PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council

Page created by Alberto Fuller
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
ISSUE 73                              MARCH 2020

                                           Supported by McCain

PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
Contact Numbers                                              A welcome from the Chairman
       Cayton Parish Councillors                                       After a mild, but
Mrs Roberta Swiers (Chairman)..............584386                      very wet and windy
Simon Green (Vice Chairman).................581236                     winter, we look
Carlton Bell .................................... 07766 246457         forward to Spring. We
Mrs Ann Hudson .........................................583877         have planted more
Mrs Jennifer Kelly.........................................585051      daffodils around the
Mrs Rhona Liley ..........................................582784       village and put some
Nigel Poor........................................ 07791 791105        more planters out to
David Crane...................................................581519   enhance our village.
Peter Southward .........................................581290
Clerk (Jubilee Hall) . ...................................586869       After the collapse of
   Councillors details correct at time of printing
                                                                       the bell-tower at the Jubilee hall, we now will
                                                                       try to find funds to have it re- built. The roof at
   Office hours Wed/Thu/Fri 9am – 3.30pm
     Email                                  the village hall is in need of replacing after the
                                      bad winds tore part of the roof off.
                                                                       We are currently having talks with the Planning
                                                                       officers as to the use of the Community land,
   PARISH COUNCIL MEETING DATES                                        our plans feature in this issue.
     All meetings are held in the                                      We are lucky to have the Tour-de- Yorkshire
  Committee Room at the Jubilee Hall,                                  coming through Cayton again, so please decorate
     Main Street Cayton at 7pm                                         your property.
   A 15 minute period of public participation
   is held at the start of each meeting when                           The Cayton Gala Fun Day and the 5k fun run are
        residents are welcome to speak.                                well organised to make a special weekend.
   Tuesday 21st April, 19th May, 16th June,                            If you can volunteer to help at any event, you
   21st July, 18th Aug, 15th Sept, 20th Oct                            would be most welcome.

                                                                       Roberta Swiers
 The Parish Council does not endorse any of
 these products or services advertised in this
     publication by external customers.                                Cllr. Roberta Swiers
         Views expressed are those of the                              Scarborough Borough Council
         contributors & may not be those                               Cayton Ward
               of the Parish Council.                                  01723 584386

  All event details correct at time of printing
 but due to Coronavirus these maybe subject
   to change. Please check notice boards &
              website for updates
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
JUBILEE HALL                                               JUBILEE HALL,
WEEKLY CLASSES                                               CAYTON
MONDAY – Karate 6pm to 8pm
                                                           Need a venue?
                                                   If you are planning an event or interested
TUESDAY – Slimming World Group
                                                   in organising a regular group activity and
5pm & 7pm
                                                    you need somewhere to hold your event
                                                      the Jubilee Hall Cayton is available at
Ballroom & Latin American dance classes.
New classes start early Sept.                               reasonable rates for hire.
Experienced & qualified teacher.                     Meeting Room, Kitchen, Disable Toilets,
For more details see the Scarborough review &      Large Car Park, facilities are available plus
notices in the Jubilee Hall or telephone Malcolm     a Large Hall for events such as parties,
on tel: 01723 661299                                   dancing, table top sales and special
FRIDAY – Karate 6pm to 8.30pm                                    family occasions.
SUNDAY – 10am to 4pm Christadelphians                   For all enquirers please contact
                                                       the Parish Clerk at caytonparish@
For further information & contact details
please see Jubilee Hall notices.                        
                                                              or Tel. 01723 586869
                                                          The Parish office hours –Wed,
                                                                     Thu & Fri
                                                           9-12noon –12.30 – 3.30pm
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
                                                                                     ICE AS
                                                                                        S F E CH
                                                                              AD           O
                                                                                DIT & NEW R CH ECK
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                                                                                      AL YEAR ISTMA
               ALL FARES                                                                 CH
                                                                                            AR AS
             SUBJECT TO AN                                                                        APP
             ADDITIONAL £1
             AT WEEKENDS

                                         FREE-PHONE 0500 - 66 – 46 –
                   F R E E - 5 0 0 - 6to60Town
    F R E E - P H O N E 0CaytonH O N E    5–0406- –6 64 6– 4 6 – 4 6
                                                 £6.50 – Cayton to Hospit
     Cayton      to  Town     £8.00
n to Town £6.50 – Cayton to ALL£6.50    –  Cayton
                                           Hospital to£9.50
                                              FARES QUOTED
                                                           ARE FOR 1 – 4 passengers
                           ALL FARES
                           ALL   FARES QUOTED
                                         QUOTED ARE  ARE FOR
                                                          FOR 11 –– 44 passengers
                                               – 4WOULD     LIKE A 6 OR 8 SEATER VEHICLE PLEASE RING FO
               IFIFAYOU WOULD LIKE AA 6
                    YOU WOULD           6 OR OR 88 SEATER
                                                     SEATER VEHICLE
                                                              VEHICLE PLEASE
                                                                       PLEASE RING RING FOR AA QUOTE-
                                                             4 HFOR          A D A Y FOR
                                                                  O U RASQUOTE-           – 7 DAYS A WEEK
                               24 HOURS A DAY – 7 DAYS A WEEK
           2 4 H O U R S A 2D4A YH O– U7R SD AA YDS AAY W– E7E KD A-Y SA AN YWT EI ME KE - A N Y W H E R E
                                      - A NYYTTIIMMEE -- AANNYYW WHHEERREE
                     - A N Y T I M E -- A NAYNW HERE

