Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival

Page created by Lauren Daniels
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Close to
September 2021
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Please book online for                On behalf of the festival organising committee, it gives me great
all festival events at:               pleasure to welcome you to the 2021 Nairn Book and Arts Festival,
www.nairnfestival.                    ‘Close to Nature’s Heart’.
For further information
on events email:                      Our theme for this year’s festival is   exhibitions, beautiful folk music,              taken from a quote by the influential   otherworldly dance performances,
                                      Scottish-American naturalist, author    a 10m tall mechanical puppet –
For venue information                 and environmental philosopher           and much more.
only contact:                         John Muir:
                                                                              A huge thanks to all our event
Nairn Community                       “Keep close to Nature’s heart... and    partners and sponsors for their
and Arts Centre                       break clear away, once in awhile, and   support but especially our headline
King Street, Nairn                    climb a mountain or spend a week in     sponsor AES Solar and associate
Tel: 01667 453476                     the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”     sponsors Nairn’s Oatcakes and
                                                                              Fred. Olsen Renewables.
Check all the latest                  Our theme celebrates Nairn’s
Festival news by                      natural beauty in support of            Particular thanks go to the festival
visiting our website:                 VisitScotland’s Year of Coasts          Trustees and committee for all their               and Waters, while anticipating          hard work this year, and special
or follow us on                       the UN Conference on Climate            thanks to our Creative Coordinator
social media.                         Change (COP26) in November.             Tanera Bryden – as ever – for her
                                                                              tireless efforts behind the scenes.
                                      This pressing concern – how best
                                      to engage with and care for the         We very much hope you’ll enjoy
                                      natural world – unifies our             reading through our programme
                                      diverse and thought-provoking           and we look forward to seeing
                                      festival programme.                     you in September.
                                      Highlights include several critically   Alex Williamson
Logo design: Mary Wilson
                                      acclaimed authors, pop-up art           Festival Chair
Programme designed and sponsored by
Dynam, Inverness:

                                      Front cover artwork: Phoebe Roze
Coming to                             The commissioned artwork
the festival?                         for our front cover this year
                                      is by Inverness-based artist
We want to see your
                                      Phoebe Roze. Phoebe is an
pictures and videos!
                                      interdisciplinary artist whose
Tag us and we’ll retweet!             work encompasses recollections
                                      of childhood and the rich culture
Find us on
                                      and history of the North of
Twitter: @nairn_festival
                                      Scotland where she grew up.
Instagram: @nairnfest
                                      By exploring themes of time
Facebook: Nairn.Festival
                                      and memory in the context
#NairnFestival                        of these local environments,            Find out more about her at
                                      she aims to connect with and   or on
                                      respond to the ecological crisis.       Instagram @phoeberoze

                                                                                      4th-12th September 2021
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
With thanks to the following for their support
A massive thanks goes to our Funders, Partners, Sponsors, Patrons and Supporters – we couldn’t do all
this without you!

Our generous Funders

Our wonderful Festival Partners

                                                                                       D E S I G N T H AT M O V E S

Headline sponsor                                             Matched funding

                                                                                      For the first time, we have matched
                                                                                      funding from CBFS – follow our evolving
                                                                                      matched funding story on our website:
Associate sponsors                                                          

      Fred. Olsen Renewables

Creative sponsor                         Patrons


                          Nairn Literary Institute
                                                                                                 We stock a wide range of new books, including
                                                                                                 local history, which caters for readers of all ages
                                                                                                 and interests. As well as books, we offer a good
                                                                                                 selection of cards, gift wrap, postcards, note-
                                                                                                 books, tea-towels and jigsaws including
                                                                                                 four bespoke Nairn images.

                                                                                                 Our friendly staff looks forward
A special mention to Christine at The Nairn Bookshop, who        And to all our Festival Friends    – we are
                                                                                          to welcoming       you so  grateful
                                                                                                                  to our shop. for
has been making face coverings to raise funds for the festival   everyone’s support in what     has been a very challenging
                                                                                           94 High Street, Nairn.
since early last year – at time of going to print, over £1300.   year for everybody. To join   us as
                                                                                           T: 01667    a Friend visit Opening Hours
                                                                                           E: Mon – Sat
Thank you, Christine!                                  
                                                                                                   9.30am – 5pm
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Festival in our Schools

    Authors in Schools

    Gaelic author Morag Ann             Mòrag Anna NicNèill                     Secondary/Àrd-sgoil
    MacNeil will be talking about       Artair sa Chaisteal                     Anna Ruadh le L. M.
    her book Artair sa Chaisteal                                                Montgomery – air eadar-
                                        Chan eil càil inntinneach a’ tachairt
    and leading a creative writing                                              theangachadh le Mòrag
                                        do dh’Artair uair sam bith, ach tha
    activity at Millbank Primary                                                Anna NicNèill
                                        sin ag atharrachadh gu luath nuair
    School, and will visit Nairn
                                        a tha e a’ dol air turas-sgoile chun    Bha Mata agus Marilla an dùil gur
    Academy to discuss Anna
                                        a’ Chaisteil Ghruamaich. Is beag a      e balach a thigeadh à taigh nan
    Ruadh (Anne of Green Gables).
                                        bha dhùil aige ris an dàna-thuras       dilleachdan airson an
                                        eagalach a bha roimhe, agus ann         cuideachadh air an tuathanas,
    Supported by                        am priobadh na sùla tha a shaoghal      ach is e nighean òg, ruadh a tha
    the Gaelic Books Council.           a’ dol bun-os-cionn…                    a’ nochdadh na àite. Tha Anna
                                                                                Siorlaidh sunndach, beothail agus
                                        Leughaidh Mòrag Anna earrannan
                                                                                chan fhada gus a bheil i a’ toirt
                                        bhon leabhar agus gheibh
                                                                                buaidh mhòr air an t-saoghal aca.
                                        sgoilearan cothrom beagan
                                        sgrìobhadh cruthachail a                Leughaidh Mòrag Anna earrannan
                                        dhèanamh.                               bhon leabhar agus gheibh an
                                                                                luchd-èisteachd cothrom
                                        Nothing exciting ever happens to
                                                                                ceistean fhaighneachd.
                                        Arthur, but things change pretty
                                        quickly when he goes on a school        Matthew and Marilla thought
                                        trip to the Gloomy Castle. A scary      the orphanage was sending
                                        adventure lies ahead, and his world     them a boy to help on the farm.
                                        is soon turned upside down…             They didn’t expect the feisty,
                                                                                red-haired girl who would soon
                                                                                soon transform their lives.

