2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA

Page created by Greg Lyons
2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA
2019 Arizona Proficiency
Events Guide
2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA
ART OF STORYTELLING                                                                                       3
BAKING AND PASTRY * - STAR EVENT                                                                          7
CAKE DECORATING                                                                                          14
CHICKEN FABRICATION                                                                                      16
CULINARY KNIFE SKILLS                                                                                    18
CUPCAKE DECORATING                                                                                       21
FASHION SKETCH                                                                                           23
FRONT OF THE HOUSE                                                                                       35
IMPROMPTU SPEAKING                                                                                       38
INTERIOR DESIGN SKETCH                                                                                   43
MYSTERY BASKET                                                                                           48
SALAD PREPARATION                                                                                        50
STORY STRETCHING                                                                                         53
TOYS THAT TEACH                                                                                          60

*Baking and Pastry is a STAR Event that will be in its pilot testing year. This will be an individual event for 2019.

2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA

The Art of Storytelling: This is how the story goes… – is an individual event that recognizes members in
an Early Childhood Education program for their ability to demonstrate appropriate storytelling techniques for
an early learning environment. Presentation skills are the main source of evaluation for this event.

   1. Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member that has been or is currently
      enrolled in an Early Childhood Education program.
   2. Participants must be registered for the State Leadership Conference, and may participate in one STAR
      event in addition to the Art of Storytelling proficiency event.

Procedures and Time Requirements
Forty-five (45) minutes will be allowed for this event: twenty-five (25) minutes to prepare using book and
props, fifteen (15) minutes to share book selection, and the last five (5) minutes will be for evaluator
questions. Participants will be notified of their competition times via email to the instructor once registration
closes. This competition is open to spectators.
    1. Participants will report to event site at designated time to select the story book and as many props
        provided for event. Books will be chosen from the Caldecott Medal winners from the last twenty
    2. Students must submit portfolio at check in for evaluator review.
    3. Students will be provided a 25-minute time slot to prepare.
    4. A one minute warning will be given to student if necessary to prompt students to conclude

Portfolio Requirements
Students will submit a portfolio, in a red or white binder, that includes a collection of materials used to
document and illustrate the work of the project. Portfolio may contain a maximum of 12 pages, and should
contain documentation of experience and occupational coursework related to early childhood students.
Portfolio must contain the following items:
    • Project Identification Page: Cover page must include participants name, chapter name, school, city,
        and event name.
    • Documentation of Experience/Occupational Coursework: Documentation of units, courses, volunteer,
        and/or paid positions related to early childhood.
    • Lesson Plans: Three examples of lesson plans from the subject areas listed below that show a literacy
        connection to 3 different story books of students choice:
            o Math/Manipulative
            o Science/Sensory
            o Language/Literacy
            o Gross Motor & Music/Movement
            o Art
            o Social Studies/Character Building
            o Dramatic Play/Puppetry
            o Fine Motor/Writing
    • Evidence of Skills: Students should show evidence of actual implementation of three lesson plans
        included in the portfolio (pictures, classroom teacher evaluations, samples of hands-on activities,
        handouts, etc.)

2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA
                                    POINT SUMMARY FORM
COMPETITOR NAME(s): _________________________________ Participant #: ________
COMPETITOR SCHOOL: __________________________________

      1. Make sure all information at top is correct. If a student named is not participating, cross their
         name(s) off. If a team does not show, please write “No Show” across top and return with other
      2. Before presentation the room consultant will verify their project identification page and their
      3. At the conclusion of the presentation verify evaluator scores and fill in the information below.
         Calculate the final score and initial form.
      4. At the end of the competition in the room, double check all scores and names to ensure accuracy.

  Room Consultant Check (10 points possible)                                                     Points
      Orientation/                        0                                  3
       Check In                     Did not attend                     Attended event
                                           0                                    2
       Punctuality              Participant was late for          Participant was on time for
                                      presentation                        presentation
         Project                          0
                                                                Project ID page is present and
   Identification Page        Project ID page is missing
                                                                     completed accurately
                                             0                                  2
  Portfolio – 12 pages
                             Participant’s portfolio includes    Participant’s portfolio meets
                            exceeds allotted page numbers           allotted page numbers
                                             0                                  1
         Binder               Participant’s binder is not an       Participant’s binder is the
                                     approved binder            approved binder (red or white)
                                                                   Room Consultant Total
                                                                          (10 points possible)
                                                                 Average Evaluator Score
                                                                          (90 points possible)
                                                                                 Final Score
                                     (Average Evaluator Score plus Room Consultant Total)

                                                                                  Final Rank

Evaluators’ Scores:
      Evaluator 1 _______
      Evaluator 2 _______
      Evaluator 3 _______
      Total Score _______ Divided by Number of Evaluators
                  _______ = AVERAGE EVALUATOR SCORE
                   Verification of Final Score and Rating (please initial): _________

2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA
                                             JUDGES RATING SHEET

COMPETITOR NAME(s): __________________________________ Participant #: ________

COMPETITOR SCHOOL: __________________________________ Judges Initials:_______

Evaluation Criteria                                 Possible Points Awarded
Portfolio (0-25 points possible)                                                                                                         Points
Documentation of                 0                           1-2                         3-4                            5
  Coursework          Portfolio does not have          Portfolio shows         Portfolio shows quality      Portfolio shows excellent
                        a documentation of          documentation of an          documentation of           documentation of superb
                       coursework that is in        adequate amount of            coursework and           coursework and experience
                       the pathway, career             coursework and                experience
                     cluster or occupation for           experience
                          Early Childhood
  Lesson Plans             0                 1-2                  3-4               5-6                 7-8                   9-10
                        Lesson        Lesson plans are      Lesson plans       Lesson plans      Lesson plans are         Innovative,
                       Plans are       from one early          indicate a       indicate an        complete with       interesting and
                        missing           childhood         knowledge of      understanding           multiple         creative lesson
                                           concept              multiple             of           evidence of the        plans show a
                                                               childhood      developmental       understanding             depth of
                                                            development        ages, stages,        of ages and         understanding
                                                                concepts        and are age       stages and are             and an
                                                                                appropriate      age appropriate        application of
                                                                                                                       stages and are
                                                                                                                       age appropriate
Evidence of Skills              0                            1-2                         3-4                              5
                     Portfolio does not have      Evidence is shown, but         Evidence of skills is      Portfolio has high quality
                        evidence of skills                 limited            apparent though portfolio     evidence of superb skills
  Evidence of                   0                            1-2                         3-4                              5
 Developmental       Portfolio does not have     Portfolio shows evidence            Evidence of              Portfolio indicates an
  Knowledge                evidence of               of developmental         developmental knowledge          exceptional level of
                         developmental            knowledge, but limited      includes a chart diagram,    developmental knowledge
                           knowledge                                               essay or graphic         in a clear and organized
                                                                               organizer to explain the               format
Presentation (0-65 points possible)                                                                                                      Points
  Introduction/                0                             1-2                        3-4                             5
Acknowledgement      No obvious introduction         Introductions not         Somewhat creative and         Introduction captured
 of source (legal                                  effective in capturing        attention getting           attention immediately
Purpose and Focus              0                           1-2                          3-4                               5
                      Purpose and focus is         Purpose and focus is         Purpose and focus is       Establishes a purpose early
                            missing                       weak                      fairly clear             and maintains focus for
                                                                                                               most of presentation
Story Appropriate              0                              1-2                          3-4                            5
                      No obvious choice or       Story content or age level   Adequate story content or     Exceptional content and
                       appropriate story           inappropriate for teller   age level appropriateness     age level appropriate for
                                                      and/or audience          of teller and/or audience        teller and audience
  Comfort with                  0                             1-2                          3-4                            5
     Story           No obvious comfort with         Teller is somewhat       Teller is comfortable with    Teller is comfortable with
                              story                 unfamiliar with story              story choice           story choice, develops
                                                                                                           rapport, and enthusiasm is

