Cardinal Dolan will ordain 10
                                                                                            men to the priesthood—six for the
                                                                                            Archdiocese of New York and four for

                                                                                            the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal—
                                                                                            Saturday, May 29, at St. Patrick’s
                                                                                            Cathedral. Each of the ordinands is
                                                                                            profiled inside the 12-page special
                    May 20, 2021 Vol. XL, No. 18 $1.00
                                                                                            section that wraps the regular issue.

                                                                                                                           Chris Sheridan

TO BE ORDAINED—Eight members of the Class of 2021 at St. Joseph’s Seminary pose
on the Dunwoodie campus. From left, they are Father Frantisek Marie Chloupek, C.F.R.,
Father Ignatius Pio Mariae Doherty, C.F.R., Father Joseph Michael Fino, C.F.R., Father
Robert Carolan, Father Kevin Panameño , Father Elijah Marie Perri, C.F.R., Father Steven
N. Gonzalez and Father Matthew Breslin. All eight, plus Father Carmine Caruso and Fa-
ther Wesbee Victor, will be ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Dolan at St. Patrick’s
Cathedral Saturday, May 29.
A2                                                                       CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                        May 20, 2021

                                               The Priesthood and Publishing

        he special section wrapping around the
        outside of this issue of Catholic New York
        is close to our hearts. As you can see,
it features profiles about the 10 men Cardinal
Dolan will ordain to the priesthood at St. Pat-
rick’s Cathedral on Saturday morning, May 29.
                       A lot of preparatory work
                     and effort goes into produc-
                     ing a section such as this one,
                     especially this year. From our
                     end, all of our reporters and
                     editors get involved in the
                     reporting and writing of the
                     profiles. While we each bring
                     our own personal style to the
                     assignment, we try our best
                     to keep the focus where it
belongs—on the seminarians, now transitional
deacons, who in slightly more than a week will
be ordained to the priesthood.
   We get a lot of help in turning out this par-
ticular product, especially from the leadership
and staff of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie,
where eight of this year’s ordinands completed
their formation for the priesthood. Of course,
that includes Auxiliary Bishop James Massa of
Brooklyn, the rector, and Father William Cleary,
                                                                                                                                                                      Chris Sheridan
the vice rector, who for several years has helped
us to coordinate the interview schedule of the                 SPRING STROLL—The eight members of the Class of 2021 of St. Joseph’s Seminary enjoy a walk on
seminarians and facilitate the flow of basic                   the tree-lined Dunwoodie campus last month. In the front row, from left, are Father Kevin Panameño,
background questions to and from them.                         Father Robert Carolan and Father Steven N. Gonzalez. Cardinal Dolan will ordain all eight to the priest-
   In years such as this one, when more men are                hood at a Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral May 29.
being ordained, keeping everything running
smoothly is no small matter, so the seminar-
ians aren’t burdened with too many additional
responsibilities as graduation and ordination                     Cardinal to Ordain 10 Priests at Cathedral Mass May 29
nears and we are able to get the information                        Cardinal Dolan will ordain 10 men to the priesthood at a Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral at 9
and access we need to publish.                                    a.m. on Saturday, May 29.
   From CNY’s perspective, ordinations are an                       Six are being ordained as priests for the Archdiocese of New York, and four for the Francis-
important story, in terms of news and in the                      can Friars of the Renewal.
life of the archdiocese. It goes almost without                     The new archdiocesan priests are Father Matthew Breslin, Father Robert Carolan, Father Car-
saying at this point, but bears repeating, that we                mine Caruso, Father Steven N. Gonzalez, Father Kevin Panameño and Father Wesbee Victor.
in the Archdiocese of New York and just about                       Being ordained for the Renewal Friars are Father Frantisek Marie Chloupek, C.F.R., Father
every other diocese in the United States could                    Ignatius Pio Mariae Doherty, C.F.R., Father Joseph Michael Fino, C.F.R., and Father Elijah Marie
use more priests. You can likely see the need                     Perri, C.F.R.
clearly in your own parish.                                         Eight of the new priests completed their formation for the priesthood at St. Joseph’s Seminary
   This section is one way we personally work                     in Dunwoodie. Father Carmine Caruso completed his priestly formation at Pope St. John XXIII
to counter that trend. We endeavor to deliver                     National Seminary in Weston, Mass., and Father Wesbee Victor completed his priestly formation
not only the basics about the new priests’ edu-                   at the Theological College of The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
                             continued on page A11

CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                           Vol. XL, No. 18
                                                                             May 20, 2021
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May 20, 2021                                                CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                         A3