                                                                                Morag Ann will read extracts
                                                                                from her translation of the classic
                                                                                novel Anne of Green Gables, and
                                                                                will then answer questions from
    Morag Ann MacNeil                                                           the audience.

    Barbara Henderson
    Childrens’ author Barbara
    Henderson (Fir for Luck, Punch,
    Wilderness Wars and Black
    Water) will give talks to four
    local primary schools and S1
    pupils at Nairn Academy.

    Helen Sedgwick
    Helen will run a creative writing
    workshop with senior students
    at Nairn Academy.                   Barbara Henderson                       Helen Sedgwick

                                                                                        4th-12th September 2021
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Artists in Schools

Gordon MacLellan
Artist Gordon MacLellan, AKA
Creeping Toad, will be visiting all
four of the Nairn cluster primary
schools to run environmentally-
themed art and storytelling
workshops with children aged
5-9 years, where they will create
wearable art for our special
childrens’ parade to welcome
sea goddess STORM on Sunday
12th September (see p.28).

                                      Phoebe Roze
                                      Artist Phoebe Roze will be running
                                      mural art workshops with Nairn
                                      Academy S3 pupils, with their
                                      work on display in the High Street
                                      during festival week and destined
                                      for permanent display in the new
                                      school building, when completed.

                                      Follow Phoebe on Instagram
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Art Exhibitions and Workshops

    Silk Batik Flag Making
                                                            D ES I GN T H AT M O V ES

                             Silk Batik Flag-Making
                             Part 1 – 28th-29th August
                             Part 2 – 30th-31st August
                             Venue: East Beach and Green Hive Community Workshop.
                             Details will be sent to participants via email before the event.
                             An exciting opportunity to become part of international outdoor arts
                             company Kinetika’s Beach of Dreams project.

                             Join Ali Pretty, Founder and Artistic Director of Kinetika, to create
                             your own unique silk batik flag inspired by Nairn Beach, using natural
                             dyes created from local flora.

                             The workshops will take place in two parts: first book a morning
                             or afternoon time slot over the weekend of 28th-29th August for
                             an information gathering beach walk, then a second slot on Monday
                             30th or Tuesday 31st to create your flag. Then join in with all of
                             our flag related activities during the festival! (See pages 12 and 30.
                             Participants will be kept informed as plans evolve.)


                                                                             4th-12th September 2021
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Art on the High Street

Sadie Stoddart
Saturday 4th September
Artist Sadie Stoddart, a recent
Fine Art graduate from Moray
School of Art and former intern
of Circus Artspace based at
Inverness Creative Academy, has
created some fantastic stencils
for our High Street Takeover –
keep an eye out for her work on
the street from 4th September.
It’s biodegradable – so make sure
you don’t miss it! She is also
working on producing creative
bunting with a Nairn twist for
shop window displays, as well as
showing some of her eye-catching
work on the High Street for the
duration of the festival.

Follow Sadie on Instagram at

Murals                               Art in Shop Windows                  For more information
                                                                          on our High Street
Look out for four temporary          Local artists will be showing work
                                                                          Takeover see pages
murals by Nairn Academy pupils,      in a number of high street shops
                                                                          10 and 11.
created with our cover artist        – make sure you catch them all!
Phoebe Roze at their collaborative
workshops (see p.5).
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Art Exhibitions and Workshops

    Ode to Oikos
    Nairn Community
    and Arts Centre
    Monday 6th – Thursday
    30th September
    Entry free
    Photography exhibition co-
    curated by FLOW PHOTOFEST
    members Evija Laivina and
    Hannah Laycock.

    At a time when our environment
    has never been so important, a
    selection of photographic artists
    from the Highlands and Island
    takes you on a poetic journey
    that meditatively illuminates the
    finer details of the environment
    around us. From sea, land to
    urban landscapes. Ode to Oikos
    is a playful observation that
    invites you to see the bigger
    picture through a different lens.

    Sponsored by

                                        4th-12th September 2021
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
                                                                              Nature Journals

Rachael Forbes
Nature Journals:
Cyanotype and Japanese
stab-bound book
Wednesday 8th September
£35 – Places are very
limited, please book early
With artist Rachael Forbes,         Rachael suggests that you take       Cyanotype is a photographic
you will experiment with            a mindful walk prior to the          process that turns photo
laying natural objects and          workshop to collect leaves,          chemical treated papers a cyan
textures onto cyanotype             feathers, or pine needles –          blue colour when exposed to
treated papers and exposing         anything that can be pressed flat    the light. When objects are laid
them to the sun to create           onto a piece of paper that you       onto treated paper they block
beautiful cyan blue                 might want to use in your prints.    the suns rays and create a stark
silhouette prints.                  3-D objects can also be used but     white silhouette. Historically
You will create 4 cyanotype         may appear less defined. She         this process has been employed
prints and bind these with          will also provide you with objects   for purposes including the
blank papers to create a            and textures to add into your        reproduction of documents
unique nature journal using         compositions. Your prints will       such as architectural and
the traditional Japanese            visually represent your mindful      engineering ‘blueprints’.
stab-binding technique.             engagement with nature.    

Rachael Forbes
Capes for Eco Heroes
Saturday 11th September                                                       Capes for Eco Heroes
10.30am-12.00pm or 12.30-1.30pm
£8 Suitable for ages 5-10 years.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please bring your own craft scissors if you have some.
Are you an Eco Hero? Are you passionate about nature and
protecting our planet? Join us to create your very own Eco Hero
cape* and decorate it with your favourite plants and animals!

