Saint Brigid Amherst, MA 413 256 6181 January 22, 2023 - Parishes Online

Page created by Rebecca Parker
Saint Brigid Amherst, MA 413 256 6181 January 22, 2023 - Parishes Online
The Parish Community of

Saint Brigid
          Amherst, MA
          413 256 6181
       January 22, 2023
Saint Brigid Amherst, MA 413 256 6181 January 22, 2023 - Parishes Online
St Brigid’s Parish                                                                                Amherst, Massachusetts
                                                                             WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS
                                                                      ROSARY AT 7:30AM
SATURDAY, January 21, St Agnes Virgin & Martyr                        The Rosary is recited at 7:30am in the morning! A meditation of
      8:00 AM           for the soul of Chester Dziekanowski Jr       the life of Jesus as seen through eyes of his mother Mary. Please
SATURDAY, January 21, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time                   join us as frequently or infrequently as you like. What better way
      4:00 PM           for the souls of John & Ellen Marino          to begin the day!
SUNDAY, January 22, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
      8:00 AM           for the soul of Larry Budnick Jr                                ADORATION THURSDAYS
     10:30 AM           for the souls of Angelo & Marietta Iantosca                     The Church is open for weekly Adoration of the
     12:30 PM           souls of Ramonita Ruiz & María Rivera                           Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 8:00AM
MONDAY, Jan 23, Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children                          to 5:00.PM. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is
      8:00 AM            for the soul of Marsha Budnick
TUESDAY, January 24, St Francis de Sales                                                recited at 3:00PM, from 5:00 to 6PM is the
      8:00 AM           for the soul of Raymond Ashby                                   Spanish Holy Hour and Benediction at 6:00PM.
WEDNESDAY, January 25, The Conversion of St Paul                                        Please come and join us!
      8:00 AM           for the soul of Edward Warner
THURSDAY, January 26, Ss Timothy & Titus                              WEEKLY CONFESSIONS
      8:00 AM           for St. Brigid’s Parish                       The Lord Jesus-Christ is the physician of our souls and bodies.
FRIDAY, January 27, Weekday                                           Through the Sacrament of Penance, He heals us from the wounds
      8:00 AM           for the soul of Lorraine O’Neil               of sin and reconciles us with the Father. The Sacrament of Con-
SATURDAY, January 28, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
      4:00 PM           the souls of Nicholas & Rozanne Serduck
                                                                      fession is available in our parish every Saturday 3:00 p.m. to 3:30
SUNDAY, January 29, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time                    p.m. before the 4:00 p.m. Mass. (The green light above the con-
      8:00 AM           for the souls of Charles & Mary Abramson      fessionals indicates that the priest is available.)
     10:30 AM           for the soul of Maria Mujica
     12:30 PM           Miriam Ramírez & Ramona Ruiz                  PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL
                                                                      In honor of St. Michael the Archangel, the patron of our Diocese,
                                                                      please join in reciting the prayer to St Michael the Archangel at
                                                                      the end of every Mass. The prayer can be found on the back of the
                                                                      missalettes in your pews.

                                                                      HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS
                                                                      We are in the process of rebuilding our "Homebound Parishioners
             WEEKEND OF JANUARY 28/29, 2023                           List." If you or anyone you know would like to be on our list for a
ALTAR SERVERS:                                                        monthly visit, please call Carol at the parish office 256-6181.
        4:00pm A Como
        8:00am  L Skribiski-Banack, M Skribiski-Banack                RESPECT LIFE MASS
       10:30am  E MacLeod                                             On MONDAY JANUARY 23, Bishop Byrne will celebrate a Re-
LECTORS:                                                              spect Life Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral at 10:00 AM. All are
        4:00pm T Cadigan
        8:00am  K Grogan
                                                                      invited and encouraged to attend! Bishop has asked that in lieu of
       10:30am  K Rath                                                travelling to Washington for the March For Life, and because the
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS:                                                Fight for Life has shifted to the states - that we try to build up our
        4:00pm                                                        witness to life here in our Diocese through participation in this
        8:00am  R O’Donnell                                           Mass, and a short "march" to City Hall in Springfield, followed by
       10:30am  T Schmitt                                             a light lunch at the Bishop Marshall Center.
    February 5  Mary Ellen Salvini, Harriet Eddy, Wilma                                                 EUCAHRIST CONGRESS
                Ortiz, Donna Feng                                                                             MARCH 4, 2023
HOSPITAL VISIT                                                                                     Do you want to reawaken your heart
    February 9
MASS AT AMHERST NURSING HOME                                                                       to what is essentially beautiful, good
      10:30am Thursday, February 16                                                                and true about our catholic faith?
                                                                                                   Plan to attend the Eucharistic Con-
               ST. BRIGID’S STAFF DIRECTORY                                                        gress hosted by our Diocese at the
Administrator: Rev. Gary Dailey 549-0300, ext. 101                                                 Mass Mutual Center in Springfield.
(                                                                      Please register before Feb 1.

