Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online

Page created by Jon Juarez
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
June 19, 2022

             Building the Kingdom. . .
We celebrate all fathers, grandfathers, Godfathers
 and father-figures in our lives! God bless you!

 Happy Father's Day!

     Invite your Dad to spend time with you at
        our Summer Festival next weekend!

             JUNE 23 - 26
    Great food, live music, casino, rides & more!
               Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
FIRST LOOK • Parish Events this Week
SUNDAY, JUNE 19                                            WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 - CONTINUED
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!                                        9:00 am		       Route 66 Yoga (Mother Teresa)
SUMMER FESTIVAL T-SHIRT PICK-UP IN HILKERT GYM             10:00 am        Women's Guild Crafts (LC Fr. McGivney)
AFTER MORNING & NOON MASSES.                               4:00 pm		       PB&J Brigade (Hilkert Hall, room 4)
1:00 pm 		 Drive-Thru Holy Communion (PLC Lot)             7:00 pm		       fiat Summer Night (LC Fr. McGivney)
6:00 pm		  Men's Welcome Renewal Meeting (LC Fr.
		McGivney)                                                THURSDAY, JUNE 23
                                                           8:00 am		 Embark Jr. High Summer Camp (Hilkert)
MONDAY, JUNE 20                                            10:30 am  Prayer Shawl Ministry (LC Luke)
8:00 am		 Embark Jr. High Summer Camp (Hilkert)            12:00 pm  Disney Study (LC Matthew/Grotto)
9:00 am		 Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel)                   6:00 pm		 Legion of Mary Rosary (Chapel)
4:00 pm		 PB&J Brigade (Hilkert Hall, room 4)              6:00 pm		 Summer Festival Night #1 (Parish
6:00 pm		 Women's AA Meeting (LC John)                     		Grounds)
6:00 pm		 Summer Festival T-Shirt Pick-Up (School)         6:15 pm		 Sitting with Scripture (Virtual)
6:30 pm		 Rt. 66 Pray & Croquet (Chapel & Rectory          6:15 pm		 AA Meeting (LC Matthew)
		Lawn)                                                    9:00 pm		 Men’s Rec Basketball (Hilkert Gym)
7:00 pm		 Benediction (Chapel)
                                                           FRIDAY, JUNE 24
TUESDAY, JUNE 21                                           8:00 am		 Embark Jr. High Summer Camp (Hilkert)
8:00 am		    Embark Jr. High Summer Camp (Hilkert)         5:30 pm		 Summer Festival Night #2 (Parish
2:00 pm		    Catholic Charities (LC Matthew)               		Grounds)
4:00 pm		    PB&J Brigade (Hilkert Hall, room 4)
5:00 pm		    PB&J Family Night (Hilkert Hall, room 4)      SATURDAY, JUNE 25
7:00 pm		    Catholicism w/Travis (John Paul II)           8:00 am		 AA Meeting (LC Luke)
7:00 pm		    Quilting & Sewing (LC Luke)                   5:30 pm		 Summer Festival Night #3 (Parish
9:00 pm		    Men’s Rec Basketball (Hilkert Gym)            		Grounds)

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22                                              DON'T FORGET ABOUT FIREWORKS ON SUNDAY!
8:00 am		    Embark Jr. High Summer Camp (Hilkert)
9:00 am		    Building & Grounds Mtg. (LC Fr. McGivney)        Event details at StAmbrose.us/Events.

                                                         Summer Festival T-Shirts
It's YOUR turn to win...                                 They're Here!!!
                                                         Plan to stop by Hilkert Gym after Mass this Sunday
                                                         morning to pick up your 2022 Summer Festival
                                                         Volunteer t-shirt or on Monday, June 20 at Saint
                                                         Ambrose School, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. And, thank
                                                         you so much for volunteering for our Summer Festival
                                                         this year. You are truly making a huge difference!

