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CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL - UK                    ISSUE 12 | JAN 2019

                                    M   A G A        Z     I    N     E

Understanding            Countdown’s Rachel Riley
the Times                takes on the anti-Semites
Introduction                                       Contents
Welcome to Christians United for Israel UK’s       3    Understanding the Times
twelfth issue of the Torch magazine.

In this issue our main article highlights the
importance of not remaining silent in the
face of evil. Taking inspiration from the life
of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the commitment and
sacrifices made by the German pastor is a
reminder of the need for Christians to not
be silent amid the rise of anti-Semitism and       10   Next Year in Jerusalem
attack on Judeo-Christian values. We also take          Who will be next to move                               “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
a look at some of the key challenges facing the         their embassy to Jerusalem?                            God will not hold us guiltless. Not to
church in the present day.
                                                                                                               speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
In 2019 it is people like you and me that are                                                                                       ­­­— DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
called to stand for what is right. Rachel Riley,
the co-presenter of gameshow Countdown,
knew little about modern-day anti-Semitism
until recently, when she felt moved to speak
out. The result was a horrendous and personal
anti-Semitic backlash. Her story is both eye-      16   The Mother of Martyrs
opening and motivating.

Christians United for Israel is called for such
a time as this to present a Biblical perspective
on all that is happening concerning Israel.
I see our supporters as akin to the sons of
Issachar who had understanding of the times.
We will not remain silent during a rising tide
of anti-Semitism and increased opposition to       20   The United Nations has blood
our Judaeo-Christian values.                            on its hands
Thank you for your continued support for
                                                   22   Countdown’s Rachel Riley
                                                        takes on the anti-Semites
                                                                                                         T       here is a battle for truth across
                                                                                                                 this nation and throughout the
                                                                                                                 world that demands God-fearing
                                                                                                         people to rise up and not be silent.
                                                                                                             When it comes to anti-Semitism, the
                                                                                                                                                             under challenging circumstances, such as
                                                                                                                                                                 Understanding the times properly requires
                                                                                                                                                             us to determine with sincerity what is good,
                                                                                                                                                             truthful and honourable according to God’s
                                                                                                         assault on Israel and the Jewish people requires    Word whilst abhorring what is evil.
                                                                                                         us to speak out. Similarly, Judeo-Christian             Standing with Israel is the right thing to do
Des Starritt                                                                                             values are under attack and must be met             because it is the Biblical thing to do. Rejecting
Executive Director                                                                                       with a vigorous defence while there is still        the evil of anti-Semitism and lies surrounding
CUFI UK                                                    Christians United for Israel UK               opportunity.                                        Israel, for example, is necessary if we are
                                                           PO Box 3837, Swindon, SN3 9DS                     The Bible says in Romans 12:9, “Love must       to cling onto what is right in obedience to
                                                           Tel: 01793 862210                             be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is     Almighty God.
                                                           Web:                          good.”                                                  But what happens when the pressure is on?
                                                                                                             This verse in its context urges Christians to   How do we respond when the nation, or even
                                                                                         Published by:
                                                               © CHRISTIANS UNITED FOR ISRAEL UK
                                                                                                         possess a servant-hearted attitude particularly     the church, remains silent in the face of evil?
                                                                                  All Rights Reserved
                                                                            Cover Photo: Rachel Riley                                                CUFI.ORG.UK                                                 3
In a world of confusion and chaos, how                              Assembly of “Deutshe Christen”, 1933      of the German people, but with no prayers for       September 1933, he attended the ecumenical
    do we view events with a moral clarity and                                                                        Hitler or for German victory, there was uproar      World Alliance meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria,
    measured foresight of what is taking place                                                                        throughout Germany.                                 where a resolution was passed condemning
    around us?                                                                                                                                                            Nazi actions against Jews. Fired up with a
        We take a look at the following example                                                                       DIETRICH BONHOEFFER                                 passion against this injustice, he presented the
    from Germany in the 1930s and close by                                                                                 As dark clouds gathered over pre-war           German Consul in Sofia with the resolution
    highlighting some major battle grounds facing                                                                     Germany, there were those who were prepared         explaining that Nazi policies were damaging
    the UK and Europe today and how you can                                                                           to stand alone for the sake of justice and          Germany’s image abroad. However, his
    make a difference.                                                                                                righteousness. Courageous men and women             outspokenness wasn’t appreciated by all
                                                                                                                      that understood the times and possessed a           Christians back home in Germany. The
    GERMANY 1930S                                                                                                     moral conscience were prepared to not remain        German Evangelical Church in Berlin
         In 1933, a movement called Deutshe                                                                           silent in the midst of this evil. One such man      demanded he stopped his ecumenical activities
    Christen (translated “German Christians”)                                                                         was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German-born              at once, but Bonhoeffer refused.
    began to promote the nazification of the                                                                          theologian who had served in Spain in the                Between September 1933 and April 1935, he
    German Evangelical Church through the                                                                             decade prior and had studied in New York. He        served as pastor to several German-speaking
    creation of a pro-Nazi “Reich Church”, having                                                                     was one of the earliest voices against the rising   fellowships in London. This caused them to
    been persuaded by the Nazi Party statement on                                                                     Nazi ideology, describing it as an illegitimate     break away from the official German church,
    “positive Christianity” that ironically claimed                                                                   form of government and incompatible with his        joining the Confessing Church instead. Back
    to support religious freedom, yet was blatantly                                                                   Christian faith.                                    in Germany, however, the Confessing Church
    anti-Semitic in its content.                                                                                           In a 1933 essay, he argued that the church     was coming under increasing pressure by the
         Unbelievably, the group wanted                                                                               was called to question state injustice. Secondly,   Gestapo. With many too fearful to oppose the
    Protestantism to conform to the Nazi ideology.             By 1939, around 75%                                    he said it had an obligation to help all victims    Nazis, those that did faced conflict from both
    Some of its members called for total removal                                                                      of injustice, whether they were Christian or        sides. Bonhoeffer himself was becoming more
    of any Jewish elements from the Bible,                   of German Protestant
                                                                                                                      not. Finally, he suggested the church might be      and more isolated, but he didn’t give up.
    including the Old Testament, defrocked clergy             churches apparently                                     called to “put a spoke in the wheel” to bring the        Bonhoeffer understood the importance
    of Jewish descent and pushed the narrative that       approved the founding of                                    machinery of injustice to a halt.                   of reaching young leaders. Having returned to
    “the Jews had killed Jesus”. By 1939, around          an anti-Semitic research                                                                                        Germany in 1935, he persisted in training young
    75% of German Protestant churches apparently            institute with the main                                   RAISING THE ALARM                                   clergy at an illegal seminary until it was closed
    approved the founding of an anti-Semitic
    research institute with the main task of creating      task of creating a “Fifth                                      Bonhoeffer didn’t remain silent. He put         in September 1937 by the Gestapo. The “would-
                                                             Gospel” to support the                                   the words of his pen into action. Already well      be-Millennials” of today were very much on his
