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Vol. XXXIV Issue 12; June 2nd fortnight i­­ssue 2022   A DDP PUBLICATION          Pages : 24            ` 20/-


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Vol. XXXIV Issue 12; June 2nd fortnight i­­ssue 2022                                               A DDP PUBLICATION                                                              Pages : 24                                                         ` 20/-


Sustainable tourism in limelight
The National Strategy for Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Traveller Campaign, launched by the Ministry of
Tourism in New Delhi recently, aims to mainstream sustainability in Indian tourism sector and ensure a more resilient,
inclusive, carbon neutral and resource efficient tourism, while safeguarding natural and cultural resources.
   Janice Alyosius                     Sustainable Tourism and Respon-                                                                                                           ism, Government of India, said,        its focus to resiliency, sustain-
                                       sible Traveller Campaign in New                                                                                                           “Tourism and environment share         ability and interconnectedness

        ational Tourism Policy 2022    Delhi recently.                                                                                                                           a special relationship. Their in-      among diverse stakeholders in
        recognises tourism as a                                                                                                                                                  teraction with each other is a         the sector.”
        key driver of economic         The national strategy aims to                                                                                                             two-way process. On the one
growth in India, as it is one of the   mainstream sustainability in                                                                                                              hand, environmental resources          The MOT also announced
fastest growing sectors and has        Indian tourism sector and en-                                                                                                             constitute one of the basic ingre-     Swadesh Darshan 2.0 on the occa-
a significant impact on trade, job     sure a more resilient, inclusive,                                                                                                         dients of tourism. The natural and     sion. Rakesh Verma, Additional
creation, investment, infrastruc-      carbon neutral and resource                                                                                                               manmade setting form the tour-         Secretary, Ministry of Tourism,
ture development and social inclu-     efficient tourism while safe-                                                                                                             ism products that the tourist en-      Government of India, said, “Our
sion. Since sustainability is a pre-   guarding natural and cultural                                                                                                             joys. On the other hand, the close     National Strategy for sustainable
requisite for the long-term growth     resources. The strategy docu-                    Arvind Singh                            Rakesh Verma
                                                                                                                                                                                 and direct relationship between        tourism and Swadesh Darshan
of tourism, the Union Ministry of      ment identifies the strategic                    Secretary, MOT, Government of India     Additional Secretary, MOT, Government of India   visitors, host communities and         schemes are focused on devel-
Tourism has a prepared national        pillars for development of sus-                                                                                                           local environment create a sen-        oping sustainable tourist destina-
strategy for sustainable tourism       tainable tourism like promoting                 sustainability, scheme for cer-         able tourism will involve a                       sitive situation, whereby tourism      tions, with the key objective of
in consultation with relevant min-     environmental sustainability,                   tification of sustainable tour-         diverse set of stakeholders.                      can be both damaging as well as        preserving and enhancing the lo-
istries, state governments and in-     protecting biodiversity, pro-                   ism, IEC and capacity building                                                            positive for sustainable develop-      cal culture and natural resources
dustry stakeholders. The ministry      moting economic sustainabil-                    and governance. Promotion               Speaking at the event,                            ment. The pandemic has further         and the contribution of tourism
launched the National Strategy for     ity, promoting socio-cultural                   and development of sustain-             Arvind Singh, Secretary, Tour-                    forced the tourism sector to shift                      Contd on page 16

  Maha to check over-tourism Ayush visa, a gamechanger
Sustainable tourism policy of the state will help disperse tourists to Welcoming the recently announced Ayush visa, inbound players
outskirts, reduce impact on environment and benefit locals, says say there is a need to take these alternative therapies originating in
Dr Dhananjay Sawalkar, Joint MD, Directorate of Tourism, Maharashtra. India to international tourists in a big way.
   Hazel Jain                                                                          “Our aim now is to keep them                  Nisha Verma                                                                       therapy travel to India. "We should
                                                                                       within Maharashtra and encour-                                                                                                  encourage and ensure that all the

T                                                                                                                              P
      he Directorate of Tourism,                                                       age them to visit places like Au-             rime Minister Narendra Modi                                                       international insurance companies
      Maharashtra, is keen on                                                          rangabad, Tadoba and the Konkan               recently announced that In-                                                       are recognised by the hospitals
      promoting unique things                                                                                                        dia will soon introduce a spe-                                                    here. Also, the facilities here with
that the state has to offer to at-                                                                                             cial Ayush visa category for foreign                                                    the accredited hospitals and well-
tract more international tour-                                                                                                 nationals who want to come to                                                           ness centres should be widely
ists. For instance, caves, says                                                            We are seeing                       India to take advantage of Ayush                                                        publicised in the source markets
Dr Dhananjay Sawalkar, Joint                                                                                                   therapy. The announcement sent                                                          from where we expect the patients
Managing Director, Directorate                                                               instances of                      a ray of hope among the inbound                                                         to come here, like South eastern
of Tourism, Maharashtra. “Out                                                               over-tourism,                      tourism industry.                                                                       and European countries where
of the 1,200 caves in India, 800       Dr Dhananjay Sawalkar                                                                                                                                                           long waiting periods are there.
are in our state. Sea forts are also   Joint MD, Directorate of Tourism, Maharashtra        land pollution                     Medical tourism boon
                                                                                                                                                                                  EM Najeeb
                                                                                                                                                                                  Senior Vice President, IATO          Wide publicity should be given
unique to our state. We are also
promoting adventure activities         moting through roadshows, travel
                                                                                               and even                        Sharing how India was already
                                                                                                                               making waves in terms of medi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       digitally as well as through embas-
                                                                                                                                                                                 higher heights in the future. Looking sies,” he said.
like paragliding at Kamshet and        marts and familiarisation tours,”                   water shortage                      cal tourism, EM Najeeb, Senior                    backward, the earlier estimation
scuba diving in Sindhudurg, along      he says.                                                                                Vice President, IATO, said, “Pre-                 was that by mid–2020, India's Alternative takes centrestage
with rural tourism as it will appeal
                                                                                          in tourist places                    Covid India was the hub of medi-                  medical tourism sector would The Ayush visa, believes Rajiv
to inbound travellers. We want to      Sharing pre-pandemic figures, Dr                                                        cal tourism taking nearly 18 per                  have an estimated growth worth Mehra, President, IATO, will help
look at how foreign tourists are       Sawalkar says that it ranged from                                                       cent of the global market. In 2017,               US$5–6 billion.”                      business in India. “Whoever will
arriving into Maharashtra and          45-50 lakh international tourists.              belt where they can stay for more       495,056 patients visited India to                                                       come with this visa, will stay here
how can we get them to stay            But they stay for one to two days               than four or five days,” he added.      seek medical care. This points to                 Najeeb believes that Ayush visa is for a long time, which will always
longer. So, we have identified 10      in Mumbai only and go on to other               Another sector that has been so         the fact that this high potential and             a great advantage for promoting help the business, especially for
long-stay circuits that we are pro-    states like Goa or Kerala.                                           Contd on page 16   bounce would take this sector to                  medical value as well as alternative                      Contd on page 12
BULLETIN                                                                                                                                                                             june 2 nd Fortnight issue 2022   TravTalk   5

