Page created by Juan Andrews

                                                                          MASS SCHEDULE
                                                                          Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
                                                                          Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM
                                                                                  and 11:30 AM
                                                                          Monday - Friday: 8:15 AM

                                                                          Saturday: 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

                                                                          ADORATION AND
                                                                          PRIVATE PRAYER
                                                                          Wednesday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

                                                                          PARISH OFFICE
                                                                          Monday, Wednesday & Friday
                                                                          8:45 AM to 3:00 PM
                                                                          Tuesday & Thursday
                                                                          8:45 AM to 6:00 PM
                                                                          6707 West 175th Street
                                                                          Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
                                                                          Phone: 708-532-2243
                                                                          FAX: 708-532-2055

                                                                          PARISH SCHOOL
                                                                          6700 West 176th St.
                                                                          Tinley Park, IL 60477
                                                                          Phone: 708-532-2626
                                                                          Fax: 708-532-2025

                                                                          CHILDREN’S FAITH
                                                                          6670 West 176th St.
                                                                          Tinley Park, IL 60477
           We, the faith-filled community of Saint George,                Phone: 708-532-8211
           nourished by God’s Word and His Sacraments                     Fax: 708-582-3372
     and renewed by the Holy Spirit accept the call to continue
the Mission of Christ by living in, sharing and transforming our world.
Page 2                                                                                        July 18, 2021

                                                     A Word from the Pastor
Reverend Paul G. Seaman                             Slowly, it appears the COVID era may finally be coming to                            an end. With that, everyone is hoping to get back to
Pastor Emeritus                                     normal. Time to get out for a nice meal, see a movie or get
                                                    together with friends. Reconnecting is a pleasure. These
Reverend Kenneth Fleck
                                                    long months have been a reminder of how important
Associate Pastor                 people are in our lives. I have been touched and inspired by so many
Reverend Tomasz (Tom) Puslecki   people who have expressed a real longing to get back to Mass. As you          “reboot” your life, I urge you to consider those things that are most
                                 important to you. Coming to Mass and receiving the Eucharist is the
Deacons                          cornerstone of our Catholic life.
Gregory Bartos        In order for Saint George to get back on our feet, we need everyone to
                                 consider how you can help. If you were in a ministry, I hope you will come
Joe Panek         back. If you have not yet stepped up, now is an ideal time. We need
                                 ushers, lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers. These are basic responsibilities
Thomas Schutzius
                                 at Mass. There is some training involved but other than that, these are not
                                 time-consuming ministries. After all, you’re already here! Contact the parish
Jerry Souta
                                 office and we will make the connection for you.
Joe Truesdale                    As I was considering coming to Saint George, I was deeply impressed by     the many ministries and activities available for your involvement. One in
                                 particular struck me. The Help Build Hope project is an annual event
Business Manager                 bringing people together to build a home, giving shelter to a family in
Darlene Georges                  need. I like it for a number of reasons: it is a joint effort between several       neighboring parishes; it is open to practically anyone; no special skills are
                                 necessary; and most importantly, it changes people’s lives for the better.
Children’s Faith Formation
                                 YOU can make a family’s life better! What a gift! I hope you will consider
Angela Kvasnica
                                 this. Please see the notice included in today’s bulletin.
Phone: 708-532-8211
Fax: 708-532-3372                Who do you know who might be interested in becoming Catholic? Or do      you or someone you know need to “catch up” on the sacraments? The Rite    of Christian Initiation will be starting up in the Fall. It is a wonderful way to
                                 listen to God’s voice and hear His call. Each of us has the responsibility to
School Principal                 extend the invitation to others. Spread the good news!
Charlotte Pratl
Phone: 708-532-2626              For several months, we have been offering parking lot broadcasts for those
Fax: 708-532-2025                unable to come into church. As things are becoming more normal, we will        be discontinuing these broadcasts. The last broadcast will be on the
                                 weekend of July 31- August 1. Time to come on in!
                                 COVID prevented so many things from happening. From a parish
                                 perspective, one of the most important was being able to express our
                                 appreciation to Father Fleck for his seventeen years of dedicated ministry
                                 to Saint George and over forty years of priesthood. I would like to gather a
                                 group to spearhead this event. We will meet on Wednesday, July 28 at
                                 6:30 PM to brainstorm and make some plans for a wonderful parish
                                 gathering for a wonderful priest. Please join us!
                                 Thank you to everyone who has been so dedicated to our parish. Saint
                                 George is a model for devotion, love of parish and love of God. May God
                                 give us the strength to continue and the courage to invite others to join us.
                                 Blessings to you!
Saint George Church                                                                                          Page 3

