COMMISSION FOR REHABILITATION SERVICES - Commissioners Theresa Flannery, Wes Hilliard and -

Page created by Gene Wilson
Commissioners Theresa Flannery, Wes Hilliard and
                  Jace Wolfe

          Regular Meeting

           September 13, 2021

    3535 NW 58th Street OKC, OK

Empowering Oklahomans with Disabilities
State of Oklahoma
                    Commission for Rehabilitation Services
               Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
                             3535 NW 58th Street
                           Oklahoma City, OK 73112
                 Link to meeting:
                            Phone: 1-346-248-7799
                           Webinar ID: 915 4561 7729

                                September 13, 2021
                                    10:30 a.m.

Jace Wolfe, Commission Chair
Wes Hilliard, Commission Vice-chair
Theresa Flannery, Commission Member

1.    Call to Order and Roll Call                    Wes Hilliard

2.    Statement of Compliance with Open Meeting      Commission Assistant

3     Public Comments. (Under Oklahoma Open          Public Audience
      Meeting Laws, the Oklahoma Commission for
      Rehabilitation Services cannot respond to or
      discuss any public comment about a matter
      not on today’s agenda.)

REPORTS                                                                PAGE #

4.    Presentation of Longevity Certificates         Wes Hilliard

5.    Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation   Melinda Fruendt
                                                     Executive Director

6.    Introduction of new DRS Legislative Liaison,   Melinda Fruendt
      Jennifer Hardin                                Executive Director

7.    Introduction of new Oklahoma ABLE Tech         Melinda Fruendt
      Assistant Director, Allyson Robinson           Executive Director

8.    Introduction of new VR Job Supervisory         Mark Kinnison
      Assignments                                    VR Director
9.     Executive Director’s report with possible            Melinda Fruendt          2
       Commission discussion. The report includes           Executive Director
       Executive Director’s participation in meetings;
       Fiscal Capital Project at OSD and OSB;
       Communications Division work in creating ads
       for TV and radio; and updates on DDS;
       Executive Projects; Process Improvement; and
       Transition Services.

10.    Priority Group Updates with possible                 Tracy Brigham
       Commission discussion. Report includes status        VSBI Director
       of all Priority Groups I, II and III.

11.    Financial Status FY 21 as of June 30, 2021 and       Kevin Statham           10
       July 31, 2021; FY 21 as and FY22 report as of July   Chief Financial Officer
       31, 2021 with possible Commission discussion.

12.    Personnel Activity report with possible              Tom Patt                32
       Commission discussion, as of August 31, 2021.        Director
       The activity report has current FTE status.          Human Resources

13.    ABLE TECH Annual Report with possible                Allyson Robinson   39
       Commission discussion. Her report Includes           Oklahoma ABLE Tech
       the Alternative Financing Report.                    Assistant Director

14.    SILC report with possible Commission                 Sidna Madden            50
       discussion. Her report includes meetings             Executive Director
       attended by Executive Director and trainings
       provided by SILC.


 15.   Review and discussion with possible vote for         Wes Hilliard           51
       approval of the July 12, 2021 Commission for         Chair
       Rehabilitation Services regular meeting

 16.   Presentation of FY 2023 Budget Request for           Kevin Statham           57
       review and discussion and possible vote for          Chief Financial Officer

  17. Review and discussion with possible vote for          Kevin Treese           65
      approval of the July and August 2021 donations        Program Manager
      to the Oklahoma Library for the Blind and
      Physically Handicapped.
18.    Review and discussion with possible vote for     Rita Echelle     68
       approval of the July and August 2021 donations   Superintendent
       to the Oklahoma School for the Blind.

19.    Review and discussion with possible vote for     Chris Dvorak     71
       approval of the July and August 2021 donations   Superintendent
       to the Oklahoma School for the Deaf.

 20. Election of officers to the Oklahoma               Wes Hilliard
     Commission for Rehabilitation Services with        Chair
     discussion and possible vote.

 21.   New Business (“Any matter not known about or     Wes Hilliard
       which could not have been reasonably foreseen    Chair
       prior to the time of posting.” 25 O.S. § 311)

 22. Announcements                                      Wes Hilliard
     Next regular meeting of the Oklahoma               Chair
     Commission for Rehabilitation Services:
     3535 NW 58th Street
     Suite 200
     Oklahoma City, OK 73112
     Monday, October 11, 2021 at 10:30 am.

 23.   Adjournment                                      Wes Hilliard
Page 1
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
                       EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT
                            September 13, 2021

Welcome – New DRS Legislative Liaison, Jennifer Hardin.

HR Personnel Search for Legislative Liaison.
Meeting at OSB with Executive Team.
Workforce Technology – Job Match – New bid process with System Partners.
Meeting with DHS Hope Director.
Meeting at OSD with Executive, Administrative, Leadership Team.
Meeting with Senator Kirt (D), regarding ARPA funding and the need for broadband
ASPIRE meeting.

HR Personnel Interviews conducted for Legislative Liaison.
VR/SBVI Performance Team meeting.
DRS Executive Team met in-person: Leading with Hope (Cabinet Initiative);
Coaching/Mentoring; Professional Development plan; Mental Health and Wellness;
Issues around COVID; Workday Overview/Brightpath; Roundtable discussions of
Meeting at OSU Wellness Center with AbleTech staff regarding transition of
leadership from Linda Jaco (pending retirement October 1) to Allyson Robinson. I
want to personally acknowledge the professional partnership Linda had with DRS
and thank her for the years of shared commitment to ensuring Access for All
individuals. I wish her all the best in her journey of retirement.
Meeting with Process Improvement staff on various topics.
Meeting with VR Employment Support Services unit and Terri Murphy.
Meetings with Senator Boren, (D), on Interim Study – Enhancement of economic
opportunities and quality of life for Oklahomans with disabilities through
transportation and workforce development. Subsequent meetings occurred with
Secretary of Transportation, Tim Gatz and team.
WIOA Core Partners Meeting.
Cabinet Secretary Brown and staff meeting on Leading with Hope.
Meeting with DPS, OMES, AbleTech regarding the 508 Compliance of Mobile ID App
that compliments the Real ID.
Meeting with Senator Rosino (R), Appropriations Committee, to begin discussions
regarding FY 23 appropriations.

Meeting with the DDS Resilient Accomplished Great Employees (RAGE) team.
VR/SBVI Performance Team meeting.
ORC Strategic Planning Meeting.
WIOA Core Partners Meeting.

                                                                            Page 2
Fiscal – Capital Projects – Kevin Statham
Capital projects at the school continue to move forward. The projects in flight or
completed are an Emergency Warning/Notification System, Elevator Replacements,
HVAC upgrades, Roof replacements, masonry repair and sidewalks. The long-range
planning commission has provided additional funding, $400,000 for the HVAC and
$250,000 for the Masonry repair projects.

The old pool area has been completed and will be utilized as a robotics room. This
project was a combination of bid services and OSD Maintenance Staff. The room
turned out great and will be a facility the school can be proud of for years to come.

The projects on the near horizon are to make improvements to the dorms and the
superintendent residence. The dorm projects will be staggered to accommodate for
the displacement of students. Stewart Hall will be the first dorm in the rotation and
Blattner will follow as construction on Stewart nears completion.

Capital projects in flight are new carpet, chiller, and canopy/rock wall. The new gym
has been completed.

One of the new OMES processes in play this year is the Job Order Contracting
Program or JOC. This is intended to streamline the procurement process to get
construction projects moving faster. It is expected that this will trim 3-5 weeks off
the time it takes to award a bid.

Disability Determination Services – Brian Nickles
Since our last update, the class of Examiner 29 trainees who started in June are now
receiving assignments of four cases each per week in DCPS. They will continue to
increase weekly assignments in the coming weeks. We successfully trained a group
of 60 existing staff in DCPS the week of August 9th. They are currently working their
caseloads out of the legacy system as they ramp up assignments in DCPS. Our goal
is to minimize the amount of time any staff will need to work in two separate
systems and are looking at alternatives to speed up this process. A second group of
50 was trained the week of September 1. The remainder of existing staff continue to
work cases out of our legacy system.

