Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software

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Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software

      Engineer next-generation
      eMobility with confidence
      By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software

      ePowertrain efficiency study

78 | Engineering Reality Magazine
Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software
Comprehensive Hexagon Solutions for EV

                                         Sales of electric vehicle jumped           has become modern, fast, beautiful,
                                         30 percent globally in 2020, and is        connected, advanced, quiet, and
                                         projected to grow by 70 percent by         everything we ever wanted from
                                         2021 according to HIS Markit forecasts.    a next-generation automobile. We
                                         Electrification is the single largest      crave for something that’s future-
                                         disruptor that has occurred to the         proof, and we want to invest in
                                         automotive industry in decades.            a vehicle that’s not going to be
                                                                                    outdated in 10 years from now.
                                         The concept of “electric vehicle” has
                                         existed for more than a century, since     And that is a major cause for the mass
                                         William Morrison from Iowa created         market adoption of electric vehicles
                                         the first successful electric vehicle in   in recent years – the products have
                                         the US around 1896. But why hasn’t         become much better!
                                         EV become popular until the last
                                         few years?                                 Triggering this largest transformation
                                                                                    in decades, almost all of the major
                                         Of course, environmental concerns          automotive manufacturers are
                                         are fuelling vehicle electrification;      embarking on the transition to EV
                                         switching from gasoline to electricity     manufacturing. They are adopting new
                                         is a vital solution for reducing           or replacing their existing processes,
                                         emissions to avoid the worst impacts       technologies, and tools for the next-
                                         of climate change.                         generation vehicle design.

                                         But more importantly, as consumers,        Besides the traditional design and
                                         we have experience first-hand of           engineering considerations from an
                                         how Tesla and a few other leaders          ICE vehicle, developing an electric
                                         have revolutionised the electric           vehicle presents its own unique
                                         vehicle. It’s not old, clunky, weird,      challenges and requires a new set
                                         ugly, impractical anymore, instead, it     of solutions.

                                                                                     Volume XIII - Summer 2021 | | 79
Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software
Cabin Noise Simulation

      ePowertrain design                                     the rapidly-growing EV market.                certain extent, these other noises are
                                                                                                           less tolerable with the ever-increasing
      More and more consumers are                            To develop the optimal ePowertrain            standard of electric vehicle buyers.
      growing a true passion for EV                          faster, Hexagon provides not only the
      because it’s quiet and powerful, and                   technologies in terms of software and         To provide drivers and passengers a
      that distinctive signature results                     tools, but also the expertise for designing   comfortable driving/riding experience,
      from a key differentiator between                      world-class ePowertrain systems.              it’s crucial to carefully analyse and
      electric vehicles and traditional                                                                    optimise EV’s interior acoustic
      vehicles: Electric Powertrain vs                       From solving engineering issues like          environment, especially early in the
      ICE Powertrain.                                        reducing gear whine noise, improving          design stage.
                                                             drivetrain efficiency, enhancing electric
      In order to design a world-class                       motor cooling, all the way to delivering      In order to accurately predict those
      ePowertrain, engineers have a                          turnkey ePowertrain designs to EV             noises, engineers typically need to apply
      number of issues to tackle, from the                   start-ups, Hexagon offers the most            multi-physics CAE solutions to study the
      architecture, performance, durability,                 comprehensive ePowertrain solutions           complex nature of those challenges.
      NVH all the way to efficiency.                         in the industry for you to develop world-
                                                             leading electric vehicles.                    For example, to properly capture
      For example: Do I have the optimal                                                                   the eMotor or transmission noise,
      combination of motor and drivetrain?                   Cabin noise                                   acoustics needs to be coupled with
      How long will my ePowertrain operate                                                                 electro-magnetics, system dynamics
      at high RPM without fail? Can I hear                   With the absence of an internal               and/or structural analysis to figure out
      the motor noise or gear whine?                         combustion engine, electric vehicles          the vibration sources and how noise
      How can I extend vehicle range by                      are expected to be very quiet by              is being generated and propagated
      increasing ePowertrain efficiency?                     consumers. However, other noise               inside the cabin.
                                                             sources which were previously
      All those engineering problems need                    covered by the engine noise suddenly          Likewise, to simulate wind noise, the
      to be properly addressed before                        become a lot more prominent in an             aerodynamic excitation applied to the
      engineers can come up with a best-in-                  electric vehicle, such as road/tire           side windows need to be simulated
      class ePowertrain design that fits the                 noise, wind noise, gear whine, or even        with CFD software before the acoustic
      needs from consumers, which provides                   the high-pitch, high-frequency noise          performance of the window/glass
      OEMs with competitive advantages in                    coming from the electric motor. To a          vibration can be predicted.

