In Bloom - The Texas State Florists Association

Page created by Ruby Brooks
In Bloom - The Texas State Florists Association

  in Bloom
                   2 0 2 1
2019 - 2020

Making Texas F loral Education Possible

                                                          California Association of
                                                        Flower Growers & Shippers



                                                                         Established 1927
                                                                                            Past Presidents



please visit for the most up-to-date list of underwriters and their links
Texas in Bloom                                                                                                                                 4 BEGINTRANSFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                            YOUR OWN PERSONAL

               APRIL               2021          | V O L U M E X X X X V II | N U M B E R 4
                                                                                                                                                   5 TEXAS FLORAL EXPO CHAIRS
    FROM THE President                                                                                                                             6-11
                                            Happy Spring! I have really been enjoying the mornings
                                            waking up hearing birds singing and the nicer weather                                                       EXCEPTIONAL PRESENTERS BRING
                                            for days. The glimpse of life evolving before us, the                                                       EXTRAORDINARY PROGRAMMING
                                            slowing of the pandemic and everyone recovering from
                                            the winter storm. My hope is that you all had minimal
                                            damage with everything being repaired and back to
                                            normal. We have been living through some really crazy
                                                                                                                                                  12-13 THE SCHEDULE
                                            times and it has affected our industry in so many ways.

                                            Our TSFA building suffered some winter storm damage                                                           REGISTRATION
                                            and is undergoing repairs that will take some time.

                                                                                                                                                  15 STARS OF TEXAS EVENT
      TSFA President                        Our amazing staff continues to work from home in full
  Gina Waters AAF TMFA
                                            force, accomplishing so much. Very exciting things are
                                            underway for TSFA & our members. Thank you ladies!
                                            You are an inspiration to us all.

Our 2021 TEXAS Floral Expo themed Transformations is quickly approaching and
will include something for everyone. Hands-on Workshops, Business Sessions,
                                                                                                                                                   16-17 TRANSFORM YOUR SKILLS
                                                                                                                                                         HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS
Design Lectures & Demonstrations, time to Lunch and Learn and the TSFA

Designer of the Year Competition to name a few! So get ready to sharpen your
skills, enter the competition, sign up for a workshop and make sure the dates are
on your calendar. I am sure you do not want to miss this event. This certainly will
                                                                                                                                                                                    BUSINESS EDUCATION
be the first in-person event that most of us have attended in quite some time. I

am looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you. We are all in much need
of a time to share ideas, catch up and see one another! The TEXAS Floral Expo                                                                                       LECTURES & DEMONSTRATION
is it! Bring a friend! You don’t have to be a TSFA member to attend. This issue
with each and every program outlined and each and every presenter highlighted.

If you are one that likes to plan ahead, check out for the events following
the TEXAS Floral Expo. We have two Texas Floral Showcases scheduled, one in
Waco in August and one in Lubbock in October, featuring Jody McLeod AIFD. Each
includes a dinner presentation and Product Gallery with a hands-on workshop                                                                                          TEXAS DESIGNER OF THE YEAR
earlier in the day. Signature Statements with Ian Prosser AIFD, will prove to be                                                                                            COMPETITION
an extensive series of study. Schedule all you can to add to your education! Hope

to see you there!
                                                                                                                                                                             DESIGN PRESENTATIONS
“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t
fight them. Just find a new way to stand.” -Oprah Winfrey

                                                                                                                                                  22                    LUNCH & LEARN TO EXPAND
                                               THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE TEXAS STATE FLORISTS’ ASSOCIATION
         PO Box 859 | Leander, Texas 78646 | 512.528.0806 | FAX 512.834.2150 | | | |
                                                                      TSFA BOARD                                         STAFF
                                                  President Gina Waters AAF TMFA                                         Publisher and Managing Editor | TSFA Executive Director Dianna Nordman AAF
                                            Immediate Past President Tom Wolfe, Sr.                                      Editor | Lynn Lary McLean AAF AIFD PFCI TMF
                                         First Vice President Cheryl Vaughan TMFA                                        Association Coordinator | Carole Sayegh
                                          Second Vice President Kassie Baker TMF                                         Education Assistant | Amanda McCoy
                                                                     Retail Directors                                    Production | Graphics by Kandi, Inc.
              Charles Ingrum | Jodi McShan AAF AIFD PFCI TMF | Susan Piland TMF
                                                     Wholesale Director Hein Verver
                                                      Grower Director Jimmy Klepac

Texas in Bloom USPS published monthly, except for July. $8 of the annual membership dues is applied toward a subscription to Texas in Bloom. Located at 413 S. West Dr. Leander, Texas 78641. Periodicals Postage Paid at Leander, Texas
and at additional mailing offices. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect official policy of the Texas State Florists’ Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Texas in Bloom, P.O. Box 859, Leander, Texas 78646

                                                                                                                                                                                   3 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
Texas Floral Expo
                                                     June 25-27, 2021
                                                     Westin Galleria
                                                     Houston, Texas

                 Transformation is defined as a thorough or dramatic change.
                       Concurrent programming is offered each day in a variety of formats.
                   Select from these concurrent sessions as to which offerings most benefit you!

                    Included throughout the weekend are optional Hands-on Design Workshops
                                 with additional registration and limited class size.

         Study &Select what’s Best to Begin your own personal Transformation.
PRODUCT GALLERY will feature what’s new from the Texas          TEXAS DESIGNER OF THE YEAR COMPETITION returns
Floral Education Underwriters with time to see friends, renew   to the Expo. Expect unlimited possibilities with Fabian Salcedo
acquaintances and network to discuss the most important         as Chair. Experience Botanical Transformations!
topics of the day!
                                                                LUNCH & LEARN on Saturday and Sunday as part of your
BUSINESS SESSIONS will provide the absolute best in             Expo registration. Creative Flair and Preserved Possibilities
business instruction to transform your bottom line.             expand possibilities.

DESIGN LECTURES & DEMONSTRATIONS will inspire                   BREAKFAST & DINNER PRESENTATIONS will enlighten,
while addressing today’s most important topics.                 educate and entertain with all included in your Expo
HANDS-ON DESIGN WORKSHOPS with nationally recognized
instructors bring the most current in topics to increase your
potential and transform your skills.
E     X     P     O   •   2   0   2      1

                Marissa Guerrero AIFD            Debbie Gordy AIFD TMFA

              Kassie Baker TMF                 Amy Neugebauer AIFD TMFA

               Fabian Salcedo                     Robin Martinez TMFA

             HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS                        ELECTION
                Susan Piland TMF                   Shari Sandlin TMFA

               STARS OF TEXAS EVENT                FRESH PROCUREMENT
          Jodi McShan AAF AIFD PFCI TMF       Jodi McShan AAF AIFD PFCI TMF

             Kirksey Gregg AIFD TMF            Amy Neugebauer AIFD TMFA

             SATURDAY LUNCHEON                   PAST PRESIDENTS’ SALE
             Nicola Parker AIFD TMFA             Debbie Woltmann TMFA

AIFD South Central Regional Chapter Members         Ed Fimbel TMF

            Scott Hasty AIFD

                Brad Weinstein

                    LOBBY DECOR
                Sheri Jentsch AIFD TMF
   Exceptional floral design professionals and business of flowers instructors travel to Texas to
    present, in a variety of formats, extraordinary programming during the Texas Floral Expo.

