Saint Joachim Catholic Church

Page created by Edith Schwartz
Saint Joachim Catholic Church
Saint Joachim Catholic Church
                                               13392 Lockeford Ranch Drive. P.O. Box 232, Lockeford, CA 95237
                                                            P: (209) 727-3912 F: 1(209) 727-7184
                                              Email: / Website:
                                                                     Parish Office Hours: M-F 8:30 - 4:00pm
Pastoral Administrator :
Fr. Raju Gudimalla                                  Twenty - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                September 5, 2021
Spanish Voluntary Priest:
Fr. Jose Domingo

                                                On the Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Isaiah offers comforting words: “Say to
Fred & Maria Ybarra                             those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God, he comes with
                                                vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you.” In Mark's Gospel, Jesus heals
Parish Council Chairperson                      a deaf and mute man. The people are astonished and say of Jesus, “He makes the deaf
Chuck Holman
                                                hear and the mute speak.”
Finance Council Chairperson
Doug Robinson                                   Wednesday is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary with its own special
                 Staff:                         readings and Thursday the Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, the Jesuit priest who minis-
Business Manager:                               tered to slaves at the slave-trading hub of Cartagena, Colombia.
Tim Brosnan
                                                The first part of the week, the first readings are from the Letter to the Colossians. Paul is in
P:(209) 727-3912
                                                prison, encouraging this community to put their trust in Christ, not mystical teachings and
Office Manager:                                 powers. He challenges them to live their baptism and to walk in the union they have with and
Yaneli Chea                                     in Jesus. Friday we begin reading Paul's First Letter to Timothy. On Saturday Paul boldly                            proclaims that he is the “foremost” among sinners and a sign of God's mercy.
P: (209) 727-3912

Faith Formation: Director                       In the first part of this week, following Luke’s Gospel, Jesus heals a man with a withered
Joanna McCormack                                hand, on the Sabbath, in front of his religious critics. Then Jesus goes up on a mountain to                       pray and comes down to name his twelve apostles - all of whom seem to be unknown or
Youth Group Ministry & Safe Environment         questionable at best. When people come to him from all over, he heals them. Jesus an-
Coordinator:                                    nounces that the poor, the hungry, those who weep, and those hated or excluded or de-
Bianca Sanchez                                  nounced because of him are the blessed. He warns those who are rich, filled, laughing and                         spoken well of, for their fates will be reversed. Jesus urges us to love our enemies and pray
                                                for those who mistreat us. He cautions not to be quick to see the splinter in someone else's
Mass Schedule:
M-F 8:00am Mass in Chapel                       eye when we do not notice the "wooden beam" in our own eyes. Jesus says that we will be
Saturday: 5:30pm - English                      known by our fruit. It is only by building our lives upon him, as a firm foundation, can we
Sunday: 9:15am - English                        hope to survive crises.
       11:30am - Spanish

Sacraments at St. Joachim:
                                                On the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time we hear in Mark's Gospel as Jesus tell
Anointing of the Sick, Call the Office          his disciples about his passion, death and resurrection to come in Jerusalem. Peter tries to
Baptisms once a month, inquire at office        prevent him from going there. Jesus rebukes him and tells the disciples and us that to be a
regarding classes.                              disciple is to follow him, not trying to save one's life, but by dying to ourselves and losing
                                                ourselves for his sake and that of the Gospel. That is the only path to real life.
Communion for the Homebound:
Kathleen Funke

Marriage: Call office a minimum of 6 months
in Advance to begin preparations.              St. Joachim's Mission:
                                               " The Catholic Church of St. Joachim is a people of many cultures, diverse but united
Reconciliation: 4:30pm - 5:00pm                through Baptism. Empowered by the Holy Spirit & by the love of Christ. As disciples
Saturdays, or call the office to arrange an    of Jesus - we seek to respond daily to God's love & strive to imitate the life of
appointment.                                   Christ. Our mission is to be signs and instruments of truth, peace, justice, love and
                                               to advance God's kingdom here on earth."
Saint Joachim Catholic Church
Mass Intentions
 To request a Mass Intention please contact the                                        Senior Lunch Program
     Parish Office, 209 727-3912, as far in                                                   Every Tuesday & Thursday
        advance of the date as possible.
                                                                                             11:00am-12:00pm Social hour
Date:                     Intentions                                                            12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch
Sat, 09/05; 5:30pm        †Leonard & Nellie Torres,
                                                                             Lockeford Community Center
Sun, 09/06; 9:15am        †Albertina Freitas , †Brad Simons               19258 N. Jack Tone Road, Lockeford
                           &†Jerry Ward
Mon, 09/07; 8:00am                                                         The Center is also looking for Volunteers.
Tues, 09/08; 8:00am

