerships                               Strategic
 with a focus on                           Professional                                Empower personal                           Forward Thinking
 learning design that                      Learning - Growing                          growth and strengthen                      …..
 empowers quality                          our Windsor North                           self review processes                      Planning for
 practise and student                      Staff                                       To review reporting                        future
 positive shift                                                                        and strengthen home-school partnerships    developments

 Key focus for 2022- Building              Key focus for 2022- Professional            Working with local kaumatua in the          Main Focus Governance
 Professional Leadership Capacity          Growth and Strategic Planning               development of local curriculum and
 In…:                                      Review                                      school cultural development                ●   Consultation and securing the best
 Leadership Coaching to support            ● Pb4L full year Tier 1 (This focus is       ● Linking with review of school               board we can for 2022-2025
 assessment capability                       the first phase of a 3 year                   vision/ values / linking to our            election timeframe
 ●       Mark Sweeney Coaching               programme)                                    history
 ●       Evaluative Associates MOE PLD     ● Focus review of the school process                                                    Property Development - Junior
         application for Mathematical        and look at how our values and 5C          Connections with our wider                 Block
         design and assessment practice      learning dispositions link into all we     community
 Maths - Assessment Capability               do. Linking into Strategic Plan refresh                                              ●   Consult with staff in further
 ● Review Consistent and coherent            for 2023-2026                             Continue to review new reporting               improving the learning
    pathways Yr 1-6 assessment in          ● Analysis of data supporting changing      format showing shift                           environments for our students.
    Maths (PL focus Terms 3&4)               behaviours                                 ● Review student management               ●   Research and/or visit schools that
 ● Alim development with focus area        ● Building house system/ student                systems- to support ongoing                have been upgraded to ensure best
    Year 3 and 4                             leadership and connecting to our              effective communication and                practice.
 ● Working on target focus for 2023          values to our local history and               assessment practices (HERO)            ●   Engage Project Manager to
    Maths development and NZ                 environment                                ● Implementing identified areas for           co-ordinate plan for property
    Curriculum refresh - PL application                                                    improvement as a result of                 developments over the next 2 years
                                            Main Focus Governance - Strategic              effective learner focused
                                                                                           evaluation processes. with              Review our delivery of Health and PE
 Linking with Mathematics and Writing       Plan development for 2023-2026
 focus with curriculum refresh how we                                                      particular focus on the
                                           ●    Consultation, reflection on values,        development of our ESOL and
 track and support shift and are we                                                                                               ●   Consultation with the community
                                                vision and key focus areas                 Maori/ Pasifika families - ESOL plan
 making timely shift                                                                                                                  on proposed draft Health and PE
                                            ● Working with Springboard Trust
                                           Developing collaborative practice                                                          programme.
 Focus on Nero Diversity - looking at                                                                                             ●   Development of sexuality/ identity
                                           skills Yr 3-6
 complexity of behaviours and                                                                                                     ●   Promoting leadership
                                            ● Focus on Leadership Development
 supporting learning Term 2 PL fous                                                                                                   opportunities for students within
                                                and Building capacity
 Senco Support across the teams in                                                                                                    the community and for the
                                            ● Development of coaching and
 needs assessment                                                                                                                     community to engage with WNS i.e.
                                                mentoring to support collaborative
                                                practice                                                                              Windsor Readers./ PALS

Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - 2022 Strategic Plan / Annual Plan Master
Windsor North School Annual Plan 2022
                                                                                MOE 3967

                                                                           Our 2022 Focuses
Learning Pou 1 - Teaching and Learning                   Learning Pou 2                                              Learning Pou 3
with a focus on learning design that                                                                                 Community Partnerships
empowers quality practise and student                    Professional Learning - Growing our Windsor                 Empower personal growth and strengthen
positive shift                                           North Staff                                                 self review processes
                                                                                                                     To review reporting and strengthen
                                                                                                                     home-school partnerships

             Learning Pou 1 - Teaching and Learning within Mathematics (Major Focus) and NZ Histories exploration
             (Minor Focus)with a focus on learning design that empowers quality practise and student positive shift
                                            Linking to National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) - OUR WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO
               Objective 3 -Quality Teaching and Leadership by continuing to build teacher capacity and learning support within the school. Developing and embedding
               Tikanga Maori within our school culture and practices where staff and students have an opportunity to learn, Te Reo Maori.
Objective 1 - Learners at the Centre by Supporting learners and staff in the development of programme design and working in partnership with specialist agencies to
ensure diversity and inclusivity.
Objective 5 - World Class Inclusive Education - working collaboratively on inquiry developments and through professional learning
Strategic Focus                           Action                                      Our Aim                                      Personnel and Resources