We continue to work through the many changes to existing business processes that
are no longer possible in the DCPS. While this obviously slows down overall
processing we do not anticipate any significant negative impact in service to our
claimants through the end of Federal Fiscal Year 2021. However, as more staff move
from legacy to DCPS, any such impact would likely not be realized until the first
quarter of FY22. Again, our goal is to minimize any negative impact as much as the
system will allow.

                                                                                   Page 3
Communications – Jody Harlan
Dana Tallon in Communications created 3 ads featuring successful VR/SBVI clients in
rectangle formats to run as banner ads free of charge on Griffin Communications’ TV
and radio websites through our partnership with Oklahoma Association of
Broadcasters. Look for the ads on KWTV and KSBI TV in Oklahoma City, KOTV and
KQCW TV in Tulsa, and radio stations KHTT, KVOO, KBEZ, KXBL, and KFAQ in Tulsa.

Executive Projects – Stephanie Roe
Workforce Development Technology
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES), Information Services
Division (ISD) is in process of posting a request for proposals to replace the ALJA case
management system that is primarily used by OESC and Title I (state and local
boards). ALJA currently also houses the statewide job bank- OKJOBMATCH. DRS has
provided initial feedback for the new system specifications including, requesting 508
compliance for accessibility and the ability to maintain our current data transfer
process from AWARE to the new system to ensure the required statewide
performance reporting agreement is maintained and accurate.

‘The Force’- Multi-Cabinet Workgroup- Special Populations Sub-Committee
This group has been meeting since February of 2021 and has representation by a
broad group of stakeholders and partners who advocate for and serve special
populations in Oklahoma. The group’s purpose is to influence equal access to
education and career opportunities, bring awareness to programs and resources
and improve joint planning and coordination of systems to reduce barriers for
special populations.

We have identified top areas of focus and are in the process of collecting 1 page
resource templates to create an accessible repository of program resources that can
assist with coordinating programs and services and utilize these to offer training to
other State Agencies, Cabinet Members, and other stakeholders.

The group determined the following areas of focus would make the most impact:
   1. More statewide awareness and understanding of services available,
   2. Joint planning and service coordination among state agencies; and
   3. Collaboration with other organizations

The approved 2020 administrative rules were uploaded effective Thursday, August
26th. The new rule cycle will begin October 1st. There are a few requests for internal
DRS policy revisions that will require commission approval in the future.

Under the direction of Executive Order (EO) 2020-03, DRS began our efforts last year
to identify and address costly, ineffective, duplicative, and outdated Administrative
Rules and issue a report. We submitted our report last July where 11 administrative
rules were identified to revoke. A request was recently received for an updated
number count from our original submitted report highlighting the rules that have

                                                                                   Page 4
been removed to date. The updated final rule report was submitted on August 31,
2021 reflecting all 11 Administrative Rules had been revoked.

ADA Coordinator Activities
Two blended trainings, combining virtual and in-person attendees were conducted
for the Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board and the Department of
Environmental Quality. The COWIB training concerned the rules regarding medical
examinations and disability inquiries during pre-employment and post-employment
phases. The training for DEQ was an annual training they require for supervisors
regarding reasonable accommodations under the ADA.

Executive Projects – Tonya Garman
Policy Cycle 2021-2022 – VR/SBVI
The Policy Committee continues to work on finalizing changes to the administrative
rules for this year. All final versions of new or amended policy will be completed by
subcommittee, approved by the Division Administrators of VR and SBVI, and
submitted to Tina Calloway by October 1st.

A policy overview meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 27th at 2pm via zoom.
We will be inviting advisory groups that are interested to join us in reviewing the
proposed changes and hearing the premise for the modifications. We are hoping
this will provide more transparency and awareness for our partners as we go
through the administrative rules process. If anyone would like an invitation to this
meeting, please contact Tonya Garman at .

SILC and IL Network
SILC has been very busy working with the Disability Community and the statewide
CILs to provide much needed services. The CILs are facing continued challenges
through the pandemic and the uptick in cases across the state, however, most have
chosen to stay open and to provide services as safely as possible.

SILC is also working with Senator Kevin Matthews (D) to address State Statutes § 56-
625.1 and §56-625.2 that have not been enforced since they were passed in 2000.
These laws would allow the SILC and CILs to receive state funding as well as the
current federal funding. Additional funding would allow the CILs to expand their
service areas and provide much needed assistance to the underserved parts of the

In conjunction with Oklahoma People First and the Oklahoma Self Advocacy
Network, SILC is hosting Self Advocacy Leadership Training (SALT). SALT is a 2-part
training that will allow participants to develop skills in becoming leaders, effective
advocates, better communicators, and valued partners. The training will take place
over two Fridays, September 10 and 17 via zoom. For more information, contact
Sidna Madden.

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council – Policy and Legislation Committee

                                                                                   Page 5
Unfortunately, the August meeting of ORC was unable to take place due to a lack of
quorum, however, the report for the P&L Committee was distributed via email.

The P&L committee had identified the need for additional training for DRS clients as
well as interested public to enhance their skills and empower them toward self-
advocacy. Sanho Steele-Louchart provided an Advocacy Training on May 17 that
ORC recorded and will have available to use in the future.

Autism Foundation of Oklahoma (AFO)
The Autism Foundation has developed Employer Training opportunities focused on
attracting, hiring, and retaining neurodiverse job candidates and employees. Two
training events are being scheduled, one in Tulsa and one in OKC. AFO has also
been able to confirm a session with both the Oklahoma Works Partners Conference
in November, and the Governor’s Council on Workforce and Economic Development
in January.

DRS continues to support AFO through established networks and opportunities,
including resources such as the Business Services Program, transition programs and
accommodation information.

Hope Centered Organization
On August 20, DRS was invited to join other state agencies in a presentation to learn
how to become a Hope centered organization. Cabinet Secretary Justin Brown
along with Dr. Chan Hellman of the Hope Research Center, explained the benefits
and advantages of becoming a Hope centered agency. The goal is to create a
culture of change using the science of Hope and establishing a framework to
develop positive wellbeing.

DRS is currently formulating a plan on how this initiative can be implemented within
the agency. The structure is an executive level deployment of Hope philosophies
using goals, pathways, and willpower to increase the levels of Hope, improve
resilience and decrease burnout. Agency wide awareness training and division
specific direction will move the theory throughout the staff and eventually influence
the client base. OKDHS has already implemented these concepts and has seen a
positive result across their agency.

Senate Interim Study
Senator Mary Boren (D) has invited DRS to present at an Interim Study on the
‘Enhancement of economic opportunities and quality of life for Oklahomans with
disabilities through transportation and workforce development,’ currently scheduled
for September 21st. After a brief meeting, DRS was able to provide resource links and
report summaries of the transportation issues that people with disabilities face in
the state of Oklahoma. DRS looks forward to supporting Senator Boren in removing
barriers and improving the lives of Oklahomans with disabilities.

Governor’s Interagency Council on Homelessness (GICH)

                                                                                 Page 6
DRS has a standing position on the Governor’s Interagency Council on
Homelessness. Until recently, Keith Tiller was the agency representative to this
Council. After years of service, Keith has decided to pass the torch of this
responsibility. The GICH has an objective of supporting Oklahomans who are at risk
of experiencing homelessness and to prevent any decline into homelessness. DRS
services are an obvious asset to this population, and I look forward to representing
DRS in supporting the GICH and its mission.

Process Improvement – Lyuda Polyun
Federal Reporting
RSA 911 PY20 Q4 has been submitted.