    a “Fifth Gospel” to support the false doctrine                                                                    travelled and connected, Bonhoeffer journeyed       heart and worth fighting for. He spent the next
    of an “Aryan Jesus”.                                        false doctrine of an                                  throughout Europe and the United States             two years secretly travelling throughout eastern
         Unsurprisingly the Nazis found Deutshe                      “Aryan Jesus”.                                   reporting on the situation in Nazi Germany to       Germany to attend to his students, many of
    Christen a useful group to consolidate its                                                                        church leaders of various denominations. In         whom were ministering illegally.
    power before ultimately removing its leaders.
         They didn’t represent all Christians in        fundamental doctrine that placed government
    Germany and received opposition from many           as one of God’s ways through which He rules
    church leaders. This led to the formation of        the world (the second being the church)
    the Confessing Church in 1934, which took a         and that obedience to the government was
    bold stand against Deutshe Christen. Despite        a Christian duty. Opposition to government
    this, most leaders avoided criticism of the Nazi    therefore was viewed as rebellion towards
    regime and there was still a silence about the      divine order. The rise of Nazism put this belief
    persecution of German Jews.                         to the ultimate test. Although there were
         Although the Confessing Church                 those like Bonhoeffer that decided to reject
    recognised the threat of the Third Reich,           this position and not yield to the Nazi state,
    rejected the impending war and were critical        there were many that chose to stay silent.
    of the Deutshe Christen that willingly and          Bonhoeffer’s famous quote, “Silence in the
    openly colluded with the Nazis, it was actually     face of evil is evil itself,” could not have been
    a theological bond that prevented many within       a more desperately relevant message for the
    the Confessing Church from openly opposing          church as the fate of the Jewish people in                                                           With many too fearful to oppose
    the regime directly. Lutheranism, which formed      Europe drew closer. In 1938 when three leaders                                                       the Nazis, those that did faced
    a large part of German Protestantism and was        of the Confessing Church circulated a prayer of                                                      conflict from both sides. Bonhoeffer
    associated with historic anti-Semitism, held a      confession and intercession, repenting of sins             A meeting of pastors of the
                                                                                                                                                             himself was becoming more and
                                                                                                                   Confessing Church movement.
4                                               CUFI.ORG.UK                                                        Bonhoeffer can be seen on the far left.   more isolated, but he didn’t give up.
Bonhoeffer’s efforts appeared to be                        “We have learned a                  Dietrich Bonhoeffer memorial,
                                                                                                        outside the Great West Door,
                                                                                                                                        Discipleship, written during the rise of
    coming to an end when in January 1938, the                    bit too late in the day                                               the Nazi regime, is considered a modern
                                                                                                        Westminster Abbey
    brave pastor was banned from Berlin and later                                                                                       classic.
    forbidden from public speaking. He was later                    that action springs                                                      His last writing before his execution
    also banned from printing and publishing.                     not from thought but                                                  was Letters and Papers from Prison, in
         Gravely concerned about what was                          from a readiness for                                                 which he penned, “There remains an
    happening to the Jewish people, the church                          responsibility”.                                                experience of incomparable value. We
    and his country, it was only a matter of time                                                                                       have for once learned to see the great
    before Bonhoeffer was faced with one of                                                                                             events of world history from below,
    the biggest challenges of his conscience –            Confessing Church, Friedrich Perels, the                                      from the perspective of the outcasts, the
    conscripting to the war himself.                      pair sent details of plans to deport Berlin                                   suspects, the maltreated — in short, from
         But in 1939 Bonhoeffer had an opportunity        Jews to foreign contacts as well as trusted                                   the perspective of those who suffer. Mere
    to escape Germany to the United States. He            German military officials, in the hope that                                   waiting and looking on is not Christian
    accepted an invitation to New York only to            the plans could be thwarted.                                                  behaviour. Christians are called to
    soon regret his decision. Despite pressure                 He then became involved in an                                            compassion and to action.”
    from friends to stay, he wrote the following in       ambitious plan to get the Jews out                                                 In the same prison papers he wrote,
    a letter, “I have come to the conclusion that I       of Germany by giving them foreign                                                   “We have learned a bit too late in the
    made a mistake in coming to America. I must           papers. Known as “Operation Seven”,                                           day that action springs not from thought
    live through this difficult period in our national    the Gestapo uncovered the plot and                                            but from a readiness for responsibility”.
    history with the people of Germany. I will have       Bonhoeffer and his brother-in-law were                                             It was this sense of responsibility
    no right to participate in the reconstruction         arrested in April 1943.                                                       that drove the exceptional Dietrich
    of Christian life in Germany after the war if              Bonhoeffer was initially charged                                         Bonhoeffer. He discerned with foresight
    I do not share the trials of this time with my        with conspiring to rescue Jews, using                                         and clarity the earliest stages of the
    people... Christians in Germany will have to          his foreign travels for non-intelligence                                      increasing persecution of the Jewish
    face the terrible alternative of either willing the   matters, and misusing his intelligence                                        people. Not content on being a bystander
    defeat of their nation in order that Christian        position to help Confessing Church                                            to anti-Semitism, he was also burdened
    civilization may survive or willing the victory of    pastors evade military service.                                               by the direction his homeland was
    their nation and thereby destroying civilization.          When the attempted coup of 20                                            headed by becoming absorbed by the
    I know which of these alternatives I must             July, 1944, failed, Bonhoeffer’s links to                                     wickedness of such evil. He recognised
    choose but I cannot make that choice from             the wider resistance movement were                                            the important role that the church played
    security.” He returned to Germany on the last         discovered and he was moved to the                                            in combating injustice and suffering and
    scheduled steamer to cross the Atlantic.              Gestapo prison in Berlin. In February                                         worked tirelessly to influence his Christian
                                                          1945, he was taken to Buchenwald                                              brethren.
    A MISSION OF A                                        concentration camp and in April moved                                              But when the church fell silent,
    DIFFERENT KIND                                        to the Flossenbürg concentration camp                                         Bonhoeffer held onto principles that are
        But God has not finished with His faithful        where he would pay the ultimate price.                                        worth adopting today. Yes, we thankfully
    servant. Even through this, Bonhoeffer was not             On 9 April, Dietrich Bonhoeffer                                          may not be confronted with the same type
    prepared to compromise his Christian values.          was hanged with other conspirators.                                           of threat that preceded the Holocaust,
        Bonheoffer’s brother-in-law, Hans von             His brother Klaus Bonhoeffer was also                                         but we should be alert to the disturbing
    Dohnanyi, worked in the Justice Ministry and          executed for resistance activities, as were                                   warning signs that accompany an evil in
    was a strong opponent of the regime as well.          his brothers-in-law Hans von Dohnanyi                                         our midst that bears the same hallmarks.
    He was able to help Bonheoffer avoid military         and Rüdiger Schleicher.                                                            With a third of Europeans having
    service, obtaining an assignment in the office                                                                                      never heard of the Holocaust, or “just
    of Military Intelligence. This office began the       LASTING LEGACY                                                                a little” about it, there is no room
    centre of a resistance movement that ended                In the years since his death,                                             for complacency. The 2018 poll,
    with an attempt to overthrow the regime in            Bonhoeffer has become widely known as                                         commissioned by CNN, revealed that in
    1944 with the failed assassination of Adolf           one of the few Christian martyrs in an era                                    France one out of five people between the
    Hitler.                                               otherwise stained by Christian complicity                                     ages of 18 and 34 have never heard of the
        On behalf of Military Intelligence, he            with Nazism.                                                                  Holocaust. In Austria, where Hitler was
    made several trips outside the Reich in 1941              Meanwhile, Bonhoeffer’s letters                                           born, 12% of young people said they had
    and 1942, informing ecumenical contacts               and theological works still influence                                         never heard of the Holocaust, whilst 4 out
    in Geneva and the Vatican of the resistance           Christians throughout the world.                                              of 10 Austrian adults said they know “just
    plans. Working with another member of the             His most famous book, The Cost of                                             a little”.