                                                         We Love Dads!
                                                         Father's Day at Saint Ambrose
                                                         Truly the best gift you can give dad is time with YOU.
                                                         In case you want to do something MORE, or you can't
                                                         be with dad this weekend, Saint Ambrose has all the
                                                         resources for you to make it an extra special one for him.
                                                         Visit StAmbrose.us/Fathers-Day to check out our Blessing of
                                                         Fathers prayer, submit a good "dad joke" for a prize, and lots
                                                         Remember though, bringing him to Mass with you is
                                                         THE BEST gift you could give him this Father's Day.
    Buy tickets online at StAmbrose.us/Raffle.
2                                          Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
PARISH NEWS • Letter from our Pastor
…”He said to them, "Give them some food         This week I met Jean who just stopped by and        God’s children. Our parish Mental Health
yourselves." They replied, "Five loaves         wanted to help. Praise be God.                      Team is here to help. For more information,
and two fish are all we have, unless we         …This week about 80 junior high students            contact Jenni Porco at jporco@StAmbrose.us.
ourselves go and buy food for all these         are participating in Embark Service Camp.           …There are some very helpful regional
people." Now the men there numbered             What a great blessing for our community             resources to support and address mental
about five thousand. Then he said to his        that so many of our junior high students (and       health concerns/needs: text 4HOPE
disciples, "Have them sit down in groups of     their families) want to use a summer week to        to: 741741 or call 330.725.9195 for the
about fifty." They did so and made them all     reflect on ‘serving’ in the way of Christ. Please   Medina Country Crisis and Behavioral
sit down. Then taking the five loaves and       keep our junior high students in your prayers       Health Helpline.
the two fish, and looking up to heaven,         along with the team working with them.
he said the blessing over them, broke                                                               …We had a great Communications and
                                                May these days be a time of God’s grace             Marketing Team meeting this past week.
them, and gave them to the disciples to set     and blessing.
before the crowd. They all ate and were                                                             A few new members joined the group and
satisfied. And when the leftover fragments      …This week we all have the opportunity to           really added to the conversation and our
were picked up, they filled twelve wicker       ‘recreate’ this weekend’s Gospel as we gear up      parish efforts. Part of the conversation
baskets.” Our Gospel on this Feast of           for our Summer Festival. In so many ways            was the need to get more of our members
Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ)   we have the opportunity to bring together           to ‘take pictures’ of parish events and
proclaims one of the songs children love to     the multitudes for some summer fun and a            activities. If you can help, even once in a
sing. “Building up the Body of Christ…in this   wonderful celebration of our community.             while, we would love to have you. Contact
banquet we believe, we become what we           Many thanks to all who are signed up to             Rebecca (RKaaikaula@StAmbrose.us) to
receive…Building up the Body of Christ.” As     volunteer. May God bless you as you serve in        sign up and/or for the details. It’s easy…
we receive the Body of Christ, we are called    the name of the Lord. Please make plans to          it’s helpful…it’s a great way to celebrate
to the living Body of Christ – to do the        stop up and enjoy some amazing music, tasty         the blessings and activities of our parish
work of the Lord – to continue His mission      food and the ‘best’ people. Invite your family      community.
and His ministry.                               and friends and neighbors to join you. Our          …God bless Kim Nemet for the great
                                                summer festival promises to be a highlight          work she does for our parish community
…This past week WE received this letter         of our summer season. There are plenty of
from Deborah Martin, the Principal of                                                               in coordinating Baptisms and Marriage
                                                places to park, along with shuttle busses.          Enrichment. She is looking for a few
Saint Stanislaus School. She writes: “Every     Remember, you can always come onto
Friday, our students anxiously await what                                                           people/couples who can help her organize
                                                the campus through the Ambrose Drive                some programs and activities for married
we call the “Angel Bags”. The peanut butter     entrance and/or park on the side streets
and jelly sandwiches and snacks truly make                                                          couples. She can give you all the details.
                                                behind the parish.                                  Many hands make for light work and for a
them happy, as they are a symbol of care
and attention. We thank you for your role in    …Please support our Festival Raffle. We             blessed parish. Contact Kim at: knemet@
providing this specialness for our students…    have the ‘best’ prizes thanks to wonderful          StAmbrose.us.
our students will offer a spiritual bouquet     friends and community partners. You get a           …This past week Fr. Don Bosco arrived
to send blessings back to you.” It continues    chance to win these great prizes and it greatly     from India. He was fascinated and amazed
the mandate of Christ “Give them some food      helps support our parish community and              as he walked around the campus to see
yourselves.” And as we go about doing the       allows us to take care of our parish campus.        all the activity, people,
work of the Lord, God promises to bless our     The proceeds from this year’s festival              beauty and energy. Our
efforts. There were ‘leftovers’ to remind       and raffle will help us start raising the           parish is alive and blessed.
us that God does not only give us what we       funds (and saving up) to do some greatly            Fr. Don Bosco will be
need, God gives us more!!!                      needed boiler and HVAC replacement over             around until the middle
                                                the next three years (total cost around             of August. Please make
                                                $650,000). You can always get your tickets          sure you say hello.
                                                online at: www.StAmbrose.us/raffle Special
                                                thanks to our friends at Brunswick AutoMart,        …Our Summer Festival
                                                Emcompass the World Travel, Universal               is a great opportunity for us to celebrate
                                                Windows Direct, Engelke Construction                and showcase the goodness and blessing
                                                Solutions and Marc’s for the ‘best’ prizes.         of our parish community. So many visitors
                                                                                                    will be joining us. Every year after the
                                                …The Grand Drawing is on Sunday night               festival, many people and families join our
                                                at 9:30 pm. Join us for the raffle, win great       parish because of the wonderful experience
                                                prizes (and extra money if you are present)         they had when they came to the festival.
                                                and help us cap off a great festival with           Let’s work together to offer a genuine
                                                amazing American Fireworks around 9:30 pm.          sense of welcome – a spirit of joy – and a
                                                You can find a complete festival schedule at:       great sense of energy because our parish
                                                www.StAmbrose.us/festival.                          community is blessed and alive in Christ.
                                                …Our community CARES (Concerned,                    …We are looking for some new Eucharistic
                                                Alert, Responsive == Everyone Safe). Over           Ministers. If you are interested, please
                                                the past few weeks I’ve met with five teens         contact Diane Heilman (dheilman@
                                                and young adults who have been suffering            StAmbrose.us). It’s a beautiful way to serve
                                                with depression and anxiety. It’s a growing         the Lord.
…We continue to provide ‘Angel Bags’ to         concern and reality in our community. The
thousands across our region each week.          other day, a set of grandparents came by            …Have a blessed week. Pray for good
God bless our PB&J team. They can always        asking for prayers because their grandchild         weather our festival. Look forward to seeing
use some help and some PBJ sandwiches.          tried to take her life. We need to work             you this week!!! God bless.
To learn more, or to help, please contact       together to make sure we have the right
Gabby Moss at gmoss@StAmbrose.us.               support and awareness to take CARE of all of
                                                  Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022                                                    3
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
INTENTIONS • Remembrance & Gratitude
Mass & Services                                                   Week of June 12, 2022
Schedule & Intentions                                                                        Jun. 12,           Jul. 1, 2021 to    Jul. 1, 2020 to
                                                                                             2022               Jun. 12, 2022      Jun. 13, 2021
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:15 am
Thursday: 5:30 pm                                                     Sunday Collection      $ 27,426           $ 1,962,718        $ 1,793,596
Saturday: 4:30 pm and 8:15 am (Mass on the 1st Saturday of the        Amount Needed          $ (35,500)         $ (1,775,000)
month, Prayer Service in the Chapel on the other Saturdays)           Over / (Under)         $ (8,074)          $ 187,718
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, and 5:00 pm             Building Fund          $ 3,365            $ 123,755          $ 112,981
Sunday, June 19 | Corpus Christi Sunday                               ACH Collection         $ 3,957 (weekly)
7:30 am † Barbara Mary Harpster (John & Laurie              AH
         Stolarczyk)                                                  Online Sunday          $ 1,894
9:00 am † Luigi Salvatore (Salvatore Family)                RS        Collection
10:30 am † Henry Ciesielski (Family)                        RS        Children's Envelopes   $ 72 from 23 envelopes collected.
12:00 pm † Carmen Ravo (Pillatt Family)                     RS
5:00 pm † Phillip Kauffman (Anna Marie Ong)                 RS
                                                                         Generations of Faith | Campaign Update
Monday, June 20
8:15 am † Mike and Ann Kostyack (Camille Kostyack)                    Total Pledged: 		                                           $ 4,653,451.29
5:30 pm Prayer Service in the Chapel                                  Total # of Gifts:				                                                 819
                                                                      Deposits (week of Jun. 6):                                     $ 11,964.52
Tuesday, June 21 | St. Agnes Gonzaga                                  Total Collected to Date:                                    $ 3,878,264.33
8:15 am Prayer Service in the Church