                                  Slimming World
                                       CAYTON JUBILEE HALL
                                             Main Street, Cayton
                                          Every Tuesday 5pm or 7pm
                                      Tel Jackie 07887572765 for details

                                 0344 897 8000
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
CORONAVIRUS                                          If you are concerned about the Coronavirus or
                                                     have any questions please use the following
& OUR                                                websites for official information.
                                                     If you do not have internet access please contact
Cayton Parish Council are asking all residents
                                                     111 for medical advice.
to be aware of elderly, isolated & vulnerable
residents at this worrying time. We are asking if
you could check on your neighbours regularly to         USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS
ensure that they are safe and well and if they are      Scarborough Borough Council
in need of any assistance.                              01723 232323
As a Parish Council our powers are limited but we       North Yorkshire County Council
are also looking for Volunteers to recruit should       01609 780780
the situation require it for help with shopping,        WRVS 0330 5550310 or 01723 582329
dog walking etc.                                        St John’s Ambulance 0344 770 4800
If you are in need of assistance please contact         Salvation Army 01723 378603
either one of the Councillors or the Clerk and          Age Concern 01723 379058
we will endeavour to help wherever possible.
Please do not suffer in solitude & silence.             Samaritans 0330 0945717
                                                        Citizens Advice 01723 368710
Cayton Parish Council tel: 01723 586869
or email                     National Debtline 0808 808 4000

        PO ST PO N ED
    CAYTON WELCOMES                                  bunting and bicycles.
                                                     The Parish Council
    THE TOUR-de-YORKSHIRE                            are hoping that the
    AGAIN IN APRIL                                   residents of Cayton will
    The Cayton Parish Council are delighted that     once again make the
    on the 30th April The Tour-de-Yorkshire will     village look spectacular, because this event is
    once again pass through the village. This year   been televised World Wide by ITV Channel 4,
    we will be welcoming the men’s race during       and will show the world how welcoming our
    the morning. These international cyclists will   village is to these amazing Cyclists .
    approach the village from Killerby onto the      Further information about the
    Main Street on route to Eastfield before the     Tour-de-Yorkshire can be found at www.
    Grand Finale later in the afternoon in Redcar.
    The police wish to remind residents of Cayton    Councillor Rhona Liley.
    that once again they will be co-ordinating       Chair Recreation and Amenities Committee.
    a rolling road block, with roads closed for
    approximately one hour overall during this
    events. The energy and enthusiasm generated
    by the residents of Cayton in recent years
    when these cyclists passed through the village
    has been truly amazing with businesse’s and
    residents decorating there properties with
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
COMMUNITY LAND                                        These are some of the ideas so far if anyone wants
                                                      to input other suggestions they will be happily

OFF WEST GARTH                                        received and given consideration as this is for the
                                                      health and enjoyment for the community.
The Parish Council are proposing to use the land      Contact the Parish Council or Councillors.
for a community sport and outside activity            Obviously this project will require a large
facility, subject to planning permission. Hopefully   investment and so we will be looking for grants
facilities would be free and designed for residents   and other contributions from wherever we can
of all ages and abilities.                            get them.
There will be parking for 20 cars allowing families   Councillor Simon Green
to visit safely. The site will be landscaped with
trees and shrubs to soften any sound and visual       Tel: 01723 581236
impact on the area.                                   Email:
Some of the proposed facilities are as follows.

