Page created by Ross Mcdonald
Mobile identity, enabling the digital world        3

                         ABOUT THE GSMA
                         The GSMA represents the interests of mobile
                         operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators
                         with almost 300 companies in the broader mobile     Executive summary                                                                        4
                         ecosystem, including handset and device makers,
                         software companies, equipment providers and
                         internet companies, as well as organisations in     Introduction                                                                             5
                         adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces
                         industry-leading events such as Mobile World
                                                                             Mobile operator identity – a timeline                                                   6
                         Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai
                         and the Mobile 360 Series conferences.
                                                                             Mobile operators’ evolving identity capabilities and services                           9
                         For more information, please visit the GSMA
                         corporate website at www.gsma.com
                                                                             Digital identity verification and authentication                                        13

                         Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA
                                                                             Fraud detection and prevention                                                           18

                                                                             Financial identity and credit scoring                                                   21

                                                                             Optimising trust and scale for digital identity                                         23

                                                                             Closing remarks                                                                          26
First edition January 2020
4                      Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                     Mobile identity, enabling the digital world   5

       1             EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

                                                                                  DIGITAL IDENTITY SYSTEMS                                   MOBILE OPERATORS GAINING
                                                                                  GROWING IN IMPORTANCE                                      SIGNIFICANT TRACTION IN
                                                                                  In 2018 the average number of online accounts              DIGITAL IDENTITY
                                                                                  requiring a password was estimated to be 23 per            Worldwide, mobile operators are recognising and
                                                                                  user, however the average number of passwords              commercially deploying their unique digital identity
                                                                                  was just 13.1 Some estimates even suggest users            tools and resources. A conservative estimate of mobile
                                                                                  re-use passwords as many as five times across              operator authentication services puts their monthly
                                                                                  different accounts – meaning that with just one            active users at close to 1 billion. Mobile Connect, the
                                                                                  data breach, fraudsters could gain access to               secure universal log-in solution developed by the
                                                                                  multiple sites via a single credential.2 Add to this       GSMA and its members, has now been adopted by
                                                                                  the 4.5 billion records3 already exposed worldwide         70 operators in 40 countries. Furthermore, operators
                                                                                  in the first half of 2018, then the threat from            are entering new markets beyond authentication
                                                                                  identity fraud becomes very real, and just part of         including fraud detection & prevention and credit
                                                                                  the reason why secure digital identity is growing in       scoring with growing numbers of businesses looking
                                                                                  importance for the digital economy – the challenge         to adopt these operator services directly and through
                                                                                  will be to balance improved security with an               operators’ channel partners.
                                                                                  improved user experience.
                                                                                                                                             OPTIMISING TRUST AND SCALE
                                                                                                                                             ARE PRIMARY FACTORS FOR
    DIGITAL IDENTITY RELIANT ON                                                   OPERATORS’ MOBILE IDENTITY                                 SUCCESS IN DIGITAL IDENTITY
    MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES, DEVICES                                                  ‘TOOLKIT’ HELPS THE DIGITAL
                                                                                                                                             Affirming businesses’ trust in their customers
    AND NETWORKS                                                                  WORLD GO ROUND                                             and transactions is a primary purpose of digital
    ‘Mobile identity’ refers to the mobile technologies,                          Mobile operators have a unique set of tools and            identity systems. To achieve this subscribers must
    systems, devices and networks used to facilitate                              capabilities which provide critical value to the digital   trust identity services if they are to share their
    digital identity services – services which are often                          identity ecosystem helping the digital world go round.     data, and identity services must be trusted by
    reliant on the ubiquitous coverage of cellular                                These tools include: know-your-customer (KYC)              businesses if they are to sell products derived from
    networks that have over 5 billion mobile subscribers                          datasets, which operators are regulated to maintain,       that data. Trust both ways is critical, but without
    worldwide in 2020.4 Recent analysis from Juniper                              that can help with on-boarding and                         optimum scale that trust cannot be converted
    Research estimates that growth in mobile digital                              identity verification; or changes in the pairing           into commercially viable propositions. This paper
    identity solutions could exceed 800% over the next                            between subscriber, device and network, that can           considers three factors critical for trust, and three
    five years, as emerging economies turn to mobile by                           indicate potential fraud. Tools such as these are          critical for scale, which together can yield success in
    default. This research also shows that unique mobile                          collectively referred to in this paper as the ‘mobile      digital identity. For trust we will examine security by
    identifier services could become the primary source                           identity toolkit’. This paper discusses mobile             design, transparent trust endorsements, and control
    of identification for over 3 billion people by 2024 –                         operators’ existing tools for mobile identity –            and privacy for the user. For achieving scale, we will
    providing significant potential for mobile operators                          and opportunities to develop new ones                      look at interoperability and federation, partnerships
    to play a primary role in digital identity.5                                  leveraging big data, artificial intelligence and           and collaboration, and compelling business value.
                                                                                  behavioural biometrics.

1    World Password Survey, McAfee, 2018
2    The 2019 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report, Ponemon Institute 2018
3    Gemalto’s Breach Level Index, 2018
4    GSMA Intelligence, 2020
5    Digital Identity: Technology Evolution, Regulatory Analysis & Forecasts, Juniper Research, 2019
6                      Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                Mobile identity, enabling the digital world   7

      2                INTRODUCTION

Digital identity is described by the GSMA, the World Bank, and the Secure
Identity Alliance as “a collection of electronically captured and stored identity
attributes that uniquely describe a [real] person within a given context and
are used for electronic transactions.” Having a digital identity proves that we
are who we say we are online – but having too many passwords to remember
often makes our registration and login experience inconvenient, meaning we
give up.

Essentially there are two approaches that                                               reducing the estimated 1.1 billion ‘unidentified’ users
could make life easier for users. Firstly, a                                            to zero by 2030 – and a wave of globally influential
unified or common digital login:6 a single set of                                       new regulation from Europe and elsewhere
authentication credentials to remember and use                                          (including GDPR, eIDAS, PSD2 and AML) is aimed
as a universal login across multiple websites would                                     respectively at improving data protection, federating
go some way in solving the problem. Secondly,                                           common digital IDs, strengthening customer
if the user had a single verified digital identity                                      authentication, and addressing money laundering.
with a single set of credentials from the very                                          Compliance pressures from these stringent new
beginning, entirely under their ownership and                                           laws are directly driving online business spend
control, it could be used to log in directly or to set                                  on identity services, data management, and
up a separate common digital login. Convenient                                          cybersecurity systems, with the average cost of
and secure digital identity solutions such as these                                     KYC and customer due diligence (CDD) compliance
are increasingly important to underpin the digital                                      for a financial firm rising to $60 million.9
economy, where they can drive business revenues.
Recent estimates from McKinsey Global Institute                                         Digital identity systems are becoming a functional
across seven countries suggest that successful                                          pillar of the internet, and mobile identity tools play
deployment of digital identity could enable                                             a growing role in making them more accessible,
incremental economic growth in developing                                               robust and secure.
markets – equivalent to as much as 13% of GDP by
2030 – and up to 3% in more developed markets.7