Wednesday, June 22 | St. Paulinus of Nola, Ss. John Fisher &      Thank you for your support!
Thomas More                                                  •            Automatic giving (for more information, contact
8:15 am † Trevor James Pacek (Frank and Sharon Pacek)
                                                                          Lynn Rogers at LRogers@StAmbrose.us).
Thursday, June 23 | The Nativity of St. John the Baptist          •       Online at StAmbrose.us/Donate.
8:15 am Prayer Service in the Church                              •       By mail (donations can be mailed to Saint Ambrose
5:30 pm † Barbara Walgus (Friends)                                        Parish, 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, OH 44212).
                                                                  •       Drop your collection envelope in the baskets at the
Friday, June 24 | The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
8:15 am † Donna Wilks (Larry & Kathryn Streng and Jack &                  doors of the Church or at the Parish Office or in the
          Loretta Quinlan)                                                secured mailbox.

Saturday, June 25 | The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
8:15 am Prayer Service in the Chapel
                                                                                          Help Wanted
4:30 pm † Gregory Glassco (Rosemary "Penny" Edmonds)        AH
                                                                                      Maintenance Department
                                                                            We are looking for some part-time help in our
Sunday, June 26 | 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time                            maintenance department. We have a wide range
7:30 am † John and Jeanette Polk (Louise & Elmer Dubs)      AH           of needs from set up to clean up – days along with
9:00 am † Jason Ramos (Bill Ramos)                          RS           weekends and evenings. To learn more, send an
10:30 am † Shirley Fallon (Fallon Family)                   RS
12:00 pm † Kenneth Klubnik (The Nemet Family)               RS
                                                                                email to MHalenar@StAmbrose.us.
5:00 pm Patricia Luks (Christine Guk)                       AH
                                                                                       Offertory Gifts
Confession & Home Visits                                              Celebrate Mass with Us in a Special Way!
Call the PLC Office at 330.460.7300 to schedule.
                                                                   Families are invited to “bring up the gifts” at weekend
Connect with the Lord                                             Masses. It’s a very simple but special gesture: picking
                                                                   up bread and wine that have been placed on a table in
Get Daily Readings at USCCB.org.
                                                                 the back area of the Church and bringing the gifts forward
Eucharistic Adoration                                               to present to the priest. The procession with the bread
Every Monday, from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm, Chapel.                    and wine is symbolic of our own journey from this life to
You can pop in or sign-up to spend an hour with the               eternal life. The bread and wine are also symbolic of each
blessed Eucharist. Sign up at StAmbrose.us/Adoration.            one of us. Just as the bread and wine are transformed into
                                                                   the Body and Blood of Christ, so are we transformed as
Benediction                                                        members of that Body. For more details and to sign up,
Every Monday, at 7:30 pm, Chapel.                                               visit StAmbrose.us/OffertoryGifts.
 4                                               Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
LIFTING ONE ANOTHER • Prayers & Support
We Pray for Our Sick
Rita Andrich            Diane Davenport          Agnes Knox               Stan Savich
                                                                                                      Gratitude to Our Members
Josephine Balaska       Melinda Davidson         Koziak Family            Bradley Sieber                 in the Armed Forces
Richard Baronak, Sr.    Alex Deka                Connor Krol              Debby Sommons
Jill Bartek             Maria DeLuca-McKee       Trenton Krol             Mikenna Stephenson
Ted Beba                Kathleen Duncan          Patricia Luk             Colleen Sumskis           CPT      Joseph Tobin Adams, Marine Corps
Helen Bednar            Becky Frisco             Shirley Mayer            Betty Taller              E3A      Elora Amoline, Navy
Pixie Blake             Jerry Gerspacher         Ray McCall               Ken Tassin
                                                                                                    SPCL     Andrew Bajusz, National Guard
Doris Breen             Dan Ginley               Mary Murdock             Lori Uhler
Joyce Broadway          Richie Golan             Sarah Murdock            Nancy Van Gieson          SSGT     Kurt J. Becka, Air Force
James Brooks            Matt Gould               Gail Nalesnik            Lilliana Van Pelt         LCPL     Cade Bonds, Marine Corps
Kathy Burns             Pat Hauberg              Bob & Karen Pencek       Colleen Wagner            A1C      Tigan Braskie, Air Force
Libby Chodkiewicz       Jo Jo Hunt               Judy Peskura             Patricia Zdolshek         MSG      Jeffrey Brueckner, Army
Christianson Family     Robert Ipavec            Thomas Riddle                                      LCPL     Morgan J. Butas, Marine Corps
Maureen Conway          Robert Jones             Mary Ann Riess