2019 Arizona Proficiency Events Guide - Arizona FCCLA
                                       JUDGES RATING SHEET (cont.)
   Delivery:                     0                           1-2                         3-4                              5
  Enthusiasm            No enthusiasm for the     Very little use of facial     Facial expressions and        Facial expressions and
                            presentation           expressions or body        body language are used to     body language generate a
                                                    language. Did not         generate enthusiasm, but          strong interest and
                                                generate much interest in       seem somewhat faked         enthusiasm about the topic
                                                  topic being presented.                                              in others.
Delivery: Tempo                  0                           1-2                           3-4                            5
                       Tempo or pauses were       Tempo or pauses were          Tempo or pauses were          Tempo or pauses were
                        not used to improve      used in such a way that      intentionally used but were      effective in improving
                        meaning or dramatic     they were very distracting      somewhat in improving          meaning or dramatic
                              impact                  to the audience             meaning or dramatic                   impact
 Knowledge of                    0                           1-2                           3-4                           5
    Story              No obvious knowledge     Frequent pauses; steps out     Some pauses; memorized              Story flows in
                              of story             of story; loses place;            word for word          conversational, engaging
                                                  rambling; no story line                                              tone
Delivery: Volume                 0                           1-2                          3-4                            5
                         Unable to hear the      Volume often too soft to      Volume is loud enough to     Volume is loud enough to
                           presentation         be heard by most audience     be heard by most audience     be heard by all audience
                                                          members                     members                        members
    Physical                     0                           1-2                          3-4                            5
 Presence/Eye                 No Eye            Flat presentation; frequent      Somewhat relaxed in        Relaxed; teller is enjoying
    Contact               Contact/Physical           loss of eye contact      presentation and begins to     self and “standing tall”;
                             Presence                                         connect with audience and      strong connection with
                                                                               Inconsistent eye contact       audience & good eye
                                                                                                              contact with audience
Body Language/                     0                      1-2                            3-4                             5
Clothing Choice         Body language shows       Body language shows          Body language portrays          Body language and
                          nervousness and          minimal amount of           participant at ease and         clothing choice both
                        unease/inappropriate     nervousness/clothing is       clothing is professional     enhance the presentation
                               clothing               appropriate.
  Telling Style:                   0                      1-2                            3-4                               5
                          No Telling Style        Discomfort apparent;         Somewhat nervous, but         Draws audience into the
                                                       lack luster             able to engage audience            story; charismatic;
                                                                                                                 expressive; excited;
                                                                                                              gestures seem natural;
                                                                                                               listeners want to hear
Grammar/Word                      0                       1-2                           3-4                                5
    Usage/              Extensive (more than     Some (3-5) grammatical       Few (1-2)grammatical and           Presentation has no
 Pronunciation           5) grammatical and      and pronunciation errors       pronunciation errors        grammatical pronunciation
                        pronunciation errors                                                                             errors
      Time                        0                        1-2                           3-4                               5
                         Presentation is less    2-4 minutes or less; too      5-7 minutes seems to be       8-10 minutes leaves the
                           than 2 minutes                 short                 stretched or too short       audience wanting more
                                                                                      TOTAL POINTS – 90 possible

Please include additional comments identifying strengths and areas for improvement:

Verification of total scores (please initial)

                   __________________                   __________________                      __________________
                          Judge                           Room Consultant                           Headquarters


Baking and Pastry is an individual STAR event that showcases student’s knowledge and skills gained from their
enrollment in a Culinary Arts program, with the ability to demonstrate safety and sanitation, food preparation,
foundational baking and pastry knowledge as well as time management and planning skills.

This event is a national qualifier. The top scoring individual with a score of 80 or better will be eligible to
represent Arizona at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference.

    • Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member that has been or is currently enrolled in a
       Culinary Arts program. Chapters may submit one entry into this event.
    • Participants must be registered for the State Leadership Conference and may participate in one proficiency event in
       addition to the Baking and Pastry STAR event.
    • While attempts will be made to accommodate, it cannot be guaranteed that schedules of events will
       be adjusted for students to participate in multiple events.

Procedures and Time Requirements
      This event will allow a total of four 3 hours and 30 minutes. Participants will be notified of their competition times,
      once registration closes. This event is not open to spectators.

1.     Students will sign in and receive a participant number and will be assigned a workstation.

2.     Participant for this event shall dress in proper attire. Participant must provide and wear a clean chef jacket, chef
       pants, appropriate closed-toe footwear, bib style apron and hair restraint that keeps hair off face and shoulders. Do
       not wear any jewelry (rings, watches, bracelets, dangling earrings, etc.), nail polish, artificial nails and piercings.
       Makeup should be kept to a minimum. There should be no odor present either good or bad. Disposable gloves should
       be worn when appropriate.

3.     All participants must bring their own equipment that will be appropriate for basic baking production. This includes
       a table top mixer. No equipment will be provided except for ovens at the host kitchen. Equipment may
       include but is not limited to:
                   Chef Knife                Paring Knife         Cutting Board       Stainless Bowls
                   Spatula                   Sheet pans           Bread Lame          Parchment Paper
                   Measuring Tools           Towels               Thermometer         *Sanitation Items (Bucket)
                   Biscuit Cutter            Portion scoops       Bench scraper       *Table Top Mixer
                   Piping Bags               Piping tips          Scale
        *Mandatory Items

4.      Participants are expected to produce the following items in the time allotted.
                 Yeast Bread: Four (4) – 2oz dinner rolls and 1 – 8oz baguette
                 Quick Bread: Nine (9) – 3” diameter buttermilk biscuits
                 Cookies: Two (2) Dozen uniform size Chocolate Chip Cookies
                 Choux Pastry: Six (6)- large (2 ½” – 3”) cream puffs filled with Chantilly Cream

5.     Participants will be provided with all necessary ingredients to produce the required elements for competition and
       sufficient equipment for presenting their final products. Participants must use the recipes provided.

6.     Participants will be given the following time for this event: 15 minutes for uniform and equipment check, 15
       minutes to set up his/her station (No mise en place will be allowed), 2 hours and 45 minutes for food production
       and presentation, and 15 minutes for clean-up.

