National Housing market update - January 2018 - REINSW

Page created by Rose Gonzales
National Housing market update - January 2018 - REINSW
Housing market


                  January 2018

©2017 RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.   1
National Housing market update - January 2018 - REINSW
The value of Australian housing sits at $7.5
    trillion                                                                         Number of dwellings
                                                                                        9.9 million

              Residential Real Estate                                                   Outstanding

              $7.5 Trillion                                                            mortgage debt
                                                                                       $1.71 trillion
              Australian Superannuation
              $2.5 Trillion                                                           Household wealth
                                                                                       held in housing
              Australian Listed Stocks                                                     52.2%
              $1.8 Trillion
              Commercial Real Estate                                                   Total sales p.a.
              $0.948 Trillion

                                                                                        Gross value of
                                                                                          sales p.a.
                                                                                       $298.3 billion
  ©2017 CoreLogic,    RBA,
        RP Data Pty Ltd       ASX, ABS,
                        t/as CoreLogic      APRAAll rights reserved. Confidential.
                                       Asia Pacific.                                                      2
Capital city dwelling values posted their first
   quarterly fall since April 2016 while regional
   values edged higher over the Dec-17 quarter
                                Quarterly change in dwelling values                                         Quarterly change in dwelling values to Dec-17
   8%                                                                                                                   National                 -0.3%
                        Combined capitals                         Combined regionals
                                                                                                              Combined regionals                              0.5%
                                                                                                               Combined capitals                 -0.5%
   4%                                                                                                                  Canberra                                 1.0%
                                                                                                                         Darwin -2.9%
                                                                                                                         Hobart                                           3.1%

   0%                                                                                                                      Perth                          0.1%
                                                                                                                        Adelaide                              0.3%
                                                                                                                        Brisbane                              0.3%

 -4%                                                                                                                 Melbourne                                  0.9%
   Dec-89                         Dec-96                       Dec-03                     Dec-10   Dec-17                Sydney          -2.1%

                                                                                                                                   -4%       -2%         0%          2%    4%

  ©2017 CoreLogic
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Only Sydney, Adelaide and Canberra
   recorded a lower annual value change in
   2017 than in 2016
                                    Annual change in dwelling values                                        Annual change in dwelling values to Dec-17
 50%                                                                                                                   National                       4.2%
                     Combined capitals                           Combined regionals
                                                                                                             Combined regionals                      3.8%
                                                                                                              Combined capitals                       4.3%
 30%                                                                                                                  Canberra                        4.9%
                                                                                                                        Darwin -6.5%
                                                                                                                        Hobart                                     12.3%

 10%                                                                                                                      Perth        -2.3%
                                                                                                                       Adelaide                     3.0%
   0%                                                                                                                  Brisbane                     2.4%
                                                                                                                    Melbourne                                8.9%
                                                                                                                        Sydney                      3.1%
   Dec-82                     Dec-89                  Dec-96                 Dec-03       Dec-10   Dec-17
                                                                                                                              -10%     -5%     0%    5%      10%    15%

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Annual change in dwelling values

  40%                                                                                                      Sydney dwelling values
                                                                                                             have fallen by -2.1%
                                                                                                           over the final quarter of
  20%                                                                                       Sydney          2017 however, they are
  10%                                                                                                        3.1% higher over the
                                                                                                            past year. Over the last
                                                                                                              12 months, house
-10%                                                                                                        values are 2.1% higher

                 capitals                                                                                   and unit values are up
   Dec-97                           Dec-02                      Dec-07                    Dec-12     Dec-17          5.4%.

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Annual change in dwelling values


                                                                                                              Dwelling values have
                                                                                                             increased by 0.9% over
                                                                                                               the three months to
  20%                                                                                                           December 2017 in
                                                                                                              Melbourne. Over the
                                                                                                                past year dwelling
    0%                                                                                                       values are 8.9% higher
-10%            Combined
                                                                                                                with house values
                 capitals                                                                                      rising 9.1% and unit
   Dec-97                           Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12     Dec-17
                                                                                                               values 8.4% higher.