                                                                                                    ET       Simon Claypool, Marine Corps
Rita Creadon            Sherri Kerr              Lori Roy
                                                                                                    SSG      Michael Duniec, Air Force
We Lift Up Those Battling Cancer                                          Eric Reeder
                                                                                                    MAJ      David M. Elliott, Marine Corps
                                                                                                    LT       Travis Elliott, Navy
Gene                    Barbara Fiala            Joy Kowalski             Joanne Reinhart
Toni S.                 Jackie Fielding          Joan Krall               Allyson Reynes            LT       Dr. Ryan Fashempour, Navy
Erin Alan               Barbara Fischer          Kathy Kunkler            Cathy Ricciuto            PFC      Tyler Faught, Army
Kimberly Ball           Vince Gassi              Joyce Lancaster          Karen Ryan                PFC      Matthew Fischer, National Guard
Fred Beba               Edward Gaus              Dolores Lauerhahs        Kim Saffle                LT       Kevin Frattin, Navy
Michele Billick         Mike Ginley              Jennifer Lazar           Tim Schmotzer             A1C      Brandon Gazso, Air Force
Debbie Burrell          Mark Hogan               Terri Leitter            Gerri Shopp
                                                                                                    LT       Serena Gerfy, Navy
Gail Buttitta           Bridgitte Jones          Carol Lersch             Chris Snider
Nora Carangio           Adraine Jungbluth        Dan Lewanski             Andy Stamper              PO       Rob Hartman, Navy
Charlotte Casselbary    Clara Kalal              Richard Malone           Jen Stancato              ICE2     Walter J. Hicho, Navy
Gary Chesnik            Mike Kalka               Helen Mancuso            Angelo Stavole            CPT      Keith Holcomb, Air Force
Pat Ciekanski           Desh Kapur               Tina Mates               Jackie Symons             E2A      Kileo Huntington, National Guard
Rosie Colucci           Kim Kasicky              Lisa Mayfeld             Joanne Walsh
                                                                                                    LTCOL    Brad Klusmann, Marine Corps
Steven Dearth           Kathy Keglovich          Mick McGinnis            Mary Jo Weihrouch
Roger Droll             Bob Klaehn               Sandy Metzer                                       MAJ      Jared Klusmann, Marine Corps
Anna Eames              Daniel Klamert           Edward Morey                                       LTJG     Shaun Krall, Navy
Kristen Eble            David Klem Jr            Tina Mounts                                        SPC      Jacob E LeRoy, Army
Mary Ferritti           Karen Koren              Ali Parsipopour                                    WO1      Zachary J. Leuhsler, Marine Corps
To have your loved one’s name on a prayer list, or to change the status of your loved one, please   CPL      Nicholas Levitsky, Marine Corps
contact Rebecca Kaaikaula at RKaaikaula@StAmbrose.us. Please let us know if a name should           PFC      Alex Lowry, Army
be re-published on a list if it has been removed.                                                   MAJ      Jon E. Mandabach, MD Air Force
                                                                                                    SMSG     Melanie Mangan, Air Force
Stephen Ministry                                                                                    MAJ
                                                                                                             James Maskovyak, Army
                                                                                                             Jason Molodec, National Guard
A Great Way You Can Help a Hurting Friend.                                                          SPC      William Mortensen, Army
Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who                                           SSGT     Matthew Pyzik, Air Force
has suffered a loss or is going through a difficult time?                                           LCPL     Lukas Robison, Marine Corps
Here’s a great way you can help them—tell them                                                      AVCM     Christopher J. Schornik, Navy
about our Stephen Ministry! Our Stephen Ministers                                                   LTG      Stephen Sklenka, Marine Corps
have received special training to provide high-quality,                                             PVT      Alex Skoczen, National Guard
confidential, one-on-one, Christian care to hurting people.                                         PVT      Xavier Skoczen, National Guard
Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care receivers                                             SRA      Nathaniel Taylor, Air Force
to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. (Males                     CPT      Zachary Taylor, Marine Corps
are matched with males, and females are matched with females.) The caring                           CW3      John A. Tevis, Army
relationship lasts for as long as the person needs care. It’s free, and it’s a powerful             SrA      William Wiener, Air Force
way you can help a hurting friend.                                                                  A1C      Paige Zoltowski, Air Force

To learn how to connect someone you know with a Stephen Minister, talk with                           Add your loved one to this list. Send their
one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders: Lisa Homady at LHomady@StAmbrose.us or                           name, rank, and branch of service to
330.460.7315, or Carol Maline at CMaline@StAmbrose.us or 330.460.7336.                                      RKaaikaula@StAmbrose.us.