                                                                        Ace Berry AIFD TMF

                              Everything's Coming up Roses
                              From Full Bloom to Everyday Experiences
                              Stars of Texas Presentation
                                                                                                           Sessions underwritten by Rio Roses
                              Ready Set Grow!
                              Advanced Hands-on Workshop
                                                                                                                Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                          Founding Gold Level
                                                                                                           Texas Floral Education Underwriter
Ace Berry AIFD TMF worked in the oil fields of Texas for five            industry and paying it forward to mentor new designers, conduct
years before finding his true passion … FLOWERS!!! He earned his         educational classes and present programs.
Texas Master Florist in 2012 and served as Teleflora Unit President
in 2013. Ace was inducted into the American Institute of Floral          In 2017, Ace won Houston Designer of the Year. In 2019, he went
Designers in Denver, Colorado in 2015. These achievements led            on to place first and be named the Texas Designer of the Year at
him to open his own floral shop in Fulshear, Texas in 2016.              the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas. Ace was also inducted
                                                                         into PFCI in 2019. In 2020, Ace was cast on a floral competition
Ace has traveled the country taking classes and working with some        reality show titled Full Bloom where he was named runner up on
of the best designers in the world! He and a friend created Inspired     this HBO Max Hit series ! Ace is excited to be part of the future of
Designs, a design team dedicated to their passion for the floral         this amazing industry.

                                                                           Corrine Heck

                              Contract Terms:
                              Why Florists Can't Afford to Get This Wrong
                              Business Session & Panel Discussion
                                                                                                               Session underwritten by Details
                                                                                                                Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                                  Bronze Level
                                                                                                            Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Corrine Heck is the founder and CEO of Details Flowers                   clients and users all over the world. Details Flowers Software is
Software, a platform she conceived after spending over twenty            based in Ormond Beach, Florida where Corrine lives on an 8-acre
years in several aspects of the floral industry. Taking her extensive    farm with Gregory, her husband of nearly twenty years, and their
experience as a florist and her creative drive, she founded Details      three children, Avery, Amelia and Aiden.
Flowers Software in 2015 and has grown the platform to include

6 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021

                              The Smart Designer
                              Business Session

                                                                                                               Sessions underwritten by FTD

                              The Impact of Perception
                              Design Lecture & Demonstration
                                                                                                              Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                        Founding Silver Level
                                                                                                          Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Ann Jordan AAF AIFD MMFD, FTD Education Consultant and                 team for the Inauguration of President George W. Bush in 2005.
Boot Camp Instructor, has more than thirty years of retail floral
experience. She has led design classes and hands-on workshops          Not only is Ann recognized in the floral industry for her creative
throughout North America. She has studied floral design with           skills, she is also known in her community as a prominent floral
some of the greatest designers in the world.                           designer and business leader. She was nominated for the New
                                                                       England Business Woman of the Year in 1998 and the Maine Small
Enthusiastic and knowledgeable, Ann has significantly impacted         Business of the Year in 2004. Ann has taught floral design students
the floral industry. Her designs were featured in Florists’ Review.    at the world-renowned New York Botanical Gardens in all aspects
She has participated in numerous AIFD programs, including the          of floristry.
AIFD exhibit at the famed Philadelphia Flower Show. Ann served
as AIFD Symposium Coordinator in 2010 and as AIFD President in         A premier FTD Education Team Member for more than a decade,
2012-2013. She has presented on the AIFD Symposium main stage          Ann blends her past accomplishments with the latest trends
twice to include presentations River Run in 2008 and Reflection…       in all of her teachings, including FTD Boot Camp, a fast-paced,
Five Decades of Design Excellence in 2015. Ann placed third in         information-driven crash course in floristry that includes topics
the AIFD Holland Cup Competition in 2004. FTD presented the            such as marketing, trends, sales, branding and much more.
John A. Valentine Award in 2000. Ann was a member of the design

                                                            Sharon McGukin AAF AIFD PFCI

                             Fast Forward
                             Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World
                             Breakfast Presentation
                                                                                                        Sessions underwritten by BloomNet
                             Back to Business
                             Getting Back to the Business of Weddings
                                                                                                             Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                    Founding Platinum Level
                             Business Session                                                            Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Sharon McGukin AAF AIFD PFCI is internationally-known for her          Sharon is a Floriology Design Instructor and Video Specialist. She
floral expertise and southern charm. Audiences are entertained         is a Design Director for Smithers-Oasis. She authored “Flowers of
by her informative design presentations featuring the latest floral    the Heart.” Sharon is a Fellow and Past President of the American
trends and how-to techniques.                                          Institute of Floral Designers. She is a member of Professional
                                                                       Floral Communicators International and the American Academy
From small-town florist to international designer, Sharon’s flower     of Floriculture.
adventures have led this energetic floral designer around the world
as a presenter, trend-tracker, home décor industry consultant,         Sharon and her husband, Tim, live in Carrollton, Georgia. They
speaker and blogger. She has decades of experience with flowers        enjoy a busy life filled with grandbabies, grand-dogs, the stray cat
across the US, Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Africa.              that moved in during Covid, herb gardening, and cooking for large
Whether it be decorating a Tournament of Roses Parade float,           southern-style gatherings of family and friends
designing flowers in the White House Flower Shop, or working with
designers from around the globe - this floral fashionista has flower
stories to share!

                                                                                                    7 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
Joyce Mason-Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF

                             Adaptive Mechanics for Today's Floral Design
                             Hands-on Workshop

                                                                                                     Sessions underwritten by Accent Decor
                             Retail is all about the Details
                             Merchandising for Consumer Reaction
                                                                                                              Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                      Founding Bronze Level
                             Design Lecture & Demonstration                                              Texas Floral Education Underwriter

The love of flowers and the enjoyment of teaching have greatly        Joyce is the 2013 winner of the SAF Sylvia Cup Competition and
enriched Joyce Mason-Monheim’s floral career of over forty years.     the 2014 Recipient of PFCI Tommy Bright Award. In 2018, AIFD
Joyce has spent the greater part of her career experiencing retail    awarded her the prestigious AIFD Distinguished Service to the
floral shop operation, becoming an award winning floral artist and    Industry Award.
is currently a free-lance designer and educator residing in Tucson,
Arizona. Joyce’s educational presentations have been enjoyed in       As a member of the American Institute of Floral Designers
all 50 states, Canada and around the globe.                           she is a Past President of this esteemed organization, chaired
                                                                      numerous committees and task forces and has presented twice at
Joyce has served as President and in leading positions of several     AIFD Symposium. She served the organization as the 2019 AIFD
local, state, regional and national organizations. You can see her    Symposium Coordinator in Las Vegas.
expertise associated with numerous floral industry companies
and on social media platforms. She has been published in many         She is a longtime member of the Professional Floral Communicators
media outlets focusing on trade editorials and design photography.    International, the American Academy of Floriculture, is a Certified
She has participated in special events at the White House and         Floral Designer, an AIFD Certified Judge, and Arizona Master
Presidential Inaugurations and has designed for the Tournament        Florist. She has been placed in the Florida State Florists’
of Roses Parade.                                                      Association and Arizona State Florists’ Association Halls of Fame.