                           First Priest From Highland                                                               Father Robert Carolan decided in
                           Parish Credits God                                                                    2015 to continue teaching in a different
                                                                                                                 role. The physical education teacher
                           Working Through Him                                                                   in the archdiocese entered St. Joseph’s
                                                                                                                 Seminary in Dunwoodie and will be
                              Father Matthew Breslin knew at a young                                             ordained a priest by Cardinal Dolan at
                           age as an altar server at daily Mass he felt an                                       St. Patrick’s Cathedral May 29.
                           attraction and desire for the priesthood.                                                “My first two years at Dunwoodie,
                              His father, Alex, had just lost a 10-year                                          I was the book bearer for both ordi-
                           battle with brain cancer and Father Breslin                                           nation Masses,” he told CNY. “I was
                           said becoming more involved with his parish                                           right up front with the Cardinal as the
                           at St. Augustine in Highland helped him with                                          guys were being ordained.
                           his grief and discernment to the priesthood.                                             “Now, I’ll be on the other side. I
                              “He was diagnosed when my mother                                                   won’t be the book bearer, I will be
                           (Maureen) was pregnant with me and my                                                 the one getting ordained. Obviously,
                           sister (Megan, now Sister Mary Strength of                                            you’re going to be excited, emotional.
                                   Martyrs of the Servants of the Lord                                           It’ll just hit you. Right now, we’re busy
                                   and the Virgin of Matara) was 2 years      chris sheridan                     with papers and getting things ready
                                   old. It was inoperable, and they said                                for ordination.”
                                   he wouldn't live to see me born.                                        Father Carolan, 37, grew up in Yorktown
                                   Miraculously, he lived 10 years after
                                   that,” Father Breslin, who will be the     Father                    Heights as one of four children of Robert and
                                                                                                        Caryn Carolan. He has three sisters—Pam
                                   first priest from St. Augustine’s parish
                                   in its 121-year history, told CNY.         Robert                    Leone, Christine Benson and Kim Fox—and
                                                                                                        11 nephews and nieces.
                                      “His life was a great lesson to me in
                                   many ways. He was a great dad who
                                                                              Carolan                      He attended Sunday Mass with his fam-
                                                                                                        ily at St. Elizabeth
                                   loved being a dad, loved his children                                Ann Seton Church          A Good
                                   and loved his wife. It was a lesson that                             in Shrub Oak where
                                   I can apply to my priesthood in the        Father Carolan will       he was enrolled in        Listener,
                                   fatherly heart he had for my sister and    celebrate his first       the parish school for
                                   I of wanting to spend every day with
                                                                              Mass at St. Elizabeth
                                                                                                        a few years before        He Learned
                                   us and fighting to stay alive as long as                             later graduating
                                   he could.                                  Ann Seton Church in       from Yorktown High        to Trust in
                                      “My mom in my life is the epitome                                 School. He earned
 chris sheridan                    of self-sacrificial love. She was always
                                                                              Shrub Oak on Sunday,
                                                                                                        a bachelor's degree       the Lord’s
                                                                              May 30, at 3 p.m.
                           the rock of the family despite having this
                           horrible, horrible life scenario. She went         Father Robert Quarato,
                                                                                                        in applied sociology
                                                                                                        from East Carolina        Plans
 Father                    from caring for her two children and dying
                           husband and then transitioned to now being
                                                                              pastor of St. Elizabeth
                                                                                                        University in North
                                                                                                        Carolina and a master's in physical education
 Matthew                   a single mother to children who no longer
                           have a father and really didn't miss a beat. I
                                                                              Ann Seton parish, will    in sports pedagogy from Manhattanville Col-
                                                                                                        lege in Purchase.
 Breslin                   still consider her one of my best friends.”
                                                                              be the homilist.
                                                                                                           Father Carolan said he first heard a calling
                              As a priest, Father Breslin is looking                                    to the priesthood as a junior in high school,
                           forward to celebrating Mass, hearing confes-                                 and his faith grew through college and as a
 Father Breslin will       sions, meeting people and being a “vehicle of                                physical education teacher for seven years at
                           God’s mercy and presence in the world.” He                                   archdiocesan schools.
 celebrate his first       also hopes to remain involved in high school                                    “The call was getting stronger and stron-
 Mass Sunday, May          ministries and retreats.                                                     ger,” said the native of Ridgewood, N.J. “The
                              “That age ministry really excites me be-                                  Lord put some pretty big signs in my way
 30, at 2 p.m. at St.
                           cause they are important years in someone’s                                  that I knew he was calling me. It wasn’t until
 Augustine Church          life, and I didn’t lose the faith at that age                                2015 that I finally told my parents.”
 in Highland. Father       because I had such great examples of the                                        In the seminary, his apostolic assignments
                           faith,” he said.                                                             included two years at St. Christopher’s Inn,
 Brian Graebe, pastor         “They are not the future (of the Church).                                 operated by the Franciscan Friars of the
 of the Basilica of St.    They are the present. They have the same                                     Atonement at Graymoor in Garrison.
 Patrick’s Old Cathedral   desires and needs as anyone because ulti-                                       “St. Christopher has a great reputation of
                           mately our desires all lead to God who is the                                rehabbing people and I think the big reason
 in Manhattan, where       fulfillment of every desire. He’s the one who                                is the faith aspect, where people realize that
 Father Breslin served     made our desires and he fulfills all of them.”                               we are body, mind and soul, and to have a
                              Father Breslin, 25, attended the parish                                   spiritual light and to lean on an invisible
 as a transitional         school at St. Augustine before graduating                                    force, and also the simple fact to know you’re
 deacon, will be the       from Our Lady of Lourdes High School. He                                     loved by God, no matter what state in life
 homilist.                 graduated from St. John’s University with a                                  you are in, could really help with the road to
                           bachelor’s degree in philosophy and leaves                                   recovery,” he said.
                                                 continued on page A9                                                          continued on page A9
A4                                                             CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                  May 20, 2021

                                        Father                                   Father Caruso will celebrate his First Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea
                                                                                 Church on Staten Island Sunday, May 30, at 2 p.m. Father Thomas
                                        Carmine Caruso                           Devery, the pastor, will deliver the homily.

                                          The earliest memory Father            To him, “the priesthood is just          the archdiocese.
                                        Carmine Caruso has of being in          the only profession out there that         Hobbies have included baseball,
                                        a church was around age 4, ac-          can get into the human heart and         bowling and amateur boxing. The
                                        companying his late grandmother,        into the soul and that’s what really     latter, he explained, “brought great
                                        Concetta Caruso, to St. Frances         needs to be healed if we look out        discipline and structure to my life,
                                        Cabrini in Brooklyn. “It was a          into the world…                          which is what faith does. You’re
                                        mystique to me as a little boy,” he       “You see some graces happen,”          training to go out into battle. As a
                                        said of watching her light candles      he said, “and you just know that’s       priest, you’re like a boxer.”
                                        and pray before various statues         not on human merits; that’s the            He worked in the field of engi-
                                        of saints after Mass. “I was just in    grace of God at work.”                   neering from 2000 until entering
                                        awe” and thought, “this is pretty         He credits a missionary trip to        the Cathedral Seminary House of
                                        powerful.”                              Jamaica he made in 2015 with a           Formation in Douglaston, Queens,
Background in                             “It showed me where she was           men’s group from Our Lady of Pity        in 2015, followed by Pope St.
                                        going to the well—that was her          parish on Staten Island as trans-        John XXIII National Seminary in
Engineering, Boxing                     source for drawing upon her             formative. “It gave me the courage       Weston, Mass., in 2017.
                                        strength. My grandmother bur-           to respond and finally say ‘yes’ to        Summer parish assignments
Will Help Him Build                     ied five out of six kids before she     the call I had received but been         were Our Lady of the Assumption
                                        passed away” at age 78.                 putting off for quite some time,” he     and St. Mary Star of the Sea in the
Up Church                                 Now 43, his vocation to the           said of their service work with the      Bronx and St. Joseph and St. Mary
                                        priesthood is an answer to the          Missionaries of the Poor. After-         Immaculate on Staten Island.
                                        call “to love,” he said, “without       ward, he contacted Father Enrique          Born in Brooklyn, he is the son
                                        any prejudice, without any bias.”       Salvo, then vocations director for                        continued on page A9

  Father Steven                                Father Gonzalez will celebrate his first Mass Sunday, May 30, at
                                               10:30 a.m., at St. Lucy’s parish in the Bronx. The homilist will be
  N. Gonzalez                                  Father Luis Saldana, canonical spiritual director at the seminary.

