Page created by Amanda Mendoza
M . A U -
       - THE   S H O W.                0 18 -
                                B E R 2
             S T -9   S   EPTEM
 -31 A U G U

    Emergency information and Emergency Evacuation
    Procedures are posted adjacent to the Pavilion exits.
    Exhibitors should familiarise themselves with these procedures.

    EMERGENCIES - DIAL 000                                  KEY CONTACTS
    Give details e.g. “Fire/Ambulance, Jubilee Pavilion,    Royal Show Operations/Switchboard
    Adelaide Showground”                                    (08) 8210 5211
    Please also advise Royal Show Operations/               Venue Management
    switchboard on (08) 8210 5247                           (08) 8210 5247
    POLICE ASSISTANCE (NON URGENT)                          (08) 8210 5256
    - DIAL 131 444
    Royal Show Police Station Telephone                     HAZARD REPORTING – DIAL 8210 5247
    (08) 8210 5237                                          Exhibitors must notify the Venue Management Office
    Emergencies: Dial 000                                   immediately of any hazards detected. Hazards are any
    Police Officers are located at the north east corner    situation that could result in:
    of the Public Grandstand.                               1. Injury, illness or death to people or animals
                                                               immediately or in the future
    LOST PERSONS – DIAL 8210 5237                           2. Damage or destruction to property

    The Lost Children Office is located at the Police
    Station (north east corner of the Public Grandstand).   INCIDENT REPORTING – DIAL 8210 5247
                                                            Exhibitors must notify the Venue Management Office
    FIRST AID                                               immediately if an incident occurs which has resulted in:
                                                            1. The injury, illness or death of any person or animal
    Royal Show First Aid Station (St John)
                                                            2. The damage, destruction or loss of property
    Atrium Plaza West
    (08) 8210 5239                                          3. A near miss incident that could have resulted in the
                                                               consequences listed in 1 and 2.

We strongly recommend that you print a copy of this Manual to have
on your stand during the Show to assist your staff with any operational
queries they may have.

We invite all of our Commercial Exhibitors to engage with our social media pages via the following links:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/royaladelaideshow
YouTube: www.youtube.com/RoyalAdelaideShow
Instagram: www.instagram.com/royaladelaideshow
Twitter: www.twitter.com/adelaideshow
Snapchat: adelShow (user name)
Official hashtag: #AdelShow
Please LIKE or FOLLOW us and let us know about your Royal Show experiences and special Royal Show offers.
To ensure we can LIKE and FOLLOW you back, please send links to your business’s Social Media pages to

We have developed a range of digital assets for Commercial Exhibitors to use to promote their presence at the Royal Adelaide Show.
These include:
·     Email signature
                             ·     Instagram image
·     Facebook images
                             ·     Royal Show poster
·     Twitter image
We will be sending these digital assets to you for your use.

If your site is confirmed you will have been emailed the link you require for ordering all of your additional requirements.
You are able to order your requirements, additional passes, Netball Stadium parking, internet/broadband connections, carparking
and any additional electrical requirements.

Passes can be collected from the Exhibitor Services Office at the Adelaide Showground from Tuesday 21 August. The office is open
from 9am to 5pm and is closed on weekends.
Passes will be released only after:
1. All invoices have been paid in full
2. A signed License Agreement has been received.

From page 10 you will find a Quick Reference Guide for all your Move-in and Move-out details such as entry gates and times, together
with the requirements specific to your
exhibit area.

All members of your team MUST complete the online induction prior to arriving onsite.
The link is http://adelaideshowground.induction.integralcs.com

     All Pavilions except Wayville Pavilion				                  9.00 am
     Wayville Pavilion						9.30 am

     Advanced Technology 					8.00 pm
     Archives Display 						5.00 pm
     Carnival						                                              10.00 pm
     Dairy Foods Hall						8.00 pm
     Duncan Gallery (except Fridays & Saturdays- 9.00pm)		       8.00 pm
     Exhibition Milking Dairy 					                              7.00 pm
     Farm Expo Pavilion					7.00 pm
     Farmyard Nursery						8.00 pm
     Golden Grains Pavilion					7.00 pm
     Goyder Pavilion (except Fridays & Saturdays- 9.00pm)		      8.00 pm
     Jubilee Pavilion (except Fridays & Saturdays- 9.00pm) 		    8.00 pm
     Livestock Pavilions						7.00 pm
     Market Bazaar						9.00 pm
     Pet Centre						7.00 pm
     Poultry, Pigeons & Eggs Pavilion				                        7.00 pm
     Taste South Australia 				                                  8.00 pm
     The Learning Centre					5.00 pm
     The Old Ram Shed						7.00 pm
     Wayville Pavilion (except Fridays & Saturdays- 10.00pm)		   9.00 pm

     Advanced Technology 					7.00 pm
     Carnival						                                              9.30 pm
     Dairy Foods Hall						7.00 pm
     Duncan Gallery						8.00 pm
     Exhibition Milking Dairy 					                              6.00 pm
     Farmyard Nursery						7.00 pm
     Goyder Pavilion						8.00 pm
     Jubilee Pavilion 				                          		           8.00 pm
     Market Bazaar 						9.00 pm
     Pet Centre						7.00 pm
     Poultry, Pigeons & Eggs Pavilion				                        5.00 pm
     Taste South Australia 				                                  7.00 pm
     Wayville Pavilion						9.00pm

visit us at theshow.com.au

                                                                                                                             2017 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                           essential information
This Manual should be read in conjunction with the list of Terms & Conditions
distributed with the “EXHIBIT SITE LICENCE AGREEMENT” and as such shall be deemed
to be part of the Agreement between “The Society” and “The Exhibitor”.

 Area                                     Contact Name         Phone            Email
 Jubilee Pavilion, Goyder Pavilion,       Kristyn Hams         (08) 8210 5214   khams@adelaideshowground.com.au
 Market Bazaar, Pet Centre,               Michelle Lawson      (08) 8210 5204   mlawson@adelaideshowground.com.au
 Dog Pavilion
 Taste SA, Farm Expo                      Tessa Dawes          (08) 8210 5215   tdawes@adelaideshowground.com.au
 Dairy Food Hall                          Chalien Bayliss      (08) 8210 5251   cbayliss@adelaideshowground.com.au
 Outdoor Areas, Horse Precinct            Madeline Noble       (08) 8210 5268   mnoble@adelaideshowground.com.au
 Carnival                                 Ben Baker            (08) 8210 5258   bbaker@adelaideshowground.com.au

CONTACTS:                                SHOW OFFICE HOURS
Telephone:          (08) 8210 5211       Move In                                     During Show
Fax:                (08) 8210 5277
                                         Pass Collection from Exhibitor              Secretary’s Office
Postal Address: PO Box 108               Services Office                             Friday 31 August to Sunday 9
		Goodwood SA                            Tuesday 21 August to Friday 24 August       September,
		5034                                   9.00am - 5.00pm                             8.00am - 9.00pm weekdays
                                         Monday 27 August to Thursday 30             8.00am - 10.00pm weekends
                                         August 9.00am - 5.00pm                      Venue Management Office
                                                                                     Friday 1 to Sunday 9 September,
                                         Venue Management Office onsite for          7.00am - 7.00pm
                                         operational matters
                                         Monday 27 - Thursday 30 August              Move Out
                                         8.00am - 6.00pm
                                                                                     Monday 10 - Tuesday 11 September
                                                                                     ONLY 9.00am - 5.00 pm

important dates & deadline checklist
 Date nominated on your
                                      Final Settlement Date
 Invoice for site payment

 Friday 10 August                     Last day to order plumbing, rigging, and gas connection

 Friday 10 August                     Last day to order electrical without incurring late fee

 Tuesday 21 August                    Passes available for collection

 Monday 27 August                     First day of build (shell scheme exhibitors)