                                                             Derrick Myers CPA CFP PFCI

                             Lost in Space
                             Where in the world are my profits?
                             Business Session                                                                                        2019 - 2020

                             Building Your A-Team                                                                  Sessions underwritten by
                                                                                                            Texas Floral Education Partners
                                                                                                        Texas Floral Education Underwriters
                             Business Session

                             All-Star Panel Discussion with Derrick Myers
                             Panel Discussion
After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics,         in the floral industry. His strategies have proven instrumental in
with certificates in accounting and finance, Derrick went on to       increasing the profitability of many florists. He shares these
successfully attain his Certified Public Accountant designation,      techniques during his coaching sessions as well as through his
and was made a partner in the accounting firm of Crockett, Myers &    seminars. These techniques focus on helping florists reduce costs,
Associates. He continued his professional education and became        manage staff, save taxes, and run a more profitable business.
a Certified Financial Planner. Derrick provides the expertise to
guide businesses and individuals toward their financial goals         Since 1983 Derrick has been working to create and perfected his
through management advisory services, as well as tax, estate and      “Floral Analysis Program” while working with hundreds of florists
financial planning.                                                   and being active in numerous florists' associations. The “Floral
                                                                      Analysis Program” breaks down and analyzes financial statements
Over the past 35 years in his role as a business consultant and       in such a way that Derrick can show the florist owner exactly where
coach, Derrick has developed financial strategies which are unique    to focus their time and energy to reduce costs and increase profits.

8 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF

                              Cultivating Your Floral Journey
                              From Roots to Full Bloom
                              Stars of Texas Presentation
                                                                                                           Sessions underwritten by Rio Roses
                              Story Telling through The Art of Floral Design
                              Advanced Hands-on Workshop
                                                                                                                Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                          Founding Gold Level
                                                                                                           Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF is a multifaceted floral industry expert          She has presented numerous hands-on workshops and floral
with experience in product development, social media marketing,          education seminars throughout the United States and Canada
floral design education, wholesale logistics & distribution, sourcing,   with a well known reputation for excellence in design techniques
sales management, as well as luxury event production and design.         and trends.

With a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fine Art Sculpture, Beth’s greatest      Named Texas Designer of the Year in 2006 and Mayesh Design
passion is to create three-dimensional installations using flowers       Star in 2015, Beth went on to most recently compete in the HBO
as her medium. She recently was commissioned by The San Diego            Max Hit series Full Bloom! Her skill carried her forward, placing
Museum of Art to create a two-story installation for Art Alive 2021.     her to lead group challenges along the way. If you have not tuned
                                                                         into the series, it is available to stream at HBO Max.
In 2007, she was Certified as a Texas Master Florist (TMF) and
an accredited member of The American Institute of Floral                 Full Bloom prompted her to reevaluate a business idea that she had
Designers (AIFD). She has served on industry boards and elected          long abandoned. “Flower the Moment with Beth O’Reilly” offers
to leadership as South Central Regional Chapter President in 2010        a wealth of services and products for floral designers and floral
and a former Wholesale Director for Allied Florists of Houston.          enthusiasts.

                                                                         Ken Senter AIFD

                              The Creativity of Floral Design
                              Inspiration through Creative Flair
                              Luncheon Presentation                                                     Session underwritten by Smither-Oasis
                                                                                                                Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                        Founding Bronze Level
                                                                                                           Texas Floral Education Underwriter

During his lifetime in the floral industry, Ken Senter AIFD has          House florist. Most recently, Ken established and coordinated the
spent his entire career learning floristry and helping to educate        Jim Johnson Cup to give designers a platform to compete and
his fellow florist. He started his journey with a Bachelor of Science    honor Mr. Jim Johnson AIFD.
degree in Floriculture from Texas A&M in 1975 and immediately
opened a retail flower shop in College Station, Texas. Ken and his       He has always been involved, not only as a designer, but as one
wife, Donna Senter AIFD own The Senterpiece, a Wedding and               who loves to work behind the scenes to help promote the floral
Event Company in Houston, Texas.                                         industry. In 1979, he served on the TSFA Board and was the
                                                                         youngest to do so at the time. He is a former President of Central
Ken has designed and commentated floral programs across the              Texas Allied Floral Association. He served as President of the AIFD
USA, Canada, Mexico and in Indonesia. He has competed on                 South Central Regional Chapter and currently serves as a Director
numerous occasions winning the SAF Sylvia Cup Competition in             at Large on the AIFD National Board.
1986. This competition is considered the most prestigious floral
design competition in America. He has also won the California            His true passion is to help designers achieve their goals and
Top Ten Competition and twice was a Gold Medalist in the AFS             reach their dreams. He serves as the 1st Vice Chair of the AIFD
National Finals. He has placed in the Top Three in over twenty           Membership Committee which organizes the PFDE process to
floral competitions. In 2016, he represented the United States in        test to achieve AIFD accreditation.
the “Gateway to the America’s Cup” International Floral Design
Competition in Vancouver, Canada. He served as a Judge during            Ken has presented during several TFSA Conventions including the
the “Gateway to the America’s Cup” International Floral Design           75th and 100th TSFA Anniversary Conventions.
Competition in Orlando, Florida. He has designed for The White
Renato Cruz Sogueco AAF PFCI

                            Crucial Website Strategies to
                            Attract the Hyper-Digitized Consumer                                         Session underwritten by BloomNet
                            Business Session                                                                 Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                    Founding Platinum Level
                                                                                                         Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Renato Cruz Sogueco, AAF PFCI, serves as Vice President of            technology, digital marketing strategy and business, consumer
Digital Strategy and Education at BloomNet, a premier florist         and demographic trends at the Floriology Institute in Jacksonville,
services company. His primary role is to serve member florists        Florida and the new online learning platform, Floriology Now. Prior,
by developing customized services and solutions focusing on           he served as Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Society of
digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimization       American Florists (SAF), the floral industry’s trade organization
(SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media, content           providing marketing, technology and government relations for
marketing and mobile strategy to help them build web traffic            flower growers, suppliers, wholesalers and retailers.
and engage customers. He also serves as lead educator for new

                                                      Jenny Thomasson AAF AIFD PFCI EMC

                             Preserved Possibilities
                             Luncheon Presentation
                                                                                                                                    2019 - 2020

                                                                                                                   Session underwritten by
                                                                                                           Texas Floral Education Partners
                                                                                                       Texas Floral Education Underwriters

Jenny Thomasson AAF AIFD PFCI EMC is an accredited member             Honored to have presented in 2015, 2018 at the AIFD Symposium
of the American Institute of Floral Designers, Professional Floral    and representing North America 2016, 2018 at Fleuramour in
Communicators International and European Masters Certification.       Belgium, a member of the decorating team for the White House
She is a touring commentator for the Education Specialist Team for    for Christmas, an AIFD Team Designer at the Philadelphia Flower
Teleflora, featured designer in industry publications and podcasts,   Show 2016, 2017, as well as a dynamic speaker and educator for
a lead instructor at the Dr. Delphinium Design Institute in Dallas,   various groups and schools. A design competitor here within
Texas, sole proprietor for Jenny T Floristry and a newly published    the United States as well as China, crossing borders to teach in
author of her own book, Perishable Poetics: Manifesting Emotion       Mexico and Canada and utilizing virtual platforms for programs
through Contemporary Floral Design.                                   and lectures. Jenny has a passion for pushing the boundaries of
                                                                      American floristry and for promoting the art form in a fresh and
                                                                      modern way.