The AWARE team continues to work with the Professional Development unit to
prepare new training options for AWARE users and Academy participants. Also,
continue preparation for the move of the AWARE system to cloud hosting by
Alliance Enterprises and that necessitates new approaches to training staff, since the
current AWARE training environment will be going away.

We are also in early discussions with Alliance for an on-line self-referral and customer
portal for participants via a website that can connect directly to AWARE. With a
future upgrade we hope to introduce this new feature sometime in 2022.

We are working with leadership and the PI Data Team in preparation for next year’s
RSA monitoring visit and we are producing a variety of data products to assist with
that preparation.

We are in the process of wrapping up Program Year 2020, making error corrections
to the Q4 RSA 911 submission. We are also working with Oklahoma Workforce
Development staff to help prepare the WIOA required annual statewide report for
the Program Year, to the U.S Department of Labor.

Continues to work with Alliance to move toward cloud hosting, which is projected to
take place in December.

Continues to work with Professional Development to develop a new AWARE training
to implement when we become hosted.

Completed a revised attachment protocol and submitted to leadership for approval
and replacement of the Knowledgelake protocol in policy (instructions to staff).

Will be helping present a SBVI training on eligibility – some minor changes in
disability recording inside AWARE to produce more accurate disability recording.

Case Review
The QA team completed an IRR (Inter-rater reliability study) on four “open” cases in
preparation for open case reviews as opposed to “closed” cases. The IRR was to

                                                                                   Page 7
familiarize the Case Reviewers with a new case instrument and to ensure the
Reviewers are auditing consistently while addressing new data validity elements of
an open case review.

In addition to the IRR, the two Case Review Specialists completed a July audit of
closed cases. 340 cases qualified for the audit with the Reviewers attempting to
reach a 15% completion of 51 cases each.

The Quality Assurance team completed approximately 107 reviews of cases closed
between 6.16.21 and 7.15.21, monitoring federal compliance.

Program Standards, Statistical Research
The research staff are working with the AWARE team on reviewing the MTAG data

Working on an update to the Recession report using economic data from the last 4

Working on data collection for the Needs Assessment.

The research staff completed the SFY2021 Legislative Map;

Completed the 2021 Oklahoma Library for the Blind patron survey;

Completed two ad hoc data requests: one related to the Oklahoma population with
visual impairments and service numbers from SBVI, OSB, and the State Department
of Education and the other from SILC requesting various data from the American
Community Survey related to housing, transportation, and employment rates for
individuals with disabilities in Oklahoma.

VR/SBVI Transition Services – Renee Briscoe
Renee Briscoe shared some information that is exciting. Her list includes:

   •   We currently have 298 School Work Study (SWS) contracts. Up 57 from 2018
   •   We have 15 Work Adjustment Training (WAT) contracts. Up 2 from last year
   •   Project SEARCH currently has 65 participants and 10 are in service to groups
   •   STEM camp this summer, we had 35 participants statewide
   •   BEST camp, we had about 170 students across the 13 locations
   •   VIBE had 8 students this past summer
   •   Pre-ETS has served over 3,000 students and are in 11 schools
   •   We have had 279 people sign up for the Transition Newsletter through Gov
   •   OSU-IDD – Opportunity Orange has 12 students ready to begin next week.

Respectfully submitted by
Melinda Fruendt, Executive Director

                                                                                    Page 8
Page 9
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                           As of June 30, 2021
                                                            All Programs
                                                          Agency Summary
                                                          % of Total                             %
                                          Budget           Budget          Expenditures       Expended    Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                      82,351,471.00          50.8%         72,456,012.47       88.0%       8,963,407.81    98.9%
          Travel                            830,074.00           0.5%            262,631.27       31.6%          44,608.75    37.0%
          General Operating              29,061,308.13          17.9%         13,844,315.76       47.6%       8,115,562.92    75.6%
          Office Furniture & Equipment    2,161,937.81           1.3%            777,495.75       36.0%         837,232.24    74.7%
          Client / General Assistance    38,360,549.00          23.7%         23,770,678.41       62.0%      12,640,042.57    94.9%
          Indirect Cost                   9,401,375.00           5.8%          8,176,518.70       87.0%       1,224,856.30   100.0%
          Total                          162,166,714.94        100.0%        119,287,652.36       73.6%      31,825,710.59    93.2%

Page 10
          FY 21                                                   1 of 7                                                     7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                           As of June 30, 2021
                                                        All Programs
                          Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

                                                           % of Total                       %
                                              Budget         Budget         Expenditures Expended         Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       25,028,962.00         35.6%         21,243,545.72       84.9%       3,656,769.92    99.5%
          Travel                             578,200.00          0.8%            206,160.32       35.7%               0.00    35.7%
          General Operating               11,177,777.00         15.9%          5,966,818.66       53.4%       3,840,554.25    87.7%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       590,594.00          0.8%            187,684.41       31.8%          29,184.90    36.7%
          Client / General Assistance     29,004,570.00         41.3%         17,301,420.56       59.7%       9,855,152.37    93.6%
          Indirect Cost                    3,837,689.00          5.5%          3,094,481.50       80.6%         743,207.50   100.0%
          Total                           70,217,792.00        100.0%         48,000,111.17       68.4%      18,124,868.94    94.2%
                                                 Vocational Rehabilitation Grant

                                                          % of Total                             %
                                          Budget           Budget          Expenditures       Expended    Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       22,322,425.00         34.4%         19,007,837.04       85.2%       3,194,806.61    99.5%
          Travel                             557,200.00          0.9%            196,529.71       35.3%               0.00    35.3%
          General Operating               10,219,298.00         15.7%          5,433,453.74       53.2%       3,605,782.62    88.5%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       400,450.00          0.6%             87,530.64       21.9%          29,184.90    29.1%
          Client / General Assistance     27,916,667.00         43.0%         16,609,593.83       59.5%       9,579,089.35    93.8%
          Indirect Cost                    3,548,140.00          5.5%          2,836,121.53       79.9%         712,018.47   100.0%
          Total                           64,964,180.00        100.0%         44,171,066.49       68.0%      17,120,881.95    94.3%

Page 11
          FY 21                                                   2 of 7                                                     7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of June 30, 2021
                                                      All Programs
                                               Oklahoma School for the Blind

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended        Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       6,376,484.00        66.7%            5,900,214.46   92.5%        242,149.67    96.3%
          Travel                             53,000.00         0.6%               10,600.59   20.0%              0.00    20.0%
          General Operating               2,087,744.59        21.8%            1,100,509.94   52.7%        821,950.65    92.1%
          Office Furniture & Equipment      326,638.81         3.4%              192,074.26   58.8%         70,364.65    80.3%
          Client / General Assistance        73,000.00         0.8%               28,451.50   39.0%              0.00    39.0%
          Indirect Cost                     642,964.00         6.7%              577,425.77   89.8%         65,538.23   100.0%
          Total                           9,559,831.40       100.0%            7,809,276.52   81.7%      1,200,003.20    94.2%

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          FY 21                                                 3 of 7                                                  7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of June 30, 2021
                                                       All Programs
                                                Oklahoma School for the Deaf

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended        Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       7,787,361.00        45.9%            7,140,727.25   91.7%        460,801.05    97.6%
          Travel                             40,974.00         0.2%               12,248.59   29.9%            583.45    31.3%
          General Operating               6,758,416.54        39.8%            1,493,027.71   22.1%      1,159,541.42    39.2%
          Office Furniture & Equipment    1,129,459.00         6.7%              331,266.81   29.3%        734,975.25    94.4%
          Client / General Assistance       468,979.00         2.8%              214,413.57   45.7%        197,282.98    87.8%
          Indirect Cost                     791,297.00         4.7%              721,153.92   91.1%         70,143.08   100.0%
          Total                          16,976,486.54       100.0%            9,912,837.85   58.4%      2,623,327.23    73.8%