    Power walking and jogging track.                  Medium size gym equipment area for
                                                        all including disabled.
    Cycle pump track, plus small pump
     track for young children.                         A flat exercise area.
    Various moulded landscape areas using             A central seating area for those who just
     timber and logs structures.                        want to watch.
    A path servicing all the areas.                   Possibly a small amphitheatre for talks
                                                        plays etc.
    Family exercise area.
    Children’s sport equipment and exercise
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
CONNECTING WITH                                       telephone fraud and in visiting
                                                      them during the operation we
THE COMMUNITY                                         will be able to explain the
                                                      warning signs.”
Police officers, PCSOs and Police Volunteers from     Other partners supporting
Eastfield Police Station are launching a yearlong     the initiative include: North
initiative to connect with the community and          Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
keep older residents safe.                            Service, NatWest Bank,
                                                      Scarborough and Ryedale Carers Resource, Filey
Operation Cracker, which was successfully
                                                      Lions, the Alzheimers Society, Dementia Friends
launched in the run up to Christmas in 2018 and
                                                      and Beyond Housing.
2019, will now run from this Spring until the end
of the year. It will see officers and PCSOs working   POLICE INFORMATION
alongside teams of volunteers and partner             REGARDING NUISANCE CALLS
agencies, calling on residents – young and old – in
areas where there is a high proportion of older or    Dealing with unwanted calls on a landline has
vulnerable people.                                    become much easier. Anyone receiving unsolicited
                                                      calls via their home phone to contact their
Older residents will be offered crime prevention      telephone provider and ask them if they provide
and welfare advice, while younger residents will      a free call blocking service, BT, Talk-Talk, Plus Net,
be encouraged to keep an eye out for their more       EE and Sky all provide a call blocking service that
vulnerable neighbours. In addition to calling on      can prevent unwanted calls reaching vulnerable
residents officers will be connecting with the        people. Alternatively call blocking devices and
community through a programme of roadshows            replacement telephones with call blocking
and drop-ins in supermarkets, libraries and cafes.    software pre-installed are available to purchase:
Operation Cracker is a partnership initiative,        Please note, if a fraudster uses spoofing
drawing in support and expertise from different       software to give the appearance of a trusted
organisations, including McCain Foods, who            number (such as a bank) it will by pass any
have been instrumental in assisting the project       call blocker if that number has been accepted
to connect with the community: designing and          previousley. If you receive a call from your bank,
producing a booklet to be handed out. Dawn            leave it for 10 mins, call them back on a different
Nisbet from McCain said: “As a business, safety       phone and ask them if they have rang you.
is our number one priority with our employees.
When we heard about Operation Cracker, we             Further FREE advice on call blocking products can
thought it was the perfect opportunity to extend      be found on the links below.
our commitment to safety to our neighbours.           BT –
We wanted to support this initiative to ensure        tablets/bt-call-protect-free-service-crackdown-
the Eastfield community have all the information      nuisance-calls-11364136279348
they need to feel and stay safe.”
                                                      Sky –
Sergeant Dan Thompson, of Eastfield                   shield/
Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “ During
Operation Cracker we will be visiting areas where     Talk Talk –
there is a higher population of older people,         callsafe
making sure they are equipped with the right
                                                      EE –
support to help them stay safe.
“We provide advice such as home security and          usage/how-can-i-manage-call-barring-to-
how to keep your valuables safe when you’re out       block-or-unblock-calls
and about, as well as sign-posting to support from
                                                      PlusNet –
partner agencies and local groups that can provide
support.” “Older people are often vulnerable to
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
REPORT FROM SCARBOROUGH                                     and ability. This is still at a planning stage so
BOROUGH COUNCILLORS                                         if anyone has any ideas to enhance the area
                                                            please let the Parish Council know.
                                                            The Borough Council are asking people
The Borough Council has just voted to raise
                                                            in the Borough to come forward with
your contribution to the SBC council tax
                                                            suggestions for the initiative of ‘Building
by 2.13% this equates to a rise of £5 for a
                                                            a Better Borough’. If you would like to put
band D property. Just 13% of your council
                                                            forward your ideas please let us know or
tax comes to SBC the rest goes towards the
                                                            email them directly to the Borough Council
County Council, Police and Fire service and
of course the Parish Councils. In the budget
passed on February 28th there was also                      For five minutes of excitement, come and
provision of £70,000 for new toilets at the                 watch the Tour-de-Yorkshire come through
Cayton Bay beach which are long overdue.                    our Village on April 30th and bring out your
                                                            old bikes and show the world that Cayton
Having a Labour/Independent coalition
                                                            Village knows how to celebrate.
leading the Council makes it a little more
difficult to influence decisions in the Council,            We had a planning application for 220
but Roberta and Simon will be there working                 houses on Mill Lane. This was turned down
hard for the residents of the Cayton Ward.                  by the planning committee because it was
Roberta is on the Planning, Licensing and                   outside the recommendations in the local
Standards committees as well as doing a                     Borough Council forward plan. It is felt that
wonderful job as the Deputy Mayor. Simon                    there are more than enough houses planned
is on the Licensing and Standards (chairman)                for Cayton within the local plan.
                                                            If anyone has any questions or issues for your
The Parish Council has had to remove the                    local Councillors please do not hesitate to
bell tower on the Jubilee Hall because it                   contact us at
was unsafe due to high winds and wear and
                                                            Roberta Telephone 01723 584386
tear. This has been an unforeseen blow to
the Council and we are still going to have to               Email
replace it with something similar.                

On a brighter note the Parish Council has                   Simon Telephone 01723 581236
come up with an exciting idea for the                       Email
community land on West Garth. This is to          
provide an area for recreation which will
include a cycle track, a jogging track, an
outdoor fitness area and various other fitness
facilities for use by the residents of any age

                               PARISH COUNCIL GRANTS
              The Parish Council continues with their Small Grants scheme for 2020/2021
        The grants can be awarded to voluntary groups, clubs and organisations to support their
       activities. The small grants scheme is not for profit organisations or charities, operating in
       the Cayton area. The benefit of the scheme is for the Cayton residents of the village only.

