Saint Francis Borgia Church

Saint Francis Borgia Church
Saint Francis Borgia Church

        St. Francis Borgia 1st Holy Communion
                        May 7, 2022
Religious Education                   St. Francis Borgia School
Marcella Bruno                                Natalia Beliczynski
Lawrence Cuenca                                      Philip Bilski
Alan Guzowski                                        Gina Cirone
Christopher Kruk                                 Giuliana Cirone
Abigail Mazur                                  Sebastian Delgado
Matthew Mazur                                      Devin Malone
Evan Mendez                                           Sofia Marin
Maximilian Milewski                            Adrianna Mazzoni
Phill Molo                                      Cailene Mulcahy
David Nowicki                                       Joshua Otano
Alex Opalka                                        Zaylah Rivera
Maximilian Ptasinki                                    Eric Rubaj
Mateo Ruiz                                      Daniela Sandoval
Michael Schablitzki                               Matthew Sobol
Andrew Luke Stevenson                              Gabriella Vida
Nikodem Szmuc                                       Miles Wechet
Maya Wadolowski                                 Kornelia Zmiejko
Victoria Wadolowski
Leo Wysocki
Nadia Zachara
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Monday, May 9, 2022                                 Sunday, May 15, 2022
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                Fifth Sunday of Easter
           Andrew Mackow                           7:30am  Vera Mackow
           Paz P. Colindong                                 Andrew Mackow
8:30am Health & Blessings for Mike Andrews.                  Florence Milnik
7:00pm  Mateusz Bycul                                       Sophie Szeszol
Tuesday, May 10, 2022                                        Zofia Greczek
St. Damien de Veuster                               9:00am O zdrowie i wyjście z nałogu dla Damiana
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                         Melania Lisowicz
                                                             Kazimierz Lisowicz
           Andrew Mackow                                    Ryszard Bąk
8:30am                                                       Stanley Kulikowski
Wednesday, May 11, 2022                                      Jan Wojdyła
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                         Jan Witkowski
           Andrew Mackow                                    Walentyna Wolska
8:30am  Wiesław Zawisza                                     Rafał Ryndak
7:00pm O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Marii.            10:30am  Juanita C. Alfonso
          O łaskę nawrócenia dla Kazimierza.                 Bernard Schmidt—4th death ann.
          O łaskę nawrócenia dla Joseph i Carole.   12:00pm  Stefania, Franciszek, Jan, & Emilia
          W Bogu wiadomej intencji.                             Marszal
Thursday, May 12, 2022                                       Maria Antonia Palermo
Saints Nereus, Achilleus, & Pancras                              Jerome Brophy
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                             Mary Eamon Brady
           Andrew Mackow                                        Laura Kenny
           John & Sally Lemker                     1:30pm W intencji ofiar wojny na Ukrainie
8:30am For Priest & Church Leaders to be                     i zaprzestanie agresji rosyjskiej na
          committed to the Cross.                            niewinnej ludności oraz o pokój na
Friday, May 13, 2022                                         całym świecie.
Our Lady of Fatima                                            Wiktoria Węglarz
7:15am  Vera Mackow                                          Maria Trojak rok po śmierci
           Andrew Mackow                           6:00pm    Alicja Korzuchowska
                                                              Władysław Lubas w 1 rocznicę śmierci
8:30am  Roberto Sempio
Saturday, May 14, 2022
St. Matthias
7:30am  Vera Mackow
           Andrew Mackow
5:00pm  Paul Laloggia
Saint Francis Borgia Church
                                 Jesus said
                  “AND I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN.”
                                Matthew 4:19
                 The month of May is a beautiful month of number of celebrations.
           It is also a month of ordinations to the priesthood and permanent diaconate.

        Deacon Irek Mocarski                                        Fr. Greg Wojcik
  May 11th, 3rd anniversary of diaconate                 May 17th, 14th anniversary of priesthood

           Fr. Joe Mulcrone                                      Fr. Marcin Szczypula
 May 12th, 51st anniversary of priesthood                May 17th, 14th anniversary of priesthood

                                Let us pray and support vocations!

   Grant, O Father, that the Church may welcome with joy the numerous inspirations of the
                       Spirit of Your Son and, docile to His teachings,
                  may she care for vocations to the ministerial priesthood
                              and to the consecrated life. Amen.
        Sustain, O Lord, bishops, priests and deacons, consecrated men and women,
        and all the baptized in Christ, so that they may faithfully fulfill their mission
                              at the service of the Gospel. Amen.