10 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
Renee Tucci AIFD PFCI

                             Rooted for Growth
                             Hands-on Workshop
                                                                                                         Sessions underwritten by Teleflora
                                                                                                            Texas Floral Education Partner

                             Finding Your Sympathy Style
                             Design Lecture & Demonstration
                                                                                                                       Founding Gold Level
                                                                                                        Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Renee began her involvement in the floral industry while she was    for the Singapore State Dinner. In 2017, she joined the Continuing
an undergraduate at Delaware Valley University, where she earned    Education department at Bucks County Community College as
a Bachelor of Science in Ornamental Horticulture in 2004. She       part of the AIFD Education Program. In 2018, she was inducted
has been heavily involved in the Philadelphia Flower Show since     into the Professional Floral Communicators International.
2005, spent three years leading the execution of florals for the
main entrance garden and, in 2020, was honored to be asked          She has had the pleasure of speaking to many garden clubs across
to produce the Princess Grace Rose Garden on behalf of the          the country and in Nassau, Bahamas. As a freelance floral designer,
Principality of Monaco.                                             she is proud to produce the visions of the event studios that she
                                                                    is honored to work with. As an educator, she is moved by the lives
In 2016, she was inducted into the American Institute of Floral     that she empowers and touches. As a designer, she finds joy in
Designers and assisted the White House floral team with designs     creating with such impermanent and delicate materials.

                                                                Derrick Vasquez AIFD

                            Wedding Petals
                            The Inspiration, the Design & the Details                                               California Association of
                                                                                                                  Flower Growers & Shippers
                            Design Presentation
                                                                                                      Session underwritten by Cal Flowers
                                                                                                            Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                                                            Platinum Level
                                                                                                       Texas Floral Education Underwriter

For over thirty years, Derrick Vasquez AIFD has been a leader       His expertise in headress design has been awarded first place
in the area of special events. His company, Events by Derrick,      designations by such organizations as Assistance League of San
is sought after when only the finest will do. Inducted into the     Bernardino’s Headdress Ball and Damas de’ Caridad Ball, Las
American Institute of Floral Design in 1984, he has since served    Florista’s Headdress Ball. He has also judged these high level
in numerous leadership positions within AIFD, the Society of        competitions on numerous occasions.
American Florists and regional floral organizations. He is a Past
President of AIFD South West Regional Chapter. He served AIFD       His designs have appeared in such magazines as Flowers &, Florist
as President in 2000-2001. He served the AIFD Foundation as         Review, Designing for Profit, Finer Things and Canadian design
CEO and continues to serve as a Trustee. AIFD recognized him as     publications. His work has been highlighted main stage during AIFD
a Fellow of the institute in 2005.                                  Symposia in Dallas, Texas, Kansas City, Missouri and Washington,
                                                                    D.C. Derrick was on the Presidential Inaugural Floral Design Teams
He was named among California’s Top Ten Designers by The            for President George H. Bush, President Bill Clinton and President
California Floral Association five times. He served as AIFD         George W. Bush.
Symposium Chair and Society of American Florists Convention         His designs bring events to life with a myriad of charities to include
Chair. Derrick has been Cal Flowers Fun ‘N Sun lead designer        Santa Claus, Inc., Christmas Tree Lane, Assistance League of San
for over ten years. He has designed countless presentations         Bernardino, Child Help Forest of Hope, Festival of Trees as well as
throughout the United States, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan.   Loma Linda Children’s Hospital events.

                                                                                                  11 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
JUNE 25-27, 2021
                                             Presented by the Texas State Florists' Association | Partially Underwritten by the Texas Floral Endowment

                                                          TEXAS FLORAL EXPO SCHEDULE
FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2021                                                       7:30 pm - 10:30 pm     STARS OF TEXAS EVENT
10:00 am - Noon      BUSINESS SESSION
                     The Smart Designer                                                            DESIGN PRESENTATIONS
                     Ann Jordan AAF AIFD MMFD                                                      Presentations underwritten by
                     Session underwritten by                                                       Texas Floral Education Partner
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                                                Founding Gold Level Texas Floral Education
                     Founding Silver Level Texas Floral Education                                  Underwriter Rio Roses
                     Underwriter FTD
                                                                                                   Cultivating Your Floral Journey
10:00 am - Noon      HANDS-ON WORKSHOP                                                             From Roots to Full Bloom
                     Rooted for Growth                                                             Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF
                     Renee Tucci AIFD PFCI
                     Workshop underwritten by                                                      Everything’s Coming up Roses
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                                                From Full Bloom to Everyday Experiences
                     Founding Gold Level Texas Floral Education                                    Ace Berry AIFD TMF
                     Underwriter Teleflora

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm    BUSINESS SESSION                                       SATURDAY, JUNE 26 2021
                     Lost in Space: Where in the world are my profits?      8:00 am - 9:30 am  BREAKFAST PRESENTATION
                     Derrick Myers CPA CFP PFCI                                                Fast Forward: Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World
                     Session underwritten by                                                   Sharon McGukin AAF AIFD PFCI
                     Texas Floral Education Partners                                           Presentation underwritten by
                     Texas Floral Education Underwriters                                       Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                               Founding Platinum Level Texas Floral Education
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm    HANDS-ON WORKSHOP                                                         Underwriter BloomNet
                     Adaptive Mechanics for Today’s Floral Design
                     Joyce Mason-Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF                 9:30 am - 4:30 pm      PRODUCT GALLERY
                     Workshop underwritten by                                                      TEXAS FLORAL EDUCATION UNDERWRITERS
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                                                TSFA ELECTION
                     Founding Bronze Level Texas Floral Education
                     Underwriter Accent Decor                                                      TEXAS DESIGNER OF THE YEAR
                                                                                                   COMPETITION CATEGORIES 1 AND 2
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    TSFA ANNUAL MEETING

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm    BUSINESS SESSION
                     Crucial Website Strategies to Attract the
                     Hyper-Digitized Consumer                                                      Chair Fabian Salcedo
                     Renato Sogueco AAF PFCI                                                       Experience underwritten by
                     Session underwritten by                                                       Texas Floral Education Partners
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                                                Gold Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter
                     Founding Bronze Level Texas Floral Education                                  Texas Grown and Texas Floral Education
                     Underwriter Floriology                                                        Underwriters