Using 100% cotton fabrics.

*Wear it in our costumed children’s parade on Sunday 12th September
to welcome STORM! Details will be sent to all participants.
Close to Nature's Heart - September 2021 - Nairn Book and Arts Festival
Art Exhibitions and Workshops

    The Art of the Zine

    Iona Gibson:
    The Art of the Zine – Zine-making Workshops
    Nairn Community and Arts Centre
    Saturday 11th September
    10.30am-12.00pm, 12.30pm-2.00pm, 2.30pm-4.00pm
    £5 (age 16+)
    Iona Gibson is a zine-maker based in Nairn and a recent MA
    Publishing graduate from the University of the Arts London. Iona
    is the co-founder of De-Ziners, founder of the NRRRN Zine project,
                                                                               Retail Therapy: Shops and
    and has been actively involved in the UK zine scene for over a
                                                                               Businesses in the Old Market
    decade. Workshop attendees will be introduced to the concept of
                                                                               Town of Nairn
    zines, their importance politically, socially and environmentally, and
    will get the chance to make and take home their very own minizines.        Nairn Museum
                                                                               Saturday 28th August –
    NRRRN Zine, a print project showcasing the work of local creatives
                                                                               Saturday 23rd October
    and those inspired by Nairn, will launch its pilot issue in time for the
                                                                               Free with Museum entry
    festival in September. Submissions are open to creative contributions
    with an environmental theme until August 1st at 23:59 (BST).               A collaborative exhibition
                                                                               highlighting the many shops and
    Visit the website for further information at
                                                                               businesses that have thrived in
    Follow @nrrrnzine on Instagram
                                                                               the local community and on the
                                                                               High Street, it will feature
                                                                               stories and images (old and new)
                                                                               from local residents and shops/
                                                                               business owners together with
                                                                               slides and various artefacts and
                                                                               objects from former shops of
                                                                               Nairn, such as the fabulous Rose
                                                                               Brothers shop, from the
                                                                               Museum’s own collection.

                                                                               Textile and other Art by
                                                                               Susie Rose Alexander
                                                                               Original Spinning Arts
                                                                               Studio, 32 Park St,
                                                                               Fishertown, Nairn
                                                                               Open daily 10.00am-1.00pm
                                                                               and by appointment
                                                                               Tel: 01667 454004

                                                                                     4th-12th September 2021
Explore and Discover Map
Search for hidden histories and neighbourhood
nature with our new illustrated map of Nairn.

Take time to notice Nairn as you follow the oystercatchers and
look for unusual details and interesting places around town.
When you’ve finished exploring, why not colour in your map?

Perfect for families and wander-about-towners, our map will be
available from Nairn Library, Nairn Community and Arts Centre,
Nairn Bookshop, Nairn Museum, Strathnairn Beach Cafe, Café
Lavender, Crafty Wee Birdie, Sunny Brae Bed & Breakfast
and other sites around the town.                                 Kindly supported by
                                                                 Strathnairn Beach Cafe,
Pick one up for the summer holidays and get exploring!
                                                                 Café Lavender, Crafty Wee
Designed and illustrated by Laura Blaikie                        Birdie and Sunny Brae
Instagram: @laurablaikieillustration                             Bed & Breakfast
i g
                                 H et h
                                   t re
                                 S eover

                         Nairn High Street
                          4th September

     Join us for a
     celebration of
     Nairn’s natural
     Featuring immersive theatre
     from the Mad Hatters of Moray,
     live music by local musicians,
                                           Kinetika, poetry ‘lucky dip’ by    We’re closing the high street
     Scots street poetry by roving
                                           Women in the Highlands as part     so everyone can enjoy the event
     poet Hamish MacDonald, street
                                           of their Poetry in Public Spaces   safely – come along and enjoy
     stencils and art installations by
                                           project, and creative activities   the fun – it’s free for everyone
     members of Circus Artspace,
                                           for children.                      to enjoy.
     performances at Castle Square
     by the musicians of Fèis Inbhir       Look out for Sadie Stoddart’s      Are you a High Street resident
     Narainn and The Howlin’ Gaels,        stencils, art in shop windows      or business? Want to get
     dance by Mellow Yellow Creative       and mural artwork by Nairn         involved? Visit our website
     Arts in collaboration with            Academy pupils.                    to find out more!

                                                                                     4th-12th September 2021
Hamish MacDonald                      Mad Hatters of Moray
                              Hamish MacDonald is a poet,           The Mad Hatters of Moray will be
                              novelist and playwright based in      walking the festival streets ready
                              Inverness. He was the first Robert    to burst into spontaneous song,
                              Burns Writing Fellow for Dumfries     play interactive games with all
                              and Galloway Arts Association         ages and take you deep into the
                              2003-06 and first Scots Scriever      magical realms of Wonderland!
                              at the National Library of Scotland   Come and meet our over-the-top
                              2015-17. As well as being a           characters: Alice, the Queen of
                              published poet Hamish has             Hearts and the Mad Hatter, for
                              performed poetry at many slams,       plenty of silly photos and
                              festivals, readings and open mic      outrageous fun!
                              events. Recent publications include
                              Wilson’s Ornithology & Burds in
                              Scots (Scotland Street Press),
                              published in 2020 and featuring
                              the artwork of Alexander Wilson
                              (1766-1813). As the Bankies
                              Bard he is poet in residence for
                              Clydebank Football Club who
                              recently published his football
                              poetry collection Kilbowie Dreams.


When the High Street fun ends, why not head
down to The Bandstand Bar and Restaurant
for a bite to eat and enjoy...

