PRELUDE Pam Asberry Please prepare for worship by opening your heart, lowering your voice and silencing your cell phone - Amazing Grace Lutheran ...
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PRELUDE Pam Asberry Please prepare for worship by opening your heart, lowering your voice and silencing your cell phone.
CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS P: We are called together to confess our past wrongs, trusting in God’s forgiveness and promise of a new future: --Silence for Reflection—
CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS P: Lord Jesus, yours are the seasons and the ages. Give us a new heart and a new spirit: Lord, have mercy. C: Lord, have mercy. P: Jesus Christ, you are the beginning and the end of all that is, including our lives. Make a new beginning with all of us: Christ, have mercy. C: Christ, have mercy.
CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS P: Lord Jesus, you breathe your Spirit on all creation. Make our old world new again: Lord, have mercy. C: Lord, have mercy. C: Have mercy on us, Lord, as we wait for your coming this Advent season. Come to us this day and every day with grace and forgiveness, peace and justice.
CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS For the sake of the church and the world, remake us into the people who will through word and most especially through our actions bear witness to your compassion and righteousness, in our work, in our families, in our random encounters, in our seasonal preparations. Make us a new people to bear witness to your coming kingdom. This we pray in the name of the coming one, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
WORDS OF ASSURANCE: Revelation 21:1-6 P: Behold: there is a new heaven, a new earth and a new city, where the river of life flows, where the tree of life bears fruit in every season. P: This heaven, this city, this river, this tree are a vision of your life reborn, restored, and renewed. Thanks be to God! C: Amen!
GATHERING SONG Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Red Book # 244 1 Rejoice, rejoice, believers, and let your lights appear; the evening is advancing, and darker night is near. The bridegroom is arising and soon is drawing nigh. Up, pray and watch and wrestle; at midnight comes the cry.
GATHERING SONG Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Red Book # 244 2 The watchers on the mountain proclaim the bridegroom near; go forth as he approaches with alleluias clear. The marriage feast is waiting; the gates wide open stand. Arise, O heirs of glory; the bridegroom is at hand.
GATHERING SONG Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Red Book # 244 3 The saints, who here in patience their cross and suff'rings bore, shall live and reign forever when sorrow is no more. Around the throne of glory the Lamb they shall behold; in triumph cast before him their diadems of gold.
GATHERING SONG Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers Red Book # 244 4 Our hope and expectation, O Jesus, now appear; arise, O Sun so longed for, o'er this benighted sphere. With hearts and hands uplifted, we plead, O Lord, to see the day of earth's redemption that sets your people free! Text: Laurentius Laurenti, 1660-1722; tr. Sarah B. Findlater, 1823-1907
GREETING (inspired by Revelation 21:1-6) A: November ends. December begins. C: We find our beginning and our ending in God. A: Month after month, our God attends us and supports us. C: For God’s company, we offer thanks and praise.
GREETING (inspired by Revelation 21:1-6) A: Let us worship the God who gives us Jesus Christ: C: God who is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the Living One and our Redeemer, now and forever. Amen.
PRAYER OF THE DAY A: The Lord be with you. C: And also with you. A: Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, C: We await your coming, we wait filled with hope, knowing your light will shine in the darkness.
PRAYER OF THE DAY We wait anticipating your peace, believing that one day it will fill our world. We wait embracing your love. May we reach out to share it with our neighbors.
PRAYER OF THE DAY We wait with joy, bubbling us in expectation of your birth. Lord we wait, come soon and fill us with your life. Amen.
LIGHTING THE ADVENT WREATH We light the first candle of the Advent wreath to remind ourselves to stay awake, wait and watch for signs of God at work in our world. As we light this first candle, keep us alert, that the visions of the prophets will be fulfilled. Like Mary and Joseph, and all who played a part in the birth of Jesus,
LIGHTING THE ADVENT WREATH keep us ever hopeful that a righteous branch will spring up to show us the way. Keep our vision sharp so that we may recognize Jesus however he comes this Advent. And make us ready to welcome the Lord who is coming again to make all things new!
Light One Candle to Wait for Messiah With One Voice # 630 (1st Verse Only) 1 Light one candle to wait for Messiah: let the light banish darkness. He shall bring salvation to Israel, God fulfills the promise.
FIRST READING Jeremiah 33:14-16 Jeremias 33:14-16 14The 14 »”Llegarán días —afirma days are surely coming, says el SEÑOR—, en que the LORD, when I will cumpliré la promesa de fulfill the promise I bendición que hice al made to the house of pueblo de Israel y a la Israel and the house of tribu de Judá. 15 »”En aquellos días, y en Judah. 15In those days and at that time I will aquel tiempo, cause a righteous haré que brote de David Branch to spring up for un renuevo justo, David;
FIRST READING Jeremiah 33:14-16 Jeremias 33:14-16 and he shall execute y él practicará la justicia y justice and el derecho en el país. 16 En aquellos días Judá righteousness in the land. 16In those days estará a salvo, Judah will be saved y Jerusalén morará and Jerusalem will live segura. Y será llamada así: in safety. And this is ‘El SEÑOR es nuestra the name by which it justicia’ ”. will be called: “The LORD is our righteousness.”