                                                                     Parking Lot Masses
                                                                   Currently, the
                                                                   4:00 PM Saturday
                                                                   and 9:30 AM
                                                                   Sunday Masses
                                                                   are broadcast via
  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a           101.7 FM to our
    journey of faith where we see the wonder of God                parking lot.
        in the Church that Jesus gave us over 2000                 However, since
         years ago. We journey together as the first               Saint George has
        disciples did in realizing how God embraces                fully opened, the
      each and every one of us in His love. We walk                weekend of July 31 – August 1 will be the
    as daughters and sons of God in seeing how He                  last weekend for parking lot Masses.
     unfolds His plan for the world. We begin to see
           the love in Jesus’ words we hear in the
     scriptures, revealing the beauty and truth of the
     Catholic faith. Each time we come together we
      grow in the power and awe of the Father, Son                 Saint Vincent DePaul Society
    and Spirit. As we share the journey, there will be
      special opportunities to experience God in the
       rituals that mark the milestones of the Easter                              If your family or someone
       journey. We will meet Jesus in the teachings                                close to you is in need, please
           and relationships that reveal Him in His                                contact us at
         encounters with people and how that flows                                 708-532-2243.
                      down in time to us.
                                                                      A representative will return your call as
       ….you are invited to explore this process.                     soon as possible to arrange a confidential
               For more information call:                             conversation. Confidentiality and
             SAINT GEORGE PARISH OFFICE                               compassion are the cornerstones of
                      708-532-2243                                    our ministry.

                   Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in Meeting Room 4 for Bread and Word. Bread
                   and Word is open to all ages from middle school students to grandparents and beyond.
                   We open with a prayer, and then read aloud and discuss the Scripture readings of that Sunday.
                   The discussions are fluid, and you are welcome to stop in at any point during the morning. Some
                   people come after the 9:30 AM Mass, some leave at 11:00 AM to go to the 11:30 AM Mass. It is
                   a very open ended commitment.
 There is no special commitment to show up. You can come weekly, once / month, once / quarter, or even just a
 couple of times a year. No formal sign up is required. Just show up on a Sunday morning. The rest will take care
 of itself! For more information, contact Fran at or 708-828-1837.
 Hope you will give us a try!!!!!
Page 4                                                                                                   July 18, 2021

         Office of the Archbishop
         835 North Rush Street
         Chicago, IL 60611-2030

                                                            July 9, 2021

         Dear Sisters and Brothers,
         In Chicago, in the metro area, and even more widely across our nation, we face a profoundly painful
         moment in our life together. So many families are grieving the loss of loved ones to violence, and those
         loved ones include babies and small children. The grief is compounded by the senselessness of the
         loss. Fear accompanies many of us as we go about our daily lives. We are afraid of becoming a victim
         of gun violence, or a carjacking, or an assault. And we are afraid not only for ourselves but also for the
         people we care for.
         As we recover from the pandemic and embrace a more familiar way of life, the comfort of normalcy we
         had hoped for is being spoiled by a menacing violence that threatens all of us.
         Understandably, we want this horrifying situation resolved without delay. Government leaders and
         community activists have offered many ideas, for example: more effective policing, reforming the
         criminal justice system, stemming the flood of illegal guns, dismantling gangs, investment in historically
         disadvantaged neighborhoods, strengthening education and shoring up family life. I cannot claim
         special expertise in all these matters. But as a pastor, I can point to the underlying spiritual crisis that
         this violent and unstable situation has provoked.
         When violence prompts grief, fear, and a loss of hope, as it always does, people feel alienated from one
         another. On one level, the fractures appear to be along the lines of race, ethnicity, economic class, and
         political affiliation. But it runs much deeper than that. We seem unable or unwilling to comprehend that
         we are inextricably connected with each other. Yet we truly are fratelli tutti, as Pope Francis put it — all
         brothers and sisters to each other. If we lose that sense of interconnectedness, we also lose our sense
         of compassion, empathy and responsibility for each other. And that counts as an incalculable spiritual
         loss, with profound consequences for how we live together as neighbors, as members of the same
         human family. In this light, I recall the prophetic words of Dr. Martin Luther King in 1964: “We must learn
         to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish together as fools.” (St. Louis, March 22, 1964)
         The challenge, especially for believers, rests at the very center of the Church’s identity. At the beginning
         of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Church, we see powerful and defining words: the
         Church is in the manner of a sacrament, that is, an effective sign of the unity of all humanity in God. If
         we, the people of God, are to remain faithful to our identity and our calling, we must respond to the
         challenge to human solidarity that violence has provoked. At the same time, we can legitimately ask
         ourselves: What can we do? What difference can we make? How can we bridge the divides that
         separate us?
Saint George Church                                                                                                Page 5