 Thursday 30 August                   Final Set-up Day 6.00pm - Pavilions close

 Friday 31 August                     Show Commences

 Sunday 9 September                   Show Concludes

 Monday 10 September                  Move-Out Commences

 Tuesday 11 September                 Move-Out Concludes

                                                              move in & move out
                                                                                   move in & move out
                                                                                   MOVE IN                                      SAFETY DURING MOVE-IN &                     MOVE OUT
                                                                                   The Royal Adelaide Show includes             MOVE-OUT                                    Commercial areas will be accessible
                                                                                   over 500 exhibitors in the various                                                       for Move-Out during the hours set out
                                                                                                                                Exhibitors are reminded that they
                                                                                   commercial areas of the event. We                                                        in the Quick Reference Guide.
                                                                                                                                are responsible for the safety of
                                                                                   have established procedures to               themselves and other users of the           All exhibits must be removed from
                                                                                   facilitate an orderly, safe and trouble      Adelaide Showground at all times.           the Adelaide Showground by
                                                                                   free environment for the Move – In                                                       the prescribed time in the Quick
                                                                                                                                You must comply with the following
                                                                                   of exhibitors ahead of the Royal                                                         Reference Guide.
                                                                                                                                key rules during Move In and Move
                                                                                   Adelaide Show.
                                                                                   We have collated all of the relevant
                                                                                   information for commercial exhibitors
                                                                                                                                • No children under the age of 15           JUBILEE & GOYDER PAVILION-
                                                                                                                                  are permitted in the Pavilions            LOCK IN PACK UP
                                                                                   in an easy to read Quick Reference
                                                                                   Guide on page 7.                             • Closed shoes must be worn at all          - SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 9
                                                                                   Monday 27 August to Thursday 30                                                          To assist Commercial Exhibitors with
                                                                                   August                                       • High visibility safety vests or           the Move Out there will be a lock in
                                                                                                                                  clothing is to be worn in all areas       for the Goyder and Jubilee Pavilions
                                                                                   Commercial areas will be accessible
                                                                                   for Move-In during the hours set out in      • The speed limit on the                    that extends two hours beyond the
                                                                                   the Quick Reference Guide.                     Showground is 10 km/h.                    closing time till 9pm. The purpose
                                                                                                                                                                            of this time is to give exhibitors the
                                                                                   ALL stands must be completed by
                                                                                                                                                                            opportunity to pack their displays in
                                                                                   6.00pm sharp on Thursday 30 August.          VEHICLE PERMITS                             readiness for transport on Monday.
                                                                                   Special access times can be
                                                                                                                                All exhibitors requiring vehicular          The halls will be locked and no
                                                                                   arranged prior to Monday 27 August
                                                                                                                                access to the Adelaide Showground           stock, display items or equipment
                                                                                   for space only exhibitors exhibiting
                                                                                                                                for the purpose of building or stocking     will be allowed to leave the building.
                                                                                   inside the Pavilions and exhibitors
                                                                                                                                stands from Monday 27 August –              Security personnel will be attending
                                                                                   included in outside areas.
                                                                                                                                Thursday 30 August must display a           the doors and camera surveillance
                                                                                   With the exception of the Showbag                                                        maintained during this time.
                                                                                                                                Vehicle Permit.
                                                                                   Hall, no vehicular access (including
                                                                                   forklifts & scissor lifts) is permitted      The Vehicle Permit will not authorise
                                                                                   inside the Pavilions after Friday 24         entry for a vehicle when it is clear        LAST DAY
                                                                                   August.                                      that it is not neccessary for building or
                                                                                                                                                                            Commercial exhibitors are reminded
                                                                                                                                stocking stands.
                                                                                   Customer Service Booth                                                                   that their licence agreements
                                                                                                                                Please note: Car parks are free during      require them to maintain their sites
                                                                                   Adelaide Expo Hire will provide a            Move-In and Move-Out.
                                                                                   Customer Service Booth in the west                                                       throughout the public opening hours
                                                                                   foyer of the Jubilee Pavilion from           All Vehicle Permits will have the           of the Royal Adelaide Show. The
                                                                                   Monday 27 August to Thursday 30              time recorded at the point of entry         early dismantling of a stand creates
                                                                                   August, from 9.00am to 4.00pm.               allowing drivers a maximum of 20            a poor image for Show visitors and
                                                                                                                                minutes to unload stock.                    is unfair to the other commercial
                                                                                   The Customer Service Booth will stock                                                    exhibitors who maintain the standard
                                                                                   a selection of items such as velcro          The Vehicle Permit allocated to you
                                                                                                                                will authorise access only through the      through to closing time.
                                                                                   dots, duct tape, linen table cloths,
                                                                                   high visibility safety vests & plastic       Gate relevant to the location of your       Action will be taken against those
                                                                                   clamps to secure temporary stand             stand. Permits for different Gates will     exhibitors who do not abide by this
                                                                                   coversheets and are able to arrange          be different colours. Please refer to       requirement.
                                                                                   last minute event graphics, signage,         the Quick Reference Guide for the
                                                                                   furniture, audio visual items and            gate relevant to you.
                                                                                   plants.                                      Vehicle permits are available for           SECURITY
                                                                                                                                collection with your pass allocation        During the Move-In and Move-Out
                                                                                                                                from Tuesday 21 August.                     period, exhibitors must not leave
                                                                                                                                                                            valuable products or equipment
                                                                                                                                                                            unattended at any time.
                                                                                                                                                                            This is the highest risk period for
                                                                                                                                                                            security and the Society does not
                                                                                                                                                                            take responsibility for exhibitors’
                                                                                                      DURING THE SHOW
                                                                                          (FRIDAY 31 AUGUST – SUNDAY 9 SEPTEMBER)
                                                                                    EXHIBITION HOURS
                                                                                    Hours of operation for each of the commercial areas are set out in the
                                                                                    Quick Reference Guide on Page 10. All stands are to be kept fully staffed
                                                                                    and operating throughout the exhibition hours of the Show.

                                                                                    STAND RESTOCKING
                                                                                    Pavilions will be open to exhibitors for the restocking of stands prior to the
                                                                                    exhibition hours each day. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide.
                                                                                    It is the exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure that their stand is staffed during
                                                                                    this period as the Society accepts no responsibility for any losses or
                                                                                    damages to exhibits.

visit us at theshow.com.au

                                                                                                                                     2018 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   passes & parking
passes & parking
                                             •    Exhibitor passes are issued by         VEHICLE ACCESS
                                                  the Society for the sole use of
All exhibitors are allocated passes for           personnel staffing stands.             The speed limit within the Showground
use by personnel staffing the stands.        •    Exhibitors may not resell, offer for   is 10km/h.
Your entitlement has been indicated               resale at a premium or transfer        From 31 August - 9 September, all
via email.                                        passes to any other person under       vehicle access is via the Leader Street
The passes come in two forms:                     any circumstances (including           Gate.
• A 10 Day Multiple Entry Show Pass               but not limited to offering the
  (allows the holder unlimited entry              tickets as prizes or gifts in a
  & exit each day of the Show)                    trade or consumer promotion,           NEW SECURITY PROCEDURES
                                                  competition, raffle or as part         Additional security procedures
• A sheet of 10 Single Entry Staff
                                                  of a corporate gift) without first     introduced in 2017, will be maintained
  Passes (each pass allows one
                                                  obtaining prior written consent        for the 2018 event. These include
  entry only)
                                                  from the Royal Agricultural &          increased security patrols, vehicle and
In addition, all exhibitors must hold a           Horticultural Society of SA Inc        bag checks upon entering the event
current Society Membership, which                 (RAHSSA). If the RAHSSA believes       and additional security presence at
provides access to two people every               a ticket is sold or used in breach     each gate.
day of the Show - one Members                     of these conditions, the exhibitor     Exhibitors will be subject to bag checks
Ticket (non-transferrable) and one                will be liable for payment to          on arrival at the Show. Exhibitors
Guest Ticket (transferrable).                     RAHSSA in full for all passes issued   should arrive in sufficient time to allow
                                                  in the name of the exhibitor,          processing through the gates and be
                                                  ticket may be cancelled without        on their stands prior to the public entry
ADDITIONAL PASSES                                 a refund and the bearer of the         times.
Additional staff passes are available             ticket may be refused admission
to exhibitors at a discounted rate.               to the Royal Adelaide Show.
Please purchase online.                      •    Exhibitors’ passes will be
Things to remember about Passes:                  available for collection from
                                                  Tuesday 21 August.
•   In case of loss or theft,
    replacements will only be
    replaced if exhibitors can                       All outstanding accounts
    provide the Pass numbers –                       must be paid in full & your Site
    please record these numbers                      Licence Agreement signed
    when distributing to your staff.                 and returned before your
    The original passes will be                      passes can be collected
    cancelled and become invalid
    for entry to the Show.