With fraud and cybercrime estimated to cost
organisations $5.2 trillion8 globally over the next
five years, business demand for trustworthy and
qualified customers is growing fast, catalysed by
the effects of international policy and regulation
on identity systems. The UN’s Sustainable
Development Goal no. 16.9 (‘Legal Identity for All’)
focuses global initiatives on

6   Common digital identity is used to represent alternative phrases including unified, reusable, universal or Federated Identity
7   Digital Identification: a key to inclusive growth, McKinsey Global Institute, 2019
8   https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/security/cost-cybercrime-study
9   Thomson Reuters Know Your Customer Surveys, 2016
8          Mobile identity, enabling the digital world


For some years mobile operators have recognised the importance of taking
a role in digital identity and have deployed services and solutions in response.
Our timeline over the last 5 years illustrates significant landmarks and some
key successes that have been achieved by mobile operators by acting on the
commercial value of their unique identity assets and resources (figure 1):
Mobile identity, enabling the digital world           9

Authentication   Fraud prevention & detection   Credit scoring     Landmark statistics       Regulation

                                                                                Source: GSMA Intelligence
10              Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                              Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                 11

Mobile operators, particularly those with a                   with the growing demand for identity solutions:
significant programme of value added services
have initiated their identity journey by launching
                                                              Mobile-ID is a secure digital ID in Estonia from
                                                              EMT, Elisa and Tele-2 for accessing e-services and                                    4         MOBILE OPERATORS’ EVOLVING
single-sign-on (SSO) authentication to enable                 digitally signing documents with over 200,000                                                   IDENTITY CAPABILITIES AND SERVICES
convenient and qualified access to these services             users; Swiss Mobile ID login and signature solution
as well as to their customer care portals, with the           launched by Swisscom in 2013 has now been
purpose of driving their usage and reducing cost              adopted by all operators there, and has 3 million         Mobile operators are making considerable progress in the field of digital
in managing dozens of access points; for instance,            SIM cards in circulation.                                 identity by unlocking their under-utilised but valuable mobile identity assets
this is why Turkcell launched ‘Fast Login’ in 2016,                                                                     and resources referred to here as ‘mobile identity tools’. The mobile identity
an authentication solution that now has 23 million            Now dozens of mobile operators are developing
                                                                                                                        toolkit contains databases, services and resources based on mobile technologies,
registered users.                                             their mobile identity ‘toolkits’ to create new identity
                                                              products, services and capabilities that are helping
                                                                                                                        devices, networks and BSS/OSS systems. It contains existing tools that many
But initiating authentication for their own services          to enable the digital economy. More                       operators already offer to the digital identity ecosystem and potential ‘future’
has just been the start for operators, it wasn’t long         announcements in 2019 have seen leading US                tools for operators to develop. An indicative range of mobile operators’ digital
before online businesses recognised that adopting             operators (AT&T; Sprint; T-Mobile and Verizon),           identity tools is illustrated in figure 3 and explained in the following section:
operator authentication could attract operator                launch ‘ZenKey’, a common digital login; and
                                                                                                                           FIGURE 3: OPERATORS’ MOBILE IDENTITY TOOLKIT
subscribers with easy login as well; for instance by          Russian operators (Beeline, MegaFon, MTS and
2016 PASS, the authentication solution developed              Tele2 ) launch Mobile Connect, the industry’s
by SKT and leading South Korean operators, had                federated digital identity solution, to third party                                                                                  KEY
been opened up to third parties now numbering as              service providers.                                                                        Fraud Detection & Prevention   Identity Verification & Authentication        Financial ID & Credit Scoring
many as 32,000 partner companies.
                                                              The last 5 years have shown mobile operators
E-commerce is a global marketplace where                      achieve measurable traction in the digital identity
national borders can become barriers to expansion             field. In 2019, it is estimated the industry has
unless a solution can be found to ease cross border           reached nearly 1 billion Monthly Active Users
transactions. Something that was appreciated                  (MAU) of MSISDN-based authentication services
by the mobile industry 5 years ago leading to                 alone, with conservative estimates putting that
the genesis of Mobile Connect, developed by the               figure at 2.2 billion by 2025, a growth rate of 17%
GSMA and its members, to federate operator                    CAGR (see figure 2).
authentication solutions to do just that. Launched
                                                              FIGURE 2: MOBILE OPERATOR
in 2014, Mobile Connect has now been deployed                 MSISDN-BASED AUTHENTICATION
by 70 operators across 40 countries.                          MAU ESTIMATES

However, other operators started their identity
journey from a different place, preferring to target                                                   1.8bn

legitimate or consented data services to help                                                  1.5bn
businesses trust and qualify their customers,                                          1.3bn

comply with regulation, and fight fraud. UK                                    1.1bn

                                                                                                                        Source: GSMA Intelligence
operators (O2; Vodafone UK, Three UK and EE) for               0.9bn

example launched Account Takeover Protection
(ATP) services in 2015 to provide businesses with
signals for detection and prevention of fraud.
                                                               2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025
Mobile operators are realising the digital identity           Source: GSMA Intelligence
opportunity by matching their unique assets
12                   Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                       Mobile identity, enabling the digital world         13