                 Please apply for an application form from the Parish Clerk at
         or telephone 01723 586869
PARISH NEWS CAYTON ISSUE 73 MARCH 2020 - Cayton Parish Council
North Yorkshire
County Council Report                             Village
The budget set this year means council tax
will rise by 3-99%, including a 2% social
care precept, equivalent to £4-36 per month       Walking around the village I am so
or £1 per week. The reality is that two of        disappointed how much dog fouling there
our biggest areas of spend are underfunded.       is. We have children walking to school and
Adults who need social care and children with     playing out, they don’t want to go home
special education needs are some of the most      with their shoes covered in dog excrement.
vulnerable people we look after.                  There is no excuse please pick it up.
We have to identify a further £40 million in      If you are seen allowing your dog to foul
savings over the next four years.                 you will be reported to the Dog Warden
An announcement has been made of a funding        and action can be taken out against
package by the Government to improve bus          you. You can report anyone seen fouling
services, funding for supported bus services      anonymously to the Dog Warden on 01723
and the rural mobility fund. NYCC spends £1-5     232323.
million a year to subsidise bus services. North   Thank you to all the responsible dog owners
Yorkshire faces particular challenges because     who do pick up after their dogs - let’s name
of its sparse population and its rural nature.    and shame those who don’t.
So, to improve existing services, increasing      The Payback Team have been working hard
evening and weekend frequencies seems a           cutting the cemetery hedge to a more
good move. My locality budget has allowed me      manageable height, when the hedge starts
to fund a special bench to go in the Millennium   to grow it will thicken out more.
Garden to replace the one that was vandalised.
We hope to unveil it at the VE celebrations.      They will be going over work done last year
                                                  to keep on top of it.
My last ask, is that you please consider others
when parking through the village. Do not          They have done an excellent job clearing
obstruct driveways, opposite junctions, and       leaves, weeds and widening footpaths
near to the end of the road. These all make       around the village – this is all done for free.
for difficult observations and could cause an
                                                  Please can I remind residents to keep
                                                  hedges cut back this year thank you.
Please do not park on grass verges, you
                                                  If you are able please can I ask you to keep
are vandalising the highway and could be
                                                  the front of your property tidy, this will be a
                                                  great help in keeping Cayton looking good.
Have a great Summer, and please contact me
                                                  Thank you for your continued support.
with any issue in the village.
                                                  Nigel Poor
Cllr.Roberta Swiers
Scarborough Borough Council
Cayton Ward
                                                                 THE GREAT BRITISH
                                                                 SPRING CLEAN
                                                     21ST Litter pickers worked hard
                                                     MAR collecting all the rubbish
Another year, another AGM with our existing
                                                                 which seems to accumulate
Officers still willing to stand for another year
                                                                 around the village. Last
with the exception of Julie Barber who agreed
                                                    year we had 18 volunteers and 20 bags
to remain as secretary until a new secretary is     of rubbish. Wonder how many we will
appointed. If anyone would like to offer their      gather this year!!!
services on a voluntary basis we would be very
grateful. Computer and printer and help are                     TABLE TOP SALE
available for anyone willing to take on the role.               10 -12noon in the Jubilee
THE OFFICERS APPOINTED FOR 2020 ARE                             Hall. There are various stalls,
                                                      APR pull a string with bottles and
Irene Hayton Chairman and Fundraising                           prizes and refreshments. Free
and Marketing Group Leader                                      entry. Last year we raised
Les Cowton Vice Chairman and Design,                over £300 let us see if we can beat this
Planning and Maintenance Group Leader               record with an Easter Theme.

Christine Green Treasurer.
                                                                GARDEN PARTY
Julie Barber Secretary and Children’s                           10.30-12.30 at 131
Competition organiser.                                 13       Main Street, Cayton at the
                                                     JUN home of Maureen Bloom.
MEMBERS: Julia Askey, Maureen Bloom, Chris                      Last year was another
Fish, Bernie Grainger, Ann Green, Alan Green,                   beautiful day and everyone
Simon Green, Liz Hooper, Ann Hudson, Hazel          was able to sit outside in Maureens’
and Ken Keld, Patricia Martin, Christine Price.     wonderful garden. Come and join us for a
Advice and support is as always received from       Strawberry Scone and tea or coffee.
Sheila Johnson and Roger Burnett with grateful
thanks.                                                        CAYTON’S GARDENING
SPONSORS: Messrs Boyes Stores, Browns and                      FOR FUN COMPETITION
Cliff Farm Caravan Park, Chelston School of                    will be held again for
                                                     AUG residents in Cayton and
Motoring, Cayton Parish Council, Les Cowton,
McCains Foods, Over 60’s Club, Playdale Farm,                  surrounding areas and
Sue Standard Sheader, Slimming World, The                      judging will take place
                                                    during August. The categories will include.
Stained Glass Centre (Val and Simon Green)
T.W. Tindall & Son. Filey Lions, The Mayoress’s        Most attractive large garden.
Fund and North Yorkshire County Council                Most attractive small garden.
Locality Grants. We are extremely grateful for         Most imaginative container Garden.
all the grants and support that we have received
                                                       Small container Garden.
throughout the year.
                                                       Most creative Business.
With also a big thank you to you all in the
village who have contributed and assisted              Children’s Category.
Cayton in Bloom in the past year.                   Leaflets/application forms are available
                                                    from the Chairman Irene OR Secretary
                                                    Julie please contact for further details.
Watch out for posters around the village
                                            advertising all these events later in the year or
FORTHCOMING EVENTS                          on our Facebook page – Cayton in Bloom.
            PLANT STALL AT THE              We are pleased that we have a Sponsor for the
            CAYTON GALA.                    small bed outside the Jubilee Hall – The Slimming
12TH                                        World Group have come forward after our appeal
JULY                                        in last Octobers’ magazine. Grateful thanks are
                                            given to them. We are still looking for a sponsor
                                            for the Wheel on Mill Lane.
            AWARDS CEREMONY FOR             Anyone interested please contact us via email or
            “GARDENING FOR FUN”
  5TH       Afternoon Tea at Cayton
                                            ring Julie on 01723 583862.
  SEP       Chapel 2-4pm. Usual stalls
            including a Pull a Ribbon and
            Raffle. All are welcome not      Our new Website is now up and running it
just the Competition entrants.               can be viewed on
            MUCK AND MAGIC                   Calling all Cayton resident who can spare a few
            PRESENTATION at The Spa,         hours to help us at Cayton in Bloom whether
            Scarborough.                     is helping with events, admin or gardening.
                                             YOUR VILLAGE NEEDS YOU.
                                             We would like to hear from you, re ideas for
                                             improvements that we could make around the
            CHRISTMAS FAIR 10-12am           village. Watering and weeding a tub near your
            Cayton Methodist Church          house – “every little helps” . New members are
 28TH       with Santa.
                                             always welcome, we meet on the 2nd Tuesday
 NOV                                         in every month except December in the small
                                             room at the Jubilee Hall at 7pm.
                                             Contact any of the members or email us on
            2ND,3RD,4TH 5TH         or the web site
            SANTA’S SLEIGH AROUND            on
            THE VILLAGE.
  DEC       (3 out of 4 nights dependant     We are also on Facebook.
            on weather)
                                             Irene Hayton (Chairman) 01723 584085 or
                                             Julie Barber (Secretary) on 01723 583862
            Members will take part in
  9TH       the Christmas Tree Festival
  DEC       at Cayton Methodist

            will be outside The Star
 18TH       singing Christmas Carols.
                                                                       G 202
                         S TA L L
           A N N ING A       I R .
         M               FA
     THE C

