ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 - Bromley Youth Music Trust SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT
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BYMT SERVICES for Schools 2020/2021 BYMT provides a diverse range of services to support Bromley schools in delivering outstanding music education for ALL children and young people. We are offering the following services in 2020/21, many of which can be delivered online if required: BYMT HUB MEMBERSHIP - Access to a package of discounted services for schools 3 BYMT CURRICULUM - Curriculum classes 4 BYMT SING - Classroom and whole school singing projects for KS1, KS2 and KS3 5 BYMT PLAY - Whole class ensemble projects 6 BYMT BAND ON THE RUN – Whole Class/large group instrumental projects 7 BYMT EXPLORE - A range of exciting workshops 8 BYMT VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL TUITION - Individual and small group tuition 9 BYMT INSPIRE - Performances by professional musicians 10 BYMT CPD - Training to support professional development 10 BYMT SUPPORT - Bespoke support for school leaders 11 BYMT INSTRUMENT HIRE - Access to a range of high-quality instruments 11 2
BYMT HUB MEMBERSHIP (formerly BYMT accreditation) Access to a package of discounted services for schools Become a member of the Bromley Music Hub to benefit from a range of discounted support: Basic Full Membership Membership Membership of Bromley Music Hub Advisory Group Regular bulletins on key music education news and events in Bromley and beyond – including access to funding opportunities and initiatives. BYMT Instrumental and Vocal Service. BYMT can source/recruit and place music teachers in schools. Please see our Recruitment and Vetting Procedures £50 per teacher appointment BYMT termly CPD for classroom music teachers / leaders and access to up-to-date developments in pedagogy. Delivered through physical on-site training and £50 per school, per online webinars. training session Advice for Headteachers and/or members of SLT on OFSTED expectations of “outstanding music provision” and “The National Plan”. Through physical £60 per consultation on-site support or online meetings. Participation in large-scale performances (subject to social distancing measures being relaxed). POA Membership of Music Mark (The UK Association for Music Education – Music Mark leads, represents and supports the highest quality music education for all children £52 if purchased and young people). For further details please click here independently Schools with basic £220 Primary Annual Membership Costs (2020/2021) membership will Schools need to pay separately for each £330 service Secondary Schools Request form: BYMT HUB MEMBERSHIP We would like the following hub membership for 2020/21: Basic Membership Full Membership £220 Primary Schools, £330 Secondary Schools
BYMT CURRICULUM - Curriculum classes BYMT has a team of music specialists who deliver curriculum music to primary schools. Lessons include singing, playing classroom instruments, creative music making, appraising and listening. All these skills are taught using the interrelated elements of music stipulated by the National Curriculum (e.g. pitch, rhythm, pulse, tempo and dynamics). Our teachers can also follow your music curriculum using a topic-based approach or a stand-alone subject. It is important to note that Ofsted requires schools to have overall responsibility for ensuring the quality and delivery of their music plans. Other bespoke delivery options: • Lessons can be delivered through pre-recorded videos or live stream sessions. • Activities and choice of classroom instruments can be tailored to meet government Covid-19 guidelines. • BYMT can provide you with a Request form: bespoke programme tailored to your requirements. • Request form: Hourly rate: £58.50 an hour (2020/2021) For further information: please contact We would like the following curriculum support in 2020/21 Year Group(s) Total Number of hours Number of sessions Please list per week per term Any other requests? 4