80 | Engineering Reality Magazine
Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software
Torque vectoring controls evaluation

Hexagon provides not only best-            development requires interactions          achieved simply through electronically
in-class point CAE solutions in the        between additional integrated              controlling the power distribution
industry, but also the best-in-class       sub-systems (battery pack, power           between the two motors, which can be
multi-physics and co-simulation            electronics, electric drive, etc.) to be   done on a millisecond scale. And the
technologies that engineers can rely       understood and optimised.                  new torque vectoring controllers need
on to tackle the complicated acoustics                                                to be studied and evaluated with the
challenges and drastically reduce the      With the ePowertrain, many control         EV mechanism.
overall EV cabin noise.                    strategies also need to be re-created
                                           or re-designed. For example, torque        In order to improve the overall vehicle
Vehicle dynamics                           vectoring has been used on traditional     dynamics of electric vehicles, engineers
                                           ICE vehicles to distribute torque          would run co-simulation between
While the shift to electric is primarily   among four wheels to improve the           the full vehicle MBD models and the
motivated by environmental and             vehicle traction during acceleration       1D controller models, to study and
sustainability concerns, it opens up       or steering on a wet surface. With         optimise various control algorithms
new challenges for vehicle dynamics        electric motors, torque vectoring          early on in the design cycle, and avoid
optimisation. Electric vehicle             between front and rear axles can be        expensive, late design changes.
Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software
Lightweighting                              engineers can capture the correct           the optimal temperature range of
                                                  local anisotropic stiffness and             the battery pack? How do I predict
      For electric vehicles, lightweighting       damping behaviours depending                structural integrity for new materials
      is not optional - it’s mission-critical.    on the frequency and the local              under severe loads? How do I ensure
      Reducing vehicle mass increases the         fibre orientations. Incorporating           battery safety when it hits obstacles
      EV range and improves the vehicle           those materials’ behaviours into            on the ground?
      performance, which greatly contribute       the NVH and durability models
      to faster EV adoption.                      greatly enhances the accuracy and           To effectively predict and resolve all
                                                  reliability of the simulation results,      those challenges, engineers again
      The most common way of removing             and ensures that reducing vehicle           need to not only rely on the point
      mass without compromising design            weight doesn’t come at a cost of            physics solutions, like CFD, Structural
      is by introducing new materials.            performance degradation.                    FEA, Fatigue, MBD, Materials, but also
      Application of composites material                                                      integrate multiple physics together to
      is essential for weight reduction, but      Battery design                              address the fundamental issues in a
      such material’s behaviours are highly                                                   more accurate way.
      nonlinear and anisotropic, and the          As the most expensive and heaviest
      different manufacturing processes           component of an electric vehicle, the       For example, to study the battery
      influence the final part’s performance      battery makes up for about 30% of the       frame impact from hitting an obstacle
      (e.g. NVH, Durability) in different ways.   total vehicle cost, and can weigh up        (like a stone) underneath, engineers
                                                  to 600 kilograms. It is recognised as       need to consider not only the non-
      For example, one of the options to          the most important component of an          linear contact and permanent
      lightweight the battery pack is to use      EV because it determines the crucial        deformation on the frame itself, but
      fibre-reinforced polymers to replace        factors such as the range, cost, safety,    also how the vehicle suspension
      metals for the battery tray. While this     recharging and so on.                       system is going to react to the impact,
      certainly reduces the overall weight of                                                 which may affect the results of the
      the battery, we also understand that        Automotive engineers face a number          battery damage. Without the holistic
      using new materials may often come          of design challenges when it comes to       understanding for the full system
      with some level of degradation in NVH       battery on different aspects such as        behaviour or the detailed contact
      or Durability performance.                  thermal, material, safety and durability.   model, the simulation doesn’t provide
                                                                                              a reliable way to predict the actual
      With Hexagon’s industry-leading             For example: How do I design the            event, which could lead to either
      materials simulation software,              cooling or heating system to assure         failure or overdesign.

      Battery thermal management

82 | Engineering Reality Magazine
Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software
Battery frame welding simulation

Battery manufacturing                      To help OEMs take total control of         We are proud to say that Hexagon’s
                                           the entire product quality lifecycle,      solutions have been trusted by not
Quality needs to be integrated into        Hexagon has been investing heavily         only the current global top 25 auto
every aspect of the battery system,        into both software and hardware            OEMs, but also every recognisable
from battery cell, battery module,         technologies to connect the dots           electric vehicle company and some
battery tray to battery assembly, with     between engineering, manufacturing         of the major battery suppliers in
the highest standards.                     and quality control.                       the world. Over 70% of the electric
                                                                                      vehicles on the market have been
On a high-volume production line,          With the industry-leading CAD-CAM-         enhanced with the help of Hexagon
battery welding is a process with a        CAE software and the most advanced         tools and services over the past
narrow time window for assembly            metrology technologies for both            15 years.
and inspection. There are over 3,500       stationary and portable applications,
cylindrical battery cells in a typical     Hexagon not only provides the point        We aim to offer a new set of smart
design, which means there are              solutions, but also understands how to     manufacturing technologies for
over 10,000 welds in the assembly.         integrate each stage of the workflow       engineers, designers and OEMs,
Even with a 99% weld success rate,         together to help OEMs shorten design-to-   blending our experience in automotive
there will be 100 weld failures that       production times and improve the overall   design and engineering, production
compromise range and safety. It is of      product quality while lowing the cost.     and metrology to help you make the
paramount importance that each weld                                                   journey toward 100%EV faster and
is carefully studied and tested.           100% of vehicles in the world              more cost-effective.
                                           need to be electric
To achieve the highest level of quality,
relying only on inspection itself is not   EVs are predicted to represent a third
enough. One of the biggest challenges      of the automotive market by 2025
that OEMs face is how to engineer          and 51% by 2030. But we believe the             Download our eMobility eBook to learn
quality into the battery design and        automotive industry can make this               more:
the manufacturing processes in the         shift even faster, and we want to               eBook
first place.                               support your efforts to do so.

                                                                                       Volume XIII - Summer 2021 | | 83
Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software Engineer next-generation eMobility with confidence - eMobility By Yijun Fan, Luca Castignani and Dan Marinac, MSC Software
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