     July 9, 2021
     Page 2

     Faith does not give us ready-made solutions to complex problems. Faith does give us hope that with God’s
     help we can move forward, and that we ought to move forward as best as we can. With that in mind, I want
     to propose to Catholics and to all people of good will five steps that we can take:
         1. Ask questions: Explore our experience and seek understanding, but in asking questions, also
            be prepared to authentically listen, even when what we are hearing proves painful.
         2. Dialogue: Seek honest exchanges with people of different backgrounds. No one person or
            group has all the answers, and when we speak with and listen to those who have experiences
            and expertise that differs from our own, we begin to move toward understanding. We cultivate
         3. Pray: Ask for enlightenment, place struggling people in God’s hands, and imagine Jesus
            walking with us, because he is.
         4. Follow the prompts: If we truly open ourselves to God and to each other, and if we remain
            attentive, we will begin to identify where God is leading us. This is discernment.
         5. Stay connected: The great temptation during a time of crisis is to retreat to what we consider a
            safe space. In fact, what we most need is to go out of our comfort zones and accompany one
            another, even when that calls for effort and even some risk.
     For people of faith, no matter the severity of the crisis, the last word is trust in God. The stirring words of
     Psalm 91 have consoled me and strengthened my resolve these days:
              He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High and abides in the shade of the Almighty
              says to the Lord: “My refuge, my stronghold, my God in whom I trust.”
              It is he who will free you from the snare of the fowler who seeks to destroy you;
              he will conceal you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge.
              You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,
              nor the plague that prowls in the darkness nor the scourge that lays waste at noon.
              A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand fall at your right,
              you, it will never approach; his faithfulness is buckler and shield
     And finally, in the words of Pope Paul VI: “If you want peace, work for justice.” God bless you and your
     loved ones and keep you safe.
                                                                  Sincerely yours in Christ,

                                                                  Archbishop of Chicago
Page 6                                                                                  July 18, 2021

                                    SAINT GEORGE
                                    BINGO IS BACK
                                    IN ACTION                        EMPLOYMENT
                                    Save the Date:              OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE
                                    Friday, August 6                          at
                                                                    SAINT GEORGE SCHOOL
         Start planning your Friday night fun again.                 TINLEY PARK, ILLINOIS
         Come on out and get your BINGO playing                       ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A
                    spirit back in action.                                PART-TIME JOB?

                  Doors Open at 5:00 PM                               DO YOU ENJOY WORKING
                                                                          WITH CHILDREN?
             Special Games Begin at 5:30 PM
                                                                        WHY NOT CONSIDER
             i.e. Pull Tabs, Queen of Hearts, Etc.                  JOINING OUR STAFF FOR THE
              Bingo Games Begin at 7:00 PM                            2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR.

     We have missed you and look forward to seeing                         Available Positions:
         all of our old friends and new friends.                          Lunch Time Helpers
                                                                          Extended Day
                    Saint George School,                                  Art Instructor
           6700 W. 176th Street, Tinley Park, Illinois                    School Aide
                                                               Please email (
                                                                       or call (708-532-2626)
                                                                        to set up an interview.

                                            When you order
                                            you may
                                            designate (at no    ATTENTION:
                                            additional          SAINT LAURENCE HIGH
                                            charge to you)      SCHOOL OF 1970 ALUMS
   that a contribution of 0.5% of your total
   order will be donated to Saint George.                       Join us for festivities and celebration
                                                                at the Saint Laurence Class of 1970
   To do this, please go to
                                                                “50 plus 1” reunion weekend
   ch/36-2258526. This will take you to your Amazon log
                                                                September 10-12, 2021. Spouses
   in screen, log in, place your order and a donation will
                                                                and guests are welcome. Activities
   automatically be made to Saint George.
                                                                include a banquet and entertainment
   Please consider doing this every time you place an           at the Riviera Country Club in Orland
   order with You will need to log in at            Park on Saturday evening, each time to place an order through         September 11. For more
   your account in order for Saint George to         information, please call Tom Lipinski
   receive a donation. Again, it is free to you, and it is a    at 708-573-4923.
   wonderful way to benefit our school.
Saint George Church                                                                            Page 7

                                                           Follow us on our Facebook page -
                                                          Saint George School Queen of Hearts
                                                            for updates and the live drawing.
                                                              Thank you to our sponsors
                                                               Brady Gill Funeral Home
                                                             Bernard Brady and Associates
                                                              Saint George School Bingo
             Weekly Physical Card Orders                          for your contribution
                                                             to the Queen of Hearts Raffle!
                Due Every Friday by 10 AM