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm    HANDS-ON WORKSHOP                                      10:30 am - 11:30 am    DESIGN LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION
                     Expanding Creative Expression                                                 Retail is all about the Details
                     Study with one of today's top talents                                         Merchandising for Consumer Reaction
                     Details to be announced in the May issue                                      Joyce Mason - Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF
                     Workshop underwritten by                                                      Design Lecture & Demonstration underwritten by
                     Texas Floral Education Partners                                               Texas Floral Education Partner
                     Texas Floral Education Underwriters                                           Founding Bronze Level Texas Floral Education
                                                                                                   Underwriter Accent Decor
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm    PRODUCT GALLERY
                     TEXAS FLORAL EDUCATION UNDERWRITERS                    10:30 am - Noon        BUSINESS SESSION
                     TSFA ELECTION                                                                 Building Your A-Team
                                                                                                   Derrick Myers CPA CFP PFCI
                                                                                                   Session underwritten by
                                                                                                   Texas Floral Education Partners
                                                                                                   Texas Floral Education Underwriters

12 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm   LUNCHEON PRESENTATION                            10:00 am - 11:00 am       DESIGN LECTURE & DEMONSTRATION
                     The Creativity of Floral Design                                            The Impact of Perception
                     Inspiration through Creative Flair                                         Ann Jordan AAF AIFD MMFD
                     Ken Senter AIFD                                                            Design Lecture & Demonstration underwritten by
                     Presentation underwritten by                                               Texas Education Product Partner
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                                             Founding Silver Level Texas Floral Education
                     Founding Bronze Level Texas Floral Education                               Underwriter FTD
                     Underwriter Smither-Oasis
                                                                      11:00 am - 12:30 pm       BUSINESS SESSION AND PANEL DISCUSSION
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm    BUSINESS SESSION                                                           All-Star Panel Discussion with Derrick Myers
                     Back to Business                                                           Session underwritten by
                     Getting Back to the Business of Weddings                                   Texas Floral Education Partners
                     Sharon McGukin                                                             Texas Floral Education Underwriters
                     Session underwritten by
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                   11:30 am - 12:30 pm       PANEL DISCUSSION
                     Founding Platinum Level Texas Floral Education                             Taking the Mystery out of Certification
                     Underwriter BloomNet                                                       Experts outline the Steps to Lead you to Success
                                                                                                Kassie Baker TMF
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm    DESIGN PRESENTATION                                                        Jackie Lacey AIFD
                     Wedding Petals                                                             Ken Senter AIFD
                     The Inspiration, the Design & the Details
                     Derrick Vasquez AIFD                             1:00 pm - 4:00 pm         LUNCHEON PRESENTATION
                     Presentation underwritten by                                               Preserved Possibilities
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                                             Jenny Thomasson AAF AIFD PFCI EMC
                     Platinum Level Texas Floral Education                                      Presentation underwritten by
                     Underwriter CalFlowers                                                     Texas Floral Education Partners
                                                                                                Texas Floral Education Underwriters
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm    DINNER ON YOUR OWN
                                                                                                TEXAS DESIGNER OF THE YEAR
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm   ADVANCED HANDS - ON WORKSHOP                                               FINAL ROUND
                     Workshops underwritten by
                     Texas Floral Education Partner
                     Founding Gold Level Texas Floral Education
                     Underwriter Rio Roses
                                                                                                Joyce Mason Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF
                     Story Telling through The Art of Floral Design                             Competition underwritten by
                     Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF                                                     Texas Floral Education Partners
                                                                                                Gold Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter
                     Ready Set Grow!                                                            Texas Grown and the Texas Floral Education
                     Ace Berry AIFD TMF                                                         Underwriters

SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2021
7:30 am - 8:00 am   MORNING GATHERING
                    Coffee and Texas Treats

                     Finding Your Sympathy Style
                     Renee Tucci AIFD
                     Design Lecture & Demonstration underwritten by
                     Texas Floral Education Partner
                     Founding Gold Level Texas Floral Education
                     Underwriter Teleflora

                     Contract Terms:
                     Why Florists Can’t Afford to Get This Wrong
                     Corrine Heck
                                                                                   E        X     P     O     •     2    0     2     1
                     Session underwritten by
                     Texas Floral Education Partner                           The Westin Galleria is the Texas Floral Expo’s
                     Bronze Level Texas Floral Education                           host hotel where all programming
                     Underwriter Details
                                                                                           will be presented.
                                                                           To make your hotel room reservation please call
                                                                          713.960.8100 to book directly and request the Texas
                                                                               State Florists’ Association rate of $129.00.
                                                                                        Westin Galleria Houston
                                                                                     June 25-27, 2021 | Houston, Texas
                                                     One form per person.This form may be copied to accommodate additional registrants or you may go online to register at
     E   X   P   O   •   2   0   2   1
                                                                TSFA members receive a 25% Discount on Registration prices

   Please circle your event choices and total cost. Send with payment by email:,
  fax: 512.834.2150 OR mail: TSFA | P.O. Box 859 | Leander, TX 78646. Questions? Call TSFA 512.528.0806
                                                                                                                ADVANCED REGULAR
                                                                                                                (before 6/21) (after 6/21)   Total all Choices Here
CHOICE #1                                                     BEST COMBINATION OF EVENTS                           $395          $505                             $_____________
Friday, June 25, 2021
The Smart Designer
                                                                                                                                             TSFA Member
Lost in Space: Where in the World are my Profits?                                                                                            subtract your 25% discount here
Crucial Website Strategies to Attract the Hyper-Digitized Consumer                                                                                                $_____________
Product Gallery | Opportunities to Shop and Network
Stars of Texas Event and Presentations| TSFA Awards & Recognitions | Dinner                                                                  Member Registration Total
Cultivating your Floral Journey From Roots to Full Bloom | Everything's Coming up Roses
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Fast Forward: Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World Program | Breakfast                                                                         Non Member Registration Total
Product Gallery | Opportunities to Shop and Network | TSFA Election
Texas Designer of the Year Competition Categories 1 & 2                                                                                                           $_____________
Concurrent Programs: Retail is all about the Details | Building Your A-Team
Luncheon and Presentation | The Creativity of Floral Design: Inspiration through Creative Flair
Back to Business: Getting Back to the Business of Weddings                                                                                   Attendee Name
Wedding Petals: The Inspiration, the Design & the Details
Sunday, June 27, 2021                                                                                                                        ___________________________
Morning Gathering | Coffee and Texas Treats
Concurrent Programs: Finding your Sympathy Style | Contract Terms Why Florists Can’t Afford to Get This Wrong
Lecture Demonstration The Impact of Perception                                                                                               ___________________________
Taking the Mystery out of Certification | All-Star Panel Discussion with Derrick Myers
Luncheon and Presentation | Preserved Possibilities | TSFA Volunteer Appreciation                                                            Business
Texas Designer of thr Year Competition Final Round                                                                                           ___________________________
CHOICE #2                    Friday, June 25, 2021                                                                 $155          $189        Address
Please review the Friday programming as noted above
CHOICE #3                    Saturday, June 26, 2021                                                               $185          $209
Please review the Saturday programming as noted above                                                                                        City|State|Zip
CHOICE #4                    Sunday, June 27, 2021                                                                 $135          $159        __________________________
Please review the Sunday programming as noted above                                                                                          Phone
Choices 5-8 noted below include Hands-on Design Workshop and are optional events.                                                            ___________________________
We encourage you to consider adding these choices to your selection!
CHOICE #5                    Friday, June 25, 2021                                                                 $125          $150        ___________________________
Hands-on Design Workshop | Renee Tucci AIFD PFCI
Rooted for Growth                                                                                                                            PAYMENT INFORMATION
Limited to the first 30 registered.                                                                                                          ❏ U.S Check|Money Order (Payable to TSFA)
                                                                                                                                             ❏ VISA    ❏ MasterCard
CHOICE #6                    Friday, June 25, 2021                                                                 $125          $150        ❏ American Express   ❏ Discover
Hands-on Design Workshop | Joyce Mason-Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF
Adaptive Mechanics for Today’s Floral Design                                                                                                 Credit Card #
Limited to the first 30 registered.
CHOICE #7                    Friday, June 25, 2021                                                                 $125          $150        Exp __________Code __________
Hands-on Design Workshop | Expanding Creative Expression
Study with one of today's top talents. Details to be announced in the May issue                                                              Billing Zip ____________________
Limited to the first 30 registered.
                                                                                                                                             Date ________________________
CHOICE #8                    Saturday, June 26, 2021                                                               $155          $195
Advanced Hands-on Design Workshops | Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF | Ace Berry AIFD TMF
Story Telling through The Art of Floral Design | Ready Set Grow!                                                                             ___________________________
Limited to the first 20 registered.
Everything's Coming up Roses
From Full Bloom to Everyday Experiences

