Request for Expressions of Interest - Council Chambers Audio/Video Distribution System Replacement and Upgrade

Page created by Martha Coleman
Request for Expressions of Interest
               On a contract to perform:

Council Chambers Audio/Video Distribution System
           Replacement and Upgrade


                 City of Pitt Meadows

Request for Expression of Interest                             CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Table of Contents
Table of Contents................................................................................................ 2
General Information ............................................................................................ 3
Purpose ............................................................................................................... 3
Background ......................................................................................................... 4
Project Requirements ......................................................................................... 5
   Phase 1 – Council Chambers Audio/Video ................................................................... 5
   Phase 2 – Main Conference Room Audio ..................................................................... 6
   Phase 3 – Integrated Digital Video Capture System Design Proposal ......................... 6
Project Methodology .......................................................................................... 7
Project Timing ..................................................................................................... 7
Deliverables ......................................................................................................... 8
   Phase 1 - Council Chambers Audio/Video .................................................................... 8
   Phase 2 - Main Conference Room Audio ...................................................................... 8
   Phase 3 - Integrated Digital Video Capture System Design Proposal .......................... 8
Response Information ........................................................................................ 9
   Contact Information ....................................................................................................... 9
   Timing and Key Dates ................................................................................................... 9
   Response Submission ................................................................................................ 10
   Selection Process ....................................................................................................... 11
   Basis of Selection........................................................................................................ 11
   Acceptance of Response ............................................................................................ 12

City of Pitt Meadows                                                                                                   Page: 2
Request for Expression of Interest           CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

General Information
The City of Pitt Meadows (hereinafter referred to as “City”) is a Municipal Government
located within the Lower Mainland of Vancouver. We currently have a staff compliment
of approximately 65. As a City we service a community with a population of over 18,500.
For further information about the City, please see our web site at

For additional information on how to respond to this Request for Expressions of Interest,
please refer to the Response Information section below.

The City of Pitt Meadows wishes to retain the services of a qualified Audio Video
consultant to supply, install, tune and train a replacement audio/video distribution system
within the City’s Council Chambers.

The target system must be of a simple and modern design utilising current digital
audio/video technologies supported by HDMI and UTP (twisted pair) transmission.

A key goal of this project is to implement a replacement audio/video distribution system
that provides flexibility and can accommodate minor changes to the room layout of the
Council Chambers.

The City also wishes to include the design, installation and integration of audio capture
in the City’s main conference room. This is a secondary requirement and will only be
implemented if it can be included within the available budget.

The City also may consider the installation of an integrated video capture system in the
future and has noted an optional requirement under this RFEI to provide design
specifications for such a system.

The City intends to use the information you provide in response to this RFEI to select a
consultant provider best suited to meet our requirements as specified in this document.

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Request for Expression of Interest          CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

The City conducts bi-weekly, regular council meetings 10 months of the year in a
purpose built room (Council Chambers) in the main City Hall building. The meetings held
in Council Chambers are video live streamed through a cloud based service provided by
Granicus Inc. The meetings are also archived and accessible for viewing anytime via the
City’s website. Shaw Cable provides analogue video production services to capture the

Several years ago the Council Chambers was outfitted with an analogue Audio/Video
distribution system. The system was configured to distribute audio/video signals from up
to three City computers to a variety of display devices in Council Chambers with
computer audio integrated to the public address system. The audio/video distribution
system is managed in the Council Chambers by the legislative clerk via a switchable
control console.

The Council Chambers analogue public address system is configured with 12
microphones connected to a control unit and amplifier providing coverage in the Council
Chambers, overflow gallery area and input to Shaw Cable

Shaw Cable provides an integrated Audio/Video feed back to the City which is digitally
encoded for web streaming through Granicus

Current Technical
Staff Computers – Dell Desktop VGA, Analogue Audio (HDMI capable)
Video Distribution – VGA
Audio/Video Switching - Extron
Audio – Analogue, Wired
Projector – Epson LCD (recent purchase - HDMI and Lan capable)
Projector Screen – 4:3 Aspect Ratio
Audio/Video Control – Extron
Audio Amplification – Altec-Lansing
Microphones – Altec-Lansing

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Request for Expression of Interest         CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Project Requirements
Phase 1 – Council Chambers Audio/Video

The City has developed a conceptual vision of the target system as a guide and
understands that the final proposed system may vary due to technology and location
constraints within the Council Chambers.