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          FY 21                                                 4 of 7                                                  7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of June 30, 2021
                                                         All Programs
                                              Disability Determination Services

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended     Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                      36,322,769.00        65.6%        31,796,378.25   87.5%      4,199,071.27    99.1%
          Travel                            104,900.00         0.2%            19,796.95   18.9%         44,025.30    60.8%
          General Operating               5,943,090.00        10.7%         3,455,906.66   58.1%      1,549,388.02    84.2%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       59,432.00         0.1%            29,015.12   48.8%          2,707.44    53.4%
          Client / General Assistance     8,814,000.00        15.9%         6,226,392.78   70.6%      2,587,607.22   100.0%
          Indirect Cost                   4,123,309.00         7.4%         3,778,085.58   91.6%        345,223.42   100.0%
          Total                          55,367,500.00       100.0%        45,305,575.34   81.8%      8,728,022.67    97.6%

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          FY 21                                                 5 of 7                                               7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of June 30, 2021
                                                         All Programs
                                                     DRS Support Services

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended        Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       6,835,895.00        68.1%            6,375,146.79   93.3%        404,615.90    99.2%
          Travel                             53,000.00         0.5%               13,824.82   26.1%              0.00    26.1%
          General Operating               3,094,280.00        30.8%            1,828,052.79   59.1%        744,128.58    83.1%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       55,814.00         0.6%               37,455.15   67.1%              0.00    67.1%
          Client / General Assistance             0.00         0.0%                    0.00    0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Indirect Cost                       6,116.00         0.1%                5,371.94   87.8%            744.06   100.0%
          Total                          10,045,105.00       100.0%            8,259,851.49   82.2%      1,149,488.54    93.7%

Page 15
          FY 21                                                 6 of 7                                                  7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                    As of June 30, 2021
          Salary Expense
          Insurance Premium -Health-Life, etc
          FICA-Retirement Contributions
          Travel - Agency Direct
          Travel - Reimbursements
          General Operating
          AFP Encumberances
          Bond Indebtness and Expenses
          Buildings-Purchase, Construction and Renovation
          General Operating
          Inter/Intre Agency Payment for Personal Services
          Maintenance & Repair
          Miscellaneous Administration Fee
          Professional Services
          Production, Safety, Security
          Refunds, Indemnities, Restitution
          Rent Expense
          Scholarships, Tuition and Other Incentive-Type Payments
          Shop Expense
          Specialized Supplies & Materials
          Office Furniture & Equipment
          Library Equipment & Resources
          Office Furniture & Equipment
          Client / General Assistance
          Social Service and Assistance Payments
          Indirect Cost

Page 16
          FY 21                                                            7 of 7               7/20/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                                Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                    As of July 31 , 2021
                                                               All Programs
                                                             Agency Summary
                                                    % of Total                        Expenditures in        %
                                    Budget           Budget       Expenditures           FY 2022          Expended    Encumbrances       % Used
    Personnel                      82,351,471.00          49.6%       72,456,012.47          568,702.92       88.0%         464,761.91     88.5%
    Travel                            830,074.00           0.5%          262,631.27           30,872.28       31.6%          42,775.30     36.8%
    General Operating              29,539,090.13          17.8%       13,844,315.76          800,382.89       46.9%       7,040,733.23     70.7%
    Office Furniture & Equipment    2,161,937.81           1.3%          777,495.75          101,254.30       36.0%         182,833.66     44.4%
    Client / General Assistance    41,773,306.00          25.2%       23,770,678.41        1,025,741.50       56.9%       6,291,465.40     72.0%
    Indirect Cost                   9,401,375.00           5.7%        8,176,518.70                0.00       87.0%       1,224,856.30    100.0%
    Total                          166,057,253.94        100.0%      119,287,652.36        2,526,953.89       71.8%      15,247,425.80     81.0%

Page 17
   8/17/2021                                                      Summary FY 21                                                          Page 1 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                                 Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                     As of July 31 , 2021
                                                           All Programs
                             Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
                                                      % of Total                  Expenditures in             %
                                         Budget         Budget       Expenditures    FY 2022               Expended    Encumbrances % Used
    Personnel                        25,028,962.00         33.8%       21,243,545.72           79,175.70       84.9%         319,777.58     86.2%
    Travel                              578,200.00          0.8%          206,160.32           25,690.86       35.7%               0.00     35.7%
    General Operating                11,655,559.00         15.7%        5,966,818.66          412,369.40       51.2%       3,188,056.31     78.5%
    Office Furniture & Equipment        590,594.00          0.8%          187,684.41           32,089.25       31.8%               0.00     31.8%
    Client / General Assistance      32,417,327.00         43.7%       17,301,420.56          731,525.15       53.4%       3,914,242.65     65.4%
    Indirect Cost                     3,837,689.00          5.2%        3,094,481.50                0.00       80.6%         743,207.50    100.0%
    Total                            74,108,331.00        100.0%       48,000,111.17        1,280,850.36       64.8%       8,165,284.04     75.8%
                                                       Vocational Rehabilitation Grant
                                                     % of Total                        Expenditures in        %
                                     Budget           Budget       Expenditures           FY 2022          Expended    Encumbrances       % Used
    Personnel                        22,322,425.00         32.4%       19,007,837.04           67,767.61       85.2%          42,201.09     85.3%
    Travel                              557,200.00          0.8%          196,529.71           24,524.54       35.3%               0.00     35.3%
    General Operating                10,697,080.00         15.5%        5,433,453.74          368,929.41       50.8%       2,995,420.43     78.8%
    Office Furniture & Equipment        400,450.00          0.6%           87,530.64           30,493.25       21.9%               0.00     21.9%
    Client / General Assistance      31,329,424.00         45.5%       16,609,593.83          721,154.35       53.0%       3,187,454.70     63.2%
    Indirect Cost                     3,548,140.00          5.2%        2,836,121.53                0.00       79.9%         712,018.47    100.0%
    Total                            68,854,719.00        100.0%       44,171,066.49        1,212,869.16       64.2%       6,937,094.69     74.2%

Page 18
   8/17/2021                                                       Summary FY 21                                                          Page 2 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                              Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                 As of July 31 , 2021
                                                         All Programs
                                                  Oklahoma School for the Blind
                                                  % of Total                  Expenditures in           %
                                      Budget        Budget       Expenditures    FY 2022             Expended    Encumbrances % Used
    Personnel                      6,376,484.00       66.7%          5,900,214.46        93,507.05       92.5%        11,894.50     92.7%
    Travel                            53,000.00        0.6%             10,600.59         1,911.53       20.0%             0.00     20.0%
    General Operating              2,087,744.59       21.8%          1,100,509.94        36,527.91       52.7%       779,967.75     90.1%
    Office Furniture & Equipment     326,638.81        3.4%            192,074.26        24,760.43       58.8%        52,051.00     74.7%
    Client / General Assistance       73,000.00        0.8%             28,451.50             0.00       39.0%             0.00     39.0%
    Indirect Cost                    642,964.00        6.7%            577,425.77             0.00       89.8%        65,538.23    100.0%
    Total                          9,559,831.40      100.0%          7,809,276.52       156,706.92       81.7%       909,451.48     91.2%

Page 19
   8/17/2021                                                   Summary FY 21                                                      Page 3 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                               Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                  As of July 31 , 2021
                                                          All Programs
                                                   Oklahoma School for the Deaf
                                                   % of Total                  Expenditures in           %
                                       Budget        Budget       Expenditures    FY 2022             Expended    Encumbrances % Used
    Personnel                       7,787,361.00       45.9%          7,140,727.25        58,262.41       91.7%         10,039.46     91.8%
    Travel                             40,974.00        0.2%             12,248.59           152.95       29.9%            280.50     30.6%
    General Operating               6,758,416.54       39.8%          1,493,027.71        85,073.10       22.1%      1,051,510.32     37.6%
    Office Furniture & Equipment    1,129,459.00        6.7%            331,266.81        42,833.03       29.3%        128,075.22     40.7%
    Client / General Assistance       468,979.00        2.8%            214,413.57        10,813.74       45.7%         73,018.14     61.3%
    Indirect Cost                     791,297.00        4.7%            721,153.92             0.00       91.1%         70,143.08    100.0%
    Total                          16,976,486.54      100.0%          9,912,837.85       197,135.23       58.4%      1,333,066.72     66.2%

