Peninsula Engineer Dining Out 2011 - Millennium Seoul Hilton Seoul, Republic of Korea February 17, 2011

Page created by Ben Brown
Peninsula Engineer Dining Out 2011 - Millennium Seoul Hilton Seoul, Republic of Korea February 17, 2011
Peninsula Engineer Dining Out

      Millennium Seoul Hilton
      Seoul, Republic of Korea
         February 17, 2011
Sequence of Events (의 시퀀스 이벤트)
                                                  Social Hour 친목의 시간
                                    8th Army Band Jazz Combo 미8군 군악대 의 재즈 공연

                                                    Mess Call 착석

                                            Welcome Remarks 환영인사

                                                   Invocation 기도
                                                David Voelker David Voelker

                                          Posting of the Colors 국기 게양식
                                      United Nations Command 유엔 의장대
                                                  Honor Guard

                                             National Anthems 애국가

                                           Engineer Grog Bowl 공병 그로그주 행사

                                                       Toasts 축배

                                              Dinner is Served 식사

                                   Engineer Cake Ceremony and 공병 케익 행사 및 디저트

                                         Intermission (:10 min) 휴식 (10 분)

                                                Keynote Speaker 연사
                                 Maj. Gen. Jeffrey J. Dorko, USA Jeffrey J. Dorko 소장

                                  Engineer Awards Presentation 공병 상장 수여식

                                             Closing Remarks 끝맺음 말

                                              Retire the Colors 국기 하강식
                                      United Nations Command 유엔 의장대
                                                  Honor Guard

                                             DJ Entertainment DJ 엔터테인먼트

Welcome Letter
Welcome to the 2011 Peninsula Engineer Dining Out in the
Republic of Korea!

We celebrate this year’s Dining Out at an exciting and
challenging time here in the Republic of Korea (ROK).
Transformation of both U.S. and Korean forces is in full swing,
our forces are together engaged in supporting peace around
the globe, and recent provocations by North Korea remind
us of the very real threat that regime poses to us all. These
challenges highlight the value and importance of the strategic
alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea,
and the role our engineer community plays in supporting it.

For over 60 years, military engineers have been at the front-
lines preserving the peace and clearing the way for a
better tomorrow on the Korea Peninsula. I ask each of you to
remember all engineers, U.S. and ROK, military and civilian,
who have fought and made the ultimate sacrifice so that we
may gather here tonight.

As always and on behalf of all Peninsula Engineers,
Seabees, Sappers, and other guests who are here tonight, thank
you for attending and celebrating our continued commitment
and most rewarding profession. Enjoy the evening and this
time together amongst professional allies.

                              Col. Daniel M. Wilson, USA (Ret.)
                                  President, SAME Korea Post


      2011 한반도 공병 ‘저녁 만찬’에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

      저희는 이곳 한국에서 금년도 ‘저녁 만찬’이 열린것에 대해 진심으로
      축하드립니다. 미군과 한국군, 양측의 변화는 한창 진행 중이며,
      우리의 군은 세계의 평화를 지키기 위해 함께 노력하고 있습니다.
      최근 북한의 도발은 북한 정권이 우리에게 미치는 현실적인
      위협에 대해 상기시켜 줍니다. 이러한 위협과 도전들이 미국과
      한국 사이에서의 전략적 동맹의 중요성과 가치를 강조시켜 준다고
      생각합니다. 그리고 우리 공병들은 이를 지원하는 역할을 맡고

      60여년의 시간동안, 군 공병대는 평화를 지키고 한반도의 더 나은
      미래를 위한 길을 열기 위해 최전방에 위치하고 있습니다. 우리들이
      이자리에 모일 수 있었던 이유는 지금까지 우리를 위해 싸워왔고
      많은 희생을 치뤄온 한국과 미국, 군인과 민간인을 포함한 모든
      공병들 덕분입니다. 우리는 이들을 기억해야 합니다.

      한반도 공병들, Seabees, Sappers, 그리고 여기 모여주신 다른
      손님들을 대표하여, 이번 행사에 참석해주시고 우리의 지속적인
      헌신을 축하해주신 여러분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 즐거운 저녁
      되시길 바랍니다.

                          Col. Daniel M. Wilson, USA (Ret.)
                             President, SAME Korea Post

—Everyone Please Stand—

             모두 자리에서 일어서 주시기 바랍니다

U.S. Toast to ROK (U.S. 측에서 ROK측을 위해 건배)
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast to the
Republic of Korea”
   RESPONSE BY ALL (전원 응답): “To the Republic of Korea.”