Parochial Vicar: Rev. Valentine Nworah 256-6181 ext. 15
(                                         VALENTINE’S DAY ANNIVERSARY
                                                                      Sunday February 12, 2023 at the 10:30AM mass
                                                                      Please join us for this special Mass to celebrate your Wedding
                WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT                               Anniversary! All are welcome! A renewal of your marriage vows
             Weekly Parish Budget………….. $4,800.00
                                                                      will be recited during Mass. If you are planning to attend please
                                                                      call the office at 256-6181
             January 15, 2023……… ………$3,024.00
                    Thank you for your support!
Saint Brigid Amherst, MA 413 256 6181 January 22, 2023 - Parishes Online
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                     January 22, 2023
LIVING THE GOOD NEWS                                                     RIGHT TO LIFE JANUARY 22
                                                                         A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise
The message of Jesus is simple. It can be boiled down to two sen-        up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily
tences. “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in            prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lov-
the good news.”                                                          er of life, from every Christian community, from every group and
                                                                         association, from every family and from the heart of every believ-
In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus appears in Galilee for the first time     er. Pope Saint John Paul II - As individuals, we are called to ob-
preaching the good news. At the Lake of Tiberias, he calls simple        serve this day through the penitential practices of prayer, fasting
fishermen who drop everything to follow him. Their immediate             and/or giving alms. Another way to take part is through partici-
and wholehearted response teaches us what it means to repent and         pating in special events to observe the anniversary of Roe v.
believe in the good news. It means encountering the person of            Wade. Call your local diocese or parish to find out what events
Jesus, following him and leaving everything behind.                      might be taking place in your area.

 Believing in the good news means having an encounter with                 COME AND LEARN ABOUT GOD’S INFINITE LOVE
Jesus Christ. The apostles didn’t leave their families, homes, and                         AND MERCY FOR YOU!
jobs because they believed in an ideal. Rather it was coming face-       We will discover God’s love for us no matter what we may have
to-face with Jesus that moved them. Meeting Jesus changed eve-           done or where we may have gone in our lives. Come and see why
rything for them.                                                        God loves you so much and infinitely desires to show you His
 We cannot have the same face-to-face encounter with Jesus that          When: Wednesdays Jan 18 – Feb 22, 2023
the apostles enjoyed. But we are still able to meet the Risen Lord                  Presenter: Dan O’Driscoll
when we read the Bible, receive the Sacraments, and serve our                       Where: Mary’s House of Prayer,
sisters and brothers who are his living body. We are not on fire                           202 East Main St., Chicopee, MA
for our faith because we like to follow rules. Rather it is because
                                                                         No Registration is Required, Free will offering. For more info call
we have met and fallen in love with Jesus Christ. This personal          Jean 413-452-0511 or email:
relationship with him that we have through faith and the ministry
of the Church drives everything that we are about.                       FEAST DAY FEBRUARY 1ST ST. BRIGID
                                                                         St. Brigid is the most well-known female leader of the early
 Believing in the good news also means that we must follow him.          Celtic Christian Church. She is one of Ireland’s patron saints
Our life of faith can be understood as a journey with Jesus leading      along with Saints Patrick and Columba. Irish hagiography makes
the way. It means that, like the apostles, we have to give up our        her an early Irish Christian nun, abbess, and founder of several
own plans and put our trust in God and His plan for us. It is not        monasteries of Christian nuns, including that monastery of
easy because very often the road is steep and the pathway rocky.         ‘Kildare’ Ireland, which was considered legendary and was high-
We will not always see where it is headed, and we will stumble           ly revered. Her feast day is the 1st of February, celebrated as St.
frequently along the way. We will see our friends walking a dif-         Brigid’s Day (this is an anglicized spelling of the Saint’s name;
ferent way that seems easier, and we will be tempted to join them.       another common spelling is St. Bridget) or Imbolc in Gaelic
But God will give us the strength and the courage to follow Him.         Ireland, one of the four quarter days of the pagan year, which
And we will be blessed with joy because we are with Jesus.               marked the beginning of spring, lambing and lactation in cattle.
                                                                         Many rituals are associated with the making of the crosses. It was
 Finally, believing in the good news means leaving everything            traditionally believed that Bridget’s Cross protects the house from
behind. The apostles could not follow Jesus and stay fishermen.          fire and evil. It is hung in many Irish and Irish-American kitch-
We cannot follow Jesus and continue to live the same way we did          ens for this purpose. St. Bridget and her cross are linked together
before. When we choose to follow Jesus, some things will have to         by a story about her weaving this form of cross at the death-bed
stay behind. We may have to end friendships because they lead us         of either her father or a pagan lord, who upon hearing what the
to bad behavior. We may have to change our business practices            cross meant, asked to be baptized
because they are deceitful. We will all be called to live simpler
                                                                         SAFE ENVIRONMENT & VICTIM ASSISTANCE
lives so that we will have more left over to give to the poor. Some
                                                                         Bishop William D. Byrne encourages anyone who has been a
will even be called to sell everything and to give their lives totally   victim of sexual abuse by representatives (Clergy, educators, em-
over to Jesus in religious life. For all of us, gaining Jesus will       ployees or volunteers) of the Roman Catholic Church to come
mean the loss of something or someone we love. It was that way           forward by contacting the Office of Safe Environment & Victim
for the apostles, and it continues to be that way for us. There is no    Assistance, at (413) 452-0624, confidential toll free number at
other way if we are to put our lives in the hands of our loving          800-842-9055 or email
Father.                                                                  Bishop Byrne encourages victims of sexual abuse to contact law
                                                                         enforcement if they believe a crime has been committed.
 The Kingdom of God is among us. The Risen Lord is present in            Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office: (413) 443-5951
our midst. His presence soothes our fears. His words touch and           Hampden County District Attorney’s Office, Clergy Sex Abuse
heal our hearts. His Sacraments nourish and strengthen us. We            Hotline: (413) 800-2958
meet him in one another, and we fall in love with the one who            Northwestern District Attorney’s Office: (413) 586-9225
died for us. We gladly leave everything behind to follow after the       Norman Charest, Director
one our heart longs for. Despite the difficulties, we know that it is    Diocese of Springfield
the path of life. We walk with ever growing strength because we          65 Elliot Street • P.O. Box 1730
have met Jesus and our lives can never be the same.                      Springfield, MA 01102-1730
                                                                         (413) 452-0624 Office
— Douglas Sousa, S.T.L.                                                  (413) 452-0678 Fax

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                     Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                              St. Brigid, Amherst, MA           03-0151
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