Saint Agnes Catholic Church

Page created by Timothy Frank
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
          June 19th, 2022—The Solemnity of the
           Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

                   From the Gospel of Luke
Then taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to Heaven,
  He said the blessing over them, broke them, and gave them to the
                   disciples to set before the crowd.
                            Lk :11b-17
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
This Week’s Mass Intentions                                  Scripture Readings
Sunday, June 19                                                      Week of June 19, 2022
  8:00 a.m.     Father’s Day Novena                    Sunday        The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and
 10:00 a.m.     All Living and Deceased Parishioners                 Blood of Christ
                                                                     Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4; 1 Cor 11:23-26;
 12:00 p.m.     Special Intention                                    Lk 9:11b-17
                (Lisa Campbell)                        Monday        2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3, 4-5, 12-13;
Monday, June 20                                                      Mt 7:1-5
                                                       Tuesday       Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga,
 6:30 a.m.   Father’s Day Novena
  9:00 a.m.       John Lucas                                         2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;
                (Kevin and Alice Fitzgerald)                         Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Tuesday, June 21                                       Wednesday     Memorial of Saint John Fisher, Bishop and
                                                                     Martyr and Saint Thomas More, Martyr
  6:30 a.m.       John Hurley                                        2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33, 34, 35, 36,
                (The Pirozzoli Family)                               37, 40; Mt 7:15-20
  9:00 a.m.     Father’s Day Novena                    Thursday      Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the
Wednesday, June 22                                                   Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14 ab, 14c-15;
  6:30 a.m.     Father’s Day Novena                                  Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
                                                       Friday        Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
  9:00 a.m.       Joyce and Benedict Kaiser                          Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6;
                (Families of Joyce and Benedict)
                                                                     Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7
Thursday, June 23                                      Saturday      Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the
                                                                     Blessed Virgin Mary
  6:30 a.m.       Fr. David Hudgins
                                                                     Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7,
                (Ligia Santos)
                                                                     20-21; Lk 2:41-51
  9:00 a.m.     Father’s Day Novena                    Sunday        Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Friday, June 24                                                      1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8,
                                                                     9-10, 11; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62
  6:30 a.m.     Father’s Day Novena
  9:00 a.m.       John T. Miller, Jr.                             Keep Them in Your Prayers
                (Don and Sheila Dougherty)
                                                                  For those who are sick in our midst:
Saturday, June 25                                        Judy Shack, Walter Quinn, William Thomas, Paul Carder,
                                                            Jazmin Leon, Carol Naill, Cathy Sheehan-Wilson,
  7:30 a.m.     Father’s Day Novena                            Anthony Baynard, Ed Bonin, Marlise Yetter,
  9:00 a.m.       René Yves Tallec                             Muffy Reinecker, Paz Speer, Jake Williams,
                (Armelle Tallec)                                    Those suffering from COVID-19,
                                                            Residents of Cherrydale Health and Rehabilitation
  5:00 p.m.       Jack Riley                              The repose of the souls who have recently passed:
                (The Sullivan Family)                        Joann Calpin, Patrick Hubbard, Brian Duggan,
                                                         Maura Gaffney, Dr. Thomas Macnamara, Dolly Chaloux,
Sunday, June 26                                             Ian Lindquist, Jorge Loor Giler, Betty Kirchner,
                                                                 Daniel Nichols, Margaret McFarland,
  8:00 a.m.   Father’s Day Novena
                                                                         Victims of COVID-19
 10:00 a.m.     All Living and Deceased Parishioners
 12:00 p.m.       Mike Jenkins
                (Michelle McGrath)                      Will you adore
                                                        our Lord
                                                        one hour
               indicates person is deceased            a month?
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Parish Clergy
                                                                  Pastor ● Rev. William Saunders
                                                              Parochial Vicar ● Rev. Peter McShurley
                                                              In residence ● Rev. Anthony Pinizzotto
                                                                In residence ● Rev. Steven Oetjen

                                                                       Parish Office
                                                       1914 N. Randolph Street • Arlington, VA 22207-3046
                                                  Phone: (703) 525-1166 • Fax: (703) 243-2840
       Saint Agnes Essentials                       Office Hours ● Monday through Friday ● 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Sacramental Emergency:                                          Business Manager ● Vitoria Vargas
Please call (703) 525-1166 Ext 1.
                                                                    Accounting ● Ligia Santos
Infant/Child Baptism:                                   Operations and Facilities Manager ● Brian Sherry
Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays after the              
Noon Mass. Please contact the Parish Office to
                                                            Director of Faith Formation ● Lisa Orosa
learn more about having your child baptized.                  