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Annual change in dwelling values


                                                                                                              Brisbane home values
                                                                                                                increased by 0.3%
                                                                                                              over the three months
  20%                                                                                                         to December 2017 and
  10%                                                                                                          are 2.4% higher over
                                                                                                               the past year. House
                                                                                                              values have increased
-10%            Combined                                                                  Brisbane             by 3.1% over the past
-20%                                                                                                          year while unit values
   Dec-97                          Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12     Dec-17
                                                                                                               have fallen by -1.2%.
  ©2017 CoreLogic
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Annual change in dwelling values

                                                                                                               Dwelling values in
                                                                                                            Adelaide increased by
  30%                                                                                                        0.3% over the fourth
                                                                                          Adelaide            quarter of 2017 and
                                                                                                             are 3.0% higher over
                                                                                                              the past year. Over
    0%                                                                                                      the year, house values
-10%            Combined
                                                                                                               have increased by
                 capitals                                                                                    3.3% and unit values
   Dec-97                          Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12     Dec-17    have increased by
  ©2017 CoreLogic
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Annual change in dwelling values

                                                                                                            Perth dwelling values
                                                                                                               increased by 0.1%
  30%                                                                                                       over the three months
                                                                                                               to December 2017
                                                                                                               however, they are
                                                                                                             -2.3% lower over the
    0%                                                                                                          past year. In 2017
-10%            Combined
                                                                                                              house values have
                 capitals                                                                                     fallen by -2.6% and
   Dec-97                          Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12   Dec-17   unit values have fallen
                                                                                                                    by -0.9%.
  ©2017 CoreLogic
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Annual change in dwelling values

                                                                                                               Dwelling values in
                                                                                                            Hobart rose 3.1% over
  30%                                                                                                         the three months to
                                                                                                              December 2017 and
                                                                                                            are 12.3% higher over
                                                                                                             the past year. House
    0%                                                                                                      values have increased
-10%            Combined
                                                                                                                by 12.9% over the
                 capitals                                                                                     past 12 months and
   Dec-97                          Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12   Dec-17        unit values have
                                                                                                               increased by 9.1%.
  ©2017 CoreLogic
        RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.                                             10
Annual change in dwelling values

                                                                                                                   Darwin dwelling
                                                                                                                  values fell by -2.9%
  30%                                                                                                          over the three months
                                                                                                               to December 2017 and
                                                                                                                are -6.5% lower over
                                                                                                                 the past year. At the
    0%                                                                                                             end of December
-10%            Combined
                                                                                                                2017, dwelling values
                 capitals                                                                                      in Darwin were -21.5%
   Dec-97                          Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12      Dec-17        lower than their
                                                                                                                     historic peak.
  ©2017 CoreLogic
        RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.                                                  11
Annual change in dwelling values
                                                                                                               Dwelling values in
                                                                                                               Canberra increased
  30%                                                                                                          1.0% over the final
                                                                                          Canberra             quarter of 2017 and
                                                                                                              they are 4.9% higher
                                                                                                               over the past year.
    0%                                                                                                         House values have
-10%            Combined
                                                                                                               increased by 5.8%
                 capitals                                                                                      over the year while
   Dec-97                           Dec-02                     Dec-07                      Dec-12    Dec-17   unit values are 2.1%
  ©2017 CoreLogic
        RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.                                              12
Transaction numbers remain lower than a year
     ago due to fewer settled sales in the largest
     capital cities
                         Number of settled sales, combined capitals                                     Year on year change in annual sales
           40,000                                                                                             National               -4.8%
           35,000                                                                                   Combined regionals                   -2.2%

           30,000                                                                                    Combined capitals          -6.4%

           25,000                                                                                            Canberra           -6.3%
                                                                                                               Darwin                                   2.5%
                                                                                                               Hobart                                    3.2%
                                                                                                                 Perth                                 1.5%
                                                                                                              Adelaide                        -0.1%
             5,000                                                                                            Brisbane      -8.2%
                    0                                                                                      Melbourne -11.2%
                    Dec-97               Dec-02              Dec-07               Dec-12   Dec-17              Sydney            -5.6%

                                                                                                                     -15%     -10%      -5%       0%      5%

  ©2017 CoreLogic
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The annual rate of rental growth is higher
   than a year ago in most capital cities
   however, it has started to slow recently
                                   Annual change in dwelling rents                                          Annual change in dwelling rents to Dec-17
12%                                                                                                                   National              2.7%
                     Combined capitals                          Combined regionals
10%                                                                                                         Combined regionals                 3.0%
                                                                                                             Combined capitals              2.6%
                                                                                                                     Canberra                    4.9%
  6%                                                                                                                   Darwin -1.5%
  4%                                                                                                                   Hobart                            9.4%
                                                                                                                         Perth -2.5%
                                                                                                                      Adelaide                 3.1%
                                                                                                                      Brisbane          0.2%
 -2%                                                                                                               Melbourne                    4.3%
   Dec-07                   Dec-09                 Dec-11                 Dec-13          Dec-15   Dec-17              Sydney               3.0%