Page 20
   8/17/2021                                                    Summary FY 21                                                       Page 4 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                               Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                   As of July 31 , 2021
                                                              All Programs
                                                   Disability Determination Services
                                                    % of Total                  Expenditures in           %
                                       Budget         Budget       Expenditures    FY 2022             Expended    Encumbrances % Used
    Personnel                      36,322,769.00        65.6%        31,796,378.25        298,949.34       87.5%         72,059.12     87.7%
    Travel                            104,900.00         0.2%            19,796.95          1,686.18       18.9%         42,494.80     59.4%
    General Operating               5,943,090.00        10.7%         3,455,906.66        133,551.95       58.1%      1,404,249.97     81.8%
    Office Furniture & Equipment       59,432.00         0.1%            29,015.12             77.58       48.8%          2,707.44     53.4%
    Client / General Assistance     8,814,000.00        15.9%         6,226,392.78        283,402.61       70.6%      2,304,204.61     96.8%
    Indirect Cost                   4,123,309.00         7.4%         3,778,085.58              0.00       91.6%        345,223.42    100.0%
    Total                          55,367,500.00       100.0%        45,305,575.34        717,667.66       81.8%      4,170,939.36     89.4%

Page 21
   8/17/2021                                                     Summary FY 21                                                       Page 5 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                               Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                  As of July 31 , 2021
                                                            All Programs
                                                        DRS Support Services
                                                   % of Total                  Expenditures in           %
                                       Budget        Budget       Expenditures    FY 2022             Expended    Encumbrances % Used
    Personnel                       6,835,895.00       68.1%          6,375,146.79        38,808.42       93.3%        50,991.25     94.0%
    Travel                             53,000.00        0.5%             13,824.82         1,430.76       26.1%             0.00     26.1%
    General Operating               3,094,280.00       30.8%          1,828,052.79       132,860.53       59.1%       616,948.88     79.0%
    Office Furniture & Equipment       55,814.00        0.6%             37,455.15         1,494.01       67.1%             0.00     67.1%
    Client / General Assistance             0.00        0.0%                  0.00             0.00        0.0%             0.00      0.0%
    Indirect Cost                       6,116.00        0.1%              5,371.94             0.00       87.8%           744.06    100.0%
    Total                          10,045,105.00      100.0%          8,259,851.49       174,593.72       82.2%       668,684.19     88.9%

Page 22
   8/17/2021                                                    Summary FY 21                                                      Page 6 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                                                Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                             As of July 31 , 2021
   Salary Expense
   Insurance Premium -Health-Life, etc
   FICA-Retirement Contributions
   Travel - Agency Direct
   Travel - Reimbursements
   General Operating
   AFP Encumberances
   Bond Indebtness and Expenses
   Buildings-Purchase, Construction and Renovation
   General Operating
   Inter/Intre Agency Payment for Personal Services
   Maintenance & Repair
   Miscellaneous Administration Fee
   Professional Services
   Production, Safety, Security
   Refunds, Indemnities, Restitution
   Rent Expense
   Scholarships, Tuition and Other Incentive-Type Payments
   Shop Expense
   Specialized Supplies & Materials
   Office Furniture & Equipment
   Library Equipment & Resources
   Office Furniture & Equipment
   Client / General Assistance
   Social Service and Assistance Payments
   Indirect Cost

Page 23
   8/17/2021                                                               Summary FY 21             Page 7 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                            As of July 31 , 2021
                                                            All Programs
                                                          Agency Summary
                                                          % of Total                                 %
                                          Budget           Budget           Expenditures          Expended    Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                      84,266,785.00          54.0%              5,729,925.83        6.8%      78,466,863.17    99.9%
          Travel                            422,339.00           0.3%                  1,943.23        0.5%          39,830.00     9.9%
          General Operating              22,781,517.00          14.6%                677,602.89        3.0%      13,405,235.24    61.8%
          Office Furniture & Equipment      996,389.00           0.6%                  3,400.00        0.3%          22,913.00     2.6%
          Client / General Assistance    37,605,281.00          24.1%                783,499.21        2.1%      34,098,870.83    92.8%
          Indirect Cost                   9,910,814.00           6.4%                738,595.34        7.5%       9,172,218.66   100.0%
          Total                          155,983,125.00        100.0%              7,934,966.50        5.1%     135,205,930.90    91.8%

Page 24
          FY 22                                                    1 of 7                                                        8/13/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                            As of July 31 , 2021
                                                        All Programs
                          Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

                                                           % of Total                        %
                                              Budget         Budget          Expenditures Expended            Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       25,223,461.00         37.1%              1,638,699.81        6.5%      23,514,764.19    99.7%
          Travel                             229,900.00          0.3%                  1,758.45        0.8%               0.00     0.8%
          General Operating                9,910,664.00         14.6%                428,677.53        4.3%       6,775,037.26    72.7%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       378,699.00          0.6%                  3,400.00        0.9%          22,913.00     6.9%
          Client / General Assistance     28,470,281.00         41.9%                370,168.51        1.3%      25,698,201.53    91.6%
          Indirect Cost                    3,793,372.00          5.6%                287,174.92        7.6%       3,506,197.08   100.0%
          Total                           68,006,377.00        100.0%              2,729,879.22        4.0%      59,517,113.06    91.5%
                                                 Vocational Rehabilitation Grant

                                                          % of Total                                 %
                                          Budget           Budget           Expenditures          Expended    Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       22,559,616.00         35.4%              1,464,057.47        6.5%      21,095,560.53   100.0%
          Travel                             217,000.00          0.3%                  1,689.70        0.8%               0.00     0.8%
          General Operating                9,299,621.00         14.6%                417,475.18        4.5%       6,314,521.89    72.4%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       149,337.00          0.2%                      0.00        0.0%               0.00     0.0%
          Client / General Assistance     27,969,667.00         43.9%                368,854.05        1.3%      25,469,772.03    92.4%
          Indirect Cost                    3,534,966.00          5.5%                266,936.48        7.6%       3,268,029.52   100.0%
          Total                           63,730,207.00        100.0%              2,519,012.88        4.0%      56,147,883.97    92.1%

Page 25
          FY 22                                                    2 of 7                                                        8/13/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                         As of July 31 , 2021
                                                      All Programs
                                               Oklahoma School for the Blind

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended      Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       6,418,418.00        75.2%             463,205.00   7.2%      5,955,213.00   100.0%
          Travel                             31,000.00         0.4%                   0.00   0.0%            330.00     1.1%
          General Operating               1,086,670.00        12.7%               2,543.60   0.2%        928,977.22    85.7%
          Office Furniture & Equipment      263,305.00         3.1%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Client / General Assistance        73,000.00         0.9%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Indirect Cost                     660,439.00         7.7%              52,804.38   8.0%        607,634.62   100.0%
          Total                           8,532,832.00       100.0%             518,552.98   6.1%      7,492,154.84    93.9%

Page 26
          FY 22                                                 3 of 7                                                8/13/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                         As of July 31 , 2021
                                                       All Programs
                                                Oklahoma School for the Deaf

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended      Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       7,877,779.00        59.0%             548,180.76   7.0%      7,329,598.24   100.0%
          Travel                             40,439.00         0.3%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          General Operating               4,077,923.00        30.6%              10,790.65   0.3%        899,975.61    22.3%
          Office Furniture & Equipment      280,915.00         2.1%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Client / General Assistance       248,000.00         1.9%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Indirect Cost                     821,405.00         6.2%              57,899.09   7.0%        763,505.91   100.0%
          Total                          13,346,461.00       100.0%             616,870.50   4.6%      8,993,079.76    72.0%