6                                                 CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                             CUFI.ORG.UK                                  7
youth? Because Bonhoeffer knew the
                      UNDERSTANDING                                                                           importance of passing the baton to the
                                                                                                              next generation. And when it comes to

                    THE CURRENT CLIMATE                                                                       Israel, let us not forsake our duty to instil
                                                                                                              a heart for the Jewish people. The next
                                                                                                              generation must be prepared to stand
                                                                                                              firmly through what lies ahead. Let us
          Today, the UK and Europe face                    Germany is a solemn reminder of                    not give up on our young people. Pray
     growing anti-Semitism at levels not                   the dangers of deliberately portraying             for them and let’s harness their passions

     seen in the West since World War 2.                   evil as good and darkness as light. For            towards standing for the truth.
     Whilst far right anti-Semitism still exists           example, the attempt by the “Reich

                                                                                                         4.   Pray for
     80 years since the Allied nations rose                Church” to eradicate the Jewishness
     up to defeat it, Western Europe is also               of Scripture should act as a warning to            the nation.
     experiencing anti-Semitism from two                   Christians today especially in light of the            The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy

     other directions: an emergence from                   destructive, anti-Semitic, “replacement            to pray for kings and all who are in
     the far left and the significant rise of              theology” that some churches have                  authority “that we may lead a quiet
     radical Islam, which is also the greatest             embraced. The church needs to wake up              and peaceable life in all godliness and
     threat to Israel and the West.                        and realise that many are being deceived           reverence.” The Bible says that God will
          Meanwhile, our treasured Judeo-                  by lies rather than seeing truth. Every            judge the rulers of the earth for how
     Christian values are also in danger from              person can be like Dietrich Bonhoeffer –           they use, or misuse, their authority. It is
     the same threats alongside an aggressive              a single light in the darkness warning of          imperative that we pray for the state of
     form of secular humanism, leading to                  the times in which we live.                        our nation and for its leaders.
     rapid moral decline in our nation and a                                                                      We must also pray for the Jewish
     hostility towards Christianity itself.
          And despite living in an era of          2. We need to encourage
                                                      one another.
                                                                                                              community in this nation and that the
                                                                                                                                                              NOW IS THE TIME TO BE A

                                                                                                              church will have boldness to stand
     supposedly unlimited access to news                        Proverbs 4:7 states, “Wisdom                  against anti-Semitism. Pray also that
     and information, an increasingly                      is the principal thing; Therefore get              Britain will stand with Israel.

                                                                                                                                                               on the wall
     manipulative agenda-setting media is                  wisdom. And in all your getting, get

     contributing to an even more divided
     and polarised society.
                                                           understanding.”                                    Do not remain
          Whilst the UK experiences these
                                                                Bonhoeffer had clear vision about             silent.
                                                           the emerging threats and never gave up                 Bonhoeffer was a victim of an assault
     dramatic shifts, a largely silent and                 in helping fellow Christians understand
     compromised church stands at a                                                                           on freedom of speech. Nevertheless,
                                                           the times in which they were living.               he spoke the truth. History shows that
     crossroads regarding its position on                  Some compromised, some isolated
     Israel as does the government, whose                                                                     shutting down freedom of speech is
                                                           themselves and others paid the ultimate            one of the first stages of a slippery slope
     foreign policy on this issue is weak and              price. The times we are living in calls
     blinkered.                                                                                               towards other freedom restrictions. This
                                                           for Christians to encourage and edify              freedom must be defended, but even if
          This is the time for people like                 one another with the Word of God and
     Bonhoeffer, people like you to rise up,                                                                  silenced, we must not give up speaking
                                                           with Godly wisdom and understanding.               out against anti-Semitism and defend our
     cling to what is good and condemn the                 Cling onto what is good. Never give up.
     evil in our midst.                                                                                       Judeo-Christian values, regardless of the
                                                           Believe that you can make a difference             cost.
          Here are a few ways you can                      in your lifetime. Ask for God’s wisdom
     make an impact:                                                                                              As Dietrich Bonhoeffer has famously
                                                           to understand the times we are living in           said,
                                                           and do not lose heart.

1.   We need to warn the
          The Bible says, “Woe to those who        3.      Don’t give
                                                                                                                “Silence in the face of
                                                                                                                   evil is itself evil:
                                                           up on the younger                                     God will not hold us
     call evil good, and good evil; Who put
     darkness for light, and light for darkness;           generation.                                                 guiltless.                              Join the prayer network at
     Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for                   Bonhoeffer made asserted efforts                      Not to speak                   
     bitter! (Isaiah 5:20).                                to reach young Christians, even                           is to speak.
                                                           risking his own life doing so. Why the
          The political climate of 1930s                                                                         Not to act is to act.”