7.     Items will be judged based on taste, consistency, appearance and technique.

                                                         JUDGES RATING SHEET

COMPETITOR NAME(s):__________________________________                                                        Participant #:                     ________

COMPETITOR SCHOOL:__________________________________                                                         Judges Initials:                   ________

Evaluation Criteria                                                       Possible Points Awarded

Safety & Appearance (0-20 points possible)                                                                                                            Points
Clothing &                       0                                  1-2                              3-4                               5
Appearance      Non-professional appearance, attire,       Adequate appearance,           Neat appearance, attire &     Professional appearance, attire
                         and/or grooming                  attire and/or grooming          grooming but lacks polish               & grooming
Safety &                         0                                  1-2                              3-4                               5
Sanitation      Disregard of safety; creating unsafe       Shows minimal safety            Follows most safety and           Follows all safety and
                      and unsanitary situation            and sanitation concerns            sanitation practices             sanitation practices
Food Production (0-20 points possible)                                                                                                                Points
Equipment,                        0                                  1-2                              3-4                             5
Tools &         Selection & usage of tools/equipment        Selection & usage of             Selection & usage of            Selects and uses all
Techniques             lacks understanding and                 tools/equipment                 tools/equipment           tools/equipment correctly &
                        demonstration of skills              demonstrates some           demonstrates most industry                 safely
                                                             industry techniques                  techniques
Mise en Place                     0                                  1-2                              3-4                              5
and Time        Work area not clean, unorganized and      Cleanliness, organization      Cleanliness and organization   Extremely clean and organized
Management          did not manage time wisely             and time management              are acceptable; Good         work area; Exemplary use of
                                                            needs improvement                 utilization of time                    time

Baguette and Dinner Rolls (0-20 points possible)                                                                                                       Points
Appearance                        0                                    1-2                            3-4                               5
                   Items are visually unappealing.        Items are a little too light   Slight color variance either        Exceptional color and
                 Appear to be either under baked or          or a little too dark in             light or dark.          doneness. Rolls and Baguette
                                burnt                       color. Crust appears to      Crust looks good. Shape is        are properly shaped and
                                                                     be soft                  visually appealing               visually appealing
Consistency                        0                                   1-2                            3-4                               5
                 Size, shape and/or color of rolls and     Size, shape and/or color      Size, shape and/or Color of    Size, Shape and/or color of the
                 baguette are inconsistent. Incorrect       of baguette OR rolls is      the baguette and rolls has           baguette and rolls is
                      amount of items produced.              inconsistent. Correct           minor issues but is           exceptional and meets or
                                                               amount of items           consistent overall. Correct    exceeds industry expectations.
                                                                   produced.             amount of items produced.         Correct amount of items
Technique                         0                                  1-2                             3-4                                5
                 Student shows no understanding of            Student shows a            Student shows a competent       Student shows a professional
                 the techniques required to produce               developing                 understanding of the        level of understanding of the
                             these items                    understanding of the            techniques required to      techniques required to produce
                                                           techniques required to            produce these items                   these items
                                                            produce these items
Taste/Texture                    0                                   1-2                             3-4                               5
                   Taste is bland, flavorless and          Items are lacking salt.         Flavor is well balanced.      Flavor and texture are in line
                unappealing. Texture is unappealing       Crust is soft. Bread lacks         Crust has a pleasing        with what is expected from a
                                                            any texture or chew           texture. Interior of bread        professional commercial
                                                                                              has good texture                       bakery
Quick Bread (0-20 points possible)                                                                                                                    Points
Appearance                        0                                    1-2                            3-4                                5
                   Items are visually unappealing.        Items are a little too light   Slight color variance either         Exceptional color and
                 Appear to be either under baked or          or a little too dark in             light or dark.          doneness. Biscuits appear to
                             over baked                     color. Crust appears to      Crust looks good. Shape is     have a proper crust and tender
                                                                     be soft                  visually appealing            crumb. They are visually
Consistency                       0                                  1-2                              3-4                                5
                 Size, shape and/or color of biscuits     Size, shape and/or color       Size, shape and/or Color of    Size, Shape and/or color of the
                are completely inconsistent. Incorrect    of biscuits shows a few           the biscuits have minor        biscuits is exceptional and
                      amount of items produced            inconsistencies. Correct         issues but are consistent       meets or exceeds industry
                                                              amount of items             overall. Correct amount of     expectations. Correct amount
                                                                  produced.                     items produced.                of items produced.
Technique                         0                                  1-2                              3-4                                5
                 Student shows no understanding of            Student shows a            Student shows a competent       Student shows a professional
                 the techniques required to produce              developing                   understanding of the       level of understanding of the
                             these items                    understanding of the             techniques required to     techniques required to produce
                                                           techniques required to             produce these items                   these items
                                                            produce these items

Taste/Texture                      0                                   1-2                              3-4                              5
                      Taste is bland, flavorless and          Items are lacking salt.         Flavor is well balanced.      Flavor and texture are in line
                   unappealing. Texture is unappealing       Crust is soft. Biscuits are        Crust has a pleasing        with what is expected from a
                                                              dense and heavy. Little         texture. Interior of the         professional commercial
                                                               to no crumb. Flavor is       biscuit is tender and has a                 bakery
                                                                   somewhat flat                    good crumb.

 Cookie (0-20 points possible)                                                                                                         Points
 Appearance                    0                                  1-2                                    3-4                             5
                      Items are visually        Items are a little too light or dark in    Slight color variance either         Exceptional color and
                   unappealing. Appear to        color. Cookies still lack some visual              light or dark.         doneness. Cookies are properly
                   be either under baked                        appeal                       Shape is good. Cookie is       shaped and visually appealing
                            or burnt                                                             visually appealing
 Consistency                   0                               1-2                                       3-4                                5
                  Size, shape and/or color      Size, shape and/or color of cookies        Size, shape and/or Color of     Size, Shape and/or color of the
                         of cookies are        shows a few inconsistencies. Correct           the cookies have minor         cookies are exceptional and
                       inconsistent. The            amount of items produced.                issues but are consistent        meets or exceeds industry
                    incorrect amount has                                                    overall. Correct amount of      expectations. Correct amount
                        been produced                                                             items produced.                 of items produced.
 Technique                     0                                1-2                                      3-4                                5
                      Student shows no              Student shows a developing             Student shows a competent        Student shows a professional
                    understanding of the          understanding of the techniques               understanding of the        level of understanding of the
                   techniques required to         required to produce these items              techniques required to      techniques required to produce
                     produce these items                                                        produce these items                    these items
 Taste/Texture                 0                               1-2                                       3-4                                5
                  Taste is bland, flavorless     Items are lacking salt or flavor is          Flavor is well balanced.      Flavor and texture are in line
                      and unappealing.         unbalanced. Texture is consistent with         Cookies have a pleasing       with what is expected from a
                   Texture is unappealing       cookies being over or under baked                      texture.                professional commercial
 Choux Pastry and Chantilly Cream (0-20 points possible)                                                                               Points
 Appearance                   0                                   1-2                                    3-4                             5
                      Items are visually        Items are a little too light or dark in     Slight color variance either       Exceptional color and
                   unappealing. Appear to       color. Choux Pastry and Cream still                 light or dark.          doneness. Choux Pastry are
                   be either under baked              lack some visual appeal              Shape is good. Choux Pastry      properly shaped and visually
                     or burnt and over-                                                        and Cream is visually        appealing. Cream is properly
                     whipped or under-                                                                appealing                        made.
 Consistency                  0                                  1-2                                     3-4                                  5
                  Size, shape and/or color       Size, shape and/or color of choux          Size, shape and/or Color of    Size, Shape and/or color of the
                     of choux pastry are           pastry and filling shows a few            the choux pastry and the       choux pastry and the amount
                   inconsistent. Puffs are      inconsistencies. Correct amount of         filling have minor issues but     of filling are exceptional and
                     not properly filled.                 items produced.                       are consistent overall.       meets or exceeds industry
                   Produced the incorrect                                                     Correct amount of items       expectations. Correct amount
                           amount                                                                     produced.                     of items produced.
 Technique                    0                                 1-2                                      3-4                                  5
                      Student shows no              Student shows a developing             Student shows a competent        Student shows a professional
                    understanding of the          understanding of the techniques                understanding of the       level of understanding of the
                   techniques required to         required to produce these items               techniques required to     techniques required to produce
                    produce these items                                                          produce these items                     these items
 Taste/Texture                0                                1-2                                       3-4                                  5
                  Taste is bland, flavorless     Items are lacking salt or flavor is           Flavor is well balanced.     Flavor and texture are in line
                      and unappealing.         unbalanced. Texture is consistent with         Choux pastry and cream        with what is expected from a
                   Texture is unappealing        choux pastry being over or under             have a pleasing texture.         professional commercial
                                                 baked and cream over or under-                                                            bakery
                                                                                           Total Points (100 Points)