BYMT SING - Classroom and whole school singing projects for KS1, KS2 and KS3 We offer: • weekly singing whole class lessons or assemblies • half term singing projects culminating in a celebration performance • one-off day/half day workshops These projects can follow your music curriculum or be linked to a specific topic e.g. Black History Month, environmental issues, or historical events Other bespoke delivery options: • Lessons can be delivered through pre-recorded videos or live stream sessions. • Activities or can be tailored to meet government Covid-19 guidelines. • Schools can switch to an alternative BYMT school project/service if government Covid-19 guidance requires this. • BYMT can provide you with a bespoke programme tailored to your requirements. Request form: Hourly rate: £58.50 For further information please contact Weekly singing whole class lessons or assemblies (please also complete the table below) Year Group(s) Total Number of hours Number of sessions Please list per week per term Half term singing projects culminating in a celebration performance BYMT will contact you to discuss your request One-off day/half day workshops. BYMT will contact you to discuss your request 5
BYMT PLAY - Whole class ensemble projects BYMT PLAY is our whole-class ensemble tuition programme. These curriculum time programmes deliver all the core points of the DfE National Plan for Music Education which states that “every child should have the opportunity to learn an instrument”. BYMT offers the following exciting projects: • PLAY Djembe • PLAY Keyboard • PLAY Recorder • PLAY Steel pan • PLAY Ukulele • PLAY pBuzz • PLAY Samba BYMT teachers are skilled and experienced in teaching whole class lessons. Children will learn how to hold their instrument, how to produce a good tone, employ correct technique, play as part of an ensemble and the basics of reading music notation. BYMT PLAY provides a strong foundation for progression to instrumental learning through BYMT BAND ON THE RUN transition projects. Other bespoke delivery options: • Lessons can be delivered through pre-recorded video or live stream sessions. • Activities and choice of PLAY instruments can be tailored to meet government Covid-19 guidelines. • Schools can switch to an alternative BYMT school project/service if government Covid-19 guidance requires this. • BYMT can provide you with a bespoke programme tailored to Request form: your requirements. • Hourly rate: £58.50 an hour (2020/2021) Please note that instrument hire is not included. Please see our BYMT INSTRUMENT HIRE section below. For further information: please contact Project type: Year Group(s) Total number of Number of Number of terms Please list hours per week sessions per term PLAY Djembe PLAY Keyboard PLAY Recorder PLAY Steel pan PLAY Ukulele PLAY pBuzz PLAY Samba 6
BYMT BAND ON THE RUN – Whole class/large group instrumental projects for Y4, Y5 and Y6 Band On The Run is an innovative project which builds on the progress achieved in the introductory BYMT PLAY projects and provides an excellent transition to small group or individual lessons. Within a year the school should have a good-sized ensemble/band. Children are taught to play an instrument from the brass, string or woodwind family over a five-week period. Progress during this course is rapid as children benefit from three 30-minute sessions each week: • Weekly small group lessons to secure basic instrument technique (groups of 3s or 4s) • An ensemble rehearsal (groups of 8 by instrument e.g. all trombones together, all trumpets together etc) • Full band rehearsal (to secure ensembles skills and build in a continuity ensemble/band post project) At the end of the 5 weeks, a concert will take place showcasing the outstanding progress of the students. Children are then encouraged to continue learning their instrument through individual or small group lessons as part of the BYMT VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL TUITION scheme. Before booking a Band On The Run programme, please read our frequently asked questions To learn more about Band On The Run please see our introductory video: Band on the Run Video Other bespoke delivery options: • Activities and choice of BAND instruments can be tailored to meet government Covid-19 guidelines • Schools can switch to an alternative BYMT school project/service if government Covid-19 guidance requires this • BYMT can provide you with a bespoke programme tailored to your requirements • Request form: Project cost: £1450 per half class project, or £2900 per whole class project Costs are based on 32 children per class, 16 children per half class which includes instrument hire. The financing arrangements of these projects is the decision of the school. Please note that these project costs have been subsidised by Music Education Hub Funding. For further information: please contact Project type: Year Total number of Number of Preferred term Group(s) hours per week sessions per term Please list BAND ON THE RUN WIND (BRASS AND WOODWIND) BAND ON THE RUN STRINGS BAND ON THE RUN BRASS BAND ON THE RUN WOODWIND 7