FIRST READING Jeremiah 33:14-16 Jeremias 33:14-16 Word of God, Word of Life! C: Thanks be to God!
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia L: The Gospel according to Luke, the 21st chapter. C: Glory to You, O Lord.
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 25“There will be signs in 25 »Habrá señales en el the sun, the moon, and sol, la luna y las the stars, and on the estrellas. En la tierra, earth distress among las naciones estarán nations confused by angustiadas y perplejas the roaring of the sea por el bramido y la and the agitación del mar. 26 Se waves. 26People will desmayarán de terror faint from fear and los hombres, temerosos foreboding of what is por lo que va a coming upon the world, sucederle al mundo,
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 for the powers of the porque los cuerpos heavens will be celestes serán shaken. 27Then they sacudidos.27 Entonces will see ‘the Son of verán al Hijo del Man coming in a cloud’ hombre venir en una with power and great nube con poder y gran glory. 28Now when gloria. 28 Cuando comiencen a suceder these things begin to estas cosas, cobren take place, stand up ánimo y levanten la and raise your heads, cabeza,
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 because your porque se acerca su redemption is drawing redención». 29 Jesús también les near.” 29Then propuso esta he told them a comparación: parable: “Look at the —Fíjense en la higuera y fig tree and all the en los demás árboles. trees;30as soon as they 30 Cuando brotan las sprout leaves you can hojas, ustedes pueden ver see for yourselves and por sí mismos y saber que know that summer is el verano está cerca. already near.
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 31So also, when you 31 Igualmente, cuando see these things taking vean que suceden place, you know that estas cosas, sepan que the kingdom of God is el reino de Dios está near. 32Truly I tell you, cerca. 32 »Les aseguro que no this generation will not pass away until all pasará esta generación hasta que todas estas things have taken cosas sucedan. place.
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 33Heaven and earth will 33 El cielo y la tierra pass away, but my pasarán, pero mis words will not pass palabras jamás pasarán. 34 »Tengan cuidado, no away. 34“Be on guard sea que se les so that your hearts are endurezca el corazón not weighed down with por el vicio, la dissipation and embriaguez y las drunkenness and the preocupaciones de esta worries of this life, and vida. De otra manera, that day catch you aquel día caerá de unexpectedly, improviso sobre ustedes,
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 35like a trap. For it will 35 pues vendrá como come upon all who live una trampa sobre todos on the face of the los habitantes de la whole earth. 36Be alert tierra. 36 Estén siempre at all times, praying that you may have the vigilantes, y oren para strength to escape all que puedan escapar de todo lo que está por these things that will suceder, y presentarse take place, and to delante del Hijo del stand before the Son of hombre». Man.”
THE GOSPEL Luke 21:25-36 Lucas 21:25-36 The Gospel of the Lord. C: Praise to you, O Christ!
SERMON Salvation Yesterday! Pastor Mike Millum
SPECIAL MUSIC Advent Hymn Kristy Nockels Robin Clavijo, soloist
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO We believe in one Creemos en un solo God, the Father, the Dios, Padre Almighty, maker of todopoderoso, heaven and earth, of creador del cielo y de all that is, seen and la tierra, de todo lo unseen. visible y lo invisible. We believe in one Creemos en un solo Lord, Jesus Christ, Señor Jesucristo, Hijo the only Son of God, único de Dios,
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO eternally begotten nacido del Padre of the Father, God antes de todos los from God, Light siglos: Dios de from Light, true God Dios, Luz de Luz, from true God, Dios verdadero de begotten, not made, Dios verdadero, of one Being with engendrado, no the Father. creado, de la misma naturaleza que el Padre,
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO Through him all por quien todo fue things were made. hecho; que por For us and for our nosotros y por salvation he came nuestra salvación down from heaven; bajó del cielo, y was incarnate of the por obra del Holy Spirit and the Espíritu Santo se virgin Mary and encarnó de María became truly la Virgen, y se hizo human. hombre;
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO For our sake he was y por nuestra crucified under causa fue Pontius Pilate; he crucificado en suffered death and tiempos de Poncio was buried. On the Pilato; padeció y third day he rose fue sepultado, y again in accordance resucitó al tercer with the Scriptures; día, según las Escrituras,
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO he ascended into y subió al cielo y heaven and is está sentado a la seated at the right diestra del Padre; hand of the Father. y de nuevo He will come again vendrá con gloria in glory to judge the para juzgar a living and the dead, vivos y a muertos, and his kingdom y su reino no will have no end. tendrá fin.
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO We believe in the Creemos en el Holy Spirit, the Espíritu Santo, el Lord, the giver of Señor y Dador de life, who proceeds vida, que procede from the Father and del Padre y el Hijo, the Son. who with que con el Padre y the Father and the el hijo recibe una Son he is worshiped misma adoración y and glorified. gloria,
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO who has spoken y que habló por los through the profetas. Creemos prophets. We en la iglesia, que believe in one holy es una, santa, catholic and católica y apostolic Church. apostólica. We acknowledge Reconocemos un one Baptism for the solo bautismo para forgiveness of sins. el perdón de los pecados.
