July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Philip Rose
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                        July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

The Irish Invasion! I am delighted to tell you that tomorrow, Monday, my brother Jim and his wife Regina will arrive
from Dublin. Their three children will travel with them. Connor in his late 20s is my special needs nephew, Maeve in
her early 20s studying in medical school and Owen in his late teens, is going into his senior year in high school. It will
be so nice to have them visit, and I know they are looking forward to exploring the area. My nephews and niece all
have red hair so you will know they belong to the Moran family, please say hello. Family indeed is such a special part
of our lives and I feel blessed that I will have these special weeks to just spend me together, enjoy my family and
make new memories.

Congratula ons to Grace Soltes who received the Knights of Columbus scholarship. Grace comes from a wonderful
family, her mom Jeannie is our Pre-K director, and her dad, Bryan is very involved in their volunteering. Grace has
been a catechist here for many years and her two sisters are following in her footsteps. I am very proud of Grace and
wish her well in her new life in college.

Many people have been surprised that the church revitaliza on has gone so well and that all the contractors have
been on me. I teasingly pointed up to heaven and said, “They are afraid of my boss”, but seriously they have not
only been punctual but very professional. It is such a blessing to work with trades people who are both professional
and proud of their work. A big thank you to:

x   Todd Umbel and his team from New Holland Church Furniture who designed, made, and installed our
     beau ful church pews and church furniture.
x   Ma Zahornasky of Artech Church Interiors who coordinated the project.
x   Johnny and his team from John Tiedemann, the liturgical pain ng company for an amazing job on color and
x   Naerr Hernandez and his staff of K&C Services who buffed, cleaned, and grouted the church les.
x   Kevin Dorlon and his crew from All Seasons LLC who installed our beau ful new entry doors, the molding
     above the sanctuary, extended the sanctuary area, and moved our beloved crucifix over the tabernacle.
x   Bill and his crew from Viking Demoli on for removing the old les in the narthex on an expedited basis.
x   Rich Blaszak from Blaszak Tile & Marble for the beau ful job installing the porcelain les in the narthex.
x   Tom Mezey for restoring and refinishing the Sta ons of the Cross.
x   Dean of Harty Brothers for installing the beau ful runner.
x   Mary Marino, our parishioner for her advice on interior design.

I so appreciate the help and invaluable advice of our parishioners, Fred Fania and Charles Vizzini for their input on
pew design and placement. Fred also coordinated the beau ful le installa on in the narthex and Charles designed
the new lectern. Thanks to Vinnie on his con nuing guidance and assistance with sound and visual ministry and to
those who advised and coordinated especially, Ron Cohen, Joe Perno, Ann-Marie Vizzini and Jodi Galloway. It
certainly takes a village, and our village came worked together and supported wherever the need was. I am sure our
parishioners join me in thanking everyone involved.
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
WWW.STLUKEPARISHLV.COM / 908-876-3515                                                                                                   -2

                               Parish Information                                                                                  Masses
Address ------------------265 West Mill Rd. Long Valley, New Jersey 07853                                Saturday mornings --------------------------------------9:00 am
Summer Office Hours (M - F) ------------------------------ 8:00 am to 12:00 noon                           Saturday Evenings -------------------------------------- 5:00 pm
Office Telephone -------------------------------------------------------------- 908-876-3515               Sundays ----------------- 7:30, 9:30, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Office Fax -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 908-876-5277         Holy Days---------------- Consult the bulle n or website
Parish Website ------------------------------------------------ www.stlukeparishlv.com                   Weekdays ----------------------------------------------------9:00 am
In Case of Emergency ---------------------------------------------- 908-280-4311                         Confession --- 4:00 pm Saturday or by Appointment

                                    Staff                                                                 Ways to Stay Connected
                                                                                                         Our Website: www.stlukeparishlv.com
Pastor------- Very Rev. Canon Owen B. Moran, ChM
                                                                                                                      Facebook Pages
Pastor Emeritus -------------------- Rev. Michael Drury
                                                                                                                      Diocese of Paterson
Priest in Residence---- Fr. Hubert Jurjewicz PH.D, PSY. D
                                                                                                                      Owen Moran
Deacon ------------------------------------ Ray Chimileski                                                            St. Luke Parish Long Valley
                                                                                                                      St. Luke Religious Educa on
Office                                                                                                                St. Luke Catholic Preschool
Bookkeeper/Child Protec on Coord. - Jodi Galloway                                                                     Long Valley God Squad
Business Office ----------------- Ron Cohen, Joe Perno                                                                  Community Programs
CCD------------------------------------ Maureen Murtagh                                                               Instagram
Facili es Manager ---------------------- Mike Wozniak                                                                 Lvgodsquad
Preschool Director ----------------------- Jeannie Soltes                                                             bishopkevinsweeney
Secretary ------------------------------------ Jody Wozniak                                                           YouTube Channel
Trustees ---------------------- Tim Duffy, Steve Shanley                                                               St Luke Parish Long Valley, NJ