            Pick Up Inside the Parish Office
       Thursdays: 9 AM - 12 PM and 3 PM - 6 PM
               Fridays: 9 AM - 12 PM
            For alternate pickup arrangements,
                please call the Parish Office:
                       (708) 532-2243

           Contact Us:

    You can also ORDER ONLINE at
    ~or~ FROM YOUR PHONE via the RaiseRight mobile app!      “I just set up a worship site on the
                                                             Internet. Now I’m an E-vangelist.”
Page 8                                                                                             July 18, 2021

  2nd Annual Multi-Parish                        How you can help
    MISSION PROJECT                                   Participate!                      Weekend Agenda
                                           You don’t need special skills or      During this weekend, we will do
                                           abilities to be a participant. We     more than build a house. We
                                           need children, teens (under 18        will come together as a faith
                                           requires parental supervision)        community. We will pray, laugh,
                                           adults, and seniors for a variety     renew old friendships and build
                                           of roles.                             new relationships.
                                           Friday only: Volunteers 18 and                 Friday, August 6
                                           over - measure and cut lumber
  “Let Us Build A House Where Love         and build leader training.             12 Noon - Project set up -
              Can Dwell”                                                           Lumber delivery
                                           BUILD LEADERS
       AUGUST 6-8, 2021                                                           1:00 PM - Measure and cut lumber
                                           Oversee work crews.
  On the campus of Saint Francis                                                  3:00 PM - Build Leader training
            of Assisi                      Swing a hammer and pound some
 Hosted by parishes of Vicariate VE.       nails! Assemble the wall sections.
                                                                                         Saturday, August 7
 Saint Elizabeth Seton, Saint Francis      HOSPITALITY                                     8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  of Assisi, Saint George, Saint Julie     Help plan, prepare, or serve food.
 Billart, Saint Michael, Saint Stephen,    (any or all meals)                     8:00 AM - Registration
             Incarnation REP                                                      8:30 AM - Opening Prayer
                                           PROMOTERS                              Light snacks, coffee & water
                                           Spread the word with parishioners,
                                                                                  Morning work detail
                                           friends, alumni, and neighborhood
                                           organizations.                         Afternoon work detail
                                                                                  Dedication after build
                                           CLEANERS / SAFETY
                                           First Aid Volunteers - Help keep
                                           area neat and safe during and                  Sunday, August 8
                                           after the event.                               8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  Housing is a basic human need
                                                                                  House viewing & well wishes
 Housing is the basic necessity of every   DONATE                                 Final dedication after 9:30 AM Mass
   human being along with food and                                                Load house for departure to Elburn
                                           We need to raise approximately
                                           $15,000 to fund this project.
   Sadly, many people are without a        Please consider making a
 simple decent place to live safely and    financial contribution.
              in dignity.
                                           Saint George Parishioners were
            How we help                    very generous with the last House
                                           Build project. Your donation for
    Together with the assistance of        this House Build will help a family
 Crossroads Missions, seven parishes       in need of shelter secure a safe
    of Vicariate VE aim to assist Will     and secure place to live. The
  County Habitat for Humanity through      family will participate in the
 fundraising for building materials, and   completion of the house on site.
 by constructing the house framing on      Please place your donation in an
              the Build Day.               envelope marked Crossroads              To sign up, please see page 7
 The walls are transported to the home     Mission House Build. Drop it in the           of today’s bulletin.
   site where Will County Habitat for      collection basket on Sundays or
 Humanity will complete the house with     drop off at the parish office. Any        Volunteers will be limited so
       other volunteers and skilled        donation large or small will be                  register early!
              tradespeople.                appreciated. Your donation will be
                                           appreciated even if you are not
   Upon completion, the home will be       participating on building day.
     dedicated to a family in need.
Saint George Church                                                                                              Page 9

                                                 SIGN UP (Volunteers will be limited so register early!)
                                                 1) Sign up using the QR or weblink code
                                                 2) Drop this form off at the Saint George Parish Office.
                                                 Yes! I / We would like to participate.
                                                 Name _____________________________________________
                                                 Best Phone # _______________________________________

  Check all areas of interest.                   Email ______________________________________________

   Preparers         Crew Leaders              If you are participating as a family, please list additional names /
                                                 ages below. (All ages are welcome!)
   Hospitality       Promoters
                                                 Name _____________________________ Age ___________
   Builders          Safety / Cleaners
                                                 Name _____________________________ Age ___________
   Cut Lumber
   (radial arm saw experience needed )           Name _____________________________ Age ___________
                                                 Name _____________________________ Age ___________

                                                 Parish _____________________________________________
                                                 Yes! I /We would like to make a donation to this effort. Enclosed
                                                 is a gift in the amount of $ _______________.
                                                 Please make checks payable to          Saint Michael Parish / Home Build.