Friday, June 25, 2021 | 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm | Design Presentation
Presenter: Ace Berry AIFD TMF

Let’s talk about elevating business in a year of change! The Full Bloom
experience expanded my business in the year of a pandemic to be the best
year ever. Let’s talk about elevating design to transform our success to where
everything’s coming up roses!

                Sessions underwritten by Rio Roses
                Texas Floral Education Partner
                Founding Gold Level
                Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Cultivating Your Floral Journey
From Roots to Full Bloom

Friday, June 25, 2021 | 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm | Design Presentation
Presenter: Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF

As one of the top floral competitors on the HBO Max Season 1 series “Full
Bloom”, Beth O’Reilly AIFD, TMF shares her experience while encouraging
every designer to nurture their own unique floral journey. By building a strong
foundation of design techniques, incorporating inner confidence and practicing
design problem solving skills, Beth provides insight and an actionable road
map to blaze your own trail in floristry.
                                                                                  STARS OF TEXAS
                Sessions underwritten by Rio Roses
                Texas Floral Education Partner
                Founding Gold Level
                Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                     Rooted for Growth
                     Friday, June 25, 2021 | 10:00 am - Noon | Hands-on Workshop
                     Instructor: Renee Tucci AIFD PFCI

                     There's no question that plants are on trend and won't be going away
                     anytime soon. In this hands-on experience, we'll curate botanical
                     composition that will make the most proficient Plant Parent swoon!

                                               Workshop underwritten by Teleflora
                                               Texas Floral Education Partner
                                               Founding Gold Level
                                               Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                     Adaptive Mechanics for Today's Floral Design
                     Friday, June 25, 2021 | 1:00 am - 3:00 pm | Hands-on Workshop
                     Instructor: Joyce Mason-Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF

                     The essential part of any floral design has always been good sound
                     mechanics. We deal with this every single day by meeting the needs
                     of trending floral compositions. Emerging today we see sustainability
                     playing an important role in design development. Rediscover alternative
                     approaches for stability in floral design using Accent Décor products
                     along with elements of biophilia to satisfy our love and craving for nature
                     with our artistry. Let us repurpose and recycle the products we have,
                     revisit practical ideas we have always known and reduce our use of
                     unsustainable products.

                                 Workshop underwritten by Accent Decor
                                 Texas Floral Education Partner
                                 Founding Bronze Level
                                 Texas Floral Education Underwriter
Expanding Creative Expression
 Friday, June 25, 2021 | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Hands-on Workshop

 Study with one of today's top talents. Details to be announced in the May issue

                    Workshop underwritten by
                    Texas Floral Education Partners
      2019 - 2020   Texas Floral Education Underwriters

Story Telling through The Art of Floral Design
Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm | Advanced Hands-on Workshop
Instructor: Beth O’Reilly AIFD TMF

Create a floral masterpiece with meaning. When there’s a story connected to a flower arrangement
or installation, it makes it so much more meaningful. In this advanced hands-on workshop, Beth will
share techniques and mechanics that will guide you in creating botanical art that reflects your own
unique style. We invite you to tell your story through flowers in this fun and creative workshop.

                        Sessions underwritten by Rio Roses
                        Texas Floral Education Partner
                        Founding Gold Level
                        Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Ready Set Grow!
Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm | Advanced Hands-on Workshop
Instructor: Ace Berry AIFD TMF

Let’s talk about building relationships with local funeral homes. Let’s talk about inspired
designs to increase your sympathy business. With the numerous changes in this area, the
subject is one to be addressed with creative thinking to develop long term relationships.

                         Sessions underwritten by Rio Roses
                         Texas Floral Education Partner
                         Founding Gold Level
                         Texas Floral Education Underwriter
                     The Smart Designer
                     Friday, June 25, 2021 | 10:00 am - Noon | Business Session
                     Instructor: Ann Jordan AAF AIFD MMFD

                     Our industry is changing and with that come challenges in the design room.
                     Today’s flower shops need high performance people who work passionately,
                     quickly and with profit in mind. In this workshop, you will learn how to create
                     designs that are trendy and innovative while streamlining productivity.
                                       Session underwritten by FTD
                                       Texas Floral Education Partner
                                       Founding Silver Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                     Lost in Space                        Where in the world are my profits?

                     Friday, June 25, 2021 | 1:00 am - 3:00 pm | Business Session
                     Instructor: Derrick Myers CPA CFP PFCI

                     In all business there are areas that suck up money and resources like a black
                     hole in space. In this seminar we will isolate some of the common areas that
                     affect florists. Knowing where to focus and what to avoid can reduce costs
                     and greatly increase the profit of your business. A dollar saved in cost is a
                     dollar added to your bottom line profit. It takes about eight dollars in sales
                     to have the same effect on profit and yet we tend to focus all of our time
                     and effort on sales growth. In this session we deep dive into the several cost
                     centers of your business and show you how to track, measure and adjust
                     costs so you increase profits like you never thought possible.