Make tourism national priority: HRAWI
Among the recommendations submitted to the Union goverment, Hotel & Restaurant Association of Western
India has requested for better credit facilities for the hospitality sector. The association has also sought investment
subsidies and tax holidays for investments in tourism projects, and continuation of the EPCG Scheme.
   TT Bureau                          Paramjit Ghai, Joint Honorary          are the key drivers to accelerate                                            said Pradeep Shetty, Senior Vice-      in the country that are in need
                                      Secretary, HRAWI and Kunal             socio-economic development of                                                President, HRAWI.                      of protection from the preda-

       enior delegates of the         Gujral, Secretary General, HRAWI       the country. Also, as part of the                                                                                   tory pricing and anti-competitive
       Hotel & Restaurant             among others.                          celebrations of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit                                              HRAWI also has requested               tactics of OTAs and FSAs. The
       Association of West-                                                  Mahotsav’, with the support of                                               for continuation of the EPCG           minister was extremely recep-
ern India (HRAWI) met with                                                   the Ministry of Tourism we have                                              Scheme, favourable liquor li-
G. Kishan Reddy, Union Minister                                              proposed organising food festi-       and for better credit facilities for   cence policies and a level playing
for Tourism, Culture and Develop-                                            vals across the Western region,”      the sector. It has requested for in-   field that covers both conven-
ment, North-Eastern Region, du-                                              says Bhatia. “The minister was        vestment subsidies and tax holi-       tional and alternate accommoda-             Going green
rubg his visit to Mumbai recently.                                           keen about hospitality’s role in      days for investments in tourism        tion such as B&B, guest houses,
The delegation presented the                                                 the adoption and preservation         projects. “GST rates for hospital-     short term rentals and so on. The             is a trend
minister with a comprehensive                                                of historical monuments. He           ity in India are one of the highest    association requested the minis-             that is now
wish-list of the hospitality indus-                                          suggested that the hospitality in-    in the world and this makes both       ter for support in building a plat-
try highlighting concerns and                                                dustry participates in such CSR       domestic and inbound tourism           form similar to Open Network for           being adopted
recommendations for the revival
and growth of the sector. The
                                          Sherry Bhatia
                                          President, HRAWI
                                                                             activities that aid in the mainte-
                                                                             nance and preservation of histori-
                                                                                                                   expensive. We have requested
                                                                                                                   that the 18 per cent GST category
                                                                                                                                                          Digital Commerce (ONDC) for the
                                                                                                                                                          hospitality industry for ensuring a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by everyone
delegation also apprised the min-                                            cal places and monuments. The         for hotels above room rates of         level playing field and to break the            in the
ister about the major concerns of     “We thank the minister for tak-        Archaeological Survey of India        `7,500 be annulled and merged          monopoly of OTAs and FSAs.
the sector subsequent to the two      ing the time out to meet with us       (ASI) has been requested to pre-      with the 12 per cent GST catego-
turbulent years of the pandemic.      during his short visit to Mumbai       pare a report on the subject and      ry. Similarly, restaurants should      “The Initiative to build a similar
                                      and for giving us the opportunity      HRAWI has accepted the pro-           be allowed to avail the option to      platform like ONDC for the hos-
The association was repre-            to submit a comprehensive rep-         posal wholeheartedly,” he added.      either charge a composite GST at       pitality sector will immensely         tive about our suggestions and
sented by Sherry Bhatia,              resentation with the sector’s pri-                                           5 per cent with no input tax credit    benefit millions of customers          we look forward to his consider-
President, HRAWI; Gurbaxish           orities for its revival. We have re-   Among the submitted recom-            or charge GST at 12 per cent with      with better deals and better cus-      ation of the same, which can go
Singh Kohli, Vice President,          quested him to consider making         mendations, HRAWI has request-        full input tax credit and that the     tomer experience. It will ensure a     a long way in transforming the
FHRAI; Pradeep Shetty, Se-            tourism a National Priority Sector     ed the minister to consider grant-    rate be delinked from any room         mechanism to protect the interest      travel and tourism sector in the
nior Vice-President, HRAWI;           since tourism and hospitality          ing infrastructure status to hotels   tariff if they are part of hotels,”    of lakhs of hotels and restaurants     country,” Shetty concluded.
                                                                                                                            Sustainable lifestyle new normal
              VIEWPOINT                                                                                                     Indians are becoming more conscious of making eco-friendly lifestyle choices enabling a
                                                                                                                            positive impact on the environment, reveals a recent report by Amex Trendex. About 90
                                                                                                                            per cent of Indians are apprising themselves about carbon offsetting, it says.
  Tourism with responsibility                                                                                                   TT Bureau                                                         per cent knew about carbon re-                                        per cent of Indian adults are more                                  show that Indian consumers are
  Earlier this month, the Ministry of Tourism held a                                                                                                                                              moval. In addition to this, about                                     likely to purchase environment-                                     becoming more self-aware and

                                                                                                                                   round 95 per cent of In-                                       92 per cent of Indian adults have                                     friendly products now than be-                                      are making more informed deci-
  workshop in New Delhi on responsible and sustain-                                                                                dians have become more                                         a good understanding of their                                         fore the pandemic. “The findings                                    sions to conserve the environ-
  able tourism. At the event, experts addressed key                                                                                focused on a variety of                                        personal carbon footprint and 87                                      of our Trendex research clearly                                     ment, which is especially true for
  challenges in the sector and shared case studies.                                                                         sustainability topics with re-                                                                                                                                                                                  GenZers and Millennials,” said
                                                                                                                            cycling, renewable energy and                                                                                                                                                                                   Vibha Bajaj, Vice President, Cor-
  A full day of learning with a full house of attendees.                                                                    climate action gaining the most                                         Indians lead the eco-friendly pack                                                                                                      porate Affairs, Asia, American
  Focusing on India, the Global Sustainable Tourism                                                                         interest, and they made changes                                         v More interested in energy efficiency in home/apartment than                                                                           Express. "At American Express
                                                                                                                            in their everyday life to reduce                                           ever before (97 per cent).                                                                                                           India, we have been driving sus-
  Council shared some interesting data. It stated,                                                                          their carbon footprint last year.                                                                                                                                                                               tainability initiatives along with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    v Looking for companies to provide them with options to remove
  "Sometimes referred to as ecotourism in India, sus-                                                                       For 96 per cent of surveyed In-                                                                                                                                                                                 multiple partners for increasing
                                                                                                                            dians, one of their goals in 2022                                          carbon emissions associated with their purchases with 98 per                                                                         the green cover, improving the
  tainable tourism is becoming more and more im-                                                                                                                                                       cent stating so
                                                                                                                            is making more sustainable be-                                                                                                                                                                                  air quality, and raising awareness
  portant." research in 2020 said 96%                                                                           haviour choices with purchases                                          v More focused on a variety of sustainability topics this year with                                                                     among the community in urban
  of Indian travellers identified sustainable travel as                                                                     of clothing, food, tech and travel.                                        air pollution (96 per cent) and recycling, renewable energy                                                                          spaces. Through volunteering
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and climate action (95 per cent) gaining the most interest.                                                                          programmes, our colleagues
  important to them, while 76% said they were more
                                                                                                                            About 90 per cent of the Indians                                        v Wanting to make more travel decisions with climate impact in                                                                          have also been supporting both
  determined to make sustainable choices when                                                                               are apprising themselves about                                             mind (96 per cent).                                                                                                                  country-specific and global
  looking to travel again in the future. While these                                                                        carbon offsetting and around 91                                                                                                                                                                                 green initiatives," she added.
  findings are promising, obstacles still exist. 39% of
  Indian travellers do not know how or where to find
  sustainable travel options and 54% think there aren’t
  enough sustainable travel options available. While
  it seems that travellers are gearing up to make re-
                                                                                                                             May brings travel recovery hope
  sponsible choices, we, the tourism industry, need to                                                                      During the month of May, Indian airports witness steep increase in international passenger
  take charge and rebuild tourism sustainability.                                                                           traffic to 72 per cent of the pre-Covid levels. This comes within one month of the resumption
                                                                                                                            of international commercial operations on March 27.
               Wellness and Yoga                                                                                                TT Bureau