                                                     Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022                                                     5
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
JOIN US • We Inspire with Prayer & Worship
Liturgy Corner
The World Day of Prayer for the
Sanctification of Priests
“The order of priesthood, you will share in the mission of
Christ, the only teacher. This is the nourishment of the People
of God, that your homilies are not boring: that your own
homilies arrive directly in people’s hearts, because they flow
from your heart, because what you tell them is what you have
in your heart. Examples edify, but words without examples
are empty words, they are just ideas that never reach the
heart. Always have before you the example of the Good
Shepherd, who came not to be served, but to serve, not to
remain comfortable, but to go out and seek and to save what
was lost.” - POPE FRANCIS
The World Day of Prayer for the
Sanctification of Priests takes
place every year on the Solemnity
of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The next Solemnity is on Friday,
June 24, 2022. The World Day of
Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests                           Don't Miss Our Casino Nights
was established by Pope Saint John                                                 An Entire Experience!
Paul II in 2002 and encourages priests to reflect upon the            Our Saint Ambrose ACES have been hard at work to
importance and dignity of their vocation.                             bring you a Summer Festival Casino experience like
                                                                     you've never had before. So, join us, Friday - Sunday
We are also encouraged to pray for our priests that God                              in the Hilkert Gym!
will continue to give them strength; because they are the
ones who bring us the Sacraments which helps us to gain
graces that we need in our lives so we can ultimately reach
our eternal place in heaven.

Men's Fellowship
Meeting Change
Next week our parish goes into full Summer Festival mode.
So, we've rescheduled our Men's Fellowship meeting
for June 30. We'll still be in the Lehner Center, Father
McGivney room and we will still meet at 7:00 pm. Have
fun at the Summer Festival and we look forward to seeing
you the week after.

Living Word Healing Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, inflame our hearts with
Your Love!
Join the Living Word Healing Prayer Ministry on June
21, at 7:00 pm in the Chapel as we lift up our hearts
and voices in praise, worship, and healing prayer.
Bring your Bible so we can let the Spirit touch our lives
through His Word.
 6                                                 Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
ALL ARE WELCOME • We Welcome with Joyful Hospitality
                                                                  Knights of Columbus
                      FOR OUR SENIORS                             An Evening for Old Glory
                              Upcoming Events
                                                                  When the United States flag, "Old Glory" becomes worn,
                                                                  torn, faded or badly soiled, it is time to fly a new flag, and
                           Weekly Yoga is held in Mother          the old flag should be "retired" with all the dignity and
                         Teresa (unless otherwise specified)      respect befitting our nation's flag. While the traditional
                            on Wednesdays at 9:00 am.             method of retirement is to incinerate the flag, this doesn't
Pray & Croquet                                                    mean that it should simply be thrown (intact) into a fire.
                                                                  This is why our Knights of Columbus hold an annual Flag
June 20 | 6:30 pm | Chapel
                                                                  Retirement Service. Held at the Brunswick VFW Post this
& Rectory Grounds                                                 past week, Knights, military veterans, and citizens came
It's the last call to RSVP to JOsowski@
                                                                  together to retire about 100 United States flags that had
StAmbrose.us to be able to join us for
                                                                  been collected by Saint Ambrose. Ed Kilroy, a Knight and
this event. Take time out for Eucharistic
                                                                  a parish member knew that when he picked the flags
Adoration from 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Then, enjoy a round of
                                                                  up earlier that day, the ceremony to come would be a
croquet on the lawn next to the rectory.
                                                                  touching one and shares, "the number of flags that we
                                                                  received from people who wanted their flag to be retired in
Lunch & Learn Craft                                               the right way filled my SUV. To me, it means that our flag is
June 30 at 11:00 am                                               respected by many."
Join us to make a patriotic craft just in                         The evening began
time for the 4th of July!                                         with a history of why
                                                                  and how an American
                                                                  flag should be properly
Coffee & Donut Social                                             retired. Then, adults and
July 6 | 8:45 am | Mother Teresa                                  children were shown
Join us after morning Mass on the first Wednesday of each         how to use scissors to
month for some fellowship and donuts! All are welcome!            cut the stripes of the flag
                                                                  in the methodical way
Find Us on Facebook                                               required. Many agreed
Stay Connected with Route 66                                      that "it is hard to explain
Get more photos, prayers, community                               the feeling of pride and
information, and more about what’s going                          understanding you can
on with your Route 66 friends by joining our                      get from attending a flag
Facebook group. Find us at Facebook.com/Groups/                   retirement ceremony. You
SaintAmbroseSeniors.                                              truly just have to live one."
                                                                  Little moments though,
                                                                  such as when a little boy rendered a salute from the
                                                                  beginning to the end of taps being played like he had
                                                                  been trained as a solider himself, gave indication that
                                                                  a lesson in American patriotism was taught and more
                                                                  importantly learned during this ceremony. Summed up
                                                                  in this great way by a Navy vet, "it can be upsetting to think
                                                                  about all that is wrong in the world and in our own nation.
                                                                  But, then you see that little boy standing tall and saluting
                                                                  through the smoke made from an American flag being
                                                                  properly retired, and you have hope...hope for the future."

                                                                  The Knights hold this ceremony annually. To receive news
                                                                  about events like this one, please visit StAmbrose.us to
                                                                  sign up for our Weekly Enewsletter.