                                                                                                                           FUTURE TOOL:                                                                 FRAUD SIGNALS
     4.1           MOBILE IDENTITY                                                                                         eIDV- IDENTITY AND DOCUMENT
                                                                                                                           VERIFICATION SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mobile operators can monitor the pairing between
                   TOOLS FOR IDENTITY                                                                                                                                                                   subscriber (IMSI), phone number (MSISDN) and
                   VERIFICATION AND                                                                                        Electronic identity verification (eIDV) verifies a                           device (IMEI) identifiers, any change being an
                                                                                                                                                                                                        indicator of a potential ‘account takeover’ (ATO)
                   AUTHENTICATION                                                                                          person is who they claim to be by attempting to
                                                                                                                           match information gathered at registration or                                fraud. Combinations of dynamic network data such
                                                                                                                           login with a range of public and private databases                           as call forwarding and SIM swap information can
                                                                                                                                                                                                        provide important fraud signals in real time.
OPERATOR SINGLE                                                    effectively creating a common unified login.            including mobile operator information, credit bureau
FACTOR AUTHENTICATION                                              Operators’ ability to drive scale for their             data, social security, police, and vehicle history
                                                                   authentication services is boosted when they are        data. Personal ID documents including driver’s                               FUTURE TOOL: FRAUD
Many operators have rolled out their own SSO                       designed to be internationally federated, essential     licenses, passports, birth certificates, social security                     AND AUTHENTICATION HUB
authentication for convenient access across their                  for the national and cross-border coverage              cards and citizenship certificates can be used for                           Operators are already working to integrate
own value-added services, normally using SMS                       required to attract major third-party service           verification when combined with digital proofing                             legacy data silos across cybersecurity, network
OTP, USSD or header enrichment authenticating                      providers.                                              techniques. These proofing techniques utilise AI and                         management, customer service, service
technologies. The mobile operator does this by                                                                             machine learning to confirm the co-presence of a                             assurance and separate vendor partners. Holistic
verifying that the user accessing the business is in
                                                                   FUTURE TOOL: CONTINUOUS                                 ‘liveness-proved12’ face shot or video with their ID                         consideration of big data from an engineering
control of the MSISDN associated with the account                                                                          document, then authenticate the document, and if
holder. Authentication mechanisms can also be
                                                                   ADAPTIVE AUTHENTICATION                                                                                                              and data science perspective and the application
                                                                                                                           necessary add knowledge-based user attributes,                               of AI and machine learning to it could bring the
used when required to gain authorisation or consent                In the last few years AI is being applied in a new      and wallet-based factors to verify a person’s                                power of ‘optimised combinations’ to the mobile
from users for the sharing of their data.                          approach called the continuous adaptive risk & trust    identity. Mobile operators are well placed to offer                          identity toolkit; that is the massive potential
                                                                   approach (CARTA10). This approach considers both        a service like this and enhance it with additional                           coming from so many different combinations
OPERATOR MULTI-FACTOR                                              trust and risk as dynamic properties best assessed      security factors that come from their ability to pair                        of under-utilised and diverse data sets will
AUTHENTICATION                                                     and responded to on a continuous contextual             device, phone number and subscriber.                                         strengthen operator’s identity products and
                                                                   basis. Future mobile identity tools could utilise
Multi-factor authentication uses two or more                                                                                                                                                            services opening up new revenue opportunities.
                                                                   continuous adaptive authentication as an ‘invisible’
factors, and sometimes SIM applet authenticating                                                                                                                                                        The combination of anti-fraud and authentication,
                                                                   authentication service that reduces user friction and
technology to create a simple user experience.                                                                                                                                                          two closely related processes, through a single
This means a PIN is used as the second factor,
which is stored on the SIM card and never
                                                                   allows businesses to adopt a contextual approach to
                                                                   security. Continuous adaptive authentication works        4.2                MOBILE IDENTITY                                         API could provide greater simplicity, flexibility and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        cost efficiency for businesses combatting fraud.
                                                                   continually or frequently in the background using                            TOOLS FOR FRAUD
transmitted. The authenticating technologies’                                                                                                                                                           Fraud and authentication hubs that orchestrate
                                                                   behavioural biometrics or other data sources to                              DETECTION AND
interactions and messages happen over an                                                                                                                                                                multiple identity services into a decision engine
encrypted channel, making man-in-the-
                                                                   re-authenticate users multiple times depending                               PREVENTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                        are expected to gain ground, with mobile
                                                                   on the level of risk reflected in contextual or
middle (MiTM) attacks more difficult                                                                                                                                                                    operators having considerable potential to take
                                                                   behavioural signals. Abnormal behavioural patterns
during authentication.                                                                                                                                                                                  on such a role.
                                                                   could trigger step-up authentication to a higher        KYC DATA
                                                                   assurance or even reverification of identity (e.g.
FEDERATED AUTHENTICATION                                                                                                   Mobile operators are one of the key industries
                                                                   by face ID). The financial services and technology
                                                                                                                           regulated by many governments to ‘know their
Mobile identity federation platforms such as                       industries are finding AI and advanced analytics
                                                                                                                           customers’. With the appropriate legal basis,
GSMA’s Mobile Connect or Telia’s Identification                    technologies are providing significant value in
                                                                                                                           which can include user consent, operators are in a
Broker Service (TIBS) can federate operators’                      combatting fraud, according to a PwC survey, 40%
                                                                                                                           position to provide KYC data to identity services
authentication services making them inter-                         of businesses are claiming value from alternative
                                                                                                                           that corroborates or improves accuracy of those
operable across participating service providers                    strategies such as ‘continuous monitoring’.11
                                                                                                                           services’ own customer records potentially with
                                                                                                                           real-time availability.

10 CARTA – Continuous Adaptive Risk & Trust Approach (Gartner)                                                             12 Liveness - proving image is of a real live human face without disguise
11 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, PwC, 2018
14                    Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                  Mobile identity, enabling the digital world            15

  4.3               MOBILE IDENTITY
                    TOOLS FOR FINANCIAL
                    IDENTITY AND                                      4.4         MOBILE OPERATOR
                    CREDIT SCORING                                                IDENTITY RESOURCES

MOBILE MONEY &                                                      INTRODUCTION                                          CHANNEL FOR                                                                   BIG DATA, AI AND
PAYMENT RISK SCORE                                                  Certain mobile operator resources and capabilities    CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT                                                           MACHINE LEARNING
Last year’s GSMA report on the mobile money                         are included in the mobile identity toolkit as        Operators control key consumer and business                                   AI-powered big data analytics has been adopted
industry found 272 mobile money services, and                       they are often uniquely and fundamentally             touchpoints, making ‘customer engagement’ an                                  by mobile operators applying it to multiple
866 million registered mobile money accounts live                   supportive of the development and delivery of         asset they bring to digital identity. Business and                            layers of their business across networks and
in 90 countries.13 With $1.3 billion transacted every               mobile operators’ identity tools. This list may not   operational support system (BSS/OSS) processes                                services. Virtualisation of the network and the
day, mobile money accounts can provide credible                     be exhaustive but reflects the capabilities that      and direct to customer marketing and service                                  fragmentation of the supply chain has required
financial data for use in developing alternative credit             operators can bring to the digital                    provision can be used to both collate identity data                           AI to become a foundational technology for
scoring systems, something already being explored                   identity ecosystem.                                   and deliver identity systems. Already governments                             the mobile industry. In future, such powerful AI
by mobile operators and their partners.                                                                                   in at least 147 countries (as of January 2018) make                           resources could also be leveraged by operators for
                                                                    UBIQUITOUS                                            it mandatory for mobile users to present proof-                               the mobile identity toolkit to generate predictive
FUTURE TOOL: MACHINE                                                POPULATION COVERAGE                                   of-ID when registering for a prepaid SIM card.                                risk management products, and behavioural
LEARNING FOR CREDIT SCORING                                         By 2025 there will be 5.8 billion unique              This enables operators to collect valuable digital                            authentication systems that can be delivered in
                                                                    mobile network subscribers and mobile                 credentials, which could be made available for                                real-time.
‘Financial identity’ and existing credit scoring