  As India prepares for the eighth edition of the Inter-                                                                       CRA expects an increase in the                                        May trend in passenger traffic (in million)
                                                                                                                               overall passenger traffic up to
  national Day of Yoga on June 21, the Union Ministry                                                                          97 per cent of the pre-Covid                                          30                                                                                                                                                                       93% 100%
  of Ayush has ‘Yoga for Humanity’ as the theme for                                                                         levels in FY2023 on the back of a                                                                                                                                           79%                                                      91%
                                                                                                                                                                                                     25                                                                                   74%
  this year. It aims to portray how yoga served hu-                                                                         strong and sharp recovery in do-                                                                                                                 66%                                                                                                          80%
                                                                                                                            mestic passenger traffic and the                                         20                                                                                                                              60%
  manity in alleviating sufferings during Covid-19.                                                                         resumption of international com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              56%                                                          49%                                                            60%
  While there has been a huge demand for yoga and                                                                           mercial operations. The inter-                                           15
                                                                                                                            national commercial operations                                                                       36%                                                                                                                                                      40%
  wellness retreats since the pandemic, connecting                                                                          resumed on March 27 this year,                                           10 23%
  with nature, focussing on holistic well-being, nutri-                                                                     after a two-year ban. Though,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      5                                                                                                                                                                                   20%
  tion and rejuvenation are now the buzz words.                                                                             special flights were allowed dur-
                                                                                                                            ing the banned period.                                                      0                                                                                                                                                                                   0%
  While holistic healing takes centrestage, is India tour-                                                                                                                                                      Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22

  ism doing enough to grow its wellness offerings in                                                                        The ramp up is healthy with                                                            Total Passenger Traffic                             % Recovery (similar period in FY 2020)
                                                                                                                            international passenger traffic
  international markets? While International yoga day                                                                       reaching 63 per cent and 72 per
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: AAI, ICRA Research; * Mar-22 recovery is not given due to closure of airports operations partly during Mar-20

  can be a huge draw for foreign tourists to visit India                                                                    cent of pre-Covid levels (similar
  in the summer, are we making the most of these                                                                            period in 2019) in April and May                                      Covid levels in May 2022. As per                                      international traffic to reach 80-                                  level in FY2023 as against earlier
                                                                                                                            2022 respectively compared                                            a recent report published by ICRA                                     85 per cent of the pre-Covid                                        estimates of 70-75 per cent.”
  opportunities? This year, India is also celebrating                                                                       to the recovery of less than 50                                       on Airport Infrastructure industry,
  Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav where 75 iconic national                                                                          per cent to that of pre-pandemic                                      Abhishek Lahoti, Senior Analyst,
  sites will showcase mass yoga demonstration while                                                                         levels during FY2022. The re-                                         Corporate Ratings, ICRA, said,                                           Highlights
                                                                                                                            covery in domestic passenger                                          “Resumption of international                                             v The recovery in domestic passenger traffic was strong post-
  states will hold similar programmes at 75 important                                                                       traffic was strong post-Omicron                                       commercial operations has ac-                                              Omicron and has reached 98 per cent of pre-Covid levels in
  locations, according to their choice. I hope we get                                                                       and has reached 98 per cent of                                        celerated the traffic recovery.                                            April and May 2022
  to see a few foreign tourists also practice yoga and                                                                      pre-Covid levels in April and May                                     Considering the healthy ramp                                             v International traffic to reach 80-85 per cent of the pre-Covid
                                                                                                                            2022. Overall, passenger traffic                                      up in international traffic in the
  help make India the healing tourism capital.                                                                              has reached 93 per cent of pre-                                       last two months, ICRA expects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             level in FY2023 as against earlier estimate of 70-75 per cent.

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  Valley looks at brighter times                                                                                                                                                                    TourismNews
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ‘Succeeded in putting tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                                      on the UN agenda as a top
                                                                                                                                                                                                      priority’: UNWTO
While travel demand for Kashmir is at an all-time high, local trade is struggling with shortage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Senior citizens in Kerala get
hotel rooms and services. Zahoor Qari, Chairman & Managing Executive, Air Links Tours and                                                                                                             50 per cent cut in entry fee in
Travels, explains why it is important to bring down rates and create better infrastructure.                                                                                                           tourism centres

                                      accommodations for the tourists            The demand is high, said Qari,        ists are more compared to budget      message to the hoteliers charging        International passenger traffic
   Nisha Verma                                                                                                                                                                                        likely to reach up to 85 per cent
                                      that come to Kashmir. “Previously,         adding that the infrastructure in     tourists, due to which the rates      much more than the amenities

        ashmir has seen an un-        the bookings were not going online         the valley is not enough to take on   have gone very high,” he claimed.     and services they provide. The           of pre-Covid levels in 2023
        precedented rise in tourist   to such an extent. Tour operators          the complete tourist inflow that is                                         same goes for some transporters
        arrivals, recording around    are now facing a lot of problems           coming. “The rates have gone so                                             and shikarawalas. Not all hotels         FITUR 2023 to hold 43rd
600,000 tourists in the first four
months of 2022, highest in the
                                      in getting the tourists and groups         high that certain people are avoid-
                                                                                 ing to come to Kashmir because
                                                                                                                           This time we                      in Kashmir are worth charging
                                                                                                                                                             `12,000-13,000 per room, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      edition of International Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fair from 18 to 22 January 2023
last 10 years. Commenting on                                                     of non-availability of properties          are seeing                       quoting this much for clients
the same, Zahoor Qari, Chairman                                                  and services, as there is a short-                                          creates a bad image on the tour
& Managing Executive, Air Links                                                  age of vehicles and rooms. Gov-          more high-end                      operators if the customers are dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      75 per cent Indians ready to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      spend more than pre-pandemic
Tours and Travels, said that they                                                ernment is trying to accommo-            tourists, due to                   satisfied and feel misguided. It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                      on travel: MMT
are seeing a boom in business.                                                   date whatever demand is coming.                                             not the fault of the tour operator,”
“There is hardly any property                                                    We have also given suggestion to         which the rates                    he appealed. He said hotel asso-
where we can get any room these
days. We are already booked un-
                                                                                 the government to develop new
                                                                                 properties, so that in future we
                                                                                                                            have gone                        ciations and transporters have as-
                                                                                                                                                             sured them for amicable solution.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ananta Hotels & Resorts
                                                                                                                                                                                                      announces opening of 52-key
til July, and some properties are                                                don’t have shortage as we have              very high                                                                property in Sasan Gir, Gujarat
booked until October. We are see-         Zahoor Qari                            now,” he further added.                                                     Govt support
                                          Chairman & Managing Executive
ing such traffic in a decade. It is       Air Links Tours and Travels
                                                                                                                                                             Praising the tourism department,         Suspected digital fraud
a good step and progress for our                                                 He agreed that this increase could    Protests                              Qari said, “The department is tak-       attempts against travel industry
Union Territory (UT).”                                                           be a result of Covid, after which     Recently a protest was held in        ing the required steps. One of our       rise by 68 per cent
                                      accommodated in different prop-            people couldn’t travel outside        Kashmir by the travel trade against   demands is that they should give
Issues at hand                        erties. Also, it is difficult to provide   India and preferred Kashmir over      the unethical practices by hotels     more permits to taxi operators.
While Qari agrees that pressure is    the desired properties to tourists         many other destinations. “Gener-      and other service providers. “I am    Secondly, the tourism department         Israel removes all RT-PCR
there on all segments of tourism      because they are either already            ally, they were going to Thailand,    the convener of United Tourism        is in touch with the hoteliers to        testing requirements from
ecosystem, Qari highlights that       occupied or are not available.             Malaysia or Dubai, but that traffic   Forum, which staged those pro-        create more properties. With this,       21 May for all international
tour operators are still suffering    Same is the case with houseboats           has come to Kashmir. This time        tests. It is a group of 14 associa-   we would be able to overcome the         travellers
because they are unable to get the    and shikaras,” he said.                    we are seeing that high-end tour-     tions. The idea was to give a clear   shortage of hotels."
8     TravTalk JUNE 2 nd Fortnight issue 2022                                                                                                                                  Associations