  Father Steven N. Gonzalez, a          Gonzalez, adding that he became         Magaly Gonzalez, both born in the
graduate of Cristo Rey New York         more active at St. Lucy’s parish in     Dominican Republic and residing
High School in Manhattan, likes         the Bronx, his home parish. Priests     in the Bronx, where Father Gon-
hiking on Bear Mountain and in          there also played an influential        zalez was born and raised. He is
the Catskills, and he enjoys play-      role in his interest in the priest-     the middle of three sons, between
ing board games, with Parcheesi a       hood. As a youngster, his parents       older brother Nestor, and Jona-
favorite.                               instilled the values of the Church.     than, the youngest. The family par-
  His focusing skills help him            “I want to ultimately be an           ish at the time was Sacred Heart in
excel in those pastimes. Soon they      instrument of Jesus toward them         the South Bronx.
will help him as he pays pastoral       (the faithful),” he said of his            Father Gonzalez holds a bach-         chris sheridan
attention to the spiritual and sacra-   planned approach to being a priest,     elor’s degree in International Po-
mental needs of the faithful.
  “I was 17 years old when the
                                        adding that he will start each
                                        morning alone in prayer, in prepa-
                                                                                litical Economy and Development
                                                                                from Fordham University, with a
                                                                                                                         Cristo Rey New
thought came across my mind,”           ration for his pastoral service.        minor in Spanish literature. From        York High School
Father Gonzalez, 28, told Catholic        “I want to start with Jesus and       St. Joseph Seminary and College
New York in a phone interview,          be able to introduce people to the      in Dunwoodie, he holds master’s          Alumnus Entering
as he discussed when he began to        Lord. I am fluent in Spanish, so I      degrees in Catholic Philosophi-
think about becoming a priest. He       probably will be working a lot with     cal Studies, Divinity and Arts and       Priesthood
credited Jesuit priests he encoun-      Hispanic ministry. But I am also        Theology. He also holds a bach-
tered at Cristo Rey as a positive       passionate about learning about         elor’s in Angelicum Sacred Theol-
influence.                              different cultures, and learning        ogy, a program of the Pontifical
  “But it wasn’t until later in col-    how Catholicism is spread within        University of St. Thomas Aquinas
lege that I started getting more in-    different cultural contexts.”           administered by St. Joseph’s Semi-
volved in my faith,” recalled Father      He is the son of Nestor and                       continued on page A9
May 20, 2021                                                CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                          A5