                                                                    internet penetration will have reached 86%.16         digital identity services with the appropriate legal
products from operators can be based on
                                                                    Both connectivity and internet penetration drive      basis and permission.                                                         MOBILE OPERATOR
subscriber information that comes from; KYC data,
mobile money transactions, prepaid airtime top                      demand for, and support delivery of, digital                                                                                        API PLATFORMS
                                                                    identity services, increasingly making mobile
                                                                                                                          COMPLIANCE, STANDARDS
ups and loans, device financing, card payments,                                                                                                                                                         In software supporting mobile networks, operator
risk management services and operators’ own paid                    identity tools a primary resource for                 AND PRINCIPLES                                                                APIs (application programming interfaces) make it
for VAS. Machine learning, however, is expected to                  digital identity.                                     Mobile operators work to stringent                                            possible for third parties to use certain mobile
unlock new ways of generating alternative credit                                                                          regulations and national laws, and the economic                               network functions within their applications. API
scores when applied appropriately. ‘Branch’15, for                                                                        importance of their networks engages them                                     platforms are of growing importance to the mobile
instance, is a start-up that generates alternative                                                                        regularly with government policymakers. The                                   industry with overall global telecom API related
credit scores based entirely on smartphone                                                                                mobile industry also leverages global standards                               revenue estimated to reach nearly $320bn by
data, which are claimed to be regardless of credit                                                                        to develop a consistent and standardised set of                               202317 This emphasises operator commitment to
history. Mobile data that is fed, with user                                                                               services for managing digital identity. Adding to                             increasing the value of their subscriber, network
permission, into Branch’s ML algorithm includes                                                                           this the privacy principles associated with operator                          and BSS/OSS systems that they expose to
handset details, SMS texts, GPS data, contact                                                                             identity services, puts mobile at the heart of the                            external developers via APIs with the appropriate
lists and billing and repayment history. Mobile                                                                           digital identity ecosystem. The local government                              permissions. If the industry’s mobile identity tools
operators could do the same by applying specialist                                                                        and institutional relationships that operators work                           are to become more accessible, operator API
vendor ML analytics software residing on their                                                                            to maintain often encourage the public sector to                              platforms will be an essential resource.
servers, to alternative data and traditional credit                                                                       involve them in national digital identity initiatives
histories from billing and mobile money use, in                                                                           through public private partnerships, as seen in
order to roll out new services.                                                                                           Finland with the launch of ‘Mobiilivarmenne’.

13 State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money, GSMA, 2018                                                               16 GSMA Intelligence, 2020
14 Financial Identity as a Service (FiDAAS). Juvo, 2019                                                                   17 https://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/rxq3vq/carrier_b2b_data?w=12
15 https://branch.co/
16              Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                                   Mobile identity, enabling the digital world              17

                AND AUTHENTICATION

     5.1       INTRODUCTION                                                                                             5.2                 MARKET TRENDS
                                                                                                                                            AND DRIVERS

The following chapters explore the application of             Two forms of authentication are designed to             USER AUTHENTICATION                                                                        DEMAND FOR TRUSTED
mobile identity tools to use cases organised into             reduce the number of credentials that users             EXPERIENCE STILL                                                                           INSTITUTIONAL SUPERVISION
three different identity sectors: ‘digital identity           need to remember and reduce the time taken to
                                                                                                                      HIGHLY FRICTIONAL                                                                          In the GSMA Intelligence Consumer Survey, the
verification & authentication’, ‘fraud detection &            login when accessing multiple service providers.
prevention’ and ‘financial identity & credit scoring’.        The first, digital single sign-on (SSO), is used        Research by email specialist Dashlane estimates                                            top answers to the question ‘what steps could
                                                              by enterprises and uses a single authentication         that we could have as many as 200 login accounts                                           companies take to make you feel more confident
Identity verification and authentication are not the          credential for accessing multiple systems within        each by 2020,19 but people’s ability to remember                                           about the safety and security of your personal
same thing but both are essential to provide                  the same organisation. A few examples of digital        passwords for even half of those is untenable.                                             data’ suggest that involvement of public institutions
simple, secure and qualified access to online                 SSO solutions come from Okta, SecurID, Azure            Dropped logins where users admit to having given                                           or central authorities could still be important for
services that require them. Identity verification             AD. The second, federated or common digital             up logging in or registering is already as high as                                         building trust with consumers:
links a real individual to the validated identity             authentication18 uses a single unified authentication   87%. 20 For e-commerce the situation is not much
information they provide on enrolment.                        credential for accessing multiple businesses.           better with nearly 70% abandoning shopping carts                                           •     44% said ‘demonstrate adherence to globally
Authentication, on the other hand, is the matching            Examples of common digital ID include Mobile            because of registration or payment completion                                                    recognised cybersecurity standards’;
of the identity presented by the user to that                 Connect, Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, and            difficulties. 21 Moreover, the average time before                                         •     39% said ‘face heavy penalties for misuse or
recorded on the system, to a certain level of                 Sign-in with Apple. Both approaches are set to          a user gives up on an application altogether was                                                  negligence in the use of my data’; and
assurance. This is done using different factors of            spread further as businesses look to improve and        found to be 14.3 minutes, but nearly one in three                                          •      33% said ’show an endorsement from a
assurance to prove you are who you say you are.               secure their customers’ user flow.                      (29%) applications take more than 20 minutes to                                                    government regulator’.
For example secure customer authentication may                                                                        complete making better automation and security
include two or more of the following factors;                                                                         of on-boarding a key use case for digital identity. 22                                     These answers demonstrate that transparent
‘something you have’ (e.g. mobile device),                                                                                                                                                                       institutional endorsements still carry weight with
‘something you know’ (e.g. password, mother’s                                                                                                                                                                    consumers when evaluating the trustworthiness of
maiden name etc) ‘something you are’ (e.g.                                                                                                                                                                       a company or service.
fingerprint, face, iris) and increasingly something
you habitually do (e.g. your mobility, typing style
or behavioural profile).

                                                                                                                      18 Common digital identity is used to represent alternative phrases including unified, reusable, universal or Federated Identity 19
                                                                                                                      20 https://www.gsma.com/identity/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/mc_factsheet_web_06_15.pdf
                                                                                                                      21 https://baymard.com/lists/cart-abandonment-rate
                                                                                                                      22 Battle to Onboard III, Signicat, 2019
18                     Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                                                    Mobile identity, enabling the digital world            19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Turkcell example: Fast Login
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           As part of a strategy to drive growth of their consumer
PUBLIC PRIVATE                                                                                                                                                                                                                             proposition, Turkcell rolled out an array of apps and
                                                                                   SERVICEABLE MARKET VALUE
                                                                                   ESTIMATED TO HIT $2.5 BILLION                                            5.3             USE CASES FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           services including the TV+ streaming platform, Dergilik
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           magazine media app, and Fizy music platform. It was
                                                                                   IN 2019                                                                                  THE MOBILE                                                     recognised early on that these new services
Public national eID schemes are often born out of                                                                                                                           IDENTITY TOOLKIT                                               would benefit from easier SSO authentication
                                                                                   Serviceable market value for MSISDN-based
a government’s wish for their services to be more                                                                                                                                                                                          for registration and login, leading to the launch of
                                                                                   authentication services is expected to approach
easily and frequently accessed, but can fail to                                                                                                                                                                                            Turkcell’s Fast Login solution in 2016. The solution verifies
                                                                                   $13 billion by 2025 showing growth of over 30%
gain traction when government services are used                                                                                                        MOBILE IDENTITY TOOL: SINGLE                                                        a service user is in control of their mobile phone through
                                                                                   CAGR (see figure 4).
infrequently. In the UK only 3% have registered                                                                                                        FACTOR AUTHENTICATION                                                               a single-factor or two factor authentication process. Fast
with the government’s digital ID scheme,23 and                                                                                                                                                                                             Login also utilises Mobile Connect, allowing operators to
                                                                                   FIGURE 4: MOBILE OPERATOR MSISDN-BASED                              Use case: convenient, simple login operators’ single
in Germany only 18% have done so. 24 A problem                                                                                                                                                                                             federate their authentications solutions by matching an
                                                                                   AUTHENTICATION MARKET VALUE ESTIMATES                               factor authentication enables service providers to
thought to stem from a lack of data sharing and                                                                                                                                                                                            individual to their phone number and operatorr.29
                                                                                                                                                       offer users a more convenient login experience,
interoperability with the private sector resulting                                                                                                                                                                                         Expansion of Fast Login to external businesses followed
                                                                                                                                                       by entering their phone number on the company’s
in a low perceived value with users. Governments                                                                                                                                                                                           in 2018 and by the end of 2019, it had more than 23
                                                                                                                                                       login page and clicking yes to an instant notification
are finding the answer to this problem is wider                                                                                                                                                                                            million registered customers in Turkey – 16 million
                                                                                                                                             $12.9bn   that is returned to their screen. This method makes
public private partnerships and collaboration with                                                                                                                                                                                         of these were Turkcell SIM customers and seven million
                                                                                                                                                       no request for additional credentials making it a
existing digital identity services. Partnering with                                                                                                                                                                                        were non-Turkcell mobile users – and was used more
                                                                                                                                                       lower level of assurance (LoA2), which can be used
mobile operators or forming wider consortia,                                                                                        $9.8bn                                                                                                 than 32 million times across 86 integrated services in that
                                                                                                                                                       as a secondary factor for authentication, when
including banks and major national corporations                                                                                                                                                                                            month alone.30
                                                                                                                                                       combined with a username and password..
to launch eID, benefits from their existing scale,                                                                         $7.3bn