‘We expect India to be new China’
PATA India chapter’s ‘Webinar: Asia Pacific Destination Forecast’ unveils the impact of Covid on the industry and
what the future holds in terms of recovery for the Asia-Pacific, with a focus on India, which is projecting positive
growth in the coming years.
    Nisha Verma                        has outperformed any Asia-Pa-
                                       cific country in the recovery with

      iz Ortiguera, CEO, PATA and      faster capacity rebuild. We expect
      Prof. John Koldowski, Advi-      India to be the new China over the
      sor, PATA, shared the tour-      next five years. While other mar-
ism trends and projections for         kets have suffered from under ca-
India market for next two years        pacity, India has bounced back.”      into their holiday plans, majority
(2022-24). Starting the presen-        She added, “There is a high inter-    of travellers in the region agreed.
tation, Ortiguera said that people     est, not just in marketing inbound    “India is sitting above 60 per
are looking forward to be recon-                                             cent, while the average is 57 per
nected and hence "Travel can                                                 cent in this region. There is a big
be a force for good, particularly                                            shift post pandemic, whether it is
in Asia". Giving a general outlook,                                          consumers or corporates, there
she said, “There are three brief                                             is an intention to more sustain-
messages—cautious optimism;                                                  able practices, interest and a
there are opportunities for the                                              sense of responsibility. Our ad-
innovative and strategic; and we                                             vise for destination operators
have to remind the world that the                                            and service providers is to stay
future is Asia.”                                                             current, be more conscious and          destinations. “They are more        Summit in Ras Al Khaimah. Last-           Asia. With the impact of Covid-19
                                           Liz Ortiguera                     start to adapt sustainable travel       aware now after the impact of       ly, we will be hosting an APAC            and the regulations required to con-
                                           CEO, PATA
Employee situation                                                           practices,” she shared.                 over-tourism and it is important    travel Summit with a travel mart          tain it, it is slowly struggling back
She underlined the fact that mil-                                                                                    that destinations do not just       in December in partnership with           to its relative significance. It might
lions of jobs, particularly in Asia-                                         Eight-point agenda                      pitch what they are offering, but   GBTA,” she announced.                     take another year beyond 2024 for
Pacific, have been lost due to the            India has                      Claiming that their role at PATA                                                                                      India to do that,” he claimed.
pandemic. “We are all keen to get                                            would be to share the best prac-                                            Overview of visitor arrivals
our livelihood back and get peo-           outperformed                      tices so that members can stay                                              Koldowski, in his presentation,           Wicked problems
ple re-employed. Thus, travel will
be the growth engine again for
                                            Asia-Pacific                     dynamic and ahead of the curve,
                                                                             Ortiguera said, “When I started
                                                                                                                                                         gave an overview of how PATA
                                                                                                                                                         is seeing the potential for visitor
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Koldowski further mentioned that
                                                                                                                                                                                                   we are now entering an era of
the region,” she claimed. High-            in the tourism                    my role at PATA, I had put in an                                            arrivals in the next three years,         wicked problems. “While previ-
lighting the role of employees in                                            eight-point plan with the intent of                                         particularly with a focus on South        ously we had relative periods of
tourism companies, she said,
                                              recovery                       trying to deliver on some essen-                                            Asia and India. “In 2020, glob-
“The staff has been put through              with faster                     tials that would help our mem-                                              ally International Tourist Arrivals
challenges and I think it’s an                                               bership base and the industry in                                            (ITAs) fell off a cliff, but in 2021
important time to recognise and           capacity rebuild                   terms of recovery. Some topics               John Koldowski                 there was a slight turnaround.                   Looking at
appreciate them because these
are not the jobs they signed up
                                                                             of interest include recovery initia-
                                                                             tives, resilience, sustainability and
                                                                                                                          Advisor, PATA                  According to UNWTO, while
                                                                                                                                                         some parts of the world were
for, but have done the industry        to Asia-Pacific, but the power        regenerative travel as important                                            slowly, struggling out of a deficit,          tourist footfalls
a great service through the pan-
demic, supporting the recovery
                                       of our consumers, particularly
                                       the Indian consumer is one that
                                                                             market trends.”
                                                                                                                           In fact, with                 Asia and the Pacific regions re-
                                                                                                                                                         mained there through 2021.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in 2019, India
and coming out of it.” Ortiguera       gets the attention of Europe and      Wellness in travel                           Covid, we lost                                                              captured 69 per
said that shortage of employees        North America.”                       Adding that all travel today is                                             Corresponding         to      2019,
is a common complaint around                                                 wellness influenced, Ortiguera                30 years of                   Koldowski said, “We are not go-               cent of tourists
the world. In North America, Eu-       Sustainability on top                 said, “Even if primary purpose               growth and it                  ing to get back to 2019 levels of            into South Asia
rope and even in China, the great      Sharing a research, she said, “The    for your trip is not wellness, you                                          international tourist arrivals any-
resignation is in effect. “Many        desire for conscious tourism cuts     are making 100 decisions in the             will take some                  time soon. In fact, with Covid, we                 — John Koldowski
hospitality companies are seeing
staffing constraints. Also, there is
                                       across geography. Around 4,500
                                       travellers in our region were sur-
                                                                             course of your trip that are well-
                                                                             ness related. Travellers are far
                                                                                                                        time to get back                 lost 30 years of growth and it is
                                                                                                                                                         going to take some time to get
a rise of the conscious consumer       veyed and a high percentage           more conscious of wellness than               to that level                 back to that level.”                      stability with the occasional dis-
and corporate,” she informed.          of them with India scoring par-       they were before.”                                                                                                    ruption, we are now moving into
                                       ticularly high, with 97 per cent of                                                                               India scenario                            an era of constant disruption, with
India shining                          them consider conscious tourism       Destination management                  also be proactive in terms of       Sharing the PATA research on Asia-        relatively small periods of stability.
Citing a forecast update by Offi-      important.” In terms of factoring     Ortiguera claimed that travel-          management. Hence, we have          Pacific visitor forecasts 2022-24,        We need to get used to that.”
cial Airline Guide, she said, “India   sustainable tourism practices         lers want to see well-managed           deployed training to help desti-    Koldwoski said, “Looking at the
                                                                                                                     nations do that,” she said. “As     share of international visitor arrivals   Digitally forward
                                                                                                                     PATA, we are trying to leverage     into India in 2019, India captured        Ortiguera said, “Digital marketing is
                                                                                                                     all our channels to keep the in-    69 per cent of all arrivals into South    essential and critical for any busi-
                                                                                                                     dustry and consumers informed                                                 ness right now because that is how
                                                                                                                     on the status of different desti-                                             consumers find business online. If
                                                                                                                     nations and new products be-                                                  you are not into digital marketing,
                                                                                                                     cause many destinations have          While travelling,                       get into it. Because during Covid
                                                                                                                     evolved by responding to things
                                                                                                                     like increased interest in well-
                                                                                                                                                            you make 100                           many people got used to searching
                                                                                                                                                                                                   online, ordering online and com-
                                                                                                                     ness offerings,” she added.           decisions in the                        municating online. It is not going

                                                                                                                     Upcoming events
                                                                                                                                                             course of trip                        and will continue." She added,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   "The rise of distributed workforce
                                                                                                                     She also highlighted PATA’s           that are related                        has led to a reduced need for big
                                                                                                                     upcoming global events. “We                                                   corporate offices. This gives rise
                                                                                                                     have PATA Destination Market-            to wellness                          to opportunities as new forms of
                                                                                                                     ing Forum in Songkhla, Thailand.              — Liz Ortiguera                 travel that are not defined into pure
                                                                                                                     Secondly, there is PATA Annual                                                corporate or pure leisure.
states                                                                                                                                                                                        june 2 nd Fortnight issue 2022      TravTalk          9