Off-site car parking for exhibitors and their staff is available at the Netball SA       Park Lands
Stadium, Railway Terrace, Mile End (opposite Bunnings) throughout the Royal              Parking will be available in Park
Adelaide Show.                                                                           21W (access from South Terrace),
Parking costs just $12 per day and the site is fully sealed, well lit and will be        22 (Greenhill Road and Anzac
staffed from 7.00am until midnight every day.                                            Highway(south)) and 23 (Anzac
Coaches will operate as follows:                                                         Highway(north)). Availability is
                                                                                         subject to a daily inspection in
7.00am–10.00am                5 minutes
                                                                                         respect to suitability in the event of
10.00am–8.30pm              20 minutes                                                   rain. Cost of parking will be $13 per
8.30pm–11.00pm              10 minutes                                                   day.
Parking will be provided within office car parks adjacent to Richmond Road               On Street Parking
(closer to the Show) during the two Saturdays of the Show, when the Netball              On-street parking around the Show is
Stadium is used for netball finals.                                                      generally not a practical option for
We encourage use of this car park by exhibitors and their staff instead of               exhibitors and their staff.
using spaces adjacent to the Showground. Although the Park Lands provide                 The City of Unley strictly enforce the
significant parking for visitors to the Show, in the event of poor weather               parking restrictions which apply in the
rendering them unavailable, it is to the advantage of the Show to maximise               streets around the Show
the number of sealed parks near the Show.
Exhibitor parking can be purchased online.

quick reference guide

                                                                                        quick reference guide
                                                                                                                                                                  DUNCAN                                      SHOWBAG
                                                                                                                         GOYDER              JUBILEE                               MARKET BAZAAR
                                                                                                                                                                  GALLERY                                      PAVILION


                                                                                                                                                                                                         6 - 26 August
                                                                                                                                                                                                         27 - 29 August
                                                                                                                  27 - 29 August       27 - 29 August        27 - 29 August        27 - 29 August        7.30am-9.00pm
                                                                                                                  8.00am-8.00pm        8.00am-8.00pm         8.00am-8.00pm         8.00am-8.00pm         30 August
                                                                                      DATES & ACCESS TIMES                                                                                               7.30am-9.00pm
                                                                                                                  30 August            30 August             30 August             30 August
                                                                                                                  8.00am-6.00pm        8.00am-6.00pm         8.00am-6.00pm         8.00am-6.00pm         * No B-Double
                                                                                                                                                                                                         access from Leader
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Street at anytime
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Single trailer trucks

                                                                                      EARLY ACCESS FOR SPACE      22-24 August         22-24 August
                                                                                      ONLY                        9.00am-5.00pm        9.00am-5.00pm

                                                                                                                  Goyder Forecourt,    Kidman Gate,          Kidman Gate,
                                                                                      ENTRY/EXIT GATE                                                                              Leader Street         Leader Street
                                                                                                                  Goodwood Road        Rose Terrace          Rose Terrace

                                                                                      SERVICE VEHICLE PERMIT
                                                                                      COLOUR. MUST BE DISPLAYED   Pink                 Yellow                Yellow                Blue                  Blue
                                                                                      AT ALL TIMES
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (last entry 8.00am)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Entry AND Exit
                                                                                                                  7.00am-7.40am                                                                          via Leader Street
                                                                                                                  (NB: Goyder          7.00am-8:30am         7.00am-8:30am                               Gate
                                                                                      ACCESS FOR STAND                                                                             (last entry 8.00am)
                                                                                                                  Forecourt will be    (last entry 8.00am)   (last entry 8.00am)                         (except Gate 2J
                                                                                      RESTOCKING                                                                                   Entry AND Exit
                                                                                                                  closed to vehicle    via Leader St         via Leader St                               12.30am-6.30am)
                                                                                      DURING SHOW                                                                                  via Leader Street
                                                                                                                  access from 7.40am   entrance              entrance                                    * No B-Double
                                                                                                                  each day)                                                                              access from Leader
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Street at anytime
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Single trailer trucks

                                                                                                                                                                                                         31 August -
                                                                                                                                                                                                         9 September
                                                                                                                                                                                   RIDLEY                9.30am-9.00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                   31 August -           Fridays &
                                                                                                                  31 August -          31 August -           31 August -           9 September           Saturdays
                                                                                                                  9 September          9 September           9 September           9.00am-9.00pm
                                                                                      EXHIBITION HOURS                                                                                                   9.30am-10.00pm
                                                                                                                  9.00am-8.00pm        9.00am-8.00pm         9.00am-8.00pm
                                                                                                                  (Fri - Sat 9.00pm)   (Fri - Sat 9.00pm)    (Fri - Sat 9.00pm)    WAYVILLE              * No B-Double
                                                                                                                                                                                   (see showbag          access from Leader
                                                                                                                                                                                   pavilion)             Street at anytime
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Single trailer trucks


                                                                                                                                                                                                         From 10.00pm on
                                                                                                                                                                                                         9 September to
                                                                                                                  10 - 11 September    10 - 11 September     10 - 11 September     10 - 11 September     5.00pm on
                                                                                                                  8.00am-5.00pm        8.00am-5.00pm         8.00am-5.00pm         8.00am-5.00pm         11 September
                                                                                                                  (removal of all      (removal of all       (removal of all       (removal of all       12 September
                                                                                      DATES & ACCESS TIMES
                                                                                                                  stock & exhibit      stock & exhibit       stock & exhibit       stock & exhibit       8.00am-5.00pm
                                                                                                                  stands to be         stands to be          stands to be          stands to be          (Clearance
                                                                                                                  completed)           completed)            completed)            completed)            completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                         by Friday 14

                                                                                                                  Goyder Forecourt,    Kidman Gate,          Kidman Gate,
                                                                                      ENTRY/EXIT GATE                                                                              Leader Street         Leader Street
                                                                                                                  Goodwood Road        Rose Terrace          Rose Terrace

visit us at theshow.com.au

                                                                                                                                                   2018 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          quick reference guide
quick reference guide
                                               TASTE SA / FARM                                                                      OUTSIDE
                               CARNIVAL                              PET CENTRE        DAIRY FOOD HALL       DOG PAVILION
                                                    EXPO                                                                           EXHIBITORS


                                                                                                                                20 August -
                                                                                                                                24 August
                            17 - 30 August                                                                                      9.00am-4.30pm
                            8.00am-5.00pm                                                                                       Weekends
                            27 - 30 August                                                                   29 August
                            24 hour access     27 August -       27 August -           10 August -           8.00am-8.00pm      27 August -
DATES & ACCESS TIMES        via Leader St      30 August         30 August             30 August
                                                                                                             30 August          30 August
                            gate (subject      8.00am-8.00pm     8.00am - 7.00pm       8.00am - 5.00pm
                                                                                                             8.00am-6.00pm      8.00am-5.00pm
                            to appropriate                                                                                      OR 24 hour
                            permits) to all                                                                                     access via
                            external areas                                                                                      Leader St gate
                                                                                                                                (subject to
                                                                                                                                permits) to all
                                                                                                                                external areas


                            Kidman Gate,                                                                     Kidman Gate,
ENTRY/EXIT GATE                                Leader Street     Leader Street         Leader Street                            Leader Street
                            Rose Terrace                                                                     Rose Terrace

COLOUR. MUST BE DISPLAYED   Yellow             Blue              Blue                  Blue                  Yellow             Blue

                            7.00am-8.30am      7.00am-8.30am                                                                    7.00am-8.30am
                            (last entry        (last entry                             7.00am-8.30am                            (last entry
ACCESS FOR STAND                                                 (last entry 8.00am)
                            8.00am)            8.00am) Entry                           (last entry 8.00am)                      8.00am) Entry
RESTOCKING                                                       Entry AND Exit                              7.00am-8.30am
                            Entry AND Exit     AND Exit via                            Entry AND Exit via                       AND Exit via
DURING SHOW                                                      via Leader Street
                            via Leader         Leader Street                           Leader Street Gate                       Leader Street
                            Street Gate        Gate                                                                             Gate

                                               Taste SA
                                               31 August -
                            9.00am-10.00pm                       31 August -           31 August -
                                               8 September
                            (11pm on Friday                      8 September           8 September
EXHIBITION HOURS            31 & 7; Saturday                     9.00am-7.00pm         9.00am-8.00pm         9.00am-6.00pm      9.00am-8.00pm
                                               9 September
                            1 & 8, weather     9.00am-7.00pm     9 September           9 September
                            permitting)                          9.00am-7.00pm         9.00am-7.00pm
                                               Farm Expo