Page 27
          FY 22                                                 4 of 7                                                8/13/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                         As of July 31 , 2021
                                                         All Programs
                                              Disability Determination Services

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended        Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                      37,632,354.00        67.0%             2,577,421.95   6.8%     35,054,932.05   100.0%
          Travel                             79,500.00         0.1%                     0.00   0.0%         39,500.00    49.7%
          General Operating               4,983,599.00         8.9%               136,515.24   2.7%      2,717,272.27    57.3%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       35,268.00         0.1%                     0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Client / General Assistance     8,814,000.00        15.7%               413,330.70   4.7%      8,400,669.30   100.0%
          Indirect Cost                   4,629,279.00         8.2%               340,298.50   7.4%      4,288,980.50   100.0%
          Total                          56,174,000.00       100.0%             3,467,566.39   6.2%     50,501,354.12    96.1%

Page 28
          FY 22                                                 5 of 7                                                  8/13/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                         As of July 31 , 2021
                                                         All Programs
                                                     DRS Support Services

                                                         % of Total                      %
                                             Budget        Budget        Expenditures Expended      Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       7,114,773.00        71.7%             502,418.31   7.1%      6,612,355.69   100.0%
          Travel                             41,500.00         0.4%                 184.78   0.4%              0.00     0.4%
          General Operating               2,722,661.00        27.4%              99,075.87   3.6%      2,083,972.88    80.2%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       38,202.00         0.4%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Client / General Assistance             0.00         0.0%                   0.00   0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Indirect Cost                       6,319.00         0.1%                 418.46   6.6%          5,900.54   100.0%
          Total                           9,923,455.00       100.0%             602,097.42   6.1%      8,702,229.11    93.8%

Page 29
          FY 22                                                 6 of 7                                                8/13/2021
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                                           Financial Status Report FY 22
                                                                    As of July 31 , 2021
          Salary Expense
          Insurance Premium -Health-Life, etc
          FICA-Retirement Contributions
          Travel - Agency Direct
          Travel - Reimbursements
          General Operating
          AFP Encumberances
          Bond Indebtness and Expenses
          Buildings-Purchase, Construction and Renovation
          General Operating
          Inter/Intre Agency Payment for Personal Services
          Maintenance & Repair
          Miscellaneous Administration Fee
          Professional Services
          Production, Safety, Security
          Refunds, Indemnities, Restitution
          Rent Expense
          Scholarships, Tuition and Other Incentive-Type Payments
          Shop Expense
          Specialized Supplies & Materials
          Office Furniture & Equipment
          Library Equipment & Resources
          Office Furniture & Equipment
          Client / General Assistance
          Social Service and Assistance Payments
          Indirect Cost

Page 30
          FY 22                                                            7 of 7               8/13/2021
Page 31
                                                             AS OF AUGUST 31, 2021
                                                                        FILLED AND VACANT POSITIONS
            Personnel Activity = 20 vacant positions filled / 41 positions in Announcement or Selection Process / 74 OSB and OSD Contracts Renewed FY 2022

 Division             Title/PIN                              Date Vacated   Location       Begin date      End date      Ann. #    Action/Incumbent      Date Filled
                      External Relations Coordinator,
 EXE                  4738 / 1052                             04/30/2022    EXE             08/09/2021    09/08/2021     22-015    Currently Open
                                                                                                                                   Applicant List Sent
 FSD                  Accountant / 1063                       08/01/2021    FSD             08/04/2021    08/17/2021     22-012    08/19/2021
                      Disability Determination Specialist     04/01/2021
 DDS                  / 1391, 1291                            04/01/2021    DDS             07/26/2021    07/30/2021     22-006    Christy Hall          08/23/2021
                      Administrative Programs Officer /
 DDS                  0685                                    08/02/2016    DDS             02/10/2021    02/17/2021     21-048    James Adams           07/01/2021
                                                                                                                                   Applicant list sent
 OSB                  Direct Care Specialist / 0638           01/01/2021    OSB             08/05/2021    08/18/2021    22-001.1   08/23/2021
 OSB                  Food Service Specialist / 0915          06/01/2021    OSB             07/08/2021    07/21/2021     22-002    Tracy Knowles         08/09/2021
                      Construction/Maintenance                                                                                     Applicant list sent
 OSB                  Technician / 0256                       03/01/2019    OSB             07/19/2021    08/02/2021     22-005    08/05/2021
                      Nursing Service Supervisor, 8133
 OSB                  / 0851                                  10/14/2021    OSB             08/16/2021    Continuous     22-017    Currently Open
 OSB                  Teacher / 0631                          07/31/2021    OSB             04/22/2021    Continuous     21-070    Elisha Moore          08/01/2021
 OSB                  Food Service Manager / 0678             06/01/2021    OSB             05/20/2021    Continuous    21-053.1   Machel Thornton       07/14/2021
                      Direct Care Specialist / 0028,          08/01/2021
 OSD                  0746, 0660, 0941                        08/05/2021    OSD             08/18/2021    Continuous    22-003.1   Currently Open
 OSD                  LPN, 2603 / 0549                        04/22/2021    OSD             08/23/2021    Continuous    22-007.1   Currently Open
                                                                                                                                   Applicant list sent
 OSD                  Food Service Specialist / 0486          03/01/2020    OSD             08/03/2021    08/16/2021     22-008    08/18/2021
                                                                                                                                   Applicant list sent
 OSD                  Teaching Assistant / 0182               08/19/2021    OSD             08/03/2021    08/16/2021     22-009    08/18/2021
 OSD                  Fleet Specialist / 0348                 05/01/2021    OSD             08/03/2021    08/09/2021     22-010    No applicants
                      Manual Sign Language Specialist                                                                              Applicant List Sent
 OSD                  / 0261                                  08/01/2021    OSD             08/03/2021    08/16/2021     22-011    08/18/2021
                      Construction/Maintenance Tech /
 OSD                  0607                                    08/17/2021    OSD             08/04/2021    08/09/2021     22-013    Heath Freeborn        08/17/2021

Page 32
          Construction/Maintenance Tech /    09/01/2021
 OSD      0701, 1042, 0190                   08/01/2021     OSD            08/05/2021   08/18/2021    22-014     Currently Open
 OSD      Counselor, 2240 / 1028             08/06/2021     OSD            08/16/2021   08/30/2021    22-016     Currently Open