      States ready for big tourism leap
Two years after the pandemic brought tourism to a halt in the country, the industry looks well set for recovery. State
tourism boards are planning a slew of measures, including media campaigns and other promotional strategies, to
revive the confidence of travel fraternity and prepare them to take out maximum advantage of the opportunities.
    Janice Alyosius                   motional schemes. For example,          not just in the big cities like Delhi,   Gujarat held its first major blog-     tional visitors visiting Jammu and          der the scheme, a facilitation
                                      under the heritage certification        Bombay and Chennai, but also in          gers meet in December, in which        Kashmir,” he said.                          center and other passenger fa-

       research conducted by the      scheme, the government will cer-        B towns on the state’s outskirts,”       bloggers from all over the country                                                 cilities, entrance gate etc. will be
       World Travel & Tourism         tify heritage buildings, especially     he added.                                were invited to various destina-       Tourism contributes towards                 constructed in Yamunotri Dham.
       Council (WTTC) has re-         heritage hotels used for wedding                                                 tions of Gujarat.                      15.45 per cent of Uttarakhand's
vealed that the travel and tourism    and film shootings, by which the        “These B2B meetings and road-                                                   GDP. The state has seen a                   He further revealed that the
sector’s contribution to the Indian   owners of heritage buildings can        shows are being held with the            Mukherjee said the state govern-       constant growth rate of approxi-            government is promoting off-
economy could surpass the pre-        get subsidised bar licences or ex-      objective of boosting the confi-         ment is playing a key role in build-   mately 12 per cent of tourism               beat and newer destinations to
pandemic levels this year with a      cise bar licences at less than 50       dence and preparing travel frater-       ing up a bridge between travel         arrivals for the last 10 years.             evenly distribute tourism ben-
year-on-year growth of 20.7 per       per cent rate. Furthermore, the         nity since the market is going to        agents from all over India and the     Colonel Ashvin Pundir, Addi-                efits all around the state. New
cent. The WTTC’s Economic                                                                                              suppliers from Gujarat. “The prime     tional CEO, Uttarakhand Tourism             adventure locations like Tehri,
Impact Report says the sec-                                                                                            thing the government is focusing       Development Board revealed                  Nayar Valley, Marchula for the
tor’s contribution to the nation’s                                                                                     on at present is to develop the        that the government has initiated           tourist who wants to explore the
economy could reach almost                                                                                             agent base to facilitate smooth        multiple development projects               unexplored are being developed
`15.9 trillion (U.S. $215 billion)                                                                                     operation. In November-December        to improve the infrastructure               and publicised. Besides this,
in 2022, 1 per cent above 2019                                                                                         when the Rann Utsav and other          around all religious sites, to              a new Trekking traction cen-
levels. The Union Ministry of                                                                                          winter products of the state will
Tourism and state governments,                                                                                         start, by end of this season Gujarat
optimistic over the recovery, are                                                                                      anticipates to reach pre-pandemic
working towards promoting India                                                                                        levels in tourism,” he said.
with new offerings to the visitors.        Pawan Jain                             Anjit Mukherjee
Campaigns and roadshows are                Joint Director                         Deputy Manager                       Zeeshan Khan, Assistant
                                           Department of Tourism, Rajasthan       Tourism Corporation of Gujarat
being held in each state with the                                                                                      Director,      Department         of
objective of boosting the confi-                                                                                       Tourism, Kashmir, said that the
dence of travel fraternity.                                                                                            state government is working on
                                            Tourism units                         B2B meetings                         confidence building measures, as
Pawan Jain, Joint director,                                                                                            the industry dipped in the last two         Zeeshan Khan                               Ashvin Pundir
Department         of     Tourism,           like hotels,                        and roadshows                         years. “The government hosted               Assistant Director                         Additional CEO, Uttarakhand Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                   Department of Tourism, Kashmir             Development Board
Rajasthan, said that the
Rajasthan government has allo-
                                             resorts and                         are being held                        roadshows and media cam-
                                                                                                                       paigns in various states via dif-
cated a budget of `600 crores for            museums in                           with objective                       ferent platforms to promote and
the development of tourist plac-
                                            Rajasthan will                       of boosting the                       educate consumers about their                 J&K has                                   State tourism
es. Additional `400 crores has                                                                                         new offerings. To mark 75 years
been allocated for marketing and             pay tariff on                        confidence of                        of Independence, Jammu and                   identified                                  department
promotions. The government, in
                                           industrial rates                      travel fraternity                     Kashmir has identified 75 offbeat            75 offbeat                                 is working to
cooperation with the hotel and                                                                                         destinations, 38 in Kashmir, 37
tourism association of Rajasthan,                                                                                      in Jammu,” he said. “The Union            destinations, 38                              develop and
plans to organise an event for do-
mestic tour operators from 22 to      state is also focusing on promot-       boom very soon and the industry
                                                                                                                       Territories famous for their natu-
                                                                                                                       ral beauty and picturesque loca-
                                                                                                                                                                 in Kashmir and                                   improve
24 July in Jaipur, Jain said.         ing rural tourism, for which the        needs agents and other travel            tions are favourite destinations          37 in Jammu to                                 facilities at
                                      government is planning a rural          partners to be ready with all the        for tourists across the world.
Rajasthan has witnessed a good        tourism scheme, which will be           knowledge about destinations.            Jammu is famous for its temples,
                                                                                                                                                                  promote them                                 Char Dhams
number of domestic tourists in        launched soon, he added.                The government of Gujarat plans          while Kashmir Valley is known for
the summer season. As the com-                                                to educate, motivate and prepare         its lakes and gardens,” he added.
mercial flights have resumed, the     Anjit Mukherjee, Deputy                 the industry once again,” he said.                                              make it easier and more com-                ter policy has been developed
state anticipates increase in the     Manager, Tourism Corporation                                                     Khan revealed that the govern-         fortable for the tourists visiting          where the government is giving
influx of foreign tourists in com-    of Gujarat, said that the state         As a part of marketing and pro-          ment has started adventure activ-      the state for religious tourism.            subsidy to the people to develop
ing days. The state also plans to     never took a pause during the           motional activities, the govern-         ities like paragliding, rafting and    The department is continuously              homestays in this region where
attract investors with sops. Tour-    pandemic and has been continu-          ment of Gujarat has been doing           hot air balloon to attract tourists.   working to develop and improve              the treks are taking place. In ad-
ism units like hotels, resorts and    ously working to promote tour-          campaigns and outdoor adver-             “Due to the rigorous promotions,       facilities at the Char Dhams. Last          dition, the government is also
museums will be paying tariff on      ism. He said the government is          tisements, besides familiarisation       Jammu and Kashmir had record           year, `12,000 crores have been              making trekking traction centers
industrial rates, which is almost     planning to host roadshows to           trips. The government is hosting         high tourist footfall and witnessed    spent for the construction of all-          in these areas, there are about
25 per cent less than the com-        boost the confidence of travel          bloggers meet to promote the             2,80,000 visitors in April 2022 it-    weather road of over 880 kms                13 destinations in Uttarakhand,
mercial rate, Jain said. The state    agents. “Several B2B agent              state and its tourist attractions.       self,” he said.                        and improved infrastructure to              from where the treks start and
has come up with some new pro-        meetings have been conducted            In association with India Tourism,                                              facilitate tourism is being planned         these are the locations where
                                                                                                                       Khan also highlighted the state’s      in Yamunotri and Gangotri Dham              infrastructure development is
                                                                                                                       24-hour active grievance re-           at a cost of `54.35 crores. Un-             taking place.
                                                                                                                       dressal system, which makes
                                                                                                                       sure that a complaint is resolved
                                                                                                                       within 24 hours, and so the tour-
                                                                                                                       ists feel satisfied. “After the re-      Important measures by states
                                                                                                                       opening of borders, Kashmir has          v Rajasthan has allocated `600 crores for development of tourist
                                                                                                                       observed international tourist ar-           sites. `400 crores has been allocated for promotions.
                                                                                                                       rivals from Bangladesh, Russia,          v Gujarat is planning to bridge the gap between the travel agents
                                                                                                                       England, US and Thailand. There            from across India and the suppliers from the state.
                                                                                                                       is a good inflow of international        v Jammu and Kashmir has identified 75 offbeat destinations, 38
                                                                                                                       tourists, which makes us confi-            in Kashmir and 37 in Jammu for promotion.
                                                                                                                       dent that through our campaigns
                                                                                                                       and promotional activities, we           v Uttarakhand has developed new trekking traction centre policy
                                                                                                                       will have even more interna-               to provide subsidy for developing homestays.
10       TravTalk june 2 nd Fortnight issue 2022                                                                                                                                                             hotels