                            9 September                                                                      10 - 11
                                               10-11 September   10- 11 September      10 -11 September
                            After Carnival                                                                   September
                                               8.00am-5.00pm     8.00am-5.00pm         8.00am-5.00pm
                            Close                                                                            8.00am-5.00pm      10 - 11
DATES & ACCESS TIMES        10.30pm            (removal of all   (removal of all       (removal of all                          September
                                                                                                             (removal of all
                                               stock & exhibit   stock & exhibit       stock & exhibit                          8.00am-5.00pm
                            10 - 16                                                                          stock & exhibit
                                               stands to be      stands to be          stands to be
                            September                                                                        stands to be
                                               completed)        completed)            completed)
                            8.00am-5.00pm                                                                    completed)

                                                                                                             Kidman Gate,
ENTRY/EXIT GATE             As Instructed      Leader Street     Leader Street         Leader Street                            Leader Street
                                                                                                             Rose Terrace


                                                                                 Safety Induction Process
                                                                                 All members of your team MUST              You MUST carry your Royal Adelaide
                                                                                 complete the online induction prior to     Show Induction Card with you at all
                                                                                 arriving onsite.                           times when working on site.
                                                                                 All workers and volunteers must            If you are asked to show your induction
                                                                                 abide by the conditions and site rules     card by Event Security, Staff or a Safe
                                                                                 documented within the induction            Work Inspector and cannot produce
                                                                                 information. You will need to read         the Induction Card you will be
                                                                                 through the safety presentation and        instructed to stop work immediately and
                                                                                 complete and pass the induction            rectify the situation.
                                                                                 assessment prior to entering the venue.
                                                                                 Please use the link at the bottom of
                                                                                 this page to access the training portal.
                                                                                 Upon successful completion of the
                                                                                 assessment, an induction card will be
                                                                                 sent to your nominated email address.

                                                                                                If you have any queries please email
                                                                                             megabrook@bigpond.com with your concern.

                                                                                 THE TRAINING PORTAL LINK IS:

                                                                                       Exhibition Booths • Furniture
                                                                                         • Custom Displays • Signs

                                                                                                                                                           8350 2300

visit us at theshow.com.au

                                                                                                                                 2018 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                               food & beverage
The Society has contracted O’Brien          AND PREFERRED SUPPLIERS                   GIVEAWAYS
Group Australia as our Official Caterer     The Society has contractual               1. With regard to the Society’s
to manage the provision of all food         agreements with the following                Preferred Suppliers, any competitor
and beverage for consumption at the         preferred suppliers:                         food and beverage products
Royal Adelaide Show. Organisations                                                       cannot be supplied as give-aways
                                            •   Vili’s
wishing to operate as a Caterer should                                                   or promotional items.
                                                pies, pasties, sausage rolls &
contact the Official Caterer.
                                                cakes                                 2. Food and beverage products
Royal Show Contact: O’Brien Group                                                        not competing with those of
                                            •   Coca-Cola Amatil
Australia – (08) 8110 2400                                                               our preferred suppliers may
                                                non-alcoholic beverages
Within designated areas, exhibitors will        including water, juice, iced             be permitted as give-away or
be able to offer samples of food and            tea, carbonated and energy               promotional items. Exhibitors are
beverage as part of their promotion at          beverages                                required to notify the Society
the Royal Adelaide Show. Exhibitors will                                                 contact if they intend to provide
                                            •   Coopers Brewery
be allowed to provide samples of food                                                    any food or beverage give-aways
                                                Beer & Cider
and beverage under the following                                                         at the Show for inclusion in their
conditions:                                 •   Fleurieu Milk Company                    Site Licence Agreement.
                                                White and Flavoured Milk
1. The Society is notified of the
   proposed sampling in advance of          •   Golden North                          LIQUOR LICENCE
   the Show.                                    Ice Cream
2. The Exhibitor complies with all          All exhibitors must comply with the       O’Brien Group Australia is the
   Food Safety standards and all            following:                                holder of the Liquor Licence for
   relevant City of Unley policies and                                                the Showground. However, there
                                            1. the sale of any competitor food
   procedures.                                                                        are occasions when an Exhibitor
                                               and beverage product is
                                                                                      is required to obtain a ‘Limited
3. The portion size represents a               not permitted
                                                                                      Licence’. These circumstances would
   genuine sample:                          2. the sale of food and beverage          be:
   a) In the case of packaged                  products not in competition with
                                                                                      •   tasting of alcohol as part of
   product, the sample represents no           our preferred suppliers is permitted
   more than 20% of the full                   - providing any food or beverage
   product size.                               sold is packaged in a way that it is   •   selling of sealed containers of
                                               intended to be consumed off the            alcohol for offsite consumption
   b) In the case of unpacked food,
                                               Showground – i.e. in multi-packs,      Exhibitors requiring a licence will need
   the sample does not exceed
                                               not impulse packaged or ready to       to apply in advance to their Area
   50 grams.
                                               consume, un-refrigerated (where        Manager.
   c) In the case of beverage, the             safe to do so) or products which
   sample does not exceed 50 mls.              require further processing. A full
4. The sample will be consumed at the          list of products to be sold must be
   point from which the sample was             submitted for approval.
   received and appropriate facilities
   are provided to accommodate any
   waste generated.
5. The sample is provided free of charge.