Youth Minister/Website/Scheduler ----- Nina Dorlon                                                                    Venmo Account
             Visit our website www.stlukeparishlv.com
                                                                                                                      Parish St Luke LV
                         for contact informa on.
                                                                                                                      QR Code for Dona ons
     Parish Giving                        WEEKLY GOAL—$14,000
                                                 $12,105                                                        This week’s Readings
                                                                          $11,941                                       Monday
  Thank you for
      your                                                                                         Genesis 18:20-32, Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11:1-13
   dona ons.                                                                                                            Tuesday
                                                                                                          Jeremiah 14:17-22, Matthew 13:36-43
                                                                                                        Jeremiah 15:10; 16-21; Matthew 13:44-46
                                                                                                           Jeremiah 18:1-6; Matthew 13:44-46
   Actual Envelope                                                                                                       Friday
   Collec on
   Weekly Average                                                                                   Jeremiah 26:1-9; John 11:19-27 or Luke 10:38-42
   Online Giving
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                             -3

                                                                                         Happy Birthday           Happy Birthday to
                                                                                          to Elizabeth!.             Michael!.

                                              Congratula ons to Grace Soltes on
                                              receiving the Knights of Columbus
                                           Scholarship Award (above). Pictured with
Congrats to Camryn Ada Hope Bowering and
                                                       her family below.
        her family on her bap sm.

                                                                         Happy Birthday to Finnegan.
                                                                                Nice boots!
Fr. Owen’s friend Emily and her
       Aunt Antoine e

                                                            Celebrations...                                  Congrats to Ma hew
                                                                                                           Michaels on his gradua on
                                                                                                                 from college.

 Congrats to Madison Victoria Lacy and                                                   Aiden O’Neil hard at work moving the mulch
her family on her bap sm by Fr. Owen at      Congrats to Jason Chase and his family      to the new spot in the Pre-School play yard .
          St. Vincent, Madison.                         on his bap sm.
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24 , 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                          -4

                 Mass Inten ons
     Living Inten ons        Inten ons for the deceased

ˤʲ˟˟ƼŎ  ğŸsŘ_¶¶ɴNǣsɴ
                  ƻȖĶŘ_ōNjÞsNJÞǼǼsNj                     St. Luke Catholic Preschool is currently enrolling
                                                                               for the 2022-2023 school

ǢȖŘ_ɴʰğȖĶɴˡˣ                          ̬̬̬̬̬̬̬̬̬̬
                                                                               year! We have space available in
˦ʲˢ˟Ŏ ğŸÌŘɟʳNJŸEÞŘǣŸŘÝÝÝ                                                our Three year, Four year and new
˨ʲˢ˟Ŏ NJŸEsNjǼƻs_sNjǣŸŘ                                                    Pre-K classroom. Please contact
ˠˠʲ˟˟Ŏ ضÞsĵÞ¶¶sNjÞ                                                      Jeannie Soltes at 908-876-3515,
˥ʲ˟˟ƼŎ ōNjɴǣÌEȖNjŘ                                                        Ext. 41 or visit the St. Luke
                                                                     Preschool website on the St. Luke
                                                               Parish homepage for Registra on forms.
˨ʲ˟˟Ŏ            ğŸÌŘɟʳNJŸEÞŘǣŸŘÝÝÝ

                                                                                        SAVE THE DATE -
                                                                             PLEASE NOTE CORRECTED DATE
˨ʲ˟˟Ŏ            ÝŘÌŸŘŸNjŸ¯ǢǼʳŘŘs
                                                            VETS SUMMER FEST
                                                                   Annual Benefit to help Homeless Veterans in New Jersey
˨ʲ˟˟Ŏ  ^ŸŎÞŘÞOĨNNjǼŸŘ                                                 Saturday, August 13, 11 am to Dark

ǻÌȖNjǣ_ɴʰğȖĶɴˡ˧                                                            Vasa Park, Budd Lake, NJ
˨ʲ˟˟Ŏ            ğ                                                                Free Will Donation Event

®NjÞ_ɴʰğȖĶɴˡ˨                                                                            Ou incer appreciatio t ou
˨ʲ˟˟Ŏ            ®NjŘĨŘ_NŸNjÞŘŘsħsŘŘs_ɴ
                                                               parishioner, friend an famil fo you
ǢǼȖNj_ɴʰğȖĶɴˢ˟                                                                         lovin uppor i ou S. Luk
˨ʲ˟˟Ŏ ǻÌsŗŸɠĨ®ŎÞĶɴ                                                             Revitalizatio an Maintenanc
ˤʲ˟˟ƼŎ NNjǼsNjŎNjĶ                                                                                          Projec.