       Hospitality embraces wellness
India is known for its ancient wellness practices around the world, and the pandemic has once again reinforced its
importance in the field. As people are discovering new sense of staying healthy and adopting natural way of life,
properties and wellness retreats in the country are offering unique therapies and treatments.
   Nisha Verma                         other hormonal changes in men.              Himalayan wellness                    Invigorating all senses               ing day of exploration ahead in        based on adventure sports, hon-
                                       The uniqueness of the programme             Situated amid the picturesque         Jitendra Varshney, Spa & Well-        Dharamshala,” he elaborated.           eymoon, romance and long week-

       otels, resorts and wellness     lies in its application of traditional      Himalayas, The Khyber Spa by          ness Director, Six Senses Fort                                               ends,” he said.
       retreats across India, are      Chinese medicine techniques to              L’OCCITANE, located within the        Barwara, claims that they believe     Promotions & engagements
       offering a range of therapies   accurately diagnose the underly-            The Khyber Himalayan Resort           in extensive Ayurvedic and per-       When it comes to spreading the         Rajpurohit shared, “The group
and programmes from not only In-       ing body imbalances leading to              & Spa, provides an experience         sonalised wellness programmes         word about these unique therapies      yoga sessions, along with a
dia but around the world for both      the disruption in hormonal sys-             of provence in Gulmarg, along         based on the preventative prin-       and treatments, hotels are adopt-      host of other engagement ac-
inbound and domestic travellers.       tems and its integration of vari-           with stunning views, shares           ciples of Eastern medicine and re-    ing various methods.                   tivities, are offered at no addi-
Some of these treatments and           ous traditional Oriental therapies          Vinit Chhabra, General Man-           sult-oriented Western influences.                                            tional charge to all our in-house
therapies are worth trying.            such as Acupuncture, Cupping,               ager, The Khyber Himalayan                                                  “Ananda has been building aware-       guests. We actively highlight
                                       Moxibustion, Tibetan Kuu Nye,               Resort & Spa, Gulmarg, UT J&K.        “Transcendent Sound Journey           ness of these unique offerings         and promote these through
Addressing hormonal health             Kundalini and Japanese Shiatsu.             “With three single treatment          is a 60-minute treatment and is       through educational workshops to       our social media channels to
Indian wellness is synonymous          Phases such as menopause are                rooms and two couple suites,          offered in our sacred medita-         travel partners and our guests in      create awareness among pro-
with Ananda in the Himalayas,          also an emotional roller coaster            each with its own private steam       tion hall using different sizes of    residence, supplemented by direct      spective guests. The sales team
which is famous worldwide for its      for women, including symptoms               chamber, it is a place to unwind
wellness programmes.                   of sadness, irritability, anxiety and       and be pampered, be it after an
                                                                                   exhilarating ski session, or a lei-
                                                                                   surely walk in the dense woods
                                                                                   or meadows, or at the beginning
                                                                                   of your day. The spa brings to
                                                                                   life the invigorating climate of
                                                                                   Gulmarg. Be it spring, summer,
                                                                                   autumn or winter, guests can
                                                                                   choose from a repertoire of
                                                                                   signature treatments specially             Jitendra Varshney                    Rajesh Rajpurohit                       Puneet Dhawan
                                                                                   crafted with home grown sea-               Spa & Wellness Director              General Manager                         Senior Vice President Operations
                                                                                                                              Six Senses Fort Barwara              Radisson Blu Resort Dharamshala         Accor India and Sourth Asia
     Mahesh Natarajan                      Vinit Chhabra                           sonal flora combined with origi-
     Chief Operating Officer               General Manager, The Khyber Himalayan   nal L’OCCITANE products and
     Ananda in the Himalayas               Resort & Spa, Gulmarg, UT J&K
                                                                                   pure water from the springs in
                                                                                   the Himalayas,” he added.                  Transcendent                          Wellness                                An element
     Ananda now                             Be it spring,                          Desert rose                               Sound Journey                        activities has                           of uniqueness
         offers                                summer
                                                                                   Emotional wellbeing is an inte-            is a 60-minute                     been started for                          of the Raffles
                                                                                   gral pillar of the Raffles Udaipur,
      emotional                               or winter,                           claims Puneet Dhawan, Senior             treatment and is                     resident guests                           Spa lies in its
     healing and                             guests can
                                                                                   Vice President Operations, Ac-
                                                                                   cor India and Sourth Asia. “At the
                                                                                                                                 offered in                       to elevate the                           personalised
        therapy                            choose from a                           Raffles Spa, an impeccable blend             our sacred                          entire stay                               wellness
                                                                                   of healing techniques take guests
   spearheaded by                           repertoire of                          on a revitalising journey of emo-
                                                                                                                             meditation hall                       experience                                 offerings
                                                                                   tional well-being and provide a
    holistic experts                         treatments                            unique space for rejuvenation of
                                                                                   the mind, body and soul. An ele-      crystal and metal singing bowls,      communication and social media.        also includes details on the
                                                                                   ment of uniqueness of the Raffles     ocean sound drum and gong. The        The hugely positive response that      activities to their sales pitching to
Sharing one of their unique            mood changes. Ananda now of-                Spa lies in its personalised well-    healing sounds of the gong and        our clients have shown post in-        B2B partners.”
therapies, Mahesh Natarajan,           fers emotional healing and therapy          ness offerings. Holistic person-      singing bowls reverberate in your     troduction of this programme has
Chief Operating Officer (COO),         spearheaded by holistic experts             alised therapies are thoughtfully     innermost self. It gives you an op-   been amplified by word of mouth        At Six Senses Fort Barwara, it
Ananda in the Himalayas, says,         drawing from fields of clinical psy-        created through consultations         portunity to experience your true,    and references to their respec-        has been integrated as a wel-
“The Ananda Rebalance pro-             chology, energy therapy, hypnosis           with the guests at the Raffles        limitless nature,” he claimed.        tive networks. Ananda’s team of        come ritual for the guests arriving
gramme has been designed to            and NLP, which blend seamlessly             Spa, to remedy any imbalances                                               doctors are available for online       at the hotel. Varshney shares, “All
address hormonal health, both          into the programme to address               in the life-forces or doshas, while   Yoga amid mountains                   consultations,” shared Natarajan.      the treatments and activities un-
for menopause in women as well         emotional stress caused primarily           taking you on a journey of true       Rajesh Rajpurohit General                                                    dertaken at the Six Senses Spas
as changes in testosterone and         by these hormonal imbalances.”              relaxation,” he said.                 Manager, Radisson Blu Resort          Chhabra revealed that they work        begin and finish with a spa spe-
                                                                                                                         Dharamshala, shares that they         closely with the travel trade com-     cialist striking the singing bowls.
                                                                                                                         have introduced a series of well-     munity to promote The Khyber.          The practice creates curiosity in
                                                                                                                         ness as well as nature centric        “Other than the traditional market-    guests' mind resulting in them
                                                                                                                         engagement activities for resi-       ing activities like print advertise-   immersing in a full session of
                                                                                                                         dent guests to elevate the entire     ment campaigns and using social        sound journey. The practice is
                                                                                                                         stay experience. “Guided group        media to build our brand, we use       being promoted across the web-
                                                                                                                         yoga sessions are organised by        public relations very effectively to   site and social media as part of
                                                                                                                         the poolside every morning. The       promote the property. And as we        the brand’s commitment to well-
                                                                                                                         scenic backdrop of the Kangra         are promoting Gulmarg as a year-       being. Also, we are engaging with
                                                                                                                         valley, fresh mountain breeze         round destination, we have special     the travel trade, which most of
                                                                                                                         and gentle yoga stretches set         packages for various seasons as        the time is done by our corporate
                                                                                                                         the tone for an active yet relax-     well as special interest packages      sales and marketing team.”