                                                                                                                                 -5%   0%       5%      10%     15%

  ©2017 CoreLogic
        RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.                                                                          14
Gross rental yields are starting to trend
   higher as rental growth outpaces value
   growth in many cities
                                               Gross rental yields                                                Gross rental yields as at Dec-17
   6%                                                                                                                 National               3.6%
                                                                                                            Combined regionals                      4.9%
                                                                                                             Combined capitals              3.3%
   5%                                                                                                                Canberra                      4.4%
                                                                                                                       Darwin                             5.9%
                                                                                                                       Hobart                        5.0%
   4%                                                                                                                    Perth                3.9%
                                                                                                                      Adelaide                    4.2%

                     Combined capitals                        Combined regionals                                      Brisbane                    4.3%
   3%                                                                                                              Melbourne               2.9%
    Dec-07                   Dec-09                 Dec-11                Dec-13          Dec-15   Dec-17              Sydney              3.1%

                                                                                                                                 0%   2%     4%          6%      8%

  ©2017 CoreLogic
        RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.                                                                          15
Although homes are still selling rapidly,
     the days on market figure for Sydney and
     Melbourne has risen over recent months
  Average rate of vendor discounting, Combined capitals                                                        Average days on market, Combined capitals
0.0%                                                                                             100
-2.0%                                                                                             80
-6.0%                                                                                             20
-8.0%                                                                                              0
    Nov 05 Nov 07 Nov 09 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 15 Nov 17                                               Nov 05 Nov 07 Nov 09 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 15 Nov 17
 Combined caps                                     -5.6%                                           Combined caps                               39
     Canberra                                                          -3.3%                             Darwin                                                               90
    Melbourne                                                 -4.3%                                         Perth                                             58
       Sydney                                         -5.2%                                             Brisbane                                         55
      Brisbane                                      -5.4%                                               Adelaide                                    47
       Hobart                                      -5.6%                                                 Sydney                           36
      Adelaide                                    -5.7%                                                Canberra                          35
          Perth                     -7.9%                                                             Melbourne                     31
       Darwin     -11.4%
                                                                                                         Hobart                    29

             -12.0%        -10.0%      -8.0%        -6.0%             -4.0%    -2.0%      0.0%                      0   10   20   30      40        50    60       70   80   90     100

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Nationally there are fewer properties
     advertised for sale than a year ago but
     across individual capital cities the trends
     vary substantially
                                   Number of new and total properties advertised for sale, 28 days to 31 December 2017

                                  No of new           12 mth           No of total          12 mth                No of new     12 mth     No of total     12 mth
  Capital city                                                                                         State
                                   listings         change (%)          listings          change (%)               listings   change (%)    listings     change (%)
  Sydney                             2,001
                                     6,645              -7.1%
                                                        -7.3%             19,953
                                                                          25,677            26.5%
                                                                                            19.6%      NSW          5,531       -8.8%        41,811        4.5%
  Melbourne                          2,656
                                     8,743              -9.2%
                                                        -0.2%             25,152
                                                                          31,955            4.2%
                                                                                            3.0%       Vic          4,861       -13.7%       43,898        -9.4%
  Brisbane                           2,158
                                     4,202              -1.6%
                                                        -2.9%             18,263
                                                                          20,845            -1.7%
                                                                                             1.1%      Qld          6,020       -0.9%        59,466        -5.9%
  Adelaide                           2,364
                                      986               -4.2%
                                                         0.9%              7,615
                                                                           9,093            3.9%
                                                                                            7.1%       SA           1,735       -4.5%        17,054        -2.2%
  Perth                              2,021
                                     3,954              -5.6%
                                                        -9.9%             18,866
                                                                          21,122            -12.7%
                                                                                             -6.4%     WA           3,268       -6.7%        32,237        -6.1%
  Hobart                              277
                                      432              -13.4%
                                                       -15.5%              1,011
                                                                           1,177            -40.3%
                                                                                            -35.6%     Tas           794        -16.9%       5,457         -26.9%
  Darwin                              150
                                      74               19.4%
                                                       2.0%                1,444
                                                                           1,550            -1.0%
                                                                                            -3.6%      NT            110        25.0%        1,983         -1.2%
  Canberra                            200
                                      709               -2.9%
                                                        -7.0%              1,675
                                                                           2,241            4.6%
                                                                                            1.6%       ACT           205        -3.3%        1,748         5.2%
  Combined capitals                 10,373
                                    27,199              -6.0%
                                                        -4.3%            113,660
                                                                         93,979             3.6%
                                                                                            2.0%       National    22,524       -7.5%       203,654        -5.1%