Implementing identified areas for         Action                                      Measure                                      Who are the drivers
improvement as a result of effective      What are we developing and Why              How will we know we have succeeded our       What resources is required
learner focused evaluation processes                                                  targeted focus
specifically in Writing and Maths.
                                          Curriculum Refresh (incl new Aotearoa       For all students to be making at least 1-2   Team Leaders working within teams
Focus 1: Maths Development linking into   New Zealand Histories Curriculum) -         sub level shifts within their number         around data and forming a team focuses
NZ Curriculum Refresh                     to support whole-staff in developing        development                                  on professional development. This will
● Review Consistent and coherent          shared understandings of the new                                                         be our ERO Leadership Inquiry Focus
  pathways Yr 1-6 assessment in           curriculum overviews as they are            Review and tweak WNS Assessment
  Maths (PL focus Terms 3&4)              developed and transitioned into schools.    plan structure to meet developments          Looking at how we asses
                                          This focus will be developed over 2022      and findings around assessment
                                                                                      capability process.
                                          Key focus is building assessment                                                         Working with Evaluative Associates -
                                          capability and coherence within the         ○    2022 focus will begin with              look to put in a PLD Application to
                                          teams and across the teams.                      Mathematics/ Aotearoa New               support assessment capability and NZ
                                          Leadership development - Forming                                                         Curriculum refresh development
Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - 2022 Strategic Plan / Annual Plan Master
strong assessment frameworks in              Zealand Histories curriculum -
                                           unpacking data to use across other           approach & key concepts, indicators
                                           subject areas.                               & levels, assessment and outcomes       Alim Leaders - Nic/ Amanda and Year
                                           Going deeper into the data in                                                        3-4
                                                                                      ■ Delivering Staff PL and/or
                                           Unpacking what is the data telling us        Leadership PL so that all teams feel    Resources:
                                            ● Strengths and why they are                empowered to use/ moderate and          ALim Professional Learning and 4 days
                                                strengths what is students needing      assess capability. This will include    release
                                                to do to be, successful what does       Alim development                        $1500 donated from PTA for each team
                                                the teacher do to support success     ● Develop Strand Mathematics Kits         to support the development of Strand
                                            ● Areas of focus                             within each team                       Mathematics Kit
                                            ● What is the shift looking like from
                                                                                       ● Minor include an Aotearoa New
                                                End to Mid Year/ Mid to End of Year
                                                                                          Zealand Histories and
                                            ● Developing key targets -
                                            ● Alim development with focus target
                                                area Year 3 and 4

Progress and Outcomes                      Mid Year

                                           End of Year

Learning Pou 1 - Teaching and Learning supporting our Neurodiverse Learners
with a focus on learning design that empowers quality practise and student positive shift
                                   Linking to National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) - OUR WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO
Objective 1 - Learners at the Centre by Supporting learners and staff in the development of programme design and working in partnership with specialist agencies to
ensure diversity and inclusivity.
Strategic Focus                            Action                                     Our Aim                                   Personnel and Resources

Improve understanding of trends and        Action                                     Measure                                   Who are the drivers
patterns including strengths and           What are we developing and Why             How will we know we have succeeded our    What resources is required
weaknesses in curriculum reviews.                                                     targeted focus
Focus 2:
  ● Neurodiversity - looking at
      complexity of behaviours and
      supporting learning within English
  ● Term 2 PL fous

Windsor North School Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - 2022 Strategic Plan / Annual Plan Master
●  DP - investigating supporting                ●   Form a procedure document           DP - Sabbatical Targeted Focus over
                                               frameworks in the field of                       around Neurodiverse                 term 1
                                               Neurodiveristy                               ●   Have clear and cohesive
                                              ○ dyslexia learners - linking into                pathways to support learners        Professional Learning Sessions x 4
                                                  Esther Whitehead                              through Yr 1-6                      including a Teacher Only Day in Term 2
                                              ○ structured learning                                 ○ Ready for Learning
                                              ○ Phonics/spelling development                        ○ Screening for Dyslexia
                                              ○ Learners with emotional/ social                     ○ Parent information            PTA support Nathan Wallis quest
                                                  needs                                             ○ Support structures            speaker at school and parent evening
                                              ○ Reading for Learning - linking              ●   Develop resource bank across
                                                  into Clarity Education                        the school to support learners      Looking at guest speakers - Esther
                                              ○                                                                                     Whitehead NZ Dyslexia Foundation
                                            ● From investigation review our                                                         Chair
                                               school platform and refine and
                                               grow our school plan on how we
                                               support learners