                            After many months of              Baptisms
                            trial, the Saint George
                            Pictorial Directory has                                 Congratulations to Addison Jane
                            gone to print. Your                                     Stronach, daughter of Brent
                            patience has been                                       Stronach McEldowney and
                            greatly appreciated. The                                Cynthia Jennison who was
                            directories will be                                     recently baptized and welcomed
                            delivered to the parish                                 into the Saint George Parish
                            office soon.                                            Community.
  Upon arrival, families who have been                                              Congratulations to the Parents
  photographed will have their copy reserved, and                                   and Godparents!
  available at the parish office for pickup Monday
  through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Pick up
  times will also be available at church after all the        Wedding Banns
  Masses. Stay tuned for exact dates.
                                                             Ryan Johnson & Elizabeth Lynch
  As a note, a limited amount of extra copies have
  been credited to the parish. These will be                                    Congratulations to
  available for families who did not take the
  opportunity to be included but would also like a                              Steven Roede & Sandra Novak
  copy. Thanks to all the volunteers and families for                           who recently celebrated the Sacrament
  making this possible. Enjoy.                                                  of Holy Matrimony .
Page 10                                                                                      July 18, 2021

                                                              Respect Life
  Creation Care Corner
  Taking action to protect God’s great gift to us,                    PRAY FOR OUR NATION
  Mother Earth.                                                            Friday, July 30, 2021
               “The consequences of disregard for the                    from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
               environment… betray human dignity             Along with patriotic prayers and songs, hear
               and violate the rights of citizens…”
                          - Pope Benedict XVI
                                                             leaders from Pro-Life organizations during the
                                                             5:00 PM TO 6:00 PM hour Pray the Rosary and
   WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP RECOMMENDATION:                        other Catholic prayers from 6:00 PM TO 7:00 PM.
            Minimize Plastic Waste                           Join us for 15 minutes, one hour or the entire
  Humans buy 1,000,000 plastic bottles every
  minute! Plastic recycling limitations means only           Bremen-Orland Families for Life and St. George
  about 25% of plastic bottles will get recycled in          Pro-Life invite you to come to the Shrine of Our
  the U.S. The rest end up in waterways and                  Lady of Sorrows. Bring your lawn chair to the
  landfills where they last 100s of years. The               outside GROTTO of:
  recycling rate for aluminum is much higher.                           OUR LADY OF SORROWS
  Consider buying your pop in metal cans and then                         5900 West 147th Street
  recycle them. Practice BYOB for water. Fill a                          Oak Forest, Illinois 60452
  reusable water bottle from home and bring it with
  you. Don’t like the taste of tap water? Buy a
  filter and save! (Remember, much of bottled                        PREGNANT, NEED HELP?
  water sold today is simply filtered tap water.}
                                                             Depending on the location that would be more
                                                             convenient, if you learn of a pregnant woman
                                                             who is considering abortion, suggest that she
                                                             call The Women's Center at 708-425-0707
                                                             (Evergreen Park), Aid for Women at
                                                             312-621-1100 (Flossmoor & downtown
                                                             Chicago), PASS Pregnancy Care Center at
                                                             708-614-9777 (Tinley Park and South Holland),
                                                             or Southside Women’s Services at
                                                             708-229-0092 (Evergreen Park).
                                                             If you (or a person you know) needs to talk to
                                                             someone to seek reconciliation and healing from
                                                             an abortion, people are available who are ready
                                                             to help you. Please call Project Rachel at
                                                             888-456-HOPE (4673) or Post-Abortion Hotline
  “When we show concern for them, we also show               at 800-5-WE-CARE.
  concern for ourselves, for everyone; in taking care
  of them, we all grow; in listening to them, we also
  give voice to a part of ourselves that we may keep
  hidden because it is not well regarded nowadays.”
                                    Pope Francis                       Pope Francis Tweet
                                                                        Let us pray for all the sick that may no
                                                                        one be le alone, that everyone receive
 MISSION: God has created me to do some definite                        the anoin ng of listening, closeness and
 service. God has committed some work to me which                       care. We can all give it with a visit, a
 has not been committed to another. I have a mission.                   phone call, an outstretched hand.
                                       - John Henry Newman
Saint George Church                                                                             Page 11