Please include comments on this rating, if desired.

Verification of total scores (please initial)

        __________________                         __________________                               __________________

        Judge                                      Room Consultant                                  Headquarters Official

Straight Dough

450/425 for loaves*
475/450 for rolls

Yield: Approximately 26 oz

 405g    Bread Flour
 45g     Whole Wheat flour
 293g    Water (100-115 degrees)
 7g      Instant yeast
 10g     Salt

*There will be enough dough to produce two (2) 8 oz baguettes. Students will be asked to present their
better of the two loaves.

Buttermilk Biscuits


277g   Bread flour
277g   Pastry flour
6g     Salt
18g    Baking powder
4g     Baking soda
27g    Sugar
194g   Butter, cold
375g   Buttermilk

Chocolate Chip Cookies


147g   Butter, room temp
113g   Sugar
113g   B. Sugar
2g     Salt
91g    Eggs, room temp
6g     Vanilla
285g   Pastry flour
4g     Baking soda
357g   Choc. Chips

Choux Pastry

425 – 15 min
350 – 15 – 20 min

1 cup   Water
½ cup   Butter
1 cup   Flour
4       Eggs

                          Chantilly Cream

2 cup heavy cream
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp  vanilla extract

Cake Decorating is an individual event that recognizes participants who demonstrate their creativity in
creating an original cake focused on a theme.

Chapters may submit two entries into this event.
1. Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member that has been or is currently
   enrolled in a Culinary Arts or Hospitality Management program.
2. Participants must be registered for the State Leadership Conference, and may participate in one STAR
   event in addition to the Cake Decorating proficiency event.

Procedures and Time Requirements
This event will encompass a total of one hour and thirty minutes. Participants will be notified of their
competition times/heats, once registration closes. The competition is open to spectators if space is available.
1. Students will sign in and receive a participant number and will be assigned a workstation.
2. Participant for this event shall dress in proper attire. Participant must provide and wear a clean chef
   jacket, chef pants, appropriate closed-toe footwear, apron and hair restraint that keeps hair off face and
   shoulders. Disposable gloves are required for this event. Do not wear any jewelry (rings, watches,
   bracelets, dangling earrings, etc.), nail polish, artificial nails and piercings. Makeup should be kept to a
   minimum. There should be no odor present either good or bad.
3. We will provide 1 – 8”x4” round Styrofoam “cake” and an appropriate cake round.

4. The Theme for the cake will be announced the day of competition

5. All participants must bring their own decorating tools, and equipment and colorings as well as
   a sufficient amount of premade buttercream to ice the cake and produce the required

6. All participants will be expected to produce the following elements and the must be present
   on their finished cake:

       •   Cake must be smooth iced with buttercream
       •   The bottom border of the cake must be a scallop border
       •   The top border of the cake must be a rosette border
       •   Three (3) buttercream roses and their leaves must be present on the cake
       •   Scripting – Participants will be given a message that day to write on the cake (Spelling counts)
       •   Participants may choose their color palette

7. Participants will be given 10 minutes to set up their station, 1 hour and 10 minutes to decorate the cake,
   and 10 minutes for clean-up and judge’s questions.

                                                     JUDGES RATING SHEET
COMPETITOR NAME(s): __________________________________ Participant #: ________
COMPETITOR SCHOOL: __________________________________ Judges Initials:_______

 Evaluation Criteria                                 Possible Points Awarded
 Safety & Appearance (0-20 points possible)                                                                                         Points
                                   0                        1-2-3-4-5                  6-7-8                      9-10
 Clothing &                Non-professional          Adequate appearance,       Neat appearance,               Professional
 Appearance           appearance, attire, and/or     attire and/or grooming   attire & grooming but       appearance, attire &
                              grooming                                              lacks polish                grooming
                                   0                     1-2-3-4-5                     6-7-8                      9-10
 Safety &            Disregard of safety; creating   Shows minimal safety      Follows most safety        Follows all safety and
 Sanitation             unsafe and unsanitary           and sanitation             and sanitation          sanitation practices
                               situation                  concerns                    practices
 Equipment, Tools, Techniques, & Skills (0-25 points possible)                                                                      Points
                                    0                      1-2-3-4-5                   6-7-8                     9-10
                         Selection & usage of         Selection & usage of     Selection & usage of       Selects and uses all
                        tools/equipment lacks           tools/equipment          tools/equipment           tools/equipment
 and Tools
                          understanding and           demonstrates some         demonstrates most         correctly and safely
                        demonstration of skills       industry techniques      industry techniques
                                    0                      1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10              11-12-13-14-15
                         Poor techniques, low             Student only        Student demonstrated        Student finished cake
 Skills &                     evidence of             demonstrated 1-2 of       3-4 of the required      and produced all of the
 Techniques               skill/performance.              the required           techniques with         required elements with
                        No attempt at required          techniques with           minimal errors            few if any errors
                               techniques                multiple errors
 Food Production (0-25 points possible)                                                                                             Points
                                 0                          1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10              11-12-13-14-15
                       Work area not clean and           Cleanliness and          Cleanliness and          Extremely clean and
                            unorganized                organization needs         organization are        organized work area.
                                                     improvement. Hard to        acceptable. Minor        Easy to see what the
                                                        tell what is being    clutter exists. Can see     student is working on
                                                            worked on          what is being worked      and what equipment is
                                                                                         on                    being used.
                                 0                         1-2-3-4-5                   6-7-8                      9-10
                     Did not manage time wisely        Time management        Good utilization of time   Exemplary use of time
                                                     could use improvement
 Food Presentation (0-30 points possible)                                                                                           Points
                                   0                       1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10               11-12-13-14-15
                         Product is lacking in         Product has visible      A couple of mistake        No visible mistakes,
 Product               professional presentation       mistakes. Errors in     are present. Overall,       excellent display of
 Appearance                                           craftsmanship and a        product is visually     craftsmanship and skill.
                                                       lack of concern are      appealing and show
                                                             evident                    skill
                                    0                      1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10               11-12-13-14-15
                     Lacks creativity and does not      Adequate, but not        Creative and well-        Exceptional creative
 Creativity and
                           follow the theme                outstanding            balanced; good         ideas and outstanding
                                                                               representation of the      representation of the
                                                                                       theme                     theme
                                                                                   TOTAL POINTS – 100 possible
Please include additional comments on the back of this rating sheet, if desired.