              A SPECIAL THANK YOU                                          THANK YOU!
Our Parish has been blessed for over 60 years by the Kindness, We thank the Living Rosary Groups for their
   Generosity, and Caring presence of a very special woman:        donation to the Church in the amount of
 Mary Ann Rosso has dedicated her time and treasure to help           $1,500 from the Parish Breakfast.
make our Parish the greatest place that it is. She has been a part
of many organizations, such as Scouts, Women’s Club, School,
    Finance Council, Parish Council, Lector, Extraordinary
Minister of Communion, and willing Volunteer for many other
 activities. We wish her well as
  she retires from some of her
May God bless her for all the
good work she has done for                                     Dziękujemy Grupom Żywego Różańca za ich
 St. Francis Borgia Parish!                                     ofiarę na Kościół w wysokości $1,500 ze
                                                                        Śniadania Parafialnego.
Saint Francis Borgia Church
St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement
       “St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into our faith
community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time,
talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the greater glory of
God and the good of His people.”

Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of
them and their families and especially for those listed below.
Alberto Aguilar                       James D. Campis                        Joseph Patrick Kinney                 James H. Schreiner
Matthew J. Albanese                   Jasper Catalano                        Frank Joseph Klimas                   Robert Schreiner
James Allision                        Kevin Chesney                          James Labbe                           Gerald Tuman
Paul Raymond Barthel                  Robert Curtis                          Tom Lewandowski                       Michael Tuman
Michael Gabriel Bono                  Tamara DeCaro                          Matt Manzano                          Richard A. Wagner
Rev. Marcin Bulinski                  Shawn Gaffney                          Tim McManus                           Steven A. Walker
Christopher R. Burdulinski            Gerald Giovannelli                     Darrell Mills
Joseph Vito Burdulinski               Slawomir Glownia                       Michael A. Morelli
Dominic J. Cammuca                    Michael Granadon                       Artur Niedbalka
Luciano Cammuca Sr.                   Daniel Jarosz                          Nicholas Ranch
                                                                              Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents of the
              Please pray for all those                                                 parish, our relatives and friends, and especially:
              who have recently died                                           Felicia Accolti
                                                                                                                    Jesse Ann Lytle
                                                                                                                    John Martinelli
         and for their Families, especially:                                   Carmella Aguilar                     Phil May
                                                                               Venecia Alanis                       Aria McCarthy
                  James Dillon Jr.                                             Diana Albarran                       Bernice Mae McKay
                                                                               Jamal Alwattar                       Jerry McNally
                   Michael Reiter                                              Salwa Alwattar                       Joanne Melone
                                                                               Lorraine Arendt                      Edyta Mucha
                                                                               Nicole Arendt                        Margaret Murawski
 Please also pray for those who suffer and died                                Michael Louis Bono
                                                                               Caitlyn Boyd
                                                                                                                    Krzystof Nowicki
                                                                                                                    Jennifer Ochinnio
   from coronavirus. May they rest in peace.                                   John R. Bucci                        Robert Ognaovac
                                                                               Mary Burke                           Sarah & Stanley
  Otoczmy modlitwa wszystkich zmarłych oraz                                    Milagros Cabrera                     Michael O’Neill, Sr.
      ofiary koronawirusa i ich Rodziny.                                       Edna Cannisano
                                                                               Dolores Cantore
                                                                                                                    Patricia O’Neill
                                                                                                                    Tommy O’Neill
                                                                               Rita Caruk                           Samantha Parry
                                                                               Jaclyn Caskey                        Bernadette Petty
                                                                               Connie Castillo                      Victoria Pietroczynski
                                                                               Scott Castillo                       Alma Pini
                                                                               Karen Cazolas                        Winnie Pries
                                                                               Elisabeth Corkran                    Terry Renk
                                                                               Rosario Cruz                         Joseph Richko
                                                                               Elaine Czarnowski                    Lacie Richko
                                                                               Michelle Deering                     Kathryn Richko
                                                                               Edward Dobosz                        Megan Richko
                                                                               Charles Dobrovolny                   Michelle Richko
                                                                               Robert Fitzpatrick                   Eric R.
                                                                               Anne Fritz                           Sara R.
                                                                               Patricia Fulton                      Peter Rocco
                                                                               Ron Fulton                           Sandra Romeo
                                                                               Walter Garland                       R. Ross
                                                                               Immacolata Geronazzo                 Michael Rowan
                                                                               Jerry Giannini                       Virginia Rylko
                                                                               Jared Godla                          Katie Santoro
                                                                               James Gorski                         Michael Scanlon
                                                                               Karen Hadary                         Nancy Schultz
                                                                               Hageli Family                        Rosemary Schultz
                                                                               Rose Marie Hakes                     Michael Scroggins
                                                                               Timothy Heider                       Frank Somogyi
                                                                               Kelly Irvin                          Judith Somogyi
                                                                               Joe Johnston                         Jeff Stachula
                                                                               Jozef                                Greycon Stanley
       The Italian Catholic Federation                                         J. T. F.
                                                                               Zygmunt Karwowski
                                                                                                                    Christopher Staunton
                                                                                                                    Ron Szudarski
       Invites New Members To Join                                             Barbara & Paul Kaski
                                                                               Dagmar Tony Kilian
                                                                                                                    Fr. Michael Valente
                                                                                                                    Mary Van Kollenburg
                                                                               Arlene Klostermann                   Shannon Vaile
                                                                               Catherine Klostermann                Nicholas Vitellaro
                          For any questions regarding                          John Allen Klostermann
                                                                               Najwa Klostermann
                                                                                                                    Helena Walaszek
                                                                                                                    Helen Wenc
                         the ICF at St. Francis Borgia,                        William Klostermann
                                                                               Diane Landry
                                                                                                                    Frank Zdun
                                                                                                                    Sharon Zdun
                           contact Teresa Helfand at                           Oliver Landry
                                                                               Mary Lannon
                                                                                                                    Maria Zglobis