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Request for Expression of Interest            CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Phase 1 Technical

Minimum requirements based on the conceptual vision

        Digital Audio/Video switching between multiple audio/video sources
        Separate output volume control for Council Chambers and Overflow
        Support up to 30 audio input sources
        Support up to 5 audio/video input sources
        Support up to 5 video display devices
        Digital and analogue output capability (mixed)

Note: City IT staff will be responsible for removal of the existing video cabling installed
      in the council chambers furniture.

Phase 2 – Main Conference Room Audio

A secondary component to the project includes the installation and integration of audio
capture in the City’s main conference room. Ideally this system will consist of 12 – 15
wireless desktop or lapel microphones that are integrated back to the main digital audio
amplifier and control implemented for the Council Chambers. Public gallery speakers are
also required with local audio control.

A digital or analogue audio signal from this location would be available to the Granicus
encoder from the main digital audio amplifier and control. Alternate, suitable solutions
will be considered.

This Phase will only be implemented if it can be included within the available budget or
at the City’s discretion.

Phase 3 – Integrated Digital Video Capture System Design Proposal

The City may also consider future installation of an integrated digital video capture
system in the Council Chambers and the Main Conference room. Phase 3 requests
design specifications, proposed equipment and approximate costs for such a system.

The system must easily integrate into the system being proposed under Phase 1

Technical – Council Chambers
    4 camera minimum
    Pan/Zoom capability
    Camera switching capability
    Video Graphic overlay capability
    Operational Resource requirements

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Request for Expression of Interest           CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Technical – Main Conference Room
    3 camera minimum
    Pan/Zoom capability
    Camera switching capability
    Video Graphic overlay capability
    Operational Resource requirements

Project Methodology
To execute this project the city expects the consultant to adhere to the following project
methodology guide lines.

    1. Review the existing audio/video distribution system to confirm requirement
    2. Research current technology options
    3. Liaise with City staff regarding all design requirements
    4. Preparation of a detailed design proposal for the replacement system with all
       inclusive cost
    5. Presentation of design and component description for City approval
    6. Installation, testing, tuning and training on the system

Project Timing
Council meetings are suspended for six weeks over July and August. It is the city’s
expectation that all expressions of interest will be reviewed and a consultant selected
prior to August 1st 2013. Phase 1 project will work will occur in August with a completion
date no later than August 31st 2013.

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Request for Expression of Interest               CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Phase 1 - Council Chambers Audio/Video

              o    Detailed design including specifications of hardware to be implemented

              o    Supply and installation of the following:
                       HDMI and UTP (twisted pair) distribution system as per the
                          supplied, approved design
                       Digital audio amplifier
                       Digital audio/Video control console
                       Digital audio/video control unit
                       Up to 15 digital wireless microphones and base as per the
                          supplied, approved design
                       Two 60-80 inch flat panel wall mounted displays (see conceptual

              o    Modifications to the current 4:3 ratio projection screen to cleanly support

Phase 2 - Main Conference Room Audio

              o    Detailed design including specifications of hardware to be implemented

              o    Supply and installation of the following:
                       Up to 15 digital wireless microphones and base or suitable
                       Wired link to main audio control in Council Chambers
                       Public gallery speakers with local volume control

Phase 3 - Integrated Digital Video Capture System Design Proposal

              o    Conceptual design with integration points
              o    Suggested hardware and specifications
              o    Operational requirements
              o    Approximate cost

City of Pitt Meadows                                                                      Page: 8
Request for Expression of Interest          CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Response Information
Contact Information

Please send your response to:

City of Pitt Meadows
12007 Harris Road
Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5

Attention: Dave Philp, Business Analyst, IT Coordinator

Telephone: 604.465.2494
Fax: 604.465.2404

Timing and Key Dates

Listed below are the important events and the target dates and times by which
the events are expected to be completed:

Issue of RFEI                                             June 25, 2013
Provider Inquiries/Questions Up To                        July 5, 2013
Response to RFI due no later than 2:00:00 PM, Local       July 17, 2013
Evaluation of Response by **                              July 24, 2013
Notification**                                            July 26 , 2013
Project Start                                             July 29, 2013
Project Completion (no later than)                        August, 31, 2013

**These dates are estimates, and are tentative at this point.

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Request for Expression of Interest              CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Response Submission