                                                                                                                          Scandinavia is exemplary in its engagement and awareness of sustainability, where
                                                                                                                          65 per cent of travel businesses already have implemented a sustainability strategy,
                                                                                                                          according to Euromonitor’s Voice of the Industry Sustainability Survey (July 2020).
12       TravTalk jUNE 2 nd Fortnight issue 2022                                                                                                                                           coverstory

Ayush visa attracting foreign tourists
  Contd from page 3
                                                                              "very good" response from the                                                into India because we are al-
the hotels and the tour operators                                             European market for Ayurveda                                                 ready very cost-effective when it
with whom they have booked,”                                                  and Yoga. “The response is good                                              comes to medical tourism. Also,
he said.                                                                      in that category and we can pro-                                             now the world is focusing a lot on
                                                                              mote India,” he added.                                                       Ayurveda and Yoga. If the bene-
Ravi Gosain, Vice President,                                                                                                                               fits of Ayurveda are showcased
IATO, also agrees that Ayush visa                                             States' focus on wellness                                                    as a dedicated promotional cam-
is the step in the right direction                                            Prateek Hira, Chairman, IATO, UP                                             paign, I am sure wellness tour-
by the Union government. “There           Rajnish Kaistha
                                                                              Chapter agrees that India is being         Prateek Hira
                                                                                                                                                           ism will flourish in India.”                        Sejoe Jose
are many people who come for              Secretary, IATO                     projected as a wellness and alter-         Chairman, IATO, UP Chapter                                                            Chairman - IATO Southern Region
healing purposes to India and                                                 native therapy destination. “The                                             Innovative solution
not just regular medical treat-                                               government's focus on wellness                                               Sharing his views, Sunil Singh
                                       and not specifically for critical      is one of the major reasons for       and wellness tourism in view of        Rana, Chairman – IATO Uttara-                   science of India to the world. This
                                       medical care,” he added.               tourists visiting India,” he added.   the recent policy. The launch of       khand Chapter, said, “The intro-                will be a superb strategy of cross-
                                                                                                                    Ayush visa for traditional medi-       duction of Ayush visa category                  selling and making India a global
                                       According to Rajnish Kaistha,                                                cal tourism is certainly going
                                       Secretary, IATO, the govern-                                                 to be a major step to boost
                                       ment’s idea behind the Ayush                                                 inbound traffic to India with a
                                       visa is to give a proper name of                                             theme ‘Heal in India’.”
                                       Ayush tourism to India’s cen-
                                       turies old healing traditions like                                           Sejoe Jose, Chairman - IATO
    Ravi Gosain
                                       Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, our old                                             Southern Region, said that In-
    Vice President, IATO               medicines and yoga. “With Ay-                                                dia, despite being the birthplace
                                       ush visa, the government is look-          Sunil Mishra
                                                                                                                    of Ayurveda was losing a lot of
                                       ing at not only boosting medical           Honorary Treasurer, IATO          wellness business to Sri Lanka
ment. Ayush is the way forward         tourism, but also alternate medi-                                            and other South Eastern coun-             Debjit Dutta                                    Sunil Singh Rana
for them and Ministry of Ayush is      cines aiming at holistic healing of                                          tries. “Ayush visa will definitely        Chairman, IATO West Bengal Chapter              Chairman – IATO Uttarakhand Chapter
aggressive in promoting through        the body,” he added.                   What more is needed                   help India regain that lost busi-
embassies overseas. It will be                                                Debjit Dutta, Chairman, IATO          ness and bring in a lot more
a good step and there will be a        Getting inbound interest               West Bengal Chapter, said, “I         conections to the country. The         is a very innovative idea not only              brand in the alternative medicine
new segment for people who just        Sunil Mishra, Honorary Treasurer,      am happy to note that the MOT         government must come out with          to promote tourism in India, but                segment along with boosting
come for alternative therapies         IATO, said that they are getting       is focusing more on medical           the benefits for tourists coming       to showcase the ancient medical                 inbound tourism.

Centara signs hotel in Thailand Wellness holidays are investment
Centara Hotels & Resorts have joined hands with Baansuay Group for Health and wellness are on top of mind for people than ever before, and
first property in Surat Thani under the Centra by Centara brand, which will they are not just going on wellness holidays for this, but also leading an
welcome guests from July 2023.                                              active and healthy lifestyle to keep themselves fit.
                                                                                                                         People are now taking health,                                                          From our recent visit to India,
   Nisha Verma                        of a second phase is expected          for leisure and MICE travellers        fitness and wellness more seri-                                                        we gathered that Indian corpo-
                                      in early 2025, which will see the      seeking to explore the province’s      ously than before and hence

                                                                                                                                                                                                           rates and groups are looking for
      entara Hotels & Resorts         construction of a new building         natural and cultural charms,”          asking for such holidays. We                                                           activities that rejuvenate and re-
      and Baansuay Group              to house additional facilities, in-    said Thirayuth Chirathivat,            have many health getaways in                                                           connect teams and colleagues.
      (Suratthani) have signed        cluding large function room, fit-      Chief Executive Officer, Centara       India that are very good and do-                                                       Spa tourism or wellness tourism
a Hotel Management Agree-             ness centre and swimming pool.         Hotels & Resorts.                      ing an honest job. I normally tend                                                     is at the forefront of group travel
ment (HMA) for Centra by                                                                                            to recommend my clients places                                                         as well as destination weddings
Centara Hotel Surat Thani. The        “We are excited to announce             “We are delighted to be partner-      like Naad Wellness, Vana Retreat,                                                      for the Indian market having
agreement was executed by             the partnership with Baansuay          ing with Centara for their first       Prakriti Shakti, some of the other          Anshu Tejuja                               spoken to many planners dur-
                                                                                                                                                                Managing Director, Ashoka Dream Holidays
senior executives from the two        Group (Suratthani) PCL. for Cen-       hotel in Surat Thani. With their       CGH Earth places and several                                                           ing our sales trip. As an interna-
companies at a ceremony held          tra by Centara Hotel Surat Thani,      excellent reputation and track re-     good places in Kerala depending             Wellness tourism picking up                tional MICE destination, Desaru
at Centara’s flagship Centara         our twelfth Centra by Centara-         cord, we are confident that Cen-       on the need. I hope people start       among Indian travellers. Today a                Coast has four world-class spas.
Grand & Bangkok Convention                                                                                          looking at taking a wellness holi-     lot of fitness and wellness enthu-              One&Only Desaru Coast features
Centre at CentralWorld.                                                                                             day as an investment to oneself        siasts are shifting their lifestyle             the first ultra-luxury Chenot Spa
                                                                                                                    and not a spa vacation. There is       patterns towards clean eating,                  in Asia. Anantara Desaru Coast
Surat Thani is the largest of                                                                                       a science involved and each body       yoga, sleep, natural forms of cure              Resort and Villas' spa is widely
Thailand’s southern provinces                                                                                       is different. I think one should ap-   and exercise. I see a huge de-                  acknowledged as one of the best
and is a main transit point for                                                                                     proach experienced curators to         mand for people seeking wellness                globally for traditional Thai and
travellers en route to some of                                                                                      seek wellness.                         holidays. For wellness holidays in              Malaysian massages.
the Kingdom’s most famous is-                                                                                                                              India I recommend Ananda in the
lands, including Koh Samui and                                                                                                                             Himalayas, Vana, Shreyas Retreat
Koh Phangan. The new project                                                                                                                               Bangalore, CGH Earth and so on. I
includes the complete renova-                                                                                                                              speak to the client and know what
tion of an existing low-rise hotel,                                                                                                                        are they exactly looking for and
with work currently underway.                                                                                                                              what is their purpose and recom-
The hotel is expected to open         flagged property, and Centara’s        tra by Centara Hotel Surat Thani                                              mend accordingly. Internationally,
on 1 July 2023 after the renova-      first hotel in Surat Thani. Centra     will become a new landmark                                                    we also recommend Chiva Som,
tion of 110 rooms, all-day dining     by Centara’s positioning of el-        for travellers exploring south-                                               Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, The
Dim Sum restaurant, casual in-        evating the essentials by deliv-       ern Thailand,” said Piriya Tan-                                               Farm and many such options.
                                                                                                                                                           Clients mainly seek cure through                   Roslina Arbak
style Japanese restaurant and         ering great quality at excellent       erananonth, CEO of Baansuay               Nagsri Prasad Sashidhar
                                                                                                                                                                                                              MD & CEO, Desaru Development
                                                                                                                       Chief Happiness Officer             healty lifestyle.
meeting room. The completion          value make this an ideal brand         Group (Suratthani) PCL.                                                                                                          Holdings One Sdn. Bhd.
                                                                                                                       NAGSRI (Mumbai)                                                                                         Inputs by Hazel Jain
Associations                                                                                                                                                                               june 2 nd Fortnight issue 2022      TravTalk       13