trusted relationships and technical knowhow.                                                                     $6.0bn

Estonia has demonstrated the success of its public                                                      $4.1bn
private partnership for ‘id-card’ where 98% have                                              $3.2bn
the card with 67% using it regularly. 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           China Mobile example: MSISDN Verify “One-click
DIGITAL ON-BOARDING                                                                  2019     2020       2021     2022     2023     2024      2025
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           quick login” is China Mobile’s common digital identity
SHOWS COST REDUCTIONS                                                              Source: GSMA Intelligence                                                                                                                               solution powered by Mobile Connect. Launched in 2017,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the solution now has over 650 million monthly active
Identity verification and authentication services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           users (as the end of 2019) logging into over 5,000
are expected to grow as businesses recognise that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           external service provider apps. The one-click
managing their own on-boarding and login can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           authentication and login scheme refers to the provision of
costly and behind the curve in terms of compliance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           corresponding services for the user by entering the local
development and security. In India, it is estimated the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           number or the gateway's automatic authentication
Aadhaar identity system could reduce on-boarding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           number (instead of the username and password) and
costs of the average firm from $23 to just $0.15.26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           being verified by the operator's network. Complementing
In Norway, it is estimated BankID reduced the time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the SMS verification code authentication, the solution can
associated with applying for university housing from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           optimize the application login security scheme. This
10–14 days to 1–3 days.27 It is thought enterprises
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           solution relies on the operator's five core resources
requiring high levels of assurance for customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           "number, SIM card, text message, phone call, and Internet
registration could save as much as 90% of costs with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           access", and combines the Internet business scenario to
times to register reduced from weeks to minutes.28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           achieve the upgrade of communication capabilities to IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           capabilities. It provides a neutral and open identity system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           surrounding mobile phone number for Internet services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and facilitates the interconnection and interconnection of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           services, users and data.31 32

23   https://resources.signicat.com/hubfs/Downloads/the-battle-to-onboard-3-signicat.pdf                                                               29   Developed by the GSMA and its member operators- ‘Mobile Connect Turbocharges New Services’ (April 2019)
24   https://www.signicat.com/resources/federated-electronic-identities-what-are-they-what-are-the-benefits-and-do-they-work                           30   https://www.gsma.com/identity/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/mc_turkcell_cs_11_04-FINAL.pdf
25   https://e-estonia.com/solutions/e-identity/mobile-id/                                                                                             31   For service providers being accessed over a mobile network only
26   Private Sector Economic Impacts from Identification Systems. Word Bank, 2018                                                                      32   https://mobileconnect.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/MC-Verified-MSISDN-functional-datasheet-FINAL.pdf
27   Norwegian Mobile BankID: Reaching scale through collaboration, GSMA, 2014
28   Digital Identification: a key to inclusive growth, McKinsey Global Institute, 2019
20                   Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                                          Mobile identity, enabling the digital world         21

MOBILE IDENTITY TOOL:                                                                                                                        MOBILE IDENTITY TOOL:
MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION                                                                                                                  FEDERATED AUTHENTICATION
Use case: Strong secure login                                                   SMS-OTP solutions and more convenient than legacy            Use case: Convenient and secure                                                placed to take their identity role further by adding
Multi-factor authentication, otherwise termed strong                            authentication methods such as hardware tokens.              cross-border authentication                                                    new enhanced mobile identity tools for on-
customer authentication (SCA) by the EU’s PSD2                                  More recently a consortium-based approach has seen           In the global digital economy users and businesses                             boarding and authentication or even by becoming
regulation, uses two or more factors to authenticate                            mobile operators partner with national banks and             need to transact across country borders, but if                                an Identity provider themselves. Operators’ strong
a user at login. The objective is to present a layered                          federal government in a public private partnership to        authentication systems are not interoperable users                             subscriber and business engagement could
defence to fraudsters with multiple barriers if one factor                      achieve the scale, operational resources and levels of       still have to maintain too many sets of credentials                            enable them to move downstream in the identity
is compromised. Secure multi-factor authentication                              trust needed for successful national ID deployments.         to do this conveniently. However, a federated login                            ecosystem to offer identity provision.
has wide application (e.g. VPN login, banking login, or                         Mobile operators recognise that mutual cooperation           lets subscribers use the same credentials to access
gaming accounts), is more secure than existing                                  and collaboration in mobile identity helps to drive scale.   any service provider that is participating in the                              Future mobile identity tools could include
                                                                                                                                             federated login platform:                                                      enhanced solutions for behavioural biometrics,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            document authentication and liveness testing,
                                                                                                                                             Mobile operators already address the identity                                  technologies that are already being explored
                                                                                                                                             verification and authentication market through                                 within the industry.
                                                                                                                                             a range of authentication products but are well