Live at The Bandstand
– Dougie Burns
and The Cadillacs
plus support.
From 8.00pm to 11.30pm.
Free entry
Book online at:

                5      th

     Flags, Meandering
     Sands and Sea

     Kinetika Beach of Dreams Flag Installation
     Nairn East Beach – Sunrise to sunset
     A stunning installation of 500 naturally dyed silk flags on Nairn’s East      Follow Beach of Dreams
     Beach by international outdoor arts company Kinetika. Created by              on social media
     communities along the East coast of the UK as part of the Beach of            #BeachfDreamsUK
     Dreams project, the flags will be enhanced by flags inspired by Nairn         Facebook: kinetikapeople
     Beach created by members of the local community at workshops led by           Twitter: @kinetika
     Ali Pretty, Artistic Director of Kinetika. (See p.4 for details.) The flags   Instagram: @kinetikapeople
     will start to be installed from sunrise and remain in place until sunset.

     An extension to Kinetika’s Beach of Dreams project.
     To find out more, visit

                                                                                         4th-12th September 2021
Coastal Conservation in Nairn – Walk and Talk
1.00pm-3.00pm                                                                                              S
                                                                            We will be livestreaming the   5
Free but booking essential*                                                 walk and talk via Facebook     M
                                                                            Live for those who wish to     6
The forces of wind and wave have shaped Culbin Sands through the                                           T
                                                                            join virtually.
centuries, creating an ever-changing landscape home to a variety of                                        7
important animals and plants. Join the RSPB and Nairn Dunbar Golf                                          W
Links on a walk of discovery, to find out why our local dunes are so
important and understand the challenges they face. The tour will                                           T
illustrate how these fragile dune systems are monitored and restored,
creating homes for rare species and a resilient coastline for the future.                                  10
You will also learn how you can play a part in the story of our coastal                                     S
dunes, nurturing a landscape for future generations.                                                       11
*Free but limited to 20 places only. Pre-registration necessary.                                           12

           7    th

     Live Speaker Events
     Nairn Community and Arts Centre

                             Iain Bain
                             Setting the scenery
                             Iain Bain is a local journalist, former Editor of The Nairnshire
                             Telegraph and Chair of Nairn Museum. As a one-time geographer
                             and geomorphologist, he has a keen interest in the physical
                             geography of the region and his fascinating talk seeks to
                             demonstrate how our ever shifting coastline affects the landscape,
                             and has impacted over the centuries on life in Nairn.

                         In the event that we cannot hold a live event due to Government

                                                                         4th-12th September 2021
David Barrie
    Incredible Journeys
    David is an expert navigator
    who has made many long
    passages under sail. His latest
    book, Incredible Journeys, draws
    on recent scientific discoveries
    to explore how animals find their
    way around – whether migrating
    from one end of the world to the
    other or just pottering around                                                                           S
                                        Drawing on the latest scientific   our backs on it, we jeopardise    5
    the neighbourhood.
                                        research, David Barrie will        both our physical and spiritual   M
    It was selected as Nature Book      explain how animals – including    well-being.                       6

    of the Year for 2019 by The         humans – find their way around,                                      T
                                                                           Follow David on Twitter           7
    Sunday Times and won the            making use of landmarks, the
                                                                           @barrieauthor                     W
    Nautilus Book Gold Award for        sun, moon and stars, magnetism,                                      8
    nature writing in the US. He is     sounds and smells. He will raise                                     T
    a Fellow of the Royal Institute     profound questions about our                                         9
    of Navigation and was awarded       changing relationship with the     Sponsored by Nairn                 F
    a CBE for services to the arts.     world around us – as we turn       Literary Institute
guidance, all talks will be held online at the advertised time.
Wednesday                         Live Speaker Events

                8      th                    Nairn Community and Arts Centre

     S.G. MacLean
     Transcending your boundaries
     in Historical Fiction, and finding
     your way home
     S. G. MacLean moved to writing historical crime fiction from a background
     in historical research. To date she has published nine novels over two
     series – one set mainly in 17th century Scotland, the other in the 1650s
     London of Oliver Cromwell – under the name S. G. MacLean. Her work
     has been longlisted for the Desmond Elliott award and the Dagger in the
     Library, shortlisted for the Saltire First Book Award, and has won the CWA
     Historical Dagger. The talk will look at some of the challenges of writing
     about times and places far out of your own experience, and the different
     challenges of writing about things and places you’ve known your whole life.
     Follow S.G. MacLean on Twitter @SGMacleanauthor

     David Gange
     Dr David Gange is Senior Lecturer in History at the University of
     Birmingham, and author of The Frayed Atlantic Edge. According to
     David, “General histories of Britain or Ireland tend to be dominated by
     perspectives from cities. They overestimate the significance of cities and
     underestimate the roles of rural coastlines.” In 2016-17 David kayaked
5    from Shetland to Cornwall, via the west of Ireland, to begin to explore what
M    a coastal history of Britain and Ireland might look like. This is a history
6    built from community level: its starting points aren’t ships and port towns,
T    but families, paddling small boats and boat noosts. It’s a history where
     Shaetlan, Gaelic, Irish and Welsh – and the work of poets – play profoundly
8    significant roles. David’s new project involves rowing and traditional boats
T    around the North Atlantic with a similar goal: to show how the experiences
9    of small coastal communities can inform our perspectives on past, present
 F   and future. This illustrated talk introduces the kayak as a method of
     learning, and explores the ideas that small-boat perspectives raise.
11   Follow David on Twitter @david_gange
                                       In the event that we cannot hold a live event due to Government