                                       Session underwritten by
                         2019 - 2020
                                       Texas Floral Education Partners
                                       Texas Floral Education Underwriters

                     Crucial Website Strategies to Attract
                     the Hyper-Digitized Consumer
                     Friday, June 25, 2021 | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Business Session
                     Instructor: Renato Sogueco AAF PFCI

                     Think consumers were over reliant on their smartphones to shop before the
                     pandemic? These days they are downright addicted after months of social
                     distancing and self-isolation. And you may have reaped the benefits! Many
                     florists truly have flourished during the pandemic, but only if they had a strong
                     digital presence which included a search-engine optimized (SEO) website
                     that featured all the right phrases that vaulted them to top of search results,
                     were active on social media and effectively advertised online.
                     In this insightful session, Renato shares the stats, consumer trends and of
                     course all the best practices of thriving in this hyper digital market, where
                     consumers rely almost exclusively on digital means to find goods and services.
                     He’ll share the most-effective SEO trends, social media practices to engage
                     customers and why you need to invest in search engine marketing, such as
                     Google Ads to capture your lion’s share of online flower orders.
                                                        Session underwritten by BlomNet
                                                        Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                        Founding Platinum Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter
Building Your A-Team
Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 10:30 am - Noon | Business Session
Instructor: Derrick Myers CPA CFP PFCI

In “Building your A-Team” you will learn how to align your employees to the vision you have
established for the company. Once everyone is headed in the same direction you will have time
to empower and motivate. These techniques will be explored, strengthening your skills, to lead
your team forward. You will quickly see that an efficient and congruent team will visualize more
profits and experience a reality that encompasses overall success.

                   Session underwritten by
                   Texas Floral Education Partners
     2019 - 2020
                   Texas Floral Education Underwriters

Back to Business                           Getting Back to the Business of Weddings

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Business Session
Instructor: Sharon McGukin

In one year, everything changed. What will we keep? What will we leave behind? This birds-eye
business view explores ideas from consultation to color trends, pricing to products and asks
what’s next? Post-pandemic profits in the new normal? There is no normal. Grab your wedding
planner, we’re moving on!
                                   Session underwritten by BloomNet
                                   Texas Floral Education Partner
                                   Founding Platinum Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Contract Terms                        Why Florists Can't Afford to Get This Wrong

Sunday, June 27, 2021 | 8:30 am - 10:00 am | Business Session & Panel Discussion
Instructor: Corrine Heck

The strength of your contract is the backbone of any successful floral business. Join Details
Founder and CEO, Corrine Heck, for a discussion about everything it takes to create a solid
set of terms and conditions that you can count on. It’s not just about outlining payment terms
and standard operating procedures, your contract is the best defense against the unexpected,
however unlikely. We have found that many florists aren’t considering valuable terms to protect
themselves against common situations and happenings that may disrupt events. Oftentimes new
clauses are added after something unpleasant occurs; getting your terms right before something
goes wrong is your best defense. We’re taking a deep dive into florist contracts and why you can’t
afford to get your contract wrong!

                   Session underwritten by Details
                   Texas Floral Education Partner
                   Bronze Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                                                                                                19 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
Retail is all about the Details
LECTURES & DEMONSTRATIONS   Merchandising for Consumer Reaction

                            Saturday, June 25, 2021 | 10:30 am - 11:30 am
                            Design Lecture & Demonstration
                            Presenter: Joyce Mason - Monheim AAF AIFD PFCI AZMF

                            Have you ever said… “Just throw it on a shelf…”? The science behind consumer
                            behavior advises against that. However, finding your strategy for merchandising your
                            product is often the challenge. This is your opportunity to understand customer
                            behavior and discover how your display areas can become a power tool for sales.
                            Together we will walk through this year’s Accent Décor trends and identify targeted
                            areas of merchandising that will not only tell a compelling story but will increase
                            sales. Using the elements and principles of design, emotional appeal and sensory
                            attraction, you will learn to create the positive educated experience consumers
                            crave and to have them coming back for more.
                                      Design Lecture & Demonstration underwritten by Accent Decor
                                      Texas Floral Education Partner
                                      Founding Bronze Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                            Finding Your Sympathy Style
                            Sunday, June 27, 2021 | 8:00 am - 9:00 am
                            Design Lecture & Demonstration
                            Presenter: Renee Tucci AIFD

                            Join in on this creative exploration of sympathy design as seen from three
                            different perspectives: classic and abundant, on-trend and modern, edgy and
                            avant garde. We'll be reimagining old classics, walking through the designs
                            having a very vogue moment, and opening our minds to potential possibilities
                            for placing yourself on the cutting edge of today's sympathy style.
                                                        Design Lecture & Demonstration underwritten by Teleflora
                                                        Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                        Founding Gold Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                            The Impact of Perception
                            Sunday, June 27, 2021 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
                            Design Lecture & Demonstration
                            Presenter: Ann Jordan AAF AIFD MMFD

                            Profitable companies believe image to be their number one asset. Floral product is
                            everywhere, from street corners to the internet. We have one thing that will always
                            be our own, that’s our image. This intangible personality is our finger print; it is our
                            reputation. Why is it so important? Self branding creates customer loyalty. If the
                            mystic of image is missing from your company, how much time and money are you
                            willing to put into creating one? In this program, Ann will show you how to create
                            designs that reflect your own brand.

                                       Design Lecture & Demonstration underwritten by FTD
                                       Texas Floral Education Partner
                                       Founding Silver Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter
Fast Forward                     Marketing in a Post-Pandemic World

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 8:00 am - 9:30 am | Breakfast Presentation
Presenter: Sharon McGukin AAF AIFD PFCI

Accelerated change. Coping with crisis. Customer care. From Making to Marketing,
we are stronger, smarter and more business-savvy thanks to modern mayhem.
Where’s the silver lining? The Post-Pandemic world is wide open to market to.
Fast Forward! We’re moving on.
                                  Presentation underwritten by BloomNet
                                  Texas Floral Education Partner
                                  Founding Platinum Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

Wedding Petals                     The Inspiration, the Design & the Details

Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Main Stage Presentation
Presenter: Derrick Vasquez AIFD

Imaginative. Innovative. Classic. Romantic. Inspired. With each petal, experience
the brilliance of this award winning event designer. With each petal, experience

                                                                                                             DESIGNER OF THE YEAR COMPETITION
the magic of inspired designs and learn the necessity of extensive detail.
Exceptional at it best to light the way out of the pandemic into a world that will
welcome again elaborately adorned celebrations.

                                  Presentation underwritten by Cal Flowers
     California Association of    Texas Floral Education Partner
   Flower Growers & Shippers      Platinum Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

     California Association of
   Flower Growers & Shippers

                                     2021 Texas Designer of the Year                                                      DESIGN PRESENTATIONS
                     May 21                                   June 26                          June 27
               Entry Deadline                            Categories 1 & 2                      Final Round

                                                       To Enter
                                Maximum of Ten Entries
        Visit to Review Competition Rules and Entry Qualifications
    Download the Entry Form and Mail the completed form with the Entry Fee to
         Texas State Florists’ Association, PO Box 859, Leander, TX 78646
         OR email the form to and contact the office
                           at 512.528.0806 to make payment.
LUNCH & LEARN      The Creativity of Floral Design
                      Inspiration through Creative Flair

                      Saturday, June 26, 2021 | 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Luncheon Presentation
                      Presenter: Ken Senter AIFD

                      Understand the Elements and Principles of Design as guidelines to provide a
                      foundation for impressive florals. Gather a series of tips and techniques that will
                      enable you to step out of the box. Discover simple and quick ideas to enhance
                      your own personal style. Capture Inspiration through Creative Flair.
                                                                                Session underwritten by Smither-Oasis
                                                                                Texas Floral Education Partner
                                                                                Founding Bronze Level Texas Floral Education Underwriter

                      Preserved Possibilities
                      Sunday, June 27, 2021 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Luncheon Presentation
                      Presenter: Jenny Thomasson AAF AIFD PFCI EMC

                      With the resurgence of preserved flowers and fauna in current lifestyle trends, this
                      presentation will showcase a new and modern way to view these as a sculptural
                      artform. Taking materials in their natural state and manipulating them to be seen
                      as additions to a contemporary interior decor, Jenny will explain, in detail, how to
                      create one of a kind art pieces using the material as the functional and supportive
                      base as well as the decorative element to the finished compositions.