itsme example: Mobile identity verification The                                the operators federated their separate solutions,
‘Belgian Mobile ID’ consortium was set up to                                   now jointly branded PASS, using the PASS cloud
develop a digital identity for users to prove their                            platform and relaunched as an app-based solution
identity online. The idea was to enable Belgians to                            replacing the old SMS based one. Once registered
conveniently access a whole range of online                                    on the PASS app, a user is only required to enter their
applications such as banking, government services,                             PIN or biometric (fingerprint, iris etc) or use a QR
insurances, e-health as well as create online accounts,                        code to enable easy and secure access to a number
confirm payments and sign official documents (QES). The                        of services under one app that includes mobile                                                                                             Telia example: Cross-border
combined efforts from the consortium’s mobile operators                        payments. PASS reaches over 50 million people and                                                                                          authentication service
(Orange Belgium, Proximus, Telenet) and Belgian banks,                         is now used to access over 32,000 external service                                                                                         Telia, the mobile carrier and Ubisecure, the identity
resulted in the launch and adoption of the ‘itsme’ app, a                      providers as well as operator services, with SKT alone                                                                                     specialist, initiated the Telia Identification Broker
digital ID of level of assurance high recognised by the                        posting 7 million monthly active users in May 2019.33                                                                                      Service (TIBS), a Nordic and Baltic cross-border
Belgian government and EU Commission. To use itsme,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          authentication platform offering several strong
users have to be over 18 years old with a Belgian eID and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          authentication methods under one service
a smartphone. itsme only works through the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          agreement and integration. TIBS removes the need
combination of a user’s mobile and its SIM, the itsme app                      ZenKey example:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to maintain several independent authentication
and 5-digit passcode. Service providers                                        Multi-factor identity authentication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          platforms with various identity providers. It
adopting itsme are committed to only ask for user                              ZenKey is a secure multi-factor identity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          supports multiple federated protocols and
data if strictly necessary, which is not shared without                        authentication platform provided through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          brokering enabling both compliance and scale
the explicit consent of the user. As of the end of                             collaboration of leading US carriers: AT&T, Sprint,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          across the region. The Finnish Population Register
April 2020, itsme had 1.7 million registered Belgians                          T-Mobile and Verizon. With a potential reach that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Centre deployed the service in early 2019 enabling
with 5 million transactions per month. itsme was                               covers most of the US population, ZenKey can enable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Finnish citizen access to national services across
launched in Luxembourg in February 202034                                      users to log into participating third party apps and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          tax administration and health records.36
                                                                               websites securely and easily without the need for
                                                                               passwords. ZenKey applies encryption technologies
                                                                               to a user’s phone and mobile network when a user
SK Telecom example:                                                            logs in either through their smartphone, personal
PASS authentication app                                                        computer or other smart device. Multi-factor
Having separately experienced limited uptake of                                authentication is carried out using unique mobile
their authentication solutions, in 2015 SKT, KT and                            identity data during authentication including phone
LG Uplus agreed to work together to improve their                              number, phone account type, user credentials,
joint coverage and appeal to businesses. In 2016,                              account tenure and SIM card details.35

33 https://www.gsma.com/identity/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/SKT-Turkey-presentation-final.pdf                                                36 https://www.ubisecure.com/news-events/telia-best-consumer-identity-project-award/
34 https://www.itsme.be/
35 https://myzenkey.com/
22                      Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                               Mobile identity, enabling the digital world          23

                                                                                                                                                 TOTAL AVAILABLE MARKET
      6                 FRAUD DETECTION                                                                                                          VALUE NEARS $20 BILLION                                             6.3            USE CASES FOR THE
                        AND PREVENTION                                                                                                           IN 2019                                                                            MOBILE IDENTITY
                                                                                                                                                 The total available market value for fraud                                         TOOLKIT
                                                                                                                                                 detection and prevention includes the following
                                                                                       to double recording 680,000 in 2018 compared to           services: fraud analytics (big data, predictive and
     6.1              INTRODUCTION
                                                                                       the previous year.38 The growing quantity of stolen
                                                                                       user data from breaches, sold on the darknet, can
                                                                                                                                                 behavioural), authentication (risk based single and
                                                                                                                                                 multi-factor) and GRC solutions (governance, risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Financial services including banking, payments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and insurance are faced with escalating volumes
                                                                                       be exploited by ‘adversarial’ AI, leading to ATOs         management and compliance). Overall the total                     of transactions and a growing diversity of threat
                                                                                       via credential stuffing attacks,39 as well as being       available market value for fraud detection and                    vectors that can be mitigated by operators
Fraud detection and prevention systems –
                                                                                       ‘productised’ for financial, industrial and geo-          prevention solutions is estimated to be close to                  bringing the following tools to bear:
designed to spot patterns which represent
                                                                                       political gain. The sheer variety of data available on    $20 billion in 2019 (see figure 5).43
fraudulent behaviour, ideally in real time –
                                                                                       the darknet and from users’ digital ‘exhaust’ is also
are of fundamental importance to the digital                                                                                                                                                                       MOBILE IDENTITY TOOL:
                                                                                       driving synthetic identity fraud, where fraudsters        FIGURE 5: TOTAL AVAILABLE MARKET VALUE
economy. Identity fraud, in particular, is a
                                                                                       create artificial identities that cost US lenders alone   – FRAUD DETECTION AND PREVENTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FRAUD SIGNALS
growing concern for online businesses and
                                                                                       $6 billion in 2016.40                                                                                                       Use case: Assuring a new mobile device
users alike. Examples include Account Take
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or password reset
Over (ATO) attacks, where a legitimate
                                                                                       COMPLIANCE PRESSURES                                                                                                        Banks and financial companies, especially,
user’s details are stolen to take over their                                                                                                                                                            $63.5bn

online account and profit from its value; or
                                                                                       CREATING FRICTION FOR                                                                                                       need to protect their customers from ATO attacks.
                                                                                       BUSINESS                                                                                                                    Fortunately, operators can offer insights that
card not present (CNP) fraud, where the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   indicate when there has been a change that could
customer is not physically present with the                                            A roster of anti-fraud regulation is putting heavy                                                     $41.6bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   indicate a fraudulent activity, when for example
merchant during a fraudulent transaction                                               Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance pressures                                                $34.6bn                        associating a new mobile device with a bank
(often carried out online); or even the                                                on business, on financial services in particular, to                               $28.8bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   account. Attributes such as last SIM change, device
creation of a synthetic identity, where a                                              the point banks recently warned that ‘EU rules                          $24.0bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   change, account tenure, or unconditional call
fraudster combines real and fake                                                       could scupper a quarter of online payments’.41
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   diverts that can represent fraud signals are among
information to create a synthetic identity                                             In Europe this is mainly driven by AMLD4/5 and                                                                              those that have been found useful for the financial
used to open fraudulent accounts and make                                              PSD2 regulation, which are ramping up demand                                                                                services industry:
purchases.                                                                             for KYC automation technologies.
                                                                                                                                                      2018       2019      2020      2021      2022      2023

                                                                                                                                                 Source: MarketsandMarkets/Statista
                                                                                       DIGITAL IDENTITY SOLUTIONS
 6.2                  MARKET TRENDS                                                    CAN REDUCE KYC COSTS BY UP
                                                                                       TO 70%
                      AND DRIVERS
                                                                                       Banks’ KYC and Anti Money Laundering (AML)
                                                                                       processes alone can cost $2.50 for a basic check
VOLUME OF DATA BREACHES                                                                and with staff costs added costs rise to between
ARE DRIVING ACCOUNT                                                                    $10 to $150 per check. Digital identity solutions
TAKE OVERS                                                                             can offer significant improvements to screening
                                                                                       processes potentially reducing the cost of KYC
In H1 2019 alone, over 3,800 breaches were
                                                                                       and AML processes by up to 70% – and improving
reported exposing over 4.1 billion records up 54%
                                                                                       the speed of these checks by 80%.42
on 2018.37 In the US alone, this has caused ATOs