Verification of total scores (please initial)

                  __________________                    __________________                    __________________
                         Judge                            Room Consultant                         Headquarters


Chicken fabrication is an individual event, showcases the best of participant’s knife skills. Participants will safely
fabricate a chicken into eight pieces, meeting industry standards, while demonstrating proper safety and sanitation

Chapters may submit two entries into this event.
1. Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member that has been or is currently enrolled in
    a Culinary Arts program.
2. Participants must be registered for the State Leadership Conference, and may participate in one STAR event in
    addition to the Chicken Fabrication proficiency event.
Procedures and Time Requirements
Thirty-five (35) minutes will be allowed for this event. Participants will be notified of their competition times, once
registration closes. The competition is open to spectators if space is available.

1. Participants will report to event site. They will be assigned a work space.

2. Participant for this event shall appear in proper attire. Participant must provide and wear a clean chef jacket,
   chef pants, appropriate closed-toe footwear, apron and hair restraint that keeps hair off face and shoulders. Do
   not wear any jewelry (rings, watches, bracelets, dangling earrings, etc.), nail polish, artificial nails and piercings.
   Makeup should be kept to a minimum. There should be no odor present either good or bad.

3. Chicken Fabrication will consist of eight (8) pieces. One (1) Boneless/Skinless breast; one (1) Skin on Airline
   breast and the wing bone must be frenched; Two (2) Tenderloins; One (1) wing; One (1) thigh; One (1)
   drumstick, and One (1) leg quarter shall be cut from the chicken provided. All pieces must be labeled
   (identifying the piece) and categorized (white or dark meat), using the pen and parchment paper. Participant
   will be evaluated on correctly making all cuts, using the proper tool for the job, waste, cleanliness of the carcass
   and proper safety and sanitation practices.

4. Participant must provide tools and equipment needed for the fabrication of chicken. No tools will be provided.
   No electric tools will be allowed.
        Required items include:
           • 8” or 10” Chef Knife
           • Boning Knife
           • Paring knife
           • Cutting board and mat
           • Sanitation (bucket/solution)
           • Towels
           • Water (station and ice will be provided in the competition room)
           • Disposable gloves
           • 1 perforated half pan and 1 solid half pan
           • Small compost/waste bucket or bowl
           • Plastic wrap
           • 1 sheet pan
           • Parchment Paper
           • Pen/sharpie

5. Participants will have 5 minutes to set up the work area, 20 minutes to fabrication and present the chicken and
   10 minutes to clean the work area.

6. Participants will be provided with ice, 3’ of workspace and a 2.5 – 3 lb. chicken for fabrication.

7. The participant will present all food items for evaluation of appearance, temperature and waste at the end of
   the competition. All preparation and presentation must happen during the 30 minutes of fabrication time. All
   work will be stopped at the time limit.

                                                        JUDGES RATING SHEET
COMPETITOR NAME(s): __________________________________                                                    Participant #: ________

COMPETITOR SCHOOL:                   __________________________________                                   Judges Initials: _______

 Evaluation Criteria                                    Possible Points Awarded
 Safety & Appearance (0-35 points possible)                                                                                          Points
                                       0                    1-2-3-4-5                    6-7-8                     9-10
 Clothing &                    Non-professional              Adequate             Neat appearance,            Professional
 Appearance                   appearance, attire,        appearance, attire     attire & grooming but      appearance, attire &
                               and/or grooming            and/or grooming             lacks polish              grooming
                                       0                    1-2-3-4-5                    6-7-8                     9-10
                              Disregard of safety       Shows minimal safety     Follows most safety        Follows all safety
 Safety                         creating unsafe              concerns                   practices                practices
                               situation during
                                       0                     1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10             11-12-13-14-15
 Sanitation                   Unsanitary situation         Shows minimal        Follows most sanitation    Follows all sanitation
                            creates unsafe product       sanitation concerns           practices                 practices
 Food Production (0-20 points possible)                                                                                              Points
                                        0                     1-2-3-4-5                   6-7-8                   9-10
                             Selection & usage of        Selection & usage of    Selection & usage of      Selects and uses all
 Equipment, Tools &
                            tools/equipment lacks          tools/equipment          tools/equipment         tools/equipment
                              understanding and          demonstrates some        demonstrates most         correctly & safely
                            demonstration of skills      industry techniques      industry techniques
                                        0                     1-2-3-4-5                   6-7-8                     9-10
                             Did not manage time         Time management,          Managed time and       Utilized time and mise
 Mise en place and
                            or utilize mise en place        mise en place           mise en place to      en place to complete
 Time Management
                            to complete each task                                complete most tasks        each task on time
                                                                                         on time
 Knife Skills/Food Presentation (0-45 points possible)                                                                               Points
                                         0                    1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10            11-12-13-14-15
                            Large amounts of meat        Some excess meat       Little meat remains on      Carcass yield is to
                                  on the carcass.           remains on the         the carcass. Minor      industry standards.
 Carcass and Waste
                              Excessive waste and         carcass. Excessive     excess waste, few if     Minimal waste and no
                                 large amount of           waste and a few             any miscuts              miscuts.
                                      miscuts                  miscuts
                                         0                    1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10            11-12-13-14-15
                             None of the required       Some required pieces     Most required pieces       All required pieces
 Chicken Fabrication            pieces have been        have been fabricated      have been properly       have been properly
                             fabricated to industry     to industry standards    fabricated to industry   fabricated to industry
                                     standards                                         standards                 standards
                                         0                    1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10            11-12-13-14-15
                             All parts are identified      Some parts are           Most parts are        All parts are identified
 Identification and
                                 and categorized            identified and           identified and           and categorized
                                    incorrectly              categorized         categorized correctly            correctly
                                                                                      TOTAL POINTS – 100 possible
P lease include additional com m ents identifying strengths and areas for im provem ent to justify the scores given:

Verification of total scores (please initial)

                  __________________                      __________________                    __________________
                         Judge                              Room Consultant                         Headquarters


Culinary Knife Skills is an individual event that will showcase the best of participant's knife skills.
Participant will produce four uniform pieces for each knife cut meeting industry standards and
demonstrate proper safety and sanitation procedures.

Chapters may submit two entries into this event.

1. Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member that has been or currently enrolled
   in a Culinary Arts program.

2. Participant must be registered for the State Leadership Conference, and may participate in one STAR event
   in addition to the Culinary Knife Skills proficiency event.
Procedures and Time Requirements
Thirty-Five minutes will be allowed for this event. Participants will be notified of their competition times, via
email to the instructor, once registration closes. The competition is open to spectators if space is available.