  Weekend Mass Schedule                             Stewardship Report
  SATURDAY, JULY 24, 2021 - 4:00 PM
                                                                           First of all, “Thank You” to
   Celebrant:      Father Tom                                              all who have been mailing
                                                                           in your Sunday offering
   Deacon:         Greg Bartos
                                                                           envelopes and donations
   Eucharist       Barbara Finley - Bread                                  or using Give Central
   Ministers:      Mary Kubick-Martino - Bread
                                                                           (electronic giving). Your
                   Jack Yock - Bread
                                                                           support is deeply
   Lectors:        Nancy Opyd - Lector A & B                               appreciated and needed.
                                                    If you drop off envelopes at the parish office,
  SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 - 7:30 AM                   please use the mail slot in the wall marked, “Key
   Celebrant:      Father Tom                       Deposit” which will bring them safely into the
                                                    parish office.
   Deacon:         Joe Panek
   Eucharist       Sandi Rogina - Bread
   Ministers:      David Whitaker - Bread                            June 30, 2021
   Lectors:        Teri Rycyzyn - Lector A & B
                                                       Offertory Envelopes:        $     2, 906.50
  SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 - 9:30 AM                      School Fund                 $        140.00
                                                       Sharing                     $         42.99
   Celebrant:      Father Paul
   Deacon:         Tom Schutzius
   Eucharist       Dawn Bartos - Bread
   Ministers:      Thomas Kavanaugh - Bread                        Weekly Offering
                   Nicole Olson - Bread                        July 3-4 and July 10-11
   Lectors:        Bob Iggins - Lector A & B
                                                       Offertory Envelopes:        $    19,876.75
  SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021 - 11:30 AM                     School Fund (50)            $     1,178.00
                                                       Sharing                     $       676.00
   Celebrant:      Father Paul
                                                       Children (3)                $        50.00
   Deacon:         Greg Bartos
   Eucharist       Jean Gaytan - Bread
   Ministers:      Jim Novotney - Bread
   Lectors:        Tom German - Lector A & B
                                                                                   Give Central is
  Schedule is also available online at                                             an option more and is subject to change.                                  people are
                                                       You can go to our website -
                                              to learn how to
  Prayer Shawl Ministry                                make your weekly or monthly donations
                                                       or use the new archdiocesan universal
  The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets every                offertory website at: www.archchicago/
  Thursday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM in Room 1          support. For additional information,
  and 2. Everyone is welcome.                          please contact Darlene Georges at
  If anyone is in need of a Prayer Shawl, please
           Judy Graves at 708-822-4470
           Pina Quatrini at 708-532-5731
          Marybeth Kelly at 708-429-5740
Page 12                                                                                     July 18, 2021

 This Week at Saint George                               Worship Schedule
  SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2021
              Parish Registration -                       MASS SCHEDULE
                AFTER 9:30 AM Mass (MR1)                  Weekends
  10:00 AM:   Bread & Word (MR4)                          Anticipated Mass on Saturdays at 4:00 PM
  11:30 AM    Baptism (Church)
                                                          Sundays at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM
  5:00 PM:    Adult Volleyball (G)
                                                          The 4:00 PM Saturday and 9:30 AM Sunday Masses
                                                          are broadcast via 101.7 FM in the parking lot.
  MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021                                   Communion will be brought to your car. Please park
                                                          on the east side of the parking lot by 175th Street.
                                                          The anticipated 4:00 PM Mass on Saturdays is live
  TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021                                  streamed on Facebook then posted to the parish
                                                          webpage and YouTube.
                                                          Monday through Friday at 8:15 AM
  WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021
                                                          Daily Mass is live streamed daily on Facebook, then
  1:00 PM:    Summer Band (MR1)                           posted to the parish webpage and YouTube..
  6:00 PM:    Adoration (Church)
  7:30 PM:    Al-Anon (O’CH)
  THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2021                                 Saturdays
  9:30 AM:    CWSF Prayer Shawl Ministry (MR 2&3)         3:00 PM to 3:30 PM

  FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2021
                                                          EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
  7:00 PM:    Narcotics Anonymous (MR3)
  SATURDAY, JULY 24, 2021                                 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

  1:00 PM     Baptism (Church)
  3:00 PM:    Reconciliation (Church)                     Masks are not required for those who are fully
  7:00 PM:    Adult Volleyball (G)                        vaccinated, but recommended for those who have not
                                                          been vaccinated.
  SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021
  10:00 AM:   Bread & Word (MR4)
  5:00 PM:    Adult Volleyball (G)                       Daily Readings
                                                         MONDAY:            Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42
                                                         TUESDAY:           Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17;
                                                                            Mt 12:46-50
                            For additional information
                                                         WEDNESDAY:         Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28;
                            on Saint George, please
                                                                            Mt 13:1-9
                             visit the parish website
                  ,       THURSDAY:          Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; Ps 63:2-6,
                                        and                                 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
                                                         FRIDAY:            Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23
                                                         SATURDAY:          Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;
                                                                            Mt 13:24-30
                                                         SUNDAY:            2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18;
                                                                            Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15
Saint George Church                                                                                                            Page 13