  ©2017 CoreLogic
        RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved. Confidential.                                                                               17
Auction clearance rates have eased since
     early in 2017 while volumes have been
     relatively high
                                                          Combined capital city auction clearance rates and volumes
                      100.0%                                                                                                               4,500
                      90.0%                                                                                                                4,000
                      80.0%                                                                                                                3,500

                                                                                                                                                   Number of auctions
     Clearance rate

                      20.0%                                                                                                                1,000
                      10.0%                                                                                                                500
                       0.0%                                                                                                                 0
                          Dec-08     Dec-09              Dec-10             Dec-11        Dec-12   Dec-13   Dec-14   Dec-15   Dec-16   Dec-17

  ©2017 CoreLogic
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Housing demand: overseas migration
    continues to trend much higher
                                                                                    Quarterly change in national population
            100,000                                                       Rolling 4 qtr average
                  Jun-82                          Jun-87                   Jun-92                 Jun-97            Jun-02     Jun-07             Jun-12               Jun-17
               Net overseas migration                                                      Natural increase                             Annual change in population
100,000                                                                  50,000                                                 AUST                                   1.6%
                                                                         45,000                                                  ACT                                     1.7%
 80,000                                                                                                                           NT       0.1%
                                                                         40,000                                                  TAS                 0.6%
                                                                         35,000                                                  WA                      0.8%
 40,000                                                                                                                            SA                0.6%
                                                                         30,000                                                  QLD                                   1.6%
 20,000                                                                  25,000                                                   VIC                                             2.3%
                                                                                                                                NSW                                1.6%
         0                                                               20,000
                                                                                                                                    0.0%      0.5%       1.0%   1.5%       2.0%   2.5%
         Jun-87          Jun-97         Jun-07          Jun-17                Jun-87         Jun-97        Jun-07     Jun-17

  ©2017 CoreLogic,    ABS
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Although dwelling approvals are down from
 their record high levels they have increased
 each of the past three months
                                                                Number of dwellings approved for construction, National

                                          Houses                   Units
                                                                                              Rolling 6 mth average

                   Oct-87                        Oct-92                       Oct-97      Oct-02             Oct-07   Oct-12   Oct-17

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Demand for finance from first home buyers has
 grown significantly over recent months, largely
 due to stamp duty concessions in NSW and Vic
                                                                Value of housing finance commitments by borrower type

                                           Owner occupier FHB
                                           Owner occupier non-FHB
                 $14.0                     Owner occupier refinance
                 $12.0                     Investors

                      Oct-97                                Oct-01                        Oct-05   Oct-09          Oct-13   Oct-17

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Regulatory changes and higher mortgage rates,
 have impacted on investment demand and
 interest-only demand has shrunk significantly
                                Annual change in housing credit
                                                                                                      % of mortgages originated on interest only terms
    10.0%                                                                                             50%
                                                   APRA 10% speed limit
      5.0%                                                                                            40%
                           Owner occupier housing                          Investment housing
      0.0%                                                                                            35%
         Nov-07               Nov-09            Nov-11            Nov-13            Nov-15   Nov-17
                                                                                                      25%                                       APRA 30% origination target
                                Monthly change in housing credit                                      20%
     1.0%                                                                                                                                                                           16.9%


    -1.0%      Owner occupier housing Investment housing
        Nov-07 Nov-09 Nov-11 Nov-13 Nov-15 Nov-17
  ©2017 CoreLogic,    APRA
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Mortgage rates remain around historic lows
  for owner occupiers but have edged higher for investors
                                                                        Standard variable mortgage rates over time
                    Dec-57              Dec-62      Dec-67      Dec-72         Dec-77           Dec-82   Dec-87     Dec-92               Dec-97          Dec-02   Dec-07         Dec-12      Dec-17

                                        Avg mortgage rate by product type,                                                                    Change in avg mortgage rate since low point,
                                                   Dec 2017                                                                                                   Dec 2017
                    Variable, 3-year fixed                                     4.45%                                            Variable, 3-year fixed                                           0.30%

                    Variable, discounted                                               5.10%                                    Variable, discounted                                                     0.35%
                       Variable, standard                                                      5.80%                               Variable, standard                                            0.30%
                    Variable, 3-year fixed                                   4.10%                                              Variable, 3-year fixed                        0.10%