                   If you are new in the parish, we would appreciate it if you register. [Please PRINT clearly]
Name                                                   Address

Phone Number                                              E-Mail
    [ ] Need Registra on Form [ ] Change of Address [ ] Moving Out of Parish [ ] Want Envelopes [ ] Want Online Giving
           Please cut out and drop in the collec on, mail to the Parish Office or email request to parish office@stlukelv.org.
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
WWW.STLUKEPARISHLV.COM / 908-876-3515                                                               -5

                            Cultivating Catholic Disciples
         Maureen Murtagh, Director of Religious Educa on maureen@stlukelv.org / 908-876-3515 ext. 16

    Registra on has begun for St. Luke’s CCD 2022-2023 year! All informa on can be found on the parish
                     website and for your convenience, all registra ons are now online
  Religious educa on programs are staffed mainly by volunteers and volunteers are needed for this coming
  year. Some mes they are “real” teachers who share their talent and me on weekends; more o en they
       are people who enjoy being with children and choose to share their love of our Catholic faith by
    volunteering to be a catechist. Every program director thanks God for the good-hearted people who
                                        answer the call to volunteer.
  Becoming a catechist means becoming part of a team. It means becoming God’s human hands and voice,
 instruments of his peace. The main qualifica ons are openness to God and a willingness to learn and grow
   in faith. God works miracles through ordinary people. Please prayerfully consider joining our team. The
                                           benefits are heavenly!
                                                                                   Maureen Murtagh

                                                                   SISTERS OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY
  Date                       Event
                                                                          Please join us at the
  7/25              Meditation with Deacon Ray            9th Annual Sisters of Chris an Charity Golf Ou ng
  8/13                  Vets Summer Fest                            Thursday, September 29, 2022
                                                                Cedar Hill Country Club, Livingston, NJ.
                                                           Individual golfers, foursomes and sponsors are
                    “ThŬ Marƻ CorneƝ”                      welcome. For further informa on or to register
                            Devoted to Mary                 online, go to: www.scceast.org/golf-ou ng or
                                                                   email dev.director@scceast.org
                  WelcomŬ tƒ WeeƆ ThreŬ.                              We hope to see you there!

                 LasƦ Fridaƻ, wŬ celebrateŪ thŬ
                 FeasƦ oŵ SƦ. Marƻ MagdalenŬ.
                 Marƻ Magdaleƍ waơ thŬ NJainƦ
                 witź thŬ questionablŬ pasƦ.                     Since its founding, the Knights of Columbus has been
                                                              involved in evangelization. In 1948, the Knights started the
ChrisƦ didƍ’Ʀ carŬ abouƦ heƝ pasƦ. HŬ careŪ hoƵ             Catholic Information Service (CIS) to provide low-cost Catholic
heƝ presenƦ coulŪ impacƦ heƝ futurŬ. ShŬ becamŬ                publications for the general public as well as for parishes,
                                                               schools, retreat houses, military installations, correctional
Ś closŬ companioƍ oŵ ouƝ BlesseŪ MotheƝ anŪ oŵ                   facilities, legislatures, the medical community, and for
                                                             individuals who request them. For 70 years, CIS has printed
thŬ LorŪ Jesuơ. IƦ waơ NJhŬ whƒ NJtooŪ bravelƻ                 and distributed millions of booklets, and thousands of people
witź thŬ BlesseŪ MotheƝ anŪ SƦ. Johƍ aƦ thŬ fooƦ                          have enrolled in its catechetical courses.
oŵ thŬ crosơ aơ Jesuơ prepareŪ tƒ diŬ.                                        ------------------------------------
                                                                                Reflection for the Week
WŬ looƆ forwarŪ tƒ havŬ yoƫ Džoiƍ uơ oƍ                         The superior man acts before he speaks and afterwards,
                                                                           speaks according to his actions.
Saturdaƻ afteƝ 9 aƌ Masơ aơ wŬ NJaƻ thŬ Rosarƻ.                                           Confucius
Iŵ yoƫ woulŪ likŬ tƒ contacƦ ouƝ grouƛ, pleasŬ                               -------------------------------------

emaiƈ BarbarŚ aƦ carangbƛ@yahoƒ.coƌ.                        If you would like to be a part of an international organization of
                                                              nearly 2 million Catholic men whose principal work involves
                                                                     helping others in need, we'd like to meet you.
                                                                                    Become a Knight!
July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2022 / The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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