 Please Pray for...                                                              Mass Intentions
                                                                                 SATURDAY, JULY 17, 2021
Our Sick…
Robert Baader, Terrence Baker, Babies Bennett & Zachary Basick,                   4:00 PM:      Mass for Parishioners
Brad Bennett, Ed Bidrowski, Donald Budny, David Charleston,                                     Rita Kiely+
Joseph Cicci, Marguerite Concannon, Cody Copin, Henry Copin,                                    Carmelita Diwa+
Diane Cosgrave, Linda Dorminey, Carmen Gonzalez, Marirose
Grosschadl, Jace Hettinger, Christine Hitzman, Michelle Hitzman,                 SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2021
Robyn (Kristinat) Jankosky, Evelyn Knight, Eric Kronenbitter, Paul                7:30 AM:       Deacon Dick & Fran Kristinat+
Kruzil, Sue Maher, Carolyn Molony, Carol Manow, Brian & Sandy                                    Edith Raber+
Nichols, Christopher Niedermeyer, Francine Niewiedzial, Lottie                                   Clara Goesel+
Pano, Virginia Perozzi, Stan Piekosz, Toni Pusateri, Eunice Robey,
                                                                                  9:30 AM:       Edward Matushek III+
Margaret Quilty, Mary Scudella, Sandra Smith, Burt Stewart, Mary
                                                                                                 Dr. Thomas Salmon+
Ann Stewart, Richard Stewart, Frank Stoecker, Matt Taylor, Sara
                                                                                                 Padre Pietro Quantrini+
Taylor, Eileen Vandergriff, Carol Vander Sanden, Kathy Vrablic,
Emily Grace Ward, Bob Whalen, Sandra Wickeham, Tom Wydra                          11:30 AM:      Ricardo Diwa Sr.+
                                                                                                 Catherine & Peter Kiec+
If you or a loved one needs prayers due to an illness, please call the
parish office to put your name on the prayer list. Names are kept on
                                                                                 MONDAY, JULY 19, 2021
the list for four weeks unless we are notified the person has not
recovered.                                                                        8:15 AM:       Niedospial & Filipiak Families
                                                                                                 Intentions of Mary Scudella
Faithful Departed…                                                               TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2021
Christine Kane, Carolyn Kampe, Thomas Martin, Genevieve M.                        8:15 AM:       Patt & Chuck Quinn+
O’Connell, Joan L. Stuckly                                                                       Intentions of Cheryl & Norb
Our Military…
                                                                                 WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021
Please pray for those serving in the military, and for a peaceful and
just solution to conflict and violence. Please remember in your                   8:15 AM:       Louis Micaletti+
prayers the following people who are serving our country: PO3                                    Walter Jagiello+
Mary Balkas (Coast Guard), Sgt. Jacob Berry (Army), LCpl. Phillip
Bosco (Marines), LCpl. Mark Bradley (Marines), Staff Sgt. Amanda                 THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2021
Brennan (Army), First Sgt. Robert Brennan (Army), Capt. Michael                   8:15 AM:      Linda Weston+
Caddigan (Army), SSgt. Brad Clemmer (Air Force), SSgt. Heidi
Currie (Air Force), Lt.Col. Kevin Currie (Air Force), Maj. Patrick               FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2021
Currie (Air Force), Pvt. Matthew Daliege (Army), Sgt. James
Dewey (Army), Maj. Christopher Doering (Army), Cpl. Jonathon M.                   8:15 AM:      Mass for Mothers
Filca (Marines), PO2 James J. Guerino (Navy), Cmdr. Daniel                                      Patt & Chuck Quinn+
Hollendoner (Navy), Cpl. Ryan Hollendoner (Army), L.Cpl.
Jonathan Idrovo (Marines), Lt. Erin Janofski (Navy), Becky                       SATURDAY, JULY 24, 2021
Johnston (Air Force), L.Cpl. Bryan Johnston (Marines), L.Cpl.                     4:00 PM:      Michael Gayeski+
Ashton Kahne (Marines), A1C Dylan Knispel (Air Force), Spc.                                     Alice Ficker+
Martin McCarthy (Army), Lt. Cmdr. Sean Miner (Navy), Spc.                                       John Michalisko+
Joshua S. Mitchell (Army), Alexandra Novak, Lt. Charles W. Novak
(Marines), HM3 Elizabeth O’Neill (Navy Corpsman), Capt. Thomas                   SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021
I. Ohl (Marines), Ssgt. Joe Plath (Air Force), Sgt. Jacob Pusateri
(Marines), L. Cpl. Brian Richard (Marines), PFC James Rodriguez                   7:30 AM:       Ray Stambaugh+
(Army), Amn. Michael Sarniak, Jr. (Coast Guard), Bo Shipman                                      Mass for Parishioners
(Marines, LCPI), SSgt. Alison Smallwood (Air Force), SSgt. Chaise                 9:30 AM:       Karen Pisano+
Smallwood (Air Force), Lt. David F. Steinberger III (Navy), Col.                                 John Malesevich+
Donald Tomich (Marines), Capt. Todd Vassalli (Air Force), Spc.                                   Patt & Chuck Quinn+
Alexander Waters (Army), Sgt. FC Powell Yates (Army), A1C
Andrew Yock (Air Force)                                                           11:30 AM:      Helen & Joseph Gembala+
                                                                                                 Raymond A., Rose Marie &
If there are parishioners currently serving in the United States military, we                      Deceased Members of the
would like to know. Please call the parish office and tell us the name of                          Lamberty Family+
your dear one and he/she will be remembered in the prayers of our
community and the name posted in the bulletin. Please indicate branch of        + Faithful Departed
service and rank.
Page 14                                                                                                    July 18, 2021