                           New York-born                                                                            Following in his trauma surgeon
                           Seminarian Sensed Path to                                                              father’s footsteps was not the calling
                                                                                                                  for Wesbee Victor, which was ap-
                           the Priesthood Early in Life                                                           parent to him after he observed and
                                                                                                                  subsequently fainted during a surgery
                              Father Kevin Panameño first realized he                                             his adoptive father performed.
                           may want to be a priest when he was 13 years                                             “I was in there for probably 10 min-
                           old. At age 31, that pursuit will become a                                             utes,” he recalled of his time in the op-
                           reality. A young teen’s look into the future                                           erating room, and was looking to leave
                           has arrived.                                                                           amid “the cutting and the blood...I
                              “I started to pay more attention to the                                             remember I told them, ‘Get me out of
                           readings during Mass,” Father Panameño                                                 here,’ and then I just passed out.”
                           told Catholic New York. He added that the                                                Now 31, Victor was 18 at the time. He
                           virtues of service and bringing hope through                                           then confided in his father his attrac-
                           the Good News became more appealing as                                                 tion to the priesthood since childhood.
                           a way to do God’s will. He said he was not                                             He was 9 years old and an altar server
                                    influenced by a particular priest, but                                        when he asked his pastor, “What does
                                    he did like the pastoral works of par-                                        the priest do? And then when they
                                    ish priests.                                                         are at the altar, why they do what they are
                                       He was born in Manhattan and                                      doing...I was just being a curious kid.”
                                    raised in Memphis, Tenn., a reloca-
                                    tion stemming from his father’s work      Father                        Shadowing his father during surgery “was
                                                                                                         a wake-up call for me; now, what do I want
                                    as an airport employee. His childhood
                                    church in Memphis was Resurrection        Wesbee                     to do?” The following year, the family moved
                                                                                                         from Florida to New York. Before the move,
                                    parish. Father Panameño’s current par-
                                    ish is Our Lady of Angels in the Bronx.
                                                                              Victor                     Victor spoke to a priest in Tampa, Fla., and
                                                                                                         later contacted Fa-
                                       “It was the Gospel of John; it is                                 ther Luke Sweeney
                                    filled with so much mystery and it’s
                                                                              Father Victor will
                                                                                                         (now Msgr. Swee-          Study of
                                    beautiful,” Father Panameño said of                                  ney) who was then
                                    the Bible book that he often read in      celebrate his First        serving as vocations      Bioethics
                                    his teens and into adulthood. “And                                   director for the Arch-
                                    my parents were very supportive
                                                                              Mass Saturday, May
                                                                                                         diocese of New York.      Will
                                    throughout my journey.”                   29, at 4:30 p.m. at St.       He entered the
                                       As for his upcoming first few years    Catherine of Genoa         Cathedral Seminary        Bolster His
                                    in the priesthood, he said, “I hope to                               House of Forma-
 chris sheridan
                           be a priest who will continue to learn, who        Church in Hamilton         tion in Douglaston,       Priesthood
                           will be open to learning, especially taught by     Heights. Father Carlos     Queens, in 2013 and
                           the people. I look forward to being there for                                 The Catholic Univer-
 Father                    the people to the best of my ability, be it in a
                                                                              Limongi, a parochial
                                                                                                         sity of America in Washington, D.C., in 2017.
 Kevin                     pastoral or academic atmosphere.”
                              His parents are Tomas and Celina Miranda,
                                                                              vicar at Assumption
                                                                              parish in Peekskill, and
                                                                                                            He received a bachelor’s in philosophy
                                                                                                         with a minor in psychology from St. John’s
 Panameño                  who live in Memphis; he grew up with a
                           younger sister, Karin Miranda. (Panameño           a friend from priestly
                                                                                                         University in Queens. He earned a bachelor’s
                                                                                                         in sacred theology from Catholic University
                           is his mother’s maiden name. He said people        formation, will deliver    and in fall 2022 is scheduled to complete his
                           sometimes think he is from Panama because                                     licentiate in sacred theology in moral theol-
 Father Panameño will                                                         the homily.
                           of that surname. “But both my parents are                                     ogy with a focus on bioethics.
 celebrate his first       from El Salvador,” he said with a laugh).                                        His interest in bioethics stems from the in-
                              He holds a bachelor’s degree in philoso-                                   tersection he sees between faith and science.
 Mass Sunday, May
                           phy from St. Joseph College Seminary in                                       “The teaching of the Church is very practical.
 30, at 2 p.m., at St.     St. Benedict, La., and a master’s in theology                                 We know the author of life is God. To act in a
 Raymond Church in         from St. Meinrad's Theological Seminary in                                    virtuous way, we have to recognize that life is
                           St. Meinrad, Ind. He attended elementary                                      a gift. We have to cherish it and foster it in a
 the Bronx. The homilist   school and high school in Memphis.                                            way that respects the dignity of human life.”
 will be Msgr. Javier         His apostolic assignments included Our                                        He wants to be a priest, he said, because
                           Lady of Angels parish in the Bronx, where he                                  “for me, this is the best way that I can lay my
 García de Cárdenas,
                           helped teach RCIA classes and assisted in pre-                                life down for others.”
 an Opus Dei priest in     paring youth retreats; St. Joseph in Middletown                                  His summer parish assignments were Our
 Manhattan who is a        (youth ministry and giving reflections); Sacred                               Lady of Mount Carmel, the Bronx, in 2018 and
                           Heart in the Bronx (serving Mass, RCIA                                        St. Mary’s, Wappingers Falls, 2019 and 2020.
 close friend.             classes and giving reflections); the Westchester                                 He speaks French, Haitian Creole, Spanish
                           County Department of Correction in Valhalla                                   and English. He likes to cook Haitain food,
                           (jail ministry, visited the infirmary); and St.                               plays soccer and has a blue belt in Brazilian
                           Raymond parish in the Bronx (youth group,                                     Jiu-Jitsu.
                           daily reflections, burial services).                                             Born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, his home
                                                 continued on page A10                                                          continued on page A10
A6                                                            CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                      May 20, 2021

                                                                                   Father Chloupek’s first Mass will be celebrated Sunday, June 20, at
                                        Father Frantisek                           4 p.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Lincoln, Neb. Father Glenn
                                        Marie Chloupek,                            Sudano, C.F.R., will serve as homilist. St. Thomas Aquinas was Father

                                        C.F.R.                                     Chloupek’s parish when he attended the University of Nebraska and
                                                                                   when he discerned his vocation.

                                          Father Frantisek Marie Chlou-          York,” the friar told CNY. “I made        daily holy hour of Eucharistic ado-
                                        pek, C.F.R., left family and friends     a few visits and I really felt the        ration—that was something I was
                                        in a small midwestern town of            Lord drawing me there even                looking for. There was devotional
                                        900 people to begin his journey to       though it meant moving from the           prayer and communal prayer. You
                                        the priesthood in New York City’s        comfort of my home diocese and            just saw the deep love of the broth-
                                        population of eight million-plus.        leaving family and friends.               ers for the people in their neighbor-
                                          Father Chloupek grew up in                “I have a great love for Nebraska      hoods, the poor that we serve, the
                                        Harvard, Neb., where he was an           and it grows while you’re away.           youth, and saw the work they were
chris sheridan                          altar server at St. Joseph Church        (Harvard) was a very tight-knit           doing in the homeless shelter in the
                                        and spent his summers working            community. The school was a               youth center in the Bronx.
                                        in cornfields. He attended the           block away. You know everyone in             “I had seen what I had read about
                                        University of Nebraska, where            town. My parents were such faith-         St. Francis living a very prayerful
College Visit to Assisi                 he earned a degree in fine and           ful people taking me to Mass every        life, humble life and working with
                                        performing arts. While in college,       Sunday. It set a foundation for me.”      the poor and evangelizing.”
Sparked an Interest                     he took a tour of Italy and visited         Father Chloupek, now 35, en-              Father Chloupek served in youth
                                        Assisi in 2006. He returned with         tered the Franciscan Friars of the        ministry while residing at St.
in St. Francis                          an interest to learn more about          Renewal in 2010 and professed             Patrick Friary in Ireland, 2012-2015;
                                        St. Francis of Assisi, eventually        final vows in 2015.                       and Our Lady of the Angels Friary
                                        traveling to New York to visit the          “I saw the deep prayer life the fri-   in the Bronx, 2015-2017.
                                        Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.        ars live,” he said. “They clearly were       “I thrived in the youth ministry
                                          “I was hesitant to visit New           commited to prayer, daily Mass,                            continued on page A10

   Father Ignatius
                                                  Father Ignatius Pio will offer his first Mass Sunday, June 13, at
   Pio Mariae                                     9:30 a.m. at Holy Family Church in Rockford, Ill., his home parish.
   Doherty, C.F.R.