ROK Toast to U.S. (ROK측에서 U.S. 측을 위해 건배)
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast to the
United States of America”
   RESPONSE BY ALL (전원 응답): “To the United States of America.”

U.S. and ROK Armed Forces Toast (U.S.와 ROK 측의 군을 위한건배)
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast to the
Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Republic of
    RESPONSE BY ALL (전원 응답): “To the Armed Forces.”

Engineer Toast (공병 인원들을 위한 건배)
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast to All
   RESPONSE BY ALL (전원 응답): “To All Engineers.”

Fallen Comrades Toast (전사자들을 위한 건배)
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast to our
Fallen Comrades.”
    RESPONSE BY ALL (전원 응답): “To our Fallen Comrades.”

                 —Please Seat Your Ladies—
            여성 분들은 자리에 앉아주시기 바랍니다

Ladies Toast (여성들을 위한 건배)
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast to the
beautiful ladies.”
   RESPONSE BY ALL (전원 응답): “To the Ladies.”

Menu (서양요리 정식)

                   Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable and Tomato
                               Buffalo Mozzarella
                 지중해식 구운 채소와 토마토 버팔로 모짜렐라 치즈

                          Prosciutto with Sweet Musk Melon
                            달콤한 멜론 향의 프로슈토

                           Green Asparagus Cream Soup
                           그린 아스파라거스 크림 스프

                         Lemon Grass Flavored Shrimp Salad
                           레몬그라스 향의 새우 샐러드

                        Plain Yoghurt and Sweet Chili Sauce
                       플레인 요구르트와 달콤한 칠리 소스

                    Chateaubriand of Beef with Green Pepper Corn
                                and Mushroom Sauce
                  소고기 안심 스테이크와 그린페퍼 콘, 버섯 소스

                           Vegetable Medley and Fried Rice
                               야채 메들리와 볶음밥

                        Traditional Tiramisu on Italian Sauce
                       이탈리안 소스를 얹은 전통 티라미슈

                                    Coffee or Tea
                                     커피나 차

                   채식주의자를 위한 메뉴도 준비되어 있습니다.

Maj. Gen. Jeffrey J. Dorko

                                                                                    Keynote Speaker (기조 연설자) /Korea Post Officers
                   Deputy Commanding General
               Military and International Operations
                  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
   Maj. Gen. Jeffrey J. Dorko, USA, is
the Deputy Commanding General for
Military and International Operations
for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE). Gen. Dorko is responsible
for policy, programming and techni-
cal support in the execution of over
$28 billion of design, construction
and environmental programs for the
Army, the Air Force, other Depart-
ment of Defense and federal agencies,
and foreign countries.
   Prior to this position, Gen. Dorko
served as Commander, U.S. Army
Engineer Division, Gulf Region, head-
quartered in Baghdad, Iraq, in sup-        Base Realignments and Closures, Of-
port of Operation Iraqi Freedom from       fice of the Assistant Secretary of the
October 2007 to October 2008. Pre-         Army for Installations, Logistics and
viously, he commanded the USACE            Environment at the Pentagon.
Southwestern Division, Dallas, Texas;         Gen. Dorko graduated from the
served as the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army    U.S. Military Academy in 1978 and
Maneuver Support Center, Fort Leon-        has earned masters degrees in con-
ard Wood, Mo.; and commanded the           struction management from George
Engineer Brigade, 1st Cavalry Divi-        Washington University and in national
sion, Fort Hood, Texas. Additionally,      security strategy from the Industrial
he served as the Military Assistant for    College of the Armed Forces.

 SAME Korea Post Officers
                           President      Col. Dan Wilson, USA (Ret.)
                  1st Vice President      Lt. Col. Bernie Lindstrom, USA
         2nd Vice President–South         Col. John Prater, USAF
        2nd Vice President–North          Lt. Col. Andrew Ring, USA
                           Secretary      Greg Jones
                           Treasurer      Maj. James Westgate, USA
      Assistant Secretary/Treasurer       Maj. Mike Poaletti, USA
              Junior Vice President       Lt. Col. Robert Hynes, USA