                                                                   MASS: Each week, we will celebrate a Sunday Vigil
  Parish Information                                               Mass on Saturday at 4:00 PM, and three Masses on
                                                                   Sunday - 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM, as well as a
                                                                   weekday Mass Monday through Friday at 8:15 AM.
BAPTISMS will take place at 1:00 PM on the first Sunday
of the month and at the 11:30 AM Sunday Mass on the                RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday from 3:00 PM to
third Sunday of the month. The family must be                      3:30 PM.
registered. A baptismal preparation program is obligatory
                                                                   ADORATION AND PRIVATE PRAYER: In church every
in advance; please call the parish office to register and
                                                                   Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. You may come
for more information.
                                                                   and go as is convenient for you during this time.
                                                                   FUNERALS, BAPTISMS AND WEDDINGS: To make
anyone inquiring and seeking information about entering
                                                                   arrangements, please call the parish office at
the Catholic faith. Contact the parish office.
WEDDING arrangements must be made four months in
                                                                   BULLETIN INFORMATION provides updates on parish
advance of the wedding date. You must be a registered
                                                                   and Archdiocesan events. Please submit articles or
parishioner for six months prior to making arrangements.
                                                                   recommendations to by
Please schedule your church date before reserving your
                                                                   Friday at 4:00 PM before publication date. Because of
                                                                   space limitations, articles regarding Saint George
ANOINTING OF THE SICK / RECONCILIATION can be                      activities and information, as well as Archdiocesan
arranged by contacting the Parish Office to have a priest          events and news will take priority. All articles are subject
celebrate the sacraments with the person who is                    to editing and will be published at the discretion of the
seriously ill or homebound.                                        Pastor. No guarantees can be made as to size or
                                                                   placement of the articles.
HOSPITAL VISITS can be made by our priests or
deacons, if notified by family members or friends.                 PLEASE BE AWARE
Although sacramental needs of patients are administered
                                                                   Dispensation from Sunday Mass and Holy Days of
by the hospital chaplain or by a local priest, in an
                                                                   Obligation continues. We still advise that the elderly and
emergency, Saint George clergy will respond to
                                                                   those with underlying medical conditions stay at home
sacramental needs.
                                                                   and participate through livestreamed and televised
MINISTRY OF CARE: Mandated Agape Ministers of                      Masses.
Care are available to visit, pray with, and bring Holy
                                                                   We will continue to serve those who cannot attend Mass
Communion to those who are sick and unable to
                                                                   in person by livestreaming Mass on our Facebook page
attend Mass. Notify the parish office when this service is
                                                                   and posting to our webpage and YouTube.
                                                                   The Archdiocese is allowing parishes to open at 100%
REGISTRATION: We welcome new members with open
                                                                   capacity. Physical distancing is not required for
arms. Please call the parish office for more information.
                                                                   vaccinated persons. Physical distancing is
STEWARDSHIP involves your time, talent and treasure.               recommended by public health authorities, when possible
Contact the parish office for assistance in getting started        for unvaccinated persons. Masks are not required for
in any of the Parish’s ministries and organizations.               vaccinated persons. Masks are recommended by public
Please remember Saint George Parish when planning                  health authorities for unvaccinated indoors, particularly in
your estate or preparing your will.                                crowded venues.

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