                                                                                    4th-12th September 2021
Thursday                        Live Speaker Events

              9      th                   Nairn Community and Arts Centre

    Emilia A. Leese
    Think Like a Vegan: What everyone
    can learn from vegan ethics
    Emilia A. Leese writes essays on life, travel and veganism for a variety
    of online publications and is closely involved in a long-term forest
    rewilding project in the Scottish Highlands. She is a speaker on vegan                               S
    ethics at a variety of events. She also developed life skills and ethics
    workshops for underserved youth. A corporate finance lawyer for over                                 6
    twenty years, she and her husband Roger, who is also vegan, live in                                  T
    London and the Highlands. She co-wrote Think Like a Vegan with                                       7
    Ontario-based writer and photographer Eva J. Charalambides                                           W
    We all want to live more thoughtfully and ethically. Think Like a                                    T
    Vegan is for anyone interested in veganism, its ideas and what anyone                                9
    can learn from its practice. Through a personal and often irreverent                                  F
                                                                               Follow Emilia on          10
    lens, the book explores how vegan ethics can be applied to every
                                                                               Twitter @emisgoodeating    S
    area of our daily lives.                                                                             11
guidance, all talks will be held online at the advertised time.
Helen Sedgwick
                                            Helen Sedgwick is the author           by the current political landscape
                                            of The Comet Seekers (Harvill          of Brexit, the pandemic, racial
                                            Secker 2016) and The Growing           injustice and class inequalities,
                                            Season (Harvill Secker 2017),          and Helen’s longstanding interest in
                                            which was shortlisted for the          archaeology. Helen will talk about
                                            Saltire Society Fiction Book of the    how she combined these different
                                            Year. In 2020 she turned to crime      aspects to create the multilayered
                                            fiction, publishing the first of her   narrative, and how the emphasis
                                            Burrowhead Mysteries trilogy,          in the novels has changed with our
                                            When the Dead Come Calling             rapidly changing world. Helen will
                                            followed by Where the Missing          discuss her move to crime fiction,
                                            Gather in 2021.                        writing in different genres, how her
                                                                                   characters provide hope, and how
                                            Where The Missing Gather is a
                                                                                   human connection with the past
                                            cross-genre police procedural
                                                                                   and the landscape inspires her.
                                            combining elements of crime,
                                            folk horror, ghost story, history      Follow Helen on Twitter
                                            and social commentary. Following       @helensedgwick
                                            on from the supernatural opener
                                            to her Burrowhead Mysteries
                                            series, When The Dead Come             Sponsored by
                                            Calling, the book was inspired         The Nairn Bookshop

     Neil Lancaster
     Neil Lancaster is a Highlands-based
     writer of crime and thriller novels,
     broadcaster and commentator
     on true crime documentaries. He        In this illustrated talk, Neil will
     joined the RAF in 1983 where he        talk about his past career, and
     served as a Military Policeman         some of the high profile cases
S    for six years in the UK, Germany,      he worked on, his writing, and
     Cyprus and the Falkland Islands.       the graveyard that inspired his
6    In 1990 he joined the Metropolitan     latest book Dead Man’s Grave.
     Police where he worked in a
                                            He will also discuss accuracy
7    number of roles as a Detective
                                            in crime fiction, with reference
W    investigating the most serious of
8                                           to popular series such as Line
     crimes in the capital and beyond.
T                                           Of Duty, highlighting some of
     A covert policing specialist, he
                                            the common mistakes made
     used all sorts of tactics to obtain
 F                                          by writers in the genre.
10   evidence against murderers,
 S   human traffickers, drug dealers        Follow Neil on Twitter                 Sponsored by The Nairn
11   and fraudsters.                        @neillancaster66                       Bookshop
                                       In the event that we cannot hold a live event due to Government

                                                                                          4th-12th September 2021
Friday                     Live Speaker Events

           10            th              Nairn Community and Arts Centre

    Alexander Stoddart
    Alexander Stoddart is a Sculptor
    in Ordinary to Her Majesty The
    Queen in Scotland. He works
    primarily on sculpture in clay
    within the neoclassical tradition.
    Stoddart is best known for his
    civic monuments, including 3m
    bronze statues of David Hume
    and Adam Smith on the Royal
    Mile in Edinburgh, and others
    of James Clerk Maxwell,
    William Henry Playfair and
    John Witherspoon.

    Born in Edinburgh and raised                                                                               S
    in Renfrewshire, he developed
    an early interest in the arts                                                                              6
                                         associates the lack of form in     destroy the image, especially as
    and music, and later attended                                                                              T
                                         modern art with social decay, in   it appears in three dimensions.
    the Glasgow School of Art                                                                                  7
                                         contrast, his works include many   He will introduce some ideas,
    (1976–1980) before reading                                                                                 W
                                         classical allusions.               hopefully for discussion, that     8
    History of Art at the University
                                                                            suggest that the sculptor is a     T
    of Glasgow. During this time         Sandy will discuss why it is                                          9
                                                                            kind of aberration, the original
    he became increasingly critical      perfectly natural for statuary
                                                                            non-compliant, a whistle-blower     F
    of contemporary trends in art,       to excite the fury of people in                                       10
                                                                            on Nature.
    and concentrated on creating         a naturalistic culture. There                                          S
    figurine pieces in clay. Stoddart    is a history of this instinct to                                      11
guidance, all talks will be held online at the advertised time.
Australian by citizenship, she lives
                                                                              in the Highlands and has called
                                                                              Scotland home for over 25 years.

                                                                              Her latest novel is Of Stone and
                                                                              Sky. After shepherd Colvin
                                                                              Munro disappears, a mysterious
                                                                              trail of his twelve possessions
                                                                              leads into the Cairngorm
                                                                              mountains. His foster sister Mo
                                                                              and prodigal brother Sorley are
                                                                              driven to discover the forces that
                                        Merryn Glover                         led to his disappearance.

                                        2.30pm                                The story circles out to embrace
                                                                              the entire community, its history
                                                                              and the landscape that shapes
                                        Merryn Glover was born in             them. Spanning almost a century,
                                        Kathmandu and grew up in Nepal,       the novel is a paean to the
                                        India and Pakistan. Her first         connections between people,
                                        novel, A House Called Askival,        their land and way of life, shot
                                        was published in 2014. She has        through with wisdom and humour.
                                        written four radio plays for BBC
                                                                              Follow Merryn on Twitter
                                        Radio 4 and BBC Radio Scotland
                                        and numerous short stories.