                                        RHS CA
                                              Y T O N IN
                                         DONE            B
                                               B Y IR E L O O M T R E E
                                                       NE HA
                                                            Y TON
CAYTON                                                As a church we are, of course, a worshipping
                                                      community, but we exist not just for ourselves,
METHODIST CHURCH                                      but to serve the village of Cayton and the wider
Apparently, there are some people who think           community. Most of the events listed above are
that “Church” is a building which is only open        open to all and you can be assured of a welcome
for a couple of hours a week on a Sunday for the      should you wish to come and have a look. Details
benefit of a few people. This is certainly not true   can be found on the notice board outside the
for very many churches, including the Methodist       church.
Church on Main Street, Cayton.                        Since the last magazine was published, we
During most of the year it is in use on four days     have had many open events, many of them for
every week and in some weeks on five or six           charity, including a very successful Christmas Tree
days and hosts activities for many people of all      Festival. and we are very grateful to all those who
ages. We start the week with Sunday worship           support us with their time, talents and presence.
at 10:30am. On Monday morning we are open             If you have not yet found us, please do so. If you
for anybody who fancies company, a cuppa and          have any need or concern, please feel free to
a chat, about anything or nothing, then in the        contact us, information is on the notice board.
evening we welcome the Rainbows. On the first         We leave you with notice of an important
and third Tuesdays of the month the Women’s           forthcoming event which we are privileged
Fellowship meets at 2:15pm. The 2nd Wednesday         to host.
at 7pm sees the Bible Study and on Thursday
music fills the hall as the Cayton Calypso Steel      May 9th 2 – 4pm, a 1940’s themed celebration of
Band practises. On Friday evening we host the         the 75th anniversary of VE-Day all welcome.
Brownies. The third Saturday morning each             Rev. Bruce Russell, retired Methodist Minister.
month is certainly the noisiest event as we
welcome children, parents, carers and others to
“Fun Together”, which is run in conjunction with
St John the Baptist Anglican Church.
laugh dance create play eat bang

fun2gether fAumorning
                      of music, food,
jump think stick giggle drink clap
fun2gether continues to thrive thanks to the              bible stories & craft
generous support of The Methodist and St John’s                   Where?
Church congregations. The eagle eyed may have              Cayton Methodist Church,
spotted our fantastic new banner purchased                   Main Street YO11 3TJ
through a generous donation from the Ladies’
Fellowship at the Methodist Church.                               When?
Thank you so much.                                           Third Saturday of every
                                                              month except August
At fun2gether we love to make music, often with
the wonderful Kathy Seabrook. We tambourine                   What time?
tango, shaker bossa nova and experiment with                  10.30am to 12 noon
things like snare and thunder drums and wind
chimes. After the noise (sorry neighbours!) we           For more information talk to
have a quiet time in the chapel. This year our         Pastor Diana Gott 01723 585212
interactive stories are all about the life of Jesus.       or look up fun2gether’s
We always get crafty so there are fab things to                 Facebook page
take home; this month we decorated valentine
biscuits. And then we sit and eat together; a
really lovely ‘family time’.
In October the team joined with Arise Cayton to
do a Halloween outreach. We were celebrating
love and light, giving away buns, gifts with a heart
and light sticks.
For up to date information check out our
fun2gether Facebook page and do come and
join us.

talk paint love plant learn share family children
smile listen glue imagine joy sing draw
1st Cayton Brownies
                                                                       March 2020

Since the last edition of the Parish magazine, we       colours. The term ended with a Christmas themed
have been very busy trying out more activities          evening, with things to make, hot chocolate,
from our (not so) new programme, which is all           and a sack left by Santa, with a little present for
VERY different from what we have been used to.          everyone.
In the autumn term, we completed activities from        In the New Year, we tackled the Express myself
the Feel Good stage 2 Skills Builder badge. Ten         Communicate Skills Builder badge. We enjoyed
girls did all five, so earned the badge. We did unit    “pencil free” activities, as well as art, using our
meeting activities from all six themes –                voices, and dancing / drama. We entered the
Be well, Express myself, Have adventures,               Cayton in Bloom Colouring and Design a garden
Know myself, Skills for my future, and Take action.     competitions, and found out where our foods
                                                        come from, and how far they have travelled to
We also reminded ourselves of our Promise and
                                                        reach us. As usual, we have been reminded about
Law. We celebrated National Parliament week in
                                                        our Promise and Law.
November, when groups of us discussed various
topics that are of interest to us, as we were           All the time, we try to care for and look after each
pretending to be MPs. Compulsory school lunches         other, and to do our best at all times. We go to
were not popular, and most thought that SATs in         eight different schools, so we always have lots of
year 6 should be abolished!                             new friends.
Before we knew it, Christmas was approaching.           For the first time in a number of years, we do have
As usual, we filled shoe boxes, but this year, it was   a few vacancies. Girls are able to join from their
slightly different, as they were for families. We       7th birthday. To find out more, if a girl is already,
made decorations for our tree at the Christmas          or nearly seven, look on the Girlguiding website,
Tree Festival in Chapel. This year, the theme was       and it will explain what to do. A girl does not have
“Charities”, and we chose the Guide Friendship          to have been a Rainbow to join us.
Fund. We decorated pale blue trefoil shapes
in anything red, white and blue, the charity’s