general information

                                                                                    GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                MEMBERSHIP                                C. The Society expects you to abide
                                                                                    FIRE PRECAUTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                             by the following:-
                                                                                    a. Fire points (reels, hydrants, etc)       It is a requirement that all commercial   1. the sale or promotion of any
                                                                                       must not be covered and must             exhibitors are members of the Royal          “Bingo”, “Instant Money” or similar
                                                                                       not be used for other than their         Agricultural and Horticultural Society       type of ticket is forbidden at all
                                                                                       intended purpose.                        of SA Inc. Membership entitles you to:       times.
                                                                                    b. Exhibitors are responsible for           •   Unlimited admission throughout        2. you must not sublet, underlet,
                                                                                       ensuring that a person on their              the event for the member and             assign or grant any licence or
                                                                                       stand are conversant with the                one guest                                in any way part with, divide or
                                                                                       use of any extinguisher and              •   Access to the members’ facilities        allocate any portion of space
                                                                                       acquainted with the position of                                                       allocated to you to any other
                                                                                                                                The membership fee of $165 will be
                                                                                       the nearest Fire Points & Exits.                                                      commercial company or sole
                                                                                                                                added to your balance invoice.
                                                                                    c. Use of fire hoses for other than fire                                                 trader.
                                                                                       fighting purposes is not permitted                                                 3. you must not distribute or display
                                                                                       as use activates the fire alarm.         MEMBERS’ DINING ROOM                         on your stand/s any circulars,
                                                                                       Heavy charges which apply for                                                         advertising, or photographic
                                                                                       false alarms will be passed on to        The Members’ Dining Room is open
                                                                                                                                        and available for dining by          matter relating to any other
                                                                                       those responsible.                                                                    company or sole trader without
                                                                                    d. A Hot Works Permit must be                                                            the consent of the Society.
                                                                                       completed for any cutting or                        Lunch: 12noon to 2.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                          4. you must not distribute any
                                                                                       welding. Please contact the                         Dinner: 6.00pm to 8.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                             handbills, printed matter, goods,
                                                                                       Venue Management Office to                          A snack menu is available         merchandise or any other
                                                                                       obtain a Hot Works Permit for                       all day from 11.00am to           material for your company from
                                                                                       completion prior to any work                        9.00pm.                           any location except from within
                                                                                       being done.                                                                           the boundaries of your stand(s).
                                                                                                                                Bookings are strongly recommended,
                                                                                                                                please call 0411 472 824 or               5. you must not sell or promote any
                                                                                    INSURANCE                                   (08) 82110 2400.                             product/service which has not
                                                                                                                                Meals can be purchased with cash,            been approved by the Society,
                                                                                    a. All exhibitors are encouraged to                                                      or offer for sale any item/s that
                                                                                                                                credit card or EFTPOS.
                                                                                       hold Public Liability & Product                                                       are considered by the Society to
                                                                                       Liability Insurance to a level           The Members Dining Room is used for
                                                                                                                                                                             be dangerous or offensive to the
                                                                                       appropriate to their commercial          official Royal Adelaide Show functions
                                                                                                                                                                             public or that are under any legal
                                                                                       activities.                              and will be closed for Dinner on
                                                                                                                                                                             dispute or restraint.
                                                                                                                                Tuesday 4 September and Lunch on
                                                                                    b. Exhibitors providing samples                                                       6. to sell raffle tickets, you must first
                                                                                                                                Friday 7 September.
                                                                                       of food and/or beverage as a                                                          seek approval in writing from the
                                                                                       promotion of their product, and          Hours vary slightly on Wednesday 5
                                                                                       exhibitors providing services            September with lunch from
                                                                                       involving human interaction              1.00pm-3.00pm and dinner is normal        7. sale of unlicensed products is
                                                                                       (for example - face painters,            hours that day.                              illegal and not permitted by the
                                                                                       temporary tattoos & walk through                                                      Society.
                                                                                       attractions) to visitors to the Royal                                              8. the placing of fundraising coin
                                                                                       Adelaide Show, must hold Public          PROHIBITED ITEMS                             collection tin/s on your stand(s) is
                                                                                       Liability and Product Liability          A. To maximise the safety of our             prohibited.
                                                                                       insurance to a minimum of $20               exhibitors and visitors to the         9. the use of sandwich board
                                                                                       million any one occurrence                  Show, you are strictly prohibited         signage is not permitted outside
                                                                                       throughout the period of the                from selling or giving away the           the boundaries of your stand
                                                                                       Royal Adelaide Show. Exhibitors             following:-                               without approval from the Society
                                                                                       may be required to provide an            1. any fireworks, pyrotechnic items,         (in writing).
                                                                                       original certificate of currency of         explosive devices or novelties,        10. Prohibited weapons and
                                                                                       the Insurance.                              sparklers, or novelty items                dangerous articles as listed by SA
                                                                                    c. The Society has arranged a                  containing gunpowder or chlorates          Police (eg. knives, daggers etc.)
                                                                                       blanket Public & Products Liability         (with the exception of toy pistol          are not to be displayed.
                                                                                       policy in respect to all Royal              caps).                                 The Society reserves the right to
                                                                                       Adelaide Show commercial                 2. any “exploding” type product or        withdraw any product or services
                                                                                       exhibitors excluding Government             device.                                for any reason whatsoever from any
                                                                                       departments, operators of                                                          exhibitor’s stand.
                                                                                                                                3. “Silly String” (or similar aerated
                                                                                       amusement devices or games
                                                                                                                                   “foam” products) water pistols or
                                                                                       of skill. Details of this policy
                                                                                                                                   “supporters’ horns”.
                                                                                       are reproduced on Page 16.                                                         TRADE MEASURES
                                                                                       Exhibitors should take particular        4. laser pointers of any description.
                                                                                       attention to                             5. pressure sensitive adhesive stickers             If your stall is buying or selling
                                                                                       i) their obligations under the policy.      of any description.                              goods by weight, volume or
                                                                                       ii) the deductible of $10,000 each                                                           length, you need to know
                                                                                                                                6. flick knives of any kind.                        about Australia’s trade
                                                                                       and every claim. The exhibitor will
                                                                                       be responsible for the first $10,000     7. hookah pipes or any other                        measurement laws.
                                                                                       of each claim.                              smoking paraphernalia                            Visit: www.measurement.
                                                                                                                                   associated with the use of                       gov.au/trademeasurement
                                                                                    d. The Society accepts no liability            cannabis.
                                                                                       for any damage to exhibits by                                                                Call: 1300 686 664
                                                                                       loss, fire, water, theft, storms,        B. You must obtain approval from          Email: infotm@measurement.gov.au
                                                                                       strikes, riots or any other cause           Exhibitor Services if you intend to:
                                                                                       whatsoever. Exhibitors are
                                                                                                                                1. sell or give away helium filled
                                                                                       responsible for their own security
                                                                                       and property insurance; Royal

11                                                                                     Show security arrangements               2. sell or give away products in glass
                                                                                       do not extend to include the                bottles.
                                                                                       surveillance of exhibitors’ stands.
visit us at theshow.com.au

                                                                                        2018 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                      general information
                                          A W A R DS
                     EXH           IBITOR
The Society recognises exhibitors at
the Royal Adelaide Show for the high
quality displays that attract consumer
interest and effectively interact with
our visitors. The Exhibitor Awards are
judged by participants of the Event        EXHIBITOR AWARDS CEREMONY

                                           THURSDAY 7
industry and awarded to the best
exhibitors in each area.
Award winners will be announced at
the Exhibitor Awards Ceremony on

Thursday 7 September in the Goyder
As an exhibitor you are urged to
make that extra effort to be among
the award winners. Experience
has shown that these awards gain           GOYDER MEZZANINE.
valuable publicity for the successful
exhibitors, as well as contributing both
to the success of the stand and the
Royal Adelaide Show.

                                                                       Commercial Exhibitors Public & Products Liability Insurance (Explanation)
                                                                                                                                                   COMMERCIAL EXHIBITOR INSURANCE DETAILS
                                                                                                                                                   This is a summary of the insurance cover arranged by the Society on behalf of
                                                                                                                                                   commercial exhibitors (note exceptions).

                                                                                                                                                   Whereas The Royal Agricultural and            POLICY NUMBER                             Third Party Interests This policy will only
                                                                                                                                                   Horticultural Society of South Australia      PC0232216                                 provide cover for your interest and
                                                                                                                                                   Inc. (RAHSSA) has agreed to effect a                                                    does not cover the interests of any
                                                                                                                                                   Public Liability insurance for certain        IMPORTANT CONDITIONS                      third party (e.g. financiers, lessors, etc)
                                                                                                                                                   Commercial Exhibitors at the 2018                                                       unless the interests of the third party
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • The Insured Party must exercise
                                                                                                                                                   Royal Adelaide Show, the following                                                      are noted in the policy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   reasonable care to maintain all
                                                                                                                                                   applies:-                                       premises, fittings and plant in sound   Waiver of Insurer’s Rights You must
                                                                                                                                                                                                   condition.                              not enter into any agreement without
                                                                                                                                                   INSURED PARTIES                                                                         the written authority of the insurer
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • The Insured Party must take all
                                                                                                                                                   RAHSSA Show tenants, licensees,                                                         whereby any of their rights to which
                                                                                                                                                                                                   reasonable precautions to prevent
                                                                                                                                                   exhibitors and participants and                                                         they become entitled as your insurer
                                                                                                                                                                                                   injury and damage to persons and
                                                                                                                                                   sub-licensee exhibitors but excluding                                                   after settling or agreeing to settle a
                                                                                                                                                   amusement operators (rides or tests                                                     claim are prejudiced or limited in any
                                                                                                                                                   of skill to the public), caterers and         • The Insured Party must give             way otherwise all benefit under the
                                                                                                                                                   Government Bodies.                              immediate notice of an incident         policy will be forfeited.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   which may give rise to a claim or of
                                                                                                                                                   PERIOD OF INSURANCE                             receipt of advice of a claim.           NOTE
                                                                                                                                                   From seven days prior to the Show                                                       1. All enquiries to be referred to Arthur
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • The Insured Party must not make
                                                                                                                                                   until seven days thereafter.                                                               J Gallagher Insurance Brokers
                                                                                                                                                                                                   any admission, offer or promise in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tel. no. (02) 9424 1888
                                                                                                                                                                                                   connection with any claim and
                                                                                                                                                   INSURED ACTIVITIES                                                                      2. CLAIMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   must not any time admit liability.
                                                                                                                                                   All activities undertaken whilst within                                                    a. No admission of liability or fault
                                                                                                                                                   the confines of the Showground                • The Insured Party must made
                                                                                                                                                                                                   themselves aware of and comply                may be made in any form
                                                                                                                                                   consistent with the Insured Party’                                                            to a claimant. To do so may
                                                                                                                                                   main business including setting up              with the following Notices:-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 breach the policy conditions
                                                                                                                                                   and removal but excluding the                                                                 and enable insurers to avoid
                                                                                                                                                   provision of rides or tests of skill to the   Duty of Disclosure: Before you enter
                                                                                                                                                                                                 into a contract of General insurance            settlement.
                                                                                                                                                   public, or activities by government
                                                                                                                                                   bodies                                        with an insurer, you have a duty,            b. Any notice of a potential or
                                                                                                                                                                                                 under the Insurance Contracts Act               actual claim must be referred
                                                                                                                                                   DESCRIPTION OF COVER                          1984 as amended, to disclose to the             immediately to Arthur J
                                                                                                                                                   Insurance in respect of the Insured           insurer every matter that you know,             Gallagher Insurance Brokers
                                                                                                                                                   Party’s liability to pay costs and            or could reasonably be expected           3. Nothing herein shall be construed
                                                                                                                                                   compensation in respect of loss of            to know, is relevant to the insurer’s        to alter in any way the scope
                                                                                                                                                   or damage to third party property             decision whether to accept the risk          of insurance policy, its terms,
                                                                                                                                                   and death of or injury to third party         of the insurance and, if so, on what         conditions or exclusions, issued by
                                                                                                                                                   persons caused by and arising out of          terms.                                       insurers.
                                                                                                                                                   an Insured Parties’ business, all subject     You have the same duty to disclose        4. RAHSSA is not liable to the Insured
                                                                                                                                                   to RAHSSA’s policy terms, conditions,         these matters to the insurer before          Party in the event a claim is not
                                                                                                                                                   exclusions and warranties, etc.               you renew, extend, vary or reinstate a       paid or payable by Insurers unless
                                                                                                                                                                                                 contract of General insurance.               RAHSSA fails to take reasonable
                                                                                                                                                   AMOUNT OF COVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Your duty however, does not require          steps to advise that the cover is
                                                                                                                                                   $10,000,000 any one occurrence,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 disclosure of matter:-                       or is likely to be cancelled or not
                                                                                                                                                   except Product Liability in which
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • that diminishes the risk to be             renewed.
                                                                                                                                                   case in the aggregate for all Insured
                                                                                                                                                   Parties.                                        undertaken by the insurer               5. RAHSSA is not an Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • that is of common knowledge                Financial Services (AFS) Licence
                                                                                                                                                   DEDUCTIBLE                                                                                 holder. RAHSSA is not providing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 • that your insurer knows or, in the
                                                                                                                                                   $10,000 each and every claim.                                                              financial product advice, has not
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ordinary course of his business,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              considered the particular needs of
                                                                                                                                                   GEOGRAPHIC LIMITS                               ought to know.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the Insured party and no statement
                                                                                                                                                   At and from the event venue                   Non-Disclosure If you fail to comply         is intended to influence a person
                                                                                                                                                                                                 with your duty of disclosure, the            or persons making a decision in
                                                                                                                                                   CLAIMS PAYABLE                                insurer may be entitled to reduce            relation to any insurance cover.
                                                                                                                                                   Worldwide excluding claims made in            his liability under the contract in          You should consider obtaining your
                                                                                                                                                   USA and Canada                                respect of a claim or may cancel the         own financial product advice from
                                                                                                                                                                                                 contract.                                    person holding an AFS Licence.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 If your non-disclosure is fraudulent,     6. This insurance only applies
                                                                                                                                                   Primary – $10,000,000 Lloyds of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the insurer may also have the option         to insured parties entering
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of avoiding the contract from its            competition in accordance with
                                                                                                                                                   ADDRESS                                       beginning.                                   the general regulations.
                                                                                                                                                   London Underwriting Centre, 3 Minster         Average Provision The insurer will pay    The details listed above are not
                                                                                                                                                   Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R              legal expenses in addition to the sum     comprehensive and are provided as
                                                                                                                                                   7DD                                           insured, if however, the total amount     an outline of the policy only. Extracts
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the loss (less legal expenses)         from the policy are available for
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ultimately paid to the claimant(s)        inspection on request at RAHSSA’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                 exceeds the sum insured then insurers     Registered Offices during office hours.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 will only pay (in addition to the sum
                                                                                                                                                                                                 insured) that proportion of the legal