Progress and Outcomes                       Mid Year

                                            End of Year

              Learning Pou 2 - Professional Learning with the focus on enhancing and growing further a strong learning
              with a focus of growing our Windsor North Staff
                                            Linking to National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) - OUR WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO
              Objective 1 -Learners at the Centre and The WNS Board and Staff are committed to ensure that all learners (students, staff and parents) have the right to feel
safe within our school by having robust systems and processes that are continually reviewed. We pride ourselves in ensuring our values and vision are upheld within all we do.
Objective 4 - Future Learning and Work by responding to the changing demands and needs of the work place - with ‘Wellbeing’ a central focus to all we do. Using Self review
to review processes and systems so we can streamline and work more effectively and efficiently.
Strategic Focus                             Action                                      Our Aim                                     Personnel and Resources

Review and development on                   Action                                      Measure                                     Who are the drivers
connection of our values/ vision to         What are we developing and Why              How will we know we have succeeded our      What resources is required
continue to develop and support a safe                                                  targeted focus
environments and positive
relationships (staff/ whanau /
students and wider community)
Focus 1:
Pb4L full year Tier 1
  ● Focus review of school process
       and look at how our values and 5C

learning dispositions link into all   Focuses - working with Lisa J and the       Measurables :                               PB4L Team
      we do                                 PB4L team in developing our school          ■ Bringing the restorative approach         Each member of the PB4L team will have a key role
  ●   Analysis of data supporting           culture and 5 C’s further. Meeting with        into practice for all staff              to play. The following staff indicated in the MOE
      changing behaviours                   the wider PB4L team regularly to look at                                                Survey that they would like to be considered to be
                                                                                        ■ Review of our 5 Peaks - refining of
                                            current situation, next steps, action                                                   part of the team. This will be reviewed & updated in
● Building house system/ student            plans                                          ‘titles’ through consultation &          the 2022 COL Opportunities survey.
  leadership and connecting to our              ● Collecting feedback and data             developing explicit shared                MOE PB4L Coordinator     Lisa Johnstone
  values to our local history and                   analysis of current situation in       understandings
  environment                                       the school - from                   ■ Making our Values and 5 Cmore              Level 1 Team             Monique D
                                                    staff/students/parents                 visible in the things we do within the
                                                ● Consider data gathering tools -          school - our actions, our vocab etc       Level 2                   Lisa c

                                                    ETap HERO, other strategies         ■ Planning further growth in PB4L Tier
                                                                                                                                     Level 3                  Matt M
                                                ● Breaking down the data and               2 & 3 - 2023+
                                                    identifying target focus -                                                       PB4L Leader
                                                    continue analysis to feedback
                                                                                                                                     Leadership               Debbie
                                                    termly looking for impacts and
                                                    making a difference
                                                ● Building a professional
                                                    learning/level team and school                                                  MOE funded $10,000 to support
                                                    wide foci                                                                       Professional learning and development
                                                ● Review of our 5 C’s and values                                                    of PB4L within the school.
                                                    in terms of both learning
                                                    behaviours & social behaviours
                                                    Linking to other schools across
                                                    Southland (incl other PB4L

Progress and Outcomes                       Mid Year

                                            End of Year

Learning Pou 2 - Professional Learning with the focus on enhancing and growing further a strong learning culture
with a focus of growing our Windsor North Staff
                                    Linking to National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) - OUR WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO
                Objective 2 - Barrier Free Access - Our learning environment is inclusive and responsive to the learners needs including social and emotional.
Strategic Focus                             Action                                      Our Aim                                     Personnel and Resources

 Keep focus on continuous                   Action                                      Measure                                     Who are the drivers
 improvement through a robust               What are we developing and Why              How will we know we have succeeded our      What resources is required
 teacher Professional Growth Cycle.                                                     targeted focus

