Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS

Page created by Brenda Logan
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
Coral Park Primary School
                  Achieving SUCCESS                                             145 Coral Drive, Hampton Park 3976

NEWSLETTER                         Term 2 Issue 1, 22nd April 2021
                                                                                                   Phone 9702 8398

From the Principal
Welcome Back to Term 2
As we continue to move towards a more pre COVID normal I welcome you back to Coral
Park Primary School for what will be a very busy and exciting term. NAPLAN, Attitudes to
School Survey (Yrs 3 to 6), our Mother’s Day stall, excursions and various other activities
are planned, along with heaps of fantastic learning.
Well done to all our fabulous students who have returned to school showing all of our school values. It is
wonderful to see all of your smiling faces as you walk through the gate each day.

During the school holidays Charlotte Ball successfully obtained a position at Rowellyn Park Primary School.
We wish her luck at her new school. We have employed Krystal Theobald who will replacing the intervention
component of the vacant position. We also welcome Travis Hey who will be looking after the PE Department
along with Sam Lawson while Bill Hains is on leave recovering from his hip replacement.
Stephanie Neads has returned to the office after maternity leave and will be available Mondays and Tuesdays
while Peta Lee will remain here from Wednesday to Thursday each week. In week three of this term Emma
Virgona will also re-join the Coral Park family after her maternity leave. I am sure you will join me in making
them all feel welcome.

Building and Grounds
During 2020, Coral Park Primary School engaged with the Department of Education and Training (DET) in a
rolling facilities audit. This is a process that assesses the condition of the school’s buildings and provides a
report to the DET which determines how funds are allocated, to ensure our buildings remain in good order.
It is a lengthy process which was undertaken by Bill Hains and myself. The findings of the audit report were
in line with planned works across the school and we have had confirmation that Coral Park Primary School
will receive an increase to the budget of $60,000 to support these important works. Thank you to Bill for
assisting me in completing this audit process.
Work has begun to replace our retaining
walls. The new walls not only look great,
they have given the courtyard a real lift
and make it much safer for our students.
Enjoy Life!
Justin Thompson

                                     Sunday 25th April
                                            ANZAC DAY
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
ANZAC DAY - 25th April
                                  On Anzac Day, we recognize the courage, mateship, skill and
 Diary Dates                      perseverance of those who have served, fought, and given their lives
                                  in the military. On Anzac Day, we show love, honour and support for
                                  those who fought to enable freedom for people all over the world,
                                  but were not able to make it home. While Anzac Day coincides with
                                  the anniversary of the landing in Gallipoli, the day itself is not meant
                                  to be a commemoration of the event, but rather the qualities that
           APRIL                  Australia established for itself there.
                                                        ANZAC Day badges are available from the office
       Friday 23rd April
                                                        for $1. Proceeds from this appeal are used in
First day of canteen for Term 2
                                                        welfare work carried out by the RSL for ex-
         TOMORROW                                       service men, women and their families, who
                                                        require assistance.

                                  COLOURING COMPETITION
                                  Lots of students entered the
                                  LJ Hooker Hampton Park
      Sunday 25th April
                                  Easter colouring competition.
        ANZAC DAY
                                  All entries which were handed
                                  in at the school office went in
                                  the draw to win a colouring
                                  pack prize from Coral Park PS.
                                  Congratulations Alexis J2, Mia
                                  S10, Alana M18 and Abeha P9 for winning a prize pack each. Well
      Friday 30th April           done to everyone for completing some fabulous colouring!
   Senior Interschool Sport
   CPPS v Rangebank PS
                                  We have already had quite a few hungry students this week who have
        Home Game
                                  not had lunch at school. Some of these students have forgotten their
                                  lunch, some have not had time to make lunch and some have not
            MAY                   packed enough food for the day. Please make sure your child comes
                                    WE ARE     to school with their lunch each day as we no longer have
      Thursday 6th May                         any sandwiches available to offer hungry students. If
      Mother’s Day Stall                       your child makes their own lunch each day please assist
                                               them by checking that they have remembered to do so.
                                                Making sure they have packed their lunch is a great way
                                  RESPONSIBLE for students to develop responsibility and resilience.