13                                                                                                                                                                                               expenses as the sum insured bears to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the loss.
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                                                                                                                                   2018 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                 STAND INFORMATION
                                              • Drop sheets or protective sheeting
GENERAL CONDITIONS &                            must be used on the stand when
                                                                                         HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
REQUIREMENTS                                    painting to avoid paint marking the      The Society are to be advised of all
The following requirements relating to          carpet and concrete floor.               hazardous materials that are brought
exhibition stands are in place:               • Loose display material such as bark      onto the Showground. Appropriate
                                                & wood chips must be positioned          warning signs and Material Safety
• Any damage to the venue resulting                                                      Data Sheets are required before such
  from the construction of your                 on suitable protection sheets.
                                                                                         materials will be allowed on site.
  exhibit will be the sole responsibility     • Caravan units used for promotional
  of the exhibitor.                             or trading purposes are to be fitted
• When attaching material to the                with ‘skirting’ and hired portable       STAND CLEANING
  walling, you are required to use:             building or office units to have the     While the Society employs cleaners
                                                hiring agent’s signs camouflaged         to clean the Showground during
  -- Velcro
                                                and the units to be suitably             the Show, this does not extend to
   -- Wall shelves (weight limits apply)        dressed.                                 exhibitors’ stands. Exhibitors are
   -- Slat walls                              • Exhibitors shall keep their exhibit      required to:
   -- Hook and chain                            site/s and office/s staffed and             a. keep their stand/s in a clean
• What NOT to do:                               properly operating and in a clean              and tidy condition and shall
                                                condition and adequately lit during            be held responsible for the
  -- Drill or screw into the product
                                                exhibition hours throughout the full           condition of this area during the
   -- Use fixing methods (i.e. nails, pins,     period of the Royal Adelaide Show.             opening hours of the Show.
      staples, double sided tape,
                                              • Exhibitors shall equip their exhibit        b. be responsible for cleaning their
      Blu-Tack or glue of any
                                                site/s with litter bins provided by            own stands prior to opening
      description) other than those
                                                the exhibitor which are to be                  each day.
      approved above
                                                emptied into the nearest litter bin
   -- Apply excess weight to exhibition         or industrial container at the close
      products                                  of each day’s trading. All cartons       OUTDOOR STRUCTURES
   -- Expose the exhibition product to          and boxes are to be flattened            Exhibitors who have an outdoor
      moisture or heat                          before being placed in the waste         space and require a marquee or
• All stands and fittings must be free          containers.                              similar outdoor structure can place
  standing and must conform with              • Care must be taken to minimise           an order through the Society for this
  the requirements of all Acts of               trip hazards and obstacles. Avoid        to be provided or may arrange this
  Parliament and Regulations.                   laying unprotected cables or pipes       directly through our preferred supplier
                                                on or above paths, walkways or           White Marquee (details on page 7).
• All stands are subject to the
  approval of the Society.                      roads.                                   Exhibitors who wish to arrange
                                                                                         placement or construction of a
• All stands in Pavilions other than
                                              ANIMAL GUIDELINES                          marquee or other outdoor structure
  island sites are required to have a
                                                                                         independently must obtain prior
  rear wall and partition walls with a
                                              It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to    approval from the Society prior to
  height of 2.4m.
                                              provide their own hand wash and/or         bump in of the exhibit to ensure the
• Permission to build stands,                 sanitiser station within their contract-   structure meets relevant Australian
  structures or advertising signs             ed space.                                  safety standards. Approval should
  exceeding 2.4 metres in height                                                         be requested from Madeline Noble
                                              Exhibitors must also ensure they are
  must be obtained from the Society                                                      – Area Manager for Outdoor spaces.
                                              communicating to patrons the need
  in writing.                                                                            The Society reserves the right to
                                              to wash/sanitise their hands after
• Blank walls facing onto the                 coming into contact with animals.          remove any structure not approved in
  walkways are not permitted.                                                            advance.
• All stands in Pavilions are required                                                   Outdoor structures must be ballasted
  to have installed suitable floor            AMPLIFICATION                              by concrete weights. Please refer to
  covering and good lighting.                 Any amplification must not interfere       the manufacturer or HRIA weighting
• In the construction of stands, no           with adjacent exhibitors.                  guidelines or contact your Area
  exhibitor shall use wall plugs or                                                      Manager.
  any other similar fixings; apply
  paint, oil, varnish or any other            AISLES & PUBLIC WALKWAYS
  dressing to venue walls, pillars or         All aisles and public walkways at the
  floors; fix anything to the floors,         Show must remain unobstructed and
  walls, roof or roof supports either         accessible at all times. Under no
  by use of percussion driven fixings,        circumstances will any part of your
  glue, double-sided adhesive                 stand, furniture, lighting, catering or
  tape (except for Advance Colour             exhibits, etc, be allowed to protrude
  Coded Differential Carpet Tape              beyond the boundary of your stand.
  AT326) or any other means
  whatsoever.                                 Demonstrations, presentations and
                                              samplings must be conducted far
• Exhibitors shall not drive any metal        enough within the stand so that
  pipes or other type of fixings into         crowds, which gather, are contained
  sealed or paved surfaces. Sleeves           within the limits of the stand where
  may be cemented into sealed                 possible. We suggest half a metre
  surfaces but only after permission          back from the front of your stand.
  in writing has been obtained from           The Society may request modification
  the Society.                                or elimination of the presentation.
• The use of tan bark or any other            Exits and emergency equipment must
  materials likely to stain floors is         not be obstructed.
  permitted only if they are used on
  an adequate area of industrial
  plastic sheeting.
                                                              STAND INFORMATION
                                                                                  STAND INFORMATION
                                                                                  WASTE MANAGEMENT                           STAND SECURITY
                                                                                  The Adelaide Showground has                Exhibitors are solely responsible for
                                                                                  introduced a revised, greener system       the security of their stands and their
                                                                                  of waste management. Through               equipment and property. Exhibitors
                                                                                  liaison with our waste management          are warned against the possibility of
                                                                                  and cleaning contractors, SUEZ and         pilferage or loss of goods. The Society
                                                                                  Australian Green Clean, we will be         accepts no liability for damage to
                                                                                  providing mobile 4.5 metre bins onto       exhibits by loss, fire, water, theft,
                                                                                  the floor of events during move in and     storm, strike, riots or any other cause
                                                                                  out for the collection and disposal        whatsoever. The Society strongly
                                                                                  of General Dry Waste (diverted             recommends that exhibitors effect
                                                                                  from landfill to alternative fuels) and    insurance to cover such risks and to
                                                                                  Paper and Cardboard (Recyclable)           ensure that all valuable items on their
                                                                                  materials. An additional Soft Plastics     stands are adequately safeguarded
                                                                                  (plastic wrap/strap) bale will also be     at all times.
                                                                                  incorporated with the Paper and
                                                                                  Cardboard bins to include these
                                                                                  products with recyclables. These bins
                                                                                  will also be positioned in waste station
                                                                                  areas external of the pavilions during
                                                                                  the Royal Show and it is expected
                                                                                  that all exhibitors utilise these bins
                                                                                  to reduce the amount of waste
                                                                                  deposited throughout event areas.
                                                                                  i). Collection and disposal of any
                                                                                      other streams of waste including
                                                                                      building materials, liquids, cooking
                                                                                      materials, disused products or
                                                                                      furniture, sawdust etc. will require
                                                                                      additional consultation and fees
                                                                                      will apply.
                                                                                  ii). The Adelaide Showground will not
                                                                                      be responsible for the collection
                                                                                      and disposal of any hazardous