                    Variable, discounted                                        4.50%                                           Variable, discounted                  0.05%
                       Variable, standard                                               5.20%                                      Variable, standard -0.05%

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About Us

       CoreLogic Australia is a wholly owned subsidiary of CoreLogic (NYSE: CLGX), which is the largest property data and analytics
       company in the world. CoreLogic provides property information, analytics and services across Australia, New Zealand and Asia, and
       recently expanded its service offering through the purchase of project activity and building cost information provider Cordell. With
       Australia’s most comprehensive property databases, the company’s combined data offering is derived from public, contributory and
       proprietary sources and includes over 500 million decision points spanning over three decades of collection, providing detailed
       coverage of property and other encumbrances such as tenancy, location, hazard risk and related performance information.

       With over 20,000 customers and 150,000 end users, CoreLogic is the leading provider of property data, analytics and related services
       to consumers, investors, real estate, mortgage, finance, banking, building services, insurance, developers, wealth management and
       government. CoreLogic delivers value to clients through unique data, analytics, workflow technology, advisory and geo spatial
       services. Clients rely on CoreLogic to help identify and manage growth opportunities, improve performance and mitigate risk.
       CoreLogic employs over 650 people across Australia and in New Zealand. For more information call 1300 734 318 or visit

CoreLogic produces an advanced suite of housing market analytics that provides key insights for understanding housing market conditions at a granular
geographic level. Granular data is often used for portfolio analysis and benchmarking, risk assessments and understanding development feasibility and
market sizing. It gives industry professionals valuable modules which provide essential analytics and insights for decision making and strategy formation
within the residential property asset class. We can tailor reports to suit your business requirements.

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Granular Data and Analytics
   Market Scorecard: Monitor and measure market share and performance of real estate agents at an individual office or a Franchise brand level
   across Australia. Identify the competing brands and independents at a suburb, postcode, user defined territory and State level. Easily locate
   growth opportunities and market hotspots, and view the performance of the established offices in these new areas of interest.

   Market Trends: Detailed housing market indicators down to the suburb level, with data in time series or snapshot and segmented across
   houses, units and land. The Market Trends data includes key housing market metrics such as median prices, median values, transaction
   volumes, rental statistics, vendor metrics such as average selling time and vendor discounting rates.

   CoreLogic Indices: The suite of CoreLogic Indices range from simple market measurements such as
   median prices through to repeat sales indices and our flagship hedonic home value indices. The CoreLogic Hedonic index has been specifically
   designed to track the value of a portfolio of properties over time and is relied upon by Australian regulators and industry as the most up to date
   and accurate measurement of housing market performance.

   Economist Pack: A suite of indices and indicators designed specifically for Australian economic commentators who require the most up to date
   and detailed view of housing market conditions. The economist pack includes the CoreLogic Hedonic indices for capital cities and ‘rest of state’
   indices, the stratified hedonic index, hedonic total return index, auction clearance rates and median prices.

   Investor Concentration Report: Understanding ownership concentrations is an important part of assessing risk. Areas with high investor
   concentrations are typically allocated higher risk ratings due to the over-representation of a particular segment of the market. Through a series
   of rules and logic, CoreLogic RP Data has flagged the likely ownership type of every residential property nationally as either owner occupied,
   investor owned or government owned.

   Mortgage Market Trend Report: CoreLogic RP Data is in a unique position to monitor mortgage related housing market
   activity. Transaction volumes, dwelling values and mortgage related valuation events all comprise our Mortgage market
   trend report which provides an invaluable tool for mortgage industry benchmarking and strategy.

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In compiling this publication, RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic has relied upon information supplied by a number of external sources. CoreLogic does not warrant its accuracy or
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Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines)2017. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and
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This information is based on data supplied by the South Australian Government and is published by permission. Copyright in that data belongs to the South Australian Government. The South
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New South Wales Data
Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Land and Property Information (“LPI”). CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI.
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The State of Victoria owns the copyright in the Property Sales Data which constitutes the basis of this report and reproduction of that data in any way without the consent of the State of Victoria will
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Western Australian Data
Based on information provided by and with the permission of the Western Australian Land Information Authority (2017) trading as Landgate.
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The Territory Data is the property of the Australian Capital Territory. No part of it may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be
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Tasmanian Data
This product incorporates data that is copyright owned by the Crown in Right of Tasmania. The data has been used in the product with the permission of the Crown in Right of Tasmania. The
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