Cayton Cricket Club                                     enabled us to replace the netting surrounding
                                                        our outdoor batting and bowling area as well as
We are looking forward to introducing Junior            a grant from the Cayton Parish Council Small
All Stars Cricket to the club this season,              Grants scheme which along with our own
offering children aged 5-8 years a fantastic first      club fundraising will enable us to purchase a
experience of the game and a guaranteed 8               scarifier and dragbrush. Both grants are much
weeks of fun, activity and skills development.          appreciated.
Every child that registers will receive a backpack
                                                        The adult season gets underway on Saturday
full of goodies, a cricket bat and ball and a
                                                        25th April with an away game at Bridlington
personalised shirt and a cap.
                                                        for our 1st Team and as always we welcome
For more information please contact                     any new players to the club for the
Shaun on 07743 646588.                                  forthcoming season.
 We have been fortunate to receive a grant
from the Sirius Minerals Foundation which has
Cayton Gala will be opened by a special guest            Gala Day is on Sunday 12th July
on Sunday 12th July at 11am                              from 11am-4pm
The committee have already booked Dave                   Cayton Playing Fields, Station Road, Cayton
Marshall and his disco, Magic Mal Magician, Nutty        COME AND ENJOY THE DAY
Norman’s Punch and Judy Show, Fun Fair Rides,
Birds of Prey, Donkey Rides, Face Painting and           PLEASE NOTE the Gala committee are reinstating
performances by Anne Taylors Dancers. Once               the 5K Fun Run which will take place on Friday
again a Dog show will be held at 2pm and will            10th July. Registration from 6pm with the
be a feature of the day, entry fee of £1 per dog,        commencement of the race at 7pm. The fee to
Three categories -The dog with waggiest tail,            enter the
The dog most like its owner and The dog the              5K FUN RUN
judge would like to take home, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
                                                         Adults £3 and children under 16 £1. Prizes will
prizes for each class.
                                                         be awarded to the 1st male, 1st female and 1st
It will be a Fun Day for all, with Exhibitions,          under 16years old who complete of the race, All
Variety of stalls, Tombola, Bubble football, Games,      competitors who complete the 5K Fun Run will
Sport activities, competitions and lots of new           be awarded a medal. Details of the route will be
activities for all the family to enjoy.                  published shortly.
Bar and Catering Facilities will be available
throughout the day. A Grand Raffle will be drawn         Chair Cayton Gala Committee.
at 3pm.                                                  Councillor Roberta Swiers

 CAYTONS                                                 would like to share their memories or photographs
                                                         of their experiences it would be wonderful, so
 V.E. DAY                                                future generations will understand the importance
 CELEBRATIONS                                            of the V.E. Day celebrations.
 During the weekend of May 8th -10th May Cayton          Please would you contact Katherine Fielding our
 will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of V.E. Day.   Parish clerk who will arrange for a Parish Councillor
 The Community of Cayton are already planning            to meet and record your memories.
 a variety of events over the May Bank Holiday           Tel No. 01723 586869 or
 weekend from themed parties of celebrations, a          email
 1940 karaoke event, afternoon teas & themed
 menus, exhibitions, mystery walks through
 the village, church services which will include
 the reading of the tribute to millions and most
 important of all the church bell will ring out at 7pm
 in celebration of peace on May 8th 1945.
 The Parish Council would love to hear from any
 resident who can recall attending a V.E Day event
 in 1945 as a young child. As they are hoping to
 hold an exhibition of the events in 1945, over the
 May Bank Holiday weekend, so if any resident
Cayton School Food Culture                            Club will run
                                                      on Monday and

Healthy Eating and
                                                      possibly Tuesday
                                                      afternoons, to

Nutrition 2019 Summary                                allow all KS2
                                                      children access to
Report to Cayton Parish                               a healthy choices
                                                      baking and
Council                                               cooking activity.

Since January 2019 Cayton School has developed        Linking to our
its ‘Food Culture’, bringing in new strategies and    cooking initiative,
experiences for its pupils in order to promote        we had already
healthier choices and educate them in healthy         established an extracurricular ‘Gardening and
eating and exercise.                                  Growing Club’ starting in spring 2019, that was
                                                      open to all children throughout KS1 and KS2. EYFS
In spring 2019 Mr Vasey issued a research             were already maintaining their own mini gardening
programme, looking at pupils and staff weekly         and growing area. Children were able to tend to
diet and exercise. Each voluntary participant         their gardening area, prepping it for planting. They
noted what they ate at mealtimes and for snacks       then sowed the areas with various vegetable seeds
throughout a one week period and also recorded        and watered and mulched them throughout spring
how many minutes exercise they completed each         and summer. The results saw us harvest, potatoes,
day. Results found that children did eat healthy      broad beans, green beans, tomatoes, marrow and a
meals on most occasions but snacks were often of      variety of flowers across the KS1 playground plant
an unhealthy nature.                                  pots. These vegetables were used as food tasters in
Following the research made in school and a           KS1 to help kick start their healthy food education.
development of an action plan to enable Cayton        Gardening Club has recommenced in spring 2020
School to become an accredited ‘Healthy School’       and the beds have been prepped for the next
we decided on redeveloping our existing Art Room      vegetables seeds to be sowed and harvested to be
into a Cookery classroom and support room.            used in our cookery classes.
To aid our refurbishment we completed a grant         We are very grateful to Cayton Parish Council for
application to Cayton Parish Council which has        their most recent funding grant this year to enable
previously provided our school with generous          us to buy balance bikes and scooters to be used
grants to support sports and physical activity        in Early Years and Key Stage 1. This will allow us
across the school. Our application was successful     to improve physical activity in our younger pupils
again and this funding had been allocated to          through alternative sports and games.
go towards buying two brand new ovens to be
placed in our new cookery classroom. These have       On behalf of all the Cayton School staff and
been successfully installed and the Cookery room      children, we thank the Cayton Parish Council for
transformation is now complete and ready to be        your continued interest and support in our school
used by class children from next half term.           improvement initiatives.