8                                            CUFI.ORG.UK
NEXT YEAR IN                                                                   AUSTRALIA
                                                                             In December 2018, Australia ended

                                                                         speculation that it was set to recognise
                                                                         Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by surprisingly
                                                                         only recognising “West Jerusalem” and
                                                                         announcing it will not move its embassy until
                                                                         there is a peace settlement between Israel and
                                                                         the Palestinians.
                                                                             Prime Minister Scott Morrison added that
                                                                         Australia will recognise east Jerusalem as a
                                                                         Palestinian capital after a deal has been reached
                                                                         for a “two-state solution”. Described as “a step
                                                                         in the right direction” by the US, Morrison said
            WHO WILL BE NEXT TO MOVE                                     the government will establish a defence and
           THEIR EMBASSY TO JERUSALEM?                                   trade office in Jerusalem and will also start
                                                                         looking for an appropriate site for the embassy.
                                                                             The earlier suggestion that Australia was
                                                                         considering recognising Jerusalem received
                                                                         a backlash from the Arab League, which with

                                                                         the exception of Bahrain, was still not satisfied
          ecognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital acknowledges the      with the compromise. Meanwhile, Malaysia
          reality that Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital of    had warned that terrorist attacks could occur
                                                                         on Australian targets if the Embassy is moved
     the Jewish people. CUFI believes that more countries will follow
     the United States in moving their embassies to the Holy City.
                                                                         and Indonesia had threatened to not sign a free                     BRAZIL
                                                                         trade agreement with Australia.
     We take a look at which country could be next, but also highlight                                                             The New Year has started with very
     some of the obstacles that must first be overcome.                                                                       encouraging signs from Brazil as newly elected
                                                                                                                              President Jair Bolsonaro confirmed to media
                                                                                                                              that he will definitely move his country’s
                                                                                                                              embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and that it
                                                                                                                              is only a matter of time.
                                                                                       AUSTRIA                                     The move by the pro-Israel president
                                                                                                                              would fulfil a promise made during his election
                                                                             Austria was one of four European countries       campaign.
                                                                         alongside Romania, Hungary and the Czech                  Bolsonaro said that “the only weighty voice
                                                                         Republic that broke with the EU position by          speaking out against me is Iran.” Some of the
                                                                         attending the opening of the US embassy              “more radical” Arab nations “might adopt
                                                                         in Jerusalem. This resulted in the respective        some sort of sanction — I hope only economic
                                                                         countries’ ambassadors being recalled by the         ones — against us,” he said.
                                                                         Palestinian Foreign Ministry.                             The move would be ground-breaking in
                                                                             This led to speculation that Austria could       relations between Israel and Brazil, which
                                                                         follow the US in moving its embassy, but hopes       has a strong pro-Israel support from the large
                                                                         of an imminent move have since diminished.           Christian evangelical community. Prime
                                                                         However Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz           Minister Netanyahu was in Brazil in December
                                                                         hopes it will “happen sometime” when a               to attend Bolsonaro’s inauguration and the
                                                                         solution is found through negotiations and           relationship between the two countries looks
                                                                         when “peace is achieved”.                            set to go from strength to strength.

10                             CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                             CUFI.ORG.UK                                               11
CANADA                                    EUROPEAN UNION                                              HUNGARY                                               ROMANIA
         Whilst an embassy move hasn’t                Shortly before the US embassy’s dedication                     Hungary very much led the              The president of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies and
     been suggested by the government,            ceremony began in Jerusalem, the Czech Republic,              way in blocking the EU from             Liviu Dragnea, a member of Romania’s governing party,
     Canada’s main opposition party,              Hungary and Romania blocked a full 28-nation European         condemning the US embassy               told a television channel in April 2018 that the “government
     the Conservative Party, adopted a            Union from publishing a statement condemning the              move. Not only did they help            adopted a memorandum deciding to start the procedure to
     resolution in August 2018 recognising        move.                                                         block an EU condemnation in May         effectively move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”
     Jerusalem as capital of Israel and               The aforementioned Czech Republic president,              2018, it also blocked an earlier EU         No move has materialised, but it was reported that
     advocating the move of Canada’s              Milos Zeman accused the EU in their response to               statement after Trump made the          German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, had called Romanian
     embassy. With elections forecast to          Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,         initial announcement. Hungary           president Klaus Iohannis in April attempting to persuade
     take place before end of 2019, this could    saying, “The European Union, cowards, are doing all           stood alone and was soon followed       him not to relocate his country’s embassy.
     become a campaign issue worth noting.        they can so a pro-Palestinian terrorist movement can          by the Czech Republic, forcing the          Later that month, Romania’s president asked Romania’s
                                                  have supremacy over a pro-Israeli movement.”                  EU foreign affairs chief, Federica      pro-Israel prime minister Viorica Dancila to resign because
                                                                                                                Mogherini, to issue a statement in      of the government’s approval to relocate the embassy. It
                                                                                                                her own name only.                      is unclear if Merkel’s call to Iohannis played a role in his
                                                                                                                     Despite Hungary’s boldness,        decision.
                                                                                                                the country has no current plan             However, reports in the Jerusalem Post claim that Merkel
                                                                                                                to move its embassy in the near         personally phoned European leaders in April 2018 with
     CZECH REPUBLIC                                                                                             future.                                 the message that an embassy move “cannot happen under
                                                                GUATEMALA                                                                               any circumstances.” The allegations pointed to the fact
         Hours after President Trump gave                                                                                                               that several central and eastern European countries were
     recognition of Jerusalem on 6 December           Guatemala made history in May 2018 becoming                                                       considering the move before receiving calls from Berlin and
     2017, the Czech Republic made a similar      the second nation to officially open its new embassy in                                               formed part of a push by Merkel to save the Iran nuclear Deal.
     announcement, however it made clear          Jerusalem, two days after the US made the same move.
     that it was only giving recognition to the   But did you know that it was also the second country
     western part of Jerusalem.                   after the US to recognise the State of Israel in 1948?              PARAGUAY
         The country opened “Czech                     “It is not a coincidence that Guatemala is opening its
     House” in November 2018 as the “first        embassy in Jerusalem two days after the US. You are always        Less than four months after
     step in the plan to move the Czech           among the first,” Netanyahu said at the opening ceremony.     becoming the third country to
     embassy to Jerusalem”. As part of                                                                          open a new embassy to Jerusalem,                  UNITED KINGDOM
     three stages towards the opening of an                                                                     Paraguay shockingly reversed its
     embassy, the new facility houses Czech                                                                     decision following pressure from             The UK government clarified that the status of Jerusalem
     cultural, investment, trade and tourism                                                                    the Palestinian Authority.              should be determined in a “negotiated settlement between
     offices.                                                                                                       Former Paraguayan president,        the Israelis and the Palestinians” and that Jerusalem should
         Czech president, Milos Zeman,                                                                          Horacio Cartes, opened the              ultimately form a “shared capital between the Israeli and
     is a strong supporter of Israel and                         HONDURAS                                       embassy in Jerusalem towards            Palestinian states.”
     even promoted moving the nation’s                                                                          the end of his term in office.               But the UK’s position is hypocritical. Despite claiming
     embassy prior to President Trump’s               Honduras is expected to be one of the next                Mario Abdo Benitez, of the same         to treat both sides equally in the Israel-Palestinian conflict,
     historic move. Zeman attended the            countries to open an embassy in Jerusalem. Whilst in          conservative Colorado party,            Britain’s representative to Israel is in Tel Aviv, however
     US embassy opening, as well as that          Brazil in December, Prime Minister Netanyahu met              took over from Cartes in August         Britain’s representative to the Palestinians is in Jerusalem.
     of Guatemala and Paraguay. But the           with Honduran president, Juan Orlando Hernandez               2018. But the following month the       The UK is indulging the Palestinian’s claim to Jerusalem
     Czech prime minister, who will have          and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss              Palestinian foreign ministry visited    whilst actively disregarding Israel’s right to Jerusalem.
     the final say in any move, has voiced        plans to move the Central American nation’s embassy           Paraguay and two weeks later the
     opposition to the embassy’s relocation       to Jerusalem and agreed to pursue a plan of action.           embassy was moved back to Tel               A petition, started by CUFI UK, is almost
     and seems unwilling to break with the            In April 2018, the Honduran National Congress             Aviv. It is believed that Benitez was       at 30,000 signatures and calls for Britain
     EU’s position on the issue. Plus Arab        passed a non-binding resolution with an overwhelming          convinced by the Palestinians with          to recognise Jerusalem as Israel capital and
     attempts to prevent the move have            majority in favour of moving the Honduras embassy             the promise of future investment in         move the embassy. To add your name, go to
     intensified in recent months.                from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.                                   the country from other Arab states.