1. Students will bring with them the Knife Cut Display Page with personal information pre-filled out.

2. Students will sign in and receive a participant number and a workstation assignment.

1. Participant for this event shall appear in proper attire. Participant must provide and wear a clean chef
   jacket, chef pants, appropriate closed-toe footwear, apron and hair restraint that keeps hair off face and
   shoulders. Do not wear any jewelry (rings, watches, bracelets, dangling earrings, etc.), nail polish,
   artificial nails and piercings. Makeup should be kept to a minimum. There should be no odor present
   either good or bad. Disposable gloves will be required.

3. All participants must bring their own equipment that will be appropriate for basic knife cuts. The following
   are the ONLY tools allowed for Knife Cuts:
     Vegetable Peeler             Paring Knife             8" or 10" Chef Knife           Tourne Knife
     Cutting Board/Grip Pad       Usable waste Container w\water                          Towels
     Bench Scraper                Garbage bowl             *No rulers allowed (on cutting board or knives, etc)

4. Students will be given two russet potatoes and two large carrots. A total of four uniform and appropriate
   pieces are cut from the vegetable provided to demonstrate four of the following list: Julienne; brunoise;
   small, medium, large dice; batonnet, tourné, and oblique. Dimensions are based on the basic classical
   knife cuts described in American Culinary Federation published guidelines. Product waste will be

5. At the beginning of the competition, participants will all be notified which cuts they will need to perform.
   They must write the name of the cut and include the dimensions for each cut given by room consultant on
   their Knife Cut Display Page. Knife Cuts will be displayed on the Knife Cuts Display Page, student must
   bring their own page.

6. Thirty-five minutes will be allowed for this event. Five minutes to set up the work station, 25 minutes to
   produce and arrange each of the knife cuts, five minutes to clean the work area.

7. Judging will be based on uniform consistency of cuts (based on ACF guidelines), and demonstration of high
   quality of workmanship.

                                                       JUDGES RATING SHEET

COMPETITOR NAME(s): __________________________________________ Participant #: __________

COMPETITOR SCHOOL: __________________________________________ Judges Initials:__________

Evaluation Criteria                              Possible Points Awarded
Safety and Appearance (0-20 points possible)                                                                                               Points
                               0                          1-2-3-4-5                     6-7-8                          9-10
 Clothing and           Non-professional           Adequate appearance,        Neat appearance, attire &     Professional appearance,
 Appearance        appearance, attire, and/or      attire and/or grooming      grooming but lacks polish        attire & grooming
                               0                        1-2-3-4-5                       6-7-8                           9-10
  Safety and          Disregard of safety;       Shows minimal safety and      Follows most safety and         Follows all safety and
  Sanitation          creating unsafe and           sanitation concerns          sanitation practices           sanitation practices
                      unsanitary situation
Food Production (0-20 points possible)                                                                                                     Points
                                0                        1-2-3-4-5                      6-7-8                          9-10
                      Selection & usage of          Selection & usage of        Selection & usage of            Selects and uses all
  Equipment,         tools/equipment lacks             tools/equipment             tools/equipment           tools/equipment correctly
   Tools and           understanding and             demonstrates some           demonstrates most                    & safely
  Techniques        demonstration of skills          industry techniques         industry techniques          Only allowed equipment
                      Equipment contained          Only allowed equipment      Only allowed equipment               was present
                       measuring devices                 was present                 was present
 Mise en place,                 0                        1-2-3-4-5                      6-7-8                           9-10
     Time           Did not manage time or       Time management, mise en      Managed time and mise         Utilized time and mise en
 Management         utilize mise en place to                 place              en place to complete          place to complete each
  Scraps and           complete each task                                         most tasks on time                task on time
Knife Skills/Food Presentation (0-60 points possible)                                                                                      Points
                                0                         1-2-3-4-5                    6-7-8                             9-10
                     Did not bring Knife cut      Sheet not filled out with    Sheet partially filled out.   Sheet is completed neatly
   Knife Cut
                             sheet                 competitor info prior to     Some of the knife cut         and present on the table
 Display Sheet
                                                 arrival. Cut dimensions are   dimensions are incorrect        at set-up time. All knife
                                                           incorrect                                         cut dimensions are correct
                               0                          1-2-3-4-5                      6-7-8                           9-10
                      Incorrect cut or not            Correct but pieces         Correct cut, nearly all       Correct cut, identical in
 Knife Cut # 1
                    uniform in size or shape       inconsistent in size and      consistent in size and             size and shape
                                                             shape                       shape
                               0                          1-2-3-4-5                      6-7-8                         9-10
                      Incorrect cut or not            Correct but pieces         Correct cut, nearly all      Correct cut, identical in
 Knife Cut # 2
                    uniform in size or shape       inconsistent in size and      consistent in size and           size and shape
                                                             shape                       shape
                               0                          1-2-3-4-5                      6-7-8                         9-10
                      Incorrect cut or not            Correct but pieces         Correct cut, nearly all      Correct cut, identical in
 Knife Cut # 3
                    uniform in size or shape       inconsistent in size and      consistent in size and           size and shape
                                                             shape                       shape
                               0                          1-2-3-4-5                      6-7-8                         9-10
                      Incorrect cut or not            Correct but pieces         Correct cut, nearly all      Correct cut, identical in
 Knife Cut # 4      uniform in size or shape       inconsistent in size and      consistent in size and           size and shape
                                                             shape                       shape
                               0                        1-2-3-4-5                       6-7-8                           9-10
  Useable and
                    Did not separate usable      separation of useable and      most useable and non-         useable and non-usable
                    and non-usable waste at       non-usable waste needs       useable waste is properly         waste are properly
                              all                      improvement                    separated               identified and separated
                                                                                    TOTAL POINTS – 100 possible
Please include additional com m ents identifying strengths and areas for im provem ent to justify the score given:

Verification of total scores (please initial):

                  __________________                      __________________                        __________________
                         Judge                              Room Consultant                             Headquarters

                            KNIFE CUTS DISPLAY SHEET
COMPETITOR NAME(s): __________________________________ Participant #: ________
COMPETITOR SCHOOL: ________________________CHAPTER NAME: ___________________

   1.   Knife Cut Name:                    2.   Knife Cut Name:

   1.   Knife Cut Dimensions:              2.   Knife Cut Dimensions:

Display Cuts:                           Display Cuts:

   3.   Knife Cut Name:                    4.   Knife Cut Name:

   3.   Knife Cut Dimensions:              4.   Knife Cut Dimensions:

Display Cuts:                           Display Cuts:

Cupcake Decorating is an individual event that recognizes participants who demonstrate their creativity in
creating an original cupcake focused on a theme.

2018-2019 Theme: Comic Books
Chapters may submit two entries into this event.
1. Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA chapter member that has been or is currently
   enrolled in a Culinary Arts or Hospitality Management program.
2. Participants must be registered for the State Leadership Conference, and may participate in one STAR
   event in addition to the Cupcake Decorating proficiency event.