                                             08/01/2013                                                          Applicant list sent
 OSD      Teaching Assistant / 0060          05/20/2021     OSD            08/23/2021   08/27/2021    21-084.1   08/31/2021
                                             07/31/2021                                                          Alexandra Gunter      08/16/2021
 OSD      Teacher / 0192, 0054, 0089         07/31/2021     OSD            02/09/2021   Continuous    21-046     Kara Floyd            08/01/2021
 OSD      Teaching Assistant / 0648          02/27/2021     OSD            02/29/2021   02/23/2021    21-047     Mosshart              08/01/2021
                                                                                                                 Sean Thomas
 OSD      Counselor I / 0247                 08/14/2017     OSD            07/22/2020   Continuous    21-003     Sledd                 08/01/2021
          Vocational Rehabilitation
 VR       Specialist / 0228                    07/01/2021   VR67 -Tulsa    06/07/2021   Continuous     21-085    Currently Open
 VR       Programs Manager / 0101              08/01/2021   VR             05/25/2021   Continuous     21-081    Valyncia Wilson       07/12/2021
          Vocational Rehabilitation
 VR       Specialist / 1190                    03/27/2021   VR08 – Enid    04/28/2021    05/25/2021    21-073    Currently Open
          Vocational Rehabilitation                                                                              Theresa von
 VR       Specialist / 0831                    04/15/2021   VR08 – Enid    04/28/2021   Continuous      21-072   Schultes              08/02/2021
 VR       Rehabilitation Technician / 0699     06/08/2020   VR63 – Alva    07/27/2021   08/02/2021    21-071.2   Currently Open
          Vocational Rehabilitation                         VR06 –
 VR       Specialist / 0764                    03/06/2021   Duncan         08/16/2021   Continuous    21-069.2   Currently Open
                                                            VR82 –
 VR       Secretary / 0086                     05/01/2021   Tulsa          04/20/2021   Continuous     21-067    Glenda Ford           07/01/2021
 VR       Rehabilitation Technician / 0653     09/01/2020   VR02 – Altus   04/19/2021   05/03/2021     21-066    Kina Wiley            07/14/2021
          Programs Field Representative /
 VR       1211                                 09/18/2020   Statewide      04/19/2021    05/18/2021    21-065    Stacey Dutton         08/09/2021
          Vocational Rehabilitation
 VR       Specialist / 0776                    04/01/2021   VR86 – Ada     04/14/2021   Continuous     21-063    Currently Open
          Vocational Rehabilitation                                                                              Applicant list sent
 VR       Specialist / 0443                    04/03/2021   VR47 – OKC     07/22/2021    07/26/2021   21-062.1   08/03/2021
                                                            VR66 –
 VR       Rehabilitation Technician / 1050     10/19/2019   Tulsa          04/09/2021   Continuous     21-060    Currently Open
 VR       Rehabilitation Technician / 0783     02/01/2020   VR23 – OKC     04/09/2021   Continuous     21-059    Veronica Hicks        07/01/2021
          Vocational Rehabilitation                         VR12 –
 VR       Specialist / 0478                    03/01/2021   Lawton         04/02/2021   Continuous     21-056    Currently Open

Page 33
Vocational Rehabilitation                               VR80 –
 VR           Specialist / 0516                         08/01/2019    Tulsa           07/28/2021      Continuous     21-054.1   Currently Open
              Vocational Rehabilitation
 VR           Specialist / 0750                         02/01/2021    VR19 – OKC      06/07/2021       06/11/2021    21-049.1   Eddie Flores          07/19/2021
              Vocational Rehabilitation                               VR67 –
 VR           Specialist / 0567                         09/01/2020    Tulsa           12/22/2020      Continuous     21-028.1   Currently Open
              Vocational Rehabilitation
 VR           Specialist / 0255                         11/13/2020    VR23 – OKC      11/24/2020      Continuous      21-030    Currently Open
              Vocational Rehabilitation                               VR07 –
 VR           Specialist / 1077                         10/01/2019    Durant          08/06/2021      Continuous     21-006.2   Currently Open
              Vocational Rehabilitation                               VR18 –
 VR           Specialist / 0627                         07/08/2020    Muskogee        08/18/2021      Continuous     21-007.2   Currently Open
              Vocational Rehabilitation                               SBVI 58 –
 SBVI         Specialist / 0083                         07/01/2021    Ada             07/19/2021      Continuous    22-004      Currently Open
              Business Services Coordinator,                                                                                    Yasmin Avila
 SBVI         6455 / 1170                               08/01/2021       TBD         05/20/2021     Continuous 21-079           Guillen               07/16/2021
              Vocational Rehabilitation                                  SBVI 69 –                                              Applicant list sent
 SBVI         Specialist / 0669                           05/29/2021 Weatherford     08/09/2021     08/13/2021 21-080.2         08/17/2021
              Administrative Programs Officer /                          SBVI 72 –
 SBVI         0009                                        01/01/2021 OKC             04/29/2021     05/12/2021 21-074          Linsey Sanders         08/01/2021
                                                                         SBVI 64 –                                             Applicant list sent
 SBVI         Rehabilitation Technician / 0711            04/07/2021 Tulsa           07/06/2021     07/19/2021 21-068.1 07/22/2021
              Vocational Rehabilitation                                  SBVI 84 –
 SBVI         Specialist / 0709                           01/01/2021 McAlester       02/01/2021     Continuous 21-037.1 Currently Open
              Assistive Technology Specialist /                          SBVI 58 –
 SBVI         1112                                        07/01/2020 Ada             01/29/2021     Continuous 21-041          Delbert Walters        07/01/2021
              Rehabilitation of the Blind                                SBVI 91 -
 SBVI         Specialist / 0218                           09/01/2020 Tulsa           01/29/2021     Continuous 21-042          Currently Open
                                                                         SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         Business Manager / 0785                     02/01/2020 BEP             08/04/2020     Continuous 21-009          Currently Open
              Vending Operations Manager /                               SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         1486                                        05/28/2020 BEP             08/14/2020     Continuous 21-012          Currently Open
              Vending Machine Technician /                               SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         0167                                        02/20/2020 BEP             08/31/2020     Continuous 21-014          Currently Open
              Vending Facility Business                                  SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         Consultant / 0134                           11/23/2019 OKC BEP         12/10/2019     Continuous 20-064          Currently Open
          Waiting for E-List = Waiting to receive electronic applicant log from HCM.
          Pending Approval= Waiting for unclassified appointments to be approved by director and cabinet secretary to establish
NOTE:     an effective date

Page 34

                                                    As of August 31, 2021


          Retirement = 5
          1 = 39 years, 1 month
          1 = 22 years, 9 months
          1 = 11 years, 10 months
          1 = 41 years, 4 months
          1 = 28 years

          Resignation = 2
          1 = 7 years 9 months
          1 = 5 years 7 months

          Retirement = 1
          1 = 7 years, 1 month

          Resignation = 1
          1 = 2 years, 11 months

          Retirement = 1
          1 = 6 years 11 months

          Resignation = 3
          1 = 14 years 9 months
          1 = 2 years, 1 month
          1 = 1 year

Page 35
          Retirement = 7
          1 = 22 years 11 months
          1 = 32 years 11 months
          1 = 6 years
          1 = 3 years
          1 = 29 years 11 months
          1 = 7 years
          1 = 28 years 11 months

          Resignation = 12
          1 = 10 years 8 months
          1 = 11 years
          1 = 12 years 4 months
          1 = 4 years 11 months
          1 = 12 years 9 months
          1 = 10 years 11 months
          1 = 2 years 5 months
          1 = 9 years 1 month
          1 = 2 years 6 months
          1 = 1 year
          1 = 1 year 11 months
          1 = 8 years 11 months

          Retirement = 2
          1 = 12 years 1 month
          1 = 16 years 8 months

          Resignation = 5
          1 = 8 months
          1 = 2 months
          1 = 6 years 11 months
          1 = 6 years 5 months
          1 = 1 month

Page 36
                                                                 FY 2022
                                                                FTE as of August 31, 2021

                                   DIVISION                     BUDGETED FTE      FILLED       PENDING     EXEMPT     TOTAL FILLED PLUS PENDING
                                                                                                                          MINUS EXEMPT FTE
            Support Services (Executive/MSD/FSD)                        79.3        74.00           2.00     (1.00)                      75.00
            Vocational Rehabilitation                                  237.8       206.00          13.00     (4.00)                     215.00
            Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired               113.5        96.00           9.00     (3.00)                     102.00
            VR/SBVI-DP                                                  2.00         2.00           0.00     (0.00)                       2.00
            Oklahoma School for the Blind                               99.0        96.00           3.00       0.00                      99.00
            Oklahoma School for the Deaf                               127.3       104.00          14.00       0.00                     118.00

            Total (NON-EXEMPT)                                         658.9       578.00          41.00     (8.00)                     611.00

            Disability Determination Services (EXEMPT)                 395.3       376.00           1.00    (378.3)                     377.00

            TOTAL NON-EXEMPT & EXEMPT                                 1054.2       954.00          42.00    (386.3)                     988.00