   Father Ignatius Pio Mariae           can study and grow,” the friar           their Catholic faith, loving their
Doherty, C.F.R., speaks about the       said. “The idea was to create an         families and serving God.
three years he spent in Comay-          environment that was morally and           He first encountered the Francis-
agua, Honduras, as the best ones of     spiritually formative.”                  can Friars of the Renewal during
his life.                                 In Honduras, he became fluent          a vocations day sponsored by the
   “I loved it there. I can’t wait to   in Spanish, a skill developed dur-       Institute of Religious Life in 2004
go back,” he told Catholic New          ing prior immersion trips to Costa       at Mundelein Seminary outside
York in a recent phone interview.       Rica and Guatemala and under the         Chicago.
   From 2014 to 2017, he served in      tutelage of his mother, Louise, who        Upon visiting the friars in New
Comayagua, where he and other           homeschooled him and his brother         York months later, the 18-year-old        chris sheridan
friars ran a Montessori-inspired        and two sisters.                         was eager to join, but Father Glenn
lunch program to feed poor chil-
dren both physically and spiritual-
                                          The Doherty family of Rock-
                                        ford, Ill., including husband and
                                                                                 Sudano, C.F.R., told him he should
                                                                                 continue his studies first, which
                                                                                                                           Lessons From Poor
ly. Volunteers prepared the meals,      father J. Mark Doherty, are de-          turned out to be good advice.             He Serves and
and the youths handled the rest,        vout Catholics. Growing up, they           Father Ignatius Pio attended Ave
from serving the food, to clearing      attended Mass and Charismatic            Maria University in southwest             Namesake Saint
the tables and leading prayer time.     prayer meetings on Sundays. His          Florida, graduating summa cum
   Father Ignatius Pio, 34, described   parents belong to the group People       laude in 2010 with a bachelor’s de-       Prepared Him
it as a profound experience “into       of Praise, which captured national       gree in philosophy and a minor in
the mystery of human nature—the         headlines during last fall’s confir-     theology and classical languages.
lives of these kids and their fami-     mation hearings of Supreme Court           He entered the Renewal Friars
lies, their struggles, and the power    Justice Amy Coney Barrett.               that September, serving first in Har-
of the Gospel in their lives.”            That community provided good           lem where he shared food and the
   “They’re coming to eat so they       role models, especially men living                   continued on page A10
May 20, 2021   CATHOLIC NEW YORK   A7
A8                                                        CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                            May 20, 2021

                        Ohio Native Accepted                                                                     Father Elijah Marie Perri, C.F.R.,
                                                                                                              remembers when he got “zapped.”
                        the Lord’s Invitation to                                                                 His conversion experience hap-
                                                                                                              pened shortly into his freshman year
                        Priesthood                                                                            at Illinois State University.
                                                                                                                 He had grown up Catholic in
                          Growing up in Westerville, Ohio, the                                                Arlington Heights, Ill., and attended
                        home parish of Father Joseph Michael Fino,                                            Mass on Sundays with his family,
                        C.F.R., was the Church of the Resurrection                                            including parents Jeffrey and Jeanne
                        in a nearby town called New Albany. The                                               and sisters Valerie and Amanda, but
                        parish and his parents instilled in him the                                           said his religious faith “wasn’t part of
                        significance of the faith and the importance                                          my lifestyle.”
                        of Church teachings.                                                                     Despite being a fun-loving jock in
                          During his college years at Miami Univer-                                           high school, he didn’t find the typical
                        sity of Ohio in Oxford, Father Fino began to                                          college scene fulfilling. He was soon
                        think of pursuing the priesthood. “It was dur-                                        invited to Mass, where a charismatic
                        ing my sophomore year in college, I started                                           young priest weaved sports into a dy-
                                going back to Mass,” Father Fino told                                         namic homily. “It was pretty compel-
                                Cathlic New York in a phone inter-          chris sheridan                    ling,” remembers Father Elijah, now 32.
                                view.                                                                   An employee at the college’s Newman
                                  “A year later (at age 21), I received a                            Center began inviting him to activities and
                                grace (during Communion) to know
                                with certainty that this is in fact the     Father                   stayed in regular contact. One day Father
                                                                                                     Elijah accepted his offer to attend a Holy
                                body and blood, the soul and divinity
                                of Jesus Christ. And after that I went
                                                                            Elijah                   Hour with Eucharistic adoration. He admits
                                                                                                     he did not know what to do, so he sat in the
                                back to Confession, and then from
                                there I started reading the writings of
                                                                            Marie                    back. He was told some people stay for 10
                                                                                                     minutes, and others
                                John Paul II—his Letter to Families         Perri,                   remain the whole
                                and his Theology of the Body, and                                    hour, that this was      Friar’s First
                                Love and Responsibility. I also started     C.F.R.                   the place “we go and
                                learning a lot more about the Mass                                   we pray and rest         Holy Hour
                                and the priesthood.”                                                 with Christ.”
                                  Father Fino added, “And later it was      Father Elijah’s first       “By the end of that   Was Life-
                                through reading the Scriptures and                                   Holy Hour, I basi-
                                praying while reading the Scriptures        Mass will be offered     cally was convinced      Changing
                                that I heard the Lord invite me to be a                              that was Jesus in the
chris sheridan
                        priest and a friar.”
                                                                            on the Solemnity of
                                                                                                     Blessed Sacrament.       Experience
                                                                            the Sacred Heart of
                          As a priest, Father Fino said he hopes “to                                 It was His True
                                                                            Jesus, Friday, June
Father                  bring Christ to where people are at.”
                          “I hope to be a priest who is present and         11, at 11 a.m., in St.
                                                                                                     Presence. That I was
                                                                                                     called to be a priest, and if I didn’t spend
Joseph                  available and accessible to people in their
                        everyday lives,” he said.                           Mary of the Angels
                                                                                                     time every day in front of the Blessed Sacra-
                                                                                                     ment I would never be happy.”
Michael                   Father Fino grew up the son of Steve and
                        Toni Fino, who reside in Westerville. He
                                                                            Church in Chicago,          Within two or three months he was filling
                                                                                                     out an application for a college seminary
Fino,                   has two older sisters, Jamie McClelland and
                        Jessica Roads. He holds a bachelor’s degree
                                                                            which he describes
                                                                            as “a beautiful, old
                                                                                                     at St. Mary’s University in Winona, Minn.,
                                                                                                     where he earned a bachelor’s in philosophy.
C.F.R.                  in English literature from Miami University         Franciscan church” at       The call to religious life remained con-
                        of Ohio. Born in Columbus and raised in                                      stant. He first encountered the Franciscan
                        Westerville, he attended local elementary           which the life of St.    Friars of the Renewal at a FOCUS (Fel-
He will celebrate his   and high schools..                                  Francis is depicted      lowship of Catholic University Students)
                          His apostolic assignments from St. Joseph         throughout. Father       national conference in Texas, where Father
first Mass Sunday,      Seminary in Dunwoodie included service at                                    Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., was delivering
June 6, at 2 p.m., at   St. Francis Center in the Bronx (in neighbor-       Innocent Montgomery,     a keynote address and several other friars
                        hood family programs); Calvary Hospital and         C.F.R., a friend and     were present. “I saw them traipsing across
the Church of the
                        neighborhood evangelization in the Bronx;                                    this fancy hotel…and I said, ‘What are these
Resurrection in New     and the Westchester County Department of            spiritual mentor, will   guys doing here?’”
Albany, his childhood   Correction in Valhalla. Before the seminary,        be the homilist.            When he visited the friars, he was attract-
                        his work through St. Leopold Friary in Yon-                                  ed to their contemplative life, at least two
parish.                 kers included serving at St. Anthony Home-                                   hours of silent prayer in adoration each day,
                        less Shelter in the Bronx, and working in pris-                              especially their fraternal life. “I could defi-
                        ons and hospitals in Nicaragua. He lived at                                  nitely see myself spending the rest of my life
                        the friary and studied at the seminary. Earlier,                             with this group of people.”
                        he worked in parish youth ministries in Ohio.                                   “I really want to read the Gospel and live
                          Father Fino, 36, entered the Franciscan                                    like that—live like Jesus and his band of dis-
                        Friars of the Renewal in 2010 and made final                                 ciples, wandering around Palestine, relying
                                              continued on page A10                                                        continued on page A10
May 20, 2021                                              CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                                                 A9