     Cal Flyn
     Cal Flyn introduces her Islands
     of Abandonment: Life in the
     Post-Human Landscape, a new
     nonfiction book about how nature
     rebounds in abandoned places.
     In it, she visits some of the
     eeriest and most desolate places
     on Earth—places impacted
5    by war, disaster, disease, or
M    economic decay. A no-man’s-        has been left to its own devices
6    land between razor-wire fences     for years or decades. Over time,
T    where passenger jets rust on       nature has been allowed to work
     the runway after four decades’     unfettered – providing invaluable
8    neglect. A clearing in the woods   insight into the wisdom of
                                                                              where the natural world has
T    so poisoned with arsenic that      environments in flux. Islands of
                                                                              reasserted its power and promise.
     no trees can grow there. An        Abandonment is a tour through
 F   exclusion zone thrown up           these new ecosystems, in all
     around the smouldering ruin of     their glory, as sites of unexpected   Follow Cal on Twitter
11   a nuclear reactor. Each location   environmental significance,           @calflyn
12              In the event that we cannot hold a live event due to Government guidance,
                            all talks will be held online at the advertised time.
                                                                                     4th-12th September 2021
Iona Lane
     Nairn Community
     and Arts Centre
     Friday 10th September

    Iona Lane is a folk singer and musician, whose emotive and
    well-crafted songs are delivered with immense passion, and an
    understanding beyond her years for the stories she is telling.
    Having found herself fascinated by folklore and discovering
    untold folk stories from rural parts of the UK, where the natural
    environment, landscape, sustainability and community are so
    integral to people’s way of life, Iona has honed her songwriting
    to create something really special. Iona has been praised             S
    throughout the scene for her delicate yet powerful vocals,
    which have captivated audiences up and down the country.              6

    Iona will be accompanied on fiddle by Mia Scott. Having recently       T
    graduated from Leeds Conservatoire, Mia is a fiddle player hailing
    from Edinburgh whose playing has led to her performing with the       8
    likes of the Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Emeli Sandé and Jade        T
    Bird to name a few. With this growing list of clientele, Mia enjoys   9
    fusing her folk roots with her Classical and Pop training to create    F
    crossover styles.
                                                                           S                                                      11

    Follow Iona on Twitter and Instagram @ionalanemusic                    S

             11          th

                                         Online Festival
                                         A day of author talks and poetry readings, all taking place
                                         online – enjoy them from the comfort of your home!

     Annie Bell
     Eat to Save the Planet
     Experienced food writer Annie       ideas and a 30 day eco-friendly      Based on the groundbreaking
     Bell will discuss her new book      cooking plan for the whole family,   Planetary Health Diet, a landmark
     Eat to Save the Planet. Filled      Annie will help you kickstart        study dubbed ‘the first science-
     with delicious and sustainable      a healthier way of eating – for      based diet that both tackles
     recipes, accessible shopping list   yourself and the environment.        the poor food eaten by billions
                                                                              and averts global environmental
                                                                              catastrophe’ (The Guardian),
                                                                              Eat to Save the Planet
                                                                              debunks the myths around
                                                                              food sustainability and allows
                                                                              you to bring it into your life
                                                                              in simple, achievable steps.

                                                                              With recipes for everyone,
                                                                              whatever your dietary persuasion
                                                                              might be, Eat to Save the Planet
                                                                              goes beyond our nutrition – it’s a
                                                                              book that treats our health and the
                                                                              environment as a common agenda.

                                                                              Follow Annie on Instagram

                                                                                     4th-12th September 2021
Gaelic Language event

Alistair Paul
Daoine àbhaisteach. Suidheachaidhean làitheil. Tachartasan
annasach. Uaireannan bidh an saoghal a’ toirt car às na
caractaran ris an coinnich sinn ann an Linne Dhomhain, a’
chiad chruinneachadh de sgeulachdan goirid le Alistair Paul, a
tha gar toirt bhon Gàidhealtachd tro sràidean Ghlaschu is fada
air falbh gu fàsaichean Afraga. Bidh Alistair a’ bruidhinn air
a’ bhrosnachadh a fhuair e bho bheul-aithris Arraineach, bho
eachdraidh is bho ghnothaichean na cruinne san latha an-diugh.

Ordinary people. Everyday situations. Extraordinary outcomes.
The smallest thing can turn your world upside down, as we
discover in Linne Dhomhain, Alistair Paul’s debut collection
of short fiction, which won the prize for best unpublished
manuscript at the Gaelic Literature Awards 2020. Come and
meet Alistair and his fascinating cast of characters, some
inspired by the folklore of Arran, some by history and others
by contemporary world events.
Sponsored by                                                     6
the Gaelic Book Council                                          T
Online Festival

                       Anna Deacon and Vicky
                       Allan in conversation
                       The Art of Wild Swimming:
                       how to be a responsible
                       outdoor swimmer, and why
                       it matters
                       In the first book, Taking the
                       Plunge, wild swimming friends
                       Anna Deacon and Vicky Allan
                       delved into the dramatic ways
                       in which outdoor swimming has
                       changed the lives of those who
                       embrace it.

                       In their new book, The Art Of
                       Wild Swimming: Scotland,
                       they return to the community
                       and draw on the hive mind of
                       swimmers to create a unique
                       and quirky guide which details
                       how and where to swim, and
                       also – vitally – how to care for the
                       waters that bring us so much joy.