                                773-763-0507.                                  June LaValle
                                                                               Loretta Lipinski
                                                                               Simone Lopez
                                                                               Dons Ludmann
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Special Envelopes are available at the back of the
church. Prayer is a beautiful gift and a way to remember our
mothers, living and deceased. Envelopes can be dropped into
the collection basket or to the rectory. We will pray for our
Mothers on May 8th during all Holy Masses and during the
whole month of May.
                                             MOTHER’S DAY PRAYER
                                                    Good and Gentle God,
                               We pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women of
                                 theory who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing
                              forth new life. You who became human through a woman, grant
                              to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future
                                            that life with children always brings.
                                Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not
                                                    perfectly, but humanly.
                              Give them the faithful support of husband, family and friends as
                              they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children.
                                  Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them
                                through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the
                                   wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most.

Laying down our lives,
        The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. This theme is found also in the
story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) On the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, a man
fell in with robbers. A priest and a Levite came by, but did not stop to help. Despite their
knowledge of the Law and Prophets, they walked right by. Why?
        One of the reasons may be that they were afraid. The road from Jerusalem to Jericho is
a dangerous road. Because of its numerous steep curves, it lends itself to attacks by robbers
who can easily hide not too far from their victims. Perhaps the priests and Levites who passed
by that man asked themselves, "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me? Maybe the
robbers who attacked him are still here. Maybe they're hiding just around the bend. This is a
dangerous road. I better keep going."
        Sometimes we ask the same question. If, for example, I speak up too loudly about the
victims of abortion, what will happen to me? Will I face persecution, will I encounter
opposition, will I lose popularity if I get involved in a cause like this?
        And then the Good Samaritan came along, and he reversed the question. He didn't ask,
"If I help this man, what will happen to me?" The Good Samaritan asked, "If I do not help this
man, what will happen to him?" And that's the question for us. If I do not address this evil,
what will happen to the unborn? If I do not get involved, what will happen to those who are
vulnerable, to those who are marginalized our society, those who are oppressed, those who
have no one to speak for them?
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Dzień Matki
                                                                              Specjalne kopertki na
                                                                            dzień Matki są dostępne
                                                                               przy wejściach do
                                                                             kościoła. Na kopercie
                                                                              należy wypisać imię
                                                                           i nazwisko Matki żyjącej
                                                                            lub zmarłej i wrzucić do
                                                                               koszyka z kolektą
                                                                             lub przynieść do biura
                                                                             Na wszystkich Mszach
                                                                             Świętych w niedzielę,
                                                                             8 maja oraz przez cały
                                                                             miesiąc maj będziemy
                                                                            modlić się w intencjach
                                                                              Matek, które zostały
                                                                              przez Was polecone.