Father Breslin...
continued from page A3                              “You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek.”
St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie with a                                                                                                        —Psalm 110
bachelor’s in sacred theology, master’s in divin-
ity and master’s in theology.
  “Any success I've had or anything I've ac-
complished has very little to do with me, but
has much more to do with my openness to God
working through me and this was all God’s
work,” he said.

Father Carolan...
continued from page A3

  Father Carolan, who said he was inspired by
the work of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (Pa-
dre Pio) and Archbishop Fulton Sheen, will be
graduating from the seminary with a bachelor’s
degree in sacred theology, a master’s of divinity
and a master's in dogmatic theology.
  “I learned to always be a good listener,” he
said. “I learned to fall in love with the mystery
of God. I learned to surrender and I learned to
trust in the Lord’s plans. You do the best you
can with all the skills you have and then you
leave it up to Lord because we all have limits.”

Father Caruso...
                                                                            The Paulist Fathers Give Praise to God
continued from page A4

of the late Carmine Caruso Sr. and the late
Linda Caruso. The brother and brother-in-law                                              for the priestly ordinations of
of Lauren and Brandon Trifeletti, he has two

                                                                                 Rev. Michael Cruickshank, C.S.P.
nephews and a niece.
  His home parish since 2015 is Our Lady Star of
the Sea on Staten Island. He has also belonged to                                                             and
St. John Neumann parish on Staten Island.
  He attended St. Frances Cabrini School in                                           Rev. Richard Whitney, C.S.P.
Brooklyn and is a 1995 alumnus of St. Joseph by-
the-Sea High School on Staten Island.                                              Ordained priests on Saturday, May 22, 2021
  He earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering                                  at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, New York City
technologies from the New Jersey Institute of
Technology in Newark and an associate’s in phi-
                                                                                           Most Rev. Richard Henning
losophy from St. John’s University in Queens.
                                                                               Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York
                                                                                    Principal Celebrant & Ordaining Bishop
Father Gonzalez...
continued from page A4

nary and College.
  He attended the Luis Lorens Torres Children’s       Paulist Fr. Michael Cruickshank                                  Paulist Fr. Richard Whitney
Academy Public School 114 in the Bronx.               is a native of Chelmsford, MA. He earned his                      grew up in Massachusetts and Washington,
  His seminary apostolic assignments were             undergraduate degree at Washington University                    D.C. He earned his undergraduate degree at
with the Missionaries of Charity, Calvary Hospi-      in St. Louis, MO. After college, he moved to New                 Northeastern University. He met the Paulist
                                                      York City where he met the Paulist Fathers at the
tal, Catholic Charities and the youth ministry at     Church of St. Paul the Apostle in Manhattan. In               Fathers through the Paulist Center in Boston. In
Holy Cross parish, all in the Bronx.                  his first priestly assignment, Fr. Mike will serve at         his first priestly assignment, Fr. Rich will serve at
  Summer parish assignments took place at St.         the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Grand Rapids, MI.              St. John XXIII University Parish in Knoxville, TN.
Joseph-St. Mary Immaculate on Staten Island,
and again at Holy Cross in the Bronx. As for his
                                                    Could God be calling you or someone you know to discern a vocation to the priesthood in a
interests, “I’m a Schola at the seminary (Schola    missionary society like the Paulist Fathers? If so, please contact our vocation director, Paulist Fr.
Cantorum), so I’m able to sing tenor,” he said.     Dat Tran, at (212) 757-4260 or You may also learn more at:
                         continued on page A10

Profiles of the ordinands in this section
  were written by Armando Machado,                                                               | | @PaulistFathers
   Dan Pietrafesa, Christie L. Chicoine
             and John Woods.
A10                                                         CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                              May 20, 2021