                                             Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022                                           7
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
EDUCATION NEWS • Letter from the Principal

Dear Parish Family,
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, godfathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, like-a-
fathers, and our incredible priests who father us in the ways of the Lord! We are
so blessed to have such strong male role models in our lives in our school and
parish! Today we pray to God and thank Him for you!

Hiring for the 2022-2023 School Year
We are so excited for the next school year! We are hiring for both Littlest Angels
Preschool and Saint Ambrose School. If you are interested or know of someone
looking for part-time work that is family schedule friendly while kids are in
school, please reach out! We are looking for preschool and K-3 aides, and
preschool teachers, as well as before and after school help. Thank you for
helping us find the best people! Please email Admissions@StAsSchool.us and
please use "Hiring" in the subject line.

We are a 2022-2023
EdChoice Provider
Saint Ambrose School K-8 is proud to be an EdChoice
Provider, celebrating school choice for families. Application
and Information can be found on our website at
SaintAmbroseSchool.us/scholarships. With an EdChoice
Scholarship, you can receive up to $6,000 for K-12
private school tuition, based on financial need or your                            The Holy Rosary
school district! See if you could be eligible! Reach out to us            Pray with Our Saint Ambrose Angels
today! Admissions@StASchool.us.                                             AM 1260 The Rock and Saint Ambrose School
                                                                       students are teaming up to pray this summer! Join us
                                                                       for the Holy Rosary offered by students from Saint
                                                                        Ambrose School and Padre Pio Academy weekday
                                                                        afternoons at 3:30 pm following the Divine Mercy
                                                                        Chaplet. Don't miss it, tune into AM1260! For more
                                                                        information and a complete schedule of programs,
Lisa Cinadr, Principal
                                                                        visit The Rock online at www.am1260therock.com.

                           ANGEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND NEWS:
         Ohio Scholarship Tax-Credit Program Lets Families “Turn Taxes into Tuition”
                by directing Your Tax Dollars to our Catholic School Students
Through the Angel Scholarship Fund, you can now contribute funds that will be used to provide tuition assistance for students
     to attend our Catholic schools, for which you may receive a 100% Ohio income tax credit of up to $750 ($1,500 if married
 filing jointly) against your 2022 state tax liability. In other words, the state of Ohio allows you to "spend" some of the state
    income taxes you must pay anyway to provide tuition assistance for students seeking an education in our Catholic
  schools. The Angel Scholarship Fund is a win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our Catholic schools.
Even more good news - this program does not affect any student’s ability to receive other scholarships or tuition assistance. It’s
 important to keep in mind that contributions to the Angel Scholarship Fund that are designated for our students will only be
 awarded to those who apply, with low-income students as the priority. For additional information, please contact Beth Saxon
  at BSaxon@StASchool.us. Or, you can make your donation online at www.catholiccommunity.org/angel. PLEASE BE SURE TO
                to be used to provide financial assistance to students in need, who qualify, at Saint Ambrose School!

8                                                  Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
PSR & MORE • We Serve with the Compassion of Christ
   Parish School of Religion
            Summer is Kicking Off!                             Project Outrun
 We are so excited to kick off our Embark in the Service       Prayers to Those Participating
 of God Junior High Camp this Monday. We are blessed           A couple of our members are running Project Outrun's 5k
  with an amazing team of volunteers and high school           this weekend in
        students who will be leading us all week.              memory of our dear
                                                               friend, Collin Nemet.
Please keep our Embark Core Team and our junior high           Please join us in
   students in prayer as they come together in faith,          praying for them. We
                    service and fun.                           hope they have a blast
                                                               while supporting a
                                                               great cause for kids and their families as they battle
                                                               pediatric cancer. More details are at ProjectOutrun.org.

         Embark Reunion
           Sunday Mass
        June 26 at 10:30 am

              Service Opportunity
Our Vacation Bible School Core team is still in need of
young teens and high school teens to help make our
VBS week the BEST ever!! To sign up for our team, go to
 StAmbrose.us/VBS and complete the Volunteer form.
  There will be mandatory VBS Leadership Training on
   Thursday, June 30 at 6:00 pm in the Lehner Center.

                                                                      Fridays at Ambrose Crossing
                                                                              K-grade 2: 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
                                                                              Grades 3-5: 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
                                                                              Grades 6-8: 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm

                                                                          Must register at

                                          Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022                                     9
Happy Father's Day! - Parishes Online
CARES & COMPASSION • We Engage & Empower Others
CARES & Compassion News
Plum Creek Assisted Living
Mulching Party
WOW- what a fantastic day we had! We
couldn’t have asked for a better, more
beautiful day for working outside! On June
11, more than twenty volunteers joined
us at Plum Creek to lay mulch down. To
our Community Outreach Team, we just
wanted to send a HUGE THANK YOU for
all of your hard work and your leadership
on this service day. And, to ALL of our
members who joined us, thank you for
being the hands and feet of Christ on this beautiful summer day.

PB&J Brigade
Every week, we distribute 2,800 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to those in need and we are so grateful to
everyone who helps make this happen! The kindness of our members has allowed us as a community to feed our
brothers and sisters in Christ. We will not be having our usual Thursday night packing on June 23 as Saint Ambrose will
be fully booked due to the Summer Festival. So, next week we will do our Thursday packing on Wednesday night,
June 22. If you can bring your sandwiches up before Wednesdays packing (by 4:00 pm), we would truly appreciate
it! We still need your sandwiches, just on different days next week only.