                                                                                                                                                                awaits BOOK NOW


                                                                                                                                                                              8331 5222

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                                                                                                                                2017 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS

                                                                                                                                                                                       VENUE INFORMATION
BANKING                                       LOST PROPERTY                            STORAGE
Bank SA operate a branch during the           The Lost Property Office is located at   The Society is unable to
hours of 8.00am to 11.00am every              the Derby Stand (MAP - J8)               accommodate any exhibitor’s
day of the Show.                                                                       storage requirements. Exhibitors
Full details of the services provided by                                               must make their own storage
                                              MEDIA COMMENTS

BankSA can be found on page 25.                                                        arrangements off site. Refer to
ATM’s are conveniently located                Any public comment on                    Suppliers Contact List on Page 6 for
throughout the Showground.                    emergencies, incidents or other          details.
                                              venue matters should only come
                                              from the Society. The key media
DELIVERIES                                    spokesperson for the Society is the
The Society cannot accept delivery            General Manager, Michelle Hocking,
of any goods and cannot accept                contact (08) 8210 5228
responsibility for any goods delivered
to unstaffed stands.
                                              NON-SMOKING POLICY
                                              The Royal Adelaide Show is a SMOKE
FIRST AID                                     FREE event. Smoking is allowed in
A St John Auxiliary First Aid Station is      allocated smoking zones. Please
located at the Western end of the             check the Show Map to find the
Atrium Plaza.                                 location of the smoking-zones.

Royal Show Contact: (08) 8210 5239            Smoking is permitted in the
                                              designated smoking zones, in
Exhibitors are advised to keep a basic        designated areas in bars & 20m from
first aid kit available for minor injuries.   the Showground boundary.
                                              The remainder of the Showground is
                                              SMOKE FREE

2017 ROYAL
                                                                       EXHIBITOR SERVICES

                                                                                                                   bar (resistance) heaters is strictly
           ADELAIDE SHOW

                                                                       AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT                                                                  PLUMBING – WATER & WASTE
                                                      of contents

                                                                       Please refer to the Suppliers Contact       Appliances and power cables must
                                                                       List on Page 18 for contact details.        not be used or laid through any area        Limited access to these services is
                    SHOW EXHIBITORS

                                                                                                                   that may become wet.                        available and requires application
                                                                                                                   Power cables must not be laid across        30 days prior to the Show.
                                                                       ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS

                                                                                                                                                               Please contact
                         EXHIBITORS MANUAL

                                                                                                                   walkways, paths, roads or any area
                                                                                                                   where damage could occur to the             operations@adelaideshowground.
                                                                       JUBILEE PAVILION, DUNCAN GALLERY,
                                                                                                                   cable.                                      com.au
                                                                       GOYDER PAVILION, MARKET BAZAAR,
                                                                       PET CENTRE, DOG PAVILION                    Light sockets must not be used for any
                                                                       Shell scheme sites are provided the         other purpose.                              RIGGING/BANNER HANGING
                                    MANUAL FOR

                                                                       following:                                                                              Rigging may only occur with the
                                                                       3m x 3m – 2 spotlights & 1 double                                                       permission of the Society and by a
                                                                                                                   FORKLIFT SERVICE
                                                                       powerpoint                                                                              certified rigging specialist. Banners
                                           FOR COMMERCIAL

                                                                       6m x 3m – 4 spotlights & 1 double           A limited forklift service is available.    are not possible in all areas. Contact
                                                                       powerpoint                                  It is essential to make a booking with      csopp@adelaideshowground.com.au
                                               COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS

                                                                       9m x 3m – 6 spotlights & 2 double           Venue Management (Call 8210 5247)           with your banner request, including
                                                                       powerpoints                                 payment must be made in full prior to       proposed specifications PENDING
                                                                                                                   the work being carried out. The cost        approval. All approved banners
                                                                       TASTE SA/FARM EXPO                          for hiring a forklift for a minimum of      need to be delivered to Venue
                                                                       All stands are provided one 10amp           30 minutes is $80 (inc GST) including       Management by 10 August.
                                                                       power outlet only.

                                                                                                                   a driver.
                                                                       OUTDOOR SITES
                                                                       All exhibitors must arrange power and
                                                                                                                   FORKLIFT USE                                & ISDN
                                                                       lighting requirements by purchasing
                                                                       online.                                     Forklift operators must comply with all     Telstra will provide and install full
                                                                       All orders must be received no later        regulations and carry the appropriate       telephone services at any site/
                                                                       than 10 August to ensure that the           license during operation of the forklift.   stand providing they receive your
                                                                       installation will be completed in time                                                  application no later than Friday 10
                                                                       for the start of the Show. Orders                                                       August. Please complete the online
                                                                                                                   INTERNET & BROADBAND
                                                                       received after this date will be subject                                                form and return directly to Telstra.
                                                                       to a 20% late surcharge of the              ACCESS
                                                                       total bill.                                 To apply for wireless and Ethernet
                                                                                                                   broadband services, please purchase         WELDING & CUTTING
                                                                       KEY THINGS TO KNOW                          online.                                     Welding, cutting, brazing, grinding or
                                                                                                                   Note: The Society does not accept           flame gun operation of any kind is not
                                                                       REGARDING ELECTRICAL
                                                                                                                   responsibility for any virus or security    permitted anywhere on the premises
                                                                       REQUIREMENTS                                breach whilst using the internet on         without specific and direct approval
                                                                       All electrical installations must be paid   the site. It is the user’s responsibility   of the Venue Management Office. If
                                                                       for before work on the installation can     to provide a suitable firewall program      you require any of these services on
                                                                       be completed.                               and to protect equipment from               your stand, please contact the Venue
                                                                                                                   viruses.                                    Management Office to obtain a Hot
                                                                       All electrical installations must be
                                                                                                                                                               Works Permit for completion prior to
                                                                       completed by Society staff only.
                                                                                                                                                               any work being done.
                                                                       All equipment brought onto the              LP GAS CYLINDERS
                                                                       Showground must be tested and
                                                                                                                   Should you plan to use LP gas on your
                                                                       tagged to comply with Australian
                                                                                                                   stand, you must inform us by email by
                                                                       Standard 3760-2003.
                                                                                                                   Friday 10 August.
                                                                       Exhibitors’ attention is drawn to the
                                                                                                                   Cylinders cannot exceed 45kg for
                                                                       Regulations under the Work Health
                                                                                                                   external sites and 15kg for an internal
                                                                       and Safety Act (SA) 2012 which
                                                                       requires that a hand held electrical
                                                                       appliance must incorporate an               (b)The cylinder must be turned off at
                                                                       Earth Leakage devise in the circuit         the bottle each night and the initial
                                                                       provided by the Exhibitor and must          connection must be checked by a
                                                                       be safely tagged.                           licenced gas installer.(/b)
                                                                       All stand lighting must be switched off     Any gas installation must be carried
                                                                       at the end of each day.                     out by a licensed gas installer. It
                                                                                                                   is a requirement of the Society
                                                                       Extension cords must be earthed
                                                                                                                   that all temporary gas installations
                                                                       and all electrical appliances must
                                                                                                                   comply with the AS/NZS 1596-2014 &
                                                                       be earthed or double insulated.
                                                                                                                   manufactured appliances must be
                                                                       Appliances must be in sound working
                                                                                                                   AGA certified.
                                                                       order and safety tagged.
                                                                                                                   You must also provide a copy of your
                                                                       Power boards with overload
                                                                                                                   Certificate of Compliance to the
                                                                       protection can only be used at the
                                                                                                                   Venue Management office once
                                                                       discretion of the Venue Manager.
                                                                                                                   installation is complete.
                                                                       The use of double adaptors and