Father Panameño...                                 close to our people and help them bury the           them or seeing them…He’s been teaching me,
continued from page A5
                                                   burdens that are so difficult.”                      helping me to grow in the last year, especially
  He did his summer assignments at Our Lady          Father Frantisek said his parents, Randy and       with not being able to see people because of the
of Angels parish, St. Joseph parish and St. Ray-   Shelly; brother, Brett; sister, Emily Howard; and    Covid restrictions.”
mond parish. He is fluent in Spanish and enjoys    six nieces will be among his family and friends
weightlifting, boxing and Muay Thai, a type        attending his ordination at St. Patrick’s Cathe-
of kickboxing. He also likes watching movies,      dral on Saturday, May 29.                            Father Fino...
                                                                                                        continued from page A8
reading, hiking and listening to music.              “I’ve always had a strong devotion to the Mass
                                                   and saying Mass is something very exciting to        vows in 2014. He likes learning or improving his
                                                   me,” he said. “You’re making present the body        fluency of other languages including Spanish,
Father Victor...                                   and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist for others.      and he enjoys reading literature, writing and
continued from page A5
                                                   That’s something that’s always been very attrac-     gardening.
parish since 2013 is St. Catherine of Genoa in     tive to me.”
the Hamilton Heights section of Manhattan.
Growing up, he also lived in Gonaives, Haiti;                                                           Father Perri...
Apollo Beach, Fla., and the Bronx.                 Father Doherty...                                    continued from page A8
                                                   continued from page A6
  Both his biological father, William Victor,                                                           on the Father’s providence, praying and preach-
and his adoptive father, Edward Glavey, are        Word of God with the poor at St. Joseph’s Table.     ing and setting up tents.
deceased. His biological mother, Mireille Jean-    He also lived in the South Bronx and managed           “In a modern context, it seems like these guys
Baptiste, lives in Gonaives, Haiti; his adoptive   the kitchen at St. Anthony’s Shelter for Renewal.    are trying to be faithful to that inspiration.”
mother, Ronha Garcia Glavey, resides in Yon-         He enjoys playing guitar and singing, suitable       He entered the Renewal Friars in 2011 in
kers. He has two brothers, Emmanuel Victor         attributes for youth retreats and parish mis-        Harlem at St. Joseph’s Friary, where he did his
and Jeorvens J. Victor.                            sions, including online versions livestreamed        postulancy. He later assisted with the novices in
                                                   from their chapel at St. Leopold’s Friary in Yon-    Paterson, N.J., and also spent two years serving
                                                   kers during the pandemic.                            at the friars’ soup kitchen and doing lay forma-
Father Chloupek...                                   Father Ignatius Pio cited Padre Pio, the Italian   tion in Albuquerque, N.M., where he fondly
continued from page A6
                                                   Capuchin friar and saint, as a major influence       recalls the weekly ‘desert days’ spent hiking,
and spending a lot of time with the youth and      and an appropriate one for these Covid-19 times.     praying and reading Scripture in the mountains
their families trying to start to evangelize the     “He was a great pastor of souls from a dis-        just outside the city.
kids and their families as well,” he said. “That   tance. He took care of people spiritually all over     He made his first vows in 2013 and final vows
was life-giving to me. I learned our need to be    the world, sometimes without even visiting           in 2017.
May 20, 2021                                                  CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                                                A11

                                                                                                                                              photos by Chris Sheridan

                                                                                                                        SEMINARY CONVOCATION—
                                                                                                                        St. Joseph’s Seminary and College
                                                                                                                        in Dunwoodie held its academic
                                                                                                                        convocation May 17 with ceremo-
                                                                                                                        nies for the graduates of 2020 and
                                                                                                                        2021. Cardinal Dolan presided at
                                                                                                                        the convocation; Auxiliary Bishop
                                                                                                                        James Massa of Brooklyn, the rec-
                                                                                                                        tor of St. Joseph’s, also participated.
                                                                                                                        Left, the graduates of the Class of
                                                                                                                        2021 gather with Cardinal Dolan
                                                                                                                        and Bishop Massa. Above, Bishop
                                                                                                                        Massa presents Father Elijah Marie
                                                                                                                        Perri, C.F.R., with the St. Charles
                                                                                                                        Borromeo Award for Academic

Editor’s Report...
continued from page A2

cational and family backgrounds.       build their Catholic faith.                                        The Clergy, Lay Leadership and Congregation
We want to tell you a little about        I’ll leave you with one last
                                                                                                              of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in
how they live their faith, how they    thought recently shared by a re-
first heard the call to priesthood     tired staff member who still does                                    Shrub Oak congratulate one of their own,
and what their hopes and dreams
are for their priestly life.
                                       some writing for CNY. She used
                                       to write almost all of the ordina-                                      Father
                                                                                                            robert James
   A couple of years ago, when         tion profiles for a section like this
I was interviewing one of the          one. She told me about the first

men who would be ordained that         year she took on that task. She
spring, he gave a nice affirma-        wrote 18 such profiles, one for
tion about the importance of this      each of the priests being ordained
project. He said that he had been      that year.                                                                    upon his ordination to the
reading the ordination profiles           She always wrote those profiles                                         Sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ.
each year for a long time and that     with care and talent. I remarked
they had been a source of encour-      about the breadth of that work                    Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on her First Communion day:
agement in his priestly journey.       and seriously asked whether she            “At last…at last, God is mine and I am His! Now, let all go its round —
   At the time, I remember reply-      had been able to do any other as-                                   I Have Received Him!”
ing that his email was the best one    signments during that time.
I had received all week. It actually      Considering that number, nearly
meant a great deal more to me.         twice as many ordained as this
We always hope that our work           year, I pray we may again see such
is important and relevant to our       a bountiful priestly blessing. I        Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
readers, and that it helps them to     hope you will too.                               1377 E Main St
                                                                                 Shrub Oak, NY 10588-1422
             Read the electronic edition of Catholic                                    ErEctEd 1963.
                                                                                 First in thE world namEd For
             New York! Go to and click the                                      mothEr sEton.
           e-edition button in the lower right corner.
A12                                                              CATHOLIC NEW YORK                                                               May 20, 2021