Tender Hearts Ministry                                         Ways to Give Back
Praying for Children with Chronic Needs                        "See the need, fill the need."
Our Tender Hearts Ministry has a team of Prayer Warriors
                                                               We encourage you to use your God-given gifts to
who want to "Serve with the Compassion of Christ." Our
                                                               serve your parish community! Here are some ways
team would love to lift children with chronic needs
                                                               you can "fill the need:"
up to God in prayer. Contact Kim Nemet by emailing
KNemet@StAmbrose.us if you have a special intention            DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A CURRENT
for a child or to become a Tender Hearts Prayer Warrior,       NATIONWIDE BABY FORMULA SHORTAGE?
please contact Kim.                                            We have teamed up with the Cleveland Baby Formula
                                                               Exchange to be a drop-off site for donations
                                                               of factory sealed, unexpired containers of
                                                               infant formula. Visit our website to learn more at
                                                               BECOME A STEPHEN MINISTER! Stephen Minister
Food Sorting                                                   training is a Christ-centered experience that equips
Tuesday, June 28th at 4:00 pm                                  participants with essential caring and relating skills.
Please join us for our canned food sorting...many hands        Trainees learn how to listen to, care for, and walk with
make light work! We will sort in the back parking lot,         those going through difficult times in life. The next
weather permitting, and move into Hilkert Hall if need be.     training session to become a Stephen Minister will
                                                               begin in September. For more information, please
You can also join us on Wednesday, June 29 at Thomas           contact Lisa Homady at LHhomady@StAmbrose.us or
Jefferson Newcomers Academy at 3:30 pm to help
                                                               at 330.460.7315, or Carol Maline at 330.460.7336 or at
unload the bags and pass them out.
Thank you so much for serving those in need!                          Thank you for your goodness.
10                                             Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish
HERE & THERE • Welcomed Blessings

                           Win a new 2022 Jeep Renegade 4x4,
   $2,000                  Toyota Corolla, or Volkswagen Jetta
 for the
             sent at the
                                              A $25,000 VALUE!
winner if pre wing!
   time of dra

GRAND PRIZE                     2ND PRIZE                    3RD PRIZE                  4TH PRIZE                 5TH PRIZE
        A BRAND                 Disney Vacation               $4,500 New              $1,500 in Home Depot         $500 Marc’s
        NEW CAR!             for up to Four People!        Home Entryway Door              Gift Cards               Gift Cards
   Jeep Renegade 4x4        PLUS up to $500 in airfare!    Check the ticket box and    Thanks to our friends at    Thank you to
     Toyota Corolla          Restrictions apply. See our    have your UWD prize         Engelke Construction!      Marc’s for this
    Volkswagen Jetta            website for details.         doubled if you win!                                   awesome gift!

                     Winners responsible for all taxes on any prize won. See website for complete details.

Raffle Grand Drawing: Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 9:30pm


 Sharing an Invitation...
 "Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks."
 All are invited to attend the Catholic Renewal Ministries’ 39th Annual
 Conference to be held on July 16, at Saint Albert the Great Parish in
 North Royalton, Ohio. This year’s theme is
 “Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks.” Guest speakers
 will be Sr. Marie Fidelis from the Disciples of
 the Lord Jesus Christ Community, Barbara
 Heil who is a speaker and Missionary Teacher
 with Renewal Ministries in Ann Arbor,
 Michigan, and Fr. Bob Franco. Bishop-Elect
 Michael Woost will be the celebrant for the
 Vigil Mass, and Matt Fafrak will lead us in
 contemporary praise music throughout the
 day and evening. Visit www.crmweb.org or
 call Sandy at 440.554.8119 to register.

                                                                                Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022               11
MOMENTS OF FAITH • Sacraments and Support
In Loving Memory                                                      Our Baptisms
                                                                      Blessings to...
                                                                      Elianna Rose Adams
                     Joseph A. Malesic                                Nina Faith Ashley
                     Father of Bishop Edward C. Malesic               Natalie Nicole Foster
                     September 24, 1917 - June 3, 2022
                                                                      For more information on baptismal prep classes,
                                                                      contact Kim Nemet at 330.460.7316 or visit
                                                                      StAmbrose.us/Baptism. Please note, we currently are
                                                                      scheduling our Baptisms 3 months out.
                     William Johnson
                     Husband of Eileen Johnson
                     December 15, 1936 - June 9, 2022
                                                                      Our Weddings
                                                                      Congratulations to...
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs.          Mr. & Mrs.             Mr. & Mrs.
                                                                        Eric & Jessica     Zach & Kristen         Ryan & Lauren
                                                                            Kaiser             Rohr                  Spiker
                     John W. Spann
                     Father of Debbie Shimko
                     December 21, 1935 - June 9, 2022

If you would like your loved one’s name to appear in this In Loving
    Memory section, please call the PLC Office at 330.460.7300.

                                                                      Marriage Banns
              Milestone Moments                                       I. Michael Waggoner and Brittany Liba
     It's Our Honor to Celebrate Them!
      Milestones may include a wedding anniversary or a               Recently Engaged?
      birthday, completing college, graduating from high              Plan your wedding with us! Find many great resources
       school, enlisting in the military, or any number of            at StAmbrose.us/Wedding.