Focus on growing our Leaders             The leadership team working as a             This will link to our ERO Inquiry Focus -
                                          ● Developing collaborative practice     cohesive unit who have strong direction      Mathematics and development of
                                             skills Yr 3-6 - teaming and around   and development in the implementation        Pb4L
                                             how we weave our school              of hte school vision, values and strategic
                                             values,5C’s and strategic focuses    plan                                         Coaching Mentor - Mark Sweeney
                                             within the day to day developments                                                Values and Team Mentor Mark
                                             of the schools                       Able to grow cohesive teams who work         Osbourne
                                          ● Focus on Leadership Development       collaboratively to support the learning
                                             and Building capacity                development of all learners.
                                          ● Development of coaching and                                                        Funds- mentoring and coaching 3 x a
                                             mentoring to support collaborative   Look at within team and across teams         year online and face to face.
                                             practice                                                                          $5000???
                                                                                  Leaders use mentors to support their
                                                                                  leading of the focuses through a             Debbie - awarded Springboard
                                                                                  coaching model approach                      Scholarship And will focus on strategic
                                                                                                                               Leadership and review of Strategic
                                                                                                                               Plan/ Vision and Values

Progress and Outcomes                    Mid Year

                                         End of Year

            Learning Pou 3 - Community Partnership
            Through review, reporting and strengthen home-school partnerships

Strategic Focus                          Action                                   Our Aim                                      Personnel and Resources

 Modify practice based on                Action                                   Measure                                      Who are the drivers
 feedback/review of effectiveness of     What are we developing and Why           How will we know we have succeeded our       What resources is required
 communication and consultation                                                   targeted focus
 with parents, students and the school

●   Continue to review new reporting       Main Focus Governance - Strategic Plan       Leadership Team/ WNS Board
                                                format showing shift                   development for 2023-2025/6
                                            ●   Review student management              ● Consultation
                                                systems- to support ongoing            ● Linking in NZ Curriculum refresh
                                                effective communication and            ● Titri Maori
                                                assessment practices (HERO)
                                            ●   Implementing identified areas for
                                                improvement as a result of effective
                                                learner focused evaluation
                                                processes. with particular focus on
                                                the development of our ESOL and
                                                Maori/ Pasifika families - ESOL plan

Progress and Outcomes                      Mid Year

                                           End of Year

Learning Pou 3 - Community Partnership
Through review, reporting and strengthen home-school partnerships
                                     Linking to National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) - OUR WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO
Objective 3 -Quality Teaching and Leadership with the commitment of Te Tiriti (Treaty of Waitangi) embedded in all policy, practices including strategy, behaviours and
actions, resourcing within the school our vision and our values are used as our guiding framework.
Strategic Focus                            Action                                      Our Aim                                      Personnel and Resources

 Staff will be given opportunities to           ●   Action                             Measure                                      Who are the drivers
 increase their knowledge and                   ●   What are we developing and Why     How will we know we have succeeded our       What resources is required
 integration of Te Reo and Tikanga                                                     targeted focus
 Maori as well as Cultural
 Competencies                               ●   Working with local kaumatua in         The leadership team working as a             This will link to our ERO Inquiry Focus
                                                the development of local               cohesive unit who have strong direction
 This will also be connected to our             curriculum and with the Strategic      and development in the implementation
 Strategic Plan Review                          Plan Development                       of the school vision, values and strategic
                                            ●   Linking with review of school          plan
                                                vision/ values / linking to our
                                                history                                Able to grow cohesive teams who work
                                                                                       collaboratively to support the learning
                                           Focus on growing our Leaders                development of all learners.
                                            ● Developing collaborative practice
                                               skills Yr 3-6 - teaming and around      Look at within team and across teams
                                               how we weave our school
                                               values,5C’s and strategic focuses       Leaders use mentors to support their
                                               within the day to day developments      leading of the focuses through a
                                               of the schools                          coaching model approach

●   Focus on Leadership Development
                                          and Building capacity
                                      ●   Development of coaching and
                                          mentoring to support collaborative

                                      ●   Working as a Board to focus on       March back plan from September the
 Main Focus Governance                    succession planning -                timeline
                                      ●   Development of Board Code of
Consultation and securing the best
                                          Ethics                               Looking at soundbites in the newsletter
board we can for 2022-2025 election
                                      ●   Looking at the needs of the board       - at least every fortnight
                                          (Board Skills Matrix)
                                      ●   Developing meetings and
                                          information sessions around What
                                          we focus on as a board/ board role

Progress and Outcomes                 Mid Year

                                      End of Year

                    Monitoring: Monthly reporting against each of the actions is completed for the School Management Team and BOT

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