37   https://pages.riskbasedsecurity.com/2019-midyear-data-breach-quickview-report                                                               43 MarketsandMarkets/Statista
38   US Identity Fraud Study 2019, Javelin Strategy & Research
39   ‘Credential stuffing’ - Automated login attempts using thousands of stolen pairs of credentials e.g. Sentry MBA
40   Synthetic Identity Fraud in the U.S. Payment System, Federal Reserve, 2019
41   Banks warn EU rules will scupper a quarter of online payments, FT, 2019
42   European Digital Lenders: Operating efficiency helping digital lenders attack a $150 billion annual origination market, Autonomous NEXT
24                   Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                             Mobile identity, enabling the digital world   25

                                                                               for legally restricted purchases (e.g. alcohol,
                                                                               restricted content, gambling etc) or changes to
                                                                               bank accounts where a match between user ID
UK operators’ example:                                                                                                                 TeleSign example: KYC
                                                                               and phone number would be carried out to detect
Phone lost or stolen                                                                                                                   A partnership between Proximus, Belgium’s
                                                                               fraudulent account changes without impacting
In 2015, UK operators O2, Vodafone UK, EE and                                                                                          leading mobile operator, and TeleSign was
                                                                               the user experience. In 2015 the UK mobile
Three UK defined a set of “Account Takeover                                                                                            designed to provide businesses with KYC services
                                                                               operators launched a KYC match service: Mobile
Protection” (ATP) services based on the same                                                                                           to help them comply with the new EU Payment
                                                                               operators already address the fraud opportunity
Mobile Connect/OIDC technical architecture as the                                                                                      Services Directive, and PSD2. Jeroen Degadt,
                                                                               through their fraud signal, KYC and MSISDN tools
KYC Match service. Whereas KYC Match compares                                                                                          Director Carrier and Wholesale at Proximus said
                                                                               but could investigate a potential role as a fraud
only semi-static user information, the ATP service                                                                                     “Partnering with TeleSign, a global neutral
                                                                               and authentication hub that combines their own
provides dynamic device information as well.                                                                                           aggregator, was the clear choice. With access to
                                                                               growing set of tools with AI-enhanced fraud
Moreover, several signals are available in various                                                                                     TeleSign’s fraud risk product portfolio, we will be
                                                                               solutions. Operators could also move downstream
bundles serving different security use-cases. For                                                                                      able to provide increased security and assurance
                                                                               in the identity ecosystem to productise their rich
example, mobile operators can provide indications                                                                                      for our customers across the country.” TeleSign
                                                                               data sets and distribute them direct to business.
of whether a phone has been reported lost or                                                                                           believe partnerships like this highlight “the
stolen, the SIM/phone pairing has recently changed,                                                                                    increasing importance of Mobile Identity and the
a call divert has been set up on the number, or the                                                                                    key role played by mobile operators in digital
number is recycled – all of which could be indicators                                                                                  transformation. It represents a new opportunity to
                                                                               UK operators’ example:                                  mobile operators worldwide to participate in a
of an ATO. Using these indicators, a bank, for
                                                                               Anti-fraud for registration                             Global Mobile Identity ecosystem and improve the
example, can make a better-informed decision on
                                                                               UK operators O2, Vodafone UK, EE and Three UK           security of their end users online”.47
whether transactions or accounts could
                                                                               have launched a KYC Match product46 for
be fraudulent.44
                                                                               businesses looking to enhance their registration
                                                                               processes and to meet anti-fraud use cases. It
6.3.2 MOBILE IDENTITY TOOL:                                                    validates a customer’s identity by verifying identity
KYC ‘MATCHING’                                                                 attributes paired with the mobile phone number.
Use case: Fraud check matching                                                 Standardisation has been an important element to
KYC data and phone number                                                      the development of the KYC Match product, and
KYC procedures exist to protect organisations and                              was carried out in accordance with the GSMA’s
their customers from fraud and losses resulting                                Mobile Connect. Technical cooperation between
from illegal financial transactions.                                           operators has been a key element in development
                                                                               allowing UK’s leading operators to offer businesses
                                                                               near total coverage of UK subscribers.
For this reason operators are regulated to know
their customers and have assembled a sizeable
registry of user identity data as a result.45 This
data supports KYC matching products that can
be applied for use cases such as age verification

44 https://mobileconnect.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/mc-Mobile-Identification-goes-Live-UK.pdf
45 EU regulations: AML, PSD2
46 the MNO product is an unregulated KYC Match product
26                     Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                                                                                                         Mobile identity, enabling the digital world            27