                                 Nabożeństwa Majowe
Maj to miesiąc w sposób szczególny poświęcony Matce Bożej. Jako Polacy mamy szczególne zobowiązanie
   do oddawania czci Maryji, dlatego zachęcamy wszystkich do udziału w Nabożeństwach Majowych
                     odprawianych w naszym Kościele w poniedziałki, środy i piątki
                                         o godz. 7:00 wieczorem.
      Zachęcamy także do podtrzymania zwyczaju śpiewania Litanii Loretańskiej i pieśni Maryjnych
                  przy figurze Matki Bożej przed Kościołem we wtorki, czwartki i soboty
                                       o godzinie 7:00 wieczorem.

                                                                           WSZYSTKICH DO
                                                                         WSPÓLNEJ MODLITWY!

                     CHWALCIE ŁĄKI UMAJONE ...

                               Angielska Katolicka Szkoła Św. Franciszka Borgia
                                       w Chicago
                              przyjmuje zapisy na nowy
                               rok szkolny 2022 / 2023.
  W celu uzyskania informacji prosimy o kontakt z biurem
      szkoły pod numerem telefonu: (773-589-1000).
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Our Sacrificial Gifts of Time, Talent, & Treasure           READINGS FOR THE WEEK
         Thank you for your generosity!
                                                    Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn
                                                    Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn
                                                    Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3,
                                                    5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50
                                                    Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22,
                                                    25, 27; Jn 13:16-20
                                                    Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-
                                                    Saturday: Acts 1:15-17; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-
                                                    Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1
                                                    -5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35

                                                     SFB PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS:
                                                      Lucja Mirowska-Kopec (Chair), Cindy
                                                     Mocarski (Vice Chair), Philippe Couloute,
                                                    Carl Kenar, Joanne Nardulli, Henry Pachut,
                                                                 Esther de la Torre
                                                     SFB FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS:
                                                      James Thompson (Chair), Jeannette Ash,
                                                          Darlene Lehman, Artur Ksiazek,
                                                        Robert Prochaska, Mary Ann Rosso,
                                                         Bob Sibigtroth, Anthony J. Woldeit
                                                    Date/Time        Celebrant                 Lector
                                                    Sat. May 14   Fr. Joe Mulcrone T. Renk

                                                    Sun. May 15   Fr. Joe Mulcrone B. Cherwin

                                                    Sun. May 15   Fr. Marcin       Ł. Mirowska-Kopeć
                                                    9:00am, PL    Szczypula        Górale
                                                    Sun. May 15   Fr. Joe Mulcrone L. Evangelista

                                                    Sun. May 15   Fr. Joe Mulcrone T. DeCaro

                                                    Sun. May 15   Fr. Marcin       E. Szwajnos
                                                    1:30pm, PL    Szczypula        A. Ciecinski

                                                    Sun. May 15   Fr. Marcin       B. Dos
                                                    6:00pm, PL    Szczypula        E. Lenart
St. Francis Borgia Church
                             8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634

Rectory                                   School                          Religious Education
773-625-1118                              773-589-1000                    773-625-1705
773-625-1110 (FAX)                        773-589-0781 (FAX)              773-625-1774 (FAX)

Parish Staff                                       Rectory Office Hours:
Fr. Greg Wojcik, Administrator                     Monday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Fr. Marcin Szczypula, Associate Pastor             Tuesday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm.
Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Resident                      Wednesday: 8:30 am -12 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm;
Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal                                                    5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
Deacon Irek Mocarski, Religious Ed. Director       Thursday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
Ms. Anna Zawisza, Office Manager                   Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4 :00 pm.
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Operations Director        Saturday: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director             Sunday: CLOSED
Mr. Henryk Zygmunt, Polish Organist
                                                   Mass Intentions
                                                   Mail to the rectory or stop by in person,
Confessions:                                       Monday through Friday between the hours of
Saturdays: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm in Church.            8:30 am and 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
    Saint Francis Borgia

    8033 W. Addison Street
    Chicago, IL 60634



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