Remaining equipment and resources have been           Yours Sincerely
delivered using other capital funding and lesson      Mr M. Vasey
planning is taking place by Mrs Brown and Mr
                                                      Healthy Schools Coordinator
Vasey on allocated afternoons. To begin with, each
                                                      Cayton School
class throughout school will receive a minimum 3
cookery lessons (10 children per lesson) as a start
to their 2019/20 curriculum. A rotated Cookery
BUTTERCUPS                                               Cayton Art Club
PRESCHOOL                                              Have you ever thought of having a go at

& OUT OF SCHOOL                                        painting or drawing? Did you know Cayton
                                                       has its own art club?
There have been many changes in childcare              Why not come along and have a go, the club
over the past couple of years, and there are           meets every Tuesday evening from 7PM to
now many schemes entitling families to                 9PM at the Village Hall, North Lane, Cayton
funding or help with costs. Many working               and can provide supplies to get you going.
families are entitled to 30 government funded          An annual membership fee (£25) is payable
hours per week and all are entitled to 15 hours        but the first three weeks are free to new
per week from the term after your child turns          members. If you have ever thought of trying
3. Some families are also entitled to 2-year old       art, now is your chance and with the first
funding dependent on criteria. Many families           three weeks free – you can’t lose!
with older children can also access one of the
3 schemes available. For a full list of details        In the summer regular outdoor painting
visit:                         sessions are held across a number of
                                                       different locations in the area, in 2019 this
We offer care in our pre-school from 7.45am to
                                                       included Filey, Scarborough and Cayton
6pm, some of these hours are catered for in our
                                                       Bay. Every month the club holds a DVD
Out of School Club which is available for school
                                                       night where members can watch a variety
aged children Monday to Friday term time only.
                                                       of films covering styles of painting and a
We are having a very busy year now so places           monthly still life session is also held allowing
at Buttercups are now limited until September          members to try out new techniques.
2020 however please contact Claire on
07958 273951 to discuss your requirements.             In Cayton itself the club has two permanent
                                                       exhibitions at the Star Public House and
                                                       the ‘Russtic’ Tea Rooms. A small section of
                                                       paintings are on display and for sale.
                                                       New members – both experienced and
                                                       beginners are always welcome, come along
                                                       on a Tuesday evening for a coffee and chat.
                                                       Keith Penfold

Volunteers wanted!
Can you spare 1-2 hours per month?
Cayton Community Speed Watch are looking to recruit new volunteers to help reduce
speeding in your village.
If you would like to assist please contact the Clerk on tel: 01723 586869 or
Recreation & Amenities                             The Winners of the Poster
        Committee                                     1ST PRIZE Florence
                                                      Westwood age 9.
The Parish Council wish to congratulate the           Winners in the other age
children and their families who looked amazing        groups Aimee Buntin
in their Spooktacular Costumes at the Halloween       age10, Alex Morley age 8,
event held last October. The Parish Council wish      Layla Hooson age 5,
to thank Bev Petts, Laura and her team at the         Faith Wardell age 4.
Star Inn for their assistance which was greatly       McCain Foods together
appreciated. Laura the landlady at the Star Inn       with Cayton Parish Council would like to congratulate
judged the children’s Halloween costumes, Prizes      all the children who participated in the competition as
for The Scariest Monster- Best Costume and Cutest     their designs were fantastic.
                                                      The children’s posters were displayed around the
Due to the continuing success of this event the       Cayton, Osgodby and Eastfield community to
Parish Council have decided to hold an annual         advertise the event.
Halloween event and this year it will take place on
                                                      CAYTON’S CHRISTMAS EVENTS
Saturday 31st October.
                                                      The Parish Council wish to thank McCain Foods
BONFIRE                                               for their generosity in sponsoring the Children’s
The Annual Parish Councils Spectacular                Christmas party again which was held on Saturday
Firework Display was held at the John Young           14th December at the Jubilee Hall for children from
Conference Centre (McCain Foods Sports                the village. The Council entertained the children who
Ground). It was our most spectacular event yet,       were accompanied by their parents/guardians to
and would like to thank the local community           traditional family games with prizes. The high light of
for their outstanding support.                        the afternoon was when Santa arrived to distribute
                                                      presents to all the children. The Parish Council
A special thank you goes to McCain Foods and
                                                      wish to thank all the volunteers who helped in the
all the local businesses and organisations for
                                                      preparations prior to the event and on the afternoon
their generous donations that helped make
                                                      which made it such a fantastic success.
the evening such a tremendous success. A
special thank you goes to Dave Marshall who           THIS YEAR’S CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY
entertained the crowd prior to the firework           WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 12TH DECEMBER
display, Cayton in Bloom Group for their              AT THE JUBILEE HALL, CAYTON
continual support and all the volunteers who
assisted during the evening. The school children      The annual gathering around the Christmas tree
from the community once again designed and            to sing Christmas Carols on the evening of 18th
produced wonderful bright colourful posters to        December was well supported by the community.
advertise the event. The children’s posters were      The Salvation Army Band once again provided
judged by representatives from McCain Foods           excellent accompaniment and a collection was made
– Mrs Dawn Nisbett and Mrs Helen Capps who            on the evening for the Band. Our grateful thanks go
were delighted to see the wonderful vibrant           to the Rev. Andrew Moreland and Methodist Minster
posters and found it a very difficult task to         Kevin Ridd for their assistance and attendance on
select the winners. The children were presented       the evening. A special thank you goes to Laura
with their prizes on the evening of the firework      the landlady at the Star Inn and her team for their
event.                                                hospitality.
Santa managed to give us a few minutes of his
valuable time at his busy time of year and the staff       DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
and children from Cayton School attended which
made the evening extra special.                            May 8th – 10th May
                                                           V.E. Day Weekend Celebrations
The Decorated Properties were judged by The Head
Teacher form Cayton School Mr Stafford John and his        Saturday 31st October
deputy Mrs Juliet Monaghan. They thoroughly enjoyed        Parish Halloween Event
judging the properties but found the task very difficult
because of the high standard of entries. They were         Thursday 5th November
really impressed on how festive the village looked.        Annual firework event at McCain Foods
Decorated Properties Competition Lucky Winners             Sports Field
were awarded with their trophies and certificates.
                                                           Saturday 12th December
     THE WINNERS OF THE 2019 CHRISTMAS                     Children’s Christmas Party
                                                           Monday 14th December
                                                           Pre-judged at 6pm, final judging on Thu 17 Dec.
                ANIMATED SECTION
               1ST 24 West End View.                       Wednesday 16th December
                2ND 17A Estill Close.                      The Annual Carol Singing
                3RD 23 Main Street.

