Saint Gertrude Parish - St. Gertrude Parish, Vandergrift
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S a i n t G e r t r u d e Pa r i s h A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 303 Franklin Ave • Vandergrift, Pennsylvania 15690 April 18, 2021 Third Sunday of Easter Fr. James Loew, O.S.B. Pastor, (724) 568-2331 Fax: (724) 568-2030 Fr. Michael J. Sciberras Senior Priest Active Sr. Lilly Aseervatham, S.M.I., Pastoral Minister Katie Tylinski (724) 212-6740 Regional Director of Faith Formation Mr. James Peterman (724) 568-2331 or (724) 845-8191. Baptisms by appointment. Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call for classes Marriage Arrangements must be made at least 8 months in advance. No marriage dates will be given until meeting with the priest and all prep- aration is ready. Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Pastoral Council Mission Statement See Bulletin for daily Mass Schedule We, the partnered parish communities of St. Gertrude and Christ the King, are faith-filled Catholics who have been called by our Baptism and empowered by Holy Day Mass Schedule the Good News of Jesus Christ to be Church for all. Although made up of multi- cultural faith communities we are ever united by our common faith. Holy Day ~ 8:30am, 6:00 pm We are committed to “building up the Body of Christ” through Word, Worship, Evangelization, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, and Fellowship. Dedicated to deepening our love of Christ and one another, together we strive to become a Office Hours living reflection of Christ for our region. Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 We willingly accept our obligation to be the “Light of the World” for others and Friday– Closed in that spirit we promise to use our resources to practice gospel justice, to heal divisive wounds among God’s People and to join with all people of good will in Confessions Saturday ~ 3:15-3:45 addressing the spiritual and physical needs of all. pm or by Appointment
ST. GERTRUDE First Reading R. Lord, let your face shine lous for joy and were amazed, Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 on us.. he asked them, “Have you any- thing here to eat?” They gave Peter said to the people: As soon as I lie down, I fall him a piece of baked fish; he “The God of Abraham, the peacefully asleep, for you took it and ate it in front of God of Isaac, and the God of alone, O LORD, bring security them. He said to them, “These Jacob, the God of our fa- to my dwelling. are my words that I spoke to thers, has glorified his serv- you while I was still with you, ant Jesus, whom you handed R. Lord, let your face shine that everything written about over and denied in Pilate’s on us. me in the law of Moses and in presence when he had decid- the prophets and psalms must ed to release him. You de- Second Reading be fulfilled.” Then he opened nied the Holy and Righteous 1 Jn 2:1-5a their minds to understand the One and asked that a mur- Scriptures. And he said to them, derer be released to you. My children, I am writing this “Thus it is written that the The author of life you put to to you so that you may not Christ would suffer and rise death, but God raised him commit sin. But if anyone from the dead on the third day from the dead; of this we are does sin, we have an Advo- and that repentance, for the witnesses. Now I know, cate with the Father, Jesus forgiveness of sins, would be brothers, that you acted out Christ the righteous one. He preached in his name to all the of ignorance, just as your is expiation for our sins, and nations, beginning from Jerusa- leaders did; but God has thus not for our sins only but for lem. brought to fulfillment what those of the whole world. You are witnesses of these he had announced before- The way we may be sure that things.” hand through the mouth of we know him is to keep his all the prophets, that his commandments. Those who Fulfillment Christ would suffer. Repent, say, “I know him,” but do therefore, and be converted, not keep his commandments It is interesting that during the East- that your sins may be wiped are liars, and the truth is not er season, when we do not hear a away.” in them. But whoever keeps reading from the Old Testament, it his word, the love of God is becomes so important. This is partic- Responsorial Psalm truly perfected in him. ularly true today. Peter’s speech be- 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9 gins with a prayer formula familiar to Gospel Jews: “The God of Abraham . . R. (7a) Lord, let your face Lk 24:35-48 .” (Acts 3:13). It likewise contains shine on us. the potent phrases “Holy and Right- The two disciples recounted eous One” and “mouth of all the When I call, answer me, O what had taken place on the prophets” (3:14, 18). Peter was stat- my just God, you who relieve way, and how Jesus was made ing in no uncertain terms that the me when I am in distress; known to them in the breaking law, psalms, and prophets had been have pity on me, and hear of bread. While they were still fulfilled in Christ. This is reinforced my prayer! speaking about this, he stood in by Jesus himself in the Gospel pas- their midst and said to them, sage, when he states that everything R. Lord, let your face shine “Peace be with you.” But they in the scriptures (to the early Chris- on us.. were startled and terrified and tians “the scriptures” were what we thought that they were seeing a call the Old Testament) had to be Know that the LORD does ghost. Then he said to them, fulfilled. Above all, Jesus and Peter wonders for his faithful one; “Why are you troubled? And both emphasize that we are witness- the LORD will hear me when I why do questions arise in your es to all of this, and are sent forth to call upon him. hearts? Look at my hands and bear witness to it in the world. The my feet, that it is I myself. Latin Missa, from which our word R. Lord, let your face shine Touch me and see, because a “Mass” comes, means “sent” (as in on us. ghost does not have flesh and “mission”). As we leave Mass today, bones as you can see I have.” let us remember to be witnesses to O LORD, let the light of your And as he said this, he showed all that has been fulfilled in the risen countenance shine upon us! them his hands and his feet. Christ. You put gladness into my heart. While they were still incredu-
Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021 St. Gertrude Cemetery take place. For those unable to Sanctuary Lamp attend, these events will be In Memory of Please be advised All artificial livestreamed on the "Deacon Bill Carmelina & Elvira DiBiasio flowers must be removed by April Newhouse" Facebook page. For 15. If not removed they will be those who do not have a Face- removed by cemetery manage- book account, the following URL Memorial Candle Angie Tinelli ment thank you for your under- can be used to access this event: By standing. https:/ The Tinelli Family Catholic Daughters of America 5071/. For anyone wanting to pay your Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill Collection April 10th & 11th CDA annual dues, you can mail your check made out to CDA Court The Sisters of Charity of Seton Envelopes ~ $4,459.00 #1008 in the amount of $23.00 to Hill will present author/history Loose ~ $476.00 MaryJane Los at professor Catherine O’Donnell on Utilities ~ $88.00 2614 River Road Vandergrift Pa Saturday, April 17 at 7 p.m. This Church Restoration ~ $112.00 15690. free virtual event is part of the Sister Mary Schmidt, SC, Lecture Rosary & Adoration Series. O’Donnell’s presentation ‘Be the Light’ with 2021 Diocesan is called “We Cannot Quarantine Every Monday Wednesday and Fri- Lenten Appeal Compassion.” O’Donnell is the day at 8:00 before mass we say author of Elizabeth Seton: Ameri- the Rosary. Every Friday after Thank you to those who have al- can Saint and a professor of his- Mass from 9:00am to 10:00a.m. is ready taken the opportunity to “Be tory at Arizona State University. adoration. During this time we the Light” for their faith communi- Drawing on a digital archive of say the chaplet of Divine Mercy. ty by donating to the 2021 Dioce- COVID-19 that she and her col- Please join us in saying these pow-san Lenten Appeal. We have met leagues created, O’Donnell will erful prayers. This is a great way our diocesan target of $43,942. reflect on social justice teachings to start out the new year in pray- all donations will now stay at St. and discuss ways that St. Eliza- er. Gertrude parish. Even a small gift beth Seton’s life offers a guide can make a big difference. for useful and compassionate ap- If you’ve been missing our spa- Throughout the Easter season, we proaches to help ourselves and ghetti dinners are reminded that Christ is the others cope with the pandemic. light in our lives. The 2021 Dioce- Guests can register for the event St. Gertrude Church Spaghetti san Lenten Appeal is an opportuni- on the Sisters of Charity website, Sauce and Meatball Sale Thursday, ty to “Be the Light” for those in April 22, 4 pm-6 pm Spaghetti need. If you have not returned Sauce (1 quart).$7.00 Meatballs your pledge card, you may place it in the collection basket or make St. Vincent DePaul (6) $3.00. Items are frozen for your take-home enjoyment and your gift online at A St. Vincent de Paul donation convenience. Take Out only. Curbside Pick-up. Please enter BeTheLight. bin has been placed beside the the driveway near the former St. shed behind the former Cardi- Gertrude School and follow the Novena to St. Anthony nal Maida Academy for your arrows to the social hall door convenience. Please, only across from the church rectory. The Thirteen Tuesdays in Honor of shoes and clothing should be Sauce and meatballs will also be St. Anthony will be prayed at As- placed in this bin. sold following Masses on Saturday, cension Parish in Jeannette on April 24, and Sunday, April 25. Tuesdays at 7 p.m. through June 8. In addition to praying the Nove- na, the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction will
Spring 2021 Zoom Dates--Grades K-5 April: 11th & 25th 6th-12th grade news! Parents of 6th-12th graders, please send a text to: 81010 Spring 2021 Zoom Dates--Grades 6th-8th & 9th- 12th April: 11 , 18 , 25 (No session on April 4th) th th th May: 2nd—Last session and text this message @reg2youth to join our Re- groups if you haven’t done so already. 8th graders who are registered for Confirmation are re- minded to register on our Diocesan website for an upcoming retreat ASAP. EDGE: Be sure to work on your weekly challenges at home. Faith Formation News! K-5th grade meets on Zoom the 2nd/4th Sundays. The new times are as follows (includes a five minute break in between): Kindergarten-5:00 PM—5:25 PM First Grade—5:30-5:55 PM Second Grade—6:00-6:25 PM Third Grade—6:30-6:55 PM Fourth Grade—7:00-7:25 PM Fifth Grade—7:30-8:00 PM *(5th grade meets for a half hour) This does not affect EDGE or LIFETEEN.
Saturday, April 17, Vigil Third Sunday of Easter 4:00p.m. †Living and Deceased of Our Parish Sunday, April 18, Third Sunday of Easter 8:00a.m. †Rose Cocco 10:30a.m. †Albert “Gene” Fiorina Monday, April 19, Easter Weekday 8:30a.m. †Louis Cocco Tuesday, April 20, Easter Weekday 8:30a.m. Mass at Christ The King Wednesday, April 21, Easter Weekday 8:30a.m. †Eugene “Red” Tardivo Thursday, April 22, Easter Weekday 8:30a..m. Mass at Christ the King Friday, April 23, Easter Weekday 8:30a.m. †Joe & Georgetta Montarti Saturday, April 24, Easter Weekday 8:30a.m. Mass at Chris the King Saturday, April 24, Vigil, Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:00p.m. †Bill Rzewnicki Sunday, April 25, Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:00a.m. †Living and Deceased of Our Parish 10:30a.m. †Corey Haugh
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