12                                                CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                                              CUFI.ORG.UK                                                    13
                                                               Let us thank the Lord for the
                                                               nations that have recognised
                                                               Jerusalem. Pray also for those
                                                               that have made the first step
                                                               towards moving their embassy. As
                                                               illustrated in his article, countries    This double sided fold-out leaflet with
                                                               considering the move can expect          Reasons Why Christians Should
                                                               intimidation and threats by              Support Israel and a selection of relevant             Subscribe to TORCH
                                                               Arab groups, opposition from
                                                               international bodies, pressure
                                                                                                        Scriptures on the reverse. Handy pocket
                                                                                                        size makes it is a useful tool for personal             Magazine for free
                                                                                                        use or as a tract to give away.
                                                               from within or other geo-political
            UNITED STATES                                      repercussions. Whilst the world
                                                                                                        Request your free leaflets from                        CUFI.ORG.UK/SUBSCRIBE
                                                               may object, there is blessing in
                                                               doing the will of God.         
         The historic opening of the US embassy in
     Jerusalem took place on Israel’s 70th anniversary
     of independence on 14 May 2018. President
     Trump’s decision to move the embassy fulfilled            WHAT
     a campaign promise that ended over two
     decades of former presidents putting off the
     move. Almost one year since its opening, the site
                                                                                                                                “I consider CUFI to be a vital part
     of the embassy in Jerusalem’s Talpiot district            Who will become the next country                                     of Israel’s national security”
     has become almost a type of pilgrimage for                to move its embassy? Eight nations
     many tourists from around the world, with some            sided with the United States at                                                        Benjamin Netanyahu
     choosing to take selfies and Christian groups             the UN vote condemning its                                                             Prime Minister of Israel
     praying and bursting into song, acknowledging             recognition of Jerusalem, including
     the prophetic significance of America’s                   Guatemala and Honduras. They
     recognition of Israel’s capital.                          also included the Pacific island

         Watch our exclusive tour of inside                    countries of Micronesia, Palau,
     the US embassy. Go to                    Marshall Islands and Nauru. Togo
     insidetheembassy                                          also voted in support of the US.

                                                               Could it become the first African
                                                               nation to move its embassy or
                                                               could it be Rwanda that has
                                                               recently strengthened bilateral ties
                                                               with Israel? Several other African
                                                               countries abstained at the UN
                   VANUATU                                     along with most Central American                                Individuals · Groups · Churches
                                                               mainland and Caribbean nations
         Did you know that six months before the               along with the Philippines, which
     US, Vanuatu recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s              has good relations with Israel. Israel             With your support we can make an even
     capital? The president of the small Pacific Island
     nation, who is an evangelical Christian, signed
                                                               has also invited other possible
                                                               countries such as Poland. Keep
                                                                                                                     greater impact for Israel in the UK
     that Jerusalem should be recognised as Israel’s           watching and praying – the move to
     capital and condemned UNESCO for its anti-                Jerusalem has only just begun.
     Israel bias.
                                                                                                                 Join online at
14                                               CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                or call 01793     86 22 10
                                                                                                                                     CUFI.ORG.UK                                       15
THE MOTHER OF                                                 T       here is a Palestinian woman
                                                                               who is described by Palestinian
                                                                                                                              Here are her son’s achievements:

                                                                               state television as “a role model              1.   ‘Abd Al-Mun’im Abu Hmeid was
                                                                       for every Palestinian woman” and “a                         active in the Hamas military wing,
                                                                       crown on all our heads”. She has been                       the ‘Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades,
                                                                       awarded “The Plaque of Resoluteness                         and was killed by Israel. He assisted
                                                                       and Giving” by the Palestinian                              in the murder of three Israelis in
                                                                       Authority and was honoured to be                            the West Bank on December 14,
                                                                       chosen as the official figurehead for                       1990 and the murder of another
                                                                       the Palestinian bid for statehood with                      Israeli on February 13, 1994.
                                                                       the United Nations in 2011. Today, her
                                                                       family receives more money from the                    2.   Nasser Abu Hmeid, one of the
     “The Palestinian mother is a central partner in the struggle...                                                               founders of Fatah’s military wing,
                                                                       Palestinian Authority than any other
       It is she who gave birth to the fighters, and she deserves      Palestinian family.                                         the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, was
              that we bow to her in salute and in honour.”                 The “role model” being described is Latifa              a deputy to Marwan Barghouti,
                                                                       Abu Hmeid. She is famous because her six sons               Fatah Secretary-General in the
                                                                       have murdered seventeen Jews.                               West Bank during the Second
                                                                           Four of Abu Hmeid’s sons are in Israeli                 Intifada, and took an active part in
                                                                       prisons, one is (at the time of writing) on trial           the lynching of two Israeli soldiers
                                                                       in an Israeli court, and the sixth was killed               in Ramallah on October 12, 2000.
                                                                       by Israeli soldiers in Gaza. He is listed as a              He is serving seven consecutive
                                                                       “martyr” by the Palestinian Authority, one                  life sentences and an additional
                                                                       of the highest honours in Islam. Despite the                50 years for the murder of seven
                                                                       atrocities of her children, Latifa believes she is          Israelis and 12 additional attempted
                                                                       doing what is right. Here are her own words:                murders.
                                                                                                                              3.   Sharif Abu Hmeid was active in
                                                                         “For 70 years we have been                                the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and
                                                                         trying with Israel. We want                               supplied weapons and assistance
                                                                        peace and extend our hands to                              for the execution of terror attacks
                                                                                                                                   in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv during
                                                                        peace, while they extend their                             February and March 2002. He
                                                                         hands to murder and crime.                                is serving four consecutive life
                                                                         We are even prepared to live                              sentences.
                                                                        in peace between us, but they
                                                                          don’t want peace. They are                          4.   Muhammad Abu Hmeid is serving
                                                                                blood suckers.”                                    two consecutive life sentences
                                                                                                                                   plus 30 years for planning suicide
                                                                           – Latifa Abu Hmeid (December 2018)                      attacks for the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’
                                                                            Latifa’s words are the absolute opposite of       5.   Nasr Abu Hmeid was active with
                                                                       reality. Does Latifa believe the lies she speaks            Nasser in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’
                                                                       or is she wilfully trying to deceive? Every right           Brigades and is currently serving
                                                                       minded person knows that sending your sons                  five consecutive life sentences for
                                                                       to murder Jews is the absolute opposite of                  planning suicide attacks.
                                                                       extending a hand to peace. And Israel is the
                                                                       one that has repeatedly made concessions for           6.   Islam Abu Hmeid killed an Israeli
                                                                       peace whilst the Palestinians have rejected                 soldier by dropping a slab of marble
                                                                       every peace deal.                                           from the roof of a building in Al-
                                                                            The inspiration for Latifa Abu Hmeid’s                 A’mari in May 2018. In 2004-2008
                                                                       willingness to sacrifice her children comes                 he served a prison sentence for a
                                                                       from the story al-Khansa, the original “Mother              shooting attack he perpetrated on
                                                                       of Martyrs”.                                                behalf of Hamas.
                                                                            Al-Khansa was a 7th-century Arabic poet

16                              CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                         CUFI.ORG.UK                                            17
who is the best known female poet in Arabic                                                             money is their motive. There are also religious       On live Palestinian television, President
     literature. She lived during the life of the                                                            and societal motives.                              Abbas said:
     Islamic prophet Mohammed and was a convert                                                                  In December last year, Israel took the                 “I say this to everyone - the salaries of
     to Islam. In her time, the role of a female poet                                                        decision to destroy the family home of Latifa         our Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded are a
     was to write elegies for the dead and perform                                                           Abu Hmeid. It was a punitive measure to               red line.
     them for the tribe in public oral competitions.                                                         demonstrate to Palestinians that even a                    They [Israel] try by all means, and exert
     Al-Khansa won respect and fame in these                                                                 celebrity was not safe from having her home           pressure by all means, and they continue to
     competitions with her elegies for her brothers,                                                         destroyed.                                            exert pressure: “It cannot be that you will
     Șakhr and Mu‘āwiyah, who had died in battle.                                                                                                                  pay.” And they’ll even deduct our money
          In 636 AD, during the first period of Muslim                                                                                                             that’s in their hands. They’ll deduct from it
     conquests, al-Khansa, according to tradition,                                                                                                                 the amount that we pay to the Martyrs. We
     sent her four sons to join the army. During the                                                                                                               have said that this is a red line and we will
     Battle of Qadissiyyah, in which the Muslim                                                                                                                    not allow [it].
     armies defeated the Persians, all four of her                                                                                                                      From 1965 until now, this matter is
     sons were killed. When she was later informed                                                                                                                 sacred to us. The Martyrs and their
     that they had fallen she responded with the                                                                                                                   families are sacred, [and so are] the
     words, “Praise to Allah who has honoured me                                                                                                                   wounded and the prisoners. We must
     with their deaths”.                                                                                                                                           pay all of them. If one penny remains in
          These words have been used throughout                                                                                                                    our hands it is for them and not for the
     the centuries to teach Muslim mothers of the             We are told by the Palestinian Authority                                                             living.”
     supposed noble cause of giving their children       that these payments are simply “social welfare          When President Abbas met with Latifa
     for the cause of Allah. In the case of the          payments to the families of prisoners”. The         in the aftermath of the demolition, they                The world has been deceived into believing
     Palestinians, that "holy" cause is the liberation   excuse is that because the man is in prison,        both lauded each other with praise and             that the Palestinian Authority is a “partner
     of “Palestine”.                                     he can no longer provide for his family and so      condemned Israel. Latifa thanked Abbas for         for peace”. Whilst Israel seeks peace, the
          It is now common for the Palestinian           now it is up to the state to provide.               his commitment to paying the families of           Palestinians have shown the opposite to be
     Authority and Hamas to refer to Palestinian              It is clear to the world that this narrative   prisoners and martyrs and Abbas praised her as     true. Over the years they have rejected every
     women as the “mothers of martyrs”, with             is a con. Even the World Bank states that, “the     an example to all Palestinians. PA TV also ran     peace offer made by Israel. Despite signing
     many aspiring to be a “Khansa of Palestine”. An     program is clearly not targeted to the poorest      segments of praise for the “Mother of Martyrs”,    the Oslo Accords with Israel, their continued
     indication of how radical Islam has warped the      households. The level of resources devoted          interviewed her on a number of occasions           incitement and payments to terrorists is in
     mind of these mothers to raise their children       to the Fund for Martyrs and the Injured does        and continued to spread the narrative that         direct violation of the agreement they signed.
     for martyrdom instead of raising them in love.      not seem justified from a welfare or fiscal         Palestinian mothers are most honoured when              The incitement from the Palestinian
                                                         perspective.”                                       they are willing to sacrifice their children for   leadership is reinforced at home through the
                                                              The Palestinian leadership has also            the cause.                                         “mothers of martyrs” who teach their children
     THE PAYMENTS                                        confirmed this lie themselves. In December              Despite the wealth of the Abu Hmeid            to aspire for “death for Allah” in what they see
     TO TERRORISTS                                       2012, PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa       family, they are not needing to spend a penny      as a “holy” mission to “liberate Palestine”.
     ARE “SACRED” TO                                     Karake, confirmed that the categorisation of
                                                         the prisoners’ “salaries” as social “assistance”
                                                                                                             to repair their home. The Palestinian Authority
                                                                                                             have themselves vowed to pay all the expenses
                                                                                                                                                                     The Mother of Martyrs is a role model for
                                                                                                                                                                evil that is spread through Islamic teaching and
     PALESTINIANS                                        was an incorrect “rumour” and that the salaries     and rebuild the home with state money.             reinforced with financial rewards. Through this
                                                         are authorised to them “out of esteem for their     They will also accommodate Latifa during its       deception, Palestinian mothers are ultimately
         Payments to the families of terrorists are      sacrifice and struggle”. It is not hard to see      construction.                                      condemning their children and their children’s
     a powerful incentive. No truer is this than for     these payments for what they really are: a form         So why did the “cash strapped” Palestinian     children to a future of hatred and violence.
     the Abu Hmeid family. Because of the actions        of reward for prisoners’ terror acts. In other      Authority decide to fund such a lavish home        Until this cycle is broken, there can never be
     of her six sons, Latifa Abu Hmeid now receives      words “Pay for Slay”.                               for a family they have already given close to a    peace.
     more money from the Palestinian Authority                Sadly, this financial benefit has proved       million pounds to?
     than any other Palestinian family. They have        to be a worthwhile incentive for many                   This is a way for the Palestinian leadership
     been given close to £1 million in total and are     Palestinians. Israel has attempted to counter its   to show their people that they are committed         “Woe unto them that call evil good,
     currently receiving around £7,730 every month,      appeal by destroying the homes of terrorists.       to the cause. It encourages Palestinians to
     with this figure set to rise once Islam Abu                                                             carry out terror attacks in the knowledge that
                                                                                                                                                                  and good evil; that put darkness for
                                                         They do this so a family may think twice about
     Hmeid is convicted.                                 encouraging their members to carry out an           their family will be rewarded. It also tells the    light, and light for darkness; that put
         In 2018, the Palestinian Authority budgeted     attacks. They realise that they will receive a      Palestinians not to worry about their house        bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
     £278 million to pay the families of martyrs         monthly salary from the PA, but they will lose      being knocked down, because the families of                       – Isaiah 5:20
     and prisoners. This budget was signed off by        their home in process and therefore they must       the prisoners and martyrs will always be looked
     President Abbas himself.                            weigh up the cost. This only works, however, if     after by the Palestinian Authority.