            FY 22 Budgetary Limit = 1255
           * Authorized agency FTE limit does not include Executive Fellow and SWIP appointments

          ROUTING TO: Melinda Fruendt, Director
                      Kevin Statham, Chief Financial Officer
                      Randy Weaver, Chief of Operations
                      Tom Patt, Human Resources Program Director
                      Dana Tallon, Public Information Manager II
                      Carol Brown, Executive Assistant
                      Rosemarie Chitwood, Secretary V
                      Brett Jones, Public Information Officer III

Page 37
Page 38
          Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
                   from Oklahoma ABLE Tech
                  July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
Alternative Financing Program Report
Descriptive Data
Types of Alternative Financing Loan Model
         A. Direct Loan
         B. Interest Rate Buy-Down Loan
         C. Guaranteed/Interest Rate Buy-Down Loan
Name of Partners
         A. Lead Agency: Oklahoma ABLE Tech
         B. Community Based Organization: Oklahoma Assistive Technology
            Foundation (OkAT)
         C. Lending Institutions: BancFirst of Stillwater
Loan Program Features: Range of loan amounts that program generally provides:
There are no minimum or maximum loan amount restrictions for unsecured loans
or vehicle loans. Home accessibility modification loans are limited to $25,000.
Loans for the past year ranged from $225 to $32,126 with an average loan size of
Interest rates provided to borrower: All loans had an interest rate of 5% fixed over
the term of the loan. OkAT bought down the interest rate for BancFirst loans from
7.0% for secured/guaranteed loans and from 9.0% for unsecured loans.
Repayment terms that program generally provides: The program generally offers
terms of 12-60 months for unsecured and secured loans. Shortest loan term was 5
Total loan fund capacity as of June 30, 2021: Total dollars available for closing
new loans is $1,261,546.

                                                                                Page 39
Restrictions on Types of Devices Purchased: The loan program does not restrict
the type of AT a borrower can purchase.

Portfolio Performance - Alternative Financing Program (AFP)
   A. Outstanding loans, for which the principal was not paid in full, as of June
      30, 2021, of Guaranteed and Direct loans for which the loan program
      could incur losses:
       Type of Loan          Number of Loans Outstanding Principal Balance
       Guaranty Loans               136           $687,177
       Direct Loans                 289           $674,658
       Total                        425           $1,361,835

   B. Losses this past year as from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
      Total dollar amount of net losses (money lost on direct loans and guarantee
      payouts minus recoveries from collateral or payments): $60,071
      Number of loans defaulted as of June 30, 2021: 24
   C. Outstanding loans, for which the principal was not paid in full, as of June
      30, 2021, of non-guaranteed loans for which the loan program cannot
      incur losses.
      Total number of outstanding loans: 86
      Total dollar amount of principal still outstanding: $419,800

Loan Information
A. Number of Applications received
 Application Status for Metro vs. Non-Metro           Metro     Non-Metro Total
Number of applications approved - loan made             113          82        195
Number of applications approved - loan not made          23          18        41
Number of applications rejected                          76          51        127
Total                                                   212          151       363

                                                                             Page 40
B. Income of borrowers - Average gross income of all borrowers: $44,662
Annual Gross    $15,000    $15,001 to   $30,001 to     $45,001 to   $60,001 to      $75,001
Income Range    or Less    $30,000      $45,000        $60,000      $75,000         or More
Number of Loans     16         49           59             27            19            25

C. Loans closed from July 1, 2020 to June 30.2021
 Type of Loan                                   Number          Total Dollar Amount
 Direct Loan                                      104                        $412,015
 Preferred Interest Rate Buy-Down Loans           54                         $387,594
 Preferred Guaranteed & Buy-Down Loans            37                         $274,121
 Total all loans                                  195                      $1,073,730

D. Type of AT purchased from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
 Type of AT                                     Number                        Total Dollar
                                                Devices                          Amount
 Hearing                                                323                     $741,014
 Vehicle modifications and transportation                20                     $321,056
 Daily Living                                              5                      $7,458
 Environmental Adaptation                                  0                           $0
 Vision                                                    2                      $3,227
 Speech Communication                                      1                         $469
 Computer Related                                          1                         $506
 Mobility, Seating, and Positioning                        0                           $0
 Total                                                  352                   $1,073,730

E. Purpose of AT
    Education       Employment          Community Living                Total
       1                  53                     141                     195

                                                                                    Page 41
Creating an Accessible Workforce System for All
A collaboration between the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and
Oklahoma ABLE Tech
   • Complete Any Previous Years’ initiatives:
        o Continue outreach to other System Partners such as Oklahoma
            Career and Technology Education and OSU OKC; and the Oklahoma
            Employment Security Commission (OESC).
                 The pandemic slowed progress, as did the Office of
                   Workforce Development (OOWD) moving from OSU in
                   Oklahoma City to the Department of Commerce. However in
                   February, 2021, we began to meet regularly again to discuss
                   implementing the STAR self-assessment process at the local
                   Board Area level and to create a Course Catalog that will
                   contain training and information that will help Board Areas to
                   achieve higher levels of certification under the STAR process.
                   Now that momentum has picked back up, we anticipate that
                   things will move ahead more quickly over the next contract
   • Provide technical assistance on technology accessibility to the Oklahoma
     Department of Career Technology and Education to ensure accessibility of
     the its digital properties. Many of its systems are utilized by job seekers
     who use the services of the American Job Centers statewide. Therefore,
     systems need to be fully accessible for those job seekers with disabilities.
        o ABLE Tech did not have an opportunity to engage with CareerTech
            during the contract year.
   • Provide technical assistance to the Oklahoma Office of Workforce
     Development (OOWD) regarding technology in its existing and possible new
     digital properties to ensure that Oklahomans with disabilities can fully
     access all workforce resources provided by its website. Content and
     applications on the website is designed to connect employers, employees
     and job seekers to information and programs that help build Oklahoma’s
        o This continues, especially within the Access for All team. OOWD has
            chosen Adobe’s Captivate product line and Connect virtual meeting
            environment to create learning material that will go into the Course

                                                                           Page 42
Catalog mentioned above. We have discussed accessibility in the
         platform and in the content that goes into the platform. Most
         recently we discussed what Adobe Connect can and cannot do with
         respect to both automatic and human-provided captions.
• Continue with creation of employment-related tips and fact sheets:
      o ABLE Tech took the opportunity during the pandemic to update
         existing fact sheets and quick reference guides. We also moved
         most from PDF format to native HTML web pages. The updated fact
         sheets and quick reference guides are here (
• Implement the STAR rubric as a methodology for evaluating physical,
  technology and programmatic access across the Workforce Board Areas.
  The STAR rubric provides Area staff and Partners with a series of
  benchmarks. Benchmarks align with a star rating, currently on a scale of 1-
  5. Benchmarks for technology accessibility are mixed in with benchmarks
  for customer service and outreach activities. Those two areas are where
  Board Areas and Partners most often use technology to interact with Job
  Seekers. The aim is to help Areas and Partners to have a model based on
  continuous improvement rather than a strict pass or fail approach.
  Activities to indicate meeting a benchmark may include participation in
  remote or face-to-face training, assessment of accessibility in digital
  products or assessments in a learning management system. As
  opportunities arise, our methods to evaluate progress may expand or
      o One of the most significant developments during the contract year
         was the joint issue of Oklahoma Workforce Development Issuance
         #11-2020. This formalized the STAR self-assessment process and
         rubric for local Workforce Development Boards as a requirement
         and set an initial deadline of fall, 2021 for the self-assessments to
         be complete.
• Continue to provide training and resources for DRS employee
  representatives on Local Workforce Boards, one-stop operators and other
  core Partner personnel to build capacity regarding Access for All initiatives
  with particular focus on the Access for All Certification process utilizing the
  above mentioned STAR rubric. The format, duration and content of
  trainings will vary based on content and audience needs.

                                                                            Page 43
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