                                          M a y T h eir M em o r y B e a B l essing

                                 Venerable Felix Varela (1788-1853)
By FATHER MICHAEL P. MORRIS                                                                                  Mott Street, the latter served by Father Va-
                                                                                                             rela. His pastoral success, particularly with the
FIFTH IN A SERIES                                                                                            burgeoning Irish immigrant community in New

       ince its inception in 1808, the Diocese (later                                                        York, attracted the attention of the third bishop
       Archdiocese) of New York can count among                                                              of New York, John Dubois who, in 1829, named
       its priests and bishops spiritual giants,                                                             Varela vicar general of the Diocese of New York.
caring and generous pastors, scholars, admirals,                                                                On Sept. 20, 1829, Bishop Dubois left New
social reformers, brick and mortar titans—and                                                                York for Rome, returning to the United States
Father Felix Varela, the “Benjamin Franklin                                                                  on Nov. 20, 1831. During his two-year absence,
of Cuba.” Varela was born on Nov. 20, 1788 in                                                                Father Varela served as administrator of the
Havana, Cuba. Varela's father, a Spanish subject                                                             diocese, and represented Dubois at the First
and his mother, a native of Cuba, both died by the                                                           Provincial Council of Baltimore (1829) and the
time Felix reached age three. Felix was raised in                                                            Third Provincial Council of Baltimore (1837)—
St. Augustine, Fla., by his grandfather, Lieutenant                                                          the 19th century precursors to the modern-day
Bartholome Morales, who in 1796, served briefly                                                              bi-annual meetings of the United States Confer-
as interim governor of East Florida, 13 years after                                                          ence of Catholic Bishops.
Florida had been returned to Spanish rule after                                                                 In 1831, Father Varela was asked to participate
the defeat of the British by the fledgling United                                                            as a founding member of New York University,
States. Destined for a military career, young Felix                                                          an offer he declined. Ever the parish priest, Va-
sensed a calling to the priesthood and, at age 14,                                                           rela counted as one of his closest friends, Father
returned to Havana to attend San Carlos y San                                                                Alessandro Muppiatti, a Carthusian monk who
                                                          Once in New York, Father Varela effortlessly
Ambrosio Royal Seminary. Varela was ordained a                                                               left Italy in search of political asylum in New
priest in 1811 for the Diocese of San Cristobal de la       transitioned from academia and politics          York. Believed to be the first Italian priest to
Havana and within a year, the academically gifted           to parish work, serving among the Irish          serve in New York, Father Muppiatti served as
Father Varela was appointed to the faculty of the          community at St. Peter’s on Barclay Street.       Father Varela’s assistant at Transfiguration from
seminary in Havana.                                         Shortly thereafter, Varela solicited funds       1842 until the former’s death in 1846.
   Father Varela instituted necessary reforms at                                                                Exhausted from pastoral and administrative
the Havana seminary, such as a renewal of the                from friends to purchase nearby Christ          duties, and emotionally spent from his energetic
study of Thomistic philosophy in the seminary                   Episcopal Church on Ann Street.              and passionate defense of the Church in the
(two generations before Pope Leo XIII issued his                                                             wake of a growing and virulent anti-Catholicism
1879 encyclical Aeterni Patris, reviving the study                                                           in the United States, Father Varela returned to
of scholasticism in seminary training). Although        from Spain. A proponent of what he called a          St. Augustine in 1850. There, Varela took as his
a philosophy student and teacher by training,           “war of reason,” Varela eschewed violence and        residence a small wooden shed adjacent to St.
Varela had a keen interest in such varied subjects      bloodshed. One year later, Father Varela was         Augustine Cathedral school, living in sickness,
as politics, economics, history, physics, chemis-       welcomed to New York by Father John Power,           obscurity and crushing poverty. A group of Cu-
try and agriculture.                                    who had become apostolic administrator of            ban friends heard about Varela’s plight, collected
   In 1821, Varela was elected as a colonial del-       the Diocese of New York upon the death of the        a large sum of money, and sent the gift to Varela,
egate to the Spanish Cortes (parliament) where          second bishop of New York, John Connolly, O.P.       only to find that Father Varela had died on Feb.
he labored in Madrid for the abolition of slavery       Father Power discerned that this Cuban priest-       25, 1853. The money was used to build a mauso-
and increased autonomy in the Spanish colonies.         intellectual and patriot would prove a great asset   leum in the city’s historic Tolomato Cemetery.
Varela and like-minded members of the Cortes            to the fledgling diocese which encompassed all       Before the outbreak of World War I, Varela’s
evoked the ire of King Ferdinand VII, who subse-        of New York state and northern New Jersey. Ac-       remains were transferred from St. Augustine and
quently dismantled the Cortes. Varela fled Spain        cording to the late Msgr. Florence Cohalan, au-      reinterred at the University of Havana.
and, barred from Spanish-ruled Cuba, sought             thor of “A Popular History of the Archdiocese of        In 1983, the Congregation for the Cause of
political asylum in the United States. Varela ar-       New York,” Varela was the first Spanish-speaking     Saints charged the Archdiocese of Havana with
rived in New York in December 1823 and spent            priest to serve in the Diocese of New York.          the investigations into the heroic sanctity of
the next two years translating Thomas Jefferson’s         Once in New York, Father Varela effortlessly       Father Varela. In the late 1990s, Father Varela
Manual of Parliamentary Practice into Spanish,          transitioned from academia and politics to par-      was declared “Servant of God,” and on April 12,
and studying chemistry and agriculture.                 ish work, serving among the Irish community at       2012, the Congregation for the Cause of Saints
   In 1825, Varela moved to Philadelphia, at that       St. Peter’s on Barclay Street. Shortly thereafter,   granted Varela the title “Venerable.” Well on
time the intellectual capital of the United States.     Varela solicited funds from friends to purchase      the path to beatification and sainthood, this
There, Father Varela founded El Habanero,               nearby Christ Episcopal Church on Ann Street.        hero of the Cuban people made his mark as the
believed to be the first Spanish-Catholic news-         In 1833, Christ Church was disbanded and the         apostle to the Irish immigrants in New York and
paper in the United States. Varela was one of the       existing congregation became St. James parish        a beacon of religious, political and intellectual
first Cuban intellectuals to call for independence      on James Street and Transfiguration Church on        thought and freedom.

   About This Series The articles in this series on priests who have served in the Archdiocese of New York are planned to run monthly throughout
   2021. Father Michael Morris, pastor of Regina Coeli parish in Hyde Park, and Msgr. Thomas J. Shelley, emeritus professor of Church history at Fordham
   University, will write the profiles.
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