     Allow us to honor your own or others’ achievements
                                                                      Birthday Blessings
         by submitting a few sentences and a picture to
                                                                      May the Good Lord Bless...
         be published in our weekly bulletin or quarterly             Grace Bouman Turns 99!!!
             newsletter at StAmbrose.us/Milestones.                   That’s right...long time Saint
                                                                      Ambrose Sacristan and an all-
                                                                      around blessing to our parish,
Contact Us                                                            Grace Bouman celebrates her
Parish Office: 330.460.7300                                           99th birthday this Saturday. She
Email: Office@StAmbrose.us                                            will join us the at 4:30 pm Mass.
Website: StAmbrose.us                                                 Following Mass, we invite you
Facebook: Facebook.com/StAmbrose.us                                   to bestow birthday wishes upon
School Website: SaintAmbroseSchool.us                                 her and join her for cake and
School Email: Admissions@STASchool.us                                 ice cream to Hilkert Hall. Please join us
                                                                      to wish Grace all the birthday best!!!

12                                                  Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish
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                            RESIDENTIAL &                                  OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Weekly Lawn Care • Fertilization                                                Hunter James, Parishioner & Owner
                                                                             • Shrub Trimming • Mulch, Stone & TopSoil Installation
                      We are apart of Project Evergreen Aeration - Over-seeding • Drainage Solutions • Paver Patio Installation & Sod Installation
                          & Strongsville Rotary as
                          Volunteer organizations. NOW SCHEDULING NEW LAWN & LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE

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                                                                                                                                                     (440) 846-4626
         Exclusive Home of “The Celebration of Life Center”                                                                                       bmakara@remax.net
         • Family Owned & Operated • Full Service and Cremation Service
         • Pre- Arrangements and Irrevocable Trusts • Complete Luncheon Facilities Available                                                      www.bobmakara.com
                                            (440) 260-8800                                     Stephen, Anthony & Daniel Ripepi
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                                           Weddings • Corporate Meetings                                                                                                                                     Since 1993
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                                        Call for reservations - 330-722-6766                                                                             www.bershvac.com
                                                    www.williamsonthelake.com                                                                        Dr. Jamison Hendricks, DDS
                                                    Come join us on the patio                                                                                    330-225-1433
                                                 Restaurant now open 11am - 7pm                                                                        4181 Center Rd • Brunswick
                                                      Wednesday - Saturday                                                                           www.hendricksdentistry.com               Bring your family to our family
                      RITO’S ITALIAN BAKERY, DELI & CATERING                                                                                         NEW HOURS:                                   (440) 508-4566
                                1930 Pearl Rd., Brunswick • 330-220-3103                                                                        Monday & Tuesday Closed
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                                              www.ritosbakery.com                                                                                  Sunday 9 am-3 pm                         Comprehensive evaluation and Bitewing x-rays for
                                                                                                                                  CULKAR, STACHOWICZ & CO.
                                                                                                                                           Certified Public Accountants
                                                                                                                                  INCOME TAX PREPARATION • ACCOUNTING
                     Surgical & Medical Eye Care                                                                                           PAYROLL SERVICES                                 Holistic Pet Food & Supplies
                Anthony J. Cirino, D.O, Parishioner                                                                                  “Service is our business…All Year Long!”                         3711 Pearl Rd • Medina
          Board Certified - American Board of Ophthalmology                                                                               17601 W 130th St Ste3                                             330-461-9063
            3898 Center Road • Brunswick, Ohio 44212                                                                                     North Royalton, OH 44133                               www.HeartlandPetStore.com
       Phone 330.273.5588 • www.CirinoEyeCenter.com                                                                                               440-230-5260                                    - Nutrition Counseling Available -

                         4-E-5-3                  For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com                                                                                                                                       14-1485
Millennium Rehabilitation Physical Therapy                                                                                                               The
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                                 No Referral Necessary                                                                                                           to Shop...
                           Dr. Trish Strazar, PT, DPT, SCS, AT
                                   Physical Therapist, Parishioner                                         • Health • Medicare • Life Insurance • Supplemental
                                                                                                               Small Group • Long-Term Care • Retirement
                 BUTLER                                                                                                            Licensed Insurance Agent
                 DENTISTRY                                                                                                        Roni A. Bell, Parishioner
    Leah M. Butler, DDS                                             JEREMY WEBB
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                                                                    (234) 803-8106                                                     330-225-2550
     Across from Giant Eagle Market District                        jeremy.webb@goosehead.com
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         Securities and investment advisory services offered through SagePoint Financial, Inc. (SPF), member FINRA/SIPC.
   SPF is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of SPF.

                                                             57 Pearl Road • (330) 460-3929
                              Corner of Boston and Pearl Rd.
         JOHN ANDERSON - Parishioner of St. Martin of Tours
                                                  Help Wanted                                                                                                                                      HESSCO PLUMBING
                •Competitive Wages •Cash & Credit Tips                                                                                                                                                 Full Plumbing Services
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                               The Waite & Son Promise                                                                                                         805 Pearl Road                           Heaters & Repairs
                   Creating peace of mind during your time of need                                                                                                                                Mike Hess: (216) 470-0077
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    Medina                                                                                      Brunswick                                                      330-220-6166                                  OH License #45752
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  330-723-3229                                                                                 330-225-1770
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      I-71 & RT. 303 Brunswick
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         Clev 330.273.3300                                                          Strongsville

BRICK BLOCK STONE • 330-225-0813
      Bob Kestranek Parishioner

                                4-E-5-3                       For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com                                                                                                                            14-1485
Weekly Parish Bulletin - June 19, 2022
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