Marriage Preparation:                                            Director of Music ● Katrina Keat
Call the Parish Office for Pre-Cana at least 7              
months prior to your wedding.                        Coordinator of the Protection of Children ● Joan Biehler
Anointing of the Sick:                                   Youth and Young Adults ● Rev. Peter McShurley
Call the Parish Office to request Anointing of         
the Sick. Anyone with a serious illness should      Coordinator of Adoration and Security ● Michael Sirotniak
request this sacrament before being admitted to           
the hospital.
                                                            Director of Parish Charity ● John Mallonee
Homebound Visitation:                                   Religious Education Assistant ● Bernadette Michael
Contact the Parish Office at (703) 525-1166.             
                                                            Administrative Assistant ● Armelle Tallec
How to become Catholic:                                 
Interested in joining the Catholic Church or
want to learn more? Contact Ana Lisa Piñon at                     Saint Agnes School                     2024 N. Randolph Street • Arlington, VA 22207-3031
                                                            Phone: 703-527-5423 • Fax 703-525-4689
Holy Orders and Consecrated Life:                       
Is the Lord calling you? For information about
priesthood, the permanent diaconate, or the            Principal ● Jennifer Kuzdzal
consecrated life, contact one of the priests or        Assistant Principal ● Ann Reid
the Diocesan Vocations Office at
(703) 841-2514.
                                                            Sunday Mass (in Parish Hall)
Registration/Change of Address:                                Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
Forms can be found in the church, parish                 Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
office, or on our website. Return completed
forms to the parish office or                              Weekday Mass (in Parish Hall)                               Monday – Friday: 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.
                                                              Saturday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.
Mass Intentions:
Please visit the Parish Office to request Mass                   Sacrament of Penance
intentions. We are currently scheduling into          Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
January 2023.
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Happy Father’s Day!                                          Ministries & Groups
                                                                              at Saint Agnes
                                                                 Adult Faith Formation
                                                                 •   Bible Study—
                                                                 •   RCIA—
                                                                 •   Spanish Bible Study—
                                                                 •   Walking with Purpose —
                                                                 Parish Service
                                                                 •   Arts & Crafts —
                                                                 •   Calix —
                                                                 •   Cherrydale Rehab Prayer Group—
                                                                 •   Christ House Team —
                                                                 •   Divorced and Separated Catholics Support Group—
                                                                 •   Gardening Angels —
                                                                 •   Knights of Columbus—
                                                                 •   Legion of Mary—
                                                                 •   Parents Prayer Group—
                                                                 •   Parish Charities—
                                                                 •   Remembrance Circle—
Farewell Party for Father McShurley next                   
Sunday, June 26th                                                •   Respect Life—
                                                                 •   St. Joseph’s League—
On June 26th, after the Noon                                     •   St. Raphael Prayer Group—
Mass, please join us in the                                      •   Young Adults—
School Gym for a farewell                                        Liturgy
party for Father McShurley                                       •   Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—
to thank him for his service                               
to our parish and to wish him                                    •   Flower Guild—
                                                                 •   Lectors—
good luck for his new                                            •   Sacristans—
assignment at O’Connell.                                         •   Ushers—
                                                                 Youth Activities
  The next Extraordinary Form Mass                               •   Challenge Club—
                                                                 •   Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts—
            will be held on                                      •   CYO Sports-
     Friday, June 24th at 7:00 p.m.                              •   Girl Scouts—
                                                                 •   Youth Group—
   for the Feast of the Sacred Heart