Procedures and Time Requirements
This event will encompass a total of sixty-five minutes. Participants will be notified of their competition
times/heats, once registration closes. The competition is open to spectators if space is available.
1. Students will sign in and receive a participant number and will be assigned a workstation.
2. Participant for this event shall dress in proper attire. Participant must provide and wear a clean chef
   jacket, chef pants, appropriate closed-toe footwear, apron and hair restraint that keeps hair off face and
   shoulders. Disposable gloves are required for this event. Do not wear any jewelry (rings, watches,
   bracelets, dangling earrings, etc.), nail polish, artificial nails and piercings. Makeup should be kept to a
   minimum. There should be no odor present either good or bad.
3. All participants must bring their own decorating supplies and ingredients:
        • One dozen pre-baked cupcakes (any size and can be various sizes).
        • Frosting or fondant – pre-made and ready to use (may be pre-colored, but not pre-shaped).
        • All equipment and supplies needed to frost and decorate the cupcakes.
                o Please note: Electricity will not be available.
        • Participants will be provided an appropriate size tray for products to be displayed on. No
            additions to the tray will be allowed. The only thing allowed on the display tray are the
   4. Participants will be given 10 minutes to set up his/her station, 45 minutes to decorate the cupcakes
      and prepare the cupcake display, and 10 minutes for clean up and judge’s questions.
   5. Cupcakes must be decorated. All decorations must be edible. Participants will assemble all twelve
      cupcakes for judging. Cupcakes do not have to be identical, but need to correlate with the given

                                                     JUDGES RATING SHEET
COMPETITOR NAME(s): __________________________________ Participant #: ________
COMPETITOR SCHOOL: __________________________________ Judges Initials:_______

 Evaluation Criteria                                 Possible Points Awarded
 Safety & Appearance (0-20 points possible)                                                                                         Points
                                   0                        1-2-3-4-5                  6-7-8                      9-10
 Clothing &                Non-professional          Adequate appearance,       Neat appearance,               Professional
 Appearance           appearance, attire, and/or     attire and/or grooming   attire & grooming but       appearance, attire &
                              grooming                                              lacks polish                grooming
                                   0                     1-2-3-4-5                     6-7-8                      9-10
 Safety &            Disregard of safety; creating   Shows minimal safety      Follows most safety        Follows all safety and
 Sanitation             unsafe and unsanitary           and sanitation             and sanitation          sanitation practices
                               situation                  concerns                    practices
 Equipment, Tools, Techniques, & Skills (0-25 points possible)                                                                      Points
                                   0                       1-2-3-4-5                    6-7-8                    9-10
                         Selection & usage of         Selection & usage of     Selection & usage of       Selects and uses all
                        tools/equipment lacks           tools/equipment           tools/equipment          tools/equipment
 and Tools
                          understanding and           demonstrates some         demonstrates most         correctly and safely
                        demonstration of skills       industry techniques       industry techniques
                                   0                       1-2-3-4-5                6-7-8-9-10             11-12-13-14-15
                         Poor techniques, low        Fair techniques, some       Good techniques,          Multiple techniques
                    evidence of skill/performance          evidence of         student is competent      used. Student displays
 Skills &                                              skill/performance.      in skill/performance.     a thorough knowledge
 Techniques                                              Student shows        Techniques are varied.      of pastry techniques.
                                                            developing          Student show good            Nearly flawless
                                                           competency             understanding of              execution
                                                                              professional technique
 Food Production (0-25 points possible)                                                                                             Points
                                 0                          1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10              11-12-13-14-15
                       Work area not clean and           Cleanliness and          Cleanliness and          Extremely clean and
                            unorganized                organization needs         organization are        organized work area.
                                                     improvement. Hard to        acceptable. Minor        Easy to see what the
                                                        tell what is being    clutter exists. Can see     student is working on
                                                            worked on          what is being worked      and what equipment is
                                                                                         on                    being used.
                                 0                         1-2-3-4-5                   6-7-8                      9-10
                     Did not manage time wisely        Time management        Good utilization of time   Exemplary use of time
                                                     could use improvement
 Food Presentation (0-30 points possible)                                                                                           Points
                                   0                       1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10               11-12-13-14-15
                         Product is lacking in         Product has visible      A couple of mistake        No visible mistakes,
 Product               professional presentation       mistakes. Errors in     are present. Overall,       excellent display of
 Appearance                                           craftsmanship and a        product is visually     craftsmanship and skill.
                                                       lack of concern are      appealing and show
                                                             evident                    skill
                                    0                      1-2-3-4-5               6-7-8-9-10               11-12-13-14-15
                     Lacks creativity and does not      Adequate, but not        Creative and well-        Exceptional creative
 Creativity and
                           follow the theme                outstanding            balanced; good         ideas and outstanding
                                                                               representation of the      representation of the
                                                                                       theme                     theme
                                                                                   TOTAL POINTS – 100 possible
P lease include additional com m ents on the back of this rating sheet, if desired.

Verification of total scores (please initial)

                  __________________                    __________________                    __________________
                         Judge                            Room Consultant                         Headquarters

Fashion Sketch

Fashion Sketch, an individual event, recognizes members for their ability to design and sketch a croquis based upon a provided design
scenario. This is an Arizona Proficiency Event and will NOT give an opportunity for advancement to the National Leadership

   Junior: grade 9            Senior: grades 10–12           Occupational: grades 10–12

See STAR Events Resources Page for detailed event alignment information to national educational initiatives and standards.

    1. Each chapter may submit up to two (2) entries for this event. Entries at the Arizona FCCLA State Leadership Conference
         locations will be available on a first come, first served basis. The number of entries will be determined by the conference
         facility and schedule.
    2. Participation is open to any nationally affiliated FCCLA member. Members must be affiliated at the time of event registration.
    3. Participants must be registered to attend the State Leadership Conference and must stay at one of the official conference

   1. At the designated participation time, the event consultant will give the participant a design scenario. Once instructed,
      participants have 5 minutes to brainstorm. Using the design scenario, participants will have 35 minutes to design, sketch,
      color croquis, and complete the Elements and Principles of Design worksheet.
   2. Participants are required to bring the following supplies: 1 file folder (plain, of any color); colored pencils, crayons, and/or
      markers; erasers; pencil sharpener(s), and ruler(s). No reference materials are allowed. FCCLA will provide one copy of the
      Elements and Principles of Design worksheet, one croquis, and plain paper per participant. Participants may draw their own
      croquis if they choose. Croquis of various sexes, ages, and body sizes will be provided.
   3. At the designated time, participants will deliver an oral presentation of up to 5 minutes in length, using the completed
      croquis and completed Elements and Principles of Design worksheet. A 1-minute warning will be given at 4 minutes.
      Participants will be asked to stop at 5 minutes. Following the oral presentation, the participant will provide the completed
      croquis and worksheet to evaluators in the file folder.
   4. Evaluators have up to 5 minutes to ask questions, score, and write comments for each entry. The decision of the evaluators is
   5. Contents of the file folder will be returned to the participant with the scored rubrics.
   6. Total time required for participation in this event (excluding orientation and testing) is approximately 50 minutes including
      brainstorming, design, sketching, croquis, completion of Elements and Principles of Design worksheet, oral presentation, and
      evaluator scoring.

   1. A table will be provided.
   2. Spectators are not allowed.
   3. Participants placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will receive awards at the Closing General Session.
   4. Presentations may not be recorded or photographed, except by the official FCCLA photographer.
   5. Participants should follow the approved conference dress code for participation in this event.