                       Follow Anna and
                       Vicky on Twitter
                       @vicky_allan @annadeacon

                              4th-12th September 2021
Summerwater is set over the
                                                                        course of one day: the summer
                                                                        solstice, in a remote Scottish
                                                                        cabin park, and with the rain
                                                                        unrelenting. Twelve people on
                                                                        holiday with their families look
                                                                        on as the skies remain resolutely
                                                                        grey, in watchfully close proximity
                                                                        and yet isolated from one another.
                                                                        There are newcomers among them,
                                                                        and one particular family, a mother
                                                                        and daughter with the wrong
                                    Sarah Moss                          clothes and the wrong manners,
                                    3.30pm                              starts to draw the attention of the
                                                                        others. Who are they? Where are
                                                                        they from? Should they be here
                                    Sarah Moss is the author of seven   at all? As darkness finally falls,
                                    novels including Ghost Wall and     something begins to unravel in this
                                    her latest, Summerwater, as well    makeshift community. ‘‘Nothing
                                    as several works of non-fiction.    escapes her sly humour and
                                    This November, Picador will         brilliant touch. A masterpiece.”
                                    publish her new work of fiction,    (Jessie Burton, author of The
                                    The Fell.                           Miniaturist)

Aoife Lyall
Join award-winning poet Aoife
Lyall for an online reading from
her ‘heart-warming and heart-
breaking’ (Claire Hennessy, Irish
Examiner) debut collection
Mother, Nature (Bloodaxe Books                                                                                5
2021), followed by an intimate                                                                                M
and genuine discussion about                                                                                  6

her brave and ambitious decision                                                                              T
to focus the collection on the
tragic and tender experiences of                                                                              8
pregnancy and early motherhood.                                                                               T
Follow Aoife on Twitter
@PoetLyall                                                                                                    10
  Festival Friends day ticket £20. Please book online for all events at                                        S You will be sent a link to register for the online talks.                    12
Live Music and Performance

     presented by Findhorn Bay Arts
     Nairn Walkabout,                                 ECDYSIS (IN VIVO)
     Saturday 11th September
                                                      A visual poetry performance and music event
     The Links and various locations | 1-5pm | Free
                                                      involving dancers, musicians, and sculptural
                                                      costume. Dance like a lizard, sing like a snake,
     Findhorn Performances,                           and get ready to step out into a new skin with
     Sunday 12th September                            original music from leading Dubstep and electronic
     Findhorn Hinterlands                             music Producers Pinch, Silkie, N-Type, Lost, Sepia,
     For timings and booking information visit:       Cimm, Mako, Revorg, Franck Alba, and Un-cool                           Adam. Oceanallover collaborates with Provocative
                                                      and legendary MC Sgt Pokes to make a dynamic
                                                      statement of intention.

                                                      Inclusive, experimental and uncompromising,
                                                      the performance features live vocals from Pokes
                                                      and Breezy Lee with costume by Alex Rigg in
                                                      collaboration with renowned couturier, the unique
                                                      Mr Pearl.

                                                                               4th-12th September 2021
Music &
with Mike Vass & Innes Watson

Nairn Community
and Arts Centre
Saturday 11th September

To book tickets, visit

A unique night of music, stories and songs             Tonight they play a selection of music from
from 15 years of playing music together.               each of these projects, and discuss their
                                                       approach to music and life.
Mike Vass & Innes Watson have been
playing music together in various line-ups,            Mike & Innes will debut the newly composed
including their duo, their quartet Innes               tune The 1745 Jacobite Rising, commissioned
& Mike & Innes & Mike, Innes’ Guitar                   by Nairn Community & Arts Centre to
Colloquium project and Mike’s In the                   accompany a new online mini-series of
wake of Neil Gunn project.                             the same title.

THE 1745 JACOBITE RISING – Free online event

John, Ewen, Emma and Peter are volunteers at Culloden
Battlefield. They will lead you through the events leading                                           11
to one of the most harrowing battles in British History.                                              S
Available to view on 12/09/21 at

     12   th

     Finale on
     the Links

                 4th-12th September 2021
A day of family-
                          friendly events
                          welcoming the sea
                          goddess STORM

                          From the makers of Big Man Walking comes
                          STORM. A larger than life sea-goddess, she lives
                          in the waters around Scotland, but this year she
                          walks on land, to tell the story of the oceans in
                          crisis – an outdoor spectacle to mark Scotland’s
                          Year of Coasts and Waters 20/21 from Edinburgh-
                          based Vision Mechanics. We will be welcoming
                          STORM to the Moray coast during the festival:
                          she will appear in two historic coastal towns –
                          Burghead on Saturday 11th September and
                          on Sunday 12th September in Nairn, where
                          she will awaken on Nairn’s Links.

                          Pre-registration is essential for
                          STORM’s appearance in Burghead.
                          Visit for details.

                          To help us manage visitor numbers safely
                          and keep our audiences informed, please
                          register your interest in STORM’s appearance
                          in Nairn via Eventbrite


                          Details of STORM’s walk in Nairn will be
                          published nearer the time – please keep an eye      S
                          on our website and social media for updates.
                          STORM’s walk will be aligned to Government          6
                          guidance at the time of the event and subject to    T
                          cancellation or amendment. Check for updates at:    7
Sunday 12th September
     Join us for fun, family-friendly events taking place around Nairn’s
     Links as we welcome STORM, including a specially choreographed
     performance by Mellow Yellow Creative Arts and Kinetika with flags
     created in Nairn, an interactive performance by Inverness-based
     theatre company Crimson Tea Productions, costumed childrens’
     parade, portrait sketching with William Mather, and the Accoustic
     Performance Stage at James’s at the Putting Green – a live music
     event featuring local musicians, writers and performers.

                                                                                       Portrait sketching with
                                                                                       William Mather

     Thoughts about Nature Tree
     – Community writing project
     The Putting Green (North East side)

     Over the past year of the pandemic and lockdowns
     we’ve all been spending more time outside – how
     important has this become to you?
     How does Nature support you? How important is it
     to you to be able to access outdoor space? Where
     do you go? What do you notice? How do you feel?
     We invite you to record your thoughts –               so much to me because...”, “I love to be
     anonymously if you like – on a ribbon to create       outdoors...”, “Nature in Nairn is to me...”
     our Thoughts about Nature Tree.                       Help us enhance a beautiful tree into a temporary
     Members of a local writing group – The Pen and I      and thought provoking temporary installation
     – will be there to help, inspire, discuss with you.   for the festival. It may even become part of a
     It can be your own original thoughts and ideas or     textile piece to keep for the future too.
     you can complete a sentence... “Nature helped me      We look forward to sharing our thoughts –
     in lockdown by...”, “Nairn’s natural beauty means     and yours!