                    Faith Direct                                       ‘Gardening Angels’ Needed
Making plans for the summer? Make sure to plan for your
offertory as well! When your summer travels take you away
from Sunday Masses, eGiving lets you continue to support
St. Agnes and the ministries you cherish. You can sign up
from your computer, smartphone or tablet, and set up a
recurring donation or make a one-time gift. Recurring gifts
sustain our parish through the busy summer months. You’ll
provide us with consistent support, even if you’re away on a
Sunday, so the programs, services, and ministries that mean
so much to our community will never miss a beat. Sign up        Join fellow parishioners in helping to maintain the
today by visiting, or text ‘Enroll’   churchyard gardens. No special training is
to 571-497-4771.                                                needed, just a willingness to join in and learn as
                                                                you work. Timing can be arranged to fit your
        Thank you for your continued support                    schedule. For more information, call Jean
               of our parish family!                            Shirhall, 703-528-2617.
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
FAITH: The Next Generation—
Pass It On!
Boldly go where many have gone before and
help pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ
and our Catholic faith! This Fall, children of
                 all ages and abilities will
                 sign up to learn about Jesus
                 and the Catholic Faith and
                 we need your help! Please
                 consider being a catechist,
                 an aide, or a sub for our
                Contact Lisa Orosa: or Register at
                                                 June 25-26 Second Collection for Peter’s Pence
Religious Freedom Week 2022:                     Next week we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection to support the
Life and Dignity for All                         Universal Church and the work of the Holy See, including helping Pope
                                                 Francis to carry out his charitable works which benefit our brothers and
Religious freedom
                                                 sisters who are victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Please be
allows the Church,
                                                 generous. For more information, visit
and all religious
communities, to
live out their faith                             Thursday Night Gatherings
in public and to                                 George Mason University’s Catholic Campus Ministry is hosting weekly
serve the good of                                summer events for college students and graduating high school seniors
all. Beginning June 22, the feast of Sts.        every Thursday night in June and July at the St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel
Thomas More and John Fisher, the USCCB           (4515 Roberts Road, Fairfax). It’s a great way to meet college students
invites Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to   from different schools who are home for break and/or meet future
promote religious freedom. Go to: https://       classmates before school starts! Like us on Facebook: College Summers      with GMU CCM. Find out more at or
religious-freedom-week.                          email

         Free FORMED Subscription
    Check out! A FORMED subscription
 includes videos, Bible Studies, books, podcasts and more!
 Sign up by selecting Saint Agnes Church using our parish
                     zip code (22207).

Let us keep in our prayers the 38 individuals from
our parish who are attending Workcamp June
18th through the 24th in Frederick County,
                     Virginia. We have 27 high
                     schoolers, 6 camp counselors,
                     and 5 contractors who are
                     part of the St. Agnes group.
                     Let us pray that they will all
                     be safe and grow in their
                     faith through service, prayer,
                     and fellowship.
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
View Our Parish Supporters at

                                                                                                       Saint Agnes
                                  Saint Agnes Catholic School                                      Religious Education
                                                                                                 2022-2023 Registration is
                                                                                                         open at
                                                                                                  In-person Classes ONLY on
St. Agnes School is a Catholic                                                                      Tuesdays, 6:30-7:45 p.m.
  community centered on the
teachings of Jesus Christ and                                                                         Family Gospel Chat
      strengthened by the
 partnership between parents,
                                                                                                 In today’s Gospel, we see how
                                                                                                 Jesus feeds and provides for 5,000
who are the primary educators
                                                                                                 people who came to listen to Him.
    of our students, and our
   dedicated teaching staff.                                                                     As we celebrate Father’s Day,
                                                                                                 think about the many ways your
 We believe in the mission to                                                                    dad cares and provides for you.
 educate our students so that
                                                                                                 Q: How can you show your love
     they become loving
                                                                                                      and appreciation for your
 Christians, inspired learners,                                                                       dad?
outstanding achievers, natural
 communicators, and strong
       servants of God.            St. Agnes School wishes everyone a safe and                         Summer Fun Ideas
                                                happy summer!                                    Traveling this summer? Go to
                                                                                        to find a Church
                                                                                                 near you. Take a photo with St.
                                  May God Bless you and your family no matter                    Agnes cutout and share your
                                        where your summer takes you!                             picture. If your photo is featured
                                                                                                 in the bulletin, you win a $10
                                                                                                 Baskin Robbins gift card!

Saint Agnes Catholic Church
For Advertising Information CALL 1-800-233-8200         Online at
View Our Parish Supporters at


                                                                                                                                               © 2022 DIOCESAN
Saint Agnes Catholic Church
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