                1ST 114 West Garth                         Janine's
             2ND 2 West garth Gardens                      Hair Studio
                3RD 71 West Garth
                                                           94 Main Street
The Parish Council wish to thank everyone who              Cayton, YO11 3RP
decorated their properties in helping the village look
especially seasonal over the Christmas and New Year
holiday period.                                            Tel: 01723 585278
                                                           Mobile: 07516136151

                                                                Next edition
                                                           CAYTON NEWS – Oct 2020
                                                           Anyone wishing to advertise please contact
                                                                    the Clerk for prices on
                                                                        tel: 01723 586869
                                                            or email:
For a number of years now we have been talking about needing new facilities to make
our little church more welcoming and more accessible and finally we can say – it’s nearly
complete. Thank you, the community of Cayton, for your patience as you have seen the
metal fencing up for many weeks and the church looking like a building site.
Our grateful thanks to all of you who have supported us financially. We are also indebted
to the following trusts who have given us grants: Without your generosity, the work
would never have happened. Allchurches Trust, Beatrice Laing Trust, Garfield Weston
Foundation, Jack Brunton Charitable Trust, Listed Places of Worship Grant scheme.
Here are some photos of the work as it has progressed. By the time you read this article,
our new facilities should be finished so look out for details of our open weekend when you
can come along, have a cuppa and use the loo! Who would have thought we could ever
say that?!

                                                     The rear of the nave cleared, paved
BEFORE                                               and awaiting a servery and coffee area

                                                     The new toilet cubicle in the
BEFORE                                               northwest corner

The new facilities will enable the church to host small events and become a greater part of
the life of Cayton. And when you ask that dreaded question, we will be so happy to be able
to answer, 'Yes, we do have a toilet. It is just over there'!
CHRISTADELPHIANS                                  discharge is unclean... And he who touches the
A BOOK AHEAD OF ITS TIME                          body of him who has the discharge shall wash
                                                  his clothes and bathe in water (Leviticus
As I write this there are frequent                chapter 15, verses 2 & 11)
advertisements in the media advising us to
                                                  God’s law contained other provisions for the
guard against the corona virus by washing
                                                  treatment of women after childbirth, for
our hands. Today we take it for granted that
                                                  dealing with the bed or utensils that a sick
doctors will wash their hands between patients
                                                  person had touched and for those who had
and surgeons “scrub-up” before an operation.
                                                  come into contact with a corpse. There were
However, it was only in the mid-nineteenth
                                                  stipulations about the safe disposal of human
century that a medical doctor, Philip
                                                  waste when, as late as the 19th century,
Semmelweis, rediscovered the importance
                                                  many of Britain’s cities still had open sewers.
of this. He was concerned about the high
                                                  A period of isolation was prescribed for those
mortality rate among women at childbirth. He
                                                  who might have infectious diseases just as
linked this with doctors making post-mortem
                                                  such people are quarantined today.
examinations in the mortuary and then,
immediately afterwards, examining patients        The Bible was also way ahead of its time in
on their beds. His unpopular introduction of      safeguarding the environment. For example
a hand-washing routine dramatically reduced       it gave instructions to the people of Israel not
the number of deaths.                             to destroy the trees for building siege ramps
                                                  when fighting against another city.
Yet, 3,500 years before, when most nations
still relied on magic to ward off disease, the    A Book so far ahead of its time deserves to
law God gave to Moses had included provisions     be read. Why not visit the Christadelphians
for preventing the spread of bacteria:            at the Jubilee Hall, Sundays, 2pm to learn
                                                  more from this extraordinary word of God?
When any man has a discharge from his body, his
            ESTABLISHED 1812
Funeral Director – Mrs Carol Tindall Dip FD MBIFD
Attendance Day or Night. Private Chapel of Rest.
Pre-arranged Funeral Plans available.
Joiners, Builders, uPVC Windows,
Doors and Conservatories, etc.
Extensions & Loft Conversions.
Proprietor – John Tindall LCG
                                                    produced by adverset media solutions limited

YO11 3RP
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