NICENE CREED CREDO NICENO We look for the Esperamos la resurrection of the resurrección de los dead, and the life of muertos y la vida the world to come. del mundo venidero. Amén. Amen.
THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH After each petition of the prayer: A: Come Lord Jesus. C: Make all things new!
SHARING OF THE PEACE COMPARTIENDO LA PAZ A time to greet each other with God’s peace. P: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. C: And also with you.
WE GATHER THE OFFERING Your offering contribution enables us to support and continue the many ministries of Amazing Grace. Thank you for your offering of worship. You can also give your offering digitally through Zelle:
OFFERING PRAYER A: Giver of all good things, C: as we offer these gifts to you, open our eyes to see more clearly all that we have been given and all that we have to give. Stretch our capacity to give of ourselves: our love, our companionship, and our material resources, wherever they are needed. Amen.
TABLE PRAYER P: Holy and mysterious God, in the beginning the darkness waited, And you created light. Abraham and Sarah waited for a promised future and you sent descendants greater than the stars. The Hebrew slaves waited for rescue, and you sent Moses and Miriam to lead their liberation.
TABLE PRAYER Israel waited in exile, and you empowered prophets and poets with your life-giving speech. As the whole world groaned in waiting for release and rebirth, You sent Jesus, born of strong Mary, fathered by humble Joseph, full of wisdom, love and grace for all.
TABLE PRAYER Again, Lord, we await your promised salvation, and like our ancestors in the faith we grow impatient. Renew our faith that you are coming and that our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first became believers.
TABLE PRAYER P: In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: “Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” P: Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this in remembrance of me.”
TABLE PRAYER P: Remembering all of your promises of the past fulfilled, we await the coming of Christ into our present with hope for a new creation and a new beginning. P: All praise and thanks to you, Almighty God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, by the Holy Spirit, as we await the redemption you have promised. C: Amen.
THE LORD’S PRAYER PADRE NUESTRO P: In the language of P: En el idioma de tu your heart, let us pray corazón, rezamos la the prayer that Jesus oración que Jesús nos taught us: enseñó: C: Our father, who C: Padre nuestro, art in heaven, que estás en el cielo, hallowed be thy santificado sea tu name. Thy kingdom nombre. Hágase tu come, thy will be voluntad en la tierra done, on earth as it is como en el cielo. in heaven.
THE LORD’S PRAYER PADRE NUESTRO Give us this day our Danos hoy nuestro daily bread, and pan de cada dia. forgive us our Perdona nuestras trespasses, as we ofensas como forgive those who también nosotros trespass against us. perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.
THE LORD’S PRAYER PADRE NUESTRO And lead us not into No nos dejes caer en temptation but tentacion y libranos deliver us from evil. del mal. Porque tuyo For thine is the es el reino, tuyo es el kingdom, and the poder y tuya es la power, and the glory, gloria, ahora y forever and ever. siempre, amen. Amen.
INVITATION TO COMMUNION P: The Lord comes and is present to us in the bread and wine. Come, eat and drink for all are welcome!
PRAYER OF COMMITMENT P: God who comes down: C: We are entering the time of Advent, to prepare for your coming birth, and for your return in glory! Remind us that if you are to be born again in our world and our lives, we must prepare for it. Make space in our lives where your love might be born anew.
PRAYER OF COMMITMENT Make us ready to welcome you to this tiny corner of a harsh and dark world. Make us patient. Make us ready! Come Lord Jesus! Amen.
BLESSING AND SENDING P: Go now with faith in the one who makes all things new. Let the Lord steer you in the way of truth. Be on your guard so that you will not be caught up in the trivialities and anxieties of the world. Be alert at all times and pray for strength to escape the traps that would keep you from God.
BLESSING AND SENDING P: And may God make you increase in love for one another; May Christ Jesus teach you how to live in God’s ways; and may the Holy Spirit strengthen your hearts in holiness, as you ready yourselves for the coming of the Lord. C: Amen!
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning 1 Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, keep your lamps trimmed and burning, keep your lamps trimmed and burning, for this work's almost done. Refrain
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning Refrain Children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary, for this work's almost done.
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning 2 Darker midnight lies before us, darker midnight lies before us, darker midnight lies before us, for this work's almost done. Refrain
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning Refrain Children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary, for this work's almost done.
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning 3 Lo, the morning soon is breaking, lo, the morning soon is breaking, lo, the morning soon is breaking, for this work's almost done. Refrain
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning Refrain Children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary, for this work's almost done.
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning 4 Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, keep your lamps trimmed and burning, keep your lamps trimmed and burning, for this work's almost done. Refrain
SENDING SONG Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning Refrain Children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary; children, don't grow weary, for this work's almost done. Text: African American spiritual
DISMISSAL A: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Christ is coming soon! C: Happy New Year!
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