18                                               CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                                             CUFI.ORG.UK                                                19
This action was used by the leadership                 The day after the Israeli baby died, further
                                                                                                       of Hamas to show their strength at the global        Hamas terror attacks took place. One of
                                                                                                       body. That the world stands with their actions       the incidents happened a few miles away at
                                                                                                       and that Israel is weak. It was used by the          another bus stop when another Palestinian
                                                                                                       Hamas leadership to incite violence on Israelis.     terrorist gunman murdered two Israeli men;
                                                                                                           Just days after the UN failed to condemn         off-duty soldiers who were waiting for a bus.
                                                                                                       Hamas, terrorists from the organisation              This was followed by a flurry of stabbing and
                                                                                                       specifically targeted Israeli civilians – a          car ramming attacks in the weeks following
                                                                                                       pregnant mother, two schoolgirls and other           and an increase in violent protests at the Israel-
                                                                                                       people waiting at a bus stop. Eight people           Gaza border.
                                                                                                       were injured in the attack, but the most severe            Would these attacks have happened if the
                                                                                                       was the pregnant woman who was shot in               UN condemned Hamas or if international
                                                                                                       the stomach and began to lose a lot of blood.        pressure was placed upon them? Perhaps.
                                                                                                       When she arrived in hospital, doctors were           However, the United Nations’ failure to
                                                                                                       forced to deliver her baby prematurely in an         condemn the group appears to have spurned
                                                                                                       attempt to save the lives of both mother and         them into action and given them legitimacy..
                                                                                                       child. Unfortunately,                                                           The UN has given
                                                                                                       despite intense efforts                                                         them the impression
                                                                                                       by medical teams, the                                                           that they can act with
                                                                                                       baby died a few days                                                            impunity and there
                                                                                                       later in hospital.                                                              was a marked increase
                                                                                                           Thankfully the                     They are telling                         following the United
                                                                                                       mother, Shira Ish-Ran,                the world, and in                         Nations failure to
                                                                                                       has survived and is now                                                         condemn terrorism
                                                                                                       on the road to recovery.               particular those                         against Israelis.
                                                                                                       She named her son                      who hate Israel,                             And this is the
                                                                                                       Amiad Israel, which                  that    it  is okay      that              sticking point. The UN
                                                                                                       means the Jewish                                                                is not only failing to
                                                                                                       people will be in the                    Jewish women                           condemn a terrorist
                                                                                                       land of Israel forever.               and children are                          organisation, but they
                                                                                                       And Shira defiantly                                                             are also failing to show
                                                                                                       declared, “I will prove             targeted       and     killed.              that they care about the
                                                                                                       to them, I will show                                                            lives of Israelis. They

          The United Nations has
                                                                                                       them. I will bring many                                                         are telling the world,
                                                                                                       more babies into this                                                           and in particular those
                                                                                                       world. Am Yisrael Chai                                                          who hate Israel, that
                                                                                                       (the nation of Israel lives).”                       it is okay that Jewish women and children are

            blood on its hands.                                                                            The response from Hamas to this
                                                                                                       despicable attack was predictable. They praised
                                                                                                       the murder of an innocent baby as “heroic”
                                                                                                                                                            targeted and killed. This is the biggest crime of
                                                                                                                                                            the United Nations’ actions.
                                                                                                                                                                  The United Nations was established to
                                                                                                       and when Israel tracked down and eliminated          prevent wars and protect innocent lives, but it