Please submit your information in writing and include the information identified below
plus any information request in the Basis of Selection section:

a) Company Background:

    i.        Please provide information about your business, its history and relative
              experience in other projects, especially similar size municipalities or
    ii.       Please provide details of the personnel you would assign to this project
              including qualifications, history with the company, and previous experience in
              a similar project.
    iii.      Please provide a minimum of three (3) reference projects of similar size and
              scope (Municipal or public sector reference projects are preferred).

b) Proposal:

    i.        Describe in detail your Proposal. Include details related to number of
              meetings required with City of Pitt Meadows staff, deliverables you will
              provide, and any additional services.
    ii.       Describe your anticipated timeline and delivery schedule.
    iii.      Provide an estimation of cost to perform the identified work
    iv.       Provide an estimation of all hardware costs

           Note: All equipment costs must be at fair market value

Responses may not be accepted after the Closing Date and Time, but they may be
received anytime prior to the closing time stated. The City of Pitt Meadows accepts no
responsibility for submissions which have not been received, either by mail, fax or
electronically. It is recommended that you confirm with the person named above that
your submission has been received by the date listed above.

The City will not be obligated in any way by your response to the Request for
Expressions of Interest. Your response and all supporting documents will remain at the
City and will not be returned. Costs related to preparing and issuing your response will
be entirely your responsibility. All response documents may be reproduced by the City,
provided that such reproduction is made solely for internal use or for any purpose
required by law [e.g., the Provisions of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (the “Act”)].

It is your responsibility to inquire about and clarify any requirements of this Request for
Expressions of Interest which are not understood. Inquiries regarding the Request for
Expressions of Interest should be communicated to the City contact person noted above.

City of Pitt Meadows                                                                   Page: 10
Request for Expression of Interest            CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Selection Process
The selection process shall go through multiple stages as follows:

The City may select respondents deemed to be most qualified, on the basis of their
submissions to the Request for Expression of Interest received by the City. The selection
process will evaluate the responses. Respondents shall be short listed, and then may
be contacted to meet with the City selection team to exchange further information and to
assess the experience and suitability of the respondent to this project. Reference
checks may be requested.

The City may then make their decision and make a notification of award to the
successful Respondent.

Basis of Selection
Responses to the RFEI shall be evaluated by a review team. Areas of evaluation
include following criteria:

         1. Demonstrated experience working with government organizations and
            especially local governments. Please indicate your experience, the
            deliverables, and your responsibilities working on comparable projects for
            government organizations. Please provide the organizations’ names,
            locations, and contacts for reference purposes.

         2. Demonstrated experience with Digital audio/video distribution systems
            utilizing HDMI and UTP (twisted pair). Please provide client names, locations,
            and contacts for reference purposes.

         3. Estimated cost of your work to complete the project including hardware.
            Please consider if your cost is a fixed-fee amount or an hourly fee. If you
            specify an hourly fee, please estimate the number of hours expected to
            complete the work. Please factor all costs including labour time, materials,
            travel, etc in your estimate. All hardware costs should be itemized.

         4. The quality of your response document. Your response should be prepared
            in a straightforward and organized manner, and should describe your
            experience, capabilities, and availability to meet our schedule as outlined

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Request for Expression of Interest           CPM Council Chambers A/V System Replacement

Acceptance of Response
The City may not necessarily accept the lowest priced or any Response. At its sole
discretion, the City reserves the right to reject any or all Responses received and to
accept any Response which it considers advantageous, or to further negotiate the
details with any Respondent, whether or not you are the lowest priced Respondent,
without any obligations to any other Respondents. The City is not under any obligation
to negotiate a contract, and reserves the right to terminate this request-for-information
process at any time, and to withdraw from discussions with all or any of the respondents.

This RFEI process in no way is intended to form a contract between the City of Pitt
Meadows and any party. This is a Request for Expressions of Interest, qualification, and
quotation only.

Once all information received has been reviewed, the City of Pitt Meadows may decide
    - Continue with a competitive bid process by developing a Request for Proposal.
    - Pursue one, some, or all of the options submitted.
    - Other courses of action as solely determined by the City.

If the City of Pitt Meadows decides that one or more of the submissions is worth
pursuing in an effort to establish a contract, the City of Pitt Meadows reserves the right
to negotiate terms, scope, timelines, costs and any other matter of the project with any
or all vendors independently without having any duty to advise any other vendor who
submits through this process, and without liability to any vendor not awarded a contract.

City of Pitt Meadows                                                                Page: 12
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