 ‘Collaborative efforts need of the hour’
At a time when the hospitality industry is on a recovery path, MP Bezbaruah, Secretary General, HAI, says that
the industry and the government should come together to discuss, debate and devise safe ways for the future and
facilitate the hospitality industry to grow to its full potential and contribute to inclusive growth.
    Nisha Verma                       hotels, reducing their gestation        hotels and allow them to use sur-     and pan India bankruptcies. The            has done a lot of work in recent             He added that they will continue
                                      period making hotel investments         pluses generated for ploughing        committee believes that there              years on promoting ‘ease of do-              to pursue the issues at every

       otel Association of India      more attractive. This will open up      back into the business. Both have     is an imperative need to accord            ing business’. Bodies like RBI               level possible and work together
       (HAI) has been engaging        vast opportunities for the sector       been long-standing demands of         infrastructure status to hotel proj-       have recognised that the industry            with the government in creating
       with the government at                                                 the sector.                           ects with capex above `25 crore            is amongst the most stressed                 a conducive environment for the
various levels. MP Bezbaruah,                                                                                       (excluding land) and include the                                                        industry to grow and flourish and
Secretary General, HAI, said,                                                 Pushing for infra status              same in the infrastructure lending                                                      continue to make sizeable contri-
“HAI has always emphasised                                                    Bezbaruah revealed that HAI           list of the RBI. We are very hope-                                                      butions to the national economy
the importance of collaborative                                               has recently had some engag-          ful of a positive development,”                   We have                               in terms of GDP, jobs, inclusive
partnership with the government.                                              ing interactions on the demand        he emphasised.                                                                          growth and achieving all that in
Considering the well-recognised                                               of ‘Infrastructure status’. “The                                                       focused on                             a sustainable manner benefitting
and very important role that the                                              demand has been captured and          Issues at hand                                      policy                              communities at large.
industry plays in employment                                                  recommended by the MOT in the         Commenting on other significant
creation and boosting inclusive                                               draft document of National Tour-      issues that impact the industry,                formulations                            ECLGS scheme
growth, we have focused on pol-
icy formulations that will promote
                                          MP Bezbaruah
                                          Secretary General, HAI
                                                                              ism Policy. It may be pertinent
                                                                              to mention here that in its 295th
                                                                                                                    he said, “Rationalisation of GST,
                                                                                                                    shortage of skilled personnel,
                                                                                                                                                                  that will promote                         Bezbaruah shared that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Emergency Credit Line Guaran-
the growth and development of                                                 report titled ‘Potential of Tourist   excessive and heavy licencing,                growth of hotels                          tee Scheme (ECLGS), its recent
hotels in the long run.”              to provide employment to a wide         Spots in the country - Connectiv-     cumbersome procedures for ap-                                                           extension up to March 2023
                                      spectrum of job seekers from the        ity and Outreach’ placed before       provals of hotel projects, reduced
                                                                                                                                                                   in the long run                          and earmarking of an additional
He added that two key interven-       unskilled to the specialised, even      both the houses on 27 July 2021,      reward point in of SEIS, DGFT                                                           `50,000 crore for hospitality
tions can help the industry. “Ac-     in the remote parts of the coun-        the Department-related Parlia-        guidelines for schemes such as                                                          and related sectors have all been
cording to hotels, the status of an   try,” he claimed.                       mentary Standing Committee on         EPCG that need to be reviewed in           and have included the sector in              welcome initiatives. “HAI has
‘Infrastructure Industry’ and al-                                             Transport, Tourism and Culture,       light of the unprecedented situ-           the ECLGS Scheme. The scheme                 been requesting that the scheme
lowing hotels to avail the benefits   Similarly, the benefits of industry     observes that the hospitality in-     ation of nil to negligible foreign         has been extended in the Union               should be customised and tai-
currently available for the indus-    like lower utility tariffs, property    dustry is in huge distress under      exchange earnings for hotels in            Budget of 2022-23 and more                   lored to suit the unique hotel busi-
try. Securing infrastructure status   tax and licence fees will reduce        the impact of the pandemic and        the last couple of years. Due to           funds have been made available               ness model and future outlook for
would facilitate soft financing of    the fixed operational costs of          is looking at mass unemployment       the pandemic, the Government               to the sector under the scheme.”             the sector,” he said.

‘This year will be wellness year’                                                                                                   Networking get together
With importance of wellness being felt more after Covid-19,
hotels are creating wellness packages, says Gagan Katyal,
Head of Sales and Marketing, Ananta Hotels and Resorts.

    Janice Alyosius                                                          ity industries have been badly
                                                                             hit. Currently, Ananta hotels

  ndia's tourism industry stands                                             is working on campaigns and
  to benefit greatly from the                                                packages to offer guests whole-
  growth of wellness tourism.                                                some experience of wellness
Gagan Katyal, Head of Sales and                                              and experiential stay. Katyal said
Marketing, Ananta Hotels and                                                 that wellness tourism segment
Resorts, says that the past two                                              has accelerated around the world
years have been traumatic, and
everyone is anxious to return to a        Gagan Katyal
                                          Head of Sales and Marketing
normal and healthy life.                  Ananta Hotels and Resorts
                                                                                  Financial aid
“This is an ideal time for wellness
tourism to grow. This year will be    able atmosphere to be chosen
                                                                                  is one of the
a bumper year for wellness tour-      for wellness,” he added.                  challenges that
ism perceiving the ongoing trend,”
Katyal said.                          The Ministry of Tourism (MOT)             the government
He said the major contributing
                                      has formulated a National Strat-
                                      egy and Roadmap for Medical
                                                                                    needs to
factors behind the success of         and Wellness Tourism in order                address on
India in wellness tourism may
include ayurveda, yoga, geog-
                                      to create a robust framework
                                      and synergy among the central
raphy, trained manpower and           government ministries, state
developed infrastructure. “We         governments and private sec-
have a team of specialised staff      tor for promoting India as a           and is quite popular among Indian
that works hard to provide our        medical and wellness tourism           domestic and inbound travellers.
guests with the best service.         destination. Katyal said that fi-      “Developing and offering well-
We are studying and developing        nancial assistance is one of the       ness facilities and consultations
the current facilities to achieve     challenges that the government         is a serious subject for them, and         The Enterprising Travel Agents Association (ETAA) – North India Chapter conducted a networking session in Delhi recently.
that edge. Our locations are se-      needs to address on priority,          they are working very hard to do           The event was attended by more than 100 travel agent members, travel fraternity associates and partners. Some dignitaries
                                                                                                                        were honoured and lucky draws were announced at the event.
rene and thus create a favour-        since the tourism and hospital-        so,” he added.
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