                                  Regular attendance at school is crucial. Sadly, over 25 students had
       Friday 7th May             more than 9 days off in Term 1, which means they have less than 80%
   Senior Interschool Sport       attendance. Absences due to illness cannot be avoided, but it is
    CPPS v Rivergum PS            important that students do not have time off school for reasons such
        Home Game                 as birthdays, shopping, family days etc. Good attendance is vital to
                                  ensure your child achieves to the best of their ability.
   Thursday 20th May
                                  MOTHER’S DAY STALL
CERES Towards Zero Waste
   Grade 2 Excursion              The school Parent Club has been busy organising lots of
                                  lovely goodies for the Mother’s Day Stall, which will be
                                  held on Thursday 6th May. Students will have the
                                  opportunity to visit the stall to buy a special gift to give
                                  their mum for Mother’s Day. Items range from $1 to $10. Anyone
                                  who has a current Working With Children Check and is able to help
                                  can contact the school, as all assistance is greatly appreciated.
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
Junior ANZAC Art
Prep and Grade 1 students developed their scissor skills and
pasting to create paper plate poppies for ANZAC Day.
Grade 2, 3 and 4 developed their knowledge of complimentary
colours -these are near one another on a colour wheel. They
made a sunset sky as the background for their ANZAC image.
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS

In P8, during our language experience this week, we made butter for Ben the Bear. We filled a glass jar with
cream and a marble and had to shake, shake, shake. We watched it slowly change to become lumpy, yellow and
sweet. Our arms got really sore! We then got to spread it on a biscuit and eat our delicious treat. It was such
a fun way to learn about our letter of the week: Bb.
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
Congratulations to the following students who have demonstrated our school values and
completed their reward charts...

Sohail                       J3                       green
Piradheep                    J3                       orange
Shylo                        M12                      orange
Brandon                      P5                       green
Ibraheem                     M14                      orange
Shylo                        M12                      orange
Rachael                      M14                      orange

         We say
                                    ALL SETTINGS                                             Resilient
                                                                                       We tell a staff
         ‘please’ and        Responsible                         Determined            member if
         ‘thank you’.      We keep our hands and                                       something is
                                                              We ask questions if
                           feet to ourselves.                 we don’t                 wrong.
         We listen to      We follow staff                    understand.              We stop and think
         others.           instructions.                                               before reacting.
                                                              We clean up.
                           We use equipment for               We wear the correct      We take turns.
         We tell the       its correct purpose.               school uniform.          We apologise for
         truth.            We put all rubbish in                                       our mistakes.
                                                              We are on time.
                           the bin.

   Respectful               LEARNING SPACES                                                  Resilient
                                                                                       We attempt all
         We help
         others.             Responsible                         Determined            tasks.
                                        We return to class    We try new activities.   We ask for help
         We are quiet.
                                        on time.
                                                              We complete our tasks.   when needed.
         We use whole                   We walk inside.
                                                              We keep trying           We wait our
         body listening.                We keep our
                                        belongings in their   when things get hard.    turn.
                                        correct place.        We set our learning      We share
                                        We ask permission     goals.                   school
                                        to leave.             We complete our          property.
                                        We pack up.           learning goals.
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
Birthday Books
           Happy Birthday
Toby, Alana, Chace, Aishpreet & Eshaal

   We hope you all
     enjoyed your
birthday celebrations.

Thank you for donating a book to our library.

           Tuesdays and Thursdays
           Coral Park Hall
           Free of charge
           All Welcome!
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2021
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests will be conducted
from 11th – 21st May 2021. Coral Park Primary School will be completing these tests online again
this year and the testing period will run over two weeks. These tests are common national tests
undertaken by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment
Authority (VCAA) is responsible for NAPLAN across the state.

NAPLAN provides information to students, teachers, parent/carers and school communities
about how students are performing against the national benchmarks for literacy and numeracy.
The results provide a measure of how Australian schools and students are performing in the
areas of reading, writing, spelling, language conventions and numeracy.
Specifically, information gained is used for:
• individual student reports to parents
• school reporting to their communities, and
• aggregate reporting against national standards.
It is important to remember that the educational ‘value’ of all assessment (testing) is that the
information obtained from the results be used to provide students and parents with feedback
on areas of student progress and inform teachers as to their students’ learning needs.
It is also important to recognise that the National Assessment Program is not seen as the sole
criterion for measuring student performance, but rather as a part of a broad range of measures
used by teachers to evaluate and assess the learning and teaching process.

To assist in the administration of NAPLAN, parents/carers are asked to keep the 11 th – 21st May
free from interruptions to the normal school routine. Parents/carers could also assist their
children by speaking positively about the tests with the view to avoid undue student anxiety.

Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate
support and guidance leading up to the test date. If you would like to provide some extra online
practice for your child you can access some practice tests at the following website:

If you have any questions about your child's preparation for NAPLAN, you are encouraged to
make a time to speak with their teacher. Alternatively you can contact the office to speak to
the Assistant Principal Liz Wilson.
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS Coral Park Primary School - Achieving SUCCESS
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