                                                                                     4th-12th September 2021
Crimson Tea Productions
Crimson Tea Productions is a multi-media
production group based in Inverness. They produce
a wide range of content, with a focus on short films,
YouTube series and photography. Crimson Tea
Productions is made up of a small group of students
with a passion for the creative arts. The main
team is made up of the leader Hartlee Grant and
the admin team; Jo Czesak, Billie Michie, Crystal                                                          5
Galbraith and Lilia Malkonen (not pictured).                                                               M
The connection between man and nature is very
fickle; there is no better way to explore it than a                                                         7
meeting of the minds, or more accurately, spirits.                                                         W
The Links have become the meeting place for the        Green Hive beach clean                              8
Subcommity for Spirits, Sprites and Nigel (or SSSN                                                         T
                                                       Green Hive are organising a Million Mile beach      9
for short) as they discuss environmental issues in
                                                       clean:                        F
the area. With Officer Nigel Buchanan (Jo) holding                                                          10
the meeting, Fauna the animal spirit (Crystal), Ben    Volunteers/groups will set off at different times
                                                       and locations on the day – for updates and           S
the mountain spirit (Billie) and Marshall the bog                                                          11
spirit (Hartlee), have gathered to resolve issues      details on how to join in, please visit
surrounding their territories.
East beach

                                                                                                                                    Moray Firth

     Nairn                                                                                                                                                                                                 PA
                                                                                                          5                                                                                                   R     K



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     Festival venues                                                    4        Original Spinning Arts Studio                                                                                                 9            The Nairn Bookshop
     1   Nairn Community                                                5        Strathnairn Beach Cafe                                                                                                        10 Links/The Bandstand
         and Arts Centre                                                6        Café Lavender                                                                                                                 11 James’s at the Putting Green
     2   Nairn Library                                                  7        Crafty Wee Birdie                                                                                                             12 East Beach
     3   Nairn Museum                                                   8        Sunny Brae Hotel

     IMPORTANT NOTES                                                                                                                         Accessibility – We want everyone to be able
                                                                                                                                             to access our events. Our main venue is fully
     COVID19 – All events will be held in line with
                                                                                                                                             wheelchair accessible, as are our High Street
     current government guidance and with safety
                                                                                                                                             and Links events. Disabled parking is available
     of our audiences foremost. Check our dedicated
                                                                                                                                             close to, or at, all venues.
     page at
     at festival time
     The festival programme may be subject to change                                                                                         Children under the age of 13 at events must
     and postponement/cancellation of events at short                                                                                        be accompanied by an adult at all times.
     notice. Please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and                                                                                       Photography at events – there will be
     Instagram or check our website for updates                                                                                              photography and filming taking place at all of
     You must not attend any festival event if you                                                                                           our events. Photographs taken at events will
     believe that you have symptoms of COVID19.                                                                                              be used on social media and on our website.

     Care for our Environment – If you are attending
     festival events, please keep our precious
     environment at front of mind – bring your own cup,
     take your rubbish home or dispose of it with care,
     and travel here by public transport, car share,
     cycle or walk.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4th-12th September 2021
We stock a wide range of new books, including
                                        local history, which caters for readers of all ages
                                        and interests. As well as books, we offer a good
                                        selection of cards, gift wrap, postcards, note-
                                        books, tea-towels and jigsaws including
                                        four bespoke Nairn images.
    Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am-4pm   Our friendly staff looks forward
                                        to welcoming you to our shop.
           Open every day 7am-7pm       94 High Street, Nairn.
                                        T: 01667 455528                    Opening Hours
      Order Online
                                        E:       Mon – Sat
         Phone order 01667 462000            9.30am – 5pm
Close to
                                                                    September 2021
Festival at a Glance

Daily                     Wednesday 8th          Saturday 11th           Sunday 12th
Events                    10.00am-4.00pm         Festival Online
                          WORKSHOP               10.30am
Art Exhibitions                                                          Festival Finale
                          Rachael Forbes         Annie Bell
See programme
                          Nature Journals
for details                                      12.00pm
                          6.00pm                 Alistair Paul
                          Live Speaker Event     Gaelic Language Event
Pre-Festival              S.G. MacLean
                          7.45pm                 Vicky Allen and
WORKSHOP                  Live Speaker Event     Anna Deacon
KINETIKA                  David Gange
28th-29th August
                                                 Sarah Moss
30th-31st August          Thursday 9th
Silk Batik Flag-Making    4.00pm                 5.00pm
                          Live Speaker Event     Aoife Lyall
                                                                         Coming to
                          Emilia A. Leese
                                                                         the festival?
Saturday 4th
1.00pm                    6.00pm                 Live Music              Tag us and we’ll retweet!
High Street Takeover      Live Speaker Event     Mike Vass and
                                                                         Find us on:
                          Helen Sedgwick         Innes Watson
8.00pm                                                                   Twitter: @nairn_festival
Live at The Bandstand     7.45pm                                         Instagram: #nairnfest
                          Live Speaker Event                             Facebook: Nairn.Festival
Sunday 5th                                       10.30am-12.00pm
                          Neil Lancaster
9.00am onwards                                   Rachael Forbes          #NairnFestival
Kinetika Flag             Friday 10th            Capes for Eco Heros
Installation              12.30pm                10.30am, 12.30pm
                          Live Speaker Event     and 2.30pm
                          Alexander Stoddart     Iona Gibson
Coastal Conservation in
Nairn Walk and Talk       2.30pm                 Art of the Zine
                          Live Speaker Event     12.30am-1.30pm
Tuesday 7th               Merryn Glover          Rachael Forbes
                          4.30pm                 Capes for Heros
Live Speaker Event
Iain Bain                 Live Speaker Event     Performance
                          Cal Flyn               1.00pm-5.00pm
                          8.00pm                 Oceanallover
Live Speaker Event
David Barrie              Live Music Iona Lane
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