       7              FINANCIAL IDENTITY
                      AND CREDIT SCORING

                                                                                                                                          FALSE POSITIVES AN
     7.1             INTRODUCTION                                                     7.2              MARKET TRENDS                      EXPENSIVE PROBLEM FOR THE
                                                                                                                                          BANKING INDUSTRY
                                                                                                       AND DRIVERS
                                                                                                                                          Online shoppers face three times the risk
                                                                                                                                          of mistakenly having their card declined.53
Lack of access to formal financial services remains                                OPEN BANKING UNLOCKS                                   In the US, Aite Group predicted 30% of card                                          MOBILE IDENTITY TOOL: CREDIT
a global problem. The World Bank estimates                                         ALTERNATIVE CREDIT SCORING                             transactions in 2018 were false positives,50 where                                   SCORE BASED ON MOBILE
that there are 1.7 billion people excluded from
                                                                                   PSD2, the EU’s Revised Payment Services Directive      legitimate credit-worthy users are falsely declined,                                 OPERATOR DATA
traditional financial services as well as from                                                                                            an inefficiency in business estimated to have cost
mobile money services. Fortunately, the banking                                    has helped to usher in a new era                                                                                                            Use case: Creation of alternative
                                                                                   of open banking worldwide. Additionally, the           US card issuers $331 billion.54 The mitigation of
sector has recognised the aggregate potential                                                                                                                                                                                  credit score
                                                                                   Financial Data Exchange (FDX) was founded to           ‘false positives’ relies on easily accessible,
of the nearly 4 billion ‘low value’ customers                                                                                                                                                                                  Models built on MNO data are demonstrating
                                                                                   unify the financial industry around a common           accurate and queriable identity
(68% of adults)48 mostly in developing countries.                                                                                                                                                                              an impressive capability and are well regarded
                                                                                   interoperable standard for secure and efficient        attribute systems.
Unfortunately, finance companies in many parts of                                                                                                                                                                              by businesses as they add value to their risk
the world are challenged by the lack of appropriate                                transfer of consumer-permissioned financial                                                                                                 assessment strategies. Identity data from mobile
credit history for the world’s 1.7 billion unbanked                                data.50 Riding this open banking trend, fintechs are                                                                                        money accounts, airtime top-up habits and
users.47 In fact, coverage by credit agencies in                                   taking on the traditional credit bureaus to provide                                                                                         other account information can be modelled to
developing regions such as (sub-Saharan Africa)                                    new techniques for credit scoring.
                                                                                                                                             7.3              USE CASES FOR                                                    create an alternative credit score for a subscriber
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               enabling, for example, an airtime loan to initiate a
can be as low as 9%. However, while a user                                                                                                                    THE MOBILE
may not have a bank account or credit history                                      ALTERNATIVE CREDIT                                                                                                                          subscriber’s credit history.
                                                                                                                                                              IDENTITY TOOLKIT
they are highly likely to have a mobile phone                                      SCORING GROWS HOUSEHOLD
and mobile payment history. Leveraging over 5                                      CREDIT WORLDWIDE                                                                                                                            Mobile operators have the opportunity to move
billion subscribers, mobile operators can help the                                                                                                                                                                             downstream in the credit scoring ecosystem by
                                                                                   Digital Identity helps to bring the unbanked into      Mobile operators’ ability to connect unbanked and
finance industry resolve this problem by providing                                                                                                                                                                             enhancing and productising their alternative credit
                                                                                   the formal economy – digital transformation            unidentified populations to the mobile ecosystem
alternative credit scoring products, consistent with                                                                                                                                                                           data. This can be done by combining more diverse
                                                                                   of the financial sector, including the extension       and help enable the provision of a financial identity
relevant regulation and user permissions, that can                                                                                                                                                                             data and applying AI analytics technologies
                                                                                   of alternative credit scoring through mobile           for them is critical if these populations are to
also bring them significant new revenue streams.49                                                                                                                                                                             and marketing these services direct to business
                                                                                   operators, could grow household credit                 effectively engage with e-commerce, government
The market for alternative and hybrid solutions for                                                                                                                                                                            customers. That said, partnering with specialist
                                                                                   worldwide by $408 billion and give 1.7 billion         services, regional benefits and global aid.
credit scoring and establishing financial identity is                                                                                                                                                                          channel partners (e.g. Juvo, Branch) is also an
                                                                                   unbanked customers access to financial services.51     Alternative credit scoring and the maintenance and
expected to grow considerably over the next                                                                                                                                                                                    option to offer financial Identity services that
                                                                                   Worldwide, such transformations could also bring       user control of financial identity are key use cases
3 years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       monetise operator data without the potential
                                                                                   95 million new jobs, and as much as $4.2 trillion in   to which mobile operator identity tools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               investment required to go direct.
                                                                                   new deposits by 2025.52                                can contribute.

47   https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191022005356/en/TeleSign-Expands-Global-Services-Partnership-Proximus                       53 False Positives: The Undetected Threat to Your Revenue, Vesta Corporation, 2018
48   World Bank, Findex, 2018                                                                                                             54 Aite Group, 2018
49   GSMA Intelligence, 2019
50   https://financialdataexchange.org/
51   ‘The YES Economy: Giving the World Financial Identity’ , Juvo/Oxford Economics, October 2019
52   “Digital finance for all: Powering inclusive growth in emerging economies.” McKinsey Global Institute, September 2016.
28              Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                                                                            Mobile identity, enabling the digital world                          29

M-PESA example:
Alternative credit scoring
                                                                  8              OPTIMISING TRUST AND
One of the first alternative credit scoring
                                                                                 SCALE FOR DIGITAL IDENTITY
operations in Africa was launched in 2012.
M-Shwari is a credit and savings product for
                                                              Trust is an important dimension for identity
M-PESA customers launched by Safaricom and the
                                                              services. Businesses need to trust their consumers
Commercial Bank of Africa (NCBA). To qualify for
                                                              and often use identity services to achieve that,                            FIGURE 6: OPTIMISING TRUST AND SCALE IS CRITICAL
an M-Shwari loan, a customer must be an M-PESA
                                                              while consumers need to trust both the business                             FOR SUCCESS IN IDENTITY MARKETS
subscriber for at least 6 months. The alternative
                                                              and identity service to ensure the sharing of their
credit score is constructed from an algorithm
                                                              data is legally compliant. Likewise, identity services
applied to mobile operator data, in this case
                                                              need to reach optimum scale in coverage, either                                                       Optimisation
past use of Safaricom service’s M-PESA, Bonga
                                                              locally or internationally to attract businesses’
points, voice, and data services. The resulting
                                                              interest and in order to become commercially
score determines the initial eligible loan limit with
                                                              viable. Our analysis has identified six critical
subsequent loan limits based on levels of “regular
                                                              success factors for digital identity services                                              Trust                         Scale
savings” and loan repayments with M-Shwari.
                                                              arranged into two primary dimensions of trust
Both loan disbursements and repayments are                                                                                                        1. Security by design      1. Ensuring interoperability
                                                                                                                                                                                & federation
                                                              and scale. These factors can be used as a set                                       2. Communicating
made through Safaricom’s M-PESA mobile money                                                                                                         transparent             2. Leveraging partnership
                                                              of recommendations or check list for mobile                                            trust endorsements         collaboration
service. In less than a year from launch, the
                                                              operators developing digital identity services                                      3. Enabling user control   3. Providing critical
product increased the number of deposit accounts                                                                                                     & privacy                  business value
                                                              (figure 6).
at NCBA from under 35,000 to over 5 million.55

Juvo example:
Financial Identity-as-a-service (FIDaaS)
Mobile network transactions can provide                          8.1            STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING
the basis for defining a financial identity for billions                        TRUSTED IDENTITY SERVICES
of people who have no formal financial history, but
do have a mobile phone. A mobile network account
top-up is recorded in a centrally-located database,           SECURITY BY DESIGN                                                          rate of mitigation measures may need to be raised
in a digital format and associated with a unique                                                                                          to protect the security of their identity-
                                                              Security is a major pillar of trust, and in a world of
person, which Juvo believes can form the basis of a                                                                                       enabling toolkit.
                                                              growing cybercrime and new technologies used as
financial identity and credit score. Mobile operators         much by fraudsters as the good guys, protecting                             How can the mobile identity toolkit help?
could use this financial data to provide a low-risk           the user’s data and digital rights will require                             Multi-factor authentication incorporates additional
airtime loan to be built on over time potentially             ever more skill and effort. Security by design is a                         factors (e.g. biometrics, pin number) of assurance
leading to partnerships with financial institutions to        software engineering approach that is increasingly                          to increase the level of security. For example, China
offer subscribers a wider range of financial services.        becoming mainstream for the security and privacy                            Mobile’s SIM Shield is a two-factor authentication
Additionally, with the right mechanisms for legal             of software systems. But where mobile operators’                            tool which secures online remittance and money
consent from end-users there is an opportunity to             legacy systems have not yet benefited from the                              transfers using the SIM and replaces the need for
make financial identity data available to third party         security by design approach the implementation                              a token device.
service providers to open a new monetisation
opportunity for operators.56

                                                              55 https://www.gsma.com/mobilefordevelopment/country/kenya/m-shwari-mobile-money-savings-loans/
                                                              56 https://juvo.com/fidaas/
                                                              Source: GSMA Intelligence
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