                                                                                                       the gunman, Hamas announced its “great               is failing in its mission. Whilst it still acts as the
             t the end of last year, as Jews            The vote stood at 87 countries in favour       pride” in the “death of its martyr Salih Omar        moral compass for the world, the truth is it has
             celebrated Hanukkah around the         of condemning Hamas, 57 countries against          Barghouti, the perpetrator of the heroic Ofra        lost its direction and is unlikely to find its way
             world, the UN General Assembly         condemning Hamas and 33 countries who              operation”.                                          again. It has been hijacked by those who hate
     voted on a resolution to condemn Hamas.        abstained. The vote failed to reach a two-thirds       This is the same organisation that calls for     the Jewish State and has become the global
     This resolution would have been the            majority – a rule implemented by a last-minute     the destruction of Israel as part of its mission     epicentre of anti-Semitism.
     first condemnation ever handed out by          Arab-led amendment.                                statement, that vows to cleanse the land of                Shame on the United Nations and
     the United Nations against the terrorist           Whilst Israel has been condemned               Israel from its Jewish population and even           shame on every country that voted against or
     organisation that controls the Gaza Strip.     hundreds of times by the global body, including    sacrifices its own people in order to achieve        abstained from condemning Hamas; every one
     Instead, the nations of the world failed to    nine condemnations in a single day in              these aims. And to point out once again that         of them has the blood of an innocent Jewish
     pass the resolution and once again let Hamas   December 2018, the terrorists of Hamas are yet     despite its atrocities, Hamas has never been         baby on their hands.
     off the hook.                                  to be condemned. That’s never. Not once. Zero.     condemned by the United Nations.

20                                           CUFI.ORG.UK                                                                                             CUFI.ORG.UK                                                     21
                                                                                                               Instead of being cowed into
                                                                                                          silence. Rachel spoke out more

     Countdown’s                                                                                          often, to the point where almost
                                                                                                          every day she is highlighting anti-

     Rachel Riley
                                                                                                          Semitic incidents on her social
                                                                                                          media feeds and challenging those               Support Israel with a regular
                                                                                                          who spout their hatred. She explains
                                                                                                                                                              monthly donation.
     takes on the                                                                                         it is becoming “all consuming” at
                                                                                                               Rachel has also had the

     anti-Semites                                                                                         opportunity to share her story on
                                                                                                          a variety of TV interviews, such as
                                                                                                          on Lorraine and Channel 4 News.

                                                                                                          Rachel even skipped a TV awards
             nown in British households               day that anti-Israel protesters illegally placed    ceremony in order to attend an
             as the “Numbers lady” from               “Israel is a racist endeavour” posters on bus       event on anti-Semitism.
             Countdown, having co-presented           stops across London.                                     Most of the abuse that Rachel
     the show for the past ten years, Rachel               This poster campaign was in direct             receives is from far-left activists
     Riley has been using her voice to speak          response to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s           and Corbyn supporters. Asked why
     out against anti-Semitism, challenging           claim that it was not anti-Semitic to say           Jeremy Corbyn bears responsibility
     the attitudes within the Labour party            that Israel was a racist endeavour. This was        for this crowd, Rachel explained,
     and standing up to bullies on social             one of the statements that Corbyn wanted            “He (Corbyn) has chaired an event
     media.                                           removed from the internationally recognised         on Holocaust Memorial Day called
         Rachel is herself Jewish and, whilst         definition of anti-Semitism.                        ‘Never Again from Auschwitz to
     not religious, was brought up with an                 Rachel explained in a Channel 4                Gaza’. He has shared platforms with      Be blessed as you bless
     understanding of her Jewish identity; visiting   interview this year that the statement              terrorists… who are classified as        Israel. Receive this set
     Israel in her youth and learning about the       offended her as a Jew. She explained her            terrorists by the UK, by America, by     of three mini-books, an
     Holocaust from an early age.                     understanding of Israel as a safe place for         the EU. He’s sharing a platform with     exclusive pin badge and
                                                                                                          these people, he’s giving a legitimate   a personalised certificate
         Growing up she never saw or heard any        Jews and a place where Jews had the right                                                    when you become a
     anti-Semitism and was completely oblivious       to self determination, a right that all other       voice to Holocaust denial.”              member with a regular
     to the current problems of anti-Semitism in      people groups have. She then explained that              “Surely you can have compassion     monthly donation.
     British politics and society                                     in the most recent polling, the     and fight for the Palestinian cause
     as a whole until she saw on                                      vast majority of British Jews       without sharing your bed with
     the news the large Jewish                                        identify as Zionist with 90%        Holocaust deniers and virulent anti-
     demonstration outside              “If good                      supporting the right of Israel to   Semites.”
                                                                                                                                                        How to become a member
     Parliament in March 2018.                                        exist as a Jewish state.                 When asked why she speaks out
     She recalls seeing images         people stay                         Rachel started out her         Rachel explained, “If good people
     of Jews with placards and
     thinking “anti-Semitism in
                                      quiet then all                  journey to counter anti-
                                                                      Semitism with a simple tweet.
                                                                                                          stay quiet then all you hear is the
                                                                                                          extremist voices.”
                                                                                                                                                        Call:    To become a member over the
                                                                                                                                                                 phone by credit/debit card,
     2018, this is a bit odd”.         you hear is                    In response, she was met                 She has been threatened,
                                                                                                                                                                 please call 01793 86 22 10
         Looking further into                                         with vile abuse from many           taunted, intimidated and belittled,
     the situation Rachel             the extremist                   who identified as Corbyn            but she is not going to back down.
                                                                                                          Asked if she is scared at all, she          Write:     To become a member by cheque
     discovered that the
     same anti-Semitic tropes
                                         voices.”                     supporters.
                                                                           Despite being one of the       replies that she is aware of the                       or standing order, please write to
     and hate filled language                                         smartest people on television,      extremists that are out there,                         PO Box 3837, SWINDON,
     that the Nazis spread to                                         Rachel has been called              and whilst she is cautious, she                        SN3 9DS making cheques
     demonise the Jews in the 1930s were still        “stupid”, “just a pretty face” and far worse        is not scared. However, Rachel                         payable to ‘CUFI’.
     being spoken today, but only now it had          comments about Jews and Zionism, simply             explained,“It is a very sad state of
     evolved and was being used to demonise           because she highlighted an issue.                   affairs that you have to be brave to          Visit:   To become a member online,
     Israel and Zionism.                                   Now, more than nine-months after her           call out anti-Semitism in the UK in
                                                                                                                                                                 please visit
         It came to a head for Rachel when she        first tweet on anti-Semitism, she has become        2019”.
     was on the commute home from work on the         a prominent voice speaking out against it                                                                  membership to give by credit/
                                                                                                                                                                 debit card or through PayPal.
22                                            CUFI.ORG.UK


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