BYMT EXPLORE - A range of exciting workshops In-School or via live stream: BYMT has a large team of professional teachers/performers. A great option for promoting We offer a range of exciting and engaging the music offer workshops throughout the year. They in your school! are a great way to introduce children to vocal and instrumental learning, complement school curriculum topics and to contribute to the development of children’s cultural education and awareness. These workshops can be tailored to your requirements and are a great way to support Arts Mark and Arts Award applications. We offer a range of exciting workshops which include: Other bespoke delivery options: • Jazz Improvisation • Composition • Workshops can be delivered • Improvisation through pre-recorded videos, • Djembe live stream sessions or even in • Samba Sound Shapes outdoor spaces. • Workshops can be tailored to • Singing meet government Covid-19 guidelines Workshop Days at the BYMT Central Music Centre BYMT offers bespoke half-day/full day whole class workshops at our central music centre in Southborough Lane, Petts Wood. Schools can choose from a range of workshops that include: • Keyboard • Music Theatre • Instrument ‘try-outs’ • Dance • Jazz Improvisation workshops • Composition • Improvisation • Djembe • Samba Sound Shapes • Singing Request form: Costs: We can tailor our workshops to meet your budget For further information: please contact In-School or live stream workshops BYMT will contact you to discuss your request Workshop Days at the BYMT Central Music Centre BYMT will contact you to discuss your request 8
BYMT ENSEMBLE - School ensembles and choirs BYMT teachers can direct and lead your school ensembles and choirs and support with school performances. Request form: Hourly rate: £58.50 For further information please contact Type of group or Total Number of hours Number of sessions ensemble: per week per term ________________ Please list ________________ ________________ ________________ ___ BYMT VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL TUITION - Individual and small group tuition BYMT staff and licensed (freelance) peripatetic teachers work in most schools in the London Borough of Bromley to deliver individual or small group instrumental tuition. Parents of interested students can obtain an application form for lessons via their school reception, the BYMT website, or by using this link. BYMT or the relevant licensed teacher will invoice families directly for this service. We would strongly encourage schools to pay for the lessons of children who receive pupil premium. For further information please contact Other bespoke delivery options: Lessons can be delivered through live video streaming, either at school or at home Request form: We would like to book new or additional vocal instrumental tuition BYMT will contact you to discuss your request 9
BYMT INSPIRE - Performances by professional musicians BYMT provides a range of exciting performances by BYMT Alumni Students and professional musicians. These performances often inspire children to learn to sing or A great option play an instrument, understand more about the for promoting different instrument families and are also a great the music offer way of supporting Arts Mark and Arts Award in your school! applications. Performances can include: • String Orchestras • Wind Band • Piano concerts Other bespoke options: Performances can be delivered through pre-recorded videos or live video streaming using your preferred digital platform. Request form: Cost: Fee is dependent upon the size of group performing – we can cater for your budget. Further information: please contact We are interested in booking a BYMT INSPIRE workshop. BYMT will contact you to discuss this further ___________________________________________________________________ BYMT CPD - Training to support professional development BYMT provides termly central CPD for music subject leaders and class teachers on a variety of topics – these range from singing for the non-specialist, classroom composition to jazz improvisation. They are delivered by BYMT and other external specialists. These sessions are held at the BYMT Music Centre or via online webinars. BYMT also provides tailored on-site CPD for school/academy staff meetings and training days. Quote from a Bromley teacher: “Thank you so much, I really enjoyed it. As a non-music specialist and someone who is not very confident but who loves music, I learnt that I could do some things with my children quite easily without feeling out of my depth. I liked the ideas for different actions and ways to change a song” Request form: BYMT Autumn Term Arrangements: Cost: Full membership of Bromley Music Hub: Free We plan to deliver our CPD sessions via Basic membership of Bromley Music Hub: £50 online webinars On-site CPD for staff meetings/training days: £60 hour 10