visit us at theshow.com.au

                                                                                                            2017 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                           2018 ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW EXHIBITORS MANUAL FOR COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                           essential information
     Suppliers Contact List
     STAGING CONNECTIONS                           ADELAIDE EXPO HIRE
     Contact: Trent Parkin
                                                   Contact: Cameron Best
     Tel: 08 8159 9100
                                                   Tel: 08 8350 2300
     Email: tparkin@stagingconnections.com
                                                   Email: adexpo@aeh.com.au

                                                                                                                                                   contact list
                                                   WHITE MARQUEE
     CASH MANAGEMENT                               Contact: Laura Reyes
                                                   Tel: 0409 251 750
                                                   Email: laura@whitemarquee.com.au
     Contact: Bill Jesser
     Mobile: 0400 036 100
     Phone: 08 8177 1709
     Email: bill_jesser@liamsans.com.au
                                                   FX RIGGING PTY LTD
     Contact: Brenton Druery
     Tel: 08 8245 5005                             Contact: Peter Chalmers
     Mobile: 0419 284 126                          Tel: 8346 8986
     Email: brenton.druery@prosegur.com            Mobile: 0408 559 908

     Contact: Justine Lundberg                     CONSTANT SECURITY
     Tel: 08 8100 7800                             Contact: David McFadden
     jlungberg@pinnaclepeople.com.au               Tel: 1300 725 241
                                                   Mobile: 0447 164 764
                                                   Email: david.mcfadden@constant.com.au
     Contact: Emma Jarvis
     Tel: 08 8110 2400                             STORAGE
     Email: emma.jarvis@obga.com.au                U-STORE-IT
                                                   Tel: 08 8297 8811
                                                   Email: ashford@ustoreit.com.au

     Contact: Tony White
     Tel: 0438 947 486                             TELSTRA
     Email: showground@adelaidegreenclean.com.au   Telephone: 1800 816 819

                                                   Contact: Andrea Woods
                                                   Tel: 08 8204 2041
     Contact: Chris Nicholls                       Email: andrea.woods@epa.sa.gov.au
     Tel: 08 8367 6333
     Email: info@jarrettindoorplants.com.au

18                                                                                                          18
                                                         BankSA Royal Show Banking Services

                                                                                                                                                                            A Division of
                                                                                                                                                                            Westpac Banking
                                                                                                                                                                            ABN 33 007 457 141
                                                                                                                                                                            AFSL and Australian credit
                                                                                                                                                                            licence 233714

                                                                                                                                                                            97 King William Street
                                                                                                                                                                            Adelaide SA 5000

                                                                                                                         BankSA Royal Show Banking Services

                                                                                              BankSA is pleased to advise it will again provide a range of banking services for its customers, at
                                                                                              the 2018 Show.

                                                                                              For BankSA customers, deposits can be made at any time via the Express Deposit facility, through a
                                                                                              chute clearly signed on the exterior of the BankSA building, near the junction of Kingsway, West
                                                                                              Crescent and Hamilton Boulevard. To take advantage of these facilities, you need to visit your
                                                                                              BankSA branch before the Show, complete an agreement (containing terms and conditions of use)
                                                                                              for the Express Deposit system, and collect an initial supply of Express Deposit bags (if necessary,
                                                                                              more will be available during 8am and 11am from the BankSA office at the Show).

                                                                                              Please note that cheques must be deposited in separate bags to those containing notes. I
                                                                                              n addition, coin cannot be deposited through this facility – in most circumstances,
                                                                                              we anticipate Exhibitors/Merchants would seek to hold most coin for daily use throughout the Show.

                                                                                              This Deposit facility is secure, and enables you to minimise your overnight cash holdings.

                                                                                              Coin/Change Facilities
                                                                                              On a daily basis, for one hour before and two hours after gates open (that is, from 8am to 11am),
                                                                                              BankSA will provide change facilities for its customers, from the BankSA building. Note there will
                                                                                              not be any other transaction facilities available.

                                                                                              Customer Transactions
                                                                                              BankSA will operate four ATM's at the Showgrounds, located at the BankSA branch building,
                                                                                              providing convenient access to cash for Show patrons.

                                                                                              Non-BankSA/St.George Customers
                                                                                              Change facilities are available to non-BankSA/St.George customers, however will incur a fee.

                                                                                              Contact BankSA
                                                                                              If you have any queries, please email retailbankingsupportadelaide@banksa.com.au or please
                                                                                              contact one of our staff on 08 8424 4263.

                                                                                              We look forward to being of service throughout the 2018 Show.

19                                                                                                                                                                                                       24
                                                                                                                                                                                                               EPA Important information for exhibitors & retailers

                                        AT THE ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW

                 South Australia has a Container Deposit Scheme (CDS).
      •     If you sell, supply or give-away beverages at the Royal Adelaide Show you may
            have to comply with the CDS
      •     A beverage covered by the CDS must be:
                 o Approved by the EPA, have a waste management arrangement in place and
                   display an approved refund marking
      •     Application forms for approval are available at the EPA website:
      •    If in doubt, phone the EPA to check your beverage is approved (08 8204 1180)
 Failure to comply with SA’s CDS will result in enforcement action by the EPA including one
 or more of the following:
    • Requiring you to immediately cease selling or supplying your beverage/s,
      •    An Environment Protection Order to prevent the sale or supply of the container until
           it is approved by the EPA,
      •    On the spot fine $360
 Relevant legislation: Division 2 - Beverage Container provisions of the Environment Protection Act, 1993.

                         South Australia has a Plastic Shopping Bag Ban

      •     There is a ban on lightweight plastic shopping bags in South Australia.
            Royal Adelaide Show exhibitors and stallholders must comply with the ban.
      •     Bags that are less than 35 microns are banned unless they are *biodegradable
            bags1 and meet the Australian Standard.
      •     Do not assume that bags with words such as ‘this bag is environmentally friendly’,
            ‘this bag is degradable’, ‘this bag degrades totally’, ‘Recyclable Bag’, ‘ECO Friendly
            Bag’ are legal in South Australia.
 Failure to comply with SA’s Plastic Shopping Bag Ban will result in enforcement action by
 the EPA including one or both of the following:
    • An Environment Protection Order to prevent the supply of lightweight plastic
        shopping bags,
      •    On the spot fine $375 or a maximum penalty of $5000
 Relevant legislation: Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Act 2008

                      More information on CDL and Plastic Bag ban is available at the EPA website:
                  http://www.epa.sa.gov.au/households/waste_and_recycling or phone 08 82042004

   A biodegradable bag is one that has been assessed and tested in accordance with Australian Standard 4736-2006 and – in accordance with that
 standard – can be designated as compostable (ie. Aa statement with words to that effect, or having that meaning, are embossed on the bag).

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