                                          Session underwritten by
                                          Texas Floral Education Partners
                                          Texas Floral Education Underwriters
                          2019 - 2020


                                              Taking the Mystery out of Certification
                                        Experts outline the Steps to Lead you to Success
                                                Sunday, June 27, 2021 | 11:30 pm - 12:30 pm
                                        Kassie Baker TMF | Jackie Lacey AIFD | Ken Senter AIFD

                    Have you thought about being professionally certified and how such designations
                    may increase your opportunities? Do you have questions about TSFA’s NEW
                    Professional Certified Florist program and the steps to becoming a Texas Master
                    Florist? Has the idea of being a member of AIFD crossed your mind? This panel
                    discussion will bring you the “How To” of Floral Certification.

                                        All-Star Panel Discussion with Derrick Myers
                    Sunday, June 27, 2021 | 11:30 pm - 12:30 pm | Business Session & Panel Discussion
                                                      Derrick Myers
                    Now that you’ve got a plan for how to Build Your A-Team, join Derrick Myers as he
                    leads a panel discussion with flower shop employees & owners on how to turn your
                    blossoming team into All-Stars. Learn what motivates employees and how to retain
                    them, beyond the paycheck. Plus, management delegation and best practices for
                    running a shop will be discussed. Join us as we talk about how to make sure your
                    A-Team is hitting a home run all through the year.
TSFA Calendar of Events
                              APRIL                                                    MAY                                                JUNE
1    April Fool's Day                           4       National Teacher Day                           4      TSFA On Demand Release Date
2    Good Friday                                5       Cinco de Mayo                                         PATTERN | Part 5 of a 15 Part Series
                                                                                                              Tim Farrell AAF AIFD PFCI
4    Easter                                     6-12    Nurses' Week
9    TSFA On Demand Release Date                9       Mother's Day
                                                                                                       18     TSFA On Demand Release Date
     FORM | Part 2 of a 15 Part Series          16      TSFA Board of Directors Meeting                       FRAGRANCE | Part 6 of a 15 Part Series
     Tim Farrell AAF AIFD PFCI                          Wolfe Wholesale Florist                               Tim Farrell AAF AIFD PFCI                                           Waco, Texas                                 
14   TSFA Finance Committee Meeting             21      TSFA On Demand Release Date                    25-27
     via Zoom                                           TEXTURE | Part 4 of a 15 Part Series
                                                                                                              2021 Texas Floral Expo
15   Level 1 & Level 2 High School Testing              Tim Farrell AAF AIFD PFCI
                                                                                                              The Westin Galleria
     Klein ISD Multipurpose Facility          
                                                                                                              Houston, Texas
     Spring, Texas                              31      Memorial Day                                
     *Date is tentative and subject to change
23   TSFA On Demand Release Date
     SPACE | Part 3 of a 15 Part Series
     Tim Farrell AAF AIFD PFCI
                                                       Back Cover                                          Freytag’s Florist | 800.252.9145 |
23-25                                                  Heights Floral Shop | 713.862.8811 | 800.723.3252 |
   Professional Certified Florist Classes              McShan Florist | 800.331.3349 |
   Texas School of Floral Design                       Rio Roses | 866.746.7673 | |
                                                       The Flower Forrest | 210.822.6766 |
   Wolfe Wholesale Florist
                                                       The Florist, LTD | 940.483.1800 |
   Waco, Texas                                         Tubbs of Flowers | 800.288.1978 |
30 Level 1 ONLY High School Testing                    Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse - Austin | 512.291.0400 |
   Georgetown High School                              Vickery Wholesale Greenhouse - Dallas | 214.824.4440 |
   Georgetown, Texas                                   Inside Cover Texas Floral Education Underwriters

                                E         X      P           O          •         2          0         2          1

                                                                                                            23 | TEXAS in Bloom | APRIL 2021
B                      TSFA Order Exchange Network
       These TSFA members support
                                    Yourin Advertisers!
nge Network                               T
                              ABILENE   SAN ANTONIO
                                                                                                                                                                          CORPUS CHRI

                      SPECIALIZING IN
                    FLORAL EXCELLENCE
N ANTONIO         CORPUS CHRISTI                                                                                                     Greg Waters Choice
                       SHERI                                                                                        Proud Winner of Consumers’
                    MONTGOMERY                                   Gary Norman
                       WHITE                                        Owner
                                                                                                                        “Best Florist” Award Every
                     AAF • TMFA                                                                                               Year Since 2006
 eg Waters         610 PARK STREET                                       1800 Industrial - Abilene, TX 79602
                   BAYTOWN, TX 77520
                   281•427•7454                                  Phone: (325) 695-7000

                                                AUSTIN                                             SAN ANGELO
                                                                        Shirley Floral Company
                                                                                          & Greenhouse

                                                                                       Joel Paul Shirley

                                                                        440 W Beauregard                   Phone: 325 655-9111
                                                                        San Angelo, TX 76903                 Fax: 325 653-8585                                                      DALLAS
                   CORPUS CHRISTI                                     SAN ANTONIO
                                                                                            214-324-2481 ! 800- MCSHANS
                                                                                                                  800 588-9111
                                                                                                                  ! Since 1948
                        DALLAS                                                                                                                           DALLAS
                       BURNET/MARBLE FALLS                                                         SAN ANTONIO

                                                                                                                                                  Est. 1935
                             FLOWER & GIFT SHOPS                                                                                            401 WEST 20TH STREET
                                                                                                                                            HOUSTON, TEXAS 77008           713.862.8811
                    109 N. MAIN          2105 HWY. 281 NORTH                                                                                                               800.723.3252
                  BURNET, TX 78611      MARBLE FALLS, TX 78654                                                                                                         fax 713.864.2686
                  (512) 756-4401          (830) 693-7006                                                                                                                               WACO

                                                  DENTON                                                       AUSTIN                                               HOUSTON
                           WACO                 AUSTIN                                              FORT WORTH

                                                                                      A Wholesale Florist

                                                                     Fresh flowers from around the world
                           Fax 1-512-345-1336                                (817) 457-9869
              Ken Freytag • TSFA Past President

                                                    AUSTIN                                                       MIAMI                                                    DALLAS

                                                                                                         Design Smart…
…                                                                                                                                  Find it Here
 it Here                                                                                                                 Texas State Florists' Associations'
 lorists' Associations'                                                                                               94th Annual Convention and Trade Show
You can also read