Fashion Sketching
At the designated time, each participant will receive a design scenario. Participants will have 5 minutes to brainstorm about an outfit
to incorporate into the scenario, 35 minutes to design, sketch, and color one outfit on a croquis. Participants will complete the
Principles and Elements of Design worksheet.

         Sketching Techniques        Produce a design that is neatly rendered, sketched, colored and includes extra details
                                     (zippers, stitching, buttons, seam lines, etc.)
         Design Scenario             Make appropriate choices to meet the design scenario.
         Elements of Design          Evidence that all four parts of the elements of design are included in the sketch—color,
                                     line, texture, and shape.
         Principles of Design        Evidence that all five parts of the principles of design are include in the sketch—
                                     proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis, and harmony.
         Accessories                 Incorporate accessories into sketch—jewelry, gloves, hats, sunglasses, scarves,
                                     handkerchiefs, etc.
         Creative and Original       Execute original thought and planned out designs of croquis.
         Craftsmanship               Croquis is clean and crisp with no excessive eraser marks. Outline the croquis in black
                                     pen or pencil.

Oral Presentation
The oral presentation may be up to five (5) minutes in length and is delivered to evaluators. Evaluators will ask questions following the

         Organization/Delivery       Deliver oral presentation in an organized, sequential manner; concisely and thoroughly
                                     summarize project. This delivery will need to explain the use of elements and principles
                                     of design in the sketch.
         Content Knowledge           Show evidence of fashion design knowledge and skills. Participants may use the
                                     Elements and Principles of Design worksheet, if desired.
         Voice                       Speak with appropriate force, pitch, and articulation.
         Body Language/ Clothing     Use appropriate body language including gestures, posture, and mannerisms. Wear
         Choice                      clothing that meets the conference dress code.

         Grammar/Word Usage/         Use proper grammar, word usage, and pronunciation.
         Responses to Evaluators’    Provide clear and concise answers to evaluators’ questions regarding the project.
         Questions                   Questions are asked after the presentation.

                                                     Point Summary Form

Name(s) of Participant

State                      Participant #                                 Category

  1. Make sure all information at top is correct. If the participant does not show, please write “No Show” across the
        top and return with other forms.
  2. At the conclusion of scoring, verify evaluator scores and fill in information below. Calculate the final score and ask
        for evaluators’ verification. Place this form in front of the completed rubrics and staple all items related to the
        participant together.
  3. At the end of competition in the room, double check all scores, names, and team numbers to ensure accuracy.
  4. Please check with the Lead Consultant or Arizona FCCLA Staff if there are any questions regarding the evaluation process.

 ROOM CONSULTANT CHECK                                                                                                     Points
   Orientation/Holding                            0                                             5
   Room                       Did not arrive on time for participant    Arrived on time for participant
   0 or 5 points              orientation/holding room                  orientation/holding room
   Testing Score (0-5 points)
   Testing Time in minutes and seconds (will be used in case of ties)
   EVALUATORS’ SCORES                                                                       ROOM CONSULTANT TOTAL
 Evaluator 1__________         Initials __________                                                  (10 points possible)
 Evaluator 2__________         Initials __________                                        AVERAGE EVALUATOR SCORE
                                                                                                    (90 points possible)
 Total Score__________         divided by number of evaluators                                            FINAL SCORE
                                                                                          (Average Evaluator Score plus
              __________       = AVERAGE EVALUATOR SCORE
                                                                                                Room Consultant Total)
                                                                                                           FINAL RANK

 Name of Participant ____________________________________________________________________________________

 State ___________                 Participant # __________                  Category ____________________________________________

SKETCH                                                                                                                                                Points
Sketching                        0–1–2–3                        4–5–6–7                        8–9–10–11                       12–13–14–15
Technique              No attempt has been            An attempt has been             Student is able to add           Drawing techniques are
0-15 points            made to add realistic          made to add realistic           realistic detail, shading or     applied in an expressive,
                       detail, shading or a variety   detail, shading or a variety    a variety of line to add         thoughtful manner to add
                       of line to add texture and     of line to add texture and      texture and interest             realistic detail, shading or
                       interest                       interest                                                         a variety of lines to add
                                                                                                                       texture and interest
Design Scenario                           0                                        1-2                                          3
0-3 points             The situation was not taken into       Situation was somewhat considered, but Situation was taken into
                       consideration when planning the        not fully realized in the planning of the      consideration when planning this
                       outfit                                 outfit                                         outfit
Elements of Design                0-1-2-3                        4-5-6-7                         8-9-10-11                       12-13-14
0-14 points            Only one element was          Only two out of the four          Only three out of the four     It was evident that color,
                       utilized in the outfit        elements were visible in          elements were visible in       shape, texture, and line all
                                                     the outfit                        the outfit                     played a role in designing
                                                                                                                      the outfit
Principles of Design              0-1-2-3                        4-5-6-7                         8-9-10-11                       12-13-14
0-14 points            Only one principle was        Only two or three out of          Only four out of the five       It was evident that balance,
                       utilized in the outfit        the five elements were            elements were visible in        rhythm, proportion,
                                                     visible in the outfit             the outfit                      emphasis and harmony all
                                                                                                                       played a role in designing
                                                                                                                       the outfit
Accessories                          0                              1                                2                                3
0-3 points             No evidence of                One accessory was used            Accessories were used to        Accessories were
                       accessories                                                     complement the outfit,          creatively used to
                                                                                       but were not various in         complement the basic
                                                                                       assortments                     outfit. Various types of
                                                                                                                       accessories were included
Creative and                         0                              1                                2                                3
Original Design        Design shows little or no     Design lacks sincere              Design demonstrates             Design demonstrates a
0-3 points             evidence of original          originality                       originality                     unique level of originality
Craftsmanship                        0                              1                                2                                3
0-3 points             Final sketch is not           Final figure somewhat             Final figure mostly             Final figure outlined with
                       outlined. There are           outlined. There are some          outlined with eraser            eraser marks not
                       excessive erase marks.        eraser marks on sketch. It        marks not apparent.             apparent. There are no
                       Lacks neat and clean          is neat and somewhat              There are some small            scuffs or other markings
                       presentation                  clean presentation                scuffs or other markings        on paper. It is a neat and
                                                                                       on paper. It is a neat and      clean presentation
                                                                                       clean presentation
Organization/Delive               0-1-2                          3-4-5                          6-7-8                             9-10
ry                     Presentation is not            Presentation covers all         Presentation gives              Presentation covers all
0-10 points            completed or does not          project elements and            complete information the        relevant information with
                       explain the elements and       principles of design,           elements and principles of      a seamless and logical
                       principles of design           however with minimal            design, however it does         delivery
                                                      explanation                     not flow well
Content Knowledge                  0                              1-2                            3-4                               5
0-5 points             None shared or                 Minimal knowledge               Knowledge of fashion            Knowledge of fashion
                       information shared was         shared during                   design concepts is evident      design concepts is evident
                       incorrect                      presentation                    and shared at times during      and incorporated
                                                                                      the presentation                throughout the
Voice                               0                             1-2                             3-4                              5
0-5 points             No voice qualities are         Voice quality is adequate       Voice quality is good,          Voice quality is
                       used effectively                                               though could improve            outstanding and pleasing
                                                                                                                      to listen to

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