The Bronze de Fleury Medal

            The medal is named for a French
         Engineer, Francois Louis Tesseidre
         de Fleury, who volunteered to serve
         with the American Army in its fight
         for independence from Britain during
         the American Revolutionary War. The
         Continental Congress appointed de
         Fleury a captain of engineers, and he
         quickly proved himself in the desper-
         ate battle at Stony Point, New York, in
         1779. His courage under fire won him
         the accolades of the U.S. Congress.
            The Engineer Regiment adopted the       to an individual who has rendered sig-
         de Fleury Medal as an award because        nificant service or support to an ele-
         of the values demonstrated by the man      ment of the Engineer Regiment. The
         for whom it was struck, values of spe-     SILVER Medal may only be awarded
         cial meaning to Engineer Soldiers.         to an individual who has rendered
            It is understood that the de Fleury     outstanding and significant support or
         Medal was the first Congressional          service to the Engineer Regiment. The
         Medal struck, if not the first medal au-   U.S. Army Chief of Engineers awards
         thorized. Presentation of the de Fleury    only one GOLD Medal each year to an
         Medal, to those individuals meeting        individual who exemplifies boldness,
         established criteria began in 1989. Sol-   courage, and commitment to a strong
         diers and Civilians, active and retired,   national defense.
         from enlisted Soldiers to generals to
         the Chief of Staff of the French Army
         proudly wear the de Fleury Medal.’
            The Engineer Regiment makes three             Recipient (수상자)
         award levels of the de Fleury Medal.        Col. Joseph P. Moore, IMCOM-K
         The BRONZE Medal may be presented

         The Essayons Award
            The Engineer Regiment presents          embody this award. They represent
         the Essayons Award to acknowledge          the sacrifice, commitment and stead-
         our spouses’ outstanding dedication,       fastness of the United States Army
         devotion and selfless service to the       Corps of Engineers Regiment and the
         Engineer Regiment. This award hon-         United States Army.
         ors those who embody the “Let Us
         Try” spirit and have voluntarily made           Recipients (수상자)
         significant contributions to the morale               Molly Moore
         and welfare of engineer soldiers and                  Karen Russ
         families. The Essayons Award is pre-
                                                             Donna Winzenried
         sented to the engineer spouses who

The 8th Army Band Jazz

The 8th Army Jazz Combo is the U.S.
Army’s premier American music en-
semble in Korea. This 7-member en-
semble has received great acclaim both
at military and civilian functions all
over the peninsula performing selec-
tions from their diverse repertoire, to
include contemporary jazz, standards,
funk, R&B, Latin, and vocals.

Concerts by the 8th Army Jazz Combo
are designed to entertain all types of
audiences. Custom compositions and
arrangements highlight the group’s
creative talent and gifted soloists as
they breathe life into the atmosphere
of any given event. While they perform well-known standards, the 8th Army
Jazz Combo thrives on entertaining audiences while acquainting listeners with
music they may have never heard before. This is the Jazz Combo’s second year
entertaining distinguished guests at the Peninsula Engineer Conference.

                           The United Nations Command Honor
                           With a history tracing back to the early days after the
                          end of the Korean War, the United Nations Honor
                         Guard is a Combined Forces Command and United
                       Nations Command tradition. The United Nations Com-
                   mand Honor Guard’s primary mission is the security of the
combatant commander, his household, his place of duty and other key com-
mand and control facilities in Seoul. The United Nations Honor Guard Team
serves the same function today, yet performs their secondary mission as a distin-
guished ceremonial unit. The five-man unit is comprised of two armed Guards
and three color ensigns, who carry the National Colors of the United States and
the Republic of Korea, and the colors of the United Nations Command.

The team carries the National Colors of the United States and the Republic of
Korea in their places of honor, followed by the colors of the United Nations
Command. The armed guards flank the Colors on either side and are respon-
sible for protecting the honor of the Colors.

2011 Engineer Dining Out Committee (행사 준비 위원회)

                                                 Thank you to the volunteers of the
                                                      Dining Out Committee
                                                      Maj. James Westgate, USA

                                                           Cara Lindstrom

                                                           Willie Berwick

                                                            Molly Moore

                                                             Karen Russ

                                                          Donna Winzenried

                                                             Una Wilson

                                                           Donna Degidio

                                                           Lynne Jackson

                                                         Heather Birchmeier

Thanks to our Sponsors

                               Thanks to our Sponsors (지원해 주신 분들께 감사 드립니다)
지원해 주신 분들께 감사 드립니다



         Table Wine

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