We would like to receive more information about BYMT CPD sessions BYMT SUPPORT - Bespoke support for school leaders Examples of bespoke support services that BYMT can offer include consultancy services, curriculum advice and planning, audit of music provision and preparation for Ofsted’s Deep Dive. Quotes from Headteachers: “Thank you again for running the training this week. It was very useful to discuss the new approach to inspections and what we need to do to get ready.” Other bespoke options: Request form: Support can be delivered via video conferencing using you Cost: preferred choice of digital Full member of Bromley Music Hub: Free platform Basic member of Bromley Music Hub: £60 an hour To request BYMT SUPPORT please contact: We would like to book BYMT SUPPORT BYMT will contact you to discuss your request ___________________________________________________________________ BYMT INSTRUMENT HIRE - Access to a range of high-quality instruments BYMT has a stock of orchestral instruments that are available for hire to schools. There are also class sets of djembe, recorders, keyboards and percussion which are available for short periods of time. Please contact us for further details. Whole Class Ensemble Tuition Hire per term: Hire of Ukulele (Class set) £160.00 Hire of pBuzz (Class set) £160.00 Hire of Djembe £10 per drum Individual and Small Group Instrumental Hire per term: Half size violin or smaller, guitar - £35.00 Ptrumpet, pbone, clarineo - £35.00 All other instruments - £55.00 Request form: We would like to request new or additional school instrument hire Parents/carers can apply to hire an instrument using this link: Instrument Hire Application Form for parents/carers 11
YOUR CONTACT DETAILS: I confirm that I have read and understood the BYMT Terms and Conditions: BYMT Terms and Conditions 2020 -2021 NAME OF SCHOOL: NAME OF PERSON COMPLETING FORM: ROLE WITHIN SCHOOL: Please note, that if we receive you completed form prior to June 12th 2020, we will provide full BYMT HUB MEMBERSHIP at the 2019/20 cost (£200 Primary Schools and £300 for Secondary Schools). Thank you for completing this form, we look forward to working in partnership with your school in 2020/21 and will be in touch shortly to discuss details. Please email this form to _____________________________________________________________________________________ Key supporting documents and links: • Application form for instrumental lessons • BYMT Central Ensemble/Group Application Form • BYMT Young Musician's Award Application Form • Central Ensemble Progression Map • DfE National Plan for Music Education • Instrument Hire Application Form for parents/carers • Recruitment And Vetting Procedures • Safeguarding Policy • Terms and Conditions For further information about BYMT School Services please contact Jessica Rabin Sue Brown Gerald Sterling Julie MacDonald Head of Curriculum Deputy Principal & CEO/Head of Service Finance Officer & Schools Designated Safeguarding Invoicing Officer Bromley Youth Music Trust, Southborough Lane, Bromley BR2 8AA. 12 T: 020 8467 1566 E: 10 Reasons To Use Bromley Youth Music Trust 1. Experience - Over 45 years’ experience working in Bromley schools and communities. 2. We are not-for-profit - Everything we offer is subsidised, and all income is reinvested in Bromley schools and community provision. 3. Our values - We are committed to an inclusive music education experience which caters for the diverse needs of all schools and learners. 4. High quality - Our teachers follow our set of pedagogical principles and are supported and developed by a robust mentoring process and on-going training & CPD. 5. Specialists - We have specialist teachers who have undertaken training in: SEND, Inclusion, Whole Class Instrumental Teaching, Vocal and Choral Development, Song writing, Music Technology, Music of the World and Choirs/Ensembles 6. Safeguarding - All teachers are subject to rigorous pre-employment checks, hold enhanced DBS checks and update their safeguarding training annually. 7. National reputation - Bromley Youth Music Trust is a national leader in ensemble provision. 8. HR, legal & insurance - We ensure full HR compliance for all our staff and licensed teachers. 9. Sickness cover - We cover the cost of absence and aim to provide cover teachers. 10. Governance - Our work is overseen and supported by the BYMT Trustee Board 13
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