Wed, 09/09; 8:00am        †Todd Berg

Thurs, 09/10; 8:00am

Fri, 09/11; 8:00am

  Please pray for all who have passed away.
     May God grant them eternal rest and
            comfort their families.
                                                                                            FRAUD ALERT!
Date:                 Readings for the week of Sept 5 2021                    There is a fraudulent message being sent in
                                                                                   Fr. Raju’s name asking for help.
                                                                                Please do not respond to the request.
Sun 08/29             Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5; Jas 1:17-18,
                                                                                    It is not coming from Fr. Raju.
                      21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Mon 08/30             1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1 and 3, 4-5, 11-12, 13;
                      Lk 4:16-30                                              May they be strengthened and comforted
Tues 08/31            1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;                             by their trust in the Lord…
                      Lk 4:31-37                                              Rebecca Aguado, Maria Anaya, Liam Andrews,
Wed 09/01             Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10, 11; Lk 4:38-44                 Molly Bellini, Horacio Cadena, Mae Chan, Sharon Cozzi,
                                                                            Walt Dawson, Lacey De La Cruz, Jeanette Dwelley,
Thurs 09/02           Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6; Lk 5:1-11
                                                                          Trudy Eisan, Maricela H. Figueroa, Rafael H. Figueroa,
                                                                             Baby Aiden Garcia, Maria Gonzalez, Brian Gorbet,
Fri 09/03             Col 1:15-20; Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5; Lk 5:33-39
                                                                            Michael Guadagnoli, Ted Hendrix, Daniel X. Huidor,
                                                                                John Johnson, Gary King, Debra Kirkpatirck,
Sat 09/04             Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6 and 8; Lk 6:1-5
                                                                            Patrick Kaase, Carol Launchland, Shirley LeChuga,
                                                                             Wyatt & Noah Little, Dolly Mansfield, Wes Mason,
                                                                         Hannah McCormack, Holly McNeely, Robert L. Mc Quillan,
                       Women’s Bible Study                                 Anthony Medeiros, Richard Medeiros, Anthony Padilla,
                                                                               Emelia Pintor, Pedro Pintor, Emilio Rodriguez,
               Join us as we dedicate ourselves                                                John Santiago III,
                 to digging deeper into God’s                                Mary Louise Santiago, Rosa Maria Santos, Corey
                     word. We meet every                                    Seefired, Joe Silva, Frankie Stapelberg, Bob Susich,
                 Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the                                   Fritz Graf Stark, Ines Thomas, Ramon Triston,
                             hall.                                              Marylou Wahl, Penny Webster, Mark Yeager.
                                                                         If you have a loved one you would like to add or remove from the
Saint Joachim Catholic Church
Last Week’s Collection
                    Regular Collection $4,816.33
             Haiti Second Collection: 1, 300
Your generous contributions help make our parish ministries possible.
NOTE: The Second collection for Catholic Universities of America
            has been moved to September 11 & 12.
Saint Joachim Catholic Church
Intenciones De la Misa                                                       Programa de almuerzo para
                                                                                 personas Mayores
Domingo, 11:30am: Lacey De la Cruz                                           Todos los martes y Jueves
†Narcisso Acino Mendoza & †Valentin Valencia
                                                                              11:00 am-12:00pm Hora social
                                                                               12:00 pm-1:00pm Almuerzo

                                                                Centro Comunitario Lockeford
  Fallecido: Por favor, Oren por todos                       19258 N. Jack Tone Road, Lockeford
   los que han fallecido. Que dios le                        El Centro también busca voluntarios.
    conceda Descanso eterno y triga
          Consuelo a su Familia.
                                                                   Alivio para Haití
                                                “En respuesta a la solicitud del Arzobispo Gómez de
                                                  una colecta especial para Haití, me gustaría que
                                                  todas las parroquias de nuestra diócesis hicieran
                                                  una colecta especial el 28 y 29 de agosto para el
                                                 pueblo de Haití. Sugiero este fin de semana porque
                                                 hay una necesidad urgente de ayuda para el país y
                                                  su gente ”. Este fin de semana se tomará una se-
                                                    gunda colecta y se enviará para ayudar en los
                                                    esfuerzos de socorro para el pueblo de Haití.
                                                         Muchas gracias por tu generosidad.

                                                         El desayuno gratuito de panqueques de
                                                         Caballeros de Colón ha sido cancelado para el
                                                         22 de agosto de 2021. La nueva fecha se
                                                         publicará pronto.

                                               Date:                  Lecturas por la Semana del 29 de Agosto

                                               Domingo 08/29          Dt 4, 1-2. 6-8; Sal 14, 2-3a. 3bc-4ab. 5;
                                                                      Stgo 1, 17-18. 21b-22. 27; Mc 7, 1-8. 14-15.
                                               Lunes 08/30            1 Tes 4, 13-17; Sal 95, 1 y 3. 4-5. 11-12a.
                                                                      12b-13; Lc 4, 16-30
                                               Martes 08/31           1 Tes 5, 1-6. 9-11; Sal 26, 1. 4. 13-14; Lc 4,
                                               Miercoles 09/01        Col 1, 1-8; Sal 51, 10. 11; Lc 4, 38-44

                                               Jueves 09/02           Col 1, 9-14; Sal 97, 2-3ab. 3cd-4. 5-6; Lc 5,
                                               Viernes 09/03          Col 1, 15-20; Sal 99, 2. 3. 4. 5; Lc 5, 33-39

                                               Sabado 09/04           Col 1, 21-23; Sal 53, 3-4. 6 y 8; Lc 6, 1-5
Saint Joachim Catholic Church
Una conferencia catequética católica virtual


 Inspirados por el éxito de nuestra conferencia virtual inau-
gural el otoño pasado, lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros del

    Colecta de la semana pasada:
                Colecta Regular: $4,289.07                               ¡ALERTA DE FRAUDE!
                                                                 Hay un mensaje fraudulento que se envía
   Su generosa contribucion ayuda a hacer nuestros ministerios
            posibles! Gracias! Que Dios los bendiga!
                                                                   en nombre del Padre. Raju pidiendo
NOTA: La segunda colección para las universidades católicas de      ayuda. Por favor, no responda a la
  Estados Unidos se ha trasladado al 11 y 12 de septiembre.        solicitud. No viene del Padre. Raju.
Saint Joachim Catholic Church Saint Joachim Catholic Church Saint Joachim Catholic Church Saint Joachim Catholic Church Saint Joachim Catholic Church
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